Emotron DSV-VS Error Codes - Prehled Poruch - sw5

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Error codes
The following table contains the most important error codes of the inverter in ascending
• Clicking the error code shows you a detailed description of the error message.
• If the inverter indicates an "internal error" that is not listed here, restart the inverter. If
the error persists, make a note of the error code and contact the manufacturer.
Error code Error message Error type Configurable in
8784 0x2250 CiA: continuous overcurrent (inside the device) Fault -
8992 0x2320 CiA: Short circuit/earth leakage (internal) Fault -
9024 0x2340 CiA: short circuit (inside the device) Fault -
9040 0x2350 CiA: i²*t overload (thermal state) Fault 0x2D4B:003 (P308.03)
9090 0x2382 I*t error Fault 0x2D40:005 (P135.05)
9091 0x2383 I*t warning Warning -
9095 0x2387 Imax: Clamp responded too often Fault -
9096 0x2388 SLPSM stall detection active Trouble -
12576 0x3120 Mains phase fault Fault -
12672 0x3180 Operation at UPS active Warning -
12816 0x3210 DC bus overvoltage Fault -
12817 0x3211 DC bus overvoltage warning Warning -
12832 0x3220 DC bus undervoltage Trouble -
12833 0x3221 DC bus undervoltage warning Warning -
12834 0x3222 DC-bus voltage too low for switch-on Warning -
16912 0x4210 PU: overtemperature fault Fault -
17024 0x4280 Thermal sensor heatsink error Fault -
17025 0x4281 Heatsink fan warning Warning -
17029 0x4285 Power section overtemperature warning Warning -
17168 0x4310 Motor overtemperature error Fault 0x2D49:002 (P309.02)
20754 0x5112 24 V supply critical Warning -
20864 0x5180 24-V supply overload Warning -
21376 0x5380 OEM hardware incompatible Fault -
24970 0x618A Internal fan warning Warning -
25216 0x6280 Trigger/functions connected incorrectly Trouble -
25217 0x6281 User-defined fault 1 Fault -
25218 0x6282 User-defined fault 2 Fault -
25232 0x6290 Reversal warning Warning -
25233 0x6291 Number of maximum permissible faults exceeded Fault -
25248 0x62A0 AC Drive: user fault Fault -
25249 0x62A1 Network: user fault 1 Fault -
25250 0x62A2 Network: user fault 2 Fault -
25265 0x62B1 NetWordIN1 configuration incorrect Trouble -
25505 0x63A1 CU: load error ID tag Fault -
25506 0x63A2 PU: load error ID tag Fault -
25507 0x63A3 Power section unknown Fault -
28800 0x7080 Monitoring of connection level (Low/High) Fault -
28801 0x7081 Error of analog input 1 Fault 0x2636:010 (P430.10)
28802 0x7082 Error of analog input 2 Fault 0x2637:010 (P431.10)
28803 0x7083 HTL input fault No response 0x2641:006 (P416.06)
28833 0x70A1 Analog output 1 fault Warning -
28834 0x70A2 Analog output 2 fault Warning -

602 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

Error code Error message Error type Configurable in
28961 0x7121 Pole position identification fault Fault 0x2C60
29056 0x7180 Motor overcurrent Fault 0x2D46:002 (P353.02)
29445 0x7305 Encoder open circuit Warning 0x2C45 (P342.00)
29573 0x7385 Feedback system: speed limitation Warning -
30336 0x7680 Memory module is full Warning -
30337 0x7681 No memory module Fault -
30338 0x7682 Memory module: invalid user data Fault -
30340 0x7684 Data not completely saved before switch-off Warning -
30342 0x7686 Internal communication error Fault -
30345 0x7689 Memory module: invalid OEM data Warning -
30346 0x768A Memory module: wrong type Fault -
30352 0x7690 EPM firmware version incompatible Fault -
30353 0x7691 EPM data: firmware type incompatible Fault -
30354 0x7692 EPM data: new firmware type detected Fault -
30355 0x7693 EPM data: PU size incompatible Fault -
30356 0x7694 EPM data: new PU size detected Fault -
30357 0x7695 Invalid configuration of parameter change-over Warning -
30358 0x7696 EPM data: unknown parameter found Info -
30359 0x7697 Changed parameters lost Fault -
33042 0x8112 Network: timeout explicit message Warning 0x2859:006 (P515.06)
33044 0x8114 Network: overall communication timeout Warning See details for 33044
33045 0x8115 Time-out (PZÜ) No response 0x2552:004 (P595.04)
33046 0x8116 Modbus TCP master time-out Fault 0x2859:008 (P515.08)
33047 0x8117 Modbus TCP Keep Alive time-out Fault 0x2859:009 (P515.09)
33154 0x8182 CAN: bus off Trouble 0x2857:010
33155 0x8183 CAN: warning Warning 0x2857:011
33156 0x8184 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 1 Fault 0x2857:005
33157 0x8185 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 2 Fault 0x2857:006
33158 0x8186 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 3 Fault 0x2857:007
33159 0x8187 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 4 Fault 0x2857:008
33168 0x8190 Network: watchdog timeout Trouble See details for 33168
33169 0x8191 Network: disruption of cyclic data exchange No response 0x2859:002 (P515.02)
33170 0x8192 Network: initialisation error Trouble See details for 33170
33171 0x8193 Network: invalid cyclic process data Trouble See details for 33171
33185 0x81A1 Modbus: network time-out Fault 0x2858:001 (P515.01)
33186 0x81A2 Modbus: incorrect request by master Warning -
33200 0x81B0 iCIF connection lost Fault -
33414 0x8286 Network: PDO mapping error Trouble See details for 33414
33425 0x8291 CAN: RPDO1 time-out Fault 0x2857:001
33426 0x8292 CAN: RPDO2 time-out Fault 0x2857:002
33427 0x8293 CAN: RPDO3 time-out Fault 0x2857:003
33553 0x8311 Torque limit reached No response 0x2D67:001 (P329.01)
36992 0x9080 Keypad removed Fault -
65282 0xFF02 Brake resistor: overload warning Fault 0x2550:011 (P707.11)
65285 0xFF05 Safe Torque Off error Fault -
65286 0xFF06 Motor overspeed Fault 0x2D44:002 (P350.02)
65289 0xFF09 Motor phase missing No response 0x2D45:001 (P310.01)
65290 0xFF0A Phase U motor phase failure No response 0x2D45:001 (P310.01)

