Cummins Diessel Engine m11 Troubleshooting and Repair Manual

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Cummins Diessel Engine M11 Troubleshooting And Repair Manual

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Troubleshooting and Repair Manual
M11 Series Engines

CopyrightR 1996 Bulletin No. 3666139–00

Cummins Engine Company, Inc. Printed 2/96
All rights reserved

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This manual provides instructions for troubleshooting and repairing this engine in the chassis. Component and
assembly rebuild procedures are provided in the engine shop manual. Refer to Section i - Introduction for instructions
on how to use this manual.
Read and follow all safety instructions. Refer to the WARNING in the General Safety Instructions in Section i
- Introduction.
The manual is organized to guide a service technician through the logical steps of identifying and correcting problems
related to the engine. This manual does not cover vehicle or equipment problems. Consult the vehicle or equipment
manufacturer for repair procedures.
A series of specific service manuals (for example: Shop, Specifications, and Alternative Repair) are available and can
be ordered by filling out and mailing the Literature Order Form located in Section L - Service Literature.
The repair procedures used in this manual are recommended by Cummins Engine Co., Inc. Some service procedures
require the use of special service tools. Use the correct tools as described.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. encourages the user of this manual to report errors, omissions, and recommendations
for improvement. Please use the postage paid, pre-addressed Literature Survey Form in the back of this manual for
communicating your comments.
The specifications and rebuild information in this manual is based on the information in effect at the time of printing.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. reserves the right to make any changes at any time without obligation. If differences
are found between your engine and the information in this manual, contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location
or call 1-800-DIESELS (1-800-343-7357).
The latest technology and the highest quality components are used to manufacture Cummins engines. When re-
placement parts are needed, we recommend using only genuine Cummins or ReConT exchange parts. These parts
can be identified by the following trademarks:

g-01 (tr-frwd)
Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ i

Engine Identification .......................................................................................................................... E

Troubleshooting Symptoms ............................................................................................................... TS

Complete Engine — Group 00 ........................................................................................................... 0

Cylinder Block — Group 01 ................................................................................................................ 1

Cylinder Head — Group 02 ................................................................................................................ 2

Rocker Levers — Group 03 ................................................................................................................ 3

Cam Followers/Tappets — Group 04 .................................................................................................. 4

Fuel System — Group 05 ................................................................................................................... 5

Injectors and Fuel Lines — Group 06 ................................................................................................ 6

Lubricating Oil System — Group 07 ................................................................................................... 7

Cooling System — Group 08 .............................................................................................................. 8

Drive Units — Group 09 ..................................................................................................................... 9

Air Intake System — Group 10 ........................................................................................................... 10

Exhaust System — Group 11 ............................................................................................................. 11

Compressed Air System — Group 12 ................................................................................................ 12

Electrical Equipment — Group 13 ..................................................................................................... 13

Engine Testing — Group 14 ............................................................................................................... 14

Mounting Adaptations — Group 16 ................................................................................................... 16

Miscellaneous Hardware — Group 17 ................................................................................................ 17

Vehicle Braking — Group 20 .............................................................................................................. 20

Service Literature ............................................................................................................................... L

Component Manufacturers ................................................................................................................. M

Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... V

Index ................................................................................................................................................... X
M11 Series
Section i - Introduction Page i-a

Section i - Introduction
Section Contents
About this Manual ............................................................................................................................................ i-1
Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... i-10
General Cleaning Instructions.......................................................................................................................... i-9
Glass or Plastic Bead Cleaning ..................................................................................................................... i-9
Solvent and Acid Cleaning ............................................................................................................................ i-9
Steam Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................ i-9
General Repair Instructions.............................................................................................................................. i-8
Welding on a Vehicle with an Electronic Controlled Fuel System .................................................................... i-8
General Safety Instructions.............................................................................................................................. i-7
Important Safety Notice .................................................................................................................................. i-7
How to Use the Manual ................................................................................................................................... i-1
Illustrations ....................................................................................................................................................... i-6
Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ i-2
M11 Series About this Manual
Section i - Introduction Page i-1

