Forecasting Currency in Circulation in Nigeria Using Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing Method

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South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics

Volume 20, Issue 1, Page 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

ISSN: 2581-821X

Forecasting Currency in Circulation in

Nigeria Using Holt-Winters Exponential
Smoothing Method
Samuel Babajide Atoyebi a*, Matthew Femi Olayiwola b,
James Olasunkanmi Oladapo c
and David IfeOluwa Oladapo d
Department of Research and Data Analysis, DSK Statistical Consult Ltd., Nigeria.
Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College, South Africa.
Department of Statistics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Department of Mathematics, Adeleke University, Ede, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/SAJSSE/2023/v20i1689

Open Peer Review History:

This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers,
peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received: 18/04/2023
Data Article Accepted: 22/06/2023
Published: 04/07/2023


Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. It is the most populous country in Africa, with a
population of about 211 million. Nigeria is a federal republic with three tiers of government: federal,
state, and local. Nigeria is a diverse country, with over 250 ethnic groups. This study aims to
investigate the forecasting of currencies in circulation (CIC) in Nigeria using the Holt-Winters
exponential smoothing method (Additive Holt–Winters Model and Multiplicative Holt–Winters
Method). The forecasting data are collected from January 1960 to December 2022. The focus of
the study is primarily to determine the optimal forecasting approach while considering the pertinent
smoothing parameters and determine which of the forecasting method, either the multiplicative

*Corresponding author: Email: [email protected];

S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023
Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Holt–Winters or additive Holt–Winters is best in forecasting CIC in Nigeria. Furthermore, the study
offers prognostic insights regarding CIC in Nigeria. Three experiments were conducted with
different parameters (α= 0.2, γ= 0.2, δ= 0.5; α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1; α= 0.1, γ= 0.1, δ= 0.3) that were
randomly generated. The experiment with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, and δ= 0.1 parameters was the best
model for forecasting the variable using both the Additive Holt-Winters model and the Multiplicative
Holt-Winters method. Based on the comparison of the accuracy measures, this study concluded
that the multiplicative Holt-Winters method outperforms the additive Holt-Winters model in all three
measures: MAPE, MAD, and MSD. The multiplicative Holt-Winters method has a significantly lower
MAPE (5.97894E+00) compared to the additive Holt-Winters model (9.55758E+02). The forecast of
CIC in Nigeria was conducted using the multiplicative Holt-Winters method, and it found that
currency in circulation in Nigeria continues to increase as it shows the upper trend.

Keywords: Forecast; currency in circulation; Nigeria; additive holt–winters; multiplicative holt–winters.