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 603

Error code Error message Error type Configurable in
65291 0xFF0B Motor phase failure phase V No response 0x2D45:001 (P310.01)
65292 0xFF0C Motor phase failure phase W No response 0x2D45:001 (P310.01)
65305 0xFF19 Motor parameter identification error Fault -
65334 0xFF36 Brake resistor: overload warning Warning 0x2550:010 (P707.10)
65335 0xFF37 Automatic start disabled Fault -
65366 0xFF56 Maximum motor frequency reached Warning -
65413 0xFF85 Keypad full control active Warning -

604 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

Details regarding the individual error messages
8784 | 0x2250 CiA: continuous overcurrent (inside the device) Keypad display: PU over current

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• Continuous overcurrent on the inverter/ Fault • Check motor and wiring for short circuits.
motor side. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Check brake resistor and wiring.
• Overcurrent at the brake chopper (brake motor becomes torqueless (coasts).
transistor). • The error can only be reset after a blocking
• DC bus relay has not been closed due to a time of 5 s.

8992 | 0x2320 CiA: Short circuit/earth leakage (internal) Keypad display: Earth leak

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• Short circuit/earth fault of motor cable Fault • Check motor cable.
• Capacitive charging current of the motor • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Check length of the motor cable.
cable too high. motor becomes torqueless (coasts). • Use shorter or lower-capacitance motor
• The error can only be reset after a blocking cable.
time of 5 s.

9024 | 0x2340 CiA: Short circuit (device internal) Keypad display: Motor shorted

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Short circuit of motor cable Fault Check motor cable for short circuit.
• The inverter is inhibited immediately. The
motor becomes torqueless (coasts).
• The error can only be reset after a blocking
time of 5 s.

9040 | 0x2350 CiA: i²*t overload (thermal state) Keypad display: i2t motor

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Motor thermally overloaded, e. g. by an imper- Fault • Check drive dimensioning.
missible continuous current or by frequent or • The error can only be reset after a blocking • Check machine/driven mechanics for exces-
too long acceleration processes. time of 5 s. sive load.
• The error type can be configured in 0x2D4B:
003 (P308.03).
Related topics
Motor overload monitoring (i²*t)  186

9090 | 0x2382 I*t error Keypad display: Ixt error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Device utilisation (I*t) too high by frequent and Fault Check drive dimensioning.
too long acceleration processes. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The
motor becomes torqueless (coasts).
• The error can only be reset after a blocking
time of 3 s.
• The error type can be configured in
0x2D40:005 (P135.05).
Related topics
Device overload monitoring (i*t)  109

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 605

9091 | 0x2383 I*t warning Keypad display: Ixt warning

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Device utilisation (I*t) too high by frequent and Warning Check drive dimensioning.
too long acceleration processes.
Related topics
Device overload monitoring (i*t)  109

9095 | 0x2387 Imax: Clamp responded too often Keypad display: Clamp timeout

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Maximum current of the axis (display in Fault • Select a flatter speed ramp.
0x2DDF:002) has been reached too often in • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Reduce the load.
succession. motor becomes torqueless (coasts). • Set Imax controller more dynamically.
Related topics
Imax controller  175

9096 | 0x2388 SLPSM stall detection active Keypad display: SLPSM stall det.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Overload of the motor with sensorless control Trouble • Reduce load at the axis.
for synchronous motors (SL-PSM). • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Check settings of the SL-PSM parameters.
motor becomes torqueless (coasts).
Related topics
Sensorless control for synchronous motors (SL-PSM)  148

12576 | 0x3120 Mains phase fault Keypad display: Mains Phase fail

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Mains phase failure Fault • Check wiring of the mains connection.
• The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Check fuses.
motor becomes torqueless (coasts).

12672 0x3180 Operation at UPS active Keypad display: UPS oper. active

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Operation on uninterrupted 1x230V current Warning Switch back to operation with regular
supply (UPS) has been activated: Only a mains voltage.
reduced output current is provided.

