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C h ro n i c R h i n i t i s i n t h e C a t

An Update

Nicki Reed, BVM&S, Cert VR, MRCVS

 Feline chronic rhinitis  Nasal  Inflammation  Herpesvirus  Bacteria  Treatment

 Feline chronic rhinitis/rhinosinusitis is the second most common cause of feline nasal dis-
ease, accounting for approximately 35% of cases.
 Proposed etiology relates to initial turbinate damage by feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1). The
role of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Mycoplasma spp, as well as inhaled allergens as pri-
mary agents, is unclear at this time.
 Repeated short courses of antibacterials to treat secondary bacterial infection (typically
oropharyngeal commensals) may result in selection for Pseudomonas spp or other resis-
tant organisms.
 Treatment is primarily supportive comprising antibacterials, mucolytics or decongestants,
antiviral therapies, and in severe cases surgery. Nasal flushing to remove mucus often is
 Owners need to be counseled that cure is unlikely. Treatment aims to reduce the fre-
quency and severity of episodes.


Feline chronic rhinitis can be defined as inflammation of the nasal cavity that has been
present for 4 weeks or longer, either intermittently or continuously.1 Because the fron-
tal sinuses also can be involved, the condition may be called chronic rhinosinusitis
(CRS). The diagnosis accounts for approximately 35% of cases of feline rhinitis2,3
and after neoplasia is the second most common cause of chronic nasal discharge
in cats.3 Despite being a relatively common condition in feline practice, it can be a frus-
trating disease to manage.


It has been proposed that primary viral infection, especially by feline herpesvirus 1
(FHV-1), causes damage to the mucosal epithelium and underlying turbinate bones,
thereby predisposing to recurrent bacterial rhinitis.4–6 One study used a polymerase

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvsm.2019.10.005 vetsmall.theclinics.com
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2 Reed

chain reaction (PCR) technique to identify FHV-1 DNA in nasal biopsy samples but
failed to show a difference in isolation rates between cats with CRS and healthy con-
trol cats.6 This suggests that recrudescence of viral disease per se may be less impor-
tant in the role of CRS than other factors, such as structural damage, secondary
bacterial infection, and impaired immune function.7–10
Although bacterial infection has been identified in 69% to 90% of cases,1,6 pri-
mary bacterial infection is thought to be rare. Mixed growth of commensal organ-
isms frequently is identified; more significance might be attached to a heavy pure
growth of 1 organism, especially one considered pathogenic6 (Box 1). Rarer bacte-
ria isolated from cases of CRS include Haemophilus spp11 and Capnocytophaga
One study10 attempted to evaluate the role of Bartonella spp in CRS but failed to
identify these organisms by culture of blood samples or PCR of nasal biopsies, with
the exception of 1 case that had a nasopharyngeal abscess. Serologic testing did
not identify differences in seropositivity to Bartonella spp between cats with CRS
and 3 control groups. Although the study was underpowered, it did not support a
role for these organisms in CRS.
The role of Mycoplasma spp in rhinitis remains uncertain, because these organisms
have been considered to be part of the commensal flora in the upper respiratory tract.
Mycoplasma spp were detected in cats affected by CRS but not in control cats, sug-
gesting that they may play a role in this disease complex.6 Use of PCR may facilitate
identification of Mycoplasma spp, which can be difficult to culture.13
Retroviral infection was previously suggested to be associated with CRS,14
because in 1 study 55% of cats were positive for feline leukemia virus infection.15 Sub-
sequent studies, however, showed a reduced prevalence of retroviral infection (0%–
7%).1,16,17 This mirrored the declining prevalence of infection in the feline population
subsequent to the introduction of feline leukemia virus vaccination.
A recent case report identified the presence of Tritrichomonas foetus organisms in
nasal cavity swabs from a cat with chronic rhinitis; however, because Mycoplasma
felis was concurrently identified, the role of this protozooal organism in this disease
is uncertain.18

Box 1
Potentially pathogenic bacteria in feline chronic rhinosinusitis

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Viridans streptococci
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
Pasteurella multocida
Corynebacterium spp
Actinomyces spp
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Mycoplasma spp
All anaerobes

Data from Johnson LR, Foley JE, De Cock HE, et al. Assessment of infectious organisms associ-
ated with chronic rhinosinusitis in cats. J Amer Vet Med Assoc. 2005; 227(4): 579-85.
Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 3

The role of allergens has not been extensively investigated in cats. This is a common
cause of rhinitis in people, estimated to affect 1.4 million people worldwide19; there-
fore, the prevalence of allergic rhinitis may be underestimated in the feline population,
particularly in cats exhibiting concurrent signs of asthma or conjunctivitis.

