Application For Admission: Personal Information

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Application for admission

(This form is distributed free of charge and may be photocopied if necessary)


Fill in each section of this application as completely and clearly as possible. The information from this application will be used in the pre-selection of students for EARTH University. Please type or print legibly in blue or black ink. Attach additional pages if necessary. Carefully read the information for candidates included at the end of the application.

Please attach two recent photographs

Personal information
First Name: __________________ Middle Name: ___________________ Last Name: ________________
(Country Code) (Area Code) (Phone Number) Telephone Number: ___________________________________ If you do not have a telephone in your home, plea-

se provide a telephone number where a message can be left for you and the name of the person to whom the telephone belongs.

E-mail address: ___________________ (If you do not have an e-mail address, it is highly recommended that you create one) Other phone numbers or E-mail addresses: ______________________________________________________
(Country Code) (Area Code) (Tel Number) If you have access to a Fax number, please indicate it: _____________________________________________

Home Address (Provide your complete home address) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State or Province: ______________________ Country: _______________ Place of Birth: _______________________________ Nationality: _________________________________ Region of Origin: ________________________________________________________________________
(dd/mm/yyyy) Date of Birth: ________________________________________________




Marital Status: ____________________ Do you have children? _______ If so, how many? ____________ Main Economic Activity of Region: _________________________________________________________

List secondary, technical institutions and universities that you have attended in the past:
Name of Institution * Type of institution Years From To Degree received

* Type of institution: Academic: 1 | Agricultural: 2 | Technical: 3 | Other: specify

When did you complete (or will you complete) your secondary education? Month _____________ Year ___________ Degree received/ to be received ________________________________________________

Other information
For the following questions, prepare a rough draft and proofread it before putting your final responses in the space provided. Please be clear and concise in your answers.

1. Explain why you wish to enroll at EARTH University.

2. Using concrete examples, describe your experience in relation to agriculture, livestock, and natural resources. (Make reference to work experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities that you have in these areas)

3. What is the most important challenge or problem that you have faced in your life, and how did you overcome or resolve it?

4. Have you participated in: a. Community activities? Explain: b. Sports activities? Explain: c. Extracurricular activities? Explain: No No No Yes Yes Yes

d. Other activities? (specify) ______________________________

Family and financial information

Number of people in your family who depend financially on your parent(s) or guardian, including yourself: _______ Number of siblings and/or family members currently studying at the following levels: Elementary/Middle School: ______ High School: ______ College/University: ______ Complete the following information for each family member in your household:
Name Identification Number
ex. Passport Number Relationship to you Mother, Father, Sister, Aunt, etc.

First and Last Name


Primary, Secondary, University, Technical, etc.

Level of education

Etudiant, dame de Maison, profession.


En dollars amricains

Salaire mensuel

Father Mother Applicant

Including contributions from family and other sources, what percentage of the cost of an EARTH education would you be able to cover? 100% 75% 50% 25% None
Please explain:


How did you receive this application form? Visit from EARTH E-mail High School Fair Other: _______________ Agricultural Fair

Sworn statement
The information I have provided in this application is both complete and accurate. I understand that any incomplete or inaccurate information may result in my admission to EARTH University being denied. Signature of Applicant: ________________________ Signature of Witness: _________________________ Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________

Personal references
Please attach three (3) letters of reference written by people who know you well and have made an impact on your community in one way or another. One letter must be written by the director or a teacher at your current educational institution. Recommendation letters may not be written by family members. 1. Complete the application form in its entirety and sign the form, together with a witness. 2. Enclose a copy of your high school transcript, covering at least the last three years of studies. Also, enclose transcripts from any colleges/universities you have attended. 3. Enclose three (3) letters of recommendation. 4. Attach two current passport size photographs.

Please send your completed application, and all additional documents, by air mail to: Oficina de Admisin, EARTH.
Apartado 4442-1000, San Jos, Costa Rica Application must be postmarked by: June 15th Contact person in your country: ___________________________

At EARTH we offer you the opportunity to become a leader in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource Management, with the potential to impact the wellbeing of your country and the world. An agent of change with the Power to: Demonstrate leadership and values Put your entrepreneurial skills into practice and start your own business Conduct applied scientific research Support the growth of small and mid-sized producers and their communities Apply sustainable production techniques to achieve a positive impact Foster social and environmental awareness What is your super POWER? EARTH University awaits you

You may speak with our representatives in your country, or you may reach us directly at: (506) 2713-0209 (506) 2713-0000 ext. 3701 fax (506) 2713-0211 e-mail: [email protected]

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