Chapter One

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Salale University, Social Anthropology Department /2020

Anthropology (Anth1012)

Unit One: Introducing Anthropology and its Subject Matter

1. Definition, Scope and Subject Matter of Anthropology

1.1. Definition and Concepts in Anthropology

The etymological definition of anthropology is comes from the two Greek words, ‘anthropos’
and ‘logos’, which means ‘human being/mankind’ and ‘reason/study/science’ respectively. So,
anthropology means ‘reason about humans’ or ‘the study or science of humankind or humanity’.
Man has two important characteristics: biological and cultural which are inseparable elements.
Culture influences human physical structures and the vise-versa.

Literally, anthropology is the study of humans. In one sense, this is an accurate description to the
extent that anthropology raises a wide variety of questions about the human condition. Yet, this
literal definition is not particularly illuminating; because a number of other academic disciplines
—including sociology, biology, psychology, political science, economics, and history—also
study human beings. What is it that distinguishes anthropology from all of these disciplines?

Anthropology is the study of people—their origins, their development, and contemporary

variations, wherever and whenever they have been found. It is a broad scientific discipline
dedicated to the comparative study of humans as a group, from its first appearance on earth to its
present stage of development. Of all the disciplines that study humans, anthropology is by far
the broadest in scope. In more specific terms, anthropology is the science which:

 investigates the strategies for living that are learned and shared by people as members of
human social groups;
 examines the characteristics that human beings share as members of one species (homo
sapiens) and the diverse ways that people live in different environments;
 Analyses the products of social groups: material objects (material cultures) and non-
material creations (religion/beliefs, social values, institutions, practices, etc.).

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Anthropology is an intellectually challenging, theoretically ambitious subject, which tries to

achieve an understanding of culture, society and humanity through detailed studies of
community life, supplemented by comparison. At the deepest level, it raises philosophical
questions, which it tries to respond to by exploring human lives under different conditions.
Anthropology seeks to explain how and why people are both similar and different through
examination of our biological and cultural past and comparative study of contemporary human
societies. The ultimate goal of anthropology is to develop an integrated picture of humankind—a
goal that encompasses an almost infinite number of questions about all aspects of our existence.

As a matter of simplicity and brevity, anthropology primarily offers two kinds of insight. First,
the discipline produces knowledge about the actual biological and cultural variations in the
world; second, anthropology offers methods and theoretical perspectives enabling practitioners
to explore, compare, understand and solve societal problems.

The Historical Development of Anthropology

Similar to other social sciences, anthropology is a fairly recent discipline. It was given its present
shape during the twentieth century, but it has important forerunners. There are
competing/diverging interests for the historical development of Anthropology. If we limit
ourselves to anthropology as a scientific discipline, some would trace its roots back to the
European Enlightenment, during the eighteenth century; others would claim that anthropology
did not arise as a science until the 1850s; yet others would argue that anthropological research in
its present-day sense only commenced after the First World War. Never can we avoid such

It is beyond doubt, however, that anthropology, considered as the science of humanity,

originated in the region we commonly call ‘the West’, notably in three or four ‘Western’
countries: France, Great Britain, the USA and, Germany. Historically speaking, this is a
European discipline, and its practitioners, like those of all European sciences, occasionally like to
trace its roots back to the ancient Greeks.

The present academic anthropology has its roots in the works and ideas of the great ancient and
Medieval Greek, Roman, and Hebrew philosophers and social thinkers. These people were

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interested in the nature, origin and destiny of man, and the morality and ethics of human
relationships. While the roots of anthropology can be generally traced through the history of
western culture as far back as ancient Greek social philosophical thinking, the discipline did not
emerge as a distinct field of study until the mid-nineteenth century.

Generally speaking, anthropology as an academic discipline was born during the 19th century,
out of the intellectual atmosphere of Enlightenment, which is the eighteenth century social and
philosophical movement that emphasized human progress and the poser of reason, and based on
the Darwinian Theory of Evolution. By the late 1870s, anthropology was beginning to emerge
as a profession. A major impetus for its growth was the expansion of western colonial powers
and their consequent desire to better understand the peoples living under colonial domination.

During its formative years, anthropology became a profession primarily in museums. In this
regard, in the 1870s and 1880s many museums devoted to the study of humankind were found in
Europe, North America and South America.

