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Journal of Experimental Agriculture International

44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article no.JEAI.84596

ISSN: 2457-0591
(Past name: American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Past ISSN: 2231-0606)

Integrated Farming System: A Tool for Doubling

Farmer’s Income
Mohd Salim Mir a*, Nasir Bashir Naikoo b, Zakir Amin c, Tauseef A. Bhat a,
Aijaz Nazir d, Raihana Habib Kanth a, Parmeet Singh e, Waseem Raja a,
Lal Singh a, Shayista Fayaz a, Tanveer A. Ahngar a, Tsultim Palmo a
and Ummaisa Rehman a
Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Kashmir, 193201, J&K, India.
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Kashmir,
193201, J&K, India.
Division of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Kashmir, 193201, J&K, India.
Agromet Field Unit, SKUAST-Kashmir, 190025, J&K, India.
Programme Coordinator, KVK Shopian, SKUAST-Kashmir, 192303, J&K, India.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author MSM drafted the article. Authors
NBN, ZA, TAB, AN, RHK, PS, WR and LS, made a substantial contribution to the concept and design
of the article. Authors SF, TAA, TP, and UR managed the literature searches. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/JEAI/2022/v44i330808

Open Peer Review

History: This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional
Reviewers, peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received 12 January 2022

Review Article Accepted 22 March 2022
Published 02 April 2022


Integrated Farming System is a holistic approach in which different enterprises are utilized in a
collaborative way, wherein the resources are managed efficiently so that waste output of one
enterprise serves as the input for another. Due to an ever-increasing population, the arable land is
becoming increasingly scarcer per person, leaving little room for horizontal agricultural expansion.
There are 115 million working farms in India, with about 80% of them being small or marginal
farmers. With Integrated Farming System, the living standards of these farmers can be enhanced
by efficient utilization of different enterprises. The IFS is actually a mixed farming system wherein
different enterprises like dairy, fish, poultry, and other beneficial enterprises give an enhanced
returns with lower risks, which can intermediate the losses of crops in case of severe climatic

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

conditions. Under IFS, various enterprises having lower dependency on severe weather
circumstances, the farmer is comparatively on safer side as far as the adversities of crop losses
are concerned There are many advantages to integrated farming systems (IFS), such as a more
efficient use of farm resources and an eco-friendlier strategy to farming. As a system of crop and
livestock farming, IFS consists of at least two distinct but logically interdependent parts. Water
efficiency, weed and pest control, and soil health can all be improved with IFS. It also helps to
maintain water quality. Chemical fertilisers, weed killers, and pesticides should be used sparingly in
an integrated farming system in order to protect the environment from their harmful effects.
Adopting an Integrated Farming System (IFS) ensures a stable and long-term source of farm
income by integrating a number of businesses to make the most of the land's natural resources.
IFS itself is important for sustainable development of farmer by improving yield, economic return,
employment generation, nutritional security and livelihood.

Keywords: Economic returns; integrated farming system; nutritional security; sustainability.

1. INTRODUCTION system approach, which takes into account the

resources available and develops site-specific
1370 million people will be in our country by
systems based on those resources, resulting in
2030, and 1600 million by 2050. We'll need to
long-term development [3]. Using an IFS system,
produce 289 and 349 MT of food grains each of
the "waste" from one component is used as an
those times in order to meet future demand. By
input to another component, which reduces costs
2030, the country's current situation predicts a
and improves production or income for farmers.
further reduction of cultivable land, with more
According to IFS, the by-products of one type of
than 20% of it being used for non-agricultural
agriculture can be repurposed as a resource for
purposes [1]. Due to the fact that 80% of Indian
a different type. Because it makes use of wastes
farm families fall into the small- and marginal-
as resources, it not only reduces waste but also
farmer categories, the challenge is made all the
boosts the productivity of the entire farm [4].
more difficult by the shrinking average farm size
Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) is a collection
and the accompanying financial restrictions on
of resource-saving techniques aimed at
increasing agricultural investment. Increasing
maximising profitability and productivity, while
agricultural productivity could be a key factor in
simultaneously minimising any negative
securing food and nutrition security for a large
consequences of intensive farming and
population. Adopting scientific agronomic
preserving the environment [5,6]. The ever-
practises and technologies to boost the
increasing needs of India's ever-increasing
productivity of traditional agricultural systems is a
population can be met with relative ease under
necessary part of this process. Unsustainable
the current conditions. Agriculture and its related
farming practises pollute the environment and
sector, such as livestock farming, horticulture,
endanger the livelihoods of millions of small farm
and floriculture, as well as aquaculture, have
holders. An important step in boosting income,
been influenced by small and marginal farmers in
food supply, and food and nutritional security in
India, which is unfortunate. In order to meet the
developing countries is expanding agricultural
demand, they seem unable to invest more capital
production systems in order to achieve greater
in more intensive agricultural operations. If they
sustainability and higher economic returns [2].
want to maximise their profit and production in
One of the most effective solutions for small and
order to meet the nutritional needs of their
marginal farmers is the Integrated Farming
customers while also providing food security, an
System (IFS). By integrating multiple farm
Integrated Farming System (IFS) is essential.
businesses and recycling crop residues and by-
IFS also makes it easier for farmers to produce
products on the farm, IFS hopes to increase farm
more by maximising resource utilisation,
employment and income. Farmers must be
recycling waste, and hiring members of their own
guaranteed a steady stream of income in order to
households to do the work. Agro-ecological
raise their standard of living above the poverty
balance is attained by maximising the yields of all
line. To meet the challenges posed by the
component businesses, reducing the use of
current economic, political, and technological
chemicals (fertilisers and pesticides), keeping
environment, progress in production or steady
insect-pest, disease, and plant weed populations
growth in output is required. An important
at a low level of intensity through natural
solution to this peculiar situation is the farming
cropping system management, and all four of

