Psychology SampQ W

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VCE Psychology
Written examination – End of year
Sample questions
These sample questions are intended to demonstrate how Units 3 and 4 of VCE Psychology
2023–2027 Study Design may be examined. They do not constitute a full examination paper.

SECTION A – Multiple-choice questions

Use the following information to answer Questions 1 and 2.

Last year, Mary-Ellen’s parents brought home a dog. Mary-Ellen was initially excited, but the dog was big
and scary. Mary-Ellen froze every time the dog entered the room and she jumped every time the dog barked.
Noticing that she feared the dog, Mary-Ellen’s parents put the dog out in the backyard and it is no longer
allowed in the house. Now, Mary-Ellen can move around the house but she avoids going near the back door
and does not enter the backyard. Mary-Ellen has become more used to the dog but has noticed that she is
feeling more tired and has frequent colds.

Question 1
Which of the following represents part of Mary-Ellen’s initial stress response when the dog was brought
A. increased digestion
B. constricted pupils
C. decreased cortisol levels
D. increased muscle tension

Question 2
Which of the following best describes the type of stress, cortisol level and stage of Hans Selye’s General
Adaptation Syndrome model that Mary-Ellen is currently experiencing?

Type of stress Cortisol levels Stage of Hans Selye’s General

Adaptation Syndrome model

A. acute high alarm

B. chronic high resistance

C. acute high exhaustion

D. chronic low alarm

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Question 3
Which one of the following describes a role of the gut microbiota?
A. regulate immune function
B. inhibit the release of cortisol
C. activate the fight-or-flight-or-freeze response
D. regulate the production of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)

Question 4
Which of the following represents a key function of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators?

Neurotransmitter Neuromodulator

A. alters the properties of chemical signals carries chemical signals from one
neuron to another

B. transfers signals across synapses regulates the signal transmission

between neurons

C. decreases signal speed increases signal speed

D. affects multiple neurons at once affects one neuron at a time

Question 5
Jason recently started learning how to play the piano. He is still making a lot of mistakes but his skills are
Which of the following accurately describes what is happening in Jason’s brain?
A. low levels of GABA and pruning of neurons
B. high levels of GABA and rerouting of neurons
C. low levels of glutamate and sprouting of neurons
D. high levels of glutamate and sprouting of neurons

Question 6
Which of the following is an example of negative punishment and its likely effect?
A. a person taking aspirin to remove a headache, decreasing the pain of the headache
B. a teacher taking away a student’s mobile phone, decreasing the likelihood of the student texting in class
C. a parent adding more chores to their child’s responsibilities, decreasing the likelihood of the child
misbehaving again
D. an employer deducting an employee’s pay for bad work performance, increasing the likelihood of their
employees performing poorly

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Question 7
Which of the following best describes a key role of the neocortex and basal ganglia in memory?

Neocortex Basal ganglia

A. stores emotional associations of long-term involved in the recall of implicit long-term

memories memories

B. forms initial memories and transfers to other assists consolidation of emotionally

brain areas for storage arousing memories

C. reorganises memory received from enables habit formation

hippocampus for consolidation

D. involved in the recall of explicit long-term stores long-term memories indefinitely


Question 8
Which of the following best describes a feature of the method of loci and of Aboriginal peoples’ use of

Method of loci Songlines

A. traces the creation of Country through the connect knowledge to physical locations
actions and travels of ancestors

B. helps people remember new information in connect a large number of significant

sequential order locations in the landscape

C. consists of a phrase in which one of the consist of cultural practices that store and
letters in each of the words represents transmit knowledge
another word

D. relies on spatial relationships between contain strategies for encoding information

locations to arrange and recall memory with the sole purpose of making it more

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Question 9
Which of the following options provides an accurate description of delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) and
advanced sleep phase disorder (ASPD)?

Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) Advanced sleep phase disorder (ASPD)

A. involves early sleep onset and waking involves late sleep onset and waking

B. treatment most likely to involve bright light treatment most likely to involve cognitive
therapy behaviour therapy

C. increased prevalence in younger age groups increased prevalence in older age groups

D. melatonin is released later than typically no changes in melatonin release pattern


Question 10
Which of the following best represents an ultradian rhythm of a healthy adult?
A. B.

level of REM
melatonin NREM 1
low NRM 3

12 noon 6 pm 12 am 6 am 15 30 45 60 75 90
time in minutes

C. D.

REM level of
NREM 1 melatonin
NRM 3 low

15 30 45 60 75 90 12 noon 6 pm 12 am 6 am
time in minutes

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Use the following information to answer Questions 11–13.

A researcher investigated the effect of glasses that filter blue light on the sleep quality of VCE students.
For the duration of the study, the participants wore, on their non-dominant hand, a device that automatically
measured and recorded their sleep–wake onset times. They were also asked to fill in a sleep diary, recording
their hours of sleep, periods of wakefulness during the night and the quality of their sleep.
For weeks 1 and 2, the participants wore glasses with clear lenses and without light-filtering qualities from
7 pm until they went to bed to sleep.
For weeks 3 and 4, the participants wore glasses that filter blue light from 7 pm until they went to bed to
Participants were encouraged to go about their normal nightly activities.

Question 11
A controlled variable in this study is
A. sleep quality.
B. the type of glasses worn.
C. the hand on which the device was worn.
D. the device recordings and the sleep diary.

Question 12
The type of investigation used is
A. fieldwork.
B. a correlational study.
C. a controlled experiment using a within-subjects design.
D. a controlled experiment using a between-subjects design.

Question 13
When analysing the results, the researcher noticed that some of the data was inconsistent. In several
instances, participants reported periods of wakefulness during the night in their sleep diaries, whereas the
device recorded no awakenings. There were also inconsistencies in wake onset times between the sleep
diaries and the device.
The difference in the data is likely due to
A. systematic errors and this affects the true value being measured.
B. random errors and this affects the internal validity of the investigation.
C. systematic errors and this affects the internal validity of the investigation.
D. an issue of repeatability and this affects the external validity of the investigation.

Question 14
In summertime at Scott Base camp in Antarctica, there are months of 24-hour sunlight because the sun never
With regard to zeitgebers, which of the following would be most useful in adjusting to these conditions and
maintaining a typical sleep–wake cycle?
A. minimising exposure to bright light during the day
B. using melatonin supplement tablets in the evening
C. eating warming foods in the evening to increase body temperature
D. adjusting light exposure by wearing sunglasses during the evening

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Question 15
Dr Smith is one of 10 doctors who work at Bayview Lodge Medical Clinic. He wanted to investigate the
effect of a new brand of benzodiazepine on the progression of a specific phobia in patients at the clinic.
Fifty patients volunteered to take part in the study. Dr Smith randomly divided the participants into two
groups and gave Group A a treatment consisting of the new brand of benzodiazepine and Group B a sugar
tablet. The participants did not know whether they were receiving the treatment or a sugar tablet. The
participants completed a self-report phobic anxiety scale both before and after the treatment.
Which of the following would be a suitable independent variable and dependent variable for this study?

Independent variable Dependent variable

Experimental group Control group

A. 25 g sugar tablet 25 g benzodiazepine the difference in pre- and post-test scores on

the self-report phobic anxiety scale

B. 25 g benzodiazepine 25 g sugar tablet score on self-report phobic anxiety scale

C. 25 g benzodiazepine 25 g sugar tablet the difference in pre- and post-test scores on

the self-report phobic anxiety scale

D. 25 g sugar tablet 25 g benzodiazepine score on self-report phobic anxiety scale

Question 16
Donal was encouraged by his medical practitioner to use mindfulness meditation to manage his anxiety.
Mindfulness meditation is likely to reduce Donal’s anxiety by
A. getting him to accept the sources of his anxiety.
B. stopping the racing thoughts that interrupt his focus and concentration.
C. allowing his mind to notice sensations and feelings and challenge them.
D. focusing his mind on the present moment rather than on future concerns.