 Usually identified in young to middle-aged cats, although there is a wide age
range affected (0.5–16 years)3,10
 Might have had a history of cat flu as a kitten, although this is often difficult to
 Recurrent episodes of nasal discharge (Fig. 1), which can be
 Serous (initially)
 Sanguineous (less common)
 Unilateral, bilateral, or unilateral progressing to bilateral
 Stertorous respiration
 Episodes may be associated with stressors, such as boarding, breeding, or
 Cats can become inappetent at times of clinical signs due to
 Inability to smell food
 Difficulty breathing
 Episodes often respond to antibacterials but relapse is common.
 Gagging, choking, or reverse sneezing is more commonly seen with nasopharyn-
geal diseases, rather than rhinitis, but could be observed with accumulation of
discharges in the nasopharynx.


In addition to a complete physical examination, particular attention should be made to

examining the specific features listed in Table 1. In order to perform a thorough oral
examination, general anesthesia invariably is required.

Fig. 1. Cat with CRS demonstrating bilateral serous nasal discharge. (From Reed N. Chronic
rhinitis in the cat. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2014;44(1):33-50; with permission.)
4 Reed

Table 1
Salient features of physical examination in chronic rhinosinusitis

Assessment Significance
Nasal airflow Decreased nasal airflow often is due to
Can be assessed by observing condensation obstruction with mass lesions (neoplastic,
on a cold microscope slide or by holding fungal, or foreign body related)
wisps of cotton wool in front of nares
Presence of nasal discharge Unilateral discharge is more common with
Unilateral or bilateral; nature foreign body or neoplasia than CRS.
Discharge typically is mucoid, becoming
mucopurulent with secondary bacterial
Facial symmetry Facial asymmetry is seen more commonly
with neoplasia or fungal infection but can
be seen with CRS.
Facial pain Can be seen with CRS, neoplasia, fungal
May be appreciated on palpation or if the infections, foreign bodies or dental disease
cat demonstrates head aversion when and indicates that analgesia should be
approached. provided
Conjunctivitis Can indicate infection with certain
organisms, such as FHV-1, FCV, C felis, or
Mycoplasma spp, which may or may not be
related to rhinitis.
Epiphora May have concurrent keratitis or ocular
Fluorescein staining can be used to assess ulceration
patency of nasolacrimal duct. Chronic inflammation can cause blockage of
the nasolacrimal system.
Retinal examination Can identify chorioretinitis associated with
cryptococcal infection or lymphoma.
Oral examination Used to identify cleft palate, oronasal fistula,
and mass lesions causing ventral deviation
of the soft palate. Visualization of the
nasopharynx can be facilitated by
retracting the soft palate with a spay hook
and using a dental mirror.
Otic examination Mass lesions or bowing of the tympanic
membrane can be seen in association with
nasopharyngeal polyps.
Lymph node palpation Lymph node enlargement is a nonspecific
The submandibular and retropharyngeal finding, although asymmetry can suggest
lymph nodes should be evaluated. disease, such as neoplasia, fungal
infection, or foreign body, is more likely
than CRS.

From Reed N. Chronic rhinitis in the cat. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2014;44(1):33-50; with


A diagnosis of CRS is usually based on excluding other conditions that could cause
signs of upper respiratory tract disease. Differential diagnoses to consider for the clin-
ical presentation of sneezing and nasal discharge are given in Box 2. In order to elim-
inate these other conditions, several tests generally are required. Investigations
typically progress from the least invasive to the most invasive.
Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 5

Box 2
Differential diagnoses for chronic sneezing and nasal discharge

Neoplasia (lymphoma, adenocarcinoma, sarcoma)

Nasopharyngeal polyp
Foreign body
Fungal infection (Cryptococcosis, Aspergillosis, Penicillium spp)
Nasopharyngeal stenosis
Congenital (cleft palate; extreme brachycephalic conformation)
Dental disease (oronasal fistula; tooth root infection/abscess)
Inflammatory polyps of the nasal turbinates (mesenchymal nasal hamartoma)

From Reed N. Chronic rhinitis in the cat. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2014;44(1):33-50;
with permission.

