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Thời gian làm bài : 60 Phút; (Đề có 50 câu)
(Đề có 5 trang)Họ tên : ............................................................... Lớp : ................... SHAPE \*
MERGEFORMAT µ § SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT µ §Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of
the following questions.
Question 1: [CLV]
A. place B. fame C. chalk D. waste
Question 2: [HL]
A. thisB. thought C. three D. thick
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: [TL]
A. value B. degree C. visual D. pretty
Question 4: [CL]
A. perfection B. computer C. million D. permission
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Question 5: [LTH] PETER: During the trip, we can visit some wildlife reserves to see lions and
MARK: ……………………………………………………………………
A. That was OK at first. B. Oh, I see. No problem.
C. Really? I am so excited. D. That's great. How does it work?
Question 6: [TL] Tim and Falla are talking about their country’s education system.
Tim: “I think our education system needs more radical changes.”
Falla: “…………… . There should be fewer examinations and more improvement in teaching
A. I doubt it B. Precisely
C. Sorry to hear that D. I’m afraid I go along with you
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Question 7: [LL] Excavations in some villages on the east bank of the Euphrates River revealed an
ancient community that had been laying under later reconstructions of the city of Babylon.
A. revealed B. on the east bank
C. had been laying D. later
Question 8: [HDBM] Kate goes out for a coffee with her classmates last weekend.
A. with B. weekend C. goes D. classmates
Question 9: [LQD] As the human population continues to expand, they will negatively affect one after
another of Earth's ecosystems.
A. human B. they
C. one after another D. Earth’s ecosystems
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 10: [DTNT]Jack is now.....................than he used to be.
A. happiest B. happy C. happyer D. happier
Question 11: [TP] Paula applied for the post but she was ..................
A. turned down B. pushed ahead C. kept under D. checked out
Question 12: [CV] Tracy doesn’t want……………………..her friends and family.
A. leaving B. leave C. left D. to leave
Question 13: [HH] She is walking on the …..…..….. because she has just passed the final exam with
flying colors.
A. street B. air C. garden D. road
Question 14: [CT] Money .............. to the homeless shelter by Larry.
A. was donating B. was donated C. donates D. donated
Question 15: [TP] When I got home I found that water..................down the kitchen walls.
A. ran B. has run
C. had been running D. was running
Question 16: [HP] She doesn't enjoy looking …………. the children.
A. in B. after C. for D. at
Question 17: [CVA] .............., you will have a game of tennis.
A. When you will finish your work B. Once you had finished your work
C. Until you finished your work D. As soon as you finish your work
Question 18: [GL] After a hard-working day, I went to..........bed and had the most beautiful dream than
A. a B. the C. an D. ( (no article)
Question 19: [LB] John didn’t give you the book yesterday, ………………….?
A. does he B. didn’t he C. did he D. is he
Question 20: [NHT] Since he failed his exam, he had to ………… for it again.
A. sit B. pass C. take D. make
Question 21: [BQ] ..............................a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
A. We found B. Found C. Finding D. Having found
Question 22: He lost his driver's……… for a year after being stopped for drunk driving for the third
A. license B. degree C. diploma D. certificate
Question 23: [LB] It is necessary for students to listen to their teacher ………...
A. attentively B. attention C. attentive D. attend
Question 24: [VL] My wife was good enough to ................. my mistake.
A. overlook B. oversee C. overdo D. overtake
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: [TXQT] Mr. Brown is famous for his generosity. He donated a large part of his
possessions to charities.
A. active B. greedy C. wealthy D. well-known
Question 26: [DTNT] In the current financial crisis, the banks must not break with their commitment to
A. engagement B. movement C. achievement D. judgement
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 27: [GL] Many manufacturing companies have smart robots replace humans in stressful and
hazardous jobs and in assembly lines.
A. difficult B. dangerous C. safe D. risky
Question 28: [CV] At first, no one believed she was a pilot, but her documents lent color to her
A. got information from  B. provided evidence for
C. borrowed color from D. gave no proof of 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: [DKR1] Joe is not here with us. He will know how to fix this technical issue.