Related topics
UPS operation  490

606 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

12816 | 0x3210 DC bus overvoltage Keypad display: DC Bus OV

Cause Error type/response Remedy

DC-bus voltage has exceeded the error thresh- Fault • Reduce dynamic performance of the load
old for overvoltage due to a too high braking • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The profile.
energy or a too high mains voltage. The error motor becomes torqueless (coasts). • Check mains voltage.
threshold (display in 0x2540:006 (P208.06)) • Check settings for the brake energy
results from the setting of the rated mains volt- manage- ment.
age in 0x2540:001 (P208.01). • Connect brake resistor to the power unit and
activate the integrated brake chopper.
Related topics
Mains voltage  117

Brake energy management  385

12817 | 0x3211 DC bus overvoltage warning Keypad display: Warn.DC Bus OV

Cause Error type/response Remedy

DC-bus voltage has exceeded the warning Warning • Reduce dynamic performance of the load
threshold for overvoltage set in 0x2540:005 profile.
(P208.05) due to a too high braking energy or a • Check mains voltage.
too high mains voltage. • Check settings for brake energy
• Connect brake resistor to the power unit
and activate the integrated brake chopper.
Related topics
Mains voltage  117

Brake energy management  385

12832 | 0x3220 DC bus undervoltage Keypad display: DC Bus UV

Cause Error type/response Remedy

DC-bus voltage has fallen below the error Trouble • Check mains voltage.
threshold for undervoltage. The error • Check DC-bus voltage.
threshold (display in 0x2540:003 (P208.03)) • Check mains settings.
results from the setting of the rated mains
voltage in 0x2540:001 (P208.01).
Related topics
Mains voltage  117

12833 | 0x3221 DC bus undervoltage warning Keypad display: Warn.DC Bus UV

Cause Error type/response Remedy

DC-bus voltage has fallen below the warning Warning • Check mains voltage.
threshold for undervoltage set in 0x2540:002 • Check DC-bus voltage.
(P208.02). • Check mains settings.
Related topics
Mains voltage  117

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 607

12834 | 0x3222 DC-bus voltage to low for power up Keypad display: DC-bus on-UV

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The input voltage is too low to switch on the Warning • Check mains voltage.
inverter. • Check mains settings.
Related topics
Mains voltage  117

16912 | 0x4210 PU: overtemperature fault Keypad display: PU Overtemp.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The heatsink temperature of the power unit Fault • Provide for a sufficient cooling of the device.
(display in 0x2D84:001 (P117.01)) has • Clean fan and ventilation slots.
exceeded the fixed error threshold (100 °C). • If required, replace fan.
• Ambient temperature too high. • Reduce switching frequency in .
• Fan or ventilation slots are polluted.
• Fan is defective.

17024 | 0x4280 Heat sink temperature sensor fault Keypad display: Heatsink sensor

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Sensor for the temperature monitoring of the Fault Hardware error: it is necessary to contact the
power unit is defective. The failure of the manufacturer, since the device must be
temperature monitoring function poses the replaced.
risk of overheating!

17025 | 0x4281 Heat sink fan warning Keypad display: Heatsink fan

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Warning of the heatsink fan. Warning Check/replace the heatsink fan.

17029 | 0x4285 Power section overtemperature warning Keypad display: Warn.PU Overtemp

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The heatsink temperature of the power unit Warning • Provide for a sufficient cooling of the device.
(display in 0x2D84:001 (P117.01)) has • Clean fan and ventilation slots.
exceeded the warning threshold set in • If required, replace fan.
0x2D84:002. • Reduce switching frequency in .
• Ambient temperature too high.
• Fan or ventilation slots are polluted.
• Fan is defective.
Related topics
Heatsink Temperature Monitoring  109

608 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

17168 | 0x4310 Motor overtemperature error Keypad display: Overtemp. motor

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The motor temperature sensor connected to Fault • Check drive dimensioning.
terminals X109/T1 and X109/T2 measures a • The error can only be reset after a blocking • Check motor temperature sensor and wiring.
too high motor temperature. time of 5 s.
• Motor too hot by impermissibly high • The error type can be configured in
currents. 0x2D49:002 (P309.02).
• Motor too hot by frequent and too long
acceleration processes.
Related topics
Motor temperature monitoring  190

20754 | 0x5112 24 V supply critical Keypad display: 24V supply low

Cause Error type/response Remedy

24V voltage failed or too low. Warning • Check optional external 24V voltage supply
(terminal X3/24E), if connected.
• Check mains voltage.

20864 | 0x5180 24 V supply overload Keypad display: Overlaod 24V

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Output current at the 24V output or at the digi- Warning Check 24V output and digital outputs for
tal outputs too high. earth fault or overload.

21376 | 0x5380 OEM hardware incompatible Keypad display: Incomp. OEM HW

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The control unit (OEM hardware) is not Fault • Use compatible hardware.
compatible with the power unit (OEM • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Contact the OEM.
hardware). motor becomes torqueless (coasts).
• The error can only be reset by mains

24970 | 0x618A Internal fan warning Keypad display: Internal fan

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Warning of the internal fan. Warning Check/replace internal fan.

25216 | 0x6280 Trigger/functions connected incorrectly Keypad display: P400 config err

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The assignment directives have not been Trouble Check and correct the assignment of the
observed. triggers for the functions.
• If the "flexible I/O configuration" is active as • With keypad or network control, the two
control source, the "Enable inverter" or "Enable inverter" and "Run" functions can
"Run" function must be connected to a also be set to "Constant TRUE [1]" to start
digital input in order that the motor can be the motor.
stopped again any time!
• The use of the "Start forward (CW)" and
"Start reverse (CCW)" functions excludes the
use of the "Run forward (CW)" and "Run
reverse (CCW)" functions, and vice versa.
Related topics
Start / stop motor  493

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 609

25217 | 0x6281 User-defined fault 1 Keypad display: User fault 1

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Flexible I/O configuration: the "Activate fault Fault Eliminate error cause and then reset error.
1" function was activated via the trigger
selected in 0x2631:043 (P400.43).
Related topics
Triggering a user-defined fault  543