Laboratory Analysis
Routine hematology, biochemistry, and urinalysis findings are nonspecific but give in-
formation about the general health of the cat prior to administration of general anes-
thesia or therapeutics. Retroviral testing does not assist with the diagnosis but
contributes toward the overall health status of the cat and may have an effect on prog-
nosis. Serologic evaluation for respiratory viruses is of no use due to the high preva-
lence of seropositivity in healthy cats.20 In cases of suspected Cryptococcus infection,
performance of a latex cryptococcal antigen test is useful for both diagnosis and moni-
toring.21 See Vanessa R. Barrs and Jessica J. Talbot’s article, “Fungal Rhinosinusitis
and Disseminated Invasive Aspergillosis in Cats,” in this issue for further information
on feline aspergillosis.

Oropharyngeal/Conjunctival Swabbing
In cats with acute upper respiratory tract disease, oropharyngeal and conjunctival
swabs can be submitted for bacterial culture (Chlamydia felis, Bordetella bronchisep-
tica, and Mycoplasma spp), virus isolation (FHV-1), feline calicivirus (FCV), and PCR
(FHV-1, FCV, C felis, B bronchiseptica, and Mycoplasma spp). Special transport media
are required, particularly for virus isolation. Interpretation of results can be problem-
atic. A negative result does not necessarily exclude the infection as the cause of the
disease, particularly with fragile organisms that are difficult to culture (eg, Myco-
plasma) or if the organism is intermittently shed (eg, FHV-1). Conversely identifying
FHV-1 or FCV does not always explain the clinical signs, due to the high prevalence
of these infections in the healthy cat population and inability to differentiate positive
test results from presence of vaccinal strains.22–24

Nasal Swabbing
Swabbing nasal discharge for culture is of minimal benefit, because it is likely that only
commensal bacteria of the oropharynx will be cultured.25 Cytology is likely to reveal
degenerate neutrophils as the predominant cell type, and, again, although bacteria
may be identified, their significance is questionable. The finding of encapsulated yeast
organisms would be supportive of Cryptococcus infection; use of Romanowsky
stains, new methylene blue, or Gram stain enables the organism to be seen sur-
rounded by a clear halo.26
6 Reed

Special Considerations for Epistaxis

If frank hemorrhage from the nose is part of the presenting complaint, a coagulation
panel should be assessed in addition to a platelet count. If the nasal discharge is
sanguineous in nature, if the cat is older than 8 years old, or if concurrent kidney dis-
ease is identified, systolic blood pressure also should be measured.

Diagnostic Imaging
Accurate positioning requires general anesthesia, and several radiographic views
should be taken to fully evaluate the nasal cavity and sinuses.27 Superimposition of
the mandible in the dorsoventral views necessitates use of dental film or performance
of a ventro 30 rostral-dorsocaudal view.27 Radiological interpretation is given else-
where,28 but findings consistent with CRS include unilateral or bilateral soft tissue/fluid
opacification of the nasal cavity and/or frontal sinuses with blurring of turbinate struc-
tures. Erosion of the turbinate bones and mass lesions can be identified radiograph-
ically in cats with neoplasia or chronic rhinitis,29 making a definitive diagnosis by
radiological assessment impossible.
Computed tomography (CT) is considered superior to radiography for imaging the
nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in dogs30–32 and the same is likely true in the
cat. The CT appearance of the normal feline nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses has
been described.33 Studies comparing the CT appearance of nasal neoplasia and in-
flammatory disease in cats identified that many imaging findings overlapped between
these conditions34,35 (Fig. 2). Features occurring significantly more often in cats with
neoplasia included lysis of the ventral aspect of the maxilla or vomer bone, unilateral
lysis of the ethmoturbinates or dorsal and lateral aspects of the maxilla, bilateral lysis
of the orbital lamina and unilateral soft tissue opacification of the frontal sinus, sphe-
noid sinus, and retrobulbar space.35 In addition, where the medial retropharyngeal
lymph nodes are also evaluated, the presence of an abnormal hilum, asymmetry in
height of the lymph nodes, and decreased precontrast heterogeneity were signifi-
cantly associated with the presence of neoplasia.36

Nasal Flush
Nasal flushes can be performed to collect diagnostic material; however, flushing may
also be used as a therapeutic technique. The procedure should be performed under
general anesthesia with a cuffed endotracheal tube in place. The cat is in sternal re-
cumbency with the head angled down to facilitate drainage of fluid.

