Destination Risk Perception, Image and Satisfaction

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Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

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Destination risk perception, image and satisfaction: The moderating effects T

of public opinion climate of risk
Chaowu Xiea, Qian Huanga, Zhibin Linb, Yanying Chenc,∗
College of Tourism, Huaqiao University, No. 269,Cheng Hua Bei Road, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, 362021, China
Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham, DH1 3LB, United Kingdom
School of Business Administration, Jimei University, 183 Yinjiang Road, Jimei District, Xiamen, China


Keywords: There is scant knowledge about how public opinion climate of risk influences tourist behavior in times of a safety
Tourist risk perception crisis at the destination. In this study, we examined the potential moderation effect of public opinion climate on
Public opinion climate the relationships between tourist risk perception, destination image, and tourist satisfaction. We further dis-
Social environment tinguished tourist pre-travel and post-travel risk perceptions and proposed a path model linking pre-travel risk's
Tourist satisfaction
effect on tourist satisfaction with post-travel risk perception and destination image as the serial multiple med-
Destination image
iators. Data were collected from an on-site survey of tourists who visited China's Xinjiang area. The results
indicate public opinion climate has a significant moderation effect above and beyond the effects of both pre-
travel and post-travel risk perceptions on destination image and tourist satisfaction.

1. Introduction tourists tend to worry more than the tourists at the destination.
Therefore, an individual's risk perception may vary before and after
Tourism is an industry that is vulnerable to various risks, from they travel to the destination.
natural disasters, the outbreak of diseases to terrorist attacks (Fuchs & Before visiting a destination, a tourist's risk perception is mainly
Reichel, 2011; Quintal, Lee, & Soutar, 2010). These risks pose serious based on information flows in their social environment (Renn, Burns,
challenges to destinations that encounter risk events (Lepp, Gibson, & Kasperson, Kasperson, & Slovic, 1992), which includes multiple sources
Lane, 2011). Risk perception of a destination is believed to have a ne- from mass media to social interactions (Brenkert-Smith, Dickinson,
gative impact on their evaluation and subsequently their satisfaction Champ, & Flores, 2013; Covello & Sandman, 2001). When tourists are
with visiting the destination (Chang, 2010; Li, Pearce, Morrison, & Wu, visiting the destination, their perception of risk is then shaped by their
2016; Quintal et al., 2010; Yüksel & Yüksel, 2007). However, not all direct experiences, in addition to their interaction with others as well as
studies support this. For instance, Sohn, Lee, and Yoon (2016) found information from the media in the social environment (Kuhar,
that the risk perception had a negative impact on destination evalua- Nierenberg, Kirkpatrick, & Tobin, 2009). Therefore, it is necessary to
tion, but had no direct impact on satisfaction (Sohn et al., 2016). The distinguish tourist pre-travel perception from post-travel perception to
study by Filep, Klint, Whitelaw, Dominey-Howes, and DeLacy (2014) gain greater insights into their interconnection and impacts on tourist
showed that there was no direct relationship between risk perception destination image and satisfaction.
and satisfaction. Lo (2012) found that tourist risk perception did not The contrasting findings regarding the relationship between risk
have an impact on either satisfaction or behavioral intentions. The lack perception and tourist satisfaction may also be due to previous studies
of consistent findings in the previous studies indicates that there is a neglecting the social environment of risk perception. According to the
need for research that investigates the possible intervening variables Social Amplification of Risk Framework (Kasperson et al., 1988), risk is
between risk perception and tourism satisfaction. It is possible that the communicated through various information outlets, such as institu-
contrasting findings might be due to the pre- and post-travel situation. tions, media, social groups and the individual, all of them could serve as
Previous studies show that tourist post-travel perceptions of the desti- “amplification stations” to intensify the social perception of risk
nation are more positive than their pre-travel ones (González- (Binder, Scheufele, Brossard, & Gunther, 2011). On the other hand, the
Rodríguez, 2016; Jani & Hwang, 2011; Papadimitriou & Gibson, 2008). spiral of silence theory of public opinion (Noelle-Neumann, 1977) in-
Moreover, according to Larsen, Brun, and Øgaard (2009), potential dicates that people tend to voice those opinions held by the majority,

