Speciality Lubricants For The Bakery Industry

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your global specialist

Industrial sector

Lubrication solutions
for a hot environment.
Speciality lubricants for the bakery industry
Lubrication solutions for a hot environmrent 3

Optimally equipped with our speciality lubricants 4

Mixer 6

Dough Divider, Proofer, Chiller / Freezer 8

Ovens 10

Other equipment 12

Our specialty lubricants for the bakery industry 18

KlüberEfficiencySupport Services 20

The right lubricant at the right place at the right time 21

2 B112005002 / Edition 07.15

Lubrication solutions for a hot environment

There are many challenges facing you as a baker: food safety, Certified hygiene for the entire process
reliable manufacturing processes, for example the cooling of
ovens, and – just as important – the reduction of operational and ISO 21469 is the international hygienic standard for the
maintenance costs. formulation, manufacture and use of H1 lubricants used in
the food-processing and pharmaceutical industries. The NSF
When production is running non-stop, any breakdown due to developed a certification procedure on the basis of ISO 21469,
lubrication failures can be very expensive for you. Just imagine which includes annual inspection of the lubricants-producing
the loss of production due to a lubrication failure in an oven plant by an National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) auditor to
bearing or in the cooling tunnel of a freezer. Key components check strict adherence to hygiene requirements, preventing
requiring specialized lubrication in the bakery industry are contamination during the manufacture of H1 lubricants.
transport chains, as the environment can be challenging Product samples are taken on an annual basis and analysed for
due to elevated temperatures and high humidity. Improper contamination, and also lubricant packing, storage and use are
chain lubrication here can lead to residue build-up, wear and evaluated during the audit. In order to get a plant certified under
eventually the loss of articulation in these chains. All the above ISO 21469:2006, it may be necessary to make some changes
could ultimately result in a breakdown, bringing production and in the manufacturing process calling for heavy investments to
output to a complete halt. enable compliance. Klüber Lubrication was amongst the first
few companies to be certified under the stringent requirements
of this standard.
Increase food safety
What does this mean for you? It means that not only
The selection of the right lubricant can play a major role our products are certified, but the whole manufacturing
in food safety. Product recalls can cost the manufacturer process of our H1 lubricants as well. This ensures com-
enormous time and money – if not their reputation. Even a minor plete protection against contamination during lubricant
contamination of a food product with lubricant, which cannot manufacturing.
always be technically avoided, can have severe consequences.
Innumerable regulations have to be observed in the production
of food: on hygiene, regarding the machines or the materials
used. Maintenance technicians, production and quality
managers have to take all these regulations into account for
the selection of lubricants. As a manufacturer of food products,
you will not be content just to have lubricants that comply with
legal regulations. You also expect them to be physiologically
safe, neutral in taste and odour; they should reduce friction and
wear, remove heat and seal components. As a global leader in
speciality lubricants, Klüber Lubrication offers a comprehensive
line of NSF H1 registered lubricants designed to meet the
extreme demands of the bakery industry.

Optimally equipped with
our speciality lubricants








Application points /  Product Klüber Lubrication Certifications / ­ Base oil / ­t hickener

machine components ­characteristics speciality lubricant registrations

Bearings Universal lubricating Klübersynth UH1 14-151 NSF H1 synthetic

grease ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil / 
complex soap

Gearboxes Synthetic gear oils for Klüberoil 4 UH1-220 N NSF H1 synthetic

normal temperatures ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil

Klüberoil 4 UH1-320 N synthetic

hydrocarbon oil

Klüberoil 4 UH1-460 N synthetic

hydrocarbon oil

Klüberoil 4 UH1-680 N synthetic

hydrocarbon oil

Klübersynth UH1 6-220 NSF H1 polyglycol

ISO 21469

Klübersynth UH1 6-320 polyglycol

Klübersynth UH1 6-460 polyglycol

Klübersynth UH1 6-680 polyglycol

Service ISO VG Kinematic viscosity Kinematic ­viscosity Description and benefits
temperature DIN 51562-1 DIN 51562-1
range [°C] [mm2 /s] [mm2 /s]
at 40 °C at 100 °C
-45 to 120 n.a. 150 22 – Applicable through centralised lubrication systems
– Also available in NLGI 2 grade as
Klübersynth UH1 14-222
– Good water resistance and corrosion protection, which
reduces the risk of premature bearing failure
– Usable for wide service temperature range due to its soft
– Suitable for application in rolling and plain bearings,
lifting cylinders, joints, cam discs, etc.
-30 to 120 220 220 26 – Wide service temperature range, can be used for a wide
range of applications in the food industry
– Good ageing and oxidation stability for longer oil life
-30 to 120 320 320 35 – Good wear protection and load-carrying capacity –
attains scuffing load stage ≥ 14 in the FZG test
– Good corrosion protection, neutral towards sealing
-30 to 120 460 460 47 materials and paints
– For the lubrication of spur, bevel and worm gears