About this Manual

This Troubleshooting and Repair Manual is intended to aid in determining the cause of engine related problems and
to provide recommended repair procedures.
The material in this manual covers all M11 Series engines. The manual is divided into sections. Each section is
equivalent to a group used in Cummins’ filmcard system. Some sections contain reference numbers and procedure
numbers. Reference numbers provide general information, specifications, diagrams, and service tools where appli-
cable. Procedure numbers are used to identify and reference specific repair procedures for correcting the problem.
This manual is designed so the troubleshooting trees are used to locate the cause of an engine problem. The
troubleshooting trees then direct the user to the correct repair procedure. The repair procedures within a section are
in numerical order. However, the repair steps within a given procedure are organized in the order the repair must be
performed regardless of the numerical order of the steps. The user must use the contents pages or the index at the
back of the manual to locate specific topics when not using the troubleshooting trees.
This manual covers all base engine repair procedures and some fuel system repair procedures for the STC fuel system.
Repair procedures and fault code diagnosis for the electronic fuel systems (CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus) is covered
in Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, Bulletin No. 3666130.

How to Use the Manual

This manual is organized to provide an easy flow from problem identification to problem correction. A list of trouble-
shooting symptoms containing the most common engine problems is in the Troubleshooting Symptoms, Section (TS).
The manual is designed to use the Troubleshooting Symptoms as a guide to locating the problem and directing the
end user to the correct procedure for making the repair. Complete the following steps to locate and correct the problem.

(Step 1) Locate the symptom on the Section Contents pages of Section TS.

Reference to the page number where the Troubleshooting Symptom Tree is found is made
to the right of the symptom tree title.
(Step 2) The left column of boxes in the Troubleshooting Symptom Charts indicates a probable
cause of the problem, starting at the top with the simplest and easiest to repair, and con-
tinuing downward to the most difficult.

The right column of boxes provides a brief description of the corrective action with a refer-
ence number to the correct procedure used to make the repair.
(Step 3) Locate the probable cause in the left column then turn to the procedure referenced in the
right column.
(Step 4) The Troubleshooting Symptom Charts are based on the following assumptions:

1. The engine has been installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

2. The easiest repairs are done first.

3. ‘‘Generic’’ solutions to cover problems with the most common applications and Origi-
nal Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
Symbols M11 Series
Page i-2 Section i - Introduction

The following symbols have been used in this manual to help communicate the intent of the instructions. When one
of the symbols appears, it conveys the meaning defined below:

g-01 (full-sym)
M11 Series Symbols
Section i - Introduction Page i-3
Symbols M11 Series
Page i-4 Section i - Introduction
M11 Series Symbols
Section i - Introduction Page i-5
Illustrations M11 Series
Page i-6 Section i - Introduction

Some of the illustrations throughout this manual are ge-
neric and will not look exactly like the engine or parts used
in your application. The illustrations can contain symbols
to indicate an action required and an acceptable or not
acceptable condition.

The illustrations are intended to show repair or replace-

ment procedures. The procedure will be the same for all
applications, although the illustration can differ.

g-01 (illus)
M11 Series General Safety Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-7

General Safety Instructions

Important Safety Notice
Improper practices or carelessness can cause burns, cuts, mutilation, asphyxiation or other bodily injury or
Read and understand all of the safety precautions and warnings before performing any repair. This list contains the
general safety precautions that must be followed to provide personal safety. Special safety precautions are included
in the procedures when they apply.