Fig. 2. CT scan of a cat with CRS demonstrating loss of turbinate structure and accumulation
of fluid within the nasal cavity. Deviation of the septum can be a normal finding in cats.
(From Reed N. Chronic rhinitis in the cat. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.
2014;44(1):33-50; with permission.)
Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 7

 Diagnostic flush: a 6F–8F sterile catheter is inserted into the rostral nasal cavity
(not beyond the level of the medial canthus of the eye). The nasopharynx is
occluded by dorsal digital pressure on the soft palate; 2mL to 4 mL of sterile sa-
line then is gently flushed down the catheter followed by aspiration of the fluid to
obtain a sample for aerobic and anaerobic culture. Fungal culture and PCR
testing for viral agents or Mycoplasma may also be performed where indicated.
 Therapeutic flush: the oropharynx is packed with a gauze swab or surgical lapa-
rotomy pad to prevent aspiration of material and allow collection of any foreign
material that is flushed from the nasal cavity. A 10-mL to 35-mL syringe is filled
with sterile saline and the tip inserted into the nostril. The naris is compressed
around the syringe tip and the contralateral naris occluded. The syringe is then
depressed with steady pulsations of pressure to force material caudally onto
the swab (Fig. 3). The process is repeated until all the mucopurulent material is
flushed through and then performed on the contralateral side. Mass lesions
and foreign bodies also can be dislodged by this technique.
Although good agreement has been reported between bacterial cultures from nasal
flush samples compared with biopsy samples,6 discordant results were reported be-
tween these 2 methods in 32%, 10%, and 18% of cases, when culture of aerobic,
anaerobic, and Mycoplasma organisms were respectively considered.37 The
increased recovery of organisms from nasal flushes could be due to culture of super-
ficial organisms not involved in the disease process or could reflect increased difficulty
in culturing representative bacteria from tissue samples compared with flush fluid,
because the latter is directly inoculated onto culture media while maceration of biopsy
material is required.37

The nasopharynx can be evaluated with a flexible endoscope (eg, 3–5 mm broncho-
scope) capable of 180 flexion. Endoscopic evaluation of the nasal cavity can be per-
formed in a normograde fashion using either a rigid endoscope with a viewing angle of
0 to 30 or a flexible endoscope of 2-mm to 3-mm diameter. Saline flushing via the
biopsy channel can remove mucus and facilitate visualization of the mucosa. A throat
pack or swabs should be placed in the pharynx to prevent aspiration of material. The
nasal mucosa overlying the turbinates should appear pink and smooth and the vessels

Fig. 3. A nasal flush being performed to remove mucus and potentially foreign bodies.
(From Reed N. Chronic rhinitis in the cat. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.
2014;44(1):33-50; with permission.)
8 Reed

should be clearly seen. Abnormalities seen with chronic rhinitis include congestion and
decreased visibility of the capillaries, hyperemia, increased fragility, ulceration, and
increased mucus. In addition, turbinate destruction can give rise to increased space
when trying to navigate the meati.
Endoscopy allows collection of targeted cytology or biopsy samples. Evaluation of
the frontal sinuses cannot normally be undertaken in cats, although extensive turbi-
nate destruction from fungal infection permitted passage of a small endoscope in 1

Brush Cytology
An endoscopic cytology brush can be passed down the biopsy channel or passed
adjacent to the endoscope to allow direct visualization,2 although samples can be
nondiagnostic due to poor cellularity.2,39 Comparison between cytologic and histolog-
ic samples has shown poor agreement, with only 25% of samples having the same
predominant cell type2; neoplasia was incorrectly diagnosed as inflammatory in
27% of cases.39 Because histopathology is likely to give a more accurate diagnosis,
this technique is rarely used.

Nasal Biopsy
Before taking nasal biopsy samples, the author recommends evaluation of coagula-
tion status. As a minimum, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time,
and fibrinogen should be measured, but performance of a buccal mucosal bleeding
time also allows assessment of function of platelets and von Willebrand factor. Sam-
ples can be obtained via the biopsy channel of the endoscope; however, biopsy sam-
ples obtained are very small. Targeted sampling of focal lesions also can be achieved
by passing the biopsy instrument alongside the rigid telescope, or, for diffuse disease,
blind biopsies can be diagnostic. These can be performed with 3-mm biopsy cups
(Fig. 4) and both right and left nasal cavities should be biopsied. The nasopharynx
also can be biopsied via the biopsy channel of a flexible endoscope.
Where endoscopic equipment is not available, a suction biopsy can be obtained
with a plastic catheter, the tip of which has been angled to 45 and suction applied
with a 10-mL to 20-mL syringe.40 Biopsy material should be submitted in plain tubes
for bacterial and fungal culture as well as fixed in formalin for histopathology.