25218 | 0x6282 User-defined fault 2 Keypad display: User fault 2

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Flexible I/O configuration: the "Activate fault Fault Eliminate error cause and then reset error.
2" function was activated via the trigger
selected in 0x2631:044 (P400.44).
Related topics
Triggering a user-defined fault  543

25232 | 0x6290 Reversal warning Keypad display: Invert rotation

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• Negative setpoint selection with an active Warning • Check setpoint selection and trigger.
limitation of rotation 0x283A (P304.00). • The motor is brought to a standstill, since a • Check setting in 0x283A (P304.00).
• The "Reverse rotational direction" reversal of the rotating direction is not per-
0x2631:013 (P400.13) function was reques- missible.
ted with an active limitation of rotation
0x283A (P304.00).
Related topics
Motor rotating direction  183

25233 | 0x6291 Number of maximum permissible faults exceeded Keypad display: Trouble overflow

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The number of permitted restart attempts Fault Check and the eliminate the fault.
after a fault set in 0x2839:003 (P760.03) was • The motor remains at a standstill, no
exceeded. The fault occurred to frequently and automatic restart is executed.
could not be reset.
Related topics
Automatic restart  435

25248 | 0x62A0 AC Drive: user fault Keypad display: AC Dr. UserFault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The "Activate fault" function was triggered via Fault Eliminate error cause and then reset error.
bit 10 of the LECOM control word 0x400B:002

610 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

25249 | 0x62A1 Network: user fault 1 Keypad display: Netw.UserFault 1

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The "Activate fault 1" function was triggered Fault Eliminate error cause and then reset error.
via the NetWordIN1 data word 0x4008:001
Related topics
Further process data  220

25250 | 0x62A2 Network: user fault 2 Keypad display: Netw.UserFault 2

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The "Activate fault 2" function was triggered Fault Eliminate error cause and then reset error.
via the NetWordIN1 data word 0x4008:001
Related topics
Further process data  220

25265 | 0x62B1 NetWordIN1 configuration incorrect Keypad display: NetWordIN1 error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Two bits of the NetWordIN1 data word Trouble Check and correct configuration of the
0x4008:001 (P590.01) were assigned to the NetWordIN1 data word.
same function. • The functions that are to be triggered via
bits 0 ... 15 of the NetWordIN1 data word
are defined in 0x400E:001 (P505.01) ...
0x400E: 016 (P505.16).

25505 | 0x63A1 CU: load error ID tag Keypad display: CU ID tag error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Calibration data of the control unit not Fault • Update firmware of the inverter to the most
compatible or faulty. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The recent version.
motor becomes torqueless (coasts). • If the error persists, the control unit or the
• The error can only be reset by mains device has to be replaced. In this case,
switching. please contact the manufacturer.

25506 0x63A2 PU: load error ID tag Keypad display: PU ID tag error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Calibration data of the power unit not compati- Fault • Update firmware of the inverter to the
ble or faulty. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The most recent version.
motor becomes torqueless (coasts). • If the error persists, the power unit or the
• The error can only be reset by mains switch- device has to be replaced. In this case,
ing. please
contact the manufacturer.

25507 0x63A3 Power section unknown Keypad display: PU unknown

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The power unit installed is not supported by the Fault Update firmware of the inverter to the
software. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The most recent version.
motor becomes torqueless (coasts).
• The error can only be reset by mains switch-

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 611

28800 0x7080 Monitoring of connection level (Low/High) Keypad display: Assertionlevel

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The last setting of the connection level differs Fault 1. Check setting in 0x2630:001 (P410.01).
from the saved setting. 2. Execute device command "Save user data"
0x2022:003 (P700.03).
3. Switch inverter off and on again.

28801 0x7081 Error of analog input 1 Keypad display: AI1 fault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The monitoring function of the input signal con- Fault • Check input signal at analog input 1.
figured for analog input 1 in 0x2636:008 • The error type can be configured in • Check configuration of the monitoring func-
(P430.08) and 0x2636:009 (P430.09) has been 0x2636:010 (P430.10). tion.
Related topics
Analog input 1  597

28802 | 0x7082 Analog input 2 fault Keypad display: AI2 fault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The monitoring function of the input signal Fault • Check input signal at analog input 2.
configured for analog input 2 in 0x2637:008 • The error type can be configured in • Check configuration of the monitoring
(P431.08) and 0x2637:009 (P431.09) has been 0x2637:010 (P431.10). function.
Related topics
Analog input 2  566

28803 | 0x7083 HTL input fault Keypad display: HTL input fault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The monitoring of the input signal configured No response • Check input signal at the HTL input.
for the HTL input has been triggered. • The error type can be configured in • Check configuration of the monitoring
0x2641:006 (P416.06). function.
Related topics
HTL input setpoint source  528

28833 | 0x70A1 Analog output 1 fault Keypad display: AO1 fault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Open circuit or short circuit at analog output 1. Warning • Check wiring of analog output 1.
• Check definition of the output range in
0x2639:001 (P440.01).
Related topics
Analog output 1  578

28834 | 0x70A2 Analog output 2 fault Keypad display: AO2 fault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Open circuit or short circuit at analog output 2. Warning • Check wiring of analog output 2.
• Check definition of the output range in
0x263A:001 (P441.01).

612 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

Related topics
Analog output 2  580

28961 | 0x7121 Pole position identification fault Keypad display: Pole pos. error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• Too many deviations during the pole Fault • Check setting of the motor data.
position identification. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Ensure that the motor is at a standstill
• Compared to the inverter, the rated motor motor becomes torqueless (coasts). during the pole position identification
current is too high or too low. • The error type can be configured in 0x2C60. process.
• Ensure that the motor and inverter match
each other in terms of power.