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Question 17

Perceived level of stress reported by participants


perceived 6
level of
stress 4

fewer than more than
five hours of five hours of
mindfulness mindfulness
practice practice
per week per week

Which one of the following statements represents an appropriate conclusion for the results of the controlled
experiment shown in the graph above?
A. The perceived level of stress was greater for those who practised mindfulness more than five hours per
week than for those who practised mindfulness fewer than five hours per week.
B. The perceived level of stress was greater for those who practised mindfulness fewer than five hours per
week than for those who practised mindfulness more than five hours per week.
C. People with a higher perceived level of stress did more hours of mindfulness practice per week than
those who had a lower perceived level of stress.
D. People with a lower perceived level of stress did fewer hours of mindfulness practice per week than
those who had a higher perceived level of stress.

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Use the following information to answer Questions 18 and 19.

As part of her VCE Psychology practical investigation, Tanya is planning a controlled experiment to
investigate the effect of room temperature on sleep quality. The following is an excerpt from her logbook:

22 June – How do I measure room temperature? I have read that digital thermometers are the most
accurate measurement devices. There are two different digital thermometers that I can purchase with the
funding available. I should test them to determine the most accurate thermometer to use in the study.
28 June – Results from my digital thermometer tests. All tests were taken in the same room on the same

Time 9.30 pm 9.40 pm 9.50 pm

Thermometer 1 18 °C 17 °C 19 °C

Thermometer 2 20 °C 20 °C 20 °C

Question 18
If the true value of the room temperature was 18 °C across all three testing times, which of the following best
describes the test Tanya undertook and the results of her test?

Measure of agreement used Thermometer that shows the Thermometer that shows the
by Tanya most precision most accuracy

A. repeatability Thermometer 2 Thermometer 1

B. reproducibility Thermometer 1 Thermometer 2

C. repeatability Thermometer 1 Thermometer 2

D. reproducibility Thermometer 2 Thermometer 1

Question 19
Which one of the following supports authentication of Tanya’s generated primary data?
A. The data is accurate and precise.
B. The student’s ethical considerations are outlined.
C. The student’s logbook contains both qualitative and quantitative data.
D. The student’s logbook documents each stage of her project with dated entries.

Question 20
In an experiment, it is essential to control for extraneous variables so that
A. there is a probability that the results will be obtained by chance.
B. a valid conclusion can be drawn about the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
C. the hypothesis is supported and the results of the experiment can be applied on the broader population.
D. a valid conclusion can be drawn about the effect of the dependent variable on the independent variable.

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Question 1 (8 marks)
Dr Sharma is investigating the impact of sleep deprivation on high-school students’ affective and
cognitive functioning. She has carried out a literature review on the topic that she is investigating
and she is now seeking ethics approval to complete a controlled experiment with a sample of
willing high-school students. In stage 1 of the study, the participants will spend as much time in bed
as they like and sleep as normal for one week. In stage 2, they will have their time in bed restricted
to a total of four hours per night and will be told not to sleep in any other location for one week.
After each stage, the participants will complete a series of cognitive and affective tests.
a. Outline two purposes of the literature review carried out by Dr Sharma. 2 marks

b. Explain why Dr Sharma’s planned investigation would be best classified as a controlled

experiment rather than as a correlational study. 3 marks

c. Considering the ethical concept of beneficence, would an ethics committee be likely to

approve Dr Sharma’s study? Justify your response. 2 marks

d. Identify a possible quantitative cognitive test that could be used to measure the impacts of
sleep deprivation. 1 mark

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Question 2 (12 marks)

Ivaan was conducting their student-designed scientific investigation.
The following are extracts from their scientific poster.