Fig. 4. Biopsy cups, 3-mm (top), allow for larger biopsy samples than can be obtained along-
side a rigid endoscope (bottom). (From Reed N. Chronic rhinitis in the cat. Vet Clin North Am
Small Anim Pract. 2014;44(1):33-50; with permission.)
Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 9

Inflammatory infiltrate is classified according to the predominant cell type and is

often described as lymphoplasmacytic, neutrophilic (suppurative), or mixed.2,6
Neutrophilic infiltrate appears to be twice as common as lymphoplasmacytic infil-
trate2,17,41 and associated with more severe inflammatory changes.38 Although
neutrophilic infiltrate has been classified as acute rhinitis by some investigators,3
and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate considered the most common form of chronic rhinitis
by others,42 these differences may simply reflect the spectrum of 1 disease. The na-
ture of the inflammatory infiltrate might depend on the presence or absence of bacte-
rial infection at the time of sampling, because many cats with neutrophilic infiltrate
have a chronic rather than acute history.
Other features that can be identified on histopathology include epithelial ulceration,
fibrosis, turbinate destruction or remodeling, necrosis, and glandular hyperplasia.43
The poor correlation between rhinoscopic appearance and histopathology indicates
the need to obtain biopsy material bilaterally for histopathology.41
Eosinophilic infiltrate could suggest an allergic or parasitic origin, although this is un-
proved. Eosinophilic infiltrate in nasal biopsies from cats with rhinitis and concurrent
signs of asthma has been identified on occasion by this author and also in a study
of nasal histology in cats with experimentally induced allergic asthma,44 which could
support a role of allergy in eosinophilic rhinitis.


Treatment of feline CRS is frustrating. No definitive therapy exists, and treatment is

aimed at controlling episodes of clinical signs and preventing extension of disease.
Owners need to be counseled regarding the recurrent nature of this condition and
that treatment will not be curative. Multimodal therapy can be used to address
different aspects of the disease.

Ideally, choice of antibacterial agent should be based on culture and sensitivity results
from nasal biopsies and/or nasal flush fluid.6 Due to the recurrent nature of this dis-
ease, however, owners may be unwilling to subject the cat to repeated general anes-
thesia every time there is recurrence of clinical signs. As such, empiric prescribing
often has to be used, with the choice of antibiotic based on the spectrum of infectious
agents typically identified (see Box 1). In addition, the antibacterial chosen should
have good penetration to bone and cartilage. Suggested antibacterial choices are
given in Table 2. Due to the chronic, deep nature of these infections, this author nor-
mally prescribes therapy for a 6-week to 8-week period.
Although a few studies have assessed the efficacy of antibacterials in the treatment
of acute rhinitis and Chlamydia infections,46–51 these studies are based on culture of
superficial ocular, nasal or oropharyngeal swabs. Pseudomonas spp were not identi-
fied in these studies, yet this is a commonly identified organism when deeper nasal
samples are obtained.6,8 Pseudomonas spp are resistant to the commonly used anti-
bacterials listed in Table 2; hence, repeated antibacterial courses that eliminate other
commensal organisms are likely to contribute to selection for this organism. Culture
can identify appropriate sensitivity to veterinary licensed antibacterials, such as mar-
bofloxacin or pradofloxacin. Alternatively, a licensed human antibacterial, such as a
third-generation cephalosporin (eg, ceftazidime or cefoperazone) or aminoglycoside
(eg, amikacin or tobramycin), might be required, although due consideration must
be given to renal and ototoxicity with the aminoglycosides.52 Efficacy of antibacterials
might be enhanced by supportive therapies, discussed later.
10 Reed

