RX220 Group User's Manual - Hardware

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User’s Manual

RX220 Group
32 User’s Manual: Hardware


RX Family / RX200 Series

All information contained in these materials, including products and product specifications,
represents information on the product at the time of publication and is subject to change by
Renesas Electronics Corp. without notice. Please review the latest information published by
Renesas Electronics Corp. through various means, including the Renesas Electronics Corp.
website (http://www.renesas.com).

www.renesas.com Rev.1.10 Dec 2013

1. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation of
semiconductor products and application examples. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of these circuits, software,
and information in the design of your equipment. Renesas Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you
or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software, or information.
2. Renesas Electronics has used reasonable care in preparing the information included in this document, but Renesas Electronics
does not warrant that such information is error free. Renesas Electronics assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages
incurred by you resulting from errors in or omissions from the information included herein.
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4. You should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any Renesas Electronics product, whether in whole or in part.
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(Note 2) “Renesas Electronics product(s)” means any product developed or manufactured by or for Renesas Electronics.


(1) VOLTAGE APPLICATION WAVEFORM AT INPUT PIN: Waveform distortion due to input noise or a
reflected wave may cause malfunction. If the input of the CMOS device stays in the area between VIL
(MAX) and VIH (MIN) due to noise, etc., the device may malfunction. Take care to prevent chattering noise
from entering the device when the input level is fixed, and also in the transition period when the input level
passes through the area between VIL (MAX) and VIH (MIN).
(2) HANDLING OF UNUSED INPUT PINS: Unconnected CMOS device inputs can be cause of malfunction.
If an input pin is unconnected, it is possible that an internal input level may be generated due to noise, etc.,
causing malfunction. CMOS devices behave differently than Bipolar or NMOS devices. Input levels of
CMOS devices must be fixed high or low by using pull-up or pull-down circuitry. Each unused pin should be
connected to VDD or GND via a resistor if there is a possibility that it will be an output pin. All handling
related to unused pins must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications
governing the device.
(3) PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD: A strong electric field, when exposed to a MOS device, can cause
destruction of the gate oxide and ultimately degrade the device operation. Steps must be taken to stop
generation of static electricity as much as possible, and quickly dissipate it when it has occurred.
Environmental control must be adequate. When it is dry, a humidifier should be used. It is recommended
to avoid using insulators that easily build up static electricity. Semiconductor devices must be stored and
transported in an anti-static container, static shielding bag or conductive material. All test and measurement
tools including work benches and floors should be grounded. The operator should be grounded using a
wrist strap. Semiconductor devices must not be touched with bare hands. Similar precautions need to be
taken for PW boards with mounted semiconductor devices.
(4) STATUS BEFORE INITIALIZATION: Power-on does not necessarily define the initial status of a MOS
device. Immediately after the power source is turned ON, devices with reset functions have not yet been
initialized. Hence, power-on does not guarantee output pin levels, I/O settings or contents of registers. A
device is not initialized until the reset signal is received. A reset operation must be executed immediately
after power-on for devices with reset functions.
(5) POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE: In the case of a device that uses different power supplies for the internal
operation and external interface, as a rule, switch on the external power supply after switching on the internal
power supply. When switching the power supply off, as a rule, switch off the external power supply and then
the internal power supply. Use of the reverse power on/off sequences may result in the application of an
overvoltage to the internal elements of the device, causing malfunction and degradation of internal elements
due to the passage of an abnormal current. The correct power on/off sequence must be judged separately
for each device and according to related specifications governing the device.
(6) INPUT OF SIGNAL DURING POWER OFF STATE : Do not input signals or an I/O pull-up power supply
while the device is not powered. The current injection that results from input of such a signal or I/O pull-up
power supply may cause malfunction and the abnormal current that passes in the device at this time may
cause degradation of internal elements. Input of signals during the power off state must be judged
separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device.
How to Use This Manual
1. Objective and Target Users
This manual was written to explain the hardware functions and electrical characteristics of this LSI to the target
users, i.e. those who will be using this LSI in the design of application systems. Target users are expected to
understand the fundamentals of electrical circuits, logic circuits, and microcomputers.
This manual is organized in the following items: an overview of the product, descriptions of the CPU, system
control functions, and peripheral functions, electrical characteristics of the device, and usage notes.

When designing an application system that includes this LSI, take all points to note into account.
Points to note are given in their contexts and at the final part of each section, and in the section giving usage notes.

The list of revisions is a summary of major points of revision or addition for earlier versions. It does not cover all
revised items. For details on the revised points, see the actual locations in the manual.

The following documents have been prepared for the RX220 Group. Before using any of the documents, please visit
our web site to verify that you have the most up-to-date available version of the document.

Document Type Contents Document Title Document No.

Data Sheet Overview of hardware and electrical characteristics — R01DS0130EJ
User’s manual: Hardware specifications (pin assignments, memory RX220 Group This User’s manual
Hardware maps, peripheral specifications, electrical User’s manual:
characteristics, and timing charts) and descriptions Hardware
of operation
User’s manual: Detailed descriptions of the CPU and instruction set RX Family Series R01US0032EJ
Software User’s manual:
Application Note Examples of applications and sample programs — —
Renesas Technical Preliminary report on the specifications of a product, — —
Update document, etc.
2. Description of Registers
Each register description includes a bit chart, illustrating the arrangement of bits, and a table of bits, describing the
meanings of the bit settings. The standard format and notation for bit charts and tables are described below.

x.x.x ... Register

Address(es): xxxx xxxxh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

-- ... ... ... -- -- -- ...

Value after reset: x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W *1

b0 ...0 ... Bit 0: ...... *3 R/W
*2 1: Setting prohibited
b3 to b1 ---- Reserved The read value is 0. The write value should always be 0. R/W
b4 ...4 ... Bit 0: ...... R
1: ......
b6, b5 ...[1:0] ... Bit 0 0: ...... R/(W) *
0 1: ...... 3
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b7 ---- Reserved The read value is undefined. Writing to this bit has no effect. R

(1) R/W: The bit or field is readable and writable.

R/(W): The bit or field is readable and writable. However, writing to this bit or field has some
limitations. For details on the limitations, see the description or notes of respective registers.
R: The bit or field is readable. Writing to this bit or field has no effect.
(2) Reserved.
Use the specified value when writing to this bit or field; otherwise, the correct operation is not
(3) Setting prohibited. The correct operation is not guaranteed if such a setting is performed.
3. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation Full Form

ACIA Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
bps bits per second
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMAC Direct Memory Access Controller
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
Hi-Z High Impedance
IEBus Inter Equipment Bus
I/O Input/Output
IrDA Infrared Data Association
LSB Least Significant Bit
MSB Most Significant Bit
NC Non-Connect
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator

All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Features ................................................................................................................................................... 35

1. Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 36
1.1 Outline of Specifications ...................................................................................................... 36
1.2 List of Products .................................................................................................................... 40
1.3 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 42
1.4 Pin Functions ....................................................................................................................... 43
1.5 Pin Assignments .................................................................................................................. 46
2. CPU ............................................................................................................................................... 55
2.1 Features ............................................................................................................................... 55
2.2 Register Set of the CPU ...................................................................................................... 56
2.2.1 General-Purpose Registers (R0 to R15) ..................................................................................... 57
2.2.2 Control Registers ........................................................................................................................ 57 Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP)/User Stack Pointer (USP) ................................................... 58 Interrupt Table Register (INTB) ........................................................................................ 58 Program Counter (PC) ....................................................................................................... 58 Processor Status Word (PSW) ........................................................................................... 59 Backup PC (BPC) .............................................................................................................. 60 Backup PSW (BPSW) ....................................................................................................... 61 Fast Interrupt Vector Register (FINTV) ............................................................................ 61
2.2.3 Register Associated with DSP Instructions ................................................................................ 61 Accumulator (ACC) .......................................................................................................... 61
2.3 Processor Mode ................................................................................................................... 62
2.3.1 Supervisor Mode ......................................................................................................................... 62
2.3.2 User Mode .................................................................................................................................. 62
2.3.3 Privileged Instruction ................................................................................................................. 62
2.3.4 Switching between Processor Modes ......................................................................................... 62
2.4 Data Types .......................................................................................................................... 63
2.5 Endian .................................................................................................................................. 63
2.5.1 Switching the Endian .................................................................................................................. 63
2.5.2 Access to I/O Registers ............................................................................................................... 66
2.5.3 Notes on Access to I/O Registers ............................................................................................... 67
2.5.4 Data Arrangement ....................................................................................................................... 68 Data Arrangement in Registers ......................................................................................... 68 Data Arrangement in Memory ........................................................................................... 68
2.5.5 Notes on the Allocation of Instruction Codes ............................................................................ 68
2.6 Vector Table ........................................................................................................................ 69
2.6.1 Fixed Vector Table ..................................................................................................................... 69
2.6.2 Relocatable Vector Table ........................................................................................................... 70
2.7 Operation of Instructions ...................................................................................................... 71
2.7.1 Data Prefetching by the RMPA Instruction and the String-Manipulation Instructions ............. 71
2.8 Pipeline ................................................................................................................................ 72
2.8.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 72
2.8.2 Instructions and Pipeline Processing .......................................................................................... 74 Instructions Converted into Single Micro-Operation and Pipeline Processing ................. 74 Instructions Converted into Multiple Micro-Operations and Pipeline Processing ............ 76 Pipeline Basic Operation ................................................................................................... 79
2.8.3 Calculation of the Instruction Processing Time ......................................................................... 81
2.8.4 Numbers of Cycles for Response to Interrupts ........................................................................... 82

3. Operating Modes ........................................................................................................................... 83

3.1 Operating Mode Types and Selection ................................................................................. 83
3.2 Register Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 84
3.2.1 Mode Monitor Register (MDMONR) ........................................................................................ 84
3.2.2 Mode Status Register (MDSR) ................................................................................................... 84
3.2.3 System Control Register 1 (SYSCR1) ........................................................................................ 85
3.3 Details of Operating Modes ................................................................................................. 86
3.3.1 Single-Chip Mode ....................................................................................................................... 86
3.3.2 Boot Mode .................................................................................................................................. 86
3.3.3 User Boot Mode .......................................................................................................................... 86
3.4 Transitions of Operating Modes ........................................................................................... 87
3.4.1 Operating Mode Transitions Determined by the Mode-Setting Pins ......................................... 87

4. Address Space ............................................................................................................................... 88

4.1 Address Space .................................................................................................................... 88
5. I/O Registers .................................................................................................................................. 90
5.1 I/O Register Addresses (Address Order) ............................................................................. 92
6. Resets .......................................................................................................................................... 112
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 112
6.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 114
6.2.1 Reset Status Register 0 (RSTSR0) ........................................................................................... 114
6.2.2 Reset Status Register 1 (RSTSR1) ........................................................................................... 116
6.2.3 Reset Status Register 2 (RSTSR2) ........................................................................................... 117
6.2.4 Software Reset Register (SWRR) ............................................................................................. 117
6.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 118
6.3.1 RES# Pin Reset ......................................................................................................................... 118
6.3.2 Power-On Reset and Voltage Monitoring 0 Reset ................................................................... 118
6.3.3 Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset and Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset ................................................. 119
6.3.4 Independent Watchdog Timer Reset ........................................................................................ 121
6.3.5 Software Reset .......................................................................................................................... 121
6.3.6 Determination of Cold/Warm Start .......................................................................................... 122
6.3.7 Determination of Reset Generation Source .............................................................................. 123

7. Option-Setting Memory ................................................................................................................ 124

7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 124
7.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 125
7.2.1 Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0) ............................................................................... 125
7.2.2 Option Function Select Register 1 (OFS1) ............................................................................... 127
7.2.3 Endian Select Register B (MDEB), Endian Select Register S (MDES) .................................. 128
7.3 UB Code ............................................................................................................................ 129
7.3.1 UB code A ................................................................................................................................ 129
7.3.2 UB Code B ................................................................................................................................ 129
7.4 Usage Note ........................................................................................................................ 129
7.4.1 Setting Example of Option-Setting Memory ............................................................................ 129

8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa) ............................................................................................... 130

8.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 130
8.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 133
8.2.1 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 1 (LVD1CR1) ..................... 133
8.2.2 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Status Register (LVD1SR) ............................. 134
8.2.3 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 1 (LVD2CR1) ..................... 135
8.2.4 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Status Register (LVD2SR) ............................. 136
8.2.5 Voltage Monitoring Circuit/Comparator A Control Register (LVCMPCR) ............................ 137
8.2.6 Voltage Detection Level Select Register (LVDLVLR) ........................................................... 138
8.2.7 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 0 (LVD1CR0) ..................... 139
8.2.8 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 0 (LVD2CR0) ..................... 140
8.3 VCC Input Voltage Monitor ................................................................................................ 141
8.3.1 Monitoring Vdet0 ..................................................................................................................... 141
8.3.2 Monitoring Vdet1 ..................................................................................................................... 141
8.3.3 Monitoring Vdet2 ..................................................................................................................... 141
8.4 Reset from Voltage Monitor 0 ............................................................................................ 142
8.5 Interrupt and Reset from Voltage Monitoring 1 .................................................................. 143
8.6 Interrupt and Reset from Voltage Monitoring 2 .................................................................. 146
8.7 Event Link Output .............................................................................................................. 149
8.7.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking ...................................................................................... 149

9. Clock Generation Circuit .............................................................................................................. 150

9.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 150
9.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 152
9.2.1 System Clock Control Register (SCKCR) ................................................................................ 152
9.2.2 System Clock Control Register 3 (SCKCR3) ........................................................................... 154
9.2.3 Main Clock Oscillator Control Register (MOSCCR) ............................................................... 155
9.2.4 Sub-Clock Oscillator Control Register (SOSCCR) .................................................................. 156
9.2.5 Low-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register (LOCOCR) ................................................. 157
9.2.6 IWDT-Dedicated On-chip Oscillator Control Register (ILOCOCR) ....................................... 158
9.2.7 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register (HOCOCR) ............................................... 159
9.2.8 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register 2 (HOCOCR2) .......................................... 160
9.2.9 Oscillation Stop Detection Control Register (OSTDCR) ......................................................... 161
9.2.10 Oscillation Stop Detection Status Register (OSTDSR) ............................................................ 162
9.2.11 Main Clock Oscillator Forced Oscillation Control Register (MOFCR) ................................... 163
9.2.12 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Power Supply Control Register (HOCOPCR) ...................... 164
9.3 Main Clock Oscillator ......................................................................................................... 165
9.3.1 Connecting a Crystal Resonator ............................................................................................... 165
9.3.2 External Clock Input ................................................................................................................. 166
9.3.3 Notes on the External Clock Input ........................................................................................... 166
9.4 Sub-Clock Oscillator .......................................................................................................... 167
9.4.1 Connecting 32.768-kHz Crystal Resonator .............................................................................. 167
9.4.2 Handling of Pins when Sub-Clock is not Used ........................................................................ 168
9.5 Oscillation Stop Detection Function ................................................................................... 169
9.5.1 Oscillation Stop Detection and Operation after Detection ....................................................... 169
9.5.2 Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupts ....................................................................................... 170
9.6 Internal Clock ..................................................................................................................... 171
9.6.1 System Clock ............................................................................................................................ 171
9.6.2 Peripheral Module Clock .......................................................................................................... 171
9.6.3 FlashIF Clock ........................................................................................................................... 171
9.6.4 CAC Clock ............................................................................................................................... 171
9.6.5 RTC-Dedicated Clock .............................................................................................................. 171
9.6.6 IWDT-Dedicated Clock ............................................................................................................ 172
9.7 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 173
9.7.1 Notes on Clock Generation Circuit .......................................................................................... 173
9.7.2 Notes on Resonator ................................................................................................................... 173
9.7.3 Notes on Board Design ............................................................................................................. 173
9.7.4 Notes on Resonator Connect Pin .............................................................................................. 174
9.7.5 Notes on Sub-Clock .................................................................................................................. 174

10. Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit (CAC) ............................................................. 176

10.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 176
10.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 177
10.2.1 CAC Control Register 0 (CACR0) ........................................................................................... 177
10.2.2 CAC Control Register 1 (CACR1) ........................................................................................... 178
10.2.3 CAC Control Register 2 (CACR2) ........................................................................................... 179
10.2.4 CAC Interrupt Control Register (CAICR) ................................................................................ 180
10.2.5 CAC Status Register (CASTR) ................................................................................................ 181
10.2.6 CAC Upper-Limit Value Setting Register (CAULVR) ........................................................... 182
10.2.7 CAC Lower-Limit Value Setting Register (CALLVR) ........................................................... 182
10.2.8 CAC Counter Buffer Register (CACNTBR) ............................................................................ 182
10.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 183
10.3.1 Measuring Clock Frequency Based on CACREF Pin Input ..................................................... 183
10.3.2 Measuring Clock Frequency Based on Another Clock Source ................................................ 184
10.3.3 Digital Filtering of Signals on the CACREF Pin ..................................................................... 185
10.4 Interrupt Requests ............................................................................................................. 186
10.5 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 186
10.5.1 Module Stop Function Setting .................................................................................................. 186

11. Low Power Consumption ............................................................................................................. 187

11.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 187
11.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 190
11.2.1 Standby Control Register (SBYCR) ......................................................................................... 190
11.2.2 Module Stop Control Register A (MSTPCRA) ........................................................................ 191
11.2.3 Module Stop Control Register B (MSTPCRB) ........................................................................ 193
11.2.4 Module Stop Control Register C (MSTPCRC) ........................................................................ 194
11.2.5 Operating Power Control Register (OPCCR) ........................................................................... 195
11.2.6 Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Register (RSTCKCR) ....................................... 200
11.2.7 Main Clock Oscillator Wait Control Register (MOSCWTCR) ................................................ 201
11.2.8 Sub-Clock Oscillator Wait Control Register (SOSCWTCR) ................................................... 202
11.2.9 HOCO Wait Control Register 2 (HOCOWTCR2) ................................................................... 203
11.2.10 Flash HOCO Software Standby Control Register (FHSSBYCR) ............................................ 204
11.3 Reducing Power Consumption by Switching Clock Signals .............................................. 205
11.4 Module Stop Function ........................................................................................................ 205
11.5 Function for Lower Operating Power Consumption ........................................................... 206
11.5.1 Setting Operating Power Control Mode ................................................................................... 206
11.6 Low Power Consumption Modes ....................................................................................... 207
11.6.1 Sleep Mode ............................................................................................................................... 207 Transition to Sleep Mode ................................................................................................ 207 Canceling Sleep Mode ..................................................................................................... 207 Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Function ................................................... 208
11.6.2 All-Module Clock Stop Mode .................................................................................................. 209 Transition to All-Module Clock Stop Mode ................................................................... 209 Canceling All-Module Clock Stop Mode ........................................................................ 210
11.6.3 Software Standby Mode ........................................................................................................... 211 Transition to Software Standby Mode ............................................................................. 211 Canceling Software Standby Mode ................................................................................. 213 Example of Software Standby Mode Application ........................................................... 214
11.7 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 215
11.7.1 I/O Port States ........................................................................................................................... 215
11.7.2 Module Stop State of DMAC and DTC ................................................................................... 215
11.7.3 On-Chip Peripheral Module Interrupts ..................................................................................... 215
11.7.4 Write Access to MSTPCRA, MSTPCRB, and MSTPCRC ..................................................... 215
11.7.5 Timing of WAIT Instructions ................................................................................................... 215
11.7.6 Rewrite the Register by DMAC and DTC in Sleep Mode ....................................................... 215
11.7.7 Canceling All-Module Clock Stop Mode ................................................................................. 215
11.7.8 Point for Caution when Using the Sub-Clock as the Source of the System Clock .................. 215
12. Register Write Protection Function .............................................................................................. 216
12.1 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 217
12.1.1 Protect Register (PRCR) ........................................................................................................... 217

13. Exception Handling ...................................................................................................................... 218

13.1 Exception Events ............................................................................................................... 218
13.1.1 Undefined Instruction Exception .............................................................................................. 219
13.1.2 Privileged Instruction Exception .............................................................................................. 219
13.1.3 Reset ......................................................................................................................................... 219
13.1.4 Non-Maskable Interrupt ........................................................................................................... 219
13.1.5 Interrupt .................................................................................................................................... 219
13.1.6 Unconditional Trap ................................................................................................................... 219
13.2 Exception Handling Procedure .......................................................................................... 220
13.3 Acceptance of Exception Events ....................................................................................... 222
13.3.1 Acceptance Timing and Saved PC Value ................................................................................. 222
13.3.2 Vector and Site for Saving the Values in the PC and PSW ...................................................... 222
13.4 Hardware Processing for Accepting and Returning from Exceptions ................................ 223
13.5 Hardware Pre-Processing .................................................................................................. 224
13.5.1 Undefined Instruction Exception .............................................................................................. 224
13.5.2 Privileged Instruction Exception .............................................................................................. 224
13.5.3 Reset ......................................................................................................................................... 224
13.5.4 Non-Maskable Interrupt ........................................................................................................... 224
13.5.5 Interrupt .................................................................................................................................... 225
13.5.6 Unconditional Trap ................................................................................................................... 225
13.6 Return from Exception Handling Routine .......................................................................... 226
13.7 Priority of Exception Events ............................................................................................... 226
14. Interrupt Controller (ICUb) ........................................................................................................... 227
14.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 227
14.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 229
14.2.1 Interrupt Request Register n (IRn) (n = interrupt vector number) ........................................... 229
14.2.2 Interrupt Request Enable Register m (IERm) (m = 02h to 1Fh) .............................................. 231
14.2.3 Interrupt Source Priority Register n (IPRn) (n = 000 to 249) ................................................... 232
14.2.4 Fast Interrupt Set Register (FIR) .............................................................................................. 233
14.2.5 Software Interrupt Activation Register (SWINTR) .................................................................. 234
14.2.6 DTC Activation Enable Register n (DTCERn) (n = interrupt vector number) ........................ 235
14.2.7 DMAC Activation Request Select Register m (DMRSRm)
(m = DMAC channel number) ................................................................................................. 236
14.2.8 IRQ Control Register i (IRQCRi) (i = 0 to 7) .......................................................................... 237
14.2.9 IRQ Pin Digital Filter Enable Register 0 (IRQFLTE0) ............................................................ 238
14.2.10 IRQ Pin Digital Filter Setting Register 0 (IRQFLTC0) ........................................................... 239
14.2.11 Non-Maskable Interrupt Status Register (NMISR) .................................................................. 240
14.2.12 Non-Maskable Interrupt Enable Register (NMIER) ................................................................ 242
14.2.13 Non-Maskable Interrupt Status Clear Register (NMICLR) ..................................................... 243
14.2.14 NMI Pin Interrupt Control Register (NMICR) ......................................................................... 244
14.2.15 NMI Pin Digital Filter Enable Register (NMIFLTE) ............................................................... 245
14.2.16 NMI Pin Digital Filter Setting Register (NMIFLTC) .............................................................. 246
14.3 Vector Table ...................................................................................................................... 247
14.3.1 Interrupt Vector Table .............................................................................................................. 247
14.3.2 Fast Interrupt Vector Table ....................................................................................................... 253
14.3.3 Non-maskable Interrupt Vector Table ...................................................................................... 253
14.4 Interrupt Operation ............................................................................................................. 254
14.4.1 Detecting Interrupts .................................................................................................................. 254 Operation of Status Flags for Edge-Detected Interrupts ................................................. 254 Operation of Status Flags for Level-Detected Interrupts ................................................ 256
14.4.2 Enabling and Disabling Interrupt Sources ................................................................................ 257
14.4.3 Selecting Interrupt Request Destinations ................................................................................. 257
14.4.4 Determining Priority ................................................................................................................. 260
14.4.5 Multiple Interrupts .................................................................................................................... 260
14.4.6 Fast Interrupt ............................................................................................................................. 260
14.4.7 Digital Filter ............................................................................................................................. 261
14.4.8 External Pin Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 261
14.5 Non-maskable Interrupt Operation .................................................................................... 262
14.6 Return from Power-Down States ....................................................................................... 263
14.6.1 Return from Sleep Mode .......................................................................................................... 263
14.6.2 Return from All-Module Clock Stop Mode ............................................................................. 263
14.6.3 Return from Software Standby Mode ....................................................................................... 263
14.7 Usage Note ........................................................................................................................ 264
14.7.1 Note on WAIT Instruction Used with Non-Maskable Interrupt ............................................... 264

15. Buses ........................................................................................................................................... 265

15.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 265
15.2 Description of Buses .......................................................................................................... 267
15.2.1 CPU Buses ................................................................................................................................ 267
15.2.2 Memory Buses .......................................................................................................................... 267
15.2.3 Internal Main Buses .................................................................................................................. 267
15.2.4 Internal Peripheral Buses .......................................................................................................... 268
15.2.5 Write Buffer Function (Internal Peripheral Bus) ...................................................................... 269
15.2.6 Parallel Operation ..................................................................................................................... 269
15.2.7 Restrictions ............................................................................................................................... 270
15.3 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 271
15.3.1 Bus Error Status Clear Register (BERCLR) ............................................................................. 271
15.3.2 Bus Error Monitoring Enable Register (BEREN) .................................................................... 271
15.3.3 Bus Error Status Register 1 (BERSR1) .................................................................................... 272
15.3.4 Bus Error Status Register 2 (BERSR2) .................................................................................... 272
15.3.5 Bus Priority Control Register (BUSPRI) .................................................................................. 273
15.4 Bus Error Monitoring Section ............................................................................................. 275
15.4.1 Types of Bus Error ................................................................................................................... 275 Illegal Address Access .................................................................................................... 275
15.4.2 Operations When a Bus Error Occurs ...................................................................................... 275
15.4.3 Conditions Leading to Bus Errors ............................................................................................ 276

16. DMA Controller (DMACA) ............................................................................................................ 277

16.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 277
16.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 279
16.2.1 DMA Source Address Register (DMSAR) .............................................................................. 279
16.2.2 DMA Destination Address Register (DMDAR) ...................................................................... 279
16.2.3 DMA Transfer Count Register (DMCRA) ............................................................................... 280
16.2.4 DMA Block Transfer Count Register (DMCRB) ..................................................................... 282
16.2.5 DMA Transfer Mode Register (DMTMD) ............................................................................... 283
16.2.6 DMA Interrupt Setting Register (DMINT) .............................................................................. 284
16.2.7 DMA Address Mode Register (DMAMD) ............................................................................... 286
16.2.8 DMA Offset Register (DMOFR) .............................................................................................. 289
16.2.9 DMA Transfer Enable Register (DMCNT) .............................................................................. 290
16.2.10 DMA Software Start Register (DMREQ) ................................................................................ 291
16.2.11 DMA Status Register (DMSTS) ............................................................................................... 292
16.2.12 DMA Activation Source Flag Control Register (DMCSL) ...................................................... 294
16.2.13 DMA Module Activation Register (DMAST) .......................................................................... 295
16.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 296
16.3.1 Transfer Mode .......................................................................................................................... 296
16.3.2 Extended Repeat Area Function ............................................................................................... 300
16.3.3 Address Update Function Using Offset .................................................................................... 302
16.3.4 Activation Sources .................................................................................................................... 306
16.3.5 Operation Timing ..................................................................................................................... 307
16.3.6 DMAC Execution Cycles ......................................................................................................... 308
16.3.7 Activating the DMAC .............................................................................................................. 309
16.3.8 Starting DMA Transfer ............................................................................................................. 310
16.3.9 Registers during DMA Transfer ............................................................................................... 310
16.3.10 Channel Priority ........................................................................................................................ 311
16.4 Ending DMA Transfer ........................................................................................................ 312
16.4.1 Transfer End by Completion of Specified Total Number of Transfer Operations ................... 312
16.4.2 Transfer End by Repeat Size End Interrupt .............................................................................. 312
16.4.3 Transfer End by Interrupt on Extended Repeat Area Overflow ............................................... 313
16.5 Interrupts ............................................................................................................................ 314
16.6 Low Power Consumption Function .................................................................................... 316
16.7 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 317
16.7.1 DMA Transfer to Peripheral Modules ...................................................................................... 317
16.7.2 Access to the Registers during DMA Transfer ......................................................................... 317
16.7.3 DMA Transfer to Reserved Areas ............................................................................................ 317
16.7.4 Interrupt Request by the DMA Activation Source Flag Control Register (DMCSL)
at the End of each Transfer ....................................................................................................... 317
16.7.5 Setting of DMAC Activation Source Select Register of the Interrupt Controller
(ICU.DMRSRm) ....................................................................................................................... 317
16.7.6 Suspending or Restarting DMA Activation .............................................................................. 317

17. Data Transfer Controller (DTCa) .................................................................................................. 318

17.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 318
17.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 320
17.2.1 DTC Mode Register A (MRA) ................................................................................................. 320
17.2.2 DTC Mode Register B (MRB) ................................................................................................. 321
17.2.3 DTC Transfer Source Register (SAR) ...................................................................................... 323
17.2.4 DTC Transfer Destination Register (DAR) .............................................................................. 323
17.2.5 DTC Transfer Count Register A (CRA) ................................................................................... 324
17.2.6 DTC Transfer Count Register B (CRB) ................................................................................... 325
17.2.7 DTC Control Register (DTCCR) .............................................................................................. 325
17.2.8 DTC Vector Base Register (DTCVBR) ................................................................................... 326
17.2.9 DTC Address Mode Register (DTCADMOD) ......................................................................... 326
17.2.10 DTC Module Start Register (DTCST) ...................................................................................... 327
17.2.11 DTC Status Register (DTCSTS) ............................................................................................... 328
17.3 Sources of Activation ......................................................................................................... 329
17.3.1 Allocating Transfer Data and DTC Vector Table .................................................................... 329
17.4 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 331
17.4.1 Transfer Data Read Skip Function ........................................................................................... 334
17.4.2 Transfer Data Write-Back Skip Function ................................................................................. 334
17.4.3 Normal Transfer Mode ............................................................................................................. 335
17.4.4 Repeat Transfer Mode .............................................................................................................. 336
17.4.5 Block Transfer Mode ................................................................................................................ 338
17.4.6 Chain Transfer .......................................................................................................................... 339
17.4.7 Operation Timing ..................................................................................................................... 340
17.4.8 Execution Cycles of the DTC ................................................................................................... 343
17.4.9 DTC Bus Mastership Release Timing ...................................................................................... 343
17.5 DTC Setting Procedure ...................................................................................................... 344
17.6 Examples of DTC Usage ................................................................................................... 345
17.6.1 Normal Transfer ....................................................................................................................... 345
17.6.2 Chain Transfer when Counter = 0 ............................................................................................ 346
17.7 Interrupt Source ................................................................................................................. 347
17.8 Event Link Function ........................................................................................................... 347
17.9 Low Power Consumption Function .................................................................................... 348
17.10 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 349
17.10.1 Transfer Data Start Address ..................................................................................................... 349
17.10.2 Allocating Transfer Data .......................................................................................................... 349
17.10.3 Setting the DTC Activation Enable Register (ICU.DTCERn) of the Interrupt Controller ...... 350

18. Event Link Controller (ELC) ......................................................................................................... 351

18.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 351
18.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 352
18.2.1 Event Link Control Register (ELCR) ....................................................................................... 352
18.2.2 Event Link Setting Register n (ELSRn) (n = 1 to 4, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25) ................ 353
18.2.3 Event Link Option Setting Register A (ELOPA) ..................................................................... 355
18.2.4 Event Link Option Setting Register B (ELOPB) ...................................................................... 356
18.2.5 Event Link Option Setting Register D (ELOPD) ..................................................................... 356
18.2.6 Port Group Setting Register 1 (PGR1) ..................................................................................... 357
18.2.7 Port Group Control Register 1 (PGC1) .................................................................................... 358
18.2.8 Port Buffer Register 1 (PDBF1) ............................................................................................... 359
18.2.9 Event Link Port Setting Register n (PELn) (n = 0, 1) .............................................................. 360
18.2.10 Event Link Software Event Generation Register (ELSEGR) ................................................... 361
18.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 362
18.3.1 Relation between Interrupt Processing and Event Linking ...................................................... 362
18.3.2 Event Linkage ........................................................................................................................... 363
18.3.3 Operation of Peripheral Timer Modules When Event is Input ................................................. 364
18.3.4 Operation of A/D and D/A Converters when Event is Input .................................................... 364
18.3.5 Port Operation upon Event Input and Event Generation .......................................................... 364
18.3.6 Procedure for Linking Events ................................................................................................... 369
18.4 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 370
18.4.1 Setting the ELSRn Register ...................................................................................................... 370
18.4.2 Setting the Bit-Rotating Operation of the Output Port Groups ................................................ 370
18.4.3 Linking DTC Transfer End Signals as Events .......................................................................... 370
18.4.4 Setting Clocks ........................................................................................................................... 370
18.4.5 Module Stop Function Setting .................................................................................................. 370

19. I/O Ports ....................................................................................................................................... 371

19.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 371
19.2 I/O Port Configuration ........................................................................................................ 373
19.3 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 374
19.3.1 Port Direction Register (PDR) .................................................................................................. 374
19.3.2 Port Output Data Register (PODR) .......................................................................................... 375
19.3.3 Port Input Data Register (PIDR) .............................................................................................. 376
19.3.4 Port Mode Register (PMR) ....................................................................................................... 377
19.3.5 Open Drain Control Register 0 (ODR0) ................................................................................... 378
19.3.6 Open Drain Control Register 1 (ODR1) ................................................................................... 379
19.3.7 Pull-Up Control Register (PCR) ............................................................................................... 380
19.3.8 Drive Capacity Control Register (DSCR) ................................................................................ 381
19.3.9 Port Switching Register A (PSRA) .......................................................................................... 382
19.3.10 Port Switching Register B (PSRB) ........................................................................................... 383
19.4 Treatment of Unused Pins ................................................................................................. 384
20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC) ............................................................................................ 385
20.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 385
20.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 392
20.2.1 Write-Protect Register (PWPR) ................................................................................................ 392
20.2.2 P07 Pin Function Control Register (P07PFS) .......................................................................... 393
20.2.3 P1n Pin Function Control Registers (P1nPFS) (n = 2 to 7) ...................................................... 394
20.2.4 P2n Pin Function Control Register (P2nPFS) (n = 0 to 7) ....................................................... 396
20.2.5 P3n Pin Function Control Registers (P3nPFS) (n = 0 to 4) ...................................................... 397
20.2.6 P4n Pin Function Control Registers (P4nPFS) (n = 0 to 7) ...................................................... 399
20.2.7 P5n Pin Function Control Registers (P5nPFS) (n = 4, 5) ......................................................... 400
20.2.8 PAn Pin Function Control Registers (PAnPFS) (n = 0 to 7) .................................................... 401
20.2.9 PBn Pin Function Control Registers (PBnPFS) (n = 0 to 7) .................................................... 403
20.2.10 PCn Pin Function Control Registers (PCnPFS) (n = 0 to 7) .................................................... 405
20.2.11 PDn Pin Function Control Registers (PDnPFS) (n = 0 to 7) .................................................... 407
20.2.12 PEn Pin Function Control Registers (PEnPFS) (n = 0 to 7) ..................................................... 408
20.2.13 PHn Pin Function Control Registers (PHnPFS) (n = 0 to 3) .................................................... 410
20.2.14 PJn Pin Function Control Registers (PJnPFS) (n = 1, 3) .......................................................... 411
20.3 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 412
20.3.1 Procedure for Specifying Input/Output Pin Function ............................................................... 412
20.3.2 Notes on MPC Register Setting ................................................................................................ 412
20.3.3 Note on Using Analog Functions ............................................................................................. 413

21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a) ................................................................................. 414

21.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 414
21.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 420
21.2.1 Timer Control Register (TCR) ................................................................................................. 420
21.2.2 Timer Mode Register (TMDR) ................................................................................................. 423
21.2.3 Timer I/O Control Register (TIOR) .......................................................................................... 426
21.2.4 Timer Compare Match Clear Register (TCNTCMPCLR) ....................................................... 437
21.2.5 Timer Interrupt Enable Register (TIER) .................................................................................. 438
21.2.6 Timer Status Register (TSR) .................................................................................................... 441
21.2.7 Timer Buffer Operation Transfer Mode Register (TBTM) ...................................................... 442
21.2.8 Timer Input Capture Control Register (TICCR) ...................................................................... 443
21.2.9 Timer A/D Converter Start Request Control Register (TADCR) ............................................ 444
21.2.10 Timer A/D Converter Start Request Cycle Set Registers A and B
(TADCORA and TADCORB) ................................................................................................. 445
21.2.11 Timer A/D Converter Start Request Cycle Set Buffer Registers A and B
(TADCOBRA and TADCOBRB) ............................................................................................ 445
21.2.12 Timer Counter (TCNT) ............................................................................................................ 446
21.2.13 Timer General Register (TGR) ................................................................................................. 446
21.2.14 Timer Start Registers (TSTR) ................................................................................................... 447
21.2.15 Timer Synchronous Registers (TSYR) ..................................................................................... 449
21.2.16 Timer Read/Write Enable Registers (TRWER) ....................................................................... 450
21.2.17 Timer Output Master Enable Registers (TOER) ...................................................................... 451
21.2.18 Timer Output Control Registers 1 (TOCR1) ............................................................................ 452
21.2.19 Timer Output Control Registers 2 (TOCR2) ............................................................................ 454
21.2.20 Timer Output Level Buffer Registers (TOLBR) ...................................................................... 457
21.2.21 Timer Gate Control Registers (TGCR) .................................................................................... 458
21.2.22 Timer Subcounters (TCNTS) ................................................................................................... 459
21.2.23 Timer Dead Time Data Registers (TDDR) ............................................................................... 459
21.2.24 Timer Cycle Data Registers (TCDR) ....................................................................................... 460
21.2.25 Timer Cycle Buffer Registers (TCBR) ..................................................................................... 460
21.2.26 Timer Interrupt Skipping Set Registers (TITCR) ..................................................................... 461
21.2.27 Timer Interrupt Skipping Counters (TITCNT) ......................................................................... 463
21.2.28 Timer Buffer Transfer Set Registers (TBTER) ........................................................................ 464
21.2.29 Timer Dead Time Enable Registers (TDER) ........................................................................... 465
21.2.30 Timer Waveform Control Registers (TWCR) .......................................................................... 466
21.2.31 Noise Filter Control Registers (NFCR) .................................................................................... 467
21.2.32 Bus Master Interface ................................................................................................................. 470
21.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 471
21.3.1 Basic Functions ......................................................................................................................... 471
21.3.2 Synchronous Operation ............................................................................................................ 477
21.3.3 Buffer Operation ....................................................................................................................... 479
21.3.4 Cascaded Operation .................................................................................................................. 484
21.3.5 PWM Modes ............................................................................................................................. 489
21.3.6 Phase Counting Mode ............................................................................................................... 493
21.3.7 Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode ............................................................................................. 499
21.3.8 Complementary PWM Mode .................................................................................................... 502
21.3.9 A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function ..................................................................... 535
21.3.10 External Pulse Width Measurement ......................................................................................... 538
21.3.11 Dead Time Compensation ........................................................................................................ 539
21.3.12 Noise Filter ............................................................................................................................... 541
21.4 Interrupt Sources ............................................................................................................... 542
21.4.1 Interrupt Sources and Priorities ................................................................................................ 542
21.4.2 DTC and DMAC Activation ..................................................................................................... 544
21.4.3 A/D Converter Activation ........................................................................................................ 544
21.5 Operation Timing ............................................................................................................... 546
21.5.1 Input/Output Timing ................................................................................................................. 546
21.5.2 Interrupt Signal Timing ............................................................................................................ 552
21.6 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 555
21.6.1 Module Clock Stop Mode Setting ............................................................................................ 555
21.6.2 Input Clock Restrictions ........................................................................................................... 555
21.6.3 Note on Cycle Setting ............................................................................................................... 556
21.6.4 Contention between TCNT Write and Clear Operations .......................................................... 556
21.6.5 Contention between TCNT Write and Increment Operations .................................................. 557
21.6.6 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Compare Match ............................................ 557
21.6.7 Contention between Buffer Register Write Operation and Compare Match ............................ 558
21.6.8 Contention between Buffer Register Write and TCNT Clear Operations ................................ 558
21.6.9 Contention between TGR Read Operation and Input Capture ................................................. 559
21.6.10 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Input Capture ................................................ 560
21.6.11 Contention between Buffer Register Write Operation and Input Capture ............................... 561
21.6.12 Contention between MTU2.TCNT Write Operation and Overflow/Underflow
in Cascaded Operation .............................................................................................................. 562
21.6.13 Counter Value when Stopped in Complementary PWM Mode ............................................... 563
21.6.14 Buffer Operation Setting in Complementary PWM Mode ....................................................... 563
21.6.15 Buffer Operation and Compare Match Flags in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode ................. 564
21.6.16 Overflow Flags in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode ............................................................... 565
21.6.17 Contention between Overflow/Underflow and Counter Clearing ............................................ 566
21.6.18 Contention between TCNT Write Operation and Overflow/Underflow .................................. 567
21.6.19 Note on Transition from Normal Mode or PWM Mode 1
to Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode ......................................................................................... 567
21.6.20 Output Level in Complementary PWM Mode or Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode ............... 567
21.6.21 Interrupts During Periods in the Module-Stop State ................................................................ 567
21.6.22 Simultaneous Input Capture in MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT in Cascade Connection ...... 568
21.6.23 Notes when Complementary PWM Mode Output Protection Functions are not Used ............ 568
21.6.24 Point for Caution Regarding MTU5.TCNT and MTU5.TGR Registers .................................. 568
21.6.25 Points for Caution to Prevent Malfunctions in Synchronous Clearing
for Complementary PWM Mode .............................................................................................. 569
21.6.26 Continuous Output of Interrupt Signal in Response to a Compare Match ............................... 571
21.7 MTU Output Pin Initialization ............................................................................................. 572
21.7.1 Operating Modes ...................................................................................................................... 572
21.7.2 Operation in Case of Re-Setting Due to Error during Operation ............................................. 572
21.7.3 Overview of Pin Initialization Procedures and Mode Transitions
in Case of Error during Operation ............................................................................................ 573
21.8 Link Operation by ELC ....................................................................................................... 600
21.8.1 Event Signal Output to ELC ..................................................................................................... 600
21.8.2 MTU Operation by Event Signal Reception from ELC ........................................................... 600
21.8.3 Usage Notes on MTU by Event Signal Reception from ELC .................................................. 601

22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a) .................................................................................................... 602

22.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 602
22.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 605
22.2.1 Input Level Control/Status Register 1 (ICSR1) ........................................................................ 605
22.2.2 Output Level Control/Status Register 1 (OCSR1) ................................................................... 607
22.2.3 Input Level Control/Status Register 2 (ICSR2) ........................................................................ 608
22.2.4 Software Port Output Enable Register (SPOER) ..................................................................... 609
22.2.5 Port Output Enable Control Register 1 (POECR1) .................................................................. 610
22.2.6 Port Output Enable Control Register 2 (POECR2) .................................................................. 611
22.2.7 Input Level Control/Status Register 3 (ICSR3) ........................................................................ 612
22.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 613
22.3.1 Input Level Detection Operation .............................................................................................. 615
22.3.2 Output-Level Compare Operation ............................................................................................ 616
22.3.3 High-Impedance Control Using Registers ................................................................................ 617
22.3.4 High-Impedance Control on Detection of Stopped Oscillation ................................................ 617
22.3.5 Release from the High-Impedance ........................................................................................... 617
22.4 Interrupts ............................................................................................................................ 618
22.5 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 618
22.5.1 Transitions to Software Standby Mode .................................................................................... 618
22.5.2 When POE is not Used ............................................................................................................. 618
22.5.3 Specifying Pins Corresponding to the MTU ............................................................................ 618

23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR) ........................................................................................................................ 619

23.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 619
23.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 624
23.2.1 Timer Counter (TCNT) ............................................................................................................ 624
23.2.2 Time Constant Register A (TCORA) ....................................................................................... 625
23.2.3 Time Constant Register B (TCORB) ........................................................................................ 625
23.2.4 Timer Control Register (TCR) ................................................................................................. 626
23.2.5 Timer Counter Control Register (TCCR) ................................................................................. 627
23.2.6 Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR) .................................................................................... 629
23.2.7 Time Count Start Register (TCSTR) ........................................................................................ 631
23.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 632
23.3.1 Pulse Output ............................................................................................................................. 632
23.3.2 Reset Input ................................................................................................................................ 633
23.4 Operation Timing ............................................................................................................... 634
23.4.1 TCNT Count Timing ................................................................................................................ 634
23.4.2 Timing of Interrupt Signal Output on a Compare Match ......................................................... 635
23.4.3 Timing of Timer Output at Compare Match ............................................................................ 636
23.4.4 Timing of Counter Clear by Compare Match ........................................................................... 636
23.4.5 Timing of the External Reset for TCNT ................................................................................... 637
23.4.6 Timing of Interrupt Signal Output on an Overflow .................................................................. 638
23.5 Operation with Cascaded Connection ............................................................................... 639
23.5.1 16-Bit Count Mode ................................................................................................................... 639
23.5.2 Compare Match Count Mode ................................................................................................... 639
23.6 Interrupt Sources ............................................................................................................... 640
23.6.1 Interrupt Sources and DTC Activation ..................................................................................... 640
23.7 Link Operation by ELC ....................................................................................................... 641
23.7.1 Event Signal Output to ELC ..................................................................................................... 641
23.7.2 TMR Operation when Receiving an Event Signal from ELC .................................................. 641
23.7.3 Notes on Operating TMR According to an Event Signal from ELC ........................................ 641
23.8 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 643
23.8.1 Module Stop State Setting ........................................................................................................ 643
23.8.2 Notes on Setting Cycle ............................................................................................................. 643
23.8.3 Conflict between TCNT Write and Counter Clear ................................................................... 643
23.8.4 Conflict between TCNT Write and Increment ......................................................................... 644
23.8.5 Conflict between TCORA or TCORB Write and Compare Match .......................................... 645
23.8.6 Conflict between Compare Matches A and B .......................................................................... 645
23.8.7 Switching of Frequency Dividing Clocks and TCNT Operation ............................................. 646
23.8.8 Clock Source Setting with Cascaded Connection .................................................................... 647
23.8.9 Continuous Output of Compare Match Interrupt Signal .......................................................... 648

24. Compare Match Timer (CMT) ...................................................................................................... 649

24.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 649
24.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 650
24.2.1 Compare Match Timer Start Register 0 (CMSTR0) ................................................................ 650
24.2.2 Compare Match Timer Start Register 1 (CMSTR1) ................................................................ 650
24.2.3 Compare Match Timer Control Register (CMCR) ................................................................... 651
24.2.4 Compare Match Counter (CMCNT) ......................................................................................... 652
24.2.5 Compare Match Constant Register (CMCOR) ......................................................................... 652
24.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 653
24.3.1 Periodic Count Operation ......................................................................................................... 653
24.3.2 CMCNT Count Timing ............................................................................................................ 653
24.4 Interrupts ............................................................................................................................ 654
24.4.1 Interrupt Sources ....................................................................................................................... 654
24.4.2 Timing of Compare Match Interrupt Generation ..................................................................... 654
24.5 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 655
24.5.1 Setting the Module Stop Function ............................................................................................ 655
24.5.2 Conflict between Write and Compare-Match Processes of CMCNT ....................................... 655
24.5.3 Conflict between Write and Count-Up Processes of CMCNT ................................................. 655

25. Realtime Clock (RTCc) ................................................................................................................ 656

25.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 656
25.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 658
25.2.1 64-Hz Counter (R64CNT) ........................................................................................................ 658
25.2.2 Second Counter (RSECCNT)/Binary Counter 0 (BCNT0) ...................................................... 659
25.2.3 Minute Counter (RMINCNT)/Binary Counter 1 (BCNT1) ..................................................... 660
25.2.4 Hour Counter (RHRCNT)/Binary Counter 2 (BCNT2) ........................................................... 661
25.2.5 Day-of-Week Counter (RWKCNT)/Binary Counter 3 (BCNT3) ............................................ 662
25.2.6 Date Counter (RDAYCNT) ...................................................................................................... 663
25.2.7 Month Counter (RMONCNT) .................................................................................................. 664
25.2.8 Year Counter (RYRCNT) ......................................................................................................... 664
25.2.9 Second Alarm Register (RSECAR)/Binary Counter 0 Alarm Register (BCNT0AR) ............. 665
25.2.10 Minute Alarm Register (RMINAR)/Binary Counter 1 Alarm Register (BCNT1AR) ............. 666
25.2.11 Hour Alarm Register (RHRAR)/Binary Counter 2 Alarm Register (BCNT2AR) ................... 667
25.2.12 Day-of-Week Alarm Register (RWKAR)/Binary Counter 3 Alarm Register (BCNT3AR) .... 668
25.2.13 Date Alarm Register (RDAYAR)/Binary Counter 0 Alarm Enable Register (BCNT0AER) .. 669
25.2.14 Month Alarm Register (RMONAR)/Binary Counter 1 Alarm Enable Register
(BCNT1AER) ........................................................................................................................... 670
25.2.15 Year Alarm Register (RYRAR)/Binary Counter 2 Alarm Enable Register (BCNT2AER) ..... 671
25.2.16 Year Alarm Enable Register (RYRAREN)/Binary Counter 3 Alarm Enable Register
(BCNT3AER) ........................................................................................................................... 672
25.2.17 RTC Control Register 1 (RCR1) .............................................................................................. 673
25.2.18 RTC Control Register 2 (RCR2) .............................................................................................. 674
25.2.19 RTC Control Register 3 (RCR3) .............................................................................................. 678
25.2.20 Time Error Adjustment Register (RADJ) ................................................................................. 679
25.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 680
25.3.1 Outline of Initial Settings of Registers after Power-On ........................................................... 680
25.3.2 Clock and count mode Setting Procedure ................................................................................. 681
25.3.3 Setting the Time ........................................................................................................................ 682
25.3.4 30-Second Adjustment ............................................................................................................. 682
25.3.5 Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time ............................................................................................ 683
25.3.6 Alarm Function ......................................................................................................................... 684
25.3.7 Procedure for Disabling Alarm Interrupt .................................................................................. 685
25.3.8 Time Error Adjustment Function ............................................................................................. 685 Automatic Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 685 Adjustment by Software .................................................................................................. 686 Procedure for Changing the Mode of Adjustment .......................................................... 687 Procedure for Stopping Adjustment ................................................................................ 687
25.4 Interrupt Sources ............................................................................................................... 688
25.5 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 690
25.5.1 Register Writing during Counting ............................................................................................ 690
25.5.2 Use of Periodic Interrupts ......................................................................................................... 690
25.5.3 RTCOUT (1-Hz/64-Hz) Clock Output ..................................................................................... 690
25.5.4 Transitions to Low Power Consumption Modes after Setting Registers .................................. 691
25.5.5 Points for Caution when Writing to and Reading from Registers ............................................ 691
25.5.6 Changing Count Mode .............................................................................................................. 691
26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa) ........................................................................................ 692
26.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 692
26.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 695
26.2.1 IWDT Refresh Register (IWDTRR) ......................................................................................... 695
26.2.2 IWDT Control Register (IWDTCR) ......................................................................................... 696
26.2.3 IWDT Status Register (IWDTSR) ............................................................................................ 699
26.2.4 IWDT Reset Control Register (IWDTRCR) ............................................................................ 700
26.2.5 IWDT Count Stop Control Register (IWDTCSTPR) ............................................................... 701
26.2.6 Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0) ............................................................................... 701
26.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 702
26.3.1 Count Operation in Each Start Mode ....................................................................................... 702 Register Start Mode ......................................................................................................... 702 Auto-Start Mode .............................................................................................................. 704
26.3.2 Control over Writing to the IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR Registers .................. 706
26.3.3 Refresh Operation ..................................................................................................................... 707
26.3.4 Status Flags ............................................................................................................................... 708
26.3.5 Reset Output ............................................................................................................................. 708
26.3.6 Interrupt Source ........................................................................................................................ 709
26.3.7 Reading the Down-Counter Value ........................................................................................... 709
26.3.8 Correspondence between Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0) and IWDT Registers ... 710
26.4 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 710
26.4.1 Refresh Operations ................................................................................................................... 710

27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf) ............................................................................. 711

27.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 711
27.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 719
27.2.1 Receive Shift Register (RSR) ................................................................................................... 719
27.2.2 Receive Data Register (RDR) ................................................................................................... 719
27.2.3 Transmit Data Register (TDR) ................................................................................................. 719
27.2.4 Transmit Shift Register (TSR) .................................................................................................. 720
27.2.5 Serial Mode Register (SMR) .................................................................................................... 720
27.2.6 Serial Control Register (SCR) .................................................................................................. 724
27.2.7 Serial Status Register (SSR) ..................................................................................................... 729
27.2.8 Smart Card Mode Register (SCMR) ........................................................................................ 733
27.2.9 Bit Rate Register (BRR) ........................................................................................................... 734
27.2.10 Serial Extended Mode Register (SEMR) .................................................................................. 741
27.2.11 Noise Filter Setting Register (SNFR) ....................................................................................... 743
27.2.12 I2C Mode Register 1 (SIMR1) ................................................................................................. 744
27.2.13 I2C Mode Register 2 (SIMR2) ................................................................................................. 745
27.2.14 I2C Mode Register 3 (SIMR3) ................................................................................................. 746
27.2.15 I2C Status Register (SISR) ....................................................................................................... 748
27.2.16 SPI Mode Register (SPMR) ..................................................................................................... 749
27.2.17 Extended Serial Module Enable Register (ESMER) ................................................................ 750
27.2.18 Control Register 0 (CR0) .......................................................................................................... 751
27.2.19 Control Register 1 (CR1) .......................................................................................................... 752
27.2.20 Control Register 2 (CR2) .......................................................................................................... 753
27.2.21 Control Register 3 (CR3) .......................................................................................................... 754
27.2.22 Port Control Register (PCR) ..................................................................................................... 754
27.2.23 Interrupt Control Register (ICR) .............................................................................................. 755
27.2.24 Status Register (STR) ............................................................................................................... 756
27.2.25 Status Clear Register (STCR) ................................................................................................... 757
27.2.26 Control Field 0 Data Register (CF0DR) ................................................................................... 757
27.2.27 Control Field 0 Compare Enable Register (CF0CR) ................................................................ 758
27.2.28 Control Field 0 Receive Data Register (CF0RR) ..................................................................... 759
27.2.29 Primary Control Field 1 Data Register (PCF1DR) ................................................................... 759
27.2.30 Secondary Control Field 1 Data Register (SCF1DR) ............................................................... 759
27.2.31 Control Field 1 Compare Enable Register (CF1CR) ................................................................ 760
27.2.32 Control Field 1 Receive Data Register (CF1RR) ..................................................................... 761
27.2.33 Timer Control Register (TCR) ................................................................................................. 761
27.2.34 Timer Mode Register (TMR) ................................................................................................... 762
27.2.35 Timer Prescaler Register (TPRE) ............................................................................................. 763
27.2.36 Timer Count Register (TCNT) ................................................................................................. 763
27.3 Operation in Asynchronous Mode ..................................................................................... 764
27.3.1 Serial Data Transfer Format ..................................................................................................... 764
27.3.2 Receive Data Sampling Timing and Reception Margin in Asynchronous Mode .................... 766
27.3.3 Clock ......................................................................................................................................... 767
27.3.4 CTS and RTS Functions ........................................................................................................... 767
27.3.5 SCI Initialization (Asynchronous Mode) ................................................................................. 768
27.3.6 Serial Data Transmission (Asynchronous Mode) ..................................................................... 769
27.3.7 Serial Data Reception (Asynchronous Mode) .......................................................................... 771
27.4 Multi-Processor Communications Function ....................................................................... 775
27.4.1 Multi-Processor Serial Data Transmission ............................................................................... 776
27.4.2 Multi-Processor Serial Data Reception .................................................................................... 777
27.5 Operation in Clock Synchronous Mode ............................................................................. 780
27.5.1 Clock ......................................................................................................................................... 780
27.5.2 CTS and RTS Functions ........................................................................................................... 781
27.5.3 SCI Initialization (Clock Synchronous Mode) ......................................................................... 782
27.5.4 Serial Data Transmission (Clock Synchronous Mode) ............................................................ 783
27.5.5 Serial Data Reception (Clock Synchronous Mode) .................................................................. 785
27.5.6 Simultaneous Serial Data Transmission and Reception (Clock Synchronous Mode) .............. 788
27.6 Operation in Smart Card Interface Mode ........................................................................... 789
27.6.1 Sample Connection ................................................................................................................... 789
27.6.2 Data Format (Except in Block Transfer Mode) ........................................................................ 790
27.6.3 Block Transfer Mode ................................................................................................................ 791
27.6.4 Receive Data Sampling Timing and Reception Margin ........................................................... 792
27.6.5 Initialization of the SCI (Smart Card Interface Mode) ............................................................. 793
27.6.6 Serial Data Transmission (Except in Block Transfer Mode) ................................................... 794
27.6.7 Serial Data Reception (Except in Block Transfer Mode) ......................................................... 797
27.6.8 Clock Output Control ............................................................................................................... 799
27.7 Operation in Simple I2C Mode ........................................................................................... 801
27.7.1 Generation of Start, Restart, and Stop Conditions .................................................................... 802
27.7.2 Clock Synchronization ............................................................................................................. 804
27.7.3 SSDA Output Delay ................................................................................................................. 805
27.7.4 SCI Initialization (Simple I2C Mode) ....................................................................................... 806
27.7.5 Operation in Master Transmission (Simple I2C Mode) ........................................................... 807
27.7.6 Master Reception (Simple I2C Mode) ...................................................................................... 809
27.8 Operation in Simple SPI Mode .......................................................................................... 811
27.8.1 States of Pins in Master and Slave Modes ................................................................................ 812
27.8.2 SS Function in Master Mode .................................................................................................... 812
27.8.3 SS Function in Slave Mode ...................................................................................................... 812
27.8.4 Relationship between Clock and Transmit/Receive Data ........................................................ 813
27.8.5 SCI Initialization (Simple SPI Mode) ...................................................................................... 814
27.8.6 Transmission and Reception of Serial Data (Simple SPI Mode) ............................................. 814
27.9 Extended Serial Mode Control Section: Description of Operation ..................................... 815
27.9.1 Serial Transfer Protocol ............................................................................................................ 815
27.9.2 Transmitting a Start Frame ....................................................................................................... 816
27.9.3 Receiving a Start Frame ........................................................................................................... 819 Priority Interrupt Bit ........................................................................................................ 824
27.9.4 Detection of Bus Collisions ...................................................................................................... 825
27.9.5 Digital Filter for Input on the RXDX12 Pin ............................................................................. 826
27.9.6 Bit-Rate Measurement .............................................................................................................. 827
27.9.7 Selectable Timing for Sampling Data Received through RXDX12 ......................................... 828
27.9.8 Timer ........................................................................................................................................ 829
27.10 Noise Cancellation Function .............................................................................................. 831
27.11 Interrupt Sources ............................................................................................................... 832
27.11.1 Buffer Operations for TXI and RXI Interrupts ......................................................................... 832
27.11.2 Interrupts in Serial Communications Interface and Simple SPI Mode .................................... 832
27.11.3 Interrupts in Smart Card Interface Mode .................................................................................. 833
27.11.4 Interrupts in Simple I2C Mode ................................................................................................. 834
27.11.5 Interrupts from the Extended Serial Mode Control Section ..................................................... 835
27.12 Event Linking ..................................................................................................................... 836
27.13 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 837
27.13.1 Setting the Module Stop Function ............................................................................................ 837
27.13.2 Break Detection and Processing ............................................................................................... 837
27.13.3 The Mark State and Production of Breaks ................................................................................ 837
27.13.4 Receive Error Flags and Transmit Operations (Clock Synchronous Mode Only) ................... 837
27.13.5 Writing Data to TDR ................................................................................................................ 837
27.13.6 Restrictions on Clock Synchronous Transmission ................................................................... 837
27.13.7 Restrictions on Using DTC or DMAC ..................................................................................... 838
27.13.8 Points to Note on Starting Transfer .......................................................................................... 838
27.13.9 SCI Operations during Low Power Consumption State ........................................................... 838
27.13.10 External Clock Input in Clock Synchronous Mode .................................................................. 841
27.13.11 Limitation on Using Simple SPI Bus Mode ............................................................................. 842
27.13.12 Limitation 1 on Usage of the Extended Serial Mode Control Section ..................................... 842
27.13.13 Limitation 2 on Usage of the Extended Serial Mode Control Section ..................................... 843
27.13.14 Note on Transmit Enable Bit (TE bit) ...................................................................................... 843

28. IrDA Interface ............................................................................................................................... 844

28.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 844
28.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 845
28.2.1 IrDA Control Register (IRCR) ................................................................................................. 845
28.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 846
28.3.1 IrDA Interface Setting Procedure ............................................................................................. 846
28.3.2 Transmission ............................................................................................................................. 846
28.3.3 Reception .................................................................................................................................. 847
28.3.4 Selecting High-Level Pulse Width ........................................................................................... 847
28.4 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 848
28.4.1 Module Stop Function Setting .................................................................................................. 848
28.4.2 Minimum Pulse Width during Reception ................................................................................. 848
28.4.3 Asynchronous Reference Clock for SCI5 ................................................................................ 848

29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC) ............................................................................................................... 849

29.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 849
29.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 852
29.2.1 I2C Bus Control Register 1 (ICCR1) ........................................................................................ 852
29.2.2 I2C Bus Control Register 2 (ICCR2) ........................................................................................ 854
29.2.3 I2C Bus Mode Register 1 (ICMR1) .......................................................................................... 857
29.2.4 I2C Bus Mode Register 2 (ICMR2) .......................................................................................... 858
29.2.5 I2C Bus Mode Register 3 (ICMR3) .......................................................................................... 860
29.2.6 I2C Bus Function Enable Register (ICFER) ............................................................................. 862
29.2.7 I2C Bus Status Enable Register (ICSER) ................................................................................. 864
29.2.8 I2C Bus Interrupt Enable Register (ICIER) .............................................................................. 866
29.2.9 I2C Bus Status Register 1 (ICSR1) ........................................................................................... 868
29.2.10 I2C Bus Status Register 2 (ICSR2) ........................................................................................... 871
29.2.11 Slave Address Register Ly (SARLy) (y = 0 to 2) .................................................................... 875
29.2.12 Slave Address Register Uy (SARUy) (y = 0 to 2) .................................................................... 876
29.2.13 I2C Bus Bit Rate Low-Level Register (ICBRL) ....................................................................... 877
29.2.14 I2C Bus Bit Rate High-Level Register (ICBRH) ..................................................................... 878
29.2.15 I2C Bus Transmit Data Register (ICDRT) ............................................................................... 880
29.2.16 I2C Bus Receive Data Register (ICDRR) ................................................................................. 880
29.2.17 I2C Bus Shift Register (ICDRS) ............................................................................................... 880
29.2.18 Timeout internal counter (TMOCNT) ............................................................................ 881
29.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 882
29.3.1 Communication Data Format ................................................................................................... 882
29.3.2 Initial Settings ........................................................................................................................... 883
29.3.3 Master Transmit Operation ....................................................................................................... 884
29.3.4 Master Receive Operation ........................................................................................................ 888
29.3.5 Slave Transmit Operation ......................................................................................................... 894
29.3.6 Slave Receive Operation .......................................................................................................... 897
29.4 SCL Synchronization Circuit .............................................................................................. 900
29.5 Facility for Delaying SDA Output ....................................................................................... 901
29.6 Digital Noise-Filter Circuits ................................................................................................ 902
29.7 Address Match Detection ................................................................................................... 903
29.7.1 Slave-Address Match Detection ............................................................................................... 903
29.7.2 Detection of the General Call Address ..................................................................................... 905
29.7.3 Device-ID Address Detection ................................................................................................... 906
29.7.4 Host Address Detection ............................................................................................................ 908
29.8 Automatically Low-Hold Function for SCL ......................................................................... 909
29.8.1 Function to Prevent Wrong Transmission of Transmit Data .................................................... 909
29.8.2 NACK Reception Transfer Suspension Function ..................................................................... 910
29.8.3 Function to Prevent Failure to Receive Data ............................................................................ 910
29.9 Arbitration-Lost Detection Functions .................................................................................. 912
29.9.1 Master Arbitration-Lost Detection (MALE Bit) ...................................................................... 912
29.9.2 Function to Detect Loss of Arbitration during NACK Transmission (NALE Bit) .................. 914
29.9.3 Slave Arbitration-Lost Detection (SALE Bit) .......................................................................... 915
29.10 Start Condition/Restart Condition/Stop Condition Issuing Function .................................. 916
29.10.1 Issuing a Start Condition .......................................................................................................... 916
29.10.2 Issuing a Restart Condition ....................................................................................................... 916
29.10.3 Issuing a Stop Condition ........................................................................................................... 917
29.11 Bus Hanging ...................................................................................................................... 918
29.11.1 Timeout Function ..................................................................................................................... 918
29.11.2 Extra SCL Clock Cycle Output Function ................................................................................. 920
29.11.3 RIIC Reset and Internal Reset .................................................................................................. 921
29.12 SMBus Operation .............................................................................................................. 922
29.12.1 SMBus Timeout Measurement ................................................................................................. 922
29.12.2 Packet Error Code (PEC) .......................................................................................................... 924
29.12.3 SMBus Host Notification Protocol/Notify ARP Master .......................................................... 924
29.13 Interrupt Request ............................................................................................................... 925
29.13.1 Buffer Operation for TXI and RXI Interrupts .......................................................................... 925
29.14 Reset States ...................................................................................................................... 926
29.15 Event Link Output .............................................................................................................. 927
29.15.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking ...................................................................................... 927
29.16 Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................... 928
29.16.1 Setting Module Stop Function .................................................................................................. 928
29.16.2 Points to Note on Starting Transfer .......................................................................................... 928

30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) ................................................................................................ 929

30.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 929
30.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 933
30.2.1 RSPI Control Register (SPCR) ................................................................................................. 933
30.2.2 RSPI Slave Select Polarity Register (SSLP) ............................................................................ 935
30.2.3 RSPI Pin Control Register (SPPCR) ........................................................................................ 936
30.2.4 RSPI Status Register (SPSR) .................................................................................................... 937
30.2.5 RSPI Data Register (SPDR) ..................................................................................................... 939
30.2.6 RSPI Sequence Control Register (SPSCR) .............................................................................. 942
30.2.7 RSPI Sequence Status Register (SPSSR) ................................................................................. 943
30.2.8 RSPI Bit Rate Register (SPBR) ................................................................................................ 944
30.2.9 RSPI Data Control Register (SPDCR) ..................................................................................... 945
30.2.10 RSPI Clock Delay Register (SPCKD) ...................................................................................... 947
30.2.11 RSPI Slave Select Negation Delay Register (SSLND) ............................................................ 948
30.2.12 RSPI Next-Access Delay Register (SPND) .............................................................................. 949
30.2.13 RSPI Control Register 2 (SPCR2) ............................................................................................ 950
30.2.14 RSPI Command Registers 0 to 7 (SPCMD0 to SPCMD7) ...................................................... 951
30.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 954
30.3.1 Overview of RSPI Operations .................................................................................................. 954
30.3.2 Controlling RSPI Pins .............................................................................................................. 955
30.3.3 RSPI System Configuration Examples ..................................................................................... 956 Single Master/Single Slave (with This LSI Acting as Master) ....................................... 956 Single Master/Single Slave (with This LSI Acting as Slave) .......................................... 957 Single Master/Multi-Slave (with This LSI Acting as Master) ........................................ 958 Single Master/Multi-Slave (with This LSI Acting as Slave) ........................................... 959 Multi-Master/Multi-Slave (with This LSI Acting as Master) ......................................... 960 Master (Clock Synchronous Operation)/Slave (Clock Synchronous Operation)
(with This LSI Acting as Master) .................................................................................... 961 Master (Clock Synchronous Operation)/Slave (Clock Synchronous Operation)
(with This LSI Acting as Slave) ...................................................................................... 961
30.3.4 Data Format .............................................................................................................................. 962 When Parity is Disabled (SPCR2.SPPE = 0) .................................................................. 963 When Parity is Enabled (SPCR2.SPPE = 1) ................................................................... 967
30.3.5 Transfer Format ........................................................................................................................ 971 CPHA = 0 ........................................................................................................................ 971 CPHA = 1 ........................................................................................................................ 972
30.3.6 Communications Operating Mode ............................................................................................ 973 Full-Duplex Synchronous Serial Communications (SPCR.TXMD = 0) ......................... 973 Transmit Operations Only (SPCR.TXMD = 1) ............................................................... 974
30.3.7 Transmit Buffer Empty/Receive Buffer Full Interrupts ........................................................... 975
30.3.8 Error Detection ......................................................................................................................... 977 Overrun Error .................................................................................................................. 978 Parity Error ...................................................................................................................... 980 Mode Fault Error ............................................................................................................. 981
30.3.9 Initializing RSPI ....................................................................................................................... 982 Initialization by Clearing the SPE Bit ............................................................................. 982 System Reset ................................................................................................................... 982
30.3.10 SPI Operation ........................................................................................................................... 983 Master Mode Operation ................................................................................................... 983 Slave Mode Operation ..................................................................................................... 993
30.3.11 Clock Synchronous Operation .................................................................................................. 997
30.3.12 Master Mode Operation ............................................................................................................ 997
30.3.13 Slave Mode Operation ............................................................................................................ 1001
30.3.14 Loopback Mode ...................................................................................................................... 1003
30.3.15 Self-Diagnosis of Parity Bit Function .................................................................................... 1004
30.3.16 Interrupt Sources ..................................................................................................................... 1005
30.4 Event Link Output ............................................................................................................ 1006
30.4.1 Receive Buffer Full Event Output .......................................................................................... 1006
30.4.2 Transmit Buffer Empty Event Output .................................................................................... 1006
30.4.3 Mode Fault, Overrun, or Parity Error Event Output ............................................................... 1006
30.4.4 RSPI Idle Event Output .......................................................................................................... 1007
30.4.5 Transmit End Event Output .................................................................................................... 1007
30.5 Usage Note ...................................................................................................................... 1008
30.5.1 Setting Module Stop Function ................................................................................................ 1008
30.5.2 Cautionary Note on the Low Power Consumption Functions ................................................ 1008
30.5.3 Points to Note on Starting Transfer ........................................................................................ 1008

31. CRC Calculator (CRC) ............................................................................................................... 1009

31.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1009
31.2 Register Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 1010
31.2.1 CRC Control Register (CRCCR) ............................................................................................ 1010
31.2.2 CRC Data Input Register (CRCDIR) ..................................................................................... 1010
31.2.3 CRC Data Output Register (CRCDOR) ................................................................................. 1011
31.3 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 1012
31.4 Usage Notes .................................................................................................................... 1015
31.4.1 Module Stop Function Setting ................................................................................................ 1015
31.5 Note on Transmission ...................................................................................................... 1015
32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb) ................................................................................................. 1016
32.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1016
32.2 Register Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 1020
32.2.1 A/D Data Registers y (ADDRy) (y = 0 to 15) ........................................................................ 1020
32.2.2 A/D Data Duplication Register (ADDBLDR) ........................................................................ 1022
32.2.3 A/D Internal Reference Voltage Data Register (ADOCDR) .................................................. 1023
32.2.4 A/D Self-Diagnosis Data Register (ADRD) ........................................................................... 1024
32.2.5 A/D Control Register (ADCSR) ............................................................................................. 1025
32.2.6 A/D Channel Select Register A (ADANSA) .......................................................................... 1028
32.2.7 A/D Channel Select Register B (ADANSB) .......................................................................... 1028
32.2.8 A/D-Converted Value Addition Mode Select Register (ADADS) ......................................... 1029
32.2.9 A/D-Converted Value Addition Count Select Register (ADADC) ........................................ 1030
32.2.10 A/D Control Extended Register (ADCER) ............................................................................ 1031
32.2.11 A/D Start Trigger Select Register (ADSTRGR) .................................................................... 1033
32.2.12 A/D Conversion Extended Input Control Register (ADEXICR) ........................................... 1035
32.2.13 A/D Sampling State Register n (ADSSTRn) (n = 0 to 7, L, O) ............................................. 1036
32.2.14 A/D Disconnecting Detection Control Register (ADDISCR) ................................................ 1037
32.3 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 1038
32.3.1 Scanning Operation ................................................................................................................ 1038
32.3.2 Single Scan Mode ................................................................................................................... 1039 Basic Operation ............................................................................................................. 1039 Channel Selection and Self-Diagnosis .......................................................................... 1040 A/D Conversion when Internal Reference Voltage is Selected ..................................... 1041 A/D Conversion in Double Trigger Mode ..................................................................... 1042
32.3.3 Continuous Scan Mode ........................................................................................................... 1043 Basic Operation ............................................................................................................. 1043 Channel Selection and Self-Diagnosis .......................................................................... 1044
32.3.4 Group Scan Mode ................................................................................................................... 1045 Basic Operation ............................................................................................................. 1045 A/D Conversion in Double Trigger Mode ..................................................................... 1046
32.3.5 Analog Input Sampling and Scan Conversion Time .............................................................. 1047
32.3.6 Usage Example of Automatic Register Clearing Function .................................................... 1049
32.3.7 A/D-Converted Value Addition Function .............................................................................. 1049
32.3.8 Disconnection Detection Assist Function ............................................................................... 1049
32.3.9 Starting A/D Conversion with Asynchronous Trigger ........................................................... 1051
32.3.10 Starting A/D Conversion with Synchronous Trigger from Peripheral Modules .................... 1051
32.4 Interrupt Sources and DMA Transfer Requests ............................................................... 1052
32.4.1 Interrupt Request on Completion of Each Scanning Conversion ........................................... 1052
32.5 Event Linkage .................................................................................................................. 1052
32.5.1 Event Output to ELC .............................................................................................................. 1052
32.5.2 12-bit A/D Converter Operation by Event from ELC ............................................................ 1052
32.5.3 Notes on Event Reception from ELC during 12-bit A/D Conversion .................................... 1052
32.6 A/D Conversion Accuracy Definitions .............................................................................. 1053
32.7 Usage Notes .................................................................................................................... 1054
32.7.1 Notes on Reading Data Registers ........................................................................................... 1054
32.7.2 Notes on Stopping A/D Conversion ....................................................................................... 1054
32.7.3 A/D Conversion Restarting Timing and Termination Timing ............................................... 1054
32.7.4 Notes on Scan End Interrupt Handling ................................................................................... 1054
32.7.5 Module Stop Function Setting ................................................................................................ 1054
32.7.6 Notes on Entering Low Power Consumption States .............................................................. 1054
32.7.7 Allowable Impedance of Signal Source ................................................................................. 1055
32.7.8 Influence on Absolute Accuracy ............................................................................................ 1055
32.7.9 Voltage Range of Analog Power Supply Pins ........................................................................ 1056
32.7.10 Notes on Board Design ........................................................................................................... 1056
32.7.11 Notes on Noise Prevention ..................................................................................................... 1057
32.7.12 Port Setting when 12-bit A/D Converter Inputs are Used ...................................................... 1057
32.7.13 Error in Absolute Accuracy when Disconnection Detection Assist Function is Used ........... 1057

33. Comparator A ............................................................................................................................. 1058

33.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1058
33.2 Register Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 1060
33.2.1 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 1 (LVD1CR1) ................... 1060
33.2.2 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Status Register (LVD1SR) ........................... 1061
33.2.3 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 1 (LVD2CR1) ................... 1062
33.2.4 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Status Register (LVD2SR) ........................... 1063
33.2.5 Voltage Monitoring Circuit/Comparator A Control Register (LVCMPCR) .......................... 1064
33.2.6 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 0 (LVD1CR0) ................... 1065
33.2.7 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 0 (LVD2CR0) ................... 1066
33.3 Monitoring Comparison Results ....................................................................................... 1067
33.3.1 Monitoring Comparator A1 .................................................................................................... 1067
33.3.2 Monitoring Comparator A2 .................................................................................................... 1067
33.4 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 1068
33.4.1 Comparator A1 ....................................................................................................................... 1068
33.4.2 Comparator A2 ....................................................................................................................... 1070
33.5 Comparator A1 and Comparator A2 Interrupts ................................................................ 1072
33.5.1 Non-maskable Interrupts ........................................................................................................ 1072
33.5.2 Maskable Interrupts ................................................................................................................ 1072
33.6 Event Link Output ............................................................................................................ 1073
33.7 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking ............................................................................... 1073
34. Data Operation Circuit (DOC) .................................................................................................... 1074
34.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1074
34.2 Register Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 1075
34.2.1 DOC Control Register (DOCR) ............................................................................................. 1075
34.2.2 DOC Data Input Register (DODIR) ....................................................................................... 1076
34.2.3 DOC Data Setting Register (DODSR) ................................................................................... 1076
34.3 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 1077
34.3.1 Data Comparison Mode .......................................................................................................... 1077
34.3.2 Data Addition Mode ............................................................................................................... 1078
34.3.3 Data Subtraction Mode ........................................................................................................... 1079
34.4 Interrupt Requests ........................................................................................................... 1079
34.5 Event Link Output ............................................................................................................ 1080
34.5.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking .................................................................................... 1080
34.6 Usage Note ...................................................................................................................... 1080
34.6.1 Module Stop Function Setting ................................................................................................ 1080

35. RAM ........................................................................................................................................... 1081

35.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1081
35.2 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 1081
35.2.1 Low Power Consumption Function ........................................................................................ 1081

36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) .................................................................................... 1082

36.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1082
36.2 Register Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 1084
36.2.1 Flash Write Erase Protection Register (FWEPROR) ............................................................. 1084
36.2.2 Flash Mode Register (FMODR) ............................................................................................. 1085
36.2.3 Flash Access Status Register (FASTAT) ............................................................................... 1086
36.2.4 Flash Access Error Interrupt Enable Register (FAEINT) ...................................................... 1088
36.2.5 Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0) ....................................................................................... 1089
36.2.6 Flash Status Register 1 (FSTATR1) ....................................................................................... 1092
36.2.7 Flash Ready Interrupt Enable Register (FRDYIE) ................................................................. 1093
36.2.8 Flash P/E Mode Entry Register (FENTRYR) ........................................................................ 1094
36.2.9 Flash Protection Register (FPROTR) ..................................................................................... 1095
36.2.10 Flash Reset Register (FRESETR) ........................................................................................... 1096
36.2.11 FCU Command Register (FCMDR) ....................................................................................... 1097
36.2.12 FCU Processing Switching Register (FCPSR) ....................................................................... 1098
36.2.13 Flash P/E Status Register (FPESTAT) ............................................................................. 1099
36.2.14 Peripheral Clock Notification Register (PCKAR) .................................................................. 1100
36.3 Configuration of Memory Areas for the ROM .................................................................. 1101
36.4 Block Configuration .......................................................................................................... 1102
36.5 Operating Modes Associated with the ROM .................................................................... 1103
36.6 Programming and Erasing the ROM ................................................................................ 1104
36.6.1 FCU Modes ............................................................................................................................. 1104 ROM Read Modes ......................................................................................................... 1105 ROM P/E Modes ........................................................................................................... 1105
36.6.2 FCU Commands ..................................................................................................................... 1106
36.6.3 Connections between FCU Modes and Commands ............................................................... 1108
36.6.4 FCU Command Usage ............................................................................................................ 1109 Mode Transitions ........................................................................................................... 1109 Programming and Erasure Procedures .......................................................................... 1113 Error Processing ............................................................................................................ 1121 Suspension and Resumption .......................................................................................... 1122
36.7 Suspending Operation ..................................................................................................... 1125
36.7.1 Suspension during Programming/Erasure (Suspension Priority Mode) ................................. 1126
36.7.2 Suspension during Programming/Erasure (Programming/Erasure Priority Mode) ................ 1127
36.8 Protection ......................................................................................................................... 1128
36.8.1 Software Protection ................................................................................................................ 1128
36.8.2 Command-Locked State ......................................................................................................... 1128
36.9 User Boot Mode ............................................................................................................... 1130
36.10 Boot Mode ....................................................................................................................... 1130
36.10.1 System Configuration ............................................................................................................. 1130
36.10.2 State Transitions in Boot Mode .............................................................................................. 1131
36.10.3 Automatic Adjustment of the Bit Rate ................................................................................... 1133
36.10.4 ID Code Protection (Boot Mode) ........................................................................................... 1134
36.10.5 UB Code ................................................................................................................................. 1135
36.10.6 Inquiry/Selection Command Wait .......................................................................................... 1136
36.10.7 ID Code Wait State ................................................................................................................. 1147
36.10.8 Programming/Erasure Command Wait .................................................................................. 1148
36.11 ID Code Protection on Connection of the On-Chip Debugger ......................................... 1156
36.12 Usage Notes .................................................................................................................... 1157
37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage) .......................................................... 1159
37.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1159
37.2 Register Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 1161
37.2.1 Flash Mode Register (FMODR) ............................................................................................. 1161
37.2.2 Flash Access Status Register (FASTAT) ............................................................................... 1162
37.2.3 Flash Access Error Interrupt Enable Register (FAEINT) ...................................................... 1164
37.2.4 E2 DataFlash Read Enable Register 0 (DFLRE0) .................................................................. 1165
37.2.5 E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure Enable Register 0 (DFLWE0) ..................................... 1166
37.2.6 Flash P/E Mode Entry Register (FENTRYR) ........................................................................ 1167
37.2.7 E2 DataFlash Blank Check Control Register (DFLBCCNT) ................................................. 1168
37.2.8 E2 DataFlash Blank Check Status Register (DFLBCSTAT) ................................................. 1168
37.3 Configuration of Memory Area for the E2 DataFlash Memory ......................................... 1169
37.4 Block Configuration .......................................................................................................... 1169
37.5 Operating Modes Associated with the E2 DataFlash ...................................................... 1170
37.6 Programming and Erasing the E2 DataFlash Memory .................................................... 1171
37.6.1 FCU Modes ............................................................................................................................. 1171 ROM P/E Modes ........................................................................................................... 1172 ROM/E2 DataFlash Read Mode .................................................................................... 1172 E2 DataFlash P/E Modes ............................................................................................... 1172
37.6.2 FCU Commands ..................................................................................................................... 1173
37.6.3 Connections between FCU Modes and Commands ............................................................... 1174
37.6.4 FCU Command Usage ............................................................................................................ 1175
37.7 Protection ......................................................................................................................... 1179
37.7.1 Software Protection ................................................................................................................ 1179
37.7.2 Command-Locked State ......................................................................................................... 1180
37.8 Boot Mode ....................................................................................................................... 1181
37.8.1 Inquiry/Selection Commands ................................................................................................. 1181
37.8.2 Programming/Erasing Commands .......................................................................................... 1182
37.9 Usage Notes .................................................................................................................... 1184
38. Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 1185
38.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................. 1185
38.2 DC Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 1186
38.2.1 Standard I/O Pin Output Characteristics (1) ........................................................................... 1196
38.2.2 Standard I/O Pin Output Characteristics (2) ........................................................................... 1199
38.2.3 RIIC Pin Output Characteristics ............................................................................................. 1202
38.3 AC Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 1204
38.3.1 Clock Timing .......................................................................................................................... 1205
38.3.2 Reset Timing ........................................................................................................................... 1208
38.3.3 Timing of Recovery from Low Power Consumption Modes ................................................. 1209
38.3.4 Control Signal Timing ............................................................................................................ 1210
38.3.5 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules ................................................................................. 1211
38.4 A/D Conversion Characteristics ....................................................................................... 1223
38.5 Comparator Characteristics ............................................................................................. 1227
38.6 Power-on Reset Circuit and Voltage Detection Circuit Characteristics ........................... 1228
38.7 Oscillation Stop Detection Timing .................................................................................... 1232
38.8 ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Characteristics ................................................. 1233
38.9 E2 DataFlash (Flash Memory for Data Storage) Characteristics ..................................... 1236
Appendix 1. Port States in Each Processing Mode ............................................................................. 1239

Appendix 2. Package Dimensions ....................................................................................................... 1240

REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................................... 1244

RX220 Group
Renesas MCUs R01UH0292EJ0110
32-MHz 32-bit RX MCUs, 49 DMIPS, up to 256-KB flash memory, Dec 20, 2013
12-bit A/D, ELC, MPC, IrDA, RTC, up to 7 comms channels;
incorporating functions for IEC60730 compliance

■ 32-bit RX CPU core
 Max. operating frequency: 32 MHz
 Capable of 49 DMIPS in operation at 32 MHz PLQP0100KB-A 14 × 14 mm, 0.5-mm pitch
 Accumulator handles 64-bit results (for a single PLQP0064KB-A
10 × 10 mm, 0.5-mm pitch
7 × 7 mm, 0.5-mm pitch
instruction) from 32- × 32-bit operations PLQP0064GA-A 14 × 14 mm, 0.8-mm pitch
 Multiplication and division unit handles 32- × 32-bit
operations (multiplication instructions take one CPU
clock cycle) ■ Independent watchdog timer
 Fast interrupt  125-kHz on-chip oscillator produces a dedicated clock
 CISC Harvard architecture with 5-stage pipeline signal to drive IWDT operation.
 Variable-length instructions, ultra-compact code ■ Useful functions for IEC60730 compliance
 On-chip debugging circuit  Self-diagnostic and disconnection-detection assistance
■ Low-power design and architecture functions for the A/D converter, clock-frequency
 Operation from a single 1.62-V to 5.5-V supply accuracy-measurement circuit, independent watchdog
 1.62-V operation available (at up to 8 MHz) timer, functions to assist in RAM testing, etc.
 Three low-power modes ■ Up to seven communications channels
■ On-chip flash memory for code, no wait states  SCI with many useful functions (up to five channels)
 32-MHz operation, 31.25-ns read cycle Asynchronous mode, clock synchronous mode, smart
 No wait states for reading at full CPU speed card interface mode
 Up to 256-Kbyte capacity  IrDA Interface (one channel, in cooperation with the
 User code programmable via the SCI SCI5)
 Programmable at 1.62 V  I2C bus interface: Transfer at up to 400 kbps, capable of
 For instructions and operands SMBus operation (one channel)
 RSPI (one channel)
■ On-chip data flash memory
 8 Kbytes (Number of times of reprogramming: 100,000) ■ Up to 14 extended-function timers
 Erasing and programming impose no load on the CPU.  16-bit MTU: input capture, output capture,
complementary PWM output, phase counting mode
■ On-chip SRAM, no wait states
(six channels)
 Up to 16-Kbyte size capacity
 8-bit TMR (four channels)
■ DMA  16-bit compare-match timers (four channels)
 DMAC: Incorporates four channels
■ 12-bit A/D converter
 DTC: Four transfer modes
 Capable of conversion within 1.56 μs
■ ELC  Self-diagnostic function and analog input disconnection
 Module operation can be initiated by event signals detection assistance function
without going through interrupts.
■ Analog comparator
 Modules can operate while the CPU is sleeping.
■ General I/O ports
■ Reset and supply management
 5-V tolerant, open drain, input pull-up, switching of
 Seven types of reset, including the power-on reset (POR)
driving ability
 Low voltage detection (LVD) with voltage settings
■ Clock functions
 Multiple locations are selectable for I/O pins of
 Frequency of external clock: Up to 20 MHz
peripheral functions
 Frequency of the oscillator for sub-clock generation:
32.768 kHz ■ Operating temp. range
 On-chip low- and high-speed oscillators, dedicated on-  40C to +85C
chip low-speed oscillator for the IWDT  40C to +105C
 Generation of a dedicated 32.768-kHz clock for the RTC
 Clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit (CAC)
■ Real-time clock
 Adjustment functions (30 seconds, leap year, and error)
 Year and month display or 32-bit second display (binary
counter) is selectable

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

1. Overview
1.1 Outline of Specifications
Table 1.1 lists the specifications in outline, and Table 1.2 gives a comparison of the functions of products in different
Table 1.1 is for products with the greatest number of functions, so numbers of peripheral modules and channels will
differ in accord with the package. For details, see Table 1.2, Comparison of Functions for Different Packages.

Table 1.1 Outline of Specifications (1 / 3)

Classification Module/Function Description
CPU CPU  Maximum operating frequency: 32 MHz
 32-bit RX CPU
 Minimum instruction execution time: One instruction per state (cycle of the system clock)
 Address space: 4-Gbyte linear
 Register
General purpose: Sixteen 32-bit registers
Control: Eight 32-bit registers
Accumulator: One 64-bit register
 Basic instructions: 73
 DSP instructions: 9
 Addressing modes: 10
 Data arrangement
Instructions: Little endian
Data: Selectable as little endian or big endian
 On-chip 32-bit multiplier: 32  32  64 bits
 On-chip divider: 32 / 32  32 bits
 Barrel shifter: 32 bits
Memory ROM  Capacity: 32 K/64 K/128 K/256 Kbytes
 32 MHz, no-wait memory access
 On-board programming: 3 types
RAM  Capacity: 4 K/8 K/16 Kbytes
 32 MHz, no-wait memory access
E2 DataFlash E2 DataFlash capacity: 8 Kbytes
MCU operating mode Single-chip mode
Clock Clock generation circuit  Main clock oscillator, sub-clock oscillator, low-speed on-chip oscillator, high-speed on-chip oscillator,
and IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator
 Oscillation stop detection
 Measuring circuit for accuracy of clock frequency (clock-accuracy check: CAC)
 Independent settings for the system clock (ICLK), peripheral module clock (PCLK), and flashIF clock
The CPU and system sections such as other bus masters run in synchronization with the system
clock (ICLK): 32 MHz (at max.)
Peripheral modules run in synchronization with the peripheral module clock (PCLK): 32 MHz (at
The flash peripheral circuit runs in synchronization with the flash peripheral clock (FCLK): 32 MHz (at
Reset RES# pin reset, power-on reset, voltage monitoring reset, independent watchdog timer reset, and
software reset
Voltage detection Voltage detection circuit  When the voltage on VCC falls below the voltage detection level, an internal reset or internal interrupt
(LVDAa) is generated.
Voltage detection circuit 0 is capable of selecting the detection voltage from 4 levels
Voltage detection circuit 1 is capable of selecting the detection voltage from 16 levels
Voltage detection circuit 2 is capable of selecting the detection voltage from 16 levels
Low power Low power consumption  Module stop function
consumption facilities  Three low power consumption modes
Sleep mode, all-module clock stop mode, and software standby mode
Function for lower  Four operating power control modes
operating power Middle-speed operating mode 1A, middle-speed operating mode 1B, low-speed operating mode 1,
consumption low-speed operating mode 2
Interrupt Interrupt controller (ICUb)  Interrupt vectors: 106
 External interrupts: 9 (NMI, IRQ0 to IRQ7 pins)
 Non-maskable interrupts: 5 (the NMI pin, oscillation stop detection interrupt, voltage monitoring 1
interrupt, voltage monitoring 2 interrupt, and IWDT interrupt)
 16 levels specifiable for the order of priority

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.1 Outline of Specifications (2 / 3)

Classification Module/Function Description
DMA DMA controller (DMACA)  4 channels
 Three transfer modes: Normal transfer, repeat transfer, and block transfer
 Activation sources: Software trigger, external interrupts, and interrupt requests from peripheral
Data transfer controller  Three transfer modes: Normal transfer, repeat transfer, and block transfer
(DTCa)  Activation sources: Interrupts
 Chain transfer function
I/O ports General I/O ports 100-pin/64-pin/48-pin
 I/O pin: 84/48/34
 Input: 1/1/1
 Pull-up resistors: 84/48/34
 Open-drain outputs: 35/26/20
 5-V tolerance: 4/2/2
 8-bit port switching function: Not supported/supported/supported
Event link controller (ELC)  Event signals of 46 types can be directly connected to the module
 Operations of timer modules are selectable at event input
 Capable of event link operation for port B
Multi-function pin controller (MPC)  Capable of selecting input/output function from multiple pins
Timers Multi-function timer pulse  (16 bits  6 channels)  1 unit
unit 2 (MTU2a)  Time bases for the six 16-bit timer channels can be provided via up to 16 pulse-input/output lines and
three pulse-input lines
 Select from among eight or seven counter-input clock signals for each channel (PCLK/1, PCLK/4,
PCLK/16, PCLK/64, PCLK/256, PCLK/1024, MTCLKA, MTCLKB, MTCLKC, MTCLKD) other than
channel 5, for which only four signals are available.
 Input capture function
 21 output compare/input capture registers
 Pulse output mode
 Complementary PWM output mode
 Reset synchronous PWM mode
 Phase-counting mode
 Generation of triggers for A/D converter conversion
Port output enable 2 Controls the high-impedance state of the MTU’s waveform output pins
8-bit timer (TMR)  (8 bits  2 channels)  2 units
 Select from among seven internal clock signals (PCLK/1, PCLK/2, PCLK/8, PCLK/32, PCLK/64,
PCLK/1024, PCLK/8192) and one external clock signal
 Capable of output of pulse trains with desired duty cycles or of PWM signals
 The 2 channels of each unit can be cascaded to create a 16-bit timer
 Capable of generating baud-rate clocks for SCI5, SCI6, and SCI12
Compare match timer  (16 bits  2 channels)  2 units
(CMT)  Select from among four clock signals (PCLK/8, PCLK/32, PCLK/128, PCLK/512)
Independent watchdog  14 bits  1 channel
timer (IWDTa)  Counter-input clock: IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator
Frequency divided by 1, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256
Realtime clock (RTCc)  Clock source: Sub-clock
 Time count or 32-bit binary count in second units basis selectable
 Time/calendar
 Interrupt sources: Alarm interrupt, periodic interrupt, and carry interrupt

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.1 Outline of Specifications (3 / 3)

Classification Module/Function Description
Communication Serial communications  5 channels (channel 1, 5, 6, and 9: SCIe, channel 12: SCIf) (including one channel for IrDA)
function interfaces (SCIe, SCIf)  Serial communications modes:
Asynchronous, clock synchronous, and smart-card interface
 On-chip baud rate generator allows selection of the desired bit rate
 Choice of LSB-first or MSB-first transfer
 Average transfer rate clock can be input from TMR timers (SCI5, SCI6, and SCI12)
 Simple IIC
 Simple SPI
 Master/slave mode supported (SCIf only)
 Start frame and information frame are included (SCIf only)
 Detection of a start bit in asynchronous mode: Low level or falling edge is selectable (SCIe/SCIf)
IrDA interface (IRDA)  1 channel (SCI5 is used)
 Supports encoding/decoding the waveforms conforming to the IrDA specification version 1.0
I2C bus interface (RIIC)  1 channel
 Communications formats:
I2C bus format/SMBus format
 Master/slave selectable
 Supports the fast mode
Serial peripheral  1 channel
interface (RSPI)  Transfer facility
Using the MOSI (master out, slave in), MISO (master in, slave out), SSL (slave select), and RSPCK
(RSPI clock) signals enables serial transfer through SPI operation (four lines) or clock-synchronous
operation (three lines)
 Capable of handling serial transfer as a master or slave
 Data formats
 Choice of LSB-first or MSB-first transfer
The number of bits in each transfer can be changed to any number of bits from 8 to 16, 20, 24, or 32
128-bit buffers for transmission and reception
Up to four frames can be transmitted or received in a single transfer operation (with each frame
having up to 32 bits)
 Double buffers for both transmission and reception
12-bit A/D converter (S12ADb)  12 bits (16 channels  1 unit)
 12-bit resolution
 Minimum conversion time: 1.56 s per channel (in operation with ADCLK at 32 MHz)
 Operating modes
Scan mode (single scan mode, continuous scan mode, and group scan mode)
 Sample-and-hold function
 Self-diagnosis for the A/D converter
 Assistance in detecting disconnected analog inputs
 Double-trigger mode (duplication of A/D conversion data)
 A/D conversion start conditions
A software trigger, a trigger from a timer (MTU), an external trigger signal, or ELC
CRC calculator (CRC)  CRC code generation for any desired data in 8-bit units
 Select any of three generating polynomials:
X8 + X2 + X + 1, X16 + X15 + X2 + 1, or X16 + X12 + X5 + 1
 Generation of CRC codes for use with LSB-first or MSB-first communications is selectable.
Comparator A (CMPA)  2 channels
 Comparison of reference voltage and analog input voltage
Data Operation Circuit (DOC) Comparison, addition, and subtraction of 16-bit data
Power supply voltage/Operating frequency VCC = 1.62 to 2.7 V: 8 MHz, VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V: 32 MHz
Operating temperature D version: 40 to +85°C, G version: 40 to +105°C*1
Package 100-pin LQFP (PLQP0100KB-A)
64-pin LQFP (PLQP0064KB-A)
64-pin LQFP (PLQP0064GA-A)
48-pin LQFP (PLQP0048KB-A)
Note 1. Please contact Renesas Electronics sales office for derating of operation under Ta = +85°C to +105°C. Derating is the
systematic reduction of load for the sake of improved reliability.

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.2 Comparison of Functions for Different Packages

RX220 Group
Module/Functions 100 Pins 64 Pins 48 Pins
Interrupt External interrupts NMI, IRQ0 to IRQ7 NMI, IRQ0 to IRQ2, NMI, IRQ0, IRQ1,
IRQ4 to IRQ7 IRQ4 to IRQ7
DMA DMA controller 4 channels (DMAC0 to DMAC3)
Data transfer controller Supported
Timers Multi-function timer pulse unit 2 6 channels (MTU0 to MTU5)
Port output enable 2 POE0# to POE3#, POE8#
8-bit timer 2 channels × 2 units
Compare match timer 2 channels × 2 units
Realtime clock Supported Not supported
Independent watchdog timer Supported
Communication Serial communications interface 4 channels 3 channels
function (SCIe) (SCI1, 5, 6, 9) (including one channel for IrDA) (SCI1, 5, 6)
(including one channel
for IrDA)
Serial communications interface 1 channel (SCI12)
I2C bus interface 1 channel
Serial peripheral interface 1 channel
12-bit A/D converter 16 channels 12 channels 8 channels
(AN000 to AN015) (AN000 to AN004, (AN000, AN003, AN004,
AN006, AN006,
AN008 to AN013) AN009 to AN012)
CRC calculator Supported
Event link controller Supported
Comparator A 2 channels
8-bit port switching function Not supported in Supported in 64-pin Supported in 48-pin
100-pin packages packages packages
Switches PB6 to PC0 Switches PB0 to PC0,
and PB7 to PC1 PB1 to PC1, PB3 to
PC2, and PB5 to PC3
Package 100-pin LQFP 64-pin LQFP 48-pin LQFP

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

1.2 List of Products

Table 1.3 is a list of products, and Figure 1.1 shows how to read the product part no., memory capacity, and package

Table 1.3 List of Products

ROM RAM Operating Operating
Group Part No. Package Capacity Capacity Frequency (Max.) temperature
RX220 R5F52206BDFP PLQP0100KB-A
256 Kbytes 16 Kbytes
128 Kbytes
R5F52205BDFL PLQP0048KB-A 32 MHz 40 to +85°C
8 Kbytes
64 Kbytes
R5F52201BDFK PLQP0064GA-A 32 Kbytes 4Kbytes
256 Kbytes 16 Kbytes
128 Kbytes
R5F52205BGFL PLQP0048KB-A 32 MHz 40 to +105°C
8 Kbytes
64 Kbytes
R5F52201BGFK PLQP0064GA-A 32 Kbytes 4Kbytes

Note: • Please contact Renesas Electronics sales office for derating of operation under Ta = +85°C to +105°C. Derating is the
systematic reduction of load for the sake of improved reliability.

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

R 5 F 5 2 2 0 6 B D F P
Package type, number of pins, and pin pitch
FP: LQFP/100/0.50
FM: LQFP/64/0.50
FK: LQFP/64/0.80
FL: LQFP/48/0.50

D: Operating temperature (–40 to +85°C)

G: Operating temperature (–40 to +105°C)

ROM, RAM, and E2 DataFlash capacity

6: 256 Kbytes/16 Kbytes/8 Kbytes
5: 128 Kbytes/8 Kbytes/8 Kbytes
3: 64 Kbytes/8 Kbytes/8 Kbytes
1: 32 Kbytes/4 Kbytes/8 Kbytes

Group name
20: RX220 Group

Series name
RX200 Series

Type of memory
F: Flash memory version

Renesas MCU

Renesas semiconductor product

Figure 1.1 How to Read the Product Part No., Memory Capacity, and Package Type

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

1.3 Block Diagram

Figure 1.2 shows a block diagram.

E2 DataFlash




SCIe × 4 channels
(including one channel for IrDA)

SCIf × 1 channel

RSPI × 1 channel

RIIC × 1 channel
Internal peripheral buses 1 to 6

MTU2a × 6 channels

Port 0
TMR × 2 channels (unit 0)
Port 1
TMR × 2 channels (unit 1)
Port 2
CMT × 2 channels (unit 0)
CMT × 2 channels (unit 1) Port 3
RTCc Port 4

DTCa 12-bit A/D converter × 16 channels Port 5

Operand bus

DOC Port A
Instruction bus

Internal main bus 2

channels Comparator A × 2 channels Port B

CAC Port C

Port D
Internal main bus 1

Port E

Port H
generation Port J

ICUb: Interrupt controller RSPI: Serial peripheral interface

DTCa: Data transfer controller RIIC: I2C bus interface
DMACA: DMA controller MTU2a: Multi-function timer pulse unit 2
BSC: Bus controller POE2a: Port output enable 2
IWDTa: Independent watchdog timer TMR: 8-bit timer
ELC: Event link controller CMT: Compare match timer
CRC: CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculator RTCc: Realtime clock
SCIe, SCIf: Serial communications interface DOC: Data operation circuit
IrDA: Infrared Data Association CAC: Clock-frequency accuracy measuring circuit

Figure 1.2 Block Diagram

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

1.4 Pin Functions

Table 1.4 lists the pin functions.

Table 1.4 Pin Functions (1 / 3)

Classifications Pin Name I/O Description
Power supply VCC Input Power supply pin. Connect it to the system power supply.
VCL — Connect this pin to the VSS pin via the 0.1 μF smoothing capacitor
used to stabilize the internal power supply. Place the capacitor close
to the pin.
VSS Input Ground pin. Connect it to the system power supply (0 V).
Clock XTAL Output Pins for connecting a crystal resonator. An external clock signal can
be input through the EXTAL pin.
XCIN Input Input/output pins for the sub-clock generation circuit. Connect a
crystal resonator between XCIN and XCOUT.
XCOUT Output
Operating mode MD Input Pin for setting the operating mode. The signal levels on this pin
control must not be changed during operation.
System control RES# Input Reset signal input pin. This LSI enters the reset state when this
signal goes low.
CAC CACREF Input Input pin for the measuring circuit for clock frequency precision.
On-chip emulator FINED I/O FINE interface pin.
Interrupt NMI Input Non-maskable interrupt request pin.
IRQ0 to IRQ7 Input Interrupt request pins.
Multi-function timer MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B I/O The TGRA0 to TGRD0 input capture input/output compare output/
pulse unit MTIOC0C, MTIOC0D PWM output pins.
MTIOC1A, MTIOC1B I/O The TGRA1 and TGRB1 input capture input/output compare output/
PWM output pins.
MTIOC2A, MTIOC2B I/O The TGRA2 and TGRB2 input capture input/output compare output/
PWM output pins.
MTIOC3A, MTIOC3B I/O The TGRA3 to TGRD3 input capture input/output compare output/
MTIOC3C, MTIOC3D PWM output pins.
MTIOC4A, MTIOC4B I/O The TGRA4 to TGRD4 input capture input/output compare output/
MTIOC4C, MTIOC4D PWM output pins.
MTIC5U, MTIC5V, MTIC5W Input The TGRU5, TGRV5, and TGRW5 input capture input/external
pulse input pins.
MTCLKA, MTCLKB, Input Input pins for external clock.
Port output enable POE0# to POE3#, POE8# Input Input pins for request signals to place the MTU pins in the high
impedance state.
8-bit timer TMO0 to TMO3 Output Compare match output pins.
TMCI0 to TMCI3 Input Input pins for external clocks to be input to the counter.
TMRI0 to TMRI3 Input Input pins for the counter reset.
Realtime clock RTCOUT Output Output pin for 1-Hz clock.

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.4 Pin Functions (2 / 3)

Classifications Pin Name I/O Description
Serial  Asynchronous mode/clock synchronous mode
SCK1, SCK5, SCK6, SCK9 I/O Input/output pins for clock
interface (SCIe)
RXD1, RXD5, RXD6, RXD9 Input Input pins for received data
TXD1, TXD5, TXD6, TXD9 Output Output pins for transmitted data
CTS1#, CTS5#, CTS6#, Input Input pins for controlling the start of transmission and reception
RTS1#, RTS5#, RTS6#, Output Output pins for controlling the start of transmission and reception
 Simple I2C mode
SSCL1, SSCL5, SSCL6, I/O Input/output pins for the I2C clock
SSDA1, SSDA5, SSDA6, I/O Input/output pins for the I2C data
 Simple SPI mode
SCK1, SCK5, SCK6, SCK9 I/O Input/output pins for the clock
SMISO1, SMISO5, SMISO6, I/O Input/output pins for slave transmission of data
SMOSI1, SMOSI5, SMOSI6, I/O Input/output pins for master transmission of data
SS1#, SS5#, SS6#, SS9# Input Chip-select input pins
 IrDA Interface
IRTXD5 Output Data output pin in the IrDA format
IRRXD5 Input Data input pin in the IrDA format
Serial  Asynchronous mode/clock synchronous mode
SCK12 I/O Input/output pin for the clock
interface (SCIf)
RXD12 Input Input pin for received data
TXD12 Output Output pin for transmitted data
CTS12# Input Input pin for controlling the start of transmission and reception
RTS12# Output Output pin for controlling the start of transmission and reception
 Simple I2C mode
SSCL12 I/O Input/output pin for the I2C clock
SSDA12 I/O Input/output pin for the I2C data
 Simple SPI mode
SCK12 I/O Input/output pin for the clock
SMISO12 I/O Input/output pin for slave transmit data
SMOSI12 I/O Input/output pin for master transmit data
SS12# Input Chip-select input pin
 Extended serial mode
RXDX12 Input Input pin for data reception by SCIf
TXDX12 Output Output pin for data transmission by SCIf
SIOX12 I/O Input/output pin for data reception or transmission by SCIf
I2C bus interface SCL I/O Input/output pin for I2C bus interface clocks. Bus can be directly
driven by the N-channel open-drain output.
SDA I/O Input/output pin for I2C bus interface data. Bus can be directly
driven by the N-channel open-drain output.

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.4 Pin Functions (3 / 3)

Classifications Pin Name I/O Description
Serial peripheral RSPCKA I/O Clock input/output pin for the RSPI.
MOSIA I/O Input or output data output from the master for the RSPI.
MISOA I/O Input or output data output from the slave for the RSPI.
SSLA0 I/O Input/output pin to select the slave for the RSPI.
SSLA1 to SSLA3 Output Output pins to select the slave for the RSPI.
12-bit A/D converter AN000 to AN015 Input Input pin for the analog signals to be processed by the A/D
ADTRG0# Input Input pin for the external trigger signals that start the A/D
Comparator A CMPA1 Input Input analog pin for the comparator A1.
CMPA2 Input Input analog pin for the comparator A2.
CVREFA Input Input pin for the comparator reference voltage.
Analog power AVCC0 Input Analog voltage supply pin for the 12-bit A/D converter. Connect this
supply pin to VCC if the 12-bit A/D converter is not to be used.
AVSS0 Input Analog ground pin for the 12-bit A/D converter. Connect this pin to
VSS if the 12-bit A/D converter is not to be used.
VREFH0 Input Analog reference voltage supply pin for the 12-bit A/D converter.
Connect this pin to VCC if the 12-bit A/D converter is not to be used.
VREFL0 Input Analog reference ground pin for the 12-bit A/D converter. Connect
this pin to VSS if the 12-bit A/D converter is not to be used.
I/O ports P03, P05, P07 I/O 3-bit input/output pins.
P12 to P17 I/O 6-bit input/output pins.
P20 to P27 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
P30 to P37 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. (P35 input pin)
P40 to P47 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
P50 to P55 I/O 6-bit input/output pins.
PA0 to PA7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
PB0 to PB7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
PC0 to PC7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
PD0 to PD7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
PE0 to PE7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins.
PH0 to PH3 I/O 4-bit input/output pins.
PJ1, PJ3 I/O 2-bit input/output pins.

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

1.5 Pin Assignments

Figure 1.3 to Figure 1.5 show the pin assignments. Table 1.5 to Table 1.7 show the lists of pins and pin functions.




PE2 76 50 PC2
PE1 77 49 PC3
PE0 78 48 PC4
PD7 79 47 PC5
PD6 80 46 PC6
PD5 81 45 PC7
PD4 82 44 P50
PD3 83 43 P51
PD2 84 42 P52
RX220 Group 41
P47 87
PLQP0100KB-A 39 P55
P46 38 PH0
P45 89 (100-pin LQFP) 37 PH1
P44 90 36 PH2
P43 91 (Top view) 35 PH3
P42 92 34 P12
P41 93 33 P13
VREFL0 94 32 P14
P40 95 31 P15
VREFH0 96 30 P16
AVCC0 97 29 P17
P07 98 28 P20
AVSS0 99 27 P21
P05 100 26 P22










Note: • This figure indicates the power supply pins and I/O port pins. For the pin configuration, see the
table “List of Pins and Pin Functions (100-Pin LQFP)”.

Figure 1.3 Pin Assignments of the 100-Pin LQFP

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RX220 Group 1. Overview




PE2 49 32 PC2
PE1 50 31 PC3
PE0 51 30 PC4
NC 52 29 PC5
RX220 Group 28
P44 55 PLQP0064KB-A 26 P54
P43 56 25 P55
P42 57 PLQP0064GA-A 24 PH0
(64-pin LQFP) 23
P40 60 (Top view) 21 PH3
VREFH0 61 20 P14
AVCC0 62 19 P15
P05 63 18 P16
AVSS0 64 17 P17







Note: • This figure indicates the power supply pins and I/O port pins. For the pin configuration,
see the table “List of Pins and Pin Functions (64-Pin LQFP)”.

Figure 1.4 Pin Assignments of the 64-Pin LQFP




PE2 37 24 PC4
PE1 38 23 PC5
NC 39 22 PC6
P46 40
RX220 Group 21 PC7
NC 20 PH0
P42 42 PLQP0048KB-A 19 PH1
P41 43

(48-pin LQFP) 18
P40 45
(Top view) 16 P14
VREFH0 46 15 P15
AVCC0 47 14 P16
AVSS0 48 13 P17





Note: • This figure indicates the power supply pins and I/O port pins. For the pin
configuration, see the table “List of Pins and Pin Functions (48-Pin LQFP)”.

Figure 1.5 Pin Assignments of the 48-Pin LQFP

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.5 List of Pins and Pin Functions (100-Pin LQFP) (1 / 3)

Pin Power Supply, Clock, Communications
No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
1 NC (Non-Connection)
2 P03
3 NC (Non-Connection)
10 RES#
11 XTAL P37
12 VSS
13 EXTAL P36
14 VCC
15 P35 NMI
35 PH3 TMCI0
37 PH1 TMO0 IRQ0
41 P53
42 P52
43 P51
44 P50

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.5 List of Pins and Pin Functions (100-Pin LQFP) (2 / 3)

Pin Power Supply, Clock, Communications
No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
56 PB4 CTS9#/RTS9#/SS9#
58 PB2 CTS6#/RTS6#/SS6#
60 VCC
62 VSS
71 PE7 IRQ7/AN015
72 PE6 IRQ6/AN014
75 PE3 MTIOC4B/POE8# CTS12#/RTS12#/SS12# AN011/CMPA1
78 PE0 SCK12 AN008
82 PD4 POE3# IRQ4
83 PD3 POE8# IRQ3
86 PD0 IRQ0
87 P47 AN007
88 P46 AN006
89 P45 AN005
90 P44 AN004

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.5 List of Pins and Pin Functions (100-Pin LQFP) (3 / 3)

Pin Power Supply, Clock, Communications
No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
91 P43 AN003
92 P42 AN002
93 P41 AN001
95 P40 AN000
97 AVCC0
98 P07 ADTRG0#
99 AVSS0
100 P05

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.6 List of Pins and Pin Functions (64-Pin LQFP) (1 / 2)

Pin Power Supply, Clock, Communication
No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
1 P03
6 RES#
7 XTAL P37
10 VCC
11 P35 NMI
21 PH3 TMCI0
23 PH1 TMO0 IRQ0
38 VCC
40 VSS

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.6 List of Pins and Pin Functions (64-Pin LQFP) (2 / 2)

Pin Power Supply, Clock, Communication
No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
48 PE3 MTIOC4B/POE8# CTS12#/RTS12#/SS12# AN011/CMPA1
51 PE0 SCK12 AN008
52 NC (Non-Connection)
53 P46 AN006
54 NC (Non-Connection)
55 P44 AN004
56 P43 AN003
57 P42 AN002
58 P41 AN001
60 P40 AN000
62 AVCC0
63 P05
64 AVSS0

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.7 List of Pins and Pin Functions (48-Pin LQFP) (1 / 2)

Power Supply, Clock, Communication
Pin No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
3 RES#
4 XTAL P37
8 P35 NMI
17 PH3 TMCI0
19 PH1 TMO0 IRQ0
28 VCC
30 VSS
36 PE3 MTIOC4B/POE8# CTS12#/RTS12# AN011/CMPA1
39 NC (Non-Connection)
40 P46 AN006
41 NC (Non-Connection)
42 P42 AN002
43 P41 AN001

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RX220 Group 1. Overview

Table 1.7 List of Pins and Pin Functions (48-Pin LQFP) (2 / 2)

Power Supply, Clock, Communication
Pin No. System Control I/O Port Timers (MTU, TMR, POE) (SCIe, SCIf, RSPI, RIIC) Others
45 P40 AN000
47 AVCC0
48 AVSS0

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

2. CPU
The RX220 Group is an MCU with the high-speed, high-performance RX CPU as its core.
A variable-length instruction format has been adopted for the RX CPU. Allocating the more frequently used instructions
to the shorter instruction lengths facilitates the development of efficient programs that take up less memory.
The CPU has 73 basic instructions and nine DSP instructions, for a total of 82 instructions. It has 10 addressing modes
and caters to register–register operations, register–memory operations, immediate–register operations, immediate–
memory operations, memory–memory transfer, and bitwise operations. High-speed operation was realized by achieving
execution in a single cycle not only for register–register operations, but also for other types of multiple instructions. The
CPU includes an internal multiplier and an internal divider for high-speed multiplication and division.
The RX CPU has a five-stage pipeline for processing instructions. The stages are instruction fetching, instruction
decoding, execution, memory access, and write-back. In cases where pipeline processing is drawn-out by memory
access, subsequent operations may in fact be executed earlier. By adopting “out-of-order completion” of this kind, the
execution of instructions is controlled to optimize numbers of clock cycles.

2.1 Features
 High instruction execution rate: One instruction in one clock cycle
 Address space: 4-Gbyte linear
 Register set of the CPU
General purpose: Sixteen 32-bit registers
Control: Eight 32-bit registers
Accumulator: One 64-bit register
 Basic instructions: 73 (arithmetic/logic instructions, data-transfer instructions, branch instructions, bit-manipulation
instructions, string-manipulation instructions, and system-manipulation instructions)
Relative branch instructions to suit branch distances
Variable-length instruction format (lengths from one to eight bytes)
Short formats for frequently used instructions
 DSP instructions: 9
Supports 16-bit  16-bit multiplication and multiply-and-accumulate operations.
Rounds the data in the accumulator.
 Addressing modes: 10
 Five-stage pipeline
Adoption of “out-of-order completion”
 Processor modes
A supervisor mode and a user mode are supported.
 Data arrangement
Selectable as little endian or big endian

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

2.2 Register Set of the CPU

The RX CPU has sixteen general-purpose registers, eight control registers, and one accumulator used for DSP

General-purpose register
b31 b0
R0 (SP)

Control register
b31 b0
ISP (Interrupt stack pointer)
USP (User stack pointer)

INTB (Interrupt table register)

PC (Program counter)

PSW (Processor status word)

BPC (Backup PC)

BPSW (Backup PSW)

FINTV (Fast interrupt vector register)

DSP instruction register

b63 b0
ACC (Accumulator)

Note 1. The stack pointer (SP) can be the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) or user stack pointer (USP), according to
the value of the U bit in the PSW register.

Figure 2.1 Register Set of the CPU

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

2.2.1 General-Purpose Registers (R0 to R15)

This CPU has sixteen general-purpose registers (R0 to R15). R1 to R15 can be used as data registers or address registers.
R0, a general-purpose register, also functions as the stack pointer (SP). The stack pointer is switched to operate as the
interrupt stack pointer (ISP) or user stack pointer (USP) by the value of the stack pointer select bit (U) in the processor
status word (PSW).

2.2.2 Control Registers

This CPU has the following eight control registers.
 Interrupt stack pointer (ISP)
 User stack pointer (USP)
 Interrupt table register (INTB)
 Program counter (PC)
 Processor status word (PSW)
 Backup PC (BPC)
 Backup PSW (BPSW)
 Fast interrupt vector register (FINTV)

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RX220 Group 2. CPU Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP)/User Stack Pointer (USP)

b31 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b31 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The stack pointer (SP) can be either of two types, the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) or the user stack pointer (USP).
Whether the stack pointer operates as the ISP or USP depends on the value of the stack pointer select bit (U) in the
processor status word (PSW).
Set the ISP or USP to a multiple of four, as this reduces the numbers of cycles required to execute interrupt sequences
and instructions entailing stack manipulation. Interrupt Table Register (INTB)

b31 b0

Value after reset: Undefined

The interrupt table register (INTB) specifies the address where the relocatable vector table starts. Program Counter (PC)

b31 b0

Value after reset: Contents of addresses FFFFFFFCh to FFFFFFFFh

The program counter (PC) indicates the address of the instruction being executed.

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RX220 Group 2. CPU Processor Status Word (PSW)

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — IPL[3:0] — — — PM — — U I

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — O S Z C

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 C Carry Flag 0: No carry has occurred. R/W
1: A carry has occurred.
b1 Z Zero Flag 0: Result is non-zero. R/W
1: Result is 0.
b2 S Sign Flag 0: Result is a positive value or 0. R/W
1: Result is a negative value.
b3 O Overflow Flag 0: No overflow has occurred. R/W
1: An overflow has occurred.
b15 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b16 I*1 Interrupt Enable 0: Interrupt disabled. R/W
1: Interrupt enabled.
b17 U*1 Stack Pointer Select 0: Interrupt stack pointer (ISP) is selected. R/W
1: User stack pointer (USP) is selected.
b19, b18 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b20 PM*1,*2,*3 Processor Mode Select 0: Supervisor mode is selected. R/W
1: User mode is selected.
b23 to b21 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b27 to b24 IPL[3:0]*1 Processor Interrupt Priority Level b27 b24 R/W
0 0 0 0: Priority level 0 (lowest)
0 0 0 1: Priority level 1
0 0 1 0: Priority level 2
0 0 1 1: Priority level 3
0 1 0 0: Priority level 4
0 1 0 1: Priority level 5
0 1 1 0: Priority level 6
0 1 1 1: Priority level 7
1 0 0 0: Priority level 8
1 0 0 1: Priority level 9
1 0 1 0: Priority level 10
1 0 1 1: Priority level 11
1 1 0 0: Priority level 12
1 1 0 1: Priority level 13
1 1 1 0: Priority level 14
1 1 1 1: Priority level 15 (highest)
b31 to b28 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. In user mode, writing to the IPL[3:0], PM, U, and I bits by an MVTC or a POPC instruction is ignored. Writing to the IPL[3:0] bits
by an MVTIPL instruction generates a privileged instruction exception.
Note 2. In supervisor mode, writing to the PM bit by an MVTC or a POPC instruction is ignored, but writing to the other bits is possible.
Note 3. Switching from supervisor mode to user mode requires execution of an RTE instruction after having set the PSW.PM bit saved on
the stack to 1 or executing an RTFI instruction after having set the BPSW.PM bit to 1.

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

The processor status word (PSW) indicates the results of instruction execution or the state of the CPU.

C Flag (Carry Flag)

This flag indicates whether a carry, borrow, or shift-out has occurred as the result of an operation.

Z Flag (Zero Flag)

This flag indicates that the result of an operation was 0.

S Flag (Sign Flag)

This flag indicates that the result of an operation was negative.

O Flag (Overflow Flag)

This flag indicates that an overflow occurred during an operation.

I Bit (Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables interrupt requests. When an exception is accepted, the value of this bit becomes 0.

U Bit (Stack Pointer Select)

This bit specifies the stack pointer as either the ISP or USP. When an exception request is accepted, this bit is set to 0.
When the processor mode is switched from supervisor mode to user mode, this bit is set to 1.

PM Bit (Processor Mode Select)

This bit specifies the processor mode. When an exception is accepted, the value of this bit becomes 0.

IPL[3:0] Bits (Processor Interrupt Priority Level)

The IPL[3:0] bits specify the processor interrupt priority level as one of sixteen levels from zero to fifteen, wherein
priority level zero is the lowest and priority level fifteen the highest. When the priority level of a requested interrupt is
higher than the processor interrupt priority level, the interrupt is enabled. Setting the IPL[3:0] bits to level fifteen (Fh)
disables all interrupt requests. The IPL[3:0] bits are set to level fifteen (Fh) when a non-maskable interrupt is generated.
When interrupts are generated, the bits are set to the priority levels of accepted interrupts. Backup PC (BPC)

b31 b0

Value after reset: Undefined

The backup PC (BPC) is provided to speed up response to interrupts.

After a fast interrupt has been generated, the contents of the program counter (PC) are saved in the BPC register.

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RX220 Group 2. CPU Backup PSW (BPSW)

b31 b0

Value after reset: Undefined

The backup PSW (BPSW) is provided to speed up response to interrupts.

After a fast interrupt has been generated, the contents of the processor status word (PSW) are saved in the BPSW. The
allocation of bits in the BPSW corresponds to that in the PSW. Fast Interrupt Vector Register (FINTV)

b31 b0

Value after reset: Undefined

The fast interrupt vector register (FINTV) is provided to speed up response to interrupts.
The FINTV register specifies a branch destination address when a fast interrupt has been generated.

