Flow Pattern Evolution in Natural Convection Cooling From An Array of Discrete Heat Sources in A Rectangular Cavity at Various Orientations

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073


Flow pattern evolution in natural convection cooling from

an array of discrete heat sources in a rectangular cavity
at various orientations
C.P. Tso , L.F. Jin a, S.K.W. Tou a, X.F. Zhang a

School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue,
Singapore 639798, Singapore
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Multimedia University, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia
Received 7 November 2003; received in revised form 27 May 2004

Experimental data are presented for laminar natural convection cooling of water in a rectangular cavity with a 3 · 3
array of heaters on one wall, and the cavity at various inclined angles. Generally, heaters in the same row have close
temperatures, due to weak velocity in the horizontal direction. Numerical simulations in 2-D and 3-D are also reported,
showing flow and temperature pattern evolution at different inclined angles. In particular, the case of horizontal cavity
heated from below reveals flow fields of the toroidal, bimodal or Rayleigh–Benard convection type, depending on the
Rayleigh number, and this is also the most desirable orientation for heat transfer. When the enclosure is inclined toward
the horizontal orientation (heated from below), the flow and temperature fields become complex and distorted.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction stant hot and cold wall temperature. This motivates the
present study to investigate the complex interactions of
With the advent of electronics cooling, researchers thermal and internal fluid flow fields from an array of
begin to study natural convection cooling from an array discrete heat sources in an inclined rectangular cavity.
of discrete heat sources in the vertical enclosure [1–12]. Experimental data are presented first and they are used
The problem of discrete heat sources attached to an to validate the numerical simulations, extending earlier
inclined or horizontal surface of an electronic package is work [12,16]. Then flow pattern and temperature con-
widely encountered in the industry. However, studies in tours at different inclination angles are garnered as
these fields are considerably limited [13,14]. One chal- greater details are available from the numerical analysis.
lenge from numerical simulations is that around hori- Since there is also interest to develop and test new
zontal orientation, the field is essentially of the coolants with different Prandtl number ðPrÞ, we also
Rayleigh–Benard (henceforth referred to as R–B) type. discuss the role of Pr in the present investigation in in-
The evolution of R–B convection from stable bimodal clined orientations, which has not been reported before.
convection to unstable convection is reported by
Mukutmoni and Yang [15] in the container with con-
2. Model formulation

The geometrical and physical model to be considered

Corresponding author. Address: Faculty of Engineering in this study is depicted schematically in Fig. 1 and
and Technology, Multimedia University, Jalan Ayer Keroh Table 1. A three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate sys-
Lama, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia. tem is selected such that the z-axis points positively
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.P. Tso). upwards while the gravitational force acts downwards.
0017-9310/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4062 C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073


Ah heat source area (m2 ) q000 heat generation density (W/m3 )

g magnitude of gravitational acceleration Ra, Ra Rayleigh number and modified Rayleigh
(m2 /s) number
H the side of the enclosure (m) T temperature (K)
H1 , H3 enclosure heater location (m) Tc temperature of the cold wall (K)
i row number of heaters u, v, w dimensional velocity components (m/s)
k thermal conductivity (W/m K) U , V , W dimensionless velocity components
L enclosure along the x-direction (m) V~ dimensionless velocity vector
L1 , L3 enclosure heater location (m) W enclosure width (m)
Lx thermal diffusivity (m2 /s) W1 , W3 enclosure heater location (m)
Lx heater length in x-direction (m) x, y, z dimensional Cartesian coordinate system
Lz heater length in z-direction (m) (m)
Nu, Nu, Nu local, row averaged and overall mean X , Y , Z dimensionless Cartesian coordinate system
Nusselt number
Greek symbols
p pressure (Pa)
a thermal diffusivity (m2 /s)
pm motion pressure (Pa)
b thermal expansion coefficient (K1 )
Pm dimensionless motion pressure
h dimensionless temperature
Pr Prandtl number
m fluid kinematic viscosity (m2 /s)
Px heater pith in the x-direction (m)
q density at the mean temperature (kg/m3 )
Pz heater pith in the x-direction (m)
/ angular position of cavity ()
q00 heat flux (W/m2 )

Fig. 1. Physical configuration, boundary conditions and the coordinate system: (a) heaters position; (b) side view; (c) inclined position.