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Xie), [email protected] (Q. Huang), [email protected] (Z. Lin), [email protected] (Y. Chen).
Received 10 September 2019; Received in revised form 26 January 2020; Accepted 28 March 2020
1447-6770/ © 2020 CAUTHE - COUNCIL FOR AUSTRALASIAN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY EDUCATION. Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

and withhold those perceived to be held by a minority, as a result, H1a. Pre-travel risk perception is negatively related to destination
majority opinions become the prevalent views while minority views image.
were not heard and become silenced. Applying public opinion theory to
Post-travel risk perception involves a tourist's direct experience with
the context of the risk communication process, we could reason that
the destination. As argued by Gartner (1994), when tourists are in the
risks perceived by a majority of the public tend to be “amplified”, while
destination, the direct experience becomes the dominant factor in the
those perceived by a minority of public could be “attenuated” or “si-
formation of destination images. Jani and Hwang (2011) suggested that
lenced”. Hence the public opinion climate of risk might not accurately
pre-travel images pertain to cognitive and functional information, while
reflect the true risk. However, surrounded by the social environment,
post-travel images are based on tourists' psychological or affective
an individual's risk perception is therefore shaped by both the “objec-
feelings about their experience of the destination. Papadimitriou and
tive” or actual risk and the social experience of the risk. Similar to the
Gibson (2008) found that tourist post-travel images of Greece were
social norm, the public opinion climate of risk serves as an important
more positive to their pre-travel images of Greece. Similar to risk per-
cue influencing individual risk perception and behaviors (Cialdini,
ception, pre-travel destination image perceptions are primarily based
Kallgren, & Reno, 1991; Kusumi, Hirayama, & Kashima, 2017).
on secondary information, while during and post-travel image percep-
This study, therefore, attempts to develop and test a conceptual
tions emanates from personal experience at the destination. A positive
model assessing the impacts of tourist pre-travel and post-travel risk
experience at the destination reduces risk and improves image per-
perception on destination image and satisfaction, with public opinion
ceptions (Jani & Hwang, 2011; Papadimitriou & Gibson, 2008). Hence,
climate as a moderating factor. China's Xinjiang area was selected for
we hypothesize:
the empirical study. The rationale was that as a popular tourist desti-
nation, the area is also known for several terrorist attacks and political H1b. Post-travel risk perception is negatively related to destination
conflicts in recent years (Du & Dan, 2015). Participants were recruited image.
at six major tourist attraction sites. The data results verify the predic-
tions hypothesized in our model.
2.2. Tourist risk perception and tourist satisfaction
2. Conceptual background and hypothesis development
Tourism satisfaction is the result of a tourist's experience of com-
2.1. Tourist risk perception and destination image paring his expectations and experiences of the destination (Pizam,
Neumann, & Reichel, 1978). Tourists are satisfied when their experi-
Perceived risk is subjective and varies across different individuals ence of the destination is higher than expected (Chon & Olsen, 1991).
(Adam, 2015; Reisinger & Mavondo, 2005). Perception of risk is in- Pre-travel expectation and visit experiences are the two important
fluenced by individual's judgments on the probability of risk events as factors influencing satisfaction (Biodun, Haji-Din, & Abdullateef, 2013).
well as their social and cultural contexts (Binder et al., 2011; Kusumi Yüksel and Yüksel (2007) found that risks experienced by tourists had a
et al., 2017), and influences consumption decisions, behavior and sa- significant negative impact on satisfaction. Chang (2010) showed that
