Week1 Assignment1 Solutions
Week1 Assignment1 Solutions
Week1 Assignment1 Solutions
Q1. The standard MOSFET could not bypass the fundamental thermionic subthreshold swing (SS)
limitation of 60 mV/decade. This is known as__________.
(A) Boltzmann tyranny
(B) Johnson tyranny
(C) Kelvin tyranny
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Boltzmann tyranny
Q2. Statement: NMOS and PMOS cannot be fabricated on the same wafer.
Is the given statement true or false?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) None of these
Answer: (B) False
Q3. In what region of operation, the MOSFET work as a resistor and current source, respectively?
(A) Linear and Saturation
(B) Cut-Off and Linear
(C) Saturation and Cut-Off
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Linear and Saturation
Q4. SPICE is a general purpose___________.
(A) Only device process simulator
(B) Layout simulator
(C) Circuit simulator
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Circuit simulator
Q5. In a CMOS inverter, the direct current path exists from supply voltage (VDD) to ground
when both __________and__________ are turned ON.
(A) NPN and NMOS
(C) PNP and NPN
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) PMOS and NMOS
Q6. Generally, the body or the substrate terminal of a PMOS device is tied to the:
(A) Negative most supply of the system
(B) Positive most supply of the system
(C) Generally remains as a dangling terminal
(D) All of these
Answer: (B) Positive most supply of the system
Q7. The threshold voltage of each NMOS transistor in the circuit shown below is 0.5 V. Ignoring
the effects of channel length modulation and body bias, the value of Vout1 is_______.
(A) 0.5 V
(B) 2.0 V
(C) 3.0 V
(D) 2.5 V
Answer: (B) 2.0 V
Q8. Assume you are asked to simulate the characteristics of a MOS device in the SPICE
environment. Then which of the following statements must be true in order to activate the MOS
device's model?
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) .MODEL
Q9. Which one of the following processes is preferred to form the gate dielectric (SiO2) of MOS
(A) Sputtering
(B) Molecular beam epitaxy
(C) Wet oxidation
(D) Dry oxidation
(A) 33 to 36
(B) 38 to 39
(C) 30 to 32
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) 33 to 36
Week 1: Assignment 1: Brief Explanations
Q1. Explanation: The standard MOSFET could not bypass the fundamental thermionic
subthreshold swing (SS) limitation of 60 mV/decade. This is known as Boltzmann Tyranny. This
is happening because the electrons in the channel of the MOSFET is distributed according to
Boltzmann’s distribution and the second term in the SS relation is stuck at 2.3 kT/q (where k is the
Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, and q is the charge of a single electron).
Q2. Explanation: In CMOS fabrication, both NMOS and PMOS are integrated in the same chip
substrate. n-type and p-type devices are formed in the same structure.
Q3. Explanation: MOSFET work as a resistor in linear or triode region whereas the MOSFET
work as a current source in saturation region.
Q4. Explanation: The SPICE is a general purpose circuit simulator. The expansion of the acronym
SPICE is Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.
Q5. Exaplanation: In a CMOS inverter, the direct current path exists from supply voltage (VDD)
to ground when both PMOS and NMOS are turned ON.
Q6. Explanation: The body or the substrate terminal of a PMOS device is tied to the positive most
supply of the system. PMOS contains majority charge carriers as Holes and minority charge
carriers as Electrons. Hence it is more capable of passing a Logic 1. Hence it is connected to VDD.
Q7. Explanation: For M1, V1 = 3 V – 0.5 V = 2.5 V, then, for M2, Vout1 = 2.5 V – 0.5 V = 2 V.
Q8. Explanation: The correct option is .MODEL, which is the standard SPICE command.
Q9: Explanation: For the highest quality oxides, such as gate oxides, dry oxidation is preferred.
Advantages are a slow oxidation rate, good control of the oxide thickness in thin oxides and high
values of breakdown field.