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

these objectives are addressed by IFS [7].

1.2 Integrated Farming System Approach
Through multiple enterprises that aim to
maximise the utilisation of available natural and Its Objectives
resources to meet family needs, an Integrated
Farming System can ensure long-term farm IFS approach can be described as “A judicious
income stability and sustainability. This mix of two or more components using cardinal
program's goal is to generate enough farm principles of minimum competition and maximum
income to keep the farm family interested in complementarity with advanced agronomic
farming and keep them from leaving the industry. management tools aiming for sustainable and
It is imperative that IFS models be developed environment friendly improvement of farm
based on local agro-climatic conditions and income, family nutrition and ecosystem services”.
holding sizes, as well as the availability of The farming systems strategy depends on
resources such as land, water, and labour, preserving biodiversity, diversifying cropping
marketing facilities, risk factors and family size. systems, and recycling as much waste as
Because of the ecosystem (rain-fed/irrigated), possible [9]. Agriculture is a system in which the
management ability, and the surrounding socio- following goals are pursued:
economic factors, the profit margin varies widely
[8]. As a result, it is imperative that the IFS  Systems involving rural communities are
concept and knowledge be disseminated essential to the long-term advancement of
throughout the country's various agro-climatic the farmhouse.
regions in order to contribute to the national  An integrated approach is needed to deal
agenda of tripling farmers' incomes while also with the issues and problems that are
addressing the problem of malnutrition. IFS emerging in India's farming sector.
adoption must be aided through organisational,  The most effective tool for increasing
extension, policy, and marketing initiatives in a profitability of farming methods, particularly
structured manner. The main aim of this review is for small and marginal farmers, is the
to collect the available and updated literature on integrated agricultural systems approach.
IFS and summarize the conclusions so as to In fact, our previous experience has shown
bring best overview on IFS and its applicability in that the earnings from cropping itself is not
current and future scenario. This review adequate to meet the requirements of
emphasizes on the important aspects which growers.
contribute to the economic enhancement vis-a-  Farmers' needs for cash to raise their
vis doubling the famers income. standard of living have improved as a
result of growing consumer spending in
1.1 Need and Approach for Diversification remote regions. Secondary and tertiary
of Natural Systems enterprises, such as livestock, fruit, flower,
and medicinal plant cultivation, apiary, and
Existing cropping/farming systems need to be fisheries, had to be adopted by farmers to
rebalanced in order to keep up with the ever- supplement their income and food
increasing demand for food as well as the needs.
preservation of agro-ecosystems. System yields  But these integrated farming systems will
can be improved while profits are increased have to be tailored and designed in a way
through diversification. It is also a "highly location that leads to substantial improvements of
specific approach that involves suitable energy efficiency on the farm and
combination of complementary farm enterprises, maximises synergies through the
such as cropping systems, livestock fisheries, surrogacy of close cycles. Social
forests, poultry, and the method possible towards acceptability, environmental friendliness,
the farmers to raise them for profitability." and economic viability are all requirements
Comprehensive and innovative farming systems for these systems by;
appear powerful tools for increasing farm family  Improving agricultural production systems
by enhancing input efficiency
income and employment opportunities. A holistic
 Apart from nutritional improvement
approach focuses on increasing the overall
sustaining the basic necessities of farm
productivity of individual components, whereas
an innovative approach focuses on increasing
 Increasing the family's income by making
the profitability of established farming systems by
the most efficient use of available
introducing new components based on resources and recycling waste properly
perceptions of the end user.