tisfaction (Yüksel & Yüksel, 2007). tourism risk of different dimensions had a significant impact on sa-
Tourists may have different risk perception judgments before, tisfaction. Several other studies also show that risk has a significant
during and after their visit, because tourists’ perception of risk evolves negative impact on customer satisfaction (Cheng & Lee, 2011;
as they gain direct experience of the destination (Jonas & Mansfeld, Ghotbabadi, Feiz, & Baharun, 2016; Li et al., 2016). Thus.
2017). Pre-travel risk perception is largely based on secondary in- H2. Both pre-travel risk perception (H2a) and post-travel risk
formation, including that from mass media, social media, as well as perception (H2b) have significant negative effects on satisfaction
interpersonal word-of-mouth (Chen, Lai, Petrick, & Lin, 2016). Larsen
et al. (2009) found that potential tourists showed greater concerns
about the risks in the destination than tourists who have visited the 2.3. Mediating effects of post-travel risk perception and destination image
destination. Fuchs and Reichel (2011) showed the differences in risk
perception between first-time versus repeat visitors. In their study, first- Prior research confirms that tourist's visitation experience has a
time visitors are considered at the ‘post-travel’ stage and are experi- direct impact on the formation of the destination image (Tasci &
encing the destination, whereas repeat visitors are those who have Gartner, 2007). Post-travel risk perception is part of the tourist's ex-
experience of the destination. Most of the studies on risk perception perience of the destination can have a direct impact on destination
focus on the pre-travel stage (e.g. Kozak, Crotts, & Law, 2007; Reisinger image. As the tourist gains more experience of the destination, pre-
& Mavondo, 2005; Sönmez & Graefe, 1998; Williams & Baláž, 2013; travel perception evolves to become post-travel risk perception evolves,
Wong & Yeh, 2009). suggesting that pre-travel perception influences destination image
Destination image is defined as the sum of impressions or beliefs through post-travel risk perception.
that one has of a destination (Kotler, Haider, & Rein, 1993; Stylidis, Previous studies also reveal that destination image has a positive
Shani, & Belhassen, 2017). Similar to risk perception, destination image effect on satisfaction (Bui & Le, 2016; Coban, 2012; Mohammed,
also evolves through the different stages of visitation experiences, from Hairul, Dalil, & Kawu, 2014). Given our previous hypothesis of post-
initial organic image (before planning from travel), induced image travel risk perception's effect on destination image, this then indicates
(travel preparation) and realistic image (with visit experience) (Becken, that destination image serves a mediator between post-travel risk per-
Jin, Zhang, & Gao, 2017; Fakeye & Crompton, 1991). ception and satisfaction. Linking the above relationships together, we
Incidents of safety hazards, such as terrorism and political in- posit that:
stability, natural disasters, disease, crimes can damage a destination's H3. The relationship between pre-travel risk perception and satisfaction
image (Lehto, Douglas, & Park, 2008). Examining the case of Chen et al. is mediated through post-travel risk perception and destination image.
(2013) further indicated that unfamiliar culture could negatively affect
destination image. Chew and Jahari (2014) investigated the case post-
disaster Japan and showed that socio-psychological risk and financial 2.4. The moderating role of the public opinion climate
risk had negative effects on destination image, while the impact of the
third dimension, the physical risk was not significant. A recent study of Previous studies on risk perceptions in tourism have explored the
China by Becken et al. (2017) suggested that urban air pollution risk variety of risks related to tourism (e.g. Fuchs & Reichel, 2011; Reisinger
had a negative influence on the destination image. Thus: & Mavondo, 2005; Richter, 2003; Roehl & Fesenmaier, 1992; Sönmez &