2.2.3 Register Associated with DSP Instructions Accumulator (ACC)

Range for reading by MVFACMI
b63 b48 b47 b32 b31 b16 b15 b0

Range for reading and writing by

MVTACHI and MVFACHI Range for writing by MVTACLO
Value after reset: Undefined

The accumulator (ACC) is a 64-bit register used for DSP instructions. The accumulator is also used for the multiply and
multiply-and-accumulate instructions; EMUL, EMULU, MUL, and RMPA, in which case the prior value in the
accumulator is modified by execution of the instruction.
Use the MVTACHI and MVTACLO instructions for writing to the accumulator. The MVTACHI and MVTACLO
instructions write data to the higher-order 32 bits (bits 63 to 32) and the lower-order 32 bits (bits 31 to 0), respectively.
Use the MVFACHI and MVFACMI instructions for reading data from the accumulator. The MVFACHI and MVFACMI
instructions read data from the higher-order 32 bits (bits 63 to 32) and the middle 32 bits (bits 47 to 16), respectively.

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

2.3 Processor Mode

The RX CPU supports two processor modes, supervisor and user. These processor modes enable the realization of a
hierarchical CPU resource protection.
Each processor mode imposes a level on rights of access to the CPU resources and the instructions that can be executed.
Supervisor mode carries greater rights than those of user mode.
The initial state after a reset is supervisor mode.

2.3.1 Supervisor Mode

In supervisor mode, all CPU resources are accessible and all instructions are available. However, writing to the processor
mode select bit (PM) in the processor status word (PSW) by executing an MVTC or a POPC instruction will be ignored.
For details on how to write to the PM bit, refer to section, Processor Status Word (PSW).

2.3.2 User Mode

In user mode, write access to the CPU resources listed below is restricted. The restriction applies to any instruction
capable of write access.
 Some bits (bits IPL[3:0], PM, U, and I) in the processor status word (PSW)
 Interrupt stack pointer (ISP)
 Interrupt table register (INTB)
 Backup PSW (BPSW)
 Backup PC (BPC)
 Fast interrupt vector register (FINTV)

2.3.3 Privileged Instruction

Privileged instructions can only be executed in supervisor mode. Executing a privileged instruction in user mode
produces a privileged instruction exception. Privileged instructions include the RTFI, MVTIPL, RTE, and WAIT

2.3.4 Switching between Processor Modes

Manipulating the processor mode select bit (PM) in the processor status word (PSW) switches the processor mode.
However, rewriting to the PM bit by executing an MVTC or a POPC instruction is prohibited. Switch the processor mode
by following the procedures described below.

(1) Switching from user mode to supervisor mode

After an exception has been generated, the PSW.PM bit is set to 0 and the CPU switches to supervisor mode. The
hardware pre-processing is executed in supervisor mode. The state of the processor mode before the exception was
generated is retained in the copy of PSW.PM bit is saved on the stack.

(2) Switching from supervisor mode to user mode

Executing an RTE instruction when the value of the copy of the PSW.PM bit that has been preserved on the stack is 1 or
an RTFI instruction when the value of the copy of the PSW.PM bit that has been preserved in the backup PSW (BPSW)
is 1 causes a transition to user mode. In the transition to user mode, the value of the stack pointer designation bit (the U
bit in the PSW) becomes 1.

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

2.4 Data Types

The RX CPU can handle three types of data: integer, bit, and string.
For details, refer to RX Family User's Manual: Software.

2.5 Endian
For the RX CPU, instructions are little endian, but the data arrangement is selectable as little or big endian.

2.5.1 Switching the Endian

As arrangements of bytes, the RX220 Group supports both big endian, where the higher-order byte (MSB) is at location
0, and little endian, where the lower-order byte (LSB) is at location 0.
For details on the endian setting, see section 3, Operating Modes.
Operations for access differ according to the endian setting and, depending on the instruction, whether 8-, 16- or 32-bit
access has been selected. Operations for access in the various possible cases are described in Table 2.1 to Table 2.12.
In the tables,
LL indicates bits D7 to D0 of the general-purpose register,
LH indicates bits D15 to D8 of the general-purpose register,
HL indicates bits D23 to D16 of the general-purpose register, and
HH indicates bits D31 to D24 of the general-purpose register.

D31 to D24 D23 to D16 D15 to D8 D7 to D0

General purpose register: Rm HH HL LH LL

Table 2.1 32-Bit Read Operations when Little Endian has been Selected
Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit
Address of src from address 0 from address 1 from address 2 from address 3 from address 4
Address 0 Transfer to LL — — — —
Address 1 Transfer to LH Transfer to LL — — —
Address 2 Transfer to HL Transfer to LH Transfer to LL — —
Address 3 Transfer to HH Transfer to HL Transfer to LH Transfer to LL —
Address 4 — Transfer to HH Transfer to HL Transfer to LH Transfer to LL
Address 5 — — Transfer to HH Transfer to HL Transfer to LH
Address 6 — — — Transfer to HH Transfer to HL
Address 7 — — — — Transfer to HH

Table 2.2 32-Bit Read Operations when Big Endian has been Selected
Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit Reading a 32-bit unit
Address of src from address 0 from address 1 from address 2 from address 3 from address 4
Address 0 Transfer to HH — — — —
Address 1 Transfer to HL Transfer to HH — — —
Address 2 Transfer to LH Transfer to HL Transfer to HH — —
Address 3 Transfer to LL Transfer to LH Transfer to HL Transfer to HH —
Address 4 — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH Transfer to HL Transfer to HH
Address 5 — — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH Transfer to HL
Address 6 — — — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH
Address 7 — — — — Transfer to LL

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Table 2.3 32-Bit Write Operations when Little Endian has been Selected

Address Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit
of dest to address 0 to address 1 to address 2 to address 3 to address 4
Address 0 Transfer from LL — — — —
Address 1 Transfer from LH Transfer from LL — — —
Address 2 Transfer from HL Transfer from LH Transfer from LL — —
Address 3 Transfer from HH Transfer from HL Transfer from LH Transfer from LL —
Address 4 — Transfer from HH Transfer from HL Transfer from LH Transfer from LL
Address 5 — — Transfer from HH Transfer from HL Transfer from LH
Address 6 — — — Transfer from HH Transfer from HL
Address 7 — — — — Transfer from HH

Table 2.4 32-Bit Write Operations when Big Endian has been Selected

Address Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit Writing a 32-bit unit
of dest to address 0 to address 1 to address 2 to address 3 to address 4
Address 0 Transfer from HH — — — —
Address 1 Transfer from HL Transfer from HH — — —
Address 2 Transfer from LH Transfer from HL Transfer from HH — —
Address 3 Transfer from LL Transfer from LH Transfer from HL Transfer from HH —
Address 4 — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH Transfer from HL Transfer from HH
Address 5 — — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH Transfer from HL
Address 6 — — — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH
Address 7 — — — — Transfer from LL

Table 2.5 16-Bit Read Operations when Little Endian has been Selected
Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
Address a 16-bit unit from a 16-bit unit from a 16-bit unit from a 16-bit unit from a 16-bit unit from a 16-bit unit from a 16-bit unit from
of src address 0 address 1 address 2 address 3 address 4 address 5 address 6
Address 0 Transfer to LL — — — — — —
Address 1 Transfer to LH Transfer to LL — — — — —
Address 2 — Transfer to LH Transfer to LL — — — —
Address 3 — — Transfer to LH Transfer to LL — — —
Address 4 — — — Transfer to LH Transfer to LL — —
Address 5 — — — — Transfer to LH Transfer to LL —
Address 6 — — — — — Transfer to LH Transfer to LL
Address 7 — — — — — — Transfer to LH

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Table 2.6 16-Bit Read Operations when Big Endian has been Selected
Operation Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
a 16-bit unit a 16-bit unit a 16-bit unit a 16-bit unit a 16-bit unit a 16-bit unit a 16-bit unit
Address from address from address from address from address from address from address from address
of src 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Address 0 Transfer to LH — — — — — —
Address 1 Transfer to LL Transfer to LH — — — — —
Address 2 — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH — — — —
Address 3 — — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH — — —
Address 4 — — — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH — —
Address 5 — — — — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH —
Address 6 — — — — — Transfer to LL Transfer to LH
Address 7 — — — — — — Transfer to LL

Table 2.7 16-Bit Write Operations when Little Endian has been Selected
Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing
Address a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to
of dest address 0 address 1 address 2 address 3 address 4 address 5 address 6
Address 0 Transfer from LL — — — — — —
Address 1 Transfer from LH Transfer from LL — — — — —
Address 2 — Transfer from LH Transfer from LL — — — —
Address 3 — — Transfer from LH Transfer from LL — — —
Address 4 — — — Transfer from LH Transfer from LL — —
Address 5 — — — — Transfer from LH Transfer from LL —
Address 6 — — — — — Transfer from LH Transfer from LL
Address 7 — — — — — — Transfer from LH

Table 2.8 16-Bit Write Operations when Big Endian has been Selected
Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing
Address a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to a 16-bit unit to
of dest address 0 address 1 address 2 address 3 address 4 address 5 address 6
Address 0 Transfer from LH — — — — — —
Address 1 Transfer from LL Transfer from LH — — — — —
Address 2 — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH — — — —
Address 3 — — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH — — —
Address 4 — — — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH — —
Address 5 — — — — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH —
Address 6 — — — — — Transfer from LL Transfer from LH
Address 7 — — — — — — Transfer from LL

Table 2.9 8-Bit Read Operations when Little Endian has been Selected
Operation Reading an 8-bit unit Reading an 8-bit unit Reading an 8-bit unit Reading an 8-bit unit
Address of src from address 0 from address 1 from address 2 from address 3
Address 0 Transfer to LL — — —
Address 1 — Transfer to LL — —
Address 2 — — Transfer to LL —
Address 3 — — — Transfer to LL

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Table 2.10 8-Bit Read Operations when Big Endian has been Selected
Operation Reading an 8-bit unit Reading an 8-bit unit Reading an 8-bit unit Reading an 8-bit unit
Address of src from address 0 from address 1 from address 2 from address 3
Address 0 Transfer to LL — — —
Address 1 — Transfer to LL — —
Address 2 — — Transfer to LL —
Address 3 — — — Transfer to LL

Table 2.11 8-Bit Write Operations when Little Endian has been Selected
Operation Writing an 8-bit unit to Writing an 8-bit unit to Writing an 8-bit unit to Writing an 8-bit unit to
Address of dest address 0 address 1 address 2 address 3
Address 0 Transfer from LL — — —
Address 1 — Transfer from LL — —
Address 2 — — Transfer from LL —
Address 3 — — — Transfer from LL

Table 2.12 8-Bit Write Operations when Big Endian has been Selected
Operation Writing an 8-bit unit to Writing an 8-bit unit to Writing an 8-bit unit to Writing an 8-bit unit to
Address of dest address 0 address 1 address 2 address 3
Address 0 Transfer from LL — — —
Address 1 — Transfer from LL — —
Address 2 — — Transfer from LL —
Address 3 — — — Transfer from LL

2.5.2 Access to I/O Registers

The addresses of I/O registers are fixed, and this is regardless of whether the setting is for little endian or big endian.
Accordingly, changes to the endian do not affect access to I/O registers. For the arrangements of I/O registers, refer to the
descriptions of registers in the relevant sections.

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2.5.3 Notes on Access to I/O Registers

Ensure that access to I/O registers is in accord with the following rules.
 With I/O registers for which a bus width of eight bits is indicated, use instructions having operands of the same
width (eight bits). That is, access these registers by using instructions with .B as the size specifier (.size), or with .B
or .UB as the size-extension specifier (.memex).
 With I/O registers for which a bus width of 16 bits is indicated, use instructions having operands of the same width
(16 bits). That is, access these registers by using instructions with .W as the size specifier (.size), or with .W or .UW
as the size-extension specifier (.memex).
 With I/O registers for which a bus width of 32 bits is indicated, use instructions having operands of the same width
(32 bits). That is, access these registers by using instructions with .L as the size specifier (.size), or with .L size-
extension specifier (.memex).

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2.5.4 Data Arrangement Data Arrangement in Registers

Figure 2.2 shows the relation between the sizes of registers and bit numbers.

b7 b0
Byte (8-bit) data

b15 b0
Word (16-bit) data

b31 b0
Longword (32-bit) data


Figure 2.2 Data Arrangement in Registers Data Arrangement in Memory

Data in memory have three sizes: byte (8-bit), word (16-bit), and longword (32-bit). The data arrangement is selectable
as little endian or big endian. Figure 2.3 shows the arrangement of data in memory.

Data type Address Data image Data image

(Little endian) (Big endian)

b7 b0 b7 b0
1-bit data Address L 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Byte data Address L MSB LSB MSB LSB

Word data Address M LSB MSB

Address M+1 MSB LSB

Longword data Address N LSB MSB

Address N+1

Address N+2

Address N+3 MSB LSB

Figure 2.3 Data Arrangement in Memory

2.5.5 Notes on the Allocation of Instruction Codes

The allocation of instruction codes to an external space where the endian differs from that of the chip is prohibited. If the
instruction codes are allocated to the external space, they must be allocated to areas where the endian setting is the same
as that for the chip.

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2.6 Vector Table

There are two types of vector table: fixed and relocatable. Each vector in the vector table consists of four bytes and
specifies the address where the corresponding exception handling routine starts.

2.6.1 Fixed Vector Table

The fixed vector table is allocated to a fixed address range. The individual vectors for the privileged instruction
exception, undefined instruction exception, non-maskable interrupt, and reset are allocated to addresses in the range from
FFFFFF80h to FFFFFFFFh. Figure 2.4 shows the fixed vector table.


FFFFFF80h (Reserved)

FFFFFFCCh (Reserved)

FFFFFFD0h Privileged instruction exception

FFFFFFD4h (Reserved)

FFFFFFD8h (Reserved)

FFFFFFDCh Undefined instruction exception

FFFFFFE0h (Reserved)

FFFFFFE4h (Reserved)

FFFFFFE8h (Reserved)

FFFFFFECh (Reserved)

FFFFFFF0h (Reserved)

FFFFFFF4h (Reserved)

FFFFFFF8h Non-maskable interrupt


Figure 2.4 Fixed Vector Table

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2.6.2 Relocatable Vector Table

The address where the relocatable vector table is placed can be adjusted. The table is a 1,024-byte region that contains all
vectors for unconditional traps and interrupts and starts at the address (IntBase) specified in the interrupt table register
(INTB). Figure 2.5 shows the relocatable vector table.
Each vector in the relocatable vector table has a vector number from 0 to 255. Each of the INT instructions, which act as
the sources of unconditional traps, is allocated to the vector that has the same number as is specified as the operand of the
instruction itself (from 0 to 255). The BRK instruction is allocated to the vector with number 0. Furthermore, vector
numbers (from 0 to 255) are allocated to interrupt requests in a fixed way for each product. For more on interrupt vector
numbers, see section 14.3.1, Interrupt Vector Table.

b31 b0
INTB IntBase


Interrupt vectors are

allocated in this order.


Figure 2.5 Relocatable Vector Table

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2.7 Operation of Instructions

2.7.1 Data Prefetching by the RMPA Instruction and the String-Manipulation

The RMPA instruction and the string-manipulation instructions except the SSTR instruction (that is, SCMPU, SMOVB,
SMOVF, SMOVU, SUNTIL, and SWHILE instructions) may prefetch data from the memory to speed up the read
processing. Data is prefetched from the prefetching start position with three bytes as the upper limit. The prefetching start
positions of each operation are shown below.
 RMPA instruction: The multiplicand address specified by R1, and the multiplier address specified by R2
 SCMPU instruction: The source address specified by R1 for comparison, and the destination address specified by
R2 for comparison
 SUNTIL and SWHILE instructions: The destination address specified by R1 for comparison
 SMOVB, SMOVF, and SMOVU instructions: The source address specified by R2 for transfer

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2.8 Pipeline

2.8.1 Overview
The RX CPU has 5-stage pipeline structure. The RX CPU instruction is converted into one or more micro-operations,
which are then executed in pipeline processing. In the pipeline stage, the IF stage is executed in the unit of instructions,
while the D and subsequent stages are executed in the unit of micro-operations.
The operation of pipeline and respective stages is described below.

(1) IF stage (instruction fetch stage)

In the IF stage, the CPU fetches instructions from the memory. As the RX CPU has four 4-byte instruction queues, it
fetches instructions until the instruction queue is full, regardless of the completion of decoding in the D (decoding) stage.

(2) D stage (decoding stage)

The CPU decodes instructions in the D stage and converts them into micro-operations. The CPU reads the register
information (RF) in this stage and executes a bypass process (BYP) if the result of the preceding instruction will be used
in a subsequent instruction. The write of operation result to the register (RW) can be executed with the register reference
by using the bypass process.

(3) E stage (execution stage)

Operations and address calculations (OP) are processed in the E stage.

(4) M stage (memory access stage)

Operand memory accesses (OA1, OA2) are processed in the M stage. This stage is used only when the memory is
accessed, and is divided into two sub-stages, M1 and M2. The RX CPU enables respective memory accesses for M1 and
 M1 stage (memory-access stage 1)
Operand memory access (OA1) is processed.
Store operation: The pipeline processing ends when a write request is received via the bus.
Load operation: The operation proceeds to the M2 stage when a read request is received via the bus. If a request and
load data are received at the same timing (no-wait memory access), the operation proceeds to the WB stage.
 M2 stage (memory-access stage 2)
Operand memory access (OA2) is processed. The CPU waits for the load data in the M2 stage. When the load data
is received, the operation proceeds to the WB stage.

(5) WB stage (write-back stage)

The operation result and the data read from memory are written to the register (RW) in the WB stage. The data read from
memory and the other type of data, such as the operation result, can be written to the register in the same clock cycles.

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Figure 2.6 shows the pipeline configuration and its operation.

One cycle

M stage
Pipeline stage IF stage D stage E stage M1 stage M2 stage WB stage

Execution processing IF DEC OP RW

Figure 2.6 Pipeline Configuration and its Operation

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2.8.2 Instructions and Pipeline Processing

The operands in the table below indicate the following meaning.
#IMM: Immediate
flag: bit, flag
Rs, Rs2, Rd, Rd2, Ri, Rb: General-purpose register
CR: Control register
dsp: displacement
pcdsp: displacement Instructions Converted into Single Micro-Operation and Pipeline Processing

The table below lists the instructions that are converted into a single micro-operation. The number of cycles in the table
indicates the number of cycles during no-wait memory access.

Table 2.13 Instructions that are Converted into a Single Micro-Operation

Mnemonic (indicates the common operation when Reference Number of
Instruction the size is omitted) Figure Cycles
Arithmetic/logic instructions  {ABS, NEG, NOT} “Rd”/“Rs, Rd” Figure 2.7 1
(register-register, immediate-register)  {ADC, MAX, MIN, ROTL, ROTR, XOR} “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs,
DIVU and SATR  ADD “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd”/“#IMM, Rs, Rd”/“Rs, Rs2, Rd”
 {AND, MUL, OR, SUB} “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd”/“Rs, Rs2, Rd”
 {CMP, TST} “#IMM, Rs”/“Rs, Rs2”
 {ROLC, RORC, SAT} “Rd”
 SBB “Rs, Rd”
 {SHAR, SHLL, SHLR} “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd”/“#IMM, Rs,
Arithmetic/logic instructions (division)  DIV “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd” Figure 2.7 3 to 20*1
 DIVU “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd” Figure 2.7 2 to 18*1
Data transfer instructions  MOV “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd” Figure 2.7 1
(register-register, immediate-register)  {MOVU, REVL, REVW} “Rs, Rd”
 SCCnd “Rd”
 {STNZ, STZ} “#IMM, Rd”
Transfer instructions (load operation)  {MOV, MOVU} “[Rs], Rd”/“dsp[Rs], Rd”/“[Rs+], Rd”/“[-Rs], Figure 2.8 Throughput: 1
Rd”/“[Ri, Rb], Rd” Latency: 2*2
 POP “Rd”
Transfer instructions (store operation)  MOV “Rs, [Rd]”/“Rs, dsp[Rd]”/“Rs, [Rd+]”/“Rs, [-Rd]”/“Rs, Figure 2.9 1
[Ri, Rb]”/“#IMM, dsp[Rd]”/“#IMM, [Rd]”
 PUSH “Rs”
 SCCnd “[Rd]”/“dsp[Rd]”
Bit manipulation instructions (register)  {BCLR, BNOT, BSET} “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd” Figure 2.7 1
 BMCnd “#IMM, Rd”
 BTST “#IMM, Rs”/“Rs, Rs2”
Branch instructions  BCnd “pcdsp” Figure 2.17 Branch taken: 3
 {BRA, BSR} “pcdsp”/“Rs” Branch not
 {JMP, JSR} “Rs” taken: 1
System manipulation instructions  {CLRPSW, SETPSW} “flag” — 1
 MVTC “#IMM, CR”/“Rs, CR”
 MVFC “CR, Rd”
DSP instructions  {MACHI, MACLO, MULHI, MULLO} “Rs, Rs2” Figure 2.7 1

Note 1. The number of cycles for the dividing instruction varies according to the divisor and dividend.
Note 2. For the number of cycles for throughput and latency, see section 2.8.3, Calculation of the Instruction Processing Time.

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Figure 2.7 to Figure 2.9 show the operation of instructions that are converted into a basic single micro-operation.

4 stages


Note: • Multi-cycle instructions (DIV, DIVU) are executed in multiple cycles in the E stage.


Figure 2.7 Operation for Register-Register, Immediate-Register

5 stages

MOV [R1], R2 IF D E M1 WB

Note: • When the load operation is executed to the no-wait memory, the M1 stage is executed in
one cycle. In other cases, the M stage (M1 or M2) is executed in multiple cycles.

MOV [R1], R2 IF D E M1 M1 M2 WB

Figure 2.8 Load Operation

4 stages

MOV R2, [R1] IF D E M1

Note: • The M1 stage is executed until a write request is received during the store operation.
(If the store operation is executed to the no-wait memory, the M1 stage is executed in
one cycle.)

IF D E M1 M1 M1

Figure 2.9 Store Operation

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RX220 Group 2. CPU Instructions Converted into Multiple Micro-Operations and Pipeline Processing

The table below lists the instructions that are converted into multiple micro-operations. The number of cycles in the table
indicates the number of cycles during no-wait memory access.

Table 2.14 Instructions that are Converted into Multiple Micro-Operations (1/2)
Mnemonic (indicates the common operation when Reference
Instruction the size is omitted) Figure Number of Cycles
Arithmetic/logic instructions  {ADC, ADD, AND, MAX, MIN, MUL, OR, SBB, SUB, Figure 2.10 3
(memory source operand) XOR} “[Rs], Rd”/“dsp[Rs], Rd”
 {CMP, TST} “[Rs], Rs2”/“dsp[Rs], Rs2”
Arithmetic/logic instructions  DIV “[Rs],Rd / dsp[Rs],Rd” — 5 to 22
(division)  DIVU“[Rs],Rd / dsp[Rs],Rd” — 4 to 20
Arithmetic/logic instruction  {EMUL, EMULU} “#IMM, Rd”/“Rs, Rd” Figure 2.12 2
(multiplier: 32 × 32  64 bits)
(register-register, register-
Arithmetic/logic instruction  {EMUL, EMULU} “[Rs], Rd”/“dsp[Rs], Rd” — 4
(multiplier: 32 × 32  64 bits)
(memory source operand)
Arithmetic/logic instructions  RMPA.B — 6+7×floor(n/4)+4×(n%4)
(multiply-and-accumulate n: Number of processing
operation) bytes*1
 RMPA.W — 6+5×floor(n/2)+4×(n%2)
n: Number of processing
 RMPA.L — 6+4n
n: Number of processing
Arithmetic/logic instruction (64-bit  SATR — 3
signed saturation processing for
the RMPA instruction)
Data transfer instructions  MOV “[Rs], [Rd]”/“dsp[Rs], [Rd]”/“[Rs], dsp[Rd]”/ Figure 2.11 3
(memory-memory transfer) “dsp[Rs], dsp[Rd]”
 PUSH “[Rs]”/“dsp[Rs]”
Bit manipulation instructions  {BCLR, BNOT, BSET} “#IMM, [Rd]”/“#IMM, dsp[Rd]”/ Figure 2.11 3
(memory source operand) “Rs, [Rd]”/“Rs, dsp[Rd]”
 BMCnd “#IMM, [Rd]”/“#IMM, dsp[Rd]”
 BTST “#IMM, [Rs]”/“#IMM, dsp[Rs]”/“Rs, [Rs2]”/“Rs,
Transfer instruction  POPC “CR” — Throughput: 3
(load operation) Latency: 4*2
Transfer instruction (save  PUSHM “Rs-Rs2” — n
operation of multiple registers) n: Number of registers*3
Transfer instruction (restore  POPM “Rs-Rs2” — Throughput: n
operation of multiple registers) Latency: n+1
n: Number of
Transfer instruction  XCHG “Rs, Rd” Figure 2.13 2
Transfer instruction  XCHG “[Rs], Rd”/“dsp[Rs], Rd” Figure 2.14 2
Branch instructions  RTS — 5
 RTSD “#IMM” — 5
 RTSD “#IMM, Rd-Rd2” — Throughput: n<5?5:1+n
Latency: n<4?5:2+n
n: Number of registers*2

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Table 2.14 Instructions that are Converted into Multiple Micro-Operations (2/2)
Mnemonic (indicates the common operation when Reference
Instruction the size is omitted) Figure Number of Cycles
String manipulation instructions*5  SCMPU — 2+4×floor(n/4)+4×(n%4)
n: Number of comparison
 SMOVB — n>3?
n: Number of transfer
 SMOVF, SMOVU — 2+3×floor(n/4)+3×(n%4)
n: Number of transfer
 SSTR.B — 2+floor(n/4)+n%4
n: Number of transfer
 SSTR.W — 2+floor(n/2)+n%2
n: Number of transfer
 SSTR.L — 2+n
n: Number of transfer
 SUNTIL.B, SWHILE.B — 3+3×floor(n/4)+3×(n%4)
n: Number of comparison
 SUNTIL.W, SWHILE.W — 3+3×floor(n/2)+3×(n%2)
n: Number of comparison
 SUNTIL.L, SWHILE.L — 3+3×n
n: Number of comparison
System manipulation instructions  RTE — 6
 RTFI — 3
?: Conditional operator

Note 1. floor(x): Max. integer that is smaller than x

Note 2. For the number of cycles for throughput and latency, see section 2.8.3, Calculation of the Instruction Processing Time.
Note 3. The PUSHM instruction is converted into multiple store operations. The pipeline processing is the same as the one for the store
operations of the MOV instruction, where the operation is repeated for the number of specified registers.
Note 4. The POPM instruction is converted into multiple load operations. The pipeline processing is the same as the one for the load
operations of the MOV instruction, where the operation is repeated for the number of specified registers.
Note 5. Each of the SCMPU, SMOVU, SWHILE, and SUNTIL instructions ends the execution regardless of the specified cycles, if the
end condition is satisfied during execution.

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Figure 2.10 to Figure 2.14 show the operation of instructions that are converted into basic multiple micro-operations.
Note: • mop: Micro-operation, stall: Pipeline stall

ADD [R1], R2 IF D E M1 Bypass process (mop1) load

D stall E WB (mop2) add

Figure 2.10 Arithmetic/Logic Instruction (Memory Source Operand)

Load data
Bit manipulation,
store operation
MOV [R1], [R2] IF D E M1 (mop1) load
D E M1 M1 (mop2) bit manipulation, store

Figure 2.11 MOV Instruction (Memory-Memory), Bit Manipulation Instruction (Memory Source Operand)

IF D E WB (mop1) emul-1 Write to R4

D E WB (mop2) emul-2 Write to R5

Figure 2.12 EMUL, EMULU Instructions (Register- Register, Register-Immediate)

XCHG R1, R2 IF D E WB (mop1) xchg-1 Read from/Write to the register

D E WB (mop2) xchg-2 Write to the register

Figure 2.13 XCHG Instruction (Registers)

XCHG [R1], R2 IF D E M1 WB (mop1) load

D E M1 (mop2) store

Figure 2.14 XCHG Instruction (Memory Source Operand)

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RX220 Group 2. CPU Pipeline Basic Operation

In the ideal pipeline processing, each stage is executed in one cycle, though all instructions may not be pipelined in due
to the processing in each stage and the branch execution.
The CPU controls the pipeline stage with the IF stage in the unit of instructions, while the D and subsequent stages in the
unit of micro-operations.
The figures below show the pipeline processing of typical cases.
Note: • mop: Micro-operation, stall: Pipeline stall

(1) Pipeline Flow with Stalls

DIV R1, R2 IF D E E E WB (mop) div

ADD R3, R4 IF D stall stall E WB (mop) add

ADD R5, R6 IF stall stall D E WB (mop) add

Figure 2.15 When an Instruction which Requires Multiple Cycles is Executed in the E Stage

Other than no-wait

memory access

MOV [R1], R2 IF D E M M M WB (mop) load

MOV [R3], R4 IF D E stall stall M WB (mop) load

ADD R5, R6 IF D stall stall E WB (mop) add

Figure 2.16 When an Instruction which Requires more than One Cycle for its Operand Access is Executed

Branch instruction is executed

IF D E (mop) jump
Branch penalty
Two cycles


Figure 2.17 When a Branch Instruction is Executed (an Unconditional Branch Instruction is Executed or
the Condition is Satisfied for a Conditional Branch Instruction)

MOV [R2], R1 IF D E M WB (mop) load

Bypass process
ADD R2, R1 IF D stall E WB (mop) add

Figure 2.18 When the Subsequent Instruction Uses an Operand Read from the Memory

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(2) Pipeline Flow with no Stall

(a) Bypass process

Even when the result of the preceding instruction will be used in a subsequent instruction, the operation processing
between registers is pipelined in by the bypass process.

ADD R1, R2 IF D E WB (mop) add

Bypass process
SUB R3, R2 IF D E WB (mop) sub

Figure 2.19 Bypass Process

(b) When WB stages for the memory load and for the operation are overlapped
Even when the WB stages for the memory load and for the operation are overlapped, the operation processing is
pipelined in, because the load data and the operation result can be written to the register at the same timing.

MOV [R1], R2 IF D E M WB (mop) load Executed at the same timing even

when the WB stages are
ADD R5, R3 IF D E WB (mop) add overlapped

Figure 2.20 When WB Stages for the Memory Load and for the Operation are Overlapped

(c) When subsequent instruction writes to the same register before the end of memory load
Even when the subsequent instruction writes to the same register before the end of memory load, the operation
processing is pipelined in, because the WB stage for the memory load is canceled.

MOV [R1], R2 IF D E M M WB (mop) load

IF D E WB (Canceled when the register number

matches either of them)



Figure 2.21 When Subsequent Instruction Writes to the Same Register before the End of Memory Load

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(d) When the load data is not used by the subsequent instruction
When the load data is not used by the subsequent instruction, the subsequent operations are in fact executed earlier and
the operation processing ends (out-of-order completion).

MOV [R1], R2 IF D E M M M WB (mop) load

ADD R4, R5 IF D E WB (mop) add

SUB R6, R7 IF D E WB (mop) sub

Figure 2.22 When Load Data is not Used by the Subsequent Instruction

2.8.3 Calculation of the Instruction Processing Time

Though the instruction processing time of the CPU varies according to the pipeline processing, the approximate time can
be calculated in the following methods.
 Count the number of cycles (see Table 2.13 and Table 2.14)
 When the load data is used by the subsequent instruction, the number of cycles described as “latency” is counted as
the number of cycles for the memory load instruction. For the cycles other than the memory load instruction, the
number of cycles described as “throughput” is counted.
 If the instruction fetch stall is generated, the number of cycles increments.
 Depending on the system configuration, multiple cycles are required for the memory access.

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RX220 Group 2. CPU

2.8.4 Numbers of Cycles for Response to Interrupts

Table 2.15 lists numbers of cycles taken by processing for response to interrupts.

Table 2.15 Numbers of Cycles for Response to Interrupts

Type of Interrupt Request/Details of Processing Fast Interrupt Other Interrupts
ICU 2 cycles
Judgment of priority order
CPU N cycles
Number of cycles from notification to acceptance of (varies with the instruction being executed at the time the interrupt was
the interrupt request received)
CPU Pre-processing by hardware 4 cycles 6 cycles
Saving the current PC and PSW values in RAM
(or in control registers in the case of the fast interrupt)
Reading of the vector
Branching to the start of the exception handling

Times calculated from the values in Table 2.15 will be applicable when access to memory from the CPU is processed
with no waiting. The RAM and ROM in products of the RX220 Groups allow such access. Numbers of cycles for
response to interrupts can be minimized by placing program code (and vectors) in ROM and the stack in RAM.
Furthermore, place the addresses where the exception handling routine start on eight-byte boundaries.
For information on the number of cycles from notification to acceptance of the interrupt request, indicated by N in the
table above, see Table 2.13, Instructions that are Converted into a Single Micro-Operation, and Table 2.14,
Instructions that are Converted into Multiple Micro-Operations.
The timing of interrupt acceptance depends on the state of the pipelines. For more information on this, see section
13.3.1, Acceptance Timing and Saved PC Value.

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RX220 Group 3. Operating Modes

3. Operating Modes
3.1 Operating Mode Types and Selection
There are two types of operating-mode selection: one is be selected by the level on pins at the time of release from the
reset state, and the other is selected by software after release from the reset state.
Table 3.1 shows the relationship between levels on the mode-setting pins (MD, PC7) on release from the reset state and
the operating mode selected at that time. For details on each of the operating modes, see section 3.3, Details of
Operating Modes.

Table 3.1 Selection of Operating Modes by the Mode-Setting Pins

Mode-Setting Pin
MD*1 PC7*2 Operating Mode On-chip ROM*3
High — Single-chip mode Enabled
Low Low Boot mode Enabled
High User boot mode Enabled

Note 1. Do not change the level on the MD pin while the MCU is operating.
Note 2. The PC7 pin can also be used as a general port pin.
Note 3. The on-chip ROM is classified into two types: ROM and E2 DataFlash.

The endian is selectable in single-chip mode and user boot mode. Endian is set in the given operating mode by using the
endian select bits (MDE[2:0]) in the register indicated in Table 3.2. For the correspondence between the setting and
endian, see Table 3.3.

Table 3.2 Endian Setting

Operating Mode Endian Setting
Single-chip mode Endian is set in the endian selection register (MDES) in the option-setting memory.
User boot mode Endian is set in the endian selection register (MDEB) in the option-setting memory.

Table 3.3 Selection of Endian

MDE[2:0] Bits Endian
000b Big endian
111b Little endian

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3.2 Register Descriptions

3.2.1 Mode Monitor Register (MDMONR)

Address(es): 0008 0000h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — MD

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1*1

Note 1. This affects the level on the MD pin at the time of release from the reset state.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 MD MD Pin Status Flag 0: The MD pin is low. R
1: The MD pin is high.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. R
b8 — Reserved The read value is undefined. R
b15 to b9 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. R

3.2.2 Mode Status Register (MDSR)

Address(es): 0008 0002h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — UBTS — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1*1 0 0 0 0 1

Note 1. Depends on the operating mode at startup.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. R
b4 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. R
b5 UBTS User Boot Mode Startup Flag 0: Started with a mode except user boot mode. R
1: Started with user boot mode.
b15 to b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. R

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3.2.3 System Control Register 1 (SYSCR1)

Address(es): 0008 0008h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RAME

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 RAME RAM Enable 0: The RAM is disabled. R/W
1: The RAM is enabled.
b15 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

RAME Bit (RAM Enable)

The RAME bit enables or disables the RAM.
A 0 should not be written to this bit during access to the RAM. When accessing the RAM immediately after changing the
RAME bit from 0 (RAM disabled) to 1 (RAM enabled), make sure that the RAME bit is 1 before the access.
Even when the RAME bit is cleared to 0, the RAM retains its value. To retain the value in the RAM, keep the specified
RAM standby voltage (VRAM). For details, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.

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3.3 Details of Operating Modes

3.3.1 Single-Chip Mode

In this mode, all I/O ports can be used as general input/output ports, peripheral function input/output, or interrupt input
The chip starts up in single-chip mode if the high level is on the MD pin on release from the reset state.

3.3.2 Boot Mode

In this mode, the on-chip flash memory modifying program (boot program) stored in a dedicated area within the MCU
operates. The on-chip flash memory (ROM, E2 DataFlash) can be modified from outside the MCU by using a universal
asynchronous receiver/transmitter (SCI1). For details, see section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage), and
section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage).
The chip starts up in boot mode if the low level is on both the MD and PC7 pins on release from the reset state.

3.3.3 User Boot Mode

In user boot mode, an on-chip flash memory modifying program (user boot program) created by the user operates. After
release from the reset state, the chip starts up in a state equivalent to single-chip mode.
After programming the prescribed values for UB code A and the UB code B, the chip starts up in user boot mode if the
low level is on the MD pin and the high level is on the PC7 pin on release from the reset state. For UB code A and UB
code b, see section 7, Option-Setting Memory.

Note: • In user mode, do not make a transition to software standby mode.

Note: • The setting in the OFS0/OFS1 registers is ineffective in user boot mode, and the value becomes FFFF FFFFh.

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3.4 Transitions of Operating Modes

3.4.1 Operating Mode Transitions Determined by the Mode-Setting Pins

Figure 3.1 shows operating mode transitions determined by the settings of the MD pin and the PC7 pin.

MD = High
RES# = High
RES# = Low

MD = Low
RES# = Low PC7 = High
RES# = High

Single-chip mode MD = Low User boot mode*1

PC7 = Low RES# = Low
RES# = High

Boot mode

Note 1. To start the chip in user boot mode, settings for UB code A and UB code B in the option-setting memory are
required along with the levels set on the mode-setting pins.

Figure 3.1 Mode-Setting Pin Levels and Operating Modes

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RX220 Group 4. Address Space

4. Address Space
4.1 Address Space
This LSI has a 4-Gbyte address space, consisting of the range of addresses from 0000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh. That is,
linear access to an address space of up to 4 Gbytes is possible, and this contains both program and data areas.
Figure 4.1 shows the memory map.

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RX220 Group 4. Address Space

Single-chip mode*1

0000 0000h RAM*2

0000 4000h
Reserved area*3
0008 0000h
Peripheral I/O registers

0010 0000h On-chip ROM (E2 DataFlash)

(8 KB)
0010 2000h

Reserved area*3

007F C000h Peripheral I/O registers

007F C500h
Reserved area*3

007F FC00h Peripheral I/O registers

0080 0000h
Reserved area*3

00FC 0000h
On-chip ROM (program ROM)
(write only) (256 KB)
0100 0000h

Reserved area*3

FF7F C000h On-chip ROM (user boot)

(read only) (16 KB)
FF80 0000h
Reserved area*3

FFFC 0000h On-chip ROM (program ROM)

(read only)*2

Note 1. The address space in boot mode and user boot mode is the same as the address space in single-chip mode.
Note 2. The capacity of ROM/RAM differs depending on the products.
ROM (bytes) RAM (bytes)
Capacity Address Capacity Address
256 K FFFC 0000h to FFFF FFFFh 16 K 0000 0000h to 0000 3FFFh
128 K FFFE 0000h to FFFF FFFFh 8K 0000 0000h to 0000 1FFFh
64K FFFF 0000h to FFFF FFFFh
32 K FFFF 8000h to FFFF FFFFh 4K 0000 0000h to 0000 0FFFh
Note:•See Table 1.3, List of Products, for the product type name.

Note 3. Reserved areas should not be accessed.

Figure 4.1 Memory Map

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

5. I/O Registers
This section provides information on the on-chip I/O register addresses and bit configuration. The information is given as
shown below. Notes on writing to registers are also given below.

(1) I/O register addresses (address order)

 Registers are listed from the lower allocation addresses.
 Registers are classified according to module symbols.
 Numbers of cycles for access indicate numbers of cycles of the given base clock.
 Among the internal I/O register area, addresses not listed in the list of registers are reserved. Reserved addresses
must not be accessed. Do not access these addresses; otherwise, the operation when accessing these bits and
subsequent operations cannot be guaranteed.

(2) Notes on writing to I/O registers

When writing to an I/O register, the CPU starts executing the subsequent instruction before completing I/O register write.
This may cause the subsequent instruction to be executed before the post-update I/O register value is reflected on the
As described in the following examples, special care is required for the cases in which the subsequent instruction must be
executed after the post-update I/O register value is actually reflected.

[Examples of cases requiring special care]

 The subsequent instruction must be executed while an interrupt request is disabled with the IENj bit in IERn of the
ICU (interrupt request enable bit) cleared to 0.
 A WAIT instruction is executed immediately after the preprocessing for causing a transition to the low power
consumption state.

In the above cases, after writing to an I/O register, wait until the write operation is completed using the following
procedure and then execute the subsequent instruction.

(a) Write to an I/O register.

(b) Read the value from the I/O register to a general register.
(c) Execute the operation using the value read.
(d) Execute the subsequent instruction.

[Instruction examples]
 Byte-size I/O registers

CMP [R1].UB, R1
;; Next process

 Word-size I/O registers

CMP [R1].W, R1
;; Next process

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 Longword-size I/O registers

CMP [R1].L, R1
;; Next process

If multiple registers are written to and a subsequent instruction should be executed after the write operations are entirely
completed, only read the I/O register that was last written to and execute the operation using the value; it is not necessary
to read or execute operation for all the registers that were written to.

(3) Number of Access Cycles to I/O Registers

For numbers of clock cycles for access to I/O registers, see Table 5.1, List of I/O Registers (Address Order).
The number of access cycles to I/O registers is obtained by following equation.*1

Number of access cycles to I/O registers = Number of bus cycles for internal main bus 1 +
Number of divided clock synchronization cycles +
Number of bus cycles for internal peripheral bus 1 to 6

The number of bus cycles of internal peripheral bus 1 to 6 differs according to the register to be accessed.
When peripheral functions connected to internal peripheral bus 2 to 6 are accessed, the number of divided clock
synchronization cycles is added.
The number of divided clock synchronization cycles differs depending on the frequency ratio between ICLK and PCLK
(or FCLK) or bus access timing.
In the peripheral function unit, when the frequency ratio of ICLK is equal to or greater than that of PCLK (or FCLK), the
sum of the number of bus cycles for internal main bus 1 and the number of the divided clock synchronization cycles will
be one cycle of PCLK (or FCLK) at a maximum. Therefore, one PCLK (or FCLK) has been added to the number of
access cycles shown in Table 5.1.
When the frequency ratio of ICLK is lower than that of PCLK (or FCLK), the subsequent bus access is started from the
ICLK cycle following the completion of the access to the peripheral functions. Therefore, the access cycles are described
on an ICLK basis.

Note 1. This applies to the number of cycles when the access from the CPU does not conflict with the instruction bus
access from the different bus master (DMAC or DTC).

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

5.1 I/O Register Addresses (Address Order)

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (1 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 0000h SYSTEM Mode monitor register MDMONR 16 16 3 ICLK section 3.

0008 0002h SYSTEM Mode status register MDSR 16 16 3 ICLK section 3.

0008 0008h SYSTEM System control register 1 SYSCR1 16 16 3 ICLK section 3.

0008 000Ch SYSTEM Standby control register SBYCR 16 16 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 0010h SYSTEM Module stop control register A MSTPCRA 32 32 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 0014h SYSTEM Module stop control register B MSTPCRB 32 32 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 0018h SYSTEM Module stop control register C MSTPCRC 32 32 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 0020h SYSTEM System clock control register SCKCR 32 32 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0026h SYSTEM System clock control register 3 SCKCR3 16 16 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0032h SYSTEM Main clock oscillator control register MOSCCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0033h SYSTEM Sub-clock oscillator control register SOSCCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0035h SYSTEM IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator control register ILOCOCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0036h SYSTEM High-speed on-chip oscillator control register HOCOCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0037h SYSTEM High-speed on-chip oscillator control register 2 HOCOCR2 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0040h SYSTEM Oscillation stop detection control register OSTDCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 0041h SYSTEM Oscillation stop detection status register OSTDSR 8 8 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 00A0h SYSTEM Operating power control register OPCCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 00A1h SYSTEM Sleep mode return clock source switching register RSTCKCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 00A2h SYSTEM Main clock oscillator wait control register MOSCWTCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 00A3h SYSTEM Sub-clock oscillator wait control register SOSCWTCR 8 8 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 00A9h SYSTEM HOCO wait control register 2 HOCOWTCR2 8 8 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 00C0h SYSTEM Reset status register 2 RSTSR2 8 8 3 ICLK section 6.

0008 00C2h SYSTEM Software reset register SWRR 16 16 3 ICLK section 6.

0008 00E0h SYSTEM Voltage monitoring 1 circuit/comparator A1 control register 1 LVD1CR1 8 8 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 00E1h SYSTEM Voltage monitoring 1 circuit/comparator A1 status register LVD1SR 8 8 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 00E2h SYSTEM Voltage monitoring 2 circuit/comparator A2 control register 1 LVD2CR1 8 8 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 00E3h SYSTEM Voltage monitoring 2 circuit/comparator A2 status register LVD2SR 8 8 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 03FEh SYSTEM Protect register PRCR 16 16 3 ICLK section 12.

0008 1300h BSC Bus error status clear register BERCLR 8 8 2 ICLK section 15.

0008 1304h BSC Bus error monitoring enable register BEREN 8 8 2 ICLK section 15.

0008 1308h BSC Bus error status register 1 BERSR1 8 8 2 ICLK section 15.

0008 130Ah BSC Bus error status register 2 BERSR2 16 16 2 ICLK section 15.

0008 1310h BSC Bus priority control register BUSPRI 16 16 2 ICLK section 15.

0008 2000h DMAC0 DMA source address register DMSAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2004h DMAC0 DMA destination address register DMDAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2008h DMAC0 DMA transfer count register DMCRA 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 200Ch DMAC0 DMA block transfer count register DMCRB 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2010h DMAC0 DMA transfer mode register DMTMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2013h DMAC0 DMA interrupt setting register DMINT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2014h DMAC0 DMA address mode register DMAMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2018h DMAC0 DMA offset register DMOFR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 201Ch DMAC0 DMA transfer enable register DMCNT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 201Dh DMAC0 DMA software start register DMREQ 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 201Eh DMAC0 DMA status register DMSTS 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 201Fh DMAC0 DMA activation source flag control register DMCSL 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2040h DMAC1 DMA source address register DMSAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (2 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 2044h DMAC1 DMA destination address register DMDAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2048h DMAC1 DMA transfer count register DMCRA 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 204Ch DMAC1 DMA block transfer count register DMCRB 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2050h DMAC1 DMA transfer mode register DMTMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2053h DMAC1 DMA interrupt setting register DMINT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2054h DMAC1 DMA address mode register DMAMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 205Ch DMAC1 DMA transfer enable register DMCNT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 205Dh DMAC1 DMA software start register DMREQ 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 205Eh DMAC1 DMA status register DMSTS 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 205Fh DMAC1 DMA activation source flag control register DMCSL 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2080h DMAC2 DMA source address register DMSAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2084h DMAC2 DMA destination address register DMDAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2088h DMAC2 DMA transfer count register DMCRA 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 208Ch DMAC2 DMA block transfer count register DMCRB 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2090h DMAC2 DMA transfer mode register DMTMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2093h DMAC2 DMA interrupt setting register DMINT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2094h DMAC2 DMA address mode register DMAMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 209Ch DMAC2 DMA transfer enable register DMCNT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 209Dh DMAC2 DMA software start register DMREQ 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 209Eh DMAC2 DMA status register DMSTS 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 209Fh DMAC2 DMA activation source flag control register DMCSL 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20C0h DMAC3 DMA source address register DMSAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20C4h DMAC3 DMA destination address register DMDAR 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20C8h DMAC3 DMA transfer count register DMCRA 32 32 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20CCh DMAC3 DMA block transfer count register DMCRB 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20D0h DMAC3 DMA transfer mode register DMTMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20D3h DMAC3 DMA interrupt setting register DMINT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20D4h DMAC3 DMA address mode register DMAMD 16 16 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20DCh DMAC3 DMA transfer enable register DMCNT 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20DDh DMAC3 DMA software start register DMREQ 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20DEh DMAC3 DMA status register DMSTS 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 20DFh DMAC3 DMA activation source flag control register DMCSL 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2200h DMAC DMA module activation register DMAST 8 8 2 ICLK section 16.

0008 2400h DTC DTC control register DTCCR 8 8 2 ICLK section 17.

0008 2404h DTC DTC vector base register DTCVBR 32 32 2 ICLK section 17.

0008 2408h DTC DTC address mode register DTCADMOD 8 8 2 ICLK section 17.

0008 240Ch DTC DTC module start register DTCST 8 8 2 ICLK section 17.

0008 240Eh DTC DTC status register DTCSTS 16 16 2 ICLK section 17.

0008 7010h ICU Interrupt request register 016 IR016 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7015h ICU Interrupt request register 021 IR021 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7017h ICU Interrupt request register 023 IR023 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 701Bh ICU Interrupt request register 027 IR027 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 701Ch ICU Interrupt request register 028 IR028 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 701Dh ICU Interrupt request register 029 IR029 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 701Eh ICU Interrupt request register 030 IR030 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 701Fh ICU Interrupt request register 031 IR031 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7020h ICU Interrupt request register 032 IR032 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7021h ICU Interrupt request register 033 IR033 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7022h ICU Interrupt request register 034 IR034 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 702Ch ICU Interrupt request register 044 IR044 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 702Dh ICU Interrupt request register 045 IR045 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (3 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 702Eh ICU Interrupt request register 046 IR046 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 702Fh ICU Interrupt request register 047 IR047 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7039h ICU Interrupt request register 057 IR057 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 703Fh ICU Interrupt request register 063 IR063 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7040h ICU Interrupt request register 064 IR064 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7041h ICU Interrupt request register 065 IR065 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7042h ICU Interrupt request register 066 IR066 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7043h ICU Interrupt request register 067 IR067 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7044h ICU Interrupt request register 068 IR068 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7045h ICU Interrupt request register 069 IR069 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7046h ICU Interrupt request register 070 IR070 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7047h ICU Interrupt request register 071 IR071 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7058h ICU Interrupt request register 088 IR088 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7059h ICU Interrupt request register 089 IR089 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 705Ch ICU Interrupt request register 092 IR092 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 705Dh ICU Interrupt request register 093 IR093 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7066h ICU Interrupt request register 102 IR102 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7067h ICU Interrupt request register 103 IR103 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 706Ah ICU Interrupt request register 106 IR106 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7072h ICU Interrupt request register 114 IR114 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7073h ICU Interrupt request register 115 IR115 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7074h ICU Interrupt request register 116 IR116 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7075h ICU Interrupt request register 117 IR117 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7076h ICU Interrupt request register 118 IR118 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7077h ICU Interrupt request register 119 IR119 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7078h ICU Interrupt request register 120 IR120 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7079h ICU Interrupt request register 121 IR121 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 707Ah ICU Interrupt request register 122 IR122 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 707Bh ICU Interrupt request register 123 IR123 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 707Ch ICU Interrupt request register 124 IR124 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 707Dh ICU Interrupt request register 125 IR125 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 707Eh ICU Interrupt request register 126 IR126 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 707Fh ICU Interrupt request register 127 IR127 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7080h ICU Interrupt request register 128 IR128 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7081h ICU Interrupt request register 129 IR129 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7082h ICU Interrupt request register 130 IR130 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7083h ICU Interrupt request register 131 IR131 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7084h ICU Interrupt request register 132 IR132 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7085h ICU Interrupt request register 133 IR133 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7086h ICU Interrupt request register 134 IR134 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7087h ICU Interrupt request register 135 IR135 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7088h ICU Interrupt request register 136 IR136 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7089h ICU Interrupt request register 137 IR137 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 708Ah ICU Interrupt request register 138 IR138 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 708Bh ICU Interrupt request register 139 IR139 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 708Ch ICU Interrupt request register 140 IR140 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 708Dh ICU Interrupt request register 141 IR141 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70AAh ICU Interrupt request register 170 IR170 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70ABh ICU Interrupt request register 171 IR171 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70AEh ICU Interrupt request register 174 IR174 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70AFh ICU Interrupt request register 175 IR175 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (4 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 70B0h ICU Interrupt request register 176 IR176 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B1h ICU Interrupt request register 177 IR177 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B2h ICU Interrupt request register 178 IR178 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B3h ICU Interrupt request register 179 IR179 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B4h ICU Interrupt request register 180 IR180 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B5h ICU Interrupt request register 181 IR181 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B6h ICU Interrupt request register 182 IR182 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B7h ICU Interrupt request register 183 IR183 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B8h ICU Interrupt request register 184 IR184 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70B9h ICU Interrupt request register 185 IR185 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70C6h ICU Interrupt request register 198 IR198 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70C7h ICU Interrupt request register 199 IR199 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70C8h ICU Interrupt request register 200 IR200 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70C9h ICU Interrupt request register 201 IR201 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70DAh ICU Interrupt request register 218 IR218 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70DBh ICU Interrupt request register 219 IR219 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70DCh ICU Interrupt request register 220 IR220 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70DDh ICU Interrupt request register 221 IR221 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70DEh ICU Interrupt request register 222 IR222 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70DFh ICU Interrupt request register 223 IR223 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70E0h ICU Interrupt request register 224 IR224 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70E1h ICU Interrupt request register 225 IR225 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70E2h ICU Interrupt request register 226 IR226 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70E3h ICU Interrupt request register 227 IR227 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70E4h ICU Interrupt request register 228 IR228 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70E5h ICU Interrupt request register 229 IR229 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70EAh ICU Interrupt request register 234 IR234 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70EBh ICU Interrupt request register 235 IR235 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70ECh ICU Interrupt request register 236 IR236 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70EDh ICU Interrupt request register 237 IR237 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70EEh ICU Interrupt request register 238 IR238 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70EFh ICU Interrupt request register 239 IR239 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F0h ICU Interrupt request register 240 IR240 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F1h ICU Interrupt request register 241 IR241 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F2h ICU Interrupt request register 242 IR242 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F3h ICU Interrupt request register 243 IR243 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F4h ICU Interrupt request register 244 IR244 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F5h ICU Interrupt request register 245 IR245 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F6h ICU Interrupt request register 246 IR246 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F7h ICU Interrupt request register 247 IR247 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F8h ICU Interrupt request register 248 IR248 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 70F9h ICU Interrupt request register 249 IR249 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 711Bh ICU DTC activation enable register 027 DTCER027 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 711Ch ICU DTC activation enable register 028 DTCER028 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 711Dh ICU DTC activation enable register 029 DTCER029 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 711Eh ICU DTC activation enable register 030 DTCER030 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 711Fh ICU DTC activation enable register 031 DTCER031 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 712Dh ICU DTC activation enable register 045 DTCER045 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 712Eh ICU DTC activation enable register 046 DTCER046 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7140h ICU DTC activation enable register 064 DTCER064 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7141h ICU DTC activation enable register 065 DTCER065 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (5 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 7142h ICU DTC activation enable register 066 DTCER066 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7143h ICU DTC activation enable register 067 DTCER067 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7144h ICU DTC activation enable register 068 DTCER068 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7145h ICU DTC activation enable register 069 DTCER069 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7146h ICU DTC activation enable register 070 DTCER070 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7147h ICU DTC activation enable register 071 DTCER071 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7166h ICU DTC activation enable register 102 DTCER102 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7167h ICU DTC activation enable register 103 DTCER103 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 716Ah ICU DTC activation enable register 106 DTCER106 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7172h ICU DTC activation enable register 114 DTCER114 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7173h ICU DTC activation enable register 115 DTCER115 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7174h ICU DTC activation enable register 116 DTCER116 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7175h ICU DTC activation enable register 117 DTCER117 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7179h ICU DTC activation enable register 121 DTCER121 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 717Ah ICU DTC activation enable register 122 DTCER122 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 717Dh ICU DTC activation enable register 125 DTCER125 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 717Eh ICU DTC activation enable register 126 DTCER126 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7181h ICU DTC activation enable register 129 DTCER129 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7182h ICU DTC activation enable register 130 DTCER130 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7183h ICU DTC activation enable register 131 DTCER131 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7184h ICU DTC activation enable register 132 DTCER132 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7186h ICU DTC activation enable register 134 DTCER134 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7187h ICU DTC activation enable register 135 DTCER135 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7188h ICU DTC activation enable register 136 DTCER136 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7189h ICU DTC activation enable register 137 DTCER137 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 718Ah ICU DTC activation enable register 138 DTCER138 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 718Bh ICU DTC activation enable register 139 DTCER139 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 718Ch ICU DTC activation enable register 140 DTCER140 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 718Dh ICU DTC activation enable register 141 DTCER141 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71AEh ICU DTC activation enable register 174 DTCER174 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71AFh ICU DTC activation enable register 175 DTCER175 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71B1h ICU DTC activation enable register 177 DTCER177 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71B2h ICU DTC activation enable register 178 DTCER178 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71B4h ICU DTC activation enable register 180 DTCER180 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71B5h ICU DTC activation enable register 181 DTCER181 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71B7h ICU DTC activation enable register 183 DTCER183 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71B8h ICU DTC activation enable register 184 DTCER184 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71C6h ICU DTC activation enable register 198 DTCER198 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71C7h ICU DTC activation enable register 199 DTCER199 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71C8h ICU DTC activation enable register 200 DTCER200 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71C9h ICU DTC activation enable register 201 DTCER201 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71DBh ICU DTC activation enable register 219 DTCER219 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71DCh ICU DTC activation enable register 220 DTCER220 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71DFh ICU DTC activation enable register 223 DTCER223 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71E0h ICU DTC activation enable register 224 DTCER224 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71E3h ICU DTC activation enable register 227 DTCER227 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71E4h ICU DTC activation enable register 228 DTCER228 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71EBh ICU DTC activation enable register 235 DTCER235 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71ECh ICU DTC activation enable register 236 DTCER236 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71EFh ICU DTC activation enable register 239 DTCER239 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71F0h ICU DTC activation enable register 240 DTCER240 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (6 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 71F7h ICU DTC activation enable register 247 DTCER247 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 71F8h ICU DTC activation enable register 248 DTCER248 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7202h ICU Interrupt request enable register 02 IER02 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7203h ICU Interrupt request enable register 03 IER03 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7204h ICU Interrupt request enable register 04 IER04 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7205h ICU Interrupt request enable register 05 IER05 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7207h ICU Interrupt request enable register 07 IER07 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7208h ICU Interrupt request enable register 08 IER08 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 720Bh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0B IER0B 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 720Ch ICU Interrupt request enable register 0C IER0C 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 720Dh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0D IER0D 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 720Eh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0E IER0E 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 720Fh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0F IER0F 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7210h ICU Interrupt request enable register 10 IER10 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7211h ICU Interrupt request enable register 11 IER11 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7215h ICU Interrupt request enable register 15 IER15 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7216h ICU Interrupt request enable register 16 IER16 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7217h ICU Interrupt request enable register 17 IER17 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7218h ICU Interrupt request enable register 18 IER18 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7219h ICU Interrupt request enable register 19 IER19 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 721Bh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1B IER1B 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 721Ch ICU Interrupt request enable register 1C IER1C 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 721Dh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1D IER1D 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 721Eh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1E IER1E 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 721Fh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1F IER1F 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 72E0h ICU Software interrupt activation register SWINTR 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 72F0h ICU Fast interrupt set register FIR 16 16 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7300h ICU Interrupt source priority register 000 IPR000 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7301h ICU Interrupt source priority register 001 IPR001 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7302h ICU Interrupt source priority register 002 IPR002 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7303h ICU Interrupt source priority register 003 IPR003 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7304h ICU Interrupt source priority register 004 IPR004 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7305h ICU Interrupt source priority register 005 IPR005 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7306h ICU Interrupt source priority register 006 IPR006 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7307h ICU Interrupt source priority register 007 IPR007 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7320h ICU Interrupt source priority register 032 IPR032 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7321h ICU Interrupt source priority register 033 IPR033 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7322h ICU Interrupt source priority register 034 IPR034 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 732Ch ICU Interrupt source priority register 044 IPR044 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7339h ICU Interrupt source priority register 057 IPR057 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 733Fh ICU Interrupt source priority register 063 IPR063 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7340h ICU Interrupt source priority register 064 IPR064 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7341h ICU Interrupt source priority register 065 IPR065 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7342h ICU Interrupt source priority register 066 IPR066 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7343h ICU Interrupt source priority register 067 IPR067 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7344h ICU Interrupt source priority register 068 IPR068 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7345h ICU Interrupt source priority register 069 IPR069 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7346h ICU Interrupt source priority register 070 IPR070 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7347h ICU Interrupt source priority register 071 IPR071 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7358h ICU Interrupt source priority register 088 IPR088 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7359h ICU Interrupt source priority register 089 IPR089 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (7 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 735Ch ICU Interrupt source priority register 092 IPR092 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 735Dh ICU Interrupt source priority register 093 IPR093 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7366h ICU Interrupt source priority register 102 IPR102 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7367h ICU Interrupt source priority register 103 IPR103 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 736Ah ICU Interrupt source priority register 106 IPR106 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7372h ICU Interrupt source priority register 114 IPR114 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7376h ICU Interrupt source priority register 118 IPR118 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7379h ICU Interrupt source priority register 121 IPR121 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 737Bh ICU Interrupt source priority register 123 IPR123 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 737Dh ICU Interrupt source priority register 125 IPR125 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 737Fh ICU Interrupt source priority register 127 IPR127 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7381h ICU Interrupt source priority register 129 IPR129 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7385h ICU Interrupt source priority register 133 IPR133 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7386h ICU Interrupt source priority register 134 IPR134 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 738Ah ICU Interrupt source priority register 138 IPR138 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 738Bh ICU Interrupt source priority register 139 IPR139 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73AAh ICU Interrupt source priority register 170 IPR170 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73ABh ICU Interrupt source priority register 171 IPR171 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73AEh ICU Interrupt source priority register 174 IPR174 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73B1h ICU Interrupt source priority register 177 IPR177 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73B4h ICU Interrupt source priority register 180 IPR180 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73B7h ICU Interrupt source priority register 183 IPR183 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73C6h ICU Interrupt source priority register 198 IPR198 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73C7h ICU Interrupt source priority register 199 IPR199 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73C8h ICU Interrupt source priority register 200 IPR200 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73C9h ICU Interrupt source priority register 201 IPR201 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73DAh ICU Interrupt source priority register 218 IPR218 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73DEh ICU Interrupt source priority register 222 IPR222 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73E2h ICU Interrupt source priority register 226 IPR226 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73EAh ICU Interrupt source priority register 234 IPR234 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73EEh ICU Interrupt source priority register 238 IPR238 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F2h ICU Interrupt source priority register 242 IPR242 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F3h ICU Interrupt source priority register 243 IPR243 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F4h ICU Interrupt source priority register 244 IPR244 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F5h ICU Interrupt source priority register 245 IPR245 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F6h ICU Interrupt source priority register 246 IPR246 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F7h ICU Interrupt source priority register 247 IPR247 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F8h ICU Interrupt source priority register 248 IPR248 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 73F9h ICU Interrupt source priority register 249 IPR249 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7400h ICU DMAC activation request select register 0 DMRSR0 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7404h ICU DMAC activation request select register 1 DMRSR1 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7408h ICU DMAC activation request select register 2 DMRSR2 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 740Ch ICU DMAC activation request select register 3 DMRSR3 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7500h ICU IRQ control register 0 IRQCR0 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7501h ICU IRQ control register 1 IRQCR1 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7502h ICU IRQ control register 2 IRQCR2 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7503h ICU IRQ control register 3 IRQCR3 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7504h ICU IRQ control register 4 IRQCR4 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7505h ICU IRQ control register 5 IRQCR5 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7506h ICU IRQ control register 6 IRQCR6 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7507h ICU IRQ control register 7 IRQCR7 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (8 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 7510h ICU IRQ pin digital filter enable register 0 IRQFLTE0 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7514h ICU IRQ pin digital filter setting register 0 IRQFLTC0 16 16 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7580h ICU Non-maskable interrupt status register NMISR 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7581h ICU Non-maskable interrupt enable register NMIER 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7582h ICU Non-maskable interrupt clear register NMICLR 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7583h ICU NMI pin interrupt control register NMICR 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7590h ICU NMI pin digital filter enable register NMIFLTE 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 7594h ICU NMI pin digital filter setting register NMIFLTC 8 8 2 ICLK section 14.

0008 8000h CMT Compare match timer start register 0 CMSTR0 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8002h CMT0 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8004h CMT0 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8006h CMT0 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8008h CMT1 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 800Ah CMT1 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 800Ch CMT1 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8010h CMT Compare match timer start register 1 CMSTR1 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8012h CMT2 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8014h CMT2 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8016h CMT2 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8018h CMT3 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 801Ah CMT3 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 801Ch CMT3 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 24.

0008 8030h IWDT IWDT refresh register IWDTRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 26.

0008 8032h IWDT IWDT control register IWDTCR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 26.

0008 8034h IWDT IWDT status register IWDTSR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 26.

0008 8036h IWDT IWDT reset control register IWDTRCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 26.

0008 8038h IWDT IWDT count stop control register IWDTCSTPR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 26.

0008 8200h TMR0 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8201h TMR1 Timer counter control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8202h TMR0 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8203h TMR1 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8204h TMR0 Time constant register A TCORA 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8205h TMR1 Time constant register A TCORA 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8206h TMR0 Time constant register B TCORB 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8207h TMR1 Time constant register B TCORB 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8208h TMR0 Timer counter TCNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8209h TMR1 Timer counter TCNT 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 820Ah TMR0 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 820Bh TMR1 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 820Ch TMR0 Time count start register TCSTR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8210h TMR2 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8211h TMR3 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8212h TMR2 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8213h TMR3 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8214h TMR2 Time constant register A TCORA 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8215h TMR3 Time constant register A TCORA 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8216h TMR2 Time constant register B TCORB 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8217h TMR3 Time constant register B TCORB 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8218h TMR2 Timer counter TCNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8219h TMR3 Timer counter TCNT 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 821Ah TMR2 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (9 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 821Bh TMR3 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 8*1 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 821Ch TMR2 Time count start register TCSTR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 23.

0008 8280h CRC CRC control register CRCCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 31.

0008 8281h CRC CRC data input register CRCDIR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 31.

0008 8282h CRC CRC data output register CRCDOR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 31.

0008 8300h RIIC0 I2C bus control register 1 ICCR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8301h RIIC0 I2C bus control register 2 ICCR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8302h RIIC0 I2C bus mode register 1 ICMR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8303h RIIC0 I2C bus mode register 2 ICMR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8304h RIIC0 I2C bus mode register 3 ICMR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8305h RIIC0 I2 C bus function enable register ICFER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8306h RIIC0 I2C bus status enable register ICSER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8307h RIIC0 I2C bus interrupt enable register ICIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8308h RIIC0 I2C bus status register 1 ICSR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8309h RIIC0 I2C bus status register 2 ICSR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Ah RIIC0 Slave address register L0 SARL0 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Ah RIIC0 Timeout internal counter L TMOCNTL 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Bh RIIC0 Slave address register U0 SARU0 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Bh RIIC0 Timeout internal counter U TMOCNTU 8 8*2 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Ch RIIC0 Slave address register L1 SARL1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Dh RIIC0 Slave address register U1 SARU1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Eh RIIC0 Slave address register L2 SARL2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 830Fh RIIC0 Slave address register U2 SARU2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8310h RIIC0 I2 C bus bit rate low-level register ICBRL 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8311h RIIC0 I2C bus bit rate high-level register ICBRH 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8312h RIIC0 I2C bus transmit data register ICDRT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8313h RIIC0 I2C bus receive data register ICDRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 29.

0008 8380h RSPI0 RSPI control register SPCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8381h RSPI0 RSPI slave select polarity register SSLP 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8382h RSPI0 RSPI pin control register SPPCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8383h RSPI0 RSPI status register SPSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8384h RSPI0 RSPI data register SPDR 32 16, 32 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8388h RSPI0 RSPI sequence control register SPSCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8389h RSPI0 RSPI sequence status register SPSSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 838Ah RSPI0 RSPI bit rate register SPBR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 838Bh RSPI0 RSPI data control register SPDCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 838Ch RSPI0 RSPI clock delay register SPCKD 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 838Dh RSPI0 RSPI slave select negation delay register SSLND 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 838Eh RSPI0 RSPI next-access delay register SPND 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 838Fh RSPI0 RSPI control register 2 SPCR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8390h RSPI0 RSPI command register 0 SPCMD0 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8392h RSPI0 RSPI command register 1 SPCMD1 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8394h RSPI0 RSPI command register 2 SPCMD2 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8396h RSPI0 RSPI command register 3 SPCMD3 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8398h RSPI0 RSPI command register 4 SPCMD4 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 839Ah RSPI0 RSPI command register 5 SPCMD5 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 839Ch RSPI0 RSPI command register 6 SPCMD6 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 839Eh RSPI0 RSPI command register 7 SPCMD7 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 30.

0008 8410h IRDA IrDA control register IRCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 28.

0008 8600h MTU3 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8601h MTU4 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (10 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 8602h MTU3 Timer mode register TMDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8603h MTU4 Timer mode register TMDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8604h MTU3 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8605h MTU3 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8606h MTU4 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8607h MTU4 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8608h MTU3 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8609h MTU4 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 860Ah MTU Timer output master enable register TOER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 860Dh MTU Timer gate control register TGCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 860Eh MTU Timer output control register 1 TOCR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 860Fh MTU Timer output control register 2 TOCR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8610h MTU3 Timer counter TCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8612h MTU4 Timer counter TCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8614h MTU Timer cycle data register TCDR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8616h MTU Timer dead time data register TDDR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8618h MTU3 Timer general register A TGRA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 861Ah MTU3 Timer general register B TGRB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 861Ch MTU4 Timer general register A TGRA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 861Eh MTU4 Timer general register B TGRB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8620h MTU Timer subcounter TCNTS 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8622h MTU Timer cycle buffer register TCBR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8624h MTU3 Timer general register C TGRC 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8626h MTU3 Timer general register D TGRD 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8628h MTU4 Timer general register C TGRC 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 862Ah MTU4 Timer general register D TGRD 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 862Ch MTU3 Timer status register TSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 862Dh MTU4 Timer status register TSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8630h MTU Timer interrupt skipping set register TITCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8631h MTU Timer interrupt skipping counter TITCNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8632h MTU Timer buffer transfer set register TBTER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8634h MTU Timer dead time enable register TDER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8636h MTU Timer output level buffer register TOLBR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8638h MTU3 Timer buffer operation transfer mode register TBTM 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8639h MTU4 Timer buffer operation transfer mode register TBTM 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8640h MTU4 Timer A/D converter start request control register TADCR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8644h MTU4 Timer A/D converter start request cycle set register A TADCORA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8646h MTU4 Timer A/D converter start request cycle set register B TADCORB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8648h MTU4 Timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer register A TADCOBRA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 864Ah MTU4 Timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer register B TADCOBRB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8660h MTU Timer waveform control register TWCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8680h MTU Timer start register TSTR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8681h MTU Timer synchronous register TSYR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8684h MTU Timer read/write enable register TRWER 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8690h MTU0 Noise filter control register NFCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8691h MTU1 Noise filter control register NFCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8692h MTU2 Noise filter control register NFCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8693h MTU3 Noise filter control register NFCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8694h MTU4 Noise filter control register NFCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8695h MTU5 Noise filter control register NFCR 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8700h MTU0 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (11 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 8701h MTU0 Timer mode register TMDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8702h MTU0 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8703h MTU0 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8704h MTU0 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8705h MTU0 Timer status register TSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8706h MTU0 Timer counter TCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8708h MTU0 Timer general register A TGRA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 870Ah MTU0 Timer general register B TGRB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 870Ch MTU0 Timer general register C TGRC 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 870Eh MTU0 Timer general register D TGRD 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8720h MTU0 Timer general register E TGRE 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8722h MTU0 Timer general register F TGRF 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8724h MTU0 Timer interrupt enable register 2 TIER2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8726h MTU0 Timer buffer operation transfer mode register TBTM 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8780h MTU1 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8781h MTU1 Timer mode register TMDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8782h MTU1 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8784h MTU1 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8785h MTU1 Timer status register TSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8786h MTU1 Timer counter TCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8788h MTU1 Timer general register A TGRA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 878Ah MTU1 Timer general register B TGRB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8790h MTU1 Timer input capture control register TICCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8800h MTU2 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8801h MTU2 Timer mode register TMDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8802h MTU2 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8804h MTU2 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8805h MTU2 Timer status register TSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8806h MTU2 Timer counter TCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8808h MTU2 Timer general register A TGRA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 880Ah MTU2 Timer general register B TGRB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8880h MTU5 Timer counter U TCNTU 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8882h MTU5 Timer general register U TGRU 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8884h MTU5 Timer control register U TCRU 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8886h MTU5 Timer I/O control register U TIORU 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8890h MTU5 Timer counter V TCNTV 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8892h MTU5 Timer general register V TGRV 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8894h MTU5 Timer control register V TCRV 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8896h MTU5 Timer I/O control register V TIORV 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88A0h MTU5 Timer counter W TCNTW 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88A2h MTU5 Timer general register W TGRW 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88A4h MTU5 Timer control register W TCRW 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88A6h MTU5 Timer I/O control register W TIORW 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88B2h MTU5 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88B4h MTU5 Timer start register TSTR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 88B6h MTU5 Timer compare match clear register TCNTCMPCLR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 21.

0008 8900h POE Input level control/status register 1 ICSR1 16 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

0008 8902h POE Output level control/status register 1 OCSR1 16 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

0008 8908h POE Input level control/status register 2 ICSR2 16 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

0008 890Ah POE Software port output enable register SPOER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

0008 890Bh POE Port output enable control register 1 POECR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (12 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 890Ch POE Port output enable control register 2 POECR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

0008 890Eh POE Input level control/status register 3 ICSR3 16 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 22.

0008 9000h S12AD A/D control register ADCSR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9004h S12AD A/D channel select register A ADANSA 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9008h S12AD A/D-converted value addition mode select register ADADS 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 900Ch S12AD A/D-converted value addition count select register ADADC 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 900Eh S12AD A/D control extended register ADCER 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9010h S12AD A/D start trigger select register ADSTRGR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9012h S12AD A/D converted extended input control register ADEXICR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9014h S12AD A/D channel select register B ADANSB 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9018h S12AD A/D double register ADDBLDR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 901Ch S12AD A/D internal reference voltage data register ADOCDR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 901Eh S12AD A/D self-diagnosis data register ADRD 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9020h S12AD A/D data register 0 ADDR0 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9022h S12AD A/D data register 1 ADDR1 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9024h S12AD A/D data register 2 ADDR2 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9026h S12AD A/D data register 3 ADDR3 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9028h S12AD A/D data register 4 ADDR4 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 902Ah S12AD A/D data register 5 ADDR5 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 902Ch S12AD A/D data register 6 ADDR6 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 902Eh S12AD A/D data register 7 ADDR7 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9030h S12AD A/D data register 8 ADDR8 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9032h S12AD A/D data register 9 ADDR9 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9034h S12AD A/D data register 10 ADDR10 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9036h S12AD A/D data register 11 ADDR11 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9038h S12AD A/D data register 12 ADDR12 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 903Ah S12AD A/D data register 13 ADDR13 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 903Ch S12AD A/D data register 14 ADDR14 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 903Eh S12AD A/D data register 15 ADDR15 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9060h S12AD A/D sampling state register 0 ADSSTR0 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9061h S12AD A/D sampling state register L ADSSTRL 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9071h S12AD A/D sampling state register O ADSSTRO 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9073h S12AD A/D sampling state register 1 ADSSTR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9074h S12AD A/D sampling state register 2 ADSSTR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9075h S12AD A/D sampling state register 3 ADSSTR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9076h S12AD A/D sampling state register 4 ADSSTR4 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9077h S12AD A/D sampling state register 5 ADSSTR5 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9078h S12AD A/D sampling state register 6 ADSSTR6 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 9079h S12AD A/D sampling state register 7 ADSSTR7 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 907Ah S12AD A/D disconnecting detection control register ADDISCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 32.

0008 A020h SCI1 Serial mode register SMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A021h SCI1 Bit rate register BRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A022h SCI1 Serial control register SCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A023h SCI1 Transmit data register TDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A024h SCI1 Serial status register SSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A025h SCI1 Receive data register RDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A026h SCI1 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A027h SCI1 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A028h SCI1 Noise filter setting register SNFR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A029h SCI1 I2C mode register 1 SIMR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A02Ah SCI1 I2 C mode register 2 SIMR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (13 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 A02Bh SCI1 I2C mode register 3 SIMR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A02Ch SCI1 I2C status register SISR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A02Dh SCI1 SPI mode register SPMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A0h SCI5 Serial mode register SMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A1h SCI5 Bit rate register BRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A2h SCI5 Serial control register SCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A3h SCI5 Transmit data register TDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A4h SCI5 Serial status register SSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A5h SCI5 Receive data register RDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A6h SCI5 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A7h SCI5 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A8h SCI5 Noise filter setting register SNFR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0A9h SCI5 I2C mode register 1 SIMR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0AAh SCI5 I2C mode register 2 SIMR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0ABh SCI5 I2C mode register 3 SIMR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0ACh SCI5 I2C status register SISR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0ADh SCI5 SPI mode register SPMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C0h SCI6 Serial mode register SMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C1h SCI6 Bit rate register BRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C2h SCI6 Serial control register SCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C3h SCI6 Transmit data register TDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C4h SCI6 Serial status register SSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C5h SCI6 Receive data register RDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C6h SCI6 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C7h SCI6 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C8h SCI6 Noise filter setting register SNFR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0C9h SCI6 I2C mode register 1 SIMR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0CAh SCI6 I2C mode register 2 SIMR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0CBh SCI6 I2C mode register 3 SIMR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0CCh SCI6 I2C status register SISR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A0CDh SCI6 SPI mode register SPMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A120h SCI9 Serial mode register SMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A121h SCI9 Bit rate register BRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A122h SCI9 Serial control register SCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A123h SCI9 Transmit data register TDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A124h SCI9 Serial status register SSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A125h SCI9 Receive data register RDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A126h SCI9 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A127h SCI9 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A128h SCI9 Noise filter setting register SNFR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A129h SCI9 I2C mode register 1 SIMR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A12Ah SCI9 I2C mode register 2 SIMR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A12Bh SCI9 I2C mode register 3 SIMR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A12Ch SCI9 I2 C status register SISR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 A12Dh SCI9 SPI mode register SPMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B000h CAC CAC control register 0 CACR0 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B001h CAC CAC control register 1 CACR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B002h CAC CAC control register 2 CACR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B003h CAC CAC interrupt control register CAICR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B004h CAC CAC status register CASTR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B006h CAC CAC upper-limit value setting register CAULVR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (14 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 B008h CAC CAC lower-limit value setting register CALLVR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B00Ah CAC CAC counter buffer register CACNTBR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 10.

0008 B080h DOC DOC control register DOCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 34.

0008 B082h DOC DOC data input register DODIR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 34.

0008 B084h DOC DOC data setting register DODSR 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 34.

0008 B100h ELC Event link control register ELCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B102h ELC Event link setting register 1 ELSR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B103h ELC Event link setting register 2 ELSR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B104h ELC Event link setting register 3 ELSR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B105h ELC Event link setting register 4 ELSR4 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B10Bh ELC Event link setting register 10 ELSR10 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B10Dh ELC Event link setting register 12 ELSR12 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B110h ELC Event link setting register 15 ELSR15 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B113h ELC Event link setting register 18 ELSR18 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B115h ELC Event link setting register 20 ELSR20 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B117h ELC Event link setting register 22 ELSR22 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B119h ELC Event link setting register 24 ELSR24 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B11Ah ELC Event link setting register 25 ELSR25 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B11Fh ELC Event link option setting register A ELOPA 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B120h ELC Event link option setting register B ELOPB 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B122h ELC Event link option setting register D ELOPD 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B123h ELC Port group setting register 1 PGR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B125h ELC Port group control register 1 PGC1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B127h ELC Port buffer register 1 PDBF1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B129h ELC Event link port setting register 0 PEL0 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B12Ah ELC Event link port setting register 1 PEL1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B12Dh ELC Event link software event generation register ELSEGR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 18.

0008 B300h SCI12 Serial mode register SMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B301h SCI12 Bit rate register BRR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B302h SCI12 Serial control register SCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B303h SCI12 Transmit data register TDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B304h SCI12 Serial status register SSR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B305h SCI12 Receive data register RDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B306h SCI12 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B307h SCI12 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B308h SCI12 Noise filter setting register SNFR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B309h SCI12 I2C mode register 1 SIMR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B30Ah SCI12 I2 C mode register 2 SIMR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B30Bh SCI12 I2C mode register 3 SIMR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B30Ch SCI12 I2C status register SISR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B30Dh SCI12 SPI mode register SPMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B320h SCI12 Extended serial mode enable register ESMER 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B321h SCI12 Control register 0 CR0 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B322h SCI12 Control register 1 CR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B323h SCI12 Control register 2 CR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B324h SCI12 Control register 3 CR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B325h SCI12 Port control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B326h SCI12 Interrupt control register ICR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B327h SCI12 Status register STR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B328h SCI12 Status clear register STCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B329h SCI12 Control Field 0 data register CF0DR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (15 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 B32Ah SCI12 Control Field 0 compare enable register CF0CR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B32Bh SCI12 Control Field 0 receive data register CF0RR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B32Ch SCI12 Primary control field 1 data register PCF1DR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B32Dh SCI12 Secondary control field 1 data register SCF1DR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B32Eh SCI12 Control field 1 compare enable register CF1CR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B32Fh SCI12 Control field 1 receive data register CF1RR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B330h SCI12 Timer control register TCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B331h SCI12 Timer mode register TMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B332h SCI12 Timer prescaler register TPRE 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 B333h SCI12 Timer count register TCNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 27.

0008 C000h PORT0 Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C001h PORT1 Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C002h PORT2 Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C003h PORT3 Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C004h PORT4 Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C005h PORT5 Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C00Ah PORTA Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C00Bh PORTB Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C00Ch PORTC Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C00Dh PORTD Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C00Eh PORTE Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C011h PORTH Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C012h PORTJ Port direction register PDR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C020h PORT0 Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C021h PORT1 Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C022h PORT2 Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C023h PORT3 Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C024h PORT4 Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C025h PORT5 Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C02Ah PORTA Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C02Bh PORTB Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C02Ch PORTC Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C02Dh PORTD Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C02Eh PORTE Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C031h PORTH Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C032h PORTJ Port output data register PODR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C040h PORT0 Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C041h PORT1 Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C042h PORT2 Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 106 of 1252

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (16 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 C043h PORT3 Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C044h PORT4 Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C045h PORT5 Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C04Ah PORTA Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C04Bh PORTB Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C04Ch PORTC Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C04Dh PORTD Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C04Eh PORTE Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C051h PORTH Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C052h PORTJ Port input data register PIDR 8 8 3 or 4 3 ICLK section 19.
PCLKB cycles when
cycles when reading,
reading, 2 ICLK
2 or 3 cycles when
PCLKB writing
cycles when

0008 C060h PORT0 Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C061h PORT1 Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 107 of 1252

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (17 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 C062h PORT2 Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C063h PORT3 Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C064h PORT4 Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C065h PORT5 Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C06Ah PORTA Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C06Bh PORTB Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C06Ch PORTC Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C06Dh PORTD Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C06Eh PORTE Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C071h PORTH Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C072h PORTJ Port mode register PMR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C082h PORT1 Open drain control register 0 ODR0 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C083h PORT1 Open drain control register 1 ODR1 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C085h PORT2 Open drain control register 1 ODR1 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C086h PORT3 Open drain control register 0 ODR0 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C087h PORT3 Open drain control register 1 ODR1 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C094h PORTA Open drain control register 0 ODR0 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C095h PORTA Open drain control register 1 ODR1 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C096h PORTB Open drain control register 0 ODR0 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C097h PORTB Open drain control register 1 ODR1 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C098h PORTC Open drain control register 0 ODR0 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C099h PORTC Open drain control register 1 ODR1 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C09Ch PORTE Open drain control register 0 ODR0 8 8, 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0C0h PORT0 Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0C1h PORT1 Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0C2h PORT2 Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0C3h PORT3 Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0C4h PORT4 Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0C5h PORT5 Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0CAh PORTA Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0CBh PORTB Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0CCh PORTC Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0CDh PORTD Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0CEh PORTE Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0D1h PORTH Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0D2h PORTJ Pull-up control register PCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0E1h PORT1 Drive capacity control register DSCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0EBh PORTB Drive capacity control register DSCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C0ECh PORTC Drive capacity control register DSCR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C11Fh MPC Write-protect register PWPR 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C120h PORT Port switching register B PSRB 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C121h PORT Port switching register A PSRA 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 19.

0008 C147h MPC P07 pin function control register P07PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C14Ah MPC P12 pin function control register P12PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C14Bh MPC P13 pin function control register P13PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C14Ch MPC P14 pin function control register P14PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C14Dh MPC P15 pin function control register P15PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C14Eh MPC P16 pin function control register P16PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C14Fh MPC P17 pin function control register P17PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C150h MPC P20 pin function control register P20PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C151h MPC P21 pin function control register P21PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (18 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 C152h MPC P22 pin function control register P22PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C153h MPC P23 pin function control register P23PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C154h MPC P24 pin function control register P24PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C155h MPC P25 pin function control register P25PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C156h MPC P26 pin function control register P26PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C157h MPC P27 pin function control register P27PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C158h MPC P30 pin function control register P30PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C159h MPC P31 pin function control register P31PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C15Ah MPC P32 pin function control register P32PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C15Bh MPC P33 pin function control register P33PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C15Ch MPC P34 pin function control register P34PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C160h MPC P40 pin function control register P40PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C161h MPC P41 pin function control register P41PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C162h MPC P42 pin function control register P42PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C163h MPC P43 pin function control register P43PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C164h MPC P44 pin function control register P44PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C165h MPC P45 pin function control register P45PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C166h MPC P46 pin function control register P46PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C167h MPC P47 pin function control register P47PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C16Ch MPC P54 pin function control register P54PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C16Dh MPC P55 pin function control register P55PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C190h MPC PA0 pin function control register PA0PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C191h MPC PA1 pin function control register PA1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C192h MPC PA2 pin function control register PA2PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C193h MPC PA3 pin function control register PA3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C194h MPC PA4 pin function control register PA4PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C195h MPC PA5 pin function control register PA5PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C196h MPC PA6 pin function control register PA6PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C197h MPC PA7 pin function control register PA7PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C198h MPC PB0 pin function control register PB0PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C199h MPC PB1 pin function control register PB1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C19Ah MPC PB2 pin function control register PB2PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C19Bh MPC PB3 pin function control register PB3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C19Ch MPC PB4 pin function control register PB4PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C19Dh MPC PB5 pin function control register PB5PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C19Eh MPC PB6 pin function control register PB6PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C19Fh MPC PB7 pin function control register PB7PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A0h MPC PC0 pin function control register PC0PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A1h MPC PC1 pin function control register PC1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A2h MPC PC2 pin function control register PC2PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A3h MPC PC3 pin function control register PC3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A4h MPC PC4 pin function control register PC4PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A5h MPC PC5 pin function control register PC5PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A6h MPC PC6 pin function control register PC6PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A7h MPC PC7 pin function control register PC7PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A8h MPC PD0 pin function control register PD0PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1A9h MPC PD1 pin function control register PD1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1AAh MPC PD2 pin function control register PD2PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1ABh MPC PD3 pin function control register PD3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1ACh MPC PD4 pin function control register PD4PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1ADh MPC PD5 pin function control register PD5PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 109 of 1252

Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (19 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 C1AEh MPC PD6 pin function control register PD6PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1AFh MPC PD7 pin function control register PD7PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B0h MPC PE0 pin function control register PE0PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B1h MPC PE1 pin function control register PE1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B2h MPC PE2 pin function control register PE2PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B3h MPC PE3 pin function control register PE3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B4h MPC PE4 pin function control register PE4PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B5h MPC PE5 pin function control register PE5PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B6h MPC PE6 pin function control register PE6PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1B7h MPC PE7 pin function control register PE7PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1C8h MPC PH0 pin function control register PH0PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1C9h MPC PH1 pin function control register PH1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1CAh MPC PH2 pin function control register PH2PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1CBh MPC PH3 pin function control register PH3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1D1h MPC PJ1 pin function control register PJ1PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C1D3h MPC PJ3 pin function control register PJ3PFS 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 20.

0008 C28Fh SYSTEM Flash HOCO software standby control register FHSSBYCR 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 11.

0008 C290h SYSTEM Reset status register 0 RSTSR0 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 6.

0008 C291h SYSTEM Reset status register 1 RSTSR1 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 6.

0008 C293h SYSTEM Main clock oscillator forced oscillation control register MOFCR 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 C294h SYSTEM High-speed clock oscillator power supply control register HOCOPCR 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 9.

0008 C296h FLASH Flash write erase protection register FWEPROR 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

0008 C297h SYSTEM Voltage monitoring circuit/comparator A control register LVCMPCR 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 C298h SYSTEM Voltage detection level select register LVDLVLR 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 C29Ah SYSTEM Voltage monitoring 1 circuit/comparator A1 control register 0 LVD1CR0 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 C29Bh SYSTEM Voltage monitoring 2 circuit/comparator A2 control register 0 LVD2CR0 8 8 4, 5 PCLKB 2, 3 ICLK section 8.,
section 33.

0008 C400h RTC 64-Hz counter R64CNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C402h RTC Second counter/Binary counter 0 RSECCNT/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C404h RTC Minute counter/Binary counter 1 RMINCNT/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C406h RTC Hour counter/Binary counter 2 RHRCNT/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C408h RTC Day-of-week counter/Binary counter 3 RWKCNT/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C40Ah RTC Date counter RDAYCNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C40Ch RTC Month counter RMONCNT 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C40Eh RTC Year counter RYRCNT 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C410h RTC Second alarm register/Binary counter 0 alarm register RSECAR/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C412h RTC Minute alarm register/Binary counter 1 alarm register RMINAR/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C414h RTC Hour alarm register/Binary counter 2 alarm register RHRAR/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C416h RTC Day-of-week alarm register/Binary counter 3 alarm register RWKAR/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C418h RTC Date alarm register/Binary counter 0 alarm enable register RDAYAR/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C41Ah RTC Month alarm register/Binary counter 1 alarm enable register RMONAR/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C41Ch RTC Year alarm register/Binary counter 2 alarm enable register RYRAR/ 16 16 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C41Eh RTC Year alarm enable register/Binary counter 3 alarm enable RYRAREN/ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.
register BCNT3AER

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RX220 Group 5. I/O Registers

Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) (20 / 20)

Number of Access Cycles

Module Register Number Access ICLK  ICLK < Reference

Address Symbol Register Name Symbol of Bits Size PCLK PCLK Section

0008 C422h RTC RTC control register 1 RCR1 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C424h RTC RTC control register 2 RCR2 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C426h RTC RTC control register 3 RCR3 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

0008 C42Eh RTC Time error adjustment register RADJ 8 8 2, 3 PCLKB 2 ICLK section 25.

007F C402h FLASH Flash mode register FMODR 8 8 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F C410h FLASH Flash access status register FASTAT 8 8 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F C411h FLASH Flash access error interrupt enable register FAEINT 8 8 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F C412h FLASH Flash ready interrupt enable register FRDYIE 8 8 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F C440h FLASH E2 DataFlash read enable register 0 DFLRE0 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 37.

007F C450h FLASH E2 DataFlash programming/erasure enable register 0 DFLWE0 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 37.

007F FFB0h FLASH Flash status register 0 FSTATR0 8 8 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F FFB1h FLASH Flash status register 1 FSTATR1 8 8 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F FFB2h FLASH Flash P/E mode entry register FENTRYR 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F FFB4h FLASH Flash protection register FPROTR 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.

007F FFB6h FLASH Flash reset register FRESETR 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.

007F FFBAh FLASH FCU command register FCMDR 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.

007F FFC8h FLASH FCU processing switching register FCPSR 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.

007F FFCAh FLASH E2 DataFlash blank check control register DFLBCCNT 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 37.

007F FFCCh FLASH Flash P/E status register FPESTAT 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

007F FFCEh FLASH E2 DataFlash blank check status register DFLBCSTAT 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 37.

007F FFE8h FLASH Peripheral clock notification register PCKAR 16 16 2, 3 FCLK 2 ICLK section 36.,
section 37.

Note 1. Odd addresses cannot be accessed in 16-bit units. When accessing a register in 16-bit units, access the address of the TMR0 or TMR2 register. Table 23.4 lists register
allocation for 16-bit access.
Note 2. Odd addresses cannot be accessed in 16-bit units. When accessing a register in 16-bit units, access the address of the TMOCNTL register. Table 29.3 lists register
allocation for 16-bit access.

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RX220 Group 6. Resets

6. Resets
6.1 Overview
There are seven types of resets: RES# pin reset, power-on reset, voltage monitoring 0 reset, voltage monitoring 1 reset,
voltage monitoring 2 reset, independent watchdog timer reset, and software reset.
Table 6.1 lists the reset names and sources.

Table 6.1 Reset Names and Sources

Reset Name Source
RES# pin reset Voltage input to the RES# pin is driven low.
Power-on reset VCC rises (voltage monitored: VPOR)*1
Voltage monitoring 0 reset VCC falls (voltage monitored: Vdet0)*1
Voltage monitoring 1 reset VCC falls (voltage monitored: Vdet1)*1
Voltage monitoring 2 reset VCC falls (voltage monitored: Vdet2)*1
Independent watchdog timer reset The independent watchdog timer underflows, or a refresh error occurs.
Software reset Register setting

Note 1. For the voltages to be monitored (VPOR, Vdet0, Vdet1, and Vdet2), see section 8, Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa) and
section 38, Electrical Characteristics.

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The internal state and pins are initialized by a reset.

Table 6.2 lists the reset targets to be initialized.

Table 6.2 Targets Initialized by Each Reset Source

Reset Source
Voltage Independent Voltage Voltage
RES# Pin Power-On Monitoring 0 Watchdog Monitoring 1 Monitoring 2 Software
Target to be Initialized Reset Reset Reset Timer Reset Reset Reset Reset

The power-on reset detect flag ○ — — — — — —

Register related to the cold start/warm start determination —*1 ○ — — — — —
Voltage monitoring 0 reset detect flag ○ ○ — — — — —
The independent watchdog timer reset detect flag ○ ○ ○ — — — —
Registers related to the independent watchdog timer ○ ○ ○ — — — —
The voltage monitoring 1 reset detect flag ○ ○ ○ ○ — — —
Registers related to voltage monitor function 1 ○ ○ ○ ○ — — —
(LVD1CR1, LVD1SR) ○ ○ ○ ○ — — —
The voltage monitoring 2 reset detect flag ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ — —
Registers related to voltage monitor function 2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ — —
(LVD2CR1, LVD2SR) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ — —
Registers related to main clock oscillator ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Register related to high-speed on-chip oscillator ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Pin state ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
The software reset detect flag ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ —
Register related to the realtime clock*2 — — — — — — —
Registers other than the above, CPU, and internal state ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

○: Targets to be initialized, —: No change occurs.

Note 1. Initialized at a power-on.
Note 2. Some control bits (RCR1.CIE, RCR2.RTCOE, ADJ30, and RESET) are initialized by all types of reset. For details on the target
bits, refer to section 25, Realtime Clock (RTCc).

When a reset is canceled, the reset exception handling starts. For the reset exception handling, see section 13,
Exception Handling.
Table 6.3 lists the pin related to the reset.

Table 6.3 Pin Related to Reset

Pin Name I/O Function
RES# Input Reset pin

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6.2 Register Descriptions

6.2.1 Reset Status Register 0 (RSTSR0)

Address(es): 0008 C290h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0*1 0*1 0*1 0*1

Note 1. The value after reset depends on the reset source.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PORF Power-On Reset Detect Flag 0: Power-on reset not detected. R(/W)
1: Power-on reset detected. *1
b1 LVD0RF Voltage Monitoring 0 Reset Detect 0: Voltage monitoring 0 reset not detected. R(/W)
Flag 1: Voltage monitoring 0 reset detected. *1
b2 LVD1RF Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset Detect 0: Voltage monitoring 1 reset not detected. R(/W)
Flag 1: Voltage monitoring 1 reset detected. *1
b3 LVD2RF Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset Detect 0: Voltage monitoring 2 reset not detected. R(/W)
Flag 1: Voltage monitoring 2 reset detected. *1
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag.

PORF Flag (Power-On Reset Detect Flag)

The PORF flag indicates that a power-on reset has occurred.
[Setting condition]
 When a power-on reset occurs.
[Clearing conditions]
 When resets shown in Table 6.2 occur.
 When PORF is read as 1 and then 0 is written to PORF.

LVD0RF Flag (Voltage Monitoring 0 Reset Detect Flag)

The LVD0RF flag indicates that VCC voltage has fallen below Vdet0.
[Setting condition]
 When Vdet0-level VCC voltage is detected.
[Clearing conditions]
 When resets listed in Table 6.2 occur.
 When LVD0RF is read as 1 and then 0 is written to LVD0RF.

LVD1RF Flag (Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset Detect Flag)

The LVD1RF flag indicates that VCC voltage has fallen below Vdet1.
[Setting condition]
 When Vdet1-level VCC voltage is detected.
[Clearing conditions]
 When a reset listed in Table 6.2 occurs.
 When LVD1RF is read as 1 and then 0 is written to LVD1RF.

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LVD2RF Flag (Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset Detect Flag)

The LVD2RF flag indicates that VCC voltage has fallen below Vdet2.
[Setting condition]
 When Vdet2-level VCC voltage is detected.
[Clearing conditions]
 When a reset listed in Table 6.2 occurs.
 When LVD2RF is read as 1 and then 0 is written to LVD2RF.

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6.2.2 Reset Status Register 1 (RSTSR1)

Address(es): 0008 C291h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — CWSF

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1*1

Note 1. The value after reset depends on the reset source.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CWSF Cold/Warm Start Determination Flag 0: Cold start R(/W)
1: Warm start *1
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only 1 can be written to set the flag.

RSTSR1 determines whether a power-on reset has caused the reset processing (cold start) or a reset signal input during
operation has caused the reset processing (warm start).

CWSF Flag (Cold/Warm Start Determination Flag)

The CWSF flag indicates the type of reset processing: cold start or warm start.
The CWSF flag is initialized at a power-on.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written through programming; it is not set to 0 even when 0 is written.
[Clearing condition]
 When a reset listed in Table 6.2 occurs.

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6.2.3 Reset Status Register 2 (RSTSR2)

Address(es): 0008 00C0h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SWRF — IWDTR
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0*1 0 0*1

Note 1. The value after reset depends on the reset source.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IWDTRF Independent Watchdog Timer Reset Detect 0: Independent watchdog timer reset not detected. R(/W)
Flag 1: Independent watchdog timer reset detected. *1
b1 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b2 SWRF Software Reset Detect Flag 0: Software reset not detected. R(/W)
1: Software reset detected. *1
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag.

IWDTRF Flag (Independent Watchdog Timer Reset Detect Flag)

The IWDTRF flag indicates that an independent watchdog timer reset has occurred.
[Setting condition]
 When an independent watchdog timer reset occurs.
[Clearing conditions]
 When a reset listed in Table 6.2 occurs.
 When IWDTRF is read as 1 and then 0 is written to IWDTRF.

SWRF Flag (Software Reset Detect Flag)

The SWRF flag indicates that a software reset has occurred.
[Setting condition]
 When a software reset occurs.
[Clearing conditions]
 When a reset listed in Table 6.2 occurs.
 When SWRF is read as 1 and then 0 is written to SWRF.

6.2.4 Software Reset Register (SWRR)

Address(es): 0008 00C2h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b15 to b0 SWRR[15:0] Software Reset Writing A501h resets the LSI. These bits are read as 0000h. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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RX220 Group 6. Resets

6.3 Operation

6.3.1 RES# Pin Reset

This is a reset generated by the RES# pin.
When the RES# pin is driven low, all the processing in progress is aborted and the LSI enters a reset state.
In order to unfailingly reset the LSI, the RES# pin should be held low for the specified power supply stabilization time at
a power-on.
When the RES# pin is driven high from low, the internal reset is canceled after the post-RES# cancellation wait time
(tRESWT) has elapsed, and then the CPU starts the reset exception handling.
For details, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.

6.3.2 Power-On Reset and Voltage Monitoring 0 Reset

The power-on reset is an internal reset generated by the power-on reset circuit. If the RES# pin is in a high level state
when power is supplied, a power-on reset is generated. After VCC has exceeded VPOR and the specified period (power-
on reset time) has elapsed, the internal reset is canceled and the CPU starts the reset exception handling. The power-on
reset time is a stabilization period of the external power supply and the LSI circuit. After a power-on reset has been
generated, the PORF flag in RSTSR0 is set to 1. The PORF flag is initialized by RES# pin reset.
The voltage monitoring 0 reset is an internal reset generated by the voltage monitoring circuit. If the voltage detection
circuit 0 start bit (LVDAS) in option function select register 1 (OFS1) is 0 (voltage monitoring 0 reset is enabled after a
reset) and VCC falls below Vdet0, the RSTSR0.LVD0RF flag becomes 1 and the voltage detection circuit generates
voltage monitoring 0 reset. Clear the OFS1.LVDAS bit to 0 if the voltage monitoring 0 reset is to be used.
Release from the voltage monitoring 0 reset state occurs when VCC rises above Vdet0 and the LVD0 reset time (tLVD0)
elapses, and then the CPU starts the reset exception handling.
Figure 6.1 shows operations during a power-on reset and voltage monitoring 0 reset.
For details on voltage monitoring 0 reset, refer to section 8, Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa).

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External voltage VCC

Power-on reset state Voltage monitoring 0 reset state

RES# pin

POR detection signal

(Low is valid)

LVD0 enable/disable Set by OFS1.LVDAS

signal (Low is valid)

Voltage detection 0
signal (Low is valid)

tPOR*2 tLVD0*2
Internal reset signal

RES# pin reset



Note: • For details on the electrical characteristics, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.
Note 1. Vdet0 indicates the detection level for a voltage monitoring 0 reset and VPOR indicates the detection level for a
power-on reset.
Note 2. tPOR indicates the period of a power-on reset and tLVD0 indicates the period of a voltage monitoring 0 reset.
Note 3. At the time the power-supply voltage rises, VCC must rise to at least the minimum guaranteed voltage before release
from the POR reset state.

Figure 6.1 Operation Examples During a Power-On Reset and Voltage Monitoring 0 Reset

6.3.3 Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset and Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset

The voltage monitoring 1 reset and voltage monitoring 2 reset are internal resets generated by the voltage monitoring
When the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt/reset enable bit (LVD1RIE) is set to 1 (enabling generation of a reset or
interrupt by the voltage detection circuit) and the voltage monitoring 1 circuit mode select bit (LVD1RI) is set to 1
(selecting generation of a reset in response to detection of a low voltage) in the voltage monitoring 1 circuit control
register 0 (LVD1CR0), the RSTSR0.LVD1RF flag is set to 1 and the voltage-detection circuit generates a voltage
monitoring 1 reset if VCC falls to or below Vdet1.
Likewise, when the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt/reset enable bit (LVD2RIE) is set to 1 (enabling generation of a reset
or interrupt by the voltage detection circuit) and the voltage monitoring 2 circuit mode select bit (LVD2RI) is set to 1
(selecting generation of a reset in response to detection of a low voltage) in voltage monitoring 2 circuit control register
0 (LVD2CR0), the RSTSR0.LVD2RF flag is set to 1 and the voltage detection circuit generates a voltage monitoring 2
reset if VCC falls to or below Vdet2.
Timing for release from the voltage monitoring 1 reset state is selectable with the voltage monitoring 1 reset negation

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select bit (LVD1RN) in the LVD1CR0 register. When the LVD1CR0.LVD1RN bit is 0 and VCC has fallen to or below
Vdet1, the CPU is released from the internal reset state and starts reset exception handling once the voltage monitoring 1
reset time (tLVD1) has elapsed after VCC has risen above Vdet1. When the LVD1CR0.LVD1RN bit is 1 and VCC has
fallen to or below Vdet1, the CPU is released from the internal reset state and starts reset exception handling once the
voltage monitoring 1 reset time (tLVD1) has elapsed.
Likewise, timing for release from the voltage monitoring 2 reset state is selectable by setting the voltage monitoring 2/
comparator A2 reset negation select bit (LVD2RN) in the LVD2CR0 register. Detection levels Vdet1 and Vdet2 can be
changed by settings in the voltage detection level select register (LVDLVLR).
Figure 6.2 shows examples of operations during voltage monitoring 1 and 2 resets.
For details on the voltage monitoring 1 reset and voltage monitoring 2 reset, refer to section 8, Voltage Detection
Circuit (LVDAa).


External voltage

RES# pin
LVDi valid setting


Voltage detection i
signal (Low is valid)
RES# pin reset

Internal reset signal


Voltage detection i
signal (Low is valid)
RES# pin reset

Internal reset signal

Note: • For details on the electrical characteristics, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.
Note 1. Vdeti shows a detection level of voltage monitoring 1 reset and voltage monitoring 2 reset.
Note 2. tLVDi shows a time for voltage monitoring 1 reset and voltage monitoring 2 reset.
(i = 1, 2)

Figure 6.2 Operation Examples During Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset and Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset

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RX220 Group 6. Resets

6.3.4 Independent Watchdog Timer Reset

Independent watchdog timer reset is an internal reset generated by the independent watchdog timer.
Output of the independent watchdog timer reset from the independent watchdog timer can be selected by setting the
IWDT reset control register (IWDTRCR) and option function select register 0 (OFS0).
When output of the independent watchdog timer reset is selected, an independent watchdog timer reset is generated if the
independent watchdog timer underflows, or if data is written outside the refresh-permitted period. When the internal
reset time (tRESW2) has elapsed after the independent watchdog timer reset has been generated, the internal reset is
canceled and the CPU starts the reset exception handling.
For details on the independent watchdog timer reset, see section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

6.3.5 Software Reset

The software reset is an internal reset generated by the software reset circuit.
When A501h is written to SWRR, a software reset is generated. When the internal reset time (tRESW2) has elapsed after
the software reset is generated, the internal reset is canceled and the CPU starts the reset exception handling.

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6.3.6 Determination of Cold/Warm Start

By reading the CWSF flag in RSTSR1, the type of reset processing caused can be identified; that is, whether a power-on
reset has caused the reset processing (cold start) or a reset signal input during operation has caused the reset processing
(warm start).
The CWSF flag in RSTSR1 is set to 0 when a power-on reset occurs (cold start); otherwise the flag is not set to 0. The
flag is set to 1 when 1 is written to it through programming; it is not set to 0 even when 0 is written.
Figure 6.3 shows an example of cold/warm start determination operation.


External voltage VCC

RES# pin

POR detection signal

(Low is valid)
Not driven to 0 when a
low level is applied to
the RES# pin

Set to 1 through programming

Figure 6.3 Example of Cold/Warm Start Determination Operation

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6.3.7 Determination of Reset Generation Source

Reading RSTSR0 and RSTSR2 determines which reset was used to execute the reset exception handling.
Figure 6.4 shows an example of the flow to identify a reset generation source.

Reset exception


Yes RSTSR0. No

Yes RSTSR0. No

Yes RSTSR2. No

Yes RSTSR0. No

Yes RSTSR0. No


Software Voltage Voltage Independent Voltage Power-on RES# pin

reset monitoring 2 monitoring 1 watchdog monitoring 0 reset reset
reset reset timer reset reset

Figure 6.4 Example of Reset Generation Source Determination Flow

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RX220 Group 7. Option-Setting Memory

7. Option-Setting Memory
7.1 Overview
Option-setting memory refers to a set of registers that are provided for selecting the state of the microcontroller after a
reset. The option-setting memory is allocated in the ROM.
Figure 7.1 shows the option-setting memory area.


FF7F FFE8h to FF7F FFEFh UB code A

FF7F FFF0h to FF7F FFF7h UB code B

Endian select register (MDEB)

(in user boot mode)

Endian select register (MDES)

FFFF FF80h to FFFF FF83h
(in single-chip mode)

FFFF FF88h to FFFF FF8Bh Option function select register 1 (OFS1)

FFFF FF8Ch to FFFF FF8Fh Option function select register 0 (OFS0)

4 bytes

Figure 7.1 Option-Setting Memory Area

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7.2 Register Descriptions

7.2.1 Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0)

Address(es): FFFF FF8Ch

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Value after reset: The value set by the user*1

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: The value set by the user*1

Note 1. The value of the blank product is FFFF FFFFh. It is set to the written value after written by the user.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 — Reserved When reading, this bit returns the value written by the user. R
The write value should be 1.
b1 IWDTSTRT IWDT Start Mode Select 0: IWDT is automatically activated in auto-start mode after a R
1: IWDT is halted after a reset
b3, b2 IWDTTOPS[1:0] IWDT Timeout Period Select b3 b2 R
0 0: 1024 cycles (03FFh)
0 1: 4096 cycles (0FFFh)
1 0: 8192 cycles (1FFFh)
1 1: 16384 cycles (3FFFh)
b7 to b4 IWDTCKS[3:0] IWDT Clock Frequency b7 b4 R
Division Ratio Select 0 0 0 0:  1 (Cycle period: 131 ms)
0 0 1 0:  1/16 (Cycle period: 2.10 s)
0 0 1 1:  1/32 (Cycle period: 4.19 s)
0 1 0 0:  1/64 (Cycle period: 8.39 s)
1 1 1 1:  1/128 (Cycle period: 16.8 s)
0 1 0 1:  1/256 (Cycle period: 33.6 s)
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b9, b8 IWDTRPES[1:0] IWDT Window End Position b9 b8 R
Select 0 0: 75%
0 1: 50%
1 0: 25%
1 1: 0% (No window end position setting)
b11, b10 IWDTRPSS[1:0] IWDT Window Start Position b11 b10 R
Select 0 0: 25%
0 1: 50%
1 0: 75%
1 1: 100% (No window start position setting)
b12 IWDTRSTIRQS IWDT Reset Interrupt 0: Non-maskable interrupt request is enabled R
Request Select 1: Reset is enabled
b13 — Reserved When reading, this bit returns the value written by the user. R
The write value should be 1.
b14 IWDTSLCSTP IWDT Sleep Mode Count 0: Counting stop is disabled R
Stop Control 1: Counting stop is enabled when entering sleep, software
standby, or all-module clock stop mode
b31 to b15 — Reserved When reading, these bits return the value written by the R
user. The write value should be 1.

The OFS0 register selects the operations of the independent watchdog timer (IWDT) after a reset.
The OFS0 register is allocated in the ROM. Set this register at the same time as writing the program. After writing to the
OFS0 register once, do not write to it again.

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When erasing the block including the OFS0 register, the OFS0 register value becomes FFFF FFFFh.
The setting in the OFS0 register is ineffective in user boot mode, and the value becomes FFFF FFFFh.

IWDTSTRT Bit (IWDT Start Mode Select)

This bit selects the mode in which the IWDT is activated after a reset (stopped state or activated in auto-start mode).
When activated in auto-start mode, the OFS0 register setting for the IWDT is effective.

IWDTTOPS[1:0] Bits (IWDT Timeout Period Select)

These bits select the timeout period, i.e. the time it takes for the down-counter to underflow, as 1024, 4096, 8192, or
16384 cycles of the frequency-divided clock set by the IWDTCKS[3:0] bits. The time (number of IWDT-dedicated clock
cycles) it takes to underflow after a refresh operation is determined by the combination of the IWDTCKS[3:0] bits and
IWDTTOPS[1:0] bits.
For details, see section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

IWDTCKS[3:0] Bits (IWDT Clock Frequency Division Ratio Select)

These bits select, from 1/1, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, and 1/256, the division ratio of the prescaler to divide the frequency
of the IWDT-dedicated clock. Using the setting of these bits together with the IWDTTOPS[1:0] bit setting, the IWDT
counting period can be set from 1024 to 4194304 IWDT-dedicated clock cycles.
For details, see section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

IWDTRPES[1:0] Bits (IWDT Window End Position Select)

These bits select the position of the end of the window for the down-counter as 0%, 25%, 50%, or 75% of the value being
counted by the counter. The value of the window end position must be smaller than the value of the window start position
(window start position > window end position). If the value for the window end position is greater than the value for the
window start position, only the value for the window start position is effective.
The counter values corresponding to the settings for the start and end positions of the window in the IWDTRPSS[1:0]
and IWDTRPES[1:0] bits vary with the setting of the IWDTTOPS[1:0] bits.
For details, refer to section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

IWDTRPSS[1:0] Bits (IWDT Window Start Position Select)

These bits select the position where the window for the down-counter starts as 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the value
being counted (the point at which counting starts is 100% and the point at which an underflow occurs is 0%). The
interval between the positions where the window starts and ends becomes the period in which refreshing is possible, and
refreshing is not possible outside this period.
For details, refer to section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

IWDTRSTIRQS Bit (IWDT Reset Interrupt Request Select)

The setting of this bit selects the operation on an underflow of the down-counter or generation of a refresh error. Either
an independent watchdog timer reset or a non-maskable interrupt request is selectable.
For details, refer to section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

IWDTSLCSTP Bit (IWDT Sleep Mode Count Stop Control)

This bit selects to stop counting when entering sleep, software standby, or all-module clock stop mode.
For details, see section 26, Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa).

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RX220 Group 7. Option-Setting Memory

7.2.2 Option Function Select Register 1 (OFS1)

Address(es): FFFF FF88h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Value after reset: The value set by the user*1

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — HOCO — — — — — LVDAS VDSEL[1:0]

Value after reset: The value set by the user*1

Note 1. The value of the blank product is FFFF FFFFh. It is set to the written value after written by the user.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 VDSEL[1:0] Voltage Detection 0 Level b1 b0 R
Select 0 0: 3.80 V is selected
0 1: 2.80 V is selected
1 0: 1.90 V is selected
1 1: 1.72 V is selected
b2 LVDAS Voltage Detection 0 Circuit 0: Voltage monitoring 0 reset is enabled after a reset R
Start 1: Voltage monitoring 0 reset is disabled after a reset
b7 to b3 — Reserved When reading, these bits return the value written by the user. R
The write value should be 1.
b8 HOCOEN HOCO Oscillation Enable 0: HOCO oscillation is enabled after a reset R
1: HOCO oscillation is disabled after a reset
b31 to b9 — Reserved When reading, these bits return the value written by the user. R
The write value should be 1.

The OFS1 register is allocated in the ROM. Set this register at the same time as writing the program. After writing, do
not write additions to this register.
When erasing the block including the OFS1 register, the setting in the OFS1 register is ineffective, and the OFS1 register
value becomes FFFF FFFFh.
The setting in the OFS1 register is ineffective in user boot mode, and the value becomes FFFF FFFFh.

VDSEL[1:0] Bits (Voltage Detection 0 Level Select)

These bits select the voltage detection level to be monitored by the voltage detection 0 circuit.

LVDAS Bit (Voltage Detection 0 Circuit Start)

This bit selects whether the voltage monitoring 0 reset is enabled or disabled after a reset.
The Vdet0 voltage to be monitored by the voltage detection 0 circuit is selected by the VDSEL[1:0] bits.

HOCOEN Bit (HOCO Oscillation Enable)

This bit selects whether the HOCO oscillation enable bit is effective or not after a reset.
Setting the HOCOEN bit to 0 allows the HOCO oscillation to be started before the CPU starts operation, and therefore
reduces the wait time for oscillation stabilization.
Note that even if the HOCOEN bit is set to 0, the system clock source is not switched to HOCO. The system clock source
is switched to HOCO only by modifying the clock source select bits (SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0]) from the CPU.

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RX220 Group 7. Option-Setting Memory

7.2.3 Endian Select Register B (MDEB), Endian Select Register S (MDES)

Address(es): FF7F FFF8h: MDEB (in user boot mode)

FFFF FF80h: MDES (in single-chip mode)

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Value after reset: The value set by the user*1

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — MDE[2:0]

Value after reset: The value set by the user*1

Note 1. The value of the blank product is FFFF FFFFh. It is set to the written value after written by the user.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 MDE[2:0] Endian Select b2 b0 R
0 0 0: Big endian
1 1 1: Little endian
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b31 to b3 — Reserved When reading, these bits return the value written by the user. R
The write value should be 1.

The MDEn (n = B, S) register selects the endian for the CPU. In user boot mode, the endian select register B (MDEB) at
address FF7F FFF8h is used to select the endian. In single-ship mode, the endian select register S (MDES) at address
FFFF FF80h is used.
MDEn is allocated in the ROM. Set the register at the same time as writing the program. After writing to the register
once, do not write to it again.
When erasing the block including the MDEn register, the MDEn register value becomes FFFF FFFFh.

MDE[2:0] Bits (Endian Select)

These bits select little endian or big endian for the CPU.
The endian is determined by the value at address FF7F FFF8h in the user boot area when operating in user boot mode,
and by the value at address FFFF FF80h in the user area when operating in single-chip mode.

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RX220 Group 7. Option-Setting Memory

7.3 UB Code
UB codes A and B are required if user boot mode is to be employed.The MCU will start up in user boot mode on release
from the reset state if the four conditions below are satisfied.
 UB code A is 55736572h and 426F6F74h.
 UB code B is FFFFFF07h and 0008C04Ch.
 The low level is being input on the MD pin.
 The high level is being input on the PC7 pin.

7.3.1 UB code A
UB code A consists of two 32-bit words. Set UB code A to 55736572h and 426F6F74h. Do not set other values for the
Figure 7.2 shows the configuration of UB code A. Set UB code A in 32-bit units.

FF7F FFE8h UB code A (55736572h)

FF7F FFECh UB code A (426F6F74h)

Figure 7.2 UB Code A Configuration

7.3.2 UB Code B
UB code B consists of two 32-bit words. Set UB code B to FFFFFF07h and 0008C04Ch. Do not set other values for the
Figure 7.3 shows the configuration of UB code B. Set UB code B in 32-bit units.

FF7F FFF0h UB code B (FFFFFF07h)

FF7F FFF4h UB code B (0008C04Ch)

Figure 7.3 UB Code B Configuration

7.4 Usage Note

7.4.1 Setting Example of Option-Setting Memory

Since the option-setting memory is allocated in the ROM, values cannot be written by executing instructions. Write
appropriate values when writing the program. An example of the settings is shown below.

 To set ffff fff8h in the OFS0 register

.org 0ffff ff8ch
.lword 0fffffff8h
Note: • Programming formats vary depending on the compiler. Refer to the compiler manual for details.

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

The voltage detection circuit (LVD) monitors the voltage level input to the VCC pin using a program.

8.1 Overview
In voltage detection 0, the detection voltage can be selected from four levels by using option function select register 1
In voltage detection 1 and voltage detection 2, the detection voltage can be selected from sixteen levels using the voltage
detection level select register (LVDLVLR).
Voltage detection 2 can be switched between input voltages to VCC and the CMPA2 pin.
Reset of voltage monitoring 0, reset/interrupt of voltage monitoring 1, and reset/interrupt of voltage monitoring 2 can be
However, voltage monitoring 1 and comparator A1 cannot be used at the same time because they share the voltage
detection circuit. Similarly, voltage monitoring 2 and comparator A2 cannot be used at the same time because they share
the voltage detection circuit.

Table 8.1 lists the specifications of the voltage detection circuit. Figure 8.1 is a block diagram of the voltage detection
circuit. Figure 8.2 is a block diagram of the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt/reset circuit. Figure 8.3 is a block diagram of
the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt/reset circuit.

Table 8.1 Voltage Detection Circuit Specifications (1/2)

Item Voltage Monitoring 0 Voltage Monitoring 1 Voltage Monitoring 2
VCC Monitored Vdet0 Vdet1 Vdet2
monitoring voltage
Detected Voltage drops past Vdet0 Voltage rises or drops past Vdet1 Voltage rises or drops past Vdet2
Input voltages to VCC and the
CMPA2 pin can be switched using
Detection Voltage selectable from four Voltage selectable from 16 levels Varies according to whether VCC
voltage levels using OFS1 using LVDLVLR.LVD1LVL[3:0] bits or the CMPA2 pin is selected.
Voltage selectable from 16 levels
using LVDLVLR.LVD2LVL[3:0] bits
Monitoring None LVD1SR.LVD1MON flag: Monitors LVD2SR.LVD2MON flag: Monitors
flag whether voltage is higher or lower whether voltage is higher or lower
than Vdet1 than Vdet2
LVD1SR.LVD1DET flag: Vdet1 LVD2SR.LVD2DET flag: Vdet2
passage detection passage detection
Process upon Reset Voltage monitoring 0 reset Voltage monitoring 1 reset Voltage monitoring 2 reset
Reset when Vdet0 > VCC Reset when Vdet1 > VCC Reset when Vdet2 > VCC
CPU restart after specified CPU restart timing selectable: CPU restart timing selectable:
time with VCC > Vdet0 after specified time with VCC > after specified time with VCC >
Vdet1 or Vdet1 > VCC Vdet2 or Vdet2 > VCC
Interrupt None Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt
Non-maskable or maskable Non-maskable or maskable
interrupt is selectable interrupt is selectable
Interrupt request issued when Interrupt request issued when
Vdet1 > VCC and VCC > Vdet1 or Vdet2 > VCC and VCC > Vdet2 or
either either
Digital filter Enable/ Digital filter function not Available Available
Disable available
Sampling — 1/n LOCO frequency  2 1/n LOCO frequency  2
time (n: 1, 2, 4, 8) (n: 1, 2, 4, 8)

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

Table 8.1 Voltage Detection Circuit Specifications (2/2)

Item Voltage Monitoring 0 Voltage Monitoring 1 Voltage Monitoring 2
Event link function None Available None
Vdet1 passage detection event


Voltage detection 0 reset signal


Internal reference Level selection Vdet0
voltage circuit
(for detecting Vdet0) (4 levels) Shared use with comparator A1


+ Voltage detection 1 signal

Internal reference Level selection
voltage circuit
(for detecting Vdet1) (16 levels) EXVREFINP1=0
Shared use with comparator A2


Voltage detection 2 signal

Internal reference Level selection
voltage circuit
(for detecting Vdet2) (16 levels)


LVD2LVL[3:0], LVD1LVL[3:0]: Bits in LVDLVLR
LVDAS, VDSEL[1:0]: Bits in OFS1

Figure 8.1 Block Diagram of Voltage Detection Circuit

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt/reset circuit

The setting of the LVD1DET bit will be 0 if 0 (undetected) is written in the program.

