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Name: Rain T.

Strand: 11 STEM
21 -Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


by: Craig Thompson

All of us experience challenges, trials, misery, and problems. Over time, the problems become
more and more difficult, and we struggle to solve them, but the main question is, "Can you still
handle it?" In this essay, I will be critically reflecting upon "Blankets" by Craig Thompson.

In this extraordinarily illustrated memoir, Craig describes his relationship with his brother during
their childhood in Wisconsin, where he hates sharing a bed with his brother. Craig has devoutly
religious parents. Thompson also shows Craig and his younger brother Phil being sexually
abused by a male babysitter. Bullies, both at church and school, annoy Craig.

Throughout his teenage years, he struggles to fit in with his peers. However, at a Bible camp one
winter, he encounters a group of outcast teenagers that includes a girl named Raina, who grows
fond of Craig. They become attached and continue to communicate through phone conversations
and letters. They plan to stay at Raina's house in Michigan's Upper Peninsula for two weeks.

When Craig arrives there, he meets Raina's family, which includes her parents, who are
divorcing, her two adoptive siblings, Ben and Laura, as well as her elder biological sister, Julie.
Raina feels responsible for caring for Julie's newborn daughters, Ben and Laura, both of whom
have mental disabilities. Even though they became closer throughout the vacation, the two went
back to their separate lives, but Raina ultimately decided to end the relationship. They continue
to be friends for a while, but their phone calls become less frequent (and more absurd). In the
end, Craig informs Raina that their friendship is also finished. Craig burns everything Raina had
ever given him and all of their shared memories, aside from the quilt Raina sewed. Moving out
to start his own life elsewhere, he stores it in the attic of his childhood house. While away from
his family, Craig struggles with religion and his sense of self. He confides in his brother that,
while no longer a Christian, he still believes in God and the principles of Jesus. After some time
away, he seemingly transforms when he returns to his childhood home.

Based upon my observation, Craig demonstrates that as he grew older, he experienced a lot of
trials and hardships, and sometimes he wondered if he could still get through them. The graphic
novel consists of nine chapters and 592 pages. Each chapter represents the trials that many
people experience nowadays."We experience discomfort that may be foreign to others, but that
pain opens up a world of beauty. Wouldn't you think?” This shows that to be happy, we have to
experience pain, because how would we identify the meaning of happiness if we didn’t know the
feeling of pain? Based on the story, Craig Thomson wrote, "Even a mistake is better than
nothing." It shows that to grow, you should take a risk. No one is born knowing a lot of skills;
it’s about learning and the processes we can master.

The quote, "For what matters if I gain the whole world but lose my soul?" The author wants us to
know what is the point of having all the riches in this world if you neglect your Christianity and
lose your soul. Everything in this world is temporary, but your soul is for eternity. The decision
is up to you, but always remember that you are free to choose what you want to do but not from
the consequences of that choice.

In chapter 9, the ending part says, "How satisfying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface." "To
make a map of my movement, no matter how temporary," This quote shows how satisfying it is
to make a mark or trail that shows how far he reached, even though it's temporary and can never
be changed because it’s all in the past. All of his hardships and trials taught him a lot of lessons
that gave him knowledge and wisdom. He wants the readers to know that sometimes it's better
not to think about how far you have to go but about how far you've come.

In short "Blankets" primarily explores the topics of love and romantic relationships. The purity,
passion, and difficulties of early love are explored in the book. This graphic novel shows
childhood memories, family dynamics, the influence of religion specifically Christianity, as well
as the significant effects it can have on a person's development and understanding of oneself.

"Bullet in the Brain"

By: Tobias Wolf

Do we have to wait for death before knowing the importance of life?

I will be critically reflecting upon "Bullet in the Brain." a short story written by Tobias Wolff.
The story follows the character Anders, a jaded book critic who finds himself caught in a bank
robbery. As the events unfold, Anders reflects on his past, and in a moment of irony, he is shot in
the head. The story explores themes of memory, mortality, and the power of language in the face
of death. 

Anders is a cynical book critic who arrives at a bank just before closing time and is stuck behind
two annoying, loud women. When one of the tellers closes her position, one of the women in
front of him gets angry, and he mocks her. The robber with a pistol and sawed-off shotgun enters
the bank, subdues the guard, and handcuffs him. Anders makes fun of the dialogue, and the
robber calls Anders "bright boy" and instructs him to be quiet. Anders is robbed by a bank robber
for quoting Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Killers."

The robber pokes Anders in the stomach and instructs him to look at the ceiling. The robber
shoots Anders in the head, triggers synapses, and calls a random memory from childhood.
Anders remembers.  He's preparing to play a sandlot baseball game with his friends. His friend
Coyle arrives with a cousin from Mississippi. The boys decide which positions to play. Coyle's
cousin says he wants to play shortstop since it's "the best position they have." Anders is amazed
by the incorrect grammar and wants to hear it again. He is not judgmental of Coyle's cousin,
though. Instead, he's "strangely roused" by those two little words and their "unexpectedness and
their music." In the memory generated by his dying brain, Anders chants the cousin's words over
and over. They are the last words he thinks as the story ends: "They is, they is, they is."

Based on my observation The author wants to show how easily life may change with just one
event or one encounter. Throughout the narrative, the protagonist, Anders, is portrayed as a
cynical and judgmental person who frequently makes fun of the language and body language of
others. But in his dying hours, he comes to a profound understanding of the beauty and force of
words. The narrative focuses on the value of language and how it may convey deep feelings and
experiences. Anders' untimely and unexpected death serves as a reminder of how fleeting life is.
It acts as a warning to not take life for granted and to cherish every moment. Readers are urged
to think about their lives and make the most of their time while reading the story. The narrative
makes the reader think about the consequences of living with regrets and missed opportunities. It
encourages individuals to seize opportunities for redemption, personal growth, and connection
before it's too late. "Bullet in the Brain" invites readers to consider the significance of different
points of view and the capability to uncover beauty even in the most unexpected situations. It
encourages an appreciation for the subtleties and complexities of life.

Overall, the author of "Bullet in the Brain" teaches important lessons about the value of
perspective and appreciation, as well as the importance of avoiding regret and the power of
words. It also highlights the fragility of life and the capacity for compassion in unexpected


Reflection Questions 

1  What’s something in your essay that you’re proud of? 

I am proud of this whole essay because I was able to do it on time. Even though it's not perfect,
at least I did my best. I read Blankets and Bullets in the Brain completely just to come up with
this essay.

1. What do you think could be improved? What do you want suggestions on when I read your

Well, if there’s something I want to improve, it will be my vocabulary since some of the words I
have read in the story are too deep, and I have to search for the meaning of those words to
explain them.

1. Is there anything else you think I need to know to grade your essay fairly?

Nope, there's nothing else, but I’m hoping you will be happy with my essay.



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