-25 to 120 680 680 65

-30 to 160 220 220 41 – High micropitting resistance offers sufficient protection
to highly loaded gears
– The good CLP-rated rolling bearing wear protection
-30 to 160 320 320 56 prevents premature bearing failure
– Much longer service life than mineral oils due to the
excellent ageing and oxidation resistance of the base oil,
-30 to 160 460 460 78 such that maintenance intervals can be extended and
even lifetime lubrication is possible
– The reduced friction of the polyglycol base oil reduces
-25 to 160 680 680 115 power losses and improves efficiency – reducing energy

Dough Divider, Proofer, Chiller / Freezer

Dough Divider
Application points /  Product Klüber Lubrication Certifications / ­ Base oil
machine components ­characteristics speciality lubricant registrations

High-speed & regular divider knives Release agent PARALIQ P 12 NSF H1 paraffinic
NSF 3H mineral oil
ISO 21469
Release agent PARALIQ 91 NSF H1 ester oil
ISO 21469

Application points /  Product Klüber Lubrication Certifications / ­ Base oil
machine components ­characteristics speciality lubricant registrations

Bearings Heavy duty grease for Klüberfood NH1 94-402 NSF H1 synthetic
wet environment ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil / 
calcium complex

Chains Special chain oil for Klüberfood NH1 C 8-80 NSF H1 semi-synthetic
chains in highly humid ISO 21469

Chiller / Freezer
Application points /  Product Klüber Lubrication Certifications /  Base oil / 
machine components ­characteristics speciality lubricant ­registrations thickener

Bearings Synthetic grease for Klübersynth UH1 14-31 NSF H1 synthetic

low temperatures ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil /
complex soap
Chains Synthetic oil suitable Klüber Summit HySyn FG 32 NSF H1 synthetic
for low temperatures ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil
Chains Synthetic spray oil for Klüberoil 4 UH1-15 Spray NSF H1 synthetic
small chains ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil

Gears Synthetic gear oil Klüberoil 4 UH1-32 N NSF H1 synthetic

for low temperatures ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil

Service Kinematic viscosity Kinematic ­viscosity Description and benefits
temperature DIN 51562-1 [mm2/s] DIN 51562-1 [mm2/s]
range [°C] at 40 °C at 100 °C
-10 to 60 21 3,7 –– Based on medically pure oils
–– Neutral in odour & taste

n.a. 14 3,6 –– Neutral in taste and colour

Service Kinematic viscosity Kinematic ­viscosity Description and benefits

temperature DIN 51562-1 [mm2/s] DIN 51562-1 [mm2/s]
range [°C] at 40 °C at 100 °C
-30 to 160 400 40 –– Excellent load carrying capacity
–– Very good corrosion protection and water resistance.
–– Applicable through centralised lubrication system for
rolling bearings subject to high loads
–– Excellent flow properties to ensure the lubrication point
is reliably supplied with lubricant; extended component
-30 to 120 80 10 –– Good stability in highly humid environments
–– Provides protection against wear and fretting corrosion,
thereby optimising the life of drive chains

Service Description and benefits

range [°C]
-45 to 120 –– Reliable operation at low temperatures due to soft consistency and low base oil viscosity
–– Reduced risk of premature component failure due to good adhesion and anticorrosive behaviour
–– Very good pumpability in centralised lubricating systems prevents lubricant starvation

-45 to 135 –– Offers good stability at low temperatures and protection against wear

-45 to 110 –– Good penetrative properties facilitating both quick disassembly of component parts and
reduced down-time
–– Corrosion protection properties to maximise component life
-35 to 120 –– Good ageing and oxidation stability for longer oil life
–– Good corrosion protection, neutral towards sealing materials and paints
–– For the lubrication of spur, bevel and worm gears

e.g. pizza, tortilla, or wafer ovens and rack, spiral, serpentine or tunnel ovens