Voltage detection 1 circuit =11b
LOCO 1/2 1/2 1/2
LVD1E b1


+ Digital LVD1RN=0
Voltage Voltage
- detection Fixed monitoring 1
1 signal LVD1DFDIS=1 period reset signal
negation LVD1RN=1
(Low is valid)
Internal reference Level selection
(for detection of Vdet1)
LVD1LVL[3:0] Edge
selection b0
circuit Voltage
Voltage detection 1 signal will be high when the LVD1E bit is 0 monitoring 1
(disabled) interrupt signal
monitoring 1
interrupt signal


LVD1LVL[3:0]: Bits in LVDLVLR ELC event

Figure 8.2 Block Diagram of Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt/Reset Circuit

Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt/reset circuit

The setting of the LVD2DET bit will be 0 if 0 (undetected) is written by the program.

Voltage detection 2 circuit =11b
LOCO 1/2 1/2 1/2
+ Digital LVD2RN=0
CMPA2 EXVCCINP2=1 Voltage Voltage
- detection 2 Fixed monitoring 2
LVD2DFDIS=1 period
signal LVD2RN=1 reset signal
Internal reference negation (Low is valid)
voltage Level selection
(for detection of EXVREFINP2=0 LVD2DET
LVD2LVL[3:0] Edge
selection b0
circuit Voltage
monitoring 2
interrupt signal
Voltage detection 2 signal will be high when the setting of
the LVD2E bit is 0 (disabled) LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
monitoring 2
interrupt signal


LVD2LVL[3:0]: Bits in LVDLVLR

Figure 8.3 Block Diagram of Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt/Reset Circuit

Table 8.2 lists the input/output pins relevant to the voltage detection circuit.

Table 8.2 Input/Output Pins of the Voltage Detection Circuit

Pin name Pin name Function
CMPA2 Input Detection target voltage pin for voltage detection 2

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2 Register Descriptions

8.2.1 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 1 (LVD1CR1)

Address(es): 0008 00E0h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

QSEL [1:0]
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 LVD1IDTSEL Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 b1 b0 R/W
[1:0] Interrupt/ELC Event Generation 0 0: When VCC  Vdet1 (rise) is detected
Condition Select 0 1: When VCC < Vdet1 (drop) is detected
1 0: When drop and rise are detected
1 1: Do not set
b2 LVD1IRQSEL Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Non-maskable interrupt R/W
Interrupt Type Select 1: Maskable interrupt
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2.2 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Status Register (LVD1SR)

Address(es): 0008 00E1h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — LVD1M LVD1D
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD1DET Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Not detected R(/W)
Voltage Change Detection Flag 1: Vdet1 passage detection *1
b1 LVD1MON Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: VCC < Vdet1 R
Signal Monitor Flag 1: VCC  Vdet1 or LVD1MON is disabled
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit. After writing 0 to this bit, it takes 2 system clock cycles for the bit to be read as 0.

LVD1DET Flag (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Voltage Change Detection Flag)

The LVD1DET flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit is 1 (voltage detection 1 circuit enabled) and the
LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison result output enabled).
The LVD1DET flag should be set to 0 after LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE is set to 0 (disabled). LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE can be set
to 1 (enabled) again after a period of PCLKB2 cycle or more has elapsed.
Depending on the number of cycles of PCLKB defined for access to read an I/O register, more cycles than PCLKB2 may
have to be secured as wait time.

LVD1MON Flag (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Signal Monitor Flag)

The LVD1MON flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit is 1 (voltage detection 1 circuit enabled) and the
LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison result output enabled).

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2.3 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 1 (LVD2CR1)

Address(es): 0008 00E2h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

QSEL [1:0]
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 LVD2IDTSEL Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 b1 b0 R/W
[1:0] Interrupt Generation Condition Select 0 0: When VCC  Vdet2 (rise) is detected
0 1: When VCC < Vdet2 (drop) is detected
1 0: When drop and rise are detected
1 1: Do not set
b2 LVD2IRQSEL Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Non-maskable interrupt R/W
Interrupt Type Select 1: Maskable interrupt
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2.4 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Status Register (LVD2SR)

Address(es): 0008 00E3h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — LVD2M LVD2D
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD2DET Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Not detected R(/W)
Voltage Change Detection Flag 1: Vdet2 passage detection *1
b1 LVD2MON Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: VCC < Vdet2 R
Signal Monitor Flag 1: VCC  Vdet2 or LVD2MON is disabled
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit. After writing 0 to this bit, it takes 2 system clock cycles for the bit to be read as 0.

LVD2DET Flag (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Voltage Change Detection Flag)

The LVD2DET flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit is 1 (voltage detection 2 circuit enabled) and the
LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 2 circuit comparison result output enabled).
The LVD2DET flag should be set to 0 after LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE is set to 0 (disabled). LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE can be set
to 1 (enabled) again after a period of PCLKB2 cycle or more has elapsed.
Depending on the number of cycles of PCLKB defined for access to read an I/O register, two or more cycles of PCLKB
may have to be secured as wait time.

LVD2MON Flag (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Signal Monitor Flag)

The LVD2MON flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit is 1 (voltage detection 2 circuit enabled) and the
LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 2 circuit comparison result output enabled).

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2.5 Voltage Monitoring Circuit/Comparator A Control Register (LVCMPCR)

Address(es): 0008 C297h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 EXVREFINP1 Comparator A1 Reference Voltage 0: Internal reference voltage R/W
External Input Select Must be set to 0 when the device is to be used for an
b1 EXVCCINP1 Comparator A1 Comparison Voltage 0: Power supply voltage (VCC) R/W
External Input Select Must be set to 0 when the device is to be used for an
b2 EXVREFINP2 Comparator A2 Reference Voltage 0: Internal reference voltage R/W
External Input Select Must be set to 0 when the device is to be used for an
b3 EXVCCINP2 Comparator A2 Comparison Voltage 0: Source voltage (VCC) R/W
External Input Select 1: CMPA2 pin input voltage*1
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 LVD1E Voltage Detection 1/Comparator A1 0: Voltage detection 1/comparator A1 circuit disabled R/W
Enable 1: Voltage detection 1/comparator A1 circuit enabled
b6 LVD2E Voltage Detection 2/Comparator A2 0: Voltage detection 2/comparator A2 circuit disabled R/W
Enable 1: Voltage detection 2/comparator A2 circuit enabled
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. The LVDLVLR.LVD2LVL[3:0] bits must be set to 0001b when the EXVCCINP2 bit is to be set to 1 (CMPA2 pin input voltage).

LVD1E Bit (Voltage Detection 1/Comparator A1 Enable)

When using voltage detection 1/comparator A1 interrupt/reset or the LVD1SR.LVD1MON flag, set the LVD1E bit to 1.
The voltage detection 1/comparator A1 circuit starts once td(E-A) passes after the LVD1E bit value is changed from 0 to

LVD2E Bit (Voltage Detection 2/Comparator A2 Enable)

When using voltage detection 2/comparator A2 interrupt/reset or the LVD2SR.LVD2MON flag, set the LVD2E bit to 1.
The voltage detection 2/comparator A2 circuit starts once td(E-A) passes after the LVD2E bit value is changed from 0 to

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2.6 Voltage Detection Level Select Register (LVDLVLR)

Address(es): 0008 C298h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

LVD2LVL[3:0] LVD1LVL[3:0]

Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 LVD1LVL[3:0] Voltage Detection 1 Level Select b3 b0 R/W
(Standard voltage during drop in voltage) 0 0 0 0: 4.15 V
0 0 0 1: 4.00 V
0 0 1 0: 3.85 V
0 0 1 1: 3.70 V
0 1 0 0: 3.55 V
0 1 0 1: 3.40 V
0 1 1 0: 3.25 V
0 1 1 1: 3.10 V
1 0 0 0: 2.95 V
1 0 0 1: 2.80 V
1 0 1 0: 2.65 V
1 0 1 1: 2.50 V
1 1 0 0: 2.35 V
1 1 0 1: 2.20 V
1 1 1 0: 2.05 V
1 1 1 1: 1.90 V
b7 to b4 LVD2LVL[3:0] Voltage Detection 2 Level Select (When LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP2 = 0 (VCC select)) R/W
(Standard voltage during drop in voltage) b7 b4
0 0 0 0: 4.15 V
0 0 0 1: 4.00 V
0 0 1 0: 3.85 V
0 0 1 1: 3.70 V
0 1 0 0: 3.55 V
0 1 0 1: 3.40 V
0 1 1 0: 3.25 V
0 1 1 1: 3.10 V
1 0 0 0: 2.95 V
1 0 0 1: 2.80 V
1 0 1 0: 2.65 V
1 0 1 1: 2.50 V
1 1 0 0: 2.35 V
1 1 0 1: 2.20 V
1 1 1 0: 2.05 V
1 1 1 1: 1.90 V
b7 b4
0 0 0 1: 1.33 V
Settings other than above are prohibited.

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

When changing the LVDLVLR register, first set the LVCMPCR.LVD1E and LVCMPCR.LVD2E bits to 0 (voltage
detection n circuit disabled) (n = 1, 2).
Do not use the voltage detection 1 and 2 circuits at the same detection voltage level. When setting the detection voltage
level of the voltage detection 0 circuit to 1.90 V, do not set the detection voltage level of the voltage detection 1 and 2
circuits to 1.90 V. When setting the detection voltage level of the voltage detection 0 circuit to 2.80 V, do not set the
detection voltage level of the voltage detection 1 and 2 circuits to 2.80 V.

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.2.7 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 0 (LVD1CR0)

Address(es): 0008 C29Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


N [1:0] MPE FDIS E
Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 X 0 1 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD1RIE Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Disabled R/W
Interrupt/Reset Enable 1: Enabled
b1 LVD1DFDIS Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Digital filter enable R/W
Digital Filter Disable Mode Select 1: Digital filter disable
b2 LVD1CMPE Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator 0: Voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison results output R/W
A1 Comparison Result Output Enable disable
1: Voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison results output
b3 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 LVD1FSAMP Sampling Clock Select b5 b4 R/W
[1:0] 0 0: LOCO divided by 1
0 1: LOCO divided by 2
1 0: LOCO divided by 4
1 1: LOCO divided by 8
b6 LVD1RI Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator 0: Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt enabled when Vdet1 is R/W
A1 Mode Select crossed
1: Voltage monitoring 1 reset enabled when the voltage
falls to and below Vdet1
b7 LVD1RN Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD1) after VCC R/W
Reset Negation Select > Vdet1 is detected.
1: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD1) after
assertion of the LVD1 reset.

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

LVD1RIE Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Interrupt/Reset Enable)

Ensure that neither a voltage monitoring 1 reset nor a voltage monitoring 1 non-maskable interrupt is generated during
programming or erasure of the flash memory.

LVD1DFDIS Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Digital Filter Disable Mode Select)
Set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates) if the LVD1DFDIS bit is 0 (digital filter enabled).
Set the LVD1DFDIS bit to 1 (digital filter disabled) when using voltage monitoring 1 circuit in software standby mode.

LVD1FSAMP[1:0] Bits (Sampling Clock Select)

The LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits can be modified only when the LVD1DFDIS bit is 1 (digital filter disabled). The
LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits should not be modified when the LVD1DFDIS bit is 0 (digital filter enabled).

LVD1RN Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Reset Negation Select)

If the LVD1RN bit is to be set to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring 1 reset
signal), set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates). Furthermore, if a transition to software standby mode is
to be made, the only possible value for the LVD1RN bit is 0 (negation follows a stabilization time after VCC > Vdet1 is
detected). Do not set the LVD1RN bit to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring
1 reset signal).

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8.2.8 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 0 (LVD2CR0)

Address(es): 0008 C29Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


N [1:0] MPE FDIS E
Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 X 0 1 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD2RIE Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Disabled R/W
Interrupt/Reset Enable 1: Enabled
b1 LVD2DFDIS Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Digital filter enable R/W
Digital Filter Disable Mode Select 1: Digital filter disable
b2 LVD2CMPE Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator 0: Voltage monitoring 2 circuit comparison results output R/W
A2 Comparison Result Output Enable disable
1: Voltage monitoring 2 circuit comparison results output
b3 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 LVD2FSAMP Sampling Clock Select b5 b4 R/W
[1:0] 0 0: LOCO divided by 1
0 1: LOCO divided by 2
1 0: LOCO divided by 4
1 1: LOCO divided by 8
b6 LVD2RI Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator 0: Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt during Vdet2 passage R/W
A2 Mode Select 1: Voltage monitoring 2 reset enabled when the voltage
falls to and below Vdet2
b7 LVD2RN Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD2) after VCC R/W
Reset Negation Select > Vdet2 is detected.
1: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD2) after
assertion of the LVD2 reset.

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

LVD2RIE Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Interrupt/Reset Enable)

Ensure that neither a voltage monitoring 2 reset nor a voltage monitoring 2 non-maskable interrupt is generated during
programming or erasure of the flash memory.

LVD2DFDIS Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Digital Filter Disable Mode Select)
Set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates) if the LVD1DFDIS bit is 0 (digital filter enabled).
Set the LVD2DFDIS bit to 1 (digital filter disabled) when using voltage monitoring 2 circuit in software standby mode.

LVD2FSAMP[1:0] Bits (Sampling Clock Select)

The LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits can be modified only when the LVD2DFDIS bit is 1 (digital filter disabled). The
LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits should not be modified when the LVD2DFDIS bit is 0 (digital filter enabled).

LVD2RN Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Reset Negation Select)

If the LVD2RN bit is to be set to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring 2 reset
signal), set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates). Furthermore, if a transition to software standby mode is
to be made, the only possible value for the LVD2RN bit is 0 (negation follows a stabilization time after VCC > Vdet2 is
detected). Do not set the LVD2RN bit to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring
2 reset signal).

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.3 VCC Input Voltage Monitor

8.3.1 Monitoring Vdet0

Monitoring Vdet0 is not possible.

8.3.2 Monitoring Vdet1

Table 8.3 lists the procedures for setting up monitoring against Vdet1. After making the following settings, the
LVD1SR.LVD1MON flag can be used to monitor the results of comparison by voltage monitor 1.

Table 8.3 Procedures for Setting up Monitoring against Vdet1

Step When the Digital Filter is in Use When the Digital Filter is Not in Use
1 Specify the detection voltage by setting the LVDLVLR.LVD1LVL[3:0] bits (voltage detection 1 level select).
2 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP1 bit to 0 (internal reference voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP1 bit to 0 (VCC voltage).
3 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital
LVD1CR0.LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits. filter).
4 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for voltage detection 1).
5 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
6 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the voltage monitoring 1 circuit).
7 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. —
8 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the digital —
9 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, 4, — (No waiting is required.)
8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO
frequency-divided by n).

8.3.3 Monitoring Vdet2

Table 8.4 lists the procedures for setting up monitoring against Vdet2. After making the following settings, the
LVD2SR.LVD2MON flag can be used to monitor the results of comparison by voltage monitor 2.

Table 8.4 Procedures for Setting up Monitoring against Vdet1

Step When the Digital Filter is in Use When the Digital Filter is Not in Use
1 Specify the detection voltage by setting the LVDLVLR.LVD2LVL[3:0] bits (voltage detection 2 level select).
2 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP2 bit to 0 (internal reference voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP2 bit to 0 (VCC voltage) or set it to 1 (selecting the input voltage on the CMPA2 pin).
3 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital
LVD2CR0.LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits. filter).
4 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for voltage detection 2).
5 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
6 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the voltage monitoring 2 circuit).
7 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. —
8 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the digital —
9 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, 4, — (No waiting is required.)
8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO
frequency-divided by n).

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.4 Reset from Voltage Monitor 0

When using the reset from voltage monitor 0, clear the voltage detection 0 circuit start bit (OFS1.LVDAS) to 0 (enabling
the voltage monitor 0 reset after a reset).
Figure 8.4 shows an example of operations for a voltage monitoring 0 reset.



External voltage VCC

Power-on reset state Voltage monitoring 0 reset state

RES# pin

POR detection signal

(Low is valid)

LVD0 enable/disable Set by OFS1.LVDAS

signal (Low is valid)

Voltage detection 0
signal (Low is valid)

tPOR*2 tLVD0*2
Internal reset signal

RES# pin reset



Note: • For details on the electrical characteristics, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.
Note 1. Vdet0 indicates the detection level for a voltage monitoring 0 reset and VPOR indicates the detection level for a
power-on reset.
Note 2. tPOR indicates the period of a power-on reset and tLVD0 indicates the period of a voltage monitoring 0 reset.
Note 3. At the time the power-supply voltage rises, VCC must rise to at least the minimum guaranteed voltage before release
from the POR reset state.

Figure 8.4 Example of Voltage Monitoring 0 Reset Operation

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8.5 Interrupt and Reset from Voltage Monitoring 1

Table 8.5 shows the procedures for setting bits related to the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt and voltage monitoring 1
reset. Table 8.6 shows the procedures for stopping bits related to the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt and voltage
monitoring 1 reset. Figure 8.5 shows an example of operations for a voltage monitoring 1 interrupt. For the operation of
the voltage monitoring 1 reset, see Figure 6.2 in section 6, Resets.
Furthermore, set the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital filter) if you intend to use the voltage
monitoring 1 circuit to initiate release from software standby mode.

Table 8.5 Procedures for Setting Bits Related to the Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt and Voltage Monitoring 1
When the Digital Filter is in Use When the Digital Filter is Not in Use
Voltage Monitoring 1 Voltage Monitoring 1
Interrupt, Voltage Interrupt, Voltage
Monitoring 1 ELC Event Monitoring 1 ELC Event
Step Output Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset Output Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset
1*2 Select the detection voltage by setting the LVDLVLR.LVD1LVL[3:0] bits.
2*2 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP1 bit to 0 (internal reference voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP1 bit to 0 (VCC voltage).
3*1 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital
LVD1CR0.LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits. filter).
4 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1RI Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RI bit Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1RI Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RI bit
*1, *2 bit to 0 (to select the voltage to 1 (to select the voltage bit to 0 (to select the voltage to 1 (to select the voltage
monitoring 1 interrupt). monitoring 1 reset). monitoring 1 interrupt). monitoring 1 reset).
Select the type of reset nega- Select the type of reset nega-
tion by setting the tion by setting the
5 Select the timing of interrupt — Select the timing of interrupt —
requests by setting the requests by setting the
bits. bits.
Select the type of interrupt by Select the type of interrupt by
setting the setting the
6 — Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE — Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE
bit to 1 (enabling voltage bit to 1 (enabling voltage
monitoring 1 interrupt/reset) monitoring 1 interrupt/reset)
7*2 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for voltage detection 1).
8*2 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
9 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the voltage monitoring 1 circuit).
10 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. —
11 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the digital —
12 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, 4, — (No waiting is required.)
8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO
frequency-divided by n).
13 Clear the LVD1SR.LVD1DET — Clear the LVD1SR.LVD1DET —
bit to 0. bit to 0.
14 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE — Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE —
bit to 1 (enabling voltage bit to 1 (enabling voltage
monitoring 1 interrupt/reset) monitoring 1 interrupt/reset)

Note 1. Executing steps 3 and 4 at the same time (with a single instruction) creates no problems.
Note 2. Steps 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 are not required if operation is with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt
(LVD1CR0.LVD1RI = 0) and operation can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS and
LVD1FSAMP bits or LVD1CR1.LVD1IRQSEL and LVD1IDTSEL bits after monitoring is stopped or if restarting is in a case
where the settings related to the voltage-detection circuit were not changed after monitoring was stopped. When changes are to
be made and operation is with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 1 reset (LVD1CR0.LVD1RI = 1), proceed through all
steps from 1 to 14.

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Table 8.6 Procedures for Stopping Bits Related to the Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt and Voltage Monitoring
1 Reset
Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt, Voltage Monitoring 1 ELC
Step Event Output Voltage Monitoring 1 Reset
1 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE bit to 0 (disabling voltage —
monitoring 1 interrupt/reset).
2 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit to 0 (disabling output of the results of comparison by the voltage monitoring 1 circuit).
3*1 Clear the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit to 0 (disable the voltage monitoring 1 circuit).
4 — Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE bit to 0 (disabling voltage
monitoring 1 interrupt/reset).
5 Modify settings of bits related to the voltage detection circuit registers other than LVCMPCR.LVD1E, LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE, and

Note 1. Step 3 is not required if operation is with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt (LVD1CR0.LVD1RI = 0) and
operation can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS and LVD1FSAMP bits or
LVD1CR1.LVD1IRQSEL and LVD1IDTSEL bits after monitoring is stopped or if restarting is in a case where the settings related
to the voltage-detection circuit were not changed after monitoring was stopped. When changes are to be made and operation is
with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 1 reset (LVD1CR0.LVD1RI = 1), proceed through all steps from 1 to 5.

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Lower limit on VCC voltage (VCCmin)*1

LVD1MON bit when LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0

(digital filter enabled)

1n + 2 to 2n + 3 cycles 1n + 2 to 2n + 3 cycles
of the LOCO of the LOCO
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0 (digital filter LVD1DET bit
enabled) and LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits
are set to 10b (when drop and rise are Set to 0 by a program

Voltage monitoring 1
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program

LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0 (digital filter LVD1DET bit

enabled), LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are
set to 00b (when rise is detected).
Voltage monitoring 1
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0 (digital LVD1DET bit
filter enabled), LVD1IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 01b (when drop is
Voltage monitoring 1
interrupt request

LVD1MON bit when LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1

(digital filter disabled)
Set to 0 by a program

LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1 (digital LVD1DET bit

filter disabled) and
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set to 10b
(when drop and rise are detected) Voltage monitoring 1
interrupt request
Set to 0 by a program

LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1 (digital LVD1DET bit

filter disabled), LVD1IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 00b (when rise is
detected). Voltage monitoring 1
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1 (digital LVD1DET bit
filter disabled), LVD1IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 01b (when drop is
detected). Voltage monitoring 1
interrupt request

n: the frequency of the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO frequency divided by n

Note 1. When the voltage monitoring 0 reset is not in use, VCC  VCCmin.

Figure 8.5 Example of Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt Operation

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8.6 Interrupt and Reset from Voltage Monitoring 2

Table 8.7 shows the procedures for setting bits related to the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt and voltage monitoring 2
reset. Table 8.8 shows the procedure for stopping bits related to the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt and voltage
monitoring 2 reset. Figure 8.6 shows an example of operations for a voltage monitoring 2 interrupt. For the operation of
the voltage monitoring 2 reset, see Figure 6.2 in section 6, Resets.
Furthermore, set the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital filter) if you intend to use the voltage
monitoring 2 circuit to initiate release from software standby mode.

Table 8.7 Procedures for Setting Bits Related to the Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt and Voltage Monitoring 2
When the Digital Filter is in Use When the Digital Filter is Not in Use
Voltage Monitoring 2 Voltage Monitoring 2
Step Interrupt Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset Interrupt Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset
1*2 Select the detection voltage by setting the LVDLVLR.LVD2LVL[3:0] bits.
2*2 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP2 bit to 0 (internal reference voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP2 bit to 0 (VCC voltage) or set it to 1 (selecting the input voltage on the CMPA2 pin).
3*1 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital
LVD2CR0.LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits. filter).
4 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2RI Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RI bit Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2RI Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RI bit
*1, *2 bit to 0 (to select the voltage to 1 (to select the voltage bit to 0 (to select the voltage to 1 (to select the voltage
monitoring 2 interrupt). monitoring 2 reset). monitoring 2 interrupt). monitoring 2 reset).
Select the type of reset nega- Select the type of reset nega-
tion by setting the tion by setting the
5 Select the timing of interrupt — Select the timing of interrupt —
requests by setting the requests by setting the
bits. bits.
Select the type of interrupt by Select the type of interrupt by
setting the setting the
6 — Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE — Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE
bit to 1 (enabling voltage bit to 1 (enabling voltage
monitoring 2 interrupt/reset) monitoring 2 interrupt/reset)
7*2 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for voltage detection 2).
8*2 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
9 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the voltage monitoring 2 circuit).
10 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. —
11 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the digital —
12 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, 4, — (No waiting is required.)
8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO
frequency-divided by n).
13 Clear the LVD2SR.LVD2DET — Clear the LVD2SR.LVD2DET —
bit to 0. bit to 0.
14 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE — Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE —
bit to 1 (enabling voltage bit to 1 (enabling voltage
monitoring 2 interrupt/reset) monitoring 2 interrupt/reset)

Note 1. Executing steps 3 and 4 at the same time (with a single instruction) creates no problems.
Note 2. Steps 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 are not required if operation is with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt
(LVD2CR0.LVD2RI = 0) and operation can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS and
LVD2FSAMP bits or LVD2CR1.LVD2IRQSEL and LVD2IDTSEL bits after monitoring is stopped or if restarting is in a case
where the settings related to the voltage-detection circuit were not changed after monitoring was stopped. When changes are to
be made and operation is with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 2 reset (LVD2CR0.LVD2RI = 1), proceed through all
steps from 1 to 14.

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Table 8.8 Procedures for Stopping Bits Related to the Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt and Voltage Monitoring
2 Reset
Step Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt Voltage Monitoring 2 Reset
1 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE bit to 0 (disabling voltage —
monitoring 2 interrupt/reset).
2 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit to 0 (disabling output of the results of comparison by the voltage monitoring 2 circuit).
3*1 Clear the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit to 0 (disable the voltage monitoring 2 circuit).
4 — Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE bit to 0 (disabling voltage
monitoring 2 interrupt/reset).
5 Modify settings of bits related to the voltage detection circuit registers other than LVCMPCR.LVD2E, LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE, and

Note 1. Step 3 is not required if operation is with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt (LVD2CR0.LVD2RI = 0) and
operation can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS and LVD2FSAMP bits or
LVD2CR1.LVD2IRQSEL and LVD2IDTSEL bits after monitoring is stopped or if restarting is in a case where the settings related
to the voltage-detection circuit were not changed after monitoring was stopped. When changes are to be made and operation is
with the setting to select the voltage monitoring 2 reset (LVD2CR0.LVD2RI = 1), proceed through all steps from 1 to 5.

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Lower limit on VCC voltage


LVD2MON bit when LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0

(digital filter enabled)

1n + 2 to 2n + 3 cycles 1n + 2 to 2n + 3 cycles
of the LOCO of the LOCO

LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0 (digital LVD2DET bit

filter enabled) and LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 10b (when drop and Set to 0 by a program
rise are detected)

Voltage monitoring 2
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program

LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0 (digital LVD2DET bit

filter enabled), LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 00b (when rise is
Voltage monitoring 2
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0 (digital LVD2DET bit
filter enabled), LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 01b (when drop is
Voltage monitoring 2
interrupt request

LVD2MON bit when LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1

(digital filter disabled)
Set to 0 by a program

LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1 (digital LVD2DET bit

filter disabled) and
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set to 10b
(when drop and rise are detected) Voltage monitoring 2
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program

LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1 (digital LVD2DET bit

filter disabled), LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 00b (when rise is
detected). Voltage monitoring 2
interrupt request

Set to 0 by a program
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1 (digital LVD2DET bit
filter disabled), LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
bits are set to 01b (when drop is
detected). Voltage monitoring 2
interrupt request

n: the frequency of the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO frequency divided by n

Note 1. When the voltage monitoring 0 reset is not in use, VCC  VCCmin.

Figure 8.6 Example of Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt Operation

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RX220 Group 8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)

8.7 Event Link Output

The LVD can output the event signals to the event link controller (ELC).
(1) Vdet1 passage detection event
The LVD outputs the event signal when it is detected that the voltage has passed the Vdet1 voltage while both the
voltage detection 1 circuit and the voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison result output are enabled.

When enabling the LVD's event link output function, be sure to make settings for enabling the LVD before enabling the
LVD event link function of the ELC. To stop the LVD's event link output function, be sure to make settings for stopping
the LVD after disabling the LVD event link function of the ELC.

8.7.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking

The LVD has the bits to separately enable or disable the voltage monitoring 1 and 2 interrupts. When an interrupt source
is generated and the interrupt is enabled by the interrupt enable bit, the interrupt request signal is output to the CPU.
On the contrary, as soon as an interrupt source is generated, the event link signal is output as the event signal to the other
module via the ELC regardless of the state of the interrupt enable bit.
It is possible to output voltage monitoring 1 and 2 interrupts in software standby mode. The event signals for the ELC,
however, are output as follows:
When the events of passing Vdet1 are detected in software standby mode, no event signals are generated for the ELC
because no clock is presented in software standby mode. Since the Vdet1 passage detection flags are preserved, however,
when the supply of the clock is resumed after restoring from software standby mode, the event signals for the ELC are
output according to the state of the Vdet1 passage detection flags.

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RX220 Group 9. Clock Generation Circuit

9. Clock Generation Circuit

9.1 Overview
The RX220 Group incorporates a clock generation circuit.
Table 9.1 lists the specifications of the clock generation circuit. Figure 9.1 shows a block diagram of the clock
generation circuit.

Table 9.1 Specifications of Clock Generation Circuit

Item Description
Use  Generates the system clock (ICLK) to be supplied to the CPU, DMAC, DTC, ROM, and
 Generates the peripheral module clocks (PCLKB and PCLKD) to be supplied to peripheral
The peripheral module clock used as the operating clock is PCLKD for S12AD and PCLKB
for other modules.
 Generates the FlashIF clock (FCLK) to be supplied to the FlashIF.
 Generates the CAC clock (CACCLK) to be supplied to the CAC.
 Generates the RTC-dedicated sub clock (RTCSCLK) to be supplied to the RTC.
 Generates the IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK) to be supplied to the IWDT.
Operating frequency*1  ICLK: 32 MHz (max)
 PCLKB: 32 MHz (max)
 PCLKD: 32 MHz (max)
 FCLK: 4 MHz to 32 MHz (for programming and erasing the ROM and E2 DataFlash)
32 MHz (max) (for reading from the E2 DataFlash)
 CACCLK: Same as frequency of each oscillator
 RTCSCLK: 32.768 kHz
 IWDTCLK: 125 kHz
Main clock oscillator  Resonator frequency: 1 MHz to 20 MHz
 External clock input frequency: 20 MHz (max)
 Connectable resonator or additional circuit: ceramic resonator, crystal resonator
 Connection pin: EXTAL, XTAL
 Oscillation stop detection function:
When an oscillation stop is detected with the main clock, the system clock source is switched
to LOCO and MTU output can be forcedly driven to the high-impedance.
Sub-clock oscillator  Resonator frequency: 32.768 kHz
 Connectable resonator or additional circuit: crystal resonator
 Connection pin: XCIN, XCOUT
High-speed on-chip oscillator  Oscillation frequency: 32 MHz/36.864 MHz/40 MHz/50 MHz
(HOCO)  HOCO power supply control
Low-speed on-chip oscillator (LOCO) Oscillation frequency: 125 kHz
IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator Oscillation frequency: 125 kHz

Note 1. The maximum operating frequency in middle-speed operating mode A1. For the maximum operating frequency in the other
operating modes, see section 11.2.5, Operating Power Control Register (OPCCR).

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FlashIF clock (FCLK)
To FlashIF


System clock (ICLK)
and RAM

CKSEL[2:0] divider SCKCR PCKB[3:0], PCKD[3:0]
SCKCR3 1/1

1/2 Peripheral module clock

Oscillation 1/4

stop 1/8
detection 1/16 To peripheral module
circuit 1/32

Main clock

EXTAL Main clock

Sub-clock Sub-clock

High-speed HOCO clock


Low-speed LOCO clock


IWDT-dedicated IWDT-dedicated clock IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK)

on-chip To IWDT

CAC clock
To RTC-dedicated clock (RTCSCLK)

Figure 9.1 Block Diagram of Clock Generation Circuit

Table 9.2 lists the input/output pins of the clock generation circuit.

Table 9.2 Input/Output Pins of Clock Generation Circuit

Pin Name I/O Description
XTAL Output These pins are used to connect a crystal resonator. The EXTAL pin can also be used to
input an external clock. For details, section 9.3.2, External Clock Input.
XCIN Input These pins are used to connect a 32.768-kHz crystal resonator.
XCOUT Output

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9.2 Register Descriptions

9.2.1 System Clock Control Register (SCKCR)

Address(es): 0008 0020h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

FCK[3:0] ICK[3:0] — — — — BCK[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — PCKB[3:0] — — — — PCKD[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PCKD[3:0] Peripheral Module Clock D b3 b0 R/W
(PCLKD) Select 0 0 0 0: ×1
0 0 0 1: ×1/2
0 0 1 0: ×1/4
0 0 1 1: ×1/8
0 1 0 0: ×1/16
0 1 0 1: ×1/32
0 1 1 0: ×1/64
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits should be set to 0001b. R/W
b11 to b8 PCKB[3:0] Peripheral Module Clock B b11 b8 R/W
(PCLKB) Select 0 0 0 0: ×1
0 0 0 1: ×1/2
0 0 1 0: ×1/4
0 0 1 1: ×1/8
0 1 0 0: ×1/16
0 1 0 1: ×1/32
0 1 1 0: ×1/64
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b15 to b12 — Reserved These bits should be set to 0001b. R/W
b19 to b16 BCK[3:0] External Bus Clock (BCLK) b19 b16 R/W
Select 0 0 0 0: ×1
0 0 0 1: ×1/2
0 0 1 0: ×1/4
0 0 1 1: ×1/8
0 1 0 0: ×1/16
0 1 0 1: ×1/32
0 1 1 0: ×1/64
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b23 to b20 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b27 to b24 ICK[3:0] System Clock (ICLK) b27 b24 R/W
Select 0 0 0 0: ×1
0 0 0 1: ×1/2
0 0 1 0: ×1/4
0 0 1 1: ×1/8
0 1 0 0: ×1/16
0 1 0 1: ×1/32
0 1 1 0: ×1/64
Settings other than above are prohibited.

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Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b31 to b28 FCK[3:0] FlashIF Clock (FCLK) b31 b28 R/W
Select 0 0 0 0: ×1
0 0 0 1: ×1/2
0 0 1 0: ×1/4
0 0 1 1: ×1/8
0 1 0 0: ×1/16
0 1 0 1: ×1/32
0 1 1 0: ×1/64
Settings other than above are prohibited.
Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
The following frequency relationship need be established between the system clock (ICLK) and external bus clock (BCLK):
When BCLK is not to be used, specify either one of the frequency division settings for ICLK and PCLKB, whichever is greater, in
the SCKCR.BCK[3:0] bits. If this setting causes BCLK to exceed 25 MHz, however, specify the maximum frequency division
setting that will never cause BCLK to exceed 25 MHz in the SCKCR.BCK[3:0] bits.

When an instruction for writing to SCKCR, or SCKCR3 is to follow writing to the SCKCR register, do so in accord with
the procedure below.
1. Write to the SCKCR register.
2. Confirm that the value has actually been written to the SCKCR register.
3. Proceed to the next step.

SCKCR should not be modified in the following cases:

 The operating power control mode transition status flag in the operating power control register
(OPCCR.OPCMTSF) is 1 (a transition to operating power control mode in progress)
 The ROM P/E mode entry i bit in the flash P/E mode entry register (FENTRYR.FENTRYi) is 1 (ROM P/E mode,
E2 DataFlash P/E mode) (i = 0, D)
 Time period from WAIT instruction execution for a transition to sleep mode, to return from sleep mode to normal
operating mode

PCKD[3:0] Bits (Peripheral Module Clock D (PCLKD) Select)

These bits select the frequency of the peripheral module clock (PCLKD).
This is the operating clock for the S12AD module.

PCKB[3:0] Bits (Peripheral Module Clock B (PCLKB) Select)

These bits select the frequency of the peripheral module clock (PCLKB).
This is the operating clock for modules other than the S12AD module.

BCK[3:0] Bits (External Bus Clock (BCLK) Select)

These bits select the frequency of the external bus clock (BCLK).

ICK[3:0] Bits (System Clock (ICLK) Select)

These bits select the frequency of the system clock (ICLK).

FCK[3:0] Bits (FlashIF Clock (FCLK) Select)

These bits select the frequency of the FlashIF clock (FCLK).

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9.2.2 System Clock Control Register 3 (SCKCR3)

Address(es): 0008 0026h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — CKSEL[2:0] — — — — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b10 to b8 CKSEL[2:0] Clock Source Select b10 b8 R/W
0 0 0: LOCO
0 0 1: HOCO
0 1 0: Main clock oscillator
0 1 1: Sub-clock oscillator
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b15 to b11 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

SCKCR3 should not be modified in the following cases:

 The operating power control mode transition status flag in the operating power control register
(OPCCR.OPCMTSF) is 1 (a transition to operating power control mode in progress)
 The ROM P/E mode entry i bit in the flash P/E mode entry register (FENTRYR.FENTRYi) is 1 (ROM P/E mode,
E2 DataFlash P/E mode) (i = 0, D)
 Time period from WAIT instruction execution for a transition to sleep mode, to return from sleep mode to normal
operating mode

CKSEL[2:0] Bits (Clock Source Select)

These bits select the source of the system clock (ICLK), peripheral module clock (PCLKB and PCLKD), and FlashIF
clock (FCLK) from low-speed on-chip oscillator (LOCO), high-speed on-chip oscillator (HOCO), the main clock
oscillator, and the sub-clock oscillator.
Transitions to clock sources which are not in operation are prohibited.

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9.2.3 Main Clock Oscillator Control Register (MOSCCR)

Address(es): 0008 0032h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — MOSTP

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 MOSTP Main Clock Oscillator Stop 0: Main clock oscillator is operating. R/W
1: Main clock oscillator is stopped.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

Set up this register after setting up the main clock oscillator wait control register described in section 11, Low Power

MOSTP Bit (Main Clock Oscillator Stop)

This bit runs or stops the main clock oscillator.
When a crystal resonator is connected to supply the main clock, after changing the MOSTP bit so that the main clock
oscillator operates, only use the main clock after the main clock oscillation stabilization wait time (crystal; tMAINOSCWT)
has elapsed.
When an external clock is input to supply the main clock, set the MOSCWTCR.MSTS[4:0] bits to 00000b. After
changing the MOSTP bit so that the main clock oscillator operates, only use the main clock after the EXTAL external
clock input wait time (tEXWT) has elapsed.
For the main clock oscillator, a fixed time is required for oscillation to become stable after the settings for operation have
been made. Furthermore, a fixed time is required for oscillation to actually stop after the settings to stop oscillation have
been made. Accordingly, take note of the following limitations when starting and stopping operation.
 When restarting the main clock after it has been stopped, allow at least five cycles of the main clock as an interval
over which it is still stopped.
 Ensure that oscillation by the main clock oscillator is stable when making the setting to stop the main clock
 Regardless of whether or not it is selected as the system clock, ensure that oscillation by the main clock oscillator is
stable before executing a WAIT instruction to place the chip on software standby mode.
 When a transition to software standby mode is to follow the setting to stop the main clock oscillator, wait for at least
two cycles of the main clock before executing the WAIT instruction.

Do not set the MOSTP bit to 1 when one of the following conditions is met.
 When the main clock is selected as the clock source for the system clock (SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0] = 010b)

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9.2.4 Sub-Clock Oscillator Control Register (SOSCCR)

Address(es): 0008 0033h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — SOSTP

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SOSTP Sub-Clock Oscillator Stop 0: Sub-clock oscillator is operating. R/W
1: Sub-clock oscillator is stopped.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

Set up this register after setting up the sub-clock oscillator wait control register described in section 11, Low Power

SOSTP Bit (Sub-Clock Oscillator Stop)

This bit runs or stops the sub-clock oscillator.
The SOSTP bit and the sub-clock oscillator control bit in RTC control register 3 (RCR3.RTCEN) control whether to
operate or stop the sub-clock oscillator. If one of these bits is set so as to enable the operation, the sub-clock oscillator
When changing the value of the SOSTP bit or RCR3.RTCEN bit, execute subsequent instructions after reading the bit
and checking that its value has actually been updated (refer to (2), Notes on writing to I/O registers, in section 5, I/O
After the setting of the SOSTP bit or the RCR3.RTCEN bit has been changed so that the sub-clock oscillator operates,
only start using the sub-clock after the sub-clock oscillation stabilization wait time (tSUBOSCWT) has elapsed.
That is, a fixed time for stabilization is required after the setting for sub-clock oscillator operation. A fixed time is also
required for oscillation to stop after the setting to stop the oscillator. Accordingly, take note of the following limitations
when starting and stopping the oscillator.
 When restarting the sub-clock oscillator after it has been stopped, allow at least five cycles of the sub-clock as an
interval over which it is still stopped.
 Ensure that oscillation by the sub-clock oscillator is stable when making the setting to stop the sub-clock oscillator.
 Regardless of whether or not it is selected as the system clock, ensure that oscillation by the sub-clock oscillator is
stable before executing a WAIT instruction to place the chip on software standby.
 When a transition to software standby mode is to follow the setting to stop the sub-clock oscillator, wait for at least
two cycles of the sub-clock oscillator after the setting to stop the sub-clock oscillator and before executing the
WAIT instruction.

Writing 1 to the SOSTP bit (stopping the sub-clock oscillator) is prohibited while the sub-clock oscillator is selected by
the clock source select bits in system clock control register 3 (SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0]).

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9.2.5 Low-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register (LOCOCR)

Address(es): 0008 0034h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — LCSTP

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LCSTP LOCO Stop 0: LOCO is operating. R/W
1: LOCO is stopped.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.


This bit runs or stops the LOCO.
After the setting of the LCSTP bit has been changed so that the LOCO operates, only start using the LOCO after the
LOCO clock oscillation stabilization wait time (tLOCOWT) has elapsed.
That is, a fixed time for stabilization of oscillation is required after the setting for LOCO operation. A fixed time is also
required for oscillation to stop after the setting to stop the oscillator. Accordingly, take note of the following limitations
when starting and stopping the oscillator.
 When restarting the LOCO after it has been stopped, allow at least five cycles of the LOCO as an interval over
which it is still stopped.
 Ensure that oscillation by the LOCO is stable when making the setting to stop the LOCO.
 Regardless of whether or not it is selected as the system clock, ensure that oscillation by the LOCO is stable before
executing a WAIT instruction to place the chip on software standby.
 When a transition to software standby mode is to follow the setting to stop the LOCO, wait for at least three cycles
of the LOCO after the setting to stop the LOCO and before executing the WAIT instruction.

Writing 1 to the LCSTP bit (stopping the LOCO) is prohibited while the LOCO is selected by the clock source select bits
in system clock control register 3 (SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0]).
Writing 1 to the LCSTP bit (stopping the LOCO) is prohibited if detection of oscillation stopping is enabled by the
oscillation-stop detection-enable bit in the oscillation stop detection control register (OSTDCR.OSTDE).

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9.2.6 IWDT-Dedicated On-chip Oscillator Control Register (ILOCOCR)

Address(es): 0008 0035h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — ILCSTP

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 ILCSTP IWDT-Dedicated On-Chip 0: IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator is operating. R/W
Oscillator Stop 1: IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator is stopped.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

When the IWDT start mode select bit in option function select register 0 (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) is 0 (IWDT operating), the
setting of this register is invalid; it is valid only when the OFS0.IWDTSTRT bit is set to 1 (IWDT stopped). The ILCSTP
bit cannot be changed from 0 (IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator operating) to 1 (IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator
stopped) while ILOCOCR is valid.

ILCSTP Bit (IWDT-Dedicated On-Chip Oscillator Stop)

This bit runs or stops the IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator.
After the setting of the ILCSTP bit has been changed so that the IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator operates, supply of
the clock within the LSI only starts after a time of wait for stabilization of the LOCO (tLOCOWT) has elapsed. If the
IWDT-dedicated clock is to be used, only start using the oscillator after this wait time (tLOCOWT) has elapsed.
Ensure that oscillation by the IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator is stable before executing a WAIT instruction to place
the chip on software standby mode.

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9.2.7 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register (HOCOCR)

Address(es): 0008 0036h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — HCSTP

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1*1

Note 1. The HCSTP bit value after a reset is 0 when the HOCO oscillation enable bit in option function select register 1
(OFS1.HOCOEN) is 0. The HCSTP bit value after a reset is 1 when the OFS1.HOCOEN bit is 1.

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 HCSTP HOCO Stop 0: HOCO is operating. R/W
1: HOCO is stopped.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

Set up this register after setting up the HOCO wait control register 2 described in section 11, Low Power


This bit runs or stops the HOCO.
When changing the value of the HCSTP bit from 1 to 0 (stopped to operating), supply of the clock signal within the LSI
circuit starts after the wait time set by the HOCOWTCR2.HSTS2[3:0] bits has elapsed. Only start using the oscillator
after this wait time has elapsed. That is, a fixed time for stabilization of oscillation is required after the setting for HOCO
operation. A fixed time is also required for oscillation to stop after the setting to stop the oscillator. Accordingly, take
note of the following limitations when starting and stopping the oscillator.
 When restarting the HOCO after it has been stopped, allow at least five cycles of the HOCO as an interval over
which it is still stopped.
 Ensure that oscillation by the HOCO is stable when making the setting to stop the HOCO.
 Regardless of whether or not it is selected as the system clock, ensure that oscillation by the HOCO is stable before
executing a WAIT instruction to place the chip on software standby mode.
 When a transition to software standby mode is to follow the setting to stop the HOCO, wait for at least two cycles of
the HOCO after the setting to stop the HOCO and before executing the WAIT instruction.

Writing 1 to the HCSTP bit (stopping the HOCO) is prohibited while the HOCO is selected by the clock source select
bits (CKSEL[2:0]) in system clock control register 3 (SCKCR3).
Writing 0 to the HCSTP bit (making the HOCO operate) is prohibited when the setting of the operating power control
mode select bits in the operating power control register (OPCCR.OPCM[2:0]) is for low-speed operating mode 2.

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9.2.8 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register 2 (HOCOCR2)

Address(es): 0008 0037h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — HCFRQ[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 HCFRQ[1:0] HOCO Frequency Setting b1 b0 R/W
0 0: 32 MHz
0 1: 36.864 MHz
1 0: 40 MHz
1 1: 50 MHz
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

Writing to the HOCOCR2 register is prohibited while the HOCOCR.HCSTP bit is 0 (the setting for the HOCO to

HCFRQ[1:0] Bits (HOCO Frequency Setting)

These bits set the frequency of the HOCO.

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9.2.9 Oscillation Stop Detection Control Register (OSTDCR)

Address(es): 0008 0040h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

OSTDE — — — — — — OSTDI
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OSTDIE Oscillation Stop Detection 0: The oscillation stop detection interrupt is disabled. Oscillation stop R/W
Interrupt Enable detection is not notified to the POE.
1: The oscillation stop detection interrupt is enabled. Oscillation stop
detection is notified to the POE.
b6 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 OSTDE Oscillation Stop Detection 0: Oscillation stop detection function is disabled. R/W
Function Enable 1: Oscillation stop detection function is enabled.

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

OSTDIE Bit (Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupt Enable)

If the oscillation-stop detection flag in the oscillation stop detection status register (OSTDSR.OSTDF) requires clearing,
do this after clearing the OSTDIE bit to 0. Wait for at least two cycles of PCLKB before again setting the OSTDIE bit to
1. According to the number of cycles for access to read a given I/O register, wait time longer than two cycles of PCLKB
may have to be secured.

OSTDE Bit (Oscillation Stop Detection Function Enable)

This bit enables or disables the oscillation stop detection function.
After this function is enabled, tdr (see Table 38.39, Oscillation Stop Detection Circuit Characteristics) is required
before stable operation starts.
When the OSTDE bit is 1 (oscillation stop detection function enabled), the LOCO stop bit (LOCOCR.LCSTP) is cleared
to 0 and the LOCO operation is started. The LOCO cannot be stopped while the oscillation stop detection function is
enabled; writing 1 to the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit (LOCO stopped) is invalid.
When the oscillation stop detection flag in the oscillation stop detection status register (OSTDSR.OSTDF) is 1 (main
clock oscillation stop detected), writing 0 to the OSTDE bit is invalid.
When the OSTDE bit is 1, a transition cannot be made to software standby mode. To make a transition to software
standby mode, execute the WAIT instruction with the OSTDE bit being 0.

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9.2.10 Oscillation Stop Detection Status Register (OSTDSR)

Address(es): 0008 0041h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — OSTDF

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OSTDF Oscillation Stop Detection Flag 0: The main clock oscillation stop has not been detected. R(/W)
1: The main clock oscillation stop has been detected. *1
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC0 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. This bit can only be set to 0.

OSTDF Flag (Oscillation Stop Detection Flag)

This bit is a flag to indicate the main clock status. When the OSTDF flag is 1, it indicates that the main clock oscillation
stop has been detected.
Once the main clock oscillation stop is detected, the OSTDF flag is not cleared to 0 even though the main clock
oscillation is restarted. The OSTDF flag is cleared to 0 by reading 1 from the bit and then writing 0. At least 3 ICLK
cycles of wait time is necessary between writing 0 to the OSTDF flag and reading the OSTDF flag as 0. If the OSTDF
flag is cleared to 0 while the main clock oscillation is stopped, the OSTDF flag becomes 0 and then returns to 1.
When the main clock oscillator (010b) is selected by the clock source select bits in system clock control register 3
(SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0]), the OSTDF flag cannot be modified to 0.

[Setting condition]
 The main clock oscillation is stopped with the OSTDCR.OSTDE bit being 1 (oscillation stop detection function

[Clearing condition]
 1 is read and then 0 is written when the SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0] bits are neither 010b.

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9.2.11 Main Clock Oscillator Forced Oscillation Control Register (MOFCR)

Address(es): 0008 C293h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— MOSEL MODRV2[1:0] MODRV[2:0] —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 to b1 MODRV[2:0] Main Clock Oscillator Drive b3 b1 R/W
Capability Switch 0 0 0: Other than 16-MHz to 20-MHz lead type ceramic
1 1 1: 16-MHz to 20-MHz lead type ceramic resonator
Settings other than the above are prohibited.
b5, b4 MODRV2[1:0] Main Clock Oscillator Drive b5 b4 R/W
Capability Switch 2 0 1: 1 MHz to 8 MHz
1 0: 8.1 MHz to 15.9 MHz
1 1: 16 MHz to 20 MHz
Settings other than the above are prohibited.
b6 MOSEL Main Clock Oscillator Switch 0: Resonator R/W
1: External oscillator input
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

The EXTAL/XTAL pin is also used as a port. In the initial setting state, the pin is set as a port.

MODRV[2:0] Bits (Main Clock Oscillator Drive Capability Switch)

These bits select the drive capability of the main clock oscillator.

MODRV2[1:0] Bits (Main Clock Oscillator Drive Capability Switch 2)

These bits select the drive capability of the main clock oscillator.

MOSEL Bit (Main Clock Oscillator Switch)

This bit selects the oscillation source of the main clock oscillator.

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9.2.12 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Power Supply Control Register (HOCOPCR)

Address(es): 0008 C294h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — HOCO
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 HOCOPCNT High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator 0: Turns the power supply of the HOCO on. R/W
Power Supply Control 1: Turns the power supply of the HOCO off.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

HOCOPCNT Bit (High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Power Supply Control)

This bit controls the power supply for the HOCO.
When this bit is set to 0, the power supply of the HOCO is turned on, enabling oscillation.
When this bit is set to 1, the power supply of the HOCO is turned off, reducing power consumption.
When setting the HOCOPCNT bit to 1, set the HOCO stop bit in the high-speed on-chip oscillator control register
(HOCOCR.HCSTP) to 1 (HOCO stopped).
After the HOCOPCNT bit is changed from 1 to 0, oscillation stabilization time is required before the HOCOCR.HCSTP
bit is set to 0. For details, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.
Do not change the value of the HOCOPCNT bit in the following cases:
 When the HOCO is selected by the clock source select bits in system clock control register 3
 When the setting of the operating power control mode select bits in the operating power control register
(OPCCR.OPCM[2:0]) is for low-speed operating mode 1 or low-speed operating mode 2. The value of the
HOCOPCNT bit can be changed only when the setting is for middle-speed operating mode 1A or middle-speed
operating mode 1B.

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9.3 Main Clock Oscillator

There are two ways of supplying the clock signal from the main clock oscillator: connecting an oscillator or the input of
an external clock signal.

9.3.1 Connecting a Crystal Resonator

Figure 9.2 shows an example of connecting a crystal resonator.
A damping resistor Rd should be added, if necessary. Since the resistor values vary depending on the resonator and the
oscillation drive capability, use values recommended by the resonator manufacturer. If use of an external feedback
resistor (Rf) is directed by the resonator manufacturer, insert an Rf between EXTAL and XTAL by following the
When connecting a resonator to supply the clock, the frequency of the resonator should be in the frequency range of the
resonator for the main clock oscillator described in Table 9.1.





Rd CL2 CL1 = CL2 = 15 pF (reference values)

Figure 9.2 Example of Crystal Resonator Connection

Table 9.3 Damping Resistance (Reference Values)

Frequency (MHz) 1 8 16 20
Rd () 750 0 0 0

Figure 9.3 shows an equivalent circuit of the crystal resonator. Use a crystal resonator that has the characteristics shown
in Table 9.4.




Figure 9.3 Equivalent Circuit of Crystal Resonator

Table 9.4 Crystal Resonator Characteristics (Reference Values)

Frequency (MHz) 1 8 16 20
RS max () 480 14 16.8 8.1
C0 max (pF) 3 2.2 3 3.5

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9.3.2 External Clock Input

Figure 9.4 illustrates connection of an external clock. Set the MOFCR.MOSEL bit to 1 if operation is to be driven by an
external clock. In this case, the XTAL pin will be in the Hi-Z state.

EXTAL External clock input


Figure 9.4 Connection Example of External Clock

9.3.3 Notes on the External Clock Input

The frequency of the external clock input can only be changed while the main clock oscillator is stopped. Do not change
the frequency of the external clock input while the setting of the main clock oscillator stop bit (MOSCCR.MOSTP) is 0
(making the main clock oscillator run).

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9.4 Sub-Clock Oscillator

The only way of supplying the clock signal from the sub-clock oscillator is connecting a crystal resonator.

9.4.1 Connecting 32.768-kHz Crystal Resonator

To supply a clock to the sub-clock oscillator, connect a 32.768-kHz crystal resonator, as shown in Figure 9.5.
A damping resistor Rd should be added, if necessary. Since the resistor values vary depending on the resonator and the
oscillation drive capability, use values recommended by the resonator manufacturer. If use of an external feedback
resistor (Rf) is directed by the resonator manufacturer, insert an Rf between XCIN and XCOUT by following the
instruction. When connecting a resonator to supply the clock, the frequency of the resonator should be in the frequency
range of the resonator for the sub-clock oscillator described in Table 9.1.




C2 C1 = 8 pF, C2 = 5 pF (reference values)

Figure 9.5 Connection Example of 32.768-kHz Crystal Resonator

Figure 9.6 shows an equivalent circuit for the 32.768-kHz crystal resonator. Use a crystal resonator that has the
characteristics listed in Table 9.5.




Figure 9.6 Equivalent Circuit for Crystal Resonator

Table 9.5 Crystal Resonator Characteristics (Reference Values)

Frequency (kHz) 32.768 (Low CL) 32.768 (Standard CL)
RS max () 37 35
C0 max (pF) 0.9 2.0

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9.4.2 Handling of Pins when Sub-Clock is not Used

If the sub-clock is not in use, connect the XCIN pin to VSS and leave the XCOUT pin open as shown in Figure 9.7.
Set the sub-clock oscillator stop bit (SOSCCR.SOSTP) to 1 (stopping the sub-clock oscillator) and the sub-clock
oscillator control bit in RTC control register 3 (RCR3.RTCEN) to 0 (stopping the sub-clock oscillator). The state of the
sub-clock control circuit will be undefined after a cold start. Accordingly, be sure to set these bits after a cold start.



Figure 9.7 Pin Handling when Sub-Clock is not Used

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9.5 Oscillation Stop Detection Function

9.5.1 Oscillation Stop Detection and Operation after Detection

The oscillation stop detection function is used to detect the main clock oscillator stop and to supply LOCO clock pulses
from the low-speed on-chip oscillator as the system clock source instead of the main clock.
An oscillation stop detection interrupt request can be generated when an oscillation stop is detected. In addition, the
MTU output can be forcedly driven to the high-impedance on the detection. For details, see section 21, Multi-Function
Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a) and section 22, Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a).
In the RX220 Group, the main clock oscillation stop is detected when the input clock remains to be 0 or 1 for a certain
period, for example, due to a malfunction of the main clock oscillator (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics).
When an oscillation stop is detected, the main clock selected by the clock source select bits (SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0]) is
switched to the LOCO clock by the corresponding selectors in the former stage. Therefore, if an oscillation stop is
detected with the main clock selected as the system clock source, the system clock source is switched to the LOCO clock
without a change of CKSEL[2:0].

Switching between the main clock and LOCO clock is controlled by the oscillation stop detection flag
(OSTDSR.OSTDF). The clock source is switched to the low-speed clock when the OSTDF flag is 1, and is switched to
the main clock again when the OSTDF flag is cleared to 0. At this time, if the main clock is selected with the
CKSEL[2:0] bits, the OSTDF flag cannot be cleared to 0. To switch the clock source to the main clock again after the
oscillation stop detection, set the CKSEL[2:0] bits to a clock source other than the main clock and clear the OSTDF flag
to 0. After that, check that the OSTDF flag is not 1, and then set the CKSEL[2:0] bits to the main clock after the specified
oscillation stabilization time has elapsed.
After a reset is released, the main clock oscillator is stopped and the oscillation stop detection function is disabled. To
enable the oscillation stop detection function, activate the main clock oscillator and write 1 to the oscillation stop
detection function enable bit (OSTDCR.OSTDE) after a specified oscillation stabilization time has elapsed.
The oscillation stop detection function is provided against the main clock stop by an external cause. Therefore, the
oscillation stop detection function should be disabled before the main clock oscillator is stopped by the software or a
transition is made to software standby mode.
The clocks that are switched to the LOCO clock by the oscillation stop detection are: the main clock, and CAC main
clock (CACMCLK), which are provided as the system clock sources.
The system clock (ICLK) frequency during the LOCO clock operation is specified by the LOCO oscillation frequency
and the division ratio set by the system clock select bits (SCKCR.ICK[3:0])

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Switch to SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0] = 000b

(selecting the LOCO)


Reading OSTDSR.OSTDF = 1

Setting OSTDSR.OSTDF = 0

OSTDSR.OSTDF = 0 Try again?


Switch to SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0] = 010b

(selecting the main clock oscillator)


Note: • On return from the oscillation-stopped state, the factor responsible for stopping the main clock oscillation
circuit must be removed on the user system to allow the return of oscillation.

Figure 9.8 Flow of Recovery from Detection of Oscillator Stop

9.5.2 Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupts

An oscillation-stop detection interrupt (OSTDI) will be generated if the oscillation-stop detection flag
(OSTDSR.OSTDF) becomes 1 while the oscillation-stop detection interrupt enable bit in the oscillation stop detection
control register (OSTDCR.OSTDIE) is 1 (enabling interrupt generation on detection). At this time, the main clock
oscillator stop is notified to the port output enable 2 (POE). On accepting the notification of the oscillation stop, the POE
sets the OSTST high-impedance flag in input level control/status register 3 (ICSR3.OSTSTF) to 1. After the oscillation
stop is detected, wait for at lease 10 cycles of PCLK before writing to this ICSR3.OSTSTF flag. When the
OSTDSR.OSTDF flag requires clearing, do so after clearing the oscillation stop detection interrupt enable bit in the
oscillation stop detection control register (OSTDCR.OSTDIE). Wait for at least two cycles of PCLKB clock before again
setting the OSTDCR.OSTDIE bit to 1. According to the number of cycles for access to read a given I/O register, wait
time longer than two cycles of PCLKB may have to be secured.
The oscillation stop detection interrupt is a non-maskable interrupt. Since non-maskable interrupts are disabled in the
initial state after a reset release, enable the non-maskable interrupts by the software before using oscillation stop
detection interrupts. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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9.6 Internal Clock

Clock sources of internal clock signals are the main clock, sub-clock, HOCO clock, LOCO clock and IWDT-dedicated
clock. The internal clocks listed below are produced from these sources.

(1) Operating clock of the CPU, DMAC, DTC, ROM, and RAM: System clock (ICLK)
(2) Operating clock of peripheral modules: Peripheral module clock (PCLKB and PCLKD)
(3) Operating clock of the FlashIF: FlashIF clock (FCLK)
(4) Operating clock for the CAC: CAC clock (CACCLK)
(5) Operating clock for the RTC: RTC-dedicated sub-clock (RTCSCLK)
(6) Operating clock for the IWDT: IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK)

Frequencies of the internal clocks are set by the combination of the division ratios selected by the FCK[3:0], ICK[3:0],
PCKB[3:0], and PCKD[3:0] bits in SCKCR, and the clock source selected by the CKSEL[2:0] bits in SCKCR3. If the
value of any of these bits is changed, subsequent operation will be at the frequency determined by the new value.

9.6.1 System Clock

The system clock (ICLK) is used as the operating clock of the CPU, DMAC, DTC, ROM, and RAM.
The ICLK frequency is specified by the ICK[3:0] bits in SCKCR, and the CKSEL[2:0] bits in SCKCR3.

9.6.2 Peripheral Module Clock

The peripheral module clocks (PCLKB and PCLKD) are the operating clocks for use by peripheral modules.
The PCLKB and PCLKD frequencies are specified by the PCKB[3:0] and PCKD[3:0] bits in SCKCR, and the
CKSEL[2:0] bits in SCKCR3.
The peripheral module clock used as the operating clock is PCLKD for S12ADand PCLKB for other modules.

9.6.3 FlashIF Clock

The flash-interface clock (FCLK) is used as the operating clock for the flash-memory interfaces. That is, FCLK is used
for the ROM, programming and erasure of the E2 DataFlash, and reading from the E2 DataFlash.
The FCLK frequency is specified by the FCK[3:0] bits in SCKCR, and the CKSEL[2:0] bits in SCKCR3.

9.6.4 CAC Clock

The CAC clock (CACCLK) is an operating clock for the CAC module.
The CACCLK clocks include CACMCLK which is generated by the main clock oscillator, CACSCLK which is
generated by the sub-clock oscillator, CACHCLK which is generated by the high-speed on-chip oscillator, CACLCLK
which is generated by the low-speed on-chip oscillator, and CACILCLK which is generated by the IWDT-dedicated on-
chip oscillator.

9.6.5 RTC-Dedicated Clock

The RTC-dedicated clock (RTCSCLK) is the operating clock for the RTC.
RTCSCLK is generated by the sub-clock oscillator.

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9.6.6 IWDT-Dedicated Clock

The IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK) is the operating clock for the IWDT.
IWDTCLK is internally generated by the IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator.

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9.7 Usage Notes

9.7.1 Notes on Clock Generation Circuit

(1) The frequencies of the system clock (ICLK), peripheral module clocks (PCLKB and PCLKD), and FlashIF clock
(FCLK) supplied to each module change according to the settings of SCKCR. Each frequency should meet the
Select each frequency that is within the operation guaranteed range of clock cycle time (tcyc) specified in AC
characteristics of electrical characteristics.
The frequencies must not exceed the ranges listed in Table 9.1.
The peripheral modules operate on the PCLKB and PCLKD. Note therefore that the operating speed of modules
such as the timer and SCI varies before and after the frequency is changed.
(2) To secure the processing after the clock frequency is changed, modify the pertinent clock control register to change
the frequency, and then read the value from the register, and then perform the subsequent processing.
(3) The RX220 Group does not have an external bus, but it is necessary to set the external bus clock (BCLK) select bits.
Specify either one of the frequency division settings for ICLK and PCLKB, whichever is greater, in the
SCKCR.BCK bit. If this setting causes BCLK to exceed 25 MHz, however, specify the maximum frequency
division setting that will never cause BCLK to exceed 25 MHz in the SCKCR.BCK bit.

9.7.2 Notes on Resonator

Since various resonator characteristics relate closely to the user's board design, adequate evaluation is required on the
user side before use, referencing the resonator connection example shown in this section. The circuit constants for the
resonator depend on the resonator to be used and the stray capacitance of the mounting circuit. Therefore, the circuit
constants should be determined in full consultation with the resonator manufacturer. The voltage to be applied between
the resonator pins must be within the absolute maximum rating.

9.7.3 Notes on Board Design

When using a crystal resonator, place the resonator and its load capacitors as close to the XTAL and EXTAL pins as
possible. Other signal lines should be routed away from the oscillation circuit as shown in Figure 9.9 to prevent
electromagnetic induction from interfering with correct oscillation.

Prohibited Signal A Signal B Prohibited

C L2


C L1

Figure 9.9 Notes on Board Design for Oscillation Circuit (Applies to the Sub-Clock Oscillator, in Case of the
Main Clock Oscillator)

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9.7.4 Notes on Resonator Connect Pin

When the main clock is not used, the EXTAL and XTAL pins can be used as general ports P36 and P37. When they are
used as the general ports, the main clock should be stopped (MOSCCR.MOSTP should be set to 1. However, with the
system using the main clock, the EXTAL and XTAL pins should not be used as the general ports.
If the main clock is used, P36 and P37 should not be set to be output.

9.7.5 Notes on Sub-Clock

The sub-clock can be used as the system clock, as the count source for the realtime clock, or as both. Take note of the
following limitations and points for caution regarding the settings, including when the sub-clock is not in use.
 With regard to making the sub-clock oscillator run or stop, setting either the sub-clock oscillator stop bit in the sub-
clock oscillator control register (SOSCCR.SOSTP) or the sub-clock oscillator control bit in RTC control register 3
(RCR3.RTCEN) will make the oscillator run.
 To use the sub-clock as the system clock and as the count source for the realtime clock simultaneously, after the
sub-clock starts oscillating and the oscillation stabilization wait time has elapsed, the SOSCWTCR.SSTS[4:0] bits
must be set to 00000b. To set these bits, perform the initial setting procedure below. After setting the SSTS[4:0]
bits, perform the clock setting procedure shown in section 25.3.2.

Initial setting procedure

(1) Wait for the oscillation stabilization wait time of the sub-clock*1 to elapse.
(2) Set the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit to 1.
(3) Read the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit and confirm that it is 1.
(4) Set the RCR3.RTCEN bit to 0.
(5) Read the RCR3.RTCEN bit and confirm that it is 0.
(6) Wait for at least five cycles of the sub-clock to elapse.
(7) Set the RCR3.RTCDV[2:0] bits.
If the RCR3.RTCDV[2:0] bits are set in this step, they do not need to be reset in section 25.3.2, Clock and
count mode Setting Procedure.
(8) Set the SOSCWTCR.SSTS[4:0] bits to specify the wait time necessary for sub-clock oscillation.
(9) Set the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit to 0 (sub-clock oscillator is operating).
(10) Wait for the oscillation stabilization wait time of the sub-clock*1 to elapse.
(11) Read the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit and confirm that it has been rewritten to 0, then set the RCR3.RTCEN bit to 1
(sub-clock oscillator is operating).
(12) Read the RCR3.RTCEN bit and confirm that it has been rewritten to 1, then set the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit to 1.
(13) Read the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit and confirm that it has been rewritten to 1, then wait for at least five cycles of the
sub-clock to elapse.
(14) Set the SOSCWTCR.SSTS[4:0] bits to 00000b.
(15) Set the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit to 0.
(16) Wait for at least two cycles of the sub-clock to elapse.
(17) Read the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit and confirm that it has been rewritten.

Note 1. For details on the oscillation stabilization wait time of the sub-clock, see section 11.2.8, Sub-Clock Oscillator Wait
Control Register (SOSCWTCR).

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 Regardless of the RCR3.RTCEN bit setting, wait until the oscillator stabilization wait time elapses before rewriting
the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit to 0 (sub-clock oscillator is operating).
 Since the sub-clock control circuit is in an unstable state after a cold start, it must be initialized regardless of
whether or not the sub-clock is in use. The sub-clock is initialized by setting the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit to 1 and the
RCR3.RTCEN bit to 0 (sub-clock oscillator is stopped). See section 25.2.19, RTC Control Register 3 (RCR3),
for instructions to initialize the RCR3.RTCEN bit.
Although the sub-clock oscillator pins are not available in 48-pin LQFP packages, initialize the sub-clock control
circuit in the same way.
 The RCR3.RTCDV[2:0] bits must also be set when operating the sub-clock oscillator. Set these bits while the sub-
clock oscillator is stopped. Do not rewrite these bits while the sub-clock oscillator is operating.
 When successively rewriting the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit followed by the RCR3.RTCEN bit or vice versa, confirm that
the first bit rewrite was completed successfully before rewriting the second bit.

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RX220 Group 10. Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit (CAC)

10. Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit (CAC)

The clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit (CAC) monitors the clock frequency based on a reference signal
input to the LSI externally or another clock source, and generates interrupts when the setting range is exceeded.

10.1 Overview
Table 10.1 shows the specifications of the CAC and Figure 10.1 shows a block diagram of the CAC.

Table 10.1 Specifications of CAC

Item Description
Clock frequency measurement The frequency of the following clocks can be measured.
 Clock output from main clock oscillator (main clock)
 Clock output from sub-clock oscillator (sub-clock)
 Clock output from high-speed on-chip oscillator (HOCO clock)
 Clock output from low-speed on-chip oscillator (LOCO clock)
 Clock output from IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator (IWDTCLK clock)
Selectable function Digital filter function
Interrupt sources  Measurement end interrupt
 Frequency error interrupt
 Overflow interrupt
Power consumption reduction function Module stop state can be set.


Digital filter

RSCS[2:0] RCDS[1:0]
dividing circuit


1/128 Edge detection

generation Edge selection
1/1024 RPS
clock select
circuit 1/8192 Valid edge

FMCS[2:0] TCSS[1:0]
clock CFME
Main clock
Sub-clock Frequency 1/4 Count source
dividing circuit

measurement clock 16-bit counter

HOCO clock 1/8
clock select (CACNTR)
LOCO clock circuit Overflow interrupt
Interrupt control Measurement end interrupt
Frequency error interrupt



Internal peripheral bus 2

Figure 10.1 Block Diagram of CAC

Table 10.2 shows the pin configuration of the CAC.

Table 10.2 Pin Configuration of CAC

Pin Name I/O Function
CACREF Input Clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit input pin

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10.2 Register Descriptions

10.2.1 CAC Control Register 0 (CACR0)

Address(es): 0008 B000h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — CFME

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CFME Clock Frequency Measurement Enable 0: Clock frequency measurement is disabled. R/W
1: Clock frequency measurement is enabled.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

CFME Bit (Clock Frequency Measurement Enable)

When this bit is 1, clock frequency measurement is enabled.
After a new value is written to this bit, reflecting the value in the internal circuitry takes a certain amount of time. Note
that writing to this bit is ineffective if a previously written value has not yet been reflected in the internal circuitry. Read
the bit to confirm whether a value written has actually been reflected.

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10.2.2 CAC Control Register 1 (CACR1)

Address(es): 0008 B001h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

EDGES[1:0] TCSS[1:0] FMCS[2:0] CACRE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CACREFE CACREF Pin Input Enable 0: CACREF pin input is disabled. R/W
1: CACREF pin input is enabled.
b3 to b1 FMCS[2:0] Frequency Measurement Clock b3 b1 R/W
Select 0 0 0: Output clock of main clock oscillator
0 0 1: Output clock of sub-clock oscillator
0 1 0: Output clock of high-speed on-chip oscillator
0 1 1: Output clock of low-speed on-chip oscillator
1 0 0: Output clock of IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b5, b4 TCSS[1:0] Timer Count Clock Source Select b5 b4 R/W
0 0: No division
0 1: ×1/4 clock
1 0: ×1/8 clock
1 1: ×1/32 clock
b7, b6 EDGES[1:0] Valid Edge Select b7 b6 R/W
0 0: Rising edge
0 1: Falling edge
1 0: Both rising and falling edges
1 1: Setting prohibited

Note 1. CACR1 should be set when the CFME bit in CACR0 is 0.

CACREFE Bit (CACREF Pin Input Enable)

When this bit is 1, the CACREF pin input is enabled.

FMCS[2:0] Bits (Frequency Measurement Clock Select)

These bits select the clock whose frequency is to be measured.

TCSS[1:0] Bits (Timer Count Clock Source Select)

These bits select the count clock source for the clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit.

EDGES[1:0] Bits (Valid Edge Select)

These bits select the valid edge for the reference signal.

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10.2.3 CAC Control Register 2 (CACR2)

Address(es): 0008 B002h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

DFS[1:0] RCDS[1:0] RSCS[2:0] RPS

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 RPS Reference Signal Select 0: CACREF pin input R/W
1: Internally generated signal
b3 to b1 RSCS[2:0] Reference Signal Generation b3 b1 R/W
Clock Select 0 0 0: Output clock of main clock oscillator
0 0 1: Output clock of sub-clock oscillator
0 1 0: Output clock of high-speed on-chip oscillator
0 1 1: Output clock of low-speed on-chip oscillator
1 0 0: Output clock of IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b5, b4 RCDS[1:0] Reference Signal Generation b5 b4 R/W
Clock Frequency Division Ratio 0 0: ×1/32 clock
Select 0 1: ×1/128 clock
1 0: ×1/1024 clock
1 1: ×1/8192 clock
b7, b6 DFS[1:0] Digital Filter Selection b7 b6 R/W
0 0: Digital filtering is disabled.
0 1: The sampling clock for the digital filter is the frequency
measuring clock.
1 0: The sampling clock for the digital filter is the frequency
measuring clock divided by 4.
1 1: The sampling clock for the digital filter is the frequency
measuring clock divided by 16.

Note 1. CACR2 should be set when the CFME bit in CACR0 is 0.

RPS Bit (Reference Signal Select)

This bit selects whether to use the CACREF pin input or an internally generated signal as the reference signal.

RSCS[2:0] Bits (Reference Signal Generation Clock Select)

These bits select the clock source for generating the reference signal.

RCDS[1:0] Bits (Reference Signal Generation Clock Frequency Division Ratio Select)
These bits select the frequency division ratio of the reference signal generation clock.

DFS[1:0] Bits (Digital Filter Selection)

The setting of these bits enables or disables the digital filter and selects its sampling clock.

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10.2.4 CAC Interrupt Control Register (CAICR)

Address(es): 0008 B003h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FERRIE Frequency Error Interrupt Enable 0: Frequency error interrupt is disabled. R/W
1: Frequency error interrupt is enabled.
b1 MENDIE Measurement End Interrupt 0: Measurement end interrupt is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Measurement end interrupt is enabled.
b2 OVFIE Overflow Interrupt Enable 0: Overflow interrupt is disabled. R/W
1: Overflow interrupt is enabled.
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 FERRFCL FERRF Clear When 1 is written to this bit, the FERRF bit is cleared. This bit R/W
is read as 0.
b5 MENDFCL MENDF Clear When 1 is written to this bit, the MENDF bit is cleared. This R/W
bit is read as 0.
b6 OVFFCL OVFF Clear When 1 is written to this bit, the OVFF bit is cleared. This bit R/W
is read as 0.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FERRIE Bit (Frequency Error Interrupt Enable)

When this bit is 1, a frequency error interrupt is enabled.

MENDIE Bit (Measurement End Interrupt Enable)

When this bit is 1, a measurement end interrupt is enabled.

OVFIE Bit (Overflow Interrupt Enable)

When this bit is 1, an overflow interrupt is enabled.


Setting this bit to 1 clears the FERRF bit.


Setting this bit to 1 clears the MENDF bit.


Setting this bit to 1 clears the OVFF bit.

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10.2.5 CAC Status Register (CASTR)

Address(es): 0008 B004h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FERRF Frequency Error Flag [Setting condition] R
 The clock frequency is outside of the setting range.
[Clearing condition]
 1 is written to the FERRFCL bit.
b1 MENDF Measurement End Flag [Setting condition] R
 Measurement has finished.
[Clearing condition]
 1 is written to the MENDFCL bit.
b2 OVFF Overflow Flag [Setting condition] R
 The counter has overflowed.
[Clearing condition]
 1 is written to the OVFFCL bit.
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FERRF Flag (Frequency Error Flag)

This bit is set to 1 when the clock frequency is outside of the setting range.

MENDF Flag (Measurement End Flag)

This bit is set to 1 when measurement has finished.

OVFF Flag (Overflow Flag)

This bit is set to 1 when the counter has overflowed.

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10.2.6 CAC Upper-Limit Value Setting Register (CAULVR)

Address(es): 0008 B006h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CAULVR is a 16-bit readable/writable register that stores the upper-limit value of the frequency.
This register should be set when the CFME bit in CACR0 is 0.
The counter value held in CACNTBR can vary with the difference between the phases of the digital filter and edge-
detection circuit on the one hand and the signal on the CACREF pin on the other, so ensure that this setting allows an
adequate margin.

10.2.7 CAC Lower-Limit Value Setting Register (CALLVR)

Address(es): 0008 B008h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CALLVR is a 16-bit readable/writable register that stores the lower-limit value of the frequency.
This register should be set when the CFME bit in CACR0 is 0.
The counter value held in CACNTBR can vary with the difference between the phases of the digital filter and edge-
detection circuit on the one hand and the signal on the CACREF pin on the other, so ensure that this setting allows an
adequate margin.

10.2.8 CAC Counter Buffer Register (CACNTBR)

Address(es): 0008 B00Ah

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CACNTBR is a 16-bit read-only register that retains the counter value at the time a valid reference signal edge is input.

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10.3 Operation

10.3.1 Measuring Clock Frequency Based on CACREF Pin Input

Figure 10.2 shows an operating example of the clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit based on the CACREF
pin input.
The clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit operates as shown below when measuring the clock frequency.

(1) Writing 1 to the CFME bit in CACR0 while the RPS bit in CACR2 is 0 and the CACREFE bit in CACR1 is 1
enables clock-frequency measurement based on the CACREF pin input.
(2) After 1 is written to the CFME bit, the timer starts up-counting when the valid edge selected by the EDGES[1:0]
bits in CACR1 is input from the CACREF pin.
(3) When the next valid edge is input, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR. If both CACNTBR  CAULVR and CACNTBR  CALLVR are satisfied, only the
MENDF flag in CASTR is set to 1 because the clock frequency is correct. If the MENDIE bit in CAICR is 1, a
measurement end interrupt will occur.
(4) When the next valid edge is input, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR. In the case of CACNTBR > CAULVR, the FERRF flag in CASTR is set to 1 because the
clock frequency is erroneous. If the FERRIE bit in CAICR is 1, a frequency error interrupt will occur. Also, the
MENDF flag in CASTR is set to 1. If the MENDIE bit in CAICR is 1, a measurement end interrupt will occur.
(5) When the next valid edge is input, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR. In the case of CACNTBR < CALLVR, the FERRF flag in CASTR is set to 1 because the
clock frequency is erroneous. If the FERRIE bit in CAICR is 1, a frequency error interrupt will occur. Also, the
MENDF flag in CASTR is set to 1. If the MENDIE bit in CAICR is 1, a measurement end interrupt will occur.
(6) While the CFME bit in CACR0 is 1, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR every time a valid edge is input. Writing 0 to the CFME bit in CACR0 clears the counter
and stops up-counting.

CACREF pin 1

CFME bit in CACR0 1

1 is written to 0 is written to
Counter value CFME bit. CFME bit.

Counter is
After 1 is written to CFME bit, counting cleared by writing
starts at the first valid edge. 0 to CFME bit.




1 is written to FERRFCL 1 is written to FERRFCL

bit in CAICR. bit in CAICR.
FERRF flag in CASTR 1
(frequency error flag) 0

1 is written to MENDFCL 1 is written to MENDFCL 1 is written to MENDFCL

bit in CAICR. bit in CAICR. bit in CAICR.
MENDF flag in CASTR 1
(measurement end flag) 0
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

The above figure applies under the following conditions:

In CACR1: CACREFE bit = 1, EDGES0 bit = 0, and EDGES1 bit = 0

Figure 10.2 Operating Example of Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit Based on CACREF Pin

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10.3.2 Measuring Clock Frequency Based on Another Clock Source

Figure 10.3 shows an operating example of the clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit based on another clock
The clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit operates as shown below when measuring the clock frequency.

(1) When 1 is written to the CFME bit in CACR0 with the RPS bit in CACR2 set to 1, clock frequency measurement
based on another clock source is enabled.
(2) After 1 is written to the CFME bit, the timer starts up-counting when the valid edge selected by the EDGES[1:0]
bits in CACR1 is input based on the clock source selected by the RSCS[2:0] bits in CACR2.
(3) When the next valid edge is input, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR. If both CACNTBR  CAULVR and CACNTBR  CALLVR are satisfied, only the
MENDF flag in CASTR is set to 1 because the clock frequency is correct. If the MENDIE bit in CAICR is 1, a
measurement end interrupt will occur.
(4) When the next valid edge is input, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR. In the case of CACNTBR > CAULVR, the FERRF flag in CASTR is set to 1 because the
clock frequency is erroneous. If the FERRIE bit in CAICR is 1, a frequency error interrupt will occur. Also, the
MENDF flag in CASTR is set to 1. If the MENDIE bit in CAICR is 1, a measurement end interrupt will occur.
(5) When the next valid edge is input, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR. In the case of CACNTBR < CALLVR, the FERRF flag in CASTR is set to 1 because the
clock frequency is erroneous. If the FERRIE bit in CAICR is 1, a frequency error interrupt will occur. Also, the
MENDF flag in CASTR is set to 1. If the MENDIE bit in CAICR is 1, a measurement end interrupt will occur.
(6) While the CFME bit in CACR0 is 1, the counter value is retained in CACNTBR and compared with the values of
CAULVR and CALLVR every time a valid edge is input. Writing 0 to the CFME bit in CACR0 clears the counter
and stops up-counting.

Another clock source 1


CFME bit in CACR0 1

1 is written to 0 is written to
Counter value CFME bit. CFME bit.

After 1 is written to CFME bit, counting Counter is
starts at the first valid edge. cleared by writing
0 to CFME bit.



CACNTBR 0000h BEBCh CC16h B162h

1 is written to FERRFCL 1 is written to FERRFCL

bit in CAICR. bit in CAICR.
FERRF flag in CASTR 1
(frequency error flag) 0
1 is written to MENDFCL 1 is written to MENDFCL 1 is written to MENDFCL
bit in CAICR. bit in CAICR. bit in CAICR.
MENDF flag in CASTR 1
(measurement end flag) 0
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

The above figure applies under the following conditions:

In CACR1: EDGES0 bit = 0, and EDGES1 bit = 0
CAULVR = C845h, CALLVR = B532h

Figure 10.3 Operating Example of Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit Based on Another Clock

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10.3.3 Digital Filtering of Signals on the CACREF Pin

The CACREF pin has a digital filter. Levels on the target pin for sampling are conveyed to the internal circuitry after
matching three times at the selected sampling interval and the same level continues to be conveyed internally until the
level on the pin again matches three times.
Enabling and disabling of the digital filter and its sampling clock are selectable.
The counter value held in CACNTBR may be in error by up to one cycle of the sampling clock due to the difference
between the phases of the digital filter and the signal input to the CACREF pin.
When a frequency dividing clock is selected as a count source clock, the counter value error is obtained by the following
Counter value error = (One cycle of the count source clock) / (One cycle of the sampling clock)

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10.4 Interrupt Requests

The clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit issues three types of interrupt request: frequency error interrupt,
measurement end interrupt, and overflow interrupt. When an interrupt source is generated, the corresponding status flag
is set to 1. Table 10.3 lists details on the interrupt requests of the clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit.

Table 10.3 Interrupt Requests of Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit

Interrupt Request Interrupt Enable Bit Status Flag Interrupt Source
Frequency error CAICR.FERRIE CASTR.FERRF The result of comparing CACNTBR to CAULVR and CALLVR is
interrupt either CACNTBR > CAULVR or CACNTBR < CALLVR.
Measurement end CAICR.MENDIE CASTR.MENDF A valid edge is input from the CACREF pin.
interrupt Note however that a measurement end interrupt does not occur
at the first valid edge after writing 1 to the CFME bit in CACR0.
Overflow interrupt CAICR.OVFIE CASTR.OVFF The counter has overflowed.

10.5 Usage Notes

10.5.1 Module Stop Function Setting

CAC operation can be disabled or enabled using module stop control register C (MSTPCRC). The initial setting is for the
CAC to be halted. Register access is enabled by canceling the module stop state. For details, see section 11, Low Power

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11. Low Power Consumption

11.1 Overview
The RX220 Group has several functions for reducing power consumption, including switching clock signals to reduce
power consumption, stopping modules, functions for low power consumption in normal operation, and transitions to low
power consumption states.
Table 11.1 lists the specifications of low power consumption functions, and Table 11.2 lists the conditions to shift to
low power consumption modes, states of the CPU and peripheral modules, and the method for canceling each mode.
After a reset, this LSI enters the normal program execution state, but modules except for the DMAC, DTC, and RAM are

Table 11.1 Specifications of Low Power Consumption Functions

Item Description
Reducing power consumption by The frequency division ratio is settable independently for the system clock (ICLK), peripheral
switching clock signals module clock (PCLKB), S12AD clock (PCLKD), and FlashIF clock (FCLK).*1
Module stop function Functions can be stopped independently for each peripheral module.
Function for transition to low Transition to a low power consumption mode in which the CPU, peripheral modules, or oscillators
power consumption mode are stopped is enabled.
Low power consumption modes  Sleep mode
 All-module clock stop mode
 Software standby mode
Function for lower operating  Power consumption can be reduced in normal operation, sleep mode, and all-module clock stop
power consumption mode by selecting an appropriate operating power control mode according to the operating
frequency and operating voltage.
 Four operating power control modes
Middle-speed operating mode 1A
Middle-speed operating mode 1B
Low-speed operating mode 1
Low-speed operating mode 2

Note 1. For details, see section 9, Clock Generation Circuit.

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Table 11.2 Entering and Exiting Low Power Consumption Modes and Operating States in Each Mode
Entering and Exiting Low Power Consumption
Modes and Operating States Sleep Mode All-Module Clock Stop Mode Software Standby Mode
Transition condition Control register + instruction Control register + instruction Control register + instruction
Canceling method other than reset Interrupt Interrupt*1 Interrupt*2
State after cancellation*3 Program execution state Program execution state Program execution state
(interrupt processing) (interrupt processing) (interrupt processing)
Main clock oscillator Operating possible Operating possible Stopped
Sub-clock oscillator Operating possible Operating possible Operating possible*4
High-speed on-chip oscillator Operating possible Operating possible Stopped
Low-speed on-chip oscillator Operating possible Operating possible Stopped
IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator Operating possible*5 Operating possible*5 Operating possible*5
CPU Stopped (Retained) Stopped (Retained) Stopped (Retained)
RAM0 Operating possible (Retained) Stopped (Retained) Stopped (Retained)
(0000 0000h to 0000 3FFFh)
Flash memory Operating Stopped (Retained) Stopped (Retained)
Independent watchdog timer (IWDT) Operating possible*5 Operating possible*5 Operating possible*5
Realtime clock (RTC) Operating possible Operating possible Operating possible
8-bit timer (unit 0, unit 1) (TMR) Operating possible Operating possible*6 Stopped (Retained)
Voltage detection circuit (LVD) Operating possible Operating possible Operating possible*7
Power-on reset circuit Operating Operating Operating*7
Peripheral modules Operating possible Stopped (Retained) Stopped (Retained)
I/O ports Operating Retained*8 Retained

“Operating possible” means that operating or stopped can be controlled by the control register setting.
“Stopped (Retained)” means that internal register values are retained and internal operations are suspended.
“Stopped (Undefined)” means that internal register values are undefined and power is not supplied to the internal circuit.

Note 1. “Interrupts” here indicates an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ7) or any of peripheral interrupts (the 8-bit timer, RTC
alarm, RTC periodic, IWDT, voltage monitoring 1, voltage monitoring 2, and oscillator-stopped detection interrupts).
Note 2. “Interrupts” here indicates an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ7) or any of peripheral interrupts (the RTC alarm,
RTC periodic, IWDT, voltage monitoring 1, and voltage monitoring 2 interrupts).
Note 3. This does not include release initiated by a reset on the RES# pin, power-on reset, voltage monitoring reset, or independent
watchdog timer reset. The transition is to the reset state when release is initiated by one of these reset sources.
Note 4. Operation or stopping is selected by the sub-clock oscillator control bit (RTCEN) in RTC control register 3 (RCR3).
Note 5. Operation or stopping is selected by setting the IWDT sleep mode count stop control bit (IWDTSLCSTP) in option function select
register 0 (OFS0) in IWDT auto-start mode. In any mode other than IWDT auto-start mode, operation or stopping is selected by
the setting of the sleep mode count stop control bit (SLCSTP) in the IWDT count stop control register (IWDTCSTPR).
Note 6. Stopping or operation is controlled by the module-stop setting bits (MSTPA4 and MSTPA5, respectively) in module stop control
register A (MSTPCRA) for 8-bit timers 0 and 1 (unit 0) and 2 and 3 (unit 1).
Note 7. In the case of a transition to software standby mode when the setting of the software cut bit in the flash HOCO software standby
control register (FHSSBYCR.SOFTCUT2) is 1, the voltage monitoring circuits are stopped and the low power consumption
function of the power-on reset circuit is enabled.
Note 8. While the 8-bit timer and RTC are operated, the related pins continue operation.

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Reset state
WAIT Sleep mode
RES# pin = High* 4 instruction*1

All interrupts MSTPCRA.ACSE = 1
Upper 16 bits in MSTPCRC = FFFFh
WAIT instruction*1

Interrupt*2 All-module clock stop

Normal operation mode
(Program execution state)*5
WAIT instruction*1

Interrupt*3 SBYCR.SSBY = 1

Software standby

Low power consumption mode

(Program stopped state)

Note 1. If an interrupt that becomes a canceling source is accepted while making a transition to the program stop state after the WAIT instruction
has been executed, the transition to the program stop state is canceled and the interrupt exception handling is executed.
Note 2. “Interrupts” here indicates an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ7) or any of peripheral interrupts (the 8-bit timer, RTC alarm,
RTC periodic, IWDT, voltage monitoring 1, voltage monitoring 2, and oscillator-stopped detection interrupts). However, an 8-bit timer
interrupt is only effective when the value of the corresponding module-stop setting bit (MSTPA4 or MSTPA5, respectively) in module-stop
control register A (MSTPCRA) for 8-bit timer 0 and 1 (unit 0) or 2 and 3 (unit 1) is 0.
Note 3. “Interrupts” here indicates an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ7) or any of peripheral interrupts (the RTC alarm, RTC periodic,
IWDT, voltage monitoring 1, and voltage monitoring 2 interrupts).
Note 4. The LOCO is the source of the operating clock following a transition from the reset state to normal operating mode.
Note 5. Makes a transition from sleep mode, all-module clock stop mode, or software standby mode to normal operating mode by an interrupt. In
the case of recovery from sleep mode, the clock source for subsequent use is selectable.
For details, see section 11.2.6, Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Register (RSTCKCR). For software standby mode, the clock
source after returning is the same as that before returning.

When a RES# pin reset, power-on reset, voltage monitoring 0 reset, or independent watchdog timer reset is generated in any state, a transition to
the reset state is made.

Figure 11.1 Mode Transitions

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11.2 Register Descriptions

11.2.1 Standby Control Register (SBYCR)

Address(es): 0008 000Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

SSBY — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b13 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b14 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b15 SSBY Software Standby 0: Shifts to sleep mode or all-module clock stop mode after the WAIT R/W
instruction is executed
1: Shifts to software standby mode after the WAIT instruction is executed

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

SSBY Bit (Software Standby)

The SSBY bit specifies the transition destination after the WAIT instruction is executed.
When the SSBY bit is set to 1, the LSI enters software standby mode after execution of the WAIT instruction. When the
LSI returns to normal mode after an interrupt has initiated release from software standby mode, the SSBY bit remains 1.
Write 0 to this bit to clear it.
When the oscillation stop detection function enable bit (OSTDCR.OSTDE) is 1, setting of the SSBY bit is invalid. Even
if the SSBY bit is 1, the LSI will enter sleep mode or all module clock stop mode on execution of the WAIT instruction.

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11.2.2 Module Stop Control Register A (MSTPCRA)

Address(es): 0008 0010h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16


29 28 27 24 17
Value after reset: 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

MSTPA MSTPA — — — — MSTPA — — — MSTPA MSTPA — — — —

15 14 9 5 4
Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b4 MSTPA4 8-Bit Timer 3/2 (Unit 1) Target module: TMR3/TMR2 R/W
Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b5 MSTPA5 8-Bit Timer 1/0 (Unit 0) Target module: TMR1/TMR0 R/W
Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b8 to b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b9 MSTPA9 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Target module: MTU (MTU0 to MTU5) R/W
Unit Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b13 to b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b14 MSTPA14 Compare Match Timer Target module: CMT unit 1 (CMT2, CMT3) R/W
(Unit 1) Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b15 MSTPA15 Compare Match Timer Target module: CMT unit 0 (CMT0, CMT1) R/W
(Unit 0) Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b16 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b17 MSTPA17 12-Bit A/D Converter Target module: S12AD R/W
Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b23 to b18 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b24 MSTPA24 Module Stop A24 Writing to and reading from this bit is enabled. When a transition to R/W
all-module clock stop mode is made, be sure that 1 has been written
to this bit.
b26, b25 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b27 MSTPA27 Module Stop A27 Writing to and reading from this bit is enabled. When a transition to R/W
all-module clock stop mode is made, be sure that 1 has been written
to this bit.
b28 MSTPA28 DMA Controller/Data Target module: DMAC/DTC R/W
Transfer Controller Module 0: The module stop state is canceled
Stop 1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b29 MSTPA29 Module Stop A29 Writing to and reading from this bit is enabled. When a transition to R/W
all-module clock stop mode is made, be sure that 1 has been written
to this bit.
b30 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b31 ACSE All-Module Clock Stop 0: All-module clock stop mode is disabled R/W
Mode Enable 1: All-module clock stop mode is enabled

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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ACSE Bit (All-Module Clock Stop Mode Enable)

The ACSE bit enables or disables a transition to all-module clock stop mode.
With the ACSE bit set to 1, when the CPU executes the WAIT instruction with the SBYCR.SSBY bit, MSTPCRA,
MSTPCRB, and MSTPCRC satisfying specified conditions, the LSI enters all-module clock stop mode. For details, see
section 11.6.2, All-Module Clock Stop Mode.
Whether to stop the 8-bit timers or not can be selected by the MSTPA5 and MSTPA 4 bits.
When the MSTPCRA.ACSE bit = 0 while the SBYCR.SSBY = 0, a transition to sleep mode is made after the WAIT
instruction is executed.

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11.2.3 Module Stop Control Register B (MSTPCRB)

Address(es): 0008 0014h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16


30 26 25 23 21 17
Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — MSTPB — — MSTPB — MSTPB — — — —

9 6 4
Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b4 MSTPB4 Serial Communication Target module: SCIf (SCI12) R/W
Interface SCIf Module 0: The module stop state is canceled
Stop 1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b5 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b6 MSTPB6 DOC Module Stop Target module: DOC R/W
0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b8 to b7 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b9 MSTPB9 ELC Module Stop Target module: ELC R/W
0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b16 to b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b17 MSTPB17 Serial Peripheral Target module: RSPI0 R/W
Interface 0 Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b20 to — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b21 MSTPB21 I2C Bus Interface 0 Target module: RIIC0 R/W
Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b22 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b23 MSTPB23 CRC Calculator Module Target module: CRC R/W
Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b24 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b25 MSTPB25 Serial Communication Target module: SCI6 R/W
Interface 6 Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b26 MSTPB26 Serial Communication Target module: SCI5 R/W
Interface 5 Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b29 to b27 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b30 MSTPB30 Serial Communication Target module: SCI1 R/W
Interface 1 Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b31 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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11.2.4 Module Stop Control Register C (MSTPCRC)

Address(es): 0008 0018h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — — MSTPC — — — — — MSTPC MSTPC — — —

26 20 19
Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — MSTPC
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 MSTPC0 RAM0 Module Stop*1 Target module: RAM0 (0000 0000h to 0000 3FFFh) R/W
0: RAM0 operating
1: RAM0 stopped
b15 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b18 to b16 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b19 MSTPC19 Clock Frequency Target module: CAC R/W
Accuracy Measurement 0: The module stop state is canceled
Circuit Module Stop*2 1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b20 MSTPC20 IrDA Module Stop Target module: IRDA R/W
0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b25 to b21 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b26 MSTPC26 Serial Communication Target module: SCI9 R/W
Interface 9 Module Stop 0: The module stop state is canceled
1: Transition to the module stop state is made
b31 to b27 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. The MSTPC0 bit should not be set to 1 during access to the corresponding RAM. The corresponding RAM should not be
accessed while the MSTPC0 bit is set to 1.
Note 2. The MSTPC19 bit should be rewritten while the oscillation of the clock to be controlled by this bit is stable. For entering software
standby mode after rewriting this bit, wait for two cycles of the slowest clock among the clocks output by the oscillators actually
oscillating and execute the WAIT instruction.

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11.2.5 Operating Power Control Register (OPCCR)

Address(es): 0008 00A0h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — OPCM — OPCM[2:0]
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 OPCM[2:0] Operating Power Control b2 b0 R/W
Mode Select 0 1 0: Middle-speed operating mode 1A
0 1 1: Middle-speed operating mode 1B
1 1 0: Low-speed operating mode 1
1 1 1: Low-speed operating mode 2
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 OPCMTSF Operating Power Control  Read R/W
Mode Transition Status 0: Transition completed
Flag 1: During transition
 Write
The write value should be 0.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

OPCCR is used to reduce power consumption in normal operating mode, sleep mode, and all-module clock stop mode.
Power consumption can be reduced according to the operating frequency and operating voltage to be used by the OPCCR
OPCCR should not be modified in the following cases:
 When the operating power control transition status flag (OPCMTSF) is 1 (operating power control mode switching
is in progress)
 When the ROM P/E mode entry i bit in the flash P/E mode entry register (FENTRYR.FENTRYi) is 1 (ROM P/E
mode, E2 DataFlash P/E mode) (i = 0, D)
 Period from the time of WAIT instruction execution for a sleep mode transition, to return from sleep mode to
normal operation
Writing to the ROM while it is being programmed or erased is impossible because write access to the OPCCR register is
not allowed.
For the procedure to use in shifting to an operational power control mode, refer to section 11.5, Function for Lower
Operating Power Consumption.

OPCM[2:0] Bits (Operating Power Control Mode Select)

The OPCM[2:0] bits select operating power control mode in normal operating mode, sleep mode, and all-module clock
stop mode.

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Table 11.3 shows the operating power control modes along with the operating frequency ranges, operating voltage
ranges, and power consumption.

Table 11.3 Relationship between Operating Power Control Mode, Operating Range, and Power Consumption
Operating Frequency Range

Power Consumption
During Flash
OPCM Operating Memory
Operating Power Control Mode During Flash Memory Read
[2:0] Bits Voltage Range Programming/


Middle-speed operating mode 1A 010b 3.6 V to 5.5 V 32 MHz max 32 MHz max 32 MHz max 32 MHz max 4 MHz to 32 MHz Large

2.7 V to 3.6 V 4 MHz to 32 MHz

1.62 V to 2.7 V 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 8 MHz max —

Middle-speed operating mode 1B 011b 3.6 V to 5.5 V 32 MHz max 32 MHz max 32 MHz max 32 MHz max —

2.7 V to 3.6 V 4 MHz to 32 MHz

1.62 V to 2.7 V 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 4 MHz to 8 MHz

Low-speed operating mode 1 110b 3.6 V to 5.5 V 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 8 MHz max 8 MHz max —

2.7 V to 3.6 V —

1.8 V to 2.7 V 4 MHz max 4 MHz max 4 MHz max 4 MHz max —

1.62 V to 1.8 V 2 MHz max 2 MHz max 2 MHz max 2 MHz max —

Low-speed operating mode 2 111b 3.6 V to 5.5 V 32.768 kHz max 32.768 kHz max 32.768 kHz max 32.768 kHz max —

2.7 V to 3.6 V —

1.8 V to 2.7 V —

1.62 V to 1.8 V — Small

Each operating power control mode is described below.

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Middle-Speed Operating Mode 1A

This mode can be operated in a wide voltage range.
The maximum operating frequency during FLASH read is 32 MHz for ICLK, FCLK, PCLKD, and PCLKB. The
operating voltage range is 1.62 to 5.5 V during FLASH read. However, for ICLK, FCLK, PCLKD, and PCLKB, the
maximum operating frequency during FLASH read is 8 MHz when the operating voltage is 1.62 V or larger and smaller
than 2.7 V.
During FLASH programming/erasure, the operating frequency range is 4 to 32 MHz and the operating voltage range is
2.7 to 5.5 V.
After a reset is canceled, operation is started in this mode.

Middle-Speed Operating Mode 1B

This mode is basically the same as the middle-speed operating mode 1A but provides further reduced power
consumption during low-voltage FLASH programming/erasure.
The operating frequency range and operating voltage range during FLASH read are the same as those in middle-speed
operating mode 1A.
However, during FLASH programming/erasure, the operating frequency range is 4 to 32 MHz and the operating voltage
range is 1.62 to 3.6 V.
The maximum operating frequency during FLASH programming/erasure is 8 MHz when the operating voltage is 1.62 V
or larger and smaller than 2.7 V.
Figure 11.2 shows the relationship between the operating voltages and operating frequencies in middle-speed operating
modes 1A and 1B.

Clock sources: All can be selected

(1) Middle-speed operating mode

[V] [V]
5.50 5.50



3.60 3.60

2.70 2.70

1.80 1.80
1.62 1.62

0.032768 1 4 8 16 20 32 50 [MHz] 0.032768 1 4 8 16 20 32 50 [MHz]


Figure 11.2 Relationship between the Operating Voltages and Operating Frequencies in Middle-Speed
Operating Modes 1A and 1B

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Low-Speed Operating Mode 1

As compared to middle-speed operating mode 1A/1B, this mode reduces power consumption for low-speed operation.
During reading the flash memory (FLASH), the maximum operating frequency of ICLK, FCLK, PCLKD, and PCLKB is
8 MHz. The operating voltage is in the range of 1.62 to 5.5 V. The maximum operating frequency during FLASH read is
4 MHz for all the clocks when the operating voltage is 1.8 V or larger and smaller than 2.7 V. Furthermore, voltage below
the range from 1.62 V to 1.8 V limits the highest frequency for the ICLK, FCLK, PCLKD, PCLKB, and BCLK signals
when flash memory is to be read to 2 MHz.
In low-speed operating mode 1, P/E operation of FLASH is disabled.
In this mode, lower power consumption is possible than in middle-speed operating mode 1A/1B when the same
operation is performed under the same conditions (operating frequency, operating voltage).
Figure 11.3 shows the relationship between the operating voltages and operating frequencies in low-speed operating
mode 1.

Clock sources: All can be selected

(2) Low-speed operating mode 1

[V] [V]
5.50 5.50


3.60 3.60
P/E disabled

2.70 2.70

1.80 1.80
1.62 1.62

0.032768 1 4 8 16 20 32 50 [MHz] 0.032768 1 4 8 16 20 32 50 [MHz]


Figure 11.3 Relationship between the Operating Voltages and Operating Frequencies in Low-Speed
Operating Mode 1

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Low-Speed Operating Mode 2

As compared to low-speed operating mode 1, this mode reduces power consumption for low-speed operation.
During reading the flash memory (FLASH), the maximum operating frequency of ICLK, FCLK, PCLKD, and PCLKB is
32.768 kHz. The operating voltage is in the range of 1.62 to 5.5 V.
The following restrictions apply when low-speed operating mode 2 is selected:
 P/E operations for flash memory are prohibited.
 Using the HOCO is prohibited.
 Using the oscillation stop detection function of the main clock oscillator is prohibited.
In this mode, lower power consumption is possible than in low-speed operating mode 1 when the same operation is
performed under the same conditions (operating frequency, operating voltage).

Note: • The OPCM[2:0] bits cannot be set to 111b (low-speed operating mode 2) when the HOCOCR.HCSTP bit is 0
(HOCO operated).

Figure 11.4 shows the relationship between the operating voltages and operating frequencies in low-speed operating
mode 2.

Clock sources: HOCO must not be selected

(3) Low-speed operating mode 2

[V] [V]
5.50 5.50


3.60 3.60
P/E disabled

2.70 2.70

1.80 1.80
1.62 1.62

0.032768 1 4 8 16 20 32 50 [MHz] 0.032768 1 4 8 16 20 32 50 [MHz]


Figure 11.4 Relationship between the Operating Voltages and Operating Frequencies in Low-Speed
Operating Mode 2

OPCMTSF Flag (Operating Power Control Mode Transition Status Flag)

The OPCMTSF flag indicates the switching control state when the operating power control mode is switched.
When a write access is attempted to change the operating power control mode, the OPCMTSF flag is set to 1. The flag
becomes 0 after a transition to the changed control mode is completed. Make sure that the OPCMTSF flag is 0
(completed operating power control mode transition) before the next processing.

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11.2.6 Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Register (RSTCKCR)

Address(es): 0008 00A1h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

RSTCK — — — — RSTCKSEL[2:0]
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 RSTCKSEL Sleep Mode Return Clock b2 b0 R/W
[2:0] Source Select 0 0 1: HOCO is selected
0 1 0: Main clock oscillator is selected
Settings other than above are prohibited while the RSTCKEN bit is 1.
b6 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 RSTCKEN Sleep Mode Return Clock 0: Clock source switching at sleep mode cancellation is disabled R/W
Source Switching Enable 1: Clock source switching at sleep mode cancellation is enabled

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

RSTCKCR is used to control clock source switching at cancellation of sleep mode.

When operation is restored from sleep mode by setting RSTCKCR, the main clock oscillator stop bit in the main clock
oscillator control register (MOSCCR.MOSTP) and HOCO stop bit in the high-speed on-chip oscillator control register
(HOCOCR.HCSTP) corresponding to the clock source to be used on restoration are automatically modified to the
operating state. The value of RSTCKSEL[2:0] bits is automatically reloaded to the clock source select bits in the system
clock control register 3 (SCKCR3.CKSEL[2:0]).
When the setting of register RSTCKCR is for the HOCO to be used in recovery from sleep mode, the power supply for
the HOCO is not automatically switched on. If the HOCO to be used in recovery from sleep mode, the power supply for
the HOCO must be on when the transition to sleep mode takes place.
When returning from sleep mode while the RSTCKEN bit is 1, the OPCCR.OPCM[2:0] bits are automatically switched
to middle-speed operating mode 1A (010b) according to the SCKCR register and RSTCKSEL[2:0] bit settings. When
returning from sleep mode while the RSTCKEN bit is 0, the MCU returns to the operating mode it was in before
transitioning to sleep mode.
When the RSTCKSEL[2:0] bits are set to 001b (HOCO is selected) and the sleep mode return clock source switching
function is enabled, the SCKCR.FCK[3:0], ICK[3:0], BCK[3:0], PCKD[3:0], and PCKB[3:0] bits should be set to
divided-by-2 or more before a transition is made to sleep mode.

RSTCKSEL[2:0] Bits (Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Select)

The RSTCKSEL[2:0] bits select the clock source to be used when sleep mode is canceled.
The clock source selected by the RSTCKSEL[2:0] bits is enabled only when the RSTCKEN bit is 1.
Setting RSTCKSEL to 001b (HOCO is selected) is prohibited when one of the SCKCR.FCK[3:0], ICK[3:0], BCK[3:0],
PCKD[3:0], and PCKB[3:0] bits is set to 0000b (1/1 frequency division).

RSTCKEN Bit (Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Enable)

The RSTCKEN bit enables or disables clock source switching when sleep mode is canceled.
When sleep mode is canceled, the clock source should be switched only when LOCO or sub-clock is selected as a clock
for a transition to sleep mode. To make a transition to sleep mode with HOCO, or main clock selected as the clock
source, the RSTCKEN bit should not be set to 1.
When the CPU is restored from the sleep mode with this bit set to “enable,” the OPCCR.OPCM[2:0] bits are
automatically rewritten to turn on middle-speed operating mode 1A.

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11.2.7 Main Clock Oscillator Wait Control Register (MOSCWTCR)

Address(es): 0008 00A2h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — MSTS[4:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 MSTS[4:0] Main Clock Oscillator Wait b4 b0 R/W
Time Select 0 0 0 0 0: Wait time = 2 cycles
0 0 0 0 1: Wait time = 4 cycles
0 0 0 1 0: Wait time = 8 cycles
0 0 0 1 1: Wait time = 16 cycles
0 0 1 0 0: Wait time = 32 cycles
0 0 1 0 1: Wait time = 256 cycles
0 0 1 1 0: Wait time = 512 cycles
0 0 1 1 1: Wait time = 1024 cycles
0 1 0 0 0: Wait time = 2048 cycles
0 1 0 0 1: Wait time = 4096 cycles
0 1 0 1 0: Wait time = 16384 cycles
0 1 0 1 1: Wait time = 32768 cycles
0 1 1 0 0: Wait time = 65536 cycles
0 1 1 0 1: Wait time = 131072 cycles
0 1 1 1 0: Wait time = 262144 cycles
0 1 1 1 1: Wait time = 524288 cycles
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

MOSCWTCR is used to control the oscillation stabilization wait time of the main clock oscillator.
Transmission of the main clock signal to the LSI internally starts after the number of cycles of the main clock set in the
MOSCWTCR register have been counted.
Set the MSTS[4:0] bits so that the wait time is at least as long as the main clock oscillator stabilization time
(tMAINOSC). For example, if the frequency of the oscillator in use is 10 MHz (so that the period is 100 ns) and the
MSTS[4:0] bits are set to 01101b, the wait time will be 100 ns × 131072 cycles, which is approximately 13.11 ms.
The wait time is not required when the main clock is externally input.
MOSCWTCR can only be rewritten when the MOSCCR.MOSTP bit is 1; do not rewrite MOSCWTCR with other

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11.2.8 Sub-Clock Oscillator Wait Control Register (SOSCWTCR)

Address(es): 0008 00A3h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — SSTS[4:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 SSTS[4:0] Sub-Clock Oscillator Wait b4 b0 R/W
Time Select 0 0 0 0 0: Wait time = 2 s + 2 cycles
0 0 0 0 1: Wait time = 2 s + 4 cycles
0 0 0 1 0: Wait time = 2 s + 8 cycles
0 0 0 1 1: Wait time = 2 s + 16 cycles
0 0 1 0 0: Wait time = 2 s + 32 cycles
0 0 1 0 1: Wait time = 2 s + 64 cycles
0 0 1 1 0: Wait time = 2 s + 512 cycles
0 0 1 1 1: Wait time = 2 s + 1024 cycles
0 1 0 0 0: Wait time = 2 s + 2048 cycles
0 1 0 0 1: Wait time = 2 s + 4096 cycles
0 1 0 1 0: Wait time = 2 s + 16384 cycles
0 1 0 1 1: Wait time = 2 s + 32768 cycles
0 1 1 0 0: Wait time = 2 s + 65536 cycles
0 1 1 0 1: Wait time = 2 s + 131072 cycles
0 1 1 1 0: Wait time = 2 s + 262144 cycles
0 1 1 1 1: Wait time = 2 s + 524288 cycles
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

SOSCWTCR is used to select the oscillation stabilization wait time of the sub-clock oscillator.
The sub-clock is provided to the LSI internally after the number of sub-clock cycles specified with SOSCWTCR has
been counted.
Set the SSTS[4:0] bits so that the wait time is at least as long as the sub-clock oscillator stabilization time (tSUBOSC).
For example, if the frequency of the oscillator in use is 32.768 kHz (so that the period is 30.5 μs) and the SSTS[4:0] bits
are set to 01101b, the wait time will be 30.5 μs × 32768 cycles, which is approximately 2 s + 1 s = 3 s.
Writing to alter the setting in register SOSCWTCR is only possible when the SOSTP bit in SOSCCR is 1 (sub-clock
oscillator is stopped). Do not attempt to change the setting if this is not the case.

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11.2.9 HOCO Wait Control Register 2 (HOCOWTCR2)

Address(es): 0008 00A9h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — HSTS2[4:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 HSTS2[4:0] HOCO Wait Time Select 2 b4 b0 R/W
0 0 0 0 0: Wait time = 3072 cycles
0 0 0 0 1: Wait time = 5120 cycles
0 0 0 1 0: Wait time = 7168 cycles
0 0 0 1 1: Wait time = 9216 cycles
0 0 1 0 0: Wait time = 11264 cycles
0 0 1 0 1: Wait time = 13312 cycles
0 0 1 1 0: Wait time = 15360 cycles
0 0 1 1 1: Wait time = 17408 cycles
0 1 0 0 0: Wait time = 19456 cycles
0 1 0 0 1: Wait time = 21504 cycles
0 1 0 1 0: Wait time = 23552 cycles
0 1 0 1 1: Wait time = 25600 cycles
0 1 1 0 0: Wait time = 27648 cycles
0 1 1 0 1: Wait time = 29696 cycles
0 1 1 1 0: Wait time = 31744 cycles
0 1 1 1 1: Wait time = 33792 cycles
1 0 0 0 0: Wait time = 40 cycles
1 0 0 0 1: Wait time = 72 cycles
1 0 0 1 0: Wait time = 104 cycles
1 0 0 1 1: Wait time = 136 cycles
1 0 1 0 0: Wait time = 180 cycles
These bits must be set to 10100b if the HOCO clock
frequency is set to either of 32 MHz, 36.864 MHz, and
1 0 1 0 1: Wait time = 200 cycles
These bits must be set to 10101b if the HOCO clock
frequency is set to 50 MHz.*1
1 0 1 1 0: Wait time = 232 cycles
1 0 1 1 1: Wait time = 264 cycles
1 1 0 0 0: Wait time = 296 cycles
1 1 0 0 1: Wait time = 328 cycles
1 1 0 1 0: Wait time = 360 cycles
1 1 0 1 1: Wait time = 392 cycles
1 1 1 0 0: Wait time = 424 cycles
1 1 1 0 1: Wait time = 456 cycles
1 1 1 1 0: Wait time = 488 cycles
1 1 1 1 1: Wait time = 520 cycles
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. When this value is set, the HOCO oscillation stabilization time 2 (tHOCO2) is established and a clock whose HOCO oscillation
frequency (fHOCO) accuracy is described in the electrical characteristics section is present immediately after the supply of that
clock is started.
The supply of this clock is possible even when a setting that provides a smaller cycle count than this setting is specified. In such
case, however, the HOCO frequency accuracy that is described in the electrical characteristics section is not guaranteed at the
beginning of the supply of the clock because the HOCO oscillation stabilization time 2 (tHOCO2) cannot be established. In either
case, the HOCO frequency accuracy described in the electrical characteristics section is established in the tHOCO2 time after
the beginning of the clock supply.

HOCOWTCR2 is used to select the oscillation stabilization wait time of the HOCO.
The supply of the HOCO clock to the internal LSI is started after the number of HOCO clocks equivalent to the number
of cycles specified in this register are counted.
HOCOWTCR2 can only be rewritten when the HOCOCR.HCSTP bit is 1 (HOCO stopped); do not rewrite
HOCOWTCR2 with other settings.

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11.2.10 Flash HOCO Software Standby Control Register (FHSSBYCR)

Address: 0008 C28Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SOFTCUT[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 SOFTCUT[2:0] Software Cut 0 b2 b0 R/W
0 0 0: Power is supplied to HOCO in software standby mode. The volt-
age detection circuit (LVD) is active and the low power consump-
tion function by the power-on reset circuit (POR) is disabled.
0 1 x: Power is not supplied to HOCO in software standby mode. The
voltage detection circuit (LVD) is active and the low power con-
sumption function by the power-on reset circuit (POR) is disabled.
1 0 0: Power is supplied to HOCO in software standby mode. The volt-
age detection circuit (LVD) is stopped and the low power con-
sumption function by the power-on reset circuit (POR) is enabled.
1 1 x: Power is not supplied to HOCO in software standby mode. The
voltage detection circuit (LVD) is stopped and the low power con-
sumption function by the power-on reset circuit (POR) is enabled.
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC1 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

To use the voltage detection circuit (LVD) in software standby mode, set the SOFTCUT[2] bit to 0. To stop the voltage
detection circuit (LVD) for reducing power consumption and enable the low power consumption function of the power-
on reset circuit, set the SOFTCUT[2] bit to 1.

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11.3 Reducing Power Consumption by Switching Clock Signals

When the SCKCR.FCK[3:0], ICK[3:0], PCKB[3:0], and PCKD[3:0] bits are set, the clock frequency changes. The CPU,
DMAC, DTC, ROM, and RAM operate on the operating clock specified by the ICK[3:0] bits.
Peripheral modules operate on the operating clock specified by the PCKB[3:0], and PCKD[3:0] bits.
The flash memory interface operates on the operating clock specified by the FCK[3:0] bits.
For details, see section 9, Clock Generation Circuit.

11.4 Module Stop Function

The module stop function can be set for each on-chip peripheral module.
When the MSTPmi bit (m = A to C, i = 0 to 31) in MSTPCRA to MSTPCRC is set to 1, the specified module stops
operating and enters the module stop state, but the CPU continues to operate independently. Clearing the MSTPmi bit to
0 cancels the module stop state, allowing the module to restart operating at the end of the bus cycle. The internal states of
modules are retained in the module stop state.
After a reset is canceled, all modules other than the DMAC, DTC, and RAM are placed in the module stop state. Though
read/write access cannot be made to the registers of the module that are in the module stop state, some registers may be
written to directly after the setting to the module stop state. Therefore, care should be paid.

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11.5 Function for Lower Operating Power Consumption

By selecting an appropriate operating power control mode according to the operating frequency and operating voltage,
power consumption can be reduced in normal operation, sleep mode and all-module clock stop mode.

11.5.1 Setting Operating Power Control Mode

Examples of the procedures for switching operating power control modes are shown below:

(1) Switching from Normal Power Consumption Mode to Low Power Consumption Mode
Example: From middle-speed operating mode 1A to low-speed operating mode 1

(High-speed operation in the operating power control mode used before mode-switching)

Set to switch from the HOCO clock to the LOCO clock (clock source and frequency division ratio)

Write to OPCCR

Confirm that the OPCCR.OPCMTSF flag is 0

(Low-speed operation in the switched operating power control mode)

(2) Switching from Low Power Consumption Mode to Normal Power Consumption Mode
Example: From low-speed operating mode 2 to middle-speed operating mode 1A

(Low-speed operation in the operating power control mode used before mode-switching)

Write to OPCCR

Confirm that the OPCCR.OPCMTSF flag is 0

Set to switch from the LOCO clock to the HOCO clock (clock source and frequency division ratio)

(High-speed operation in the switched operating power control mode)

The method described below can be used to shorten the time taken by transitions between modes.
 In cases where the transition is from a mode with higher to a mode with lower power consumption, the transition
takes the shortest time when the system clock is set to the value for the highest available frequency after the
 In cases where the transition is from a mode with lower to a mode with higher power consumption, the transition
also takes the shortest time when the system clock is set to the value for the highest available frequency before the

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11.6 Low Power Consumption Modes

11.6.1 Sleep Mode Transition to Sleep Mode

When the WAIT instruction is executed while the SBYCR.SSBY bit is 0, the CPU enters sleep mode. In sleep mode, the
CPU stops operating but the contents of its internal registers are retained. Other peripheral functions do not stop.
Counting by the IWDT stops if a transition to sleep mode is made while the IWDT is being used in auto-start mode and
the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit is 1. In the same way, counting by the IWDT stops if a transition to sleep mode is made
while the IWDT is being used in register start mode and the SLCSTP bit in IWDTCSTPR is 1.
Furthermore, counting by the IWDT continues if a transition to sleep mode is made while the IWDT is being used in
auto-start mode and the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit is 0 (counting by the IWDT continues through transitions to low power
consumption modes). In the same way, counting by the IWDT continues if a transition to sleep mode is made while the
IWDT is being used in register start mode and the SLCSTP bit in IWDTCSTPR is 0.
To use sleep mode, make the following settings and then execute a WAIT instruction.
(1) Clear the PSW.I bit*1 of the CPU to 0.
(2) Set the interrupt destination to be used for recovery from sleep mode to the CPU.
(3) Set the priority*2 of the interrupt to be used for recovery from sleep mode to a level higher than the setting of the
PSW.IPL[3:0] bits*1 of the CPU.
(4) Set the IERm.IENj bit*2 for the interrupt to 1.
(5) For the last I/O register to which writing proceeded, read the register to confirm that the value written has been
(6) Execute the WAIT instruction (this automatically sets the I bit*1 in the PSW of the CPU to 1).
Note 1. For details, see section 2, CPU.
Note 2. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb). Canceling Sleep Mode

Sleep mode is canceled by any interrupt, the reset signal from the RES# pin, a power-on reset, a voltage monitoring reset,
or a reset caused by an IWDT underflow.
 Canceling by an interrupt
When an interrupt occurs, sleep mode is canceled and the interrupt exception handling starts. If a maskable interrupt
has been masked by the CPU (the priority level*1 of the interrupt has been set to a value lower than that of the
PSW.IPL[3:0] bits*2 of the CPU), sleep mode is not canceled.
 Canceling by the RES# pin
When the RES# pin is driven low, the LSI enters the reset state. When the RES# pin is driven high after the reset
signal is input for a predetermined time period, the CPU starts the reset exception handling.
 Canceling by a power-on reset
Sleep mode is canceled by a power-on reset.
 Canceling by a voltage monitoring reset
Sleep mode is canceled by a voltage monitoring reset from the voltage detection circuit.
 Canceling by the independent watchdog timer reset
Sleep mode is canceled by an internal reset generated by an IWDT underflow. However, when such conditions are
set that stop IWDT counting in sleep mode (OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 0 and OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP = 1, or
OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 1 and IWDTCSTPR.SLCSTP = 1), the IWDT is stopped and sleep mode cannot be canceled
by the independent watchdog timer reset.
Note 1. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).
Note 2. For details, see section 2, CPU.

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Function

To switch the clock source used on return from sleep mode, the clock used after return needs to be set by the sleep mode
return clock source switching register (RSTCKCR) and the wait control register needs to be set for each clock source.
When the return interrupt is generated, after oscillation settling of the oscillator specified as the return clock, the clock
source is automatically switched, and then operation returns from sleep mode. At this time, the registers related to clock
source switching are automatically rewritten.
For details, see section 11.2.6, Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Register (RSTCKCR). In addition,
for details on the oscillation stabilization wait time, see section 11.2.7, Main Clock Oscillator Wait Control Register
(MOSCWTCR) and section 11.2.9, HOCO Wait Control Register 2 (HOCOWTCR2).
If a transition is made to sleep mode with the SBYCR.SSBY bit being 1 (oscillation stop detection function enabled), the
sleep mode return clock source switching function is disabled.