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

1.3 Problems of Present Agriculture  Integration of different farm components

provides an opportunity to solve
 The growth rate of agriculture remains malnutrition problem as variety of food
static or declining products are produced.
 Food production is not sustainable to feed  Organic food production can be practiced
the future generation in IFS.
 Increasing malnutrition in young children  Farmers have easy access to diverse
and pregnant women foods.
 Shrinking net cultivable area due to rapid  Recycling of farm wastes for production
urbanization helps in better waste management and
 Aggravating environmental pollution and prevents environmental pollution.
greenhouse gases  Cash flow to the farmer round the year in
 Ground water table depletion due to integrated farming system makes the
indiscriminate use resource poor farmers to establish in the
 Shrinkage in land holdings due to society.
increasing population  Chemical fertilizer application can be
 Increment in cost of production due to reduced by recycling of organic wastes
shortage of feed/fodder which will also improve soil health.
 Low-income farms due to conventional  Through IFS household energy
practices requirement can be met by biogas
 Increasing unemployment due practicing production, which will not escalate energy
monoculture crises
 Large-scale migration has created  Fodder crises for livestock can be solved
problems for farm workers. to some extent through incorporation of
fodder/pasture/tree species in the farming
1.4 Objectives of Integrated Farming system.
System  In the system, the silvi-component serves
as a source of fuel and timber.
 Maintaining a steady and consistent  Increased timber production decreases the
income year-round is a primary goal. pressure on forest resources.
 Assuring agro-ecological equilibrium  Diversity in components rather than
through the restoration or improvement of monoculture could provide wider
system productivity opportunity for year-round employment of
 To keep away the insect-pests, diseases farm labour.
and weed population through natural  It provides opportunity for the growth of
cropping system management and keep agri-oriented industries.
them at low level of intensity.  In general, IFS benefits farmers by
 In order to provide society with healthy increasing their standard of living and
food and a clean environment, it is thereby contributing to their socioeconomic
necessary to reduce the use of chemicals. advancement.
 Organic foods can be produced which
more are demanding in present time. 1.6 Components in IFS

1.5 Advantages of Integrated Farming The important components of integrated farming

System system include all agriculture related enterprises
such as agriculture, mushroom cultivation, fish
farming, horticulture, sericulture, duck rearing,
 Economic yield for every unit area per time
seed production, feed mill, vegetable production,
increases as a result of the increased
productivity of the farm fodder production, poultry, rabbitry, azolla
Reduced costs production due to recycling farming, value addition, seed production,

of wastes leading to improved profitability. nursery, goat/sheep rearing, diary, apiary and
More economically significant components pigeon rearing.

are being integrated and/or incorporated
into farm production, resulting in improved 1.7 Goals of Integrated Farming System
IFS has four main objectives:

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

 In order to maintain a steady and stable economic opportunities for rural people by
income, all component enterprises must be reducing waste from different farming sub
maximised in terms of their yields.
systems. It is a concept that encompasses the
 Renewed/improved system productivity to
economic, ecologic, and social aspects of
attain agro-ecological balance.
farming, as well as ensuring the long-term
 The management of natural cropping
viability of productive farming landscapes [12].
systems can be used to regulate the build-
up of insect-pests, pathogens, and weed Using a wide range of insights and farming
populations. models, an integrated farming approach aims to
Environmentally-friendly, pollution-free grow more food (for profit) while also delivering

food and produce can be produced without environmental and social benefits [13,14]. To put
the use of harmful agro-chemicals and it another way, the integrated mixed farming
pesticides if they are used less frequently. system (IFS) was defined by Bahire [15] as a
practise of raising a variety of independent but
1.8 Principles of FSR: interdependent enterprises.