Application points /  Product Klüber Lubrication Certifications / ­ Base oil / 
machine components ­characteristics speciality lubricant registrations thickener

Bearings operating at Heavy-duty grease Klüberfood NH1 94-402 NSF H1 synthetic

ambient temperatures for temperatures ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil / 
below 160 °C calcium complex

Bearings operating at Long-term grease BARRIERTA L 55/2 NSF H1 PFPE / PTFE

high temperatures for high temperatures ISO 21469
above 160 °C

Application points /  Product Klüber Lubrication Certifications / ­ Base oil
machine components ­characteristics speciality lubricant registrations

Transport and drive chains High-temperature ­ Klüberfood NH1 CH 2-220 Plus NSF H1 ester
chain oil ISO 21469
Gearboxes Synthetic gear oils for Klüberoil 4 UH1-220 N NSF H1 synthetic
normal temperatures ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil
Klüberoil 4 UH1-320 N NSF H1 synthetic
ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil
Klüberoil 4 UH1-460 N NSF H1 synthetic
ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil
Klüberoil 4 UH1-680 N NSF H1 synthetic
ISO 21469 hydrocarbon oil
Synthetic gear oils for Klübersynth UH1 6-220 NSF H1 polyglycol
higher temperatures ISO 21469
(up to 160 °C)
Klübersynth UH1 6-320 NSF H1 polyglycol
ISO 21469
Klübersynth UH1 6-460 NSF H1 polyglycol
ISO 21469
Klübersynth UH1 6-680 NSF H1 polyglycol
ISO 21469

Service Base oil Base oil Colour Speed Consist- Description and benefits
tempera- viscosity viscosity factor ency
ture range DIN 51562-1 DIN 51562-1 n · dm NLGI class
[°C] [mm2 /s] [mm2 /s] [mm · min -1] DIN 51 81
at 40°C at 100°C
-30 to 160 400 40 beige 300,000 2 – Excellent load carrying capacity
– Very good corrosion protection and water
– Applicable through centralised lubrication
system for rolling bearings subject to high
– Excellent flow properties to ensure the
lubrication point is reliably supplied with
lubricant; extended component life
-40 to 260 420 40 white 300,000 2 – Proven high-temperature stability
– Very good resistance to aggressive media
– Good compatibility with plastics and
– For the lubrication of rolling and plain bearings
and guide rails at high temperatures, e.g. wafer
baking machines

Service ISO VG Base oil Base oil Description and benefits

tempera- viscosity viscosity
ture range DIN 51562-1 DIN 51562-1
[°C] [mm2 /s] [mm2 /s]
at 40°C at 100°C
-20 to 250 220 220 21 – Low oil evaporation rate resulting in low residue formation and reduced
oil consumption
-30 to 120 220 220 26 – Wide service temperature range, can be used for a wide range of applications
in the food industry
– Good ageing and oxidation stability for longer oil life
-30 to 120 320 320 35
– Good wear protection and load-carrying capacity – attains scuffing load stage > 12
in the FZG test
-30 to 120 460 460 47 – Good corrosion protection, neutral towards sealing materials and paints
– For the lubrication of spur, bevel and worm gears
-25 to 120 680 680 65

-30 to 160 220 220 41 – High micropitting resistance offers sufficient protection to highly loaded
gears and excellent performance in worm gear boxes
– The good CLP-rated rolling bearing wear protection prevents premature
-30 to 160 320 320 56
bearing failure
– Much longer service life than mineral oils due to the excellent ageing and
-30 to 160 460 460 78 oxidation resistance of the base oil, such that maintenance intervals can be
extended and even lifetime lubrication is possible
– The reduced friction of the polyglycol base oil reduces power losses and
-25 to 160 680 680 115
improves efficiency – reducing power bills

Other equipment

Application Application points /  Klüber Lubrication Certifications / 

machine components speciality lubricant ­registrations

Chains under wide operating Chains Klüberoil 4 UH1-1500 N Spray NSF H1

temperature ISO 21469
Klüberfood NH1 4-220 N Spray NSF H1
ISO 21469
Klüberfood NH1 CH2-220 Spray NSF H1
ISO 21469
Chains under normal temperature but Chains operating in a sugar bath Klüberfood NH1 1-17 NSF H1
special conditions
Klüberfood NH1 6-10 / 6-180 NSF H1
ISO 21469
Screw threads Screw threads Klüberoil 4 UH1-15 Spray NSF H1