C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

Graefe, 1998), and factors influencing tourist risk perception, such as

psychographic variables, motivation, cultural or religious background,
and nationality (e.g. Carr, 2001; Lepp & Gibson, 2003; Reisinger &
Mavondo, 2005; Seddighi, Nuttall, & Theocharous, 2001). However, the
tourism literature has been limited to the conceptualization of risk
perception from consumer decision-making perspective (Adam, 2015;
Dowling & Staelin, 1994; Mitchell, 1999; Quintal et al., 2010), ne-
glecting the wider literature of risk analysis that embraces a diverse
range of perspectives in psychology, sociology, cultural theories and
many others. Particularly, the social environment of risk information
and the dynamics of public opinion about risk (Jonas & Mansfeld, 2017;
Moussaïd, 2013) have rarely been considered in the previous tourism
risk studies.
It is well recognized in the risk analysis literature that the social
environment could amplify or attenuate certain risk information, with
some distorted while other stifled (Binder et al., 2011; Kasperson et al., Fig. 1. Conceptual model.
1988; Kusumi et al., 2017). Social Amplification of Risk Framework
(Kasperson et al., 1988) emphasizes the process of interactions among
social groups, which shapes public perceptions of risk and social re- Fig 1. presents the conceptual model with hypotheses.
sponses to the risk. The framework suggests that individuals are one of
the “amplification stations” transmitting risk information, often small 3. Method
and biased, along with “amplification stations” such as institutions,
mass media and social media (Binder et al., 2011). Given today's pro- 3.1. Research context
liferation of information outlets, individuals often need to judge a large
amount of different or even conflicting information to form their own Xinjiang, officially the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, located
opinion (e.g. risk perception). As individuals interact with other in- in the northwest of China bordering several countries including
dividuals, their opinions influence and are influenced by others' opi- Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia.
nions. This interpersonal risk communication process leads to collective In recent decades, the region has been plagued with separatist conflicts
opinion formation in complex patterns such as consensus, polarization, and occasional terrorist attacks. Public opinion on the safety and se-
and clustering (Moussaïd, 2013). curity of Xinjiang was rather negative, and risk level was perceived as
Individuals constantly monitor their social environment to assess high by domestic tourists (Cheng & Yu, 2015). Therefore we selected
the ‘climate’ of public opinion (Noelle-Neumann, 1977). Given that risk Xinjiang as the tourism destination in this study.
information is either amplified or attenuated in the social commu-
nication process (Binder et al., 2011; Kasperson et al., 1988; Kusumi 3.2. Construct measures
et al., 2017), public opinion of risk level of a destination may not truly
reflect the objective risk level, and could be incongruent with in- All the construct measures were drawn from the extant literature.
dividual's risk perception that is based on first-hand experience of the The measurement of risk perception was adapted from Lepp and Gibson
destination. However, public opinion climate is akin to a descriptive (2003). It includes five items on aspects of cultural differences, street
social norm that makes individuals feel the pressure to conform, which crime, terrorism, violence and unfriendly people. The measurement
subsequently influences their behaviors (Cialdini et al., 1991; Kusumi items of pre-travel risk perception are as follows: a) Before traveling, I
et al., 2017). We expect individual risk perception to interact with the was worried about Xinjiang's cultural differences; b) Before traveling, I
public opinion climate to influence the impressions of destination was worried about possible street crime happened in Xinjiang; c) Before
image and subsequent satisfaction with the destination visitation ex- traveling, I was worried about possible terrorist attacks happened in
perience. In other words, the effect of personal risk perception (pre- and Xinjiang; d) Before traveling, I was worried about the possible violence
post-travel) on a destination image and satisfaction varies across levels happened in Xinjiang; e) Before the traveling, I was worried that some
of a public opinion climate of risk. According to the negativity dom- people in Xinjiang are unfriendly to tourists. Post-travel risk perception
inance principle (Rozin & Royzman, 2001), in the situation of a high has the same measurement structure but with different temporal ad-
level of public risk climate, the effects are likely to be dominated by the verbials and negative phrases. For example, “While visiting in Xinjiang,
public risk climate, while the effect of personal risk perception tends to I think I do not need to worry …”.
be weak. In the situation of a low level of public risk climate, a high- The measurement of destination image was based on (Lee &
level personal risk perception will dominate the effects. Moreover, the Lockshin, 2011), with 5 items: a) Xinjiang is a comfortable place to
high-level personal risk perception constitutes a cognitive dissonance visit; b) Xinjiang is a hospitable place to visit; c) Xinjiang is a beautiful
with the low-level public opinion climate, which may arouse dis- place to visit; d) Xinjiang is a place with a pleasant climate; e) Xinjiang
comfort, concern or worries (Festinger, 1962), as a result, the effect of is a worthy place to visit.
personal risk perception on destination image and satisfaction will be Tourist satisfaction was based on the five-item scale developed by
strong. Therefore, we hypothesize that the higher levels of public opi- Oliver (1997): a) Overall, I am satisfied with the travel experience; b) I
nion of risk climate, the weaker the effect of personal risk perception on enjoy this traveling experience very much; c) I think this trip is
destination image and satisfaction. Thus: worthwhile; d) I think this trip has reached my expectations; and e) I
think my decision is a wise one.
H4. Public opinion climate negatively moderates the relationships
We used five items to measure public opinion climate, adapted from
the social environment of information sources by Fall (2000) and media
impact scale by Keery, Van den Berg, and Thompson (2004): a) Friends
a) pre-travel risk perception and destination image (H4a);
around me feel that Xinjiang is not safe; b) The media often report
b) post-travel risk perception and destination image (H4b);
unsafe news about Xinjiang; c) The information that Xinjiang is unsafe
c) pre-travel risk perception and satisfaction (H4c); and
is widespread; d) Many people are talking about Xinjiang as unsafe; e)
d) post-travel risk perception and satisfaction (H4d).
Public opinion is mostly negative about safety in Xinjiang.

C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

The above items on a 7-point Likert scale (where 1 = strongly SPSS to conduct exploratory factor analysis with the even number of
disagree and 7 = strongly agree). As items measuring post-travel risk samples. Second, we run confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS with
perception were negatively phrased, their data were reverse-coded. The the odd number of samples. Thirdly, we used the PROCESS macro plug-
questionnaire also includes demographic variables include gender, age, in installed in SPSS to perform multiple chain tests of mediating effects
educational background, occupation, and frequency of travel. and moderation effects.

