SIP Sample Project Report - For Reference Purpose Only

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)


A Project Report On
“Investors Behavior towards Systematic Investment Plan Mutual
With special reference to
Indiainfoline Securities. Ltd (Mumbai)
In partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of


Submitted by,

Mr. Ganesh Rajaram Padwal

(Enrolment No. 1940039)

Under the guidance of

Dr. Manisha Jagtap

(Assistant Professor)

The Director
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University,
Kolhapur) Rajaramnagar (Sakharale), Islampur, Dist.- Sangli

Academic Year
2020 – 2021

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
Rajaramnagar (Sakharale), Islampur, Dist- Sangli

This is to certify that the project work entitled

“Investors Behavior towards Systematic Investment Plan Mutual

With special reference to
Indiainfoline Securities. Ltd (Mumbai)
In partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of


Submitted by,

Mr. Ganesh Rajaram Padwal

(Enrolment No. 1940039)

Under the guidance of

Dr. Manisha Jagtap

(Assistant Professor)
This project is submitted through the Director, Rajarambapu Institute of
Technology, Rajaramnagar during the academic year 2020 - 2021.

Date -

Head Director
Dept. of Mgt. Studies (MBA) Rajarambapu Institute of Technology

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

Certificate issued by the Company

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

This is to certify that the internship under Summer Internship & Project (SIP)
completed at Indiainfoline Securities. Ltd (Mumbai) is the bonafide work
submitted by the following student, to the Rajarambapu Institute of Technology,
Rajaramnagar during the academic year 2020 - 2021, in partial fulfillment for the
award of the degree of Master in Business Administration under our supervision. This
project is carried out under my guidance & supervision. To the best of my knowledge
and belief, the contents of this report, in full or in parts, have not been submitted to
any other Institution or University for the award of any degree.

Name of Student Roll Number

Ganesh Rajaram Padwal 1940039

Place: Rajaramnagar

Dr. Mrs. Manisha Jagtap

Summer Internship Project Mentor
(Faculty Guide)

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)


I declare that this report reflects my thoughts about the subject in my own
words. I have sufficiently cited and referenced the original sources, referred or
considered in this work. I have not submitted the same work for the award of any
other degree. I also declare that; I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty
and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea / data /
fact / source in my submission. I understand that any violation of the above will be
cause for disciplinary action by the Institute.

Student Name Roll No Signature

1. Ganesh Rajaram Padwal 1940039


Place: RIT, Rajaramnagar.

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)


I take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in the successful
completion of a Internship under Industry Internship & Project (IIP) track at
Indiainfoline Securities. Ltd (Mumbai). I sincerely wish to express my gratitude to
Industry Internship & Project (IIP) Mentor for full support, expert guidance, and
encouragement and kind cooperation throughout the Internship work. I am greatly
indebted to him for his help throughout project work. I express my sincere gratitude
towards Dr. Hemlata Gaikwad Head of the Department, Management Studies for
providing necessary facilities, guidance and support.
I respect and thank Jyoti Sing Mam for providing me an opportunity to do a project in
Indiainfoline Securities. Ltd (Mumbai) and giving us all support and guidance,
which made me complete the internship duly. I am extremely thankful to him and her
all staff especially Kapil sir, Manas sir & Others for providing me such a nice support
and guidance, although he had busy schedule managing the corporate affairs.
I thank Prof. S. D. Jadhav (Dept TPO) & Prof. S. S. Karanjkar (SIP Faculty Coordinator)
for providing an internship & Project Opportunity in an Industry.
I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from all Teaching staffs of Management studies Department, which helped
me in successfully completing internship.
Nevertheless, I express my gratitude toward my family members for their kind co-
operation and encouragement which helped me in the completion of this internship.

Ganesh Rajaram Padwal

MBA II 1940039

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

Sr. No Chapter Page No.

First Pages
 Title Page
 Authorization Certificate from Institute
 Certificate from Company / Organization
 Authorization Certificate from Guides
 Declaration by the Student
 Acknowledgements
 List of Acronyms

 List of Figures & Tables

1 Introduction of the Study

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Company Profile
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Importance and Significance of the Study
1.5 Scope of the Study
1.6 Hypothesis
1.7 Conceptual Framework

2 Literature Review 18-19

3 Research Design
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Source of Data Collection 20-21
3.3 Sample Design, Sampling Technique/Procedure
3.4 Method of Processing the Data Collected

4 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Data Presentation and analysis 22-46
4.2 Hypothesis Testing

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

5 Finding, Conclusion and Suggestions

5.1 Observations & Findings
5.2 Conclusion 47-51
5.3 Suggestions
5.4 Limitations

References / Bibliography 52-53

Approved & Signed copy of the Synopsis 54-58

Appendices & Annexures

 Questionnaire 59-61
 Plagiarism Report

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

List of Figures & Tables

Table Name Page No.
1.1 Financial Profile of IIFL 5
1.2 Financial Profile 6
1.3 Rupee cost averaging factor 14
1.4 Power of compounding 15
4.1 Age 22
4.2 Gender 23
4.3 Education qualification of respondents 24
4.4 Occupation of respondents 25
4.5 Annual income 26
4.6 Source of Awareness about Mutual Fund SIP 27
4.7 Purchase through Direct or Broker 28
4.8 Mutual fund Investor Invest 29
4.9 Type of SIP plan 30
4.10 Monthly Amount Systematic Investment Plan 31
4.11 Period of SIP holding 32
4.12 Expected Return on SIP 33
4.13 Experience of Investment in SIP Mutual Funds 34
4.14 Preference to mutual funds (SIP) 35
4.15 Factors encouraging to invest in SIP 36
4.16 Problems faced by investors 37
4.17 Analyze or monitor the risk involved in SIP 38
4.18 Recommendation to others 39
Satisfaction level with Systematic Investment Plan
4.19 40
mutual fund

MBA Programme 2019 -

RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SUK)

Graph No. Graph Name Page No.

1.1 Monthly SIP Turnover 6

4.1 Occupation respondents 25

4.2 Annual Income 26

4.3 Sources of Awareness 27

4.4 SIP Mutual Fund Companies 29

4.5 Monthly Amount of SIP 31

4.6 Period of SIP Holding 32

4.7 Expected Returns on SIP 33

4.8 Investors Preference 35

4.9 Encouraging Factors 36

4.10 Problems faced by investors in SIP 37

4.11 Recommendation to Others 39

Pie No. Pie Chart Name Page No.

4.1 Age of respondents 22

4.2 Gender 23

4.3 Education Qualification 24

4.4 SIP Purchase Through Direct or Broker 28

4.5 SIP Plan Distribution 30

4.6 Experience of Investment 34

4.7 Risk Analysis and monitoring 38

4.8 Satisfaction Level 40

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1.1 Introduction:
Everyone has habit of saving out of his income sources. Saving means put
some money side which you don’t spend now or put for future financial needs. When
people put their money in shares, bonds, debentures, commercial paper, bank
deposits, real estate with the expectation that this money will make more money for
you. Investment and savings are helping to capital investment for economic
growth and also the development of the country. It boosts the economical growth,
employment generation, human resource capital formation, infrastructural
developments, technical advancements, and, etc. of the country.
Before independence, people were very low aware about saving and
investment activities. Most of the earners use the income for different consumption
activities. After independence, the government of India starts different programs to
increase savings and investments.
Now peoples are more aware of different investment options and also invest
their money in that options. Mutual funds are one of the trending investments option.
In the mutual funds, the manager collects investors’ money and invest in opportunity
sectors in which he can gain maximum returns. Mutual funds have a number of
advantages includes comparatively higher Return on Investment (ROI), managed by
professional expertise, diversified portfolio, control over investing, and monitoring.
Mutual funds have different features that attract investors for higher gain. In
mutual funds, there are two types of payment options one is lumpsum and the second
is a Systematic Investment Plan. In lumpsum, investors invest total money in one time
for the short and long term. But in a Systematic Investment Plan, it allows investors to
invest some fixed amount continually in the desired mutual fund scheme.
Thus, the study has been conducted to know the investor's behavior towards
the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) offered by Mutual fund Companies. Systematic
Investment Plan (SIP) is a systematically planned approach to investments and an
investment method which allows to invest a small amount of money in mutual funds
scheme in opportunity sectors which gain higher returns funds.
The study of investor’s behavior of Karad City is carrying with IIFL
Securities Ltd. Which is one of the popular financial services or share trading

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

1.2 Company Profile:

India Infoline (IIFL) is a financial services provider company which was

established by a group of entrepreneurs in 1995. IIFL is a dominant player in both
retail and institution level segments with 4% participation in daily turnover.

