Assignment 3 - Reading or Listening

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

24-01-2022 Upper intermediate 60 minutes

Lesson Type:

Lesson Topic:
A Short story extract

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…

-Enable students to skim for gist, scan for detail and read -Students will answer questions that require gist reading,
intensively for more thorough understanding. scanning, and intensive reading.
- Students will practice speaking during the final stage of the

Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1. Some S may fail to understand the tense and grammar 1. T will ask students to write down the vocabulary, when it is
pretexts of the target vocabulary within the text being discussed. Therefore, they’ll have it for future
reference as well. It is also important for S to know that the
2. Some S may feel overwhelmed when they do not fully aim of the lesson is not to focus on every single word, but
comprehend every aspect of the text or do not fully rather understanding the text as a whole (this will be clearly
comprehend every word. stated by the T).
3. Shy/ struggling S may want to switch to L1 (Spanish) as it is 2. T will create an environment where S feel optimistic and
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easier to communicate in groups. enthusiastic to learn new words by making it clear that the
purpose of the lesson is to improve your reading skills in
order to extract specific pieces of information. Therefor the
purpose of the lesson is not to understand every detail of
the text.

3. I will assist struggling/ shy students and monitor their group

activities. Also, I will ask stronger students to pair with
students who struggle more in order to create a dynamic
learning environment.
Authentic Text (insert reading text here or link to the listening recording)

Please include a rationale for why you have chosen this authentic material (approximately 100 words):

Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Pattern Teacher’s procedure 007A Students will…

Warmer to To get the students 5 minutes S-S -Greet the S and introduce the topic. -Students will be seated and listen.
Introduction engaged with/ OCFB
of the text excited about the - T will write the article’s heading on -Students can offer words that relate
topic of the lesson the WB: What made me the way I am? to the topic.
and gets them
thinking about the -T will ask the class to brainstorm the
potential vocab that possible topics and outcomes of the
will appear. article.
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Presentation To allow the S to 10 T-C -T will present my 8 - S will listen, make notes, ask
of relevant become familiar with minutes St-C words/phrases (figure 1). questions and answer concept
vocabulary and develop an questions.
understanding of the
target vocabulary in
the preparation for
them to further delve
into the text.
1 reading To skim text for gist, 10 S -T will divide S into pairs and put Qs -Listen to instructions
which involves S to minutes on the WB (Figure 1: Short questions) - read the questions and search
read the text for through the text in order to discover
specific information. -Handout the reading worksheet the answer.
(Figure 2:text)
-S will utilise a more focused version
-Check students understand Qs. And of scanning.
monitor struggling S.
-T will elicit answers, when S are done
answering the Qs.
-T will ask QQs to ensure S
comprehension of the text.
- Feedback.

2nd reading To read more 10 T-S -Explain the activity: students need to -Students need to read the questions
intensively to get a minutes answer the longer questions in pairs then scan the text for the answers
detailed after they individually read the
understanding of the questions and scanned the text (Figure -Students will answer the questions in
whole text. 4: Match the description with the pairs/small groups.
-Students can continue to mark their
-Monitor and give feedback if there are questions in pairs and discuss their
any questions or problems answers.
-Project the answers, provide
feedback, and answer any potential
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Conversation To contextualise the 15 Small -Explain the dialogue activity to the -Students will listen as I explain and
/ new words that have minutes groups class: ask questions if they do not
dialogue been learned understand and they will divide into
activity -Students have to work in 5 groups five groups
Prepare for a short and write a short dialogue
dialogue using at least 6 of the newly learnt -Students will work in groups on the
words from today’s lesson Monitor activity and write a dialogue together
class progress and answer to show that they understand the
any possible questions about the vocabulary that they learned that day
Group- work
Teacher and -Students then need to present their
class -Listen, grade, and make notes for short dialogues to the class and
feedback because there are 5 groups, each
group has 2 minutes to present, thus
10 minutes in total for presentations
Conclusion Be able to answer 10 T-C/ Here, I will provide feedback to the - students will listen, make notes and
questions in relation minutes Groups dialogues and activities and their ask questions if they have any.
to the text. common mistakes
Be able to recognise
newly learnt

Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):

I have chosen to structure my lesson in such a format as I believe it allows the S to almost peel away layers of the text and gradually exposing more and
more depth as the lesson progresses. The method that I chose resembles the PPP- method, as is a simple, yet effective way of presenting a reading
lesson. During this lesson, aim to create some excitement with the group activities, which will hopefully give some support and encouragement to the
students and make them feel part of a team.

I have chosen this specific text, A short story extract, because I thought that the text would probably resonate with most learners as the S ages range

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between 18- 25 years. Therefore I have chosen the central topic of the lesson is all about career moves and the decisions one has to make regarding your
career choices. I hope that this lesson will give S the opportunity to reflect on the choices that they have to make regarding their own career path. S may
want to keep some of the vocabulary in mind wh

The warmer will ease the students into the topic of the lesson by writing out the topic of the article on the WB. The class will be asked to brainstorm with the
T about all the possible outcomes and topics from the article. During this stage, the S may offer words and relate to the topic. This will get the S to start
thinking and listening in English, and hopefully create some excitement in the classroom.

For presentation and vocabulary, I have selected 12 target words, which will be presented to the class. This stages allows S to make notes and ask
questions and well as answer concept questions. This stage also allows S to become familiar with and develop an understanding of the target vocabulary in
the presentation. This will enable students to delve deeper into the meaning and understanding of the text.