Early anthropologists mainly studied small communities who were technologically simple
societies which usually named such as, “traditional”, “non-industrialized and/or simple
societies”. Anthropologists of the early 1900s emphasized the study of social and cultural
differences among human groups, and people’s features were studied in detail and documented.
This approach is called ethnography. By the mid-1900, however, anthropologists attempted to
discover universal human patterns and the common bio-psychological traits that bind all human
beings. This approach is called ethnology. Ethnology aims at the comparative understanding and
analysis of different ethnic groups across time and space.

In Ethiopia, professional anthropologists have been studying culture and society on a more
intensive level only since the late 1950s. Almost inevitably, the initial emphasis was on
ethnography, the description of specific customs, cultures and ways of life.

1.2. Scope and Subject Matter of Anthropology

The subject matter of anthropology covers all human aspects: past, present and future. In terms
of the spatial dimension, anthropology studies from Arctic to Desert, from Mega polis to
hunting-gathering areas. The discipline covers all aspects of human ways of life.

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Anthropology touches upon all aspect of human conditions: The relation between human beings
themselves, and humans and natural environment. Anthropology tries to conceptualize and
understand similarities and differences between social systems and human relationships. Thus,
anthropology studies humanity with its all aspects of existence, and in its all means of
differences (diversities) and similarities (commonalities). Wherever human beings live, there is
always anthropology.

The discipline also studies the interrelationships between different aspects of human existence,
and investigates these interrelationships in detail within a particular society. Although
anthropologists have wide-ranging and frequently highly specialized interests, they all share a
common concern in trying to understand both connections within societies and connections
between societies.

Anthropologists strive for an understanding of the biological and cultural origins and
evolutionary development of the species. They are concerned with all humans, both past and
present, as well as their behavior patterns, thought systems, and material possessions. In short,
anthropology aims to describe, in the broadest sense, what it means to be human.

2. Unique Features of Anthropology

There are several distinguishing characteristics that identify anthropology from other disciplines.
Anthropology is unique in its scope, approach, focus and method of study. Anthropology has a
broad scope. It is interested in all human beings, whether contemporary or past, ''primitive'' or ''
civilized''. It is interested in many different aspects of humans, including their phenotypic
characteristics, family lives, marriages, political systems, economic lives, technology, belief
systems, health care systems, personality types, and languages. No place or time is too remote to
escape the anthropologist's notice. No dimension of human kind, from genes to art styles, is
outside the anthropologist's attention. Indeed, Anthropology is the broad study of human kind,
around the world and throughout time.

The second important feature is its approach. In its approach anthropology is holistic,
relativistic, and focused one. Holistic, in a sense, means that it looks any phenomena from
different vantage points. Accordingly, anthropology considers culture, history, language and

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biology essential to a complete understanding of society. Anthropology seeks to understand

human beings as whole organisms that adapt to their environments through a complex interaction
of biology and culture.

The concept of relativism is highly appreciated in anthropological studies. Anthropology tries to

study and explain a certain belief, practice or institution or a group of people in its own context.
It does not make value judgment, i.e., it does not hold the position that a given belief or practice
is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Anthropology's comparative perspective helps to understand differences and
similarities among human beings across time and place.

Another important perspective is a way of looking at people's ideas. It considers insiders' views
as a primary focus of any anthropological inquiry. Anthropological studies give attention to how
people perceive themselves and understand their world; how a particular group of people explain
about their action, or give meaning to their behavior or cultural practices. This is what
anthropologists call an emic perspective. It helps to understand the logic and justification behind
group behavior and cultural practices.

Another important unique feature of anthropology is its research approach. Anthropology is

highly dependent on qualitative research to understand the meaning behind any human activity.
Extended fieldwork, participant observation, in-depth and key informant interviews and focus-
group discussion are qualitative research instruments to explore change and continuities in
human societies. Ethnographic fieldwork is an important strategy which normally requires
spending a year or more with research subjects and document realities occurring across time. For
most anthropologists, fieldwork is a process requiring them to ‘tune-in; hangout; and hang-on’
to the societies and cultures they are interested to study.

Focusing more on the local than the big social processes has been another exclusive approach
in the discipline. Paying great attention to local or micro-social processes certainly helps us to
better understand big changes in societies. A detailed account of an event or a phenomenon
discovers multiple realities in a community.

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3. Misconceptions about Anthropology

Due to lack of appropriate awareness about the nature, scope and subject matter of the discipline,
different misconceptions are held about anthropology. One misconception about anthropology is
related to the area of its study. It is said that anthropology is limited to the study of "primitive"
societies. Indeed, most of the works done by anthropologists during early periods focused on
isolated, so called "primitive", small scale societies. However, anthropologists nowadays study
most advanced and most complex societies as well.