Screw threads and slides Klüberpaste UH1 96-402 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Base oil Thickener Service Description and benefits
range [°C]
synthetic hydrocarbon none -25 to 120 –– Drive and conveyor chain lubrication where maximum adhesion is required,
oil / ester for example in high-speed applications
–– Good wear protection to optimise chain life
synthetic hydrocarbon none -30 to 120
–– Maximum penetration to main friction points of the chain
oil / ester
–– Klüberfood NH1 CH2 220 Spray is suitable for high temperatures with lower
synthetic hydrocarbon none 0 to 250 evaporation rate
oil / ester
white oil none n.a. –– A contributor to reduced wear and component costs resulting from good
penetrative and corrosion protection properties
–– Potential reduction in contamination levels with a greater resistance
polygyol oil none n.a.
to sugar build-up

synthetic hydrocarbon oil /  none -45 to 110 –– Light penetrating oil to aid disassembly and reduce downtime
ester oil
polyalkylene glycol oil silicate -30 to 1200 –– Reliable dry lubrication at temperatures from 200 °C to 1200 °C
–– Good adhesion to the friction point, also when subject to humidity

Other equipment

Application Application points /  Klüber Lubrication Certifications /

machine components speciality lubricant ­registrations

Compressors Air screw compressors & Klüber Summit FG 100 NSF H1

pneumatics ISO 21469

Klüber Summit FG 200 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Air reciprocating compressors Klüber Summit FG 250 or 300 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Air rotary vane compressors Klüber Summit FG 300 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Hydraulics Klüberfood 4 NH1-32 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Klüberfood 4 NH1-46 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Refrigeration compressors Klüber Summit R 200 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Klüber Summit RHT 68 NSF H2

Klüber Summit RPS 52 NSF H1

Base oil Thickener Service Description and benefits
range [°C]
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none -40 to 135 –– Synthetic base oil with low volatility ensuring minimum carry-over, minimising
contamination risks and consumption, providing typically increased oil life and
reduced operating costs
–– KlüberMonitor analysis scheme recommended to determine the optimum
duration of oil use. Please ask your Klüber consultant for advice
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none -40 to 135 –– Synthetic base oil with low volatility ensuring minimum carry-over, minimising
contamination risks and consumption, providing typically increased oil life and
reduced operating costs
–– KlüberMonitor analysis scheme recommended to determine the optimum
duration of oil use. Please ask your Klüber consultant for advice
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none -40 to 135 –– Synthetic oil with low volatility ensuring minimum carry-over, minimising
contamination risks
–– Low residue formation reducing contamination of valves to reduce the risk of
sticking and loss of compression, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced
energy consumption
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none -35 to 135 –– Synthetic base oil with low volatility ensuring minimum carry-over, minimising
contamination risks
–– Increased efficiency resulting from low residue formation to reduce
contamination of vanes to prevent sticking and loss of compression
–– KlüberMonitor analysis scheme recommended to determine optimum duration of
oil use. Please ask your Klüber Lubrication consultant for advice
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none -45 to 135 –– Synthetic base oil with low volatility ensuring minimum carry-over, minimising
contamination risks and consumption, providing typically increased oil life and
reduced operating costs
–– KlüberMonitor analysis scheme recommended to determine the optimum
duration of oil use. Please ask your Klüber Lubrication consultant for advice
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none -40 to 135 –– Synthetic base oil with low volatility ensuring minimum carry-over, minimising
contamination risks and consumption, providing typically increased oil life and
reduced operating costs
–– KlüberMonitor analysis scheme recommended to determine the optimum
duration of oil use. Please ask your Klüber Lubrication consultant for advice
synthetic hydrocarbon oil none down to -50 –– Synthetic compressor oil for refrigerating compressors operating with ammonia
(R717), CO2 (R744), propane (R290), propylene (R1270) or butane (R600) as
refrigerant to minimise carry-over and sludge build up, supporting a reduction in
oil consumption and operating costs
–– Pourpoint ≤ -51 °C
paraffin-based mineral oil none down to -39 –– Low maintenance costs due to extended oil change intervals and reduced oil
–– Easy compressor oil conversion due to neutral behaviour towards seals
–– High efficiency of the refrigerating plant due to reduced oil deposits
–– Low operating costs due to long service life of filters and oil separators
–– Low oil carry-over and consumption compared to naphthene-based mineral oils
polyglycol none down to -40 –– Reliable operation of the compressor due to stable viscosity under the influence
of refrigerants
–– High efficiency of the refrigerating plants due to reduced oil deposits
–– Low operating costs due to long service life of filters and oil separators
–– Simplified system configuration as the product can be used with dry evaporation

