Perkins Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting 1106d Industrial Engine

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Perkins Systems Operation Testing And Adjusting 1106d Industrial Engine

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May 2007

Systems Operation
Testing and Adjusting
1106D Industrial Engine
PJ (Engine)

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Important Safety Information

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous
situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also
have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool,
procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillar
is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that
the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you
start any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this

product Caterpillar recommends using Caterpil-
lar replacement parts or parts with equivalent
specifications including, but not limited to, phys-
ical dimensions, type, strength and material.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents Gear Group - Inspect ............................................ 75

Vibration Damper - Check .................................... 75

Electrical System
Systems Operation Section Alternator - Test .................................................... 77
Battery - Test ......................................................... 78
General Information
Charging System - Test ........................................ 78
Introduction ............................................................ 4
V-Belt - Test .......................................................... 78
Electric Starting System - Test .............................. 79
Engine Operation
Glow Plugs - Test .................................................. 81
Basic Engine ........................................................... 6
Air Inlet and Exhaust System ............................... 10
Cooling System .................................................... 13 Index Section
Lubrication System .............................................. 14
Electrical System ................................................. 15 Index ..................................................................... 82
Cleanliness of Fuel System Components ............. 16
Fuel Injection ....................................................... 18
Electronic Control System ................................... 25
Power Sources ..................................................... 33
Glossary of Electronic Control Terms ................... 36

Testing and Adjusting Section

Fuel System
Fuel System - Inspect ........................................... 42
Air in Fuel - Test .................................................... 42
Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston ........ 45
Fuel Injection Timing - Check ............................... 45
Fuel Quality - Test ................................................. 46
Fuel System - Prime ............................................. 47
Gear Group (Front) - Time .................................... 48

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect ................. 50
Turbocharger - Inspect .......................................... 51
Compression - Test ............................................... 53
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ...................... 54
Valve Depth - Inspect ............................................ 56
Valve Guide - Inspect ............................................ 57

Lubrication System
Engine Oil Pressure - Test .................................... 59
Engine Oil Pump - Inspect .................................... 59
Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect ........................ 60
Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect ....... 60
Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ........ 61

Cooling System
Cooling System - Check ....................................... 62
Cooling System - Inspect ...................................... 62
Cooling System - Test ........................................... 63
Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect ................................... 65
Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 66
Water Pump - Inspect ........................................... 67

Basic Engine
Piston Ring Groove - Inspect ................................ 68
Connecting Rod - Inspect ..................................... 68
Cylinder Block - Inspect ........................................ 70
Cylinder Head - Inspect ........................................ 71
Piston Height - Inspect .......................................... 72
Flywheel - Inspect ................................................. 72
Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 73

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4 SENR9981-01
Systems Operation Section

Systems Operation Section

General Information


The following model views show a typical 1106D

engine. Due to individual applications, your engine
may appear different from the illustrations.

Illustration 1
Front left engine view
(1) Fuel manifold (Rail) (6) Hand primer (11) Water pump
(2) Canister for the crankcase breather (7) Primary fuel filter (12) Damper
(3) Electronic control module (8) Oil sampling valve (13) Fan
(4) P2 connector (9) Oil filter (14) Fan pulley
(5) Secondary fuel filter (10) Fuel pump (15) Belt tensioner

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 2
Rear right engine view
(16) Oil gauge (21) Exhaust manifold (26) Oil pan
(17) Air intake (22) Exhaust elbow (27) Drain plug (oil)
(18) Oil filler (23) Turbocharger (28) Drain plug or coolant sampling valve
(19) Front lifting eye (24) Wastegate solenoid (29) Breather
(20) Alternator (25) Starting motor (30) Rear lifting eye

The 1106D model PJ diesel engine is electronically Each cylinder has a piston cooling jet that is installed
controlled. The 1106D engine uses an Electronic in the cylinder block. The piston cooling jet sprays
Control Module (ECM) that receives signals from engine oil onto the inner surface of the piston in order
the fuel injection pump and other sensors in order to cool the piston. The pistons have a Quiescent
to control the fuel injectors. The pump supplies fuel combustion chamber in the top of the piston in order
to the fuel injectors. to achieve clean exhaust emissions. The piston pin is
off-center in order to reduce the noise level.
The six cylinders are arranged in-line. The cylinder
head assembly has two inlet valves and two exhaust The pistons have two compression rings and an oil
valves for each cylinder. The ports for the exhaust control ring. The groove for the top ring has a hard
valves are on the right side of the cylinder head. The metal insert in order to reduce wear of the groove.
ports for the inlet valves are on the left side of the The skirt has a coating of graphite in order to reduce
cylinder head. Each cylinder valve has a single valve wear when the engine is new. The correct piston
spring. height is important in order to ensure that the piston
does not contact the cylinder head. The correct
piston height also ensures the efficient combustion
of fuel which is necessary in order to conform to
requirements for emissions.