29056 | 0x7180 Motor overcurrent Keypad display: Mot max current

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The motor current has exceeded the warning/ Fault • Check motor load.
error threshold for the motor current • The error can only be reset after a blocking • Check drive dimensioning.
monitoring set in 0x2D46:001 (P353.01). time of 1 s. • Check warning/error threshold set in
• The error type can be configured in 0x2D46:001 (P353.01).
0x2D46:002 (P353.02).
Related topics
Overcurrent monitoring  193

29445 | 0x7305 Encoder open circuit Keypad display: Encoder error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The encoder signal loss monitoring function Warning • Check the encoder connection.
has detected a failure of the encoder signal. • The error type can be configured in 0x2C45 • Check encoder cable for wire breakage.
(P342.00). • Check encoder current supply.
Related topics
Encoder monitoring  446

29573 | 0x7385 Feedback system: speed limitation Keypad display: F.fdb spd limit

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The feedback system exceeds the maximum Warning Check feedback system.
permissible frequency range of the digital
Related topics
Encoder monitoring  446

30336 | 0x7680 Memory module is full Keypad display: EPM full

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The memory module contains too many Warning Execute "Save user data" 0x2022:003 (P700.03)
parameter settings. • The parameter settings were not saved in device command again. This reinitialises the
the memory module. user memory with the current parameter
settings. In this way, parameter settings that
are no longer required are automatically

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 613

30337 | 0x7681 No memory module Keypad display: EPM not present

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The inverter memory module was removed. Fault 1. Switch off inverter.
• The default setting stored in the inverter 2. Plug the memory module into the inverter.
firmware has been loaded. 3. Switch the inverter on again.
• The error cannot be reset by the user. Note: The memory module cannot be replaced
during ongoing operation!

30338 | 0x7682 Memory module invalid user data Keypad display: EPM invalid data

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The user parameter settings in the memory Fault 1. Execute user parameter settings again.
module are invalid. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The 2. Execute device command "Save user data"
motor becomes torqueless (coasts). 0x2022:003 (P700.03).
• The user parameter settings are lost.
• The default settings were automatically

30340 | 0x7684 Data not completely saved before switch-off Keypad display: Save incomplete

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Saving of the parameter settings was Warning 1. Check user parameter settings. (The loaded
interrupted by an unexpected disconnection. • The user parameter settings were not fully backup is an older version.)
saved. 2. If required, repeat the changes made last.
• At the next switch-on, the data stored are 3. Execute device command "Save user data"
copied to the user memory. 0x2022:003 (P700.03).

30342 0x7686 Internal communication error Keypad display: Int. Comm.Err.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Communication between the power unit and Fault 1. Switch off inverter.
the control unit is faulty. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The 2. Install control unit correctly on power unit.
motor becomes torqueless (coasts). 3. Switch the inverter on again.

30345 | 0x7689 Memory module: invalid OEM data Keypad display: OEM data invalid

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The OEM memory contains invalid parameter Warning • Execute device command "Save OEM data"
settings or is empty. • The user parameter settings were 0x2022:006 (P700.06).
automatically loaded. • Thus, the user parameter settings get lost!

30346 | 0x768A Memory module: wrong type Keypad display: Wrong EPM

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The memory module connected is not Fault 1. Switch off inverter.
supported by the inverter. • The default setting stored in the inverter 2. Replace plugged-in memory module by a
firmware has been loaded. memory module that matches the inverter.
• The error cannot be reset by the user. 3. Switch the inverter on again.

30352 | 0x7690 EPM firmware version incompatible Keypad display: EPM-FW incomp.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The parameter settings saved in the memory Fault 1. Execute device command "Load default
module are incompatible with the firmware • The data have been loaded into the RAM settings" 0x2022:001 (P700.01).
version. memory, but they are incompatible. 2. Execute "Save user data" 0x2022:003
(P700.03) or "Save OEM data" 0x2022:006
(P700.06) device command.

614 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

30353 | 0x7691 EPM data: firmware type incompatible Keypad display: EPM: FW incomp.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The parameter settings saved in the memory Fault 1. Execute device command "Load default
module are incompatible with the firmware • The data have been loaded into the RAM settings" 0x2022:001 (P700.01).
type. memory, but they are incompatible. 2. Execute "Save user data" 0x2022:003
Example: Memory module of an inverter with (P700.03) or "Save OEM data" 0x2022:006
an application IO is used in an inverter with a (P700.06) device command.
standard IO.

30354 0x7692 EPM data: new firmware type detected Keypad display: UserCU not match

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The parameter settings saved in the memory Fault 1. Check parameter settings.
module do not match the inverter hardware. • The data have been loaded into the RAM 2. Reset error.
memory without being modified, and they 3. Execute "Save user data" 0x2022:003
are compatible. (P700.03) or "Save OEM data"
• The settings loaded must be accepted by the 0x2022:006 (P700.06) device command.
user (see remedy).

30355 0x7693 EPM data: PU size incompatible Keypad display: EPM PU size inco

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The parameter settings saved in the memory Fault 1. Execute device command "Load default
module are incompatible with the inverter. • The data have been loaded into the RAM set- tings" 0x2022:001 (P700.01).
memory, but they are incompatible. 2. Execute "Save user data" 0x2022:003
(P700.03) or "Save OEM data"
0x2022:006 (P700.06) device command.