The enclosure, filled with liquid, can be rotated about 2.1. Governing equations
the horizontal X -axis to alter its configuration set
by the angle of inclination. An array of 3 · 3 discrete In three-dimension, the governing equations are:
heat sources is flush-mounted onto one of the sidewalls, Continuity equation
while the opposite wall acts as a uniform cold sur-
face. The remaining walls are insulated from surround- oU oV oW
þ þ ¼ 0: ð1Þ
ings. oX oY oZ
C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073 4063

Table 1
Summary on geometric parameters
(a) Fixed geometric parameters H ¼ 95:3 mm, L ¼ 57:2 mm, Lz ¼ 12:7 mm, W ¼ 12:7 mm
H =Lz L=Lz Lx =Lz Px =Lz Pz =Lz H1 =Lz H3 L z W1 =Lz W3 =Lz
7.5 4.5 1 1.25 1.25 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5
(b) Variable geometric parameter
/ ¼ 0–180, at 5 intervals (2-D model)
/ ¼ 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 (3-D model)

X -momentum equation The local Nusselt number ðNuÞ, row averaged Nusselt
oU oU oU number ðNuÞ, and overall mean Nusselt number ðNuÞ are
U þV þW defined below:
oX oY oZ
 2  9
oPm o U o2 U o2 U qLz 1 >
¼ þ Pr þ þ : ð2Þ NuðX ; ZÞ ¼ ¼ ;>
oX oX 2 oY 2 oZ 2 ðT ðX ; ZÞjY ¼0  Tc Þk hjY ¼0 >
Y -momentum equation Nui ¼ 1 R ; ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ; ð11Þ
hjY ¼0 dAh >
oV oV oV Ah Ah >
P  >
U þV þW 3 >
oX oY oZ Nu ¼ i¼1 Nui =3:
oPm o V o2 V o2 V
¼ þ Pr þ þ þ Ra Prh sin /:
oY oX 2 oY 2 oZ 2
2.2. Boundary conditions
Z-momentum equation oV oW oh
At X ¼ 0: U¼ ¼ ¼ 0; ¼ 0: >
oX oX oX >
oW oW oW >
U þV þW oh >
oX oY oZ At X ¼ 2:25: U ¼ V ¼ W ¼ 0; ¼ 0: > >
 2  oX >
oPm o W o2 W o2 W At Y ¼ 0: U ¼ V ¼ W ¼ 0; >
¼ þ Pr þ þ þ Ra Prh cos /: >
oZ oX 2 oY 2 oZ 2 oh >
¼ 1; >
oY >
for the iso-flux region ðheatersÞ; >
Energy equation oh >
¼ 0; >
oY >
oh oh oh o2 h o2 h o2 h >
U þV þW ¼ þ þ : ð5Þ for the adiabatic region ðthe restÞ: >
oX oY oZ oX 2 oY 2 oZ 2 >
At Y ¼ 1: U ¼ V ¼ W ¼ 0; h ¼ 0: >
In the above, Pm is the dimensionless pressure defined oh >
At Z ¼ 0 and Z ¼ 7:5: U ¼ V ¼ W ¼ 0; ¼ 0:
as Pm ¼ pm L2z =ða2 qÞ and pm is the motion pressure and oZ
defined as ð12Þ
pm ¼ p þ qgy sin / þ qgz cos /: ð6Þ
The numerical procedures are the same as reported
Thus, previously [12]. Under-relaxation is used to ensure
convergence, especially in the horizontal orientation
opm op and at higher Ra . As mentioned in [12], for validation
 ¼ ; ð7Þ
ox ox of present program, the difference between present
opm op numerical results and results of Heindel et al. [7,8] is
 ¼   qg sin /; ð8Þ less than 4.5% in the range of 105 6 Ra 6 108 . In this
oy oy
paper, the range of Ra extends to as low as 102 .
opm op However, finer grid 60 · 30 · 120 is necessary due to the
 ¼   qg cos /: ð9Þ
oz oz complex flow fields for inclined angle / changing from
135 to 180 while grid 40 · 20 · 80 is used for / varying
Other dimensionless parameters are: from 0 to 135. Grid independence checks are carried
9 out in three orientations (/ ¼ 0, 90, 180) with 1.5
X ¼ x=Lz ; Y ¼ y=Lz ; Z ¼ z=Lz ; >
= times finer grid, requiring more than one week of
U ¼ uLz =a; V ¼ vLz =a; W ¼ wLz =a; ð10Þ computational time in the SGI ORIGIAN 2000 work
Ra ¼ gq00 L4z b=ðkmaÞ; h ¼ kðT  Tc Þ=ðq00 Lz Þ: station.
4064 C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073