3.3. Sample and data collection 4. Results

We conducted the survey in Xinjiang from July to August in 2016. 4.1. Exploratory factor analysis
The target population for this study is those tourists who traveled to
Xinjiang for leisure purposes. The main locations of our survey were six Table 2 presents the results of the exploratory factor analysis. Mean
major tourist attractions sites: Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area, Tianshan imputation was used to estimate the missing data before the reliability
Grand Canyon Scenic Area, Turpan Grape Valley Scenic Area, Nalati test and validity test. Cronbach α value of the whole questionnaire is
Scenic Area, Bosten Lake Scenic Area and Kanas Scenic Area, which 0.770 and Cronbach α value of each dimension is above 0.7, which
covers all the well-known tourist attractions in Xinjiang. indicates good reliability. The results of the validity test show that: the
The researchers personally distributed the questionnaires to the KMO value of pre-travel risk perception and post-travel risk perception
sampled tourists and collected them when completed. Before the data is 0.911, the KMO value of destination image is 0.845, the KMO value of
analysis, the dataset was examined for normality and the values of tourist satisfaction is 0.874, the KMO value of public opinion climate is
skewness and kurtosis of all the items well within Kline's (2011) con- 0.863. All the factor loadings for each individual item are above 0.5.
ventional criteria (skewness < 3; kurtosis < 8), which indicated that Thus, the validity of this questionnaire is acceptable.
the data were normally distributed. Confirmatory factor analysis was
employed to assess the) (Kline, 2011). A total of 800 copies of ques- 4.2. Confirmatory factor analysis
tionnaires were distributed, 639 of them were considered as valid, thus
a rate of 79.8%. The sample profile is presented in Table 1 and the AMOS software was used to examine the discriminant validity of the
descriptive statistics are presented in Table 2. major variables to establish the basis for the construction of the best
model. The research chooses the oblique five-factor (five variables se-
parately) as the basic model, establishing four competing factor models.
3.4. Data analysis
All the potential choices – four-factor model (pre-travel and during visit
risk perception belonging to the same latent variable, destination
The data analysis of this study consists of three steps. First, we used
image, tourist satisfaction, public opinion climate), three-factor model
(tourist satisfaction, public opinion climate, combining risk perception
Table 1
and destination image), two-factor model (public opinion climate as an
Sample profile (n = 639).
independent variable and the rest of them as latent variables) and one-
Category Frequency Percentage factor model were tested. The results show that the five-factor model
Gender Male 276 43.19
has the highest level of adaptation for this research. It also shows that
Female 363 56.81 the questionnaire has good discrimination validity and quality. Tables 2
and 3 display the overall fit index of the competition model and the
Age Born in and after 2000 65 10.17 result of CFA respectively.
Born in 1990s 119 18.62 The results of the confirmatory factor analysis of the five-factor
Born in 1980s 238 37.24 model are above the recommended level (Hooper, Coughlan, & Mullen,
Born in 1970s 129 20.19
2008). The CFA fit indices of pre-travel perception and post-travel
Born in 1960s 58 9.08
Born in or before 1950s 30 4.67
perception were: χ2/df = 2.862 (< 3), RMSEA = 0.077 (< 0.08),
PGFI = 0.582 (> 0.5), NFI = 0.962, RFI = 0.950, CFI = 0.975,
Education Junior high school or below 48 7.51
IFI = 0.975, GFI = 0.941; the CFA fit indices of destination image,
Senior high school 204 31.92 tourist satisfactory and public opinion climate were: χ2/df = 2.901
Junior college 144 22.53 (< 3), RMSEA = 0.077 (< 0.08), PGFI = 0.638 (> 0.5), NFI = 0.928,
Bachelor degree 212 33.18 RFI = 0.910, CFI = 0.951, IFI = 0.952, and GFI = 0.911.
Master degree or above 28 4.38

4.3. Hypothesis test

Travel frequency Rarely 84 13.15
Sometimes 402 62.91
Often 151 23.63
4.3.1. Direct effect
Table 4 shows that both pre-travel risk perception and post-travel
Occupation Enterprise staff 62 9.7
risk perception have a significant negative effect on destination image
Civil servant 47 7.35 perception (β = −0.043*,t = −2.372; β = −0.544***,
Academics 42 6.57 t = −20.855), which suggests that H1a and H1b are supported. Post-
Self-employed 108 16.9 travel risk perception has a significant negative effect on tourist sa-
Soldier 5 0.78
tisfaction (β = −0.148***, t = −5.554), suggesting that the H2b is
School students 121 18.93
Professionals and technicians 54 8.45 supported.
Freelance 102 15.96 Table 5 presents that the total effect of pre-travel risk perception on
Retiree 53 8.29 tourist satisfaction is −0.2224 (t = −9.831, p = 0.000), suggesting
Other 45 7.04 that the pre-travel risk perception has a significant negative effect on
tourist satisfaction, so H2a is supported.
Monthly income ≤2500 RMB 171 26.76
2501-5000 RMB 333 52.11
4.3.2. Mediating effect test
5001-10000 RMB 112 17.53
≥10001 RMB 21 3.29 Table 5 shows that pre-travel risk perception has a significant effect
on tourist satisfaction (β = −0.2224***, t = −9.831) without adding

C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

Table 2
Descriptive statistics.
Construct Measure-ment item mean value SD skewness Kurtosis

Statistic Standard error Statistic Standard error

Pre-travel risk perception PV1 3.16 1.98 0.16 0.10 −1.54 0.19
PV2 3.20 1.98 0.22 0.10 −1.34 0.19
PV3 3.36 2.09 0.19 0.10 −1.38 0.19
PV4 3.14 1.96 0.29 0.10 −1.31 0.19
PV5 3.19 2.00 0.22 0.10 −1.43 0.19