1. INTRODUCTION and changes in this demand serve as important

indicators of the economy's monetization and
Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. It is demonetization [6]. An annual increase in CIC
the most populous country in Africa, with a was reported from 2009 to 2013, although there
population of about 211 million [1]. Nigeria is a was a decline in the ratio of CIC to Gross
developing country with a growing population. Domestic Product (GDP) during the same period
Nigeria is also a resource-rich country with a lot [7]. The significance of CIC is evident in its ratio
of potential for economic growth. The Central to nominal GDP and its contribution to the overall
Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is responsible for money supply, highlighting its relevance in any
managing the amount of currency in circulation in economy [6]. Numerous studies have been
Nigeria. The CBN does this by printing money, conducted to investigate various aspects of CIC.
buying and selling foreign exchange, and setting
interest rates. The CBN's goal is to keep the In a study by Alvan [5] analyzing the usage of
amount of currency in circulation at a level that daily, weekly, and monthly bills in Nigeria from
will promote economic growth without causing January 2000 to December 2010, it was
inflation. The CBN issues various denominations concluded that a combination of mixed models
of notes, which are then distributed to the incorporating ARIMA and structural components,
general population through commercial banks. along with dummy and seasonal variables,
Presently, there are eight naira note yielded the most accurate results. The study
denominations: N5, N10, N20, N50, N100, N200, revealed that factors such as exchange rates,
N500, and N1000, no Nigeria coin is in interbank rates, seasonality, holidays, and
circulation at the moment [2]. The West African elections significantly influenced the demand for
Currency Board (WACB) was responsible for money. Irokwe et al. [6] focused on monthly cash
overseeing the production of banknotes in in circulation in Nigeria from January 2010 to
Nigeria from 1912 to 1959. Before the December 2014 and determined that the
establishment of this institution, Nigeria used SARIMA (0,1,0)x(0,1,1)12 model best matched
different forms of currency, such as manilas and the observed patterns in the series. Similarly,
cowries [3]. On July 1st, 1959, the WACB notes Albert et al. [4] conducted comparable research
and coins were phased out when the CBN on currency in circulation at central banks in
introduced Nigerian notes and coins. It was on Ghana. Bhattacharya and Joshi [8] reviewed the
July 1st, 1962, that Nigerian monetary policies currency in use in India and concluded that the
were initiated to align with the country's new money demand model and univariate modelling
status [3]. approaches were the most relevant. This current
research will focus on CIC in Nigeria using holt–
The term “currency in circulation” (CIC) refers to winter exponential smoothing.
the total amount of notes and coins circulating
within an economy, representing the most liquid Forecasting plays a crucial role in mitigating
form of monetary aggregate [4]. Notably, decision risk by providing insights into potential
approximately 70% of Nigeria's reserves consist outcomes when the consequences of an action
of CIC [5]. The demand for cash from both the are significant but uncertain. Once the necessary
general public and the banking system plays a data for a time series is collected, the analyst's
significant role in determining the level of CIC, next step involves selecting an appropriate

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

forecasting model [9]. Various statistical and computer simulation using Particle Swarm
graphical tools can aid in this selection process. Optimization. Results from the experiment
One recommended approach is to create showed that Particle Swarm Optimization is
sequence plots of the time series. Sequence capable of calculating reliable smoothing
plots visually display the values of the data series constants, thereby producing forecasts that
over time, with the horizontal axis representing accurately determine the direction (i.e. fall or
the passage of time and the vertical axis rise) of exchange rates. Moreover, the computed
indicating the value. These plots facilitate the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Residual
identification of key characteristics, such as Standard Error (RSE) from the exchange rate
trends and seasonality, which are further forecasts based on actual observed data suggest
explored in the report. The presence or absence that PSO may also be utilized to enhance
of these components significantly influences forecasting precision.
model selection and prediction accuracy. If there
is a multilevel time series dataset with Lima, et al. [13] have undertaken a study that
hierarchical structure, where the lower-level data examines the prediction of economic time series
exhibits trend and/or seasonality, Holt-Winters that display pronounced trends and seasonal
Exponential Smoothing can be used at each patterns. The researchers have proposed an
level of the hierarchy within a multilevel modeling approach that uses Holt-Winters Exponential
framework. This combination will allow the Smoothing to enhance the likelihood of capturing
modeling and forecasting of both the within- diverse patterns in the data and, thereby,
group and between-group variations in the data. augment forecasting performance. The study
involves a comparative analysis of the accuracy
The foundation of time-series forecasting lies in of Holt-Winters models (additive and
distinguishing between patterns and random multiplicative) in forecasting and aims to provide
errors within a time series [10]. By identifying novel insights into the methods employed
trends, long-term changes, and seasonality through this approach. The selection of these
resulting from factors like variations in usage and methods is based on their capacity to model
demand, the goal is to separate the underlying trends and seasonal fluctuations that are
pattern from the noise. Several time series inherent in economic data. The models are fitted
forecasting techniques are available, including to time series of e-commerce retail sales in
Moving Averages, Linear Regression with Time, Portugal, and the study evaluates the accuracy
and Exponential Smoothing. Olayiwola [11] of additive and multiplicative output.
developed ARIMA (4,1, 4) model to predict the
road traffic fatality in South Africa. This model is Olayiwola and Atoyebi [14] conducted an
concluded to be the best among the set of investigation on the Box-Jenkins Approach to
models considered duw to its lowest volatility, Fuel Prices and Currency Strength in the
lowest information criterion and highest adjusted International Market. The study used an ARIMA
R-squared values. In this report, the focus is to predict the fuel prices and the strength of the
primarily to determine the optimal forecasting South African rand in the international market,
approach while considering the pertinent based on 35 years of monthly data. The fuel
smoothing parameters and determine which of prices were observed to demonstrate an upward
the forecasting method, either the trend variation. Upon estimating numerous
multiplicativeHolt–Winters or additiveHolt– competing models for each variable, ARIMA (3,
Winters is best in forecasting CIC in Nigeria. 1, 1), ARIMA (3, 1, 1), ARIMA (1, 1, 2) and
Furthermore, this study offers prognostic insights ARIMA (1, 0, 1) were found to be the most
regarding CIC in Nigeria. suitable models for modelling and predicting the
future values of diesel, paraffin, petrol and
2. LITERATURE REVIEW exchange rate (ZAD-USD), respectively. The
corresponding forecasting accuracies were
Ortiz [12] conducted a study on the precision rate 93.4%, 91.7%, 91.5% and 79.3%. Their study
of the Holt-Winters model in forecasting concluded that using these models in predicting
exchange rates by using particle swarm the future values of fuel prices and the strength
optimization. In particular, an exponential of South African currency against the United
smoothing method, through the use of the Holt- States of America dollars can help policymakers
Winters Model, was used for the purpose of and all stakeholders make informed decisions in
forecasting exchange rates. The search for their planning. Olayiwola and Seeletse [15]
optimal smoothing constants was performed via earlier in 2020 noted that, an upward variation