Other equipment

Application Application points /  Klüber Lubrication Certifications / ­

machine components speciality lubricant registrations

General applications Water displacement Klüberfood NH1 4-002 Spray NSF H1

ISO 21469
Cleaner / degreaser Klüberfood NK1 Z 8-001 Spray NSF H1
NSF K1 and NSF K3
Heat transfer fluid Klüberfood NHT1 1-16 NSF HT1

Motor bearings Klübersynth UH1 14-222 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Klübertemp RHB 83-202 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Corrosion protection Klüberfood NH1 K 32 NSF H1

ISO 21469

Base oil Thickener Service Description and benefits
range [°C]

synthetic hydrocarbon oil none n.a. –– Good penetrating and water displacement properties

organic solvent none n.a. –– Rapid and thorough removal of oils, greases, waxes and resin residues

mineral oil n.a. 0 to 300 –– Good thermal stability and efficient heat transfer properties
–– Low viscosity for faster start-ups
–– Less maintenance due to highly refined base oil
synthetic hydrocarbon oil aluminium -25 to 120 –– Facilitates product streamlining owing to its wide range of applications
complex soap –– Offers improved surface protection through good adhesion and its particular
perfluorinated polyether oil PTFE -45 to 240 –– Long maintenance intervals in applications with high thermal loads
- Due to remarkable thermal stability
- Due to good corrosion-inhibiting characteristics
not applicable n.a. 0 to 80 –– Transparent "grease-like" anticorrosive film for the protection of ferrous metals
–– Provides good anti-corrosion protection for wet areas subject to frequent wash
–– Also available as a spray

Our specialty lubricants for the bakery industry

Mixer Dough Proofer Chiller / Freezer

Bearings Gear- High- Bearings Chains Bearings Chains
boxes speed &
Klüber Summit FG 100, 200, 250, 300
Klüber Summit HySyn FG 32 X
Klüber Summit R 200
Klüber Summit RHT 68
Klüber Summit RPS 52
Klüberfood 4 NH1-32, -46
Klüberfood NH1 1-17
Klüberfood NH1 4-002 Spray
Klüberfood NH1 4-220 N Spray
Klüberfood NH1 6-10, 6-180
Klüberfood NH1 94-402 X
Klüberfood NH1 C 8-80 X
Klüberfood NH1 CH 2 Spray
Klüberfood NH1 CH 2-260 Plus
Klüberfood NHT1 1-16
Klüberfood NK1 Z 8-001 Spray
Klüberoil 4 UH1-220, -320, -460, -680 N X
Klüberoil 4 UH1-32 N
Klüberoil 4 UH1-15 Spray X
Klüberoil 4 UH1-1500 N Spray
Klüberpaste UH1 96-402
Klübersynth UH1 14-151 X
Klübersynth UH1 14-222 X
Klübersynth UH1 14-31 X
Klübersynth UH1 6-220, -320, -460, -680 X
Klübertemp RHB 83-202

Oven Other equipment

Gears Bearings Chains Gear- Chains Chains, Screw Com­ Hydrau- General
boxes sugar threads pressors lics applica-





Services by Klüber Lubrication – your success from one tool box

Every manufacturer and operator in every industry wants his in addition to its high-quality lubricants to benefit from
machinery to run reliably and efficiently to its design life and considerable added value and the optimum solution for their
beyond. The right lubricants carry considerable potential needs. Our consulting and other services are put together
to reduce the energy costs, spare parts and labour while under the umbrella of KlüberEfficiencySupport.
increasing productivity. Companies from many industries
have been using Klüber Lubrication's professional services


KlüberEnergy KlüberMaintain KlüberMonitor

Consultant services for optimisation of Support for your lubricant management Increased productivity through used
the energy efficiency of your lubricant and maintenance programmes such as lubricant analyses. Recommendations for
application; verification through energy TPM1 with regard to lubricants and the optimisation based on trend analyses and
measurements and reporting of cost associated maintenance activities. test rig results.