A. If Joe were here with us, he would know how to help fix this technical issue.
B. Provided that Joe is here with us, he won’t know how to fix this technical issue.
C. Joe will know how to fix this technical issue even if he is not here with us.
D. We wish Joe had been here with us and fix this technical issue.
Question 30: [DH] My father supported me much in my career. I did really well in my business.
A. Only after I had done so well in my business did my father support me much in my career.
B. Had it not been for my father’s support, I couldn’t have done so well in my business.
C. Hardly had I done so well in my business when my father supported me much in my career.
D. So well did I do in my business that my father supported me much in my career.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 31: [HP] Can you tell me directions for the station near here?
A. Could you tell me what to get to the station near here?
B. Must you tell me the way to get to the station near here?
C. Would you tell me where to get to the station near here?
D. Could you tell me how to get to the station near here?
Question 32: [DKR1] Phong started to collect old coins five years ago.
A. Phong has started to collect old coins for five years.
B. Phong has collected old coins for five years.
C. Phong likes collecting old coins.
D. Phong collected old coins five year ago.
Question 33: [LTH] “Where do you work?” He asked me
A. He asked me where I worked B. He asked me where did I work
C. He asked me where do I work D. He asked me where I work
[LL] Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Students going to stay with a host family in another country usually have to make a number of cultural
adjustments. They may find it difficult to __(34)__ friendships with the children in the family and they
will certainly have to get used to a variety of new things, including food, the climate and the language.
An extra difficulty may be the different expectations __(35)__ the host parents have of them in
comparison with their own parents.
They may be___(36)__ for the fact that they are expected to help with the housework, or come home
earlier in the evenings than they ever would at home. They may not have as __(37)__ independence as
they are used to, and they may sometimes be surprised by the behaviour of the children in the family
who, although usually friendly and welcoming may sometimes seem a little immature. __(38)__,
language exchange students generally enjoy themselves and often form lasting friendships.
(Adapted from Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart and Helen Tiliouine)
Question 34: A. force B. land C. shape D. form
Question 35: A. which B. whose C. where D. whom
Question 36: A. illegal B. irresponsible C. unprepared D. impolite
Question 37: A. much B. many C. a few D. each
Question 38: A. For example B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise
[AT] Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The concept of traffic-free shopping areas goes back a long time. During the Middle Ages, traffic- free
shopping areas known as souks were built in Middle Eastern countries to allow people to shop in
comfort and safety.
The modern, traffic-free shopping street was born in Europe in the 1960s, when both city populations
and car ownership increased rapidly. Dirty exhaust fumes from cars and the risks involved in crossing
the road were beginning to make shopping an unpleasant and dangerous experience. Many believed the
time was right for experimenting with car-free streets, and shopping areas seemed the best place to
At first, there was resistance from shopkeepers. They believed that such a move would be bad for
business. They argued that people would avoid streets if they were unable to get to them in their cars.
However, research carried out afterwards in several European cities revealed some unexpected
statistics. In Munich, Cologne and Hamburg, visitors to shopping areas increased by 50 percent. On
Copenhagen’s main shopping street, shopkeepers reported sales increases of 25-40 percent.
Shopkeepers in Minneapolis, USA, were so impressed when they learnt this that they even offered to
pay for the construction and maintenance costs of their own traffic-free streets.
With the arrival of the traffic-free shopping street, many shops, especially those selling things like
clothes, food and smaller luxury items, prospered. Unfortunately, it wasn’t good news for everyone, as
shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances actually saw their sales drops.
(Adapted from Complete IELTS Band 4-5 by Rawdon Wyatt)
Question 39: What can be the best tittle of the passage?
A. The difference between towns and cities now, and towns
B. How towns and cities are planned and built
C. Removing cars and other vehicles from streets in towns and cities
D. How traffic-free shopping streets developed
Question 40: Why was there resistance from shopkeepers?
A. Because they were trying something in order to discover what it is like.
B. Because they were unable to get in their cars.
C. Because they disagreed with an idea and refused to accept it.
D. Because they wanted to experiment with car-free streets.
Question 41: The word “their” in the third paragraph refers to ……..