FSR is based on the following basic principles: 3. BENEFITS OF IFS

1. Increase the self-sufficiency of the farm 3.1 IFS in Livelihood Development

household and the farm's resistance to
external forces. According to Sheikh [16], IFS is the primary
2. Diversification of enterprises to increase source of income for approximately 65% of rural
income, work opportunities, reducing risk, populations who are reliant on agriculture. IFS is
and enhancement of natural resources, the a holistic approach and considers interactions
environment, and the diets of farm families. among the different component of IFS. SIFS
3. It is necessary to investigate the synergy (Specialized Integrated Farming System) is
among interacting components and their made up of four parts: basal crops, medium-
interactions with each other. duration cash crops, short-term cash crops, and
value-added crops. Contracts between expert
2. CONCEPT OF INTEGRATED yield and domesticated animals, poultry makers
FARMING SYSTEM for the exchange of compost and less
significantly, the feed can be an instrument to
Mixed farming system (IFS): a crop and build the appropriation pace of incorporated
livestock operation divided into at least two cultivating [17]. A rise in non-farm employment is
separate but rationally interdependent parts. It is also necessary to raise rural residents' incomes
possible to increase farm productivity and and living standards [16]. It is the integration of
profitability by creating a combination of farm farm enterprises that a farming community
businesses where farm owners define resources assigns its resources to in order to maximise
for the efficient use of the actual businesses. productivity and profitability of the farm through
Crop, agroforestry, livestock, aquaculture, agri- the effective utilization of available enterprises.
horticulture, and sericulture are some of the farm Sustainable farming developments remain at the
enterprises [10]. International Food Systems forefront of global development practices, with
(IFS) is a component of farming systems that small-holder farms erupting as a vital factor in
considers increasing production, minimising risk, creating long-term advancements in food
and maximising profits while improving the security, enhanced nutrition, as well as economic
utilisation of organic wastes and crop residues in growth. There are many ways to accomplish self-
the field. According to Jayanthi [11], IFS is part of sustaining intensity and diversification in small
FRS (Farming System Research), which is farms, but the suggested model of IFS execution
concerned with transforming farming techniques involves resource provisioning incorporation,
to increase crop production and ensuring within the larger rural context development, and
excellent resource utilisation. When integrating, overall improved consequences of sustainable
it's important that the output of one enterprise or livelihoods at the local level through an
component serves as an input for the output of interconnected process-based approach to
another enterprise or component, which has a sustainable intensification as well as expansion
significant level of complementarity impacts. in small farms [18]. Agricultural systems consider
Another reason for IFS's success would be that it climate, soil, water, and crops; farm wastes
enhances work opportunities, nutrition, and include livestock and land; labour and capital;
energy; as well as other resources; the farm

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

family is at the heart of the system [19]. Growing IFS and other high-yielding techniques, to help
farm productivity through diversification, resource them feed themselves and their families.
integration, and access to markets, as noted by According to Patel [26], the most advantageous
Rathore [8] is also beneficial to a sustainable system for increasing the income of small and
life. marginal farmers with secured livelihood and
nutritional security is an integrated farming
3.2 IFS to Improve Sustainable system with cropping system and other
Development subsidiary livestock, boundary plantation,
seasonable vegetables, horticultural crops,
Farmers in dry and semi-arid areas are vermin compost and farm pond. Using integrated
particularly concerned about farming's declining livestock-fish systems to dispose of manure from
profitability. The IFS has a lot of potential for feed lot-type animal husbandry farms is expected
increasing profitability by lowering production to gain traction in India with the proliferation of
costs and/or increasing productivity through the such ventures, according to Khan [25]. Animal
use of long-term management practises. When husbandry and fish farming will probably be
waste from one company is recycled and used developed on a large scale in India, where small-
as input by another, the IFS can reduce scale rural fish farming already exists. The
production costs [20,21]. It can also reduce the addition of organic residues such as animal and
number of external inputs required [17,22]. plant wastes, according to Kumar [27], improves
Agriculture is based on the idea of improving soil health and productivity over the long term
people's ability to manage change by developing while posing fewer environmental risks and
their capacity to learn, how to learn, enhance increasing the profit margin. This system enables
problematic situations as well as communicate a long-term, profitable (3–6 fold) and highly
effectively, according to Meena [23]. Logical and agriculturally productive production system.
systematic thinking as well as instinctive, Approximately 90–95 % of dietary needs are met
inventive activity are encouraged in this method, through resource recycling, which lowers the cost
which is based on experiential learning and the of production while increasing profit margins and
scientific method. Research into integrated the number of people employed in the
systems takes into account the farm's various agricultural industry. Consequently, the IFS
enterprises and resources, as well as the farm's approach is enticing and will preserve the
cropping systems, in order to develop integrated resource base through effective recycling of
farming systems that are sustainable. Due to residues and wastes inside the system, which is
climate change, yields in some regions are essential for food and nutritional security.
expected to rise and reduce in other areas,
depending on the area's latitude as well as 3.4 IFS for Employment Generation
irrigation application. IFS focuses on agriculture's
sustainability [24]. In order to increase Farmers saw an increase in gross revenue, net
agricultural productivity, manure from farm revenue, and the number of man days in a year
animals must be used to increase nutrients which because of the methods used by various farming
enhance fertility of the soil and reduce the use of systems. Murshed and Pems [28] and
synthetic fertilizers, whereas crop residues can Sachinkumar [29] found similar results. Patel [26]
be fed to livestock [6]. It is possible for farm predicted that Integrated Farming System would
youth to make a regular income through IFS as a generate more jobs than a traditional farming
micro-business. A single component or a single system, according to their research. Initial
crop-based business can lead to market research under the IFS approach advocated
fluctuations, so IFS minimises the incidence of productivity gains of 30–50% and more
failure. Lowering production costs per square than doubles the number of jobs than
foot by recycling farm residues is another arable farming, depending on the number and
advantage of IFS [25]. type of enterprises and their maintenance.
Higher level of complementarity is achieved by
integrating in such a way that the output of one
3.3 IFS to Improve Nutritional Food
company can be used as the input for another.
Security For small and marginal farmers, IFS is the best
option. Not only does it help farm families be
Since agriculture and the farmers who rely upon healthier and wealthier, but it also creates more
it have fallen into such disrepair, the people of jobs and makes better use of farm resources
the region need new farming methods, such as [30].