• Make sure the work area surrounding the product is dry, well lit, ventilated, free from clutter, loose tools, parts,
ignition sources and hazardous substances. Be aware of hazardous conditions that can exist.
• Always wear protective glasses and protective shoes when working.
• Rotating parts can cause cuts, mutilation or strangulation.
• Do not wear loose-fitting or torn clothing. Remove all jewelry when working.
• Disconnect the battery (negative [-] cable first) and discharge any capacitors before beginning any repair work.
Disconnect the air starting motor if equipped to prevent accidental engine starting. Put a ‘‘Do Not Operate’’ tag
in the operator’s compartment or on the controls.
• Use ONLY the proper engine barring techniques for manually rotating the engine. Do not attempt to rotate the
crankshaft by pulling or prying on the fan. This practice can cause serious personal injury, property damage,
or damage to the fan blade(s) causing premature fan failure.
• If an engine has been operating and the coolant is hot, allow the engine to cool before you slowly loosen the
filler cap and relieve the pressure from the cooling system.
• Do not work on anything that is supported ONLY by lifting jacks or a hoist. Always use blocks or proper stands
to support the product before performing any service work.
• Relieve all pressure in the air, oil, fuel and the cooling systems before any lines, fittings, or related items are
removed or disconnected. Be alert for possible pressure when disconnecting any device from a system that
utilizes pressure. Do not check for pressure leaks with your hand. High pressure oil or fuel can cause personal
• To prevent suffocation and frostbite, wear protective clothing and ONLY disconnect fuel and liquid refrigerant
(freon) lines in a well ventilated area. To protect the environment, liquid refrigerant systems must be properly
emptied and filled using equipment that prevents the release of refrigerant gas (fluorocarbons) into the atmo-
sphere. Federal law requires capturing and recycling refrigerant.
• To avoid personal injury, use a hoist or get assistance when lifting components that weigh 23 kg [50 lb] or more.
Make sure all lifting devices such as chains, hooks, or slings are in good condition and are of the correct capacity.
Make sure hooks are positioned correctly. Always use a spreader bar when necessary. The lifting hooks must
not be side-loaded.
• Corrosion inhibitor, a component of SCA and lubricating oil, contains alkali. Do not get the substance in your
eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Do not swallow internally. In case of contact, immediately
wash skin with soap and water. In case of contact, immediately flood eyes with large amounts of water for a
• Naptha and Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) are flammable materials and must be used with caution. Follow the
manufacturer’s instructions to provide complete safety when using these materials. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF
• To avoid burns, be alert for hot parts on products that have just been turned off, and hot fluids in lines, tubes,
and compartments.
• Always use tools that are in good condition. Make sure you understand how to use them before performing any
service work. Use ONLY genuine Cummins or Cummins ReConT replacement parts.
• Always use the same fastener part number (or equivalent) when replacing fasteners. Do not use a fastener of
lessor quality if replacements are necessary.
• Do not perform any repair when fatigued or after consuming alcohol or drugs that can impair your functioning.
• Some state and federal agencies in the United States of America have determined that used engine oil can be
carcinogenic and can cause reproductive toxicity. Avoid inhalation of vapors, ingestion, and prolonged contact
with used engine oil.

g-01 (safety)
General Repair Instructions M11 Series
Page i-8 Section i - Introduction

General Repair Instructions

This engine incorporates the latest diesel technology at the time it was manufactured; yet, it is designed to be repaired
using normal repair practices performed to quality standards.
• Cummins Engine Company, Inc. does not recommend or authorize any modifications or repairs to engines
or components except for those detailed in Cummins Service Information. In particular, unauthorized
repair to safety-related components can cause personal injury or death. Below is a partial listing of
components classified as safety-related:

Air Compressor Flywheel Mounting Capscrews

Air Controls Fuel Shutoff Assemblies
Air Shutoff Assemblies Fuel Supply Tubes
Balance Weights Lifting Brackets
Cooling Fan Throttle Controls
Fan Hub Assembly Turbocharger Compressor Casing
Fan Mounting Bracket(s) Turbocharger Oil Drain Line(s)
Fan Mounting Capscrews Turbocharger Oil Supply Line(s)
Fan Hub Spindle Turbocharger Turbine Casing
Flywheel Vibration Damper Mounting Capscrews
Flywheel Crankshaft Adapter