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption

11.6.2 All-Module Clock Stop Mode Transition to All-Module Clock Stop Mode

After setting the MSTPCRA.ACSE bit to 1 and placing modules controlled by MSTPCRA, MSTPCRB, and MSTPCRC
registers in the module stop state (MSTPCRA = FFFF FF[C-F]Fh, MSTPCRB = FFFF FFFFh, MSTPCRC[31:16] =
FFFFh), executing a WAIT instruction while the SBYCR.SSBY bit is 0 stops the bus controller, I/O ports, and all
modules except for the 8-bit timers*1, POE*5, IWDT, RTC, power-on reset circuit, voltage detection circuit at the end of
the current bus cycle, and the chip enters all-module clock stop mode*2.
Counting by the IWDT stops if a transition to all-module clock-stop mode is made while the IWDT is being used in auto-
start mode and the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit is 1. In the same way, counting by the IWDT stops if a transition to all-
module clock-stop mode is made while the IWDT is being used in register start mode and the SLCSTP bit in
Furthermore, counting by the IWDT continues if a transition to all-module clock-stop mode is made while the IWDT is
being used in auto-start mode and the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit is 0 (counting by the IWDT continues through transitions
to low power consumption modes). In the same way, counting by the IWDT continues if a transition to all-module clock
stop mode is made while the IWDT is being used in register start mode and the SLCSTP bit in IWDTCSTPR is 0.
To use all-module clock stop mode, make the following settings and then execute a WAIT instruction.
(1) Clear the PSW.I bit*3 of the CPU to 0.
(2) Set the interrupt destination to be used for recovery from all-module clock stop mode to the CPU.
(3) Set the priority*4 of the interrupt to be used for recovery from all-module clock stop mode to a level higher than the
setting of the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits*3 of the CPU.
(4) Set the IERm.IENj bit*4 for the interrupt to be used for recovery from all-module clock stop mode to 1.
(5) For the last I/O register to which writing proceeded, read the register to confirm that the value written has been
(6) Execute a WAIT instruction (executing a WAIT instruction causes automatic setting of the PSW.I bit*3 of the CPU
to 1).

Note 1. The MSTPCRA.MSTPA4 and MSTPA5 bits select operation or stop of these modules.
Note 2. Transitions to all-module clock stop mode are not to be made in some states of DTC or DMAC operations.
Before setting the MSTPCRA.MSTPA28 bit to 1, clear the DMAST.DMST bit of the DMAC and the
DTCST.DTCST bit of the DTC so that the DTC and DMAC are not activated.
Note 3. For details, see section 2, CPU.
Note 4. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).
Note 5. When a POE interrupt source condition is satisfied while the setting to enable POE interrupts is in place,
recovery from all-module clock stop mode does not proceed but the flag to indicate satisfaction of the source
condition is retained. If a different source leads to recovery from all-module clock stop mode in this situation, a
POE interrupt is generated after recovery.

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption Canceling All-Module Clock Stop Mode

Release from all-module clock stop mode is initiated by an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ7), a
peripheral interrupt (8-bit timer*1, RTC alarm, RTC periodic, IWDT*2, voltage monitoring 1, voltage monitoring 2, or
oscillator-stopped detection interrupt), a RES# pin reset, a power-on reset, a voltage monitoring reset, or an independent
watchdog timer reset, and the transition to the normal program execution state proceeds via exception processing for the
given interrupt or reset.
However, note that in cases where a maskable interrupt has been masked by the CPU (priority level*3 of the interrupt has
been set to a value lower than that of the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits*4 of the CPU) or a maskable interrupt has been set up as a
trigger to activate the DTC or DMAC, the interrupt will not cancel all-module clock stop mode.

Note 1. The MSTPA4 and MSTPA5 bits of MSTPCRA select operation or stopping of these modules.
Note 2. If a condition for the independent watchdog timer to stop counting applied (OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 0 and
OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP = 1, or OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 1 and IWDTCSTPR.SLCSTP = 1) at the time of a transition to
all-module clock stop mode, using a reset from the independent watchdog timer to release the chip from all-
module clock stop mode is impossible because the independent watchdog timer is stopped.
Note 3. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).
Note 4. For details, see section 2, CPU.

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption

11.6.3 Software Standby Mode Transition to Software Standby Mode

When a WAIT instruction is executed with the SBYCR.SSBY bit set to 1, a transition to software standby mode is made.
In this mode, the CPU, on-chip peripheral functions, and all the oscillator functions stop. However, the contents of the
CPU internal registers, RAM data, on-chip peripheral functions, and the states of the I/O ports are retained. Software
standby mode allows significant reduction in power consumption because the oscillator stops in this mode.
Further reduction of power consumption is possible by using the FHSSBYCR register.

In software standby mode, when 000b is set to the FHSSBYCR.SOFTCUT[2:0] bits, internal power supply to the high-
speed on-chip oscillator and the power-on reset circuit continues. Since power supply start-up stabilization time is not
required at resumption, resumption time from software standby mode is quicker compared to other modes.
When 010b is set to the SOFTCUT[2:0] bits, power supply to the high-speed on-chip oscillator stops, and low power
consumption function of the internal power supply is enabled, so the current consumption is reduced.
When 100b is set to the SOFTCUT[2:0] bits, the voltage detection circuit (LVD) stops and the low power consumption
function of the power-on reset circuit is enabled, so the current consumption is reduced. At this time, the voltage
detection characteristics of the power-on reset circuit is changed. For details, refer to section 38, Electrical
When 110b is set to the SOFTCUT[2:0] bits, power supply to the high-speed on-chip oscillator stops and the low power
consumption function of the internal power supply is enabled. Furthermore, the voltage detection circuit (LVD) stops and
the low power consumption function of the power-on reset circuit is enabled, so the current consumption is significantly
reduced. At this time, the voltage detection characteristics of the power-on reset circuit is changed. For details, refer to
section 38, Electrical Characteristics.
When the high-speed on-chip oscillator is not used, the power supply can be turned off with HOCOPCR.HOCOPCNT
settings, so the current consumption is reduced even more. For details, refer to section 9, Clock Generation Circuit.

Clear the DMAST.DMST bit of the DMAC and the DTCST.DTCST bit of the DTC to 0 before executing the WAIT
Counting by the IWDT stops if a transition to software standby mode is made while the IWDT is being used in auto-start
mode and the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit is 1. In the same way, counting by the IWDT stops if a transition to software
standby mode is made while the IWDT is being used in register start mode and the SLCSTP bit in IWDTCSTPR is 1.
Furthermore, counting by the IWDT continues if a transition to software standby mode is made while the IWDT is being
used in auto-start mode and the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit is 0 (counting by the IWDT continues through transitions to
low power consumption modes). In the same way, counting by the IWDT continues if a transition to software standby
mode is made while the IWDT is being used in register start mode and the SLCSTP bit in IWDTCSTPR is 0.
When the oscillation stop detection function is enabled (OSTDCR.OSTDE = 1), software standby mode cannot be
entered. To make a transition to software standby mode, execute a WAIT instruction after disabling the oscillation stop
detection function (OSTDCR.OSTDE = 0).

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption

To use software standby mode, make the following settings and then execute a WAIT instruction.
(1) Clear the PSW.I bit*1 of the CPU to 0.
(2) Set the interrupt destination to be used for recovery from software standby mode to the CPU.
(3) Set the priority*2 of the interrupt to be used for recovery from software standby mode to a level higher than the
setting of the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits*1 of the CPU.
(4) Set the IERm.IENj bit*2 for the interrupt to be used for recovery from software standby mode to 1.
(5) For the last I/O register to which writing proceeded, read the register to confirm that the value written has been
(6) Execute a WAIT instruction (executing a WAIT instruction causes automatic setting of the PSW.I bit*1 of the CPU
to 1).

Note 1. For details, see section 2, CPU.

Note 2. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption Canceling Software Standby Mode

Release from software standby mode is initiated by an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ7), peripheral
interrupts (the RTC alarm, RTC periodic, IWDT, voltage monitoring 1, and voltage monitoring 2 interrupts), an RES#
pin reset, a power-on reset, a voltage monitoring reset, or an independent watchdog timer reset. When an interrupt
initiates release from software standby, the oscillators which were operating before the transition to software standby are
restarted. After the oscillation of all these oscillators has been stabilized, operation returns from software standby mode.
 Release due to an interrupt
When an interrupt request from among the NMI, IRQ0 to IRQ7, RTC alarm, RTC periodic, IWDT, voltage
monitoring 1, and voltage monitoring 2 interrupts is generated, each of the oscillators which was operating before
the transition to software standby mode resumes oscillation. After the time set by the MOSCWTCR.MSTS[4:0],
SOSCWTCR.SSTS[4:0], or HOCOWTCR2.HSTS2[4:0] bits has elapsed, the chip is released from software
standby mode and starts interrupt exception processing.
 Release due to a reset on the RES# pin
Clock oscillation starts when the low level is applied to the RES# pin. Clock supply for the LSI starts at the same
time. Keep the level on the RES# pin low over the time required for oscillation of the clocks to become stable. Reset
exception processing starts when the high level is applied to the RES# pin.
 Release due to a power-on reset
Release from software standby mode proceeds after a fall in the power-supply voltage leads to the generation of a
power-on reset.
 Release due to a voltage monitoring reset
Release from software standby mode proceeds after a fall in the power-supply voltage leads to the generation of a
voltage monitoring reset.
 Release due to an independent watchdog timer reset
An internal reset due to an underflow of the IWDT leads to release from software standby mode.
However, if a condition for the independent watchdog timer to stop counting applied (OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 0 and
OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP = 1, or OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 1 and IWDTCSTPR.SLCSTP = 1) at the time of a transition to
software standby, using a reset from the independent watchdog timer to release the chip from software standby is
impossible because the independent watchdog timer is stopped.

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption Example of Software Standby Mode Application

Figure 11.5 shows an example where a transition to software standby mode is made at the falling edge of the IRQn pin,
and software standby mode is canceled at the rising edge of the IRQn pin.
In this example, an IRQn interrupt is accepted with the IRQCRi.IRQMD[1:0] bits of the ICU set to 01b (falling edge),
and then the IRQCRi.IRQMD[1:0] bits are set to 10b (rising edge). After that, the SBYCR.SSBY bit is set to 1 and the
WAIT instruction is executed. Thus a transition to software standby mode is made. After that, software standby mode is
canceled at the rising edge of the IRQn pin.
To return from software standby mode, settings of the interrupt controller (ICU) are also necessary. For details, see
section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).



IRQn pin

IRQMD[1:0] 01b 10b


IRQ exception Software standby mode IRQ exception handling

handling (power-down state)
IRQMD[1:0] = 10b
SSBY = 1
WAIT instruction
settling time

Figure 11.5 Example of Software Standby Mode Application

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RX220 Group 11. Low Power Consumption

11.7 Usage Notes

11.7.1 I/O Port States

I/O port states are retained in software standby mode. Therefore, the supply current is not reduced while output signals
are held high.

11.7.2 Module Stop State of DMAC and DTC

Before setting the MSTPCRA.MSTPA28 bit to 1, clear the DMAST.DMST bit of the DMAC and the DTCST.DTCST bit
of the DTC to 0 so that the DMAC and DTC are not activated.
For details, see section 16, DMA Controller (DMACA) and section 17, Data Transfer Controller (DTCa).

11.7.3 On-Chip Peripheral Module Interrupts

Interrupts do not operate in the module stop state. Therefore, if the module stop state is made after an interrupt request is
generated, a CPU interrupt source or a DMAC or DTC startup source cannot be cleared. For this reason, disable
interrupts before entering the module stop state.

11.7.4 Write Access to MSTPCRA, MSTPCRB, and MSTPCRC

Write accesses to MSTPCRA, MSTPCRB, and MSTPCRC should be made only by the CPU.

11.7.5 Timing of WAIT Instructions

The WAIT instruction is executed before completion of the preceding register write. The WAIT instruction may be
executed before the register setting modification is reflected, causing unintended operation. To avoid this, always execute
the WAIT instruction after confirming that the last write to the register has completed.

11.7.6 Rewrite the Register by DMAC and DTC in Sleep Mode

According to the settings of the OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit and IWDTCSTPR.SLCSTP bit, the IWDT may also stop in
sleep mode. If that is the case, do not set up the DMAC and DTC to rewrite any registers related to the IWDT in sleep
The RSTCKCR register can be set so that the clock source is switched on recovery from sleep mode. For this reason,
rewriting the register while the chip is in sleep mode may lead to unintended operation, so do not allow rewriting of the
RSTCKCR register in sleep mode.

11.7.7 Canceling All-Module Clock Stop Mode

If the ICLK is set so as to be slower than the PCLKB, a TMR interrupt cannot be used to cancel all-module clock stop
mode. To use the TMR interrupt as the all-module clock stop mode canceling source, change the ICLK so as to be faster
than the PCLKB before all-module clock stop mode is entered.

11.7.8 Point for Caution when Using the Sub-Clock as the Source of the System Clock
If the sub-clock is in use as the source of the system clock, make sure that the RTC or the low-speed clock oscillator is
operating (by setting the RCR3.RTCEN = 1 or the LOCOCR.LCSTP = 0, respectively) for a transition to software
standby mode.

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RX220 Group 12. Register Write Protection Function

12. Register Write Protection Function

The register write protection function protects important registers from being overwritten for in case a program runs out
of control. The registers to be protected are set with the protect register (PRCR).
Table 12.1 lists the association between the PRCR bits and the registers to be protected.

Table 12.1 Association between PRCR Bits and Registers to be Protected

PRCR Bit Register to be Protected
PRC0  Registers related to the clock generation circuit:
PRC1  Registers related to the operating modes:
 Registers related to the low power consumption functions:
 Registers related to clock generation circuit:
 Software reset register:
PRC3  Registers related to the LVD:

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RX220 Group 12. Register Write Protection Function

12.1 Register Descriptions

12.1.1 Protect Register (PRCR)

Address(es): 0008 03FEh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

PRKEY[7:0] — — — — PRC3 — PRC1 PRC0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PRC0 Protect Bit 0 Enables writing to the registers related to the clock generation circuit. R/W
0: Write disabled
1: Write enabled
b1 PRC1 Protect Bit 1 Enables writing to the registers related to operating modes, low power R/W
consumption, and software reset.
0: Write disabled
1: Write enabled
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 PRC3 Protect Bit 3 Enables writing to the registers related to the LVD. R/W
0: Write disabled
1: Write enabled
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b8 PRKEY[7:0] PRC Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to the PRCR R/W*1
register. To modify the PRCR register, write A5h to the eight higher-order
bits and the desired value to the eight lower-order bits as a 16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

PRCi Bits (Protect Bit i) (i = 0, 1, 3)

These bits enable or disable writing to the corresponding registers to be protected.
Setting the PRCi bits to 1 and 0 enable and disable writing to the corresponding registers to be protected, respectively.

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RX220 Group 13. Exception Handling

13. Exception Handling

13.1 Exception Events
During execution of a program by the CPU, the occurrence of a certain event may cause execution of that program to be
suspended and execution of another program to be started. Such kinds of events are called exception events.
The RX CPU supports six types of exceptions. The types of exception events are shown in Figure 13.1.
The occurrence of an exception causes the processor mode to shift to supervisor mode.

Exception events Undefined instruction exception

Privileged instruction exception


Non-maskable interrupt


Unconditional trap

Figure 13.1 Types of Exception Events

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13.1.1 Undefined Instruction Exception

An undefined instruction exception occurs when execution of an undefined instruction (an instruction not implemented)
is detected.

13.1.2 Privileged Instruction Exception

A privileged instruction exception occurs when execution of a privileged instruction is detected in user mode. Privileged
instructions can be executed only in supervisor mode.

13.1.3 Reset
A reset is generated by input of a reset signal to the CPU. This has the highest priority of any exception and is always

13.1.4 Non-Maskable Interrupt

The non-maskable interrupt is generated by input of a non-maskable interrupt signal to the CPU and is only used when a
fatal fault is considered to have occurred in the system. Never use the non-maskable interrupt with an attempt to return to
the program that was being executed at the time of interrupt generation after the exception handling routine is ended.

13.1.5 Interrupt
Interrupts are generated by the input of interrupt signals to the CPU. A fast interrupt can be selected as the interrupt with
the highest priority. In the case of the fast interrupt, hardware pre-processing and hardware post-processing are handled
fast. The priority level of the fast interrupt is 15 (the highest). The exception handling of interrupts is masked when the I
bit in PSW is 0.

13.1.6 Unconditional Trap

An unconditional trap is generated when the INT or BRK instruction is executed.

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RX220 Group 13. Exception Handling

13.2 Exception Handling Procedure

In the exception handling, part of the processing is handled automatically by hardware and part of it is handled by a
program (exception handling routine) that has been written by the user. Figure 13.2 shows the processing procedure
when an exception other than a reset is accepted.

Generation of
exception event

Exception request Restarting of program execution

Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction

A B C The program is suspended and C D
the exception is accepted.

• Instruction canceling type

Hardware pre-processing (UND, PIE)
• Instruction suspending type
(For the fast interrupt) (Reception of an EI during execution of
the RMPA instruction or a string
manipulation instruction)
• Instruction completion type
(EI and TRAP)
I=0 Shifts to the user mode when
PM = 0 the PM bit in PSW is 1.
Shifts to the supervisor mode. (For the fast interrupt)
(For exceptions other than the fast interrupt)
PC Saved on the stack (ISP) BPC PC
PSW Saved on the stack (ISP) BPSW PSW
I=0 (For exceptions other than the fast interrupt)
PM = 0 Stack PC
Stack PSW

Hardware post-processing

Branch to the vector read handling routine

User-written processing program

(For the fast interrupt)

Exception handling routine General-purpose Restoration of RTFI instruction
other than the non-maskable registers saved Handling routine general-purpose (For exceptions other than the fast
interrupt on the stack registers interrupt)
RTE instruction

Non-maskable Program completion or system reset

Non-maskable interrupt
interrupt processing

UND : Undefined instruction exception

PIE : Privileged instruction exception
EI : Interrupt
TRAP : Unconditional trap

Figure 13.2 Outline of Exception Handling Procedure

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RX220 Group 13. Exception Handling

When an exception is accepted, hardware processing by the RX CPU is followed by access to the vector to acquire the
address of the branch destination. In the vector, a vector address is allocated to each exception, and the branch destination
address of the exception handling routine is written to each vector address.
Hardware pre-processing by the RX CPU handles saving of the contents of the program counter (PC) and processor
status word (PSW). In the case of a fast interrupt, the contents are saved in the backup PC (BPC) and the backup PSW
(BPSW), respectively. In the case of exceptions other than a fast interrupt, the contents are saved in the stack area.
General purpose registers and control registers other than the PC and PSW that are to be used within the exception
handling routine must be saved on the stack by a user program at the start of the exception handling routine.
On completion of processing by an exception handling routine, registers saved on the stack are restored and the RTE
instruction is executed to restore execution from the exception handling routine to the original program. For return from
a fast interrupt, the RTFI instruction is used instead. In the case of a non-maskable interrupt, however, finish the program
or reset the system without returning to the original program.
Hardware post-processing by the RX CPU handles restoration of the contents of PC and PSW. In the case of a fast
interrupt, the values of BPC and BPSW are restored to PC and PSW, respectively. In the case of exceptions other than a
fast interrupt, the values are restored from the stack to PC and PSW.

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RX220 Group 13. Exception Handling

13.3 Acceptance of Exception Events

When an exception occurs, the CPU suspends the execution of the program and processing branches to the exception
handling routine.

13.3.1 Acceptance Timing and Saved PC Value

Table 13.1 lists the timing of acceptance and the program counter (PC) value to be saved for each exception event.

Table 13.1 Acceptance Timing and Saved PC Value

Exception Event Type of Handling Timing Value Saved in BPC or on the Stack
Undefined instruction exception Instruction canceling During instruction PC value of the instruction that
type execution generated the exception
Privileged instruction exception Instruction canceling During instruction PC value of the instruction that
type execution generated the exception
Reset Instruction Any machine cycle None
abandonment type
Non-maskable During execution of the RMPA, Instruction During instruction PC value of the instruction being
interrupt SCMPU, SMOVB, SMOVF, suspending type execution executed
SWHILE instructions
Other than above Instruction At the next break PC value of the next instruction
completion type between
Interrupt During execution of the RMPA, Instruction During instruction PC value of the instruction being
SCMPU, SMOVB, SMOVF, suspending type execution executed
SWHILE instructions
Other than above Instruction At the next break PC value of the next instruction
completion type between
Unconditional trap Instruction At the next break PC value of the next instruction
completion type between

13.3.2 Vector and Site for Saving the Values in the PC and PSW
The vector for each type of exception and the site for saving the values of the program counter (PC) and processor status
word (PSW) are listed in Table 13.2.

Table 13.2 Vector and Site for Saving the Values in the PC and PSW
Exception Vector Site for Saving the Values in the PC and PSW
Undefined instruction exception Fixed vector table Stack
Privileged instruction exception Fixed vector table Stack
Reset Fixed vector table Nowhere
Non-maskable interrupt Fixed vector table Stack
Interrupt Fast interrupt FINTV BPC and BPSW
Other than above Relocatable vector table (INTB) Stack
Unconditional trap Relocatable vector table (INTB) Stack

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RX220 Group 13. Exception Handling

13.4 Hardware Processing for Accepting and Returning from Exceptions

This section describes the hardware processing for accepting and returning from exceptions other than a reset.

(1) Hardware Pre-Processing for Accepting an Exception

(a) Saving PSW

 For a fast interrupt
 For exceptions other than a fast interrupt
PSW  Stack

(b) Updating PM, U, and I Bits in PSW

I: Set to 0
U: Set to 0
PM: Set to 0

(c) Saving PC
 For a fast interrupt
 For exceptions other than a fast interrupt
PC  Stack

(d) Setting Branch Destination Address of Exception Handling Routine in PC

Processing is shifted to the exception handling routine by acquiring the vector corresponding to the exception and then
branching accordingly.

(2) Hardware Post-Processing for Execution of RTE and RTFI Instructions

(a) Restoring PSW

 For a fast interrupt
 For exceptions other than a fast interrupt
Stack  PSW

(b) Restoring PC
 For a fast interrupt
 For exceptions other than a fast interrupt
Stack  PC

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RX220 Group 13. Exception Handling

13.5 Hardware Pre-Processing

The hardware pre-processing from reception of each exception request to execution of the associated exception handling
routine are explained below.

13.5.1 Undefined Instruction Exception

1. The value of the processor status word (PSW) is saved on the stack (ISP).
2. The processor mode select bit (PM), the stack pointer select bit (U), and the interrupt enable bit (I) in PSW are
cleared to 0.
3. The value of the program counter (PC) is saved on the stack (ISP).
4. The vector is fetched from address FFFF FFDCh.
5. The fetched vector is set to the PC and processing branches to the exception handling routine.

13.5.2 Privileged Instruction Exception

1. The value in the processor status word (PSW) is saved on the stack (ISP).
2. The processor mode select bit (PM), the stack pointer select bit (U), and the interrupt enable bit (I) in PSW are
cleared to 0.
3. The value of the program counter (PC) is saved on the stack (ISP).
4. The vector is fetched from address FFFF FFD0h.
5. The fetched vector is set to the PC and processing branches to the exception handling routine.

13.5.3 Reset
1. The control registers are initialized.
2. The vector is fetched from address FFFF FFFCh.
3. The fetched vector is set to the PC.

13.5.4 Non-Maskable Interrupt

1. The value of the processor status word (PSW) is saved on the stack (ISP).
2. The processor mode select bit (PM), the stack pointer select bit (U), and the interrupt enable bit (I) in PSW are
cleared to 0.
3. If the interrupt was generated during the execution of an RMPA, SCMPU, SMOVB, SMOVF, SMOVU, SSTR,
SUNTIL, or SWHILE instruction, the value of the program counter (PC) for that instruction is saved on the stack
(ISP). For other instructions, the PC value of the next instruction is saved.
4. The processor interrupt priority level bits (IPL[3:0]) in PSW are set to Fh.
5. The vector is fetched from address FFFF FFF8h.
6. The fetched vector is set to the PC and processing branches to the exception handling routine.

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13.5.5 Interrupt
1. The value of the processor status word (PSW) is saved on the stack (ISP) or, for the fast interrupt, in the backup
2. The processor mode select bit (PM), the stack pointer select bit (U), and the interrupt enable bit (I) in PSW are
cleared to 0.
3. If the interrupt was generated during the execution of an RMPA, SCMPU, SMOVB, SMOVF, SMOVU, SSTR,
SUNTIL, or SWHILE instruction, the value of the program counter (PC) for that instruction is saved. For other
instructions, the PC value of the next instruction is saved. Saving of the PC is in the backup PC (BPC) for fast
4. The processor interrupt priority level bits (IPL[3:0]) in PSW indicate the interrupt priority level of the interrupt.
5. The vector for an interrupt source other than the fast interrupt is fetched from the relocatable vector table. For the
fast interrupt, the address is fetched from the fast interrupt vector register (FINTV).
6. The fetched vector is set to the PC and processing branches to the exception handling routine.

13.5.6 Unconditional Trap

1. The value in the processor status word (PSW) is saved on the stack (ISP).
2. The processor mode select bit (PM), the stack pointer select bit (U), and the interrupt enable bit (I) in PSW are
cleared to 0.
3. The value of the program counter (PC) for the next instruction is saved on the stack (ISP).
4. For the INT instruction, the value at the vector corresponding to the INT instruction number is fetched from the
relocatable vector table.
For the BRK instruction, the value at the vector from the start address is fetched from the relocatable vector table.
5. The fetched vector is set to the PC and processing branches to the exception handling routine.

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13.6 Return from Exception Handling Routine

Executing the instruction listed in Table 13.3 at the end of the corresponding exception handling routine restores the
values of the program counter (PC) and processor status word (PSW) that were saved on the stack or in the control
registers (BPC and BPSW) immediately before the exception handling sequence.

Table 13.3 Return from Exception Handling Routine

Exception Instruction for Return
Undefined instruction exception RTE
Privileged instruction exception RTE
Reset Return is impossible
Non-maskable interrupt Return is impossible
Interrupt Fast interrupt RTFI
Other than above RTE
Unconditional trap RTE

13.7 Priority of Exception Events

The priority of exception events is listed in Table 13.4. When multiple exceptions are generated at the same time, the
exception with the highest priority is accepted first.

Table 13.4 Priority of Exception Events

Priority Exception Event
High 1 Reset
2 Non-maskable interrupt
3 Interrupt
4 Undefined instruction exception
Privileged instruction exception
Low 5 Unconditional trap

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14. Interrupt Controller (ICUb)

14.1 Overview
The interrupt controller receives interrupt signals from peripheral modules and external pins, sends interrupts to the CPU,
and activates the DTC and DMAC.
Table 14.1 lists the specifications of the interrupt controller, and Figure 14.1 shows a block diagram of the interrupt

Table 14.1 Specifications of Interrupt Controller

Item Description
Interrupts Peripheral function  Interrupts from peripheral modules
interrupts  Interrupt detection: Edge detection/level detection
Edge detection or level detection is fixed for each source of connected peripheral modules.
External pin  Interrupts from pins IRQ0 to IRQ7
interrupts  Number of sources: 8
 Interrupt detection: Low level/falling edge/rising edge/rising and falling edges
One of these detection methods can be set for each source.
 Digital filter function: Supported
Software interrupt  Interrupt generated by writing to a register
 One interrupt source
Event link interrupt The ELSR18I interrupt is generated by an ELC event
Interrupt priority Specified by registers.
Fast interrupt Faster interrupt processing of the CPU can be set only for a single interrupt source.
DTC/DMAC control The DTC and DMAC can be activated by interrupt sources.*1
Non- NMI pin interrupt  Interrupt from the NMI pin
maskable  Interrupt detection: Falling edge/rising edge
interrupts  Digital filter function: Supported
Oscillation stop Interrupt on detection of oscillation having stopped
detection interrupt
IWDT underflow/ Interrupt on an underflow of the down counter or occurrence of a refresh error
refresh error
Voltage monitoring Voltage monitoring interrupt of voltage monitoring circuit 1 (LVD1)
1 interrupt
Voltage monitoring Voltage monitoring interrupt of voltage monitoring circuit 2 (LVD2)
2 interrupt
Return from power-down modes  Sleep mode: Return is initiated by non-maskable interrupts or any other interrupt source.
 All-module clock stop mode: Return is initiated by non-maskable interrupts, IRQ0 to IRQ7
interrupts, TMR interrupts, or RTC alarm/periodic interrupts.
 Software standby mode: Return is initiated by non-maskable interrupts, IRQ0 to IRQ7 interrupts,
or RTC alarm/periodic interrupts.

Note 1. For the DTC and DMAC activation sources, refer to Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.

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Interrupt controller

Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt
Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt generation
Clock restoration request
IWDT underflow/refresh error
Oscillation stop detection interrupt NMI
SR restoration
NMI pin Digital filter Detection
Clock restoration enable level

Non-maskable interrupt request



Module data bus


Interrupt request
CPU priority level
IR clear Interrupt acceptance


IRQ0 DTC activation request
Digital filter Detection IR Destination
IRQ7 switchover to CPU activation
DTC response

IRQ0 to IRQ7 detection IR clear

module Destination switchover
to CPU
activation enable
Interrupt source activation activation request
control DMAC response
IR clear

Interrupt status, destination switchover

NMIER : Non-maskable interrupt enable register IR : Interrupt request register IRQFLTE0 : IRQ pin digital filter enable register 0
NMICR : NMI pin interrupt control register IER : Interrupt request enable register IRQFLTC0 : IRQ pin digital filter setting register 0
NMICLR : Non-maskable interrupt status clear register IPR : Interrupt source priority register NMIFLTE : NMI pin digital filter enable register
NMISR : Non-maskable interrupt status register FIR : Fast interrupt set register NMIFLTC : NMI pin digital filter setting register
IRQCR : IRQ control register DTCER : DTC activation enable register
DMRSR : DMAC activation request select register

Figure 14.1 Block Diagram of Interrupt Controller

Table 14.2 lists the input/output pins of the interrupt controller.

Table 14.2 Pin Configuration of Interrupt Controller

Pin Name I/O Description
NMI Input Non-maskable interrupt request pin
IRQ0 to IRQ7 Input External interrupt request pins

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14.2 Register Descriptions

14.2.1 Interrupt Request Register n (IRn) (n = interrupt vector number)

Address(es): 0008 7010h to 0008 70F9h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — IR

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IR Interrupt Status Flag 0: No interrupt request is generated R/(W)
1: An interrupt request is generated *1
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. For an edge detection interrupt, only 0 can be written to this bit; do not write 1.
For a level detection interrupt, neither 0 nor 1 can be written.

IRn is provided for each interrupt source, where “n” indicates the interrupt vector number.
For the correspondence between interrupt sources and interrupt vector numbers, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector

IR Flag (Interrupt Status Flag)

This bit is the status flag of an individual interrupt request. This flag is set to 1 when the corresponding interrupt request
is generated. To detect an interrupt request, the interrupt request output should be enabled by the corresponding
peripheral module interrupt enable bit.
There are two interrupt request detection methods: edge detection and level detection. For interrupts from peripheral
modules, either edge detection or level detection is determined per interrupt source. For interrupts from IRQi pins, edge
detection or level detection is selected by setting the corresponding IRQCRi.IRQMD[1:0] bits (i = 0 to 7). For detection
of the various interrupt sources, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.

(1) Edge detection

[Setting condition]
 The flag is set to 1 in response to the generation of an interrupt request from the corresponding peripheral module or
IRQi pin. For interrupt generation by the various peripheral modules, refer to the sections describing the modules.
[Clearing conditions]
 The flag is cleared to 0 when the interrupt request destination accepts the interrupt request.
 The IR flag is cleared to 0 by writing 0 to it. Note, however, that writing 0 to the IR flag is prohibited if the
destination of the interrupt request is the DTC or DMAC.

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(2) Level detection

[Setting condition]
 The flag remains set to 1 while an interrupt request is being sent from the corresponding peripheral module or IRQi
pin. For interrupt generation by the various peripheral modules, refer to the sections describing the modules.
[Clearing condition]
 The flag is cleared to 0 when the source of the interrupt request is cleared (it is not cleared when the interrupt
request destination accepts the interrupt request). For clearing interrupts from the various peripheral modules, refer
to the sections describing the modules.

When level detection has been selected for an IRQi pin, the interrupt request is withdrawn by driving the IRQi pin high.
Do not write 0 or 1 to the IR flag while level detection is selected.

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14.2.2 Interrupt Request Enable Register m (IERm) (m = 02h to 1Fh)

Address(es): 0008 7202h to 0008 721Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IEN0 Interrupt Request Enable 0 0: Interrupt request is disabled R/W
1: Interrupt request is enabled
b1 IEN1 Interrupt Request Enable 1 R/W
b2 IEN2 Interrupt Request Enable 2 R/W
b3 IEN3 Interrupt Request Enable 3 R/W
b4 IEN4 Interrupt Request Enable 4 R/W
b5 IEN5 Interrupt Request Enable 5 R/W
b6 IEN6 Interrupt Request Enable 6 R/W
b7 IEN7 Interrupt Request Enable 7 R/W

Note: • Write 0 to the bit that corresponds to the vector number for reservation. These bits are read as 0.

IENj Bits (Interrupt Request Enable j) (j = 7 to 0)

When an IENj bit is 1, the corresponding interrupt request will be output to the destination selected for the request.
When an IENj bit is 0, the corresponding interrupt request will not be output to the destination selected for the request.
The setting of an IENj bit does not affect the IRn.IR flag. Even if the corresponding IENj bit is 0, the IR flag value
changes according to the descriptions in section 14.2.1, Interrupt Request Register n (IRn) (n = interrupt vector
The IERm.IENj bit is set for each request source (vector number).
For the correspondence between interrupt sources and IERm.IENj bits, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.
For the procedure for setting IERm.IENj bits during the selection of destinations for interrupt requests, refer to section
14.4.3, Selecting Interrupt Request Destinations.

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14.2.3 Interrupt Source Priority Register n (IPRn) (n = 000 to 249)

Address(es): 0008 7300h to 0008 73F9h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — IPR[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 IPR[3:0] Interrupt Priority Level Select b3 b0 R/W
0 0 0 0: Level 0 (interrupt disabled)*1
0 0 0 1: Level 1
0 0 1 0: Level 2
0 0 1 1: Level 3
0 1 0 0: Level 4
0 1 0 1: Level 5
0 1 1 0: Level 6
0 1 1 1: Level 7
1 0 0 0: Level 8
1 0 0 1: Level 9
1 0 1 0: Level 10
1 0 1 1: Level 11
1 1 0 0: Level 12
1 1 0 1: Level 13
1 1 1 0: Level 14
1 1 1 1: Level 15 (highest)
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. When the interrupt is specified as a fast interrupt, it can be issued even if the priority level is level 0.

For the correspondence between interrupt sources and IPRn registers, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.

IPR[3:0] Bits (Interrupt Priority Level Select)

These bits specify the priority level of the corresponding interrupt source.
Priority levels specified by the IPR[3:0] bits are used only to determine the priority of interrupt requests to be transferred
to the CPU, and do not affect activation requests to the DTC and DMAC.
The CPU accepts only interrupt requests higher than the priority level specified by the IPL[3:0] bits in PSW, and handles
accepted interrupts.
If two or more interrupt requests are generated at the same time, their priority levels are compared with the value of the
IPR[3:0] bits. If interrupt requests of the same priority level are generated at the same time, an interrupt source with a
smaller vector number takes precedence.
These bits should be written to while an interrupt request is disabled (IERm.IENj bit = 0).

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14.2.4 Fast Interrupt Set Register (FIR)

Address(es): 0008 72F0h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

FIEN — — — — — — — FVCT[7:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 FVCT[7:0] Fast Interrupt Vector Number Specify the vector number of an interrupt source to be a fast R/W
b14 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 FIEN Fast Interrupt Enable 0: Fast interrupt is disabled R/W
1: Fast interrupt is enabled

The fast interrupt function based on the FIR register setting is applicable only to interrupts to the CPU. It will not affect
any transfer request to the DTC or DMAC.
Before writing to this register, be sure to disable interrupt requests (IERm.IENj bit = 0).

FVCT[7:0] Bits (Fast Interrupt Vector Number)

The FVCT[7:0] bits specify the vector number of an interrupt source that uses the fast interrupt function.

FIEN Bit (Fast Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables the fast interrupt.
Setting this bit to 1 makes the interrupt request of the vector number specified by the FVCT[7:0] bits a fast interrupt.
When an interrupt request of the vector number specified by the FVCT[7:0] bits is generated and the interrupt request
destination is the CPU while the FIEN bit is 1, the interrupt request is output to the CPU as a fast interrupt regardless of
the setting of the IPRn register. When using the fast interrupt for returning from the software standby mode, see section
14.6.3, Return from Software Standby Mode.
If the setting of the IERm.IENj (m = 02h to 1Fh, j = 7 to 0) bit has disabled interrupt requests from the interrupt source
with the vector number in this register, fast interrupt requests are not output to the CPU.
For settable vector numbers, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.
Do not write any reserved vector numbers to the FVCT[7:0] bits.

For details on the fast interrupt, see section 13, Exception Handling, and section 14.4.6, Fast Interrupt.

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14.2.5 Software Interrupt Activation Register (SWINTR)

Address(es): 0008 72E0h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — SWINT

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SWINT Software Interrupt Activation This bit is read as 0. Writing 1 issues a software interrupt request. R/(W)
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. *1
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only 1 can be written.

SWINT Bit (Software Interrupt Activation)

When 1 is written to the SWINT bit, the interrupt request register 027 (IR027) is set to 1.
If 1 is written to the SWINT bit when the DTC activation enable register 027 (DTCER027) is set to 0, an interrupt to the
CPU is generated.
If 1 is written to the SWINT bit when the DTC activation enable register 027 (DTCER027) is set to 1, a DTC activation
request is issued.

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14.2.6 DTC Activation Enable Register n (DTCERn) (n = interrupt vector number)

Address(es): 0008 711Bh to 0008 71FCh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — DTCE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DTCE DTC Activation Enable 0: DTC activation is disabled R/W
1: DTC activation is enabled
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

An interrupt source that has been selected as a source for DMAC activation should not be specified as a source for DTC
activation. See Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table, for the interrupt sources that are selectable as sources for DTC

DTCE Bit (DTC Activation Enable)

When the DTCE bit is set to 1, the corresponding interrupt source is selected as the source for the DTC activation.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to the DTCE bit
[Clearing conditions]
 When the specified number of transfers is completed (for the chain transfer, the number of transfers for the last
chain transfer is completed)
 When 0 is written to the DTCE bit

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14.2.7 DMAC Activation Request Select Register m (DMRSRm)

(m = DMAC channel number)

Address(es): DMRSR0 0008 7400h, DMRSR1 0008 7404h, DMRSR2 0008 7408h, DMRSR3 0008 740Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 DMRS[7:0] DMAC Activation Source These bits specify the vector number for the DMAC activation R/W
Select request.

To specify the same interrupt source for multiple DMRSRm registers is disabled. The interrupt source that has been
selected for the DMRSRm activation should not be specified as the source for the DTC activation. Otherwise, the correct
operation is not guaranteed.

DMRS[7:0] Bits (DMAC Activation Source Select)

The vector number of the interrupt source for DMAC activation is specified in 8 bits. Do not set the vector numbers that
are not assigned for the DMAC activation.
For the correspondence between interrupt sources and interrupt vector numbers, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector
Write to the DMRSRm register while the DMA transfer enable bit of the DMA transfer enable register
(DMACm.DMCNT.DTE) is cleared to 0.

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14.2.8 IRQ Control Register i (IRQCRi) (i = 0 to 7)

Address(es): 0008 7500h to 0008 7507h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — IRQMD[1:0] — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3, b2 IRQMD[1:0] IRQ Detection Sense b3 b2 R/W
Select 0 0: Low level
0 1: Falling edge
1 0: Rising edge
1 1: Rising and falling edges
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Only change the settings of this register while the corresponding interrupt request enable bit is prohibiting the interrupt
request (IENj bit in IERm is 0). After changing the setting, clear the IR flag in IRn before setting the interrupt enable bit.
However, when the change is to the low level, the IR flag does not require clearing.

IRQMD[1:0] Bits (IRQ Detection Sense Select)

These bits select the detection sensing method of external pin interrupt sources IRQ0 to IRQ7.
For the external pin interrupt detection setting, see section 14.4.8, External Pin Interrupts.

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14.2.9 IRQ Pin Digital Filter Enable Register 0 (IRQFLTE0)

Address(es): 0008 7510h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FLTEN0 IRQ0 Digital Filter Enable 0: Digital filter is disabled. R/W
1: Digital filter is enabled.
b1 FLTEN1 IRQ1 Digital Filter Enable R/W
b2 FLTEN2 IRQ2 Digital Filter Enable R/W
b3 FLTEN3 IRQ3 Digital Filter Enable R/W
b4 FLTEN4 IRQ4 Digital Filter Enable R/W
b5 FLTEN5 IRQ5 Digital Filter Enable R/W
b6 FLTEN6 IRQ6 Digital Filter Enable R/W
b7 FLTEN7 IRQ7 Digital Filter Enable R/W

FLTENi Bits (IRQi Digital Filter Enable) (i = 0 to 7)

These bits enable the digital filter used for the external pin interrupt sources IRQ0 to IRQ7.
The digital filter is enabled when the FLTENi bit is 1, and disabled when the FLTENi bit is 0.
The IRQi pin level is sampled at the sampling clock cycle specified with the IRQFLTC0.FCLKSELi[1:0] bits. When the
sampled level matches three times, the output level from the digital filter changes.
For details of the digital filter, see section 14.4.7, Digital Filter.

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14.2.10 IRQ Pin Digital Filter Setting Register 0 (IRQFLTC0)

Address(es): 0008 7514h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 FCLKSEL0[1:0] IRQ0 Digital Filter Sampling Clock 0 0: PCLK R/W
0 1: PCLK/8
b3, b2 FCLKSEL1[1:0] IRQ1 Digital Filter Sampling Clock R/W
1 0: PCLK/32
b5, b4 FCLKSEL2[1:0] IRQ2 Digital Filter Sampling Clock 1 1: PCLK/64 R/W
b7, b6 FCLKSEL3[1:0] IRQ3 Digital Filter Sampling Clock R/W
b9, b8 FCLKSEL4[1:0] IRQ4 Digital Filter Sampling Clock R/W
b11, b10 FCLKSEL5[1:0] IRQ5 Digital Filter Sampling Clock R/W
b13, b12 FCLKSEL6[1:0] IRQ6 Digital Filter Sampling Clock R/W
b15, b14 FCLKSEL7[1:0] IRQ7 Digital Filter Sampling Clock R/W

FCLKSELi[1:0] Bits (IRQi Digital Filter Sampling Clock) (i = 0 to 7)

These bits select the cycle of the digital filter sampling clock for the external pin interrupt request pins IRQ0 to IRQ7.
The sampling clock cycle can be selected from among the PCLK (every cycle), PCLK/8 (once every eight cycles),
PCLK/32 (once every 32 cycles), and PCLK/64 (once every 64 cycles).
For details of the digital filter, see section 14.4.7, Digital Filter.

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14.2.11 Non-Maskable Interrupt Status Register (NMISR)

Address(es): 0008 7580h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 NMIST NMI Status Flag 0: NMI pin interrupt is not requested R
1: NMI pin interrupt is requested
b1 OSTST Oscillation Stop Detection 0: Oscillation stop detection interrupt is not requested R
Interrupt Status Flag 1: Oscillation stop detection interrupt is requested
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. Writing to this bit has no effect. R
b3 IWDTST IWDT Underflow/Refresh 0: IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt is not requested R
Error Status Flag 1: IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt is requested
b4 LVD1ST Voltage Monitoring 1 0: Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt is not requested R
Interrupt Status Flag 1: Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt is requested
b5 LVD2ST Voltage Monitoring 2 0: Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt is not requested R
Interrupt Status Flag 1: Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt is requested
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R

The NMISR register monitors the status of a non-maskable interrupt source. Writing to the NMISR register is ignored.
The setting in the non-maskable interrupt enable register (NMIER) does not affect the status flags in NMISR.
Before the end of the non-maskable interrupt handler, read the NMISR register and confirm the generation status of other
non-maskable interrupts. Be sure to confirm that all of the bits in the NMISR register are set to 0 before the end of the

NMIST Flag (NMI Status Flag)

This flag indicates the NMI pin interrupt request.
The NMIST flag is read-only, and cleared by the NMICLR.NMICLR bit.
[Setting condition]
 When an edge specified by the NMICR.NMIMD bit is input to the NMI pin
[Clearing condition]
 When 1 is written to the NMICLR.NMICLR bit

OSTST Flag (Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupt Status Flag)

This flag indicates the oscillation stop detection interrupt request.
The OSTST flag is read-only, and cleared by the NMICLR.OSTCLR bit.
[Setting condition]
 When the oscillation stop detection interrupt is generated
[Clearing condition]
 When 1 is written to the NMICLR.OSTCLR bit

IWDTST Flag (IWDT Underflow/Refresh Error Status Flag)

This flag indicates the IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt request.
The IWDTST flag is read-only, and cleared by the NMICLR.IWDTCLR bit.
[Setting condition]

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 When the IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt is generated while this interrupt is enabled at its source.
[Clearing condition]
 When 1 is written to the NMICLR.IWDTCLR bit

LVD1ST Flag (Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt Status Flag)

This flag indicates the request for voltage monitoring 1 interrupt.
The LVD1ST flag is read-only, and cleared by the NMICLR.LVD1CLR bit.
[Setting condition]
 When the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt is generated while this interrupt is enabled at its source.
[Clearing condition]
 When 1 is written to the NMICLR.LVD1CLR bit

LVD2ST Flag (Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt Status Flag)

This flag indicates the request for voltage monitoring 2 interrupt.
The LVD2ST flag is read-only, and cleared by the NMICLR.LVD2CLR bit.
[Setting condition]
 When the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt is generated while this interrupt is enabled at its source.
[Clearing condition]
 When 1 is written to the NMICLR.LVD2CLR bit

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14.2.12 Non-Maskable Interrupt Enable Register (NMIER)

Address(es): 0008 7581h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 NMIEN NMI Pin Interrupt Enable 0: NMI pin interrupt is disabled R/(W)
1: NMI pin interrupt is enabled *1
b1 OSTEN Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupt 0: Oscillation stop detection interrupt is disabled R/(W)
Enable 1: Oscillation stop detection interrupt is enabled *1
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/(W)
b3 IWDTEN IWDT Underflow/Refresh Error 0: IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt is disabled R/(W)
Enable 1: IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt is enabled *1
b4 LVD1EN Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt 0: Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt is disabled R/(W)
Enable 1: Voltage monitoring 1 interrupt is enabled *1
b5 LVD2EN Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt 0: Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt is disabled R/(W)
Enable 1: Voltage monitoring 2 interrupt is enabled *1
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. A 1 can be written to this bit only once, and subsequent write accesses are no longer enabled.

NMIEN Bit (NMI Pin Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables the NMI pin interrupt.
A 1 can be written to this bit only once, and subsequent write accesses are no longer enabled.
Writing 0 to this bit is disabled.

OSTEN Bit (Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables the oscillation stop detection interrupt.
A 1 can be written to this bit only once, and subsequent write accesses are no longer enabled.
Writing 0 to this bit is disabled.

IWDTEN Bit (IWDT Underflow/Refresh Error Enable)

This bit enables the IWDT underflow/refresh error interrupt.
A 1 can be written to this bit only once, and subsequent write accesses are no longer enabled.
Writing 0 to this bit is disabled.

LVD1EN Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1 Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt.
A 1 can be written to this bit only once, and subsequent write accesses are no longer enabled.
Writing 0 to this bit is disabled.

LVD2EN Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2 Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt.
A 1 can be written to this bit only once, and subsequent write accesses are no longer enabled.
Writing 0 to this bit is disabled.

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14.2.13 Non-Maskable Interrupt Status Clear Register (NMICLR)

Address(es): 0008 7582h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 NMICLR NMI Clear This bit is read as 0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the NMISR.NMIST flag. R/(W)
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. *1
b1 OSTCLR OST Clear This bit is read as 0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the NMISR.OSTST flag. R/(W)
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. *1
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/(W)
b3 IWDTCLR IWDT Clear This bit is read as 0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the NMISR.IWDTST R/(W)
flag. Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. *1
b4 LVD1CLR LVD1 Clear This bit is read as 0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the NMISR.LVD1ST flag. R/(W)
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. *1
b5 LVD2CLR LVD2 Clear This bit is read as 0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the NMISR.LVD2ST flag. R/(W)
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. *1
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only 1 can be written to this bit.

NMICLR Bit (NMI Clear)

Writing 1 to the NMICLR bit clears the NMISR.NMIST flag.
This bit is read as 0.

OSTCLR Bit (OST Clear)

Writing 1 to the OSTCLR bit clears the NMISR.OSTST flag.
This bit is read as 0.


Writing 1 to the IWDTCLR bit clears the NMISR.IWDTST flag.
This bit is read as 0.

LVD1CLR Bit (LVD1 Clear)

Writing 1 to the LVD1CLR bit clears the NMISR.LVD1ST flag.
This bit is read as 0.

LVD2CLR Bit (LVD2 Clear)

Writing 1 to the LVD2CLR bit clears the NMISR.LVD2ST flag.
This bit is read as 0.

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14.2.14 NMI Pin Interrupt Control Register (NMICR)

Address(es): 0008 7583h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — NMIMD — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 NMIMD NMI Detection Set 0: Falling edge R/W
1: Rising edge
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Change the setting of the NMICR register before the NMI pin interrupt is enabled (before setting the NMIER.NMIEN bit
to 1).

NMIMD Bit (NMI Detection Set)

This bit specifies the detection edge of the NMI pin interrupt.

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14.2.15 NMI Pin Digital Filter Enable Register (NMIFLTE)

Address(es): 0008 7590h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — NFLTE
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 NFLTEN NMI Digital Filter Enable 0: Digital filter is disabled. R/W
1: Digital filter is enabled.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

NFLTEN Bit (NMI Digital Filter Enable)

This bit enables the digital filter used for the NMI pin interrupt.
The digital filter is enabled when the NFLTEN bit is 1, and disabled when the NFLTEN bit is 0.
The NMI pin level is sampled at the sampling clock cycle specified with the NMIFLTC.NFCLKSEL[1:0] bits. When the
sampled level matches three times, the output level from the digital filter changes.
For details of the digital filter, see section 14.4.7, Digital Filter.

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14.2.16 NMI Pin Digital Filter Setting Register (NMIFLTC)

Address(es): 0008 7594h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — NFCLKSEL[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 NFCLKSEL[1:0] NMI Digital Filter Sampling b1 b0 R/W
Clock 0 0: PCLK
0 1: PCLK/8
1 0: PCLK/32
1 1: PCLK/64
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

NFCLKSEL[1:0] Bits (NMI Digital Filter Sampling Clock)

These bits select the cycle of the digital filter sampling clock for the NMI pin interrupt.
The sampling clock cycle can be selected from among the PCLK (every cycle), PCLK/8 (once every eight cycles),
PCLK/32 (once every 32 cycles), and PCLK/64 (once every 64 cycles).
For details of the digital filter, see section 14.4.7, Digital Filter.

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14.3 Vector Table

There are two types of interrupts detected by the interrupt controller: maskable interrupts and non-maskable interrupts.
When the CPU accepts an interrupt or non-maskable interrupt, it acquires a four-byte vector address from the vector

14.3.1 Interrupt Vector Table

The interrupt vector table is placed in the 1024-byte range (4 bytes  256 sources) beginning at the address specified in
the interrupt table register (INTB) of the CPU. Write a value to the INTB register before enabling interrupts. The value
written to the INTB register should be a multiple of 4.
Executing an INT instruction or BRK instruction leads to the generation of an unconditional trap. The same range of
memory as shown in Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table, is used for the vectors for unconditional traps. The vector for
BRK instructions is vector 0 while the vector numbers for INT instructions are specifiable as numbers in the range from
0 to 255.
Table 14.3 lists details of the interrupt vectors. Details of the headings in Table 14.3 are listed below.

Item Description
Source of interrupt request Name of the source for generation of the interrupt request
Name Name of the interrupt
Vector no. Vector number for the interrupt
Vector address offset Value of the offset from the base address for the vector table
Form of interrupt detection “Edge” or “level” as the method for detection of the interrupt
CPU interrupt “○” in this column indicates usability as a CPU interrupt.
DTC activation “○” in this column indicates usability as a request for DTC activation.
DMAC activation “○” in this column indicates usability as a request for DMAC activation.
sstb return “○” in this column indicates usability as a request for return from software-standby mode.
sacs return “○” in this column indicates usability as a request for return from all-module clock-stop mode.
IER Name of the interrupt request enable register (IER) and bit corresponding to the vector number
IPR Name of the interrupt source priority register (IPR) corresponding to the interrupt source
DTCER Name of the DTC activation enable register (DTCER) corresponding to the DTC activation source

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Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table (1/6)

sacs Return
sstb Return
Source of
Interrupt Vector Form of

Request Vector Address Interrupt


Generation Name No.*1 Offset Detection IER IPR DTCER

— For an 0 0000h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 1 0004h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 2 0008h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 3 000Ch — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 4 0010h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 5 0014h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 6 0018h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 7 001Ch — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 8 0020h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 9 0024h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 10 0028h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 11 002Ch — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 12 0030h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 13 0034h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 14 0038h — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

— For an 15 003Ch — × × × × × — — —
unconditional trap

BSC BUSERR 16 0040h Level ○ × × × × IER02.IEN0 IPR000 —

— Reserved 17 0044h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 18 0048h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 19 004Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 20 0050h — × × × × × — — —

FCU FIFERR 21 0054h Level ○ × × × × IER02.IEN5 IPR001 —

— Reserved 22 0058h — × × × × × — — —

FCU FRDYI 23 005Ch Edge ○ × × × × IER02.IEN7 IPR002 —

— Reserved 24 0060h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 25 0064h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 26 0068h — × × × × × — — —

ICU SWINT 27 006Ch Edge ○ ○ × × × IER03.IEN3 IPR003 DTCER027

CMT0 CMI0 28 0070h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER03.IEN4 IPR004 DTCER028

CMT1 CMI1 29 0074h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER03.IEN5 IPR005 DTCER029

CMT2 CMI2 30 0078h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER03.IEN6 IPR006 DTCER030

CMT3 CMI3 31 007Ch Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER03.IEN7 IPR007 DTCER031

CAC FERRF 32 0080h Level ○ × × × × IER04.IEN0 IPR032 —

MENDF 33 0084h Level ○ × × × × IER04.IEN1 IPR033 —

OVFF 34 0088h Level ○ × × × × IER04.IEN2 IPR034 —

— Reserved 35 008Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 36 0090h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 37 0094h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 38 0098h — × × × × × — — —

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Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table (2/6)

sacs Return
sstb Return
Source of
Interrupt Vector Form of

Request Vector Address Interrupt


Generation Name No.*1 Offset Detection IER IPR DTCER

— Reserved 39 009Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 40 00A0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 41 00A4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 42 00A8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 43 00ACh — × × × × × — — —

RSPI0 SPEI0 44 00B0h Level ○ × × × × IER05.IEN4 IPR044 —

SPRI0 45 00B4h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER05.IEN5 DTCER045

SPTI0 46 00B8h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER05.IEN6 DTCER046

SPII0 47 00BCh Level ○ × × × × IER05.IEN7 —

— Reserved 48 00C0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 49 00C4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 50 00C8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 51 00CCh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 52 00D0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 53 00D4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 54 00D8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 55 00DCh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 56 00E0h — × × × × × — — —

DOC DOPCF 57 00E4h Level ○ × × × × IER07.IEN1 IPR057 —

— Reserved 58 00E8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 59 00ECh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 60 00F0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 61 00F4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 62 00F8h — × × × × × — — —

RTC CUP 63 00FCh Edge ○ × × × × IER07.IEN7 IPR063 —

ICU IRQ0 64 0100h Edge/Level ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ IER08.IEN0 IPR064 DTCER064

IRQ1 65 0104h Edge/Level ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ IER08.IEN1 IPR065 DTCER065

IRQ2 66 0108h Edge/Level ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ IER08.IEN2 IPR066 DTCER066

IRQ3 67 010Ch Edge/Level ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ IER08.IEN3 IPR067 DTCER067

IRQ4 68 0110h Edge/Level ○ ○ × ○ ○ IER08.IEN4 IPR068 DTCER068

IRQ5 69 0114h Edge/Level ○ ○ × ○ ○ IER08.IEN5 IPR069 DTCER069

IRQ6 70 0118h Edge/Level ○ ○ × ○ ○ IER08.IEN6 IPR070 DTCER070

IRQ7 71 011Ch Edge/Level ○ ○ × ○ ○ IER08.IEN7 IPR071 DTCER071

— Reserved 72 0120h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 73 0124h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 74 0128h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 75 012Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 76 0130h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 77 0134h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 78 0138h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 79 013Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 80 0140h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 81 0144h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 82 0148h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 83 014Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 84 0150h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 85 0154h — × × × × × — — —

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Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table (3/6)

sacs Return
sstb Return
Source of
Interrupt Vector Form of

Request Vector Address Interrupt


Generation Name No.*1 Offset Detection IER IPR DTCER

— Reserved 86 0158h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 87 015Ch — × × × × × — — —

LVD/CMPA LVD1/CMPA1 88 0160h Edge ○ × × ○ ○ IER0B.IEN0 IPR088 —

LVD2/CMPA2 89 0164h Edge ○ × × ○ ○ IER0B.IEN1 IPR089 —

— Reserved 90 0168h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 91 016Ch — × × × × × — — —

RTC ALM 92 0170h Edge ○ × × ○ ○ IER0B.IEN4 IPR092 —

PRD 93 0174h Edge ○ × × ○ ○ IER0B.IEN5 IPR093 —

— Reserved 94 0178h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 95 017Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 96 0180h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 97 0184h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 98 0188h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 99 018Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 100 0190h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 101 0194h — × × × × × — — —

S12AD S12ADI0 102 0198h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER0C.IEN6 IPR102 DTCER102

GBADI 103 019Ch Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER0C.IEN7 IPR103 DTCER103

— Reserved 104 01A0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 105 01A4h — × × × × × — — —

ELC ELSR18I 106 01A8h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER0D.IEN2 IPR106 DTCER106

— Reserved 107 01ACh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 108 01B0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 109 01B4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 110 01B8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 111 01BCh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 112 01C0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 113 01C4h — × × × × × — — —

MTU0 TGIA0 114 01C8h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER0E.IEN2 IPR114 DTCER114

TGIB0 115 01CCh Edge ○ ○ × × × IER0E.IEN3 DTCER115

TGIC0 116 01D0h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER0E.IEN4 DTCER116

TGID0 117 01D4h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER0E.IEN5 DTCER117

TCIV0 118 01D8h Edge ○ × × × × IER0E.IEN6 IPR118 —

TGIE0 119 01DCh Edge ○ × × × × IER0E.IEN7 —

TGIF0 120 01E0h Edge ○ × × × × IER0F.IEN0 —

MTU1 TGIA1 121 01E4h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER0F.IEN1 IPR121 DTCER121

TGIB1 122 01E8h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER0F.IEN2 DTCER122

TCIV1 123 01ECh Edge ○ × × × × IER0F.IEN3 IPR123 —

TCIU1 124 01F0h Edge ○ × × × × IER0F.IEN4 —

MTU2 TGIA2 125 01F4h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER0F.IEN5 IPR125 DTCER125

TGIB2 126 01F8h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER0F.IEN6 DTCER126

TCIV2 127 01FCh Edge ○ × × × × IER0F.IEN7 IPR127 —

TCIU2 128 0200h Edge ○ × × × × IER10.IEN0 —

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Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table (4/6)

sacs Return
sstb Return
Source of
Interrupt Vector Form of

Request Vector Address Interrupt


Generation Name No.*1 Offset Detection IER IPR DTCER

MTU3 TGIA3 129 0204h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER10.IEN1 IPR129 DTCER129

TGIB3 130 0208h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER10.IEN2 DTCER130

TGIC3 131 020Ch Edge ○ ○ × × × IER10.IEN3 DTCER131

TGID3 132 0210h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER10.IEN4 DTCER132

TCIV3 133 0214h Edge ○ × × × × IER10.IEN5 IPR133 —

MTU4 TGIA4 134 0218h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER10.IEN6 IPR134 DTCER134

TGIB4 135 021Ch Edge ○ ○ × × × IER10.IEN7 DTCER135

TGIC4 136 0220h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER11.IEN0 DTCER136

TGID4 137 0224h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER11.IEN1 DTCER137

TCIV4 138 0228h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER11.IEN2 IPR138 DTCER138

MTU5 TGIU5 139 022Ch Edge ○ ○ × × × IER11.IEN3 IPR139 DTCER139

TGIV5 140 0230h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER11.IEN4 DTCER140

TGIW5 141 0234h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER11.IEN5 DTCER141

— Reserved 142 0238h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 143 023Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 144 0240h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 145 0244h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 146 0248h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 147 024Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 148 0250h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 149 0254h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 150 0258h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 151 025Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 152 0260h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 153 0264h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 154 0268h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 155 026Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 156 0270h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 157 0274h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 158 0278h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 159 027Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 160 0280h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 161 0284h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 162 0288h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 163 028Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 164 0290h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 165 0294h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 166 0298h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 167 029Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 168 02A0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 169 02A4h — × × × × × — — —

POE OEI1 170 02A8h Level ○ × × × × IER15.IEN2 IPR170 —

OEI2 171 02ACh Level ○ × × × × IER15.IEN3 IPR171 —

— Reserved 172 02B0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 173 02B4h — × × × × × — — —

TMR0 CMIA0 174 02B8h Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER15.IEN6 IPR174 DTCER174

CMIB0 175 02BCh Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER15.IEN7 DTCER175

OVI0 176 02C0h Edge ○ × × × ○ IER16.IEN0 —

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Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table (5/6)

sacs Return
sstb Return
Source of
Interrupt Vector Form of

Request Vector Address Interrupt


Generation Name No.*1 Offset Detection IER IPR DTCER

TMR1 CMIA1 177 02C4h Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER16.IEN1 IPR177 DTCER177

CMIB1 178 02C8h Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER16.IEN2 DTCER178

OVI1 179 02CCh Edge ○ × × × ○ IER16.IEN3 —

TMR2 CMIA2 180 02D0h Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER16.IEN4 IPR180 DTCER180

CMIB2 181 02D4h Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER16.IEN5 DTCER181

OVI2 182 02D8h Edge ○ × × × ○ IER16.IEN6 —

TMR3 CMIA3 183 02DCh Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER16.IEN7 IPR183 DTCER183

CMIB3 184 02E0h Edge ○ ○ × × ○ IER17.IEN0 DTCER184

OVI3 185 02E4h Edge ○ × × × ○ IER17.IEN1 —

— Reserved 186 02E8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 187 02ECh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 188 02F0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 189 02F4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 190 02F8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 191 02FCh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 192 0300h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 193 0304h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 194 0308h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 195 030Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 196 0310h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 197 0314h — × × × × × — — —

DMAC DMAC0I 198 0318h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER18.IEN6 IPR198 DTCER198

DMAC1I 199 031Ch Edge ○ ○ × × × IER18.IEN7 IPR199 DTCER199

DMAC2I 200 0320h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER19.IEN0 IPR200 DTCER200

DMAC3I 201 0324h Edge ○ ○ × × × IER19.IEN1 IPR201 DTCER201

— Reserved 202 0328h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 203 032Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 204 0330h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 205 0334h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 206 0338h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 207 033Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 208 0340h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 209 0344h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 210 0348h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 211 034Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 212 0350h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 213 0354h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 214 0358h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 215 035Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 216 0360h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 217 0364h — × × × × × — — —

SCI1 ERI1 218 0368h Level ○ × × × × IER1B.IEN2 IPR218 —

RXI1 219 036Ch Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1B.IEN3 DTCER219

TXI1 220 0370h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1B.IEN4 DTCER220

TEI1 221 0374h Level ○ × × × × IER1B.IEN5 —

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Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table (6/6)

sacs Return
sstb Return
Source of
Interrupt Vector Form of

Request Vector Address Interrupt


Generation Name No.*1 Offset Detection IER IPR DTCER

SCI5 ERI5 222 0378h Level ○ × × × × IER1B.IEN6 IPR222 —

RXI5 223 037Ch Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1B.IEN7 DTCER223

TXI5 224 0380h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1C.IEN0 DTCER224

TEI5 225 0384h Level ○ × × × × IER1C.IEN1 —

SCI6 ERI6 226 0388h Level ○ × × × × IER1C.IEN2 IPR226 —

RXI6 227 038Ch Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1C.IEN3 DTCER227

TXI6 228 0390h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1C.IEN4 DTCER228

TEI6 229 0394h Level ○ × × × × IER1C.IEN5 —

— Reserved 230 0398h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 231 039Ch — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 232 03A0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 233 03A4h — × × × × × — — —

SCI9 ERI9 234 03A8h Level ○ × × × × IER1D.IEN2 IPR234 —

RXI9 235 03ACh Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1D.IEN3 DTCER235

TXI9 236 03B0h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1D.IEN4 DTCER236

TEI9 237 03B4h Level ○ × × × × IER1D.IEN5 —

SCI12 ERI12 238 03B8h Level ○ × × × × IER1D.IEN6 IPR238 —

RXI12 239 03BCh Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1D.IEN7 DTCER239

TXI12 240 03C0h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1E.IEN0 DTCER240

TEI12 241 03C4h Level ○ × × × × IER1E.IEN1 —

SCIX0 242 03C8h Level ○ × × × × IER1E.IEN2 IPR242 —

SCIX1 243 03CCh Level ○ × × × × IER1E.IEN3 IPR243 —

SCIX2 244 03D0h Level ○ × × × × IER1E.IEN4 IPR244 —

SCIX3 245 03D4h Level ○ × × × × IER1E.IEN5 IPR245 —

RIIC0 EEI0 246 03D8h Level ○ × × × × IER1E.IEN6 IPR246 —

RXI0 247 03DCh Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1E.IEN7 IPR247 DTCER247

TXI0 248 03E0h Edge ○ ○ ○ × × IER1F.IEN0 IPR248 DTCER248

TEI0 249 03E4h Level ○ × × × × IER1F.IEN1 IPR249 —

— Reserved 250 03E8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 251 03ECh — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 252 03F0h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 253 03F4h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 254 03F8h — × × × × × — — —

— Reserved 255 03FCh — × × × × × — — —

Note 1. An interrupt source with a smaller vector number takes precedence.

14.3.2 Fast Interrupt Vector Table

The address of the entry in the interrupt vector table that corresponds to the vector number of the fast interrupt is placed
in the fast interrupt vector register (FINTV) of the CPU.

14.3.3 Non-maskable Interrupt Vector Table

The non-maskable interrupt vector table is at FFFF FFF8h.

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14.4 Interrupt Operation

The interrupt controller performs the following processing.
 Detecting interrupts
 Enabling and disabling interrupts
 Selecting interrupt request destinations (CPU interrupt, DTC activation, or DMAC activation)
 Determining priority

14.4.1 Detecting Interrupts

Interrupt requests are detected in either of two ways: the detection of edges of the interrupt signal or the detection of a
level of the interrupt signal.
Edge detection or level detection is selected for the IRQi pins (i = 0 to 7) as external interrupt requests by the setting of
the IRQMD[1:0] bits in IRQCRi.
For interrupts from peripheral modules, either edge detection or level detection is determined per interrupt source.
For the correspondence between interrupt sources and methods of detection, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table. Operation of Status Flags for Edge-Detected Interrupts

Figure 14.2 shows the operation of the IR flag in IRn in the case of edge detection of an interrupt from a peripheral
module or on an external pin.
The IR flag in IRn is set to 1 immediately after the transition of the interrupt signal due to generation of the interrupt. If
the CPU is the request destination for the interrupt, the IR flag is automatically cleared to 0 on acceptance of the
interrupt. If the DMAC or DTC is the request destination for the interrupt, the IRn.IR flag operation differs according to
the DMAC/DTC transfer settings and transfer count. For details, see Table 14.4, Operation at DMAC/DTC Activation.

Peripheral clock

Interrupt signal

System clock

IRn.IR flag

CPU interrupt request

DTC activation request

DMAC activation request

*1 *2

Note 1. One of the following requests is issued: CPU interrupt request, DTC activation request, and DMAC activation
request. For details of the setting, see section 14.4.3, Selecting Interrupt Request Destinations.
Note 2. When the CPU interrupt request is specified, this flag is set to 0 on acceptance of a CPU interrupt. For the timing of
0 setting at the DTC activation or DMAC activation, see Table 14.4 Operation at DMAC/DTC Activation.

Figure 14.2 IRn.IR Flag Operation for Edge Detection Interrupts

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Figure 14.3 to Figure 14.6 show the interrupt signals of the interrupt controller. Note that the timings of the interrupts
with interrupt vector numbers 64 to 95 are different from those of other interrupts. For the IRQ pin interrupts with
interrupt vector numbers 64 to 79, “internal delay + 2 PCLK cycles” of delay is added after the IRQ pin input. For the
interrupts with interrupt vector numbers 80 to 95, “2 PCLK cycles” of delay is added.

If an interrupt signal is generated every clock cycle, the subsequent interrupts cannot be detected; secure two or more
clock cycles of the system clock or peripheral clock, whichever is slower, between issuance of continuous interrupt

At least two system

clock cycles
Peripheral clock

Interrupt signal

System clock

IRn.IR flag

Figure 14.3 Interval Required between Issuance of Continuous Interrupt Requests (when the Frequency of
System Clock is Slower than that of the Peripheral Clock)

While the IRn.IR flag is 1 after an interrupt request is generated, the interrupt request that is generated again will be
Figure 14.4 shows the timing for IRn.IR flag re-setting.

Note 1. When the transmission or reception interrupt of the SCI, RSPI, or RIIC is generated with the IRn.IR flag being 1,
the interrupt request is retained. After the IRn.IR flag is cleared to 0, the IRn.IR flag is set to 1 again by the
retained request. For details, see descriptions of the interrupts in section 27, Serial Communications Interface
(SCIe, SCIf), section 29, I2C Bus Interface (RIIC), and section 30, Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI).

An interrupt request (2) is ignored while the IR flag in IRn is 1.

(1) (2) (3)

Interrupt signal

IRn.IR flag

Interrupt acceptance Interrupt acceptance

(1) (3)

Figure 14.4 Timing for IRn.IR Flag Re-Setting

If an interrupt is disabled after the IRn.IR flag is set to 1 (output of the interrupt request is disabled by the interrupt enable
bit of the relevant peripheral module), the IRn.IR flag is not affected but retains its state. Figure 14.5 shows operation
when the interrupt is disabled.

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Interrupt request is enabled/disabled Enabled Disabled

Interrupt Signal

IRn.IR flag

IRn.IR flag is not cleared even when the source is disabled

Figure 14.5 Relationship between IRn.IR Flag Operation and Disabling of Interrupt Request Operation of Status Flags for Level-Detected Interrupts

Figure 14.6 shows the operation of the interrupt status flag (IR flag) in IRn in the case of level detection of an interrupt
from a peripheral module or an external pin.
The IR flag in IRn remains set to 1 as long as the interrupt signal is asserted. To clear the IRn.IR flag to 0, clear the
interrupt request in the source generating the interrupt. Confirm that the interrupt request flag in the source generating the
interrupt has been cleared to 0 and that the IRn.IR flag has been cleared to 0, and then complete the interrupt handling.

Interrupt signal

System clock

IRn.IR flag

Figure 14.6 IRn.IR Flag Operation for Level Detection Interrupts

Figure 14.7 shows the procedure for handling level detection interrupts.

Start interrupt handling

Interrupt has not been generated Interrupt has been generated

Confirm interrupt
request source

IRn.IR = 1
Confirm IRn.IR flag

IRn.IR = 0

Clear interrupt request source

Perform interrupt request source processing

End of interrupt handling

Figure 14.7 Procedure for Handling Level Detection Interrupts

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14.4.2 Enabling and Disabling Interrupt Sources

Enabling requests from a given interrupt source requires the following settings.
1. In the case of interrupt requests from peripheral modules, setting the interrupt enable bit for the peripheral module
to permit the output of interrupt requests from the source
2. Enabling of the interrupt by the IERm.IENj bit

When an interrupt request that is enabled at the corresponding source is generated, the corresponding IRn.IR flag is set to 1.
Setting the IERm.IENj bit to enable an interrupt request allows the interrupt request for which the corresponding IRn.IR
is 1 to be output to the interrupt request destination. Setting the IERm.IENj bit to disable an interrupt request suspends
the output of the interrupt request for which the corresponding IRn.IR is 1.
The IRn.IR flag is not affected by the IERm.IENj bit.

Use the following procedure to disable interrupt requests.

1. Set the IERm.IENj bit to disable interrupt requests.
2. Set the peripheral module interrupt output enable bit to disable the output. Read the last written register and confirm
that writing is completed.
3. Check the IRn.IR flag, and clear the IRn.IR flag if necessary.*1

Note 1. To disable the transmission or reception interrupt of the SCI, RSPI, or RIIC from the enabled state, clear the
IRn.IR flag to 0 using the above procedure. For details, see descriptions of the interrupts in section 27, Serial
Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf), section 29, I2C Bus Interface (RIIC), and section 30, Serial Peripheral
Interface (RSPI).

14.4.3 Selecting Interrupt Request Destinations

Possible settings for the request destination of each interrupt are fixed. That is, settings for request destination other than
those indicated in Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table, are not possible. Do not make an interrupt request destination
setting that is not indicated by a O in Table 14.3.
If the DMAC or DTC is selected as the destination for requests from an IRQ pin, be sure to set the IRQMD[1:0] bits in
IRQCRi for that interrupt to select edge detection.
The following describes how to specify the destinations of interrupt requests.

(1) DMAC Activation

Make the following settings for each source while the IERm.IENj bit is 0.
1. Specify the vector number of the desired interrupt in the DMAC activation request select register (DMRSRm) for
the required channel of the DMAC.*1
2. Set the activation source for the target DMAC channel (DMACm.DMTMD.DCTG[1:0]) to 01b (interrupt module
3. Set the DMAC activation enable bit for the target DMAC channel (DMACm.DMCNT.DTE) to 1.

After making the above settings, set the IERm.IENj bit to 1.

In addition, set the DMAC operation enable bit (DMAST.DMST) to 1. The order of making settings for each interrupt
and enabling the DMAC operation enable bit does not matter.
For the DMAC setting procedure, refer to section 16.3.7, Activating the DMAC in section 16, DMA Controller

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(2) DTC Activation

Make the following settings for each source while the IERm.IENj bit is 0.
1. Set the DTC activation enable bit in the DTC activation enable register (DTCERn.DTCE) for the pertinent source to

After making the above settings, set the IERm.IENj bit to 1.

In addition, set the DTC module start bit (DTCST.DTCST) to 1. The order of making settings for each interrupt and
enabling the DTC module start bit does not matter.
For the DTC setting procedure, refer to section 17.5, DTC Setting Procedure, in section 17, Data Transfer
Controller (DTCa).

Note 1. Do not set a DTC activation enable bit (DTCERn.DTCE) and a DMAC activation request select register
(DMRSRm) to select the same source. Do not select the same source in more than one DMRSRm register.

(3) CPU Interrupt Request

If the interrupt request destination is neither the DMAC nor the DTC, the interrupt request is sent to the CPU. Set the
IERm.IENj bit to 1 while neither the DMAC activation settings nor the DTC activation settings described above are in

Table 14.4 shows operation when the DTC or the DMAC is the request destination.

Table 14.4 Operation at DMAC/DTC Activation

Interrupt Number of
Request Transfer Operation per
Destination DISEL Operations Request IR*1 Interrupt Request Destination after Transfer
DMAC 1 ≠0 DMA transfer  Cleared on interrupt acceptance by the CPU DMAC
CPU interrupt
=0 DMA transfer  Cleared on interrupt acceptance by the CPU The DMACm.DMCNT.DTE bit is cleared and the
CPU interrupt CPU becomes the destination.
0 ≠0 DMA transfer Cleared at the start of DMAC transfer DMAC
=0 DMA transfer*2 Cleared at the start of DMAC transfer*2 The DMACm.DMCNT.DTE bit is cleared and the
CPU becomes the destination.
DTC*3 1 ≠0 DTC transfer  Cleared on interrupt acceptance by the CPU DTC
CPU interrupt
=0 DTC transfer  Cleared on interrupt acceptance by the CPU The DTCER.DTCE bit is cleared and the CPU
CPU interrupt becomes the destination.
0 ≠0 DTC transfer Cleared at the start of DTC data transfer after DTC
reading DTC transfer information
=0 DTC transfer  Cleared on interrupt acceptance by the CPU*2 The DTCER.DTCE bit is cleared and the CPU
CPU interrupt *2 becomes the destination.

DISEL for the DMAC is set by the DMACm.DMCSL.DISEL bit; DISEL for the DTC is set by the DTC.MRB.DISEL bit.
Note 1. When the IRn.IR flag is 1, an interrupt request (DTC or DMAC activation request) that is generated again will be ignored.
Note 2. When the DISEL bit is 0, operation with the remaining number of transfer operations being 0 differs according to whether the
source is for DTC or DMAC.
Note 3. For chain transfer, DTC transfer continues until the last chain transfer ends. Whether a CPU interrupt is generated at the end of
chain transfer, the IRn.IR flag clear timing, and the interrupt request destination after transfer are determined by the state of DISEL
and the remaining transfer count at the end of chain transfer. For the chain transfer, see Table 17.3, Chain Transfer Conditions in
section 17, Data Transfer Controller (DTCa).

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The request destination for an interrupt should be changed while the IERm.IENj bit is 0.

When a source is to be changed to an interrupt request or the DMA activation source is to be changed while a transfer is
not complete (i.e. while the DMACm.DMCNT.DTE bit has not been cleared) after the settings described under (1)
DMAC Activation have been made, follow the procedure below.
1. For both the source to be withdrawn and the source that will have a new target for activation, clear the IENj bits in
IERm to 0.
2. Check the state of transfer by the DMAC. If transfer is in progress, wait for its completion.
3. Make the settings described under (1) DMAC Activation.

When a source is to be changed to an interrupt request or the DTC transfer information is to be changed while a transfer
is not complete (i.e. while the DTCERn.DTCE bit has not been cleared) after the settings described under (2) DTC
Activation have been made, follow the procedure below.
1. For both the source to be withdrawn and the source that will have a new target for activation, clear the IENj bits in
IERm to 0.
2. Check the state of transfer by the DTC. If transfer is in progress, wait for its completion.
3. Make the settings described under (2) DTC Activation.

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14.4.4 Determining Priority

Interrupt priority is determined for each interrupt request destination.
The priority for each interrupt request destination is determined as follows.

(1) Determining Priority when the CPU is the Request Destination of the Interrupt
A source selected for the fast interrupt has the highest priority. After that, an interrupt source with a larger value of the
interrupt priority level select bits (IPR[3:0]) in IPRn takes priority. If interrupts with the same priority level are generated
by multiple sources, the source with the smallest vector number takes precedence.

(2) Determining Priority when the DTC is the Request Destination of the Interrupt
The IPR[3:0] bits in IPRn have no effect. An interrupt source with a smaller vector number takes precedence.

(3) Determining Priority when the DMAC is the Request Destination of the Interrupt
The IPR[3:0] bits in IPRn have no effect. Regarding the order of priority of DMAC channels, see section 16, DMA
Controller (DMACA).

14.4.5 Multiple Interrupts

To enable multiple interrupts of the CPU, set the PSW.I bit to 1 (interrupt enabled) in the handling routine of accepted
The PSW.IPL[3:0] bits immediately after processing branches to the interrupt handling routine are set to the same value
as the interrupt priority level of the accepted interrupt request. If an interrupt request which has an interrupt level higher
than that of the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits is generated at this time, this interrupt request (for multiple interrupts) is accepted.
If the interrupt priority level of the accepted interrupt request is 15 (fast interrupt or interrupt when IPR[3:0] are set to
1111b), multiple interrupts are not generated.

14.4.6 Fast Interrupt

The fast interrupt is an interrupt for executing a faster interrupt response by the CPU, so only one of the interrupt sources
can be assigned.
The interrupt priority level of the fast interrupt is 15 (highest) regardless of the setting of the IPRn.IPR[3:0] bits. In
addition, the fast interrupt is accepted with precedence over other interrupt sources with level 15. However, when the
value of the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits are 1111b (priority level 15), even the fast interrupt cannot be accepted.
To assign an interrupt source to the fast interrupt, specify the vector number of the source in the FIR.FVCT[7:0] bits, and
set the FIR.FIEN bit to 1 (fast interrupt is enabled).
For details on the fast interrupt, see section 2, CPU, CPU and section 13, Exception Handling.

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14.4.7 Digital Filter

The digital filter function is provided for the external interrupt request IRQi pins (i = 0 to 7) and NMI pin interrupt.
The digital filter samples input signals at the filter sampling clock (PCLK) and removes the pulses of which length is less
than three sampling cycles.
To use the digital filter for the IRQi pin, set the sampling clock cycle (PCLK, PCLK/8, PCLK/32, or PCLK/64) with the
IRQFLTC0.FCLKSELi[1:0] bits (i = 0 to 7) and set the IRQFLTE0.FLTENi bit to 1 (digital filter enabled).
To use the digital filter for the NMI pin, set the sampling clock cycle (PCLK, PCLK/8, PCLK/32, or PCLK/64) with the
NMIFLTC.NFCLKSEL[1:0] bits and set the NMIFLTE.NFLTEN bit to 1 (digital filter enabled).
Figure 14.8 shows an example of digital filter operation.

Sampling clock
for digital filter

Pulses removed

The level matches

three times
IRQi pin
The level matches
three times

IRn.IR flag

Digital filter enabled Disabled Enabled

Operation example with IRQCRi.IRQMD[1:0] = 00b (low level)

Figure 14.8 Digital Filter Operation Example

Before software standby mode is entered, set the IRQFLTE0.FLTENi and NMIFLTE.NFLTEN bits to 0 (digital filter
disabled). To use the digital filter again after return from software standby mode, set the IRQFLTE0.FLTENi or
NMIFLTE.NFLTEN bit to 1 (digital filter enabled).

14.4.8 External Pin Interrupts

The procedure for using the signal on an external pin as an interrupt is as follows.
1. Clear the IERm.IENj bit to 0 (interrupt request disabled).
2. Clear the IRQFLTE0.FLTENi bit (i = 0 to 7) to 0 (digital filter disabled).
3. Set the digital filter sampling clock with the IRQFLTC0.FCLKSELi[1:0] bits.
4. Make or confirm the I/O port settings.
5. Set the method of detection for the interrupt in the IRQCRi.IRQMD[1:0] bits.
6. Clear the corresponding IRn.IR flag to 0 (if edge detection is in use).
7. Set the IRQFLTE0.FLTENi bit to 1 (digital filter enabled).
8. If the interrupt is to be used for DMAC activation, set the DMRSRm.DMRS[7:0] bits. If the interrupt is to be used
for DTC activation, set the DTCERn.DTCE bit. The interrupt will be a CPU interrupt if neither of these settings is
9. Set the IERm.IENj bit to 1 (interrupt request enabled).

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14.5 Non-maskable Interrupt Operation

There are six types of non-maskable interrupt: the NMI pin interrupt, oscillation stop detection interrupt, IWDT
underflow/refresh error, voltage monitoring 1 interrupt, and voltage monitoring 2 interrupt. Non-maskable interrupts are
only usable as interrupts for the CPU; that is, they are not capable of DTC or DMAC activation. Non-maskable interrupts
take precedence over all interrupts, including the fast interrupt.
Non-maskable interrupt requests are accepted regardless of the states of the I (interrupt enable) bit and IPL[3:0]
(processor interrupt priority level) bits in the PSW of the CPU. The current states of the non-maskable interrupts can be
checked in the non-maskable interrupt status register (NMISR).
Confirm that all bits in the NMISR have returned to 0 from within the handler for the non-maskable interrupt.
Non-maskable interrupts are disabled by default. If a system is to use non-maskable interrupts, the following procedure
must be followed at the beginning of program processing.

Non-maskable interrupt usage procedure:

1. Set the stack pointer (SP).
2. To use the NMI pin, clear the NMIFLTE.NFLTEN bit to 0 (digital filter disabled).
3. To use the NMI pin, set the digital filter sampling clock with the NMIFLTC.NFCLKSEL[1:0] bits.
4. To use the NMI pin, set the NMI pin detection sense with the NMICR.NMIMD bit.
5. To use the NMI pin, write 1 to the NMICLR.NMICLR bit to clear the NMISR.NMIST flag to 0.
6. To use the NMI pin, set the NMIFLTE.NFLTEN bit to 1 (digital filter enabled).
7. Enable the non-maskable interrupt by writing 1 to the corresponding bit in the non-maskable interrupt enable
register (NMIER).

After 1 is written to the NMIER register, subsequent write access to the NMIEN bit in NMIER is ignored. The NMI
interrupt cannot be disabled. It can be disabled only by a reset.
For the flow of non-maskable interrupt processing, see section 13, Exception Handling.
Writing 1 to the NMICLR.NMICLR bit clears the NMI status flag (NMISR.NMIST) to 0.
Writing 1 to the NMICLR.OSTCLR bit clears the oscillation stop detection interrupt status flag (NMISR.OSTST) to 0.
Writing 1 to the NMICLR.IWDTCLR bit clears the IWDT underflow/refresh error status flag (NMISR.IWDTST) to 0.
Writing 1 to the NMICLR.LVD1CLR bit clears the voltage monitoring 1 interrupt status flag (NMISR.LVD1ST) to 0.
Writing 1 to the NMICLR.LVD2CLR bit clears the voltage monitoring 2 interrupt status flag (NMISR.LVD2ST) to 0.

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14.6 Return from Power-Down States

The interrupt sources that can be used to return operation from sleep mode, all-module clock stop mode, or software
standby mode are listed in Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.
For details, refer to section 11, Low Power Consumption. The following describes how to use an interrupt to return
operation from each low power consumption mode.

14.6.1 Return from Sleep Mode

If the interrupt controller is to return operation from sleep mode in response to an interrupt or non-maskable interrupt,
make the following settings for the interrupt.
 Interrupts
1. Select the CPU as the interrupt request destination.
2. Use the IENj bit in IERm to enable the given interrupt request.
3. Set a priority level higher than that set by the IPL[3:0] bits in the PSW of CPU.
 Non-maskable interrupts
Use the NMIER register to enable the given interrupt request.

14.6.2 Return from All-Module Clock Stop Mode

If the interrupt controller is to return operation from all-module clock stop mode in response to an interrupt or non-
maskable interrupt, make the following settings for the interrupt.
 Interrupts
1. Select the interrupt source that enables the return from the all-module clock stop mode.
2. Select the CPU as the interrupt request destination.
3. Use the IENj bit in IERm to enable the given interrupt request.
4. Set a priority level higher than that set by the IPL[3:0] bits in the PSW of CPU.
 Non-maskable interrupts
Use the NMIER register to enable the given interrupt request.

14.6.3 Return from Software Standby Mode

The interrupt controller can return operation from a non-maskable interrupt or an interrupt that enables the return from
the software standby mode.
The conditions for the return are listed below.
 Interrupts
1. Select the interrupt source that enables the return from the software standby mode.
2. Select the CPU as the interrupt request destination.
3. Use the IENj bit in IERm to enable the given interrupt request.
4. Set a priority level higher than that set by the IPL[3:0] bits in the PSW of CPU.
(For the interrupt source specified as a fast interrupt, as well as setting the fast interrupt set register (FIR), the
interrupt priority level (IPRn) should be set above the level set by IPL in the PSW of the CPU.)

Interrupt requests through the IRQ pins that do not satisfy the above conditions are not detected while the clock is
stopped in software standby mode.

 Non-maskable interrupts
Use the NMIER register to enable the given interrupt request.

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RX220 Group 14. Interrupt Controller (ICUb)

 Procedure to make a transition to/from software standby mode

1. Before software standby mode is entered, disable the digital filter for the interrupt source as a return target
2. To use the digital filter again after return from software standby mode, enable the digital filter (IRQFLTE0.FLTENi

14.7 Usage Note

14.7.1 Note on WAIT Instruction Used with Non-Maskable Interrupt

Before executing the WAIT instruction, check to see that all the status flags in NMISR are 0.

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RX220 Group 15. Buses

15. Buses
15.1 Overview
Table 15.1 lists the bus specifications, Figure 15.1 shows the bus configuration, and Table 15.2 lists the addresses
assigned for each bus.

Table 15.1 Bus Specifications

Bus Type Description
CPU bus Instruction bus  Connected to the CPU (for instructions)
 Connected to on-chip memory (RAM, ROM)
 Operates in synchronization with the system clock (ICLK)
Operand bus  Connected to the CPU (for operands)
 Connected to on-chip memory (RAM, ROM)
 Operates in synchronization with the system clock (ICLK)
Memory bus Memory bus 1  Connected to RAM
Memory bus 2  Connected to ROM
Internal main bus Internal main bus 1  Connected to the CPU
 Operates in synchronization with the system clock (ICLK)
Internal main bus 2  Connected to the DMAC, DTC
 Connected to on-chip memory (RAM, ROM)
 Operates in synchronization with the system clock (ICLK)
Internal peripheral bus Internal peripheral bus 1  Connected to peripheral modules (DTC, DMAC, interrupt controller, and bus
error monitoring section)
 Operates in synchronization with the system clock (ICLK)
Internal peripheral bus 2  Connected to peripheral modules (modules other than those connected to
internal peripheral bus 1)
 Operates in synchronization with the peripheral-module clock (PCLKB and
Internal peripheral bus 6  Connected to ROM (P/E) and E2 DataFlash memory
 Operates in synchronization with the FlashIF clock (FCLK)

Note 1. The peripheral module clock used as the operating clock is PCLKD for S12AD.
P/E: Programming/Erasure

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ICLK synchronization


Instruction bus

Operand bus

Memory bus 1 Memory bus 2

Bus error monitoring

DMAC (m)

Internal main bus 1

Internal main bus 2

Internal peripheral
bus 1
Internal peripheral bus 2 Internal peripheral bus 6

Peripheral DTC/
module DMAC (s) E2
Peripheral Peripheral
••• ROM (P/E) DataFlash
module module

Operation synchronized with

Operation synchronized with FCLK

Note: • The solid arrows indicate the directions of the access being requested of the bus master .
Note: • DTC/DMAC (m) is used for bus mastership, while DTC/DMAC (s) is for register access.

Figure 15.1 Bus Configuration

Table 15.2 Addresses Assigned for Each Bus

Address Bus Area
0000 0000h to 0000 FFFFh Memory bus 1 RAM
0001 0000h to 0007 FFFFh Reserved area
0008 0000h to 0008 7FFFh Internal peripheral bus 1 Peripheral I/O registers
0008 8000h to 0009 FFFFh Internal peripheral bus 2
0010 0000h to 00FF FFFFh Internal peripheral bus 6 E2 DataFlash memory and ROM
(for programming/erasure)
0500 0000h to 7FFF FFFFh Reserved area Reserved area
8000 0000h to FEFF FFFFh Memory bus 2 ROM (for reading only)
FF00 0000h to FFFF FFFFh

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15.2 Description of Buses

15.2.1 CPU Buses

The CPU buses consist of the instruction and operand buses, which are connected to internal main bus 1. As the names
suggest, the instruction bus is used to fetch instructions for the CPU, while the operand bus is used for operand access.
Connection of the instruction and operand buses to RAM and ROM provides the CPU with direct access to these areas,
i.e. access is not via internal main bus 1. However, only reading is possible in direct access to ROM by the CPU;
programming and erasure are handled via an internal peripheral bus.
Bus requests for instruction fetching and operand access are arbitrated through internal main bus 1. The order of priority
is operand access then instruction fetching.
If instruction fetching and operand access are requested for different buses (memory bus 1, memory bus 2, and internal
main bus 1), the bus-access operations can proceed simultaneously. For example, parallel access to ROM and RAM is

15.2.2 Memory Buses

The memory buses consist of memory bus 1 and memory bus 2. RAM is connected to memory bus 1 and ROM is
connected to memory bus 2. Requests for bus mastership from the CPU buses (instruction fetching and operand) and
internal main bus 2 are arbitrated through memory buses 1 and 2.
The priority order of CPU bus and internal main bus 2 can be set using the memory bus 1 (RAM) priority control bits
(BPRA[1:0]) and memory bus 2 (ROM) priority control bits (BPRO[1:0]) in the bus priority control register (BUSPRI)
for the corresponding memory buses. When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over the CPU bus
(operand over instruction fetching). When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that
bus is accepted.

15.2.3 Internal Main Buses

The internal main buses consist of a bus for use by the CPU (internal main bus 1) and a bus for use by the other bus-
master modules, i.e. the DTC, DMAC (internal main bus 2).
Bus requests for instruction fetching and operand access are arbitrated through internal main bus 1. The order of priority
is operand access then instruction fetching.
Requests for bus mastership from the DTC, DMAC are arbitrated by internal main bus 2. The order of priority is DMAC,
and then DTC as listed in Table 15.3.
Between the DTC and DMAC, only the one that accepted the activation request issues the bus mastership request. The
priority order of activation requests between the DTC and DMAC is DMAC0, DMAC1, DMAC2, DMAC3, and then
DTC, regardless of the BUSPRI setting.
If the CPU and another bus master are requesting access to different buses (on-chip memory, internal peripheral buses 1,
2, and 6), the respective bus-access operations can proceed simultaneously.
However, when the CPU executes the XCHG instruction, requests for bus access from masters other than the CPU are
not accepted until data transfer for the XCHG instruction is completed regardless of the bus priority control register
(BUSPRI) setting. Furthermore, requests for bus access from masters other than the DTC are not accepted during reading
and writing-back of transfer control information for the DTC.

Table 15.3 Order of Priority for Bus Masters

Priority Bus Master

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15.2.4 Internal Peripheral Buses

Connection of peripheral modules to the internal peripheral buses is as described in Table 15.4.

Table 15.4 Connection of Peripheral Modules to the Internal Peripheral Buses

Type of Bus Peripheral Modules
Internal peripheral bus 1 DTC, DMAC, interrupt controller, and bus error monitoring section
Internal peripheral bus 2 Peripheral modules other than those connected to internal peripheral bus 1
Internal peripheral bus 6 ROM (P/E)/E2 DataFlash memory

Requests for bus mastership from the CPU (internal main bus 1) and other bus masters (internal main bus 2) are
arbitrated through internal peripheral buses 1, 2, and 6.
The priority order of two internal main buses can be set using the bus priority control register (BUSPRI). The priority
order can be set with the internal peripheral bus 1 priority control bits (BUSPRI.BPIB[1:0]), internal peripheral bus 2 and
3 priority control bits (BUSPRI.BPGB[1:0]), and internal peripheral bus 6 priority control bits (BUSPRI.BPFB[1:0]) for
the corresponding internal peripheral buses. When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over
internal main bus 1. When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that bus is
The order of accepting requests may change depending on the BUSPRI setting (Refer to Figure 15.2).

Priority order fixed:

Internal main bus 1 (R11) (R11) (R11) R11 R12 (R13) (R13) R13

Internal main bus 2 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25

Priority order toggled:

Internal main bus 1 (R11) R11 (R12) R12 R13
(1) (2)

Internal main bus 2 R21 (R22) R22 R23 R24 R25

(1), (2) : The priority order does not change because the priority of the accepted request is low.

(*) Request issued; not accepted

* Request issued; accepted

No request issued

Figure 15.2 Priority Order Between Internal Peripheral Bus Accesses

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15.2.5 Write Buffer Function (Internal Peripheral Bus)

The internal peripheral bus has the write buffer function, which allows the next round of bus access to start, before the
current write access is completed, in write access. However, if the following round of bus access is from the same bus
master but to the different internal peripheral bus, it is suspended until the bus operations already in progress are
completed. When read access to the internal memory is scheduled after the write access to the internal peripheral bus
from the CPU, the following round of bus access can be started before the current bus operation is completed and thus
the order of accesses may be changed (Refer to Figure 15.3).

Access by the CPU:

(1) Peripheral bus 1 (W)  (2) Peripheral bus 1 (W)  (3) Peripheral bus 2 (W)  (4) Peripheral bus 2 (W) 
(5) RAM (R)  (6) RAM (R)
Number of access cycles: 1 cycle (peripheral bus 1), 2 cycles (peripheral bus 2)

Write access to peripheral bus 1

Internal peripheral bus 1 Peripheral Peripheral

bus 1 bus 1
(1) (2)
Write access to peripheral bus 2

Internal peripheral bus 2 Peripheral bus 2 Peripheral bus 2

(3) (4)

Read access to RAM

Memory bus 1 RAM RAM

(5) (6)

Figure 15.3 Write Buffer Function

15.2.6 Parallel Operation

Parallel operation is possible when different bus-master modules are requesting access to different slave modules. For
example, if the CPU is fetching an instruction from ROM and an operand from RAM, the DMAC is able to handle
transfer between a peripheral bus and the bus at the same time.
An example of parallel operations is shown in Figure 15.4. In this example, the CPU is able to employ the instruction
and operand buses for simultaneous access to ROM and RAM, respectively. Furthermore, the DMAC simultaneously
employs internal main bus 2 for access to a peripheral bus during access to RAM and ROM by the CPU.

ROM access
RAM access


Peripheral bus access Peripheral bus access

DMAC Peripheral bus Peripheral bus

Figure 15.4 Example of Parallel Operations

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15.2.7 Restrictions
(1) Prohibition of Access that Spans Multiple Areas of Address Space
Single access that spans two areas of the address space is prohibited, and operation of such an access is not guaranteed.
Ensure that a single word or long-word access does not span across two areas by crossing address space area boundaries.

(2) Restrictions in relation to RMPA and string-manipulation instructions

(a) The allocation of data to be handled by RMPA or string-manipulation instructions to I/O registers is prohibited,
and operation is not guaranteed if this restriction is not observed.

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15.3 Register Descriptions

15.3.1 Bus Error Status Clear Register (BERCLR)

Address(es): 0008 1300h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — STSCL
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 STSCLR Status Clear 0: Invalid (W)*1
1: Bus error status register cleared
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only writing 1 is effective; i.e. writing 0 has no effect.

STSCLR Bit (Status Clear)

Writing 1 to this bit clears the bus error status registers 1 and 2 (BERSR1 and BERSR2).
Writing 0 has no effect. It is read as 0.

15.3.2 Bus Error Monitoring Enable Register (BEREN)

Address(es): 0008 1304h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — IGAEN

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IGAEN Illegal Address Access Detection 0: Illegal address access detection is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Illegal address access detection is enabled.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

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15.3.3 Bus Error Status Register 1 (BERSR1)

Address(es): 0008 1308h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— MST[2:0] — — — IA

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IA Illegal Address Access 0: Illegal address access not made R
1: Illegal address access made
b3 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b6 to b4 MST[2:0] Bus Master Code b6 b4 R
0 0 0: CPU
0 0 1: Reserved
0 1 0: Reserved
0 1 1: DTC/DMAC
1 0 0: Reserved
1 0 1: Reserved
1 1 0: Reserved
1 1 1: Reserved
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. Writing to this bit has no effect. R

MST[2:0] Bits (Bus Master Code)

These bits indicate the bus master that accessed a bus when a bus error occurred.

15.3.4 Bus Error Status Register 2 (BERSR2)

Address(es): 0008 130Ah

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ADDR[12:0] — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b15 to b3 ADDR[12:0] Bus Error The upper 13 bits of an address that was accessed when a bus error R
Occurrence Address occurred (in units of 512 Kbytes).

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15.3.5 Bus Priority Control Register (BUSPRI)

Address(es): 0008 1310h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — BPFB[1:0] — — BPGB[1:0] BPIB[1:0] BPRO[1:0] BPRA[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 BPRA[1:0] Memory Bus 1 (RAM) Priority b1 b0 R(/W)
Control 0 0: The order of priority is fixed. *1
0 1: The order of priority is toggled.
1 0: Setting prohibited
1 1: Setting prohibited
b3, b2 BPRO[1:0] Memory Bus 2 (ROM) Priority b3 b2 R(/W)
Control 0 0: The order of priority is fixed. *1
0 1: The order of priority is toggled.
1 0: Setting prohibited
1 1: Setting prohibited
b5, b4 BPIB[1:0] Internal Peripheral Bus 1 Priority b5 b4 R(/W)
Control 0 0: The order of priority is fixed. *1
0 1: The order of priority is toggled.
1 0: Setting prohibited
1 1: Setting prohibited
b7, b6 BPGB[1:0] Internal Peripheral Bus 2 Priority b7 b6 R(/W)
Control 0 0: The order of priority is fixed. *1
0 1: The order of priority is toggled.
1 0: Setting prohibited
1 1: Setting prohibited
b9, b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b11, b10 BPFB[1:0] Internal Peripheral Bus 6 Priority b11 b10 R(/W)
Control 0 0: The order of priority is fixed. *1
0 1: The order of priority is toggled.
1 0: Setting prohibited
1 1: Setting prohibited
b15 to b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. These bits can be written to only once while the DTC and DMAC are stopped. When they are written to more than one time, the
operation is not guaranteed.

BPRA[1:0] Bits (Memory Bus 1 (RAM) Priority Control)

These bits specify the priority order for memory bus 1 (RAM).
When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over the CPU bus.
When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that bus is accepted.

BPRO[1:0] Bits (Memory Bus 2 (ROM) Priority Control)

These bits specify the priority order for memory bus 2 (ROM).
When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over the CPU bus.
When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that bus is accepted.

BPIB[1:0] Bits (Internal Peripheral Bus 1 Priority Control)

These bits specify the priority order for internal peripheral bus 1.
When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over internal main bus 1.
When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that bus is accepted.

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BPGB[1:0] Bits (Internal Peripheral Bus 2 Priority Control)

These bits specify the priority order for internal peripheral bus 2.
When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over internal main bus 1.
When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that bus is accepted.

BPFB[1:0] Bits (Internal Peripheral Bus 6 Priority Control)

These bits specify the priority order for internal peripheral bus 6.
When the priority order is fixed, internal main bus 2 has priority over internal main bus 1.
When the priority order is toggled, a bus has a lower priority when the request of that bus is accepted.

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15.4 Bus Error Monitoring Section

The bus error monitoring section monitors the individual areas for bus errors, and when a bus error occurs, the error is
indicated to the bus master.

15.4.1 Types of Bus Error

There is one type of bus error: illegal address access.
Illegal address access is the detection of illegal access to an area. Illegal Address Access

When the illegal address access detection enable bit (IGAEN) in the bus error monitoring enable register (BEREN) is set
to 1, access of the following types leads to illegal address access errors.
 The address ranges where access will lead to illegal address access errors are indicated in Table 15.5.

15.4.2 Operations When a Bus Error Occurs

When a bus error occurs, the error is indicated to the CPU. Operation is not guaranteed when a bus error occurs.
 Bus error indication to the CPU
An interrupt is generated. The IERn register in the ICU can specify whether to generate an interrupt in the case of a
bus error.

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15.4.3 Conditions Leading to Bus Errors

Table 15.5 lists the types of bus errors for each area in the respective address space.
If an illegal address access error or timeout is detected when no bus error has occurred (bus error status register n
(BERSRn; n = 1, 2) is cleared), the detected error is reflected in the BERSRn. Once a bus error occurs, no subsequent bus
errors are reflected in the register unless the register is cleared.
If bus errors are simultaneously caused by two or more bus masters, error information of only one bus master is reflected.
Once a bus error occurs, the status is retained until BERSRn is cleared.

Table 15.5 Types of Bus Errors

Type of Error
Address Type of Area Illegal Address Access
0000 0000h to 0007 FFFFh Memory bus 1 —
0008 0000h to 0008 7FFFh Internal peripheral bus 1 —
0008 8000h to 0009 FFFFh Internal peripheral bus 2 
000A 0000h to 000B FFFFh Reserved area —
000C 0000h to 000D FFFFh Reserved area ○
0010 0000h to 00FF FFFFh Internal peripheral bus 6 
0500 0000h to 07FF FFFFh Reserved area ○
0800 0000h to 0FFF FFFFh Reserved area —
1000 0000h to 7FFF FFFFh Reserved area ○
8000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh Memory bus 2 —

—: Bus error not generated

: Bus error generation behavior undefined
○: Bus error generated
Note: • The capacity of the RAM, E2 DataFlash, and ROM differs depending on the product. For details, see section 35, RAM, section
36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage), and section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage).

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RX220 Group 16. DMA Controller (DMACA)

16. DMA Controller (DMACA)

The RX220 Group incorporates a 4-channel direct memory access controller (DMAC).
The DMAC module performs data transfers without the CPU. When a DMA transfer request is generated, the DMAC
transfers data stored at the transfer source address to the transfer destination address.

16.1 Overview
Table 16.1 lists the specifications of the DMAC, and Figure 16.1 shows a block diagram of the DMAC.

Table 16.1 Specifications of DMAC

Item Description
Number of channels 4 (DMACm (m = 0 to 3))
Transfer space 512 Mbytes
(0000 0000h to 0FFF FFFFh and F000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh excluding reserved areas)
Maximum transfer volume 1M data
(Maximum number of transfers in block transfer mode: 1,024 data × 1,024 blocks)
DMA request source  Activation source selectable for each channel
Software trigger
Interrupt requests from peripheral modules or trigger input to external interrupt input pins*1
Channel priority Channel 0 > Channel 1 > Channel 2 > Channel 3 (Channel 0: Highest)
Transfer Single data Bit length: 8, 16, 32 bits
Block size Number of data: 1 to 1,024
Transfer Normal transfer mode  One data transfer by one DMA transfer request
mode  Free running mode (setting in which total number of data transfers is not specified) settable
Repeat transfer mode  One data transfer by one DMA transfer request
 Program returns to the transfer start address on completion of the repeat size of data
transfer specified for the transfer source or destination.
 Maximum settable repeat size: 1,024
Block transfer mode  One block data transfer by one DMA transfer request
 Maximum settable block size: 1,024 data
Selective Extended repeat area  Function in which data can be transferred by repeating the address values in the specified
functions function range with the upper bit values in the transfer address register fixed
 Area of 2 bytes to 128 Mbytes separately settable as extended repeat area for transfer
source and destination
Interrupt Transfer end interrupt Generated on completion of transferring data volume specified by the transfer counter.
Transfer escape end Generated when the repeat size of data transfer is completed or the extended repeat area
interrupt overflows.
Power consumption reduction function Module stop state can be set.

Note 1. For details on DMAC activation sources, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table in section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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Activation control DMAC registers

DMAC channels
(CH0 to CH3)
DMA start transfer DMSAR
request request DMDAR
arbitration DMCRA
Interrupt DMTMD
controller DMAMD
Interrupt 4
Register control
DMAC response

DMAC core
Source address DMAC
Destination address control
Transfer counter circuit
Block counter
Transfer mode

Bus interface

Internal peripheral
bus interface 1
Internal main bus 2

Internal main bus 1

Internal peripheral Memory bus 2 Memory bus 1 Internal main bus 2
bus interface
1, 2, 6

Figure 16.1 Block Diagram of DMAC

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16.2 Register Descriptions

16.2.1 DMA Source Address Register (DMSAR)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMSAR 0008 2000h, DMAC1.DMSAR 0008 2040h, DMAC2.DMSAR 0008 2080h, DMAC3.DMSAR 0008 20C0h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Description Setting Range R/W

b31 to b0 Specifies the transfer source start address. 0000 0000h to 0FFF FFFFh (256 Mbytes) R/W
F000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh (256 Mbytes)

Set DMSAR while DMAC activation is disabled (the DMST bit in DMAST = 0) or DMA transfer is disabled (the DTE
bit in DMCNT = 0).
Setting bits 31 to 29 is invalid; a value of bit 28 is extended to bits 31 to 29. Reading DMSAR returns the extended value.

16.2.2 DMA Destination Address Register (DMDAR)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMDAR 0008 2004h, DMAC1.DMDAR 0008 2044h, DMAC2.DMDAR 0008 2084h, DMAC3.DMDAR 0008 20C4h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Description Setting Range R/W

b31 to b0 Specifies the transfer destination start address. 0000 0000h to 0FFF FFFFh (256 Mbytes) R/W
F000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh (256 Mbytes)

DMDAR specifies the start address of the transfer destination. Set DMDAR while DMAC activation is disabled (the
DMST bit in DMAST = 0) or DMA transfer is disabled (the DTE bit in DMCNT = 0).
Setting bits 31 to 29 is invalid; a value of bit 28 is extended to bits 31 to 29. Reading DMDAR returns the extended

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16.2.3 DMA Transfer Count Register (DMCRA)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMCRA 0008 2008h, DMAC1.DMCRA 0008 2048h, DMAC2.DMCRA 0008 2088h, DMAC3.DMCRA 0008 20C8h

 Normal transfer mode


b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 Repeat transfer mode, block transfer mode


b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

— — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

0 0 0 0 0 0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

DMCRAL Lower bits of transfer count Specifies the number of transfer operations R/W
DMCRAH Upper bits of transfer count R/W

Note: • Set the same value for DMCRAH and DMCRAL in repeat transfer mode and block transfer mode.

(1) Normal Transfer Mode (MD[1:0] Bits in DMACm.DMTMD = 00b)

DMCRAL functions as a 16-bit transfer counter. The number of transfer operations is one when the setting is 0001h, and
65535 when it is FFFFh.
The value is decremented by one each time data is transferred.
When the setting is 0000h, no specific number of transfer operations is set; data transfer is performed with the transfer
counter stopped (free running mode).
DMCRAH is not used in normal transfer mode. Write 0000h to DMCRAH.

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(2) Repeat Transfer Mode (MD[1:0] Bits in DMACm.DMTMD = 01b)

DMCRAH specifies the repeat size and DMCRAL functions as a 10-bit transfer counter.
The number of transfer operations is one when the setting is 001h, 1023 when it is 3FFh, and 1024 when it is 000h. In
repeat transfer mode, a value in the range of 000h to 3FFh (1 to 1024) can be set for DMCRAH and DMCRAL.
Setting bits 15 to 10 in DMCRAL is invalid. Write 0 to these bits.
The value in DMCRAL is decremented by one each time data is transferred until it reaches 000h, at which the value in
DMCRAH is loaded into DMCRAL.

(3) Block Transfer Mode (MD[1:0] Bits in DMACm.DMTMD = 10b)

DMCRAH specifies the block size and DMCRAL functions as a 10-bit block size counter.
The block size is one when the setting is 001h, 1023 when it is 3FFh, and 1024 when it is 000h. In block transfer mode, a
value in the range of 000h to 3FFh can be set for DMCRAH and DMCRAL.
Setting bits 15 to 10 in DMCRAL is invalid. Write 0 to these bits.
The value in DMCRAL is decremented by one each time data is transferred until it reaches 000h, at which the value in
DMCRAH is loaded into DMCRAL.

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16.2.4 DMA Block Transfer Count Register (DMCRB)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMCRB 0008 200Ch, DMAC1.DMCRB 0008 204Ch, DMAC2.DMCRB 0008 208Ch, DMAC3.DMCRB 0008 20CCh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Description Setting Range R/W

b9 to b0 Specifies the number of block transfer operations 001h to 3FFh (1 to 1023) R/W
or repeat transfer operations. 000h (1024)
b15 to b10 Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DMCRB specifies the number of block transfer operations and repeat transfer operations in block and repeat transfer
mode, respectively.
The number of transfer operations is one when the setting is 001h, 1023 when it is 3FFh, and 1024 when it is 000h.
In repeat transfer mode, the value is decremented by one when the final data of one repeat size is transferred.
In block transfer mode, the value is decremented by one when the final data of one block size is transferred.
In normal transfer mode, DMCRB is not used. The setting is invalid.

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16.2.5 DMA Transfer Mode Register (DMTMD)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMTMD 0008 2010h, DMAC1.DMTMD 0008 2050h, DMAC2.DMTMD 0008 2090h, DMAC3.DMTMD 0008 20D0h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

MD[1:0] DTS[1:0] — — SZ[1:0] — — — — — — DCTG[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 DCTG[1:0] DMA Request Source b1 b0 R/W
Select 0 0: Software
0 1: Interrupts*1 from peripheral modules or external interrupt input pins
1 0: Setting prohibited
1 1: Setting prohibited
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b9, b8 SZ[1:0] Transfer Data Size b9 b8 R/W
Select 0 0: 8 bits
0 1: 16 bits
1 0: 32 bits
1 1: Setting prohibited
b11, b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b13, b12 DTS[1:0] Repeat Area Select b13 b12 R/W
0 0: The destination is specified as the repeat area or block area.
0 1: The source is specified as the repeat area or block area.
1 0: The repeat area or block area is not specified.
1 1: Setting prohibited
b15, b14 MD[1:0] Transfer Mode Select b15 b14 R/W
0 0: Normal transfer
0 1: Repeat transfer
1 0: Block transfer
1 1: Setting prohibited

Note 1. DMAC activation source is selected using the DMRSRm registers of the ICU. For details on DMAC activation sources, see Table
14.3, Interrupt Vector Table in section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

DTS[1:0] Bits (Repeat Area Select)

DTS[1:0] select either the source or destination as the repeat area in repeat or block transfer mode. In normal transfer
mode, setting these bits is invalid.

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16.2.6 DMA Interrupt Setting Register (DMINT)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMINT 0008 2013h, DMAC1.DMINT 0008 2053h, DMAC2.DMINT 0008 2093h, DMAC3.DMINT 0008 20D3h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DARIE Destination Address 0: Disables an interrupt request for an extended repeat area overflow on R/W
Extended Repeat Area the destination address
Overflow Interrupt Enable 1: Enables an interrupt request for an extended repeat area overflow on
the destination address
b1 SARIE Source Address Extended 0: Disables an interrupt request for an extended repeat area overflow on R/W
Repeat Area Overflow the source address
Interrupt Enable 1: Enables an interrupt request for an extended repeat area overflow on
the source address
b2 RPTIE Repeat Size End Interrupt 0: Disables the repeat size end interrupt request. R/W
Enable 1: Enables the repeat size end interrupt request.
b3 ESIE Transfer Escape End 0: Disables the transfer escape end interrupt request. R/W
Interrupt Enable 1: Enables the transfer escape end interrupt request.
b4 DTIE Transfer End Interrupt 0: Disables the transfer end interrupt request. R/W
Enable 1: Enables the transfer end interrupt request.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DARIE Bit (Destination Address Extended Repeat Area Overflow Interrupt Enable)
When an extended repeat area overflow on the destination address occurs while this bit is set to 1, the DTE bit in
DMCNT is cleared to 0. At the same time, the ESIF flag in DMSTS is set to 1 to indicate that an interrupt by an extended
repeat area overflow on the destination address is requested.
When block transfer mode is used with the extended repeat area function, an interrupt is requested after completion of a
1-block size transfer. When setting 1 in the DTE bit in DMACm.DMCNT of the channel for which a transfer has been
stopped, the transfer is resumed from the state when the transfer is stopped.
When the extended repeat area is not specified for the destination address, this bit is ignored.

SARIE Bit (Source Address Extended Repeat Area Overflow Interrupt Enable)
When an extended repeat area overflow on the source address occurs while this bit is set to 1, the DTE bit in DMCNT is
cleared to 0. At the same time, the ESIF flag in DMSTS is set to 1 to indicate that an interrupt by an extended repeat area
overflow on the source address is requested.
When block transfer mode is used with the extended repeat area function, an interrupt is requested after completion of a
1-block size transfer. When setting 1 in the DTE bit in DMACm.DMCNT of the channel for which a transfer has been
stopped, the transfer is resumed from the state when the transfer is stopped.
When the extended repeat area is not specified for the source address, this bit is ignored.

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RPTIE Bit (Repeat Size End Interrupt Enable)

When this bit is set to 1 in repeat transfer mode, the DTE bit in DMCNT is cleared to 0 after completion of a 1-repeat size
data transfer. At the same time, the ESIF flag in DMSTS is set to 1 to indicate that the repeat size end interrupt request
has been generated. The repeat size end interrupt request can be generated even when the DTS[1:0] bits in DMTMD are
10b (= repeat area or block area is not specified).
When this bit is set to 1 in block transfer mode, the DTE bit in DMCNT is cleared to 0 after completion of a 1-block data
transfer in the same way as repeat transfer mode. At the same time, the ESIF flag in DMSTS is set to 1 to indicate that the
repeat size end interrupt request has been generated. The repeat size end interrupt request can be generated even when
the DTS[1:0] bits in DMTMD are 10b (= repeat area or block area is not specified).

ESIE Bit (Transfer Escape End Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disables the transfer escape end interrupt requests (repeat size end interrupt request and extended
repeat area overflow interrupt request) that are generated during DMA transfer.
The transfer escape end interrupt is generated when the ESIF flag in DMSTS is set to 1 with this bit set to 1. The transfer
escape end interrupt is cleared by clearing this bit or the ESIF flag in DMSTS to 0.

DTIE Bit (Transfer End Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disables the transfer end interrupt request to be generated on completion of a specified number of data
The transfer end interrupt is generated when the DTIF bit in DMSTS is set to 1 with this bit set to 1. The transfer end
interrupt is cleared by clearing this bit or the DTIF bit in DMSTS to 0.

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16.2.7 DMA Address Mode Register (DMAMD)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMAMD 0008 2014h, DMAC1.DMAMD 0008 2054h, DMAC2.DMAMD 0008 2094h, DMAC3.DMAMD 0008 20D4h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

SM[1:0] — SARA[4:0] DM[1:0] — DARA[4:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 DARA[4:0] Destination Address Extended Specifies the extended repeat area on the destination address. R/W
Repeat Area For details on the settings, see Table 16.2.
b5 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7, b6 DM[1:0] Destination Address Update b7 b6 R/W
Mode 0 0: Destination address is fixed.
0 1: Offset addition*1
1 0: Destination address is incremented.
1 1: Destination address is decremented.
b12 to b8 SARA[4:0] Source Address Extended Specifies the extended repeat area on the source address. For R/W
Repeat Area details on the settings, see Table 16.2.
b13 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15, b14 SM[1:0] Source Address Update Mode b15 b14 R/W
0 0: Source address is fixed.
0 1: Offset addition*1
1 0: Source address is incremented.
1 1: Source address is decremented.

Note 1. Offset addition can be specified only for DMAC0.

DARA[4:0] Bits (Destination Address Extended Repeat Area)

These bits specify the extended repeat area on the destination address. The extended repeat area function is realized by
updating the specified lower address bits with the remaining upper address bits fixed. The size of the extended repeat
area can be any power of two between 2 bytes and 128 Mbytes.
When the lower address overflows the extended repeat area by address increment, the start address of the extended repeat
area is set. Similarly, when the lower address underflows the extended repeat area by address decrement, the end address
of the extended repeat area is set.
When the repeat area or block area is specified as a transfer destination, do not specify the extended repeat area on the
destination address. When repeat transfer or block transfer is selected, or when DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 00b (the
transfer destination is specified as the repeat area or block area), write 00000b in the DARA[4:0] bits.
An interrupt can be requested when an overflow or underflow occurs in the extended repeat area with the DARIE bit in
DMINT set to 1. Table 16.2 lists the settings and the corresponding extended repeat areas.

DM[1:0] Bits (Destination Address Update Mode)

These bits select the mode of updating the destination address.
When increment is selected and the SZ[1:0] bits in DMTMD are set to 00b, 01b, and 10b, the destination address is
incremented by 1, 2, and 4, respectively.
When decrement is selected and the SZ[1:0] bits in DMTMD are set to 00b, 01b, and 10b, the destination address is
decremented by 1, 2, and 4, respectively.
When offset addition is selected, the offset specified by the DMAC0.DMOFR register is added to the address.
Offset addition can be specified only for DMAC0.

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SARA[4:0] Bits (Source Address Extended Repeat Area)

These bits specify the extended repeat area on the source address. The extended repeat area function is realized by
updating the specified lower address bits with the remaining upper address bits fixed. The size of the extended repeat
area can be any power of two between 21 (2 bytes) and 217 (128 Mbytes).
When the lower address overflows the extended repeat area by address increment, the start address of the extended repeat
area is set. Similarly, when the lower address underflows the extended repeat area by address decrement, the end address
of the extended repeat area is set.
When the repeat area or block area is specified as a transfer source, do not specify the extended repeat area on the source
address. When repeat transfer or block transfer is selected, or when DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 01b (the transfer
source is specified as the repeat area or block area), write 00000b in the SARA[4:0] bits.
An interrupt can be requested when an overflow or underflow occurs in the extended repeat area with the SARIE bit in
DMINT set to 1. Table 16.2 lists the settings and the corresponding extended repeat areas.

SM Bit (Source Address Update Mode)

These bits select the mode of updating the source address.
When increment is selected and the SZ[1:0] bits in DMTMD are set to 00b, 01b, and 10b, the source address is
incremented by 1, 2, and 4, respectively.
When decrement is selected and the SZ[1:0] bits in DMTMD are set to 00b, 01b, and 10b, the source address is
decremented by 1, 2, and 4, respectively.
When offset addition is selected, the offset specified by the DMAC0.DMOFR register is added to the address.
Offset addition can be specified only for DMAC0.