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

4. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES  Due to the unique geomorphological,

TO INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEM biological, and physical characteristics of
mountainous regions, farming on terraced
The increasing cost of agricultural production and sloping land masses with an in-
coupled with issues of the World Trade appropriate land use pattern occurs.
Organization is threatening the existence of  Farming methods that emphasise human
marginal and small farmers in India. Patra [31] labour rather than the use of machines.
admitted that one could imagine the survival of  Scattered arable land holdings on hilly
Indian agriculture, especially for small and terrains.
marginal farmers through the adoption of  Natural resources can only be used to a
Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) on scientific limited extent.
lines. Traditionally, farmers in India had been  The socio-agro-economic environment is
practicing an integrated system of farming. But, extremely sensitive to external pressures.
now there is a need to popularize scientific IFS  Difficulty in mobility is aggravated by steep
models among farmers to tackle the present slopes and harsh conditions.
agricultural situation in India. However, success  The cost of transportation to mountainous
depends upon the understanding of input-input regions is greater.
and product-product relationships. Farming as an  There is a lack of agri-market infrastructure
integrated system has become less popular due and poor access to markets.
to the many constraints faced by farmers. The  As a result of the remoteness of mountain
constraints vary across different agro-climatic regions, it is difficult to get access to better
zones. The scientific interventions should be agricultural inputs and farm technology.
demonstrated by extension agencies to narrow  There is a poor flow of dissemination of
down the limitations through enhancement of farm technology.
productivity and income. The efforts of the  Building and maintaining infrastructure is
Government are also required to subsidize IFS both time-consuming and costly.
models for achieving the target of doubling the  Food insecurity/malnutrition in mountain
farmers’ income. The farmers are more developing countries especially, South
vulnerable in selecting the right choices, owing to Asia, is aggravated by an increased
a misunderstanding on whether the two outputs fragility index, remoteness, and
have complementary, supplementary or marginality.
competitive relationships. The pattern in
developed nations has been toward rising 5. FUTURE THRUST
agricultural specialisation, where crop and
livestock enterprises are becoming progressively The further thrust of IFS is:
disconnected, despite the advantages of
integrated farming [17,32]. Despite the  A database on farming systems must be
dominance of mixed farming and animal systems created in relation to the various types of
in Australia, a shift to crop-only systems has farming systems, infrastructure,
occurred in recent decades. Relative crop and economics, and sustainability.
livestock prices, however, may play a role in  Farming systems with a range of holding
slowing or reversing this trend [33]. Re- sizes, as well as those that are more or
integration of agriculture in areas where it has less economically viable or widely
become more specialised may necessitate accepted require the creation of new
additional capital investments, which may serve research modules.
as an obstruction to the adoption of such  Refinement at a research station on a
systems. A decrease in agricultural labour supply cultivator's field of the techniques
or a rise in agricultural labour costs could put developed there.
integrated systems at risk.  Weather inclinations and climate threats
must be anticipated and a contingency
4.1 Major Constraints in Hill and plan formulated to address them.
Policy format must be prepared for
Mountain Agriculture 
planners' consideration for its large-scale
promotion with minimal financial
The major constraints in mountain agriculture are
assistance either via short/medium/long
as follows:
term loans as well as other promotional
Mountain eco-systems are vulnerable. benefits.

Mir et al.; JEAI, 44(3): 47-56, 2022; Article

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