30356 0x7694 EPM data: new PU size detected Keypad display: EPM new PU size

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The parameter settings saved in the memory Fault 1. Check parameter settings.
module comply with a different hardware. • The data have been loaded into the RAM 2. Reset error.
Example: Memory module of an inverter with a memory without being modified, and they 3. Execute "Save user data" 0x2022:003
power of 3 kW is used in an inverter with a are compatible. (P700.03) or "Save OEM data"
power of 18.5 kW. • The settings loaded must be accepted by the 0x2022:006 (P700.06) device command.
user (see remedy).

30357 0x7695 Invalid configuration of parameter change-over Keypad display: InvalidChgovrCfg

Cause Error type/response Remedy

One or more parameters can no longer be used Warning 1. Check error message for parameter
for the "Parameter change-over" function. • The parameter change-over function is changeover in 0x4047:001 (P756.01).
deactivated. 2. Correct the list entry shown in 0x4047:002

30358 | 0x7696 EPM data: unknown parameter found Keypad display: Unkn. Par in EPM

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The memory module contains parameter Info Execute the "Save user data" 0x2022:003
settings for one or several parameters that are (P700.03) device command. This reinitialises
not known to the inverter. the user memory with the current parameter
settings. In this way, parameter settings that
are no longer required are automatically

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 615

30359 | 0x7697 Changed parameters lost Keypad display: Parameter loss

Cause Error type/response Remedy

A voltage failure has occurred and changed Fault 1. Execute parameter settings again.
parameter settings that had not been saved • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The 2. Execute device command "Save user data"
yet were available. motor becomes torqueless (coasts). 0x2022:003 (P700.03).
• The parameter settings changed have been

33042 0x8112 Network: timeout explicit message Keypad display: TO expl. msg

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• Within the time-out period for explicit mes- Warning • Check cables and terminals.
sages, which has been parameterised by the • The error type can be configured in • Plug network cables into the Ethernet port.
scanner, no "explicit message" was received. 0x2859:006 (P515.06). • Check the requested package interval (RPI)
• The connection to the scanner has been of the explicit connection.
interrupted. • Increase time limit for explicit messages
• Failure of an explicit connection. in the scanner.

33044 0x8114 Network: overall communication timeout Keypad display: TO overall comm

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• EtherNet/IP: the maximum permissible time- Warning • Check cables and terminals.
out period for the CIP communication set in • The error type can be configured in • Connect network cable.
0x23A1:010 (P510.10) has been exceeded. 0x2859:007 (P515.07) (EtherNet/IP),
• Modbus TCP/IP: the maximum permissible 0x2859:007 (P515.07) (Modbus TCP).
time-out period for the TCP communication
set in 0x23B1:010 (P510.10) has been excee-

33045 0x8115 Time-out (PZÜ) Keypad display: Time-out (PAM)

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The parameter access monitoring (PAM) func- No response • Check communication.
tion has been activated. For a time longer than • The error type can be configured in • Check settings of the parameter access
the time-out period set in 0x2552:003 0x2552:004 (P595.04). moni- toring (PAM) function.
(P595.03), no value was entered into the "Keep-
alive-Register" 0x2552:002 (P595.02).

Related topics
Parameter access monitoring (PAM)  257

33046 0x8116 Modbus TCP master time-out Keypad display: MBTCP mast t-out

Cause Error type/response Remedy

No valid messages have been received by the Fault Check communication with the master.
Modbus master for a time longer than the time- • The error type can be configured in
out period set in 0x23B6:001 (P514.01). 0x2859:008 (P515.08).

Related topics
Time-out behaviour  351

616 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

33047 0x8117 Modbus TCP Keep Alive time-out Keypad display: MB.Keep Alive TO

Cause Error type/response Remedy

For a time longer than the time-out period set in Fault Check communication with the master.
0x23B6:002 (P514.02), no value was entered into • The error type can be configured in
the Keep alive register 0x23B6:005 (P514.05). 0x2859:009 (P515.09).

Related topics
Time-out behaviour  351

33154 0x8182 CAN: bus off Keypad display: CAN bus off

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Too many faulty frames have been received. Trouble • Check wiring of the network.
• Defective cable (e. g. loose contact). • Change to the "Bus-Off" communication sta- • Check bus terminating resistor.
• Two nodes with the same node address. tus. • Set the identical baud rate for each node
• The error type can be configured in of the network.
0x2857:010. • Assign a unique node address to each
node of the network.
• Eliminate EMC interferences.

33155 0x8183 CAN: warning Keypad display: CAN bus warning

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Too many faulty frames have been received. Warning • Check wiring of the network.
• Defective cable (e. g. loose contact). • The error type can be configured in • Check bus terminating resistor.
• Two nodes with the same node address. 0x2857:011. • Set the identical baud rate for each node
of the network.
• Assign a unique node address to each
node of the network.
• Eliminate EMC interferences.