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Table 16.2 SARA[4:0] or DARA[4:0] Settings and Corresponding Repeat Areas

SARA4 to SARA0 or DARA4 to DARA0 Extended Repeat Area
00000b Not specified
00001b 2 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 1 bit of the address
00010b 4 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 2 bits of the address
00011b 8 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 3 bits of the address
00100b 16 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 4 bits of the address
00101b 32 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 5 bits of the address
00110b 64 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 6 bits of the address
00111b 128 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 7 bits of the address
01000b 256 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 8 bits of the address
01001b 512 bytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 9 bits of the address
01010b 1 Kbyte specified as extended repeat area by the lower 10 bits of the address
01011b 2 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 11 bits of the address
01100b 4 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 12 bits of the address
01101b 8 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 13 bits of the address
01110b 16 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 14 bits of the address
01111b 32 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 15 bits of the address
10000b 64 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 16 bits of the address
10001b 128 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 17 bits of the address
10010b 256 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 18 bits of the address
10011b 512 Kbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 19 bits of the address
10100b 1 Mbyte specified as extended repeat area by the lower 20 bits of the address
10101b 2 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 21 bits of the address
10110b 4 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 22 bits of the address
10111b 8 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 23 bits of the address
11000b 16 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 24 bits of the address
11001b 32 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 25 bits of the address
11010b 64 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 26 bits of the address
11011b 128 Mbytes specified as extended repeat area by the lower 27 bits of the address
11100b to 11111b Setting prohibited.

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16.2.8 DMA Offset Register (DMOFR)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMOFR 0008 2018h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Description Setting Range R/W

b31 to b0 Specifies the offset when offset addition is selected 0000 0000h to 00FF FFFFh (0 bytes to (16 M – 1) bytes) R/W
as the address update mode for transfer source or FF00 0000h to FFFF FFFFh (–16 Mbytes to –1 byte)

Write to this register while the DMAC operation is stopped or DMA transfer is disabled (not during data transfer).
Setting bits 31 to 25 is invalid; a value of bit 24 is extended to bits 31 to 25. Reading DMOFR returns the extended value.

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16.2.9 DMA Transfer Enable Register (DMCNT)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMCNT 0008 201Ch, DMAC1.DMCNT 0008 205Ch, DMAC2.DMCNT 0008 209Ch, DMAC3.DMCNT 0008 20DCh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — DTE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DTE DMA Transfer Enable 0: Disables DMA transfer. R/W
1: Enables DMA transfer.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DTE Bit (DMA Transfer Enable)

When the DMST bit in DMAST is set to 1 (DMAC activation is enabled) and this bit is set to 1 (DMA transfer is
enabled), DMA transfer can be started for the corresponding channel.

[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to this bit.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to this bit.
 When the specified total volume of data transfer is completed.
 When DMA transfer is stopped by the repeat size end interrupt.
 When DMA transfer is stopped by the extended repeat area overflow interrupt.

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16.2.10 DMA Software Start Register (DMREQ)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMREQ 0008 201Dh, DMAC1.DMREQ 0008 205Dh, DMAC2.DMREQ 0008 209Dh, DMAC3.DMREQ 0008 20DDh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — CLRS — — — SWRE
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SWREQ DMA Software Start 0: DMA transfer is not requested. R/W
1: DMA transfer is requested.
b3 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 CLRS DMA Software Start Bit Auto 0: SWREQ bit is cleared after DMA transfer is started by software. R/W
Clear Select 1: SWREQ bit is not cleared after DMA transfer is started by software.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SWREQ Bit (DMA Software Start)

When 1 is written to this bit, a DMA transfer request is generated. After DMA transfer is started in response to the
request, this bit is cleared to 0 if the CLRS bit is set to 0. This bit is not cleared to 0 while the CLRS bit is set to 1. In this
case, a DMA transfer request can be issued again after completion of a transfer.
Note that, however, setting this bit is valid and DMA transfer by software is enabled only when the DCTG[1:0] bits in
DMTMD are set to 00b (DMA activation source is software).
Setting this bit is invalid when the DCTG[1:0] bits in DMTMD are set to a value other than 00b.
To start DMA transfer by software with the CLRS bit being 0, ensure that the SWREQ bit is 0, and then write 1 to the
SWREQ bit.

[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to this bit.
[Clearing conditions]
 When a DMA transfer request by software is accepted and DMA transfer is started while the CLRS bit is set to 0
(the SWREQ bit is cleared after DMA transfer is started by software).
 When 0 is written to this bit.

CLRS Bit (DMA Software Start Bit Auto Clear Select)

This bit specifies whether to clear the SWREQ bit to 0 after DMA transfer is started in response to the DMA transfer
request generated by setting the SWREQ bit to 1. With this bit set to 0, the SWREQ bit is cleared to 0 after DMA transfer
is started. With this bit set to 1, the SWREQ bit is not cleared to 0. In this case, a DMA transfer request can be issued
again after completion of a transfer.

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16.2.11 DMA Status Register (DMSTS)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMSTS 0008 201Eh, DMAC1.DMSTS 0008 205Eh, DMAC2.DMSTS 0008 209Eh, DMAC3.DMSTS 0008 20DEh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ACT — — DTIF — — — ESIF

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 ESIF Transfer Escape End Interrupt 0: A transfer escape end interrupt has not been generated. R/W*1
Flag 1: A transfer escape end interrupt has been generated.
b3 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b4 DTIF Transfer End Interrupt Flag 0: A transfer end interrupt has not been generated. R/W*1
1: A transfer end interrupt has been generated.
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b7 ACT DMA Active Flag 0: DMAC operation is suspended. R
1: DMAC is operating.

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag.

ESIF Flag (Transfer Escape End Interrupt Flag)

This flag indicates that the transfer escape end interrupt has been generated.

[Setting conditions]
 When 1-repeat size data transfer is completed in repeat transfer mode with the RPTIE bit in DMINT set to 1.
 When 1-block data transfer is completed in block transfer mode with the RPTIE bit in DMINT set to 1.
 When an extended repeat area overflow on the source address occurs while the SARIE bit in DMINT is set to 1 and
the SARA[4:0] bits in DMAMD are set to a value other than 00000b (extended repeat area is specified on the
transfer source address)
 When an extended repeat area overflow on the destination address occurs while the DARIE bit in DMINT is set to 1
and the DARA[4:0] bits in DMAMD are set to a value other than 00000b (extended repeat area is specified on the
transfer destination address)
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to this bit.
 When 1 is written to the DTE bit in DMCNT.

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DTIF Flag (Transfer End Interrupt Flag)

This flag indicates that the transfer end interrupt has been generated.

[Setting conditions]
 When the specified number of unit-transfers are completed in normal transfer mode (the value of DMCRAL
becoming 0 on completion of transfer)
 When the specified number of repeat transfer operations are completed in repeat transfer mode (the value of
DMCRB becoming 0 on completion of transfer))
 When the specified number of blocks have been transferred in block transfer mode (the value of DMCRB becoming
0 on completion of transfer)
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to this bit
 When 1 is written to the DTE bit in DMCNT

ACT Flag (DMA Active Flag)

This flag indicates whether the DMAC is in the idle or active state.

[Setting condition]
 When the DMAC starts data transfer operation
[Clearing condition]
 When data transfer in response to one transfer request is completed

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16.2.12 DMA Activation Source Flag Control Register (DMCSL)

Address(es): DMAC0.DMCSL 0008 201Fh, DMAC1.DMCSL 0008 205Fh, DMAC2.DMCSL 0008 209Fh, DMAC3.DMCSL 0008 20DFh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — DISEL

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DISEL Interrupt Select 0: At the beginning of transfer, clear the interrupt flag of the R/W
activation source to 0.
1: At the end of transfer, the interrupt flag of the activation source
issues an interrupt to the CPU.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DISEL Bit (Interrupt Select)

This bit selects whether the interrupt flag of the activation source of the DMAC is cleared to 0 or issues an interrupt to
the CPU, at the beginning of transfer.
When DMTMD.DCTG[1:0] = 00b (activation by software), the setting of the DISEL bit does not affect the operation.

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16.2.13 DMA Module Activation Register (DMAST)

Address(es): 0008 2200h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — DMST

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DMST DMAC Operation Enable 0: DMAC activation is disabled. R/W
1: DMAC activation is enabled.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DMST Bit (DMAC Operation Enable)

When this bit is set to 1, DMAC activation is enabled for all channels.
When 1 is written to the DMACm.DMCNT.DTE bit (DMA transfer is enabled) of multiple channels and then this bit is
set to 1 (DMAC activation is enabled), the corresponding multiple channels can be placed in the transfer request
acceptable state at the same time.
When the DMST bit is cleared to 0 during DMA transfer, DMA transfer is suspended after completion of the current data
transfer corresponding to a single transfer request. DMA transfer is resumed by setting the DMST bit to 1 again.

[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to this bit
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to this bit

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16.3 Operation

16.3.1 Transfer Mode

(1) Normal Transfer Mode
In normal transfer mode, one data is transferred by one transfer request. A maximum of 65535 can be set as the number
of transfer operations using the DMCRAL of DMACm. When these bits are set to 0000h, no specific number of transfer
operations is set; data transfer is performed with the transfer counter stopped (free running mode). Setting DMCRB of
DMACm is invalid in normal transfer mode. Except in free running mode, a transfer end interrupt request can be
generated after completion of the specified number of transfer operations.
Table 16.3 summarizes the register update operation in normal transfer mode, and Figure 16.2 shows the operation in
normal transfer mode.

Table 16.3 Register Update Operation in Normal Transfer Mode

Register Function Update Operation after Completion of a Transfer by One Transfer Request
DMACm.DMSAR Transfer source address Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
DMACm.DMDAR Transfer destination address Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
DMACm.DMCRAL Transfer count Decremented by one/not updated (in free running mode)
DMACm.DMCRAH — Not updated (Not used in normal transfer mode)
DMACm.DMCRB — Not updated (Not used in normal transfer mode)

Note 1. Offset addition can be specified only for DMAC0.

Transfer source data area Transfer destination data area

Data 1 Data 1

Data 2 Transfer Data 2

Data 3 Data 3

Data 4 Data 4

Data 5 Data 5

Data 6 Data 6

Figure 16.2 Operation in Normal Transfer Mode

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(2) Repeat Transfer Mode

In repeat transfer mode, one data is transferred by one transfer request.
A maximum of 1K data can be set as a total repeat transfer size using DMCRA of the DMACm.
A maximum of 1K can be set as the number of repeat transfer operations using DMCRB of the DMACm; therefore, a
maximum of 1M data (1K data × 1K count of repeat transfer operations) can be set as a total data transfer size.
Either the transfer source or transfer destination can be specified as a repeat area. When transfer of the repeat size data is
completed, the address of the specified repeat area (DMSAR or DMDAR of the DMACm) returns to the transfer start
address. When data of the specified repeat size has all been transferred in repeat transfer mode, DMA transfer can be
stopped and the repeat size end interrupt can be requested. DMA transfer can be resumed by writing 1 to the DTE bit in
DMCNT of DMACm in the repeat size end interrupt handling.
A transfer end interrupt request can be generated after completion of the specified number of repeat transfer operations.
Table 16.4 summarizes the register update operation in repeat transfer mode, and Figure 16.3 shows the operation in
repeat transfer mode.

Table 16.4 Register Update Operation in Repeat Transfer Mode

Update Operation after Completion of a Transfer by One Transfer Request
When DMACm.DMCRAL is 1
Register Function When DMACm.DMCRAL is not 1 (Transfer of the Last Data in Repeat Size)
DMACm.DMSAR Transfer source Increment/decrement/fixed/offset  DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 00b
address addition*1 Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 01b
Initial value of DMACm.DMSAR
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 10b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
DMACm.DMDAR Transfer Increment/decrement/fixed/offset  DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 00b
destination addition*1 Initial value of DMACm.DMDAR
address  DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 01b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 10b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
DMACm.DMCRAH Repeat size Not updated Not updated
DMACm.DMCRAL Transfer count Decremented by one DMACm.DMCRAH
DMACm.DMCRB Count of repeat Not updated Decremented by one
transfer operations

Note 1. Offset addition can be specified only for DMAC0.

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Transfer source data area

Transfer destination data area
(Specified as a repeat area)


Data 1

Data 2 Transfer Data 2

Data 3 Data 3

Data 4 Data 4

Data 1

Data 2

Data 3

Data 4

Figure 16.3 Operation in Repeat Transfer Mode

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(3) Block Transfer Mode

In block transfer mode, a single block data is transferred by one transfer request.
A maximum of 1K data can be set as a total block transfer size using DMCRA of the DMACm.
A maximum of 1K can be set as the number of block transfer operations using DMCRB of the DMACm; therefore, a
maximum of 1M data (1K data × 1K count of block transfer operations) can be set as a total data transfer size.
Either the transfer source or transfer destination can be specified as a block area. When transfer of a single block data is
completed, the address of the specified block area (DMSAR or DMDAR of the DMACm) returns to the transfer start
address. When a single block data has all been transferred in block transfer mode, DMA transfer can be stopped and the
repeat size end interrupt can be requested. DMA transfer can be resumed by writing 1 to the DTE bit in DMCNT of
DMACm in the repeat size end interrupt handling.
Transfer end interrupt request can be generated after completion of the specified number of block transfer operations.
Table 16.5 summarizes the register update operation in block transfer mode, and Figure 16.4 shows the operation in
block transfer mode.

Table 16.5 Register Update Operation in Block Transfer Mode

Update Operation after Completion of Single-Block Transfer by
Register Function One Transfer Request
DMACm.DMSAR Transfer source address  DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 00b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 01b
Initial value of DMACm.DMSAR
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 10b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
DMACm.DMDAR Transfer destination  DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 00 b
address Initial value of DMACm.DMDAR
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 01 b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
 DMACm.DMTMD.DTS[1:0] = 10 b
Increment/decrement/fixed/offset addition*1
DMACm.DMCRAH Block size Not updated
DMACm.DMCRB Count of block transfer Decremented by one

Note 1. Offset addition can be specified only for DMAC0.

Transfer source data area Transfer destination data area

(Specified as a block area)

First block

Block area DMDAR

N-th block

Figure 16.4 Operation in Block Transfer Mode

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16.3.2 Extended Repeat Area Function

The DMAC supports a function to specify the extended repeat areas on the transfer source and destination addresses.
With the extended repeat areas set, the address registers repeatedly indicate the addresses of the specified extended repeat
The extended repeat areas can be specified separately to the transfer source address register (DMSAR) and transfer
destination address register (DMDAR) of DMACm.
The extended repeat area on the source address is specified by the SARA[4:0] bits in DMAMD of DMACm. The
extended repeat area on the destination address is specified by the DARA[4:0] bits in DMAMD of DMACm. The size
can be specified separately for the source and destination sides.
However, the area (of transfer source or transfer destination) which is specified as the repeat area or block area should
not be specified as the extended repeat area.
When the address register value reaches the end address of the extended repeat area and the extended repeat area
overflows, DMA transfer is stopped and an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow can be requested. When an
overflow occurs in the extended repeat area on the transfer source while the SARIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is set to 1,
the ESIF flag in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1 and the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is cleared to 0 to stop DMA
transfer. At this time, if the ESIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is set to 1, an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow
is requested. When the DARIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is set to 1, the destination address register becomes a target to
apply the function. DMA transfer can be resumed by writing 1 to the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm in the interrupt
Figure 16.5 shows an example of the extended repeat area operation.

Eight bytes are specified as an extended repeat area by the lower three bits of DMACm.DMSAR (SARA[4:0]
bits in DMACm.DMAMD = 00011b).
The data size is eight bits (SZ[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMTMD = 00b).

Memory area

00013FFEh DMSAR value


00014000h 00014000h Repeat

00014001h 00014001h

00014002h 00014002h

00014003h 00014003h

00014004h 00014004h

00014005h 00014005h

00014006h 00014006h

00014007h 00014007h
An extended repeat area overflow interrupt
00014008h request can be generated.

Figure 16.5 Example of Extended Repeat Area Operation

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When an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow is used in block transfer mode, the following should be taken into
When a transfer is stopped by an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow, the address register must be set so that
the block size is a power of 2 or the block size boundary is aligned with the extended repeat area boundary. When an
overflow on the extended repeat area occurs during a transfer of one block, the interrupt by the overflow is suspended
until transfer of the block is completed, and the transfer overruns.

Figure 16.6 shows an example when the extended repeat area function is used in block transfer mode.

Eight bytes are specified as an extended repeat area by the lower three bits of DMACm.DMSAR (SARA[4:0] bits in
DMACm.DMAMD = 00011b),
block transfer mode with block size 5 is set (DMACm.DMCRA = 00050005h), and
transfer source address is not specified as a block area.
Data size is eight bits (SZ[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMTMD = 00b).

Memory area

00013FFEh DMSAR value Second block
First block transfer
range transfer

00014000h 00014000h 00014000h 00014000h

00014001h 00014001h 00014001h 00014001h

00014002h 00014002h 00014002h Interrupt request

00014003h 00014003h 00014003h generated

00014004h 00014004h 00014004h

00014005h 00014005h 00014005h

00014006h 00014006h 00014006h

00014007h 00014007h 00014007h

Block transfer
00014008h continued


Figure 16.6 Example of Extended Repeat Area Function in Block Transfer Mode

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16.3.3 Address Update Function Using Offset

The source and destination addresses can be updated by fixing, increment, decrement, or offset addition. When the offset
addition is selected, the offset specified by the DMA offset register (DMOFR of DMAC0) is added to the address every
time the DMAC performs one data transfer. This function realizes a data transfer where addresses are allocated to
separated areas.
Offset subtraction can also be realized by setting a negative value in DMOFR of DMAC0. In this case, the negative value
must be 2’s complement.
Address update function using offset can be specified only for the DMAC0 channel.
Table 16.6 shows the address update method in each address update mode.

Table 16.6 Address Update Method in Each Address Update Mode

Settings of Address Update Method
DMACm.DMAMD.SM[1:0] and (for Different SZ[1:0] Settings in DMTMD of DMACm)
Address Update DMACm.DMAMD.DM[1:0] for
Mode Address Update Modes SZ[1:0] = 00b SZ[1:0] = 01b SZ[1:0] = 10b
Address fixed 00b Fixed
Offset addition 01b +DMACm.DMOFR*1
Increment 10b +1 +2 +4
Decrement 11b –1 –2 –4

Note 1. When setting a negative value in the DMA offset register, the value must be 2’s complement. The 2's complement is obtained by
the following formula.
2’s complement of a negative offset value = ~ (offset) + 1 (~: bit inversion)

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(1) Basic Transfer Using Offset Addition

Figure 16.7 shows an example of address updating using offset addition.


Data 1 Address A1 Data 1 Address B1

Data 2 Address B2 = address B1 + 4

Data 3 Address B3 = address B2 + 4

Offset value Data 4 Address B4 = address B3 + 4
Data 5 Address B5 = address B4 + 4

Data 2 Address A2
= address A1 + offset value

Offset value

Data 3 Address A3
= address A2 + offset value

Offset value

Data 4 Address A4
= address A3 + offset value

Offset value Transfer source: Offset addition

Transfer destination: Increment
Data size: 32 bits
Data 5 Address A5
= address A4 + offset value

Figure 16.7 Example of Address Updating by Offset Addition

In Figure 16.7, the transfer data is 32 bits long, and offset addition and increment are set as the transfer source address
update mode and transfer destination address update mode, respectively. The second and subsequent data is each read
from the transfer source address obtained by adding the offset value to the previous address. The data read from the
addresses at the specified intervals is written to the continuous locations on the destination.

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(2) Example of XY Conversion Using Offset Addition

Figure 16.8 shows the XY conversion using offset addition in repeat transfer mode.
Settings are as follows:
 DMAC0.DMAMD: Transfer source address update mode: Offset addition
 DMAC0.DMAMD: Transfer destination address update mode: Destination address is incremented.
 DMAC0.DMTMD: Transfer data size select: 32 bits
 DMAC0.DMTMD: Transfer mode select: Repeat transfer
 DMAC0.DMTMD: Repeat area select: The source is specified as the repeat area.
 DMAC0.DMOFR: Offset address: 10h
 DMAC0.DMCRA: Repeat size: 4h
 DMAC0.DMINT: The repeat size end interrupt is enabled.

Data 1 Data 5 Data 9 Data 13 cycle Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4
Data 2 Data 6 Data 10 Data 14 Second cycle Data 5 Data 6 Data 7 Data 8
Data 3 Data 7 Data 11 Data 15 Third cycle Data 9 Data 10 Data 11 Data 12
Data 4 Data 8 Data 12 Data 16 Fourth cycle Data 13 Data 14 Data 15 Data 16

First cycle Second cycle Third cycle

Transfer source
address written by
Data 1 Data 1 Data 1 Data 1
Offset value

Data 5 Data 5 Data 5 Data 2 First
Address cycle
Data 9 Data 9 Data 9 Data 3
returned Transfer source
Data 13 Data 13 Data 13 address written by Data 4
Data 2 Data 2 Data 2 CPU Data 5
Offset value

Data 6 Data 6 Data 6 Data 6 Second

Data 10 Data 10 Data 10 Data 7 cycle

Data 14 Data 14 Data 14 Data 8

Data 3 Data 3 Data 3 Data 9
Offset value

Data 7 Data 7 Data 7 Data 10 Third

Data 11 Data 11 Data 11 Data 11 cycle

Data 15 Data 15 Data 15 Data 12

Data 4 Data 4 Data 4 Data 13
Data 8 Interrupt Data 8 Data 8 Data 14 Fourth
Data 12 Data 12 Interrupt Data 12 Data 15 cycle
Data 16 Data 16 Data 16 Interrupt Data 16

Figure 16.8 XY Conversion Operation Using Offset Addition in Repeat Transfer Mode

When a transfer starts, the offset value is added to the transfer source address every time data is transferred. The transfer data
is written to the destination continuous addresses. When data 4 is transferred, which means that the repeat size of transfers is
completed, the transfer source address returns to the transfer start address (address of data 1 on the transfer source) and a
repeat size end interrupt is requested. While this interrupt stops the transfer temporarily, perform the following.
 DMAC0.DMSAR: Rewrite the DMA transfer source address to the address of data 5
(with the above example, the data 1 address + 4).
 DMAC0.DMCNT: Set the DTE bit to 1.
The DMA transfer is resumed from the state when the DMA transfer is stopped. After that, the operations described
above are repeated until the transfer source data is transposed to the destination area (XY conversion).

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Figure 16.9 shows a flowchart of the XY conversion.


Set the address, repeat size, and number of repeat


Set repeat transfer mode.

Enable repeat size end interrupts.

Write 1 to the DTE bit in DMAC0.DMCNT.

Receive a transfer request.

Data transfer

Repeat size and number of repeat operations decremented.

Number of repeat operations = 0

Repeat size = 0


Return to the transfer source address.

Generate a repeat size end interrupt.

Set “transfer source address + 4”

(When transfer data size = 32 bits)

: User side processing

: DMAC side processing

Figure 16.9 XY Conversion Flowchart Using Offset Addition in Repeat Transfer Mode

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16.3.4 Activation Sources

Software, the interrupt requests from the peripheral modules, and the external interrupt requests can be specified as the
DMAC activation sources. Setting the DCTG[1:0] bits in DMTMD of DMACm selects the activation source.

(1) DMAC Activation by Software

Setting the DCTG[1:0] bits in DMTMD of DMACm to 00b enables the DMAC activation by software.
To start DMA transfer by software, set the DCTG[1:0] bits in DMTMD of DMACm to 00b, and then set the DTE bit in
DMCNT of DMACm to 1 (DMA transfer is enabled) and the SWREQ bit in DMREQ of DMACm to 1 (DMA transfer is
requested) with the DMST bit in DMAST set to 1 (DMAC activation enabled).
When the DMAC is activated by software while the CLRS bit in DMREQ of DMACm is 0, the SWREQ bit in DMREQ
of DMACm is cleared to 0 after data transfer is started in response to a DMA transfer request.
When the DMAC is activated by software while the CLRS bit is 1, the SWREQ bit is not cleared to 0 after data transfer
is started. In this case, a DMA transfer request is issued again after completion of a transfer.

(2) DMAC Activation by Interrupt Requests from On-Chip Peripheral Modules or External Interrupt
Interrupt requests from the on-chip peripheral modules and external interrupt requests can be specified as the DMAC
activation sources. The activation source can be selected separately for each channel using the DMRSRm registers (m =
0 to 3) of the ICU.
The DMAC is activated when an interrupt request from the on-chip peripheral module or an external interrupt request is
generated while the DCTG[1:0] bits in DMTMD of DMACm is set to 01b (interrupts from the peripheral modules and
the external interrupt pins are selected), the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is set to 1 (DMA transfer is enabled), and
the DMST bit in DMAST is set to 1 (DMAC activation is enabled).

For interrupt requests specified as DMAC activation sources, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table, in section 14,
Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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16.3.5 Operation Timing

Figure 16.10 and Figure 16.11 show DMAC operation timing examples.

System clock

IRn in the ICU

DMAC activation

DMAC access R W

Data transfer

Figure 16.10 DMAC Operation Timing Example (1) (DMA Activation by Interrupt from Peripheral Module/
External Interrupt Input Pin, Normal Transfer Mode, Repeat Transfer Mode)

System clock

IRn in the ICU

DMAC activation

DMAC access

Data transfer

Figure 16.11 DMAC Operation Timing Example (2) (DMA Activation by Interrupt from Peripheral Module/
External Interrupt Input Pin, Block Transfer Mode, Block Size = 4)

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16.3.6 DMAC Execution Cycles

Table 16.7 lists execution cycles in one DMAC data transfer operation.

Table 16.7 DMAC Execution Cycles

Transfer Mode Data Transfer (Read) Data Transfer (Write)
Normal Cr+1 Cw
Repeat Cr+1 Cw
Block*1 P × Cr P × Cw

Note 1. This is the case when the block size is 2 or more. When the block size is 1, normal transfer cycle is applied.

P: Block size (DMCRAH register setting)

Cr: Data read destination access cycle
Cw: Data write destination access cycle

Cr and Cw depend on the access destination. For the number of cycles for each access destination, see section 35, RAM,
section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage), section 5, I/O Registers.
The unit for +1 in “Data Transfer (Read)” column is one system clock cycle (ICLK).
For the operation example, see section 16.3.5, Operation Timing.

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16.3.7 Activating the DMAC

Figure 16.12 shows the register setting procedure.

For activation other than by software

Start of initial settings Clear the interrupt enable bit (ICU.IERn.IENj) as an activation
source to 0, then perform the settings below.

To use peripheral function Set the peripheral module as a DMACm request Set the control register for the peripheral function without
interrupts as DMA activation source. starting it.
To use external pin interrupts as Set the IRQ pin function using the interrupt
DMA activation sources Set the IRQ pin function without enabling it.
controller (ICU).

To use on-chip peripheral

interrupts or external pin Clear the DTE bit in DMACm.DMCNT to 0. Disable DMA transfers.
interrupts as DMA activation
sources Set the interrupt request as a DMA request source
in the DMAC activation source select register Set the DMAC activation source.
(ICU.DMRSRm) using the ICU.

DM[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMAMD Transfer destination address update mode bits

SM[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMAMD Transfer source address update mode bits
DARA[4:0] bits in DMACm.DMAMD Destination address extended repeat area bits
SARA[4:0] bits in DMACm.DMAMD Source address extended repeat area bits

DCTG[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMTMD Transfer request select bits

SZ[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMTMD Data transfer size bits
DTS[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMTMD Repeat area select bits
MD[1:0] bits in DMACm.DMTMD Transfer mode select bits

DMACm.DMSAR Set the transfer source start address.

DMACm.DMDAR Set the transfer destination start address.
DMACm.DMCRA Set the number of transfer operations.

To use block transfer mode or repeat transfer mode

DMACm.DMCRB Set the number of block transfer operations.

To use the address update function with offset

DMACm.DMOFR Set the offset value.

To use DMA transfer end interrupts

Set 1 to DTIE bit in DMACm.DMINT. Enable DMA transfer end interrupts.

To use DMA transfer escape interrupts

RPTIE bit in DMACm.DMINT Set the repeat size end interrupt
SARIE bit in DMACm.DMINT Set the transfer source address extended repeat area overflow interrupt
DARIE bit in DMACm.DMINT Set the transfer destination address extended repeat area overflow interrupt
Set the ESIE bit in DMACm.DMINT to 1. Enable the DMA transfer escape end interrupt

Set DTE bit in DMACm.DMCNT to 1. Enable DMA transfer.

To use peripheral function

Start the peripheral function as a DMACm request
interrupts as DMA activation
To use external pin interrupts as
DMA activation sources Enable the IRQ pin as a DMACm request source.

To use on-chip peripheral Settings required for

interrupts or external pin Enable the interrupt bit for
Set IENj bit in ICU.IERn to 1. each activation source
interrupts as DMA activation the activation source.

Set DMST bit in DMAST to 1. Enable DMAC operation.*1 Common settings

for DMAC
For activation by software
End of initial settings On completion of the initial settings, writing 1 to the DMA software
activation bit (DMACm.DMREQ.SWREQ) starts DMA transfer.
m: DMAC channel (m = 0 to 3)

Note 1. Setting of the DMAST.DMST bit does not necessarily have to follow the settings for the individual activation sources.

Figure 16.12 Register Setting Procedure

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16.3.8 Starting DMA Transfer

Setting the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm to 1 (DMA transfer enabled) and setting the DMST bit in DMAST to 1
(DMAC start enabled) enable DMA transfer of channel m (m = 0 to 3).
Another activation request cannot be accepted during the transfer of other DMAC channel or DTC. When the proceeding
transfer is completed, channel arbitration is performed where a DMA transfer request of the highest priority channel is
accepted and DMA transfer of the channel starts. When DMA transfer starts, the ACT bit in DMSTS of DMACm is set
to 1 (the DMAC is in the active state).

16.3.9 Registers during DMA Transfer

The DMAC registers are updated by a DMA transfer. The value to be updated differs according to the other settings and
the transfer state. The registers to be updated are DMSAR, DMDAR, DMCRA, DMCRB, DMCNT, and DMSTS of

(1) DMA Source Address Register (DMACm.DMSAR)

When data has been transferred in response to one transfer request, the contents of DMSAR are updated to the address to
be accessed by the next transfer request.
For details on register update operation in each transfer mode, refer to Table 16.3 to Table 16.5.

(2) DMA Destination Address Register (DMACm.DMDAR)

When data has been transferred in response to one transfer request, the contents of DMDAR are updated to the address to
be accessed by the next transfer request.
For details on register update operation in each transfer mode, refer to Table 16.3 to Table 16.5.

(3) DMA Transfer Count Register (DMACm.DMCRA)

When data has been transferred in response to one transfer request, the count value is updated. The update operation
depends on the transfer mode selected.
For details on register update operation in each transfer mode, refer to Table 16.3 to Table 16.5.

(4) DMA Block Transfer Count Register (DMACm.DMCRB)

When data has been transferred in response to one transfer request, the count value is updated. The update operation
depends on the transfer mode selected.
For details on register update operation in each transfer mode, refer to Table 16.3 to Table 16.5.

(5) DMA Transfer Enable Bit (DMACm.DMCNT.DTE)

Although the DMACm.DMCNT.DTE bit enables or disables data transfer by the register write access, it is automatically
cleared to 0 by the DMAC according to the DMA transfer state.
The conditions for clearing this bit by the DMAC are as follows:
 When the specified total volume of data transfer is completed
 When DMA transfer is stopped by the repeat size end interrupt
 When DMA transfer is stopped by the extended repeat area overflow interrupt

Writing to the registers for the channels when the corresponding DMACm.DMCNT.DTE bit is set to 1 is prohibited
(except for DMACm.DMCNT). In this case, writing must be performed after the bit is cleared to 0.

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(6) DMA Active Flag (DMACm.DMSTS.ACT)

The ACT bit in DMSTS of DMACm indicates whether the DMACm is in the idle or active state.
This flag is set to 1 when the DMAC starts data transfer, and is cleared to 0 when data transfer in response to one transfer
request is completed.
Even when DMA transfer is stopped by writing 0 to the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm during DMA transfer, this flag
remains 1 until DMA transfer is completed.

(7) Transfer End Interrupt Flag (DMACm.DMSTS.DTIF)

The DTIF flag in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1 after DMA transfer of the total transfer size of data is completed.
When both this flag and the DTIE bit in DMINT of DMACm are set to 1, a transfer end interrupt is requested.
This flag is set to 1 when the DMA transfer bus cycle is completed and the ACT flag in DMSTS of DMACm is cleared
to 0 indicating the DMA transfer end.
This flag is automatically cleared to 0 when the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is set to 1 during the interrupt handling.

(8) Transfer Escape End Interrupt Flag (DMACm.DMSTS.ESIF)

The ESIF flag in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1 when a repeat size end interrupt or extended repeat area overflow
interrupt is requested. When this bit and the ESIE bit in DMINT of DMACm are set to 1, a transfer escape end interrupt
is requested.
This flag is set to 1 when the bus cycle of the DMA transfer having caused the interrupt request is completed and the
ACT flag in DMSTS of DMACm is cleared to 0 indicating the DMA transfer end.
This flag is automatically cleared to 0 when the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is set to 1 during an interrupt handling.
Before sending an interrupt request from the DMAC to the CPU or the DTC, the interrupt control register must be set.
For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

16.3.10 Channel Priority

When multiple DMA transfer requests are present, the DMAC determines the priority of channels that have DMA
transfer requests.
The channel priority is fixed as channel 0 > channel 1 > channel 2 > channel 3 (channel 0: highest).
When a DMA transfer request is generated during data transfer, channel arbitration is started after the final data has been
transferred, and DMA transfer of the higher-priority channel starts.

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16.4 Ending DMA Transfer

The operation for ending DMA transfer depends on the transfer end conditions. When DMA transfer ends, the DTE bit in
DMCNT and the ACT flag in DMSTS of DMACm are changed from 1 to 0, indicating that DMA transfer has ended.

16.4.1 Transfer End by Completion of Specified Total Number of Transfer Operations

(1) In Normal Transfer Mode (DMACm.DMTMD.MD[1:0] = 00b)
When the value of DMCRAL of DMACm changes from 1 to 0, DMA transfer ends on the corresponding channel, and
the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is cleared to 0 and the DTIF bit in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1 at the same time.
If the DTIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is 1 at this time, a transfer end interrupt request is issued to the CPU or the DTC.

(2) In Repeat Transfer Mode (DMACm.DMTMD.MD[1:0] = 01b)

When the value of DMCRB of DMACm changes from 1 to 0, DMA transfer ends on the corresponding channel, and the
DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is cleared to 0 and the DTIF bit in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1 at the same time. If
the DTIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is 1 at this time, an interrupt request is issued to the CPU or the DTC.

(3) In Block Transfer Mode (DMACm.DMTMD.MD[1:0] = 10b)

When the value of DMCRB of DMACm changes from 1 to 0, DMA transfer ends on the corresponding channel, and the
DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is cleared to 0 and the DTIF bit in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1 at the same time. If
the DTIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is 1 at this time, an interrupt request is issued to the CPU or the DTC.
Before sending an interrupt request from the DMAC to the CPU or the DTC, the interrupt control register must be set.
For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

16.4.2 Transfer End by Repeat Size End Interrupt

In repeat transfer mode, a repeat size end interrupt is requested when transfer of a 1-repeat size of data is completed
while the RPTIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is set to 1. When the interrupt is requested to complete DMA transfer, the
DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is cleared to 0 and the ESIF flag in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1. If the ESIE bit in
DMINT of DMACm is 1 at this time, an interrupt request is issued to the CPU or the DTC. Here, the transfer can be
resumed by writing 1 to the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm.
A repeat size end interrupt can be requested also in block transfer mode. In block transfer mode, the interrupt is requested
in the same way as in repeat transfer mode when transfer of a 1-block size data is completed.
Before sending an interrupt request from the DMAC to the CPU or the DTC, the interrupt control register must be set.
For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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16.4.3 Transfer End by Interrupt on Extended Repeat Area Overflow

When an overflow on the extended repeat area occurs while the extended repeat area is specified and the SARIE or
DARIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is set to 1, an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow is requested. When the
interrupt is requested, the DMA transfer is terminated, the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm is cleared to 0, and the ESIF
flag in DMSTS of DMACm is set to 1. If the ESIE bit in DMINT of DMACm is 1 at this time, an interrupt request is
issued to the CPU or the DTC.
Even if an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow is requested during a read cycle, the following write cycle is
In block transfer mode, even if an interrupt by an extended repeat area overflow is requested during a 1-block transfer,
the remaining data in the block is transferred; transfer is terminated after a block transfer.
Before sending an interrupt request from the DMAC to the CPU or the DTC, the interrupt control register must be set.
For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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16.5 Interrupts
Each DMAC channel can output an interrupt request to the CPU or the DTC after transfer in response to one request is
completed. When the transfer destination is the on-chip peripheral bus, an interrupt request is generated upon completion
of data write to the write buffer not to the actual transfer destination.

Table 16.8 lists the relation among the interrupt sources, the interrupt status flags, and the interrupt enable bits. Figure
16.13 shows the schematic logic diagram of interrupt outputs. Figure 16.14 shows the DMAC interrupt handling
routine to resume or terminate DMA transfer.

Table 16.8 Relation among Interrupt Sources, Interrupt Status Flags, and Interrupt Enable Bits
Interrupt Sources Interrupt Enable Bits Interrupt Status Flags Request Output Enable Bits
transfer end
Source address extended repeat DMACm.DMINT.SARIE
area overflow
Destination address extended DMACm.DMINT.DARIE
repeat area overflow



When the specified number of data 1-setting condition

transfer operations are completed

DMACm interrupt request


When the specified repeat (or block)
size of data transfer is completed

SARIE 1-setting condition

When a source address extended

repeat area overflow occurs


Interrupt output logic diagram for DMAC channel m (DMACm)

When a destination address extended m = 0 to 3
repeat area overflow occurs

Figure 16.13 Schematic Logic Diagram of Interrupt Outputs

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Specifically, the different procedures are used for canceling an interrupt to restart DMA transfer in the following two
cases: (1) discontinuing or terminating DMA transfer and (2) continuing DMA transfer.

(1) When Discontinuing or Terminating DMA Transfer

Write 0 to the DTIF bit in DMSTS of DMACm to clear a transfer end interrupt, and to the ESIF bit in DMSTS of
DMACm to clear a repeat size interrupt and an extended repeat area overflow interrupt. The DMACm remains in the
stop state. When starting another DMA transfer after that, set the appropriate registers, and set the DTE bit in DMCNT of
DMACm to 1 (DMA transfer enabled).

(2) When Continuing DMA Transfer

Write 1 to the DTE bit in DMCNT of DMACm. The ESIF bit in DMSTS of DMACm is automatically cleared to 0
(interrupt source cleared), and DMA transfer is resumed.

Interrupt request from DMAC

Start of DMAC interrupt


Is suspended transfer Terminate

Write 0 to ESIF or DTIF bit in DMACm.DMSTS.

Change register settings if necessary.
(Interrupt source cleared)

Write 1 to DTE bit in DMACm.DMCNT. Is another data transfer End
Start another transfer

ESIF bit in DMACm.DMSTS cleared automatically.

Change register settings.
(Interrupt source cleared)

Transfer resumed Write 1 to DTE bit in DMACm.DMCNT.

DMA transfer restarted

(Start of another DMA transfer)

Figure 16.14 DMAC Interrupt Handling Routine to Resume/Terminate DMA Transfer

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16.6 Low Power Consumption Function

Before transition to the module stop state, all-module clock stop mode, or software standby mode, clear the DMST bit in
DMAST to 0 (the DMAC suspended), and then perform the following.

(1) Module Stop Function

Writing 1 to the MSTPA28 bit (transition to the module-stop state) in MSTPCRA enables the module-stop function of
the DMAC. If DMA transfer is in progress at the time 1 is written to the MSTPA28 bit, the transition to the module-stop
state proceeds after DMA transfer has ended. While the MSTPA28 bit is 1, accessing the DMAC registers are prohibited.
Writing 0 to the MSTPA28 bit releases the DMAC from the module-stop state.

(2) All-Module Clock Stop Mode

Make settings in accord with the procedure under section, Transition to All-Module Clock Stop Mode, in
section 11, Low Power Consumption.
If DMA transfer operations are in progress at the time the WAIT instruction is executed, the transition to all-module
clock stop mode follows the completion of DMA transfer.
The DMAC is released from the module-stop state by writing 0 to the MSTPCRA.MSTPA28 bit following recovery
from all-module clock stop mode.

(3) Software Standby Mode

Make settings in accord with the procedure under section, Transition to Software Standby Mode, in section
11, Low Power Consumption.
If DMA transfer operations are in progress at the time the WAIT instruction is executed, the transition to software
standby follows the completion of DMA transfer.

(4) Note on Low Power Consumption Function

For the WAIT instruction and the register setting procedure, see section 11.7.5, Timing of WAIT Instructions in
section 11, Low Power Consumption.
To perform DMA transfer after returning from low power consumption mode, set the DMST bit in DMAST to 1 again.
To use a request that is generated in all-module clock stop mode and software standby mode as an interrupt request to the
CPU but not as a DMAC startup request, specify the CPU as the interrupt request destination in accordance with the
description in section 14.4.3, Selecting Interrupt Request Destinations in section 14, Interrupt Controller
(ICUb), and then execute the WAIT instruction.

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16.7 Usage Notes

16.7.1 DMA Transfer to Peripheral Modules

In DMA transfer to a peripheral module, the ACT bit in DMSTS of DMACm may be cleared to 0 (DMAC transfer
suspended) during the period from the beginning of the final data write to the end of the peripheral bus access.

16.7.2 Access to the Registers during DMA Transfer

DMACm must not be accessed while the ACT bit in DMSTS of the same channel is set to 1 (DMAC active state) or the
DTE bit in DMCNT of the same channel is set to 1 (DMA transfer enabled).

16.7.3 DMA Transfer to Reserved Areas

DMA transfer to the reserved areas is prohibited. If such an access is made, transfer results are not guaranteed. For
details on the reserved areas, see section 4, Address Space.

16.7.4 Interrupt Request by the DMA Activation Source Flag Control Register (DMCSL)
at the End of each Transfer
While the DMACm.DMCSL.DISEL bit is 1, an interrupt is issued to the CPU at the end of each transfer that has been
activated by one DMA request. Unlike the transfer end interrupt that the DMAC outputs or the escape end interrupt, the
interrupt of this type is issued to the CPU at the end of DMA transfer without clearing the interrupt flag of the DMAC
activation source to 0 by changing the interrupt request destination to the CPU. In this case, since the interrupt flag is not
cleared to 0 at the end of DMAC transfer, it should be cleared to 0 by the CPU interrupt routine.
The interrupt flag is cleared when the CPU interrupt is accepted.
For the change of the settings on the interrupt flag or the interrupt request destination, see section 14, Interrupt
Controller (ICUb). For the DMACm.DMCSL.DISEL bit setting, see section 16.2.12, DMA Activation Source Flag
Control Register (DMCSL).

16.7.5 Setting of DMAC Activation Source Select Register of the Interrupt Controller
The DMAC activation source select register (ICU.DMRSRm) should be set while the DMA transfer enable bit
(DMACm.DMCNT.DTE) is cleared to 0 (DMA transfer is disabled). Moreover, the DTC activation enable register
(ICU.DTCERm) that corresponds to the same vector number that has been set by the ICU.DMRSRm register should not
be set to 1. For details on the ICU.DTCERn and ICU.DMRSRm, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

16.7.6 Suspending or Restarting DMA Activation

To suspend a DMA activation request, write 0 to the interrupt enable bit for the activation source (ICU.IERn.IENj bit).
To restart the DMA transfer, write 1 to the ICU.IERn.IENj bit with the setting shown in section 16.3.7, Activating the

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17. Data Transfer Controller (DTCa)

The RX220 Group incorporates a data transfer controller (DTC).
The DTC is activated by an interrupt request to control data transfer.

17.1 Overview
Table 17.1 lists the specifications of the DTC, and Figure 17.1 shows a block diagram of the DTC.

Table 17.1 DTC Specifications

Item Description
Transfer mode  Normal transfer mode
A single activation leads to a single data transfer.
 Repeat transfer mode
A single activation leads to a single data transfer.
The transfer address is returned to the transfer start address after the number of data transfers
corresponding to “repeat size”.
The maximum repeat size is 256.
 Block transfer mode
A single activation leads to the transfer of a single block.
The maximum block size is 256 data.
Transfer channel  Channel transfer corresponding to the interrupt source is possible (transferred by DTC
activation request from the ICU).
 Data of multiple channels can be transferred on a single activation source (chain transfer).
 Either “executed when the counter is 0” or “always executed” can be selected for chain
Transfer space  In short-address mode: 16 Mbytes
(Areas from 0000 0000h to 007F FFFFh and FF80 0000h to FFFF FFFFh excepting reserved
 In full-address mode: 4 Gbytes
(Area from 0000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh excepting reserved areas)
Data transfer units  Length of a single data: 8, 16, or 32 bits
 Number of data for a single block: 1 to 256 data
CPU interrupt source  An interrupt request can be generated to the CPU on a DTC activation interrupt.
 An interrupt request can be generated to the CPU after a single data transfer.
 An interrupt request can be generated to the CPU after data transfer of specified volume.
Event link function Event link request is generated after one data transfer (for block, after one block transfer).
Read skip Transfer data read skip can be specified.
Write-back skip When “fixed” is selected for transfer source address and/or transfer destination address, write-
back skip execution is provided.
Lower power consumption function Module stop state can be specified.

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8 Register CRA
Vector number

DTC internal bus

control CRB

Interrupt SAR
controller DAR

Start request control

DTC response
DTCCR Bus interface
DTCADMOD control

Internal peripheral
bus interface 1 Internal main bus 2

Internal main bus 1 Internal Memory bus 2 Memory bus 1

Internal main bus 2 peripheral bus
1, 2, 6 ROM

MRA: DTC mode register A DTCCR: DTC control register

MRB: DTC mode register B DTCVBR: DTC vector base register
CRA: DTC transfer count register A DTCADMOD: DTC address mode register
CRB: DTC transfer count register B DTCST: DTC module start register
SAR: DTC transfer source register DTCSTS: DTC status register
DAR: DTC transfer destination register

Figure 17.1 Block Diagram of DTC

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17.2 Register Descriptions

Registers MRA, MRB, SAR, DAR, CRA, and CRB are DTC internal registers, which cannot be directly accessed from
the CPU. Values to be set in the DTC internal registers are placed in the RAM area as transfer information data. When an
activation request is generated, the DTC reads the transfer information data from the RAM area and set them in the
internal registers. After the data transfer ends, the internal register contents are written back to the RAM area as transfer
information data.

17.2.1 DTC Mode Register A (MRA)

Address(es): (inaccessible directly from the CPU)

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

MD[1:0] SZ[1:0] SM[1:0] — —

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as undefined. The write value should be —
b3, b2 SM[1:0] Transfer Source Address Addressing b3 b2 —
Mode 0 0: Address in the SAR register is fixed
(Write-back to SAR is skipped)
0 1: Address in the SAR register is fixed
(Write-back to SAR is skipped)
1 0: SAR value is incremented after data transfer
(+1 when SZ[1:0] bits = 00b, +2 when SZ[1:0] bits =
01b, +4 when SZ[1:0] bits = 10b)
1 1: SAR value is decremented after data transfer
(–1 when SZ[1:0] bits = 00b, –2 when SZ[1:0] bits =
01b, –4 when SZ[1:0] bits = 10b)
b5, b4 SZ[1:0] DTC Data Transfer Size b5 b4 —
0 0: Byte transfer
0 1: Word transfer
1 0: Longword transfer
1 1: Setting prohibited
b7, b6 MD[1:0] DTC Transfer Mode Select b7 b6 —
0 0: Normal transfer mode
0 1: Repeat transfer mode
1 0: Block transfer mode
1 1: Setting prohibited

MRA is used to select the operating mode of the DTC.

MRA cannot be accessed directly from the CPU.

SM[1:0] Bits (Transfer Source Address Addressing Mode)

These bits specify the SAR operation after data transfer.

SZ[1:0] Bits (DTC Data Transfer Size)

These bits specify the transfer data size.

MD[1:0] Bits (DTC Transfer Mode Select)

These bits specify the transfer mode of the DTC.

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17.2.2 DTC Mode Register B (MRB)

Address(es): (inaccessible directly from the CPU)

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as undefined. The write value should be 0. —
b3, b2 DM[1:0] Transfer Destination Address b3 b2 —
Addressing Mode 0 0: Address in the DAR register is fixed
(Write-back to DAR is skipped)
0 1: Address in the DAR register is fixed
(Write-back to DAR is skipped)
1 0: DAR value is incremented after data transfer
(+1 when SZ[1:0] bits in MRA = 00b, +2 when SZ[1:0] bits =
01b, +4 when SZ[1:0] bits = 10b)
1 1: DAR value is decremented after data transfer
(–1 when SZ[1:0] bits in MRA = 00b, –2 when SZ[1:0] bits =
01b, –4 when SZ[1:0] bits = 10b)
b4 DTS DTC Transfer Mode Select 0: Transfer destination side is repeat area or block area —
1: Transfer source side is repeat area or block area
b5 DISEL DTC Interrupt Select 0: An interrupt request to the CPU is generated when specified data —
transfer is completed
1: An interrupt request to the CPU is generated each time DTC data
transfer is performed
b6 CHNS DTC Chain Transfer Select 0: Chain transfer is performed continuously —
1: Chain transfer is performed only when the transfer counter is
changed from 1 to 0 or 1 to CRAH
b7 CHNE DTC Chain Transfer Enable 0: Chain transfer is disabled —
1: Chain transfer is enabled

MRB is used to select the operating mode of the DTC.

MRB cannot be accessed directly from the CPU.

DM[1:0] Bits (Transfer Destination Address Addressing Mode)

These bits specify the DAR operation after data transfer.

DTS Bit (DTC Transfer Mode Select)

The DTS bit specifies the side (transfer source or destination) to be a repeat area or block area in repeat transfer mode or
block transfer mode.

DISEL Bit (DTC Interrupt Select)

The DISEL bit specifies when an interrupt request to the CPU is generated: each time DTC data transfer is performed or
when specified data transfer is completed.

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CHNS Bit (DTC Chain Transfer Select)

The CHNS bit selects the chain transfer condition.
When the CHNE bit is 0, setting of the CHNS bit is ignored. For details on the conditions to select the chain transfer, see
Table 17.3, Chain Transfer Conditions.
When the next transfer is chain transfer, completion of the specified number of transfers is not determined, the startup
source flag is not cleared, and an interrupt request to the CPU is not generated.

CHNE Bit (DTC Chain Transfer Enable)

The CHNE bit enables or disables chain transfer.
The chain transfer condition is selected by the CHNS bit.
For details of chain transfer, see section 17.4.6, Chain Transfer.

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17.2.3 DTC Transfer Source Register (SAR)

Address(es): (inaccessible directly from the CPU)

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

SAR is used to set the transfer source start address.

In full-address mode, 32 bits are valid.
In short-address mode, lower 24 bits are valid and upper 8 bits (b31 to b24) are ignored. The address of this register is
extended by the value specified by b23.
SAR cannot be accessed directly from the CPU.

17.2.4 DTC Transfer Destination Register (DAR)

Address(es): (inaccessible directly from the CPU)

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

DAR is used to set the transfer destination start address.

In full-address mode, 32 bits are valid.
In short-address mode, lower 24 bits are valid and upper 8 bits (b31 to b24) are ignored. The address of this register is
extended by the value specified by b23.
DAR cannot be accessed directly from the CPU.

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17.2.5 DTC Transfer Count Register A (CRA)

Address(es): (inaccessible directly from the CPU)

 Normal transfer mode


b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

 Repeat transfer mode/block transfer mode


b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined
Note: • The function depends on transfer mode.

Symbol Register Name Description R/W

CRAL Transfer Counter A Lower Register Set transfer count. —
CRAH Transfer Counter A Upper Register —

Note: • Set CRAH and CRAL to the same value in repeat transfer mode and block transfer mode.

CRA is used to set the transfer count of the DTC.

The function of this register depends on transfer mode.
CRA cannot be accessed directly from the CPU.

(1) Normal transfer mode (MD[1:0] bits in MRA = 00b)

CRA functions as a 16-bit transfer counter in normal transfer mode.
The transfer count is 1, 65535, and 65536 when the set value is 0001h, FFFFh, and 0000h, respectively.
The CRA value is decremented (–1) at each data transfer.

(2) Repeat transfer mode (MD[1:0] bits in MRA = 01b)

The CRAH register retains transfer count and the CRAL register functions as an 8-bit transfer counter.
The transfer count is 1, 255, and 256 when the set value is 01h, FFh, and 00h, respectively.
The CRAL value is decremented (–1) at each data transfer. When it reaches 00h, the CRAH value is transferred to

(3) Block transfer mode (MD[1:0] bits in MRA = 10b)

The CRAH register retains block size and the CRAL register functions as an 8-bit block size counter.
The transfer count is 1, 255, and 256 when the set value is 01h, FFh, and 00h, respectively.
The CRAL value is decremented (–1) at each data transfer. When it reaches 00h, the CRAH value is transferred to

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17.2.6 DTC Transfer Count Register B (CRB)

Address(es): (inaccessible directly from the CPU)

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

CRB is used to set the block transfer count for block transfer mode.
The transfer count is 1, 65535, and 65536 when the set value is 0001h, FFFFh, and 0000h, respectively. The CRB value
is decremented (–1) when the final data of a single block size is transferred.
When normal transfer mode or repeat transfer mode is selected, this register is not used and the set value is ignored.
CRB cannot be accessed directly from the CPU.

17.2.7 DTC Control Register (DTCCR)

Address(es): 0008 2400h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — RRS — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b4 RRS DTC Transfer Data Read 0: Transfer data read is not skipped R/W
Skip Enable 1: Transfer data read is skipped when vector numbers match.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DTCCR is used to control the DTC.

RRS Bit (DTC Transfer Data Read Skip Enable)

The DTC vector number is always compared with the vector number in the previous startup process.
When these vector numbers match and the RRS bit is set to 1, DTC data transfer is performed without reading the
transferred data. However, when the previous transfer was chain transfer, the transferred data is always read regardless of
the value of RRS bit.
Furthermore, when the transfer counter (CRA register) became 0 during the previous normal transfer and when the
transfer counter (CRB register) became 0 during the previous block transfer, the transferred data is always read
regardless of the value of RRS bit.

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17.2.8 DTC Vector Base Register (DTCVBR)

Address(es): 0008 2404h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Bit Name Description R/W

b9 to b0 DTC Vector Base Address (Lower 10 bits) These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b31 to b10 DTC Vector Base Address (Upper 22 bits) The upper 4 bits (b31 to b28) are ignored, and the address of R/W
this register is extended by the value specified by b27.

DTCVBR is used to set the base address for calculating the DTC vector table address.
It can be set in the range of 0000 0000h to 07FF FC00h and F800 0000h to FFFF FC00h in 1-Kbyte units.

17.2.9 DTC Address Mode Register (DTCADMOD)

Address(es): 0008 2408h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — SHORT

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SHORT Short-Address Mode 0: Full-address mode R/W
1: Short-address mode
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DTCADMOD is used to specify the area accessible by the DTC.

SHORT Bit (Short-Address Mode)

Full-address mode allows the DTC to access to a 4-Gbyte space (0000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh).
Short-address mode allows the DTC to access to a 16-Mbyte space (0000 0000h to 007F FFFFh and FF80 0000h to

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17.2.10 DTC Module Start Register (DTCST)

Address(es): 0008 240Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — DTCST

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DTCST DTC Module Start 0: DTC module stop R/W
1: DTC module start
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DTCST Bit (DTC Module Start)

Set the DTCST bit to 1 to enable the DTC to accept transfer requests. When this bit is cleared to 0, transfer requests are
no longer accepted.
If this bit is cleared to 0 during data transfer, the accepted transfer request is active until the processing is completed.
Before making transition to the module stop state, all-module clock-stop mode, or software standby mode, the DTCST
bit must be set to 0.
For details on transitions to the module stop state, all-module clock-stop mode, and software standby mode, refer to
section 17.9, Low Power Consumption Function, and section 11, Low Power Consumption.

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17.2.11 DTC Status Register (DTCSTS)

Address(es): 0008 240Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ACT — — — — — — — VECN[7:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 VECN[7:0] DTC-Activating Vector These bits indicate the vector number for the activating source R
Number Monitoring when DTC transfer is in progress.
The value is only valid if DTC transfer is in progress (the value of
the ACT flag is 1).
b14 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b15 ACT DTC Active Flag 0: DTC transfer operation is not in progress. R
1: DTC transfer operation is in progress.

VECN[7:0] Bits (DTC-Activating Vector Number Monitoring)

While transfer by the DTC is in progress, these bits indicate the vector number corresponding to the activating source for
the transfer.
When the DTCSTS register is read, the value read from the VECN[7:0] bits is valid if the value of the ACT flag was 1
(indicating DTC transfer in progress) and invalid if the value of the ACT flag was 0 (indicating no current DTC transfer).
For the correspondence between the DTC startup sources and the vector addresses, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector
Table in section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

ACT Bit (DTC Active Flag)

This bit indicates the state of DTC transfer operation.

[Setting condition]
 When the DTC is activated by a transfer request
[Clearing condition]
 When transfer by the DTC is completed in response to a transfer request.

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17.3 Sources of Activation

The DTC is activated by an interrupt request. Setting the DTCERn.DTCE bit (where n is the interrupt vector number of
the given interrupt) of the ICU to 1 selects the corresponding interrupt as an activation source for the DTC.
For the correspondence between the DTC startup sources and the vector addresses, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector
Table. For startup by software, see section 14.2.5, Software Interrupt Activation Register (SWINTR).
Once the DTC has accepted a startup request, it does not accept another startup request until transfer for that single
request is completed, regardless of the priority of the requests. When multiple startup requests are generated during
DMAC/DTC transfer, a request with the highest priority on completion of the transfer is accepted. When multiple startup
requests are generated while the DTC module start (DTCST) bit in DTCST is 0, a request with the highest priority at the
moment when the bit is subsequently set to 1 is accepted.

The DTC performs the following operations at each data transfer (or the last of the consecutive transfers in the case of a
chained transfer).
 On completion of a specified round of data transfer, the DTCERn.DTCE bit is cleared to 0 and an interrupt is
requested to the CPU.
 If the MRB.DISEL bit is 1, an interrupt is requested to the CPU on completion of data transfer.
 For the other transfers, the interrupt status flag of the startup source is cleared to 0 at the start of data transfer.

17.3.1 Allocating Transfer Data and DTC Vector Table

The DTC reads the start address of the transfer data corresponding to each startup source from the vector table and reads
the transfer data starting at that address.
The vector table should be located so that the lower 10 bits of the base address (start address) are 0. Use the DTC vector
base register (DTCVBR) to set the base address of the DTC vector table.
Transfer data is allocated in the RAM area. In the RAM area, the start address of the transfer data (n) with vector number
n should be 4n added to the base address in the vector table.
Transfer data can be allocated in short-address mode (3 longwords) or full-address mode (4 longwords). Use the SHORT
bit in DTCADMOD to select short-address mode (SHORT bit = 1) or full-address mode (SHORT bit = 0).
Figure 17.2 shows the relationship between the DTC vector table and transfer data.
Figure 17.3 shows the allocation of transfer data in the RAM area. The lower addresses vary according to the endian of
the corresponding allocation area. For details, see section 17.10.2, Allocating Transfer Data.

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Upper: DTCVBR DTC vector table

Lower: Vector number  4

Transfer data (1)

DTC vector address

Transfer data (1)

start address

Transfer data (2)

start address
Transfer data (2)

Transfer data (n) :
start address :

4 bytes

Transfer data (n)

4 bytes

Figure 17.2 DTC Vector Table and Transfer Data

Allocation of transfer data in Allocation of transfer data in

short-address mode full-address mode

Lower address Lower address

( ) : Lower address to be allocated ( ) : Lower address to be allocated
in the big-endian area in the big-endian area

Start address 3 (0) 2 (1) 1 (2) 0 (3) Start address 3 (0) 2 (1) 1 (2) 0 (3)

MRA SAR MRA MRB Reserved (0)

MRB DAR Transfer data SAR Transfer data

per transfer per transfer
CRA (3 longwords) (4 longwords)
Transfer data for the Chain
second transfer in transfer
MRB DAR MRA MRB Reserved (0)
chain transfer mode
(3 longwords)
CRA CRB Transfer data for the
second transfer in
chain transfer mode
DAR (4 longwords)
4 bytes

4 bytes

Figure 17.3 Allocation of Transfer Data in the RAM Area

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17.4 Operation
The DTC transfers data in accordance with the transfer data. Storage of the transfer data in the RAM area is required
before DTC operation.
When the DTC is activated, it reads the DTC vector corresponding to the vector number. Then the DTC reads transfer
data from the transfer data store address pointed by the DTC vector, transfers data, and then writes back the transfer data
after the data transfer. Storing transfer data in the RAM area allows data transfer of arbitrary number of channels.
There are three transfer modes: normal transfer mode, repeat transfer mode, and block transfer mode.
The DTC specifies a transfer source address in SAR and a transfer destination address in DAR. The values of these
registers are incremented, decremented, or address-fixed independently after data transfer.
Table 17.2 lists transfer modes of the DTC.

Table 17.2 Transfer Modes of the DTC

Data Size Transferred on a Single Transfer Increment/Decrement of Settable Transfer
Transfer Mode Request Memory Address Count
Normal transfer mode 1 byte/word/longword Incremented/decremented by 1, 1 to 65536
2, or 4 or address fixed
Repeat transfer mode*1 1 byte/word/longword Incremented/decremented by 1, 1 to 256*3
2, or 4 or address fixed
Block transfer mode*2 Block size specified in CRAH Incremented/decremented by 1, 1 to 65536
(1 to 256 bytes/words/longwords) 2, or 4 or address fixed

Note 1. Set transfer source or transfer destination in the repeat area.

Note 2. Set transfer source or transfer destination in the block area.
Note 3. After data transfer of the specified count, the initial state is restored and the operation is continued (repeated).

Setting the CHNE bit in MRB to 1 allows multiple transfers (chain transfer) on a single startup source. Setting the CHNS
bit in MRB also enables chain transfer when specified data transfer is completed.
Figure 17.4 shows the operation flowchart of the DTC. Table 17.3 lists chain transfer conditions.

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Match and
RRS bit = 1 Compare vector
numbers. Match?

Mismatch or RRS bit = 0

Read DTC vector
Next transfer

Read data to be
Update transfer data
start address
CHNE bit = 1?

CHNS = 0?


MD[1:0] = 01b?
(Repeat transfer?)


Last data transfer? Last data transfer?
(Transfer counter = 1?)*1 (Transfer counter = 1?)*1


DISEL = 1?


Clear interrupt status


Transfer data Transfer data Transfer data Transfer data

Write transfer data Write transfer data Write transfer data Write transfer data

Clear DTCERn of the ICU

An interrupt to the CPU is An interrupt to the
generated CPU is generated

Note 1. Counter value before starting data transfer

Figure 17.4 Operation Flowchart of the DTC

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Table 17.3 Chain Transfer Conditions

First Transfer Second Transfer*3
Bit Bit Bit Counter*1,*2 Bit Bit Bit Counter*1,*2 DTC Transfer
0 — 0 Other than (1 → 0) — — — — Ends after the first
0 — 0 (1 → 0) — — — — Ends after the first
transfer with an interrupt
0 — 1 — — — — —
request to the CPU
1 0 — — 0 — 0 Other than (1 → 0) Ends after the second
0 — 0 (1 → 0) Ends after the second
transfer with an interrupt
0 — 1 —
request to the CPU
1 1 0 Other than (1 → *) — — — — Ends after the first
1 1 — (1 → *) 0 — 0 Other than (1 → 0) Ends after the second
0 — 0 (1 → 0) Ends after the second
transfer with an interrupt
0 — 1 —
request to the CPU
1 1 1 Other than (1 → *) — — — — Ends after the first
transfer with an interrupt
request to the CPU

Note 1. The transfer counters used depend on transfer modes as follows:

Normal transfer mode: CRA register
Repeat transfer mode: CRAL register
Block transfer mode: CRB register
Note 2. On completion of data transfer, the counters operate as follows:
1 → 0: in normal and block transfer modes
1 → CRAH: in repeat transfer mode
(1 → *) in the table indicates both of the two operations above.
Note 3. Chain transfer can be selected for the second or subsequent transfers. The condition combination of “second transfer and CHNE
bit = 1” is omitted.

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17.4.1 Transfer Data Read Skip Function

Vector address read and transfer data read can be skipped by the setting of the RRS bit in DTCCR.
When a DTC startup request is generated, the current DTC vector number is always compared with the DTC vector
number in the previous startup process. When these vector numbers match and the RRS bit is set to 1, DTC data transfer
is performed without reading the vector address and transfer data. However, when the previous transfer was chain
transfer, the vector address and transfer data are always read. Furthermore, when the transfer counter (CRA register)
became 0 during the previous normal transfer and when the transfer counter (CRB register) became 0 during the previous
block transfer, transfer data is always read regardless of the value of RRS bit. Figure 17.13 shows an example of
transfer data read skip.
To update the vector table and transfer data, set the RRS bit to 0, update the vector table and transfer data, and then set
the RRS bit to 1. When the RRS bit is set to 0, the retained vector number is discarded and the vector table and transfer
data that are updated in the following startup process are read.

17.4.2 Transfer Data Write-Back Skip Function

When the SM[1:0] bits in MRA or the DM[1:0] bits in MRB are set to “address fixed”, a part of transfer data is not
written back. This function is performed independently of the setting of short-address mode or full-address mode. Table
17.4 lists transfer data write-back skip conditions and applicable registers.
The CRA and CRB registers are always written back independently of the setting of short-address mode or full-address
mode. Furthermore, in full-address mode, write-back of the MRA and MRB registers are always skipped.

Table 17.4 Transfer Data Write-Back Skip Conditions and Applicable Registers
SM[1:0] Bits in MRA DM[1:0] Bits in MRB SAR Register DAR Register
b3 b2 b3 b2
0 0 0 0 Skip Skip
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 Skip Write-back
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 Write-back Skip
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 Write-back Write-back
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1

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17.4.3 Normal Transfer Mode

This mode allows 1-byte, 1-word, or 1-longword data transfer on a single startup source. The transfer count can be set to
1 to 65536.
Transfer source addresses and transfer destination addresses can be set to increment, decrement, or fixed independently.
This mode enables an interrupt request to the CPU to be generated at the end of specified-count transfer.
Table 17.5 lists register functions in normal transfer mode, and Figure 17.5 shows the memory map of normal transfer

Table 17.5 Register Functions in Normal Transfer Mode

Register Description Value Written Back by Writing Transfer Data
SAR Transfer source address Increment/decrement/fixed*1
DAR Transfer destination address Increment/decrement/fixed*1
CRA Transfer counter A CRA - 1
CRB Transfer counter B Not updated

Note 1. Write-back operation is skipped in address-fixed mode.

Transfer source data area Transfer destination data area

SAR Data 1 DAR

Data 1

Data 2 Transfer Data 2

Data 3 Data 3

Data 4 Data 4

Data 5 Data 5

Data 6 Data 6

Figure 17.5 Memory Map of Normal Transfer Mode

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17.4.4 Repeat Transfer Mode

This mode allows 1-byte, 1-word, or 1-longword data transfer on a single startup source.
Specify either transfer source or transfer destination for the repeat area by the DTS bit in MRB. The transfer count can be
set to 1 to 256. When the specified-count transfer is completed, the initial value of the address register specified in the
transfer counter and the repeat area is restored and transfer is repeated. The other address register is incremented or
decremented continuously or remains unchanged.
When the transfer counter CRAL is decreased to 00h in repeat transfer mode, the CRAL value is updated to the value set
in CRAH. Thus the transfer counter does not become 00h, which inhibits generation of interrupt request to the CPU
when the DISEL bit in MRB is set to 0 (an interrupt request to the CPU is generated when specified data transfer is
Table 17.6 lists the register functions in repeat transfer mode, and Figure 17.6 shows the memory map of repeat
transfer mode.

Table 17.6 Register Functions in Repeat Transfer Mode

Value Written Back by Writing Transfer Data
Register Description When CRAL is not 1 When CRAL is 1
SAR Transfer source Increment/decrement/fixed*1 (When the DTS bit in MRB is 0)
address Increment/decrement/fixed*1
(When the DTS bit in MRB is 1)
SAR register initial value
DAR Transfer destination Increment/decrement/fixed*1 (When the DTS bit in MRB is 0)
address DAR register initial value
(When the DTS bit in MRB is 1)
CRAH Retains transfer CRAH CRAH
CRAL Transfer counter A CRAL - 1 CRAH
CRB Transfer counter B Not updated Not updated

Note 1. Write-back is skipped in address-fixed mode.

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Transfer source data area Transfer destination data area

(set to repeat area)

SAR Data 1 Data 1 DAR

Data 2 Transfer Data 2

Data 3 Data 3

Data 4 Data 4

Data 1

Data 2

Data 3

Data 4

Figure 17.6 Memory Map of Repeat Transfer Mode (Transfer Source: Repeat Area)

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17.4.5 Block Transfer Mode

This mode allows single-block data transfer on a single startup source.
Specify either transfer source or transfer destination for the block area by the DTS bit in MRB. The block size can be set
to 1 to 256 bytes (or 1 to 256 words or 1 to 256 longwords).
When transfer of the specified one block is completed, the initial values of the block size counter CRAL and the address
register (SAR when the DTS bit = 1 or DAR when the DTS bit = 0) specified in the block area are restored. The other
address register is incremented or decremented continuously or remains unchanged.
The transfer count (block count) can be set to 1 to 65536. This mode enables an interrupt request to the CPU to be
generated at the end of specified-count block transfer.
Table 17.7 lists register functions in block transfer mode, and Figure 17.7 shows the memory map of block transfer

Table 17.7 Register Functions in Block Transfer Mode

Register Description Value Written Back by Writing Transfer Data
SAR Transfer source address (When DTS bit in MRB is 0)
(When DTS bit in MRB is 1)
SAR register initial value
DAR Transfer destination address (When DTS bit in MRB is 0)
DAR register initial value
(When DTS bit in MRB is 1)
CRAH Retains block size CRAH
CRAL Block size counter CRAH
CRB Block transfer counter CRB - 1

Note 1. Write-back is skipped in address-fixed mode.

Transfer source data area Transfer destination data area

(set to block area)

First block

Block area DAR

N-th block

Figure 17.7 Memory Map of Block Transfer Mode (Transfer Destination: Block Area)

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17.4.6 Chain Transfer

Setting the CHNE bit in MRB to 1 allows chain transfer to be performed continuously on a single startup source.
If the CHNE and CHNS bits in MRB are set to 1 and 0, respectively, an interrupt request to the CPU is not generated by
completion of specified number of rounds of transfer or by setting the DISEL bit in MRB to 1 (an interrupt request to the
CPU is generated each time DTC data transfer is performed), and data transfer has no effect on the interrupt status flag
that has started up the transfer.
The SAR, DAR, CRA, CRB, MRA, and MRB registers can be set independently of each other to define data transfer.
Figure 17.8 shows chain transfer operation.

Data area

Transfer source data (1)

Transfer data
DTC vector table allocated in the RAM

Transfer destination data (1)

DTC vector Transfer data

address CHNE bit = 1
Transfer data start address
Transfer data
CHNE bit = 0

Transfer source data (2)

Transfer destination data (2)

Figure 17.8 Chain Transfer Operation

Writing 1 to the CHNE and CHNS bits in MRB enables chain transfer to be performed only after completion of specified
data transfer. In repeat transfer mode, chain transfer is performed after completion of specified data transfer.
For details on chain transfer conditions, see Table 17.3, Chain Transfer Conditions.

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17.4.7 Operation Timing

Figure 17.9 to Figure 17.13 show examples of DTC operation timing.

System clock

IRn in the ICU

DTC startup request

DTC access R W

Vector read Transfer Data Transfer

data read transfer data write

Figure 17.9 Example (1) of DTC Operation Timing

(Short-Address Mode, Normal Transfer Mode, Repeat Transfer Mode)

System clock

IRn in the ICU

DTC startup request

DTC access

Vector read Transfer data Data transfer Transfer data

read write

Figure 17.10 Example (2) of DTC Operation Timing

(Short-Address Mode, Block Transfer Mode, Block Size = 4)

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System clock

IRn in the ICU

DTC startup request

DTC access R W R W

Vector read Transfer data Data Transfer data Transfer data Data Transfer data
read transfer write read transfer write

Figure 17.11 Example (3) of DTC Operation Timing (Short-Address Mode, Chain Transfer)

System clock

IRn in the ICU

DTC startup request

DTC access

Vector read Transfer data Data Transfer data

read transfer write

Figure 17.12 Example (4) of DTC Operation Timing

(Full-Address Mode, Normal Transfer Mode, Repeat Transfer Mode)

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System clock

IRn in the ICU (1) (2)

DTC startup request

Read skip enable

DTC access R W RR W

Vector read Transfer Data Transfer Data Transfer

data read transfer data write transfer data write

n = Vector number

Note: • When startup sources (vector numbers) of (1) and (2) are the same and the RRS bit = 1, the transfer data read for request (2) is skipped.

Figure 17.13 Example of Operation when Transfer Information Skip is Executed

(Vector, Transfer Information, and Transfer Destination Data on the RAM, and Transfer Source
Data on the Peripheral Module)

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17.4.8 Execution Cycles of the DTC

Table 17.8 lists the execution cycles of single data transfer of the DTC.
For the order of the execution states, refer to section 17.4.7, Operation Timing.

Table 17.8 Execution Cycles of the DTC

Data Transfer
Transfer Internal
Mode Vector Read Transfer Data Read Transfer Data Write Read Write Operation
Normal Cv+1 0*1 4×Ci+1*2 3×Ci+1*3 0*1 3×Ci*4 2×Ci*5 Ci*6 Cr+1 Cw 2 0*1
Repeat Cr+1 Cw
Block*7 P×Cr P×Cw

Note 1. When transfer data read is skipped

Note 2. In full-address mode
Note 3. In short-address mode
Note 4. When neither SAR nor DAR is set to address-fixed mode
Note 5. When SAR or DAR is set to address-fixed mode
Note 6. When SAR and DAR are set to address-fixed mode
Note 7. When the block size is 2 or more. If the block size is 1, the cycle number for normal transfer is applied

P: Block size (initial settings of CRAH and CRAL)

Cv: Cycles for access to vector transfer data storage destination
Ci: Cycles for access to transfer data storage destination address
Cr: Cycles for access to data read destination
Cw: Cycles for access to data write destination
(The unit is system clocks (ICLK) for “+1” in the Vector Read, Transfer Data Read, and Data Transfer Read columns and “2” in the
Internal Operation column.
(Cv, Ci, Cr, and Cw vary depending on the corresponding access destination. For the number of cycles for respective access
destinations, see section 35, RAM, section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage), and section 5, I/O Registers.

17.4.9 DTC Bus Mastership Release Timing

The DTC does not release the bus mastership during transfer data read and transfer data write. While transfer data is not
read or written, bus arbitration is made according to the priority determined by the bus master arbitrator.
For bus arbitration, see section 15, Buses.

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17.5 DTC Setting Procedure

Before using the DTC, set the DTC vector base register (DTCVBR).
Figure 17.14 shows the procedure to set the DTC.

Set the ICU.IERm.IENj bit corresponding to the activation source

START interrupt to 0 and provide the following settings.

[1] Setting the RRS bit in DTCCR to 0 resets the transfer data read
skip flag. After that, transfer data read is not skipped while the
Set the RRS bit in DTCCR to 0 [1] DTC is activated. When transfer data is updated, be sure to make
this setting.

[2] Allocate transfer data (MRA, MRB, SAR, DAR, CRA, and CRB) in
the data area. For setting transfer data, see section 17.2, Register
Set transfer data [2] Descriptions. For how to allocate transfer data, see section 17.3.1,
(MRA, MRB, SAR, DAR, CRA, and CRB) Allocating Transfer Data and DTC Vector Table.

[3] Set transfer data start addresses in the DTC vector table. For how
to set the DTC vector table, see section 17.3.1, Allocating Transfer
Set transfer data start addresses in Data and DTC Vector Table.
the DTC vector table
[4] Setting the RRS bit in DTCCR to 1 can skip the second and the
subsequent transfer data read cycles for continuous DTC
activation due to the same interrupt source. The RRS bit can
Set the RRS bit in DTCCR to 1 [4] always be set to 1, but this setting during DTC transfer becomes
valid from the next transfer.

[5] Set the ICU.DTCERi.DTCE bit (i = interrupt vector number) that

corresponds to the DTC startup interrupt to 1. Set the
Set the ICU.DTCERi.DTCE bit to 1. [5]
Set the ICU.IERm.IENj bit to 1. ICU.IERm.IENj bit to 1. For the correspondence between interrupt
sources and DTCERi register, see Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector
Table in section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

[6] Set the enable bit for a startup source interrupt to 1. When a
Set the enable bit for
[6] source interrupt is generated, the DTC is activated. For the setting
a startup source interrupt
of the interrupt source enable bit, refer to the setting of the module
Setting for each activation that is to be a startup source.
Common setting
for DTC [7] Set the DTC module start bit (DTCST.DTCST) to 1.

Note: • The DTCST.DTCST bit can be set even if the setting for each
Set the DTCST.DTCST bit to 1 [7] activation source is not completed.


Figure 17.14 Procedure to Set the DTC

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17.6 Examples of DTC Usage

17.6.1 Normal Transfer

As an example of DTC usage, its employment in the transfer of 128 bytes of data by an SCI is described below.

(1) Transfer Data Set

In the MRA register, select a fixed source address (MRA.SM[1:0] = 00b), normal transfer mode (MRA.MD[1:0] = 00b),
and byte-sized transfer (MRA.SZ[1:0] = 00b). In the MRB register, specify incrementation of the destination address
(MRB.DM[1:0] = 10b) and single data transfer by a single interrupt (MRB.CHNE bit = 0 and MRB.DISEL bit = 0). The
MRB.DTS bit can be set to any value. Set the address of the RDR register in the SCIm (m = 0 to 12) in the SAR register,
the start address of the RAM area for data storage in the DAR register, and 128 (0080h) in the CRA register. The CRB
register can be set to any value.

(2) DTC Vector Table

The address where the transfer-control information for use with the RXI starts is set in the vector table for the DTC.

(3) ICU Set and DTC Module Activation

Set the corresponding ICU.DTCERi.DTCE bit to 1 and the ICU.IERi.IENj bit to 1.
Set the DTCST.DTCST bit to 1.

(4) SCI Set

Enable the receive end interrupt (RXI) by setting the SCR.RIE bit in the SCIm to 1. If a reception error occurs during the
SCI receive operation, further reception is not performed. Accordingly, make settings so that the CPU can accept receive
error interrupts.

(5) DTC Transfer

Every time the reception of 1 byte by the SCI is completed, an RXI interrupt is generated to activate the DTC. The DTC
transfers the received byte from the RDR of the SCIm to RAM, after which the DAR register is incremented and the
CRA register is decremented.

(6) Interrupt Handling

After 128 rounds of data transfer have been completed and the value in the CRA register becomes 0, an RXI interrupt
request is generated for the CPU. Processing for completion is performed in the processing routine for this interrupt.

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17.6.2 Chain Transfer when Counter = 0

The second data transfer is performed only when the counter = 0. Repeat transfer of a transfer count of 256 or more is
enabled by the re-setting for the first data transfer.
The following shows an example of configuring a 128-Kbyte input buffer, where the input buffer is set so that its lower
address starts with 0000h. Figure 17.15 shows a chain transfer when the counter = 0.

1. Set normal transfer mode for input data for the first data transfer. Set the following:
Transfer source address: Fixed, CRA = 0000h (65,536 times), CHNE bit = 1 (chain transfer enabled) in MRB,
CHNS bit = 1 (chain transfer is performed only when the transfer counter is 0) in MRB, and DISEL bit = 0 (an
interrupt request to the CPU is generated when specified data transfer is completed) in MRB.
2. Prepare the upper 8-bit address of the start address at every 65,536 times of the transfer destination address for the
first data transfer in another area (such as ROM). For example, when setting the input buffer to 200000h to
21FFFFh, prepare 21h and 20h.
3. For the second data transfer, set repeat transfer mode (source side: repeat area) for re-setting the transfer destination
address of the first data transfer. Specify the upper 8 bits of DAR in the first transfer data area for the transfer
destination. At this time, set CHNE bit = 0 (chain transfer disabled) in MRB and DISEL bit = 0 (an interrupt request
to the CPU is generated when specified data transfer is completed) in MRB. When setting the input buffer
mentioned above to 200000h to 21FFFFh, set the transfer counter to 2.
4. The first data transfer is performed by an interrupt 65,536 times. When the transfer counter of the first data transfer
becomes 0, the second data transfer starts. Set the upper 8 bits of the transfer source address of the first data transfer
to 21h. The transfer counter (lower 16 bits) of the transfer destination address of the first data transfer is 0000h.
5. In succession, the first data transfer is performed by an interrupt 65,536 times specified for the first data transfer.
When the transfer counter of the first data transfer becomes 0, the second data transfer starts. Set the upper 8 bits of
the transfer source address of the first data transfer to 20h. The transfer counter (lower 16 bits) of the transfer
destination address of the first data transfer is 0000h.
6. Steps 4 and 5 above are repeated infinitely. Since the second data transfer is in repeat transfer mode, no interrupt
request to the CPU is generated.

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Input circuit

Transfer data allocated in

the on-chip memory space

Input buffer

First data transfer

Transfer data Chain transfer
(counter = 0)
Second data transfer
Transfer data

Upper 8 bits of DAR

Figure 17.15 Chain Transfer when Counter = 0

17.7 Interrupt Source

When the DTC has finished data transfer of specified count or when data transfer with the DISEL bit in MRB set to 1 (an
interrupt request to the CPU is generated each time DTC data transfer is performed) has been completed, an interrupt to
the CPU is generated by the DTC startup source. Such interrupts to the CPU are controlled according to the PSW.I bit
(interrupt enable) of the CPU, the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits (processor interrupt priority level), and the priority level of the
interrupt controller.

17.8 Event Link Function

The DTC outputs the event link request after transfer for that single activating source is completed.

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RX220 Group 17. Data Transfer Controller (DTCa)

17.9 Low Power Consumption Function

Before transition to the module stop state, all-module clock stop mode, or software standby mode, clear the DTCST bit in
DTCST to 0 (the DTC suspended), and then perform the following.

(1) Module Stop Function

Writing 1 to the MSTPA28 bit (transition to the module-stop state) in MSTPCRA enables the module-stop function of
the DTC. If DTC transfer is in progress at the time 1 is written to the MSTPA28 bit, the transition to the module stop state
proceeds after DTC transfer has ended. While the MSTPA28 bit is 1, accessing the DTC registers are prohibited.
Writing 0 to the MSTPA28 bit releases the DTC from the module-stop state.

(2) All-Module Clock-Stop Mode

Make settings in accord with the procedure under section, Transition to All-Module Clock Stop Mode, in
section 11, Low Power Consumption.
If DTC transfer operations are in progress at the time the WAIT instruction is executed, the transition to all-module clock
stop mode follows the completion of DTC transfer.
The DTC is released from the module-stop state by writing 0 to the MSTPCRA.MSTPA28 bit following recovery from
all-module clock stop mode.

(3) Software Standby Mode

Make settings in accord with the procedure under section, Transition to Software Standby Mode, in section
11, Low Power Consumption.
If DTC transfer operations are in progress at the time the WAIT instruction is executed, the transition to software standby
mode follows the completion of DTC transfer.

(4) Notes on Low Power Consumption Function

For the WAIT instruction and the register setting procedure, section 11.7.5, Timing of WAIT Instructions in section
11, Low Power Consumption.
To perform DTC transfer after returning from low power consumption mode, set the DTCST bit in DTCST to 1 again.
To use a request that is generated in all-module clock stop mode and software standby mode as an interrupt request to the
CPU but not as a DTC startup request, specify the CPU as the interrupt request destination in accordance with the
description in section 14.4.3, Selecting Interrupt Request Destinations in section 14, Interrupt Controller
(ICUb), and then execute the WAIT instruction.

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17.10 Usage Notes

17.10.1 Transfer Data Start Address

Be sure to set multiples of 4 for the transfer data start addresses in the vector table. Otherwise, such addresses are
accessed with their lowest 2 bits regarded as 00b.

17.10.2 Allocating Transfer Data

Allocate transfer data in the memory area according to the endian of the area as shown in Figure 17.16.
For example, when writing CRA and CRB setting data with 16 bits in big endian, write the CRA setting data to lower
address 0 and the CRB setting data to lower address 2. In little endian, write the CRB setting data to lower address 0 and
the CRA setting data to lower address 2. When writing CRA and CRB setting data with 32 bits, place the CRA setting
data at the MSB side and the CRB setting data at the LSB side regardless of endian, and then write the data to lower
address 0.

Allocation of transfer data to Allocation of transfer data to

little-endian area big-endian area
(Short-address mode) (Short-address mode)

Lower address Lower address

Address 3 2 1 0 Address 0 1 2 3


4(n+1) MRB DAR 4(n+1) MRB DAR

4(n+2) CRA CRB 4(n+2) CRA CRB

4 bytes 4 bytes

Allocation of transfer data to Allocation of transfer data to

little-endian area big-endian area
(Full-address mode) (Full-address mode)

Lower address Lower address

Address 3 2 1 0 Address 0 1 2 3

4n MRA MRB Reserved (0) 4n MRA MRB Reserved (0)

4(n+1) SAR 4(n+1) SAR

4(n+2) DAR 4(n+2) DAR

4(n+3) CRA CRB 4(n+3) CRA CRB

4 bytes 4 bytes

Figure 17.16 Allocation of Transfer Data

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RX220 Group 17. Data Transfer Controller (DTCa)

17.10.3 Setting the DTC Activation Enable Register (ICU.DTCERn) of the Interrupt
The DMAC should not be activated by setting the DMAC activation request select register (ICU.DMRSRn (n = number
of DMAC channel)) to the same vector number that has been specified by setting the ICU.DTCERn register 1 (DTC
transfer enable). For details on the ICU.DTCERn and ICU.DMRSRn registers (n = number of DMAC channel), refer to
section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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RX220 Group 18. Event Link Controller (ELC)

18. Event Link Controller (ELC)

18.1 Overview
The event link controller (ELC) connects (links) the events generated by various peripheral modules to different
modules. Event linking allows direct cooperation between the modules without CPU intervention.

Table 18.1 lists the specifications of the ELC, and Figure 18.1 shows a block diagram of the ELC.

Table 18.1 ELC Specifications

Item Description
Event link  46 types of event signals can be directly connected to modules.
 The operation of timer modules can be selected when an event is input to the timer
 Event link operation is possible for ports B.
Single-port*1: An event link can be set for a specified 1-bit in a port.
Port group*1: An event link can be set for a group of specified bits within an 8-bit port.
Low power consumption function Module stop state can be set.

Note 1. The single-port and port group specified as the input generate an event according to the change in the connected signal value.
In products with 64-pin packages, when ports PC0 and PC1 are selected in port switching register A (PSRA), input to ports PB6
and PB7 and the output port event function of the ELC cannot be used.
In products with 48-pin packages, when ports PC0 to PC3 are selected in port switching register B (PSRB), input to ports PB0,
PB1, PB3, and PB5 and the output port event function of the ELC cannot be used.

Event link controller

Peripheral modules
Event control
(except timer)


ELOPA Timer event
input control
Internal peripheral bus 2



ELOPD Peripheral timer


PGR1 Port event

PGC1 Port B



Figure 18.1 Block Diagram of Event Link Controller

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18.2 Register Descriptions

18.2.1 Event Link Control Register (ELCR)

Address(es): 0008 B100h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ELCON — — — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b6 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b7 ELCON All Event Link 0: Linkage of all the event is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Linkage of all the event is enabled.

ELCR controls the operation of the event link controller (ELC).

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18.2.2 Event Link Setting Register n (ELSRn) (n = 1 to 4, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25)

Address(es): ELSR1: 0008 B102h, ELSR2: 0008 B103h, ELSR3: 0008 B104h, ELSR4: 0008 B105h,
ELSR10: 0008 B10Bh, ELSR12: 0008 B10Dh, ELSR15: 0008 B110h, ELSR18: 0008 B113h,
ELSR20: 0008 B115h, ELSR22: 0008 B117h, ELSR24: 0008 B119h, ELSR25: 0008 B11Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 ELS[7:0] Event Link Select b7 b0 R/W
00000000: Event link function is disabled.
00000001 to 01101010: Set the number for the event signal to be linked.
Settings other than above are prohibited.

ELSRn specifies an event signal to be linked for each peripheral module. Table 18.2 shows the correspondence between
ELSRn registers and the peripheral modules. Table 18.3 shows the correspondence between the event signal names set
in ELSRn and the signal numbers.

Table 18.2 Correspondence between ELSRn Registers and Peripheral Functions

Register Name Peripheral Function (Module)
ELSR15 12-bit A/D converter
ELSR18 Interrupt 1
ELSR20 Output port group 1
ELSR22 Input port group 1
ELSR24 Single-port 0*1
ELSR25 Single-port 1*1

Note 1. Do not set the DOC data operation condition met signal (ELS[7:0] bits = 6Ah) in the ELSR24 or ELSR25 register.

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Table 18.3 Correspondence between Event Signal Names Set in ELSRn.ELS[7:0] Bits and Signal Numbers (1 / 2)
ELS[7:0] Bit Value Name of Event Signal Set in ELSR
00001000 (08h) MTU1 compare match 1A signal
00001001 (09h) MTU1 compare match 1B signal
00001010 (0Ah) MTU1 overflow signal
00001011 (0Bh) MTU1 underflow signal
00001100 (0Ch) MTU2 compare match 2A signal
00001101 (0Dh) MTU2 compare match 2B signal
00001110 (0Eh) MTU2 overflow signal
00001111 (0Fh) MTU2 underflow signal
00010000 (10h) MTU3 compare match 3A signal
00010001 (11h) MTU3 compare match 3B signal
00010010 (12h) MTU3 compare match 3C signal
00010011 (13h) MTU3 compare match 3D signal
00010100 (14h) MTU3 overflow signal
00010101 (15h) MTU4 compare match 4A signal
00010110 (16h) MTU4 compare match 4B signal
00010111 (17h) MTU4 compare match 4C signal
00011000 (18h) MTU4 compare match 4D signal
00011001 (19h) MTU4 overflow signal
00011010 (1Ah) MTU4 underflow signal
00100010 (22h) TMR0 compare match A0 signal
00100011 (23h) TMR0 compare match B0 signal
00100100 (24h) TMR0 overflow signal
00101000 (28h) TMR2 compare match A2 signal
00101001 (29h) TMR2 compare match B2 signal
00101010 (2Ah) TMR2 overflow signal
00111010 (3Ah) SCI5 error (receive error or error signal detection) signal
00111011 (3Bh) SCI5 receive data full signal
00111100 (3Ch) SCI5 transmit data empty signal
00111101 (3Dh) SCI5 transmit end signal
01001110 (4Eh) RIIC0 communication error or event generation signal
01001111 (4Fh) RIIC0 receive data full signal
01010000 (50h) RIIC0 transmit data empty signal
01010001 (51h) RIIC0 transmit end signal
01010010 (52h) RSPI0 error (mode fault, overrun, or parity error) signal
01010011 (53h) RSPI0 idle signal
01010100 (54h) RSPI0 receive data full signal
01010101 (55h) RSPI0 transmit data empty signal
01010110 (56h) RSPI0 transmit end signal (except during clock synchronous operation in
slave mode)
01011000 (58h) A/D conversion end signal of 12-bit A/D converter
01011011 (5Bh) LVD1 voltage detection signal
01100001 (61h) DTC transfer end signal
01100011 (63h) Input edge detection signal of input port group 1
01100101 (65h) Input edge detection signal of single input port 0
01100110 (66h) Input edge detection signal of single input port 1
01101001 (69h) Software event signal

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Table 18.3 Correspondence between Event Signal Names Set in ELSRn.ELS[7:0] Bits and Signal Numbers (2 / 2)
ELS[7:0] Bit Value Name of Event Signal Set in ELSR
01101010 (6Ah) DOC data operation condition met signal
Settings other than above are prohibited.

18.2.3 Event Link Option Setting Register A (ELOPA)

Address(es): 0008 B11Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

MTU3MD[1:0] MTU2MD[1:0] MTU1MD[1:0] — —

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b3, b2 MTU1MD[1:0] MTU1 Operation b3 b2 R/W
Select 0 0: Counting is started.
0 1: Counting is restarted.
1 0: Input capture*1
1 1: Event is disabled.
b5, b4 MTU2MD[1:0] MTU2 Operation b5 b4 R/W
Select 0 0: Counting is started.
0 1: Counting is restarted.
1 0: Input capture*2
1 1: Event is disabled.
b7, b6 MTU3MD[1:0] MTU3 Operation b7 b6 R/W
Select 0 0: Counting is started.
0 1: Counting is restarted.
1 0: Input capture*3
1 1: Event is disabled.

Note 1. The MTU1.TCNT value is captured into MTU1.TGRA.

Note 2. The MTU2.TCNT value is captured into MTU2.TGRA.
Note 3. The MTU3.TCNT value is captured into MTU3.TGRA.

ELOPA determines the operation of MTU1 to MTU3 in the MTU when an event is input. All events must be disabled
when the ELC function is not to be used.

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18.2.4 Event Link Option Setting Register B (ELOPB)

Address(es): 0008 B120h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — MTU4MD[1:0]

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 MTU4MD[1:0] MTU4 Operation b1 b0 R/W
Select 0 0: Counting is started.
0 1: Counting is restarted.
1 0: Input capture*1
1 1: Event is disabled.
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. The MTU4.TCNT value is captured into MTU4.TGRA.

ELOPB determines the operation of MTU4 in the MTU when an event is input. All events must be disabled when the
ELC function is not to be used.

18.2.5 Event Link Option Setting Register D (ELOPD)

Address(es): 0008 B122h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — TMR2MD[1:0] — — TMR0MD[1:0]

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 TMR0MD[1:0] TMR0 Operation b1 b0 R/W
Select 0 0: Counting is started.
0 1: Counting is restarted.
1 0: Event counter
1 1: Event is disabled.
b3, b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b5, b4 TMR2MD[1:0] TMR2 Operation b5 b4 R/W
Select 0 0: Counting is started.
0 1: Counting is restarted.
1 0: Event counter
1 1: Event is disabled.
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

ELOPD determines the operation of TMR0 and TMR2 in the TMR when an event is input. All events must be disabled
when the ELC function is not to be used.

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RX220 Group 18. Event Link Controller (ELC)

18.2.6 Port Group Setting Register 1 (PGR1)

Address(es): PGR1: 0008 B123h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PGR0 Port Group Setting 0 0: The port bit is not specified as a member of the same group. R/W
1: The port bit is specified as a member of the same group.
b1 PGR1 Port Group Setting 1 R/W
b2 PGR2 Port Group Setting 2 R/W
b3 PGR3 Port Group Setting 3 R/W
b4 PGR4 Port Group Setting 4 R/W
b5 PGR5 Port Group Setting 5 R/W
b6 PGR6 Port Group Setting 6 R/W
b7 PGR7 Port Group Setting 7 R/W

PGR1 specifies a group for I/O port bits. PGR1 specifies each port bit in the same 8-bit I/O port as the member of a
group. One to eight port bits can be specified as the members of the same group as required. The correspondence
between PGR1 and ports is shown in Table 18.4.

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18.2.7 Port Group Control Register 1 (PGC1)

Address(es): PGC1: 0008 B125h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— PGCO[2:0] — PGCO PGCI[1:0]

Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 PGCI[1:0] Event Output Edge b1 b0 R/W
Select 0 0: Event is generated upon detection of the rising edge of the external
input signal.
0 1: Event is generated upon detection of the falling edge of the external
input signal.
1 X: Event is generated upon detection of both the rising and falling edges
of the external input signal.
b2 PGCOVE PDBF Overwrite 0: Overwriting PDBF register is disabled. R/W
1: Overwriting PDBF register is enabled.
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b6 to b4 PGCO[2:0] Port Group Operation b6 b4 R/W
Select 0 0 0: 0 is output when the event is input.
0 0 1: 1 is output when the event is input.
0 1 0: The toggled (inverted) value is output when the event is input.
0 1 1: The buffer value is output when the event is input.
1 X X: The bit value is rotated out in the group (from MSB to LSB) when the
event is input.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

X: Don't care

For the output port group, PGC1 specifies the form of outputting the signal externally via the port when the event signal
is input. For the input port group, PGC1 enables/disables overwriting of PDBF and specifies the conditions of event
generation (edge of the externally input signal).
The correspondence between PGC1 and ports is shown in Table 18.4.

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18.2.8 Port Buffer Register 1 (PDBF1)

Address(es): PDBF1: 0008 B127h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PDBF0 Port Buffer 0 Data is transferred between PODR and PDBF when an event is R/W
input. Write access to the bit specified as a member of the input
b1 PDBF1 Port Buffer 1 R/W
port group by the CPU is invalid. For details, see section 18.3,
b2 PDBF2 Port Buffer 2 Operation. R/W
b3 PDBF3 Port Buffer 3 R/W

b4 PDBF4 Port Buffer 4 R/W

b5 PDBF5 Port Buffer 5 R/W
b6 PDBF6 Port Buffer 6 R/W
b7 PDBF7 Port Buffer 7 R/W

PDBF1 is an 8-bit readable/writable register used in combination with PGR1. For PDBF1 operations, see section 18.3,
Operation. Table 18.4 shows registers related to port groups and corresponding port numbers.

Table 18.4 Registers Related to Port Groups and Corresponding Port Numbers
Port Group Setting Register (PGR) Port Group Control Register (PGC) Port Buffer Register (PDBF) Port Number
PGR1 register PGC1 register PDBF1 register Port B

Note: • Since pins PE0 to PE5 are not available, bits b0 to b5 of the PGR2 and PDBF2 registers cannot be set.

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18.2.9 Event Link Port Setting Register n (PELn) (n = 0, 1)

Address(es): PEL0: 0008 B129h, PEL1: 0008 B12Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— PSM[1:0] PSP[1:0] PSB[2:0]

Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 PSB[2:0] Bit Number Specification A bit number in an 8-bit port is specified. R/W
b4, b3 PSP[1:0] Port Number Specification b4 b3 R/W
0 0: Setting is invalid.
0 1: Port B (corresponding to PGR1)
1 X: Do not set this value.
b6, b5 PSM[1:0] Event Link Specification  For the output port, data to be output from the port is specified. R/W
b6 b5
0 0: 0 is output when the event is input.
0 1: 1 is output when the event is input.
1 X: The toggled (inverted) value is output when the event is input.
 For the input port, the edge on which the event is to be output is
b6 b5
0 0: Event is output upon detection of the rising edge.
0 1: Event is output upon detection of the falling edge.
1 X: Event is output upon detection of both the rising and falling
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

X: Don’t care

PELn specifies the 1-bit port (hereinafter referred to as a single-port) to which an event is to be linked, the port operation
upon the event signal input, and the conditions of event generation. In the RX220 Group, a total of two bits in either port
B (8-bit port) can be specified as single-ports.

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RX220 Group 18. Event Link Controller (ELC)

18.2.10 Event Link Software Event Generation Register (ELSEGR)

Address(es): 0008 B12Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

WI WE — — — — — SEG

Value after reset: 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SEG Software Event 0: Normal operation W
Generation 1: Software event is generated.
b5 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b6 WE SEG Bit Write 0: Write to SEG bit is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Write to SEG bit is enabled.
b7 WI ELSEGR Write 0: Write to ELSEGR is enabled. W
Disable 1: Write to ELSEGR is disabled.

The MOV instruction must always be used to write to this register.

SEG Bit (Software Event Generation)

When 1 is written to this bit while the WE bit is 1, a software event is generated.
This bit is read as 0. Even if 1 is written to this bit, the data will not be stored.

WE Bit (SEG Bit Write Enable)

The SEG bit can be written to only when the WE bit is 1.
[Setting condition]
If 1 is written to this bit while the WI bit is 0, this bit becomes 1.
[Clearing condition]
If 0 is written to this bit while the WI bit is 0, this bit becomes 0.

WI Bit (ELSEGR Write Disable)

ELSEGR can be written to only when the value to be written to the WI bit is 0.
This bit is read as 1.

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RX220 Group 18. Event Link Controller (ELC)

18.3 Operation

18.3.1 Relation between Interrupt Processing and Event Linking

The modules incorporated in the RX220 are provided with the interrupt request status flags and the bits to enable/disable
these interrupt requests. When an interrupt request is generated in a module, the corresponding interrupt request status
flag is set. If the corresponding interrupt request is enabled then, the interrupt requested is issued to the CPU.
In contrast, the ELC uses interrupt requests (hereinafter referred to as events) generated in modules as event signals that
directly activate other modules. This means that the event signal can be used whether or not the interrupt signal is
enabled. Figure 18.2 shows the relation between the interrupt processing and ELC.


External pin

Interrupt request ELC Port

Module 1

Module n

Interrupt CPU
Status flag control

Interrupt enable

Figure 18.2 Relation between Interrupt Processing and ELC

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RX220 Group 18. Event Link Controller (ELC)

18.3.2 Event Linkage

When an event has been set as a trigger in the event link setting registers (ELSRn) and then occurs, that event is linked
with the corresponding module (the module is activated). Only one type of event can be connected with one module.
When a module is to be activated by the event link controller, the operation of the module must be set up in advance.
Table 18.5 lists the operations of modules when an event is input.

Table 18.5 Operations of Modules when Event is Input

Module Operations when Event is Input
MTU Each timer operates differently depending on the ELOPA, ELOPB, and ELOPD registers as below.
TMR  Starts counting when an event signal is input.
 Restarts counting when an event signal is input.
 Counts the input events (TMR).
 Performs input-capture operation when an event is input (MTU).
A/D converter Starts A/D conversion when an event signal is input.
Output ports The value of PODR (output port Port group The port group operates differently
register) changes when an event depending on the settings as below.
signal is input. (The value of the  Changes the PODR value to the
signal to be output from the relevant specified value.
external pin changes.)  Transfers the PDBF1 value to PODR.
 Rotates out the bit value.
Single-port Changes the PODR value to the specified
Input ports When the signal value of the input Port group Generates an event.
pin changes
When an event is input Port group Transfers the signal value of the external
pin to PDBF1.
Single-port Event connection is not possible.
interrupt controller Issues an interrupt request to the CPU, starts DMAC data transfer, and starts DTC data transfer.

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18.3.3 Operation of Peripheral Timer Modules When Event is Input

The operations are performed depending on the ELOPA, ELOPB, and ELOPD registers when an event is input.

(1) Counting Start Operation

When an event is input, the timer starts counting, which sets the count start bit*1 in each timer control register to 1. An
event that is input while the count start bit is 1 is invalid.

(2) Counting Restart Operation

When an event is input, the timer counter*1 is initialized. Since the count start bit*1 in each timer control register is
retained, counting is restarted when an event is input while the count start bit is set to 1.

(3) Event Counter Operation

Event input is selected as the timer clock source and the timer counts events.

(4) Input Capture Operation

When an event is input, the timer performs input-capture operation.

Note 1. See the descriptions on the bit in the relevant timer section.

18.3.4 Operation of A/D and D/A Converters when Event is Input

The A/D converter starts A/D when the ADCSR.ADST bit*1 is set to 1.

Note 1. See the description on the bit in the A/D converter section.

18.3.5 Port Operation upon Event Input and Event Generation

The port operation to be performed upon event input to the port can be set and the operation causing the port to generate
an event can be set.

(1) Single-Ports and Port Groups

There are two event link modes: event link to single-ports and event link to port groups. In the former mode, events can
be connected to any bit in an 8-bit port. In the latter mode, events can be connected to port groups consisting of any two
or more bits in the same 8-bit port.
A single-port can be set by specifying any bit in the port*1 to which an event can be connected using the PEL0 and PEL1
registers. A port group can be set by specifying any one or more bits in the port*1 to which an event can be connected
using the PGC1 register. One input port group and one output port group can be set in the same port.
If the port bit is specified as both a single-port and a member of a port group, both functions are effective when the
relevant port is input, whereas only the port group function is effective when the relevant port is output.
The input or output direction of ports can be selected using the PDR register.

Note 1. Port B

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(2) Event Generation by Input Single-Ports

An input single-port generates an event when the signal value of the external pin connected to the relevant port changes.
The event generation condition is specified using the PEL0 and PEL1 registers. An example of operation is shown in
Figure 18.3.

(3) Output Single-Port Operation upon Event Input

When an event is input to an output single-port, the PODR value of the relevant port changes. The specific change of the
PODR value is specified using the PEL0 and PEL1 registers. Thus, the change of the PODR value changes the signal
value of the external pin connected to the relevant port. An example of operation is shown in Figure 18.3.

(4) Input Port Group Operation upon Event Input and Event Generation
An input port group generates an event when the signal value of any one of the external pins connected to the relevant
port group changes. The event generation condition is specified using the PGC1 registers. When an event is input to an
input port group, the signal value of the external pin upon event input is transferred to PDBF1. In this case, only the
values of the bits specified as members of the input port group are transferred. An example of operation is shown in
Figure 18.4.

(5) Output Port Group Operation upon Event Input

When an event is input to an output port group, the PODR values change to the values according to the PGC1 settings.
An example of operation is shown in Figure 18.5.

[Example of operation for single-port input]

Port B External pin

Port B7
On-chip module
Event link
Port B6

Port B5

Port B4

[Example of operation for single-port output]

On-chip module Port B3

Event link
Port B2

Port B1

Port B0

Port to which event is


Figure 18.3 Event Linkage Related to Single-Ports

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register register External signal
0 0 PB7

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 1

0 0 PB2

0 1 PB1

0 0 PB0

PB3 to PB0 are specified

as an input port group Event signal

Figure 18.4 Event Linkage Related to Input Port Groups

(6) Operation of Port Buffer Registers

(a) Input Port Groups

When an event is input to an input port group, the signal value of the external pin of the bit specified as a member of the
input port group is transferred to PDBF1. If another event is input to the input port group in this state, operations are
performed depending on the PGC1.PGCOVE bit setting as described below.
 PGC1.PGCOVE = 0 (overwriting PDBF1 is disabled)
If the PDBF1 value that has been transferred upon the latest event input has already been read by the CPU (or
transferred by the DTC), the signal value of the external pin is transferred to PDBF1. If not read, the signal value of
the external pin is not transferred and the input event is invalid.
 PGC1.PGCOVE = 1 (overwriting PDBF1 is enabled)
When another event is input to an input port group, the signal value of the external pin is transferred to PDBF1.

(b) Output Port Groups

If an output port group is specified so that it should output the PDBF1 value, the PDBF1 value is transferred to PODR
when an event is input to the output port group. In this case, only the values of the bits specified as members of the output
port group are transferred.
If an output port group is specified so that it should rotate out the bit values in the group (PGC1.PGCO[2:0] bits = 1xx),
the PDBF1 data is transferred to PODR, and then the PODR value is rotated bit by bit from MSB to LSB. The initial
value to be output to the port group should be provided in PDBF1.
Examples of operation are shown in Figure 18.5 and Figure 18.6.

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(7) Restrictions on Writing to PODR or PDBF by CPU

When the ELCR.ELCON bit is set to 1, write access to the following registers is invalid.
 If bits are specified as members of the input port group and the event linkage is set for the port group, write access
to the relevant bits in PDBF1 by the CPU is invalid. However, when the DOC is selected for event input, write
access by the CPU is not invalid.
 If port bits are specified as members of the output port group, write access to the relevant bits in PODR by the CPU
is invalid.
 If a port bit is specified as an output single-port and the event linkage is set (by ELSRn) for the port, write access to
the relevant bit in PODR by the CPU is invalid. However, when the DOC is selected for event input, write access by
the CPU is not invalid.

PDBF1 PB.PODR PDBF1 PB.PODR External signal

register register register register Port

PB3 1 0 1 1 PB3

PB2 0 0 0 0 PB2

PB1 1 0 1 1 PB1

PB0 0 0 0 0 PB0

Event signal
Note: • PB3 to PB0 are specified as an output port group.

Figure 18.5 Event Linkage Related to Output Port Groups

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register register register register register register

1 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 1





Event signal

Note: • PB3 to PB0 are specified as an output port group.

Figure 18.6 Bit-Rotating Operation of Output Port Groups

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18.3.6 Procedure for Linking Events

The following describes the procedure for linking events.

1. Set the operation of the module to which an event is to be linked.

2. If events are linked to ports, set the registers corresponding to the ports as below.
PODR: Set the initial values of the output ports.
PDR: Set the I/O direction of the ports.
PGR1: If ports are used as a port group, set the ports (in bit units) to be grouped.
PGC1: Set the operation of the port group.
PELn: If ports are used as single-ports, set the ports, the operation of the ports when an event is input, and the
condition when an event is generated.
3. To the ELSRn register corresponding to the module to which an event signal is to be linked, set the number of the
event signal.
4. If events are to be linked to timers, set the ELOPA, ELOPB and ELOPD registers corresponding to the timers as
5. Set the ELCR.ELCON bit to 1, which enables linkage of all the events.
6. Set the operation of the module from which an event is output, and start the module. This allows the event output
from the module to start the module to which an event is linked as specified.
7. To stop event linkage of some independent modules, set 00000000b to the ELSRn.ELS[7:0] bits corresponding to
the modules. To stop linkage of all the events, clear the ELCR.ELCON bit to 0.

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18.4 Usage Notes

18.4.1 Setting the ELSRn Register

(1) Setting the ELSR18 register
Specify an event number from among 01100011 (63h) to 01101001 (6Ah) that are defined as event numbers; the other
settings are prohibited.
(2) Setting the ELSR24, or ELSR25 register
Setting the DOC data operation condition met signal (01101010 (6Ah) is prohibited.

18.4.2 Setting the Bit-Rotating Operation of the Output Port Groups

When the values of PDBF1 are changed in the bit-rotating operation mode of the output port group, set the ELSRn
register again. When events are used during bit-rotating operation, generate an event after an interval of one PCLK cycle.
If not, the normal operation cannot be provided.

18.4.3 Linking DTC Transfer End Signals as Events

When linking the DTC transfer end signals as events, do not set the same peripheral module as the DTC transfer
destination and event link destination. If set, the peripheral module might be started before DTC transfer to the peripheral
module is completed.

18.4.4 Setting Clocks

To connect events output by the peripheral modules with each other and operate the modules, it is necessary for the ELC
and the related modules to be enabled. The modules cannot operate if the related modules are in the module stop state or
in the specific low power consumption mode in which the module is stopped (all-module clock stop mode or software
standby mode).

18.4.5 Module Stop Function Setting

ELC operation can be disabled or enabled using module stop control register B (MSTPCRB). The initial setting is for the
ELC to be halted. Register access is enabled by canceling the module stop state. For details, see section 11, Low Power

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19. I/O Ports

19.1 Overview
The I/O ports function as a general I/O port, an I/O pin of a peripheral module, or an input pin for an interrupt.
Some of the pins are also configurable as an I/O pin of a peripheral module or an input pin for an interrupt. All pins
function as input pins immediately after a reset, and pin functions are switched by register settings. The setting of each
pin is specified by the registers for the corresponding I/O port and peripheral modules.
Each port has the port direction register (PDR) that selects input or output direction, the port output data register (PODR)
that holds data for output, the port input data register (PIDR) that indicates the pin states, the open drain control register
y (ODRy, y = 0, 1) that selects the output type of each pin, the pull-up control register (PCR) that controls on/off of the
input pull-up MOS, the driving ability control register (DSCR) that selects the driving ability, and the port mode register
(PMR) that specifies the pin function of each port.
For details on the PMR register, see section 20, Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC).
Products with 48-pin and 64-pin packages include port switching register A (PSRA) and port switching register B
(PSRB). However, when ports PC0 and PC1 are selected in port switching register A (PSRA), input to ports PB6 and
PB7 and the output port event function of the ELC cannot be used. When ports PC0 to PC3 are selected in port switching
register B (PSRB), input to ports PB0, PB1, PB3, and PB5 and the output port event function of the ELC cannot be used.
The configuration of the I/O ports differs depending on the package. Table 19.1 lists the specifications of I/O ports, and
Table 19.2 lists the port functions.

Table 19.1 Specifications of I/O Ports

Package Package Package
Port Number of Number of Number of
100 Pins 64 Pins 48 Pins
Pin Pin Pin

PORT0 P03, P05, P07 3 P03, P05 2 Not provided 0

PORT1 P12 to P17 6 P14 to P17 4 P14 to P17 4
PORT2 P20 to P27 8 P26, P27 2 P26, P27 2
PORT3 P30 to P37 8 P30 to P32, P35 to P37 6 P30, P31, P35 to P37 5
PORT4 P40 to P47 8 P40 to P44, P46 6 P40 to P42, P46 4
PORT5 P50 to P55 6 P54, P55 2 Not provided 0
PORTA PA0 to PA7 8 PA0, PA1, PA3, PA4, PA6 5 PA1, PA3, PA4, PA6 4
PORTB PB0 to PB7 8 PB0, PB1, PB3, 6 PB0, PB1, PB3, PB5 4
PB5 to PB7
PORTC PC0 to PC7 8 PC2 to PC7 6 PC4 to PC7 4
PORTD PD0 to PD7 8 Not provided 0 Not provided 0
PORTE PE0 to PE7 8 PE0 to PE5 6 PE1 to PE4 4
PORTH PH0 to PH3 4 PH0 to PH3 4 PH0 to PH3 4
PORTJ PJ1, PJ3 2 Not provided 0 Not provided 0
Total of Pins 85 Total of Pins 49 Total of Pins 35

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Table 19.2 Port Functions

Port Pin Input Pull-up Open Drain Output Driving Abilify Switching 5-V Tolerant

PORT0 P03, P05, P07 ○ — Fixed to normal output —

PORT1 P12, P13, P16, P17 ○ ○ ○ ○
P14 ○ — ○ —
P15 ○ ○ ○ —
PORT2 P20 to P25 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
P26, P27 ○ ○ Fixed to normal output —
PORT3 P30, P32 to P34 ○ ○ Fixed to normal output —
P31, P36, P37 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
P35 — — — —
PORT4 P40 to P47 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
PORT5 P50 to P55 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
PORTA PA0 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
PA1 to PA7 ○ ○ Fixed to normal output —
PORTB PB0, PB1, PB3, PB5 to PB7 ○ ○ ○ —
PB2, PB4 ○ — ○ —
PORTC PC0 to PC7 ○ ○ ○ —
PORTD PD0 to PD7 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
PORTE PE0 to PE2 ○ ○ Fixed to normal output —
PE3 to PE7 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
PORTH PH0 to PH3 ○ — Fixed to normal output —
PORTJ PJ1, PJ3 ○ — Fixed to normal output —

Specifying input pull-up, open-drain output, switching of driving ability, or 5-V tolerance is available for other signals on
pins that also function as general I/O pins.

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19.2 I/O Port Configuration

Port 3: P35

NMI input signal

Internal bus
Reading the port

Ports other than P35

Internal bus

0: OFF


Peripheral module output enable *1 1

Peripheral module output signal *1 1

Input signal of peripheral module/interrupt/

external bus
Reading the port

ISEL bit

Analog input *4

Note 1. A peripheral module output function is multiplexed on this pin

Note 2. Control signal for N-channel open-drain output
An open-drain output function is multiplexed on this pin
Note 3. An external interrupt function is multiplexed on this pin
Note 4. An analog interrupt function is multiplexed on this pin

Figure 19.1 I/O Port Configuration

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19.3 Register Descriptions

19.3.1 Port Direction Register (PDR)

Address(es): PORT0.PDR 0008 C000h, PORT1.PDR 0008 C001h, PORT2.PDR 0008 C002h, PORT3.PDR 0008 C003h,
PORT4.PDR 0008 C004h, PORT5.PDR 0008 C005h, PORTA.PDR 0008 C00Ah, PORTB.PDR 0008 C00Bh,
PORTC.PDR 0008 C00Ch, PORTD.PDR 0008 C00Dh, PORTE.PDR 0008 C00Eh, PORTH.PDR 0008 C011h,
PORTJ.PDR 0008 C012h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 I/O Select 0: Input (Functions as an input pin.) R/W

1: Output (Functions as an output pin.)
b1 B1 Pm1 I/O Select R/W
b2 B2 Pm2 I/O Select R/W
b3 B3 Pm3 I/O Select R/W
b4 B4 Pm4 I/O Select R/W
b5 B5 Pm5 I/O Select R/W
b6 B6 Pm6 I/O Select R/W
b7 B7 Pm7 I/O Select R/W

m = 0 to 5, A to E, H, J

PDR is used to select the input or output direction for individual pins of the corresponding port m when the pins are
configured as the general I/O pins.
Each bit of PORTm.PDR corresponds to each pin of port m; I/O direction can be specified in 1-bit units. In products with
less than 100 pins, the bit corresponding to the port m pin that does not exist is reserved. Write 1 (output) to the bit.
The PORT3.PDR.B5 bit is reserved, because the P35 pin is input only. The bit corresponding to a pin that does not exist
is also reserved. A reserved bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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19.3.2 Port Output Data Register (PODR)

Address(es): PORT0.PODR 0008 C020h, PORT1.PODR 0008 C021h, PORT2.PODR 0008 C022h, PORT3.PODR 0008 C023h,
PORT4.PODR 0008 C024h, PORT5.PODR 0008 C025h, PORTA.PODR 0008 C02Ah, PORTB.PODR 0008 C02Bh,
PORTC.PODR 0008 C02Ch, PORTD.PODR 0008 C02Dh, PORTE.PODR 0008 C02Eh, PORTH.PODR 0008 C031h,
PORTJ.PODR 0008 C032h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 Output Data Store Holds output data. R/W

b1 B1 Pm1 Output Data Store R/W
b2 B2 Pm2 Output Data Store R/W
b3 B3 Pm3 Output Data Store R/W
b4 B4 Pm4 Output Data Store R/W
b5 B5 Pm5 Output Data Store R/W
b6 B6 Pm6 Output Data Store R/W
b7 B7 Pm7 Output Data Store R/W

m = 0 to 5, A to E, H, J

PODR holds the data to be output from the pins used for general output ports.
In products with less than 100 pins, the bit corresponding to the port m pin that does not exist is reserved. Write 0 (low
output) to the bit.
The PORT3.PODR.B5 bit is reserved, because the P35 pin is input only. The bit corresponding to a pin that does not exist
is reserved. A reserved bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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19.3.3 Port Input Data Register (PIDR)

Address(es): PORT0.PIDR 0008 C040h, PORT1.PIDR 0008 C041h, PORT2.PIDR 0008 C042h, PORT3.PIDR 0008 C043h,
PORT4.PIDR 0008 C044h, PORT5.PIDR 0008 C045h, PORTA.PIDR 0008 C04Ah, PORTB.PIDR 0008 C04Bh,
PORTC.PIDR 0008 C04Ch, PORTD.PIDR 0008 C04Dh, PORTE.PIDR 0008 C04Eh, PORTH.PIDR 0008 C051h,
PORTJ.PIDR 0008 C052h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 Indicates individual pin states of the R

corresponding port.
b1 B1 Pm1 R
b2 B2 Pm2 R
b3 B3 Pm3 R
b4 B4 Pm4 R
b5 B5 Pm5 R
b6 B6 Pm6 R
b7 B7 Pm7 R

m = 0 to 5, A to E, H, J

PIDR indicates individual pin states of port m.

The pin states of port m can be read with the PORTm.PIDR, regardless of the values of PORTm.PDR and PORTm.PMR.
The NMI pin state is reflected in the P35 bit.
The bit corresponding to a pin that does not exist is reserved. A reserved bit is read as undefined and cannot be modified.