Table 2
Oral antibacterial drugs used for management of chronic rhinosinusitis

Antibacterial Spectrum Dose Comments

Amoxicillin- Staphylococci 10–20 mg/kg Not effective against
clavulanate Streptococci q8h Pseudomonas
Escherichia coli
Azithromycin Staphylococci 10–15 mg/kg Inconsistent efficacy against
Streptococci q 24 h Chlamydia.44
Chlamydia Not effective against
Mycoplasma Pseudomonas
Chloramphenicol Staphylococci 20–40 mg/kg Can be ineffective, or resistance
Streptococci q 12 h can develop with Pseudomonas
Chlamydia Monitor hematology weekly due
E coli to risk of myelosuppression
Clindamycin Staphylococci 10–12 mg/kg Not effective against
Streptococci q 12–24 h Pseudomonas or other gram-
Chlamydia negative organisms
Actinomyces Can cause esophagitis and
Anaerobes esophageal strictures
variable efficacy
Doxycycline Chlamydia 10 mg/kg q 24 h Good penetration into frontal
Pasteurella sinuses
Bordetella Not effective against
Mycoplasma Pseudomonas or Ecoli Only
Actinomyces effective against a few
Staphylococcus and
Streptococcus spp
Can cause esophagitis and
esophageal strictures
May also have an
immunomodulatory effect
Marbofloxacin Staphylococci 5 mg/kg q 24 h Could be less likely to cause retinal
Streptococci toxicity than enrofloxacin
E coli Pseudomonas may develop
Pasteurella resistance.
Metronidazole Anaerobes 15–20 mg/kg Unpalatable
Narrow spectrum, therefore,
typically combined with other

(continued on next page)

Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 11

Table 2
(continued )
Antibacterial Spectrum Dose Comments
Pradofloxacin Staphylococci 5 mg/kg q 24 h Greater activity against anaerobes
Streptococci 10 mg/kg q 24 h45 than other quinolones
E coli Less likely to cause retinal toxicity
Pasteurella than enrofloxacin
Mycoplasma Pseudomonas may develop
(Pseudomonas) resistance

Data from Greene CE and Calpin J. Antimicrobial drug formulary In: Greene CE, editor. Infectious
Diseases of the Dog and Cat 4th edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders; 2012. p. 1207-320;
and Plumb DC. In: Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook 6th edition. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publish-
ing Professional; 2008.

Improvement to Air Flow

Nasal flushing
The presence of tenacious mucopurulent discharge within the nasal cavity not only
can result in difficulty breathing but also may occlude the ostia, impairing drainage
of fluid from the frontal sinuses. This in turn results in sinusitis, which can cause frontal
sinus pain, contributing to lethargy and inappetence. Periodic nasal flushing, dis-
cussed previously, may provide clinical relief by removing this mucopurulent material.
Use of hypertonic saline may be beneficial over isotonic saline, but this has not been
studied in feline patients.53

Nebulization involves suspension of droplets of a liquid (usually saline) within a propel-
lant gas (usually air or oxygen) (Fig. 5). Smaller droplets (0.5 m–5.0 m) are deposited
within the lower airways, whereas larger droplets (20.0m) are deposited within the
nasopharynx.54 Although there are no studies demonstrating efficacy, nebulization
could be beneficial in making secretions less viscous and promoting ciliary clearance.
A suggested regime is 15 minutes every 8 hours to 12 hours. Nebulization can also be
used to deliver antibacterial agents topically (primarily aminoglycosides) or mucolytic
agents, such as N-acetylcysteine. Again, there are no studies demonstrating efficacy
of drugs delivered by this route, and inhaled N-acetylcysteine can cause broncho-
spasm and epithelial toxicity attributed to its hypertonicity55,56; therefore, caution is
warranted. If nebulization is not available, instillation of saline drops can improve hy-
dration of the nasal passages. This therapeutic modality does not appear particularly
well tolerated by cats; therefore, placing the cat in a steamy environment (eg, shower
room) is an alternate option, although use of a standard humidifier is more likely to be

Mucolytics, such as bromhexine, can be considered56; however, their primary action
is to facilitate mucociliary clearance within the tracheobronchial tree; therefore, their
role in sinonasal disease is unknown (Table 3).

Decongestants might improve nasal airflow by reducing mucosal edema through
vasoconstriction (see Table 3). Unfortunately, this often is followed by rebound vaso-
dilation and worsening signs; therefore, it is recommended that topical use of these
12 Reed

Fig. 5. A hospital nebulizer can be used to humidify the upper airways and facilitate
removal of nasal discharges.

drugs is limited to 3 days.22 As with mucolytics, there is no published evidence of

benefit in the management of CRS.

The rationale for using antiviral therapy is based on the presumed association between
recrudescence of chronic FHV-1 infection and episodes of clinical signs. The lack of
evidence to support current active infection with FHV-1 in association with signs of
rhinitis likely accounts for the weak evidence to support use of these treatments.