3. Experimental setup strength at the experimental temperature, and the low

thermal conductivity (k ¼ 0:35 W/m K) acts as an insu-
The experimental setup, shown schematically in Fig. lation substrate plate. The substrate plate provides a
2(a), consists of a test cell, test bed and associated support for holding a 3 · 3 array of 12.7 mm · 12.7
instruments for system control and collecting of data. mm · 9 mm oxygen-free copper blocks spaced at 3.2 mm
The test cell, shown in Fig. 2(b), consists of a substrate apart. To provide heating to each block, a thin square
plate, an opposing isothermal cooling wall, a side wall, plate resistive heater (12 mm · 12 mm · 2 mm) is sol-
two drive walls and a cover board compressed between dered to each block. The heater wall and side walls are
two clamping plates by 4 bolts passing through each bonded with sponge, an insulating material (k ¼ 0:038
corner. The material of the substrate plate is Teflon, for W/m K) to reduce possible heat loss, as shown in Fig.

Fig. 2. The experimental setup: (a) schematic diagram of the experimental facility; (b) arrangement of the thermocouples.
C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073 4065

Fig. 3. Diagram of heat dissipation ðq000 ¼ 5  106 W/m3 , Tc ¼ 20 C, Ra  1:222  106 Þ. (a) Model for experimental heat dissipation
analysis; (b) heat dissipation / ¼ 90 and 180.

3(a). The side wall is made of Lexan, a transparent gate heat loss analysis. The contact thermal resistances
material with low thermal conductivity (k ¼ 0:2 W/ between each surface are neglected. The heat transfer
m K). The isothermal cooling wall is made of copper coefficient ðhÞ is assumed 10 W/m2 K for the boundary
with a high thermal conductivity (k ¼ 387:6 W/m K), to condition between sponge and environment. The results
provide a near uniform plate surface temperature. A fan are not sensitive when h varied from 5 to 30 W/m2 K.
is used to enhance convection heat transfer between the Fig. 3(b) shows the estimated heat distribution in the
cooling wall and the environment to keep a constant vertical orientation and the horizontal orientation (he-
temperature. Fig. 2(b) shows the thermocouples ated from below). The values of some heat transfer
arrangement. The back of each copper block is instru- paths (arrows) are not given because they are less than
mented with one K-type thermocouple located in holes 0.5%. In general, calculations show that more than 90
drilled from the front surface of the block. The cooling percent of the heat generated by heaters is dissipated
wall surface temperature is measured via three surface- through water and heat loss from the sponge, bottom
mounted thermocouples. wall and top wall is small (about 2%). Based on con-
Experiments are conducted with degassed, deionized jugate calculations, the conjugate correction factors
water. All heaters are equally powered, and steady-state ranged from 0.8 to 0.92 are used in data reduction. The
temperature and power inputs are recorded by an HP method is described in [7,8]. The overall uncertainty in
data acquisition system interfaced to a PC. The test the Nusselt ðNuÞ and Rayleigh numbers (Ra ) varied
cavity can be kept at any prescribed angle using a with the power input levels, with maximum uncertain-
universal protractor and balance. Fig. 3(a) shows the ties in Nu and Ra estimated to be 11% and 7%,
geometrical parameters and materials used for conju- respectively.
4066 C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073

