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American Band College Presentation

Trumpet Embouchure Handbook

This trumpet embouchure handbook is All of these factors affect the mouth- If problems arise a mouthpiece maker can from their catalog. Cup depths on Bach
designed to be used by the non-brass play- piece performance. A quick overview to adjust the size of the shank by copying the mouthpieces are as follows: A = deep;
ing director who must teach beginning each of these parts follows. mouthpiece. number without letter = medium-deep; B =
trumpet players. It will identify the basics Luckily, for the non-brass player, all of medium; C = medium; D and E = shallow.
of embouchure formation and tone produc- Rim these elements are taken into account with
tion as well as offer some advanced studies Cup Diameter a well-designed mouthpiece. The makers Beginner: Bach 7 or 7C; Shilke 9
for the advancing player. It is recommend- This distance defines the area in which adjust all of the variables so that they form or 11; Dennis Wick 4
ed that the teacher be able to demonstrate the lip will vibrate and is the primary factor a fine mouthpiece. All we as teachers need Intermediate: Bach 6, 5, or 5C; Shilke
all activities in this handbook so that the in determining the size of the sound that to do is to guide the student to the right 14 or 17; Dennis Wick 3
student can begin getting the pitches “in will be produced. model. It is very helpful to have a set of Advanced: Bach 2, 1, X1, or 1C;
their ear.” This handbook represents a com- Rim Width guidelines to follow. The following sugges- Shilke 18, 20, or 20D2d;
bination of several different opinions. The rim width determines the amount of tions appear in The Complete Brass Hand- Dennis Wick 2 or 1;
Obviously it is not possible, or even advis- cushion to the lips. A wide rim provides more book: Giardinelli HG1 or MB1
able, to include all aspects of a given topic cushion, but deadens resonance and inhibits
therefore the most predominant methods flexibility. A medium-wide rim offers the General Mouthpiece
are presented. best compromise between endurance, tone, Suggestions Holding the Trumpet
The Mouthpiece and flexibility. The act of holding the trumpet is a pos-
◆ Choose a mouthpiece from a recog-
The mouthpiece is crucial in influenc- Rim Contour sible contributor to a tense embouchure. A
Variations in the rim contour affect nized manufacturer.
ing tone quality, response, and intonation tense hand position can also exert extreme
individual players in varying degrees. The ◆ Keep in mind that while the upper
because it forms a chamber in which the air pressure on the embouchure. With this in
most widely used rim is the balanced-con- range may suffer after a change to a
coming from the lungs is converted to ener- mind a short section on hand placement has
tour, which is neither flat nor round. larger mouthpiece it will soon return.
gy, which forms the sound. The beginning been included so that bad habits which ulti-
Rim Edge ◆ Test every mouthpiece individually;
student’s mouthpiece must be chosen care- mately affect the embouchure will be
This is a component of the rim contour. the same model may have slight dif-
fully to ensure that it helps, not hinders, the avoided.
This factor has been taken into account in ferences.
production of the first tones. It is such a We will begin with the right hand. To
any well-designed mouthpiece and the ◆ Study the catalog descriptions and
shame that many young players receive no develop the proper right hand position, ask
player only needs to be aware of it when dimensions because different mouth-
guidance about mouthpiece selection. They the students to imagine that gripping a tennis
trying different models. Rims can be piece makers do not use a consistent
often wind up choosing the wrong mouth- ball. This concept of gently rounded fingers
altered and even substituted to ensure a method of numbering.
piece and become discouraged when they forms an excellent position. If possible have
good mouthpiece fit. ◆ Try different models at various
cannot make a satisfactory tone. There are an actual tennis ball for the student to hold.
points in your development to see if With the fingers gently rounded, have the stu-
several elements that must be considered
when selecting a mouthpiece. they offer any improvements. dent place the tips of the first three fingers on
There are five basic parts to a mouth-
Cup ◆ Finally, remember that the player the valves. Fingers must push the valves
piece. These parts are: Cup depth and shape determines the results, not the mouth- straight down so that they will not stick or
1. Rim: Width, contour, and edge This element has the greatest influ- piece. Many fine players use widely become sluggish. The thumb is placed
2. Cup: Diameter, depth, and shape ence over the tone quality. Deeper cups differing equipment, but they all main- between the second and third valve casing.