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

(modelled by quadratic rate) of petrol price would inefficiency in capturing certain effects and
continue into the future. seasonality, possibly due to variations in intra-
month and intra-week lags. In response,
In their study on the currency in circulation in the Dheerasinghe proposed an alternative univariate
country, Mwale et al. [16] emphasized the modelling approach that aimed to independently
importance of CIC and identified two indicators to address trends, seasonal patterns, and cycles in
assess its significance: the proportion of CIC to the series, considering the drawbacks of existing
the total money supply (CIC/money supply) and methods. Successfully identifying cyclical
its relationship to the GDP. An increase in the dynamics in the data, Dheerasinghe and her
percentage of CIC in the money supply indicated team incorporated autoregressive and moving
reduced funds available for lending, potentially average (ARMA) terms into their modelling
hindering economic growth by limiting the approach. They employed time and time-squared
amount of money in banks and deposit series to capture the stochastic trend in the data,
institutions. On the other hand, a high level of accounting for both linear and non-linear trends.
CIC suggested increased economic transactions, Based on their findings, all three approaches
which could contribute to inflationary pressures adequately fit the data and captured various
and indicate an economic boom. Analyzing effects and seasonality, displaying satisfactory
annual data from 1965 to 2004, Mwale et al. performance in out-of-sample forecasting for Sri
discovered a seasonal trend in the data Lanka. The model selection process involved
attributed to seasonal agricultural activity. Mwale criteria such as the lowest Akaike and Schwartz
et al. [16] undertook the task of modelling the information criteria, maximization of R-squared,
level of CIC in Nigeria using a traditional and minimization of mean square error of the
multivariate regression model based on the forecasts.
demand for money. Despite incorporating various
variables, such as nominal GDP growth rate, Norat [18] employed a structural time series
interest rates, shadow economy indicators, (STS) technique, following a similar approach to
indicators of small-scale agricultural activities, Dheerasinghe, to forecast the CIC in Nigeria.
electronic transactions, and a dummy variable, The STS model utilized structural equations to
the model's explanatory power was limited, incorporate trends, seasonality, cycles, and other
accounting for only around 60% of the properties of the time series. Norat applied this
fluctuations in the CIC/money supply. The model to analyze CIC data from the United
authors did observe a negative relationship Kingdom, specifically considering volatile periods
between deposit rates and the amount of money such as Christmas and New Year's celebrations,
in circulation, suggesting that higher deposit during the years 2005 to 2006. By comparing the
rates led to reduced money supply due to outcomes with those of an exponential
increased saving behaviour. Additionally, the smoothing model, Norat [18] claimed that the
model indicated significant effects of small-scale STS model demonstrated superior performance
agricultural production activities and the shadow outside the sample. Moreover, Norat [18]
economy. However, the GDP growth rate and a established that smaller out-of-sample forecast
dummy election variable proved to have marginal errors were obtained when the estimates of the
usefulness in predicting the movement of the STS forecast were weighted with CIC demand
CIC/money supply. from participants in the British Notes Circulation
Dheerasinghe [17] emphasized the importance of
estimating the currency in circulation (CIC) for Griffiths and Desmond [19], while primarily
the Sri Lankan Central Bank, highlighting its focusing on forecasting pandemic data during the
significance as a leading indicator of economic Covid-19 pandemic, introduced the SIR model
growth and accounting for over 65% of the total (Vulnerable, Infected, and Removed) as a
reserve funds. While acknowledging the system of initial value problems formulated as
unsuitability of commonly used approaches for ordinary differential equations. Although they