33156 | 0x8184 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 1 Keypad display: CAN heartb. C1

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Within the heartbeat time 0x1016:001 Fault • Check communication with the heartbeat
(P520.01), no heartbeat telegram was received • The error type can be configured in producer.
by node 1 to be monitored. 0x2857:005. • Reactivate heartbeat producer.
Related topics
Heartbeat protocol  231

33157 | 0x8185 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 2 Keypad display: CAN heartb. C2

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Within the heartbeat time 0x1016:002 Fault • Check communication with the heartbeat
(P520.02), no heartbeat telegram was received • The error type can be configured in producer.
by node 2 to be monitored. 0x2857:006. • Reactivate heartbeat producer.
Related topics
Heartbeat protocol  231

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 617

33158 | 0x8186 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 3 Keypad display: CAN heartb. C3

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Within the heartbeat time 0x1016:003 Fault • Check communication with the heartbeat
(P520.03), no heartbeat telegram was received • The error type can be configured in producer.
by node 3 to be monitored. 0x2857:007. • Reactivate heartbeat producer.
Related topics
Heartbeat protocol  231

33159 | 0x8187 CAN: heartbeat time-out consumer 4 Keypad display: CAN heartb. C4

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Within the heartbeat time 0x1016:004 Fault • Check communication with the
(P520.04), no heartbeat telegram was received • The error type can be configured in heartbeat producer.
by node 4 to be monitored. 0x2857:008. • Reactivate heartbeat producer.
Related topics
Heartbeat protocol  231

33168 | 0x8190 Network: watchdog timeout Keypad display: Watchdog timeout

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Time-out during cyclic data reception, e.g. due Trouble • Check wiring of the network.
to an interrupted communication link to the • The error type can be configured in • Eliminate EMC interferences.
master or missing cyclic data. 0x2859:001 (P515.01) (PROFIBUS),
0x2859:001 (P515.01) (EtherCAT),
0x2859:001 (P515.01) (EtherNet/IP),
0x2859:001 (P515.01) (PROFINET).

33169 | 0x8191 Network: disruption of cyclic data exchange Keypad display: Cycl data error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The communication partner has interrupted No response • Check wiring of the network.
the cyclic data exchange. • The error type can be configured in • The slave must receive new
0x2859:002 (P515.02). parameterisation and configuration files by
the master, in order to be able to exchange
data again.

33170 | 0x8192 Network: initialisation error Keypad display: Net. Init. error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The initialisation of the communication stack Trouble Check master/slave configuration and
has been interrupted due to an incorrect • The error type can be configured in restart the devices.
address setting or communication configura- 0x2859:004 (P515.04) (PROFIBUS),
tion. 0x2859:004 (P515.04) (EtherCAT),
0x2859:004 (P515.04) (EtherNet/IP),
0x2859:004 (P515.04) (PROFINET),
0x2859:004 (P515.04) (Modbus TCP).

618 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

33171 | 0x8193 Network: invalid cyclic process data Keypad display: Inv. cyclic data

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The cyclic process data received are invalid. Trouble Check cyclic process data sent by the master.
• The error type can be configured in
0x2859:005 (P515.05) (PROFIBUS),
0x2859:005 (P515.05) (EtherCAT),
0x2859:005 (P515.05) (EtherNet/IP),
0x2859:005 (P515.05) (PROFINET).

33185 | 0x81A1 Modbus: network time-out Keypad display: Modbus time-out

Cause Error type/response Remedy

No valid messages have been received via the Fault • Check communication with the master.
Modbus for a longer time than the time-out • The error type can be configured in • Check wiring.
time set in 0x2858:002 (P515.02). 0x2858:001 (P515.01). • Check bus termination.

33186 | 0x81A2 Modbus: incorrect request by master Keypad display: Modbus request

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The request by the master is invalid, e. g. Warning Check request by the master:
invalid CRC checksum, non-supported function • The inverter (slave) responds to the master • Value in the valid range?
code, or impermissible data access. with an error code: • Function code valid?
0x01 = invalid function code 0x02 = invalid data • No impermissible write access? (e. g. with
address 0x03 = invalid data value 0x04 = slave regard to read-only parameters)
device failure

33200 | 0x81B0 iCIF connection lost Keypad display: iCIF disconnect.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

In case of the Ethernet communication Fault • Switch inverter off and on again.
interface, an internal software error has • In the event of a power failure during a
occurred. firmware download, it is required to reload
the firmware via the USB module and then
restart the inverter.
Related topics
Firmware download with »EASY Starter (Firmware loader)«  450

33414 | 0x8286 Network: PDO mapping error Keypad display: PDO map error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

• Invalid PDO assignment by the master. Trouble Check data mapping in the master and slave.
• Internal PDO assignment was changed and • The error type can be configured in
does not comply with the configuration avail- 0x2859:003 (P515.03) (PROFIBUS),
able in the master. 0x2859:003 (P515.03) (EtherCAT),
0x2859:003 (P515.03) (EtherNet/IP),
0x2859:003 (P515.03) (PROFINET),
0x2859:003 (P515.03) (Modbus TCP).

33425 0x8291 CAN: RPDO1 time-out Keypad display: Timeout RPDO1

Cause Error type/response Remedy

RPDO3 was not received within the time-out Fault • Eliminate EMC interferences.
period set in 0x1402:005 (P542.05) or with the • The error type can be configured in • Check bus load.
sync configured. 0x2857:001.

Related topics
Process data objects  266

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 619

33426 0x8292 CAN: RPDO2 time-out Keypad display: Timeout RPDO2

Cause Error type/response Remedy

RPDO2 was not received within the time-out Fault • Eliminate EMC interferences.
period set in 0x1401:005 (P541.05) or with the • The error type can be configured in • Check bus load.
sync configured. 0x2857:002.

Related topics
Process data objects  266

33427 0x8293 CAN: RPDO3 time-out Keypad display: Timeout RPDO3

Cause Error type/response Remedy

RPDO1 was not received within the time-out Fault • Eliminate EMC interferences.
period set in 0x1400:005 (P540.05) or with the • The error type can be configured in • Check bus load.
sync configured. 0x2857:003.