3. Throat: Diameter and shape of opening produce a full, dark sound while shallow- tain a high standard of performance. The pinkie either rests on top of the pinkie
4. Backbore: Rate of taper er cups produce a lighter, brighter tone. hook, or just floats in the air. This placement
Mouthpiece Recommendation
5. Shank: Accuracy of fit into receiver will aid in finger dexterity as the student pro-
The diameter of the throat is the main Although there are many different
gresses, but in the earlier stages it most
mouthpieces on the market, there are some
American Band College Projects consideration. Larger diameters darken the
tone and smaller diameters brighten the that are considered among the best. Keep in
importantly keeps the student from exerting
too much pressure on the embouchure. Check
The six articles by ABC masters can- tone. The higher the number, the smaller mind that new advances are being made
this hand placement several times each class
didates that appear in this issue of the diameter. every day and this list could change. This is
until it becomes second nature. The left hand
Bandworld Magazine (pages 4-5, 14- Backbore by no means a definitive listing of the only
grasps the instrument by the valve casings. A
22, & 24-27) represent portions of spe- The backbore influences intonation, mouthpieces that work; it is simply a rec-
secure grip is used, but it should not be tense
cial projects. Known as Practical Appli- tone, and endurance. Larger bores offer a ommendation of the best place to start
at all. The third finger goes through the third
cations, these kinds of projects are fuller tone, but require more air speed and while navigating the rocky road of mouth-
valve slide ring. Check for excessive tension
designed to help the candidate improve embouchure strength than standard models. piece selection.
in the left hand often!
in an area of weakness while simultane- Shank Some clarification of model identifica-
ously creating useful materials for stu- The shank brings the backbore into con- tion is necessary. Bach, Dennis Wick, and
tact with the leadpipe so that a continuous Giardinelli indicate larger cup diameters Breathing
dents in that person’s band program.
taper is formed. Any flaw in this point will with smaller numbers. Schilke is the oppo- Proper breath support is the key to pro-
M. McKee, Director, ABC
hamper the performance of the instrument. site. Determine the system for other makers ducing a tone on the trumpet. The student


The International Band Magazine
must grasp the idea that air is moving into, needs to be as flexible as possible, and the placement as much as possible. The Aural Imagery
and then out of, the lungs at a fast rate. The facial muscles must support the embouchure should be formed before the
One of the most important aspects of
student has most likely been breathing cor- embouchure so that free vibration can take mouthpiece is placed on the lips.
brass playing is “getting the sound in
rectly all of his or her life, but inexperienced place. The embouchure is a very complex
your ear,” or aural imagery. Research on
players often only take shallow breaths by thing, and, rather than explaining every
raising their chest. It is very beneficial to do facet of its formation, I feel that it is more The First Tone brass performance has shown that memo-
ry and imitation are powerful tools, which
some breathing exercises without the instru- important to offer a simple approach to Producing the first tone is what the stu-
guide the development of the player. The
ment, thereby allowing the student to focus teaching. Too much knowledge can be dent has been waiting for this whole time.
teacher should try demonstrating a poor
only on the proper technique. Remind stu- dangerous when placed in front of a begin- Try to get to this rather quickly after the
sound on the trumpet, and then a good
dents that they are trying to fill their lungs ner. Many times more problems are creat- arrival of the instruments. The teacher sound. This will produce an image in the
from the bottom up. Have them place a hand ed than remedied by the over explanation should have a trumpet and a mouthpiece to student’s mind, which they can recall
on their stomach and try to push it out when of an element of music making. This demonstrate each activity. when they try to produce their own
they inhale. Students can also position their approach to teaching is presented in the After the student has successfully sound. By attempting to imitate a good
hands on their lower back and feel the Embou-Sure book (available through formed an embouchure and can demon- sound the mental image functions like a
expansion. After the students understand Bandworld Magazine). strate the proper technique for breathing, guidance system which directs the physi-
what they are trying to do, have them do Test each student to make sure that it is time to make a sound. Have the stu- cal aspects of sound production.