1.2.1 History:

Mr. Nirmal Jain (Chairman and Managing Director) established India Infoline
on 18 October, 1995 as firstly Research and Service Private Ltd. at Mumbai under the
Indian Companies Act, 1956. The IIFL Group started its operational activities as
separate service provider of financial information, analysis, and research about Indian
business or industries, markets and economic growth to different institutions.
In year 1999, The group of India Infoline identified requirement of the
Internet to cover the mass retail segmentation and update their business structure or
model to serving informational services to institutional customers to retail individuals.
It establishes its Internet website in May 1999 and started to
provide news updates, research and market information, interviews of business
expertise and leaders, and other different specialized services.
IIFL Group take one step forward and the group of professional consultants
opened a online trading portal –as 5paisa in 2000 thus transfer into the business of
being a provider of full-service broking company. During this time, they expand their
service distribution network
In 2000, the IIFL group create its position as an Information about financial
matters and analysis report provider by transfer its operations into transactional
services primarily for online share trading and securities, different financial
instruments like mutual funds and RBI bonds.

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

In 2001, IIFL decided to work with leading Life Insurance Company ICICI
Prudential due to downfall in industry and became the India’s first corporate agent for
insurance service provider through its distribution network.
In 2003, Their ‘Trade Terminal’ which is launched before 3 year is became
hit and till today it is hit. In 2010, IIFL commenced Gold Loan Business by
diversifying the portfolio. It incorporated the IIFL Asset management Company, and
Lunched IIFL Mutual Fund services in 2011.
In February 2015, IIFL launched IIFL Market stock market trading mobile
application. It is highly rated and mostly downloaded stock market trading app on
Android and IOS among peers.
In 2019, IIFL Group reorganized into 3 listed companies as IIFL Securities
Ltd and IIFL Wealth Management Ltd. and IIFL Finance were demerged.
IIFL is registered with NSE: IIFL and BSE: 532636 for trading securities.
IIFL has awarded the certification for the year 2019-20 as ‘Great Place to Work’.
The IIFL’s geographical presence in the country with 2372 branches across
500+ cities. IIFL Securities is well placed as a leading company in their finance
service industry by end-to-end technology platforms, experienced teams and strong
network of branches across the country. With accurate investment planning and
quality offering, the company consistently works to deliver more valuable services to
its customers.

1.2.2 Vision, Values:

 To be the most respected financial services company in India. not
necessarily the large or most profitable.
 Fairness: Fairness in our transactions with all stakeholders including
employees, customers and vendors, bereft of fear or favor.
 Integrity: Integrity and honesty of utmost nature, in letter, in spirit and in
all our dealings with people, internal or external.
 Transparency: Transparency in all our dealings with stakeholders, media,
investors and the public at large.

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

1.2.3 Diversified Business Offerings:

1. Retail Broking:
 Offerings: equity (cash and derivatives), commodities and currency
broking, equity research.
 Clients: Retail and Mass Investors
 Competencies: Diversified offerings, mobile brokerage platform,
nationwide network of customers, multi-channel platforms.
2. Institutional Broking:
 Offerings: Research & Corporate Access Services, Broking Services to
domestic and Foreign institutional investors, banks private equity funds
and corporates.
 Competencies: Extensive knowledge, Execution capabilities, proficient
analyst research team
3. Investment Banking:
 Offerings: IPO, Preferential Issues, Corporate Advisory, share buybacks,
private equity placement and mergers and acquisitions.
 Clients: Private Equity funds, Banks and corporates, Domestic and Foreign
Institutional Investors.
 Competencies: Strong implementation skills, Industry Experts, Problem
4. Financial Product Distribution:
 Offerings: Mutual Funds, insurance, Fixed Deposits, Loans and Pension
products, portfolio management services.
 Clients: Retail and Mass investors
 Competencies: multiple financial products, understanding of investors
behavior, research, expert teams, physical and digital relation.

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

Financial Profile IIFL Securities:

Particulars 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Turnover 9.5 billion 8.8 billion 7.9 billion

Profit before tax 2.7 billion 2.6 billion 3.0 billion

Profit after tax 1.8 billion 1.7 billion 2.3 billion

Return on Equity 35% 25% 29%

Net worth 6.2 billion 7.3 billion 8.8 billion

Book Value Per Share 19.5 22.9 27.5

Earnings per share 5.7 5.4 7.3

Dividend per share 1.4 1.1 2.0

Table No. 1.1 Financial Profile OF IIFL

The Mutual fund industry of India, continuously grow in Total Assets Under
Management but in FY20 is decline is in excess of Rs. 1530 billion (6%) compared
with Rs. 23,796 billion reported in FY19. The Covid-19 impacted the growth of the
MF Assets Under Management in end of FY20.
From the following table we can see extra details of FY2018, FY2019, FY2020.

Particulars FY2018 FY2019 FY2020

Total Mutual fund AUM 21,360 billion 23,796 billion 22,262 billion

Net mutual fund equity

2,534 billion 1,558 billion 1,313 billion
Average Annual Market
338 billion 351 billion 391 billion

Demat Account 32 million 36 million 41 million

Table No. 1.2 Financial Profile

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The following chart shows the investment in monthly SIP mutual fund and
also shows monthly SIP accounts holding by investors.


29 29 30 30 31 31
26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28
23 23 24 24 25 25 25
22 22





Graph No. 1.1 Monthly SIP Turnover
Contact Details of IIFL:

Address : IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road. 16V, Plot No. B-23 MIDC
Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane – 400 604

Tel : (91-22)3929 4000 / 4103 5000

Fax : (91-22)2580 6654

Email : [email protected] Website :

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

1.3 Objective of The Study:

1. To study the investors behavior towards SIP Mutual Funds in Karad city.
2. To find investors’ preference over nature of SIP holding.
3. To analyses the factors which encourage the investors to invest in
Systematic Investment Plan mutual fund.
4. To study the level of satisfaction on the investment of SIP investors.

1.4 Importance and Significance of Study:

1. This study helpful to understand SIP Mutual Funds operations.

2. This study highlights the different factors which should consider at time of
investment in the mutual fund market.
3. This study helps to know behavior of investors is positive or negative
while investing in SIP Mutual Funds.
1.5 Scope of the study:
1) Geographical Scope: Geographical scope of the research project is limited
up to the Karad city.
2) Functional Scope: Functional scope of the project is to understand which
factors encourages the Investors to invest in Systematic Investment Plan
Mutual Funds.
3) Topical Scope: The topical scope is limited only up to Systematic
Investment Plan Mutual Fund.
4) Analytica Scope: The Analysis is related to chart, graph, tables and
1.6 Hypothesis:
1. There is relation between Annual income and SIP plan of the respondent.
2. There is relation between SIP plan amount and their expectation about the
return on Investment.

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

1.7 Conceptual Framework:

Investment means put some funds outside in expectation of some higher return
in the future. The investment expectations are with a probability of minimum to
maximum which change as per situations. The possibility of negative change in the
receivable return is called as the investment risk. So, every investment avenue
involves a risk on returns.

According to Fisher, investment may be defined as “a commitment of funds

made in the expectation of some positive rate of return”. The return is expected to be
received in future time, there is a possibility that the return actually realized can be
lower than or more than the return expected to be realized.

The “Investor” can be an individual, a government, organization, or a

corporation. It includes all types of investments, such as individuals investments in
stocks, stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, investments by corporations in plant
and equipment. This study based on investments by individual investors.

1.7.1 Objectives of Investment:

1. To Keep Money Safe

Some investments help keep money safe from reduce the its value with time.
Securities, Government bonds, Bank Fixed deposits, financial schemes and savings
account can help keep money safely.

2. To Help Money Grow:

Investors needs to consider different investment avenues that offer an appropriate

return on the investment amount. Investors invest in Investments which achieve
growth like mutual funds, commodities, and equity, real estate,

3. To Earn a continuous Income

Investments can give continuous source of income. For Examples,

Investments in bank fixed deposit that pay out continuous interest or on the stocks of
companies they give investors dividends.

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

4. To Save up for Retirement

Some investment avenues give attractive returns on the investment in which

investors invest with financial goals like Retirement provisions, children’s education,
Daughters marriage and so on.

5. To Minimize the Burden of Tax

Investment in options such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), Unit Linked

Insurance Plans (ULIPs), and Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) can be
removed from total income. That in effect reduce taxable income.

1.7.2 Investment Avenues:

There are a number of investment avenues available for savers. An investor

have to select appropriate avenue from wide range of investment options which are as

1. Equity Shares, Bonds, Debentures

2. Mutual Fund
3. Bank Deposits
4. Provident Fund
5. Life insurance
6. Real Estate

1.7.3 Investment Attributes:

Return, risk, tax benefits, liquidity, and convenience are the attributes
investors have taken into consideration before investment. Evaluation of investments
needed to decide or select the right investment options.

 Return:
Good return on investment is a foremost expectation of the investor. Rate
of return is the ratio of the total of annual income and price appreciation for the
purchase price of the investment.

Rate of Return = 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 + (𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 − 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒)

Purchase price

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

 Risk:
Risk is uncertainty of return on investment. In investment there is
phenomenon that high risk gives high returns vice versa low risk gives low returns on
investment. So, investor has to consider the risk associated with investment option.
 Tax Benefit:
Most of the investments have tax benefits. So, it is an necessary to
consider because taxes are major part of investors expenses.
 Marketability:
Marketability means liquidity of investment. It means investment should
be easily converted in to money. So, investor have to consider its liquidity of
particular investment option.
 Convenience:
When an investment can be made and looked easily and compared with
other investments, investor consider it as convenient investing.