Independent variable (IV): Memory technique used

Dependent variable (DV): The 500-word passage
• One non-VCE psychology class at Moondown High School was selected and split into three
• Group 1 was taught how to use acronyms.
• Group 2 was taught how to use acrostics.
• Group 3 was instructed to use traditional study skills (e.g., note taking, identifying main
• After the teaching session, all groups studied a 500-word passage over the next week.
• At the end of the study period, students were asked to recall the content of the passage.
Students who were taught the acronym and acrostics methods recalled twice as much content
of the passage as students who were taught traditional study skills.

a. What is one difference between acronyms and acrostics? 1 mark

b. What is a possible aim for Ivaan’s investigation? 1 mark

c. Is Ivaan’s identification of the dependent variable correct? Justify your response. 2 marks

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d. With respect to Ivaan’s investigation, explain what is meant by ‘internal validity’ and ‘external
validity’. 4 marks

Internal validity

External validity

e. What term would be used to describe the results of Ivaan’s investigation if the results were
similar but the investigation had been carried out under slightly different conditions? 1 mark

f. Based on the initial results, Ivaan decides to modify the method and complete the
investigation again.
Suggest one way in which Ivaan could modify their method to improve the internal validity of
their investigation. 3 marks

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Question 3 (5 marks)
Explain how brain imaging of patients with Alzheimer’s disease has provided evidence of the role of
episodic and semantic memory in retrieving autobiographical events.

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Question 4 (14 marks)

A recent increase in the number of car accidents as a result of driver error has created concern for both the
government and the police. The government has offered to provide funding for a public awareness campaign
once the police have identified the probable causes of the increase in car accidents. After reviewing the
circumstances around car accidents, traffic police specialists identified two possible factors they believe may
have contributed to most of the driver errors:
1. the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for driving, which is currently 0.05, is too high
2. an increase in driver tiredness.
A team of psychologists was employed to conduct an investigation to determine which of the two possible
factors had the most negative effect on drivers. The factor with the greatest negative effect would be the
focus of the public awareness campaign.
The psychologists advertised on social media for volunteers aged 22 and over, and who hold a current full
driver’s licence, to participate in the investigation. Eight hundred eligible volunteers were allocated to groups
based on the following age ranges.

Age range of group 22–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80+

The psychologists randomly selected 50 volunteers from each group to participate in the investigation, giving
a total of 350 participants.
The participants were required to visit the investigation venue once per week for three consecutive weeks.
On each day that the participants were at the venue, they completed a 30-minute driving task in a driving
simulator under the following conditions.

Day BAC condition Previous night’s sleep condition

1 0.00 normal night’s sleep

2 0.00 totally sleep deprived

3 0.05 normal night’s sleep

The number of driving errors made by the participants in the driving simulator was recorded. The results of
the investigation are shown in the table below.

Day Mean number of driving errors

for all age groups
1  5.2

2 22.3

3 21.7

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a. Write a hypothesis for the investigation. 3 marks

b. Represent the results of the investigation using a correctly labelled graphical representation on
the grid provided below. 3 marks

c. Identify and outline one ethical concept that should be applied in this research. 2 marks

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d. Explain the effects on cognitive functioning that are relevant to driving a vehicle with a legal
BAC of 0.05 compared to one night of full sleep deprivation.
In your response, refer to:
• the results of this research
• implications of the results for drivers
• advice that could be given to the government and the police regarding the focus and
content of the public awareness campaign to reduce the number of car accidents. 6 marks

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Question 5 (11 marks)

Annotate the diagram below to explain the link between exposure to sunlight and the internal biological
mechanisms of melatonin levels and sleepiness.

SCN sleepiness

Source: E Gil Ponce, ‘Ambulatory assessment of human circadian phase and related sleep disorders from
heart rate variability and other non-invasive physiological measurements’. Doctoral dissertation,
University of Groningen, 2017, <
SCN-located-in-the anterior-hypothalamus-is-the-master_fig1_328788788>

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Question 6 (6 marks)
The following infographic was posted on social media.

Tips for a good night’s sleep

1. Play a game on your phone until you fall asleep 2. Avoid eating late-night snacks

3. Make sure you stay super warm all evening

Sources (clockwise from top left): mentalmind/;

Olly Kava/; Julia Kutsaeva/

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Referring to the infographic on page 18, critically evaluate two of the claims by considering psychological
information, theories and/or models.