some breathing exercises. each of them can produce an unrestricted dent hold only the mouthpiece. The stu- Use this technique frequently in
One good exercise is to have the stu- breath. Once you are sure that they can do dent should form an embouchure and beginning classes. Demonstrating both a
dents breath in for eight counts, complete- that, have each student say the word then place the mouthpiece on the lips. poor and a good sound gives the students
ly filling up with air, and then pushing all “banana.” Have them repeat the word a Have students blow into the mouthpiece, a clearer picture of what they are striving
the air out in eight counts. Gradually few times and then hear them individually, reminding them to buzz their lips. The for. Another component of aural imagery
decrease to four, then two, and then one. concentrating on the "b" sound. After they actual pitch of the first tone does not mat- is listening to recordings of fine players.
You can also have students lie on their have all mastered that, instruct each stu- ter. Do not worry if it is a horrible sound, It is the rare beginner who has had expo-
back and breath. No one can breath incor- dent to form the lips in a “b” without say- the only goal now is to get any kind of sure to the really fine professional musi-
rectly while lying down! If the student is ing “banana.” What you are hoping is that tone. After the students can produce a cians, or any instrumental musician for
having trouble with the concept, provide each student will end up with a supple, reasonably stable tone, have them try that matter. A listing of some recom-
some visual images. These could include; natural embouchure. The lips should be raising and lowering that pitch by sliding mended artists follow.
inhale like you are yawning; inhale as together naturally. Each player will look up and down. At this time you can intro-
though you are sighing; fill your stomach different, due to different facial character-
duce the concept of starting the pitch with Classical
up with air; let your stomach push out istics, but hopefully the result will be the ◆ Maurice Andre
a “ta” or “too” syllable. Re-emphasize
ward when you breathe in. same. Make sure that the students are not
that it is the air that starts the note; the ◆ Adolph Herseth
Although these examples may not be making faces. From here have each stu-
tongue assists in making a clean attack. ◆ Gerald Schartz
scientifically correct, who cares, as long as dent exhale through the embouchure. You
Tell the students that the tongue does not ◆ Chris Gekker
they get your students breathing properly. may tell them to “sigh through a banana”
stop the air. The way to release a note on ◆ Thomas Stevens
Remember to use caution when talking to get the desired effect. The important
the trumpet is to stop blowing. Jazz
about breathing, however. Too much in the thing is to ensure that there is no restriction
After the student has experienced suc- ◆ Louis Armstrong
way of explanation may cause more prob- in the throat and the lips remain in the "b"
cess with these activities, it is time to pro- ◆ Cootie Williams
lems than they cure. The most important shape as the air is expelled.
duce a sound using the instrument. For ◆ Fats Navarro
thing is to remind the students to sit up
straight, take a full breath, and blow fast air.
the first tone with the instrument do not ◆ Clifford Brown
Exhalation is the most critical, since it Mouthpiece Placement insist on any predetermined pitches. Have ◆ Brooker Little
is where the most problems occur. This Mouthpiece placement is an impor- the students use the same process they ◆ Lee Morgan
process must focus on moving air. A com- tant consideration because difficulties used with the mouthpiece and let them ◆ Freddie Hubbard
mon problem is too much flexing of the often stem from incorrect placement. play a note. After each student has pro- ◆ Clark Terry
abdominal muscles, which creates too Keep in mind, however, that each student duced a note you can have him or her try ◆ Kenny Wheeler
much tension. This will affect the free is different and may need a slight adjust- for a specific note. The best note to start ◆ Terrance Blanchard
outflow of the air. In order to move the air ment in the placement. If a student is get- with is first space F because it responds Crossover
effectively, there must be an absence of ting a characteristic tone with no tension quickly and is the easiest note to play on ◆ Doc Severinson
bodily tension. Do not mistake air support in the embouchure, but the mouthpiece is trumpet. Some people prefer to begin on ◆ Vince Dimartino
for a tense stomach! Concentrate on the off center, it is best to leave well enough an open G. Use the method you are most ◆ Wynton Marsalis
movement of the wind itself, rather than alone. Dental imperfections affect place- familiar with, but if a student is having ◆ Allen Vizzutti
the muscular activity involved. Above all, ment greatly, so it is impossible to say problems, do not be afraid to try a differ- ◆ Rafael Mendez
remember to use fast air! what will work for every student. In gen- ent approach. ◆ Arturo Sandoval
eral, placement is as follows. Most students will get a reasonable This is not a complete listing by any
The mouthpiece rim is centered hori- tone. If problems occur they will more means, but it is a starting point. Have your
Embouchure Formation zontally on the embouchure. As mentioned than likely be one of the four most com- students buy recordings, or buy some for
The vibration of the embouchure gen- before, dental structure variations may mon that will be discussed in the trouble the band room that you can loan out.