1.7.4 Investment Behavior

Now, we are seen the different investment avenues available for investors.
They are marketable, non-marketable, and liquid. Some of them involve high risk
while others are riskless. Investors have to choose perfect investment option as per his
needs or preferences. Investors are the backbone of the securities market. They are
determining level of both securities market and economic growth. The growth of
investors in India is encouraging. It has good impact on the healthy growth of the
corporate sector of our country.

Investment is one of the most important implication of the investor’s future is

depend. Investment behavior is related to activities of individual investors about
searching, evaluation, acquiring, reviewing the investments and while necessary,
disposing of such investments. Investors behavior shows how the individual investor
allocate the surplus financial resources to various instruments. The process involves
why the invest, how they collect information, what are the important factors they
consider, which factors can influence their investments.

This study is deals with factors which attract the investors towards invest in
Systematic investment mutual fund. Factors such as awareness, preference, decision
making and satisfaction etc.

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RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

Awareness: Awareness is the first and primary factor of investment behavior

of investors. Different sources are creating awareness and provide information about
the mutual funds’ investments schemes available in market. Sources such as print
media like newspapers, journals, and magazines, social media, friends & relatives,
internet, brokers.

Preference: Investment preference is 2nd factor of the investment behavior.

Investors prefer not only futures returns but also low risk of options. Investors use
different contents while prefer to investment. Safety, means protection from loss.
Investors wants safety for the money he invests. Generally, investors invest money
where risk is minimum and return on investment is maximum. The people have to pay
tax on his income, so at the time of make investment investor consider the tax benefits
for him. Returns are also considered while investing money.

Decision Making: it is the third factor of the investment behavior. The return
on investment is the most important while taking investment decision. Investment
decision is based on expected return from investment. So, if investor expected higher
returns from his investment, then always take decision to invest in that option.
Normally, investors search for those securities which the gives more than expected

Satisfaction: the investors satisfaction is another important factor of the

investment behavior of investors. Investors are satisfied with investment in corporate
securities plans because they provide safety and security of the investment, high
return, tax examination, liquidity, low risk, and real information about securities.

1.4.5 Mutual Funds:

“Mutual Funds is a trust that pool the saving or money from number of
investors who having common financial goals” According to Association of Indian
Mutual Fund Industry. Mutual Funds companies collect savings from investors and
invest in opportunity sectors of the Economy. Investors have no need of expertise in
trading on stock market. Taking right decisions about investment is very risky and
challenging for investors. Selection of right investment opportunities from financial
market, it is necessary to investor have considerable knowledge, skills, and expertise
of trading. In mutual funds there is mutual funds managers who takes decision on
people money which is invested with the mutual fund schemes. It collects money for
general public to
MBA Programme 2019 - 21
RIT, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to

mutual funds. It reinvests this collected money in different investment opportunity

sector. Manager can invest funds in equity or debt or both which is depends upon
objective of the mutual fund schemes. Mutual funds are a type of an organization
which create pool of funds from large no of people and pool invest in different
investments. On this collective investment mutual fund managers earn large number
of dividends or interests as on their investment in different sectors. And this earned
gain or dividend or interest distributed to group of people. Before distributing gain to
investors, mutual funds mangers are deducting their charges.
There are two types of payment methods in Mutual Funds. First is Lumpsum
payment method, where investor invest large amount at one time, for a fixed period of
time. Second is Systematic Investment Plan, commonly referred to as an SIP which
intended to investing fixed amount at regular period of time

1.7.6 Systematic Investment Plan:

SIP is method of investing in mutual funds. Investor can invest in mutual fund
scheme by specific amount payment on time for long period. It is smart method to
investment in which a fixed amount is debited from your bank account at every month
or quarterly and transferred to mutual fund which you choose to invest. The
Systematic Investment Plan is easy and longtime investment strategy for cumulation
of wealth in manageable manner over long term. period of time. Investors of mutual
funds are receiving Unit for their investment, holder of unit known as Unitholders.

As SIP is a method of regular investing a particular amount in MF scheme.

SIP allows the MF to purchase Units on date of each month, means MF implement a
saving plan for the investor. The advantage of SIP is that no one need to spend time
for monitor market. For monitor market investor require expertise and experience of
investment, but it’s not possible to everyone. He has to check that, is the correct time
for investment or not in market. Instead of spend time for market, invest every month,
amount will be invested at the high and low rate, and make the best out of an
opportunity that is tough to forecast.

An investor invests a specific fixed amount in a MF scheme every month or

quarterly based on his financial convenience through his bank account by check or
auto debit payment system. investors have to filled an application form and SIP form
in which date for SIP amount payment which will subsequently auto-debited

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standing instructions given by bank holder. He provides NACH (National Automated

Clearing House) mandate form mentioning all sip details and fill in the KYC (Know
Your Customer) form and comply with it. The forms and signed cheques submitted to
office of MF Service Center of the registrar and agent. The fixed amount is invested at
the Net Asset Value of the date of payment from bank done through standing

1.7.7 Formula used for SIP Calculation:

P ∗ (R ∗ (1 + i)𝑛 −
𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ∗ (1 + 𝑖)
1) i
MV= Maturity Value
i= Compounded rate of return
P=SIP Amount
1.7.8 Distribution Systematic Investment Plan Mutual Funds Schemes:
This distribution of Scheme is depending up on the goals of investment and
where funds are invested. There are following schemes in which investors invest
funds through SIP.
1. Equity Oriented Schemes:
In Equity Oriented schemes, Investors major part of money invest in Equity
markets. This scheme involves comparatively high risk and high returns on
investment. These schemes made available different options like dividend
reinvestment, dividend payout, growth, etc. and the investors can choose scheme
option based on their goals and preferences
2. Debt Oriented Schemes:
Debt oriented schemes are providing regular and fixed income source to
investors. Such schemes are investing in fixed income securities such as bonds,
govt. securities, corporate debentures, and money market instruments. Such funds are
less risky compared with equity schemes.
3. Balanced Schemes:
Such funds provide growth and regular income by investing both in equity-
oriented schemes and debt-oriented schemes. These are matches to investors who
looking for continues growth. These schemes generally invest in proportion of 40% in
equity and 60% in debt instruments.

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1.7.9 Significance of Systematic Investment Plan:

1. The rupee cost averaging factor:
With SIP comes the advantage of rupee cost averaging. With SIP investors
investment amount is constant or fixed for a longer period of time, with rupee cost
averaging he can take advantage of market volatility. So, by invest fixed amount
Investor can buy more units when the market price of unit is low and buy lesser units
when the markets price is high, lowering down your average cost per unit.
For Example. you have invested in SIP MF Scheme, investing Rs. 1000 every
month from April 2019 to March 2020. Now if check the average purchase cost per
unit of your investments. It would be less than the average NAV (Net Asset Value) of
investment over 12 months.

SIP Rupee Averaging Cost

SIP Investor Lumpsum Investor
Unit Price Investment Unit Investment Unit
(Rs) (Rs) Purchased (Rs) Purchased
1 50 1000 20 12000 240
2 47 1000 21
3 45 1000 22
4 47 1000 21
5 46 1000 22
6 48 1000 21
7 49 1000 20
8 47 1000 21
9 50 1000 20
10 52 1000 19
11 50 1000 20
12 48 1000 21
Total Investment 12000 12000
Total Units Buy 249 240
Average Unit Price 48.25 50
Table No. 1.3 Rupee cost averaging factor

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2. Power of Compounding:

SIP is a disciplined way of investing and ensures continuously strive to make

investments grow. When investor invest using an SIP plan mutual fund, his monthly
SIP investment gives returns. Those investment returns are added to investors
premium investment amount and invested again. So over time, investors continuous
monthly SIP amount and the returns on investment earned by them is subjected to a
compounding effect that increases exponential growth.

Investment Plan Investment in A Investment in B Investment in C
Numbers of Years 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years
Monthly Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000
Total Investment Rs. 300000 Rs. 600000 Rs. 900000
Assumed Annual
14% 14% 14%
Rate of Return
Total Return Rs.4,36,004 Rs. 13,10,457 Rs. 30,64,269

Table No. 1.4 Power of Compounding

3. Convenience:
SIP can be a convenient mode of investment for investor. Most of investors,
may not have the time for deep market research and analysis to adjust or balance
investment portfolio. So, once investor pick a good fund, he can give standing
instructions to the banking institutions and let the SIP take care of monthly premium
4. Start with low amount:
With SIP plans, investor can start to invest in MF with an amount as low as
₹500 a month. Here are the best mutual funds schemes are available to start SIP
investment with ₹500.
5. More Disciplined savings:
It is a common problem of many peoples that they are not able to save money.
As people earn more, spend more. Because of that people should save first and then
spend. If people fix date of SIP investment right after the date, he receives income, he
invests before spending.

