(523090) 2.1 BGE 1 - Kinematics Question Bank

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S2/3 BGE Physics Course 1

Unit 2 - Dynamics and Space

2.1 Kinematics

Question Bank
Kinematics Question Bank
1. State the difference between the terms ‘Average Speed’ and
‘Instantaneous Speed’.

2. Why must instantaneous speed be measured electronically?

3. A car moves along a straight road in the direction shown below.

4. A trolley is released from position P on a slope as shown below.

5. The acceleration of a moving car is

6. The acceleration of a car is 2 metres per second per second.

7. Five cars are tested to find the one that has the greatest acceleration.
The time taken for the car to go from 0-60mph is measured and shown below.

Which car has the greatest acceleration.

8. A ball is kicked at an angle X as shown below.

9. The diagram below shows a car designed to reach high speeds.

Calculate the average speed of the car on a test run if it travels 180m

in 3 seconds.
10. A student is investigating the motion of a model racing car as it moves
around the track.

a) A point X the student finds that the car has an acceleration.

What is meant by the term ‘acceleration’?

b) Describe in detail how the student could measure the instantaneous

speed of the car as it passes point X.

11. A person wants to know the speed of a cue ball immediately after it is
struck. They use a light gate, an electronic timer and a ruler.

Describe how you would use the equipment below and include:

 the measurements taken

 how the measurements would be used to calculate the instantaneous
speed of the cue ball.
12. Two pupils investigate how the speed of a basketball thrown affects the
range (horizontal distance travelled) of the ball.

They recorded the following results shown in the table below.

a) Draw a line graph of Range v Speed of Launch.

b) Estimate the value of the range of the ball thrown at 10ms-1.

13. A ball is dropped on to a surface.

14. A car of mass 1500kg accelerates from rest to a speed of 18ms-1
in 6 seconds.

a) Calculate the acceleration of the car.

b) i) Draw a line graph of speed v time for the car over the 6 seconds.

ii) From the graph, find the distance travelled by the car over the

6 seconds.

iii) Calculate the average speed of the car over the 6 seconds.

15. A cyclist is approaching the traffic lights at a constant speed of 8ms-1.

The cyclist then sees the traffic lights turn red and immediately slows down

to rest from 0.6 seconds to 2.8 seconds.

Speed (ms-1)

a) How long did the cyclist have the brakes on for?

b) i) From the graph find the distance travelled from 0 to 0.6 seconds.

ii) From the graph find the distance travelled from 0.6 to 2.8 seconds.

c) Using the total distance travelled find the average speed of the cyclist

over the 2.8 seconds.

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