high-frequency data, Dheerasinghe agreed with employed multiplicative Holt-Winters exponential
the Reserve Bank of India's concerns. She also smoothing, the authors acknowledged that this
recognized the limitations of the traditional method is suitable only when trend patterns are
demand for money model, which lacked more the sole influencing factor in the data. They also
frequent income data beyond quarterly periods. noted that the method fails to capture seasonal
Furthermore, she observed that the alternative trends when the data exhibits both trend and
approach of univariate modelling had shown seasonality. To address this limitation, they

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

incorporated an additional parameter into Holt- forecast CIC. Mwale et al. utilized a traditional
Winters exponential smoothing. However, the multivariate regression model that captured
study used the multiplicative methodology of some factors influencing CIC but had limited
Holt-Winters exponential smoothing without explanatory power. Dheerasinghe proposed an
providing a comprehensive evaluation of its alternative univariate modelling approach aiming
effectiveness or comparing it with alternative to address trends, seasonal patterns, and cycles,
models. demonstrating satisfactory performance.
However, it is crucial to consider the limitations
The study conducted by Riazuddin and Khan [20] and areas for improvement in these models.
focused on modelling CIC and advocated for the
effectiveness of the ARIMA model. They argued 3. METHODOLOGY
that incorporating Islamic calendar effects into
the ARIMA model enhanced its performance. By Accurate prediction is crucial for projecting future
including Islamic event dummy variables, they performance and plays a vital role in
claimed to improve the prediction of cash comprehensive planning and management
movement in circulation in Pakistan during the processes. Forecasting techniques can be
estimation sample period from July 1972 to June grouped into four categories: time series
1999. However, the extent of improvement and univariate, multivariate or causal, qualitative or
the reliability of this approach were not technological, and other quantitative methods. In
extensively discussed. The out-of-sample the study conducted by Guizzi et al. [21], which
forecasts exhibited a mean absolute percent focused on modelling temperature behavior in
error of 0.504 percent, which may seem low, but Caserta, Italy, the authors compared exponential
the lack of contextual comparison or smoothing models and autoregressive moving
comprehensive evaluation of other forecasting average models. They employed the Holt-
methods hampers a thorough assessment. Winters method, a statistical technique within the
time series univariate approach. Holt [22]
Riazuddin and Khan [20] , and Norat supported extended the use of exponentially weighted
the effectiveness of their respective approaches moving averages to account for trend and
without thoroughly evaluating the extent of seasonal variations, while Taylor [23] utilized the
improvement and the robustness of these Holt-Winters approach for short-term electricity
models. Balli and Elsamadisy claimed the demand forecasting. DeLurgio [24] noted that the
superiority of the ARIMA model over the Winters method and Fourier series analysis are
univariate regression model but lacked also adaptable techniques that capture the trend,
comprehensive details in their analysis. Griffiths level, and seasonality of time series data. Puah
and Higham introduced the SIR model with et al. [25] used the additive Holt-Winters method
multiplicative Holt-Winters exponential to analyze rainfall patterns in the Langat River
smoothing, yet they did not extensively evaluate Basin in Malaysia. The Holt-Winters exponential
or compare it with alternative approaches. Thus, smoothing approach is widely employed for
further scrutiny and comprehensive evaluation forecasting various time series. This study aims
are necessary to ascertain the reliability and to predict the monthly CIC in Nigeria, fit an
effectiveness of these models in accurately additive Holt-Winters exponential smoothing
forecasting CIC. This current study aims to model, and evaluate the accuracy measures.
investigate other methods of forecasting CIC in
Nigeria. 3.1 Method of Smoothing