A. shopkeepers B. cars C. streets D. people
Question 42: The word “revealed” in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by ……..
A. Uncovered B. Kept C. Hide D. Met
Question 43: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of traffic-free shopping areas’
A. There was a 50% increase in the number of shoppers in Munich, Cologne and Hamburg.
B. Many clothing, food, or smaller luxury item stores thrived.
C. Shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances saw their sales growths.
D. Shopkeepers in Minneapolis, USA even offered to pay for the construction and maintenance
costs of their own traffic-free streets.
[BQ] Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Tomatoes are probably the most popular garden vegetable grown in the United States. This can be
attributed to their unique flavor, attractiveness, richness as a source of vitamins C and A, and versatility
as a food. The popularity of peppers as a garden plant can be attributed to the same factors, although
they are usually not consumed in large enough quantities to make them an important nutritional factor
in the diet.
The cultivated tomato originated in the Andes mountains of South America. It are usually not
consumed in large enough quantities to make them an important nutritional factor in the diet. The
cultivated tomato originated in the Andes mountains of South America. It was introduced to other areas
of the world by Indians and European travelers. Its seeds were taken to Europe, where a superstition
soon arose that the tomato stimulated love. Because of this, the tomato was called the "love apple". The
first report of the tomato in North America was in 1710, where it was grown primarily as an
ornamental plant. Early colonists brought the seeds to Virginia and grew tomatoes in flower gardens.
Tomatoes, actually a fruit that is used as a vegetable, began gaining wide acceptance as a food plant in
the United States between 1820 and 1850. Modern plant growers have done much to improve the
tomato and to add to its usefulness. Its productivity has been doubled, and varieties with larger,
smoother, more even shapes and meatier pulps have been developed. The tomato is the leading crop
canned in the Unites States today.
Peppers are also native to America and were grown by American Indian tribes in both North and South
America over 2,000 years ago. The small red hot peppers were discovered by Columbus in the West
Indies and introduced into Europe, where they became popular before gaining widespread acceptance
in the United States. Peppers became one of the first New World foods used commercially in Europe.
Botanists class the fruit of the bush-type garden pepper as a berry. Although most varieties of peppers
produce red fruits (which are green in their immature stage), there are some yellow-fruited varieties,
and peppers are of both mild and pungent types. Peppers enjoy warm climates, and young plants can be
injured by frosts. Seasonings such as paprika and chili powder and food products such as canned
pimentos are commercial uses of garden peppers that are grown in the United States today.
The familiar spice black pepper known in households throughout the world is the product of a trailing
or climbing shrub grown in Indonesia and other hot countries. The islands of Java and Madura furnish
most of the black pepper used in American homes. The United States buys almost 25,000 tons of this
spice annually.
Question 44: What is the topic of the passage?
A. The nutritional value of garden vegetables
B. Why tomatoes are more popular than peppers
C. Tomatoes and peppers
D. food discoveries of early Europeans
Question 45: The phrase "attributed to" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .................. .
A. resulted in B. thanked for C. resulted from D. inducted into
Question 46: The word "this" in paragraph 2 refers to .................. .
A. love apple B. a love C. a superstition D. a tomato
Question 47: According to the passage, different types of tomatoes have been developed.................. .
A. as the slow crop canned in the Unites States today
B. uselessly
C. with larger, smoother, more even shapes and meatier pulps
D. as quickly as peppers
Question 48: All of the following can be inferred from the passage about peppers
EXCEPT .................. .
A. peppers became popular in the United States later than in Europe
B. red peppers are highly spices
C. peppers were bought and sold in Europe
D. peppers originated fairly recently, in North and South America
Question 49: The word "seasonings" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to.................. .
A. peppers B. flavorings C. spicy D. foods
Question 50: What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Tomato is not a kind of fruit.
B. The familiar spice black pepper is the product of a trailing or climbing shrub only grown in
C. The United States produces a large amount of pepper spice per year.
D. America is home to both tomatoes and peppers.
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