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6. Never miss out

Once start to investing through Systematic Investment Plan, you instruct bank
to auto-debit the SIP amount so that you do not miss out on investments. In case,
where in bank account have not sufficient funds that case you can pause the SIP and
start again when have sufficient funds.
7. Expert Management Team:
SIP provide services of experienced, expert and skilled managers to research
the investment and analyses the companies and choose appropriate investment
opportunity to gain maximum returns and reach at objective of scheme.
8. Diversification:
SIP Mutual fund managers invest investors funds in different industries and
sectors. This diversification of funds reduces the risk because systematic investment
by managers in opportunity sectors.
9. No need to time the market:
It is a difficult task to monitor the right time to pump in investors’ money in
the financial market. And because of that investors invest in Systematic Investment
Plan. SIP is for those people who have fear to lose money in market.
Systematic Investment Plan helps you start your investment journey with a
small investment amount with the minimum investment amount is only Rs.
500/month. But while people who wish to invest in mutual funds should know
about the various types of SIP available.

1.7.10 Most Popular Types of SIP Investment:

Mutual companies have introduced different SIP types to meet the needs of all
types of investors. Some of the popular types of SIP Investments are-

1. Flexible SIP:

It allows to adjust the monthly or quarterly SIP amount based on financial

conditions as well as the conditions of the market. By considering the market
situation, SIP enables the investors to invest more amount when the markets level is
falling down and lower SIP amount when market level is high.

2. Step-Up SIP:
Step-up or top-up SIP allows investor to increase the SIP amount at fixed
intervals. For Example, investor can start investing Rs. 10,000 per month or quarterly

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SIP in a MF scheme of choice and instruct to increase the SIP amount by Rs. 1,000
after every six months.

So, after the first 6 months of investment Rs. 10,000 per month, the SIP
amount will be appreciated to Rs. 11,000 per month. At the 13th month amount will be
Rs. 12,000.

3. Perpetual SIP:

When investor start to SIP, the SIP requires to fix the starting and ending date
for the Systematic Investment Plan. Every SIP with no end date mentioned, it turns
into a perpetual SIP, which will continue until 2099. However, investor have the
option to stop the SIP by written application to MF company.

4. Trigger SIP:

Under this trigger SIP type, investor set a trigger amount for SIP investment.
For instance, investor decide, SIP amount which will be debited from Bank A/C and
invest to purchase units under scheme only if the NAV of the scheme falls up to a
triggered amount.

Under this study, study the investors behavior towards Systematic Investment
Plan Mutual Fund with above explained points. And understand which factors are
motivates investors to invest in SIP MF to achieve their financial objective.

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Shelly Singhal and Manisha Goel (2011) The study reported that Systematic
Investment Plan has performed better than the lumpsum investment. She has taught
that SIP is the most successful financial method of investment grown at a rapid
growth with stock markets.
Vijayalakshmi. S (2007) In this study, finds that the investors investment in
Systematic Investment Plans mutual funds raised 10 time compared to last years.
Investors involves salaried people, small organizations and Small Medium
Dr. Punita Soni and Mrs. Iram Khan (2009) Study is about the evaluation
of the performance of Systematic Investment Plan with other investment options on
the basis of income source, investment period, risk level, tax benefits and liquidity in
the individual portfolio management. The study concluded that SIP is more simple,
easy, return-oriented in comparison with other investment options.
Yamal Vyas, (2010) He studied the retail investors which invest in MF. The
retail investors are great attracted towards the SIP and it find that every middle-class
person has a investment SIP mutual funds. He also says that the mutual fund
investment is same as equity investment.
Ainapur P. (2018) The study shows awareness about mutual fund investment
among the people is low. And it is seen that those who have invested are satisfied and
earned good profits.
Gupta O.P., and Gupta Amitabh, (2004) They study performance of mutual
funds schemes of the Indian stock market. They have studies performance in terms
like diversification of funds and consistency. It found that there has been inadequate
diversification of portfolio. But it supported the moderate consistency in performance
of mutual funds.
David. J., Purswami G., & Jojo, A. (2019) Study is about Comparison
between equity based mutual fund schemes invested in 3 different ways and compare
the returns of the mutual fund’s investment done in this study period. The result
shows that SIP is the best option for investment and also lumpsum method of
investment when investor want to invest large amount at one time.

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Manoharan, T. G., & Nair, G. V. (2018) The study conducted to evaluate the
performance of SIP and (LIP) Lump-Sum Investment Plan in selected Equity stocks
and Mutual Funds. They get into consideration another different investing avenues for
the investors and try to show that SIP investment method performs better than the
lump sum method as it gives more returns as compared to the lump sum amount
investment. Singh, B. K. and Jha, A.K. (2009) They study the awareness &
acceptability of
MF and find that investors basically, prefer mutual funds due to high return potential,
safety and liquidity. They were not completely aware about the SIP. The invertors’
will also consider different factors before investing decision in MFs.
Ramamurthy, B. M. and Reddy, S. (2005) This study is conducted to analyses
recently trends in the Mutual Funds industry and conclude that the prime benefits for
investors’ due to management efficiency, investment diversification, affordability, easy
administration, transparency, flexibility, liquidity, high return potential, wide range of
choices and governance by SEBI (Security and Exchange Board of India).
Syama Sundar, P.V. (1998) They conducted a survey to understand the
Mutual Funds operations of private organization with special reference to Kothari
Pioneer. The survey shows that the awareness about MF concept was poor in small
Kirti Lalwani (2015) She made a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of
Systematic Investment Plan of private and public sector banks. The prime aim of this
study was to understand the concept of SIP and to analyze the effectiveness of SIP.
The study also analyzed the return of various SIP schemes of HDFC bank and SBI
bank. Equity MF plans are generating high return than debt MF plans.
Dr. Ravi Vyas (2012) According to Dr. Ravi, investors are not much aware
about the mutual funds, but still investor are investing in bank and post office
deposits, number of the investor invest in mutual fund for up to 3 years period. Equity
option and SIP mode of investment were on top preference in investors’ list of
investment avenues.

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3.1 Research Design
For the study, descriptive research design is applied. Descriptive research
studies are studies which are related to describing traits of particular individual or
individuals’ group. The focus of this study is on behavior of various investors in the
market regarding investment in Systematic Investment Plan. It involves selection of
appropriate sources of information, identify target population and decide sample size,
design of process of information collection, analysis of information and predictions.
3.2 Sources of data:
3.2.1 Primary Data:
The Primary Data is collected through Primary Sources. I have used
Questionnaire method for primary sources to collecting data from the respected
3.2.2 Secondary Data:
The Basic source of data is reports, articles, magazines and journals related to
this study. Such as, Reports of IIFL mutual fund schemes. Reports of MF Industry,
Reports of Capital Market, Journals, Newspapers, Articles, Project reports, Research
Papers, Websites of the financial institutions related Mutual funds.
3.3 Sampling Design, Sampling Technique / Procedure
3.3.1 Research Method:
Survey method is used as research method for the study. Thorough survey all
required information collected form respondents.
3.3.2 Data collection Instrument:
The data collection instrument used is questionnaire. Questionnaire is
affordable instrument to collect data from number of respondents.
3.3.3 Sample Unit:
Individuals, Businessmen, Professionals, Govt employees, Private Employees,
Students were target respondent groups for data collection.
3.3.4 Sampling Technique:
Snowball Sampling Technique is non probability sampling technique is used
for collect data from respondents. This technique useful to gather information by
network of respondents.

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3.3.5 Sample Size:

The sample size for this is 200 investors of The Karad city invest in Systematic
Investment Plan.
3.4 Method of processing Data Collected:
The Data collected is processed with help of MS Excel Software. For Testing
Hypothesis Chi square method is used.

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1.1 Age of Respondents:

Sr. No. Age group Responses %
1 18-30 91 45.5
2 31-45 65 32.5
3 45-60 35 17.5
4 Above 60 9 4.5
Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.1 Age

Above 60



Pie Chart No. 4.1 Age of respondents


From the above pie chart, we can interpret that, out of the 200 respondents,
45% Investors from Age group of 18-30 which is high number than other groups.
Also, 32% from 31-45 Age group, 18% from 45-60 Age group and 5% from Age
group of Above 60.

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1.2 Gender of Respondents:

Sr. No. Gender Responses %
1 Male 148 74

2 Female 52 26

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.2 Gender

Female 26%

Male 74%


Pie Chart No. 4.2 Gender


Above Chart shows that 74% of the respondents from Karad city are Male and
24% are the Female who invest in Systematic Investment Plan Mutual Funds. Males
are investing their money from their salary and female invest moony from their
savings. Also, some females are self-employed so their income they invest in SIP for
higher returns.

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1.3 Education Qualification of respondents

Sr. No. Educational Qualification Responses %

1 Post-Graduation 50 25

2 Professional Degree 27 13.5

3 Graduation 93 46.5

4 Higher School 30 15

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.3 Education Qualification

Education Qualification (%)

Post Graduation

15% Professional Degree


47% Highschool

Pie Chart No. 4.3 Education Qualification


As above chart shows, 47 % are Graduated, 25% are Post Graduated, 15% are
Highschool and 13% are professionals out of 200 respondents who completed
respective education qualification.