Post-travel risk perception DV1 2.50 1.58 0.98 0.10 0.25 0.19
DV2 2.36 1.51 1.13 0.10 0.62 0.19
DV3 2.35 1.48 0.91 0.10 −0.07 0.19
DV4 2.35 1.54 1.03 0.10 0.21 0.19
DV5 2.13 1.36 1.34 0.10 1.48 0.19

Destination image DI1 5.89 1.40 −1.49 0.10 1.97 0.19

DI2 6.11 1.31 −1.76 0.10 3.02 0.19
DI3 6.18 1.17 −1.95 0.10 4.63 0.19
DI4 6.04 1.19 −1.26 0.10 1.13 0.19
DI5 6.03 1.27 −1.37 0.10 1.47 0.19

Tourist satisfaction TS1 5.98 1.30 −1.48 0.10 2.27 0.19

TS2 5.99 1.25 −1.24 0.10 1.14 0.19
TS3 6.03 1.27 −1.46 0.10 1.91 0.19
TS4 6.01 1.28 −1.44 0.10 2.05 0.19
TS5 5.92 1.38 −1.34 0.10 1.41 0.19

Public opinion climate PR1 3.09 1.80 0.31 0.10 −1.07 0.19
PR2 3.37 1.71 0.00 0.10 −1.15 0.19
PR3 3.50 1.74 −0.03 0.10 −1.13 0.19
PR4 3.67 1.75 −0.15 0.10 −1.05 0.19
PR5 3.82 1.76 −0.32 0.10 −1.00 0.19

any mediators. Pre-travel risk perception has no significant effect on supported.

tourist satisfaction (β = −0.0006, t = −0.042) after adding two According to the latest recommendations by Hayes and Rockwood
mediators. This indicates that the effect of pre-travel risk perception on (2017), a model of two mediators (model 6) has three indirect effects:
the satisfaction rate of tourists was fully mediated by post-travel risk a) indirect effect 1 is transmitted indirectly only through M1; b) indirect
perception and tourist destination image perception. Thus, H3 was effect 2 is transmitted indirectly only through M2, and c) indirect effect

Table 3
Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.
Construct Measurement item Mean value Exploratory factor analysis Confirmatory factor analysis

Communality Factor loading Cronbach α value Factor loading T AVE CR

Pre-travel risk perception PV1 3.16 0.833 0.895 0.919 0.868 19.362 0.790 0.949
PV2 3.20 0.814 0.854 0.901 20.571
PV3 3.36 0.813 0.882 0.891 20.218
PV4 3.14 0.835 0.874 0.898 20.486
PV5 3.19 0.848 0.897 0.885 19.967
Post-travel risk perception DV1 2.50 0.685 0.782 0.745 14.977 0.620 0.891
DV2 2.36 0.803 0.870 0.819 17.196
DV3 2.35 0.775 0.854 0.756 15.316
DV4 2.35 0.774 0.865 0.858 18.460
DV5 2.13 0.701 0.811 0.754 15.253
Destination image DI1 5.89 0.707 0.841 0.882 0.754 15.469 0.575 0.871
DI2 6.11 0.669 0.818 0.691 13.711
DI3 6.18 0.601 0.775 0.684 13.544
DI4 6.04 0.695 0.834 0.809 17.163
DI5 6.03 0.741 0.861 0.841 18.211
Tourist satisfaction TS1 5.98 0.718 0.848 0.912 0819 17.578 0.692 0.918
TS2 5.99 0.754 0.868 0.882 19.799
TS3 6.03 0.80 0.894 0.841 18.323
TS4 6.01 0.724 0851 0.815 17.440
TS5 5.92 0.718 0.847 0.799 16.943
Public opinion climate POC1 3.09 0.600 0.774 0.888 0.629 11.479 0.550 0.858
POC2 3.37 0.680 0.825 0.769 15.112
POC3 3.50 0.723 0.850 0.854 17.336
POC4 3.67 0.719 0.848 0.761 14.779
POC5 3.82 0.736 0.858 0.674 12.485

C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

Table 4
The overall fit indexes of the competition model.
Model X2 df X2/df ΔX2/Δdf RMSEA CFI NFI AIC RMR

One-factor model 3086.626 275 11.224 551.715 0.179 0.565 0.543 3186.626 0.523
Two-factor model 2534.911 274 9.252 1114.794 0.161 0.650 0.625 2636.911 0.525
Three-factor model 2305.324 272 8.475 252.783 0.153 0.685 0.659 2411.324 0.413
Four-factor model 1546.974 269 5.751 187.270 0.122 0.802 0.771 1658.964 0.295
Five-factor model 797.895 265 3.011 – 0.080 0.918 0.882 917.895 0.133