Claim number

Critical evaluation of the claim

Claim number

Critical evaluation of the claim

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Question 7 (10 marks)

Annie is a VCE Psychology student. In the September school holidays, she goes on a 10-day camping trip
with a group of five friends, staying in an off-grid location without any internet connection or electricity.
On the third night of the camping trip, Annie observes that she and her friends start to feel tired when it is
getting dark, and that they fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier than normal. This pattern continues for
the rest of the camping trip. At the end of the camping trip, Annie decides to carry out her student-designed
scientific investigation with the aim of finding out how camping shifts the sleep–wake cycle and melatonin
production. She conducts interviews with each of her five friends, asking questions about their normal
sleep–wake patterns compared to those while camping. Annie collates the data and finds that on average the
group went to sleep two and a half hours earlier when camping, compared to normal. On average, they woke
up one hour earlier when camping, compared to normal. Based on the information gathered, Annie concludes
that melatonin was released earlier when camping and led to a shift in sleep–wake cycles.
Evaluate the methodology and data collection method used by Annie to determine the degree to which the
evidence supports the aim of the investigation and make recommendations for modifying or extending the

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Question 8 (10 marks)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples view social and emotional wellbeing from a multidimensional
and holistic framework.

Source 1

In 2017, the Australian Government Department of Health led an extensive consultation process (My Life
My Lead) across Australia to listen to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people share their stories and
The following two quotations come from this consultation.
‘The cultural determinants of health encompass the cultural factors that promote resilience, foster a sense
of identity and support good mental and physical health and wellbeing for individuals, families and
‘The importance of culture underpins the value that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people place
on continuing to practise ways of knowing and being, which are embodied in Country, family, ancestors,
language, art, dance, songs and ceremony.’
Source: adapted from My Life My Lead – Opportunities for strengthening approaches to the social determinants
and cultural determinants of Indigenous health: Report on the national consultations, December 2017,
Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Health, 2017, pp. 4, 7 and 9

Source 2

Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017–2027 provides an
overarching framework for action to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal Victorians
now and over the next 10 years.
The following quotations come from this strategic plan.
‘The history of Aboriginal Victoria tells the story of Aboriginal communities’ struggle for the right to
self-determine their lives to ensure that their future generations survive and thrive. It is acknowledged
that there is no single approach to achieving self-determination and that the requirements of each
Victorian Aboriginal community are unique.’
‘Australian and international evidence demonstrates that self-determination is the only policy approach
that has produced effective and sustainable outcomes for Indigenous peoples.’
Source: adapted from Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017–2027,
State of Victoria, Australia, Department of Health and Human Services, 2017, pp. 8, 19 and 21

Source 3

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) is the peak body for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing in Victoria.
On Tuesday 17 May 2022, VACCHO launched the Balit Durn Durn Centre of Excellence in Social and
Emotional Wellbeing.
The following quotations are from the online launch advertisement.
‘We are launching the Victorian Aboriginal Centre of Excellence in Social and Emotional Wellbeing,
an initiative designed to foster innovation and improvement in social and emotional wellbeing practice,
policy and research.’
‘The launch is a historic moment for Community and the Centre will play a major role in improving
the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal people across Victoria. The Centre is currently being
established by VACCHO in partnership with Aboriginal peoples and Communities across Victoria. It is a
Centre for Aboriginal people, managed by Aboriginal people.’
Source: adapted from VACCHO website, ‘About Us’, ‘Launch Event: Aboriginal Centre of
Excellence in Social and Emotional Wellbeing, <>

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Using the information from the sources on page 22 and your own knowledge, discuss how Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples’ wellbeing may be strengthened.

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Answers to multiple-choice questions

Question Answer

1 D

2 B

3 A

4 B

5 D

6 B

7 C

8 B

9 C

10 C

11 C

12 C

13 D

14 D

15 C

16 D

17 B

18 A

19 A

20 B

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