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1.4 Occupation of respondents:

Sr. No. Occupation Responses %

1 Private employee 85 42.5

2 Govt. employee 47 23.5

3 Professional 27 13.5

4 Businessman 21 10.5

5 Student 20 10

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.4 Occupation


Private Govt.
Professional Businessman Student
Employee Employee
Occupation 42.5 23.5 13.5 10.5 10

Graph No. 4.1 Occupation

From the above graph, it can be seen that private employee are having large
number of 42.5% out of 200 respondents who invest in Systematic Investment Plan
Mutual Funds. After that Govt employees having 23.5%, Businessman having 10.5%,
Professionals having 13.5% and at last Students having 10% Participation in
Investment Numbers.

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1.5 Annual Income:

Sr. No. Annual Income Responses %
1 Less than Rs. 100000 21 10.5

2 Rs.100000- Rs.300000 51 25.5

3 Rs.300000- Rs.500000 70 35

4 Rs.500000- Rs.1000000 54 27

5 Above Rs.1000000 4 2

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.5







Less than Rs. 100000- Rs.300000- Rs.500000- Above
Rs. 100000 Rs.300000 Rs.500000 Rs.1000000 Rs.1000000
Annual Income 10.5 25.5 35 27 2

Graph No. 4.2 Annual Income


From the above graph, we can conclude that, out of 200 respondents, 70
respondents from income group of Rs.300000-Rs.500000, 54 respondents from
Rs.500000-Rs.1000000, 51 respondents from Rs.100000-Rs.300000 and 21
respondents from income group of Less than Rs.100000. 4% respondents are from
Above Rs.1000000 income group. In Karad city investors from Rs.300000-Rs.500000
income group have more participation in SIP Investment.

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1.6 Source of Awareness about Mutual Fund SIP.

Sr. No. Sources of Information Responses %

1 Friends & Relatives 37 18.5
2 Internet 17 8.5
3 Newspaper 19 9.5
4 Television 15 7.5
5 Broker 42 21
6 Social Media 70 35
Total 200 100%

Table No 4.6 Sources of Awareness about MF SIP

Source of Awareness



20 21
15 18.5

8.5 9.5
5 7.5

Friends & Internet Newspaper Television Broker Social Media

Source of Information

Graph No. 4.3 Sources of Awareness


Above Graph Shows the different sources of Awareness for Investors

regarding Systematic Investment Plan Mutual Funds. Social Media is highly effective
source of information which provide to 35% respondents which is higher than other
sources. After Social media Broking agencies, Friends & Relatives, Newspaper,
Internet Planforms and Television are sources provide information to 21%, 18.5%,
9.5%, 8.5%,
and 7.5% respectively.

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1.7 Purchase Through:

Sr. No. Purchase through Responses %

1 Through Broker 176 88

2 Buy Direct 24 12

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.7. SIP purchase through

Purchase through
Buy Direct 12%

Through Broker

Through BrokerBuy Direct

Pie Chart No. 4.4 SIP Purchase Through

From the above pie chart, we can see that 88% respondents out of 200,
Purchase SIP through broker, and remaining 12% respondents purchase directly from
online portal of SIP Mutual Fund companies. The investors who know the process of
invest or start SIP investment they prefer to Buy SIP direct. In Buy Direct,
management charges are less than through broker so it directly effects on return on

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1.8 Mutual fund Investor Invest:

Sr. No. Mutual Fund Responses %

1 IIFL 36 18
2 HDFC Mutual Funds 53 26.5
3 ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds 17 8.5
4 Motilal Oswal 44 22
5 Sherkhan Mutual Funds 24 12
6 SBI Mutual Funds 27 13.5
Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.8 SIP Mutual Fund Companies





IIFL HDFC Mutual ICICI PrudentialMotilal Oswal Sherkhan Mutual SBI Mutual Funds
Funds Mutual Funds Funds

Mutual Fund

Graph No. 4.4 SIP Mutual Fund Companies


Above graph shows that, out of 200 responses, maximum responses which is
near about 25% invest in HDFC Mutual Fund company. After that Motilal Oswal and
IIFL are companies in which respondents invest with 22% and 18%.

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1.9 Type of SIP plan.

Sr. No. SIP Plan Responses %

1 Equity 129 64.5

2 Debt 22 11

3 Hybrid 49 24.5

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.9 SIP Plan

SIP Plan


Debt 11%
Equity 64%

Graph No. 4.5 SIP Plan Distribution

From the above pie chart, we can see that, 64% respondents invest in Equity
SIP plan which is highest numbers out of 200 respondents. 25% and 11% respondents
invest in Hybrid and Debt SIP plan respectively.

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1.10 Monthly Amount Systematic Investment Plan:

Sr. No. Amount of SIP Responses %
1 Rs. 500- Rs. 1000 85 42.5
2 Rs. 1000- Rs.5000 47 23.5
3 Rs.5001- Rs. 10000 30 15
4 Rs. 10000 - Rs. 20000 22 11
5 Above Rs. 20000 16 8
Total 200 100%
Table No. 4.10 Monthly Amount of SIP

45.00% 42.50%




25.00% 23.50%

10.00% 8%


Rs.500-Rs.1000Rs1000-Rs.5000Rs.5000-Rs. 10000 Rs.10000-Rs.20000 Above Rs.20000

Amount of SIP
Graph No. 4.5 Monthly Amount of SIP


From the above graph, we can see that near about 40% respondents prefers to
invest between Rs.500-Rs.1000 Monthly SIP Amount because it is economical to
everyone. Followed by 25% respondents prefers to invest in between Rs.1000-
Rs.5000 SIP amount. 15%, 11% and 8% respondents invest in Rs.5000-Rs.10000,
Rs.10000- Rs.20000 and Above Rs.20000 Monthly SIP amount respectively.

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1.11 Period of SIP holding

Sr. No. Period of SIP holding Responses %

1 Less than 1 Year 13 6.5
2 1-3 Years 44 22
3 4-6 Years 97 48.5
4 7-10 Years 40 20
5 More than 10 Years 6 3
Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.11 Period of SIP Holding.





20 13

Less than 1 Year 1-3 Years 4-6 Years 7-10 Years More than 10

Period of SIP holding

Graph No. 4.6 Period of SIP Holding

Above graph shows that out of 200 respondents, more than 95 are invest in
SIP for 4-6 years period of time, Private employees are prefers to hold SIP for that
period. Followed by near about 42 respondents hold SIP for period of 1-3 years and 7-
10 years same. In 13 respondents, students are more who have invested for up to 1
Year which is depend on their income source. It will because of their comparison of
SIP with other investment avenues have a respective period of holding and finical
goals for invest in SIP.

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1.12 Expected Return on SIP:

Sr. No. Expected Return Responses %

1 Up to 10% 65 32.5

2 11%-15% 43 21.5

3 16%-20% 53 26.5

4 21%-25% 22 11

5 More than 25% 17 8.5

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.12 Expected Return on SIP

Expected Return
Up to 10%11%-15%16%-20%21%-25%More than
Expected Return

Graph No. 4.7 Expected Returns on SIP


From the above graph we can see that more than 30% respondents expect upto
10% return on SIP investment. Then near about 27% respondents expect 16%-20%
return, 22% respondents from 11%-15%, respondents near 12% expect 21%-25%
returns. Near 10% respondents except more than 25%.

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1.13 Experience of Investment in SIP Mutual Funds:

Sr. No. Experience Responses %

1 None 56 28
2 1-2 Years 74 37
3 3-5 Years 34 17
4 6-10 Years 27 13.5
5 More than 10 Years 9 4.5
Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.13 Experience of SIP Investment

More than Experience

10 Years
6-10 Years 5%
Years 17%

1-2 Years

Pie Chart No. 4.6 Experience


Above pie chart shows that, more than 35% respondents having experience of
1-2 years of investment in SIP. Followed by 28% respondents having no any
experience of investment. 17% and 13% respondents having experience of 3-5 years
and 6-10 years respectively. There are a smaller number of respondents having more
than 10 years’ experience of investment in SIP

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1.14 Prefer mutual funds Systematic Investment Plan

Sr. No. Why prefer Responses %

1 Safety & Protection 173 86.5
2 Tax benefits 131 65.5
3 High Returns 137 68.5
4 Less procedure 70 45
5 Transparency in operation 144 72
6 Prestige value 87 43.5
7 Start with low amount 91 45.5
8 Compounding Benefits 191 95.5
Table No. 4.14 Why Investor prefer SIP

Compounding Benefits Start with low amount

Prestige value Transparency in operation
Less procedure High Returns Tax benefits
Safety & Protection

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Why Prefer SIP

Graph No. 4.8 Why Investor prefer SIP

From the above Bar diagram, out of 200 respondents 95% are prefer SIP
investment because of compounding benefits, 86% by Safety& protection, 72% by
transparency in operation, 68% by high returns, 45% by start with low amount

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4.15 Factors encouraging to invest in SIP.

