Transportation, Assignment & Transshipment Problem
Transportation, Assignment & Transshipment Problem
9.1 Introduction
In this chapter we explore three special types of linear programming problems—the transporta-
tion problem (first introduced in Chapter 8), the assignment problem, and the transshipment
problem. All these may be modeled as network flow problems, with the use of nodes (points)
and arcs (lines). Additional network models will be discussed in Chapter 11.
This first part of this chapter will explain these problems, provide network representations
for them, and provide linear programming models for them. The solutions will be found using
standard linear programming software. The transportation and assignment problems have a spe-
cial structure that enables them to be solved with very efficient algorithms. The latter part of the
chapter will present the special algorithms for solving them.
Network Representation Source Destination
of a Transportation Supply Demand
problem, with Costs,
Demands, and Supplies $5
Des Moines Albuquerque
100 300
(Source 1) (Destination 1)
Evansville $4 Boston
300 200
(Source 2) (Destination 2)
Fort Lauderdale Cleveland
300 200
(Source 3) $5 (Destination 3)
program, there are three supply constraints (one for each source) and three demand constraints
(one for each destination). The decisions to be made are the number of units to ship on each
route, so there is one decision variable for each arc (arrow) in the network. Let
Xij = number of units shipped from source i to destination j
i = 1, 2, 3, with 1 = Des Moines, 2 = Evansville, and 3 = Fort Lauderdale
j = 1, 2, 3, with 1 = Albuquerque, 2 = Boston, and 3 = Cleveland
The LP formulation is
Minimize total cost = 5X11 + 4X12 + 3X13 + 8X21 + 4X22
+ 3X23 + 9X31 + 7X32 + 5X33
subject to
X11 + X12 + X13 … 100 (Des Moines supply)
X21 + X22 + X23 … 300 (Evansville supply)
X31 + X32 + X33 … 300 (Fort Lauderdale supply)
X11 + X21 + X31 = 300 (Albuquerque demand)
X12 + X22 + X32 = 200 (Boston demand)
X13 + X23 + X33 = 200 (Cleveland demand)
Xij Ú 0 for all i and j
The solution to this LP problem could be found using Solver in Excel 2010 by putting these con-
straints into a spreadsheet, as discussed in Chapter 7. However, the special structure of this prob-
lem allows for an easier and more intuitive format, as shown in Program 9.1. Solver is still used,
but since all the constraint coefficients are 1 or 0, the left-hand side of each constraint is simply
the sum of the variables from a particular source or to a particular destination. In Program 9.1 these are cells E10:E12 and B13:D13.
A General LP Model for Transportation Problems
In this example, there were 3 sources and 3 destinations. The LP had 3 * 3 = 9 variables and
3 + 3 = 6 constraints. In general, for a transportation problem with m sources and n destina-
The number of variables and tion, the number of variables is mn, and the number of constraints is m + n. For example, if
constraints for a typical there are 5 (i.e., m = 5) constraints and 8 (i.e., n = 8) variables, the linear program would have
transportation problem can be 5(8) = 40 variables and 5 + 8 = 13 constraints.
found from the number of The use of the double subscripts on the variables makes the general form of the linear pro-
sources and destinations. gram for a transportation problem with m sources and n destinations easy to express. Let
xij = number of units shipped from source i to destination j
cij = cost one unit from source i to destination j
si = supply at source i
dj = demand at destination j
The linear programming model is
n m
Minimize cost = g g cijxij
j=1 i=1
subject to
g xij … si i = 1, 2,..., m
g xij = dj j = 1, 2,..., n
Executive Furniture
Corporation Solution in
Excel 2010
Example of an Person Project
Assignment Problem in a Supply Demand
Transportation Network
Format $11
Adams Project 1
1 1
(Source 1) (Destination 1)
Brown $10 Project 2
1 1
(Source 2) (Destination 2)
Cooper Project 3
1 1
(Source 3) $7 (Destination 3)
Xij = e
1 if person i is assigned to project j
Special variables 0-1 are used
with the assignment model. 0 otherwise
i = 1, 2, 3, with 1 = Adams, 2 = Brown, and 3 = Cooper
j = 1, 2, 3, with 1 = Project 1, 2 = Project 2, and 3 = Project 3
The LP formulation is
Minimize total cost = 11X11 + 14X12 + 6X13 + 8X21 + 10X22
+ 11X23 + 9X31 + 12X32 + 7X33
subject to
X11 + X12 + X13 … 1
X21 + X22 + X23 … 1
X31 + X32 + X33 … 1
X11 + X21 + X31 = 1
X12 + X22 + X32 = 1
X13 + X23 + X33 = 1
xij = 0 or 1 for all i and j
The solution is shown in Program 9.2. From this, x13 = 1, so Adams is assigned to project 3;
x22 = 1, so Brown is assigned to project 2; and x31 = 1, so Cooper is assigned to project 1. All
other variables are 0. The total cost is 25.