In conclusion, the reviewed studies shed some In the field of time series forecasting, it is
light on the forecasting of CIC using different common for data to exhibit trend patterns, which
models. The ARIMA model showed superior can be characterized by consistent increases or
performance compared to conventional money decreases in the data. The Holt-Winters
demand models in CIC forecasting, but it exponential smoothing technique is a forecasting
suffered from limitations due to its reliance on method that uses exponential smoothing based
historical data and lack of a theoretical economic on previous forecasting results. This technique
foundation. Money demand models and incorporates a parameter to effectively handle
univariate approaches, despite their theoretical seasonal patterns in the data [26,27]. It is
promise, failed to accurately capture the impact suitable for predicting time-series data that
of high-frequency data. The studies under review exhibits both seasonal and trend patterns
employed different modelling approaches to simultaneously. Smoothing, as described by Abd

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Jalil [28], involves calculating the average value  Seasonal patterns smoothing (at the time t)
over multiple years to estimate the value of a
specific year. According to Makridakis et al. [29],
the smoothing approach can be categorized into
two types: the exponential smoothing method
and the smoothing method. Exponential So, the p-period forecasting forward is
smoothing is used to forecast data influenced by
seasonal or trend patterns by assigning different
weights to historical data with exponentially
decreasing significance [29]. where (0 < , , δ < 1).