Sr. No. Encouraging Factors Responses %

1 Good investment instrument 149 74.5
2 Reduce the risk of investors by 169 84.5
diversifying portfolio
3 Provide assured return 109 54.5
4 Professional management of funds 159 79.5
5 Transparency 58 29
6 Simple to invest and monitor the 167 83.5
7 Start with low investment amount 44 22
Table No. 4.15 Encouraging Factors

Start with low investment amount

Simple to invest and monitor the fund
Transparency Professional management of
Provide assured return Reduce the risk of investors by
diversifying portfolio
Good investment instrument
Encourages for Invest In SIP

0 50 100

Graph No. 4.9 Encouraging Factors


Above bar diagram shows that, out of 200 respondents, 85% are encouraged
because of diversifying portfolio factor, 80% by professional management, 84% by
simple to invest & monitor. 74.5% respondents encouraged because of it is good
investment instrument and 55% encouraged by assured return on SIP investment.

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4.16 Problems faced by investors:

Sr. No. Problems Responses %

1 Low income 75 37.5

2 More fees and commission 182 91

3 Poor service by broker 133 66.5

4 Non availability of branch 57 28.5

5 Lack of Market Knowledge 112 56

Table No. 4.10 Problems faced by investors in SIP

Problem faced by Investors

Problem faced by Investors





Low incomeMore free and Poor Broker Non Availability Lack of Market
commision Service of Branch Knowledge

Graph No. 4.10 Problems faced by investors in SIP


From the above graph we can see that 91% respondents assume that SIP
having more charges and commission. Also 67% having problem due to poor broker
service, and 56% respondents having problem in invest SIP due to lack of Market
Knowledge. 38% respondents having low income so they facing problem to invest in

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4.17 Analyze or monitor the risk involved in SIP.

Sr. No. Risk Analysis and Monitoring Responses %

1 Yes 57 28.5

2 No 112 56

3 Sometimes 31 15.5
Total 200 100%
Table No. 4.17 Risk Analysis and Monitoring




56% Sometimes

Pie Chart No. 4.7 Risk Analysis and Monitoring


From the above pie chart, 28% respondents’ analyses and monitor the risk
involved in SIP Investment. Followed by 16% respondents’ analyses and monitor
sometimes. And 56% respondents not analyses and monitor the risk due to lack of
knowledge of analysis and monitoring investments.

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4.18 Recommend others to invest in Systematic Investment Plan Mutual


Sr. No. Will you recommend Responses %

1 Yes 140 70

2 No 20 10

3 May be 40 20

Total 200 100%

Table No. 4.18 Will You Recommend

Will You Recommed








0 Yes No Maybe

Will You Recommed

Graph No. 4.11 Will You recommend

Above graph shows that 70% respondents recommend other to invest in SIP
investment avenue due to its encouraging factors. Followed by 20% respondents not
confirmed that they will recommend or not. And 10% respondents are not
recommended to invest in SIP because of some bad experience.

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4.19 Satisfaction level with Systematic Investment Plan mutual fund.

Sr. No. Satisfaction Responses %

1 Highly Satisfied 111 55.5

2 Satisfied 43 21.5

3 Neutral 36 18

4 Unsatisfied 10 5

5 Highly unsatisfied 0 0
Total 200 100%
Table No. 4.19 Satisfaction Level

Satisfaction Level

5% 0%

Highly Satisfied
18% Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied
Highly Unsatisfied

22% 55%

Pie Chart No. 4.8 Satisfaction Level


From the above pie chart, we can see that out of 200, 55% respondents are
highly satisfied, 22% of them are satisfied, 18% of them are neutral and 5% are
Unsatisfied with SIP returns.

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4.20 Comparison between Investors behavior towards Systematic Investment

` In this project of investors behavior towards Systematic Investment Plan, I
study the behavior of the private employee, government employee, businessman,
professionals, students of Karad city. As discuss, Investment behavior means
activities like awareness, preference, decision making, satisfaction related to
investment avenue.

Occupation Responses %
Private employee 85 42.5
Govt. employee 47 23.5
Businessman 21 10.5
Professional 27 13.5
Student 20 10
Total 200 100%
From the above table, it can be seen that Private employee have more
investment in SIP. Private employees are more aware about the SIP investment
avenue, which number is more than government employees, businessman,
professional and students.
I observed that private employees have less options than government
employees have options like provident fund, pension, gratuity etc. for future financial
needs. Private employees prefer to the invest in options where highest returns can get.
They find different options for investment which meet their financial expectations.
They invest their money in bank deposits, golds silver, real estates but that are not
gives expected return. Investment in Systematic Investment Plan is the one which
gives higher returns. SIP Involves regular contribution of amount in Mutual Funds
which get benefits of compounding and average rupee cost, because of that investors
get large amount than other investment avenues available. SIP gives benefits such a
reducing tax up to some extent by invest in Equity Linked Security Schemes.
Government employees now look SIP as after retirement financial provision.
For that purpose, they contribute some amount in SIP Mutual Funds. Their some
amount of salary transfer to Provident Funds and get higher amount after retirement.
If their amount of investment is more than limit, have to pay income tax on it. So, I
think, for reduce tax on income, they look forwards SIP as Tax Benefit Investment.

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Businessmen & professionals are the one of investors who Invest in SIP.
Their SIP amount is generally high compared with other investors. They generally,
invest through brokers because they cannot give much time for monitor and analyze
SIP. Also, they look forward it as investment option which reduces income tax. As
their nature is risk taker, they invest with high risk and high return. In Business
occupation, uncertainties are there. So, they have to make provision for that purpose I
think they invest in SIP which gives higher returns. Professionals are also investing
their income in such avenue for keep money out side for future provisions. They think
it easy option to invest as it not required any specialized skills and time to spend.
Now due to social media platforms SIP Investment reach its importance to
students also. They are become aware about importance of Investment. So, by put
some money out of their savings and some students work to invest their money in SIP
which create habit of saving om the students. If investor starts earlier to invest in SIP,
then return on it will maximum. So, students know this fact and start to invest.
Investors invest in SIP according to their financial goals; on that basis their
period of holding is depend. Generally, maximum investors have period of holding is
4-6 years. I think investors hold for that period because other investment options like
post office, fixed deposits, and others are generally for a period of 5 year, by
considering this, hold for that period.
Different factors encourage to investors for invest in Systematic Investment
Plan mutual funds. Safety & security, Tax benefits, high returns, are reduces burden
of risk. SIP required less procedure to start investment. It is monitored by specialized
and skilled managers, and mutual funds companies timely disclose the status of
investment returns on their different platforms. So, it brings transparency in funds
operation. It creates prestige value to the investor as he invests in special investment
avenue which is gives higher returns.
Anyone who wants to invest money can invest in Systematic Investment Plan
because it is start with low amount as Rs.500. It is affordable to low income groups so
it motivates them. Also, its compounding benefits gives them higher return on
investment, so investor who consider its compounding value of amount, decide to

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4.2 Hypothesis Testing:

H: 1. There is relation between Annual income and SIP plan of the respondent.
H: 2. There is relation between SIP plan amount and their expectation about
the return on Investment.

H: 1. There is relation between Annual income and SIP plan of the respondent.
H0: There is no relation between Annual Income and SIP Plan of the Respondent.
H1: There is relation between Annual Income and SIP Plan of the Respondents.
Chi-square test was applied to know the relation between two variables. Here,
with help of Chi-square test relation between annual income and SIP plan of the
respondent tested as follows.
LESS THAN 100000 19 0 2 21

100000-300000 43 7 1 51

300000-500000 50 13 7 70

500000-100000 17 1 36 54

MORE THAN 100000 0 1 3 4

TOTAL 129 22 49 200

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒙 ∗𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒚
Expected Value = 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍
LESS THAN 100000 13.545 2.31 5.145

100000-300000 32.895 5.61 12.495

300000-500000 45.15 7.7 17.15

500000-100000 34.83 5.94 13.23

MORE THAN 100000 2.58 0.44 0.98

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Observed Value Expected Value O-E O- E2 O- E2/E

19 13.54 5.46 29.8116 2.20
0 2.31 -2.31 5.3361 2.31
2 5.14 -3.14 9.8596 1.92
43 32.89 10.11 102.2121 3.11
7 5.61 1.39 1.9321 0.34
1 12.49 -11.49 132.0201 10.57
50 45.15 4.85 23.5225 0.52
13 7.7 5.3 28.09 3.65
7 17.15 -10.15 103.0225 6.01
17 34.83 -17.83 317.9089 9.13
1 5.94 -4.94 24.4036 4.11
36 13.23 22.77 518.4729 39.19
0 2.58 -2.58 6.6564 2.58
1 0.44 0.56 0.3136 0.71
3 0.98 2.02 4.0804 4.16
sum of O- E2/E 90.51
Square Root 9.51
Degree of Freedom 8.00
Significance level 0.05
x 2 tabular 15.51
X^2 Calculated 9.51

Alternate (Accept): Value of X2 Calculated > x2 Tabular

Null (Reject): Value of X2 Calculated <x2 Tabular
Therefore, 9.51<15.51
From the above calculation Value of X2 Calculated > x2 Tabular So, it proves
the Null (H0) Hypothesis that is, there is no relation between Annual Income and
SIP Investment Plan.