Another misconception is that anthropologists only study the rural people and rural areas. As a
matter of fact, most of the studies conducted during the formative years (when it was undergoing
a process of development to be become a separate fields of study) of the discipline focused on
rural areas. But now, anthropologists are also interested in the study of urban people and urban
areas. There is a distinct sub-discipline devoted to the study of urban societies called-Urban
Anthropology-which focuses on urban areas and complex cities.

It is also wrongly misconceived that anthropology is the study/analysis of fossil evidences of the
proto-humans like that of Lucy/Dinkinesh. It is true that anthropology is interested in the
question of the origin of modern human beings. However, this does not mean that anthropology
is all about the study of human evolution. It studies both the biological and the cultural aspects of
humans and examines the existing human physical and biological variations and cultural

It is also misconceived that the purpose of anthropology is to study and preserve communities far
from development and obsolete cultural practices in museums. Rather, anthropologists’ duties
are to support those communities' capacity to empower themselves in development processes.
They assist peoples' initiatives instead of imposed policies and ideas coming from outside and
play active roles in bringing about positive change and development in their own lives.

4. The Relationship between Anthropology and Other Disciplines

Anthropology is similar with other social sciences such as sociology, psychology, political
sciences, economics, history, etc. Anthropology greatly overlaps with these disciplines that study
human society. However, anthropology differs from other social sciences and the humanities by

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its broad scope, unique approach, perspective, unit of analysis and methods used. In its
scope, anthropology studies humankind in its entirety. In its approach, anthropology studies and
analyzes human ways of life holistically, comparatively and in a relativistic manner. In its
perspective, anthropology approaches and locates dimensions of people’s individual and
communal lived experiences, their thoughts and their feelings in terms of how these dimensions
are interconnected and interrelated to one another, yet not necessarily constrained or very
orderly, whole. The perspective is also fundamentally empirical, naturalistic and ideographic
(particularizing) than nomothetic (universalizing) one.

In its method of research, it is unique in that it undertakes extended fieldwork among the study
community and develops intimate knowledge of the life and social worlds of its study
group/society through employing those ethnographic data collection techniques such as
participant observation, key informant interview and focus group discussions.

5. Contributions of Anthropology

By studying anthropology, we get the following benefits, among others.

First, the anthropological perspective, with its emphasis on the comparative study of cultures,
should lead us to the conclusion that our culture is just one way of life among many found in the
world, and that it represents one way (among many possible ways) to adapt to a particular set of
environmental conditions. Through the process of contrasting and comparing, we gain a fuller
understanding of other cultures and our own. In other words, it helps us better understand
ourselves or our own ways of life and to be critical about the ways of lives of our own

Second, anthropology gives us an insight into different ways and modes of life of human society
(social and cultural diversity), which helps to understand the logic and justification behind group
behavior and cultural practices. Knowledge about the rest of the world is important because in
today’s world things are interconnected which influence of cultural diversity is inevitable.

Through its distinctive methodology of long-term, intensive, participant-observation research,

cultural anthropology offers a unique perspective on how local cultural groups are engaging with
the processes of globalization. Although many pundits discuss the consequences of globalization

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by talking to only government and business leaders, cultural anthropologists are more likely to
see what is actually occurring on the ground and how the local people themselves talk about their
life experiences in a time of rapid globalization.

Because of its relativistic approach, anthropology helps us to be more sensitive to and

appreciative of cultural diversity and variability. Anthropology helps us fight against prejudice
and discriminations. It helps us fight against ethnocentrism: the belief that one's own culture
and one's own way of life is superior to others’ cultural, social and material lives. This arises
from ignorance about other ethnic groups and their ways of lives.

Anthropology, in its applied perspective, is also used as a tool for development. Paying attention
to local conditions is crucial to solve community problems. The application of anthropological
knowledge and research results has become important element to ensure people’s rights in
development and to be able to sustain a project’s life. Anthropologists are better equipped with
the knowledge, skills and methods of identifying the needs and interests of local people for the
betterment and change of their lived experiences. It recognizes the advantages of consulting local
people to design a culturally appropriate and socially sensitive change, and protect local people
from harmful policies and projects that threaten them. In general, anthropology is able to suggest
sound solutions to all things human. For example, it is often applied in areas of Environmental
Change, Health and Nutrition, Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights, cultural resource
management (CRM) and Cultural Dimensions of Civil and Religious Conflicts.

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