• Follow all safety instructions noted in the procedures

— Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning solvents and other substances used during the
repair of the engine. Some solvents and used engine oil have been identified by government agencies as
toxic or carcinogenic. Avoid excessive breathing, injestion and contact with such substances. Always use
good safety practices with tools and equipment.
• Provide a clean environment and follow the cleaning instructions specified in the procedures
— The engine and its components must be kept clean during any repair. Contamination of the engine or
components will cause premature wear.
• Perform the inspections specified in the procedures
• Replace all components or assemblies which are damaged or worn beyond the specifications
• Use genuine Cummins new or ReConT service parts and assemblies
— The assembly instructions have been written to use again as many components and assemblies as possible.
When it is necessary to replace a component or assembly, the procedure is based on the use of new
Cummins or Cummins ReConT components. All of the repair services described in this manual are available
from all Cummins Distributors and most Dealer locations.
• Follow the specified disassembly and assembly procedures to avoid damage to the components
Complete rebuild instructions are available in the shop manual which can be ordered or purchased from a Cummins
Authorized Repair Location. Refer to Section L — Service Literature for ordering instructions.
Welding on a Vehicle with an Electronic Controlled Fuel System
Disconnect both the positive (+) and negative (-) battery cables from the battery before welding on the vehicle.
Attach the welder ground cable no more than 0.61 meters [2 feet] from the part being welded. Do not connect
the ground cable of the welder to the ECM cooling plate or ECM. Welding on the engine or engine mounted
components is not recommended.

g-01 (repair-e)
M11 Series General Cleaning Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-9

General Cleaning Instructions

Solvent and Acid Cleaning
Several solvent and acid-type cleaners can be used to clean the engine parts. Experience has shown that the best
results can be obtained using a cleaner that can be heated to 90 to 95 degrees Celsius [180 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit].
A cleaning tank that provides a constant mixing and filtering of the cleaning solution will give the best results. Cummins
Engine Company, Inc. does not recommend any specific cleaners. Always follow the cleaner manufacturer’s
Remove all the gasket material, o-rings, and the deposits of sludge, carbon, etc., with a wire brush or scraper before
putting the parts in a cleaning tank. Be careful not to damage any gasket surfaces. When possible, steam clean the
parts before putting them in the cleaning tank.
Acid is extremely dangerous and can damage the machinery. Always provide a tank of strong soda water as a
neutralizing agent.
Rinse all of the parts in hot water after cleaning. Dry completely with compressed air. Blow the rinse water from all of
the capscrew holes and the oil drillings.
If the parts are not to be used immediately after cleaning, dip them in a suitable rustproofing compound. The
rustproofing compound must be removed from the parts before installation on the engine.
Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning can be used to remove all types of dirt that can contaminate the cleaning tank. It is a good way to clean
the oil drillings.
Wear protective clothing to prevent personal injury from the high pressure and extreme heat.
Do not steam clean the following parts:
1. Electrical Components 5. Belts and Hoses
2. Wiring 6. Bearings
3. Injectors 7. Electronic Control Module (ECM)
4. Fuel Pump 8. ECM Connectors
Glass or Plastic Bead Cleaning
Glass or plastic bead cleaning can be used on many engine components to remove carbon deposits. The cleaning
process is controlled by the size of the glass or plastic beads, the operating pressure, and the cleaning time.
Do not use glass or plastic bead cleaning on aluminum piston skirts. Do not use glass bead cleaning on
aluminum ring grooves. Small particles of glass or plastic will embed in the aluminum and result in premature
wear. Valves, turbocharger shafts, etc., can also be damaged. Follow the cleaning directions listed in the
NOTE: Plastic bead blasting media, Part No. 3822735, can be used to clean aluminum ring grooves. Do not use any
bead blasting media on pin bores or aluminum skirts.
Follow the equipment manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. The following guidelines can be used to adapt to manu-
facturer’s instructions:
1. Bead size: - Use U.S. size No. 16-20 for piston cleaning with plastic bead media, Part No. 3822735.
- Use U.S. size No. 70 for piston domes with glass media.
- Use U.S. size No. 60 for general purpose cleaning with glass media.
2. Operating Pressure: - Glass: Use 620 kPa [90 psi] for general purpose cleaning.
- Plastic: Use 270 kPa [40 psi] for piston cleaning.
3. Steam clean or wash the parts with solvent to remove all of the foreign material and glass or plastic beads after
cleaning. Rinse with hot water. Dry with compressed air.
4. Do not contaminate the wash tanks with glass or plastic beads.

g-01 (clean-e)
Acronyms and Abbreviations M11 Series
Page i-10 Section i - Introduction