Related topics
Process data objects  266

33553 | 0x8311 Torque limit reached Keypad display: Torque limit

Cause Error type/response Remedy

Motor has reached the torque limit: No response • Observe load requirements.
• 0x60E0: Positive torque limit • The error type can be configured in • Reduce motor load.
• 0x60E1: Negative torque limit 0x2D67:001 (P329.01).
• 0x6072
0): Max
Related topics
Motor torque monitoring  195

36992 | 0x9080 Keypad removed Keypad display: Keypad removed

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The keypad was removed while the keypad Fault • Plug on the keypad again or
control was activated. • activate another control source.
Related topics
Control source change-over  488

65282 | 0xFF02 Brake resistor: overload warning Keypad display: BrkResistor OL.F

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The calculated thermal load of the brake resis- Fault • Check drive dimensioning.
tor has reached the error threshold set in • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The • Check settings for the brake energy
0x2550:009 (P707.09). The regenerative energy is motor becomes torqueless (coasts). manage- ment.
too high. • The error can only be reset after a blocking Note: The error status will be reset if the ther-
time of 5 s. mal load falls below the error threshold - 20 %.
• The error type can be configured in
0x2550:011 (P707.11).
Related topics

620 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

Use of a brake resistor  387

65285 | 0xFF05 Safe Torque Off error Keypad display: STO error

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The safety module or safety circuit of the Fault Hardware error: it is necessary to contact the
device was detected as being defective. • The inverter is inhibited immediately. The manufacturer since the device must be
motor becomes torqueless (coasts). replaced.
• The error can only be reset by mains

65286 | 0xFF06 Motor overspeed Keypad display: Motor overspeed

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The motor speed has reached the error Fault Check application.
threshold for overspeed set in 0x2D44:001 • The error can only be reset after a blocking
(P350.01). time of 1 s.
• The error type can be configured in
0x2D44:002 (P350.02).
Related topics
Motor speed monitoring  195

65289 0xFF09 Motor phase missing Keypad display: Mot.Phase miss.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

A failure of several motor phases has been No response • Check wiring between inverter and
detected. • The error can only be reset after a blocking motor.
time of 2 s. • In case of a false tripping, adapt the settings
• The error type can be configured in for the motor phase failure
0x2D45:001 (P310.01). detection.

Related topics
Motor phase failure detection  223

65290 0xFF0A Phase U motor phase failure Keypad display: Phase U failure

Cause Error type/response Remedy

A failure of the motor phase U has been detec- No response • Check wiring between inverter and
ted. • The error can only be reset after a blocking motor.
time of 2 s. • In case of a false tripping, adapt the settings
• The error type can be configured in for the motor phase failure
0x2D45:001 (P310.01). detection.

Related topics
Motor phase failure detection  223

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 621

65291 0xFF0B Motor phase failure phase V Keypad display: Phase V failure

Cause Error type/response Remedy

A failure of the motor phase V has been detec- No response • Check wiring between inverter and
ted. • The error can only be reset after a blocking motor.
time of 2 s. • In case of a false tripping, adapt the settings
• The error type can be configured in for the motor phase failure
0x2D45:001 (P310.01). detection.

Related topics
Motor phase failure detection  223

65292 0xFF0C Motor phase failure phase W Keypad display: Phase W failure

Cause Error type/response Remedy

A failure of the motor phase W has been detec- No response • Check wiring between inverter and
ted. • The error can only be reset after a blocking motor.
time of 2 s. • In case of a false tripping, adapt the settings
• The error type can be configured in for the motor phase failure
0x2D45:001 (P310.01). detection.

Related topics
Motor phase failure detection  223

65305 | 0xFF19 Motor parameter identification fault Keypad display: Motor ID fault

Cause Error type/response Remedy

During the automatic identification of the Fault • Set motor data so that they comply with the
motor, an error has occurred. data on the motor nameplate.
• Check wiring of the motor.

65334 | 0xFF36 Brake resistor: overload warning Keypad display: BrkResistor OL.W

Cause Error type/response Remedy

The calculated thermal load of the brake Warning • Check drive dimensioning.
resistor has reached the warning threshold set • The error type can be configured in • Check settings for the brake energy
in 0x2550:008 (P707.08). The regenerative 0x2550:010 (P707.10). management.
energy is too high. Note: The warning status is reset if the thermal
load falls below the warning threshold of 20
Related topics
Use of a brake resistor  387

65335 | 0xFF37 Automatic start disabled Keypad display: Auto start disab

Cause Error type/response Remedy

At mains connection, a start command was Fault Deactivate start command and reset error.
already available and the automatic start at
power-up is set in 0x2838:002 (P203.02) to
"Off [0]".

65366 | 0xFF56 Maximum motor frequency reached Keypad display: Max. motor freq.

Cause Error type/response Remedy

622 01-6395-01R2, CG Drives & Automation

Cause Error type/response Remedy
• The maximum motor speed set in 0x6080 Warning Check application.
(P322.00) is active.
• The maximum output frequency of the
inverter has been reached.

65413 0xFF85 Keypad full control active Keypad display: Keypad full ctrl

Cause Error type/response Remedy

If the "Keypad Full Control" control mode is Warning Clicking the CTRL keypad key stops the
active. • Both the activity of controlling and the set- control mode again.
point selection are carried out via the key-
Related topics
Keypad Configuration of R/F and CTRL buttons  366

CG Drives & Automation, 01-6395-01R2 623

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