4. Results and discussions difficult to evaluate accurately due to the complex geo-
metrical structure and thermal contact resistances.
4.1. Experimental results and numerical validation
4.2. Effect of inclination to flow pattern evolution
Fig. 4 shows the comparison between numerical
simulations (1  102 6 Ra 6  108 , Pr ¼ 5, 9) and For all cases of numerical results, Nu generally re-
experimental data (8  105 6 Ra 6  108 , Pr  5). In duces to about 1.5, as Ra decreases to its low limit of
the experiments, the heaters in the same row have about 100, which is less than the critical value of 1708. Theo-
the same temperature, probably due to the weak velocity retically, Nu assumes 1 for pure conduction with Ra
in the horizontal direction in different inclined positions. approaches zero. In this conduction regime, Nu remains
This shows that the temperature distribution is sym- essentially unaltered until Ra approaches the lower
metric in the X -direction. Since column-to-column critical value of 1708. As Ra passes the critical value
variations are insignificant, row averaged Nu can be used there is clearly a sharp increase in heat transfer rate. The
without any loss of generality. (This phenomena is also slopes of the curves change from zero to positive values.
proved by present numerical simulations and reported The increase in heat transfer rate is accomplished with
by experimental study of Polentini et al. [13] in the the onset of natural convection.
angular position of 90, 120, 135, 150 and 180 for In general, it is observed that there is a flow pattern
water and FC-77.) Better agreement is obtained for the evolution with inclined angle and Ra , as shown in Table
middle row of heaters and the maximum differences 2. When the hot wall is on the top of the cold wall
between numerical simulations and experiment data are (/ ¼ 0), even though the flow field looks complex and
about 9%. In fact, the maximum differences take place in has the multi-cellular form, the velocity magnitude is so
the bottom row of heaters. The temperature increases small (1 · 103 m/s) that it could not affect the tem-
for the bottom row of heaters are smallest and are more perature field. As a result, conduction heat transfer in
sensitive to the conjugate effect and heat loss that is the liquid coolant dominates, as shown in Fig. 5(a). It is

Fig. 4. The effects of inclination on heat transfer for each row of heaters: (a) / ¼ 45; (b) / ¼ 90; (c) / ¼ 135; (d) / ¼ 180.
C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073 4067

Table 2
Flow pattern evolution for water (Pr  5)
/ Ra
Flow pattern evolution
Ra  4:6  105 ! 4:5  106 ! 2:5  107
0 Multi-cellular flow pattern, conduction heat transfer (Fig. 5(a))
90 Uni-cellular boundary layer convection (Fig. 5(b))
150 Multi-cellular convection (Fig. 5(c))
180 Toroidal convection ! Bimodal convection ! R–B convection
ðFig: 6ðaÞÞ ðFig: 6ðbÞÞ ðFig: 6ðcÞÞ

Fig. 5. Flow and temperature fields on Y –Z planes at X ¼ 0 for water at different angular positions: (a) / ¼ 0, Ra ¼ 1:1  107 ;
(b) / ¼ 90, Ra ¼ 1:1  107 ; (c) / ¼ 150, Ra ¼ 1:1  107 .