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19.3.4 Port Mode Register (PMR)

Address(es): PORT0.PMR 0008 C060h, PORT1.PMR 0008 C061h, PORT2.PMR 0008 C062h, PORT3.PMR 0008 C063h,
PORT4.PMR 0008 C064h, PORT5.PMR 0008 C065h, PORTA.PMR 0008 C06Ah, PORTB.PMR 0008 C06Bh,
PORTC.PMR 0008 C06Ch, PORTD.PMR 0008 C06Dh, PORTE.PMR 0008 C06Eh, PORTH.PMR 0008 C071h,
PORTJ.PMR 0008 C072h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 Pin Mode Control 0: Use pin as general I/O port. R/W
1: Use pin as I/O port for peripheral
b1 B1 Pm1 Pin Mode Control R/W
b2 B2 Pm2 Pin Mode Control R/W
b3 B3 Pm3 Pin Mode Control R/W
b4 B4 Pm4 Pin Mode Control R/W
b5 B5 Pm5 Pin Mode Control R/W
b6 B6 Pm6 Pin Mode Control R/W
b7 B7 Pm7 Pin Mode Control R/W

m = 0 to 5, A to E, H, J

Each bit of PORTm.PMR corresponds to each pin of port m; pin function can be specified in 1-bit units. In products with
less than 100 pins, the bit corresponding to the port m pin that does not exist is reserved. Write 0 (general I/O port) to the
The bit corresponding to a pin that does not exist is reserved. A reserved bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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19.3.5 Open Drain Control Register 0 (ODR0)

Address(es): PORT1.ODR0 0008 C082h, PORT3.ODR0 0008 C086h, PORTA.ODR0 0008 C094h, PORTB.ODR0 0008 C096h,
PORTC.ODR0 0008 C098h, PORTE.ODR0 0008 C09Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W

1: N-channel open-drain output
b1 B1 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b2 B2 Pm1 Output Type Select  PA1, PB1, PC1 R/W
b2 0: CMOS output
b3 B3 R/W
1: N-channel open-drain output
b3 This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.
 PE1
b3 b2
0 0: CMOS output
0 1: N-channel open-drain output
1 0: P-channel open-drain output
1 1: Hi-Z
b4 B4 Pm2 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W
1: N-channel open-drain output
b5 B5 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 B6 Pm3 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W
1: N-channel open-drain output
b7 B7 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

m = 1, 3, A to C, E

In products with less than 100 pins, the bit corresponding to the port m pin that does not exist is reserved. Write 0
(CMOS output) to the bit.
The bits corresponding to a pin that does not exist or pins with no open-drain output allocation are reserved. A reserved
bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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19.3.6 Open Drain Control Register 1 (ODR1)

Address(es): PORT1.ODR1 0008 C083h, PORT2.ODR1 0008 C085h, PORT3.ODR1 0008 C087h, PORTA.ODR1 0008 C095h,
PORTB.ODR1 0008 C097h, PORTC.ODR1 0008 C099h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm4 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W

1: N-channel open-drain output
b1 B1 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b2 B2 Pm5 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W
1: N-channel open-drain output
b3 B3 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 B4 Pm6 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W
1: N-channel open-drain output
b5 B5 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 B6 Pm7 Output Type Select 0: CMOS output R/W
1: N-channel open-drain output
b7 B7 Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

m = 1 to 3, A to C

In products with less than 100 pins, the bit corresponding to the port m pin that does not exist is reserved. Write 0
(CMOS output) to the bit. The PORT3.ODR1.B2 bit is reserved, because the P35 pin is input only.
The bits corresponding to a pin that does not exist or pins with no open-drain output allocation are reserved. A reserved
bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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19.3.7 Pull-Up Control Register (PCR)

Address(es): PORT0.PCR 0008 C0C0h, PORT1.PCR 0008 C0C1h, PORT2.PCR 0008 C0C2h, PORT3.PCR 0008 C0C3h,
PORT4.PCR 0008 C0C4h, PORT5.PCR 0008 C0C5h, PORTA.PCR 0008 C0CAh, PORTB.PCR 0008 C0CBh,
PORTC.PCR 0008 C0CCh, PORTD.PCR 0008 C0CDh, PORTE.PCR 0008 C0CEh, PORTH.PCR 0008 C0D1h,
PORTJ.PCR 0008 C0D2h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control 0: Disables an input pull-up resistor. R/W
1: Enables an input pull-up resistor.
b1 B1 Pm1 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W
b2 B2 Pm2 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W
b3 B3 Pm3 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W
b4 B4 Pm4 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W
b5 B5 Pm5 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W
b6 B6 Pm6 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W
b7 B7 Pm7 Input Pull-Up Resistor Control R/W

m = 0 to 5, A to E, H, J

While a pin is in the input state with the corresponding bit in PORTm.PCR set to 1, the pull-up resistor connected to the
pin is enabled.
When a pin is set as a general port output pin, or a peripheral function output pin, the pull-up resistor for the pin is
disabled regardless of the settings of PCR.
The pull-up resistor is also disabled in the reset state.
The B5 bit in PORT3.PCR is reserved. The bit corresponding to a pin that does not exist is reserved. A reserved bit is
read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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19.3.8 Drive Capacity Control Register (DSCR)

Address(es): PORT1.DSCR 0008 C0E1h, PORTB.DSCR 0008 C0EBh, PORTC.DSCR 0008 C0ECh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 B0 Pm0 Drive Capacity Control 0: Normal drive output R/W

1: High-drive output
b1 B1 Pm1 Drive Capacity Control R/W
b2 B2 Pm2 Drive Capacity Control R/W
b3 B3 Pm3 Drive Capacity Control R/W
b4 B4 Pm4 Drive Capacity Control R/W
b5 B5 Pm5 Drive Capacity Control R/W
b6 B6 Pm6 Drive Capacity Control R/W
b7 B7 Pm7 Drive Capacity Control R/W

m = 1, B, C

The bit corresponding to a pin with the fixed drive capacity can be read from or written to. However, the drive capacity
cannot be changed.
When high-drive output is selected, switching noise increases compared to when normal output is selected. Carefully
evaluate the effect of noise on the MCU caused by adjacent pins before selecting high-drive output.
The bit corresponding to a pin that does not exist is reserved. A reserved bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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RX220 Group 19. I/O Ports

19.3.9 Port Switching Register A (PSRA)

Address(es): PORT.PSRA 0008 C121h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

PSEL7 PSEL6 — — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b5 to b0 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 PSEL6 PB6/PC0 Switching 0: PB6 general I/O port function is selected R/W
1: PC0 general I/O port function is selected
b7 PSEL7 PB7/PC1 Switching 0: PB7 general I/O port function is selected R/W
1: PC1 general I/O port function is selected

The PSRA register is for 64-pin packages. The PSRA register is used to select either the general I/O functions of PB6
and PB7 or those of PC0 and PC1. When 1 is written to the PSEL6 and PSEL7 bits, port C can be used as an 8-bit port.
As for the I/O functions of the peripheral functions, functions multiplexed with PB6 and PB7 are enabled. To enable the
peripheral functions, write 1 to the corresponding pin mode control bit of the PORTB.PMR register.
Rewriting to this register must be performed when the PMR, PDR, and PCR registers for the corresponding pins are 0.

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RX220 Group 19. I/O Ports

19.3.10 Port Switching Register B (PSRB)

Address(es): PORT.PSRB 0008 C120h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PSEL0 PB0/PC0 Switching 0: PB0 general I/O port function is selected R/W
1: PC0 general I/O port function is selected
b1 PSEL1 PB1/PC1Switching 0: PB1 general I/O port function is selected R/W
1: PC1 general I/O port function is selected
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 PSEL3 PB3/PC2 Switching 0: PB3 general I/O port function is selected R/W
1: PC2 general I/O port function is selected
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 PSEL5 PB5/PC3 Switching 0: PB5 general I/O port function is selected R/W
1: PC3 general I/O port function is selected
b7, b6 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The PSRB register is for 48-pin packages. The PSRB register is used to select either the general I/O functions of PB0,
PB1, PB3, and PB5 and those of PC0 to PC3. When 1 is written to the PSEL0, PSEL1, PSEL3, and PSEL5 bits, port C
can be used as an 8-bit port.
As for the I/O functions of the peripheral functions, functions multiplexed with PB0, PB1, PB3, and PB5 are enabled. To
enable the peripheral functions, write 1 to the corresponding pin mode control bit of the PORTB.PMR register.
Rewriting to this register must be performed when the PMR, PDR, and PCR registers for the corresponding pins are 0.

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RX220 Group 19. I/O Ports

19.4 Treatment of Unused Pins

The treatment of unused pins is listed in Table 19.3.

Table 19.3 Treatment of Unused Pins

Pin Name Description

MD (Always used as mode pins)

RES# Connect this pin to VCC via a pull-up resistor.
P35/NMI Connect this pin to VCC via a pull-up resistor.
P36/EXTAL When the main clock is not used, set the MOSCCR.MOSTP bit to 1 (general port P36).
When this pin is not used as port P36 either, it is configured in the same way as port 0 to 5.
P37/XTAL When the main clock is not used, set the MOSCCR.MOSTP bit to 1 (general port P37).
When this pin is not used as port P37 either, it is configured in the same way as port 0 to 5.
When the external clock is input to the EXTAL pin, leave this pin open.
XCIN Connect this pin to VSS via a pull-down resistor.
XCOUT Leave this pin open.
Port 0 to 5  If the direction setting is for input (PORTn.PDR = 0), the corresponding pin is connected to VCC (pulled up)
Port A to E, H, J via a resistor or to VSS (pulled down) via a resistor.*1
 If the direction setting is for output (PORTn.PDR = 1), the pin is released.*1, *2
VREFH0 Connect this pin to VCC.
VREFL0 Connect this pin to VSS.

Note 1. Clear the PORTn.PMR bit, the PmnPFS.ISEL bit and the PmnPFS.ASEL bit to 0.
Note 2. In the case of release when the setting is for output, the port is an input over the period from release from the reset state to the
pin becoming an output. Since the voltage on the pin is undefined while it is an input, this may lead to an increase in the current

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.1 Overview
The multi-function pin controller (MPC) is used to allocate input and output signals for peripheral modules and input
interrupt signals to pins from among multiple ports.
Table 20.1 shows the allocation of pin functions to multiple pins. The symbols ○ and × in the table indicate whether the
pins are or are not present on the given package. Allocating the same function to more than one pin is prohibited.

Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (1 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
Interrupt NMI (input) P35 ○ ○ ○
Interrupt IRQ0 IRQ0 (input) P30 ○ ○ ○
PD0 ○ × ×
PH1 ○ ○ ○
IRQ1 IRQ1 (input) P31 ○ ○ ○
PD1 ○ × ×
PH2 ○ ○ ○
IRQ2 IRQ2 (input) P32 ○ ○ ×
P12 ○ × ×
PD2 ○ × ×
IRQ3 IRQ3 (input) P33 ○ × ×
P13 ○ × ×
PD3 ○ × ×
IRQ4 IRQ4 (input) PB1 ○ ○ ○
P14 ○ ○ ○
P34 ○ × ×
PD4 ○ × ×
IRQ5 IRQ5 (input) PA4 ○ ○ ○
P15 ○ ○ ○
PD5 ○ × ×
PE5 ○ ○ ×
IRQ6 IRQ6 (input) PA3 ○ ○ ○
P16 ○ ○ ○
PD6 ○ × ×
PE6 ○ × ×
IRQ7 IRQ7 (input) PE2 ○ ○ ○
P17 ○ ○ ○
PD7 ○ × ×
PE7 ○ × ×

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Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (2 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
Multi-function timer unit 2 MTU0 MTIOC0A (input/output) P34 ○ × ×
PB3 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC0B (input/output) P13 ○ × ×
P15 ○ ○ ○
PA1 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC0C (input/output) P32 ○ ○ ×
PB1 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC0D (input/output) P33 ○ × ×
PA3 ○ ○ ○
MTU1 MTIOC1A (input/output) P20 ○ × ×
PE4 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC1B (input/output) P21 ○ × ×
PB5 ○ ○ ○
MTU2 MTIOC2A (input/output) P26 ○ ○ ○
PB5 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC2B (input/output) P27 ○ ○ ○
PE5 ○ ○ ×
MTU3 MTIOC3A (input/output) P14 ○ ○ ○
P17 ○ ○ ○
PC1 ○ × ×
PC7 ○ ○ ○
PJ1 ○ × ×
MTIOC3B (input/output) P17 ○ ○ ○
P22 ○ × ×
PB7 ○ ○ ×
PC5 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC3C (input/output) P16 ○ ○ ○
PC0 ○ × ×
PC6 ○ ○ ○
PJ3 ○ × ×
MTIOC3D (input/output) P16 ○ ○ ○
P23 ○ × ×
PB6 ○ ○ ×
PC4 ○ ○ ○

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Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (3 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
Multi-function timer unit 2 MTU4 MTIOC4A (input/output) P24 ○ × ×
PA0 ○ ○ ×
PB3 ○ ○ ○
PE2 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC4B (input/output) P30 ○ ○ ○
P54 ○ ○ ×
PC2 ○ ○ ×
PD1 ○ × ×
PE3 ○ ○ ○
MTIOC4C (input/output) P25 ○ × ×
PB1 ○ ○ ○
PE1 ○ ○ ○
PE5 ○ ○ ×
MTIOC4D (input/output) P31 ○ ○ ○
P55 ○ ○ ×
PC3 ○ ○ ×
PD2 ○ × ×
PE4 ○ ○ ○
MTU5 MTIC5U (input) PA4 ○ ○ ○
PD7 ○ × ×
MTIC5V (input) PA6 ○ ○ ○
PD6 ○ × ×
MTIC5W (input) PB0 ○ ○ ○
PD5 ○ × ×
MTU MTCLKA (input) P14 ○ ○ ○
P24 ○ × ×
PA4 ○ ○ ○
PC6 ○ ○ ○
MTCLKB (input) P15 ○ ○ ○
P25 ○ × ×
PA6 ○ ○ ○
PC7 ○ ○ ○
MTCLKC (input) P22 ○ × ×
PA1 ○ ○ ○
PC4 ○ ○ ○
MTCLKD (input) P23 ○ × ×
PA3 ○ ○ ○
PC5 ○ ○ ○

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Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (4 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
Port output enable 2 POE0 POE0# (input) PC4 ○ ○ ○
PD7 ○ × ×
POE1 POE1# (input) PB5 ○ ○ ○
PD6 ○ × ×
POE2 POE2# (input) P34 ○ × ×
PA6 ○ ○ ○
PD5 ○ × ×
POE3 POE3# (input) P33 ○ × ×
PB3 ○ ○ ○
PD4 ○ × ×
POE8 POE8# (input) P17 ○ ○ ○
P30 ○ ○ ○
PD3 ○ × ×
PE3 ○ ○ ○
8-bit timer TMR0 TMO0 (output) P22 ○ × ×
PB3 ○ ○ ○
PH1 ○ ○ ○
TMCI0 (input) P21 ○ × ×
PB1 ○ ○ ○
PH3 ○ ○ ○
TMRI0 (input) P20 ○ × ×
PA4 ○ ○ ○
PH2 ○ ○ ○
TMR1 TMO1 (output) P17 ○ ○ ○
P26 ○ ○ ○
TMCI1 (input) P12 ○ × ×
P54 ○ ○ ×
PC4 ○ ○ ○
TMRI1 (input) P24 ○ × ×
PB5 ○ ○ ○
TMR2 TMO2 (output) P16 ○ ○ ○
PC7 ○ ○ ○
TMCI2 (input) P15 ○ ○ ○
P31 ○ ○ ○
PC6 ○ ○ ○
TMRI2 (input) P14 ○ ○ ○
PC5 ○ ○ ○

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Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (5 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
8-bit timer TMR3 TMO3 (output) P13 ○ × ×
P32 ○ ○ ×
P55 ○ ○ ×
TMCI3 (input) P27 ○ ○ ○
P34 ○ × ×
PA6 ○ ○ ○
TMRI3 (input) P30 ○ ○ ○
P33 ○ × ×
Serial communications SCI1 RXD1 (input)/ P15 ○ ○ ○
interface SMISO1 (input/output)/
P30 ○ ○ ○
SSCL1 (input/output)
TXD1 (output)/ P16 ○ ○ ○
SMOSI1 (input/output)/
P26 ○ ○ ○
SSDA1 (input/output)
SCK1 (input/output) P17 ○ ○ ○
P27 ○ ○ ○
CTS1# (input)/ P14 ○ ○ ○
RTS1# (output)/
P31 ○ ○ ○
SS1# (input)
SCI5/IrDA RXD5 (input)/ PA2 ○ × ×
SMISO5 (input/output)/
PA3 ○ ○ ○
SSCL5 (input/output)/
IRRXD5 (input) PC2 ○ ○ ×
TXD5 (output)/ PA4 ○ ○ ○
SMOSI5 (input/output)/
PC3 ○ ○ ×
SSDA5 (input/output)/
IRTXD5 (output)
SCK5 (input/output) PA1 ○ ○ ○
PC1 ○ × ×
PC4 ○ ○ ○
CTS5# (input)/ PA6 ○ ○ ○
RTS5# (output)/
PC0 ○ × ×
SS5# (input)
SCI6 RXD6 (input)/ P33 ○ × ×
SMISO6 (input/output)/
PB0 ○ ○ ○
SSCL6 (input/output)
TXD6 (output)/ P32 ○ ○ ×
SMOSI6 (input/output)/
PB1 ○ ○ ○
SSDA6 (input/output)
SCK6 (input/output) P34 ○ × ×
PB3 ○ ○ ○
CTS6# (input)/ PB2 ○ × ×
RTS6# (output)/
PJ3 ○ × ×
SS6# (input)

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Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (6 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
Serial communications SCI9 RXD9 (input)/ PB6 ○ ○ ×
interface SMISO9 (input/output)/
SSCL9 (input/output)
TXD9 (output)/ PB7 ○ ○ ×
SMOSI9 (input/output)/
SSDA9 (input/output)
SCK9 (input/output) PB5 ○ ○ ×
CTS9# (input)/ PB4 ○ × ×
RTS9# (output)/
SS9# (input)
SCI12 RXD12 (input)/ PE2 ○ ○ ○
SMISO12 (input/output)/ (SMISO12
SSCL12 (input/output)/ function is
RXDX12 (input) not
TXD12 (output)/ PE1 ○ ○ ○
SMOSI12 (input/output)/ (SMOSI12
SSDA12 (input/output)/ function is
TXDX12 (output)/ not
SIOX12 (input/output) available)
SCK12 (input/output) PE0 ○ ○ ×
CTS12# (input)/ PE3 ○ ○ ○
RTS12# (output)/ (SS12#
SS12# (input) function is
I2C bus interface RIIC0 SCL (input/output) P16 ○ ○ ○
P12 ○ × ×
SDA (input/output) P17 ○ ○ ○
P13 ○ × ×
Serial peripheral interface RSPI0 RSPCKA (input/output) PA5 ○ × ×
PB0 ○ ○ ○
PC5 ○ ○ ○
MOSIA (input/output) P16 ○ ○ ○
PA6 ○ ○ ○
PC6 ○ ○ ○
MISOA (input/output) P17 ○ ○ ○
PA7 ○ × ×
PC7 ○ ○ ○
Serial peripheral interface RSPI0 SSLA0 (input/output) PA4 ○ ○ ○
PC4 ○ ○ ○
SSLA1 (output) PA0 ○ ○ ×
PC0 ○ × ×
SSLA2 (output) PA1 ○ ○ ○
PC1 ○ × ×
SSLA3 (output) PA2 ○ × ×
PC2 ○ ○ ×
Realtime clock RTCOUT (output) P16 ○ ○ ×
P32 ○ ○ ×

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Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins (7 / 7)

Module/Function Channel Pin Functions Port 100 pin 64 pin 48 pin
12-bit A/D converter AN000 (input)*1 P40 ○ ○ ○
AN001 (input)*1 P41 ○ ○ ○
AN002 (input)*1 P42 ○ ○ ○
AN003 (input)*1 P43 ○ ○ ×
AN004 (input)*1 P44 ○ ○ ×
AN005 (input)*1 P45 ○ × ×
AN006 (input)*1 P46 ○ ○ ○
AN007 (input)*1 P47 ○ × ×
AN008 (input)*1 PE0 ○ ○ ×
AN009 (input)*1 PE1 ○ ○ ○
AN010 (input)*1 PE2 ○ ○ ○
AN011 (input)*1 PE3 ○ ○ ○
AN012 (input)*1 PE4 ○ ○ ○
AN013 (input)*1 PE5 ○ ○ ×
AN014 (input)*1 PE6 ○ × ×
AN015 (input)*1 PE7 ○ × ×
ADTRG0# (input) P07 ○ × ×
P16 ○ ○ ○
P25 ○ × ×
Clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit CACREF (input) PA0 ○ ○ ×
PC7 ○ ○ ○
PH0 ○ ○ ○
Comparator A CMPA1 (input)*1 PE3 ○ ○ ○
CMPA2 (input)*1 PE4 ○ ○ ○
CVREFA (input)*1 PA1 ○ ○ ○
Note 1. Select general input (by setting the Bm bits for the given pin in the PDR and PMR for the given port to 0) for the pin if this pin
function is to be used.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2 Register Descriptions

Registers and bits for pins that are not present due to differences according to the package are reserved. Write the value
after a reset when writing to such bits.

20.2.1 Write-Protect Register (PWPR)

Address(es): 0008 C11Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

B0WI PFSWE — — — — — —

Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b5 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 PFSWE PFS Register Write Enable 0: Writing to the PFS register is disabled R/W
1: Writing to the PFS register is enabled
b7 B0WI PFSWE Bit Write Disable 0: Writing to the PFSWE bit is enabled R/W
1: Writing to the PFSWE bit is disabled

PFSWE Bit (PFS Register Write Enable)

Writing to PmnPFS register is enabled only when the PFSWE bit is set to 1.
To set the PFSWE bit to 1, write 1 to the PFSWE bit after writing 0 to the B0WI bit.

B0WI Bit (PFSWE Bit Write Disable)

Writing to the PFSWE bit is enabled only when the B0WI bit is set to 0.

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20.2.2 P07 Pin Function Control Register (P07PFS)

Address(es): P07PFS 0008 C147h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the table below.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The Pmn pin function control register (PmnPFS) selects the pin function. Bits PSEL[3:0] select the peripheral function
assigned to each port pin.
The ISEL bit is set when a pin is used as an IRQ input pin. This setting can be used with the combination of the
peripheral function, though IRQn (external pin interrupt) of the same number should not be enabled by two or more pins.
The ASEL bit is set when a pin is used as an analog pin. When switching a pin to analog using the ASEL bit, set the
corresponding port mode register bit (PORTm.PMR) to “general I/O port” and the port direction register bit
(PORTm.PDR) to “input”. The pin state cannot be read at this point. The PmnPFS register is protected by the write-
protect register (PWPR). Modify the register after releasing the protection.
The ISEL bit to which IRQn is not specified is reserved. The ASEL bit to which analog input/output is not specified is

Table 20.2 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

PSEL[3:0] Settings P07
0000b (initial value) Hi-Z
1001b ADTRG0#

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.3 P1n Pin Function Control Registers (P1nPFS) (n = 2 to 7)

Address(es): P12PFS 0008 C14Ah, P13PFS 0008 C14Bh, P14PFS 0008 C14Ch, P15PFS 0008 C14Dh,
P16PFS 0008 C14Eh, P17PFS 0008 C14Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— ISEL — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
P12: IRQ2 input switch (100 pins)
P13: IRQ3 input switch (100 pins)
P14: IRQ4 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P15: IRQ5 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P16: IRQ6 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P17: IRQ7 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.3 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0111b — — — — RTCOUT POE8#
1001b — — — — ADTRG0# —
1010b — — — RXD1 TXD1 SCK1
1011b — — CTS1# — — —
1101b — — — — MOSIA MISOA
1111b SCL SDA — — SCL SDA

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

Table 20.4 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin

Settings P14 P15 P16 P17
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0111b — — RTCOUT POE8#
1001b — — ADTRG0# —
1010b — RXD1 TXD1 SCK1
1011b CTS1# — — —
1101b — — MOSIA MISOA
1111b — — SCL SDA

—: Do not specify this value.

Table 20.5 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin

Settings P14 P15 P16 P17
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0111b — — — POE8#
1001b — — ADTRG0# —
1010b — RXD1 TXD1 SCK1
1011b CTS1# — — —
1101b — — MOSIA MISOA
1111b — — SCL SDA

—: Do not specify this value.

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20.2.4 P2n Pin Function Control Register (P2nPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): P20PFS 0008 C150h, P21PFS 0008 C151h, P22PFS 0008 C152h, P23PFS 0008 C153h,
P24PFS 0008 C154h, P25PFS 0008 C155h, P26PFS 0008 C156h, P27PFS 0008 C157h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.6 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27
0000b Hi-Z
1001b — — — — — ADTRG0# — —
1010b — — — — — — TXD1 SCK1

—: Do not specify this value.

Table 20.7 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin and 48-Pin
Settings P26 P27
0000b Hi-Z
0101b TMO1 TMCI3
1010b TXD1 SCK1

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20.2.5 P3n Pin Function Control Registers (P3nPFS) (n = 0 to 4)

Address(es): P30PFS 0008 C158h, P31PFS 0008 C159h, P32PFS 0008 C15Ah, P33PFS 0008 C15Bh,
P34PFS 0008 C15Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— ISEL — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
P30: IRQ0 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P31: IRQ1 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P32: IRQ2 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins)
P33: IRQ3 input switch (100 pins)
P34: IRQ4 input switch (100 pins)
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.8 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings P30 P31 P32 P33 P34
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0111b POE8# — RTCOUT POE3# POE2#
1010b RXD1 — — — —
1011b — CTS1# TXD6 RXD6 SCK6

—: Do not specify this value.

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Table 20.9 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin

Settings P30 P31 P32
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b TMRI3 TMCI2 TMO3
0111b POE8# — RTCOUT
1010b RXD1 — —
1011b — CTS1# TXD6

—: Do not specify this value.

Table 20.10 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin

Settings P30 P31
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b TMRI3 TMCI2
0111b POE8# —
1010b RXD1 —
1011b — CTS1#

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.6 P4n Pin Function Control Registers (P4nPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): P40PFS 0008 C160h, P41PFS 0008 C161h, P42PFS 0008 C162h, P43PFS 0008 C163h,
P44PFS 0008 C164h, P45PFS 0008 C165h, P46PFS 0008 C166h, P47PFS 0008 C167h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ASEL — — — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b6 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 ASEL Analog Function Select 0: Not used as an analog pin R/W
1: Used as an analog pin
P40: AN000 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P41: AN001 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P42: AN002 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P43: AN003 (100 pins, 64 pins)
P44: AN004 (100 pins, 64 pins)
P45: AN005 (100 pins)
P46: AN006 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
P47: AN007 (100 pins)

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.7 P5n Pin Function Control Registers (P5nPFS) (n = 4, 5)

Address(es): P54PFS 0008 C16Ch, P55PFS 0008 C16Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the table below.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.11 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin and 64-Pin
PSEL[3:0] Settings P54 P55
0000b (initial value) Hi-Z
0101b TMCI1 TMO3

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.8 PAn Pin Function Control Registers (PAnPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): PA0PFS 0008 C190h, PA1PFS 0008 C191h, PA2PFS 0008 C192h, PA3PFS 0008 C193h,
PA4PFS 0008 C194h, PA5PFS 0008 C195h, PA6PFS 0008 C196h, PA7PFS 0008 C197h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
PA3: IRQ6 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PA4: IRQ5 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
b7 ASEL Analog Function Select 0: Not used as an analog pin R/W
1: Used as an analog pin
PA1: CVREFA (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)

Table 20.12 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b — — — — TMRI0 — TMCI3 —
0111b CACREF — — — — — POE2# —
1010b — SCK5 RXD5 RXD5 TXD5 — — —
1011b — — — — — — CTS5# —

—: Do not specify this value.

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Table 20.13 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin

Settings PA0 PA1 PA3 PA4 PA6
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b — — — TMRI0 TMCI3
0111b CACREF — — — POE2#
1010b — SCK5 RXD5 TXD5 —
1011b — — — — CTS5#

—: Do not specify this value.

Table 20.14 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin

Settings PA1 PA3 PA4 PA6
0000b Hi-Z
0101b — — TMRI0 TMCI3
0111b — — — POE2#
1010b SCK5 RXD5 TXD5 —
1011b — — — CTS5#

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.9 PBn Pin Function Control Registers (PBnPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): PB0PFS 0008 C198h, PB1PFS 0008 C199h, PB2PFS 0008 C19Ah, PB3PFS 0008 C19Bh,
PB4PFS 0008 C19Ch, PB5PFS 0008 C19Dh, PB6PFS 0008 C19Eh, PB7PFS 0008 C19Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— ISEL — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
PB1: IRQ4 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.15 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0010b — MTIOC4C — MTIOC4A — MTIOC1B — —
0101b — TMCI0 — TMO0 — TMRI1 — —
0111b — — — POE3# — POE1# — —
1010b — — — — — SCK9 RXD9 TXD9
1011b RXD6 TXD6 CTS6# SCK6 CTS9# — — —
1101b RSPCKA — — — — — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

Table 20.16 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin

Settings PB0 PB1 PB3 PB5 PB6 PB7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b — TMCI0 TMO0 TMRI1 — —
0111b — — POE3# POE1# — —
1010b — — — SCK9 RXD9 TXD9
1011b RXD6 TXD6 SCK6 — — —
1101b RSPCKA — — — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

Table 20.17 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin

Settings PB0 PB1 PB3 PB5
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b — TMCI0 TMO0 TMRI1
0111b — — POE3# POE1#
1011b RXD6 TXD6 SCK6 —
1101b RSPCKA — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.10 PCn Pin Function Control Registers (PCnPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): PC0PFS 0008 C1A0h, PC1PFS 0008 C1A1h, PC2PFS 0008 C1A2h, PC3PFS 0008 C1A3h,
PC4PFS 0008 C1A4h, PC5PFS 0008 C1A5h, PC6PFS 0008 C1A6h, PC7PFS 0008 C1A7h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.18 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b — — — — TMCI1 TMRI2 TMCI2 TMO2
0111b — — — — POE0# — — CACREF
1010b — SCK5 RXD5 TXD5 SCK5 — — —
1011b CTS5# — — — — — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

Table 20.19 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin

Settings PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0101b — — TMCI1 TMRI2 TMCI2 TMO2
0111b — — POE0# — — CACREF
1010b RXD5 TXD5 SCK5 — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

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Table 20.20 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin

Settings PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0111b POE0# — — CACREF
1010b SCK5 — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

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20.2.11 PDn Pin Function Control Registers (PDnPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): PD0PFS 0008 C1A8h, PD1PFS 0008 C1A9h, PD2PFS 0008 C1AAh, PD3PFS 0008 C1ABh,
PD4PFS 0008 C1ACh, PD5PFS 0008 C1ADh, PD6PFS 0008 C1AEh, PD7PFS 0008 C1AFh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— ISEL — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the table below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
PD0: IRQ0 input switch (100 pins)
PD1: IRQ1 input switch (100 pins)
PD2: IRQ2 input switch (100 pins)
PD3: IRQ3 input switch (100 pins)
PD4: IRQ4 input switch (100 pins)
PD5: IRQ5 input switch (100 pins)
PD6: IRQ6 input switch (100 pins)
PD7: IRQ7 input switch (100 pins)
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.21 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

Settings PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0111b — — POE8# POE3# POE2# POE1# POE0#

—: Do not specify this value.

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20.2.12 PEn Pin Function Control Registers (PEnPFS) (n = 0 to 7)

Address(es): PE0PFS 0008 C1B0h, PE1PFS 0008 C1B1h, PE2PFS 0008 C1B2h, PE3PFS 0008 C1B3h,
PE4PFS 0008 C1B4h, PE5PFS 0008 C1B5h, PE6PFS 0008 C1B6h, PE7PFS 0008 C1B7h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the tables below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
PE2: IRQ7 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PE5: IRQ5 input switch (100 pins, 64 pins)
PE6: IRQ6 input switch (100 pins)
PE7: IRQ7 input switch (100 pins)
b7 ASEL Analog Function Select 0: Not used as an analog pin R/W
1: Used as an analog pin
PE0:AN008 (100 pins, 64 pins)
PE1:AN009 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PE2:AN010 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PE3:AN011 or CMPA1 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PE4:AN012 or CMPA2 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PE5:AN013 (100 pins, 64 pins)
PE6:AN014 (100 pins)
PE7:AN015 (100 pins)

Table 20.22 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin and 64-Pin
Settings PE0 PE1 PE2 PE3 PE4 PE5
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0010b — — — — MTIOC1A MTIOC2B
0111b — — — POE8# — —
1100b SCK12 TXD12 RXD12 CTS12# — —

—: Do not specify this value.

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Table 20.23 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin

Settings PE1 PE2 PE3 PE4
0000b Hi-Z
(initial value)
0010b — — — MTIOC1A
0111b — — POE8# —
1100b TXD12 RXD12 CTS12# —

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.13 PHn Pin Function Control Registers (PHnPFS) (n = 0 to 3)

Address(es): PH0PFS 0008 C1C8h, PH1PFS 0008 C1C9h, PH2PFS 0008 C1CAh, PH3PFS 0008 C1CBh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— ISEL — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select This bit selects the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the table below.
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 ISEL Interrupt Input Function Select 0: Not used as IRQn input pin R/W
1: Used as IRQn input pin
PH1: IRQ0 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
PH2: IRQ1 (100 pins, 64 pins, 48 pins)
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.24 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin, 64-Pin, and 48-Pin
PSEL[3:0] Settings PH0 PH1 PH2 PH3
0000b (initial value) Hi-Z
0101b — TMO0 TMRI0 TMCI0
0111b CACREF — — —

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.2.14 PJn Pin Function Control Registers (PJnPFS) (n = 1, 3)

Address(es): PJ1PFS 0008 C1D1h, PJ3PFS 0008 C1D3h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — PSEL[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 PSEL[3:0] Pin Function Select These bits select the peripheral function. For individual pin functions, R/W
see the table below.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Table 20.25 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin

PSEL[3:0] Settings PJ1 PJ3
0000b (initial value) Hi-Z
1011b — CTS6#

—: Do not specify this value.

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RX220 Group 20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)

20.3 Usage Notes

20.3.1 Procedure for Specifying Input/Output Pin Function

Use the following procedure to specify the input/output pin functions.
(1) Clear the port mode register (PMR) to 0 to select the general I/O port function.
(2) Specify the assignments of input/output signals for peripheral functions to the desired pins.
(3) Enable writing to the port mn pin function select register (PmnPFS) through the write-protect register (PWPR)
setting. (m = 0 to 5, A to E, H, and, J, n = 0 to 7)
(4) Specify the input/output function for the pin through the PSEL[3:0] bit settings in the PmnPFS register.
(5) Clear the PFSWE bit in the PWPR register to 0 to disable writing to the PmnPFS register.
(6) Set the PMR to 1 as necessary to switch to the selected input/output function for the pin.

20.3.2 Notes on MPC Register Setting

(1) Settings of the port mn pin function select register (PmnPFS) should be made only while the PMR register for the
target pin is cleared to 0. If a port mn pin function select register is set while the PMR register is 1, unexpected
edges may be input through the input pin or unexpected pulses are output through the output pin.
(2) Only the allowed values (functions) should be specified in the port mn pin function select registers. If a value that is
not allowed for the register is specified, correct operation is not guaranteed.
(3) Do not assign a single function to multiple pins through the MPC settings.
(4) Analog input functions for the A/D converter are multiplexed with pins of ports 4 and E. If a pin is to be used as an
analog input, avoid loss of resolution by setting the given bits of the port mode register (PMR) and of the port
direction register (PDR) to 0, i.e. configuring the pin as a general-purpose input, and setting the PmnPFS.ASEL bit
to 1.

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(5) Points to note regarding the port mode register (PMR), port direction register (PDR), and port mn pin function
selection register (PmnPFS) settings for pins that have multiplexed pin functions are listed in Table 20.26.

Table 20.26 Register Settings

Item PMR.Bn PDR.Bn Point to Note
After a reset 0 0 0 0 0000b Pins function as general input port pins after release from the reset state.
General input 0 0 0 0/1  Set the ISEL bit to 1 if these are multiplexed with interrupt inputs.
General output 0 1 0 0 
Peripheral 1 x 0 0/1 Peripheral Set the ISEL bit to 1 if these are multiplexed with interrupt inputs.
functions functions
(see Table
20.2 to Table
Interrupt inputs 0 0 0 1 
NMI    *1  Register settings are not required.
Analog inputs 0 0 1 * 1  Set these as general input port pins so that the output buffers are turned off.
and outputs
EXTAL/XTAL 0 0  * 1  Set these as general input port pins so that the output buffers are turned off.
XCIN/XCOUT 0 0  * 1  Set these as general input port pins so that the output buffers are turned off.

: Setting not required.

0/1: Setting the PmnPFS.ISEL bit to 0 makes the pin incapable of functioning as an IRQ pin.
Setting the PmnPFS.ISEL bit to 1 makes the pin capable of functioning as an IRQ pin (if the IRQ is selected from the multiplexed
Note 1. The pin does not function as the IRQn input pin even if the PmnPFS.ISEL bit is set to 1.

Note: • The pin state is readable when the PmnPFS.ASEL bit is 0.

Note: • If the value of the PmnPFS.PSEL[3:0] bits is to be changed, do so while the PMR.Bn bit is 0.
Note: • If an RIIC function is assigned to a port pin, clear the PCR.Bn (to 0); pulling up is automatically turned off for
outputs from peripheral modules other than the RIIC.

20.3.3 Note on Using Analog Functions

(1) When an analog function is in use, configure the pin as a general-purpose input by setting the given bits of the port
mode register (PMR) and of the port direction register (PDR) to 0, and then set the ASEL bit in the port mn pin
function select register (PmnPFS) to 1.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

21.1 Overview
The RX220 Group has a on-chip multi-function timer pulse unit 2 (MTU). Each unit comprises a 16-bit timer with six
channels (MTU0 to MTU5).
Table 21.1 lists the specifications of the MTU, Table 21.2 lists the function list. Figure 21.1 shows a block diagram of
the MTU.

Table 21.1 Specifications of MTU

Item Description
Pulse input/output 16 lines max.
Pulse input 3 lines
Count clock Eight clocks or seven clocks for each channel (four clocks for MTU5)
Available operations [MTU0 to MTU4]
 Waveform output at compare match
 Input capture function (noise filter set function)
 Counter clear operation
 Simultaneous writing to multiple timer counters (TCNT)
 Simultaneous clearing by compare match or input capture
 Simultaneous register input/output by synchronous counter operation
 A maximum of 12-phase PWM output is available in combination with synchronous
[MTU0, MTU3, MTU4]
 Buffer operation specifiable
 AC synchronous motor (brushless DC motor) drive mode using complementary PWM
output and reset-synchronized PWM output is settable and the selection of two types
of waveform outputs (chopping and level) is possible.
[MTU1, MTU2]
 Phase counting mode specifiable independently
 Cascade connection operation
[MTU3, MTU4]
 A total of six-phase waveform output, which includes three phases each for positive
and negative complementary PWM or reset PWM output, by interlocking operation
 Dead time compensation counter
Complementary PWM mode  Interrupts at the crest and trough of the counter value
 A/D converter start triggers can be skipped
Interrupt sources 28 sources
Buffer operation Automatic transfer of register data
Trigger generation A/D converter start trigger can be generated
Lower power consumption function Module stop state can be set.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

Table 21.2 MTU Functions (1/3)

Count clock PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1
General registers/ TGRC — — TGRC TGRC —
buffer registers TGRD TGRD TGRD
Counter clear function TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare
match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input
capture capture capture capture capture capture
Compare Low ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ —
match output
High ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ —
Toggle ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ —
Input capture function ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Synchronous operation ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ —
PWM mode 1 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ —
PWM mode 2 ○ ○ ○ — — —
Complementary PWM — — — ○ ○ —
Reset-synchronized — — — ○ ○ —
AC synchronous motor ○ — — ○ ○ —
drive mode
Phase counting mode — ○ ○ — — —
Buffer operation ○ — — ○ ○ —
Dead time — — — — — ○
compensation counter
DMAC activation TGRA compare TGRA compare TGRA compare TGRA compare TGRA compare —
match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input
capture capture capture capture capture
DTC activation TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare TGR compare
match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input
capture capture capture capture capture and capture
TCNT overflow
or underflow

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

Table 21.2 MTU Functions (2/3)

A/D converter start TGRA compare TGRA compare TGRA compare TGRA compare TGRA compare —
trigger match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input
capture capture capture capture capture
TGRB compare TCNT underflow
match or input (trough) in
capture complementary
TGRE compare PWM mode
TGRF compare
Interrupt sources 7 sources 4 sources 4 sources 5 sources 5 sources 3 sources
 Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare
match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input match or
capture 0A capture 1A capture 2A capture 3A capture 4A input
 Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare capture 5U
match or input match or input match or input match or input match or input  Compare
capture 0B capture 1B capture 2B capture 3B capture 4B match or
 Compare  Compare  Compare input
match or input match or input match or input capture 5V
capture 0C capture 3C capture 4C  Compare
 Compare  Compare  Compare match or
match or input match or input match or input input
capture 0D capture 3D capture 4D capture 5W
 Compare
match 0E
 Compare
match 0F
 Overflow  Overflow  Overflow  Overflow  Overflow or
 Underflow  Underflow underflow
Event link function — 4 sources 4 sources 6 sources 6 sources —
(output)  Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare
match 1A match 2A match 3A match 4A
 Compare  Compare  Compare  Compare
match 1B match 2B match 3B match 4B
 Compare  Compare
match 3C match 4C
 Compare  Compare
match 3D match 4D
 Overflow  Overflow
 Underflow  Underflow
 Overflow  Overflow
 Underflow  Underflow
Event link function — (1) Count start (1) Count start (1) Count start (1) Count start —
(input) operation operation operation operation
(2) Input capture (2) Input capture (2) Input capture (2) Input capture
operation operation operation operation
capture) capture) capture) capture)
(3) Count restart (3) Count restart (3) Count restart (3) Count restart
operation operation operation operation
A/D converter start — — — —  A/D converter —
request delaying start request
function at a match
and TCNT or
A/D converter
start request
at a match
and TCNT

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Table 21.2 MTU Functions (3/3)

Interrupt skipping — — —  Skips TGRA  Skips TCIV —
function compare interrupts
Module stop function MSTPCRA.MSTPA9*1
○: Possible
—: Not possible
Note 1. For details on the module stop function, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

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Interrupt request signals


Control logic for MTU3 and 4

Input/output pins TGIC3








Input pins








Module data bus TGIW5

Clock input Internal data bus 2

Control logic

Internal clock: PCLK/1


PCLK/16 A/D converter start request signals

MTU0 to 4: TRGAN

External clock: MTCLKA TRG0EN




Interrupt request signals

Control logic for MTU 0 to 2

Input/output pins TGIB0










Event signal input




Event signal output


TSTR: Timer start register TCDR: Timer cycle data register

TSYR: Timer synchronous register TCBR: Timer cycle buffer register
TCR: Timer control register TDDR: Timer dead time data register
NFCR: Noise filter control register TGRA: Timer general register A
TMDR: Timer mode register
TGRB: Timer general register B
TIOR: Timer I/O control register TGRC: Timer general register C
TIORH: Timer I/O control register H TGRD: Timer general register D
TIORL: Timer I/O control register L TGRE: Timer general register E
TIER: Timer interrupt enable register TGRF: Timer general register F
TGCR: Timer gate control register
TGRU: Timer general register U
TOER: Timer output master enable register TGRV: Timer general register V
TOCR: Timer output control register TGRW: Timer general register W
TSR: Timer status register
TCNT: Timer counter
TCNTS: Timer subcounter

Figure 21.1 Block Diagram of MTU

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Table 21.3 lists the pin configuration of the MTU.

Table 21.3 Pin Configuration of MTU

Module Symbol Pin Name I/O Function
MTU MTCLKA Input External clock A input pin (MTU1 phase counting mode A phase input)
MTCLKB Input External clock B input pin (MTU1 phase counting mode B phase input)
MTCLKC Input External clock C input pin (MTU2 phase counting mode A phase input)
MTCLKD Input External clock D input pin (MTU2 phase counting mode B phase input)
MTU0 MTIOC0A I/O TGRA0 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC0B I/O TGRB0 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC0C I/O TGRC0 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC0D I/O TGRD0 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTU1 MTIOC1A I/O TGRA1 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC1B I/O TGRB1 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTU2 MTIOC2A I/O TGRA2 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC2B I/O TGRB2 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTU3 MTIOC3A I/O TGRA3 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC3B I/O TGRB3 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC3C I/O TGRC3 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC3D I/O TGRD3 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTU4 MTIOC4A I/O TGRA4 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC4B I/O TGRB4 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC4C I/O TGRC4 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTIOC4D I/O TGRD4 input capture input/output compare output/PWM output pin
MTU5 MTIC5U Input TGRU5 input capture input/external pulse input pin
MTIC5V Input TGRV5 input capture input/external pulse input pin
MTIC5W Input TGRW5 input capture input/external pulse input pin

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21.2 Register Descriptions

21.2.1 Timer Control Register (TCR)

Address(es): MTU0.TCR 0008 8700h, MTU1.TCR 0008 8780h, MTU2.TCR 0008 8800h, MTU3.TCR 0008 8600h,
MTU4.TCR 0008 8601h, MTU5.TCRU 0008 8884h, MTU5.TCRV 0008 8894h, MTU5.TCRW 0008 88A4h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

CCLR[2:0] CKEG[1:0] TPSC[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 TPSC[2:0] Time Prescaler Select See Table 21.6 to Table 21.10. R/W
b4, b3 CKEG[1:0] Clock Edge Select b4 b3 R/W
0 0: Count at rising edge
0 1: Count at falling edge
1 x: Count at both edges
b7 to b5 CCLR[2:0] Counter Clear See Table 21.4 and Table 21.5. R/W

x: Don’t care

The MTU has a total of eight TCR registers, one each for MTU0 to MTU4 and three (TCRU, TCRV, and TCRW) for
TCR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that controls the TCNT operation for each channel. TCR values should be
specified only while TCNT operation is stopped.

TPSC[2:0] Bits (Time Prescaler Select)

These bits select the TCNT counter clock. The clock source can be selected independently for each channel. See Table
21.6 to Table 21.10 for details.

CKEG[1:0] Bits (Clock Edge Select)

These bits select the input clock edge. When the input clock is counted at both edges, the input clock period is halved
(e.g. PCLK/4 at both edges = PCLK/2 at rising edge). If phase counting mode is used on MTU1 and MTU2, the setting
of these bits is ignored and the phase counting mode setting has priority. Internal clock edge selection is valid when the
input clock is PCLK/4 or slower. When PCLK/1 or the overflow/underflow in another channel is selected for the input
clock, a value can be written to these bits but counter operation compiles with the initial value.

CCLR[2:0] Bits (Counter Clear)

These bits select the TCNT counter clearing source. See Table 21.4 and Table 21.5 for details.

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Table 21.4 CCLR[2:0] (MTU0, MTU3, and MTU4)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5
Channel CCLR2 CCLR1 CCLR0 Description
MTU0, MTU3, 0 0 0 TCNT clearing disabled
0 0 1 TCNT cleared by TGRA compare match/input capture
0 1 0 TCNT cleared by TGRB compare match/input capture
0 1 1 TCNT cleared by counter clearing in another channel performing
synchronous clearing/synchronous operation*1
1 0 0 TCNT clearing disabled
1 0 1 TCNT cleared by TGRC compare match/input capture*2
1 1 0 TCNT cleared by TGRD compare match/input capture*2
1 1 1 TCNT cleared by counter clearing in another channel performing
synchronous clearing/synchronous operation*1

Note 1. Synchronous operation is selected by setting the TSYR.SYNC bit to 1.

Note 2. When TGRC or TGRD is used as a buffer register, TCNT is not cleared because the buffer register setting has priority and
compare match/input capture does not occur.

Table 21.5 CCLR[2:0] (MTU1 and MTU2)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5
Channel Reserved*2 CCLR1 CCLR0 Description
MTU1, MTU2 0 0 0 TCNT clearing disabled
0 0 1 TCNT cleared by TGRA compare match/input capture
0 1 0 TCNT cleared by TGRB compare match/input capture
0 1 1 TCNT cleared by counter clearing in another channel performing
synchronous clearing/synchronous operation*1

Note 1. Synchronous operation is selected by setting the TSYR.SYNC bit to 1.

Note 2. Bit 7 is reserved in MTU1 and MTU2. This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

Table 21.6 TPSC[2:0] (MTU0)

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel TPSC2 TPSC1 TPSC0 Description
MTU0 0 0 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1
0 0 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/4
0 1 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/16
0 1 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/64
1 0 0 External clock: counts on MTCLKA pin input
1 0 1 External clock: counts on MTCLKB pin input
1 1 0 External clock: counts on MTCLKC pin input
1 1 1 External clock: counts on MTCLKD pin input

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Table 21.7 TPSC[2:0] (MTU1)

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel TPSC2 TPSC1 TPSC0 Description
MTU1 0 0 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1
0 0 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/4
0 1 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/16
0 1 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/64
1 0 0 External clock: counts on MTCLKA pin input
1 0 1 External clock: counts on MTCLKB pin input
1 1 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/256
1 1 1 Counts on MTU2.TCNT overflow/underflow

Note: • This setting is ignored when MTU1 is in phase counting mode.

Table 21.8 TPSC[2:0] (MTU2)

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel TPSC2 TPSC1 TPSC0 Description
MTU2 0 0 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1
0 0 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/4
0 1 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/16
0 1 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/64
1 0 0 External clock: counts on MTCLKA pin input
1 0 1 External clock: counts on MTCLKB pin input
1 1 0 External clock: counts on MTCLKC pin input
1 1 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1024

Note: • This setting is ignored when MTU2 is in phase counting mode.

Table 21.9 TPSC[2:0] (MTU3 and MTU4)

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel TPSC2 TPSC1 TPSC0 Description
MTU3, MTU4 0 0 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1
0 0 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/4
0 1 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/16
0 1 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/64
1 0 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/256
1 0 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1024
1 1 0 External clock: counts on MTCLKA pin input
1 1 1 External clock: counts on MTCLKB pin input

Table 21.10 TPSC[1:0] (MTU5)

Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel TPSC1 TPSC0 Description
MTU5 0 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/1
0 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/4
1 0 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/16
1 1 Internal clock: counts on PCLK/64

Note: • Bits 7 to 2 are reserved in MTU5. These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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21.2.2 Timer Mode Register (TMDR)

Address(es): MTU0.TMDR 0008 8701h, MTU1.TMDR 0008 8781h, MTU2.TMDR 0008 8801h, MTU3.TMDR 0008 8602h,
MTU4.TMDR 0008 8603h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 MD[3:0] Mode Select These bits specify the timer operating mode. See Table 21.11 for details. R/W
b4 BFA Buffer Operation A 0: TGRA and TGRC operate normally R/W
1: TGRA and TGRC used together for buffer operation
b5 BFB Buffer Operation B 0: TGRB and TGRD operate normally R/W
1: TGRB and TGRD used together for buffer operation
b6 BFE Buffer Operation E 0: MTU0.TGRE and MTU0.TGRF operate normally R/W
1: MTU0.TGRE and MTU0.TGRF used together for buffer operation
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TMDR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that specifies the operating mode of each channel. TMDR values should be
specified only while TCNT operation is stopped.

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Table 21.11 Operating Mode Setting by MD[3:0] Bits

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 Description
0 0 0 0 Normal mode
0 0 0 1 Setting prohibited
0 0 1 0 PWM mode 1
0 0 1 1 PWM mode 2*1
0 1 0 0 Phase counting mode 1*2
0 1 0 1 Phase counting mode 2*2
0 1 1 0 Phase counting mode 3*2
0 1 1 1 Phase counting mode 4*2
1 0 0 0 Reset-synchronized PWM mode*3
1 0 0 1 Setting prohibited
1 0 1 x Setting prohibited
1 1 0 0 Setting prohibited
1 1 0 1 Complementary PWM mode 1 (transfer at crest)*3
1 1 1 0 Complementary PWM mode 2 (transfer at trough)*3
1 1 1 1 Complementary PWM mode 3 (transfer at crest and trough)*3

x: Don't care
Note 1. PWM mode 2 cannot be set for MTU3 and MTU4.
Note 2. Phase counting mode cannot be set for MTU0, MTU3, and MTU4.
Note 3. Reset-synchronized PWM mode and complementary PWM mode can only be set for MTU3.
When MTU3 is set to reset-synchronized PWM mode or complementary PWM mode, the MTU4 settings become ineffective and
conform to the MTU3 setting, respectively. The initial values should be set for MTU4.
Reset-synchronized PWM mode and complementary PWM mode cannot be set for MTU0, MTU1 and MTU2.

BFA Bit (Buffer Operation A)

This bit specifies normal operation for TGRA or buffered operation of the combination of TGRA and TGRC. When
TGRC is used as a buffer register, TGRC input capture/output compare does not take place in modes other than
complementary PWM mode, but compare match with TGRC occurs in complementary PWM mode. If a compare match
occurs on MTU4 in the Tb interval in complementary PWM mode, the TGIEC bit in timer interrupt enable register
(MTU4.TIER) should be cleared to 0.
When MTU3 or MTU4 is set to reset-synchronized PWM mode or complementary PWM mode, the buffer operation
conforms to the MTU3 setting. Set the BFA bit in MTU4.TMDR to 0.
In MTU1 and MTU2, which have no TGRC, this bit is reserved. It is read as 0. The write value should be 0. Refer to
Figure 21.40 for an illustration of the Tb interval in complementary PWM mode.

BFB Bit (Buffer Operation B)

This bit specifies normal operation for TGRB or buffered operation of the combination of TGRB and TGRD. When
TGRD is used as a buffer register, TGRD input capture/output compare does not take place in modes other than
complementary PWM mode, but compare match with TGRD occurs in complementary PWM mode. If a compare match
occurs in the Tb interval in complementary PWM mode, the TGIED bit in timer interrupt enable register 3 or 4
(MTU3.TIER or MTU4.TIER) should be cleared to 0.
When MTU3 or MTU4 is set to reset-synchronized PWM mode or complementary PWM mode, the buffer operation
conforms to the MTU3 setting. Set the TMDR.BFB bit in MTU4 to 0.
In MTU1 and MTU2, which have no TGRD, this bit is reserved. It is read as 0. The write value should be 0. Refer to
Figure 21.40 for an illustration of the Tb interval in complementary PWM mode.

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BFE Bit (Buffer Operation E)

This bit specifies normal operation or buffered operation for MTU0.TGRE and MTU0.TGRF. Compare match with
TGRF occurs even when TGRF is used as a buffer register.
In MTU1 to MTU4, this bit is reserved. It is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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21.2.3 Timer I/O Control Register (TIOR)


Address(es): MTU0.TIORH 0008 8702h, MTU1.TIOR 0008 8782h, MTU2.TIOR 0008 8802h, MTU3.TIORH 0008 8604h,
MTU4.TIORH 0008 8606h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

IOB[3:0] IOA[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 IOA[3:0] I/O Control A See the following tables.*1 R/W
MTU0.TIORH: Table 21.20
MTU1.TIOR: Table 21.22
MTU2.TIOR: Table 21.23
MTU3.TIORH: Table 21.24
MTU4.TIORH: Table 21.26
b7 to b4 IOB[3:0] I/O Control B See the following tables.*1 R/W
MTU0.TIORH: Table 21.12
MTU1.TIOR: Table 21.14
MTU2.TIOR: Table 21.15
MTU3.TIORH: Table 21.16
MTU4.TIORH: Table 21.18

Note 1. If the IOn[3:0] (n = A, B) bits are changed to an “output prohibited” setting (0000b or 0100b) while output of the low or high level
or toggling of the output in response to compare matches is in progress, the output becomes high impedance.


Address(es): MTU0.TIORL 0008 8703h, MTU3.TIORL 0008 8605h, MTU4.TIORL 0008 8607h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

IOD[3:0] IOC[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 IOC[3:0] I/O Control C See the following tables.*1 R/W
MTU0.TIORL: Table 21.21
MTU3.TIORL: Table 21.25
MTU4.TIORL: Table 21.27
b7 to b4 IOD[3:0] I/O Control D See the following tables.*1 R/W
MTU0.TIORL: Table 21.13
MTU3.TIORL: Table 21.17
MTU4.TIORL: Table 21.19

Note 1. If the IOn[3:0] (n = C, D) bits are changed to an “output prohibited” setting (0000b or 0100b) while output of the low or high level
or toggling of the output in response to compare matches is in progress, the output becomes high impedance.

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Address(es): MTU5.TIORU 0008 8886h, MTU5.TIORV 0008 8896h, MTU5.TIORW 0008 88A6h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — IOC[4:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 IOC[4:0] I/O Control C See the following table. R/W
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The MTU has a total of 11 TIOR registers, two each for MTU0, MTU3, and MTU4, one each for MTU1 and MTU2, and
three (MTU5.TIORU/V/W) each for MTU5.
TIOR should be set when TMDR is set to select normal mode, PWM mode, or phase counting mode.
The initial output specified by TIOR is valid when the counter is stopped (the CST bit in TSTR is cleared to 0). Note also
that, in PWM mode 2, the output at the point at which the counter is cleared to 0 is specified.
When TGRC or TGRD is designated for buffer operation, this setting is invalid and the register operates as a buffer

Table 21.12 TIORH (MTU0)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOB3 IOB2 IOB1 IOB0 MTU0.TGRB Function MTIOC0B Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 0 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 1 x Input capture at both edges.
1 1 x x Capture input source is count clock in MTU1.
Input capture at MTU1.TCNT up-count/down-count.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.13 TIORL (MTU0)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOD3 IOD2 IOD1 IOD0 MTU0.TGRD Function MTIOC0D Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register*1 Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 0 0 0 Input capture register*1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 1 x Input capture at both edges.
1 1 x x Capture input source is count clock in MTU1.
Input capture at MTU1.TCNT up-count/down-count.

x: Don't care
Note 1. When the MTU0.TMDR.BFB is set to 1 and MTU0.TGRD is used as a buffer register, this setting is invalid and input capture/
output compare is not generated.

Table 21.14 TIOR (MTU1)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOB3 IOB2 IOB1 IOB0 MTU1.TGRB Function MTIOC1B Pin Function
0 0 0 0 MTU1.TGRB works as an Output prohibited
output compare register
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 0 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 1 x Input capture at both edges.
1 1 x x Input capture at generation of MTU0.TGRC compare
match/input capture.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.15 TIOR (MTU2)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOB3 IOB2 IOB1 IOB0 MTU2.TGRB Function MTIOC2B Pin Function
0 0 0 0 MTU2.TGRB works as an Output prohibited
output compare register
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care

Table 21.16 TIORH (MTU3)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOB3 IOB2 IOB1 IOB0 MTU3.TGRB Function MTIOC3B Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.17 TIORL (MTU3)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOD3 IOD2 IOD1 IOD0 MTU3.TGRD Function MTIOC3D Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register*1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care
Note 1. When the BFB bit in MTU3.TMDR is set to 1 and MTU3.TGRD is used as a buffer register, this setting is invalid and input
capture/output compare is not generated.

Table 21.18 TIORH (MTU4)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOB3 IOB2 IOB1 IOB0 MTU4.TGRB Function MTIOC4B Pin Function
0 0 0 0 MTU4.TGRB works as an Output prohibited
output compare register
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.19 TIORL (MTU4)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
IOD3 IOD2 IOD1 IOD0 MTU4.TGRD Function MTIOC4D Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register*1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care
Note 1. When the BFB bit in MTU4.TMDR is set to 1 and MTU4.TGRD is used as a buffer register, this setting is invalid and input
capture/output compare is not generated.

Table 21.20 TIORH (MTU0)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOA3 IOA2 IOA1 IOA0 MTU0.TGRA Function MTIOC0A Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 0 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 1 x Input capture at both edges.
1 1 x x Capture input source is count clock in MTU1.
Input capture at MTU1.TCNT up-count/down-count.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.21 TIORL (MTU0)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOC3 IOC2 IOC1 IOC0 MTU0.TGRC Function MTIOC0C Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 0 0 0 Input capture register*1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 1 x Input capture at both edges.
1 1 x x Capture input source is count clock in MTU1.
Input capture at MTU1.TCNT up-count/down-count.

x: Don't care
Note 1. When the BFA bit in MTU0.TMDR is set to 1 and MTU0.TGRC is used as a buffer register, this setting is invalid and input
capture/output compare is not generated.

Table 21.22 TIOR (MTU1)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOA3 IOA2 IOA1 IOA0 MTU1.TGRA Function MTIOC1A Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 0 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 1 x Input capture at both edges.
1 1 x x Input capture at generation of MTU0.TGRA compare
match/input capture.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.23 TIOR (MTU2)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOA3 IOA2 IOA1 IOA0 MTU2.TGRA Function MTIOC2A Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care

Table 21.24 TIORH (MTU3)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOA3 IOA2 IOA1 IOA0 MTU3.TGRA Function MTIOC3A Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.25 TIORL (MTU3)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOC3 IOC2 IOC1 IOC0 MTU3.TGRC Function MTIOC3C Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register*1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care
Note 1. When the BFA bit in MTU3.TMDR is set to 1 and MTU3.TGRC is used as a buffer register, this setting is invalid and input
capture/output compare is not generated.

Table 21.26 TIORH (MTU4)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOA3 IOA2 IOA1 IOA0 MTU4.TGRA Function MTIOC4A Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare register Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care

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Table 21.27 TIORL (MTU4)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
IOC3 IOC2 IOC1 IOC0 MTU4.TGRC Function MTIOC4C Pin Function
0 0 0 0 Output compare Output prohibited
0 0 0 1 Initial output is low.
Low output at compare match.
0 0 1 0 Initial output is low.
High output at compare match.
0 0 1 1 Initial output is low.
Toggle output at compare match.
0 1 0 0 Output prohibited
0 1 0 1 Initial output is high.
Low output at compare match.
0 1 1 0 Initial output is high.
High output at compare match.
0 1 1 1 Initial output is high.
Toggle output at compare match.
1 x 0 0 Input capture register*1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 x 0 1 Input capture at falling edge.
1 x 1 x Input capture at both edges.

x: Don't care
Note 1. When the BFA bit in MTU4.TMDR is set to 1 and MTU4.TGRC is used as a buffer register, this setting is invalid and input
capture/output compare is not generated.

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Table 21.28 TIORU, TIORV, and TIORW (MTU5)

Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
0 0 0 0 0 Compare match register Compare match
0 0 0 0 1 Setting prohibited
0 0 0 1 x Setting prohibited
0 0 1 x x Setting prohibited
0 1 x x x Setting prohibited
1 0 0 0 0 Input capture register Setting prohibited
1 0 0 0 1 Input capture at rising edge.
1 0 0 1 0 Input capture at falling edge.
1 0 0 1 1 Input capture at both edges.
1 0 1 x x Setting prohibited
1 1 0 0 0 Setting prohibited
1 1 0 0 1 Measurement of low pulse width of external input signal.
Capture at trough in complementary PWM mode.
1 1 0 1 0 Measurement of low pulse width of external input signal.
Capture at crest of complementary PWM mode.
1 1 0 1 1 Measurement of low pulse width of external input signal.
Capture at crest and trough of complementary PWM mode.
1 1 1 0 0 Setting prohibited
1 1 1 0 1 Measurement of high pulse width of external input signal.
Capture at trough in complementary PWM mode.
1 1 1 1 0 Measurement of high pulse width of external input signal
Capture at crest of complementary PWM mode.
1 1 1 1 1 Measurement of high pulse width of external input signal.
Capture at crest and trough of complementary PWM mode.

x: Don't care

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

21.2.4 Timer Compare Match Clear Register (TCNTCMPCLR)

Address(es): MTU5.TCNTCMPCLR 0008 88B6h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CMPCLR5W TCNT Compare Clear 0: Disables MTU5.TCNTW to be cleared to 0000h at MTU5.TCNTW and R/W
5W MTU5.TGRW compare match or input capture
1: Enables MTU5.TCNTW to be cleared to 0000h at MTU5.TCNTW and
MTU5.TGRW compare match or input capture
b1 CMPCLR5V TCNT Compare Clear 0: Disables MTU5.TCNTV to be cleared to 0000h at MTU5.TCNTV and R/W
5V MTU5.TGRV compare match or input capture
1: Enables MTU5.TCNTV to be cleared to 0000h at MTU5.TCNTV and
MTU5.TGRV compare match or input capture
b2 CMPCLR5U TCNT Compare Clear 0: Disables MTU5.TCNTU to be cleared to 0000h at MTU5.TCNTU and R/W
5U MTU5.TGRU compare match or input capture
1: Enables MTU5.TCNTU to be cleared to 0000h at MTU5.TCNTU and
MTU5.TGRU compare match or input capture
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TCNTCMPCLR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that specifies requests to clear MTU5.TCNTU, MTU5.TCNTV,

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21.2.5 Timer Interrupt Enable Register (TIER)

 TIER (MTU0 to MTU4)

Address(es): MTU0.TIER 0008 8704h, MTU1.TIER 0008 8784h, MTU2.TIER 0008 8804h, MTU3.TIER 0008 8608h,
MTU4.TIER 0008 8609h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TGIEA TGR Interrupt Enable A 0: Interrupt requests (TGIA) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TGIA) enabled
b1 TGIEB TGR Interrupt Enable B 0: Interrupt requests (TGIB) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TGIB) enabled
b2 TGIEC TGR Interrupt Enable C 0: Interrupt requests (TGIC) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TGIC) enabled
b3 TGIED TGR Interrupt Enable D 0: Interrupt requests (TGID) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TGID) enabled
b4 TCIEV Overflow Interrupt Enable 0: Interrupt requests (TCIV) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TCIV) enabled
b5 TCIEU Underflow Interrupt Enable 0: Interrupt requests (TCIU) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TCIU) enabled
b6 TTGE2 A/D Converter Start Request Enable 2 0: A/D converter start request generation by MTU4.TCNT R/W
underflow (trough) disabled
1: A/D converter start request generation by MTU4.TCNT
underflow (trough) enabled
b7 TTGE A/D Converter Start Request Enable 0: A/D converter start request generation disabled R/W
1: A/D converter start request generation enabled

The MTU has a total of seven TIER registers, two each for MTU0 and one each for MTU1 to MTU5.
TIER is an 8-bit readable/writable register that enables or disables interrupt requests in each channel.

TGIEA and TGIEB Bits (TGR Interrupt Enable A and B)

Each bit enables or disables interrupt requests (TGIn) (n = A or B).

TGIEC and TGIED Bits (TGR Interrupt Enable C and D)

Each bit enables or disables interrupt requests (TGIn) in MTU0, MTU3 and MTU4 (n = C or D).
In MTU1 and MTU2, these bits are reserved. They are read as 0. The write value should be 0.

TCIEV Bit (Overflow Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disables interrupt requests (TCIV).

TCIEU Bit (Underflow Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disables interrupt requests (TCIU) in MTU1 and MTU2.
In MTU0, MTU3, and MTU4, this bit is reserved. It is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

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TTGE2 Bit (A/D Converter Start Request Enable 2)

This bit enables or disables generation of A/D converter start requests by MTU4.TCNT underflow (trough) in
complementary PWM mode.
In MTU0 to MTU3, this bit is reserved. It is read as 0. The write value should be 0.

TTGE Bit (A/D Converter Start Request Enable)

This bit enables or disables generation of A/D converter start requests by TGRA input capture/compare match.

 TIER2 (MTU0)

Address(es): MTU0.TIER2 0008 8724h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — TGIEF TGIEE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TGIEE TGR Interrupt Enable E 0: Interrupt requests (TGIE) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TGIE) enabled
b1 TGIEF TGR Interrupt Enable F 0: Interrupt requests (TGIF) disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests (TGIF) enabled
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TGIEE and TGIEF Bits (TGR Interrupt Enable E and F)

Each bit enables or disables interrupt requests by compare match between MTU0.TCNT and MTU0.TGRm (m = E or F).

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Address(es): MTU5.TIER 0008 88B2h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — TGIE5 TGIE5V TGIE5

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TGIE5W TGR Interrupt Enable 5W 0: Interrupt requests TGI5W disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests TGI5W enabled
b1 TGIE5V TGR Interrupt Enable 5V 0: Interrupt requests TGI5V disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests TGI5V enabled
b2 TGIE5U TGR Interrupt Enable 5U 0: Interrupt requests TGI5U disabled R/W
1: Interrupt requests TGI5U enabled
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TGIE5W, TGIE5V, and TGIE5U Bits (TGR Interrupt Enable 5m)

Each bit enables or disables interrupt requests (TGIm5) (m = W, V, or U).

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21.2.6 Timer Status Register (TSR)

 TSR (MTU0 to MTU4)

Address(es): MTU0.TSR 0008 8705h, MTU1.TSR 0008 8785h, MTU2.TSR 0008 8805h, MTU3.TSR 0008 862Ch,
MTU4.TSR 0008 862Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

TCFD — — — — — — —

Value after reset: 1 1 x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b5 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as undefined. The write value should be 1. R/W
b6 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b7 TCFD Count Direction Flag 0: TCNT counts down R
1: TCNT counts up

The MTU has a total of five TSR registers, one each for MTU0 to MTU4.
TSR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that indicates the status of each channel.

TCFD Flag (Count Direction Flag)

Status flag that shows the direction in which TCNT counts in MTU1 to MTU4.
In MTU0, this bit is reserved. It is read as 1. The write value should be 1.

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21.2.7 Timer Buffer Operation Transfer Mode Register (TBTM)

Address(es): MTU0.TBTM 0008 8726h, MTU3.TBTM 0008 8638h, MTU4.TBTM 0008 8639h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — TTSE TTSB TTSA

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TTSA Timing Select A 0: When compare match A occurs in each channel, data is transferred R/W
from TGRC to TGRA
1: When TCNT is cleared in each channel, data is transferred from TGRC
b1 TTSB Timing Select B 0: When compare match B occurs in each channel, data is transferred R/W
from TGRD to TGRB
1: When TCNT is cleared in each channel, data is transferred from TGRD
b2 TTSE Timing Select E 0: When compare match E occurs in MTU0, data is transferred from R/W
1: When MTU0.TCNT is cleared in MTU0, data is transferred from
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The MTU has a total of three TBTM registers, one each for MTU0, MTU3 and MTU4.
TBTM is an 8-bit readable/writable register that specifies the timing for transferring data from the buffer register to the
timer general register in PWM mode.

TTSA Bit (Timing Select A)

This bit specifies the timing for transferring data from TGRC to TGRA in each channel when they are used together for
buffer operation. When a channel is not set to PWM mode, do not set the TTSA bit in the channel to 1.

TTSB Bit (Timing Select B)

This bit specifies the timing for transferring data from TGRD to TGRB in each channel when they are used together for
buffer operation. When a channel is not set to PWM mode, do not set the TTSB bit in the channel to 1.

TTSE Bit (Timing Select E)

This bit specifies the timing for transferring data from MTU0.TGRF to MTU0.TGRE when they are used together for
buffer operation. In MTU3 and MTU4, this bit is reserved. It is read as 0 and the write value should be 0. When MTU0 is
not set to PWM mode, do not set the TTSE bit to 1.

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21.2.8 Timer Input Capture Control Register (TICCR)

Address(es): MTU1.TICCR 0008 8790h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — I2BE I2AE I1BE I1AE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 I1AE Input Capture Enable 0: Does not include the MTIOC1A pin in the MTU2.TGRA input capture R/W
1: Includes the MTIOC1A pin in the MTU2.TGRA input capture
b1 I1BE Input Capture Enable 0: Does not include the MTIOC1B pin in the MTU2.TGRB input capture R/W
1: Includes the MTIOC1B pin in the MTU2.TGRB input capture
b2 I2AE Input Capture Enable 0: Does not include the MTIOC2A pin in the MTU1.TGRA input capture R/W
1: Includes the MTIOC2A pin in the MTU1.TGRA input capture
b3 I2BE Input Capture Enable 0: Does not include the MTIOC2B pin in the MTU1.TGRB input capture R/W
1: Includes the MTIOC2B pin in the MTU1.TGRB input capture
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The MTU has one TICCR for MTU1.

TICCR specifies input capture conditions when MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT are cascaded.

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21.2.9 Timer A/D Converter Start Request Control Register (TADCR)

Address(es): MTU4.TADCR 0008 8640h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 ITB4VE TCIV4 Interrupt Skipping Link Enable 0: TCI4V interrupt skipping is not linked R/W*1
1: TCI4V interrupt skipping is linked
b1 ITB3AE TGIA3 Interrupt Skipping Link Enable 0: TGI3A interrupt skipping is not linked R/W*1
1: TGI3A interrupt skipping is linked
b2 ITA4VE TCIV4 Interrupt Skipping Link Enable 0: TCI4V interrupt skipping is not linked R/W*1
1: TCI4V interrupt skipping is linked
b3 ITA3AE TGIA3 Interrupt Skipping Link Enable 0: TGI3A interrupt skipping is not linked R/W*1
1: TGI3A interrupt skipping is linked
b4 DT4BE Down-Count TRG4BN Enable 0: A/D converter start requests (TRG4BN) disabled R/W*1
during MTU4.TCNT down-count operation
1: A/D converter start requests (TRG4BN) enabled
during MTU4.TCNT down-count operation
b5 UT4BE Up-Count TRG4BN Enable 0: A/D converter start requests (TRG4BN) disabled R/W
during MTU4.TCNT up-count operation
1: A/D converter start requests (TRG4BN) enabled
during MTU4.TCNT up-count operation
b6 DT4AE Down-Count TRG4AN Enable 0: A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN) disabled R/W*1
during MTU4.TCNT down-count operation
1: A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN) enabled
during MTU4.TCNT down-count operation
b7 UT4AE Up-Count TRG4AN Enable 0: A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN) disabled R/W
during MTU4.TCNT up-count operation
1: A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN) enabled
during MTU4.TCNT up-count operation
b13 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15, b14 BF[1:0] MTU4.TADCOBRA/B Transfer Timing Select See Table 21.29 for details. R/W

Note: • TADCR must not be accessed in 8-bit units; it should be accessed in 16-bit units.
Note: • When interrupt skipping is disabled (the T3AEN and T4VEN bits in the timer interrupt skipping set register (TITCR) are cleared to
0 or the interrupt skipping count setting bits (T3ACOR and T4VCOR) in TITCR are cleared to 0), do not link A/D converter start
requests with interrupt skipping operation (clear the ITA3AE, ITA4VE, ITB3AE, and ITB4VE bits in the timer A/D converter start
request control register (TADCR) to 0).
Note: • If link with interrupt skipping is enabled while interrupt skipping is disabled, A/D converter start requests will not be issued.
Note 1. Do not set any bit from among b6 and b4 to b0 to 1 unless complementary PWM mode is not selected.

TADCR is a 16-bit readable/writable register that enables or disables A/D converter start requests and specifies whether
to link A/D converter start requests with interrupt skipping operation.

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Table 21.29 Setting of Transfer Timing by BF[1:0] Bits

Bit 15 Bit 14
BF1 BF0 Description
0 0 Does not transfer data from the cycle set buffer register to the cycle set register.
0 1 Transfers data from the cycle set buffer register to the cycle set register at the crest of the
MTU4.TCNT count.*1
1 0 Transfers data from the cycle set buffer register to the cycle set register at the trough of the
MTU4.TCNT count.*2
1 1 Transfers data from the cycle set buffer register to the cycle set register at the crest and trough of
the MTU4.TCNT count.*2

Note 1. Data is transferred from the cycle set buffer register to the cycle set register when the crest of the MTU4.TCNT count is reached
in complementary PWM mode, when a compare match occurs between MTU3.TCNT and MTU3.TGRA in reset-synchronized
PWM mode, or when a compare match occurs between MTU4.TCNT and MTU4.TGRA in PWM mode 1 or normal operation
Note 2. These settings are prohibited when complementary PWM mode is not selected.

21.2.10 Timer A/D Converter Start Request Cycle Set Registers A and B (TADCORA

Address(es): MTU4.TADCORA 0008 8644h, MTU4.TADCORB 0008 8646h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: • MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TADCORB must not be accessed in 8-bit units; they should always be accessed in
16-bit units.

TADCORA and TADCORB are 16-bit readable/writable registers. When the MTU4.TCNT count reaches the value in
TADCORA or TADCORB, a corresponding A/D converter start request will be issued.
The TADCORA and TADCORB values after reset are FFFFh.

21.2.11 Timer A/D Converter Start Request Cycle Set Buffer Registers A and B

Address(es): MTU4.TADCOBRA 0008 8648h, MTU4.TADCOBRB 0008 864Ah

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: • MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TADCORB must not be accessed in 8-bit units; they should always be accessed in
16-bit units.

TADCOBRA and TADCOBRB are 16-bit readable/writable registers. When the crest or trough of the MTU4.TCNT
count is reached, these register values are transferred to TADCORA and TADCORB, respectively.
The TADCOBRA and TADCOBRB values after reset are FFFFh.

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21.2.12 Timer Counter (TCNT)

Address(es): MTU0.TCNT 0008 8706h, MTU1.TCNT 0008 8786h, MTU2.TCNT 0008 8806h, MTU3.TCNT 0008 8610h,
MTU4.TCNT 0008 8612h, MTU5.TCNTU 0008 8880h, MTU5.TCNTV 0008 8890h, MTU5.TCNTW 0008 88A0h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: • The TCNT counters must not be accessed in 8-bit units; they should always be accessed in 16-bit units.

The MTU has a total of eight TCNT counters, one each for MTU0 to MTU4 and three (MTU5.TCNTU, TCNTV, and
TCNTW) for MTU5. TCNT is a 16-bit readable/writable counter.
TCNT is initialized to 0000h by a reset.

21.2.13 Timer General Register (TGR)

Address(es): MTU0.TGRA 0008 8708h, MTU0.TGRB 0008 870Ah, MTU0.TGRC 0008 870Ch, MTU0.TGRD 0008 870Eh,
MTU0.TGRE 0008 8720h, MTU0.TGRF 0008 8722h, MTU1.TGRA 0008 8788h, MTU1.TGRB 0008 878Ah,
MTU2.TGRA 0008 8808h, MTU2.TGRB 0008 880Ah, MTU3.TGRA 0008 8618h, MTU3.TGRB 0008 861Ah,
MTU3.TGRC 0008 8624h, MTU3.TGRD 0008 8626h, MTU4.TGRA 0008 861Ch, MTU4.TGRB 0008 861Eh,
MTU4.TGRC 0008 8628h, MTU4.TGRD 0008 862Ah, MTU5.TGRU 0008 8882h, MTU5.TGRV 0008 8892h,
MTU5.TGRW 0008 88A2h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: • The TGR registers must not be accessed in 8-bit units; they should always be accessed in 16-bit units. TGR
registers are initialized to FFFFh.

The MTU has a total of 21 TGR registers, six for MTU0, two each for MTU1 and MTU2, four each for MTU3 and
MTU4, and three for MTU5. TGR is a 16-bit readable/writable register.
TGRA, TGRB, TGRC, and TGRD function as either output compare or input capture registers. TGRC and TGRD for
MTU0, MTU3, and MTU4 can also be designated for operation as buffer registers. TGR buffer register combinations are
TGRA and TGRC, and TGRB and TGRD.
MTU0.TGRE and MTU0.TGRF function as compare registers. When the MTU0.TCNT count matches the
MTU0.TGRE value, an A/D converter start request can be issued. TGRF can also be designated for operation as a buffer
register. TGR buffer register combination is TGRE and TGRF.
MTU5.TGRU, MTU5.TGRV, and MTU5.TGRW function as compare match, input capture, or external pulse width
measurement registers.

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21.2.14 Timer Start Registers (TSTR)

 TSTR (MTU0 to MTU4)

Address(es): MTU.TSTR 0008 8680h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

CST4 CST3 — — — CST2 CST1 CST0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CST0 Counter Start 0 0: MTU0.TCNT performs count stop R/W
1: MTU0.TCNT performs count operation
b1 CST1 Counter Start 1 0: MTU1.TCNT performs count stop R/W
1: MTU1.TCNT performs count operation
b2 CST2 Counter Start 2 0: MTU2.TCNT performs count stop R/W
1: MTU2.TCNT performs count operation
b5 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 CST3 Counter Start 3 0: MTU3.TCNT performs count stop R/W
1: MTU3.TCNT performs count operation
b7 CST4 Counter Start 4 0: MTU4.TCNT performs count stop R/W
1: MTU4.TCNT performs count operation

TSTR starts or stops TCNT operation in MTU0 to MTU4.

Before setting the operating mode in TMDR or setting the TCNT count clock in TCR, be sure to stop the TCNT counter.

CSTn Bits (Counter Start n) (n = 0 to 4)

Each bit starts or stops TCNT in the corresponding channel.
If 0 is written to the CSTn bit during operation with the MTIOC pin designated for output, the counter stops but the
output compare signal level from the MTIOC pin is retained. If TIOR is written to while the CSTn bit is 0, the pin output
level will be changed to the specified initial output value.

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Address(es): MTU5.TSTR 0008 88B4h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — CSTU5 CSTV5 CSTW5

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CSTW5 Counter Start W5 0: MTU5.TCNTW count operation is stopped R/W
1: MTU5.TCNTW performs count operation
b1 CSTV5 Counter Start V5 0: MTU5.TCNTV count operation is stopped R/W
1: MTU5.TCNTV performs count operation
b2 CSTU5 Counter Start U5 0: MTU5.TCNTU count operation is stopped R/W
1: MTU5.TCNTU performs count operation
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

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21.2.15 Timer Synchronous Registers (TSYR)

Address(es): MTU.TSYR 0008 8681h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SYNC0 Timer Synchronous Operation 0 0: MTU0.TCNT operates independently R/W
(TCNT presetting/clearing is not related to other channels).
1: MTU0.TCNT performs synchronous operation.
TCNT synchronous presetting/synchronous clearing is enabled.
b1 SYNC1 Timer Synchronous Operation 1 0: MTU1.TCNT operates independently R/W
(TCNT presetting/clearing is not related to other channels).
1: MTU1.TCNT performs synchronous operation.
TCNT synchronous presetting/synchronous clearing is enabled.
b2 SYNC2 Timer Synchronous Operation 2 0: MTU2.TCNT operates independently R/W
(TCNT presetting/clearing is not related to other channels).
1: MTU2.TCNT performs synchronous operation.
TCNT synchronous presetting/synchronous clearing is enabled.
b5 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 SYNC3 Timer Synchronous Operation 3 0: MTU3.TCNT operates independently R/W
(TCNT presetting/clearing is not related to other channels).
1: MTU3.TCNT performs synchronous operation.
TCNT synchronous presetting/synchronous clearing is enabled.
b7 SYNC4 Timer Synchronous Operation 4 0: MTU4.TCNT operates independently R/W
(TCNT presetting/clearing is not related to other channels).
1: MTU4.TCNT performs synchronous operation.
TCNT synchronous presetting/synchronous clearing is enabled.

TSYR selects independent operation or synchronous operation of TCNT in MTU0 to MTU4.

A channel performs synchronous operation when the corresponding bit in TSYR is set to 1.

SYNCn Bits (Timer Synchronous n Operation) (n = 0 to 4)

Each bit selects whether operation is independent of or synchronized with other channels.
When synchronous operation is selected, the TCNT synchronous presetting of multiple channels and synchronous
clearing by counter clearing on another channel are possible.
To set synchronous operation, the SYNCn bits for at least two channels must be set to 1. To set synchronous clearing, in
addition to the SYNCn bit, the TCNT clearing source must also be set by means of TCR.CCLR[2:0] bits.

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21.2.16 Timer Read/Write Enable Registers (TRWER)

Address(es): MTU.TRWER 0008 8684h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — RWE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 RWE Read/Write Enable 0: Read/write access to the registers is disabled R/W
1: Read/write access to the registers is enabled
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TRWER enables or disables access to the registers and counters that have write-protection capability against accidental
modification in MTU3 and MTU4.

RWE Bit (Read/Write Enable)

This bit enables or disables access to the registers that have write-protection capability against accidental modification.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the RWE bit after reading RWE bit = 1

 Registers and Counters having Write-Protection Capability against Accidental Modification


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21.2.17 Timer Output Master Enable Registers (TOER)

Address(es): MTU.TOER 0008 860Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OE3B Master Enable MTIOC3B 0: MTU output is disabled*1 R/W
1: MTU output is enabled
b1 OE4A Master Enable MTIOC4A 0: MTU output is disabled*1 R/W
1: MTU output is enabled
b2 OE4B Master Enable MTIOC4B 0: MTU output is disabled*1 R/W
1: MTU output is enabled
b3 OE3D Master Enable MTIOC3D 0: MTU output is disabled*1 R/W
1: MTU output is enabled
b4 OE4C Master Enable MTIOC4C 0: MTU output is disabled*1 R/W
1: MTU output is enabled
b5 OE4D Master Enable MTIOC4D 0: MTU output is disabled*1 R/W
1: MTU output is enabled
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. To output the inactive level from each pin when the MTU output is set to disabled, first set the data direction register (PDR) and
port output data register (PODR) of I/O ports to output the inactive level from general I/O ports, and then set the port mode
register (PMR) to use general I/O ports.

TOER enables or disables output settings for output pins MTIOC4D, MTIOC4C, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4B, MTIOC4A,
and MTIOC3B.
These pins do not output correctly if the TOER bits have not been set. In MTU3 and MTU4, set TOER prior to setting
Set TOER after clearing the CST3 and CST4 bits in TSTR to 0 (see Figure 21.35 and Figure 21.38).

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21.2.18 Timer Output Control Registers 1 (TOCR1)

Address(es): MTU.TOCR 0008 860Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OLSP Output Level Select P*2, *3 See Table 21.30. R/W
b1 OLSN Output Level Select N*2, *3 See Table 21.31. R/W
b2 TOCS TOC Select 0: TOCR1 setting is selected R/W
1: TOCR2 setting is selected
b3 TOCL TOC Register Write Protection*1 0: Write access to the TOCS, OLSN, and OLSP bits is enabled R/W*4
1: Write access to the TOCS, OLSN, and OLSP bits is disabled
b5, b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 PSYE PWM Synchronous Output 0: Toggle output is disabled R/W
Enable 1: Toggle output is enabled
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Setting the TOCR1.TOCL bit to 1 prevents accidental modification when the CPU goes out of control.
Note 2. Clearing the TOCR1.TOCS bit to 0 makes this bit setting valid.
Note 3. If dead-time is not generated, the negative-phase output is always the exact inverse of the positive-phase output. In this case,
only the OLSP bit is valid.
Note 4. This bit can be set to 1 only once after a power on reset. After 1 is written, 0 cannot be written to the bit.

TOCR1 is 8-bit readable/writable registers that enable or disable PWM-synchronized toggle output in complementary
PWM mode and reset-synchronized PWM mode, and control inversion of PWM output level.

OLSP Bit (Output Level Select P)

This bit selects the positive-phase output level in reset-synchronized PWM mode and complementary PWM mode.

OLSN Bit (Output Level Select N)

This bit selects the negative-phase output level in reset-synchronized PWM mode and complementary PWM mode.

TOCS Bit (TOC Select)

This bit selects either the TOCR1 or TOCR2 setting to be used for the output level in complementary PWM mode and
reset-synchronized PWM mode.

TOCL Bit (TOC Register Write Protection)

This bit enables or disables write access to the TOCS, OLSN, and OLSP bits in TOCR1.

PSYE Bit (PWM Synchronous Output Enable)

This bit enables or disables toggle output synchronized with the PWM cycle.

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Table 21.30 Output Level Select Function

Bit 0 Function
Compare Match Output
OLSP Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low Low High
1 Low High High Low

Table 21.31 Output Level Select Function

Bit 1 Function
Compare Match Output
OLSN Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low High Low
1 Low High Low High

Note: • The initial output value of negative-phase waveform changes to an active level after the dead time has passed since counting

Figure 21.2 shows an example of output in complementary PWM mode (one phase) when OLSN = 1 and OLSP = 1.

MTU3.TCNT value



0000h Time
Compare match
output (up-count)
Initial Compare match output
Positive-phase output Active level
output (down-count)
Initial Compare match output
output (down-count)
Active Compare match
Negative-phase output output (up-count) Active level

Figure 21.2 Example of Output in Complementary PWM Mode

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21.2.19 Timer Output Control Registers 2 (TOCR2)

Address(es): MTU.TOCR2 0008 860Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OLS1P Output Level Select 1P*1, *2 This bit selects the output level on MTIOC3B in reset-synchronized R/W
PWM mode and complementary PWM mode. See Table 21.32.
b1 OLS1N Output Level Select 1N*1, *2 This bit selects the output level on MTIOC3D in reset-synchronized R/W
PWM mode and complementary PWM mode. See Table 21.33.
b2 OLS2P Output Level Select 2P*1, *2 This bit selects the output level on MTIOC4A in reset-synchronized R/W
PWM mode and complementary PWM mode. See Table 21.34.
b3 OLS2N Output Level Select 2N*1, *2 This bit selects the output level on MTIOC4C in reset-synchronized R/W
PWM mode and complementary PWM mode. See Table 21.35.
b4 OLS3P Output Level Select 3P*1, *2 This bit selects the output level on MTIOC4B in reset-synchronized R/W
PWM mode and complementary PWM mode. See Table 21.36.
b5 OLS3N Output Level Select 3N*1, *2 This bit selects the output level on MTIOC4D in reset-synchronized R/W
PWM mode and complementary PWM mode. See Table 21.37.
b7, b6 BF[1:0] TOLBR Buffer Transfer Timing These bits select the timing for transferring data from TOLBR to R/W
Select TOCR2. See Table 21.38 for details.

Note 1. Setting the TOCR1.TOCS bit to 1 makes this bit setting valid.
Note 2. If dead-time is not generated, the negative-phase output is always the exact inverse of the positive-phase output. In these cases,
only the OLSiP bits are valid (i = 1 to 3).

TOCR2 control inversion of PWM output level in complementary PWM mode and reset-synchronized PWM mode.

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Table 21.32 MTIOC3B Output Level Select Function

Bit 0 Function
Compare Match Output
OLS1P Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low Low High
1 Low High High Low

Table 21.33 MTIOC3D Output Level Select Function

Bit 1 Function
Compare Match Output
OLS1N Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low High Low
1 Low High Low High

Note: • The initial output value of negative-phase waveform changes to an active level after the dead time has passed since counting

Table 21.34 MTIOC4A Output Level Select Function

Bit 2 Function
Compare Match Output
OLS2P Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low Low High
1 Low High High Low

Table 21.35 MTIOC4C Output Level Select Function

Bit 3 Function
Compare Match Output
OLS2N Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low High Low
1 Low High Low High

Note: • The initial output value of negative-phase waveform changes to an active level after the dead time has passed since counting

Table 21.36 MTIOC4B Output Level Select Function

Bit 4 Function
Compare Match Output
OLS3P Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low Low High
1 Low High High Low

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Table 21.37 MTIOC4D Output Level Select Function

Bit 5 Function
Compare Match Output
OLS3N Initial Output Active Level Up-Counting Down-Counting
0 High Low High Low
1 Low High Low High

Note: • The initial output value of negative-phase waveform changes to an active level after the dead time has passed since counting

Table 21.38 Setting of TOCR2.BF[1:0] Bits

Bit 7 Bit 6 Description
BF1 BF0 Complementary PWM Mode Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode
0 0 Does not transfer data from the buffer register (TOLBR) Does not transfer data from the buffer register (TOLBR)
to TOCR2. to TOCR2.
0 1 Transfers data from the buffer register (TOLBR) to Transfers data from the buffer register (TOLBR) to
TOCR2 at the crest of the MTU4.TCNT count. TOCR2 when MTU4.TCNT or MTU3.TCNT is cleared.
1 0 Transfers data from the buffer register (TOLBRj) to Setting prohibited
TOCR2 at the trough of the MTU4.TCNT count.
1 1 Transfers data from the buffer register (TOLBR) to Setting prohibited
TOCR2 at the crest and trough of the MTU4.TCNT count.

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21.2.20 Timer Output Level Buffer Registers (TOLBR)

Address(es): MTU.TOLBR 0008 8636h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OLS1P Output Level Select 1P Specify the buffer value to be transferred to the OLS1P bit in TOCR2. R/W
b1 OLS1N Output Level Select 1N Specify the buffer value to be transferred to the OLS1N bit in TOCR2. R/W
b2 OLS2P Output Level Select 2P Specify the buffer value to be transferred to the OLS2P bit in TOCR2. R/W
b3 OLS2N Output Level Select 2N Specify the buffer value to be transferred to the OLS2N bit in TOCR2. R/W
b4 OLS3P Output Level Select 3P Specify the buffer value to be transferred to the OLS3P bit in TOCR2. R/W
b5 OLS3N Output Level Select 3N Specify the buffer value to be transferred to the OLS3N bit in TOCR2. R/W
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TOLBR is 8-bit readable/writable registers that function as buffer registers for TOCR2 and specify the PWM output level
in complementary PWM mode and reset-synchronized PWM mode.

Figure 21.3 shows an example of the PWM output level setting procedure in buffer operation.

Set the TOCS bit [1]

[1] Set the TOCS bit in TOCR1 to 1 to enable the TOCR2 setting.

[2] Use bits BF1 and BF0 in TOCR2 to select the TOLBR buffer transfer
timing. Use bits OLS3N to OLS1N and OLS3P to OLS1P to specify the
PWM output levels.
Set TOCR2 [2]
[3] The TOLBR initial setting must be the same value as specified in bits
OLS3N to OLS1N and OLS3P to OLS1P in TOCR2.

Set TOLBR [3]

Figure 21.3 Example of PWM Output Level Setting Procedure in Buffer Operation

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21.2.21 Timer Gate Control Registers (TGCR)

Address(es): MTU.TGCR 0008 860Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 UF Output Phase Switch These bits turn on or off the positive-phase/negative-phase output. R/W
The setting of these bits is valid only when the TGCR.FB bit s set to 1.
b1 VF R/W
In this case, the setting of b0 to b2 is used instead of the external
b2 WF input. See Table 21.39. R/W
b3 FB External Feedback Signal 0: Output is switched by external input (input sources are TGRA, R/W
Enable TGRB, and TGRC input capture signals in MTU0)
1: Output is switched by software (TGCR’s UF, VF, and WF settings)
b4 P Positive-Phase Output (P) 0: Level output R/W
Control 1: Reset-synchronized PWM or complementary PWM output
b5 N Negative-Phase Output (N) 0: Level output R/W
Control 1: Reset-synchronized PWM or complementary PWM output
b6 BDC Brushless DC Motor 0: Ordinary output R/W
1: Functions of this register are made effective
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

TGCR control the output waveform necessary for brushless DC motor control in reset-synchronized PWM mode and
complementary PWM mode. These register settings are ineffective for anything other than complementary PWM mode
and reset-synchronized PWM mode.

UF, VF, and WF Bits (Output Phase Switch)

The setting of these bits is valid only when the TGCR.FB bit is set to 1. In this case, the setting of b0 to b2 is used instead
of the external input. See Table 21.39.

FB Bit (External Feedback Signal Enable)

This bit selects whether the positive-/negative-phase output is switched automatically with the TGRA, TGRB, and
TGRC input capture signals in MTU0 or by writing 0 or 1 to bits 2 to 0 in TGCR.

P Bit (Positive-Phase Output (P) Control)

This bit selects the level output or the reset-synchronized PWM/complementary PWM output for the positive-phase
output pins (MTIOC3B, MTIOC4A, and MTIOC4B pins).

N Bit (Negative-Phase Output (N) Control)

This bit selects the level output or the reset-synchronized PWM/complementary PWM output for the negative-phase
output pins (MTIOC3D, MTIOC4C, and MTIOC4D pins).

BDC Bit (Brushless DC Motor)

This bit selects whether to make the functions of TGCR effective or ineffective.

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Table 21.39 Output Level Select Function

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Function
WF VF UF U Phase V Phase W Phase U Phase V Phase W Phase

21.2.22 Timer Subcounters (TCNTS)

Address(es): MTU.TCNTS 0008 8620h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: • Accessing the TCNTS in 8-bit units is prohibited. Always access in 16-bit units.

TCNTS is 16-bit read-only counters that are used only in complementary PWM mode.
The TCNTS value after reset is 0000h.

21.2.23 Timer Dead Time Data Registers (TDDR)

Address(es): MTU.TDDR 0008 8616h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: • Accessing the TDDR in 8-bit units is prohibited. Always access in 16-bit units.

TDDR is 16-bit registers, used only in complementary PWM mode, that specify the MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT
counter offset value. In complementary PWM mode, when the MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT counters are cleared and
then restarted, the TDDR value is loaded into the MTU3.TCNT counter and the count operation starts. The TDDR value
after reset is FFFFh.

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21.2.24 Timer Cycle Data Registers (TCDR)

Address(es): MTU.TCDR 0008 8614h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: • Accessing the TCDR in 8-bit units is prohibited. Always access in 16-bit units.

TCDR is 16-bit registers used only in complementary PWM mode. Set half the PWM carrier cycle as the TCDR value.
TCDR is constantly compared with the TCNTS counter in complementary PWM mode, and when a match occurs, the
TCNTS counter switches direction (down-count to up-count). The TCDR value after reset is FFFFh.

21.2.25 Timer Cycle Buffer Registers (TCBR)

Address(es): MTU.TCBR 0008 8622h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: • Accessing the TCBR in 8-bit units is prohibited. Always access in 16-bit units.

TCBR is 16-bit registers, used only in complementary PWM mode, that function as buffer registers for TCDR. The
TCBR value is transferred to TCDR with the transfer timing set in TMDR. The TCBR value after reset is FFFFh.

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21.2.26 Timer Interrupt Skipping Set Registers (TITCR)

Address(es): MTU.TITCR 0008 8630h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 T4VCOR[2:0] TCIV4 Interrupt Skipping Count These bits specify the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count within R/W
Setting the range from 0 to 7.*1 For details, see Table 21.40.
b3 T4VEN T4VEN 0: TCIV4 interrupt skipping disabled R/W
1: TCIV4 interrupt skipping enabled
b6 to b4 T3ACOR[2:0] TGIA3 Interrupt Skipping Count These bits specify the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count within R/W
Setting the range from 0 to 7.*1 For details, see Table 21.41.
b7 T3AEN T3AEN 0: TGIA3 interrupt skipping disabled R/W
1: TGIA3 interrupt skipping enabled

Note 1. When 0 is specified for the interrupt skipping count, no interrupt skipping will be performed.
Before changing the interrupt skipping count, be sure to clear the TITCR.T3AEN and TITCR.T4VEN bits to 0 to clear the timer
interrupt skipping counter (TITCNT).

T4VCOR[2:0] Bits (TCIV4 Interrupt Skipping Count Setting)

T3ACOR[2:0] Bits (TGIA3 Interrupt Skipping Count Setting)
These bits specify the TCIV3 and TGIA4 interrupt skipping count within the range from 0 to 7. For details, see Table
21.40 and Table 21.41.

Table 21.40 Setting of Interrupt Skipping Count by T4VCOR[2:0] Bits

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
T4VCOR2 T4VCOR1 T4VCOR0 Description
0 0 0 Does not perform TCIV4 interrupt skipping.
0 0 1 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 1.
0 1 0 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 2.
0 1 1 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 3.
1 0 0 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 4.
1 0 1 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 5.
1 1 0 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 6.
1 1 1 Sets the TCIV4 interrupt skipping count to 7.

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Table 21.41 Setting of Interrupt Skipping Count by T3ACOR[2:0] Bits

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4
T3ACOR2 T3ACOR1 T3ACOR0 Description
0 0 0 Does not perform TGIA3 interrupt skipping.
0 0 1 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 1.
0 1 0 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 2.
0 1 1 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 3.
1 0 0 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 4.
1 0 1 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 5.
1 1 0 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 6.
1 1 1 Sets the TGIA3 interrupt skipping count to 7.

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21.2.27 Timer Interrupt Skipping Counters (TITCNT)

Address(es): MTU.TITCNT 0008 8631h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— T3ACNT[2:0] — T4VCNT[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 T4VCNT[2:0] TCIV4 Interrupt Counter While the T4VEN bit in TITCR is set to 1, the count in these bits is R
incremented every time a TCIV4 interrupt occurs.
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. Writing to this bit has no effect. R
b6 to b4 T3ACNT[2:0] TGIA3 Interrupt Counter While the T3AEN bit in TITCR is set to 1, the count in these bits is R
incremented every time a TGIA3 interrupt occurs.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. Writing to this bit has no effect. R

Note: • To clear the TITCNT, clear the T3AEN and T4VEN bits in TITCR to 0.

TITCNT is 8-bit readable counters. TITCNT retain their values even after stopping the count operation of MTU4.TCNT
and MTU3.TCNT.

T4VCNT[2:0] Bits (TCIV4 Interrupt Counter)

[Clearing conditions]
 When the T4VCNT[2:0] bits in TITCNT match the T4VCOR[2:0] bits in TITCR
 When the T4VEN bit in TITCR is cleared to 0
 When the T4VCOR[2:0] bits in TITCR are cleared to 000b

T3ACNT[2:0] Bits (TGIA3 Interrupt Counter)

[Clearing conditions]
 When the T3ACNT[2:0] bits in TITCNT match the T3ACOR[2:0] bits in TITCR
 When the T3AEN bit in TITCR is cleared to 0
 When the T3ACOR[2:0] bits in TITCR are cleared to 000b

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21.2.28 Timer Buffer Transfer Set Registers (TBTER)

Address(es): MTU.TBTER 0008 8632h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — BTE[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 BTE[1:0] Buffer Transfer Disable and These bits enable or disable transfer from the buffer registers used R/W
Interrupt Skipping Link Setting in complementary PWM mode to the temporary registers and
specify whether to link the transfer with interrupt skipping operation.
See Table 21.42 for details.
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TBTER is 8-bit readable/writable registers that enable or disable transfer from the buffer registers used in
complementary PWM mode to the temporary registers and specify whether to link the transfer with interrupt skipping

Table 21.42 Setting of TBTER.BTE[1:0] Bits

Bit 1 Bit 0
BTE1 BTE0 Description
0 0 Enables transfer from the buffer registers to the temporary registers*1 and does not link the
transfer with interrupt skipping operation.
0 1 Disables transfer from the buffer registers to the temporary registers.
1 0 Links transfer from the buffer registers to the temporary registers with interrupt skipping
1 1 Setting prohibited

Note 1. Data is transferred according to the MD3 to MD0 bit setting in TMDR. For details, refer to section 21.3.8, Complementary PWM
Note 2. When interrupt skipping is disabled (the T3AEN and T4VEN bits are cleared to 0 in the timer interrupt skipping set register
(TITCR) or the interrupt skipping count setting bits (T3ACOR and T4VCOR) in TITCR are cleared to 0), be sure to disable link of
buffer transfer with interrupt skipping (clear the BTE1 bit in the timer buffer transfer set register (TBTER) to 0). If link with
interrupt skipping is enabled while interrupt skipping is disabled, buffer transfer will not be performed.

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21.2.29 Timer Dead Time Enable Registers (TDER)

Address(es): MTU.TDER 0008 8634h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — TDER

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TDER Dead Time Enable 0: No dead time is generated R/(W)
1: Dead time is generated*1
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. TDDR must be set to 1 or a larger value.

TDER is 8-bit readable/writable registers that control dead time generation in complementary PWM mode. The MTU3
has one TDER register. TDER should be modified only while TCNT stops.

TDER Bit (Dead Time Enable)

This bit specifies whether to generate dead time.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to the TDER bit after reading TDER bit = 1

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21.2.30 Timer Waveform Control Registers (TWCR)

Address(es): MTU.TWCR 0008 8660h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

CCE — — — — — — WRE

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 WRE Initial Output Inhibition 0: Initial value specified in TOCR is output R/(W)
Enable 1: Initial output is inhibited *1
b6 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 CCE Compare Match Clear 0: Counters are not cleared at MTU3.TGRA compare match R/(W)
Enable 1: Counters are cleared at MTU3.TGRA compare match *2

Note 1. Do not set this bit to 1 unless complementary PWM mode is selected.
Note 2. Do not set this bit to 1 unless complementary PWM mode 1 is selected.

TWCR is 8-bit readable/writable registers. TWCR controls the output waveform when synchronous counter clearing
occurs in MTU3.TNCT and MTU4.TNCT in complementary PWM mode and specifies whether to clear the counters at
MTU3.TGRA compare match.
The CCE bit and WRE bit in TWCR should be modified only while TCNT stops.

WRE Bit (Initial Output Inhibition Enable)

This bit selects the waveform output when synchronous counter clearing occurs in complementary PWM mode.
The initial output is prohibited only when synchronous clearing occurs within the Tb interval at the trough in
complementary PWM mode. When synchronous clearing occurs outside this interval, the initial value specified in TOCR
is output regardless of the WRE bit setting. The initial value specified in TOCR is also output when synchronous clearing
occurs in the Tb interval at the trough immediately after MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT start operation.
For the Tb interval at the trough in complementary PWM mode, see Figure 21.40.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to the WRE bit after reading WRE bit = 0

CCE Bit (Compare Match Clear Enable)

This bit specifies whether to clear counters at TGRA3 compare match in complementary PWM mode.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to the CCE bit after reading CCE bit = 0

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21.2.31 Noise Filter Control Registers (NFCR)

 NFCR (MTU0 to MTU4)

Address(es): MTU0.NFCR 0008 8690h, MTU1.NFCR 0008 8691h, MTU2.NFCR 0008 8692h, MTU3.NFCR 0008 8693h,
MTU4.NFCR 0008 8694h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 NFAEN Noise Filter A Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIOCnA pin is disabled. R/W
1: The noise filter for the MTIOCnA pin is enabled.
b1 NFBEN Noise Filter B Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIOCnB pin is disabled. R/W
1: The noise filter for the MTIOCnB pin is enabled.
b2 NFCEN Noise Filter C Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIOCnC pin is disabled. R/W*1
1: The noise filter for the MTIOCnC pin is enabled.
b3 NFDEN Noise Filter D Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIOCnD pin is disabled. R/W*1
1: The noise filter for the MTIOCnD pin is enabled.
b5, b4 NFCS[1:0] Noise Filter Clock Select b5 b4 R/W
0 0: PCLK/1
0 1: PCLK/8
1 0: PCLK/32
1 1: The clock source for counting is the external clock.
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. These bits are reserved in the NFCRs for MTU1 and MTU2. These bits are read as 0, and writing to them is not possible.

MTUn.NFCR is 8-bit readable and writable register (n = 0 to 4). These registers control enabling and disabling of the
noise filters for the MTIOCnm (n = 0 to 4; m = A to D) pins and sets the sampling clocks for the noise filters.

NFAEN Bit (Noise Filter A Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIOCnA pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFAEN is changed, select the output compare function in the timer I/O control register and
set the TMDR.MD[3:0] bits to a value other than that for normal mode (0000b) before changing the value.

NFBEN Bit (Noise Filter B Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIOCnB pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFBEN is changed, select the output compare function in the timer I/O control register and
set the TMDR.MD[3:0] bits to a value other than that for normal mode (0000b) before changing the value.

NFCEN Bit (Noise Filter C Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIOCnC pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFCEN is changed, select the output compare function in the timer I/O control register and
set the TMDR.MD[3:0] bits to a value other than that for normal mode (0000b) before changing the value.

NFDEN Bit (Noise Filter D Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIOCnD pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFDEN is changed, select the output compare function in the timer I/O control register and
set the TMDR.MD[3:0] bits to a value other than that for normal mode (0000b) before changing the value.

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NFCS[1:0] Bits (Noise Filter Clock Select)

These bits set the sampling interval for the noise filters. When setting the NFCS[1:0] bits, wait for two cycles of the
selected sampling interval before setting the input-capture function. When the NFCS[1:0] bits are set to 11b, selecting
the external clock as the source to drive counting, wait for two cycles of the external clock before setting the input-
capture function.

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Address(es): MTU5.NFCR 0008 8695h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 NFUEN Noise Filter U Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIC5U pin is disabled. R/W
1: The noise filter for the MTIC5U pin is enabled.
b1 NFVEN Noise Filter V Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIC5V pin is disabled. R/W
1: The noise filter for the MTIC5V pin is enabled.
b2 NFWEN Noise Filter W Enable 0: The noise filter for the MTIC5W pin is disabled. R/W
1: The noise filter for the MTIC5W pin is enabled.
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 NFCS[1:0] Noise Filter Clock Select b5 b4 R/W
0 0: PCLK/1
0 1: PCLK/8
1 0: PCLK/32
1 1: The clock source for counting is the external clock.
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

MTU5.NFCR is 8-bit readable and writable register. This register controls enabling and disabling of the noise filters for
the MTIC5m (m = U, V, W) pins and sets the sampling clock for the noise filters.

NFUEN Bit (Noise Filter U Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIC5U pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFUEN is changed, select the compare-match function in the timer I/O control register
before changing the value.

NFVEN Bit (Noise Filter V Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIC5V pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFVEN is changed, select the compare-match function in the timer I/O control register
before changing the value.

NFWEN Bit (Noise Filter W Enable)

This bit disables or enables the noise filter for input from the MTIC5W pin. Since unexpected edges may be internally
generated when the value of NFWEN is changed, select the compare-match function in the timer I/O control register
before changing the value.

NFCS[1:0] Bits (Noise Filter Clock Select)

These bits set the sampling interval for the noise filters. When setting the NFCS[1:0] bits, wait for two cycles of the
selected sampling interval before setting the input-capture function.

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21.2.32 Bus Master Interface

The timer counters (TCNT), general registers (TGR), timer subcounter (TCNTS), timer cycle buffer register (TCBR),
timer dead time data register (TDDR), timer cycle data register (TCDR), timer A/D converter start request control
register (TADCR), timer A/D converter start request cycle set registers (TADCORA/B), and timer A/D converter start
request cycle set buffer registers (TADCOBRA/B) are 16-bit registers. A 16-bit data bus to the bus master enables 16-bit
read/write access. 8-bit read/write is not allowed. Always access the registers in 16-bit units.
All registers other than the above registers are 8-bit registers, so read/write access should be performed in 8-bit units.

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21.3 Operation

21.3.1 Basic Functions

Each channel has TCNT and TGR. TCNT performs up-counting, and is also capable of free-running operation, periodic
counting, and external event counting.
Each TGR can be used as an input capture register or an output compare register.

(1) Counter Operation

When one of bits CST0 to CST4 in TSTR or bits CSTU5, CSTV5, and CSTW5 in MTU5.TSTR is set to 1, TCNT for the
corresponding channel begins counting. TCNT can operate as a free-running counter, periodic counter, for example.

(a) Example of Count Operation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.4 shows an example of the count operation setting procedure.

Operation selection [1] Set the TPSC[2:0] bits in TCR to select the counter
clock. At the same time, set the CKEG[1:0] bits in
TCR to select the input clock edge.
Select counter clock [1]

[2] For periodic counter operation, select the TGR to be

used as the TCNT clearing source by setting the
Periodic counter Free-running counter CCLR[2:0] bits in TCR.

Select counter clearing [3] Designate the TGR selected in [2] as an output
source compare register by means of TIOR.

Select output compare [4] Set the periodic counter cycle in the TGR selected
register in [2].

Set period [4] [5] Set the CST bit in TSTR to 1 to start the counter
Start count operation [5]
Start count operation [5]
Free-running counter
Periodic counter

Figure 21.4 Example of Counter Operation Setting Procedure

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(b) Free-Running Count Operation and Periodic Count Operation

Immediately after a reset, the MTU’s TCNT counters are all designated as free-running counters. When the relevant bit
in TSTR is set to 1, the corresponding TCNT counter starts up-count operation as a free-running counter. When TCNT
overflows (from FFFFh to 0000h), the MTU requests an interrupt if the corresponding TCIEV bit in TIER is 1. After an
overflow, TCNT starts counting up again from 0000h.
Figure 21.5 illustrates free-running counter operation.

TCNT value

0000h Time

CST bit


Figure 21.5 Free-Running Counter Operation

When compare match is selected as the TCNT clearing source, TCNT for the relevant channel performs periodic count
operation. TGR for setting the cycle is designated as an output compare register, and counter clearing by compare match
is selected by means of bits CCLR[2:0] in TCR. After the settings have been made, TCNT starts up-count operation as a
periodic counter when the corresponding bit in TSTR is set to 1. When the count matches the value in TGR, TCNT is
cleared to 0000h.
If the value of the corresponding TGIE bit in TIER is 1 at this point, the MTU requests an interrupt. After a compare
match, TCNT starts counting up again from 0000h.
Figure 21.6 illustrates periodic counter operation.

TCNT value Counter cleared by TGR compare match


0000h Time



Figure 21.6 Periodic Counter Operation

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(2) Waveform Output by Compare Match

The MTU can output low or high or toggle output from the corresponding output pin using compare match.

(a) Example of Procedure for Setting Waveform Output by Compare Match

Figure 21.7 shows an example of the procedure for setting waveform output by compare match.

Output selection
[1] Select initial value low output or high output, and
compare match output value low output, high output,
or toggle output, by means of TIOR. The set initial
Select waveform output [1] value is output at the MTIOC pin until the first
mode compare match occurs.

[2] Set the timing for compare match generation in TGR.

Set output timing [2] [3] Set the CST bit in TSTR to 1 to start the count

Start count operation [3]

Waveform output

Figure 21.7 Example of Procedure for Setting Waveform Output by Compare Match

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(b) Examples of Waveform Output Operation

Figure 21.8 shows an example of low output and high output.
In this example, TCNT has been designated as a free-running counter, and settings have been made so that high is output
by compare match A and low is output by compare match B. When the pin level is the same as the specified level, the pin
level does not change.

TCNT value


0000h Time
No change No change
High output
No change No change Low output

Figure 21.8 Example of Low Output and High Output Operation

Figure 21.9 shows an example of toggle output.

In this example, TCNT has been designated as a periodic counter (with counter clearing on compare match B), and
settings have been made so that the output is toggled by both compare match A and compare match B.

TCNT value
Counter cleared by TGRB compare match

0000h Time

Toggle output

MTIOCA Toggle output

Figure 21.9 Example of Toggle Output Operation

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(3) Input Capture Function

The TCNT value can be transferred to TGR on detection of the MTIOC pin input edge.
The rising edge, falling edge, or both edges can be selected as the detection edge. For MTU0 and MTU1, another
channel’s counter input clock or compare match signal can also be specified as the input capture source.
Note: • When another channel’s counter input clock is used as the input capture input for MTU0 and MTU1, PCLK/1
should not be selected as the counter input clock used for input capture input. Input capture will not be generated
if PCLK/1 is selected.

(a) Example of Input Capture Operation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.10 shows an example of the input capture operation setting procedure.

Input selection [1] Designate TGR as an input capture register by

means of TIOR, and select rising edge, falling
edge, or both edges as the input capture source
and input signal edge.
Select input capture input [1]

[2] Set the CST bit in TSTR to 1 to start the count


Start count [2]

Input capture operation

Figure 21.10 Example of Input Capture Operation Setting Procedure

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(b) Example of Input Capture Operation

Figure 21.11 shows an example of input capture operation.
In this example, both rising and falling edges have been selected as the MTIOCnA pin input capture input edge, the
falling edge has been selected as the MTIOCnB pin input capture input edge, and counter clearing by TGRB input
capture has been designated for TCNT.

Counter cleared by MTIOCB input

TCNT value (falling edge)


0000h Time


TGRA 0005h 0160h 0010h


TGRB 0180h

Figure 21.11 Example of Input Capture Operation

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21.3.2 Synchronous Operation

In synchronous operation, the values in multiple TCNT counters can be modified simultaneously (synchronous
presetting). In addition, multiple TCNT counters can be cleared simultaneously (synchronous clearing) by making the
appropriate setting in TCR.
Synchronous operation increases the number of TGR registers assigned to a single time base.
MTU0 to MTU4 can all be designated for synchronous operation.
MTU5 cannot be used for synchronous operation.

(1) Example of Synchronous Operation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.12 shows an example of the synchronous operation setting procedure.

Synchronous operation

Set synchronous

Synchronous presetting Synchronous clearing

Set TCNT [2]

Clearing No
source generation


Select counter [3] Set synchronous [4]

clearing source counter clearing

Start count [5] Start count [5]

Synchronous presetting Counter clearing Synchronous clearing

[1] Set 1 in the SYNC bit in TSYR corresponding to the channels to be designated for synchronous operation.

[2] When the TCNT counter of any of the channels designated for synchronous operation is written to, the same
value is simultaneously written to the other TCNT counters.

[3] Use the CCLR[2:0] bits in TCR to specify TCNT clearing by input capture/output compare, etc.

[4] Use the CCLR[2:0] bits in TCR to designate synchronous clearing for the counter clearing source.

[5] Set 1 in the CST bit in TSTR for the relevant channels, to start the count operation.

Figure 21.12 Example of Synchronous Operation Setting Procedure

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(2) Example of Synchronous Operation

Figure 21.13 shows an example of synchronous operation.
In this example, synchronous operation and PWM mode 1 have been designated for MTU0 to MTU2, MTU0.TGRB
compare match has been set as the counter clearing source in MTU0, and synchronous clearing has been set for the
counter clearing source in MTU1 and MTU2.
Three-phase PWM waveforms are output from pins MTIOC0A, MTIOC1A, and MTIOC2A. At this time, synchronous
presetting and synchronous clearing by MTU0.TGRB compare match are performed for the TCNT counters in MTU0 to
MTU2, and the data set in MTU0.TGRB is used as the PWM cycle.
For details of PWM modes, see section 21.3.5, PWM Modes.

Synchronous clearing by MTU0.TGRB compare match

TCNT value
0000h Time




Figure 21.13 Example of Synchronous Operation

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21.3.3 Buffer Operation

Buffer operation, provided for MTU0, MTU3, and MTU4, enables TGRC and TGRD to be used as buffer registers. In
MTU0, TGRF can also be used as a buffer register.
Buffer operation differs depending on whether TGR has been designated as an input capture register or as a compare
match register.
Note: • MTU0.TGRE cannot be designated as an input capture register and can only operate as a compare match

Table 21.43 shows the register combinations used in buffer operation.

Table 21.43 Register Combinations in Buffer Operation

Channel Timer General Register Buffer Register

 When TGR is an output compare register

When a compare match occurs, the value in the buffer register for the corresponding channel is transferred to the timer
general register.
This operation is illustrated in Figure 21.14.

Compare match signal

Buffer Timer general

Comparator TCNT
register register

Figure 21.14 Compare Match Buffer Operation

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 When TGR is an input capture register

When an input capture occurs, the value in TCNT is transferred to TGR and the value previously held in TGR is
transferred to the buffer register.
This operation is illustrated in Figure 21.15.

Input capture

Buffer Timer general

register register

Figure 21.15 Input Capture Buffer Operation

(1) Example of Buffer Operation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.16 shows an example of the buffer operation setting procedure.

[1] Designate TGR as an input capture register or

Buffer operation
output compare register by means of TIOR.

Select TGR function [1] [2] Designate TGR for buffer operation with bits BFA
and BFB in TMDR.

Set buffer operation [2] [3] Set the CST bit in TSTR to 1 to start the count

Start count [3]

Buffer operation

Figure 21.16 Example of Buffer Operation Setting Procedure

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(2) Examples of Buffer Operation

(a) When TGR is an Output Compare Register

Figure 21.17 shows an operation example in which PWM mode 1 has been designated for MTU0, and buffer operation
has been designated for TGRA and TGRC. The settings used in this example are TCNT clearing by compare match B,
high output at compare match A, and low output at compare match B. In this example, the TTSA bit in TBTM is cleared
to 0.
As buffer operation has been set, when compare match A occurs, the output changes and the value in buffer register
TGRC is simultaneously transferred to timer general register TGRA. This operation is repeated each time compare
match A occurs.
For details of PWM modes, see section 21.3.5, PWM Modes.

TCNT value

MTU0.TGRB 0520h
0000h Time

MTU0.TGRC 0200h 0450h 0520h


MTU0.TGRA 0200h 0450h


Figure 21.17 Example of Buffer Operation (1)

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(b) When TGR is an Input Capture Register

Figure 21.18 shows an operation example in which TGRA has been designated as an input capture register, and buffer
operation has been designated for TGRA and TGRC.
Counter clearing by TGRA input capture has been set for TCNT, and both rising and falling edges have been selected as
the MTIOCnA pin input capture input edge.
As buffer operation has been set, when the TCNT value is stored in TGRA upon occurrence of input capture A, the value
previously stored in TGRA is simultaneously transferred to TGRC.

TCNT value




0000h Time


TGRA 0532h 0F07h 09FBh

TGRC 0532h 0F07h

Figure 21.18 Example of Buffer Operation (2)

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(3) Selecting Timing for Transfer from Buffer Registers to Timer General Registers in Buffer
The timing for transfer from buffer registers to timer general registers can be selected in PWM mode 1 or 2 for MTU0 or
in PWM mode 1 for MTU3 and MTU4 by setting the timer buffer operation transfer mode registers (MTU0.TBTM,
MTU3.TBTM, and MTU4.TBTM). Either compare match (initial setting) or TCNT clearing can be selected for the
transfer timing. TCNT clearing as transfer timing is one of the following cases.

 When TCNT overflows (FFFFh  0000h)

 When 0000h is written to TCNT during counting
 When TCNT is cleared to 0000h under the condition specified in the CCLR[2:0] bits in TCR
Note: • TBTM must be modified only while TCNT stops.

Figure 21.19 shows an operation example in which PWM mode 1 is designated for MTU0 and buffer operation is
designated for MTU0.TGRA and MTU0.TGRC. The settings used in this example are MTU0.TCNT clearing by
compare match B, high output at compare match A, and low output at compare match B. The TTSA bit in MTU0.TBTM
is set to 1.




0000h Time

MTU0.TGRC 0200h 0450h 0520h

MTU0.TGRA 0200h 0450h 0520h


Figure 21.19 Example of Buffer Operation When MTU0.TCNT Clearing is Selected for MTU0.TGRC-to-
MTU0.TGRA Transfer Timing

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21.3.4 Cascaded Operation

In cascaded operation, 16-bit counters in different two channels are used together as a 32-bit counter.
This function works when overflow/underflow of MTU2.TCNT is selected as the counter clock for MTU1 through the
TPSC[2:0] bits in TCR.
Underflow occurs only when the lower 16 bits of TCNT is in phase counting mode.
Table 21.44 lists the register combinations used in cascaded operation.

Note: • When phase counting mode is set for MTU1 or MTU2, the counter clock setting is invalid and the counters
operate independently in phase counting mode.

Table 21.44 Cascaded Combinations

Combination Upper 16 Bits Lower 16 Bits

For simultaneous input capture of MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT during cascaded operation, additional input capture
input pins can be specified by the timer input capture control register (TICCR). The input-capture condition is of edges in
the signal produced by taking the logical OR of the input level on the main input pin and the input level on the added
input pin. Accordingly, if either is at the high, a change in the level of the other will not produce an edge for detection.
For details, see (4) Cascaded Operation Example (c). For input capture in cascade connection, refer to section 21.6.22,
Simultaneous Input Capture in MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT in Cascade Connection.
Table 21.45 lists the TICCR setting and input capture input pins.

Table 21.45 TICCR Setting and Input Capture Input Pins

Target Input Capture TICCR Setting Input Capture Input Pin
Input capture from MTU1.TCNT to I2AE bit = 0 (initial value) MTIOC1A
Input capture from MTU1.TCNT to I2BE bit = 0 (initial value) MTIOC1B
Input capture from MTU2.TCNT to I1AE bit = 0 (initial value) MTIOC2A
Input capture from MTU2.TCNT to I1BE bit = 0 (initial value) MTIOC2B

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(1) Example of Cascaded Operation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.20 shows an example of the cascaded operation setting procedure.

Cascaded operation [1] Set bits TPSC[2:0] in TCR to 111b in MTU1 to

select MTU2.TCNT overflow/underflow counting.

Set cascading [1] [2] Set the CST bit in TSTR for the upper and lower
channels to 1 to start the count operation.

Start count [2]

Cascaded operation

Figure 21.20 Cascaded Operation Setting Procedure

(2) Cascaded Operation Example (a)

Figure 21.21 illustrates the operation when MTU2.TCNT overflow/underflow counting has been set for MTU1.TCNT
and phase counting mode has been designated for MTU2.
MTU1.TCNT is incremented by MTU2.TCNT overflow and decremented by MTU2.TCNT underflow.



MTU2.TCNT FFFD FFFE FFFF 0000 0001 0002 0001 0000 FFFF

MTU1.TCNT 0000 0001 0000

Figure 21.21 Cascaded Operation Example (a)

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(3) Cascaded Operation Example (b)

Figure 21.22 illustrates the operation when MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT have been cascaded and the I2AE bit in
TICCR has been set to 1 to include the MTIOC2A pin in the MTU1.TGRA input capture conditions. In this example, the
IOA3 to IOA0 bits in MTU1.TIOR have selected the MTIOC1A rising edge for the input capture timing while the IOA3
to IOA0 bits in MTU2.TIOR have selected the MTIOC2A rising edge for the input capture timing.
Under these conditions, the rising edge of both MTIOC1A and MTIOC2A is used for the MTU1.TGRA input capture
condition. For the MTU2.TGRA input capture condition, the MTIOC2A rising edge is used.




