Research Project
Research Project
Research Project
Important Concepts (Journal, Research Paper, Book Review, Concept Paper, Review Paper,
Discovery and Advocacy of an Argument etc.)
Abstract Writing
Writing a Research Paper
Targeting a Research Journal
Why do Research Papers get published?
Reasons of Rejection
Study of the relevant research papers for the finalization of topic: Finalization of research title;
Before you proceed, ask yourself these question about the research question!! Title ? • What do I
want to know?• Is it answerable?• Is it researchable?• Is it significant?• Can
I do it?
How to write Statement of the Problem: • Answer the question: “What is the gap that needs to
be filled?” and/or “What is the problem that needs to be solved?” • State the problem clearly
early in a paragraph.• Limit the variables you address in stating your problem or question.•
Consider framing the problem as a question
How to Write Research Objectives: Linking the Research Objectives with Research Methodology
Writing Literature Review: • to describe, summarize, evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the
content of previous researches. • Theories / Evolution • Dominant Perspective• Current
Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be included.