During the first reading, students will be asked to skim through the text for gist, which involves S to read the text for specific information. The duration of
this stage will be 10 minutes, while T divides class into pairs of two and put Qs on the WB. T will then handout the reading worksheet and also monitor S
understanding of the Qs and help struggling S. Furthermore, T will elicit answers, when S are done answering the Qs. T will also ask QQs to ensure S
comprehension of the text.

During the Second reading stage, T will ask S to read the text more intensively to get a more in-depth understanding of the text. T will Explain the activity:
students need to answer the longer questions in pairs after they individually read the questions and scanned the text. T will monitor and give feedback if
there are any questions or problems. T will project the answers, provide feedback, and answer any potential questions in order to help struggling students.
This stage requires S to read the questions then scan the text for the answers (which will be done in pairs for extra motivation).

During the comprehension and dialogue activity stage, the T will explain the dialogue activity to the class: S have to work in 5 groups and write a short
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dialogue using at least 6 of the newly learnt words from today’s lesson monitor class progress and answer any possible questions about the work.
Thereafter, T will give feedback to the activity, which has been presented by the students. S will listen as I explain and ask questions if they do not
understand and they will divide into five groups. Students then need to present their short dialogues to the class and because there are 5 groups, each
group has 2 minutes to present, thus 10 minutes in total for presentations. This will give S the opportunity to work in teams and practice the new knowledge,
which they have learnt during the lesson. My intention for this activity is to get S excited about the new knowledge and to get them thinking on their toes
whilst practicing the new vocabulary in a quick manner.

During the conclusion, S will be able to answer the questions in relation to the text and enable to recognise newly learnt vocabulary. During this stage, I will
provide feedback to the dialogues and activities as well as the common mistakes. This stage requires S to make notes and ask questions if they have any

Although all the students are Spanish and monolingual, I am concerned that some students have different levels of comprehension (ages 18-25 year).
Therefore, I think that it is possible that some S may find some of the activities or reading text easier that other S. In this scenario, I would attempt to prompt
or illicit answers from the students or slightly adapt the questions to their level of comprehension. I will also aim to pair a stronger student to a struggling
student during the group activities, which may create a supportive environment for each student.

Bibliography (if needed): 2020. Word Stress Rules | Pronunciation | Englishclub. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 24 January 2022]. 2020. Dictionary By Merriam-Webster: America's Most-Trusted Online

Dictionary. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 January 2022].

Phonemic Chart, 2020. Automatic Phonetic Transcription. [online] Available at:
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<> [Accessed 24 January 2022]. 2020. Vocabkitchen. [online] Available at: <https://www.vocabkit>. [Accessed 24 January 2022]. 2020. Course Hero. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 24 January 2022].

Learn English. 2022. British cousil (online) Available at:

a-short-story-extract. (Accessed 24 January 2022).

Materials (include all physical copies of the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

word Meaning How meaning will be Pronunciation Grammaticals and Concept questions
conveyed to students other information

Squint to almost Explain / skwɪnt/ Verb What do you say when you close your
close your Pictures eyes halfway?
eyes, often Translation (as a last What happens when you look into the
because of resort) sun?

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a bright Technology, eg,
light Powerpoint
Flick To move Mime, gesture and /flɪk/ Verb What do you describe the action of
something facial expressions moving something quickly?
suddenly. Explain
Patch A small Explain /patʃ/ Noun What is another word for a small piece
area. Pictures of something?
Translation (as a last
Technology, eg,
atlas A book of Explain /ˈatləs/ Noun What is another word for map?
maps. Pictures Can an atlas be found in a book?
Translation (as a last
Technology, eg,
Ruddy A reddish Explain /ˈrʌdi/ Adjective Can a book be ruddy?
colour. Pictures Verb
Translation (as a last
Technology, eg,
shift To move Mime, gesture and /ʃɪft/ Verb What is a synonym for moving
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to a facial expressions sideways?
position. Explain
Rebelliou Fight Mime, gesture and /rɪˈbɛljəs/ Adjective What do you call someone that doesn’t
s against facial expressions like to follow rules?
authority. Explain
Hoof The hard Explain /huːf/ Noun What do you call a horse’s foot?
part of a Pictures Verb
horse’s Translation (as a last
foot. resort)
Technology, eg,

(Figure 1: Vocabulary)

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A short story extract

Sam squinted against the sun at the distant dust trail raked up by the car on its way up to the Big House. The horses kicked and
flicked their tails at flies, not caring about their owner's first visit in ten months. Sam waited. Mr Carter didn't come out here unless
he had to, which was just fine by Sam. The more he kept out of his boss's way, the longer he'd have a job.

Carter came by later while Sam was chopping wood. Carter lifted his hat as if he were waiting for an appointment with the town
priest, and then removed it completely as if he were talking to his mother. He pulled out a pile of paper from his back pocket and
held it out.
'Don't pick up your mail often, do you?'
Sam took it without a glance and dropped the envelopes onto the bench.
'Never,' he replied and waited for Carter to say why he was here. The fact it was Carter's house was no explanation and they both
knew it. Carter twisted his hat round and round, licking his lips and clearing his throat.
'Nice work fixing those fences,' he said finally.
'I'll be back to the beginning soon,' Sam said. It wasn't a complaint. A fence that took a year to repair meant another year's work to
the man who did it well.
'Don't you ever want to take a holiday?'
'And go where?' A holiday meant being back out in the real world, a place even people like Carter travelled to escape
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escape was his reality and he wasn't going back.

Mr Carter wiped the sweat from the back of his neck. The damp patches on his shirt drew together like shapes in an atlas. His skin
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