Research Project

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Research Project

Course Code: BUSA4116

Course Title: Research Project
Credit Hours: 3(0+3)
Prerequisite(s): Research Methods; Basic understanding of operating MS Word, MS
Excel; Business Statistics

Specific Objectives of Course:

 Important Concepts (Journal, Research Paper, Book Review, Concept Paper, Review Paper,
Discovery and Advocacy of an Argument etc.)
 Abstract Writing
 Writing a Research Paper
 Targeting a Research Journal
 Why do Research Papers get published?
 Reasons of Rejection


Introduction and recall of the earlier course of Business Research Methods

Research Paradigms and Philosophical Assumptions: Ontology and Epistemology; Positivism,

Interpretivism and Realism / Pragmatism; Movement from Pre-empirical stage to Empirical Stage

Contents of a Research Paper:• Title • Abstract • Introduction • Literature Review, and/or;•

Theoretical Framework / Foundations • Research Methodology / Material and Methods •
Findings / Empirical Results • Conclusion, Practical & Theoretical Implications •
References and Appendices

Study of the relevant research papers for the finalization of topic: Finalization of research title;
Before you proceed, ask yourself these question about the research question!! Title ? • What do I
want to know?• Is it answerable?• Is it researchable?• Is it significant?• Can
I do it?

Introduction: • What • Why • How (Sometimes)• Organization of the Paper

How to write Statement of the Problem: • Answer the question: “What is the gap that needs to
be filled?” and/or “What is the problem that needs to be solved?” • State the problem clearly
early in a paragraph.• Limit the variables you address in stating your problem or question.•
Consider framing the problem as a question

How to Write Research Objectives: Linking the Research Objectives with Research Methodology

Writing Literature Review: • to describe, summarize, evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the
content of previous researches. • Theories / Evolution • Dominant Perspective• Current

Writing of Theoretical Framework/ Conceptual Model: • Theory Testing Hypothesis •

Theory Building Proposition

Methodology: • Introduce the overall methodological approach. • Indicate how the

approach fits the overall research design. • Describe the specific methods of data collection. •
Explain how it is intended to analyze and interpret results (e.g. statistical analysis)• If
necessary, provide background and rationale for unfamiliar methodologies. • Address potential

Describing the research methods used: Significance/Implications of research• Discuss the

methodological and theoretical contribution.• State the practical and/or theoretical importance of
the problem and/or objectives of study.• Explain the usefulness or benefits of the study to
both the outside world and the research community.

Findings of the research • Respondents’ Profile / Characteristics of the Unit of Analysis •

Findings as per proposed Methodology

References & Appendices:

Why Papers Get Rejected (Reasons and solutions)

Recommended Study: (Latest Editions)

1) Business Research Methods by W.G.Zikmund: Published by Pearson Education Inc

2) Cooper and Schindler, Business research Methods
3) Sekran Uma, Research Methods of Business.
4) Straus and Corbin, Basis of Qualitative Research
5) Yin K Robert, Case Study Research Design and Method
6) Chris Hart, Doing Literature Review, SAGE Publications
7) Basic Econometrics, Damodar Gujarati
8) Dougherty Christopher, Introduction to Econometrics, Oxford University Press

Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be included.


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