erates tone. Vibration is caused not only by make the student play slightly off center. shooting section. One final note on tone
the air passing through, but also from pres- Don't worry about that too much because it production: If students do not automati-
sure fluctuations inside the mouthpiece. is the vertical placement that is more criti- cally wet their lips, you should have them Trouble-Shooting
The instrument and embouchure work cal. On the trumpet the vertical placement lick their lips, as well as wet the inside of When attempting to produce a tone
together to promote vibration at a particu- is an equal amount of upper and lower lip the mouthpiece. The moisture is an inte- the beginning student will probably pro-
lar frequency. Therefore the embouchure in the mouthpiece. Try to aim for this gral part of making a vibration. (continued col. 2, page 22)
The International Band Magazine
(Wilder from page 13) (Pye from page 15) tine. This can be shortened as necessary (McKinney from page 21)
off the line (besides earning the normal duce one of five predictable results: and younger players may do only the eas- crowd.
pass-off). However, the student will only ☛ Correct Result ier exercises. I am not advising that a 33. Ships don’t come in, they are
lose the 2 extra turns he originally bet if he trumpet player purchase all of these books brought in.
☛ No tone, rushing air
does not pass-off. This game allows the at once, choose a few and perfect the 34. Oversleeping will never make
☛ Airy tone
student to either pick the line he is on or go warm ups in them. In this way the warm dreams come through.
☛ Tight, thin tone
to another line in the book. This is a good up will not become dull, and the player 35. A mistake is at least evidence that
☛ Completely stopped
change of pace game for the child who will always have to use his/her brain. someone tried to do something.
The causes and remedies are as follows:
may be stuck on a line or who has just No tone, rushing air—Lips are not 36. A diamond is a piece of coal that
arrived at a difficult line. The recommended books are: stuck to the job.
together; too much pucker; dry lips and/or
mouthpiece; insufficient air to make lips 37. Keep your mind open, something
• J.B Arban, Complete Method for Cornet good might enter.
Team Competition vibrate. • Max Schlossberg, Daily Drills and
Remedy: Reform and maintain the “b” 38. Failure is the line of least persistence.
The class is divided into 2 or more Technical Studies 39. Ideas are funny—they won’t work
teams. It is suggested that the teams will be embouchure; licking lips and inside of • Herbert L. Clarke, Technical Studies unless you do.
more evenly divided if the team captains mouthpiece; review the proper breathing and Characteristic Studies 40. When you make your mark in the
choose woodwind, brass, percussion, while technique. • E.F. Goldman, Practical Studies world, watch out for the guys with
choosing boy, girl, boy, girl. A point system • Charles Colin, Advanced Lip Flexibilities the erasers.
may be set up any way the teacher likes. Airy tone—Lips not together; too • Walter M. Smith, Lip Flexibility The following poem written by Calvin
The following system could be used: 2 much pucker in the lips. • James Stamp, Warm up and Studies Coolidge quite adequately sums up what
points for a line that is the student’s regular Remedy: Re-form and maintain the • Carmine Caruso, Musical Calisthenics band directors must do in order to create a
pass-off line. Bonus songs are assigned “b” embouchure. • Theo Carter, Etudes Transcendantes good finished product.
throughout the book which add from 5 to
15 points of value to the team’s score. Tight, thin tone—Tense, excessively Choose a few exercises from each cat- Nothing in the world can take the
Scales are worth 20 points for the team. pursed lip formation; too much pucker in egory. place of persistence.