Fix-It Shop Solution
in Excel 2010
In the assignment problem, the variables are required to be either 0 or 1. Due to the special
structure of this problem with the constraint coefficients as 0 or 1 and all the right-hand-side val-
ues equal to 1, the problem can be solved as a linear program. The solution to such a problem (if
one exists) will always have the variables equal to 0 or 1. There are other types of problems
where the use of such 0–1 variables is desired, but the solution to such problems using normal
linear programming methods will not necessarily have only zeros and ones. In such cases, spe-
cial methods must be used to force the variables to be either 0 or 1, and this will be discussed as
a special type of integer programming problem which will be seen in Chapter 10.
Transshipment Point Destination
Network Representation
Supply Source Demand
of Transshipment
Example New York City
(Node 5)
Toronto Chicago
(Node 1) (Node 3)
(Node 6)
Detroit Buffalo
(Node 2) (Node 4)
St. Louis
(Node 7)
A transportation problem with shipped to retail outlets that are the final destinations. Figure 9.3 provides a network representa-
intermediate points is a tion of a transshipment problem. In this example, there are two sources, two transshipment
transshipment problem. points, and three final destinations.
Toronto $4 $7 — — — 800
Detroit $5 $7 — — — 700
Chicago — — $6 $4 $5 —
Buffalo — — $2 $3 $4 —
Demand — — 450 350 300
Minimize cost
subject to
1. The number of units shipped from Toronto is not more than 800
2. The number of units shipped from Detroit is not more than 700
3. The number of units shipped to New York is 450
4. The number of units shipped to Philadelphia is 350
5. The number of units shipped to St. Louis is 300
6. The number of units shipped out of Chicago is equal to the number of units shipped into
7. The number of units shipped out of Buffalo is equal to the number of units shipped into
The decision variables should represent the number of units shipped from each source to each
Special transshipment transshipment point and the number of units shipped from each transshipment point to each fi-
constraints are used in the linear nal destination, as these are the decisions management must make. The decision variables are
program. xij = number of units shipped from location (node) i to location (node) j
i = 1, 2, 3, 4
j = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The numbers are the nodes shown in Figure 9.3, and there is one variable for each arc (route) in
the figure.
The LP model is
Minimize total cost = 4X13 + 7X14 + 5X23 + 7X24 + 6X35 + 4X36 + 5X37 + 2X45 + 3X46 + 4X47
subject to
X13 + X14 … 800 (Supply at Toronto [node 1])
X23 + X24 … 700 (Supply at Detroit [node 2])
X35 + X45 = 450 (Demand at New York City [node 5])
X36 + X46 = 350 (Demand at Philadelphia [node 6])
X37 + X47 = 300 (Demand at St. Louis [node 7])
X13 + X23 = X35 + X36 + X37 (Shipping through Chicago [node 3])
X14 + X24 = X45 + X46 + X47 (Shipping through Buffalo [node 4])
xij Ú 0 for all i and j
The solution found using Solver in Excel 2010 is shown in Program 9.3. The total cost is $9,550
by shipping 650 units from Toronto to Chicago, 150 unit from Toronto to Buffalo, 300 units
from Detroit to Buffalo, 350 units from Chicago to Philadelphia, 300 from Chicago to St. Louis,
and 450 units from Buffalo to New York City.
While all of these linear programs can be solved using computer software for linear pro-
gramming, some very fast and easy-to-use special-purpose algorithms exist for the transporta-
tion and assignment problems. The rest of this chapter is devoted to these special-purpose