Types of Communication
Types of Communication
Types of Communication
I. Objectives:
Content Standard
Understand the nature and elements of oral communication in context
Performance Standard
Design and perform effective controlled oral communication activities based on
Learning Competencies
1. Differentiate the different types of communication
2. Understand the different ways of enhancing the different types of communication
3. Exhibit appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior in a speech situation
4. Engage in a communicative situation using acceptable, polite, and meaningful
communicative strategies
III. References: Oral Communication by Peῆa and Anudin, pp. 40-46, communication
theory.org/forms/typesofcommunication, Curriculum Guide
B. Simple Recall/Review:
Recall the different types of noise that affect you most. Write down the possible
ways you can do to turn its negative effect into positive effect on you.
C. Motivation
Have the class try out the following:
1. Sing “Happy Birthday” song with the saddest face.
2. Say “Yes” in various situations like- winning a game; questioning someone who
entered your room; replying someone in a sad tone
3. Recite the given announcement with the correct tone of voice, gestures, and
facial expressions.
Take note that the things we say can be better clarified and enhanced when we use
the proper combination of verbal and nonverbal communication.
3) Written – the act of writing, typing, or printing symbols like letters and numbers to
convey information.
4) Visual – the act of using photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to
convey information. Visuals are often used as an aid during presentation to provide
helpful context alongside written and or verbal communication.
V. Assessment:
Activity 1 - Analyze the following situations and give your honest response.
Think of….
▪ A person who speaks so loud or so soft- How do you feel about listening to that
▪ Any newscaster or any speaker on TV- Describe how that person delivers his/her
news item or piece of information.
▪ TV presenters in different situations- headline news, variety show, gossip,
celebrity news, and opinion – Describe how each one differs in their delivery of
information and the language they use.
“When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man
relies on the language of the first.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
“It is not what you say, but how you say it.”
Written Visual
VI. Generalization:
The things we say can be better clarified and enhanced when we use the proper
combination of verbal and nonverbal communication. On the other hand, people can
discern that what we say is different from how we truly feel when our gestures and facial
expressions differ from the words that come out of our lips.
Score Criterion
6 Speaker has some difficulty communicating with the audience, who finds
several of his/her ideas hard to understand, three or four components of
verbal or nonverbal communication was/were not used effectively
4 Speaker poorly communicates with the audience, who finds many of his/her
ideas hard to understand, many aspects of verbal or nonverbal
communication were not used effectively.
2 Speaker talks in a confusing way because he/she was not able to properly
combine verbal and nonverbal components of communication. Both verbal
and nonverbal components were executed poorly.