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Systems Operation Section

A piston and a connecting rod are matched to The fuel injection pump (1) that is installed on the
each cylinder. The piston height is controlled by the left side of the engine is gear-driven from the timing
distance between the center of the big end bearing case. The fuel transfer pump (33) is attached to the
and the center of the small end bearing of the fuel injection pump (1). The fuel transfer pump draws
connecting rod. Three different lengths of connecting low pressure fuel from the primary fuel filter. The
rods are available in order to attain the correct piston fuel transfer pump delivers the fuel to the secondary
height. The three different lengths of connecting rods filter at a pressure of 400 kPa (58 psi) to 500 kPa
are made by machining the blank small end bearing (72.5200 psi). The fuel injection pump draws fuel
of each rod at three fixed distances vertically above from the secondary filter. The fuel injection pump
the centerline of the big end bearing. . increases the fuel to a maximum pressure of 130 MPa
(18855 psi). The fuel injection pump delivers the fuel
The crankshaft has seven main bearing journals. End to the fuel manifold. The fuel injection pump is not
play is controlled by thrust washers which are located serviceable. Adjustments to the pump timing should
on both sides of the number six main bearing. only be made by personnel that have had the correct
training. The fuel injection pump uses the engine
The timing case is made of aluminum. The timing ECM to control the engine RPM.
gears are stamped with timing marks in order to
ensure the correct assembly of the gears. When the The specifications for the 1106D refer to the
number 1 piston is at the top center position on the Specifications, “Engine Design”.
compression stroke, the marked teeth on the idler
gear will match with the marks that are on the fuel
injection pump, the camshaft, and the gear on the
crankshaft. There is no timing mark on the rear face Engine Operation
of the timing case.
The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which then
turns the following gears: Basic Engine
• the camshaft gear
• the fuel injection pump
Introduction (Basic Engine)
The camshaft and the fuel injection pump run at half
the rpm of the crankshaft. The cylinder bores are The eight major mechanical components of the basic
machined into the cylinder block. engine are the following parts:

• Cylinder block
• Cylinder head
• Pistons
• Connecting rods
• Crankshaft
• Vibration damper
• Timing gear case and gears
• Camshaft

Illustration 3

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Systems Operation Section

Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head Cylinder head

g01175307 g01201553
Illustration 4 Illustration 5
Typical Cylinder Block
The engine has a cast iron cylinder head. The inlet
The cast iron cylinder block for the 1106D engine manifold is integral within the cylinder head. There
has six cylinders which are arranged in-line. The are two inlet valves and two exhaust valve for each
cylinder block is made of cast iron in order to provide cylinder. Each pair of valves are connected by a valve
support for the full length of the cylinder bores. Worn bridge that is controlled by a pushrod valve system.
cylinders may be rebored in order to accommodate The ports for the inlet valves are on the left side of
oversize pistons and rings. the cylinder head. The ports for the exhaust valves
are on the right side of the cylinder head. The valve
The cylinder block has seven main bearings which stems move in valve guides that are machined into
support the crankshaft. Thrust washers are installed the cylinder head. There is a renewable valve stem
on both sides of number six main bearing in order to seal that fits over the top of the valve guide.
control the end play of the crankshaft.

Passages supply the lubrication for the crankshaft

bearings. These passages are cast into the cylinder

The cylinders are honed to a specially controlled

finish in order to ensure long life and low oil

The cylinder block has a bush that is installed for the

front camshaft journal. The other camshaft journals
run directly in the cylinder block.

The engine has a cooling jet that is installed in the

cylinder block for each cylinder. The piston cooling
jet sprays lubricating oil onto the inner surface of the
piston in order to cool the piston.

A multi-layered steel (MLS) cylinder head gasket is

used between the engine block and the cylinder head
in order to seal combustion gases, water, and oil.

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Perkins Systems Operation Testing And Adjusting 1106d Industrial Engine
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Systems Operation Section

Pistons, Rings and Connecting Crankshaft


Illustration 7
Illustration 6
The crankshaft is a chromium molybdenum forging.
The crankshaft has seven main journals. Thrust
The pistons have a Quiescent combustion chamber
washers are installed on both sides of number six
in the top of the piston in order to provide an efficient
mix of fuel and air. The piston pin is off-center in main bearing in order to control the end play of the
order to reduce the noise level.

The pistons have two compression rings and an oil The crankshaft changes the linear energy of the
pistons and connecting rods into rotary torque in
control ring. The groove for the top ring has a hard
order to power external equipment.
metal insert in order to reduce wear of the groove.
The piston skirt has a coating of graphite in order to
A gear at the front of the crankshaft drives the timing
reduce the risk of seizure when the engine is new.
gears. The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which
The correct piston height is important in order to then turns the following gears:
ensure that the piston does not contact the cylinder
head. The correct piston height also ensures the • Camshaft gear
efficient combustion of fuel which is necessary in
order to conform to requirements for emissions. • Fuel injection pump and fuel transfer pump

The connecting rods are machined from forged • Lower idler gear which turns the gear of the
lubricating oil pump.
molybdenum steel. The connecting rods have
bearing caps that are fracture split. The bearing caps
on fracture split connecting rods are retained with Lip type seals are used on both the front of the
crankshaft and the rear of the crankshaft.
Torx screws. Connecting rods with bearing caps that
are fracture split have the following characteristics:
A timing ring is installed to the crankshaft. The timing
ring is used by the ECM in order to measure the
• The splitting produces an accurately matched engine speed and the engine position.
surface on each side of the fracture for improved

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