3.2 The Multiplicative Holt-Winters 3.3 Evaluation of Forecasting Model

Exponential Smoothing Method
The analysis of data patterns is crucial in
Charles Holt and Peter Winters developed the selecting an appropriate forecasting technique.
Holt-Winters forecasting algorithm, it employs a The accuracy of a forecasting approach is
smoothing technique to forecast data features determined by the prediction error rate [36]. It is
[30,31]. Exponential smoothing is used to smooth reasonable to expect that no forecasting
time series data by assigning exponentially approach can predict the future state of the data
decreasing weights to historical data values. This with perfect accuracy, leading to some degree of
method encompasses three types of exponential inaccuracy. As the forecasting model's error rate
smoothing. The first type is single exponential decreases, the forecasted outcome becomes
smoothing, which is suitable for univariate data closer to the actual outcome. Various statistics,
without systematic structures like trends and such as mean absolute deviation (MAD), mean
seasonality [32]. According to Panda [30], single squared deviation (MSD), and mean absolute
exponential smoothing employs a smoothing percentage error (MAPE), are used to quantify
factor parameter ranging from 0 to 1. A smaller prediction errors. However, using MAD and MSD
value indicates slower learning that relies more as indicators of forecasting accuracy can be
on historical data, while a larger value indicates problematic because they do not facilitate
faster learning that relies more on recent data. comparisons across different time series or time
The second type, double exponential smoothing, intervals. Additionally, the absolute measures
incorporates two smoothing parameters, α and β, MAD and MSD are influenced by the size of the
to account for trend changes. It considers both time-series data. Moreover, MAD and MSD may
additive and multiplicative trends, and not align with human perception as they involve
dampening can be applied by reducing the trend the square of values. To address these
size for future forecasts [33]. The third type, triple limitations, this study used MAPE as an
exponential smoothing, is employed when a alternative measure of forecasting accuracy.
series exhibits seasonal changes and allows for
seasonality. It depends on three parameters, α, 4. DATA DESCRIPTION
β, and γ, which range between zero and one [33]
The Holt-Winters triple exponential smoothing Plotting the time series data of actual CIC in
technique, named after its creators, Charles Holt Nigeria from January 1993 to December 2022 is
and Peter Winters, is particularly effective for illustrated in Fig. 1. The plot effectively
detecting shifting levels, trends, and seasons demonstrates that the data is subject to both
over time using additive or multiplicative trend and a seasonal pattern. Based on these
seasons. The multiplicative model of Holt- observations, it appears that the dataset is
Winters triple exponential smoothing is used to influenced by both a trend (increasing over time)
forecast the original data at time t and a seasonal pattern (repeating fluctuations
[34,35,31,36,37,38]. within each year).

4.1 The Determination of the Best Model

for Predicting the Currencies in
Circulation in Nigeria
 Trend patterns smoothing (at the time t)
The Holt-Winters exponential smoothing method
uses three parameters - the level parameter (α),
trend parameter (γ), and seasonal parameter (δ).

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Consequently, multiple forecasting models will be proposed for predicting CIC in Nigeria using the
derived with varying parameters in this study. multiplicative Holt-Winters exponential smoothing
Determination of the most suitable model for method and AdditiveHolt–Winters Model. Three
predicting CIC in Nigeria using this method can trials and errors were conducted with different
be achieved by employing the MAPE value. parameters that were randomly generated; the
Specifically, the chosen model that will be results of the random numbers are; α= 0.2, γ=
considered better will be the model with the 0.2, δ= 0.5; α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1; α= 0.1, γ= 0.1,
smallest MAPE value. The following models are δ= 0.3.

Fig. 1. Trend analysis plot for currencies in circulation in Nigeria

Fig. 2. Random number for α, γ, δ

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Experimental 1:

4.1.1 Multiplicative Holt–Winters method: α= 0.2, γ= 0.2, δ= 0.5

Fig. 3. Multiplicative Holt–Winters method with α= 0.2, γ= 0.2, δ= 0.5

4.1.2 Additive Holt–Winters model: α= 0.2, γ= 0.2, δ= 0.5

Fig. 4. Additive Holt–Winters model with α= 0.2, γ= 0.2, δ= 0.5

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Experimental 2:

4.1.3 Multiplicative Holt–Winters method: α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

Fig. 5. Multiplicative Holt–Winters method with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

4.1.4 Additive Holt–Winters model: α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

Fig. 6. Additive Holt–Winters model with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Experimental 3:

4.1.5 Multiplicative Holt–Winters method: α= 0.1, γ= 0.1, δ= 0.3

Fig. 7. Multiplicative Holt–Winters method with α= 0.1, γ= 0.1, δ= 0.3

4.1.6 Additive Holt–Winters model: α= 0.1, γ= 0.1, δ= 0.3

Fig. 8. Additive Holt–Winters model with α= 0.1, γ= 0.1, δ= 0.3

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Based on these accuracy measures, it revealed parameters associated with level, trend, and
that Experimental 2 has the lowest MAPE seasonal variables (Bermudez, Segura, and
(5.97894E+00), indicating a lower average Vercher, 2006). It is a specialized exponential
percentage error. Experimental 2 also has the smoothing method tailored for handling seasonal
lowest MAD (2.94826E+05), representing a data.
lower mean absolute deviation. Additionally,
Experimental 2 has the lowest MSD 4.2.2 Additive Holt-Winters method
(2.48397E+11), indicating a lower mean squared
deviation. Considering these factors, The additiveHolt–Winters method is presented in
Experimental 2 performs the best across all three the following equations.
accuracy measures. Therefore, Experimental 2,
with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, and δ= 0.1, is the best model
for forecasting the variable using the
multiplicative Holt-Winters model. Considering Estimate of the level at time T
the Additive Holt-Winters model, based on the
accuracy measures, it can be inferred that
Experimental 2 has the lowest MAPE
(9.55758E+02), indicating a lower average Estimate of the growth rate (or trend) at time T
percentage error. Experimental 2 also has the
lowest MAD (2.99833E+05), representing a
lower mean absolute deviation. Additionally,
Experimental 2 has the lowest MSD Estimate of the seasonal factor at time T
(1.94250E+11), indicating a lower mean squared
deviation. Experimental 2 also performs the best
across all three accuracy measures. Therefore,
Experimental 2, with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, and δ= 0.1,
is still the best model for forecasting the variable p- Step ahead forecast made at time T
using the Additive Holt-Winters model.

This study will further determine which of the

forecasting method, either the multiplicativeHolt– Where, 1,2,...
Winters or additiveHolt–Winters, is best in
forecasting CIC in Nigeria. Where,

4.2 The determination of the best forecasting Initial level= intercept

method for predicting the currencies in
circulation in Nigeria Initial growth rate= Slope

The Holt-Winters approaches are particularly

suitable for time series exhibiting both trend and
seasonal characteristics. Two Holt-Winters
techniques have been developed for time series L = No. of seasons in a year
with linear trends. The multiplicative Holt-Winters
exponential smoothing method and the additive Initial seasonal factors
Holt-Winters model are two popular techniques
used for time series forecasting and 4.2.3 Multiplicative Holt-Winters method
decomposition. The Multiplicative Holt-Winters
method is effective for time series with growing The multiplicativeHolt–Winters method is
(multiplicative) seasonal variations, while the presented in the following equations.
Additive Holt-Winters method is suitable for time
series with constant (additive) seasonal
Estimate of the level at time T
4.2.1 Holt-Winters method

The Holt-Winters methodology, initially proposed

by Winters, involves estimating three smoothing Estimate of the growth rate (or trend) at time T

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Mean Absolute Deviation:

Estimate of the seasonal factor at time T
Sum Squared Error:

Mean Squared Error:

p- Step ahead forecast made at time T
Root Mean Squared:

Where, Mean Absolute Scaled Error:

Initial level= intercept

Initial growth rate= Slope

L = Number of seasons in a year Percentage Error :

Normalize Constant =

Adjusted R :
Initial seasonal factors =

Mean Percentage Error :

where, I = 1, 2, ....., L

4.2.4 Model performance

Mean Absolute Percentage Error :
The goodness of fit is a crucial criterion for
evaluating the accuracy of a projected model in
relation to the actual value. The accuracy of the
model's forecasts was assessed according to Using the parameter α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, and δ= 0.1;
pre-established standards.

4.2.5 Multiplicative Holt–Winters method: α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

Fig. 9. Multiplicative Holt–Winters method with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

4.2.6 Additive Holt–Winters model: α= 0.4, γ= compared to the additive Holt-Winters model
0.3, δ= 0.1 (9.55758E+02). Similarly, the multiplicative Holt-
Winters method has lower MAD and MSD
Comparing the accuracy measures, it can be values. Based on these accuracy measures, it
inferred that the multiplicative Holt-Winters can be concluded that the multiplicative Holt-
method outperforms the additive Holt-Winters Winters method is better for forecasting the CIC
model in all three measures: MAPE, MAD, and in Nigeria than the additive Holt-Winters model.
MSD. The multiplicative Holt-Winters method Therefore, the multiplicative Holt-Winters method
has a significantly lower MAPE (5.97894E+00) forecasts the monthly CIC in Nigeria.