3 is transmitted indirectly through M1 and M2 in order (Fig. 1). Table 6 Table 6

shows the three indirect effects (Ind1-3) in the current study. First, Total and direct effect of pre-travel risk perception on tourist satisfaction.
Ind1 = −0.048, 95% BCa CI [-0.076, −0.026], which presents the Effect SE t P
indirect effect of pre-travel risk perception (X) on tourist satisfaction (Y)
through post-travel risk perception (M1) only. Ind1 value accounts for Total effect of X on Y(c) −0.2224 0.023 −9.831 0.000
21.76 percent of the total effect. Second, Ind2 = −0.034, 95% BCa CI Direct effect of X on Y (c’) −0.0006 0.014 −0.042 0.966

[-0.066, −0.003], which presents the indirect effect of pre-travel risk

perception (X) on tourist satisfaction (Y) through destination image
Table 7
perception (M2) only. Ind2 value accounts for 15.15 percent of the total
Indirect effect of pre-travel risk perception on tourist satisfaction.
effect. Third, Ind3 = −0.140, 95% BCa CI [-0.173, −0.114], which
presents the indirect effect of pre-travel risk perception (X) on tourist Indirect effect(s) of X on Y Effect Ratio Boot SE BootLLCI BootULCI
satisfaction (Y) through post-travel risk perception (M1) and destina-
Ind1 −0.048 21.76% 0.013 −0.076 −0.026
tion image perception (M2) in order. Ind3 value accounts for 62.81 Ind2 −0.034 15.15% 0.016 −0.066 −0.003
percent of the total effect. Total indirect effect = -0.2218, 95% BCa CI Ind3 −0.140 62.81% 0.015 −0.173 −0.114
[-0.257, −0.188], which accounts for 99.73 percent of total effect. This Total indirect effect −0.2218 99.73% 0.018 −0.257 −0.188
suggests the effect of pre-travel risk perception on tourist satisfaction
Notes: Ind1: Pre-travel Risk Perception→ Post-travel Risk Perception(M1)→
was fully mediated through post-travel risk perception and destination
Tourist Satisfaction.
image. The serial multiple mediator model estimate results were shown
Ind2: Pre-travel Risk Perception→ Destination image(M2)→ Tourist
in Fig. 2Table 7). Satisfaction.
Ind3: Pre-travel Risk Perception→ Post-travel Risk Perception(M1)→
4.3.3. Moderation effect test Destination image(M2)→ Tourist Satisfaction.
Moderation effect of public opinion climate among the paths of pre-
travel risk perception → destination image, pre-travel risk perception
→ tourist satisfaction, post-travel risk perception → destination image,
post-travel risk perception → tourist satisfaction, were tested through
PROCESS micro (model 1) of SPSS. All variables were mean-centered
before estimating the hypothesized models. The results show that all
the interaction terms are significant. Specifically, public opinion cli-
mate significantly moderates the relationships: a) between pre-travel
risk perception and destination image (β = 0.132***, t = 8.614), b)
between post-travel risk perception and destination image
(β = 0.052**, t = 2.900), c) between pre-travel risk perception and
tourist satisfaction (β = 0.132***, t = 7.815), and d) between post-
travel risk and tourist satisfaction (β = 0.072***, t = 3.650). Thus,
H4a, H4b, H4c, H4d were all supported. The moderation effects can be Fig. 2. Results of hypothesis testing.
visualized as shown in Fig. 3.

Table 5
Estimate result of regress analysis of serial-multiple mediation model.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Post-travel risk perception Destination image Tourist satisfaction

β SE t β SE t β SE t

Constant 2.182*** 0.335 6.505 6.961*** 0.227 30.712 1.832*** 0.282 6.504
Gender 0.146 0.089 1.641 0.075 0.058 1.282 −0.047 0.046 −1.022
Age −0.003 0.038 −0.081 −0.036 0.025 −1.433 −0.033 0.020 −1.705
Education −0.163*** 0.044 −3.682 0.014 0.029 0.464 0.043 0.023 1.880
Occupation −0.022 0.017 −1.288 0.008 0.011 0.758 −0.010 0.009 −1.120
Income −0.117 0.067 −1.745 −0.057 0.044 −1.289 −0.036 0.035 −1.041
TF 0.030 0.081 0.368 0.031 0.053 0.579 −0.037 0.042 −0.884
TE −0.149* 0.069 −2.155 0.201*** 0.045 4.415 0 0.036 0.001
Pre-travel RP 0.327*** 0.024 13.391 −0.043* 0.018 −2.372 −0.001 0.014 −0.042
Post-travel RP _ _ _ −0.544*** 0.026 −20.855 −0.148*** 0.027 −5.554
Destination image _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.786*** 0.031 25.068
Model Summary R2 = 0.527 p = 0.000 R2 = 0.738 p = 0.000 R2 = 0.869 p = 0.000

Notes: ***p < 0.001:**p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. RP: Risk Perception; DI: Destination image; TS: Tourist Satisfaction; TF: Travel Frequency; TE: Travel Experience.