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H: 2 There is relation between SIP plan amount and their expectation about the
return on Investment.
H0: There is no relation between SIP plan amount and their expectation about the return
on Investment.
H1: There is relation between SIP plan amount and their expectation about the return
on Investment.
Here, with help of Chi-square test relation between SIP plan amount and their
expectation about the return on Investment tested as follows.


Expected Returns More

Up to 11%- 16%- 21%-
than Total
SIP Amount 10% 15% 20% 25%
500-1000 65 7 9 2 2 85
1000-5000 0 34 10 3 0 47
5000-10000 0 0 29 0 1 30
10000-20000 0 1 3 9 9 22
More than 20000 0 1 2 8 5 16
Total 65 43 53 22 17 200

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒙 ∗𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒚
Expected Value = 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍


Expected Returns
Up to 11%- 16%- 21%- More than
SIP Amount 10% 15% 20% 25% 25%

500-1000 27.63 18.28 22.53 9.35 7.23

1000-5000 15.28 10.11 12.46 5.17 4.00

5000-10000 9.75 6.45 7.95 3.30 2.55

10000-20000 7.15 4.73 5.83 2.42 1.87

More than 20000 5.20 3.44 4.24 1.76 1.36

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Observed Expected
O-E O-E2 O-E2/E
Value Value
65 27.63 37.37 1396.52 50.54
7 18.28 -11.28 127.24 6.96
9 22.53 -13.53 183.06 8.13
2 9.35 -7.35 54.02 5.78
2 7.23 -5.23 27.35 3.78
0 15.28 -15.28 233.48 15.28
34 10.11 23.89 570.73 56.45
10 12.46 -2.46 6.05 0.49
3 5.17 -2.17 4.71 0.91
0 4 -4 16.00 4.00
0 9.75 -9.75 95.06 9.75
0 6.45 -6.45 41.60 6.45
29 7.95 21.05 443.10 55.74
0 3.3 -3.3 10.89 3.30
1 2.55 -1.55 2.40 0.94
0 7.15 -7.15 51.12 7.15
1 4.73 -3.73 13.91 2.94
3 5.83 -2.83 8.01 1.37
9 2.42 6.58 43.30 17.89
9 1.87 7.13 50.84 27.19
0 5.2 -5.2 27.04 5.20
1 3.44 -2.44 5.95 1.73
2 4.24 -2.24 5.02 1.18
8 1.76 6.24 38.94 22.12
5 1.36 3.64 13.25 9.74
Sum of O-E2/E 325.02
Square root 18.03
Degree of freedom 16
Significance level 0.05
x2 tabular value 26.3
X2 Calculated value 18.03
Null (Reject): Value of X2 Calculated < x2 Tabular
Alternate (Accept): Value of X2 Calculated > x2 Tabular
Therefore, 18.03 <26.3
From the above calculation Value of X2 Calculated > x2 Tabular So, it proves
the Null (H0) Hypothesis that is, there is no relation between SIP Amount
Invested and Return on Investment.

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5.1 Findings:
In the study of Investors behavior towards Systematic Investment Plan Mutual
Funds, following points are find:
1. In the Karad City, 74% Male and 26% Female investors are preferring to
invest in SIP Mutual Funds.
2. 45.5% investors are from 18-30 years age group. This number is high
compared with other age group.
3. Private Employees (42.5%) having majority in SIP investment than other such
as Govt employees (23.5%), Professionals (13.5%), Businessman (10.5%),
and Students (10%). In Karad city, number of private, government
organizations, professional institutes are there so, respective number of
investors Investment.
4. Out of different sources of Information about SIP Mutual Fund Investment
avenue, Social Media (35%) is one of the major sources which create
awareness more than other sources.
5. From the hypothesis testing 1 it is found that there is not relation between the
Annual income of investor and SIP Plan Choose by him.
6. From the Hypothesis testing 2 it is found that there is not any relation between
the SIP Amount of Investment and expectation about return on investment.
7. Respondents purchase SIP through broker (82.5%) because of lack of
information about purchase. And 17.5% respondents purchase directly from
online platforms of Mutual funds companies.
8. Investors prefers to purchase SIP of the HDFC Mutual Fund company (26.5%)
by considering returns given to investors. Also invest through Motilal Oswal
(22%), IIFL (18%), SBI Mutual Funds (13.5%). Investors prefers to invest in
above Mutual Fund companies by considering different schemes for
9. Maximum number of Investors invest in Equity Plan (64.5%) because Equity
plan involve high risk and high returns. Investors who wants high return,
prefer to Equity plan. Investors near about 25% takes calculated risk and chose
Hybrid SIP plan. Also, investors who not want to take any risk invest in Debt
Plan (11%) which is less numbers.
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10. Investors (42.5%) prefers to invest in Rs.500-Rs1000 plan amount by

considering affordable and other investment options. Also, there is no any
relation between the Annual income and SIP amount.
11. Investors hold SIP for period of 4-6 years (48.5%) which is based on other
investment avenues period of holding like post office, fixed deposits and so
12. Safety & protection of investment, transparency operation, compounding
benefits, high returns, tax benefits are reasons behind investors preference
towards investment in SIP Mutual Fund.
13. Investors are encouraged by different factors such as professional
management, simple to invest and monitor, diversifying portfolio, and as good
investment instrument to invest in SIP Mutual Fund.
14. 32.5 % investors expected annual return near about 10 percent from SIP
Investment. Only 8.5% investors expected returns high as possible.

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5.2 Conclusion
On the basis of this research, it can be concluded that Systematic Investment
Plan MF is a monthly or quarterly based investment mode through which an investor
invests a fixed sum of money into mutual funds at predetermined date. This SIP MF is
specially for investors who want to invest small amount and get huge amount after the
maturity period. Investors gets benefits of compounding, average rupee cost, start will
low amount in SIP Investment. Study include different factors such as awareness,
preferences, satisfaction, and decision making which determine the investors behavior
towards SIP Mutual Funds investment. So, SIP Mutual Fund is going to preferable
investment option for all investors to getting high returns with affordable risk by
diversifying portfolio of the investment funds.

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5.3. Suggestions
1. All Mutual Funds should organize and give the Investment Education
programs for Investors of the Karad city.
2. Different SIP Mutual Fund schemes information should provide to the
investors and inform the risk involved.
3. Time value of money is very important in Systematic Investment Plan so
company should create awareness in investors regarding their period of SIP
holding for greater return on investment.
4. Mutual Fund companies have to work on creating awareness about Systematic
Investment Plan through Social Media which is major source of reaching to
5. Mutual Fund companies have to establish mechanism for investors to be aware
about analyzing and monitoring they SIP Investment for higher returns.
6. Mutual funds must work on increase the baseline of small investors who are
invest for long-term and loyal. Long term investments reduce pressure of risk
on both investor and mutual funds.
7. Mutual Fund should design products schemes to meet the unique financial
needs of investor.
8. Mutual Funds companies have to encourage the investors who invest in other
investment avenues towards SIP investment by different awareness programs.

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5.4 Limitations of further Study

1. The Study was limited to the time constraint.
2. Some respondents not give financial information also, they were not serious
while responding.
3. Some respondents were hesitating to disclose financial details about their
finance because of income tax queries.
4. Due to COVID-19, unable to directly communicate with respondents.

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Books, Magazines, Journals:

1. Ainapur, p. (2018). A study on investor's perception towards mutual funds
bidar city. International journal of current engineering and scientific research,
5 (10), 6to12
2. Dr. Punita Soni and Mrs. Iram Khan, “Systematic Investment Planning
v/s other investment avenues in individual portfolio management”,
international journal in multidisciplinary and academic research,
volume1, issue 3, September 2009.
3. David, j purswami, g, & JoJo, a. (2019). A study of investment decision based
on Systematic Investment Plan, value averaging and lumpsum investment
plan. International journal of research and analytical reviews, 6 - (1).
4. Gupta and Amitabh (2004) ‘Performance Evaluation of Selected Indian
Mutual Fund Schemes-Empirical Study’, The ICFAI Journal of Applied
Finance, Pp.81- 98
5. Juwairiya P. P.- Role of systematic of investment plan in mutual fund among
the investors of Kerala-2017
6. K. Naupal Reddy- An analysis on investment in mutual fund through
Systematic Investment Planning a smart investors preference – volume-5,
issue-7, July 2017
7. Kirti Lalwani (2015),” A comparative study of effectiveness of Systematic
Investment Plan of private and public sector banks”, Department of
Commerce, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government arts and commerce
college, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
8. Manoharan, T. G., & Nair, G. V. (2018). Equity Funds or Mutual Funds?
Through the Lens of SIP and LIP. International Journal of Pure and Applied
9. Ramamurthy, B. M. and Reddy, S. (2005), Recent Trends in Mutual Fund
Industry, SCMS Journal of Indian Management.
10. Shelly Singhal and Manisha Goel (2011,) To evaluate whether one-time
investments or SIP would give higher return and to find out top five schemes
on the basis of return in the same-A case study of HDFC Bank”, IJRFM,
Vol:1, Issue:3, pp:90 to 108.