Although FHV-1 is susceptible to interferon (IFN) in vitro, clinical trials have yet to
demonstrate a clear benefit. Although IFN-a can be used topically for ocular lesions,
systemic administration is more logical for respiratory disease hence feline recombi-
nant IFN-u is more appropriate for administration by this route. A suggested dose is
1 MU/kg sq every 24 hours for 5 days.57 No clear efficacy in feline rhinitis has been
reported to date.

Famciclovir is a prodrug of the deoxyguanosine analog penciclovir.58 As such it is viro-
static rather than virocidal. Although controlled clinical trials have not been performed,
improvement in clinical signs was reported in 2 cats with CRS.59 The optimal dose is
not yet known, and dose ranges have varied from 62.5 mg/cat59 every 24 hours to
90 mg/kg every 8 hours,60 with a protracted course (up to 4 months) appearing to
be well tolerated.
Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 13

Table 3
Mucolytics and decongestants for clinical management of chronic rhinosinusitis

Drug Dose Comment

Acetylcysteine 50 mg diluted in saline to 2% Mucolytic
solution Nebulize for 30–60 min
Can cause bronchospasm and
is toxic to respiratory
epithelial cells
Bromhexine 3 mg/cat IM q 12 h Bronchial secretolytic
1 mg/kg po q 24 h
Dimenhydrinate 4 mg/cat po q 8 h Antihistamine, antiemetic,
anticholinergic. The last of
these contributes to
decongestant effect
Ephedrine hydrochloride 1 drop each nostril q 12–24 h Only administer for 72 h to
0.5% nasal drops avoid rebound congestion
Oxymetazoline 1 drop each nostril q 12 h Maximum 48 h
1 drop each nostril q 24 h Maximum 72 h
Phenylephrine hydrochloride 1 drop each nostril q 24 h Maximum 72 h
Pseudoephedrine 1 mg/kg po q 8 h Administration facilitated by
use of 6-mg/mL syrup
rather than tablets
Xylometazoline 1 drop each nostril q 24 h Maximum 72 h
Data from Refs.

Lysine is thought to have an antiviral effect by competing for arginine, an essential
amino acid for viral replication.58 Studies have demonstrated decreased conjunctivitis
and viral shedding in cats experimentally infected with FHV-1 that are treated with
lysine.61,62 Unfortunately, this has not translated into decreased clinical signs of upper
respiratory tract disease in shelter cats administered oral lysine or lysine-
supplemented diets.63–65 Although no clinical benefit has been proved in the shelter
situation, client-owned cats are likely subjected to less stress than shelter cats, and
it could be of use in this population, provided the stress of administering the drug
does not outweigh any benefit. The recommended dose is 500 mg/cat twice daily.58

Antihistamines have been proposed to be beneficial by some investigators,42,66
although they could have the unwanted side effect of further drying out inspissated se-
cretions. The nature of the cellular infiltrate might guide the decision to use antihista-
mines, which could be more likely to be beneficial with an eosinophilic or possibly
lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, rather than a neutrophilic or suppurative infiltrate. The in-
dividual response to antihistamines is variable; therefore, it can be beneficial to try
different classes of antihistamine before considering they are of no benefit (Table 4).

Johnson and colleagues67 identified increased levels of gene transcription for the in-
flammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, IL-12p40, IFN-g, and regulated on acti-
vation, normal T-cell expression and secretion in nasal biopsies with an inflammatory
infiltrate compared with normal biopsies. There was no alteration in gene transcription
14 Reed

Table 4
Antihistamine options for chronic rhinosinusitis

Class Drug Dose (Oral)
Alkylamines Chlorpheniramine; chlorphenamine 1–2 mg/cat q 8–12 h
Ethanolamine Diphenhydramine 2–4 mg/kg q 8 h
Clemastine 0.1 mg/kg q 12 h
Piperazines Ceterizine 5 mg/cat q 12 h
Hydroxyzine 2 mg/kg q 8–12 h
Piperidines Loratadine 0.5 mg/kg q 24 h
Fexofenadine 10 mg/cat q 12 h
Phenothazines Trimeprazine; alimemazine 0.5–1.0 mg/kg q 8–12 h
Antiserotonergic Cyproheptadine 1 mg/cat q 12 h

Data from Refs.42,57,66

of Il-4, IL-5, IL-16, and IL-18. This indicates a predominantly type 1 T helper cell
response to inflammatory stimuli, which could lead to more targeted therapies to
modify this inflammatory response.