known that two flow patterns, two-dimensional uni- entrained to the ascending flow at the center of the
cellular and three-dimensional multi-cellular flow pat- enclosure. The maximum velocity appears in the upper
terns exist, when the inclined angle increases from the section of the center heater. Compared with other flow
vertical orientation (/ ¼ 90) to the horizontal orienta- patterns, Toroidal convection is deleterious to heat
tion (/ ¼ 180), as shown in Fig. 5. However, in the transfer due to the high peak temperature in the center
horizontal orientation, there is a complex flow pattern heater. However, in these Ra ranges for water, even
evolution which, to the authors’ knowledge, has not though there is obvious difference in Nu as shown in Fig.
been reported before. 4(d), the difference in temperature for each heater is
In the low Ra , toroidal convection takes places, as small (DT < 1 C). The flow field is so weak that it could
shown in Figs. 6(a) and 7(a). (The scale of Fig. 6 cor- not affect the temperature field greatly. As a result, it is
responds to dimensionless velocity magnitude.) The hot found that the all nine heaters almost keep to the same
fluid rises in the central region as a result of buoyancy average temperature in the experiment. Sezai and Mo-
forces, until it reaches near the top cold wall where it hamad studied the flow pattern with a single heat source
turns radially outward, towards the sidewalls while it is for air and discussed only the toroidal convection [14].
cooled. Then it turns downward near those walls. Fi- With increasing Ra , bimodal convection occurs, as
nally, the restriction imposed by the bottom wall (sub- shown in Figs. 6(b) and 7(b). In general, the flow pattern
strate wall) forces the fluid to turn radially inward, consists of two rolls rotating clockwise at the short side
receiving heat when it passes above the discrete heat of the enclosure, with the warm up-streams of the two
sources. The flow path is completed as the colder fluid is rolls mixing above the middle row of heaters. Near the
4068 C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073

Fig. 6. Flow pattern evolution in the horizontal orientation (/ ¼ 180): (a) toroidal convection Ra  4:6  105 , / ¼ 180; (b) bimodal
convection Ra  4:5  106 , / ¼ 180; (c) R–B convection Ra  2:5  107 , / ¼ 180.

Fig. 7. Flow and temperature field for Y –Z planes at X ¼ 0 for water in the horizontal orientation (/ ¼ 180): (a) toroidal convection
Ra  4:6  105 ; (b) bimodal convection Ra  4:5  106 ; (c) R–B convection Ra  2:5  107 .
C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073 4069

lateral wall, velocity in the X -direction is obvious, just as 9 and 10, the distorted temperature fields could be ex-
the case of toroidal convection. But in the central region, plained as follows. In the vertical orientation, from the
there is a 2-D bimodal convection dominating the flow fringe to the heater, there is a sharp velocity increase.
reflecting a continuing evolution process. Bimodal con- But at the heater, the velocity magnitude remains con-
vection is also reported by Mukutmoni and Yang [15] stant. From mass continuity, some fluid is pushed from
when studying the constant wall temperature problem in the fringe to the heater. There is thus span-wise motion
a shallow enclosure. even though it is weak. But at the heater, no such span-
When Ra is high enough, R–B convection occurs, wise motion exists, due to more uniform velocity mag-
and takes the form of four-roll pattern, as seen in Figs. nitude. However, in the inclined orientation, even at the
6(c) and 7(c) (for Ra  2:5  107 ). In general, the paths heaters the velocity profile shows two peaks. Corre-
of particles in Fig. 6(c) are parallel, reflecting weak spondingly, there are two local high temperature regions
movement in X -direction and the flow is close to 2-D, at the heaters, resulting in temperature field distortion
resulting in almost the same temperature in the same (Fig. 8(b)). This trend is intensified with increasing Ra
row of heaters. In Fig. 7(c), the two side rolls, due to or with greater deviation from the vertical orientation to
transition effects, can be called developing R–B rolls the horizontal orientation, resulted from a stronger x-
here. With further increase in Ra , convection with more velocity, with transition from 2-D flow pattern to a 3-D
rolls are expected. According to Cole and Fernando [17], one.
constant heat flux boundary condition makes cell pat-
terns much faster than constant temperature boundary 4.4. Effect of inclination to local heat transfer rate
conditions. For constant wall temperature of the bottom
boundary, the flow appears to become turbulent for Fig. 11 shows the local Nu distributions along dif-
Ra > 1:6  104 Pr1:4 while Ra > 108 for constant heat ferent lines at the heater plate. To distinguish each other,
flux bottom boundary. Experimental studies of Polentini the edge effect for X ¼ 1:75 is called remote edge effect
et al. [13] showed laminar flow even in Ra  4:6  108 , while the edge effect for X ¼ 0:5 is called the inner edge
which supports our laminar flow assumption. effect. In Fig. 11(a), for conduction heat transfer at
/ ¼ 0, edge effects are mild compared with convection
4.3. Effect of inclination to distortion of temperature field heat transfer. The difference between different rows of
heaters is small. In Fig. 11(b), at vertical orientation, the
When the inclined angle approaches the horizontal bottom row of heaters has the highest Nu and the edge
orientation (/ ¼ 180), distortion in temperature field effect clearly increases heat transfer. This explains why
begins to appear, and intensify at the top rows of heaters the results of 2-D model with neglected edge effects are
as shown in Fig. 8. This greatly enhances heat transfer 20% lower compared to that of 3-D model [7]. In this
for the top row of heaters. From the vector plot in Figs. flow pattern model, remote edge effect is near to the

