GIMP - Simple Floating Logo
GIMP - Simple Floating Logo
GIMP - Simple Floating Logo
Logo about:reader?
12–15 minutes
The concepts are ones that you’ll likely come across multiple
times while working in graphics processing. Layer masks are
used to isolate a part of an image, thus allowing it to be placed
over a random background for instance. The addition of a drop-
shadow effect to make an object appear to be floating over the
background is another example.
Getting Started¶
This will open the “Create a New Image” dialog, with options for
you to specify:
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You can make this new image any dimensions you want, but for
this tutorial I am going to specify a Width of 256 px, and a
Height of 128 px. I haven’t specified any other options. When
you’re ready, hit “OK” to create the new image.
The first thing we are going to do is fill our new image with
black. The first step to doing so is to make sure that the
Foreground Color is appropriately set. Click on the foreground
color in the Color area to bring up the “Change Foreground
Color” dialog (if your foreground color is already black you don’t
have to do this step, but it can’t hurt to learn):
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With the foreground color set, we can now use the Bucket Fill
Tool to fill in our image:
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Now we want to add text to our image to create our logo with. To
see what we’re doing, though, will require us to change the
foreground color to something other than black (black text on
black background doesn’t show up so well).
Now, you can follow the above procedures again to set the
foreground color. If your background color is already white,
though, you can quickly swap foreground/background colors
using the arrows:
You can also use they keyboard shortcut “X” to swap the colors.
With the foreground color set to white, we can now use the Text
Tool to add some text to our image:
We can now draw a box on our canvas (image) to hold the text.
You can click on the canvas where you’d like the top-left corner
of your box to be, and drag the mouse down to the bottom right
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corner. You don’t have to worry about being exact at this point,
because you can adjust the boundaries of the box after the fact.
This is what you should see on your canvas after clicking and
dragging from the top-left to the bottom-right to define your
text box:
If you’d like to re-size the box for some reason, you can now
click and drag in any of the green areas shown below:
Your text will go into the black box inside the green areas
shown above.
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Chances are when you first start entering text, it will be very
small on your canvas. So let’s have a look at some options on
the Text Tool Options palette (left, above).
If you want to make your text appear bigger, you can change the
Size in the field shown. For instance, here I’ve chosen to set my
Size to 100px.
You may also not like the font that is chosen by default. In that
case, we can change the Font to something better by clicking
the icon. This will open a drop-down to scroll through all the
fonts that GIMP knows about on your system. You can see in
my example that I’ve changed the font to “Tw Cen MT Bold”.
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Once we’ve gotten the text how we want it, we can now create a
new layer from all the visible layers so far (the text layer, and the
black background layer). On your Layers tab, right click on the
text layer we just made, and choose “New from Visible”.
Alternatively, you can also create a new layer from visible using
the menu:
At this point, our layer palette will have three layers on it, the
background, the text (“PAT”), and our new layer “Visible”:
This will invoke the Gaussian Blur dialog, where we can specify
how much blur we want to apply:
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The defaults were pretty good, but I wanted just a tad more blur,
so I increased the Blur Radius to 7. When you’re done, just hit
Now that we have our text done, it’s time to add a splash
of color!
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We are now going to fill this new layer with some color to add
some interest. To do this we will use the Plasma plugin:
I just left the default values and hit OK, but feel free to fiddle
with the values. Our layers now look like this:
Here is what my canvas looks like right now (with the plasma
layer on top and visible):
Bump Mapping¶
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As before, feel free to play with the options. The only one that I
changed was the Depth to increase the illusion of depth (I finally
set the value to 6 in my example). Once it looks good, we’ll hit
the OK button to apply it to the layer.
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When the “Add a Mask to the Layer” dialog comes up, set the
Initialize Layer Mask to: White (full opacity).
We are going to copy the “Visible” layer, and paste it into the
layer mask for the plasma layer. So first, Left-Click on the
“Visible” layer in the layers palette to activate it:
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With the mask active again, we now want to paste the “Visible”
layer back into the image:
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This will Anchor the selection down onto the mask. Our image
and layers should now look something like this:
Pick an interesting background color and fill the new layer with
this color. The layers should now look like this:
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Make a copy of your “Visible” layer that had your original blurred
text on it. Select the layer first to activate it, then you can do:
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This will create a new layer called “Visible copy”. Move this layer
above your background color layer to just beneath your plasma
layer as shown (you can Left-Click and drag the layer in
the palette):
Click and drag the “Visible copy” layer to beneath the plasma
Then we need to change the layer so that all of the white areas
will be transparent. This can be found in the menu:
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The End¶
The neat thing about our process is that we can now use any
background we want behind the image, and the effects and
shadow will still be there:
For those interested, I’ve made available the .xcf.bz2 file I used
to create this tutorial available to download here (96KB).
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The original tutorial this was adapted from can be found here.
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