0000h Time

MTU1.TCNT 0512h 0513h 0514h



MTU1.TGRA 0512h 0513h

As TICCR.I1AE is 0, data is not captured in MTU2.TGRA at
the MTIOC1A input timing.

Figure 21.22 Cascaded Operation Example (b)

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(4) Cascaded Operation Example (c)

Figure 21.23 illustrates the operation when MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT have been cascaded and the I2AE and
I1AE bits in TICCR have been set to 1 to include the MTIOC2A and MTIOC1A pins in the MTU1.TGRA and
MTU2.TGRA input capture conditions, respectively. In this example, the IOA3 to IOA0 bits in both MTU1.TIOR and
MTU2.TIOR have selected both the rising and falling edges for the input capture timing. Under these conditions, the OR
result of MTIOC1A and MTIOC2A input is used for the MTU1.TGRA and MTU2.TGRA input capture conditions.


0000h Time

MTU1.TCNT 0512h 0513h 0514h


MTU1.TGRA 0512h 0513h 0514h

MTU2.TGRA 6128h 2064h C256h 9192h

Note 1. When either input signal is at the high level, an edge in the other input signal does not act as the
condition for capture.

Figure 21.23 Cascaded Operation Example (c)

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(5) Cascaded Operation Example (d)

Figure 21.24 illustrates the operation when MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT have been cascaded and the I2AE bit in
TICCR has been set to 1 to include the MTIOC2A pin in the MTU1.TGRA input capture conditions. In this example, the
IOA3 to IOA0 bits in MTU1.TIOR have selected occurrence of MTU0.TGRA compare match or input capture for the
input capture timing while the IOA3 to IOA0 bits in MTU2.TIOR have selected the MTIOC2A rising edge for the input
capture timing.
Under these conditions, as MTU1.TIOR has selected occurrence of MTU0.TGRA compare match or input capture for
the input capture timing, the MTIOC2A edge is not used for MTU1.TGRA input capture condition although the I2AE bit
in TICCR has been set to 1.

Compare match between MTU0.TCNT and TGRA


0000h Time
MTU2.TCNT value


0000h Time

MTU1.TCNT 0512h 0513h



MTU1.TGRA 0513h


Figure 21.24 Cascaded Operation Example (d)

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21.3.5 PWM Modes

PWM modes are provided to output PWM waveforms from the external pins. The output level can be selected as low,
high, or toggle output in response to a compare match of each TGR.
PWM waveforms in the range of 0% to 100% duty cycle can be output according to the TGR settings.
By designating TGR compare match as the counter clearing source, the PWM cycle can be specified in that register.
Every channel can be set to PWM mode independently. Synchronous operation is also possible.
There are two PWM modes as described below.

(a) PWM Mode 1

PWM waveforms are output from the MTIOCnA and MTIOCnC pins by pairing TGRA with TGRB and TGRC with
TGRD. The levels specified by bits IOA3 to IOA0 and IOC3 to IOC0 in TIOR are output from the MTIOCnA and
MTIOCnC pins at compare matches A and C, and the levels specified by bits IOB3 to IOB0 and IOD3 to IOD0 in TIOR
are output at compare matches B and D. The initial output value is set in TGRA or TGRC. If the values set in paired
TGRs are identical, the output value does not change even when a compare match occurs.
In PWM mode 1, up to eight phases of PWM waveforms can be output.

(b) PWM Mode 2

PWM output is generated using one TGR as the cycle register and the others as duty registers. The level specified in
TIOR is output at compare matches. Upon counter clearing by a synchronized register compare match, the initial value
set in TIOR is output from each pin. If the values set in the cycle and duty registers are identical, the output value does
not change even when a compare match occurs.
In PWM mode 2, up to eight phases of PWM waveforms can be output when using synchronous operation in
The correspondence between PWM output pins and registers is listed in Table 21.46.

Table 21.46 PWM Output Registers and Output Pins

Output Pins
Channel Register PWM Mode 1 PWM Mode 2
MTU3 MTU3.TGRA MTIOC3A Setting prohibited

Note: • In PWM mode 2, PWM output is not possible for the TGR register in which the PWM cycle is set.

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(1) Example of PWM Mode Setting Procedure

Figure 21.25 shows an example of the PWM mode setting procedure.

PWM mode [1] Set the TPSC[2:0] bits in TCR to select the counter clock.
At the same time, set the CKEG[1:0] bits in TCR to select
the input clock edge.
Select counter clock [1]
[2] Set the CCLR[2:0] bits in TCR to select the TGR to be used
as the TCNT clearing source.
Select counter clearing [2]
[3] Select the PWM mode with bits MD[3:0] in TMDR.

[3] [4] Use TIOR to designate the TGR as an output compare

Set PWM mode
register, and select the initial value and output value.

[5] Set the cycle in the TGR selected in [2], and set the duty in
Select waveform output
level [4] the other TGR.

[6] Set the CST bit in TSTR to 1 to start the count operation.
Set TGR [5]

Start count [6]

PWM mode

Figure 21.25 Example of PWM Mode Setting Procedure

(2) Examples of PWM Mode Operation

Figure 21.26 shows an example of operation in PWM mode 1.
In this example, TGRA compare match is set as the TCNT clearing source, low is set as the initial output value and
output value for TGRA, and high is set as the output value for TGRB.
In this case, the value set in TGRA is used as the cycle, and the value set in TGRB is used as the duty.

TCNT value Counter cleared by TGRA compare match


0000h Time


Figure 21.26 Example of PWM Mode Operation

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Figure 21.27 shows an example of operation in PWM mode 2.

In this example, synchronous operation is designated for MTU0 and MTU1, MTU1.TGRB compare match is set as the
TCNT clearing source, and Low is set as the initial output value and High as the output value for the other TGR registers
(MTU0.TGRA to MTU0.TGRD and MTU1.TGRA), outputting 5-phase PWM waveforms.
In this case, the value set in MTU1.TGRB is used as the cycle, and the values set in the other TGRs are used as the duty.

TCNT value Counter cleared by MTU1.TGRB compare match






Figure 21.27 Example of PWM Mode Operation

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Figure 21.28 shows examples of PWM waveform output with 0% duty and 100% duty in PWM mode.

TCNT value
TGRB modified

TGRB TGRB modified modified
0000h Time

MTIOCA 0% duty

Output does not change when compare matches occur

TCNT value simultaneously in cycle register and duty register

TGRB modified

TGRB modified

TGRB TGRB modified

0000h Time

MTIOCA 100% duty

Output does not change when compare matches occur

TCNT value simultaneously in cycle register and duty register
TGRB modified
TGRB modified

TGRB modified
0000h Time

MTIOCA 100% duty 0% duty

Figure 21.28 Examples of PWM Mode Operation

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21.3.6 Phase Counting Mode

In phase counting mode, the phase difference between two external input clocks is detected and TCNT is incremented or
decremented accordingly. This mode can be set for MTU1 and MTU2.
When phase counting mode is specified, an external clock is selected as the counter input clock and TCNT operates as an
up/down-counter regardless of the setting of bits TPSC[2:0] and bits CKEG[1:0] in TCR. However, the functions of bits
CCLR[1:0] in TCR and of TIOR, TIER, and TGR are valid, and input capture/compare match and interrupt functions can
be used.
This can be used for two-phase encoder pulse input.
If an overflow occurs while TCNT is counting up, a TCIV interrupt is generated while the TCIEV bit in the
corresponding TIER is 1. If an underflow occurs while TCNT is counting down, a TCIU interrupt is generated while the
TCIEU bit in the corresponding TIER is 1.
The TCFD bit in TSR is the count direction flag. Read the TCFD flag to check whether TCNT is counting up or down.
Table 21.47 lists the correspondence between external clock pins and channels.

Table 21.47 Clock Input Pins in Phase Counting Mode

External Clock Input Pins
Channel A-Phase B-Phase

(1) Example of Phase Counting Mode Setting Procedure

Figure 21.29 shows an example of the phase counting mode setting procedure.

[1] Select phase counting mode with the

Phase counting mode
MD[3:0] bits in TMDR.

Select phase counting [1] [2] Set the CST bit in TSTR to 1 to start the
mode count operation.

Start count [2]

Phase counting mode

Figure 21.29 Example of Phase Counting Mode Setting Procedure

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(2) Examples of Phase Counting Mode Operation

In phase counting mode, TCNT is incremented or decremented according to the phase difference between two external
clocks. There are four modes according to the count conditions.

(a) Phase Counting Mode 1

Figure 21.30 shows an example of operation in phase counting mode 1, and Table 21.48 summarizes the TCNT up/
down-count conditions.



TCNT value

Up-counting Down-counting


Figure 21.30 Example of Operation in Phase Counting Mode 1

Table 21.48 Up/Down-Count Conditions in Phase Counting Mode 1

High Up-counting
High Down-counting

: Rising edge
: Falling edge

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(b) Phase Counting Mode 2

Figure 21.31 shows an example of operation in phase counting mode 2, and Table 21.49 summarizes the TCNT up/
down-count conditions.


TCNT value

Up-counting Down-counting


Figure 21.31 Example of Operation in Phase Counting Mode 2

Table 21.49 Up/Down-Count Conditions in Phase Counting Mode 2

High None (Don’t care)
Low None (Don’t care)
Low None (Don’t care)
High Up-counting
High None (Don’t care)
Low None (Don’t care)
High None (Don’t care)
Low Down-counting

: Rising edge
: Falling edge

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(c) Phase Counting Mode 3

Figure 21.32 shows an example of operation in phase counting mode 3, and Table 21.50 summarizes the TCNT up/
down-count conditions.


TCNT value

Up-counting Down-counting


Figure 21.32 Example of Operation in Phase Counting Mode 3

Table 21.50 Up/Down-Count Conditions in Phase Counting Mode 3

High None (Don’t care)
Low None (Don’t care)
Low None (Don’t care)
High Up-counting
High Down-counting
Low None (Don’t care)
High None (Don’t care)
Low None (Don’t care)

: Rising edge
: Falling edge

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(d) Phase Counting Mode 4

Figure 21.33 shows an example of operation in phase counting mode 4, and Table 21.51 summarizes the TCNT up/
down-count conditions.



TCNT value

Up-counting Down-counting


Figure 21.33 Example of Operation in Phase Counting Mode 4

Table 21.51 Up/Down-Count Conditions in Phase Counting Mode 4

High Up-counting
Low None (Don't care)
High Down-counting
High None (Don't care)

: Rising edge
: Falling edge

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(3) Phase Counting Mode Application Example

Figure 21.34 shows an example in which MTU1 is in phase counting mode, and MTU1 is coupled with MTU0 to input
2-phase encoder pulses of a servo motor in order to detect position or speed.
MTU1 is set to phase counting mode 1, and the encoder pulse A-phase and B-phase are input to MTCLKA and
In MTU0, MTU0.TGRC compare match is specified as the TCNT clearing source and MTU0.TGRA and TGRC are
used for the compare match function and are set with the speed control cycle and position control cycle. MTU0.TGRB is
used for input capture, with MTU0.TGRB and TGRD operating in buffer mode. The MTU1 counter input clock is
designated as the MTU0.TGRB input capture source, and the widths of 2-phase encoder 4-multiplication pulses are
MTU1.TGRA and TGRB for MTU1 are designated for the input capture function and MTU0.TGRA and TGRC compare
matches in MTU0 are selected as the input capture sources to store the up/down-counter values for the control cycles.
This procedure enables the accurate detection of position and speed.


detection MTU1.TCNT
MTCLKB circuit

(Speed cycle capture)

(Position cycle capture)


(Speed control cycle)

(Position control cycle)

(Pulse width capture)

(Buffer operation)


Figure 21.34 Phase Counting Mode Application Example

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21.3.7 Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

In the reset-synchronized PWM mode, three phases of positive and negative PWM waveforms that share a common
wave transition point can be output by combining MTU3 and MTU4.
When set for reset-synchronized PWM mode, the MTIOC3B, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4A, MTIOC4C, MTIOC4B, and
MTIOC4D pins function as PWM output pins and timer counter 3 (MTU3.TCNT) functions as an up-counter.
Table 21.52 lists the PWM output pins. Table 21.53 lists the settings of the registers.

Table 21.52 Output Pins for Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

Channel Output Pin Description
MTU3 MTIOC3B PWM output pin 1
MTIOC3D PWM output pin 1’ (negative-phase waveform of PWM output 1)
MTU4 MTIOC4A PWM output pin 2
MTIOC4C PWM output pin 2’ (negative-phase waveform of PWM output 2)
MTIOC4B PWM output pin 3
MTIOC4D PWM output pin 3’ (negative-phase waveform of PWM output 3)

Table 21.53 Register Settings for Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

Register Setting
MTU3.TCNT Initial setting (0000h)
MTU4.TCNT Initial setting (0000h)
MTU3.TGRA Set the count cycle for MTU3.TCNT
MTU3.TGRB Set the transition point of the PWM waveform to be output from the MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D pins
MTU4.TGRA Set the transition point of the PWM waveform to be output from the MTIOC4A, and MTIOC4C pins
MTU4.TGRB Set the transition point of the PWM waveform to be output from the MTIOC4B and MTIOC4D pins

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(1) Example of Procedure for Setting Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

Figure 21.35 shows an example of procedure for setting the reset-synchronized PWM mode.

Reset-synchronized [1] Clear the CST3 and CST4 bits in TSTR to 0 to stop the TCNT
PWM mode operation. Specify the reset-synchronized PWM mode while
MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT are stopped.

Stop count operation [1] [2] Set the Pmn pin function control register and the port I/O register.

[3] Set bits TPSC[2:0] and CKEG[1:0] In the MTU3.TCR to select the
PFS setting [2] counter clock and clock edge for channel 3. Set the CCLR[2:0]
bits in the MTU3.TCR to select TGRA compare-match as a
Select counter clock and counter clear source.
counter clear source [3]
[4] When performing brushless DC motor control, set bit BDC in the
timer gate control register (TGCR) and set the feedback signal
input source and output chopping or gate signal direct output.
Brushless DC motor
control setting [4]
[5] Set MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT to 0000h.

TCNT setting [5] [6] MTU3.TGRA is the cycle register. Set the waveform cycle value
in MTU3.TGRA. Set the transition timing of the PWM output
waveforms in MTU3.TGRB, MTU4.TGRA, and MTU4.TGRB. Set
TGR setting [6] times within the compare match range of MTU3.TCNT.

X  MTU3.TGRA (X: Setting value)

Enable PWM cyclic output,
set PWM output level [7]
[7] Enable or disable toggle output synchronized with the PWM cycle
using bit PSYE in TOCR1, and set the PWM output level with bits
OLSP and OLSN. When specifying the PWM output Level. In
Reset-synchronized buffer operation of TOCR2 and TOLBR, see Figure 21.3.
PWM mode setting [8]

[8] Set bits MD[3:0] in the timer mode register (MTU3.TMDR) to

Enable waveform output [9] 1000b to select the reset-synchronized PWM mode. Set the BFA
bit to 1 for buffer operation of TGRA and TGRC, and the BFB bit
to 1 for buffer operation of TGRB and TGRD, if necessary.
Start count operation [10] Set the initial value in MTU4.TMDR.

Reset-synchronized PWM mode [9] Set the enabling/disabling of the PWM waveform output pin in

[10] Set the CST3 bit in the TSTR to 1 to start the count operation.

Note: • The output waveform starts to toggle at the point of MTU3.TCNT =

MTU3.TGRA = X by setting X = MTU3.TGRA, i.e., cycle = duty cycle.

Figure 21.35 Procedure for Selecting Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

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(2) Example of Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode Operation

Figure 21.36 shows an example of operation in the reset-synchronized PWM mode.
MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT operate as up-counters. The counters are cleared when a compare match occurs
between MTU3.TCNT and MTU3.TGRA, and then begin incrementing from 0000h. The output from the PWM pins
toggles every time a compare match occurs in MTU3.TGRB, MTU4.TGRA, and MTU4.TGRB and the counters are










Figure 21.36 Example of Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode Operation (When TOCR1’s OLSN = 1 and OLSP = 1)

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21.3.8 Complementary PWM Mode

In complementary PWM mode, three phases of non-overlapping positive and negative PWM waveforms can be output
by combining MTU3 and MTU4. PWM waveforms without non-overlapping interval are also available.
In complementary PWM mode, MTIOC3B, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4A, MTIOC4B, MTIOC4C, and MTIOC4D pins
function as PWM output pins, and the MTIOC3A pin can be set for toggle output synchronized with the PWM cycle.
MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT function as up/down-counters.
Table 21.54 lists the PWM output pins used. Table 21.55 lists the settings of the registers used.
A function to directly cut off the PWM output by using an external signal is supported as a port function.

Table 21.54 Output Pins for Complementary PWM Mode

Channel Output Pin Description
MTU3 MTIOC3A Toggle output synchronized with PWM cycle (or I/O port)
MTIOC3B PWM output pin 1
MTIOC3C I/O port*1
MTIOC3D PWM output pin 1' (non-overlapping negative-phase waveform of PWM output 1; PWM output
without non-overlapping interval is also available)
MTU4 MTIOC4A PWM output pin 2
MTIOC4C PWM output pin 2' (non-overlapping negative-phase waveform of PWM output 2; PWM output
without non-overlapping interval is also available)
MTIOC4B PWM output pin 3
MTIOC4D PWM output pin 3' (non-overlapping negative-phase waveform of PWM output 3; PWM output
without non-overlapping interval is also available)

Note 1. Avoid setting the MTIOC3C pin as a timer I/O pin in complementary PWM mode.

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Table 21.55 Register Settings for Complementary PWM Mode

Channel Register Description Read/Write from CPU
MTU3 MTU3.TCNT Starts up-counting from the value set in the dead time register Maskable by TRWER setting*1
MTU3.TGRA Set MTU3.TCNT upper limit value (1/2 carrier cycle + dead time) Maskable by TRWER setting*1
MTU3.TGRB PWM output 1 compare register Maskable by TRWER setting*1
MTU3.TGRC MTU3.TGRA buffer register Always readable/writable
MTU3.TGRD PWM output 1/MTU3.TGRB buffer register Always readable/writable
MTU4 MTU4.TCNT Starts up-counting after being initialized to 0000h Maskable by TRWER setting*1
MTU4.TGRA PWM output 2 compare register Maskable by TRWER setting*1
MTU4.TGRB PWM output 3 compare register Maskable by TRWER setting*1
MTU4.TGRC PWM output 2/MTU4.TGRA buffer register Always readable/writable
MTU4.TGRD PWM output 3/MTU4.TGRB buffer register Always readable/writable
Timer dead time data register Set MTU4.TCNT and MTU3.TCNT offset value (dead time value) Maskable by TRWER setting*1
Timer cycle data register Set MTU4.TCNT upper limit value (1/2 carrier cycle) Maskable by TRWER setting*1
Timer cycle buffer register TCDR buffer register Always readable/writable
Subcounter (TCNTS) Subcounter for dead time generation Read-only
Temporary register 1 (TEMP1) PWM output 1/MTU3.TGRB temporary register Not readable/writable
Temporary register 2 (TEMP2) PWM output 2/MTU4.TGRA temporary register Not readable/writable
Temporary register 3 (TEMP3) PWM output 3/MTU4.TGRB temporary register Not readable/writable

Note 1. Access can be enabled or disabled according to the setting in TRWER (timer read/write enable register).

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MTU3.TGRA compare-

MTU4.TCNT underflow
match interrupt



PWM cycle
Comparator Match output

Output controller
PWM output 1
PWM output 2

Output protection circuit

PWM output 3
PWM output 4
PWM output 5
Comparator PWM output 6
signal External cutoff


Temp 2

Temp 3
Temp 1



External cutoff

: Registers that can always be read or written from the CPU

: Registers that can be read or written from the CPU
(but for which access disabling can be set by TRWER)
: Registers that cannot be read or written from the CPU
(except for TCNTS, which can only be read)

Figure 21.37 Block Diagram of MTU3 and MTU4 in Complementary PWM Mode

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(1) Example of Complementary PWM Mode Setting Procedure

Figure 21.38 shows an example of the complementary PWM mode setting procedure.

[1] Clear bits CST3 and CST4 in the timer start register (TSTR) to 0 to stop
Complementary PWM mode timer counter (TCNT) operation. Specify complementary PWM mode while
MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT are stopped.

[2] Set the Pmn pin function control register and the port I/O register.
Stop count operation [1]
[3] Set the same counter clock and clock edge for MTU3 and MTU4 with bits
TPSC[2:0] and bits CKEG[1:0] in the timer control register (TCR). Use bits
CCLR[2:0] to set synchronous clearing only when restarting by
PFS setting [2] synchronous clearing with another channel during complementary PWM
mode operation.

[4] When performing brushless DC motor control, set bit BDC in the timer gate
Select counter clock and control register (TGCR) and set the feedback signal input source and
counter clear source [3]
output chopping or gate signal direct output.

[5] Set the dead time in MTU3.TCNT. Set MTU4.TCNT to 0000h.

Brushless DC motor control
[4] [6] Set only when restarting by synchronous clearing with another channel
during complementary PWM mode operation. In this case, synchronize the
channel generating the synchronous clear with MTU3 and MTU4 using the
timer synchronous register (TSYR).
TCNT setting [5]
[7] Set the output PWM duty cycles in the compare registers (MTU3.TGRB,
MTU4.TGRA, and MTU4.TGRB) and buffer registers (MTU3.TGRD,
Inter-channel synchronization MTU4.TGRC, and MTU4.TGRD). Set the same value in the buffer
[6] registers and the compare registers.
[8] This setting is necessary only when no dead time should be generated .
Make appropriate settings in the timer dead time enable register (TDER)
TGR setting [7] so that no dead time is generated.

[9] Set the dead time in the dead time register (TDDR), 1/2 the carrier cycle in
the timer cycle data register (TCDR) and timer cycle buffer register
Enable/disable dead time [8] (TCBR), and 1/2 the carrier cycle plus the dead time in MTU3.TGRA and
generation MTU3.TGRC. When no dead time generation is selected, set 1 in TDDR
and 1/2 the carrier cycle + 1 in MTU3.TGRA and MTU3.TGRC.

Dead time, carrier cycle [10] Enable or disable toggle output synchronized with the PWM cycle using bit
setting [9]
PSYE in the timer output control register 1 (TOCR1), and set the PWM
output level with bits OLSP and OLSN.
When specifying the PWM output level by using TOLBR as a buffer for
Enable PWM cyclic output, MTU2.TOCR2, see Figure 21.3, Example of PWM Output Level Setting
set PWM output level [10] Procedure in Buffer Operation.

[11] Select complementary PWM mode in the timer mode register

Complementary PWM mode (MTU3.TMDR). Set the BFA bit of TGRA and TGRC to 1 for buffer
[11] operation of TGRA and TGRC, and the BFB bit to 1 for buffer operation of
TGRB and TGRD, if necessary. Set nothing in MTU4.TMDR.

[12] Set enabling/disabling of PWM waveform output pin output in the timer
Enable waveform output [12] output master enable register (TOER).

[13] Set bits CST3 and CST4 in TSTR to 1 simultaneously to start the count
Start count operation [13]

Complementary PWM mode

Figure 21.38 Example of Complementary PWM Mode Setting Procedure

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(2) Outline of Complementary PWM Mode Operation

In complementary PWM mode, six phases of PWM waveforms can be output. Figure 21.39 illustrates counter operation
in complementary PWM mode, and Figure 21.40 shows an example of operation in complementary PWM mode.

(a) Counter Operation

In complementary PWM mode, three counters—MTU3.TCNT, MTU4.TCNT, and TCNTS— perform up-/down-count
MTU3.TCNT is automatically initialized to the value set in TDDR when complementary PWM mode is selected and the
CST bit in TSTR is 0.
When the CST bit is set to 1, MTU3.TCNT counts up to the value set in MTU3.TGRA, then switches to down-counting
when it matches MTU3.TGRA. When the MTU3.TCNT value matches TDDR, the counter switches to up-counting, and
the operation is repeated in this way.
MTU4.TCNT should be initialized to 0000h.
When the CST bit is set to 1, MTU4.TCNT counts up in synchronization with MTU3.TCNT, and switches to down-
counting when it matches TCDR. On reaching 0000h, MTU4.TCNT switches to up-counting, and the operation is
repeated in this way.
TCNTS is a read-only counter. It does not need to be initialized.
When MTU3.TCNT matches TCDR during up-/down-counting of TCNT in MTU3 and MTU4, TCNTS starts down-
counting, and when TCNTS matches TCDR, the operation switches to up-counting. When TCNTS matches
MTU3.TGRA, it is cleared to 0000h.
When MTU4.TCNT matches TDDR during down-counting of MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT, TCNTS starts up-
counting, and when TCNTS matches TDDR, the operation switches to down-counting. When TCNTS reaches 0000h, it
is set with the value in MTU3.TGRA.
TCNTS is compared with the compare register and temporary register, in which the PWM duty is specified, only during
the count operation.

Counter value



Figure 21.39 Counter Operation in Complementary PWM Mode

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(b) Register Operation

In complementary PWM mode, nine registers (compare registers, buffer registers, and temporary registers) are used.
Figure 21.40 shows an example of operation in complementary PWM mode.
MTU3.TGRB, MTU4.TGRA, and MTU4.TGRB are constantly compared with the counters to generate PWM
waveforms. When these registers match the counter, the value set in bits OLSN and OLSP in the timer output control
register 1 (TOCR1) is output.
MTU3.TGRD, MTU4.TGRC, and MTU4.TGRD are buffer registers for these compare registers. Between a buffer
register and a compare register, there is a temporary register. The temporary registers cannot be accessed by the CPU.
Data in a compare register can be changed by writing new data to the corresponding buffer register. The buffer registers
can be read or written at any time.
The data written to a buffer register is constantly transferred to the temporary register in the Ta interval. Data is not
transferred to the temporary register in the Tb interval. Data written to a buffer register in this interval is transferred to
the temporary register at the end of the Tb interval.
The value transferred to a temporary register is transferred to the compare register when TCNTS for which the Tb
interval ends matches MTU3.TGRA while TCNTS is counting up, or 0000h while counting down. The timing for
transfer from the temporary register to the compare register can be selected with bits MD[3:0] in the timer mode register
(TMDR). Figure 21.40 shows an example in which the trough is selected for the transfer timing.
In the Tb (Tb2 in Figure 21.40) interval in which data is not transferred to the temporary register, the temporary register
has the same function as the compare register and is compared with the counter. In this interval, therefore, there are two
compare match registers for one output phase; the compare register contains the pre-change data and the temporary
register contains new data. In this interval, three counters (MTU3.TCNT, MTU4.TCNT and TCNTS) and two registers
(compare register and temporary register) are compared, and PWM output is controlled accordingly.

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Transfer from temporary register Transfer from temporary register

to compare register to compare register

Tb2 Ta Tb1 Ta Tb2 Ta







Buffer register
6400h 0080h

Temporary register 2 0080h


Compare register
6400h 0080h

Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Output waveform is active-low

Figure 21.40 Example of Operation in Complementary PWM Mode

(c) Initial Setting

In complementary PWM mode, there are six registers that require initial setting. In addition, there is a register that
specifies whether to generate dead time (it should be used only when dead time generation should be disabled).
Before setting complementary PWM mode with bits MD[3:0] in the timer mode register (TMDR), initial values should
be set in the following registers.
MTU3.TGRC operates as the buffer register for MTU3.TGRA, and should be set with 1/2 the PWM carrier cycle + dead
time Td. The timer cycle buffer register (TCBR) operates as the buffer register for the timer cycle data register (TCDR),
and should be set with 1/2 the PWM carrier cycle. Set dead time Td in the timer dead time data register (TDDR).
When dead time is not needed, the TDER bit in the timer dead time enable register (TDER) should be cleared to 0,
MTU3.TGRC and MTU3.TGRA should be set to 1/2 the PWM carrier cycle + 1, and TDDR should be set to 1.
Set the respective initial PWM duty values in three buffer registers MTU3.TGRD, MTU4.TGRC, and MTU4.TGRD.
The values set in the five buffer registers excluding TDDR are transferred to the corresponding compare registers as soon
as complementary PWM mode is set.
Set MTU4.TCNT to 0000h before setting complementary PWM mode.

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Table 21.56 Registers and Counters Requiring Initial Setting

Register and Counter Setting
MTU3.TGRC 1/2 PWM carrier cycle + dead time Td (1/2 PWM carrier cycle + 1 when dead time generation is
disabled by TDER)
TDDR Dead time Td (1 when dead time generation is disabled by TDER)
TCBR 1/2 PWM carrier cycle
MTU3.TGRD, Initial PWM duty value for each phase
MTU4.TCNT 0000h

Note: • The value set in MTU3.TGRC should be the sum of 1/2 the PWM carrier cycle set in TCBR and dead time Td set in TDDR.
When dead time generation is disabled by TDER, TGRC should be set to 1/2 the PWM carrier cycle + 1.

(d) PWM Output Level Setting

In complementary PWM mode, the PWM pulse output level is set with bits OLSN and OLSP in timer output control
register 1 (TOCR1) or bits OLS1P to OLS3P and OLS1N to OLS3N in timer output control register 2 (TOCR2).
The output level can be set for each of the three positive phases and three negative phases of 6-phase output.
Complementary PWM mode should be cleared before setting or changing output levels.

(e) Dead Time Setting

In complementary PWM mode, PWM pulses are output with a non-overlapping relationship between the positive and
negative phases. This non-overlap time is called the dead time.
The non-overlap time is set in the timer dead time data register (TDDR). The value set in TDDR is used as the
MTU3.TCNT counter start value and creates a non-overlapping interval between MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT.
Complementary PWM mode should be cleared before changing the contents of TDDR.

(f) Dead Time Suppressing

Dead time generation is suppressed by clearing the TDER bit in the timer dead time enable register (TDER) to 0. TDER
bit can be cleared to 0 only when 0 is written to it after reading TDER = 1.
MTU3.TGRA and MTU3.TGRC should be set to 1/2 PWM carrier cycle + 1 and the timer dead time data register
(TDDR) should be set to 1.
By the above settings, PWM waveforms without dead time can be obtained. Figure 21.41 shows an example of
operation without dead time.

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Transfer from temporary

register to compare register

Ta Tb1 Ta Tb2 Ta




TDDR = 1


Buffer register
MTU4.TGRC Data 1 Data 2

Temporary register 2 Data 1 Data 2


Compare register
MTU4.TGRA Data 1 Data 2

Positive phase output Initial output

Negative phase output Initial output

Output waveform is active-low

Figure 21.41 Example of Operation without Dead Time

(g) PWM Cycle Setting

In complementary PWM mode, the PWM pulse cycle is set in two registers—MTU3.TGRA, in which the MTU3.TCNT
upper limit value is set, and TCDR, in which the MTU4.TCNT upper limit value is set. The settings should be made so as
to achieve the following relationship between these two registers:

With dead time: MTU3.TGRA setting = TCDR setting + TDDR setting

Without dead time: MTU3.TGRA setting = TCDR setting + 1

The settings should be made so as to achieve the following relationship between registers TCDR and TDDR.
TCDR setting > TDDR setting × 2 + 2

The MTU3.TGRA and MTU3.TCDR settings are made by setting values in buffer registers MTU3.TGRC and
MTU3.TCBR. The values set in MTU3.TGRC and MTU3.TCBR are transferred simultaneously to MTU3.TGRA and
MTU3.TCDR with the transfer timing selected with the TMDR.MD[3:0] bits.
The new PWM cycle is reflected from the next cycle when data is updated at the crest, or from the current cycle when
updated in the trough. Figure 21.42 illustrates the operation when the PWM cycle is updated at the crest.
See the following section (h), Register Data Updating, for the method of updating the data in each buffer register.

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Counter value MTU3.TGRC MTU3.TGRA

update update




Figure 21.42 Example of PWM Cycle Updating

(h) Register Data Updating

In complementary PWM mode, the buffer register is used to update the data in a compare register. The update data can be
written to the buffer register at any time. There are five registers (PWM duty and carrier cycle registers) that have buffer
registers and can be updated during operation.
There is a temporary register between each of these registers and its buffer register. While subcounter TCNTS is not
counting, if buffer register data is updated, the temporary register value also changes. Data is not transferred from buffer
registers to temporary registers while TCNTS is counting; in this case, the value written to a buffer register is transferred
after TCNTS halts.
The temporary register value is transferred to the compare register at the data update timing set with bits MD[3:0] in the
timer mode register (TMDR). Figure 21.43 shows an example of data updating in complementary PWM mode. This
example shows the mode in which data is updated at both the counter crest and trough.
When updating buffer register data, be sure to write to MTU4.TGRD at the end of the update. Data is transferred from
buffer registers to the temporary registers simultaneously for all five registers after the write to MTU4.TGRD.
Even when not updating all five registers or when not updating the MTU4.TGRD data, be sure to write to MTU4.TGRD
after writing data to the registers to be updated. In this case, the data written to MTU4.TGRD should be the same as the
data prior to the write operation.

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Figure 21.43

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RX220 Group

Data update timing: counter crest and trough : Compare register

: Buffer register
Transfer from Transfer from Transfer from Transfer from Transfer from Transfer from

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temporary register temporary register temporary register temporary register temporary register temporary register
to compare register to compare register to compare register to compare register to compare register to compare register

Counter value




Example of Data Updating in Complementary PWM Mode

Buffer register Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5 Data 6

Temporary register Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5 Data 6

Compare register Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 6

21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(i) Initial Output in Complementary PWM Mode

In complementary PWM mode, the initial output is determined by the setting of bits OLSN and OLSP in timer output
control register 1 (TOCR1) or bits OLS1N to OLS3N and OLS1P to OLS3P in timer output control register 2 (TOCR2).
This initial output is the non-active level of the PWM pulse and continues from when complementary PWM mode is set
with the timer mode register (TMDR) until MTU4.TCNT exceeds the value set in the dead time register (TDDR). Figure
21.44 shows an example of the initial output in complementary PWM mode.
An example of the waveform when the initial PWM duty value is smaller than the TDDR value is shown in Figure

Timer output control register settings

TOCR1.OLSN bit = 0 (initial output: high; active level: low)

TOCR1.OLSP bit = 0 (initial output: high; active level: low)

MTU3.TCNT values




Initial output Dead time
Positive phase
output Active level
Negative phase
output Active level

Complementary MTU3.TCNT count start

PWM mode (TSTR setting)

Figure 21.44 Example of Initial Output in Complementary PWM Mode (1)

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Timer output control register settings

TOCR1.OLSN bit = 0 (initial output: high; active level: low)

TOCR1.OLSP bit = 0 (initial output: high; active level: low)

MTU3.TCNT values


Initial output
Positive phase
output Active level
Negative phase

Complementary MTU3.TCNT count start

PWM mode (TSTR setting)

Figure 21.45 Example of Initial Output in Complementary PWM Mode (2)

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(j) Method for Generating PWM Output in Complementary PWM Mode

In complementary PWM mode, three phases of PWM waveforms are output with a non-overlap time between the
positive and negative phases. This non-overlap time is called the dead time.
A PWM waveform is generated by output of the level selected in the timer output control register in the event of a
compare match between a counter and a compare register. While TCNTS is counting, the compare register and
temporary register values are simultaneously compared to create consecutive PWM pulses from 0 to 100%. The relative
timing of turn-on and turn-off compare match occurrence may vary, but the compare match that turns off each phase
takes precedence to secure the dead time and ensure that the positive-phase and negative-phase turn-on times do not
overlap. Figure 21.46 to Figure 21.48 show examples of waveform generation in complementary PWM mode.

The positive-phase and negative-phase turn-off timing is generated by a compare match with the MTU3.TCNT counter,
and the turn-on timing by a compare match with the MTU4.TCNT counter, which operates with a delay of the dead time
behind the MTU3.TCNT counter. In the T1 period, compare match a that turns off the negative phase has the highest
priority, and compare matches before a are ignored. In the T2 period, compare match c that turns off the positive phase
has the highest priority, and compare matches before c are ignored.
In most cases, compare matches occur in the order a  b  c  d (or c  d  a'  b') as shown in Figure 21.46.
If compare matches deviate from the a  b  c  d order, since the time for which the negative phase is off is shorter
than twice the dead time, the positive phase is not turned on. If compare matches deviate from the c  d  a'  b' order,
since the time for which the positive phase is off is shorter than twice the dead time, the negative phase is not turned on.
As shown in Figure 21.47, if compare match c follows compare match a before compare match b, compare match b is
ignored and the negative phase is turned on by compare match d. This is because turning off the positive phase has higher
priority due to the occurrence of compare match c (positive-phase off timing) before compare match b (positive-phase on
timing) (consequently, the waveform does not change because the positive phase goes from off to off).
Similarly, in the example in Figure 21.48, compare match a' with new data in the temporary register occurs before
compare match c, but until compare match c, which turns off the positive phase, other compare matches are ignored. As
a result, the negative phase is not turned on.
Thus, in complementary PWM mode, compare matches at turn-off timings take precedence, and turn-on timing compare
matches that occur before a turn-off timing compare match are ignored.

T1 period T2 period T1 period MTU3.TCNT

c d


a b

a' b'



Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.46 Example of Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (1)

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T1 period T2 period T1 period MTU3.TCNT

c d
a b

a b


Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.47 Example of Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (2)

T1 period T2 period T1 period MTU3.TCNT


a b

c d
a' b'
Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.48 Example of Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (3)

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(k) 0% and 100% Duty Cycle Output in Complementary PWM Mode

In complementary PWM mode, 0% and 100% duty cycle PWM waveforms can be output as required. Figure 21.49 to
Figure 21.53 show output examples.
A 100% duty cycle waveform is output when the compare register value is set to 0000h. The waveform in this case has a
positive phase with a 100% on-state. A 0% duty cycle waveform is output when the compare register value is set to the
same value as MTU3.TGRA. The waveform in this case has a positive phase with a 100% off-state.
On and off compare matches occur simultaneously, but if a turn-on compare match and turn-off compare match for the
same phase occur simultaneously, both compare matches are ignored and the waveform does not change.

T1 period T2 period T1 period

c d


a b

a' b'



Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.49 Example of 0% and 100% Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (1)

T1 period T2 period T1 period



a b

a b


c d
Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.50 Example of 0% and 100% Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (2)

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T1 period T2 period T1 period

c d


a b



Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.51 Example of 0% and 100% Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (3)

T1 period T2 period T1 period



a b


c b' d a'
Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.52 Example of 0% and 100% Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (4)

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T1 period T2 period T1 period

c a d b



Positive phase output

Negative phase output

Figure 21.53 Example of 0% and 100% Waveform Output in Complementary PWM Mode (5)

(l) Toggle Output Synchronized with PWM Cycle

In complementary PWM mode, toggle output in synchronization with the PWM carrier cycle can be generated by setting
the PSYE bit to 1 in the timer output control register (TOCR). An example of a toggle output waveform is shown in
Figure 21.54.
This output is toggled by a compare match between MTU3.TCNT and MTU3.TGRA and a compare match between
MTU4.TCNT and 0000h.
The MTIOC3A pin is assigned for this toggle output. The initial output is High.





Toggle output

Figure 21.54 Example of Toggle Output Waveform Synchronized with PWM Output

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(m) Counter Clearing by Another Channel

In complementary PWM mode, MTU3.TCNT, MTU4.TCNT, and TCNTS can be cleared by another channel when a
mode for synchronization with another channel is specified through the timer synchronous register (TSYR) and
synchronous clearing is selected with bits CCLR[2:0] in the timer control register (TCR).
Figure 21.55 illustrates an example of this operation.
Use of this function enables a counter to be cleared and restarted through an external signal.




MTU1 input capture A


Synchronous counter clearing by MTU1 input capture A

Figure 21.55 Counter Clearing Synchronized with Another Channel

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(n) Output Waveform Control at Synchronous Counter Clearing in Complementary PWM Mode
Setting the WRE bit in TWCR to 1 suppresses initial output when synchronous counter clearing occurs in the Tb interval
at the trough in complementary PWM mode and controls abrupt change in duty cycle at synchronous counter clearing.
Initial output suppression through setting WRE bit to 1 is applicable only when synchronous clearing occurs in the Tb
interval at the trough as indicated by (10) or (11) in Figure 21.56. When synchronous clearing occurs outside that
interval, the initial value specified by the OLSN and OLSP bits in TOCR1 is output. Even in the Tb interval at the trough,
if synchronous clearing occurs in the initial output period (indicated by (1) in Figure 21.56) immediately after the
counters start operation, initial value output is not suppressed.
Synchronous clearing generated in MTU0 to MTU2 can cause counter clearing in the MTU.

Counter start
Tb interval Tb interval Tb interval





Positive phase

Negative phase
Output waveform is active-low

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

Figure 21.56 Timing for Synchronous Counter Clearing

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 Example of Procedure for Setting Output Waveform Control at Synchronous Counter Clearing in
Complementary PWM Mode.
An example of the procedure for setting output waveform control at synchronous counter clearing in complementary
PWM mode is shown in Figure 21.57.

Output waveform control at [1] Clear bits CST3 and CST4 in the timer start
synchronous counter clearing
register (TSTR) to 0 to stop count operation.
Specify TWCR while MTU3.TCNT and
MTU4.TCNT are stopped.
Stop count operation [1]
[2] Read bit WRE in TWCR and then write 1 to it to
suppress initial value output at counter clearing.
Set TWCR and
complementary PWM mode [2] [3] Set bits CST3 and CST4 in TSTR to 1 to start
count operation.

Start count operation [3]

Output waveform control at

synchronous counter clearing

Figure 21.57 Example of Procedure for Setting Output Waveform Control at Synchronous Counter Clearing in
Complementary PWM Mode

 Examples of Output Waveform Control at Synchronous Counter Clearing in Complementary PWM Mode
Figure 21.58 to Figure 21.61 show examples of output waveform control in which the MTU operates in
complementary PWM mode and synchronous counter clearing is generated while the WRE bit in TWCR is set to 1. In
the examples shown in Figure 21.58 to Figure 21.61, synchronous counter clearing occurs at timing (3), (6), (8), and
(11) shown in Figure 21.56, respectively.

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Synchronous clearing Bit WRE = 1






Positive phase
Negative phase
Output waveform is active-low.

Figure 21.58 Example of Synchronous Clearing in Dead Time during Up-Counting

(Timing (3) in Figure 21.56; Bit WRE of TWCR is 1 in the MTU)

Synchronous clearing
Bit WRE = 1





Positive phase
Negative phase
Output waveform is active-low.

Figure 21.59 Example of Synchronous Clearing in Interval Tb at Crest

(Timing (6) in Figure 21.56; Bit WRE of TWCR is 1 in the MTU)

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Synchronous clearing Bit WRE = 1






Positive phase
Negative phase
Output waveform is active-low.

Figure 21.60 Example of Synchronous Clearing in Dead Time during Down-Counting

(Timing (8) in Figure 21.56; Bit WRE of TWCR is 1)

Bit WRE = 1 Synchronous clearing






Positive phase
Initial value output is suppressed.
Negative phase
Output waveform is active-low.

Figure 21.61 Example of Synchronous Clearing in Interval Tb at Trough

(Timing (11) in Figure 21.56; Bit WRE of TWCR is 1)

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(o) Counter Clearing by MTU3.TGRA Compare Match

In complementary PWM mode, MTU3.TCNT, MTU4.TCNT, and TCNTS can be cleared by MTU3.TGRA compare
match when the CCE bit is set in the timer waveform control register (TWCR).
Figure 21.62 illustrates an operation example.
Note: • Use this function only in complementary PWM mode 1 (transfer at crest).
Note: • Do not specify synchronous clearing by another channel (do not set the SYNC0 to SYNC4 bits in the timer
synchronous register (TSYR) to 1).
Note: • Do not set the PWM duty cycle value to 0000h.
Note: • Do not set the PSYE bit in timer output control register 1 (TOCR1) to 1.

Counter cleared by
MTU3.TGRA compare match





Positive phase
Negative phase
Output waveform is active-high.

Figure 21.62 Example of Counter Clearing Operation by MTU3.TGRA Compare Match

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(p) Example of Waveform Output for Driving AC Synchronous Motor (Brushless DC Motor)
In complementary PWM mode, a brushless DC motor can easily be controlled using the timer gate control register
(TGCR). Figure 21.63 to Figure 21.66 show examples of brushless DC motor driving waveforms created using TGCR.
To switch the output phases for a 3-phase brushless DC motor by means of external signals detected with a Hall element,
etc., clear the FB bit in TGCR to 0. In this case, the external signals indicating the magnetic pole position should be input
to timer input pins MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, and MTIOC0C in MTU0 (set with PFS). When an edge is detected at pin
MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, or MTIOC0C, the output on/off state is switched automatically.
When the FB bit is 1, the output on/off state is switched when the UF, VF, or WF bit in TGCR is cleared to 0 or set to 1.
The driving waveforms are output from the 6-phase output pins for complementary PWM mode.
With this 6-phase output, while the output is turned on, chopping output is available through complementary PWM mode
output function by setting the N bit or P bit in TGCR to 1. When the N bit or P bit is 0, the level output is selected.
The active level of the 6-phase output (on output level) can be set with the OLSN and OLSP bits in the timer output
control register1 (TOCR1) regardless of the setting of the N and P bits.

External input MTIOC0A pin



6-phase output MTIOC3B pin






When TGCR.BDC = 1, TGCR.N = 0, TGCR.P = 0, and TGCR.FB = 0,

the high level is the active level for output.

Figure 21.63 Example of Output Phase Switching by External Input (1)

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External input MTIOC0A pin



6-phase output MTIOC3B pin






When TGCR.BDC = 1, TGCR.N = 1, TGCR.P = 1, and TGCR.FB = 0,

the high level is the active level for output.

Figure 21.64 Example of Output Phase Switching by External Input (2)


VF bit

WF bit

6-phase output MTIOC3B pin






When TGCR.BDC = 1, TGCR.N = 0, TGCR.P = 0, and TGCR.FB = 1,

the high level is the active level for output.

Figure 21.65 Example of Output Phase Switching through UF, VF, and WF Bit Settings (1)

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VF bit

WF bit

6-phase output MTIOC3B pin






When TGCR.BDC = 1, TGCR.N = 1, TGCR.P = 1, and TGCR.FB = 0,

the high level is the active level for output.

Figure 21.66 Example of Output Phase Switching through UF, VF, and WF Bit Settings (2)

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(q) A/D Converter Start Request Setting

In complementary PWM mode, an A/D converter start request can be issued using MTU3.TGRA compare match,
MTU4.TCNT underflow (trough), or compare match on a channel other than MTU3 and MTU4.
When start requests using MTU3.TGRA compare match are specified, A/D conversion can be started at the crest of the
MTU3.TCNT count.
A/D converter start requests can be specified by setting the TTGE bit to 1 in the timer interrupt enable register (TIER).
To issue an A/D converter start request at an MTU4.TCNT underflow (trough), set the TTGE2 bit in MTU4.TIER to 1.

(3) Interrupt Skipping in Complementary PWM Mode

Interrupts TGIA3 (at the crest) and TCIV4 (at the trough) in MTU3 and MTU4 can be skipped up to seven times by
making settings in the timer interrupt skipping set register (TITCR).
Transfers from a buffer register to a temporary register or a compare register can be skipped in coordination with
interrupt skipping by making settings in the timer buffer transfer set register (TBTER). For the linkage with buffer
registers, refer to description (c), Buffer Transfer Control Linked with Interrupt Skipping, below.
A/D converter start requests generated by the A/D converter start request delaying function can also be skipped in
coordination with interrupt skipping by making settings in the timer A/D converter request control register (TADCR).
For the linkage with the A/D converter start request delaying function, refer to section 21.3.9, A/D Converter Start
Request Delaying Function.
The timer interrupt skipping set register (TITCR) should be set while the TGIA3 and TCIV4 interrupt requests are
disabled by the settings of MTU3.TIER and MTU4.TIER under the conditions in which compare match never occur and
TGIA3 and TGIA4 interrupt requests by compare match are never generated. Before changing the skipping count, be
sure to clear the T3AEN and T4VEN bits in TITCR to 0 to clear the skipping counter.

(a) Example of Interrupt Skipping Operation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.67 shows an example of the interrupt skipping operation setting procedure. Figure 21.68 shows the periods
during which interrupt skipping count can be changed.

Interrupt skipping [1] Set bits T3AEN and T4VEN in the timer interrupt skipping set
register (TITCR) to 0 to clear the skipping counter.

[2] Specify the interrupt skipping count within the range from 0 to 7
Clear interrupt skipping counter [1] times in bits T3ACOR2 to T3ACOR0 and T4VCOR2 to T4VCOR0
in TITCR, and enable interrupt skipping through bits T3AEN and
Set skipping count and
enable interrupt skipping Note: • The setting of TITCR must be done while the TGIA3 and
TCIV4 interrupt requests are disabled by the settings of
registers MTU3.TIER and MTU4.TIER under the condition
in which compare match never occur.
Interrupt skipping

Figure 21.67 Example of Interrupt Skipping Operation Setting Procedure

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Period during which Period during which Period during which Period during which
skipping count can skipping count can skipping count can skipping count can
be changed be changed be changed be changed

Figure 21.68 Periods during which Interrupt Skipping Count can be Changed

(b) Example of Interrupt Skipping Operation

Figure 21.69 shows an example of MTU3.TGIA interrupt skipping in which the interrupt skipping count is set to three
by the T3ACOR bits and the T3AEN bit is set to 1 in the timer interrupt skipping set register (TITCR).

Interrupt skipping period Interrupt skipping period

MTU3.TGRA compare match

Skipping counter 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03

TGIA3 interrupt signal

Figure 21.69 Example of Interrupt Skipping Operation

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(c) Buffer Transfer Control Linked with Interrupt Skipping

In complementary PWM mode, whether to transfer data from a buffer register to a temporary register and whether to link
the transfer with interrupt skipping can be specified with the BTE[1:0] bits in the timer buffer transfer set register
Figure 21.70 shows an example of operation when buffer transfer is disabled (BTE[1:0] = 01b). While this setting is
valid, data is not transferred from the buffer register to the temporary register.
Figure 21.71 shows an example of operation when buffer transfer is linked with interrupt skipping (BTE[1:0] = 10b).
While this setting is valid, data is not transferred from the buffer register to the temporary register outside the buffer
transfer-enabled period.
Note that the buffer transfer-enabled period depends on the T3AEN and T4VEN bit settings in the timer interrupt
skipping set register (TITCR). Figure 21.72 shows the relationship between the T3AEN and T4VEN bit settings in
TITCR and buffer transfer-enabled period.

Note: • This function must always be used in combination with interrupt skipping.
When interrupt skipping is disabled (the T3AEN and T4VEN bits in the timer interrupt skipping set register
(TITCR) are cleared to 0 or the skipping count setting bits (T3ACOR and T4VCOR) in TITCR are cleared to 0),
make sure that buffer transfer is not linked with interrupt skipping (clear the BTE1 bit in the timer buffer transfer
set register (TBTER) to 0).
If buffer transfer is linked with interrupt skipping while interrupt skipping is disabled, buffer transfer is never


Data 1



Buffer register Data 1 Data 2

(1) (3)

Temporary register Data*1 Data 2


Compare register Data*1 Data 2

Buffer transfer is suppressed

(1) No data is transferred from the buffer register to the temporary register in the buffer transfer -disabled period
(setting TBTER.BTE[1:0] to 01b).
(2) Data is transferred from the temporary register to the compare register even in the compare transfer-disabled
(3) After buffer transfer is enabled, data is transferred from the buffer register to the temporary register .

Note 1. When buffer transfer at the crest is selected.

Figure 21.70 Example of Operation when Buffer Transfer is Disabled (BTE[1:0] = 01b)

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(1) When the buffer register is modified within one carrier cycle of the generation of a TGIA3 interrupt
TGIA3 interrupt generated TGIA3 interrupt generated


Timing for modification Timing for modification

of the buffer register of the buffer register
Buffer transfer-enabled period

TITCR.T3ACOR[2:0] bits 2

TITCNT.T3ACNT[2:0] bits 0 1 2 0 1

Buffer register Data Data1 Data2

Temporary register Data Data1 Data2

Compare register Data Data1 Data2

(2) When the buffer register is modified after one carrier cycle has elapsed from generation of a TGIA3 interrupt
TGIA3 interrupt generated TGIA3 interrupt generated


Timing for modification

of the buffer register
Buffer transfer-enabled period

TITCR.T3ACOR[2:0] bits 2

TITCNT.T3ACNT[2:0] bits 0 1 2 0 1

Buffer register Data Data1

Temporary register Data Data1

Compare register Data Data1

Note: • Buffer transfer at the crest is selected.

The skipping count is set to two.
T3AEN is set to 1.

Figure 21.71 Example of Operation when Buffer Transfer is Linked with Interrupt Skipping
(BTE[1:0] = 10b)

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Skipping counter T3ACNT 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0

Skipping counter T4VCNT

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Buffer transfer-enabled period
(T3AEN is set to 1)
Buffer transfer-enabled period
(T4VEN is set to 1)

Buffer transfer-enabled period

(T3AEN and T4VEN are set to 1)

Note: • The skipping count is set to three.

Figure 21.72 Relationship between Bits T3AEN and T4VEN in TITCR and Buffer Transfer-Enabled Period

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(4) Complementary PWM Mode Output Protection Functions

The MTU provides the following protection functions for complementary PWM mode output.

(a) Register and Counter Miswrite Prevention Function

With the exception of the buffer registers, which can be modified at any time, access by the CPU can be enabled or
disabled for the mode registers, control registers, compare registers, and counters used in complementary PWM mode by
means of the RWE bit in the timer read/write enable register (TRWER). The applicable registers are some of the registers
in MTU3 and MTU4 shown below:

22 registers in total


This function can disable CPU access to the mode registers, control registers, and counters to prevent miswriting due to
CPU runaway. In the access-disabled state, the applicable registers are read as undefined and writing to these registers is

(b) Halting of PWM Output by External Signal

The 6-phase PWM output pins can be set to the high-impedance state automatically by inputting specified external
See section 22, Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a), for details.

(c) Halting of PWM Output when Oscillator is Stopped

Upon detecting that the clock input to RX220 has stopped, the 6-phase PWM output pins are automatically set to the
high-impedance state. Note that the pin states are not guaranteed when the clock is restarted.
See section 9.5, Oscillation Stop Detection Function.

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21.3.9 A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function

A/D converter start requests can be issued in MTU4 by making settings in the timer A/D converter start request control
register (TADCR), timer A/D converter start request cycle set registers (MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TADCORB), and
timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer registers (MTU4.TADCOBRA and MTU4.TADCOBRB).
The A/D converter start request delaying function compares MTU4.TCNT with MTU4.TADCORA or
MTU4.TADCORB, and when their values match, the function issues a respective A/D converter start request (TRG4AN
or TRG4BN).
A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN and TRG4BN) can be skipped in coordination with interrupt skipping by making
settings in the ITA3AE, ITA4VE, ITB3AE, and ITB4VE bits in TADCR.

(1) Example of Procedure for Specifying A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function
Figure 21.73 shows an example of procedure for specifying the A/D converter start request delaying function.

[1] Set the cycle in the timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer
A/D converter start request
delaying function register (MTU4.TADCOBRA/B) and timer A/D converter start
request cycle set register (MTU4.TADCORA/B). (The same initial
value must be specified in the cycle set buffer register and cycle set
Set A/D converter start request cycle register.)

[2] Use bits BF[1:0] in the timer A/D converter start request control
register (TADCR) to specify the timing of buffer transfer from the
•Set the timing of transfer from cycle [2] timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer register to A/D
set buffer register converter start request cycle set register.
•Set linkage with interrupt skipping
•Enable A/D converter start request • Specify whether to link with interrupt skipping through bits ITA3AE,
delaying function ITA4VE, ITB3AE, and ITB4VE.
• Use bits UT4AE, DT4AE, UT4BE, and DT4BE to enable A/D
converter start requests (TRG4AN or TRG4BN).
Note: • Perform TADCR setting while MTU4.TCNT is stopped.
A/D converter start request Note: • Do not set BF1 to 1 when complementary PWM mode is not
delaying function selected.
Note: • Do not set ITA3AE, ITA4VE, ITB3AE, ITB4VE, DT4AE, or
DT4BE to 1 when complementary PWM mode is not selected.

Figure 21.73 Example of Procedure for Specifying A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function

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(2) Basic Example of A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function Operation
Figure 21.74 shows a basic example of A/D converter start request signal (TRG4AN) operation when the trough of
MTU4.TCNT is specified for the buffer transfer timing and an A/D converter start request signal is output during
MTU4.TCNT down-counting.

Transfer from cycle buffer Transfer from cycle buffer Transfer from cycle buffer
register to cycle register register to cycle register register to cycle register



A/D converter start request

(Complementary PWM mode)

Figure 21.74 Basic Example of A/D Converter Start Request Signal (TRG4AN) Operation

(3) Buffer Transfer

The data in the timer A/D converter start request cycle set registers (MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TADCORB) is
updated by writing data to the timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer registers (MTU4.TADCOBRA and
MTU4.TADCOBRB). Data is transferred from the buffer registers to the respective cycle set registers at the timing
selected with the BF[1:0] bits in the timer A/D converter start request control register (MTU4.TADCR).

(4) A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function Linked with Interrupt Skipping
A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN and TRG4BN) can be issued in coordination with interrupt skipping by making
settings in the ITA3AE, ITA4VE, ITB3AE, and ITB4VE bits in the timer A/D converter start request control register
(TADCR). Figure 21.75 shows an example of A/D converter start request signal (TRG4AN) operation when TRG4AN
output is enabled during MTU4.TCNT up-counting and down-counting and A/D converter start requests are linked with
interrupt skipping.
Figure 21.76 shows another example of A/D converter start request signal (TRG4AN) operation when TRG4AN output
is enabled during MTU4.TCNT up-counting and A/D converter start requests are linked with interrupt skipping.

Note: • This function should be used in combination with interrupt skipping.

When interrupt skipping is disabled (the T3AEN and T4VEN bits in the timer interrupt skipping set register
(TITCR) are cleared to 0 or the skipping count setting bits (T3ACOR and T4VCOR) in TITCR are cleared to 0),
make sure that A/D converter start requests are not linked with interrupt skipping (clear the ITA3AE, ITA4VE,
ITB3AE, and ITB4VE bits in the timer A/D converter start request control register (TADCR) to 0).
Note that TRG4ABN (TRG4AN or TRG4BN) is output as the A/D converter start request signal in this case.

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TGIA3 interrupt
skipping counter 00 01 02 00 01
TCIV4 interrupt 00 01 02 00 01
skipping counter

TGIA3 A/D request-enabled


TCIV4 A/D request-enabled


A/D converter start request (TRG4AN)

When linked with TGIA3 and TCIV4

interrupt skipping
When linked with TGIA3
interrupt skipping
When linked with TCIV4
interrupt skipping
UT4AE = 1
DT4AE = 1
Note: • When the interrupt skipping count is set to two.

Figure 21.75 Example of A/D Converter Start Request Signal (TRG4AN) Operation Linked with Interrupt
Skipping (when the output of TRG4AN in counting up and down by TCNT is enabled)



TGIA3 interrupt
skipping counter 00 01 02 00 01

TCIV4 interrupt
skipping 00 01 02 00 01

TGIA3 A/D request-enabled


TCIV4 A/D request-enabled


A/D converter start request (TRG4AN)

When linked with TGIA3 and TCIV4

interrupt skipping

When linked with TGIA3

interrupt skipping

When linked with TCIV4

interrupt skipping
UT4AE = 1
DT4AE = 0
Note: • When the interrupt skipping count is set to two.

Figure 21.76 Example of A/D Converter Start Request Signal (TRG4AN) Operation Linked with Interrupt
Skipping (when the output of TRG4AN in counting up by TCNT is enabled)

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21.3.10 External Pulse Width Measurement

Up to three external pulse widths can be measured in MTU5.

(1) Example of External Pulse Width Measurement Setting Procedure

External pulse width

measurement [1] Set the TPSC[1:0] bits in TCR to select the counter clock.

[2] In TIOR, select the high level or low level for the pulse
Select counter clock [1] width measuring condition.

[3] Set bit CST in TSTR to 1 to start count operation.

Select pulse width measuring [2]
Note: • Do not set bits CMPCLR5j in TCNTCMPCLR
to 1.
Note: • Do not set bits TGIE5j in MTU5.TIER to 1.
Start count operation [3] Note: • The value in TCNT is not captured in TGR.
j = U, V, W

External pulse width measurement

Figure 21.77 Example of External Pulse Width Measurement Setting Procedure

(2) Example of External Pulse Width Measurement



0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B

Figure 21.78 Example of External Pulse Width Measurement (Measuring High Pulse Width)

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21.3.11 Dead Time Compensation

By measuring the delay of the output waveform and reflecting it to duty, the external pulse width measurement function
can be used as the dead time compensation function to PWM output waveform while the complementary PWM mode is
in operation.


Upper arm signal

Lower arm signal

Inverter output detection signal

Dead time delay signal

Figure 21.79 Delay in Dead Time in Complementary PWM Mode Operation

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(1) Example of Dead Time Compensation Setting Procedure

Figure 21.80 shows an example of dead time compensation setting procedure by using three counters in MTU5.

[1] Place MTU3 and MTU4 in complementary PWM mode. For details, refer to the
Complementary PWM mode [1] Complementary PWM Mode section.

[2] Specify the external pulse width measurement function for the target TIOR in
External pulse width MTU5. For details, refer to the External Pulse Width Measurement section.
measurement [2]

[3] Set bits CST3 and CST4 in MTU.TSTR and bits CSTU5, CSTV5, and CSTW5 in
MTU5.TSTR to 1 to start count operation.
Start count operation in
MTU3, MTU4 and MTU5 [4] When the capture condition specified in TIOR is satisfied, the MTU5.TCNT
value is captured in MTU5.TGR.

MTU5.TCNT [5] For U-phase dead time compensation, when an interrupt is generated at the
input capture occurs [4]*1
crest (TGIA3) or trough (TCIV4) in complementary PWM mode, read the
MTU5.TGRU value, calculate the difference in time between MTU5.TGRU and
MTU3.TGRB, and write the corrected value to MTU3.TGRD in the interrupt
Interrupt processing [5] processing.
For the V phase and W phase, read the MTU5.TGRV and MTU5.TGRW values
and write the corrected values to MTU4.TGRC and MTU4.TGRD, respectively,
in the same way as for U-phase compensation.
The MTU5.TCNT value should be cleared through the TCNTCMPCLR setting or
by software.

Note: • Be sure to complete PFS setting in advance.

Note 1. As an interrupt flag is set under the capture condition specified in
TIOR, do not enable interrupt requests in MTU5.TIER.

Figure 21.80 Example of Dead Time Compensation Setting Procedure

– +
MTU Complementary DC
PWM output
Level conversion

Dead time
delay input Inverter output V
MTU5  monitor signals U W


Figure 21.81 Example of Motor Control Circuit Configuration

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(2) TCNT Capture at Crest and/or Trough in Complementary PWM Mode Operation
The MTU5.TCNT value is captured in MTU5.TGR at either the crest or trough or at both the crest and trough during
complementary PWM mode operation. The timing for capturing in MTU5.TGR can be selected by TIOR.
Figure 21.82 shows operation for the capture of MTU5.TCNT on crests and in troughs in complementary PWM mode.


Upper arm signal

Lower arm signal

Inverter output monitor signal

Dead time delay signal

Up-count/down-count signal (udflg)

MTU5.TCNT[15:0] 3DE7 3E5B 3ED3 3F37 3FAF

MTU5.TGR[15:0] 3DE7 3E5B 3ED3 3F37 3FAF

Figure 21.82 MTU5.TCNT Capture at Crest and/or Trough in Complementary PWM Mode Operation

21.3.12 Noise Filter

Each pin for use in input capture and external pulse input to the MTU is equipped with a noise filter. The noise filter
samples input signals at the sampling clock and removes the pulses of which length is less than three sampling cycles.
The noise filter functionality includes enabling and disabling of the noise filter for each pin and setting of the sampling
clock for each channel. Figure 21.83 shows the timing of noise filtering.

Sampling clock

Noise filter enable/

disable register

Eliminated pulse
Input capture input pin or
external pulse input pin
Matching three times

Signal conveyed

Noise filter disabled Noise filter enabled

Figure 21.83 Timing of Noise Filtering

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21.4 Interrupt Sources

21.4.1 Interrupt Sources and Priorities

There are three kinds of MTU interrupt source; TGR input capture/compare match, TCNT overflow, and TCNT
underflow. Each interrupt source has its own enable/disable bit, allowing the generation of interrupt request signals to be
enabled or disabled individually.
When an interrupt source is detected, an interrupt is requested if the corresponding enable/disable bit in TIER is set to 1.
Relative channel priorities can be changed by the interrupt controller; however the priority within a channel is fixed. For
details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).
Table 21.57 lists the MTU interrupt sources.

Table 21.57 MTU Interrupt Sources (1)

Channel Name Interrupt Source Activation Activation Priority
MTU0 TGIA0 MTU0.TGRA input capture/compare match Possible Possible High
TGIB0 MTU0.TGRB input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGIC0 MTU0.TGRC input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGID0 MTU0.TGRD input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TCIV0 MTU0.TCNT overflow Not possible Not possible
TGIE0 MTU0.TGRE compare match Not possible Not possible
TGIF0 MTU0.TGRF compare match Not possible Not possible
MTU1 TGIA1 MTU1.TGRA input capture/compare match Possible Possible
TGIB1 MTU1.TGRB input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TCIV1 MTU1.TCNT overflow Not possible Not possible
TCIU1 MTU1.TCNT underflow Not possible Not possible
MTU2 TGIA2 MTU2.TGRA input capture/compare match Possible Possible
TGIB2 MTU2.TGRB input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TCIV2 MTU2.TCNT overflow Not possible Not possible
TCIU2 MTU2.TCNT underflow Not possible Not possible
MTU3 TGIA3 MTU3.TGRA input capture/compare match Possible Possible
TGIB3 MTU3.TGRB input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGIC3 MTU3.TGRC input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGID3 MTU3.TGRD input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TCIV3 MTU3.TCNT overflow Not possible Not possible
MTU4 TGIA4 MTU4.TGRA input capture/compare match Possible Possible
TGIB4 MTU4.TGRB input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGIC4 MTU4.TGRC input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGID4 MTU4.TGRD input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TCIV4 MTU4.TCNT overflow/underflow Not possible Possible
MTU5 TGIU5 MTU5.TGRU input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGIV5 MTU5.TGRV input capture/compare match Not possible Possible
TGIW5 MTU5.TGRW input capture/compare match Not possible Possible Low

Note: • This table lists the initial state immediately after a reset. The relative channel priorities can be changed by the interrupt controller.

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(1) Input Capture/Compare Match Interrupt

An interrupt is requested if the TGIE bit in TIER is set to 1 when a TGR input capture/compare match occurs on a
channel. The MTU has 21 input capture/compare match interrupts (six for MTU0, four each for MTU3 and MTU4, two
each for MTU1 and MTU2, and three for MTU5).

(2) Overflow Interrupt

An interrupt is requested if the TCIEV bit in TIER is set to 1 when a TCNT overflow occurs on a channel. The MTU has
five overflow interrupts (one for each channel).

(3) Underflow Interrupt

An interrupt is requested if the TCIEU bit in TIER is set to 1 when a TCNT underflow occurs on a channel. The MTU
has two underflow interrupts (one each for MTU1 and MTU2).

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21.4.2 DTC and DMAC Activation

(1) DTC Activation
The DTC can be activated by the TGR input capture/compare match interrupt in each channel or the overflow interrupt in
MTU4. For details, see section 17, Data Transfer Controller (DTCa).
The MTU provides a total of 20 input capture/compare match interrupts and overflow interrupts that can be used as DTC
activation sources: four each for MTU0 and MTU3, two each for MTU1 and MTU2, five for MTU4, and three for

(2) DMAC Activation

The DMAC can be activated by the TGRA input capture/compare match interrupt in each channel. For details, see
section 16, DMA Controller (DMACA).
The MTU provides a total of five TGRA input capture/compare match interrupts that can be used as DMAC activation
sources: one each for MTU0 to MTU4.
When the DMAC is activated by the MTU, the activation source is cleared when the DMAC requests the internal bus
mastership. Therefore, the request for DMAC transfer may be kept pending for a certain period even after the activation
source is cleared depending on the internal bus state.

21.4.3 A/D Converter Activation

The A/D converter can be activated by one of the following five methods in the MTU. Table 21.58 lists the relationship
between interrupt sources and A/D converter start request signals.

(1) A/D Converter Activation by TGRA Input Capture/Compare Match or at MTU4.TCNT Trough in
Complementary PWM Mode
The A/D converter can be activated by the occurrence of a TGRA input capture/compare match in each channel. In
addition, if complementary PWM mode operation is performed while the TTGE2 bit in MTU4.TIER is set to 1, the A/D
converter can be activated at the trough of MTU4.TCNT count (MTU4.TCNT = 0000h).
A/D converter start request signal TRGAN is issued to the A/D converter under either of the following conditions.
 When a TGRA input capture/compare match occurs on a channel while the TTGE bit in TIER is set to 1
 When the MTU4.TCNT count reaches the trough (MTU4.TCNT = 0000h) during complementary PWM mode
operation while the TTGE2 bit in MTU4.TIER is set to 1
When either condition is satisfied, if A/D converter start signal TRGAN from the MTU is selected as the trigger in the
A/D converter, A/D conversion will start.

(2) A/D Converter Activation by Compare Match between MTU0.TCNT and MTU0.TGRE
A compare match between MTU0.TCNT and MTU0.TGRE activates the A/D converter.
A/D converter start request signal TRG0EN is issued when a compare match occurs between MTU0.TCNT and
MTU0.TGRE. If A/D converter start signal TRG0EN from the MTU is selected as the trigger in the A/D converter, A/D
conversion will start.

(3) A/D Converter Activation by Compare Match between MTU0.TCNT and MTU0.TGRF
A compare match between MTU0.TCNT and MTU0.TGRF activates the A/D converter.
A/D converter start request signal TRG0FN is issued when a compare match occurs between MTU0.TCNT and
MTU0.TGRF. If A/D converter start signal TRG0FN from the MTU is selected as the trigger in the A/D converter, A/D
conversion will start.

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(4) A/D Converter Activation by Input Capture or Compare Match with MTU0.TGRA or
The A/D converter can be activated when an input capture or compare match occurs between MTU0.TCNT and
When an input capture or compare match occurs between MTU0.TCNT and MTU0.TGRA or MTU0.TGRB. A/D
converter start request signal TRG0AN or TRG0BN is issued. If A/D converter start signal TRG0AN or TRG0BN from
the MTU is selected as the trigger in the A/D converter, A/D conversion will start.

(5) A/D Converter Activation by A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function
The A/D converter can be activated by generating A/D converter start request signal TRG4AN or TRG4BN when the
MTU4.TCNT count matches the TADCORA or TADCORB value if the UT4AE, DT4AE, UT4BE, or DT4BE bit in the
A/D converter start request control register (TADCR) is set to 1. For details, refer to section 21.3.9, A/D Converter
Start Request Delaying Function.
A/D conversion will start if A/D converter start signal TRG4ABN from the MTU is selected as the trigger in the A/D
converter when TRG4AN or TRG4BN is generated.

Table 21.58 Interrupt Sources and A/D Converter Start Request Signals
Target Registers A/D Start Request Source A/D Converter Start Request Signal
MTU0.TGRA and MTU0.TCNT Input capture/compare match TRGAN
MTU4.TCNT MTU4.TCNT trough in complementary PWM mode
MTU0.TGRA and MTU0.TCNT Input capture/compare match TRG0AN
MTU0.TGRE and MTU0.TCNT Compare match TRG0EN

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21.5 Operation Timing

21.5.1 Input/Output Timing

(1) TCNT Count Timing
Figure 21.84 and Figure 21.85 show the TCNT count timing for TGI interrupt in internal clock operation, Figure
21.86 shows the TCNT count timing in external clock operation (normal mode), and Figure 21.87 shows the TCNT
count timing in external clock operation (phase counting mode).


Internal clock Falling edge Rising edge

TCNT input clock

TCNT N-1 N N+1

Figure 21.84 Count Timing in Internal Clock Operation (MTU0 to MTU4)


Internal clock Rising edge

TCNT input clock


Figure 21.85 Count Timing in Internal Clock Operation (MTU5)


External clock Falling edge Rising edge

TCNT input clock

TCNT N-1 N N+1

Figure 21.86 Count Timing in External Clock Operation (MTU0 to MTU 4)


External clock Rising edge Falling edge

TCNT input clock

TCNT N-1 N N-1

Figure 21.87 Count Timing in External Clock Operation (Phase Counting Mode)

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(2) Output Compare Output Timing

A compare match signal is generated in the final state in which TCNT and TGR match (the point at which the count
value matched is updated by TCNT). When a compare match signal is generated, the value set in TIOR is output to the
output compare output pin (MTIOC pin). After a match between TCNT and TGR, the compare match signal is not
generated until the TCNT input clock is generated.
Figure 21.88 shows the output compare output timing (normal mode or PWM mode) and Figure 21.89 shows the
output compare output timing (complementary PWM mode or reset-synchronized PWM mode).


TCNT input clock



Compare match signal


Figure 21.88 Output Compare Output Timing (Normal Mode or PWM Mode)


TCNT input clock



Compare match signal


Figure 21.89 Output Compare Output Timing (Complementary PWM Mode or Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode)

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(3) Input Capture Signal Timing

Figure 21.90 shows the input capture signal timing.


Input capture input

Input capture signal

TCNT N N+1 N+2


Figure 21.90 Input Capture Input Signal Timing

(4) Timing for Counter Clearing by Compare Match/Input Capture

Figure 21.91 and Figure 21.92 show the timing when counter clearing on compare match is specified, and Figure
21.93 shows the timing when counter clearing on input capture is specified.


Compare match signal

Counter clear signal

TCNT N 0000h


Figure 21.91 Counter Clear Timing (Compare Match) (MTU0 to MTU4)


Compare match signal

Counter clear signal

TCNT N-1 0000h


Figure 21.92 Counter Clear Timing (Compare Match) (MTU5)

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Input capture signal

Counter clear signal

TCNT N 0000h


Figure 21.93 Counter Clear Timing (Input Capture) (MTU0 to MTU5)

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(5) Buffer Operation Timing

Figure 21.94 to Figure 21.96 show the timing in buffer operation.


n n+1

Compare match signal



Figure 21.94 Buffer Operation Timing (Compare Match)


Input capture signal




Figure 21.95 Buffer Operation Timing (Input Capture)


TCNT n 0000h

TCNT clear signal

Buffer transfer signal



Figure 21.96 Buffer Operation Timing (when TCNT Cleared)

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(6) Buffer Transfer Timing (Complementary PWM Mode)

Figure 21.97 to Figure 21.99 show the buffer transfer timing in complementary PWM mode.


TCNTS 0000h

MTU4.TGRD write signal

Temporary register transfer signal

Buffer register n N

Temporary register n N

Figure 21.97 Transfer Timing from Buffer Register to Temporary Register (TCNTS Stop)


TCNTS P-x P 0000h

MTU4.TGRD write signal

Buffer register n N

Temporary register n N

Figure 21.98 Transfer Timing from Buffer Register to Temporary Register (TCNTS Operating)


P-1 P 0000h

Buffer transfer signal

Temporary register N

Compare register n N

Figure 21.99 Transfer Timing from Temporary Register to Compare Register

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21.5.2 Interrupt Signal Timing

(1) Timing for TGI Interrupt by Compare Match
Figure 21.100 and Figure 21.101 show the TGI interrupt request signal timing on compare match.


TCNT input clock



Compare match signal

Interrupt signal

Figure 21.100 TGI Interrupt Timing (Compare Match) (MTU0 to MTU4)


TCNT input clock



Compare match signal

Interrupt signal

Note: • The compare match is generated even though TCNT is stopped.

Figure 21.101 TGI Interrupt Timing (Compare Match) (MTU5)

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(2) Timing for TGI Interrupt by Input Capture

Figure 21.102 and Figure 21.103 show TGI interrupt request signal timing on input capture.


Input capture signal



Interrupt signal

Figure 21.102 TGI Interrupt Timing (Input Capture) (MTU0 to MTU4)


Input capture signal



Interrupt signal

Figure 21.103 TGI Interrupt Timing (Input Capture) (MTU5)

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(3) TCIV and TCIU Interrupt Timing

Figure 21.104 shows the TCIV interrupt request signal timing on overflow.
Figure 21.105 shows the TCIU interrupt request signal timing on underflow.


TCNT input clock

TCNT (overflow) FFFFh 0000h

Overflow signal

Interrupt signal

Figure 21.104 TCIV Interrupt Timing


TCNT input clock

TCNT (underflow) 0000h FFFFh

Underflow signal

Interrupt signal

Figure 21.105 TCIU Interrupt Timing

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21.6 Usage Notes

21.6.1 Module Clock Stop Mode Setting

MTU operation can be disabled or enabled using the module stop control register. MTU operation is stopped with the
initial setting. Register access is enabled by clearing the module clock stop mode. For details, refer to section 11, Low
Power Consumption.

21.6.2 Input Clock Restrictions

The input clock pulse width must be at least 1.5 PCLK for single-edge detection, and at least 2.5 PCLK for both-edge
detection. The MTU will not operate properly at narrower pulse widths.
In phase counting mode, the phase difference and overlap between the two input clocks must be at least 1.5 PCLK, and
the pulse width must be at least 2.5 PCLK. Figure 21.106 shows the input clock conditions in phase counting mode.

Phase Phase
Overlap difference Overlap difference Pulse width Pulse width


Pulse width Pulse width

Note: • Phase difference and overlap: 1.5 PCLK or more

Pulse width: 2.5 PCLK or more

Figure 21.106 Phase Difference, Overlap, and Pulse Width in Phase Counting Mode

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21.6.3 Note on Cycle Setting

When counter clearing on compare match is set, TCNT is cleared in the final state in which it matches the TGR value
(the point at which TCNT updates the matched count value). Consequently, the actual counter frequency is given by the
following formula:

 MTU0 to MTU4
(N + 1)
 MTU5

f: Counter frequency
CNTCLK: The counter-clock frequency set by TCR.TPSC[2:0] bits
N: TGR setting

21.6.4 Contention between TCNT Write and Clear Operations

If the counter clear signal is generated in a TCNT write cycle, TCNT clearing takes precedence and TCNT write
operation is not performed.
Figure 21.107 shows the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


Counter clear signal

TCNT N 0000h

Figure 21.107 Contention between TCNT Write and Counter Clear Operations

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21.6.5 Contention between TCNT Write and Increment Operations

If incrementing occurs in a TCNT write cycle, TCNT write operation takes precedence and TCNT is not incremented.
Figure 21.108 shows the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


TCNT input clock


TCNT write data

Figure 21.108 Contention between TCNT Write and Increment Operations

21.6.6 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Compare Match

If a compare match occurs in a TGR write cycle, TGR write operation is executed and the compare match signal is also
Figure 21.109 shows the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


Compare match signal



TGR write data

Figure 21.109 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Compare Match

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21.6.7 Contention between Buffer Register Write Operation and Compare Match
If a compare match occurs in a TGR write cycle, the data before write operation is transferred to TGR by the buffer
Figure 21.110 shows the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


Compare match signal

Compare match buffer signal

Buffer register write data

Buffer register N M


Figure 21.110 Contention between Buffer Register Write Operation and Compare Match

21.6.8 Contention between Buffer Register Write and TCNT Clear Operations
When the buffer transfer timing is set at the TCNT clear timing by the timer buffer operation transfer mode register
(TBTM), if TCNT clearing occurs in a TGR write cycle, the data before write operation is transferred to TGR by the
buffer operation.
Figure 21.111 shows the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


TCNT clear signal

Buffer transfer signal

Buffer register write data

Buffer register N M


Figure 21.111 Contention between Buffer Register Write and TCNT Clear Operations

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21.6.9 Contention between TGR Read Operation and Input Capture

If an input capture signal is generated in a TGR read cycle, the data before input capture transfer is read in MTU0 to
Figure 21.112 shows the timing in this case.

Read by CPU


Input capture signal


Internal data bus N

Figure 21.112 Contention between TGR Read Operation and Input Capture (MTU0 to MTU5)

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21.6.10 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Input Capture

If an input capture signal is generated in a TGR write cycle, the input capture operation takes precedence and the TGR
write operation is not performed in MTU0 to MTU4. In MTU5, the TGR write operation is performed and the input
capture signal is generated.
Figure 21.113 and Figure 21.114 show the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


Input capture signal



Figure 21.113 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Input Capture (MTU0 to MTU4)

Written by CPU


Input capture signal

TGR write data

Figure 21.114 Contention between TGR Write Operation and Input Capture (MTU5)

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21.6.11 Contention between Buffer Register Write Operation and Input Capture
If an input capture signal is generated in a buffer register write cycle, the buffer operation takes precedence and the buffer
register write operation is not performed.
Figure 21.115 shows the timing in this case.

Written by CPU


Input capture signal



Buffer register M

Figure 21.115 Contention between Buffer Register Write Operation and Input Capture

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21.6.12 Contention between MTU2.TCNT Write Operation and Overflow/Underflow in

Cascaded Operation
With timer counters MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT in a cascade, when a contention occurs between MTU1.TCNT
counting (an MTU2.TCNT overflow/underflow) and the MTU2.TCNT write the MTU2.TCNT write operation is
performed and the MTU1.TCNT count signal is disabled. In this case, if MTU1.TGRA works as a compare match
register and there is a match between the MTU1.TGRA and MTU1.TCNT values, a compare match signal is issued.
Furthermore, when the MTU1.TCNT count clock is selected as the input capture source of MTU0, MTU0.TGRA to
MTU0.TGRD work in input capture mode. In addition, when the MTU0.TGRC compare match/input capture is selected
as the input capture source of MTU1.TGRB, MTU1.TGRB works in input capture mode.
Figure 21.116 shows the timing in this case.
When setting the TCNT clearing function in cascaded operation, be sure to synchronize MTU1 and MTU2.

TCNT written to by CPU



MTU2.TCNT write data


MTU2 compare match signal A/B

MTU1.TCNT input clock



MTU1 compare match signal A


MTU1 input capture signal B



MTU0 input capture signal A to D

Figure 21.116 Contention between MTU2.TCNT Write Operation and Overflow/Underflow in Cascaded Operation

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21.6.13 Counter Value when Stopped in Complementary PWM Mode

When counting operation in MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT is stopped in complementary PWM mode, MTU3.TCNT is
set to the timer dead time register (TDDR) value and MTU4.TCNT is set to 0000h.
When operation is restarted in complementary PWM mode, counting begins automatically from the initial setting state.
Figure 21.117 shows this operation.
When counting begins in another operating mode, be sure to make initial settings in MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT.






Complementary PWM mode operation Complementary PWM

mode operation

Counter operation stop Complementary PWM restart

Figure 21.117 Counter Value when Stopped in Complementary PWM Mode (MTU3 and MTU4 Operation)

21.6.14 Buffer Operation Setting in Complementary PWM Mode

When modifying the PWM cycle set register (MTU3.TGRA), timer cycle data register (TCDR), and compare registers
(MTU3.TGRB, MTU4.TGRA, and MTU4.TGRB) in complementary PWM mode, be sure to use buffer operation. Also,
the BFA and BFB bits in MTU4.TMDR should be set to 0. Setting the BFA bit in MTU4.TMDR to 1 disables MTIOC4C
pin waveform output. Setting the BFB bit in MTU4.TMDR to 1 also disables MTIOC4D pin waveform output.
In complementary PWM mode, buffer operation in MTU3 and MTU4 depends on the settings in bits BFA and BFB of
MTU3.TMDR. When the BFA bit in MTU3.TMDR is set to 1, MTU3.TGRC functions as a buffer register for
MTU3.TGRA. At the same time, MTU4.TGRC functions as a buffer register for MTU4.TGRA, and TCBR functions as
a buffer register for TCDR.

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21.6.15 Buffer Operation and Compare Match Flags in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode
When setting buffer operation in reset-synchronized PWM mode, set the BFA and BFB bits in MTU4.TMDR to 0.
Setting the BFA bit in MTU4.TMDR to 1 disables MTIOC4C pin waveform output. Setting the BFB bit in
MTU4.TMDR to 1 also disables MTIOC4D pin waveform output.
In reset-synchronized PWM mode, buffer operation in MTU3 and MTU4 depends on the settings in the BFA and BFB
bits of MTU3.TMDR. For example, if the BFA bit in MTU3.TMDR is set to 1, MTU3.TGRC functions as a buffer
register for MTU3.TGRA. At the same time, MTU4.TGRC functions as a buffer register for MTU4.TGRA.
While the MTU3.TGRC and MTU3.TGRD are operating as buffer registers, the corresponding TGIC and TGID
interrupt requests are never generated.
Figure 21.118 shows an example of MTU3.TGR, MTU4.TGR, MTIOC3m, and MTIOC4m operation with the BFA and
BFB bits in MTU3.TMDR set to 1 and the BFA and BFB bits in MTU4.TMDR set to 0. (m= A to D)

MTU3.TGRA Data are transferred from the buffer in response to compare matches
Point a MTU3.TGRA


TGIC interrupt signal Not generated

TGID interrupt signal Not generated

Figure 21.118 Buffer Operation and Compare Match Flags in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

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21.6.16 Overflow Flags in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

After reset-synchronized PWM mode is selected, MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT start counting when the CST3 bit of
TSTR is set to 1. In this state, the MTU4.TCNT count clock source and count edge are determined by the MTU3.TCR
In reset-synchronized PWM mode, with cycle register MTU3.TGRA set to FFFFh and the MTU3.TGRA compare match
selected as the counter clearing source, MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT count up to FFFFh, then a compare match
occurs with MTU3.TGRA, and MTU3.TCNT and MTU4.TCNT are both cleared. In this case, the corresponding TCIV
interrupt request is not generated.
Figure 21.119 shows an operation example in reset-synchronized PWM mode with cycle register MTU3.TGRA set to
FFFFh and the MTU3.TGRA compare match specified for the counter clearing source without synchronous operation

Counter cleared by MTU3.TGRA



TCIV3 interrupt signal Not generated

TCIV4 interrupt signal Not generated

Figure 21.119 Overflow Flags in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

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21.6.17 Contention between Overflow/Underflow and Counter Clearing

If an overflow/underflow and counter clearing occur simultaneously, TCNT clearing takes precedence and the
corresponding TCIV interrupt is not generated.
Figure 21.120 shows the operation timing when a TGR compare match is specified as the clearing source and TGR is
set to FFFFh.


TCNT input clock

TCNT FFFFh 0000h

Counter clear signal

Not generated
TCIV interrupt signal

Figure 21.120 Contention between Overflow and Counter Clearing

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21.6.18 Contention between TCNT Write Operation and Overflow/Underflow

If TCNT counts up or down in a TCNT write cycle and an overflow or an underflow occurs, the TCNT write operation
takes precedence. The corresponding interrupt is not generated.
Figure 21.121 shows the operation timing when there is contention between TCNT write operation and overflow.

TCNT written by CPU


TCNT write data


Not generated
Interrupt signal

Figure 21.121 Contention between TCNT Write Operation and Overflow

21.6.19 Note on Transition from Normal Mode or PWM Mode 1 to Reset-Synchronized

PWM Mode
When making a transition from normal mode or PWM mode 1 to reset-synchronized PWM mode in MTU3 and MTU4,
if the counter is stopped while the output pins (MTIOC3B, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4A, MTIOC4C, MTIOC4B, and
MTIOC4D) are held at a high level and then operation is started after a transition to reset-synchronized PWM mode, the
initial pin output will not be correct.
When making a transition from normal mode to reset-synchronized PWM mode, write 11h to MTU3.TIORH,
MTU3.TIORL, MTU4.TIORH, and MTU4.TIORL to initialize the output pin state to a low level, then set the registers to
the initial value (00h) before making the mode transition.
When making a transition from PWM mode 1 to reset-synchronized PWM mode, switch to normal mode, initialize the
output pin state to a low level, and then set the registers to the initial value (00h) before making the transition to reset-
synchronized PWM mode.

21.6.20 Output Level in Complementary PWM Mode or Reset-Synchronized PWM

When complementary PWM mode or reset-synchronized PWM mode is selected for MTU3 or MTU4, use the OLSP and
OLSN bits in timer output control register 1 (TOCR1) to set the levels for PWM waveform output. Also, when either of
these modes is in use, set TIOR to 00h.

21.6.21 Interrupts During Periods in the Module-Stop State

When a module that has issued an interrupt request enters the module-stop state, clearing the source of the interrupt for
the CPU or activation signal for the DMAC or DTC is not possible.
Accordingly, disable interrupts, etc. before making the settings for the module-stop state.

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21.6.22 Simultaneous Input Capture in MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT in Cascade

When timer counters (MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT) operate as a 32-bit counter in cascade connection, the cascaded
counter value cannot be captured successfully in some cases even if input-capture input is simultaneously done to
MTIOC1A and MTIOC2A or to MTIOC1B and MTIOC2B. This is because the input timing of MTIOC1A and
MTIOC2A or of MTIOC1B and MTIOC2B may not be the same when external input-capture signals input into
MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT are taken in synchronization with the internal clock.
For example, MTU1.TCNT (the counter for upper 16 bits) does not capture the count-up value by an overflow from
MTU2.TCNT (the counter for lower 16 bits) but captures the count value before the up-counting. In this case, the values
of MTU1.TCNT = FFF1h and MTU2.TCNT = 0000h should be transferred to MTU1.TGRA and MTU2.TGRA or to
MTU1.TGRB and MTU2.TGRB, but the values of MTU1.TCNT = FFF0h and MTU2.TCNT = 0000h are erroneously
The MTU has a new function that allows simultaneous capture of MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT with a single input-
capture input as the trigger. This function allows reading of the 32-bit counter such that MTU1.TCNT and MTU2.TCNT
are captured at the same time. For details, see section 21.2.8, Timer Input Capture Control Register (TICCR).

21.6.23 Notes when Complementary PWM Mode Output Protection Functions are not
The complementary PWM mode output protection functions are initially enabled. If the functions are not used, the
POE.POECR2 register should be set to 00h.

21.6.24 Point for Caution Regarding MTU5.TCNT and MTU5.TGR Registers

Do not set an MTU5.TGRm (m = U, V, W) bit to the value of the corresponding MTU5.TCNTm (m = U, V, W) register
plus one while counting by the MTU5.TCNTm (m = U, V, W) register is stopped. If an MTU5.TGRm (m = U, V, W) bit
is set to the value of the corresponding MTU5.TCNTm (m = U, V, W) register plus one while counting by the
MTU5.TCNTm (m = U, V, W) register is stopped, a compare-match will be generated even though counting is stopped.
In this case, if the corresponding MTU5.TIER.TGIE5m (m = U, V, W) bit is also set to 1 (enabling interrupts), a
compare-match interrupt will also be generated. If the value of the timer compare match clear register is also 1 (enabled),
the timer is automatically cleared to 0000h when the compare-match is generated, regardless of whether interrupts from
the MTU5.TCNTm (m = U, V, W) are enabled or disabled.

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21.6.25 Points for Caution to Prevent Malfunctions in Synchronous Clearing for

Complementary PWM Mode
If control of the output waveform is enabled (TWCR.WRE = 1) at the time of synchronous counter clearing in
complementary PWM mode, satisfaction of either condition 1 or 2 below has the following effects.
 Dead time on the PWM output pins is shortened (or disappears).
 The active level is output on the PWM inverse-phase output pins beyond the period for active-level output.

Condition 1: In portion (10) of the initial output inhibition period in Figure 21.122, synchronous clearing occurs within
the dead-time period for PWM output.
Condition 2: In portions (10) and (11) of the initial output inhibition period in Figure 21.123, synchronous clearing
occurs when any condition from among MTU3.TGRB ≤ TDDR, MTU4.TGRA ≤ TDDR, or MTU4.TGRB
≤ TDDR is satisfied.

The following method avoids the above phenomena.

 Ensure that synchronous clearing proceeds with the value of each comparison register (MTU3.TGRB,
MTU4.TGRA, and MTU4.TGRB) set to at least double the value of the dead time data register (TDDR).

Synchronous clearing
10 11 10 11
Tb interval Tb interval



Positive phase

Negative phase TDDR


Dead time is shortened.

Initial output
: Dead time

Note: • PWM output is active low over the dead time.

Figure 21.122 Example of Synchronous Clearing (when Condition 1 Applies)

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Synchronous clearing

10 11 10 11
TCNT Tb interval Tb interval



Positive phase

Negative phase

Although there is no period for output of the active level over this Dead time is
interval, synchronous clearing leads to output of the active level. eliminated.

Initial output inhibition

: Dead time
Note: • PWM output is active low.

Figure 21.123 Example of Synchronous Clearing (when Condition 2 Applies)

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21.6.26 Continuous Output of Interrupt Signal in Response to a Compare Match

When TGR is set to 0000h, PCLK/1 is set as the counter clock, and compare match is set as the trigger for clearing of the
counter clock, the value of the counter (TCNT) counter remains 0000h, and the interrupt signal will be output
continuously (i.e. its level will be flat) rather than output over a single cycle. Consequently, interrupts will not be
detected in response to second and subsequent compare matches.
Figure 21.124 shows the timing for continuous output of the interrupt signal in response to a compare match.



TCNT 0000h

TGR 0000h

Counter clear signal

Compare match signal

Interrupt signal

Figure 21.124 Continuous Output of Interrupt Signal in Response to a Compare Match

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21.7 MTU Output Pin Initialization

21.7.1 Operating Modes

The MTU has the following six operating modes. Waveforms can be output in any of these modes.
 Normal mode (MTU0 to MTU4)
 PWM mode 1 (MTU0 to MTU4)
 PWM mode 2 (MTU0 to MTU2)
 Phase counting modes 1 to 4 (MTU1 and MTU2)
 Complementary PWM mode (MTU3 and MTU4)
 Reset-synchronized PWM mode (MTU3 and MTU4)
This section describes how to initialize the MTU output pins in each of these modes.

21.7.2 Operation in Case of Re-Setting Due to Error during Operation

If an error occurs during MTU operation, MTU output should be cut off by the system. Cutting MTU output off is
achieved by switching the pins to the output port function and placing the inverse of the active level on the pins. For
motor driving pins, output can also be cut by hardware, using port output enable (POE). The pin initialization procedures
for re-setting due to an error during operation and the procedures for restarting in a different mode after re-setting are
described below.
The MTU has six operating modes, as stated above. There are thus 36 mode transition combinations, but some transitions
are not available with certain channel and mode combinations. Available mode transition combinations are listed in
Table 21.59.

Table 21.59 Mode Transition Combinations

Normal (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
PWM1 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
PWM2 (13) (14) (15) (16) Not available Not available
PCM (17) (18) (19) (20) Not available Not available
CPWM (21) (22) Not available Not available (23)(24) (25)
RPWM (26) (27) Not available Not available (28) (29)

Normal: Normal mode

PWM1: PWM mode 1
PWM2: PWM mode 2
PCM: Phase counting modes 1 to 4
CPWM: Complementary PWM mode
RPWM: Reset-synchronized PWM mode

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21.7.3 Overview of Pin Initialization Procedures and Mode Transitions in Case of Error
during Operation
 When making a transition to a mode (Normal, PWM1, PWM2, or PCM) in which the pin output level is selected by
the timer I/O control register (TIOR) setting, initialize the pins by means of TIOR setting.
 In PWM mode 1, since a waveform is not output to the MTIOCnB (MTIOCnD) pins, setting TIOR will not
initialize the pins. If initialization is required, carry it out in normal mode, then switch to PWM mode 1.
 In PWM mode 2, since a waveform is not output to the cycle register pins, setting TIOR will not initialize the pins.
If initialization is required, carry it out in normal mode, then switch to PWM mode 2.
 In normal mode or PWM mode 2, if TGRC and TGRD operate as buffer registers, setting TIOR will not initialize
the buffer register pins. If initialization is required, clear buffer mode, carry out initialization, then set buffer mode
 In PWM mode 1, if either TGRC or TGRD operates as a buffer register, setting TIOR will not initialize the TGRC
pin. To initialize the TGRC pin, clear buffer mode, carry out initialization, then set buffer mode again.
 When making a transition to a mode (CPWM or RPWM) in which the pin output level is selected by the timer
output control register (TOCR) setting, switch to normal mode, perform initialization with TIOR, restore TIOR to
its initial value, and temporarily disable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with the timer output master enable register
(TOER). After that, operate the MTU in accordance with the mode setting procedure (TOCR setting, TMDR
setting, and TOER setting).
Note: • Channel number is substituted for “n” indicated in this section unless otherwise specified.

Pin initialization procedures are described below for the numbered combinations in Table 21.59. The active level is
assumed to be low.

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(1) Operation When Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in Normal Mode
Figure 21.125 shows a case in which an error occurs in normal mode and operation is restarted in normal mode after re-

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(normal) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.125 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in Normal Mode

[1] After a reset, the MTU output goes low and the ports enter high-impedance state.
[2] After a reset, the TMDR setting is for normal mode.
[3] For MTU3 and MTU4, enable output with TOER before initializing the pins with TIOR.
[4] Initialize the pins with TIOR. (In the example, the initial output is a high level, and a low level is output on compare
match occurrence.)
[5] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[6] Start count operation by setting TSTR.
[7] Output goes low on compare match occurrence.
[8] An error occurs.
[9] Use the port direction register (PDR) and port mode register (PMR) for the input port pin to switch it to operate as a
general output port pin, and the port output data register (PODR) to select output of the non-active level.
[10] Stop count operation by setting TSTR.
[11] This step is not necessary when restarting in normal mode.
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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(2) Operation When Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in PWM Mode 1
Figure 21.126 shows a case in which an error occurs in normal mode and operation is restarted in PWM mode 1 after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(normal) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM1) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.126 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in PWM Mode 1

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.125.

[11] Set PWM mode 1.
[12] Set the TIOR register to initialize pins, i.e. so that the MTIOCnB (or MTIOCnD) does not produce a waveform in
PWM mode 1. If a particular level should be output, set the port direction register (PDR) and the port output data
register (PODR) so that the pins of the I/O port operate as general outputs.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

(3) Operation When Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in PWM Mode 2
Figure 21.127 shows a case in which an error occurs in normal mode and operation is restarted in PWM mode 2 after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(normal) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM2) (1init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.127 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in PWM Mode 2

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.125.

[11] Set PWM mode 2.
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR. (In PWM mode 2, the cycle register pins are not initialized. If initialization is
required, initialize in normal mode, then switch to PWM mode 2.)
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.
Note: • PWM mode 2 can only be selected for MTU0 to MTU2, and therefore TOER setting is not necessary.

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(4) Operation When Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in Phase Counting
Figure 21.128 shows a case in which an error occurs in normal mode and operation is restarted in phase counting mode
after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(normal) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.128 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in Phase Counting Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.125.

[11] Set the phase counting mode.
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.
Note: • The phase counting mode can only be selected for MTU1 and MTU2, and therefore TOER setting is not

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(5) Operation When Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in Complementary
PWM Mode
Figure 21.129 shows a case in which an error occurs in normal mode and operation is restarted in complementary PWM
mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
(normal) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (0 init (disabled) (0) (CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.129 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in Complementary PWM Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.125.

[11] Initialize the normal mode waveform generation section with TIOR.
[12] Disable operation of the normal mode waveform generation section with TIOR.
[13] Disable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[14] Select the complementary PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[15] Set complementary PWM mode.
[16] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[17] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[18] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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(6) Operation When Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in Reset-
Synchronized PWM Mode
Figure 21.130 shows a case in which an error occurs in normal mode and operation is restarted in reset-synchronized
PWM mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
(normal) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (0 init (disabled) (0) (RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.130 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

[1] to [13] are the same as in Figure 21.125.

[14] Select the reset-synchronized PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[15] Set reset-synchronized PWM mode.
[16] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[17] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[18] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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(7) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 1 and Operation is Restarted in Normal Mode
Figure 21.131 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 1 and operation is restarted in normal mode after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(PWM1) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.131 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 1, Recovery in Normal Mode

[1] After a reset, the MTU output goes low and the ports enter high-impedance state.
[2] Set PWM mode 1.
[3] For MTU3 and MTU4, enable output with TOER before initializing the pins with TIOR.
[4] Initialize the pins with TIOR. (In the example, the initial output is a high level, and a low level is output on compare
match occurrence. In PWM mode 1, the MTIOCnB side is not initialized.)
[5] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[6] Start count operation by setting TSTR.
[7] Output goes low on compare match occurrence.
[8] An error occurs.
[9] Use the port direction register (PDR) and port mode register (PMR) for the input port pin to switch it to operate as a
general output port pin, and the port output data register (PODR) to select output of the non-active level.
[10] Stop count operation by setting TSTR.
[11] Set normal mode.
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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(8) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 1 and Operation is Restarted in PWM mode 1
Figure 21.132 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 1 and operation is restarted in PWM mode 1 after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(PWM1) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM1) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB) Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.132 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 1, Recovery in PWM Mode 1

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.131.

[11] This step is not necessary when restarting in PWM mode 1.
[12] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 1, a waveform is not output on the MTIOCnB
(MTIOCnD) pins. If a level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port
direction register (PDR) and port output data register (PODR).)
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

(9) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 1 and Operation is Restarted in PWM mode 2
Figure 21.133 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 1 and operation is restarted in PWM mode 2 after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(PWM1) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register)

MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.133 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 1, Recovery in PWM Mode 2

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.131.

[11] Set PWM mode 2.
[12] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 2, a waveform is not output on the cycle register pins. If a
level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port direction register (PDR)
and port output data register (PODR).)
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.
Note: • PWM mode 2 can only be selected for MTU0 to MTU2, and therefore, TOER setting is not necessary.

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(10) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 1 and Operation is Restarted in Phase Counting
Figure 21.134 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 1 and operation is restarted in phase counting mode
after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(PWM1) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.134 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 1, Recovery in Phase Counting Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.131.

[11] Set the phase counting mode.
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.
Note: • The phase counting mode can only be selected for MTU1 and MTU2, and therefore TOER setting is not

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(11) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 1 and Operation is Restarted in Complementary
PWM Mode
Figure 21.135 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 1 and operation is restarted in complementary
PWM mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
(PWM1) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (0 init (disabled) (0) (CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOC3B Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

MTIOC3D Not initialized (MTIOCnD)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.135 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 1, Recovery in Complementary PWM Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.131.

[11] Set normal mode to initialize the normal mode waveform generation section.
[12] Initialize the PWM mode 1 waveform generation section with TIOR.
[13] Disable operation of the PWM mode 1 waveform generation section with TIOR
[14] Disable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[15] Select the complementary PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[16] Set complementary PWM mode.
[17] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[18] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[19] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(12) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 1 and Operation is Restarted in Reset-
Synchronized PWM Mode
Figure 21.136 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 1 and operation is restarted in reset-synchronized
PWM mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
(PWM1) (1) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (0 init (disabled) (0) (RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOC3B Not initialized (MTIOC3B)

MTIOC3D Not initialized (MTIOC3D)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.136 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 1, Recovery in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

[1] to [14] are the same as in Figure 21.135.

[15] Select the reset-synchronized PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[16] Set reset-synchronized PWM mode.
[17] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[18] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[19] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(13) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 2 and Operation is Restarted in Normal Mode
Figure 21.137 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 2 and operation is restarted in normal mode after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.137 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 2, Recovery in Normal Mode

[1] After a reset, the MTU output goes low and the ports enter high-impedance state.
[2] Set PWM mode 2.
[3] Initialize the pins with TIOR. (In the example, the initial output is a high level, and a low level is output on compare
match occurrence. In PWM mode 2, the cycle register pins are not initialized. In the example, MTIOCnA is the
cycle register.)
[4] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[5] Start count operation by setting TSTR.
[6] Output goes low on compare match occurrence.
[7] An error occurs.
[8] Use the port direction register (PDR) and port mode register (PMR) for the input port pin to switch it to operate as a
general output port pin, and the port output data register (PODR) to select output of the non-active level.
[9] Stop count operation by setting TSTR.
[10] Set normal mode.
[11] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(14) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 2 and Operation is Restarted in PWM Mode 1
Figure 21.138 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 2 and operation is restarted in PWM mode 1 after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM1) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register)

MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.138 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 2, Recovery in PWM Mode 1

[1] to [9] are the same as in Figure 21.137.

[10] Set PWM mode 1.
[11] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 1, a waveform is not output on the MTIOCnB
(MTIOCnD) pins. If a level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port
direction register (PDR) and port output data register (PODR).)
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

(15) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 2 and Operation is Restarted in PWM Mode 2
Figure 21.139 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 2 and operation is restarted in PWM mode 2 after

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register) Not initialized (cycle register)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.139 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 2, Recovery in PWM Mode 2

[1] to [9] are the same as in Figure 21.137.

[10] This step is not necessary when restarting in PWM mode 2.
[11] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 2, a waveform is not output on the cycle register pins. If a
level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port direction register (PDR)
and port output data register (PODR).)
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(16) Operation When Error Occurs in PWM Mode 2 and Operation is Restarted in Phase Counting
Figure 21.140 shows a case in which an error occurs in PWM mode 2 and operation is restarted in phase counting mode
after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register)


PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.140 Error Occurrence in PWM Mode 2, Recovery in Phase Counting Mode

[1] to [9] are the same as in Figure 21.137.

[10] Set the phase counting mode.
[11] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(17) Operation When Error Occurs in Phase Counting Mode and Operation is Restarted in Normal
Figure 21.141 shows a case in which an error occurs in phase counting mode and operation is restarted in normal mode
after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.141 Error Occurrence in Phase Counting Mode, Recovery in Normal Mode

[1] After a reset, the MTU output goes low and the ports enter high-impedance state.
[2] Set phase counting mode.
[3] Initialize the pins with TIOR. (In the example, the initial output is a high level, and a low level is output on compare
match occurrence.)
[4] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[5] Start count operation by setting TSTR.
[6] Output goes low on compare match occurrence.
[7] An error occurs.
[8] Use the port direction register (PDR) and port mode register (PMR) for the input port pin to switch it to operate as a
general output port pin, and the port output data register (PODR) to select output of the non-active level.
[9] Stop count operation by setting TSTR.
[10] Set normal mode.
[11] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(18) Operation When Error Occurs in Phase Counting Mode and Operation is Restarted in PWM
Mode 1
Figure 21.142 shows a case in which an error occurs in phase counting mode and operation is restarted in PWM mode 1
after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM1) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

MTIOCnB Not initialized (MTIOCnB)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.142 Error Occurrence in Phase Counting Mode, Recovery in PWM Mode 1

[1] to [9] are the same as in Figure 21.141.

[10] Set PWM mode 1.
[11] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 1, a waveform is not output on the MTIOCnB
(MTIOCnD) pins. If a level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port
direction register (PDR) and port output data register (PODR).)
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(19) Operation When Error Occurs in Phase Counting Mode and Operation is Restarted in PWM
Mode 2
Figure 21.143 shows a case in which an error occurs in phase counting mode and operation is restarted in PWM mode 2
after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM2) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output
MTIOCnA Not initialized (cycle register)


PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.143 Error Occurrence in Phase Counting Mode, Recovery in PWM Mode 2

[1] to [9] are the same as in Figure 21.141.

[10] Set PWM mode 2.
[11] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 1, a waveform is not output on the MTIOCnB
(MTIOCnD) pins. If a level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port
direction register (PDR) and port output data register (PODR).)
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(20) Operation When Error Occurs in Phase Counting Mode and Operation is Restarted in Phase
Counting Mode
Figure 21.144 shows a case in which an error occurs in phase counting mode and operation is restarted in phase
counting mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PCM) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out) 0 out)
MTU module output

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.144 Error Occurrence in Phase Counting Mode, Recovery in Phase Counting Mode

[1] to [9] are the same as in Figure 21.141.

[10] This step is not necessary when restarting in phase counting mode.
[11] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[12] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[13] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(21) Operation When Error Occurs in Complementary PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted in
Normal Mode
Figure 21.145 shows a case in which an error occurs in complementary PWM mode and operation is restarted in normal
mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out)
MTU module output


PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.145 Error Occurrence in Complementary PWM Mode, Recovery in Normal Mode

[1] After a reset, the MTU output goes low and the ports enter high-impedance state.
[2] Select the complementary PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[3] Set complementary PWM mode.
[4] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[5] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[6] Start count operation by setting TSTR.
[7] The complementary PWM waveform is output on compare match occurrence.
[8] An error occurs.
[9] Use the port direction register (PDR) and port mode register (PMR) for the input port pin to switch it to operate as a
general output port pin, and the port output data register (PODR) to select output of the non-active level.
[10] Stop count operation by setting TSTR. (MTU output becomes the initial complementary PWM output value).
[11] Set normal mode (MTU output goes low).
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(22) Operation When Error Occurs in Complementary PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted in
PWM Mode 1
Figure 21.146 shows a case in which an error occurs in complementary PWM mode and operation is restarted in PWM
mode 1 after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM1) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out)
MTU module output

MTIOC3B Not initialized MTIOC3B)

MTIOC3D Not initialized (MTIOC3D)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.146 Error Occurrence in Complementary PWM Mode, Recovery in PWM Mode 1

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.145.

[11] Set PWM mode 1 (MTU output goes low).
[12] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 1, a waveform is not output on the MTIOCnB
(MTIOCnD) pins. If a level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port
direction register (PDR) and port output data register (PODR).)
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(23) Operation When Error Occurs in Complementary PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted in
Complementary PWM Mode
Figure 21.147 shows a case in which an error occurs in complementary PWM mode and operation is restarted in
complementary PWM mode after re-setting (when operation is restarted using the cycle and duty settings at the time of
stopping the counter).

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (MTU) (1)

MTU module output



PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.147 Error Occurrence in Complementary PWM Mode, Recovery in Complementary PWM Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.145.

[11] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[12] Restart operation by setting TSTR.
[13] The complementary PWM waveform is output on compare match occurrence.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(24) Operation When Error Occurs in Complementary PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted in
Complementary PWM Mode with New Settings
Figure 21.148 shows a case in which an error occurs in complementary PWM mode and operation is restarted in
complementary PWM mode after re-setting (operation is restarted using new cycle and duty settings).

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
(CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs occurs (0) (normal) (0) (CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)

MTU module output



PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.148 Error Occurrence in Complementary PWM Mode, Recovery in Complementary PWM Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.145.

[11] Set normal mode and make new settings (MTU output goes low).
[12] Disable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[13] Select the complementary PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[14] Set complementary PWM mode.
[15] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[16] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[17] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(25) Operation When Error Occurs in Complementary PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted in
Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode
Figure 21.149 shows a case in which an error occurs in complementary PWM mode and operation is restarted in reset-
synchronized PWM mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
(CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (0) (RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)

MTU module output



PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.149 Error Occurrence in Complementary PWM Mode, Recovery in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.145.

[11] Set normal mode (MTU output goes low).
[12] Disable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[13] Select the reset-synchronized PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[14] Set reset-synchronized PWM mode.
[15] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[16] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[17] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(26) Operation When Error Occurs in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted
in Normal Mode
Figure 21.150 shows a case in which an error occurs in reset-synchronized PWM mode and operation is restarted in
normal mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (normal) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out)
MTU module output


PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.150 Error Occurrence in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode, Recovery in Normal Mode

[1] After a reset, the MTU output goes low and the ports enter high-impedance state.
[2] Select the reset-synchronized PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[3] Set reset-synchronized PWM mode.
[4] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[5] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[6] Start count operation by setting TSTR.
[7] The reset-synchronized PWM waveform is output on compare match occurrence.
[8] An error occurs.
[9] Use the port direction register (PDR) and port mode register (PMR) for the input port pin to switch it to operate as a
general output port pin, and the port output data register (PODR) to select output of the non-active level.
[10] Stop count operation by setting TSTR. (MTU output becomes the initial reset-synchronized PWM output value.)
[11] Set normal mode (positive-phase MTU output goes low, and negative-phase output goes high).
[12] Initialize the pins with TIOR.
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(27) Operation When Error Occurs in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted
in PWM Mode 1
Figure 21.151 shows a case in which an error occurs in reset-synchronized PWM mode and operation is restarted in
PWM mode 1 after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
(RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (PWM1) (1 init (MTU) (1)
0 out)
MTU module output

MTIOC3B Not initialized (MTIOC3B)

MTIOC3D Not initialized (MTIOC3D)

PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.151 Error Occurrence in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode, Recovery in PWM Mode 1

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.150.

[11] Set PWM mode 1 (positive-phase MTU output goes low, and negative-phase output goes high).
[12] Initialize the pins with the TIOR register. (In PWM mode 1, a waveform is not output on the MTIOCnB
(MTIOCnD) pins. If a level is to be output, make the required general output port settings in the I/O port’s port
direction register (PDR) and port output data register (PODR).)
[13] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[14] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(28) Operation When Error Occurs in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted
in Complementary PWM Mode
Figure 21.152 shows a case in which an error occurs in reset-synchronized PWM mode and operation is restarted in
complementary PWM mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
(RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (0) (CPWM) (1) (MTU) (1)

MTU module output



PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.152 Error Occurrence in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode, Recovery in Complementary PWM Mode

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.150.

[11] Disable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[12] Select the complementary PWM output level and enable or disable cyclic output with TOCR.
[13] Set complementary PWM mode (MTU cyclic output pin goes low).
[14] Enable output in MTU3 and MTU4 with TOER.
[15] Use the MPC and the port mode register (PMR) for the I/O port to set up MTU output.
[16] Restart operation by setting TSTR.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

(29) Operation When Error Occurs in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted
in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode
Figure 21.153 shows a case in which an error occurs in reset-synchronized PWM mode and operation is restarted in
reset-synchronized PWM mode after re-setting.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
(RPWM) (1) (MTU) (1) occurs output (0) (MTU) (1)

MTU module output



PORT output
Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Pxx Hi-Z

Figure 21.153 Error Occurrence in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode, Recovery in Reset-Synchronized PWM

[1] to [10] are the same as in Figure 21.150.

[11] Make MPC settings and port mode register (PMR) settings for the I/O port pins to operate as MTU outputs.
[12] Use the TSTR for a restart.
[13] The reset-synchronized PWM waveform is output on compare match occurrence.

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RX220 Group 21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)

21.8 Link Operation by ELC

21.8.1 Event Signal Output to ELC

MTU is capable of link operation for the preliminarily-setting module when interrupt request signal is used as an event
signal by the event link controller (ELC).
The event signal is able to output regardless of the settings of the appropriate interrupt request enable bits.

21.8.2 MTU Operation by Event Signal Reception from ELC

MTU can be operated in the following by the preliminarily-setting event.

(1) Count start operation

The MTU is selected the count start operation when using the ELOPA and ELOPB registers setting of the ELC. The
ELOPA register functions to channels 1 to 3, and ELOPB register functions to channel 4. TMDR of the channel set by
MTU should be set to the value after reset, 00h. When the specified event is generated by the ELSRn register, the
TSTR.CSTn bit shown in Table 21.60 is set to 1, then the MTU counter is started.
However, when the specified event is generated while TSTR.CSTn bit is set to 1, the event is disabled. Table 21.60 lists
the TSTR register bits used for each channel.
For details on the count start operation setting, see section 21.3.1, (1) Counter Operation.

Table 21.60 Linkage Operating TSTR Register by ELC

Channel No. TSTR register
Channel 1 TSTR.CST1 bit
Channel 2 TSTR.CST2 bit
Channel 3 TSTR.CST3 bit
Channel 4 TSTR.CST4 bit

(2) Input capture operation

The MTU is selected the input capture operation when using the ELOPA and ELOPB registers setting of the ELC. The
ELOPA register handles channels 1 to 3, and ELOPB register handles channel 4. TMDR of the channel set by MTU
should be set to the value after reset, 00h. When the specified event is generated by the ELSRn register, then the TCNT
counter value capture to TGR register. When using the input capture operation, after setting the bit of MTU TIOR
register to the input capture, TSTR.CSTn bit should be set to 1, and start the counter.
Then, the TIOCnA pin (input capture pin) input is disabled.
Table 21.61 lists the timer general register and timer I/O control register used in the input capture operation by ELC.
For details on the input capture setting, see section 21.3.1, (3) Input Capture Function.

Table 21.61 Timer General Register and Timer I/O Control Register used in the Input Capture Operation by ELC
Channel No. Register Name Bit Name of TIOR Register
Channel 1 TGRA register TIOR.IOA[3:0] bits
Channel 2 TGRA register TIOR.IOA[3:0] bits
Channel 3 TGRA register TIORH.IOA[3:0] bits
Channel 4 TGRA register TIORH.IOA[3:0] bits

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(3) Counter restart operation

The MTU is selected the count start operation when using the ELOPA and ELOPB registers setting of the ELC. The
ELOPA register functions channels 1 to 3, and ELOPB register functions channel 4. TMDR of the channel set by MTU
should be set to the value after reset, 00h. When the specified event is generated by the ELSRn register, then the TCNT
(timer counter register) value is rewritten to the initial value. When the CSTn bit in the TSTR register is 1, the count
operation can be continued. For details on the TSTR.CSTn bit, see Table 21.60.

21.8.3 Usage Notes on MTU by Event Signal Reception from ELC

The following describes usage notes when using MTU by the event link operation.
(1) Count start operation
When the specified event is generated by the ELSRn register while write cycle is performed to the TSTR.CSTn bit, the
write cycle is not performed to the TSTR.CSTn bit, and the setting to 1 takes precedence by generated event.
(2) Count restart operation
When the specified event is generated by the ELSRn register while write cycle is performed to the TCNT counter, the
write cycle is not performed to the TCNT counter, and count value initialization takes precedence by generated event.

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

The port output enable 2 (POE) module can be used to place the states of the pins for complementary PWM output by the
MTU (MTIOC3B, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4A, MTIOC4B, MTIOC4C, and MTIOC4D), and the states of pins for MTU0
(MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, MTIOC0C, and MTIOC0D) in the high-impedance in response to changes in the input levels
on the POE0# to POE3# and POE8# pins, in the output levels on pins for complementary PWM output by the MTU,
oscillation stop detection by the clock generation circuit, and changes to register settings (SPOER).
It can also generate simultaneous interrupt requests.

22.1 Overview
Table 22.1 lists the specifications of the POE, and Figure 22.1 shows a block diagram of the POE.

Table 22.1 POE Specifications

Item Description
High-impedance is controlled by  Falling-edge detection or sampling of the low level 16 times at PCLK/8, PCLK/16, or PCLK/128
the input level detection can be set for each of the POE0# to POE3# and POE8# input pins.
 Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU can be placed in the high-impedance on
detection of falling edges or sampling of the low level on the POE0# to POE3# pins.
 Pins for output from MTU0 can be placed in the high-impedance on detection of falling edges or
sampling of the low level on the POE8# pin.
High-impedance is controlled by  Levels output on pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU are compared, and when
the output level comparison simultaneous output of the active level continues for one or more cycles, the pins can be placed
in the high-impedance.
High-impedance is controlled by  Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU and output pins for MTU0 can be placed in
the oscillation stop detection the high-impedance when oscillation by the clock generation circuit stops.
High-impedance is controlled by  Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU and output pins for MTU0 can be placed in
software (registers) the high-impedance by modifying settings of POE registers.
Interrupts  Interrupts can be generated in response to the results of POE0# to POE3# and POE8# input-
level detection and MTU complementary PWM output-level comparison.

The POE has input-level detection circuits, output-level comparison circuits, an input for the oscillation-stopped
detection signal from the clock generation circuit, and a high-impedance request/interrupt request generation circuit as
shown in Figure 22.1.

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Oscillation stop detection signal
from the clock generation circuit

High-impedance request/interrupt request generating circuit

MTIOC3B Output level
MTIOC3D comparison circuit

MTIOC4A Output level
MTIOC4C comparison circuit High-impedance request signal
for MTU3 and MTU4 pins
MTIOC4B Output level
MTIOC4D comparison circuit

High-impedance request
signal for MTU0 pins
Input level detection circuit
POE3# Falling edge detection

POE1# Low level Interrupt request signal OEI1

POE0# sampling circuit

Interrupt request signal OEI2

Input level detection circuit


POE8# Falling edge detection

Low level
sampling circuit


Divider Bus interface

PCLK Internal peripheral bus 2

ICSR1: Input level control/status register 1 OCSR1: Output level control/status register 1
ICSR2: Input level control/status register 2 SPOER: Software port output enable register
ICSR3: Input level control/status register 3 POECR1: Port output enable control register 1
POECR2: Port output enable control register 2

Figure 22.1 POE Block Diagram

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

Table 22.2 lists input/output pins to be used by the POE.

Table 22.2 POE Input/Output Pins

Pin Name I/O Description
POE0# to POE3# Input Request signals to place the pins for MTU complementary PWM output in high-impedance.
POE8# Input Request signals to place the MTU0 pins in high-impedance.
MTIOC3B Output MTU3 complementary PWM output pin
MTIOC3D Output MTU3 complementary PWM output pin
MTIOC4A Output MTU4 complementary PWM output pin
MTIOC4B Output MTU4 complementary PWM output pin
MTIOC4C Output MTU4 complementary PWM output pin
MTIOC4D Output MTU4 complementary PWM output pin
MTIOC0A Output MTU0 output pin
MTIOC0B Output MTU0 output pin
MTIOC0C Output MTU0 output pin
MTIOC0D Output MTU0 output pin

Table 22.3 lists output-level comparisons with pin combinations.

Table 22.3 Pin Combinations

Pin Combination I/O Description
MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D Output Pin combinations for output-level comparison and high-impedance control can be selected
by POE registers.
MTIOC4A and MTIOC4C Output
The pins for MTU complementary PWM output are placed in high-impedance when the pins
MTIOC4B and MTIOC4D Output simultaneously output an active level for one or more cycles of PCLK.
(When the MTU. TOCR1.TOCS bit = 0:
Low level if the MTU.TOCR1.OLSP and OLSN bits are 0, and high level if the
MTU.TOCR1.OLSP and OLSN bits are 1.
When the MTU. TOCR1.TOCS bit = 1:
Low level if the MTU.TOCR2.OLS3N, OLS3P, OLS2N, OLS2P, OLS1N and OLS1P bits are
0, and high level if the MTU.TOCR2.OLS3N, OLS3P, OLS2N, OLS2P, OLS1N and OLS1P
bits are 1.)