Fig. 8. Temperature distortion for water at different inclined angles (Ra  2:5  107 ): (a) / ¼ 90; (b) / ¼ 135.
4070 C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073

Fig. 9. Vector plot for water at selected Z ¼ 1, 2, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 6.5 planes ðRa  2:5  107 , / ¼ 90).

Fig. 10. Vector plot for water at selected Z ¼ 1, 2, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 6.5 planes ðRa  2:5  107 , / ¼ 120).

inner edge effect, due to the weak velocity in the X - the heat transfer capability, is improved. It is more
direction. obvious in the horizontal orientation, as shown in Fig.
Similar to previous discussion, Fig. 11(c) shows that 11(d), where, because the lowest Nu among the three
Nu reduces from the bottom row of heaters to the top rows, is higher than those of other orientations. Thus,
row. Heat transfer for the bottom row becomes worse. the horizontal orientation is best for heat transfer.
However, heat transfer of the top row, which has the From Fig. 11, we find that there is a clear difference
maximum temperature of the enclosure and determines between remote edge effect and inner edge effect for 3-D
C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073 4071

5 15
X=1.75 14 X=1.75
3-D Model 13 X=1.25 3-D Model
X= 0.5 X= 0.5 [16]
4 X= 0 12 X= 0
2-D Model 11 2-D Model
10 X= 0.5
3 X=1.75 9 X= 1.75
X=1.25 8

X= 0
2 6
1 3 X= 1.25
X= 0
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) (b)

15 15
14 X=1.75 14 X=1.75
3-D Model X= ± 1.75 X=1.25 3-D Model
13 X=1.25 13
X= 0.5 [16] X= 0.5
12 X= 0 12 X= 0
11 11 2-D Model
2-D Model
10 X= 0.5 10
9 9
X=1.75 8

7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 X= 0 3
2 2 X= ± 1.25
X= 1.25
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(c) (d)

Fig. 11. Local Nusselt number distribution for water at different inclined angles (Ra ¼ 1  105 , Pr ¼ 5): (a) / ¼ 0; (b) / ¼ 90; (c)
/ ¼ 150; (d) / ¼ 180.

results. However, there are only small differences in the

local Nu distribution along the center lines of the three
column of heaters. As seen in Fig. 11, they are also close
to the 2-D results for all inclined angular positions.
Therefore, when Pr is discussed in next section, 2-D
model can be used without losing generality.

4.5. Effects of Prandtl number

Present results of 3-D numerical simulations in ver-

tical orientation are showed in Fig. 12. In addition,
computations are carried out for various fluids
(Pr ¼ 0:7, 5, 20, 120) in all inclined angles (/ ¼ 0
180) for 2-D modeling, as shown in Fig. 13. It is Fig. 12. The effects of Prandtl number in vertical orientation
found that, with other parameters unaltered, the effects from 3-D numerical simulations.
of Pr are (i) for most liquids (except metal liquids),
whose Pr is greater than 1, the effects of Pr are negligible, of Pr are small and the differences between liquids and
and (ii) for most gases whose Pr are about 0.7, the effects gases in Nu and Nu are small.
4072 C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073