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AFC Air Fuel Control km/l Kilometers per Liter

API American Petroleum Institute kPa Kilopascal
ASA Air Signal Attenuator LNG Liquid Natural Gas
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials LTA Low Temperature Aftercooling
°C Celsius MIP Mixer Inlet Pressure
CARB California Air Resources Board MPa Megapascal
C.I.D. Cubic Inch Displacement mph Miles Per Hour
CNG Compressed Natural Gas mpq Miles Per Quart
CPL Control Parts List N•m Newton-meter
cSt Centistokes NG Natural Gas
ECM Electronic Control Module OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
ECS Emission Control System ppm Parts Per Million
EPA Environmental Protection Agency psi Pounds Per Square Inch
EPS Engine Position Sensor PTO Power Takeoff
°F Fahrenheit rpm Revolutions Per Minute
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
Hg Mercury SCA Supplemental Coolant Additive
hp Horsepower STC Step Timing Control
H2O Water VS Variable Speed
ICM Ignition Control Module VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor

g-01 (abbrev)
M11 Series
Section E - Engine Identification Page E-a

Section E - Engine Identification

Section Contents
Engine Diagrams ............................................................................................................................................. E-6
Engine Identification ....................................................................................................................................... E-1
Cummins Engine Nomenclature ................................................................................................................... E-2
ECM Dataplate ............................................................................................................................................ E-1
Engine Dataplate ......................................................................................................................................... E-1
Fuel Pump Dataplate .................................................................................................................................... E-1
Specifications.................................................................................................................................................. E-3
Air Intake System ......................................................................................................................................... E-5
Batteries (Specific Gravity) ........................................................................................................................... E-5
Cooling System ........................................................................................................................................... E-4
Electrical System ......................................................................................................................................... E-5
Exhaust System ........................................................................................................................................... E-5
Fuel System ................................................................................................................................................. E-4
General Specifications ................................................................................................................................. E-3
Lubricating Oil System ................................................................................................................................. E-4
M11 Series Engine Identification
Section E - Engine Identification Page E-1

Engine Identification
Engine Dataplate
The engine dataplate shows specific information about
your engine. The engine serial number and control parts
list (CPL) provide information for ordering parts and service
needs. The engine dataplate must not be changed unless
approved by Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
The dataplate is located on the fuel pump side of the
engine, on the rocker housing. Have the following engine
data available when communicating with a Cummins Au-
thorized Repair Location. The information on the dataplate
is mandatory when sourcing service parts.
1. Engine Serial Number (ESN)
2. Control Parts List (CPL)
3. Model
4. Horsepower and rpm rating

ECM Dataplate
There are two dataplates on the top of the electronic control
module (ECM).
NOTE: The ECM referenced here is used with the CELECT™
and CELECT™ Plus fuel systems only.
The dataplate on the left contains the part number (P/N),
serial number (S/N) and the date code (D/C) of the ECM.
The dataplate on the right contains the engine serial num-
ber (ESN), fuel code (FC) and engine calibration

Fuel Pump Dataplate

NOTE: The fuel pump dataplate referenced here is the
style dataplate used on a Cummins PT (pressure/time) fuel
pump. This is the type fuel pump used on a STC fuel
system. It is not used on fuel pumps with the CELECT™ or
CELECT™ Plus fuel systems.
The fuel pump dataplate is located on the top of the fuel
pump. It provides information for fuel pump calibration.
Engine Identification M11 Series
Page E-2 Section E - Engine Identification

Cummins Engine Nomenclature

Cummins engine nomenclature provides engine data as
illustrated in the graphic.
This graphic illustrates nomenclature used with automotive

This graphic illustrates nomenclature used with

off—highway (industrial) engines.
NOTE: The following letters designate some of the different
market applications for a Cummins engine.
• A = Agriculture
• C = Construction
• G = Generator Drive
M11 Series Specifications
Section E - Engine Identification Page E-3