Glucocorticoids have several effects on the immune system, and, by reducing
mucosal edema and migration of inflammatory cells, they could be considered bene-
ficial in CRS. There are no studies, however, demonstrating benefit in cats with CRS,
and they could potentially be detrimental in the presence of bacterial infection and a
suppurative infiltrate. In addition, they could initiate recrudescence of herpes virus
infection. Glucocorticoids can be administered orally or by inhalational therapy. If
the latter route is used, it is likely to be more effective if mucus build-up has been
cleared first, for example, by nasal flushing or nebulization.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs might reduce sinus pain associated with CRS,
thereby improving appetite and demeanor. There are no studies assessing the efficacy
of the anti-inflammatory effect, and they should not be considered in cats that are not
well hydrated or in cats with renal insufficiency.

Leukotriene inhibitors
Leukotrienes are produced from arachidonic acid through the action of 5-lipoxyge-
nase. They exert a chemoattractant effect on inflammatory cells, contributing to nasal
edema, increased vascular permeability, and mucus production. Levels of leukotri-
enes can be reduced through blockade of 5-lipoxygenase (zileuton), thereby inhibiting
production. Alternatively, the action of leukotrienes can be inhibited through blockade
of the cysteinyl-leukotrienetype 1 receptor (zafirlukast or montelukast). Although
leukotriene inhibition has been shown to be beneficial in humans with chronic rhinitis
(in particular, allergic rhinitis, concurrent nasal polyps, or aspirin intolerance),68 the
benefit in cats is unknown.

One study attempted to demonstrate immunomodulation of the inflammatory
response after intraperitoneal injection of liposome-IL-2 DNA complex to stimulate
the innate immune response.8 This demonstrated a reduction in sneezing in older
Chronic Rhinitis in the Cat – an Update 15

cats with chronic rhinitis and a progressive decrease in tumor necrosis factor-a mRNA
expression; however, the clinical utility of this experimental treatment is uncertain at
this time.

Surgical intervention in the management of CRS has been described.16,69,70 Turbi-
nectomy can be performed via a dorsal or ventral approach, and the latter is pro-
moted as more cosmetically acceptable to owners.69,70 A procedure that allows
débridement of chronically infected material from the frontal sinuses is likely benefi-
cial over turbinectomy alone. After stripping of affected periosteum, the ablated sinus
can be packed with an autogenous fat graft,16 polymethylmethacrylate bone
cement,70 or polymethylmethacrylate infused with gentamicin.70 Although good out-
comes were reported, with compete resolution of signs in 4 of 6 cases16 and good to
excellent outcome in 9 of 1970 cases, no comparison was made with medical man-
agement in the studies. Complications of surgery reported include failure to remove
all the periosteal lining, surgical site abscessation, ataxia, death, and ongoing nasal
Laser therapy also has been suggested to be beneficial in the management of
chronic rhinitis in cats, but there are no clinical studies into this.71,72


The prognosis for CRS should be considered guarded. The condition is rarely cured,
which can result in cats being euthanized if owners cannot cope with the expense of
ongoing treatment or the presence of persistent nasal discharge. There is the potential
for persistent inflammation to lead to development of nasal or nasopharyngeal polyps
or nasopharyngeal stricture formation.73,74 These structural abnormalities also can
lead to the development of chronic rhinitis; therefore, it can be difficult to evaluate
which condition came first. In addition, chronic obstruction of the eustachian tubes
by purulent discharge can lead to otitis media. In some cases, extensive bone lysis
can occur, resulting in facial deformity or potentially erosion through the cribriform
plate and involvement of the brain.75
Where owners are committed to administering medications and adjunct thera-
pies, quality of life can be substantially improved, even though the condition is
not cured. Surgical management can potentially affect a cure or a substantial


Feline chronic rhinitis presents as recurring clinical signs of nasal discharge, sneezing,
and stertor that can be accompanied by lethargy and inappetence. Diagnosis of this
condition involves exclusion of other conditions that result in similar clinical signs
and identification of an inflammatory infiltrate on nasal biopsy. Treatment is not cura-
tive and can involve prolonged courses of antibacterials in combination with adjunc-
tive therapies and in some cases surgery. Prognosis is affected by owner
commitment and can vary from excellent, where surgery is curative, to poor, where
owners elect euthanasia.


The author declares no funding sources or conflicts of interest.

16 Reed


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