12 Row 3 (Pr=120) Ra*=1x105
********** Row 2 (Pr=120)
7 *** **
11 * ** ** 6 Row 1 (Pr=120) - - - - - - - - - - -
* P r = 0.7 - - - - -
* * - - - -
10 * * * * * * Pr= 5 * - -
* P r = 20 * - - -
9 * - - +-
P r = 120 * 5 -
* +
* - +
8 Ra*=1x10
6 * - X X X X X X X X X
* - X X X X
* * * * * ***** X X +

7 X

*** 4 X
* ** - X
**** ++++
6 X ++ + ++ X X X X
* * * Ra*=1x10
- ++ ++
5 3 X +
* * **************** +
* * * **** - +
4 * *** * X
** + + + + + + Row 3 (Pr=5)
* ** Ra*=1x104 X +
Row 3 (Pr=0.7)
3 * - Row 2 (Pr=5)
** ****************** **** 2 + Row 2 (Pr=0.7) X X X X X
* +
2 ** ** * * * * * *
Row 1 (Pr=0.7) - - - - - Row 1 (Pr=5)
** * * *
1 1
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
φ (° ) φ(°)
(a) (b)

Fig. 13. The effects of Prandtl number in different orientations from 2-D numerical simulations: (a) at different Rayleigh number;
(b) at different rows.

In fact, the experimental study of Polentini et al. [13] 5. Conclusions

showed that water (Pr  5) and FC-77 (Pr  25) obey
the same empirical correlations from the vertical orien- The main conclusions are:
tation (/ ¼ 90) to the horizontal orientation (/ ¼
180). The effect of Pr in the vertical orientation and (1) An experimental study is carried out to study natu-
horizontal orientation (heated from below) for non- ral convection in a cavity with discrete heat sources
discrete heat sources has been studied by others at various orientations. In general, heaters in the
[12,18,19]. The follow equations are given by Berkovsky same row have almost the same temperature, due
and Polevikov (from [18]), Bejan [18], Globe and to weak velocity in the horizontal direction.
Dropkin [19], respectively, to describe the effect of Pr. (2) In-depth 2-D and 3-D numerical simulations for
laminar flow are implemented and compared with
gðPrÞ ¼ ðPr þ 0:2Þ0:28 ðPr < 105 ; Ra < 1013 ; / ¼ 90Þ;
experimental results. Complex flow pattern evolu-
ð13Þ tion, flow field, and temperature fields are observed
 0:25 due to interactions of buoyancy forces tangential
Pr ðPr < 1Þ
gðPrÞ ¼ and normal to the heater surfaces.
1 ðPr P 1Þ (3) In the horizontal orientation, with the increasing of
ðFor boundary layerflow and / ¼ 90Þ; Ra , the flow pattern evolutions are complex and
ð14Þ identified with three main characteristics: from toroi-
dal convection to bimodal convection to R–B con-
gðPrÞ ¼ Pr0:074 vection. For increase heat transfer, the horizontal
ð0:02 6 Pr 6 8750; 1:51  105 6 Ra 6 6:76  108 ; orientation is best because the lowest Nu among the
/ ¼ 180Þ; ð15Þ three rows is higher than those of other orientations.
(4) On inclining the enclosure toward the horizontal
where gðPrÞ is a function of Pr. orientation (heated from below), the flow and tem-
Present studies are comparable with the above perature fields become complex and distorted.
equations as they are all weak functions of Pr. In par- Three-dimensional effects, such as fluid flow in hor-
ticular, Eq. (14) is derived from scale analysis based on izontal direction and distorted temperature field
the assumption that the buoyancy force is balanced by begin to appear and intensify, which greatly enhance
friction force (for Pr  1) or inertial force (for Pr  1) the heat transfer for the top row.
in vertical orientation [18]. Because this assumption can (5) Edge effect increases heat transfer greatly. Without
be applied to all inclined orientations for natural con- edge effects, the results of 2-D model are close to
vection, perhaps this equation may be applicable to all those of 3-D model.
orientations to give an estimate for heat transfer that (6) For most liquids (except metal liquids), whose Pr is
may be useful for new coolants. greater than 1, the effects of Pr are negligible, and
C.P. Tso et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 4061–4073 4073

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