General Specifications
Horsepower (Refer to engine dataplate)
Engine speed @ Maximum Output:
Governed Speed (rpm)
Automotive (CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus) .......................................................................................... 1800
Vocational (CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus) ............................................................................................ 2100
Industrial (STC) ..................................................................................................................................... 2100
Bore and Stroke ....................................................................................... 125 mm [4.921 in] x 147 mm [5.787 in]
Displacement ...................................................................................................................... 10.8 liters [661 C.I.D.]
Firing Order ..................................................................................................................................... 1–5–3–6–2–4
Engine Weight (with standard accessories):
Dry Weight .......................................................................................................................... 940 Kg [2070 lb]
Wet Weight ......................................................................................................................... 996 Kg [2193 lb]
Dry Weight .......................................................................................................................... 929 Kg [2045 lb]
Wet Weight .......................................................................................................................... 981 Kg [2160 lb]

Cylinder Location and Firing Order

Intake and Exhaust Valve Locations

Cummins Diessel Engine M11 Troubleshooting And Repair Manual
M11 Series
Page E-4 Section E - Engine Identification

Fuel System
For performance and fuel rate values, refer to the engine data sheet or the fuel pump code for the particular model
Engine Idle Speed
CELECT™ ................................................................................................................................. 650 to 800 rpm
CELECT™ Plus .......................................................................................................................... 600 to 800 rpm
Fuel Inlet Maximum Restriction:
Clean Fuel Filter .......................................................................................................... 152 mm Hg [6 in Hg]
Dirty Fuel Filter .......................................................................................................... 254 mm Hg [10 in Hg]
Clean Fuel Filter .......................................................................................................... 102 mm Hg [4 in Hg]
Dirty Fuel Filter ............................................................................................................ 204 mm Hg [8 in Hg]
Fuel Drain Line Maximum Restriction
CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus ........................................................................................ 89 mm Hg [3.5 in Hg]
Without Check Valves ................................................................................................. 63 mm Hg [2.5 in Hg]
With Check Valves .................................................................................................... 165 mm Hg [6.5 in Hg]
Minimum Fuel Pressure:
During Cranking ...................................................................................................................... 172 kPa [25 psi]
1200 rpm ............................................................................................................................... 827 kPa [120 psi]
Fuel Inlet Maximum Temperature ..................................................................................................... 71°C [160°F]
Engine Minimum Cranking Speed ........................................................................................................... 150 rpm
Shutoff Valve Solenoid Coil Resistance
12 VDC .................................................................................................................................... 7.0 to 8.0 ohms
Lubricating Oil System
Oil Pressure:
Low Idle (Minimum Allowable) ................................................................................................... 70 kPa [10 psi]
At 1200 rpm or Torque Peak (Minimum Allowable) .................................................................. 207 kPa [30 psi]
Oil Capacity of Standard Engine:
Combination Filter ....................................................................................................... 2.6 liters [0.7 U.S. gal.]
Oil Pan (High-Low) ........................................................................................... 34 - 26.5 liters [9 - 7 U.S. gal.]
Cooling System
Coolant Capacity (Engine Only)
Charge Air Cooled Engines ......................................................................................... 9.5 liters [2.5 U.S. gal.]
Aftercooled Engines .................................................................................................... 12.9 liters [3.4 U.S. gal.]
Standard Modulating Thermostat-Range .................................................................. 82° to 93°C [180 to 200°F]
Cylinder Block Coolant Pressure (Pressure Cap Removed):
Closed Thermostat - 1800 RPM - No Load ........................................................................ 138 kPa [20 psi]
Closed Thermostat .............................................................................................................. 275 kPa [40 psi]
Maximum Allowable Operating Coolant Temperature ...................................................................... 100°C [212°F]
Minimum Recommended Operating Coolant Temperature ................................................................ 71°C [160°F]
Maximum Allowable Deaeration Time ................................................................................................ 35 minutes
Minimum Recommended Pressure Cap .......................................................................................... 48 kPa [7 psi]
Maximum Allowable Coolant Flow to Accessories — (Liters/Min. [GPM]) ......................... 75.7 Liters [20 U.S. gal.]
Coolant Sensing Fan Control:
On ............................................................................................................................................... 96°C [205°F]
Off ............................................................................................................................................... 91°C [195°F]

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