Mtap G10S5 Combinatorics Student

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MTAP-DepEd Program for Excellence in Grade 10 Mathematics

Session 5 – Combinatorics
I. Perform what is asked:
A. Box Method/ Permutation:
1. Explain through examples the different counting techniques: listing, tree diagram, tabular, and
the box method.
2. Define and illustrate factorial notation.
a. Evaluate the following:
i. 5! + 3! ii. 4!6!
b. Perform the indicated operations:
i. 3! ( 5! + 3! ) ii. ( 10! – 4! ) / 3!

3. State the Fundamental Principle of Counting (FPC).

4. Define Permutation. Compare it with the Box Method technique.
5. Discuss through examples the kinds of permutation.
6. Explain the formula for each kind of permutation.
7. Use any method to answer the following:
a. Solve for : i. P(10, 3) ii. n, given P (n, 2) = 110 iii. n, given P( n, 4) = 30 P(n, 2)

b. Determine the sample space S and the number of elements n(S) in S if you toss/roll
i. a coin once; two coins once; three coins once; n coins once.
ii. a die once; two dice once; three dice once; n dice once.
iii. a coin and a die once.

c. Suppose five points in a plane represent towns that are connected by roads. Starting at any
one town, how many different routes are there so that you visit each town exactly once?

d. How many different three-letter patterns can be formed using the letters x, y, and z,
i. if a letter can be used more than once? ii. if each letter is used exactly once?

e. In how many ways can 6 people sit at a round table? What if two of them insist on seating
next to each other?

f. A mathematics club has 50 new and 30 old members. If the old set of members is to choose
from among themselves a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary, in how many ways
can this happen if each member is eligible for each position?

g. Ms Torres visited the community club in her constituency and found out that there are many
interesting courses offered for the Saturday evening that she is free. There are three different
dance classes, two different computer classes and four martial arts classes. How many choices
does Ms Torres have?

B. Combination:
1. Define and compare Combination with Permutation. [ Use their formulas ]
2. Explain fully through examples the difference in the formulas for the two, that is permutation and
3. Solve the following:
a. Simplify i. C( 7, 4) ii. C( 15, 12)
b. Solve for n if: i. C(n, 2)= 36 ii. 2C(n, 4) = 3C( n,3)

c. Given 5 different points on a circle, how many distinct

i. chords can be drawn?
ii. inscribed triangles can be named using the points as vertices?
iii. inscribed quadrilaterals can be drawn using the points as vertices?

d. A bag contains 9 marbles numbered 1 to 9. If five marbles are drawn from the bag, how
many different sets can be drawn?

II. Solve the following:

l. Show that a. P(7,6) = P(7, 7) b. P(n, n – 1) = P(n, n)

2. Solve for n if a. C(n, 2)= 36 b. 2C(n, 4) = 3C( n,3)

3. A certain bag factory manufactures ladies bags in 8 styles, 6 colors and 4 sizes. How many different
bags are available?
4. In how many ways can 8 people sit at a round table, (a.) if three insist on seating next to each
other? (b.) two refuse to sit next to each other?
5. How many ways can four algebra books, three science books, and five English books be
arranged on a shelf if the books are ordered according to subject?
6. How many different five-digit numbers can be formed using the digits in 23672?

7. In how many ways can 3 boys and 3 girls be seated in a row if

a. they are seated in alternating position?
b. the row begins and ends with a boy?
c. all boys and all girls must sit side by side?

III. Challenge!!!

1.Seven white cubes and 20 black cubes of the same volume are to be put together to form a
large cube. If the white cubes are arranged so that the amount of white showing on the surface
of the large cube is a minimum, what part of the large cube will be white?

2. From 6 Science books and 8 Mathematics books, in how many can a student choose 2 Science and 3
Math books and arrange them on the Learning Nook shelf.

3. How many different six-letter symbols can be formed from the letters of the word “PEOPLE” if
a. no conditions are given ? b. the symbol must begin with a consonant ?

4. A committee of five is to be chosen from a group of 6 boys and 9 girls.

a. How many different committees can be formed?
b. How many of these committees are all boys?
c. How many of the committees will be all girls?

5. A club with 25 members must choose a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary.

In how many ways can this happen if each member is eligible for each position?

6. How many four-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if

a. no digit may be repeated in a number?
b. the numbers are to be even and no digits are repeated?
c. the numbers are less than 4500, and no digits are to be repeated?
d. the numbers are to be odd and no digits are repeated?

7. In how many ways can 4 boys and 3 girls be seated in a row if

a. there are no restrictions?
b. the row begins and ends with a girl?
c. all boys and all girls must alternate?

8. How many committees of 5 can be formed from 8 sophomores and 4 freshmen if each committee is to
have at least 3 sophomores?

9. In how many ways can a person get a bridge hand of 13 cards consisting of only aces or faces?

10. A combination of three balls is picked at random from a box containing five red, four white and three
blue balls. In how many ways can the set chosen to contain at least
i. one white ball?
ii. one white and one red ball?


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