Latest - Industrial - Symphony Industrial Ai Data Sheets Watchman 360 - Brochure - 20220620

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Accelerating Autonomy for every Plant in the World

Programs include: As a proven automated machinery condition assessment

system, WATCHMAN 360 can quickly process hundreds of
• Automated Expert Diagnostic System (EADS), vibration measurements, providing you with a fault diagnosis,
6000+ trained diagnostic templates fault severity, repair priority, and recommended action.
• High-resolution wireless, advanced wired and Instead of overwhelming you with data that is difficult to
high-quality portable data acquisition devices interpret, WATCHMAN 360 provides prioritized, actionable
• Hardware agnostic EADS adapter for 3rd party repair recommendations with advanced AI logic to ensure
hardware integration confidence with a high degree of accuracy. The result is plain-
• Volumetric analysis, automated prioritized screening language insights into machinery health with advance notice
and repair actions so you can plan work and avoid interruptions.
• Vibration AI automation for component definitions and
baseline thresholds
• Data 360 integration of 67 trillion data points
• Automated data quality screening and validation How it works
• Impact Demod™ and early fault detection for
WATCHMAN 360’s sophisticated rule-based methodology
repair planning
extends beyond simple monitoring of alarms on peaks or
• Slow-speed analysis down to 5 RPM shaft rotational rate
spectral bands. The test-point variation feature captures and
• Centralized program management, end-to-end
compares complex patterns detected from the entire set of
communication, business-level metrics
locations on your machine. By using this machine-specific
• Flexible service options available
baseline data, WATCHMAN 360 becomes a highly accurate,
automated diagnostic system.

The challenges Data is collected from machines by wireless devices,

walk-around portable data collectors, or by online systems.

Maintaining a PdM or vibration program sounds simple. This data is passed to the secure SymphonyAI Industrial

However, staying compliant with data collection and analysis cloud, where the ExpertALERT™ diagnostic engine

is increasingly difficult. Finding skilled and experienced analyses it. Results are shared through the WATCHMAN

resources to turn vibration data into equipment insights is Predictability Portal™, providing clear insights into which

even more challenging. machines have faults, their severity, and recommended
actions to address them.

With clear visibility using a cloud infrastructure, more people

can be involved in a PdM program. Analysis can communicate
The answer with the field to obtain visual feedback or other conditions,
providing valuable first-hand insight on machine states.
WATCHMAN 360™ provides vital machinery health
Analysts can communicate with all decision-makers, providing
information and vibration diagnostic data. WATCHMAN
more value to repair decisions. Actual findings, root cause, and
360 rapidly screens vibration measurements and applies
time-stamped events help improve PdM program accuracy
6,000+ unique rules to identify more than 1,200 individual,
and quantify the program’s success.
component-level faults in a wide variety of machine types.


Solution highlights
Expert automated diagnostic system
The Expert Automated Diagnostic System (EADS) enables the most efficient
analysts. Vibration data is automatically screened against 6,000+ unique diagnostic
rules, which can identify more than 1,200 fault conditions for a wide variety of
common machine types. EADS reports the onset of developing faults, allowing for
adequate planning for repairs, ranks each diagnostic fault by severity, and provides
trending. EADS prioritizes repair recommendations, providing the level of urgency
and attention necessary for the analyst. EADS is highly accurate, allowing analysts to
prioritize their workload and focus only on the most important issues.

Synchronized data acquisition

Machine vibration and other data inputs can arrive from a variety of sources,
ranging from intuitive portable data collectors used by technicians and operators,
sophisticated field analyzers for advanced measurements and troubleshooting,
permanent wired or wireless sensors, or third-party providers via EADS adapters
and APIs. TRIO® is a modular, Bluetooth-based acquisition device with an easily
upgradable tablet controller. Watchman Online acquisition hardware eliminate
human collection by using advanced connectivity to send vibration and process data
to EADS. Watchman AIR, high-resolution wireless devices provide a cost-effective
way to reduce data collector labor in plants with a simple-to-use solution.

WATCHMAN PreditivePortal
This web portal provides an enterprise view of the entire vibration program
across multiple plants or business units, with deep-dive understanding of asset
trends and repair actions. Early detection of faults and clear, actionable advice
mean maintenance teams can receive alerts and notification-based on user roles,
assign actions as necessary to validate machine conditions, and order parts and
plan for the corrective action with minimal production downtimes. Maintenance
events and machine health are tracked over time, and users can upload relevant
materials, for easy, centralized access including fault resolutions, corrective
actions, root cause analysis, and diagnostic feedback accuracy. Business-level
metrics provide management with an understanding of risks to production and
program performance.

WATCHMAN Technology-enabled Services

Plants today are overwhelmed with large amounts of data yet see negligible results.
WATCHMAN 360’s Reliability Services deliver true meaning to your PdM program.
As the experts in vibration analysis, SymphonyAI Industrial offers a deep bench of
domain expertise to help ensure your assets have the coverage you need, and the
insights management requires. SymphonyAI Industrial offers diagnostic services
that are flexible and scalable, including support in multiple technologies.

Annual assessment reports

A detailed annual program assessment ensures your PdM investment is justified,
plant availability is on target, and critical assets are properly monitored using
best practices.


Why choose WATCHMAN 360?

There are several routes to deliver a successful vibration analysis program. A vibration program can be accomplished in-house
using your own analytical staff; SymphonyAI Industrial offers hardware and software to support an in-house program. The
in-house challenge is staff retention, required skillsets, and ongoing program development expectations. Another option is to
outsource to a local contractor. Even with a highly skilled team, getting real-time analysis on assets is nearly impossible as data is
typically captured only on select machines available during the contract visit.

WATCHMAN 360 enables you to design a flexible program for your exact needs, and puts data collection into the hands of
technicians and operators. Machine data is gathered when equipment is running and available or on demand. SymphonyAI
Industrial can offer wireless vibration devices to cover majority of plants assets as well as permanently installed acquisition
hardware on critical or hard-to-access machinery that can be analyzed with the balance of plant for full plant insights.

The analysis offered by SymphonyAI Industrial is flexible to meet your program requirements. Using the advanced EADS, you
can screen volumes of data, reporting only action items you need. Mature programs can use automation to minimize costs by
analyzing only on severity exception. SymphonyAI Industrial has the industry’s most efficient analysts, utilizing advanced
Vibration AI tools to automated fault models and templates, diagnostic criteria, and workflows.

WATCHMAN 360 how to – step by step

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Asset selection Data
and setup collection

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Implement Deliver
recommended program
actions metrics

About SymphonyAI Industrial

SymphonyAI Industrial, a SymphonyAI business, is an innovator in industrial insight, accelerating autonomous plant operations. The industry-leading
EurekaAI/IoT platform and industrial optimization solutions connect tens of thousands of assets and workflows in manufacturing plants globally and
process billions of data points daily, pushing new plateaus in operational intelligence. SymphonyAI Industrial solutions provide high value to users by
driving variability out of processes and optimizing operations for throughput, yield, energy efficiency, and sustainability.

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