Controlled Assessment

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Controlled Assessment _EVIDENCE 3_MOCK EXAM_PAPER 4_AY2020-21

Chemistry- Paper 4-Structured Questions ,30th May'2021

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Session will be recorded.

Follow the instructions given by the invigilator.

Time: 1Hr.15 mins

Marks: 80

TEST TIMINGS: Start Time: 9.30am End Time: 10.45am

Turn in Answer Scripts: 10.45 to 11.10am


Download the Question Paper and Print OR Write your answers on a A4 size Ruled paper. (Hard copy) .
Write Page number on each answer script you hand in. Do not write in the NOTE book. Do not print
any Past paper.Scan ALL Hand written answer scripts, make ONE file -PDF and upload in

● Answer all questions.

● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.

● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.

● You may use a calculator.

● You should show all your working and use appropriate units


● The total mark for this paper is 80.

● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

● The Periodic Table is printed in the question paper.

Page 1 of 9
1) The first line is an example. Complete the remaining line in the table given below for the
electrolysis of ionic compound using inert electrodes. (8)
Electrolyte change at negative change at positive change to electrolyte
electrode electrode
molten lead(II) lead formed bromine formed used up
a ………………………. Sodium formed iodine formed used up


dilute aqueous b c
Potassium …………………… ………………….. d ……………………..
.………………….. …………………..

aqueous silver e F g
nitrate …………………… …………………… ……………………

……………………. ……………………. …………………….

h …………………… hydrogen formed Chlorine formed Sodium

……………………. formed

Total (12)
a) This diagram represents two units of an addition polymer called polyacrylamide:

i) Draw the structure of the monomer. -2

ii) Suggest a name for the monomer. ……………………………… -1

iii) Is the monomer saturated, or unsaturated? ……………………………. -1

Page 2 of 9

i) Which feature of the monomer makes polymerisation possible? -2



ii) Which type of polymerisation occurs? -1


iii) Draw three units in the structure of the macromolecule that forms. -3

iv) Give the chemical name for this polymer -2

Total (12)

3) Ethanoic acid is a member of the homologous series with the general formula CnH2nO2.
a) Name this series- ……………………………………. (1)
b) What is the functional group of the series? ………………………………….. (1)
c) Ethanoic acid is a weak acid. Explain what this means, using an equation to help you.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (2)
d) Ethanoic acid reacts with carbonates.
i) What would you see during this reaction?
……………………………………………………………….. (1)

Page 3 of 9
ii) Write a balanced equation for the reaction with sodium carbonate. (2)


e) i) Name the member of the series for which n = 3, and draw its structural formula. (3)
Name: …………………………………


ii) Give the equation for the reaction between this compound and sodium hydroxide. (2)


Total (12)


a) Write two uses of sulphur trioxide. -2

. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


b) Is the reaction exothermic, or endothermic? Give reason. -2



c) What are the reaction conditions for making sulfur trioxide? -3




Page 4 of 9
d) Will the yield of sulfur trioxide increase, decrease, or stay the same,

if the temperature is raised. Explain your answer. -2




e) Describe how sulfur trioxide is changed into concentrated sulfuric acid.

Write Chemical equations. -3



……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Total (12)

5) Use your copy of the periodic table to help you answer these questions.

a) Predict the formula of each of the following compounds. -2

1) Strontium Oxide …………………………..

2) Gallium Oxide ………………………………

b) Give the formula of the following ions. -2

1) Nitride …………….

2) Aluminium ……………

c) Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the

covalent compound phosphorus trichloride.

Use x to represent an electron from a phosphorus atom. Use o to represent an electron from a

chlorine atom -3

Page 5 of 9
d) Potassium and copper are elements in Period IV.

i) State two differences in their physical properties -2



ii) Give three differences in their chemical properties. -3



Total (12)

6) a) Four bottles were known to contain aqueous, ammonia, dilute hydrochloric acid, sodium

hydroxide solution and vinegar, which is dilute ethanoic acid. The bottles had lost their labels.

The pH values of the four solutions were 1, 4, 10 and 13. Complete the table. -2

solution pH
Sodium hydroxide
Aqueous Ammonia
Dilute Hydrochloric acid

b) The following apparatus was set up to investigate the electrical conductivity of dilute acids.

Ethanoic is a weak acid. If it was replaced by a strong acid, what two differences in the

the observations would you expect to make? -2



Page 6 of 9
c) When nitric acid is added to water the following reaction occurs. -2

Transferred from nitric acid to water.



d) This question is about the following oxides

Lead Oxide PbO

Sodium Oxide Na2O

Nitrogen Monoxide NO

Sulphur dioxide SO2

Carbon monoxide CO

Magnesium Oxide MgO

Nitrogen dioxide NO2

a) Which two will react with hydrochloric acid but not with aqueous sodium hydroxide?

…………………………………. And …………………………………… -2

b) Which two will react with aqueous sodium hydroxide but not with hydrochloric acid?

…………………………………. And …………………………………… -2

c) Which will react both with hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide?

…………………………………………… -1

d) Which will react neither with hydrochloric acid nor with aqueous sodium hydroxide?

……………………………………………. -1

Total (12)

Page 7 of 9
7) Iron is obtained by reducing iron(III) oxide using the gas carbon monoxide. The reaction is:

a) ……………………………………………………………………………… -1

b) ……………………………………………………………………………… -1

c) ………………………………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………….. -2

d) ……………………………………………………………………………..


……………………………………………………………………………….. -2

e) ………………………………………………………………………………. -1

f) ……………………………………………………………………………….. -1

Total (8)

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