Fig. 10. Additive Holt–Winters model with α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, δ= 0.1

Fig. 11. Forecast of currencies in circulation in Nigeria using multiplicative method

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

Table 1. Monthly forecasted currencies in Nigeria will continue to increase (Table 1)

circulation in Nigeria using the multiplicative because of the rapid population growth in Nigeria
Holt-Winters method and as more people enter the workforce and
engage in economic activities, there is an
Year Month Forecasted increased demand for the currency to facilitate
currencies in transactions. Also, the inflation rate has
circulation continued to go higher in Nigeria. The high rate
2023 January 53653768 of inflation in Nigeria is part of the reason for the
2023 February 54073356 increase in the amount of currency in circulation.
2023 March 56194283 As prices rise, people need more money to
2023 April 56725871
purchase goods and services, which can result in
2023 May 56563651
a higher demand for physical currency. It is also
2023 June 56464686
2023 July 56187244 pertinent to note that Nigeria has a significant
2023 August 56411693 informal sector, where economic activities are
2023 September 56773908 conducted outside the formal banking system.
2023 October 57365332 This sector often relies heavily on cash
2023 November 58195583 transactions, leading to a higher demand for
2023 December 60655044 physical currency. And the fact that Nigeria is
2024 January 61109084 presently a cash-based society also leads to an
2024 February 61500967 increase in CIC in Nigeria. Many individuals and
2024 March 63825871 businesses in Nigeria still prefer using physical
2024 April 64343442 currency for various reasons, including limited
2024 May 64075377 access to banking services, concerns about the
2024 June 63881193 security of digital transactions, and a cultural
2024 July 63487405 preference for cash. The Nigerian government
2024 August 63662511 also plays a role in increasing the amount of
2024 September 63993947 currency in circulation. This is because the
2024 October 64584082 government prints money to finance its
2024 November 65442812 expenditures. It is important to note that an
2024 December 68130972
increase in the amount of currency in circulation
2025 January 68564400
does not necessarily mean that the
2025 February 68928579
2025 March 71457460 Nigerian economy is healthy. There are a
2025 April 71961014 number of things that can be done to reduce
2025 May 71587104 currency circulation in Nigeria. Some of the most
2025 June 71297700 effective measures include:
2025 July 70787566
2025 August 70913328 Promoting the use of electronic payments
2025 September 71213987 without inflicting pain on the citizens: The use of
2025 October 71802832 electronic payments can help to reduce the
2025 November 72690040 amount of cash in circulation. This is
2025 December 75606900 because people who use electronic payments do
not need to carry cash with them,
5. CONCLUSION, SUMMARY AND which means that they are less likely to spend
Based on an analysis and discussion of CIC in Encouraging people to save their money: When
Nigeria forecasting from January 1960 to people save their money, it is taken out of
December 2022 (using Money Supply as a circulation. This is because money that is
proxy), it can be concluded that the Holt-Winters saved is not being used to buy goods and
exponential smoothing forecasting model is best services.
suited for forecasting Nigeria CIC, with
smoothing parameters for level α= 0.4, γ= 0.3, Introducing a cashless society: A cashless
and δ= 0.1. It was found that the multiplicative society is one in which people do not use cash
model yielded better results than the additive for transactions. This can be achieved by
model for all series. The trend of CIC in Nigeria, promoting the use of electronic payments and by
using the Holt-Winters exponential smoothing making it difficult to use cash. The government
forecasting data model, shows that CIC in should like teachers working toward reducing

Atoyebi et al.; S. Asian J. Soc. Stud. Econ., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 25-41, 2023; Article no.SAJSSE.101334

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