Written reports and attending concerts are the lips; tight, closed throat.
Talent will not do it.
worth 10 points. Extra points can be earned Remedy: Ensure that student is relaxed
Flexibility Nothing is more common than an
when the entire team “fingers” while a stu- and then re-form the “b” embouchure with
Colin, any exercise unsuccessful man with talent.
dent is involved in a pass-off. Good posture less exaggeration to eliminate excessive
Smith, any exercise Genius will not do it.
and hand position are also rewarded. Prac- pucker. Unrewarded genius is almost a
Goldman, #15-17
tice notes are worth 2X each 30 minutes of Schlossberg, #31, 61, 74 proverb.
practice. Points could be given to the team Completely Stopped—Tense, exces- Clarke (Technical Studies), #3 Education will not.
that is set-up and ready to go with all mem- sively pursed lip formation; Mouthpiece The world is full of educated derelicts.
bers in their places. (The team captain will pressure toward lips; closed throat. Persistence and determination alone
raise his/her hand to notify the teacher that Remedy: If you suspect a closed
Schlossberg, #30, 36, 88, 92 are omnipotent.
his/her team is ready.) throat, review breathing as a means of The slogan, “press on,” has solved
Goldman, #1-5
Amust in the band room equipment is an opening the throat and relaxing the body. and always will solve the problems of the
Carter, #1, 16, 78
egg timer. the timer is set to ring every 1 to 5 Review the “b” embouchure with less human race.
Arban, Double and triple tonguing sections
minutes throughout the entire class. If the exaggeration. As the student plays watch
egg timer goes off while a line is in progress, carefully to be sure that excessive pres-
then the tune is worth 3X to 5X the number sure is not the culprit. Remember that they Long Tones
of team points originally assigned. If the should not use the pinkie hook. Caruso, #1 The American Band College Masters
timer goes off between teams, the next Arban, #1-15
Stamp, #3
Degree Program for Directors
team’s member will get the bonus points.
Mouthpiece Buzzing Schlossberg, #1-13 At the present time there are 125 direc-
Buzzing the mouthpiece is an important tors enrolled in the American Band Col-
Band Squares Velocity lege masters degree program at Southern
facet of improving tone, intonation, pitch
This game is set up like tic-tac-toe and memory, and embouchure. This technique Arban, #13 Oregon University (Ashland, Oregon).
Hollywood Squares. Nine students set up the can be used with beginners as well as Caruso, Scale studies These candidates come from over 25
board. They sit in three rows of three. Two advanced players. The exercises in the end Clarke (Technical Studies), #1-2 states and provinces to work with 28 of
students are the game players. Player One is of the booklet can be played on mouthpiece Clarke (Characteristic Studies), #1 the world’s finest teachers each summer.
assigned the X and Player Two is assigned only. It is also recommended that the player Carter, #14 In the course of three-summers of short-
the 0. When the player chooses a student buzz long tones, and then progress to sim- term residency (followed by extensive
who can successfully play their pass-off, ple scalar exercises. As players advance Combination project-based work in conducting, adju-
then the appropriate X or O will be placed on have them try progressively harder buzzing dication analyses, etc.) masters candi-
Arban, #1, 5, 6
the tic/tac/toe board which is set up on the dates study with and perform under more
exercises. Use your imagination! Clarke (Characteristic Studies), #21
blackboard of the classroom. If a chosen stu- than 60 of the world’s best known con-
Goldman, #19
dent does not pass-off his/her line, then ductors, composers, teachers and soloists.
Carter, #23
he/she will leave the Band Square set-up. Advanced Warm -ups For more information, visit our web site
The other students will rotate downward, ( or
Embouchure development does not
and a new student will enter the set-up in the call ABC Director, Max McKee anytime
stop after the first year of playing. It is a
top left-hand corner. This is the procedure at (800) 247-2263.
continuous process. With this in mind, I
until the game is won or tied.
have included a suggested warm-up rou-


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