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11. Singh, B. K. and Jha, A.K. (2009), “An empirical study on awareness &
acceptability of Mutual fund”, 49 to 55.
12. SBI Mutual Fund, Benefiting from Mutual funds- investor’s Guide, 2016
13. Vijayalakshmi. S (2007)” Mutual Funds – Present and Future
Scenario”. Portfolio Organizer Volume: VIII, Issue: III, March 2007, pp
27 to 31
14. Yamal Vyas, (2010), ‘Know How to Invest Successfully in Mutual Funds’,
Dalal Street, Vol. XXV (8), April, p.-20.


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Project Synopsis

“Investors behavior towards Systematic Investment

Plan Mutual Funds”

With Reference to

IIFL Securities Ltd.

For the award of Impartial Fulfillment Degree of


Submitted By
Mr. Ganesh Rajaram Padwal
(Roll No. - 1940039)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Dr. M. V. JAGTAP

Submitted to
Department of Management Studies (MBA)
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology,
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Academic Year
2019 – 2020

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Investors behavior Systematic Investment Plan Mutual Funds

1.1 Introduction;
Everyone has habit of saving out of his income sources. Saving means put
some money side which you don’t spend now or put for future financial needs. When
people put their money in shares, bonds, debentures, commercial paper, bank
deposits, real estate with the expectation that this money will make more money for
you. Investment and savings are helping to capital investment for economic
growth and also the development of the country. It boosts the economic growth,
employment generation, human resource capital formation, infrastructural
developments, technical advancements, and, etc. of the country.
Before independence, people were very low aware about saving and
investment activities. Most of the earners use the income for different consumption
activities. After independence, the government of India starts different programs to
increase savings and investments.
Now peoples are more aware of different investment options and also invest
their money in that options. Mutual funds are one of the trending investments option.
In the mutual funds, the manager collects investors’ money and invest in opportunity
sectors in which he can gain maximum returns. Mutual funds have a number of
advantages includes comparatively higher Return on Investment (ROI), managed by
professional expertise, diversified portfolio, control over investing, and monitoring.
Mutual funds have different features that attract investors for higher gain. In
mutual funds, there are two types of payment options one is lumpsum and the second
is a Systematic Investment Plan. In lumpsum, investors invest total money in one time
for the short and long term. But in a Systematic Investment Plan, it allows investors to
invest some fixed amount continually in the desired mutual fund scheme.
Thus, the study has been conducted to know the investor's behavior towards
the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) offered by Mutual fund Companies. Systematic
Investment Plan (SIP) is a systematically planned approach to investments and an
investment method which allows to invest a small amount of money in mutual funds
scheme in opportunity sectors which gain higher returns funds.
The study of investor’s behavior of Karad City is carrying with IIFL
Securities Ltd. Which is one of the popular financial services or share trading

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1.2 Objective of The Study

The main objectives of the study include various factors that affect the
investment in systematic investment plan.

1. To understand the concept of Systematic Investment Plan

2. To understand investors perception towards SIP
3. To find investors’ preference over nature of SIP holding.
4. To study the level of satisfaction on the investment of SIP investors of Karad

1.3 Importance and Significance of Study

1. This study helpful to understand SIP Mutual Funds operations.

2. This study highlights the different factors which should consider at time of
investment in the mutual fund market.
3. This study helps to know behavior of investors is positive or negative while
investing in SIP Mutual Funds.
3.4 Hypothesis:
1. There is relation between Annual income and SIP plan of the respondent.
2. There is relation between SIP plan amount and their expectation about the
return on Investment.
3.5 Research Methodology
1.5.1 Research Design
For the current study descriptive design is applied. Descriptive research
studies are studies which are related to describing traits of particular individual or
individuals’ group. The focus of this study is on behavior of various investors in the
market regarding investment in Systematic Investment Plan. It involves selection of
appropriate sources of information, identify target population and decide sample size,
design of process of information collection, analysis of information and predictions.
1.5.2 Sources of data collection
Primary Data: -
The Primary Data collected through Primary Sources. I have used
Questionnaire method for primary sources to collecting data from the respected

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Secondary Data: -
The Basic source of data is reports, articles, magazines and journals related to
this study. Such as, Reports of IIFL mutual fund schemes. Reports of MF Industry,
Reports of Capital Market, Journals, Newspapers, Articles, Project reports, Research
Papers, Websites of the financial institutions related Mutual funds.
1.5.3 Sampling Design, Sampling Technique / Procedure Research Method:
Survey method is used as research method for the study. Thorough survey all
required information collected form respondents. Data collection Instrument:
The data collection instrument used is questionnaire. Questionnaire is
affordable instrument to collect data from number of respondents. Sample Unit:
Individuals, Businessmen, Professionals, Govt employees, Private Employees,
Students were target respondent groups for data collection. Sampling Technique:
Snowball Sampling Technique is non probability sampling technique is used
for collect data from respondents. This technique useful to gather information by
network of respondents. Sample Size:
The sample size for this is 200 investors in systematic investment plan in
Karad city. Random numbers were generated and suing random number table 100
investors were selected.
1.5.4 Method of processing Data Collected:
The Data collected is processed with help of MS Excel Software.
1.6 Expected Contribution: -
(How this research is beneficial to the other stake holders in society)
The study of Investors behavior towards Systematic Investment Plans focus on
the understand concepts of the SIP. So, from this study help others to know about
what is SIP and which factors must consider at time of investment in this plan.
Peoples will be decided by this study to invest or not according to their annual
income, occupation, and their expectations from SIP. Also, it is helpful to the
students, investors, researchers, entrepreneurs, salaried peoples etc. for their further
investment guidance and decision making.

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The chaptalization of the study will be as following;



(Ganesh Rajaram Padwal) (Prof. Dr. M.V. JAGTAP)

Name and Signature Name and Signature
of the Research Students of the Research Guide

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1. Name of the investor:
2. Age:
1.. 18-30 2. 31-45
3. 45-60 4. above 60
3. Gender:
1. Male 2. Female
4. Marital Status:
1. Married 2. Unmarried
5. Educational Qualification:
1. Post-Graduation 2. Graduation
3. Professional Degree 4. Highschool
6. Occupation:
1. Businessman 2. Govt. Employees
3. Private Employees 4. Student
5. Professional
7. Annual Income:
1. Less than 100000 2. 100000-300000
3. 300000-500000 4.500000-1000000
5. Above 1000000
8. From where you Know about Mutual Fund SIP?
1. Friends & Relatives 2. Internet
3. Newspaper 4. Television
5. Broker 6. social media
9. Purchase Through:
1. Through Broker 2. Buy Direct
10. What is your SIP plan?
1. Equity 2. Debt

3. Hybrid

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11. In which Mutual Fund you Invest:

2. HDFC Mutual Funds
3. ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds
4. Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds
5. Sherkhan Mutual Funds
6. SBI Mutual funds
12. Which amount Systematic Investment Plan you choose:
1. Rs.500-1000 2. Rs.1001-5000
3. Rs.5001-10000 4.Rs. 10001-20000
5. Above Rs.20001
13. What is your period of SIP holding?
1. Less than 1 year 2. 1-3 years
3. 4-6 years 4.7-10 years
5. More than 10 years
14. Expected Return:
1. Below 10% 2. 11%-15%
3. 16%-20% 4. 21%-25%
5. More than 25%
15. Experience of Investment in Mutual Funds:
1. None 2. 1-2 years
3. 3-5 years 4. 6-10 years
5. More than 10 years
16. Why you prefer mutual funds Systematic Investment Plan
1. Safety & Protection
2. Tax benefits
3. High Returns
4. Less procedure
5. Transparency in operation
6. Prestige value
7. Start with low amount
8. Compounding benefits

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17. What are the factors encouraging to invest in SIP?

1. Good investment instrument
2. Reduce the risk of investors by diversifying portfolio
3. Provide assured return
4. Professional management of funds
5. Transparency
6. Simple to invest and monitor the fund
7. Start with low investment amount
18. Problems faced by investors:
1. Low income
2. More fees and commission
3. Poor service by broker
4. Non availability of branch
5. Lack of Knowledge
19. Are you analyze or monitor the risk involved in SIP?
1. . Yes 2. No 3. Sometimes

20. Will you recommend others to invest in Systematic Investment Plan

Mutual Funds?

1. Yes
2. No 3. Maybe
21. How much you satisfied with Systematic Investment Plan mutual fund?
1. Highly satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Neutral
4. Unsatisfied
5. Highly unsatisfied

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