C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

Fig. 3. A visual representation of the curvilinear of moderation test results.

5. Discussion and conclusions climate is akin to that of the environment of noise: An increase of one's
voice volume will have a stronger impact in a quiet environment than it
This study examines the moderation effect of public opinion cli- will in a noisy environment.
mate, as a variable of the social environment of destination risk in- The finding of the moderation effect of public opinion climate of
formation, on the effect of tourist risk perception on destination image risk highlights the importance of the social environment for tourism
and satisfaction, with the consideration of the formation process of research, especially for tourism risk analysis (Jonas & Mansfeld, 2017;
individual risk perception and the public opinion climate, which has Moussaïd, 2013). The social environment could amplify or attenuate
been largely neglected in previous studies. We further assess the dif- certain risk information (Binder et al., 2011; Kasperson et al., 1988;
ference as well as the interconnection between pre-travel and post- Kusumi et al., 2017). As a result, public opinion climate of risk might
travel risk perception. The study has important implications for theo- deviate from the actual risk, and an individual's personal perceived risk
retical development and destination risk communication and manage- may be incongruent with the public one. Individuals constantly monitor
ment practice. their social environment to assess the ‘climate’ of public opinion
(Noelle-Neumann, 1977), which might exert a normative power over
the individuals to conform with the public opinion, resulting in cog-
5.1. Theoretical implications nitive dissonance (Festinger, 1962). The study thus further advances
the literature on tourism risk analysis by showing the important and
The contributions of this study to the theory are threefold. sophisticated role of public opinion climate in influencing individual
First, this study is among the first to incorporate public opinion risk perception, destination image and satisfaction.
climate into tourist risk perception research. Specifically, we test the Second, this study conceptually distinguishes between pre-travel
moderation effect of public opinion climate on the path of “pre-travel risk perception and post-travel risk perception. The pre-travel risk
risk perception → post-travel risk perception → destination image → perception is the risk assessment and judgment at the stage of the
satisfaction”. Public opinion climate exists in the information environ- tourism planning stage, whereas post-travel risk perception is at the
ment throughout the tourist journey, and influences tourist's percep- stage of visiting or consuming the destination. Our data results indicate
tion, attitude and feelings (Binder et al., 2011; Brown, 2015; Kasperson that the risk perception before the visit is significantly higher than that
et al., 1988; Kusumi et al., 2017). The results indicate that public opi- at the visiting stage. The tourist's pre-travel risk perception was later
nion climate negatively moderates the link from risk perception, des- adjusted as the tourist gained the actual personal experience of the
tination image and satisfaction evaluation. Specifically, when the destination. The findings provide an important theoretical development
public opinion climate of risk is low, slight changes in individual risk over earlier studies that indicate that potential travelers are different
perception will have a big impact on satisfaction; but if the public from actual travelers in term of risk attitude (Larsen et al., 2009) and
opinion climate of risk is high, individual risk perception has little perception of the destination's image (González-Rodríguez, 2016; Jani
impact on satisfaction. In other words, in the interaction between & Hwang, 2011; Papadimitriou & Gibson, 2008).
public opinion climate of risk and personal risk perception, the one with Third, this study validates the negative effects of pre-travel risk
a higher level of negativity (greater risk) will exert a dominating effect, perception and post-travel risk perception on destination image and
which is consistent with the negativity dominance principle (Rozin & satisfaction. The impact of risk perception on satisfaction is subject to
Royzman, 2001). This negative moderation effect of public opinion

C. Xie, et al. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 (2020) 122–130

debate in the extant literature. The empirical analysis of this study Acknowledgements
supports the negative impact mechanism from risk perception to sa-
tisfaction. Our findings show that pre-travel has a continuing impact on This project was supported by the National Natural Science
tourists' risk experience, which influences tourist perception of the Foundation of China (Grant No. 41971182) and Humanities and Social
destination's image and subsequent satisfaction with post-travel risk Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education of China( Grant No.
perception and destination image as two mediators. This study thus 19YJAZH097).
provides fresh insights into the mechanism from pre-travel risk per-
ception to satisfaction (Chang, 2010; Filep et al., 2014; Quintal et al., References
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