KlüberCollege – Increasing people efficiency

The methodology was developed by Klüber Lubrication, is your maintenance and production processes, machines
tried-and-tested and consists of a multi-stage, systematic or components, going well beyond a simple lubricant
approach. We identify your requirements together with you recommendation. We also verify the effects our measures
at an early stage to discover potential for optimisation. From have in practice. This provides you with everything you need
that we develop solutions together with you to improve to multiply improvements and develop your success.
the energy efficiency of your machinery or the efficiency of

TPM: Total Productive Maintenance

The right lubricant at the
right place at the right time

Systems for automatic lubrication

We in Klüber Lubrication understand ourselves as a solution technology are available with standard, long-term or high-
provider. We not only supply high-performance oils and greases, pressure greases, standard or high-temperature chain oils and
but also “intelligent packages” for automatic lubrication of your special oils and greases for the food-processing industry. We
machines and components. Selected lubricants covering a wide are also able to supply other lubricants in automatic dispensers
range of typical applications are available in automatic lubricant on request and for higher order volumes, provided they have
dispensers for single-point lubrication. These tried-and-tested been tested and approved for use – please contact your Klüber
systems based on electromechanical or electrochemical Lubrication consultant for details.

Your benefits at a glance

Profitability Reliability

Continuous production processes and predictable maintenance Automatic lubrication systems from Klüber Lubrication ensure
intervals reduce production losses to a minimum. Consistently reliable, clean and precise lubrication around the clock. Plant
high lubricant quality ensures continuous, maintenance-free availability is ensured by continuous relubrication of the
long-term lubrication for high plant availability. Continuous supply application.
of fresh lubricant to the lubrication points keeps friction low and
reduces energy costs. Lubrication with Klübermatic may help to prevent up to 55 %
of rolling bearing failures.
Lubrication with Klübermatic can reduce costs by up to 25 %.

From low-cost to high-tech – automatic systems

Safety for all requirements
Longer lubrication intervals reduce the frequency of maintenance Klüber Lubrication offers you the following technological solutions:
work and the need for your staff to work in danger zones. – Freely adjustable lubrication increments between
Lubrication systems from Klüber Lubrication can therefore 1 and 12 months
considerably reduce occupational safety risks in work areas that – Range of speciality lubricants
are difficult to access. – Self-contained or machine-controlled lubrication systems
(time control with programmable controller)
Lubrication with Klübermatic can decrease the risk of accidents – Combination of tried-and-tested Klüber Lubrication lubricants
by up to 90 %. with proven automatic lubricant dispensers

Klübermatic FLEX Klübermatic NOVA Klübermatic STAR VARIO Klübermatic STAR CONTROL

Flexible use – and for For applications subject Precise and adjustable lubricant Externally controlled single-point
lubrication points with to wide temperature metering. relubrication.
high requirements. fluctuations.


Publisher and Copyright:
Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG

Reprints, total or in part, are permitted

only after prior consultation with
Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG and if
source is indicated and voucher copy is forwarded.

The data in this document is based on our general

experience and knowledge at the time of publication
and is intended to give information of possible
applications to a reader with technical experience.
It constitutes neither an assurance of product
properties nor does it release the user from the
obligation of performing preliminary field tests with
the product selected for a specific application. All
data are guide values which depend on the lubricant’s
composition, the intended use and the application
method. The technical values of lubricants change
depending on the mechanical, dynamical, chemical
and thermal loads, time and pressure. These
changes may affect the function of a component.
We recommend contacting us to discuss your
specific application. If possible we will be pleased to
provide a sample for testing on request. Products
from Klüber Lubrication are continually improved.
Therefore, Klüber Lubrication reserves the right to
change all the technical data in this document at any
time without notice.

Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG

Geisenhausenerstraße 7
81379 München

Local first-instance court Munich, Germany

Certificate of registration 46624


Klüber Lubrication – your global specialist

Innovative tribological solutions are our passion. Through personal contact and consultation,
we help our customers to be successful worldwide, in all industries and markets. With our
ambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staff we have been fulfilling
increasingly demanding requirements by manufacturing efficient high-performance
lubricants for more than 80 years.

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