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2 Register Descriptions

22.2.1 Input Level Control/Status Register 1 (ICSR1)

Address(es): 0008 8900h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

POE3F POE2F POE1F POE0F — — — PIE1 POE3M[1:0] POE2M[1:0] POE1M[1:0] POE0M[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 POE0M[1:0] POE0 Mode b1 b0 R/W*1
Select 0 0: Accepts a request on the falling edge of POE0# input.
0 1: Accepts a request when POE0# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/8 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 0: Accepts a request when POE0# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/16 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 1: Accepts a request when POE0# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/128 clock pulses and all are low level.
b3, b2 POE1M[1:0] POE1 Mode b3 b2 R/W*1
Select 0 0: Accepts a request on the falling edge of POE1# input.
0 1: Accepts a request when POE1# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/8 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 0: Accepts a request when POE1# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/16 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 1: Accepts a request when POE1# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/128 clock pulses and all are low level.
b5, b4 POE2M[1:0] POE2 Mode b5 b4 R/W*1
Select 0 0: Accepts a request on the falling edge of POE2# input.
0 1: Accepts a request when POE2# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/8 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 0: Accepts a request when POE2# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/16 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 1: Accepts a request when POE2# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/128 clock pulses and all are low level.
b7, b6 POE3M[1:0] POE3 Mode b7 b6 R/W*1
Select 0 0: Accepts a request on the falling edge of POE3# input.
0 1: Accepts a request when POE3# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/8 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 0: Accepts a request when POE3# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/16 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 1: Accepts a request when POE3# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/128 clock pulses and all are low level.
b8 PIE1 Port Interrupt 0: OEI1 interrupt requests by the input level detection disabled R/W
Enable 1 1: OEI1 interrupt requests by the input level detection enabled
b11 to b9 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b12 POE0F POE0 Flag 0: Indicates that a high impedance request has not been input to the POE0# pin. R/(W)
1: Indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE0# pin. *2
b13 POE1F POE1 Flag 0: Indicates that a high impedance request has not been input to the POE1# pin. R/(W)
1: Indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE1# pin. *2
b14 POE2F POE2 Flag 0: Indicates that a high impedance request has not been input to the POE2# pin. R/(W)
1: Indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE2# pin. *2
b15 POE3F POE3 Flag 0: Indicates that a high impedance request has not been input to the POE3# pin. R/(W)
1: Indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE3# pin. *2

Note 1. Can be modified only once after a reset.

Note 2. Writing 0 to this bit after reading it as 1 clears the flag and is the only allowed way.

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

When low-level sampling has been set by the POE0M[1:0] to POE3M[1:0] bits, writing 0 to the POE0F to POE3F flags
requires high level input on the POE0# to POE3# pins.
For details, see section 22.3.5, Release from the High-Impedance.

PIE1 Bit (Port Interrupt Enable 1)

This bit enables or disables OEI1 interrupt requests when any one of the POE0F to POE3F flags is set to 1.

POE0F Flag (POE0 Flag)

This flag indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE0# pin.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to POE0F after reading POE0F = 1
[Setting condition]
 When the input set by POE0M[1:0] occurs at the POE0# pin

POE1F Flag (POE1 Flag)

This flag indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE1# pin.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to POE1F after reading POE1F = 1
[Setting condition]
 When the input set by POE1M[1:0] occurs at the POE1# pin

POE2F Flag (POE2 Flag)

This flag indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE2# pin.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to POE2F after reading POE2F = 1
[Setting condition]
 When the input set by POE2M[1:0] occurs at the POE2# pin

POE3F Flag (POE3 Flag)

This flag indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE3# pin.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to POE3F after reading POE3F = 1
[Setting condition]
 When the input set by POE3M[1:0] occurs at the POE3# pin

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2.2 Output Level Control/Status Register 1 (OCSR1)

Address(es): 0008 8902h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

OSF1 — — — — — OCE1 OIE1 — — — — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b8 OIE1 Output Short Interrupt Enable 1 0: OEI1 interrupt requests by the output level comparison disabled R/W
1: OEI1 interrupt requests by the output level comparison enabled
b9 OCE1 Output Short High-Impedance 0: Does not place the pins in high-impedance. R/W*1
Enable 1 1: Places the pins in high-impedance.
b14 to b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 OSF1 Output Short Flag 1 0: Indicates that outputs have not simultaneously become an active R/(W)
level. *2
1: Indicates that outputs have simultaneously become an active

Note 1. Can be modified only once after a reset.

Note 2. Writing 0 to this bit after reading it as 1 clears the flag and is the only allowed way.

OIE1 Bit (Output Short Interrupt Enable 1)

This bit enables or disables OEI1 interrupt requests when the OSF1 flag is set to 1.

OCE1 Bit (Output Short High-Impedance Enable 1)

This bit specifies whether to place the MTU complementary PWM output pins in high-impedance when the OSF1 flag is
set to 1.

OSF1 Flag (Output Short Flag 1)

This flag indicates that any one of the three pairs of two-phase outputs for MTU complementary PWM output to be
compared in Table 22.3 has simultaneously become an active level. If the PnCZEA (n = 1, 2, 3) bits in POECR2 are 0 or
the output comparison function of the MTU is not enabled, the OSF1 flag will not be set to 1 even if both pins in the
corresponding complementary output pair of the MTU are simultaneously active.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to OSF1 after reading OSF1 = 1
The complementary output pins for the MTU must be at the inactive level when 0 is written to the flag.
For details, see section 22.3.5, Release from the High-Impedance.
[Setting condition]
 When any one of the three pairs of two-phase outputs has simultaneously become an active level

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2.3 Input Level Control/Status Register 2 (ICSR2)

Address(es): 0008 8908h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — POE8F — — POE8E PIE2 — — — — — — POE8M[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 POE8M[1:0] POE8 Mode b1 b0 R/W*1
Select 0 0: Accepts a request on the falling edge of POE8# input
0 1: Accepts a request when POE8# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/8 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 0: Accepts a request when POE8# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/16 clock pulses and all are low level.
1 1: Accepts a request when POE8# input has been sampled 16 times at
PCLK/128 clock pulses and all are low level.
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b8 PIE2 Port Interrupt 0: OEI2 interrupt requests disabled R/W
Enable 2 1: OEI2 interrupt requests enabled
b9 POE8E POE8 High- 0: Does not place the MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, MTIOC0C, and MTIOC0D pins in R/W*1
Impedance high-impedance.
Enable 1: Places the MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, MTIOC0C, and MTIOC0D pins in high-
b11, b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b12 POE8F POE8 Flag 0: Indicates that a high impedance request has not been input to the POE8# pin. R/(W)
1: Indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE8# pin. *2
b15 to b13 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Can be modified only once after a reset.

Note 2. Writing 0 to this bit after reading it as 1 clears the flag and is the only allowed way.

PIE2 Bit (Port Interrupt Enable 2)

This bit enables or disables OEI2 interrupt requests when the POE8F flag is set to 1.

POE8E Bit (POE8 High-Impedance Enable)

This bit specifies whether to place the MTU0 pins in high-impedance when the POE8F flag is set to 1.

POE8F Flag (POE8 Flag)

This flag indicates that a high impedance request has been input to the POE8# pin.
[Clearing condition]
Writing 0 to POE8F after reading POE8F = 1
When writing 0 to the flag while low-level sampling is selected for the POE8M[1:0] bits, the POE8# pin input must be at
the high level.
For details, see section 22.3.5, Release from the High-Impedance.
[Setting condition]
 When the input set by POE8M[1:0] occurs at the POE8# pin

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2.4 Software Port Output Enable Register (SPOER)

Address(es): 0008 890Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — CH0HI CH34HI
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CH34HIZ MTU3 and MTU4 Output High- 0: Does not place the pins in high-impedance. R/W
Impedance Enable 1: Places the pins in high-impedance.
b1 CH0HIZ MTU0 Output High-Impedance Enable 0: Does not place the pins in high-impedance. R/W
1: Places the pins in high-impedance.
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

CH34HIZ Bit (MTU3 and MTU4 Output High-Impedance Enable)

This bit specifies whether to place the MTU complementary PWM output pins (MTIOC3B, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4A,
MTIOC4B, MTIOC4C, MTIOC4D) in high-impedance.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to CH34HIZ after reading CH34HIZ = 1
[Setting condition]
 By writing 1 to CH34HIZ

CH0HIZ Bit (MTU0 Output High-Impedance Enable)

This bit specifies whether to place the MTU0 pins (MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, MTIOC0C, MTIOC0D) in high-impedance.
[Clearing condition]
 By writing 0 to CH0HIZ after reading CH0HIZ = 1
[Setting condition]
 By writing 1 to CH0HIZ

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2.5 Port Output Enable Control Register 1 (POECR1)

Address(es): 0008 890Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PE0ZE MTIOC0A High-Impedance 0: Does not place the pin in high-impedance. R/W*1
Enable 1: Places the pin in high-impedance.
b1 PE1ZE MTIOC0B High-Impedance 0: Does not place the pin in high-impedance. R/W*1
Enable 1: Places the pin in high-impedance.
b2 PE2ZE MTIOC0C High-Impedance 0: Does not place the pin in high-impedance. R/W*1
Enable 1: Places the pin in high-impedance.
b3 PE3ZE MTIOC0D High-Impedance 0: Does not place the pin in high-impedance. R/W*1
Enable 1: Places the pin in high-impedance.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Can be modified only once after a reset.

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2.6 Port Output Enable Control Register 2 (POECR2)

Address(es): 0008 890Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— P1CZE P2CZE P3CZE — — — —

Value after reset: 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 P3CZEA MTU Port 3 High-Impedance 0: Comparison of output levels does not proceed and the R/W*1
Enable pins are not placed in the high-impedance.
1: The pins are placed in the high-impedance.
b5 P2CZEA MTU Port 2 High-Impedance 0: Comparison of output levels does not proceed and the R/W*1
Enable pins are not placed in the high-impedance.
1: The pins are placed in the high-impedance.
b6 P1CZEA MTU Port 1 High-Impedance 0: Comparison of output levels does not proceed and the R/W*1
Enable pins are not placed in the high-impedance.
1: The pins are placed in the high-impedance.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Can be modified only once after a reset.

When this function is not used, write 00h to this register.

P3CZEA Bit (MTU Port 3 High-Impedance Enable)

This bit gives permission regarding whether or not the MTIOC4B and MTIOC4D pins for complementary PWM output
from the MTU are placed in the high-impedance. It also gives permission regarding whether or not the levels on the
MTIOC4B and MTIOC4D pins are compared.

P2CZEA Bit (MTU Port 2 High-Impedance Enable)

This bit gives permission regarding whether or not the MTIOC4A and MTIOC4C pins for complementary PWM output
from the MTU are placed in the high-impedance. It also gives permission regarding whether or not the levels on the
MTIOC4A and MTIOC4C pins are compared.

P1CZEA Bit (MTU Port 1 High-Impedance Enable)

This bit gives permission regarding whether or not the MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D pins for complementary PWM output
from the MTU are placed in the high-impedance. It also gives permission regarding whether or not the levels on the
MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D pins are compared.

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.2.7 Input Level Control/Status Register 3 (ICSR3)

Address(es): 0008 890Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — OSTST — — OSTST — — — — — — — — —
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b8 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b9 OSTSTE OSTST High-Impedance 0: Does not place the MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, MTIOC0C, MTIOC0D, R/W*1
MTIOC4D pins in high-impedance.
MTIOC4D pins in high-impedance.
b11, b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b12 OSTSTF OSTST High-Impedance 0: Oscillation stop is not producing a request to place pins in the high- R/(W)
Flag impedance. *2
1: Oscillation stop is producing a request to place pins in the high-
b15 to b13 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Can be modified only once after a reset.

Note 2. Writing 0 to this bit after reading it as 1 clears the flag and is the only allowed way.

OSTSTE Bit (OSTST High-Impedance Enable)

This bit permits or prohibits placement of pins for complementary PWM output from MTU and output pins for MTU0 in
the high-impedance on detection that oscillation has stopped.

OSTSTF Flag (OSTST High-Impedance Flag)

The OSTSTF flag is a status flag that indicates the state of requests to place pins in the high-impedance due to oscillation
having stopped. The value of the flag becomes 1 when oscillation stops. Ensure that the oscillation-stopped detection
signal is negated when clearing the flag by writing 0 to it. Writing 0 to the OSTSTF flag will not clear the flag while the
oscillation-stopped detection signal is being asserted; in other words, it will not clear the flag before 10 PCLK cycles
have elapsed after stopped oscillation was detected.
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 0 to the bit after having read its value as 1.
[Setting condition]
 Detection of the oscillation-stopped state

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22.3 Operation
The target pins for high-impedance control and conditions to place the pins in high-impedance are described below.

(1) MTU0 pin (MTIOC0A)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pin is placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE8# input level detection
When ICSR2.POE8F flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE0ZE and ICSR2.POE8E set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH0HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR1.PE0ZE set to 1.
 Detection of stopped oscillation
When OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE0ZE and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

(2) MTU0 pin (MTIOC0B)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pin is placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE8# input level detection
When ICSR2.POE8F flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE1ZE and ICSR2.POE8E set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH0HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR1.PE1ZE set to 1.
 Detection of stopped oscillation
When OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE1ZE and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

(3) MTU0 pin (MTIOC0C)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pin is placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE8# input level detection
When ICSR2.POE8F flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE2ZE and ICSR2.POE8E set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH0HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR1.PE2ZE set to 1.
 Detection of stopped oscillation
When OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE2ZE and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

(4) MTU0 pin (MTIOC0D)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pin is placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE8# input level detection
When ICSR2.POE8F flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE3ZE and ICSR2.POE8E set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH0HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR1.PE3ZE set to 1.
 Detection of stopped oscillation
When OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR1.PE3ZE and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

(5) MTU3 pins (MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pins are placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE0# to POE3# input level detection
When ICSR1.POE3F, POE2F, POE1F, or POE0F flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P1CZEA set to 1.
 MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D output level comparison
When OCSR1.OSF1 flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P1CZEA and OCSR1.OCE1 set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH34HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR2.P1CZEA set to 1.

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 Detection of stopped oscillation

When ICSR3.OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P1CZEA and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

(6) MTU4 pins (MTIOC4A and MTIOC4C)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pins are placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE0# to POE3# input level detection
When ICSR1.POE3F, POE2F, POE1F, or POE0F flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P2CZEA set to 1.
 MTIOC4A and MTIOC4C output level comparison
When OCSR1.OSF1 flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P2CZEA and OCSR1.OCE1 set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH34HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR2.P2CZEA set to 1.
 Detection of stopped oscillation
When ICSR3.OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P2CZEA and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

(7) MTU4 pins (MTIOC4B and MTIOC4D)

When any of the following conditions is satisfied, the pins are placed to the high-impedance state.
 POE0# to POE3# input level detection
When ICSR1.POE3F, POE2F, POE1F, or POE0F flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P3CZEA set to 1.
 MTIOC4B and MTIOC4D output level comparison
When OCSR1.OSF1 flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P3CZEA and OCSR1.OCE1 set to 1.
 SPOER setting
When SPOER.CH34HIZ bit is set to 1 with POECR2.P3CZEA set to 1.
 Detection of stopped oscillation
When ICSR3.OSTSTF flag is set to 1 with POECR2.P3CZEA and ICSR3.OSTSTE set to 1.

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22.3.1 Input Level Detection Operation

If the input conditions set by ICSR1 and ICSR2 occur on the POE0# to POE3# and POE8# pins, the pins for the MTU
complementary PWM output and MTU0 are placed in high-impedance.

(1) Falling Edge Detection

When a change from a high to low level is input to the POE0# to POE3# and POE8# pins, the pins for the MTU
complementary PWM output and MTU0 are placed in high-impedance.
A falling edge is detected after PCLK causes sampling to proceed. If the low level is input to the POE0# to POE3# or
POE8# pin over less than one full cycle of PCLK, whether the falling edge will or will not be detected cannot be
Figure 22.2 shows the timing of sampling after the level changes in input to the POE0# to POE3# and POE8# pins until
the respective pins enter high-impedance.


PCLK rising edge

POE# input

Falling edge detection


Note 1. The other MTU complementary PWM output pins and MTU0 pins also enter
the high-impedance in the similar timing.

Figure 22.2 Falling Edge Detection

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(2) Low-Level Detection

Figure 22.3 shows the low-level detection operation. Sixteen continuous low levels are sampled with the sampling clock
selected by ICSR1 and ICSR2. If even one high level is detected during this interval, the low level is not accepted.
Furthermore, in an interval over which the sampling clock is not being output, changes to the levels on the POE0# to
POE3# and POE8# pins are ignored.

8/16/128 clock cycles


Sampling clock

POE# input

When low level is Flag set (POE# received)
[1] [2] [3] [16]
sampled at all points

When high level is [1] [0] [13] Flag not set

sampled at least once

Note 1. The other MTU complementary PWM output pins and MTU0 pins also enter the high-impedance in the similar timing.

Figure 22.3 Low-Level Detection Operation

22.3.2 Output-Level Compare Operation

Figure 22.4 shows an example of the output-level compare operation for the combination of MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D
(MTU complementary PWM output pins). The operation is the same for the other pin combinations.


Low level overlapping detected*1



Note 1. In this case, the low level has been set as the active level for the MTIOC3B and MTIOC3D pins.

Figure 22.4 Output-Level Compare Operation

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22.3.3 High-Impedance Control Using Registers

The high-impedance of the MTU complementary PWM output and MTU0 pins can be directly controlled using the
software port output enable register (SPOER).
Setting the CH34HIZ bit in SPOER to 1 places the MTU complementary PWM output pins (MTU3 and MTU4)
specified by the port output enable control register 2 (POECR2) in the high-impedance.
Setting the CH0HIZ bit in SPOER to 1 places the MTU0 output pins specified by the port output enable control register 1
(POECR1) in the high-impedance.

22.3.4 High-Impedance Control on Detection of Stopped Oscillation

When the oscillation-stop detection circuit in the clock pulse generator detects stopped oscillation, pins for
complementary PWM output by POECR2 and the MTU0 output pins specified by POECR1 are placed in the high-

22.3.5 Release from the High-Impedance

Pins for complementary PWM output from MTU and pins for MTU0 which have been placed in the high-impedance due
to input-level detection can be released from that state by either returning them to their initial state with a reset or
clearing all of the POE3F to POE0F flags in ICSR1 and the POE8F flag in ICSR2. Note, however, that when low-level
sampling is selected by the POE3M[1:0] to POE0M[1:0] bits in ICSR1 and the POE8M[1:0] bits in ICSR2, if a high
level is being input to the corresponding pin from among POE0# to POE3# and POE#8 but has not yet been sampled,
writing 0 to the flag is ignored (the flag is not cleared).
MTU complementary PWM output pins which have been placed in the high-impedance due to output-level comparison
can be released from that state by either returning them to their initial state with a reset or clearing the OSF1 flag in
OCSR1. Note, however, that if the inactive level is not yet being output from the MTU complementary PWM output
pins, writing 0 to the flag is ignored (the flag is not cleared). Inactive-level outputs can be obtained by setting the MTU
For MTU complementary PWM output pins and pins for MTU0 that have been placed in the high-impedance because
oscillation by the clock generation circuit has stopped, clearing the OSTSTF or OSTSTE bit in ICSR3 releases the pins
from the high-impedance.
For MTU complementary PWM output pins and pins for MTU0 that have been placed in the high-impedance by the
SPOER.CH34HIZ or SPOER.CH0HIZ bit, clearing the corresponding bits (SPOER, CH34HIZ and CH0HIZ) releases
the pins from the high-impedance.

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RX220 Group 22. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)

22.4 Interrupts
The POE issues a request to generate an interrupt when the corresponding condition below is matched during input-level
detection, output-level comparison, or oscillation stop by the clock generation circuit. Table 22.4 shows the interrupt
sources and their request conditions.
On acceptance of an OEI1 or OEI2 interrupt, the first line of the exception handling routine for the given interrupt should
confirm that the flag for the given flag has been set to 1.

Table 22.4 Interrupt Sources and Conditions

Name Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag Condition
OEI1 Output enable interrupt 1 POE0F, POE1F, When ICSR1.POE0F, POE1F, POE2F, or POE3F flag is set to
POE2F, POE3F, OSF1 1 with ICSR1.PIE1 set to 1, or when OCSR1.OSF1 flag is set
to 1 with OCSR1.OIE1 set to 1.
OEI2 Output enable interrupt 2 POE8F When ICSR2.POE8F flag is set to 1 with ICSR2.PIE2 set to 1.

22.5 Usage Notes

22.5.1 Transitions to Software Standby Mode

When the POE is used, do not make a transition to software standby mode. In these modes, the POE stops and thus the
high-impedance of pins cannot be controlled.

22.5.2 When POE is not Used

When the POE is not used, write 00h to the port output enable control registers 1 and 2 (POECR1 and POECR2),

22.5.3 Specifying Pins Corresponding to the MTU

The POE controls high-impedance outputs only when a pin has been specified so that the pin corresponds to the MTU by
setting the port mode register (PMR). When the pin has been specified as a general I/O pin, the POE does not control
high-impedance outputs.

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RX220 Group 23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)

23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)

The RX220 Group has two units (unit 0, unit 1) of an on-chip 8-bit timer (TMR) module that comprise two 8-bit counter
channels, totaling four channels. The 8-bit timer module can be used to count external events and also be used as a multi-
function timer in a variety of applications, such as generation of counter reset, interrupt requests, and pulse output with a
desired duty cycle using a compare-match signal with two registers.
Unit 0 and unit 1 can generate a baud rate clock signal for the SCI and have the same functions.

23.1 Overview
Table 23.1 lists the specifications of the TMR.
Figure 23.1 shows a block diagram of the 8-bit timer module (unit 0), and Figure 23.2 shows that of the 8-bit timer
module (unit 1).

Table 23.1 Specifications of TMR

Item Description
Count clock  Frequency dividing clock: PCLK/1, PCLK/2, PCLK/8, PCLK/32, PCLK/64,
PCLK/1024, PCLK/8192
 External clock
Number of channels (8 bits × 2 channels) × 2 units
Compare match  8-bit mode (compare match A, compare match B)
 16-bit mode (compare match A, compare match B)
Counter clear Selected by compare match A or B, or an external reset signal.
Timer output Output pulses with a desired duty cycle or PWM output
Cascading of two channels  16-bit count mode
16-bit timer using TMR0 for the upper 8 bits and TMR1 for the lower 8 bits
(TMR2 for the upper 8 bits and TMR3 for the lower 8 bits)
 Compare match count mode
TMR1 can be used to count TMR0 compare matches (TMR3 can be used
to count TMR2 compare matches).
Interrupt sources Compare match A, compare match B, and overflow
Event link function (Output) Compare match A, compare match B, and overflow (TMR0, TMR2)
Event link function (Input) (1) Count start operation (TMR0, TMR2)
(2) Event counter operation (TMR0, TMR2)
(3) Count restart operation (TMR0, TMR2)
DTC activation DTC can be activated by compare match A interrupts or compare match B
Capable of generating baud rate clock for SCI Generates baud rate clock for SCI.*1
Low power consumption facilities Each unit can be placed in a module stop state

Note 1. For details, see section 27, Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf).

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RX220 Group 23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)

Table 23.2 Pin Configuration of TMR

Item Unit 0 Unit 1

Counter mode 8 Bits 16 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits

Channel TMR0 TMR1 TMR0 + TMR1 TMR2 TMR3 TMR2 + TMR3

Count clock PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1 PCLK/1

PCLK/1024 PCLK/1024 PCLK/1024 PCLK/1024 PCLK/1024 PCLK/1024
PCLK/8192 PCLK/8192 PCLK/8192 PCLK/8192 PCLK/8192 PCLK/8192




Compare Compare match A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Compare match B ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Timer output Low output ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

High output ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Toggle output ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

DTC Compare match A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Compare match B ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TCNT overflow — — — — — —

Interrupt Compare match A CMIA0 CMIA1 CMIA0 CMIA2 CMIA3 CMIA2



Cascaded connection TMR1 overflow TMR0 compare — TMR3 overflow TMR2 compare —
match A match A

SCI baud rate clock generation*1 ○ — ○ —

Module stop setting*2 MSTPCRA.MSTPA5 bit (unit 0), MSTPCRA.MSTPA4 bit (unit 1)

○: Possible
—: Impossible
Note 1. For details, see section 27, Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf).
Note 2. For details, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

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Frequency dividing clock


Counter clock 1
TMCI0 Counter clock 0
Clock select

Compare match A1
Compare match A0 Comparator A0 Comparator A1

To SCI5, SCI12 Overflow 1

Internal peripheral bus 2

TMO0 Overflow 0 TCNT TCNT
TMO1 Counter clear 0
Counter clear 1
Compare match B1
Compare match B0 Comparator B0 Comparator B1
TMRI1 Control logic

Event signal input
Event signal output



Channel 0 Channel 1

Interrupt signal

TCORA: Time constant register A

TCNT: Timer counter
TCORB: Time constant register B
TCSR: Timer control/status register
TCR: Timer control register
TCCR: Timer counter control register
TCSTR: Timer counter start register

Figure 23.1 Block Diagram of TMR (Unit 0)

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Frequency dividing clock


Counter clock 3
TMCI2 Counter clock 2
Clock select

Compare match A3
Compare match A2 Comparator A2 Comparator A3

Overflow 3
TMO2 Overflow 2 TCNT TCNT

Internal peripheral bus 2

TMO3 Counter clear 2
Counter clear 3
Compare match B3
Compare match B2 Comparator B2 Comparator B3
Control logic

Event signal input
Event signal output



Channel 2 Channel 3

Interrupt signal

TCORA: Time constant register A

TCNT: Timer counter
TCORB: Time constant register B
TCSR: Timer control/status register
TCR: Timer control register
TCCR: Timer counter control register
TCSTR: Timer counter start register

Figure 23.2 Block Diagram of TMR (Unit 1)

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Table 23.3 lists the input/output pins of the TMR.

Table 23.3 Pin Configuration of TMR

Unit Channel Pin Name I/O Description
0 TMR0 TMO0 Output Outputs compare match
TMCI0 Input Inputs external clock for counter
TMRI0 Input Inputs external reset to counter
TMR1 TMO1 Output Outputs compare match
TMCI1 Input Inputs external clock for counter
TMRI1 Input Inputs external reset to counter
1 TMR2 TMO2 Output Outputs compare match
TMCI2 Input Inputs external clock for counter
TMRI2 Input Inputs external reset to counter
TMR3 TMO3 Output Outputs compare match
TMCI3 Input Inputs external clock for counter
TMRI3 Input Inputs external reset to counter

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RX220 Group 23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)

23.2 Register Descriptions

Table 23.4 Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access

Address Upper 8 Bits Lower 8 Bits
0008 8208h TMR0.TCNT TMR1.TCNT
0008 8204h TMR0.TCORA TMR1.TCORA
0008 8206h TMR0.TCORB TMR1.TCORB
0008 820Ah TMR0.TCCR TMR1.TCCR
0008 8218h TMR2.TCNT TMR3.TCNT
0008 8214h TMR2.TCORA TMR3.TCORA
0008 8216h TMR2.TCORB TMR3.TCORB
0008 821Ah TMR2.TCCR TMR3.TCCR

23.2.1 Timer Counter (TCNT)

Address(es): TMR0.TCNT 0008 8208h, TMR1.TCNT 0008 8209h, TMR2.TCNT 0008 8218h, TMR3.TCNT 0008 8219h


b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TCNT is an 8-bit readable/writable up-counter.

TMR0.TCNT and TMR1.TCNT (TMR2.TCNT and TMR3.TCNT) comprise a single 16-bit counter so they can be
accessed together by a word transfer instruction.
The TCCR.CSS[1:0] and CKS[2:0] bits are used to select a counter clock.
TCNT can be cleared by an external reset input signal, compare match A, or compare match B. Which compare match to
be used for clearing is selected by the TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits.
When TCNT overflows (its value changes from FFh to 00h), an overflow interrupt (low-level pulse) is output provided
the interrupt request is enabled by the TCR.OVIE bit.
For details on the corresponding interrupt vector number, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb), and Table 23.6,
TMR Interrupt Sources.

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23.2.2 Time Constant Register A (TCORA)

Address(es): TMR0.TCORA 0008 8204h, TMR1.TCORA 0008 8205h, TMR2.TCORA 0008 8214h, TMR3.TCORA 0008 8215h


b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

TCORA is an 8-bit readable/writable register.

TMR0.TCORA and TMR1.TCORA (TMR2.TCORA and TMR3.TCORA) comprise a single 16-bit register so they can
be accessed together by a word transfer instruction.
The value in TCORA is continually compared with the value in TCNT. When a match is detected, the corresponding
compare match A is generated, and a compare match A interrupt (low-level pulse) is output provided the interrupt
request is enabled by the TCR.CMIEA bit.
However, comparison is not performed during writing to TCORA. The timer output from the TMOn pin can be freely
controlled by this compare match A and the settings of the TCSR.OSA[1:0] bits.

23.2.3 Time Constant Register B (TCORB)

Address(es): TMR0.TCORB 0008 8206h, TMR1.TCORB 0008 8207h, TMR2.TCORB 0008 8216h, TMR3.TCORB 0008 8217h


b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

TCORB is an 8-bit readable/writable register.

TMR0.TCORB and TMR1.TCORB (TMR2.TCORB and TMR3.TCORB) comprise a single 16-bit register so they can
be accessed together by a word transfer instruction.
The value in TCORB is continually compared with the value in TCNT. When a match is detected, the corresponding
compare match B is generated, and a compare match B interrupt (low-level pulse) is output provided the interrupt request
is enabled by the TCR.CMIEB bit.
However, comparison is not performed during writing to TCORBn. The timer output from the TMOn pin can be freely
controlled by this compare match B and the settings of the TCSRn.OSB[1:0] bits.

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RX220 Group 23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)

23.2.4 Timer Control Register (TCR)

Address(es): TMR0.TCR 0008 8200h, TMR1.TCR 0008 8201h, TMR2.TCR 0008 8210h, TMR3.TCR 0008 8211h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4, b3 CCLR[1:0] Counter Clear*1 b4 b3 R/W
0 0: Clearing is disabled
0 1: Cleared by compare match A
1 0: Cleared by compare match B
1 1: Cleared by the external reset input
(Select edge or level by the TMRIS bit in TCCR.)
b5 OVIE Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable 0: Overflow interrupt requests (OVIn) are disabled R/W
1: Overflow interrupt requests (OVIn) are enabled
b6 CMIEA Compare Match Interrupt Enable A 0: Compare match A interrupt requests (CMIAn) are disabled R/W
1: Compare match A interrupt requests (CMIAn) are enabled
b7 CMIEB Compare Match Interrupt Enable B 0: Compare match B interrupt requests (CMIBn) are disabled R/W
1: Compare match B interrupt requests (CMIBn) are enabled

Note 1. To use an external reset, set the PORTn.PDR.Bn bit for the corresponding pin to 0 and the PORTn.PMR.Bn bit to 1. For details,
see section 19, I/O Ports.

CCLR[1:0] Bits (Counter Clear)

Select the condition by which TCNT is cleared.

OVIE Bit (Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable)

Selects whether overflow interrupt requests (OVIn) issued by TCNT are enabled or disabled.

CMIEA Bit (Compare Match Interrupt Enable A)

Selects whether compare match A interrupt requests (CMIAn) that are issued when the value of TCORA corresponds to
that of TCNT are enabled or disabled.

CMIEB Bit (Compare Match Interrupt Enable B)

Selects whether compare match B interrupt requests (CMIBn) that are issued when the value of TCORB corresponds to
that of TCNT are enabled or disabled.

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RX220 Group 23. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)

23.2.5 Timer Counter Control Register (TCCR)

Address(es): TMR0.TCCR 0008 820Ah, TMR1.TCCR 0008 820Bh, TMR2.TCCR 0008 821Ah, TMR3.TCCR 0008 821Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

TMRIS — — CSS[1:0] CKS[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 CKS[2:0] Clock Select*1 See Table 23.5. R/W
b4, b3 CSS[1:0] Clock Source Select See Table 23.5. R/W
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 TMRIS Timer Reset Detection Condition 0: Cleared at rising edge of the external reset R/W
Select 1: Cleared when the external reset is high

Note 1. To use an external reset, set the PORTn.PDR.Bn bit for the corresponding pin to 0 and the PORTn.PMR.Bn bit to 1. For details,
see section 19, I/O Ports.

CKS[2:0] Bits (Clock Select)

CSS[1:0] Bits (Clock Source Select)
The CKS[2:0] and CSS[1:0] bits select a clock. For details, see Table 23.5.

TMRIS Bit (Timer Reset Detection Condition Select)

This bit is enabled when the TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits are 11b (cleared by external reset input) and selects the condition for
detecting external reset (level or edge).

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Table 23.5 Clock Input to TCNT and Count Condition

TCCR Register
CSS[1:0] CKS[2:0]
Channel b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Description
TMR0 0 0 — 0 0 Clock input prohibited
1 Uses external clock. Counts at rising edge*1.
1 0 Uses external clock. Counts at falling edge*1.
1 Uses external clock. Counts at both rising and falling edges*1.
0 1 0 0 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK.
1 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/2.
1 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/8.
1 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/32.
1 0 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/64.
1 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/1024.
1 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/8192.
1 Clock input prohibited
1 0 — — — Setting prohibited
1 1 — — — Counts at TMR1.TCNT (TMR3.TCNT) overflow signal*2.
TMR1 0 0 — 0 0 Clock input prohibited
1 Uses external clock. Counts at rising edge*1.
1 0 Uses external clock. Counts at falling edge*1.
1 Uses external clock. Counts at both rising and falling edges*1.
0 1 0 0 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK.
1 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/2.
1 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/8.
1 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/32.
1 0 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/64.
1 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/1024.
1 0 Uses frequency dividing clock. Counts at PCLK/8192.
1 Clock input prohibited
1 0 — — — Setting prohibited
1 1 — — — Counts at TMR0.TCNT (TMR2.TCNT) compare match A*2.

Note 1. To use an external reset, set the PORTn.PDR.Bn bit for the corresponding pin to 0 and the PORTn.PMR.Bn bit to 1. For details,
see section 19, I/O Ports.
Note 2. If the clock input of TMR0 (TMR2) is the overflow signal of the TMR1.TCNT (TMR3.TCNT) counter and that of TMR1 (TMR3) is
the compare match signal of the TMR0.TCNT (TMR2.TCNT) counter, no incrementing clock is generated. Do not use this

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23.2.6 Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR)


Address(es): TMR0.TCSR 0008 8202h, TMR2.TCSR 0008 8212h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — OSB[1:0] OSA[1:0]

Value after reset: x x x 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 OSA[1:0] Output Select A*1 b1 b0 R/W
0 0: No change
0 1: Low is output
1 0: High is output
1 1: Output is inverted (toggle output)
b3, b2 OSB[1:0] Output Select B*1 b3 b2 R/W
0 0: No change
0 1: Low is output
1 0: High is output
1 1: Output is inverted (toggle output)
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as an undefined value. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. When the OSA[1:0] and OSB[1:0] bits are all 0, the output enable signal corresponding to the TMOn pin is negated and a
request for high-impedance output is issued to the I/O port. Timer output is low until the first compare match occurs after a reset
when either of the OSA[1:0] or OSB[1:0] bits are 1.

OSA[1:0] Bits (Output Select A)

These bits select a method of TMOn pin output when compare match A of TCORA and TCNT occurs.

OSB[1:0] Bits (Output Select B)

These bits select a method of TMOn pin output when compare match B of TCORB and TCNT occurs.

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Address(es): TMR1.TCSR 0008 8203h, TMR3.TCSR 0008 8213h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — OSB[1:0] OSA[1:0]

Value after reset: x x x 1 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 OSA[1:0] Output Select A*1 b1 b0 R/W
0 0: No change
0 1: Low is output
1 0: High is output
1 1: Output is inverted (toggle output)
b3, b2 OSB[1:0] Output Select B*1 b3 b2 R/W
0 0: No change
0 1: Low is output
1 0: High is output
1 1: Output is inverted (toggle output)
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as an undefined value. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. When the OSA[1:0] and OSB[1:0] bits are all 0, the output enable signal corresponding to the TMOn pin is negated and a
request for high-impedance output is issued to the I/O port. Timer output is low until the first compare match occurs after a reset
when either of the OSA[1:0] or OSB[1:0] bits are 1.

OSA[1:0] Bits (Output Select A)

These bits select a method of TMOn pin output when compare match A of TCORA and TCNT occurs.

OSB[1:0] Bits (Output Select B)

These bits select a method of TMOn pin output when compare match B of TCORB and TCNT occurs.

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23.2.7 Time Count Start Register (TCSTR)

Address(es): TMR0.TCSTR 0008 820Ch, TMR2.TCSTR 0008 821Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — TCS

Value after reset: x x x x x x x 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TCS Timer Counter Status 0: Count stopped state in response to ELC. R/W
1: Count start state in response to ELC.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as an undefined value. The write value R/W
should be 0.

TCS Bit (Timer Counter Status)

The TCS bit is used to check the state of the timer count in response to ELC.
When this bit is read as 1, it shows the timer start state in response to ELC. When this bit is read as 0, it shows the timer
stopped state in response to ELC.
This bit is cleared by writing 0. Do not write 1 to this bit.

The TCS bit is valid only when the count start operation is selected by the ELOPD register of the event controller (ELC).
For details, see section 23.7, Link Operation by ELC, or section 18, Event Link Controller (ELC).

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23.3 Operation

23.3.1 Pulse Output

Figure 23.3 shows an example of the 8-bit timer being used to generate a pulse output with a desired duty cycle.
1. Set the TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits to 01b (cleared by compare match A) so that TCNT is cleared at a compare match of
2. Set the TCSR.OSA[1:0] bits to 10b (high output) and TCSR.OSB[1:0] bits to 01b (low output), causing the output
to change to high at a compare match of TCORA and to low at a compare match of TCORB.
With these settings, the 8-bit timer provides pulses output at a cycle determined by TCORA with a pulse width
determined by TCORB. No software intervention is required.
The timer output is low after the TCSR.OSA[1:0] or TCSR.OSB[1:0] bits are set until the first compare match occurs
after a reset.

Counter clear




Figure 23.3 Example of Pulse Output (n = 0 to 3)

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23.3.2 Reset Input

Figure 23.4 shows an example of the 8-bit timer being used to generate a pulse which is output after a desired delay time
from a TMRIn input.
1. Set the TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits to 11b (cleared by external reset input) and set the TMRIS bit in TCCR to 1 (cleared
when the external reset is high) so that TCNT is cleared at the high level input of the TMRIn signal.
2. Set the TCSR.OSA[1:0] bits to 10b (high output) and the TCSR.OSB[1:0] bits to 01b (low output), causing the
output to change to high at a compare match of TCORA and to low at a compare match of TCORB.
With these settings, the 8-bit timer provides pulses output at a desired delay time from a TMRIn input determined by
TCORA and with a pulse width determined by TCORB and TCORA.







Figure 23.4 Example of Reset Input (n = 0 to 3)

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23.4 Operation Timing

23.4.1 TCNT Count Timing

Figure 23.5 shows the count timing of TCNT for frequency dividing clock input. Figure 23.6 shows the count timing
of TCNT for external clock input.
Note that the external clock pulse width must be at least 1.5 PCLK cycles for increment at a single edge, and at least 2.5
PCLK cycles for increment at both edges. The counter will not increment correctly if the pulse width is less than these


Frequency dividing clock

input clock

TCNT N-1 N N+1

Figure 23.5 Count Timing for Frequency Dividing Clock Input


External clock
input pin

input clock

TCNT N-1 N N+1

Figure 23.6 Count Timing for External Clock Input (at Both Edges)

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23.4.2 Timing of Interrupt Signal Output on a Compare Match

A compare match refers to a match between the value of the TCORA or TCORB register and the TCNT, and a compare
match interrupt signal is output at this time if the interrupt request is enabled. The compare match is generated in the last
cycle in which the values match (at the time at which the value counted by TCNT to produce the match is updated).
Accordingly, after a match between TCNT and the TCORA or TCORB register is detected, the compare match is not
actually generated until the next cycle of the input clock for the TCNT counter. Figure 23.7 shows the timing of output
of the interrupt signal.




Internal compare match



Figure 23.7 Timing of Interrupt Flag Setting to 1 at Compare Match (n = 0 to 3)

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23.4.3 Timing of Timer Output at Compare Match

When a compare match signal is generated, the output value specified by the TCSR.OSA[1:0] and OSB[1:0] bits is
output on the timer output pin (TMOn).
Figure 23.8 shows the timing when the timer output is toggled by the compare match A signal.


Compare match A signal


Figure 23.8 Timing of Timer Output at Compare Match A Signal (n = 0 to 3)

23.4.4 Timing of Counter Clear by Compare Match

TCNT is cleared when compare match A or B occurs, depending on the settings of the TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits.
Figure 23.9 shows the timing of this operation.


Compare match signal

TCNT N 00h

Figure 23.9 Timing of Counter Clear by Compare Match

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23.4.5 Timing of the External Reset for TCNT

TCNT is cleared at the rising edge or high level of an external reset input, depending on the settings of the
TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits. At least 2 PCLK cycles are required from an external reset input to clearing of TCNT.
Figure 23.10 and Figure 23.11 show the timing of this operation.



External reset input pin

Clear signal

TCNT N-2 N-1 N 00h 01h

Figure 23.10 Timing of Clearance by External Reset (Rising Edge)



External reset input pin

Clear signal

TCNT N-2 N-1 N 00h

Figure 23.11 Timing of Clearance by External Reset (High Level)

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23.4.6 Timing of Interrupt Signal Output on an Overflow

When TCNT overflows (changes from FFh to 00h), an overflow interrupt signal is output if this interrupt request is
Figure 23.12 shows the timing of output of the interrupt signal.


TCNT FFh 00h

Internal overflow


Figure 23.12 Timing of Overflow Interrupt Flag Setting to 1 (n = 0 to 3)

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23.5 Operation with Cascaded Connection

If the CSS[1:0] bits in either TMR0.TCCR or TMR1.TCCR are set to 11b, the TMR of the two channels are cascaded.
With this configuration, a single 16-bit timer could be used (16-bit counter mode) or compare matches of TMR0 could be
counted by TMR1 (compare match count mode).
Supplementary information: This section describes unit 0. The operation of unit 1 with cascaded connection is the same as unit 0.

23.5.1 16-Bit Count Mode

When the TMR0.TCCR.CSS[1:0] bits are set to 11b, the timer functions as a single 16-bit timer with TMR0 occupying
the upper 8 bits and TMR1 occupying the lower 8 bits.

(1) Counter Clear Specification

 The settings of the TMR0.TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits become effective for the 16-bit counter. If the
TMR0.TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits have been set for counter clear at compare match, the 16-bit counter (TMR0.TCNT
and TMR1.TCNT together) is cleared when a 16-bit compare match event occurs. The 16-bit counter (TMR0.TCNT
and TMR1.TCNT together) is cleared even if counter clear by the TMRI0 pin has been set.
 The settings of the TMR1.TCR.CCLR[1:0] bits are ignored.

(2) Pin Output

 Control of output from the TMO0 pin by the TMR0.TCSR.OSA[1:0] and OSB[1:0] bits is in accordance with the
16-bit compare match conditions.
 Control of output from the TMO1 pin by the TMR1.TCSR.OSA[1:0] and OSB[1:0] bits is in accordance with the
lower 8-bit compare match conditions.

23.5.2 Compare Match Count Mode

When the TMR1.TCCR.CSS[1:0] bits are set to 11b, TMR1.TCNT counts the number of occurrences of compare match
A for TMR0. TMR0 and TMR1 are controlled independently. Conditions such as generation of interrupts, output from
the TMOn (n = 0, 1) pin, and counter clear are in accordance with the settings for each channel.

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23.6 Interrupt Sources

23.6.1 Interrupt Sources and DTC Activation

There are three interrupt sources for TMRn: CMIAn, CMIBn, and OVIn. Their interrupt sources and priorities are listed
in Table 23.6.
It is also possible to activate the DTC by means of CMIAn and CMIBn interrupts. The DMAC cannot be activated by the
interrupt sources for TMRn.

Table 23.6 TMR Interrupt Sources

Name Interrupt Sources DTC Activation Priority
CMIA0 TMR0.TCORA compare match Possible High
CMIB0 TMR0.TCORB compare match Possible
OVI0 TMR0.TCNT overflow Not possible
CMIA1 TMR1.TCORA compare match Possible
CMIB1 TMR1.TCORB compare match Possible
OVI1 TMR1.TCNT overflow Not possible
CMIA2 TMR2.TCORA compare match Possible
CMIB2 TMR2.TCORB compare match Possible
OVI2 TMR2.TCNT overflow Not possible
CMIA3 TMR3.TCORA compare match Possible
CMIB3 TMR3.TCORB compare match Possible
OVI3 TMR3.TCNT overflow Not possible

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23.7 Link Operation by ELC

23.7.1 Event Signal Output to ELC

The TMR uses the event link controller (ELC) to perform link operation to the previously specified module using the
interrupt request signal as the event signal. The TMR outputs compare match A, compare match B, and overflow signals
as event signals. Channels that can be used in this way are TMR0 and TMR2.
The event signal can be output regardless of the setting of the corresponding interrupt request enable bits
TMR2.TCR.CMIEB). For details, see section 18, Event Link Controller (ELC).
The event output function can be used for the cascaded operation.

23.7.2 TMR Operation when Receiving an Event Signal from ELC

The TMR can perform either of the following operations upon the event previously specified by the ELSRn register of
the ELC. However, the ELC does not support the cascaded operation.

(1) Count Start

When the TMR count start operation is selected by the ELOPD register of the ELC and the event specified by ELSRn
occurs, the TCSTR.TCS bit is set to 1, starting the TMR count operation. After the TMR count start operation is selected
by the ELOPD register of the ELC, use the TCCR.CKS[2:0] and CSS[1:0] bits to select the count source.
If the specified event occurs while the TCS bit is 1, the event is ignored.
Write 0 to the TCSTR.TCS bit to stop counting.
When the count start event is input in the count stopped state, the TMR starts counting again according to the CKS[2:0]
and CSS[1:0] bits.
The TCS bit is valid only when the ELOPD.TMR0MD and ELOPD.TMR2MD bits of the ELC select the count start

(2) Event Count

When the TMR event count operation is selected by the ELOPD register of the ELC and the event specified by ELSRn
occurs, the events are counted as the count source regardless of the TCCR.CKS[2:0] and CSS[1:0] bit settings. Reading
the counter value returns the number of events that have been actually input.

(3) Count Restart

When the TMR count restart operation is selected by the ELOPD register of the ELC and the event specified by ELSRn
occurs, the TCNT counter value is modified to the initial value. If the CKS[2:0] and CSS[1:0] bit settings are not
disabling the clock input, the count operation is continued.

23.7.3 Notes on Operating TMR According to an Event Signal from ELC

The following describes the notes on operating the TMR using the event link feature.

(1) Count Start

When the event specified by ELSRn occurs during the write cycle to the TCSTR.TCS bit, the cycle is not completed;
setting 1 according to the event occurrence takes priority.

(2) Event Count

When the event specified by ELSRn occurs during the write cycle to the TCNT, the cycle is not completed; event count
operation according to the event occurrence takes priority.

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(3) Count Restart

When the event specified by ELSRn occurs during the write cycle to the TCNT, the cycle is not completed; count value
initialization according to the event occurrence takes priority.

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23.8 Usage Notes

23.8.1 Module Stop State Setting

Operation of the TMR can be disabled or enabled by using the module stop control registers. The initial setting is for
halting of TMR operation. Register access becomes possible after release from the module-stop state. For details, see
section 11, Low Power Consumption.

23.8.2 Notes on Setting Cycle

If the compare match is selected for counter clear, TCNT is cleared at the last PCLK in the cycle in which the value of
TCNT matches with that of TCORA or TCORB. TCNT updates the counter value at this last state. Therefore, the counter
frequency is obtained by the following formula (f: Counter frequency, PCLK: Operating frequency, N: TCORA and
TCORB register setting value).

f = PCLK / (N + 1)

23.8.3 Conflict between TCNT Write and Counter Clear

If a counter clear signal is generated concurrently with CPU write to TCNT, the clear takes priority and the write is not
performed as shown in Figure 23.13.

TCNT counter write by CPU


Counter clear signal

TCNT N 00h

Figure 23.13 Conflict between TCNT Write and Counter Clear

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23.8.4 Conflict between TCNT Write and Increment

Even if a counting-up signal is generated concurrently with CPU write to TCNT, the counting-up is not performed and
the write takes priority as shown in Figure 23.14.

TCNT write by CPU


TCNT input clock


TCNT write data

Figure 23.14 Conflict between TCNT Write and Increment

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23.8.5 Conflict between TCORA or TCORB Write and Compare Match

Even if a compare match signal is generated simultaneously with CPU write to TCORA or TCORB, the write takes
priority and the compare match signal is not generated.

TCORA or TCORB write by CPU


TCNT input clock



TCORA or TCORB write data

Compare match signal

Not high.

Figure 23.15 Conflict between TCORA or TCORB Write and Compare Match

23.8.6 Conflict between Compare Matches A and B

If compare match events A and B occur at the same time, the 8-bit timer operates in accordance with the priorities for the
output statuses high for compare match A and compare match B, as listed in Table 23.7.

Table 23.7 Timer Output Priorities

Output Setting Priority
Toggle output High
High output
Low output
No change Low

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23.8.7 Switching of Frequency Dividing Clocks and TCNT Operation

TCNT may be incremented erroneously depending on when the frequency dividing clock is switched. Table 23.8 lists
the relationship between the timing at which the frequency dividing clock is switched (by writing to the TCCR.CKS[2:0]
bits) and the operation of TCNT.
When TCNT clock is generated from an frequency dividing clock, the rising edge of the frequency dividing clock pulse
are always monitored. If the signal levels of the clocks before and after switching change from low to high as shown in
No. 2 in Table 23.8, the change is considered as an edge. Therefore, a TCNT clock pulse is generated and TCNT is
The erroneous increment of TCNT can also happen when switching between internal and frequency dividing clocks.

Table 23.8 Switching of Frequency Dividing Clocks and TCNT Operation (1/2)
Timing to Change the
No. TCCR.CKS[2:0] Bits TCNT Clock Operation
1 Switching from low to low*1
Clock before

Clock after

input clock

TCNT N N+1 N+2

TCCR.CKS[2:0] bits changed

2 Switching from low to high*2

Clock before

Clock after

input clock

TCNT N N+1 N+2 N+3

TCCR.CKS[2:0] bits changed

3 Switching from high to low*4

Clock before

Clock after

input clock

TCNT N N+1 N+2 N+3

TCCR.CKS[2:0] bits changed

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Table 23.8 Switching of Frequency Dividing Clocks and TCNT Operation (2/2)
Timing to Change the
No. TCCR.CKS[2:0] Bits TCNT Clock Operation
4 Switching from high to high
Clock before

Clock after

input clock

TCNT N N+1 N+2

TCCR.CKS[2:0] bits changed

Note 1. Includes switching from low to stop, and from stop to low.
Note 2. Includes switching from stop to high.
Note 3. Generated because the change of the signal levels is considered as an edge; TCNT is incremented.
Note 4. Includes switching from high to stop.

23.8.8 Clock Source Setting with Cascaded Connection

If 16-bit counter mode and compare match count mode are specified at the same time, input clocks for TMR0.TCNT and
TMR1.TCNT (TMR2.TCNT and TMR3.TCNT) are not generated, and the counter stops. Do not specify 16-bit counter
mode and compare match count mode simultaneously.

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23.8.9 Continuous Output of Compare Match Interrupt Signal

When TCORA or TCORB is set to 00h, PCLK/1 is set as the frequency dividing clock, and compare match is set as the
counter clear source, the TCNT counter remains 00h and is not updated, and a compare match interrupt signal is output
continuously to form a flat signal level.
At this time, the interrupt controller cannot detect the second and subsequent interrupts.
Figure 23.16 shows operation timing when the compare match interrupt signal is continuously output.


TCNT 00h


TCCR 00h 08h

Counter clear signal

Compare match signal


State changes after one cycle of PCLK/1

Figure 23.16 Continuous Output of Compare Match Interrupt Signal (n =0 to 3)

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24. Compare Match Timer (CMT)

The RX220 Group has two on-chip compare match timer (CMT) units (unit 0 and unit 1) each consisting of a two-
channel 16-bit timer (i.e., a total of four channels). The CMT has a 16-bit counter, and can generate interrupts at set

24.1 Overview
Table 24.1 lists the specifications for the CMT.
Figure 24.1 shows a block diagram of the CMT (unit 0). A two-channel CMT constitutes a unit. Unit 0 and unit 1 are the
same in terms of specifications.

Table 24.1 Specifications of CMT

Item Description
Count clock  Four frequency dividing clocks
One clock from PCLK/8, PCLK/32, PCLK/128, and PCLK/512 can be selected individually for
each channel.
Interrupt A compare match interrupt can be requested individually for each channel.
Low power consumption facilities Each unit can be placed in a module stop state.

PCLK/32 PCLK/512 PCLK/32 PCLK/512


Control unit Clock selection Control unit Clock selection






Internal Peripheral

Module bus Bus interface

bus 2

CMSTR0: Compare match timer start register 0

CMCR: Compare match timer control register
CMCOR: Compare match timer constant register
CMCNT: Compare match timer counter
CMI: Compare match interrupt

Figure 24.1 Block Diagram of CMT (Unit 0)

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24.2 Register Descriptions

24.2.1 Compare Match Timer Start Register 0 (CMSTR0)

Address(es): 0008 8000h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — STR1 STR0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 STR0 Count Start 0 0: CMT0.CMCNT count is stopped R/W
1: CMT0.CMCNT count is started
b1 STR1 Count Start 1 0: CMT1.CMCNT count is stopped R/W
1: CMT1.CMCNT count is started
b15 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

24.2.2 Compare Match Timer Start Register 1 (CMSTR1)

Address(es): 0008 8010h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — STR3 STR2

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 STR2 Count Start 2 0: CMT2.CMCNT count is stopped R/W
1: CMT2.CMCNT count is started
b1 STR3 Count Start 3 0: CMT3.CMCNT count is stopped R/W
1: CMT3.CMCNT count is started
b15 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

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24.2.3 Compare Match Timer Control Register (CMCR)

Address(es): CMT0.CMCR 0008 8002h, CMT1.CMCR 0008 8008h, CMT2.CMCR 0008 8012h, CMT3.CMCR 0008 8018h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — CMIE — — — — CKS[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 CKS[1:0] Clock Select b1 b0 R/W
0 0: PCLK/8
0 1: PCLK/32
1 0: PCLK/128
1 1: PCLK/512
b5 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 CMIE Compare Match Interrupt 0: Compare match interrupt (CMIn) disabled R/W
Enable 1: Compare match interrupt (CMIn) enabled
b7 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 1. R/W
b15 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

CKS[1:0] Bits (Clock Select)

These bits select the count clock to be input to CMCNT from four frequency dividing clocks obtained by dividing the
peripheral module clock (PCLK).
When the STRn (n = 0 to 3) bit in CMSTRm (m = 0, 1) is set to 1, CMCNT starts counting up on the clock selected with
bits CKS[1:0].

CMIE Bit (Compare Match Interrupt Enable)

The CMIE bit enables or disables compare match interrupt (CMIn) (n = 0 to 3) generation when CMCNT and CMCOR
values match.

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24.2.4 Compare Match Counter (CMCNT)

Address(es): CMT0.CMCNT 0008 8004h, CMT1.CMCNT 0008 800Ah, CMT2.CMCNT 0008 8014h, CMT3.CMCNT 0008 801Ah

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMCNT is a readable/writable up-counter to generate interrupt requests.

When an frequency dividing clock is selected by bits CKS[1:0] in CMCR and the STRn (n = 0 to 3) bit in CMSTRm (m
= 0, 1) is set to 1, CMCNT starts counting up using the selected clock.
When the value in CMCNT and the value in CMCOR match, CMCNT is cleared to 0000h. At the same time, a compare
match interrupt (CMIn) (n = 0 to 3) is generated.

24.2.5 Compare Match Constant Register (CMCOR)

Address(es): CMT0.CMCOR 0008 8006h, CMT1.CMCOR 0008 800Ch, CMT2.CMCOR 0008 8016h, CMT3.CMCOR 0008 801Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CMCOR is a readable/writable register to set a compare match cycle with CMCNT.

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24.3 Operation

24.3.1 Periodic Count Operation

When an frequency dividing clock is selected by bits CKS[1:0] in CMCR and the STRn (n = 0 to 3) bit in CMSTRm (m
= 0, 1) is set to 1, CMCNT starts counting up using the selected clock.
When the value in CMCNT and the value in CMCOR match, CMCNT is cleared to 0000h. At the same time, a compare
match interrupt (CMIn) (n = 0 to 3) is generated. CMCNT then starts counting up from 0000h. Figure 24.2 shows the
operation of the CMCNT counter.

CMCNT value
Counter cleared by compare match with CMCOR



Figure 24.2 CMCNT Counter Operation

24.3.2 CMCNT Count Timing

As the count clock to be input to CMCNT, one of four frequency dividing clocks (PCLK/8, PCLK/32, PCLK/128, and
PCLK/512) obtained by dividing the peripheral module clock (PCLK) can be selected with the CKS[1:0] bits in CMCR.
Figure 24.3 shows the timing of CMCNT.


PCLK/ i-1 clocks

Count clock


i = 8, 32, 128, or 512

Figure 24.3 CMCNT Count Timing

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24.4 Interrupts

24.4.1 Interrupt Sources

The CMT has channels and each of them to which a different vector address is allocated has a compare match interrupt
(CMIn) (n = 0 to 3). When a compare match interrupt occurs, the corresponding interrupt request is output.
When the interrupt is used to activate a CPU interrupt, the priority of channels can be changed by the interrupt controller
settings. For details, see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

Table 24.2 CMT Interrupt Sources

Name Interrupt Sources DTC Activation DMAC Activation
CMI0 Compare match between CMT0.CMCNT and CMT0.CMCOR Possible Possible
CMI1 Compare match between CMT1.CMCNT and CMT1.CMCOR Possible Possible
CMI2 Compare match between CMT2.CMCNT and CMT2.CMCOR Possible Possible
CMI3 Compare match between CMT3.CMCNT and CMT3.CMCOR Possible Possible

24.4.2 Timing of Compare Match Interrupt Generation

When CMCNT and CMCOR match, a compare match interrupt (CMIn) (n = 0 to 3) is generated.
A compare match signal is generated at the last state in which the values match (the timing when the CMCNT counter
updates the matched count value). That is, after a match between CMCOR and CMCNT, the compare match signal is not
generated until the next CMCNT input clock.
Figure 24.4 shows the timing of a compare match interrupt.


CMCNT input clock



Compare match signal

Interrupt request

Figure 24.4 Timing of a Compare Match Interrupt

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24.5 Usage Notes

24.5.1 Setting the Module Stop Function

The CMT can be enabled or disabled using the module stop control register. The CMT is disabled by default. The
registers can be accessed by canceling the module stop state. For details, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

24.5.2 Conflict between Write and Compare-Match Processes of CMCNT

When the compare match signal is generated while writing to CMCNT, clearing CMCNT has priority over writing to it.
In this case, CMCNT is not written to. Figure 24.5 shows the timing to clear the CMCNT counter.

Write to CMCNT


Internal write signal

Compare match signal

CMCNT N 0000h

Figure 24.5 Conflict between Write and Compare Match Processes of CMCNT

24.5.3 Conflict between Write and Count-Up Processes of CMCNT

Even when the count-up occurs while writing to CMCNT, the writing has priority over the count-up. In this case, the
count-up is not performed. Figure 24.6 shows the timing to write the CMCNT counter.

Write to CMCNT


Internal write signal

Count clock


CMCNT write data

Figure 24.6 Conflict between Write and Count-Up Processes of CMCNT

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25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.1 Overview
The RTC has two types of counting modes: calendar count mode and binary count mode. They are used by switching the
register settings.
In calendar count mode, it operates as a clock counter that counts 100 years from year 00 to year 99. The order of
hundreds and thousands are assumed as 20 and the leap years from the year 2000 to 2099 are automatically corrected.
In binary count mode, it operates as a 32-bit binary counter.
The RTC uses the 128-Hz clock which is acquired by the count source divided by the prescaler as the basic clock. Year,
month, date, day-of-week, am/pm (in 12-hour mode), hour, minute, second, or 32-bit binary is counted in 1/128 second

Table 25.1 lists the specifications of the RTC, Figure 25.1 shows a block diagram of the RTC, and Table 25.2 shows
the pin configuration of the RTC.

Table 25.1 Specifications of RTC

Item Description
Count mode Calendar count mode/binary count mode
Count source*1 Sub-clock (XCIN)
Clock and calendar  Calendar count mode
functions Year, month, date, day-of-week, time, minute, second are counted, BCD display
12 hours/24 hours mode switching function
30 seconds adjustment function (a number less than 30 is rounded down to 00 seconds, and 30 seconds or
more are rounded up to one minute)
 Binary count mode
Count seconds in 32 bits, binary display
 Common to both modes
Start/stop function
The state of 1-Hz, 2-Hz, 4-Hz, 8-Hz, 16-Hz, 32-Hz, or 64-Hz is displayed in binary units
Clock error correction function
Clock (1-Hz/64-Hz) output
Interrupts  Alarm interrupt (ALM)
As an alarm interrupt condition, selectable which of the below is compared with:
Calendar count mode: Year, month, date, day-of-week, hour, minute, or second can be selected
Binary count mode: Each bit of the 32-bit binary counter
 Periodic interrupt (PRD)
2 seconds, 1 second, 1/2 second, 1/4 second, 1/8 second, 1/16 second, 1/32 second, 1/64 second, or 1/256
second can be selected as an interrupt period.
 Carry interrupt (CUP)
Indicates occurrence of a carry to the second counter/binary counter 0 or a carry to the 64-Hz counter during
reading of the 64-Hz counter
 Recovery from software standby mode can be performed by an alarm interrupt or periodic interrupt

Note 1. Satisfy the frequency of the peripheral module clock (PCLKB)  the frequency of the count source clock.

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Internal peripheral bus 2

Realtime clock (RTC)

Bus interface

To each
function Time counter Alarm function


Sub-clock 32.768kHz 128-Hz generation RSECCNT/
oscillator RHRAR/ RDAYAR/

Alarm comparison

Interrupt control


R64CNT: 64-Hz counter RSECAR/BCNT0AR: Second alarm register/Binary counter 0 alarm register
RSECCNT/BCNT0: Second counter/Binary counter 0 RMINAR/BCNT1AR: Minute alarm register/Binary counter 1 alarm register
RMINCNT/BCNT1: Minute counter/Binary counter 1 RHRAR/BCNT2AR: Hour alarm register/Binary counter 2 alarm register
RHRCNT/BCNT2: Hour counter/Binary counter 2 RWKAR/BCNT3AR: Day-of-week alarm register/Binary counter 3 alarm register
RWKCNT/BCNT3: Day-of-week counter/Binary counter 3 RDAYAR/BCNT0AER: Date alarm register/Binary counter 0 alarm enable register
RDAYCNT: Date counter RMONAR/BCNT1AER: Month alarm register/Binary counter 1 alarm enable register
RMONCNT: Month counter RYRAR/BCNT2AER: Year alarm register/Binary counter 2 alarm enable register
RYRCNT: Year counter RYRAREN/BCNT3AER: Year alarm enable register/Binary counter 3 alarm enable register
RCR1: RTC control register 1
RCR2: RTC control register 2
RCR3: RTC control register 3
RADJ: Time error adjustment register

Figure 25.1 Block Diagram of RTC

Table 25.2 Pin Configuration of RTC

Pin Name I/O Function
XCIN Input Connect a 32.768-kHz crystal resonator for the RTC to these pins.
XCOUT Output
RTCOUT Output Output a 1-Hz/64-Hz clock

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25.2 Register Descriptions

Furthermore, when writing to or reading from RTC registers, do so in accord with section 25.5.5, Points for Caution
when Writing to and Reading from Registers.
If the value in an RTC register after a reset is given as x (undefined bits) in the list, it is not initialized by a reset. When
RTC enters the reset state or a low power consumption state during counting operations (i.e. while the RCR2.START bit
is 1), the year, month, day of the week, date, hours, minutes, seconds, and 64-Hz counters continue to operate. However,
note that a reset generated during writing to or updating of a register might destroy the register value. In addition, do not
allow the chip to enter software standby mode just after setting any of these registers. For details, refer to section
25.5.4, Transitions to Low Power Consumption Modes after Setting Registers.

25.2.1 64-Hz Counter (R64CNT)

Address(es): 0008 C400h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 F64HZ 64Hz Indicate the state between 1-Hz and 64-Hz. R
b1 F32HZ 32Hz R
b2 F16HZ 16Hz R
b3 F8HZ 8Hz R
b4 F4HZ 4Hz R
b5 F2HZ 2Hz R
b6 F1HZ 1Hz R
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. Writing to this bit has no effect. R

The R64CNT counter is used in both calendar count mode and in binary count mode.
The 64-Hz counter (R64CNT) generates the period for a second by counting up periods of the 128-Hz clock.
The state in the sub-seconds range can be confirmed by reading this counter.
This counter is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset or executing 30-second adjustment.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.2 Second Counter (RSECCNT)/Binary Counter 0 (BCNT0)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C402h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— SEC10[2:0] SEC1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 SEC1[3:0] Ones Place of Seconds Counts from 0 to 9 once per second. When a carry is generated, 1 R/W
is added to the tens place.
b6 to b4 SEC10[2:0] Tens Place of Seconds Counts from 0 to 5 for 60-second counting. R/W
b7 — Reserved Set this bit to 0. It is read as 0. R/W

RSECCNT is used for setting and counting the BCD-coded second value. It counts carries generated once per second in
the 64-Hz counter.
The setting range is decimal 00 to 59. The RTC will not operate normally if any other value is set. Before writing to this
register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C402h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT0 counter is a readable/writable 32-bit binary counter b7 to b0.

The 32-bit binary counter performs count operation by a carry generating for each second of the 64-Hz counter.
Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.3 Minute Counter (RMINCNT)/Binary Counter 1 (BCNT1)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C404h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— MIN10[2:0] MIN1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 MIN1[3:0] Ones Place of Minutes Counts from 0 to 9 once per minute. When a carry is generated, 1 R/W
is added to the tens place.
b6 to b4 MIN10[2:0] Tens Place of Minutes Counts from 0 to 5 for 60-minute counting. R/W
b7 — Reserved Set this bit to 0. It is read as 0. R/W

RMINCNT is used for setting and counting the BCD-coded minute value. It counts carries generated once per minute in
the second counter.
A value from 00 through 59 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC
does not operate correctly. Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the
START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C404h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT1 counter is a readable/writable 32-bit binary counter b15 to b8.

The 32-bit binary counter performs count operation by a carry generating for each second of the 64-Hz counter.
Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.4 Hour Counter (RHRCNT)/Binary Counter 2 (BCNT2)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C406h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— PM HR10[1:0] HR1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 HR1[3:0] Ones Place of Hours Counts from 0 to 9 once per hour. When a carry is generated, 1 is R/W
added to the tens place.
b5, b4 HR10[1:0] Tens Place of Hours Counts from 0 to 2 once per carry from the ones place. R/W
b6 PM PM Time Counter Setting for a.m./p.m. R/W
0: a.m.
1: p.m.
b7 — Reserved Set this bit to 0. It is read as 0. R/W

RHRCNT is used for setting and counting the BCD-coded hour value. It counts carries generated once per hour in the
minute counter.
The specifiable time differs according to the setting in the hours mode bit (RCR2.HR24).
When the RCR2.HR24 bit is 0: From 00 to 11 (practically in BCD)
When the RCR2.HR24 bit is 1: From 00 to 23 (practically in BCD)
If a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC does not operate correctly. Before writing to this register, be sure to
stop the count operation through the setting of the START bit in RCR2.
The PM bit is only enabled when the RCR2.HR24 bit is 0. Otherwise, the setting in the PM bit has no effect.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C406h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT2 counter is a readable/writable 32-bit binary counter b23 to b16.

The 32-bit binary counter performs count operation by a carry generating for each second of the 64-Hz counter.
Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.5 Day-of-Week Counter (RWKCNT)/Binary Counter 3 (BCNT3)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C408h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — DAYW[2:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 DAYW[2:0] Day-of-Week Counting b2 b0 R/W
0 0 0: Sunday
0 0 1: Monday
0 1 0: Tuesday
0 1 1: Wednesday
1 0 0: Thursday
1 0 1: Friday
1 1 0: Saturday
1 1 1: Setting prohibited
b7 to b3 — Reserved Set these bits to 0. They are read as 0. R/W

RWKCNT is used for setting and counting in the BCD-coded day-of-week value. It counts carries generated once per
day in the hour counter.
A value from 0 through 6 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC does
not operate correctly. Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the START
bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C408h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT3 counter is a readable/writable 32-bit binary counter b31 to b24.

The 32-bit binary counter performs count operation by a carry generating for each second of the 64-Hz counter.
Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.6 Date Counter (RDAYCNT)

Address(es): 0008 C40Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — DATE10[1:0] DATE1[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 DATE1[3:0] Ones Place of Days Counts from 0 to 9 once per day. When a carry is generated, 1 is R/W
added to the tens place.
b5, b4 DATE10[1:0] Tens Place of Days Counts from 0 to 3 once per carry from the ones place. R/W
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The RDAYCNT counter is used in calendar count mode.

RDAYCNT is used for setting and counting the BCD-coded date value. It counts carries generated once per day in the
hour counter. The count operation depends on the month and whether the year is a leap year.
Leap years are determined according to whether the year counter (RYRCNT) value is divisible by 400, 100, and 4.
A value from 01 through 31 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC
does not operate correctly. (When specifying a value, note that the range of specifiable days depends on the month and
whether the year is a leap year.) Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of
the START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.7 Month Counter (RMONCNT)

Address(es): 0008 C40Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — MON10 MON1[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 MON1[3:0] Ones Place of Months Counts from 0 to 9 once per month. When a carry is generated, 1 R/W
is added to the tens place.
b4 MON10 Tens Place of Months Counts from 0 to 1 once per carry from the ones place. R/W
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The RMONCNT counter is used in calendar count mode.

RMONCNT is used for setting and counting the BCD-coded month value. It counts carries generated once per month in
the date counter.
A value from 01 through 12 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC
does not operate correctly. Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the
START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

25.2.8 Year Counter (RYRCNT)

Address(es): 0008 C40Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — YR10[3:0] YR1[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 YR1[3:0] Ones Place of Years Counts from 0 to 9 once per year. When a carry is generated, 1 is R/W
added to the tens place.
b7 to b4 YR10[3:0] Tens Place of Years Counts from 0 to 9 once per carry from ones place. When a carry R/W
is generated in the tens place, 1 is added to the hundreds place.
b15 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

The RYRCNT counter is used in calendar count mode.

RYRCNT is used for setting and counting the BCD-coded year value. It counts carries generated once per year in the
month counter.
A value from 00 through 99 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC
does not operate correctly. Before writing to this register, be sure to stop the count operation through the setting of the
START bit in RCR2.
To read this counter, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.

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25.2.9 Second Alarm Register (RSECAR)/Binary Counter 0 Alarm Register

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C410h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB SEC10[2:0] SEC1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 SEC1[3:0] 1 Second Value for the ones place of seconds R/W
b6 to b4 SEC10[2:0] 10 Seconds Value for the tens place of seconds R/W
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, this register value is compared with the R/W
RSECCNT value.

RSECAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded second counter RSECCNT. When the ENB bit is set to 1,
the RSECAR value is compared with the RSECCNT value. From among the alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR,
RHRAR, RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared
with the corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set
to 1.
RSECAR values from 00 through 59 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified,
the RTC does not operate correctly.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C410h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT0AR counter is a readable/writable alarm register corresponding to 32-bit binary counter b7 to b0.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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25.2.10 Minute Alarm Register (RMINAR)/Binary Counter 1 Alarm Register (BCNT1AR)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C412h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB MIN10[2:0] MIN1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 MIN1[3:0] 1 Minute Value for the ones place of minutes R/W
b6 to b4 MIN10[2:0] 10 Minutes Value for the tens place of minutes R/W
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, this register value is compared with the RMINCNT R/W

RMINAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded minute counter RMINCNT. When the ENB bit is set to 1,
the RMINAR value is compared with the RMINCNT value. From among the alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR,
RHRAR, RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared
with the corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set
to 1.
RMINAR values from 00 through 59 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified,
the RTC does not operate correctly.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C412h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT1AR counter is a readable/writable alarm register corresponding to 32-bit binary counter b15 to b8.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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25.2.11 Hour Alarm Register (RHRAR)/Binary Counter 2 Alarm Register (BCNT2AR)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C414h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB PM HR10[1:0] HR1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 HR1[3:0] 1 Hour Value for the ones place of hours R/W
b5, b4 HR10[1:0] 10 Hours Value for the tens place of hours R/W
b6 PM PM Time Alarm Setting for a.m./p.m. R/W
0: a.m.
1: p.m.
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, this register value is compared with the RHRCNT R/W

RHRAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded hour counter RHRCNT. When the ENB bit is set to 1, the
RHRAR value is compared with the RHRCNT value. From among the alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR, RHRAR,
RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared with the
corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set to 1.
The specifiable time differs according to the setting in the time mode bit (RCR2.HR24).
When the RCR2.HR24 bit is 0: From 00 to 11 (practically in BCD)
When the RCR2.HR24 bit is 1: From 00 to 23 (practically in BCD)
If a value outside of this range is specified, the RTC does not operate correctly.
When the RCR2.HR24 bit is 0, be sure to set the PM bit.
When the RCR2.HR24 bit is 1, the setting in the PM bit has no effect.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C414h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT2AR counter is a readable/writable alarm register corresponding to 32-bit binary counter b23 to b16.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.2.12 Day-of-Week Alarm Register (RWKAR)/Binary Counter 3 Alarm Register

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C416h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB — — — — DAYW[2:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 DAYW[2:0] Day-of-Week Setting b2 b0 R/W
0 0 0: Sunday
0 0 1: Monday
0 1 0: Tuesday
0 1 1: Wednesday
1 0 0: Thursday
1 0 1: Friday
1 1 0: Saturday
1 1 1: Setting prohibited
b6 to b3 — Reserved Set these bits to 0. They are read as 0. R/W
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, this register value is compared with the RWKCNT R/W

RWKAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded day-of-week counter RWKCNT. When the ENB bit is set
to 1, the RWKAR value is compared with the RWKCNT value. From among the alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR,
RHRAR, RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared
with the corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set
to 1.
RWKAR values from 0 through 6 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the
RTC does not operate correctly.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C416h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT3AR counter is a readable/writable alarm register corresponding to 32-bit binary counter b31 to b24.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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25.2.13 Date Alarm Register (RDAYAR)/Binary Counter 0 Alarm Enable Register

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C418h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB — DATE10[1:0] DATE1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 DATE1[3:0] 1 Day Value for the ones place of days R/W
b5, b4 DATE10[1:0] 10 Days Value for the tens place of days R/W
b6 — Reserved Set this bit to 0. It is read as 0. R/W
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, this register value is compared with the R/W
RDAYCNT value.

RDAYAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded date counter RDAYCNT. When the ENB bit is set to 1,
the RDAYAR value is compared with the RDAYCNT value. From among the alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR,
RHRAR, RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared
with the corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set
to 1.
RDAYAR values from 01 through 31 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified,
the RTC does not operate correctly.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C418h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT0AER register is a readable/writable register for setting the alarm enable corresponding to 32-bit binary
counter b7 to b0. Among the ENB[31:0] bits, the binary counter (BCNT[31:0]) corresponding to the bits which are set to
1 and the binary alarm register (BCNTAR[31:0]) are compared, and when all match, the ICU IR92.IR flag becomes 1.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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25.2.14 Month Alarm Register (RMONAR)/Binary Counter 1 Alarm Enable Register

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C41Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB — — MON10 MON1[3:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 MON1[3:0] 1 Month Value for the ones place of months R/W
b4 MON10 10 Months Value for the tens place of months R/W
b6, b5 — Reserved Set these bits to 0. They are read as 0. R/W
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, this register value is compared with the R/W
RMONCNT value.

RMONAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded month counter RMONCNT. When the ENB bit is set to
1, the RMONAR value is compared with the RMONCNT value. From among the alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR,
RHRAR, RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared
with the corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set
to 1.
RMONAR values from 01 through 12 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified,
the RTC does not operate correctly.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C41Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT1AER register is a readable/writable register for setting the alarm enable corresponding to 32-bit binary
counter b15 to b8. Among the ENB[31:0] bits, the binary counter (BCNT[31:0]) corresponding to the bits which are set
to 1 and the binary alarm register (BCNTAR[31:0]) are compared, and when all match, the ICU IR92.IR flag becomes 1.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.2.15 Year Alarm Register (RYRAR)/Binary Counter 2 Alarm Enable Register

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C41Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — YR10[3:0] YR1[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 YR1[3:0] 1 Year Value for the ones place of years R/W
b7 to b4 YR10[3:0] 10 Years Value for the tens place of years R/W
b15 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

RYRAR is an alarm register corresponding to the BCD-coded year counter RYRCNT.

RYRAR values from 00 through 99 (practically in BCD) can be specified; if a value outside of this range is specified, the
RTC does not operate correctly.
This register is cleared to 0000h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C41Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — ENB[23:16]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT2AER register is a readable/writable register for setting the alarm enable corresponding to 32-bit binary
counter b23 to b16. Among the ENB[31:0] bits, the binary counter (BCNT[31:0]) corresponding to the bits which are set
to 1 and the binary alarm register (BCNTAR[31:0]) are compared, and when all match, the ICU IR92.IR flag becomes 1.
This register is cleared to 0000h by an RTC software reset.

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25.2.16 Year Alarm Enable Register (RYRAREN)/Binary Counter 3 Alarm Enable

Register (BCNT3AER)
(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C41Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ENB — — — — — — —

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b6 to b0 — Reserved Set these bits to 0. They are read as 0. R/W
b7 ENB ENB When this bit is set to 1, the RYRAR value is compared with the RYRCNT R/W

When the ENB bit in RYRAREN is set to 1, the RYRAR value is compared with the RYRCNT value. From among the
alarm registers (RSECAR, RMINAR, RHRAR, RWKAR, RDAYAR, RMONAR, and RYRAREN), only those selected
with the ENB bits set to 1 are compared with the corresponding counters. When the respective values all match, the
corresponding IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set to 1.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C41Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

The BCNT3AER register is a readable/writable register for setting the alarm enable corresponding to 32-bit binary
counter b31 to b24. Among the ENB[31:0] bits, the binary counter (BCNT[31:0]) corresponding to the bits which are set
to 1 and the binary alarm register (BCNTAR[31:0]) are compared, and when all match, the ICU IR92.IR flag becomes 1.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.2.17 RTC Control Register 1 (RCR1)

Address(es): 0008 C422h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x 0 x 0 x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 AIE Alarm Interrupt 0: An alarm interrupt request is disabled R/W
Enable 1: An alarm interrupt request is enabled
b1 CIE Carry Interrupt 0: A carry interrupt request is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: A carry interrupt request is enabled.
b2 PIE Periodic Interrupt 0: A periodic interrupt request is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: A periodic interrupt request is enabled.
b3 RTCOS RTCOUT Output 0: RTCOUT outputs 1-Hz R/W
Select 1: RTCOUT outputs 64-Hz
b7 to b4 PES[3:0] Periodic Interrupt b7 b4 R/W
Select 0 1 1 0: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/256 second.
0 1 1 1: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/128 second.
1 0 0 0: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/64 second.
1 0 0 1: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/32 second.
1 0 1 0: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/16 second.
1 0 1 1: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/8 second.
1 1 0 0: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/4 second.
1 1 0 1: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1/2 second.
1 1 1 0: A periodic interrupt is generated every 1 second.
1 1 1 1: A periodic interrupt is generated every 2 seconds.
Other than above: No periodic interrupts are generated.

The RCR1 register is used in both calendar count mode and in binary count mode.
Bits AIE, PIE, and PES[3:0] are updated in synchronization with the count source. When RCR1 is modified, check that
all the bits have been updated without fail before continuing with further processing.

AIE Bit (Alarm Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disables alarm interrupt requests.

CIE Bit (Carry Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disabled interrupt requests when a carry to the second counter/binary counter 0 occurred or a carry to
the 64-Hz counter occurred during read access to the 64-Hz counter.

PIE Bit (Periodic Interrupt Enable)

This bit enables or disabled a periodic interrupt.

RTCOS Bit (RTCOUT Output Select)

This bit is to select the RTCOUT output period. The RTCOS bit must be rewritten while count operation is stopped (the
RCR2.START bit is 0) and RTCOUT output is disabled (the RCR2.RTCOE bit is 0). When the RTCOUT is output to an
external pin, the RCR2.RTCOE bit must be enabled and port control must also be enabled.

PES[3:0] Bits (Periodic Interrupt Select)

These bits specify the period for the periodic interrupt. A periodic interrupt (PRD) is generated with the period specified
by these bits.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.2.18 RTC Control Register 2 (RCR2)

(1) In calendar count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C424h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x 0 0 0 x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 START Start 0: Year, month, day-of-week, date, hour, minute, second, and R/W
64-Hz counters, and prescaler are stopped.
1: Year, month, day-of-week, date, hour, minute, second, and
64-Hz counters, and prescaler operate normally.
b1 RESET RTC Software Reset  In writing R/W
0: Writing is invalid.
1: The prescaler and target registers are reset by RTC
software reset. (R64CNT, RSECAR/BCNT0AR, RMINAR/
 In reading
0: In normal time operation, or RTC software reset has com-
1: During an RTC software reset
b2 ADJ30 30-Second Adjustment  In writing R/W
0: Writing is invalid.
1: 30-second adjustment is executed.
 In reading
0: In normal time operation, or 30-second adjustment has
1: During 30-second adjustment
b3 RTCOE RTCOUT Output Enable 0: RTCOUT output disabled. R/W
1: RTCOUT output enabled.
b4 AADJE Automatic Adjustment Enable 0: Automatic adjustment is disabled. R/W
1: Automatic adjustment is enabled.
b5 AADJP Automatic Adjustment Period 0: The RADJ.ADJ[5:0] setting value is adjusted from the count R/W
Select value of the prescaler every one minute.
1: The RADJ.ADJ[5:0] setting value is adjusted from the count
value of the prescaler every ten seconds.
b6 HR24 Hours Mode 0: The RTC operates in 12-hour mode. R/W
1: The RTC operates in 24-hour mode.
b7 CNTMD Count Mode Select 0: The calendar count mode. R/W
1: The binary count mode.

START Bit (Start)

This bit stops or restarts the prescaler or counter (clock) operation.
The START bit is updated in synchronization with the count source. When the START bit is modified, check that the bit
is updated without fail, and then make next settings.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

RESET Bit (RTC Software Reset)

This bit initializes the prescaler and registers to be reset by RTC software.
When 1 is written to the RESET bit, the initialization starts in synchronization with the count source. When the
initialization is completed, the RESET bit is automatically cleared to 0.
When 1 is written to the RESET bit, check that the bit is cleared to 0, and then make next settings.

ADJ30 Bit (30-Second Adjustment)

This bit is for 30-second adjustment.
When 1 is written to the ADJ30 bit, the RSECCNT value of 30 seconds or less is rounded down to 00 second and the
value of 30 seconds or more is rounded up to one minute.
The 30-second adjustment is performed in synchronization with the count source. When 1 is written to this bit, the
ADJ30 bit is automatically cleared to 0 after the 30-second adjustment is completed. In case when 1 is written to the
ADJ30 bit, check that the bit is cleared to 0, and then make next settings.
When the 30-second adjustment is performed, the prescaler and R64CNT are also reset.
The ADJ30 bit is cleared to 0 by an RTC software reset.

RTCOE Bit (RTCOUT Output Enable)

This bit enables output of a 1-Hz/64-Hz clock signal from the RTCOUT pin.
Use the START bit to stop counting by the counters before changing the value of the RTCOE bit. Do not stop counting
(write 0 to the START bit) and change the value of the RTCOE bit at the same time.
When RTCOUT is to be output from an external pin, enable the RTCOE bit and set up the port control for the pin.

AADJE Bit (Automatic Adjustment Enable)

This bit controls (enables or disables) automatic adjustment.
Set the plus–minus bits (PMADJ[1:0] in RADJ) to 00b (no adjustment) before changing the value of the AADJE bit.
The AADJE bit is cleared to 0 by an RTC software reset.

AADJP Bit (Automatic Adjustment Period Select)

This bit selects the automatic-adjustment period.
Set the plus–minus bits (PMADJ[1:0] in RADJ) to 00b (no adjustment) before changing the value of the AADJP bit.
The AADJP bit is cleared to 0 by an RTC software reset.

HR24 Bit (Hours Mode)

This bit specifies whether the RTC will operate in 12- or 24-hour mode.
Use the START bit to stop counting by the counters before changing the value of the HR24 bit. Do not stop counting
(write 0 to the START bit) and change the value of the HR24 bit at the same time.

CNTMD Bit (Count Mode Select)

This bit specifies whether the RTC count mode is operated in calendar count mode or in binary count mode.
After a new value is written to this bit, reflecting the value in the internal circuitry takes a certain amount of time. Read
the bit to confirm whether a value written has actually been reflected.

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(2) In binary count mode:

Address(es): 0008 C424h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x x x 0 0 0 x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 START Start 0: The 32-bit binary counter, 64-Hz counter, and prescaler are R/W
1: The 32-bit binary counter, 64-Hz counter, and prescaler are
in normal operation.
b1 RESET RTC Software Reset  In writing R/W
0: Writing is invalid.
1: The prescaler and registers to be reset by RTC software
 In reading
0: In normal time operation, or RTC software reset has com-
1: During an RTC software reset
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 RTCOE RTCOUT Output Enable 0: RTCOUT output disabled. R/W
1: RTCOUT output enabled.
b4 AADJE Automatic Adjustment Enable 0: Automatic adjustment is disabled. R/W
1: Automatic adjustment is enabled.
b5 AADJP Automatic Adjustment Period 0: Adds or subtracts the RADJ.ADJ[5:0] bits from the R/W
Select prescaler count value every 32 seconds
1: Adds or subtracts the RADJ.ADJ[5:0] bits from the
prescaler count value every eight seconds
b6 — Reserved This bit is undefines. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 CNTMD Count Mode Select 0: The calendar count mode. R/W
1: The binary count mode.

START Bit (Start)

This bit stops or restarts the prescaler or counter (clock) operation.
The START bit is updated in synchronization with the count source. When the START bit is modified, check that the bit
is updated without fail, and then make next settings.

RESET Bit (RTC Software Reset)

This bit initializes the prescaler and registers to be reset by RTC software.
When 1 is written to the RESET bit, the initialization starts in synchronization with the count source. When the
initialization is completed, the RESET bit is automatically cleared to 0.
When 1 is written to the RESET bit, check that the bit is cleared to 0, and then make next settings.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

RTCOE Bit (RTCOUT Output Enable)

This bit enables output of a 1-Hz/64-Hz clock signal from the RTCOUT pin.
Use the START bit to stop counting by the counters before changing the value of the RTCOE bit. Do not stop counting
(write “0” to the START bit) and change the value of the RTCOE bit at the same time.
When a RTCOUT signal is to be output from an external pin, enable the port control as well as setting this bit.

AADJE Bit (Automatic Adjustment Enable)

This bit controls (enables or disables) automatic adjustment.
Set the plus–minus bits (PMADJ[1:0] in RADJ) to 00b (no adjustment) before changing the value of the AADJE bit.
The AADJE bit is cleared to 0 by an RTC software reset.

AADJP Bit (Automatic Adjustment Period Select)

This bit selects the automatic-adjustment period.
Correction period can be selected from 32 second units or 8 second units in binary count mode.
Set the plus–minus bits (PMADJ[1:0] in RADJ) to 00b (no adjustment) before changing the value of the AADJP bit.
The AADJP bit is cleared to 0 by an RTC software reset.

CNTMD Bit (Count Mode Select)

This bit specifies whether the RTC count mode is operated in calendar count mode or in binary count mode. The
CNTMD bit is updated synchronously with the count source.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.2.19 RTC Control Register 3 (RCR3)

Address(es): 0008 C426h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — RTCDV[2:0] RTCEN

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 RTCEN Sub-clock Oscillator Control 0: Sub-clock oscillator is stopped. R/W
1: Sub-clock oscillator is operating.
b3 to b1 RTCDV[2:0] Sub-clock Oscillator Drive b3 b1 R/W
Ability Control 0 0 0: Setting prohibited
0 0 1: Drive ability for low CL
0 1 0: Setting prohibited
0 1 1: Setting prohibited
1 0 0: Setting prohibited
1 0 1: Setting prohibited
1 1 0: Drive ability for standard CL
1 1 1: Setting prohibited
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

RTCEN Bit (Sub-clock Oscillator Control)

Running and stopping of the sub-clock oscillator is controlled by the RTCEN bit and a clock generation circuit register.
When using the sub-clock as the count source to the RTC, set up the sub-clock oscillator using the RTCEN bit.

RTCDV[2:0] Bits (Sub-clock Oscillator Drive Ability Control)

These bits control the drive ability of the sub-clock oscillator. When connecting a standard CL crystal unit, set these bits
to 110b (drive ability for standard CL). When connecting a low CL crystal unit, set these bits to 001b (drive ability for
low CL). Set the RTCDV[2:0] bits while the SOSCCR.SOSTP bit is 1 and the RCR3.RTCEN bit is 0.

(1) Notes on using a low CL crystal unit

When the RCR3.RTCDV[2:0] bits are 001b (drive ability for low CL), the oscillator is susceptible to noise. Especially
when the signal level of any pin near the XCIN or XCOUT pin is changed, the oscillation accuracy of the sub-clock
oscillator may be affected. The accuracy is affected differently depending on the board traces and how the signal level of
any pin near the XCIN or XCOUT pin is changed. When designing a board using a low CL crystal unit, refer to the
application note “Design Guide for Low CL Sub-clock Circuits” (R01AN1187EJ) to reduce the influence from the noise.

The following are examples that may significantly affect oscillation accuracy:

 When connecting an on-chip debugging emulator to the FINED pin

Since the FINED pin (FINE interface pin) is near the XCIN and XCOUT pins, the oscillation accuracy of the sub-clock
oscillator is affected when using the FINED pin during debugging. When using the FINED pin during debugging, keep
using the low CL crystal unit and set the RCR3.RTCDV[2:0] bits to 110b (drive ability for standard CL).However, this
measure may affect the reliability of the crystal unit. Therefore, use this measure only when using an on-chip debugging
emulator. Set the RCR3.RTCDV[2:0] bits to 001b (drive ability for low CL) in mass production programs.
 When supplying an external clock to the main clock oscillator
When inputting an external clock to the EXTAL pin, the oscillation accuracy of the sub-clock oscillator may be affected.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)

25.2.20 Time Error Adjustment Register (RADJ)

Address(es): 0008 C42Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

PMADJ[1:0] ADJ[5:0]

Value after reset: x x x x x x x x

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b5 to b0 ADJ[5:0] Adjustment Value These bits specify the adjustment value from the prescaler. R/W
b7, b6 PMADJ[1:0] Plus–Minus b7 b6 R/W
0 0: Adjustment is not performed.
0 1: Adjustment is performed by the addition to the prescaler.
1 0: Adjustment is performed by the subtraction from the prescaler.
1 1: Setting prohibited

The RADJ register is used in both calendar count mode and in binary count mode.
Adjustment is performed by the addition to or subtraction from the prescaler.
In case when the automatic adjustment enable (RCR2.AADJE) bit is 0, adjustment is performed when writing to the
In case when the RCR2.AADJE bit is 1, adjustment is performed in the interval specified by the automatic adjustment
period select (RCR2.AADJP) bit.
The current adjustment by software may be invalid if the following adjustment value is specified within 320 cycles of the
count source after the register setting. To perform adjustment consecutively, wait for 320 cycles or more of the count
source after the register setting and then specify the next adjustment value.
RADJ is updated in synchronization with the count source. When RADJ is modified, check that all the bits have been
updated without fail before continuing with further processing.
This register is cleared to 00h by an RTC software reset.

ADJ[5:0] Bits (Adjustment Value)

These bits specify the adjustment value (the number of sub-clock cycles) from the prescaler.

PMADJ[1:0] Bits (Plus–Minus)

These bits select whether the clock is set ahead or back depending on the error-adjustment value set in the ADJ[5:0] bits.

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25.3 Operation

25.3.1 Outline of Initial Settings of Registers after Power-On

After the power is turned on, the initial settings for the clock setting, count mode setting, time error adjustment, time
setting, alarm, and interrupt should be performed.

Power on

Clock and count mode settings Clock supply setting and count mode setting

Time setting in the clock counter and initial

Set the time setting of the time error adjustment register

Set the alarm Initial setting of the alarm register

Set the interrupt Initial setting of the interrupt control register

Figure 25.2 Outline of Initial Settings after Power-On

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25.3.2 Clock and count mode Setting Procedure

Figure 25.3 shows how to set the clock and the count mode.

Set the RCR3 (subclock oscillator)

Supply 6 clocks of the count source Supply 6 clocks

Clear the START bit to 0

START = 0 Wait for the RCR2.START bit to be cleared to 0


Select count mode RCR2.CNTMD bit setting*1

Execute RTC software reset Write 1 to the RCR2.RESET bit

RESET = 0 Wait for the RCR2.RESET bit to be cleared to 0


Note 1. This step is not necessary when the START bit is set to 0 and the counter mode is set.
A value corresponding to the counter mode setting must be written to the RCR2.CNTMD bit.

Figure 25.3 Clock and the count mode Setting Procedure

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25.3.3 Setting the Time

Figure 25.4 shows how to set the time.

Clear the START bit to 0 Write 0 to the START bit in RCR2

START = 0 Wait for the START bit in RCR2 to be cleared to 0


Reset the prescaler and 64CNT Write 1 to the RESET bit in RCR2*1

Set the year, month, day of the week,

date, hour, minute, and second/ Settings in arbitrary order is possible
binary counter 3 to 0

Set clock error adjustment values Set clock error adjustment values

Set the START bit to 1 Write 1 to the START bit in RCR2

START = 1 Wait for the START bit in RCR2 to be set to 1


Note 1. This step is not necessary for the time-setting procedure because an RTC software reset
is executed in the clock setting procedure of the initial settings for the power supply.

Figure 25.4 Setting the Time

25.3.4 30-Second Adjustment

Figure 25.5 shows how to execute 30-second adjustment. The 30-second adjustment function is only usable in calendar
count mode.

Execute 30-second adjustment while the clock is in operation

Clock is in operation
(the START bit in RCR2 is 1)

Set the ADJ30 bit to 1 Write 1 to the ADJ30 bit in RCR2

ADJ30 = 0 Wait for the ADJ30 bit in RCR2 to be cleared to 0


Figure 25.5 30-Second Adjustment

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25.3.5 Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time

Figure 25.6 shows how to read the 64-Hz counter and time.

(a) To read the time without using interrupt

Disable the ICU carry interrupt request

Write 0 to the IER07.IEN7 bit of the ICU

Enable the RTC carry interrupt request Write 1 to the CIE bit in RCR1

Clear the carry flag Write 0 to the IR63.IR flag of the ICU

Read counter register Read all the necessary counter registers

Carry flag = 1? Read the IR63.IR flag of the ICU for checking


(b) To read the time using interrupts

Clear the carry flag Write 0 to the IR63.IR flag of the ICU

Enable the ICU carry interrupt request Write 1 to the IER07.IEN7 bit of the ICU

Enable the RTC carry interrupt request Write 1 to the CIE bit in RCR1

Clear the carry flag Write 0 to the IR63.IR flag of the ICU

Read counter register Read all the necessary counter registers



Disable the RTC carry interrupt Write 0 to the CIE bit in RCR1*1

Note 1. Disable interrupts if necessary.

Figure 25.6 Reading Time

If a carry occurs while the 64-Hz counter and time are being read, the correct time will not be obtained, so they must be
read again. The procedure for reading the time without using interrupts is shown in (a) in Figure 25.6, and the procedure
using carry interrupts in (b). To keep the program simple, method (a) should be used in most cases.

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25.3.6 Alarm Function

Figure 25.7 shows how to use the alarm function.

Clock running Check that the count is in operation

(the START bit in RCR2 is 1)

Write 0 to the IER0B.IEN4 bit of the ICU to prevent

Disable the ICU alarm interrupt request erroneous interrupts

Set alarm enable at the same time as or after the

Set alarm time alarm time setting

Enable the RTC alarm interrupt request Write 1 to the AIE bit in RCR1

Set the PES[3:0] bits in RCR1 to 1000b to wait for periodic

Wait for the completion of the alarm time
interrupts twice

Always clear the IR92.IR flag of the ICU to 0,

Clear alarm flag since the flag may have been set while the
alarm time was being set

Enable the ICU alarm interrupt request Write 1 to the IER0B.IEN4 bit of the ICU

Monitor alarm time Wait for alarm interrupt or the IR92.IR flag of
(wait for interrupt or check alarm flag) the ICU to be set to 1

Figure 25.7 Using Alarm Function

In calendar count mode, an alarm can be generated by any one of year, month, date, day-of-week, hour, minute or second,
or any combination of those. Write 1 to the ENB bit in the alarm registers involved in the alarm setting, and set the alarm
time in the lower bits. Write 0 to the ENB bit in registers not involved in the alarm setting.
In binary count mode, an alarm can be generated in any bit combination of 32 bits. Write 1 to the ENB bit of the alarm
enable register corresponding to the target bit of the alarm, and set the alarm time to the alarm register. For bits that are
not target of the alarm, write 0 to the ENB bit of the alarm enable register.
When the counter and the alarm time match, the IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set to 1. Alarm detection can be confirmed by
reading this bit, but an interrupt should be used in most cases. If 1 has been set in the IER0B.IEN4 bit of the ICU, an
alarm interrupt is generated in the event of alarm, enabling the alarm to be detected.
Writing 0 clears the IR92.IR flag of the ICU.
When the counter and the alarm time match in a low power consumption state, this LSI returns from the low power
consumption state.

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25.3.7 Procedure for Disabling Alarm Interrupt

Figure 25.8 shows the procedure for disabling the enabled alarm interrupt request.

Enable the alarm interrupt The AIE bit in the RCR1 register has been set to 1

Disable the alarm interrupt request of

Write 0 to the IER0B.IEN4 bit of the ICU
the ICU

Disable the alarm interrupt request of

Write 0 to the AIE bit in the RCR1 register
the RTC

No Wait for the AIE bit in the RCR1 register to be

RCR1.AIE bit = 0 cleared to 0


Until the AIE bit in the RCR1 register is cleared to 0,

Clear the alarm flag clear the alarm flag with consideration that the
IR92.IR flag of the ICU is set

Figure 25.8 Procedure for Disabling Alarm Interrupt Request

25.3.8 Time Error Adjustment Function

The time-error adjustment function is used to correct errors (running fast or slow) in the time due to the precision of
oscillation by the sub-clock. Since 32,768 cycles of the sub-clock constitute one second of operation, the clock runs fast
if the sub-clock frequency is high and slow if the sub-clock frequency is low. This function can be used to correct errors
due to the clock running fast or slow.
Two types of time-error adjustment functions are provided: automatic adjustment and adjustment by software.
Use the RCR2.AADJE bit to select automatic adjustment or adjustment by software. Automatic Adjustment

Enable automatic adjustment by setting the AADJE bit in RCR2 to 1.
Automatic adjustment is the addition or subtraction of the value counted by the prescaler to or from the value in the
RADJ register every time the adjustment period selected by the AADJP bit in RCR2 elapses.
Examples are shown below.

[Example 1] Sub-clock running at 32.769 kHz

Adjustment procedure:
When the sub-clock is running at 32.769 kHz, one second elapses every 32,769 clock cycles. The RTC is meant to run at
32,768 clock cycles, so the clock runs fast by one clock cycle every second. The time on the clock is fast by 60 clock
cycles per minute, so adjustment can take the form of setting the clock back by 60 cycles every minute.

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Register settings:(when RCR2.CNTMD = 0)

 RCR2.AADJP = 0 (adjustment every minute)
 RADJ.PMADJ[1:0] = 10b (subtraction)
 RADJ.ADJ[5:0] = 60 (3Ch)

[Example 2] Sub-clock running at 32.766 kHz

Adjustment procedure:
When the sub-clock is running at 32.766 kHz, one second elapses every 32,766 clock cycles. The RTC is meant to run at
32,768 clock cycles, so the clock runs slow by two clock cycles every second. The time on the clock is slow by 20 clock
cycles every ten seconds, so adjustment can take the form of setting the clock forward by 20 cycles every ten seconds.

Register settings:(when RCR2.CNTMD = 0)

 RCR2.AADJP = 1 (adjustment every 10 seconds)
 RADJ.PMADJ[1:0] = 01b (addition)
 RADJ.ADJ[5:0] = 20 (14h)

[Example 3] Sub-clock running at 32.764 kHz

Adjustment procedure:
At 32.764 kHz, 1 second elapses on 32,764 clock cycles. Since the RTC operates for 32,768 clock cycles as one second,
the clock is delayed for 4 clock cycles per second. In 8 seconds, the delay is 32 clock cycles, so correction can be made
by proceeding the clock for 32 clock cycles per 8 seconds.

Register settings: Register settings: (when RCR2.CNTMD = 1)

 RCR2.AADJP = 1 (adjustment every 8 seconds)
 RADJ.PMADJ[1:0] = 01b (addition)
 RADJ. ADJ[5:0] = 32 (20h) Adjustment by Software

Enable adjustment by software by setting the AADJE bit in RCR2 to 0.
Adjustment by software is the addition or subtraction of the value counted by the prescaler to or from the value in the
RADJ register at the time of execution of an instruction for writing to the RADJ register.
An example is shown below.

[Example 1] Sub-clock running at 32.769 kHz

Adjustment procedure:
When the sub-clock is running at 32.769 kHz, one second elapses every 32,769 clock cycles. The RTC is meant to run at
32,768 clock cycles, so the clock runs fast by one clock cycle every second. The time on the clock is fast by one clock
cycle per second, so adjustment can take the form of setting the clock back by one cycle every second.

Register settings:
 RADJ.PMADJ[1:0] = 10b (subtraction)
 RADJ.ADJ[5:0] = 1 (01h)
This is written to the RADJ register once per 1-second interrupt.

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RX220 Group 25. Realtime Clock (RTCc) Procedure for Changing the Mode of Adjustment

When changing the mode of adjustment, change the value of the AADJE bit in RCR2 after clearing the PMADJ[1:0] bits
in RADJ to 00b (no adjustment).

Changing from adjustment by software to automatic adjustment:

(1) Clear the PMADJ[1:0] bits in RADJ to 00b (no adjustment).
(2) Set the AADJE bit in RCR2 to 1 (enabling automatic adjustment).
(3) Use the AADJP bit in RCR2 to select the period of adjustment.
(4) In RADJ, set the PMADJ[1:0] bits for addition or subtraction and the ADJ[5:0] bits to the value for use in time-
error adjustment.

Changing from adjustment by software to automatic adjustment:

(1) Clear the PMADJ[1:0] bits in RADJ to 00b (no adjustment).
(2) Set the AADJE bit in RCR2 to 0 (enabling adjustment by software).
(3) Proceed with adjustment by setting the RADJ.PMADJ[1:0] bits for addition or subtraction and the RADJ.ADJ[5:0]
bits to the value for use in time-error adjustment at the desired time. After that, the time is adjusted every time a
value is written to RADJ. Procedure for Stopping Adjustment

Stop adjustment by clearing the PMADJ[1:0] bits in RADJ to 00b (no adjustment).

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25.4 Interrupt Sources

There are three interrupt sources in the realtime clock. Table 25.3 lists interrupt sources for the RTC.

Table 25.3 RTC Interrupt Sources

Name Interrupt Sources
ALM Alarm interrupt
PRD Periodic interrupt
CUP Carry interrupt

(1) Alarm interrupt (ALM)

This interrupt is generated according to the result of comparison between the alarm registers and realtime clock counters
(for details, refer to the description of each alarm register).
Since there is a possibility of the interrupt flag being set when the settings of the alarm registers match the clock
counters, clear the IR flag in IR92 for the interrupt after modifying values of the alarm registers. Once the interrupt flag
for the alarm interrupt has been cleared and the state has returned to non-matching of the alarm registers and clock
counters, the flag will not be set again until there is a further match or the values of the alarm registers are modified

Sequence for setting the alarm

Alarm-register settings Wait for the alarm

in progress time setting is

Alarm registers

Clock counters

Match while settings are being made

Interrupt flag

Flag clearing by Alarm interrupt

software accepted

Figure 25.9 Timing Chart for the Alarm Interrupt (ALM)

(2) Periodic interrupt (PRD)

This interrupt is generated at intervals of 2 seconds, 1 second, 1/2 second, 1/4 second, 1/8 second, 1/16 second, 1/32
second, 1/64 second, 1/128 second, or 1/256 second. The interrupt interval can be selected through the RCR1.PES[3:0]

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(3) Carry interrupt (CUP)

This interrupt is generated when a carry to the second counter/binary counter 0 occurred or a carry to the R64CNT
counter occurred during read access to the 64-Hz counter.

64 Hz Interrupt generated by the simultaneous

R64CNT occurrence of the selected edge of the
signal 64-Hz signal and register reading
1 Hz
An interrupt is generated by a
Interrupt carry to the second counter/
binary counter 0

Rising edges of the R64CNT signals
64-Hz signal in R64CNT are detected in the same way.

Detection of the selected Interrupt generated by the simultaneous occurrence of

edge of the 64-Hz signal the edge of the 64-Hz signal and reading of R64CNT
Register reading by the CPU R64CNT

Figure 25.10 Carry Interrupt (CUP) Timing Chart

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25.5 Usage Notes

25.5.1 Register Writing during Counting

The following registers should not be written to during counting (while the RCR2.START bit = 1).



The counter must be stopped before writing to any of the above registers.

25.5.2 Use of Periodic Interrupts

The procedure for using periodic interrupts is shown in Figure 25.11.
The generation and period of the periodic interrupt can be changed by the setting of the PES[3:0] bits in RCR1. However,
since the prescaler, R64CNT, and RSECCNT/BCNT0 are used to generate interrupts, the interrupt period is not
guaranteed immediately after setting of the PES[3:0] bits in RCR1.
Furthermore, stopping/restarting or resetting counter operation, reset by RTC software, and the 30-second adjustment by
changing the RCR2 value affects the interrupt period. When the time-error adjustment function is used, the interrupt
generation period after adjustment is added or subtracted according to the adjustment value.

Set the PES[3:0] bits in RCR1 and

Set the period and enable interrupt requests
write 1 to the PIE bit
The period
is not
The first interrupt is generated Confirm generation of the first periodic interrupt*1

are The set period elapses
with the
period. An interrupt is generated Confirm generation of a periodic interrupt

Note 1. When a interrupt generation period is changed while the periodic interrupt is used, an interrupt
may be generated at the completion of the setting. If the interrupt is generated immediately after
the setting, the period is not guaranteed for two interrupts including the current interrupt.

Figure 25.11 Using Periodic Interrupt Function

25.5.3 RTCOUT (1-Hz/64-Hz) Clock Output

Stopping/restarting or resetting counter operation, reset by RTC software, and the 30-second adjustment by changing the
RCR2 value affects the period of RTCOUT (1-Hz/64-Hz) output. When the time-error adjustment function is used, the
period of RTCOUT (1-Hz/64-Hz) output after adjustment is added or subtracted according to the adjustment value.

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25.5.4 Transitions to Low Power Consumption Modes after Setting Registers

A transition to a low power consumption state (software standby mode) during writing to or updating of an RTC register
might destroy the register’s value. After setting a register, confirm that the setting is in place before initiating a transition
to a low power consumption state.

25.5.5 Points for Caution when Writing to and Reading from Registers
 When reading a counter register such as the second counter/binary counter 0 after having written to the counter
register, follow the procedure in section 25.3.5, Reading 64-Hz Counter and Time.
 When reading the count registers, alarm registers, year alarm enable register, bits RCR2.AADJE, AADJP, and
HR24, or RCR3 register after having written to the registers, perform three dummy read operations to ensure that
the written value has been reflected in the register.
 When reading the RCR1.CIE, RTCOS, and RCR2.RTCOE bits after having written to the register, the written value
can be read.
 To read the value from the timer counter after return from a reset, or period in software standby mode, wait for 1/
128 second while the clock is operating (the RCR2.START bit = 1).

25.5.6 Changing Count Mode

When changing the count mode (calendar/binary), set the RCR2.START bit to 0, stop counting operation, then start again
from the initial setting. For details on initial setting, refer to section section 25.3.1, Outline of Initial Settings of
Registers after Power-On.

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

The independent watchdog timer (IWDT) detects programs being out of control.
The IWDT has a 14-bit down-counter, and can be set up so that the chip is reset by a reset output when counting down
from the initial value causes an underflow of the counter. Alternatively, generation of an interrupt request is selectable
when the counter underflows. The initial value for counting can be restored to the down-counter by refreshing its value.
The interval over which refreshing is possible can also be selected. Refreshing the counter during this interval will
restore its initial value for counting, while attempting to refresh the counter beyond this interval leads to the output of a
reset or interrupt request. The refresh interval can be adjusted and used to detect the program entering runaway
conditions. The IWDT stops counting after an underflow or an attempt at refreshing the counter beyond the allowed
interval. Counting is restarted by refreshing the counter when the IWDT is in register start mode. When the IWDT is in
auto-start mode, counting is restarted automatically after output of the reset or interrupt request.

26.1 Overview
The IWDT has two start modes: auto-start mode, in which counting automatically starts after release from the reset state,
and register start mode, in which counting is started by refreshing the IWDT (writing to the register).
In auto-start mode, necessary settings (clock division ratio, refresh window start and end positions, time-out period, reset
or non-maskable interrupt request output at an underflow, and count stop control in sleep mode) should be made in
option function select register 0 (OFS0) before release from the reset state.
In register start mode, necessary settings (clock division ratio, refresh window start and end positions, time-out period,
reset or non-maskable interrupt request output at an underflow, and count stop control in sleep mode) should be made in
the respective registers before the counter is started by refreshing after release from the reset state.
Set the IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) to select auto-start mode or register start mode.
When auto-start mode is selected (OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 0), the IWDT control register (IWDTCR), IWDT reset control
register (IWDTRCR), and IWDT count stop control register (IWDTCSTPR) settings are disabled and option function
select register 0 (OFS0) settings are enabled.
When register start mode is selected (OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 1), option function select register 0 (OFS0) settings are
ignored and the IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR settings take effect.
Specifications of the IWDT are listed in Table 26.1.

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Table 26.1 Specifications of IWDT

Item Description
Count source*1 IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK)
Clock division ratio Division by 1, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256
Counter operation Counting down using a 14-bit down-counter
Conditions for starting the counter  Counting automatically starts after a reset (auto-start mode)
 Counting is started by refreshing the IWDTRR register (writing 00h and then FFh) (register start
Conditions for stopping the  Reset (the down-counter and other registers return to their initial values)
counter  A counter underflows or a refresh error is generated
Count restarts automatically in auto-start mode, or by refreshing the counter in register start
Window function Window start and end positions can be specified (refresh-permitted and refresh-prohibited periods)
Reset-output sources  Down-counter underflows
 Refreshing outside the refresh-permitted period (refresh error)
Interrupt request output sources  A non-maskable interrupt (WUNI) is generated by an underflow of the down-counter
 When refreshing is done outside the refresh-permitted period (refresh error)
Reading the counter value The down-counter value can be read by the IWDTSR register.
Output signal (internal signal)  Reset output
 Interrupt request output
 Sleep mode count stop control output
Auto-start mode  Selecting the clock frequency division ratio after a reset (OFS0.IWDTCKS[3:0] bits)
(controlled by option function  Selecting the time-out period of the watchdog timer (OFS0.IWDTTOPS[1:0] bits)
select register 0 (OFS0))  Selecting the window start position in the watchdog timer (OFS0.IWDTRPSS[1:0] bits)
 Selecting the window end position in the watchdog timer (OFS0.IWDTRPES[1:0] bits)
 Selecting the reset output or interrupt request output (OFS0.IWDTRSTIRQS bit)
 Selecting the down-count stop function at transition to sleep mode, software standby mode, or
all-module clock stop mode (OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP bit)
Register start mode  Selecting the clock frequency division ratio after refreshing (IWDTCR.CKS[3:0] bits)
(controlled by the IWDT registers)  Selecting the time-out period of the watchdog timer (IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0] bits)
 Selecting the window start position in the watchdog timer (IWDTCR.RPSS[1:0] bits)
 Selecting the window end position in the watchdog timer (IWDTCR.RPES[1:0] bits)
 Selecting the reset output or interrupt request output (IWDTRCR.RSTIRQS bit)
 Selecting the down-count stop function at transition to sleep mode, software standby mode, or
all-module clock stop mode (IWDTCSTPR.SLCSTP bit)

Note 1. Satisfy the frequency of the peripheral module clock (PCLKB)  4 × (the frequency of the count clock source after division).

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To use the IWDT, two clocks (peripheral clock (PCLK) and IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK)) should be supplied so
that the IWDT works while the peripheral clock (PCLK) stops. The bus interface and registers operate with PCLK, and
the 14-bit down-counter and control circuits operate with IWDTCLK.
Signal lines between the blocks operating with the peripheral clock and IWDT-dedicated clock are connected through
synchronization circuits.
Figure 26.1 is a block diagram of the IWDT.

Interrupt request (WUNI)

Interrupt control circuit

IWDT reset output

Reset control circuit


IWDTCLK/64 IWDT control circuit 14-bit down-counter

Option function select register 0 Count stop control output




(OFS0) in sleep mode

Clock control circuit

IWDTRR: IWDT refresh register

IWDTCR: IWDT control register
IWDTSR: IWDT status register
Internal peripheral bus 2 IWDTRCR: IWDT reset control register
IWDTCSTPR: IWDT count stop control register

Figure 26.1 Block Diagram of IWDT

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26.2 Register Descriptions

26.2.1 IWDT Refresh Register (IWDTRR)

Address(es): 0008 8030h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Description R/W

b7 to b0 The down-counter is refreshed by writing 00h and then writing FFh to this register R/W

IWDTRR refreshes the down-counter of the IWDT.

The down-counter of the IWDT is refreshed by writing 00h and then writing FFh to IWDTRR (refresh operation) within
the refresh-permitted period.
After the down-counter has been refreshed, it starts counting down from the value selected by the IWDT time-out period
select bits (OFS0.IWDTTOPS[1:0]) in option function select register 0 (OFS0) in auto-start mode. In register start mode,
counting down starts from the value selected by setting the time-out period selection (TOPS[1:0]) bits in the IWDT
control register (IWDTCR) in the first refresh operation after release from the reset state.
When 00h is written, the read value is 00h. When a value other than 00h is written, the read value is FFh.
For details of the refresh operation, refer to section 26.3.3, Refresh Operation.

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26.2.2 IWDT Control Register (IWDTCR)

Address(es): 0008 8032h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — RPSS[1:0] — — RPES[1:0] CKS[3:0] — — TOPS[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 TOPS[1:0] Time-Out Period Selection b1 b0 R/W
0 0: 1,024 cycles (03FFh)
0 1: 4,096 cycles (0FFFh)
1 0: 8,192 cycles (1FFFh)
1 1: 16,384 cycles (3FFFh)
b3, b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b7 to b4 CKS[3:0] Clock Division Ratio Selection b7 b4 R/W
0 0 0 0: IWDTCLK
0 0 1 0: IWDTCLK/16
0 0 1 1: IWDTCLK/32
0 1 0 0: IWDTCLK/64
1 1 1 1: IWDTCLK/128
0 1 0 1: IWDTCLK/256
Other settings are prohibited.
b9, b8 RPES[1:0] Window End Position Selection b9 b8 R/W
0 0: 75%
0 1: 50%
1 0: 25%
1 1: 0% (window end position is not specified)
b11, b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b13, b12 RPSS[1:0] Window Start Position Selection b13 b12 R/W
0 0: 25%
0 1: 50%
1 0: 75%
1 1: 100% (window start position is not specified)
b15, b14 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R

There are some restrictions on writing to the IWDTCR register. For details, refer to section 26.3.2, Control over
Writing to the IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR Registers.
In auto-start mode, the settings in the IWDTCR register are disabled, and the settings in option function select register 0
(OFS0) are enabled. The bit setting made to the IWDTCR register can also be made in option function select register 0
(OFS0). For details, refer to section 26.3.8, Correspondence between Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0)
and IWDT Registers.

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TOPS[1:0] Bits (Time-Out Period Selection)

The TOPS[1:0] bits select the time-out period (period until the down-counter underflows) from among 1,024, 4,096,
8,192, or 16,384 cycles, taking the divided clock specified by the CKS[3:0] bits as one cycle.
After the down-counter is refreshed, the combination of the CKS[3:0] and TOPS[1:0] bits determines the time (number
of IWDTCLK cycles) until the counter underflows.
Relations between the CKS[3:0] and TOPS[1:0] bit setting, the time-out period, and the number of IWDTCLK cycles are
listed in Table 26.2.

Table 26.2 Settings and Time-Out Periods

CKS[3:0] Bits TOPS[1:0] Bits
Time-Out Period
b7 b6 b5 b4 b1 b0 Clock Division Ratio (Number of Cycles) Cycles of IWDTCLK
0 0 0 0 0 0 IWDTCLK 1024 1024
0 1 4096 4096
1 0 8192 8192
1 1 16384 16384
0 0 1 0 0 0 IWDTCLK/16 1024 16384
0 1 4096 65536
1 0 8192 131072
1 1 16384 262144
0 0 1 1 0 0 IWDTCLK/32 1024 32768
0 1 4096 131072
1 0 8192 262144
1 1 16384 524288
0 1 0 0 0 0 IWDTCLK/64 1024 65536
0 1 4096 262144
1 0 8192 524288
1 1 16384 1048576
1 1 1 1 0 0 IWDTCLK/128 1024 131072
0 1 4096 524288
1 0 8192 1048576
1 1 16384 2097152
0 1 0 1 0 0 IWDTCLK/256 1024 262144
0 1 4096 1048576
1 0 8192 2097152
1 1 16384 4194304

CKS[3:0] Bits (Clock Division Ratio Selection)

These bits select the IWDTCLK clock division ratio from among division by 1, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. Combination
with the TOPS[1:0] bit setting, a count period between 1,024 and 4,194, 304 cycles of the IWDTCLK clock can be
selected for the IWDT.

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RPES[1:0] Bits (Window End Position Selection)

These bits select 75%, 50%, 25% or 0% of the count period for the window end position of the down-counter. The
window end position should be a value smaller than the window start position (window start position > window end
position). If the window end position is greater than the window start position, only the window start position setting is
The counter values for the window start and end positions selected by setting the RPSS[1:0] and RPES[1:0] bits change
depending on the TOPS[1:0] bit setting.
Table 26.3 lists the counter values for the window start and end positions corresponding to TOPS[1:0] bit values.

Table 26.3 Relationship between Time-Out Period and Window Start and End Counter Values
TOPS[1:0] Bits Time-Out Period Window Start and End Counter Value
b1 b0 Cycles Counter Value 100% 75% 50% 25%
0 0 1024 03FFh 03FFh 02FFh 01FFh 00FFh
0 1 4096 0FFFh 0FFFh 0BFFh 07FFh 03FFh
1 0 8192 1FFFh 1FFFh 17FFh 0FFFh 07FFh
1 1 16384 3FFFh 3FFFh 2FFFh 1FFFh 0FFFh

RPSS[1:0] Bits (Window Start Position Selection)

These bits select 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of the count period for the window start position for the down-counter
(100% when the count starts and 0% when the counter underflows). The interval between the window start position and
window end position is the refresh-permitted period and the other periods are refresh-prohibited periods.
Figure 26.2 shows the relationship between the RPSS[1:0] and RPES[1:0] bit setting and the refresh-permitted and
refresh-prohibited periods.

RPSS[1:0] Bits RPES[1:0] Bits Window

Start End Counting
b13 b12 b9 b8
(%) (%) started Underflow
1 1 0
1 0 25
1 1 100
0 1 50
0 0 75
1 1 0
1 0 25
1 0 75
0 1 50
0 0 75
1 1 0
1 0 25
0 1 50
0 1 50
0 0 75
1 1 0
1 0 25
0 0 25
0 1 50
0 0 75
Note: • If window end setting  window start setting, the window end setting 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
is set to 0%.
Refresh-permitted period
Refresh-prohibited period

Figure 26.2 RPSS[1:0] and RPES[1:0] Bit Settings and the Refresh-Permitted Period

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.2.3 IWDT Status Register (IWDTSR)

Address(es): 0008 8034h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b13 to b0 CNTVAL[13:0] Down-Counter Value Value counted by the down-counter R
b14 UNDFF Underflow Flag 0: No underflow occurred R(/W)
1: Underflow occurred *1
b15 REFEF Refresh Error Flag 0: No refresh error occurred R(/W)
1: Refresh error occurred *1

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag.

IWDTSR is initialized by the reset source of the IWDT. IWDTSR is not initialized by other reset sources.

CNTVAL[13:0] Bits (Down-Counter Value)

Read these bits to confirm the value of the down-counter, but note that the read value may differ from the actual count by
a value of one count.

UNDFF Flag (Underflow Flag)

Read this bit can be read to confirm whether or not an underflow has occurred in the down-counter.
The value 1 indicates that the down-counter has underflowed. The value 0 indicates that the down-counter has not
Write 0 to the UNDFF flag to set the value to 0. Writing 1 has no effect.

REFEF Flag (Refresh Error Flag)

Read this bit to confirm whether or not a refresh error (performing a refresh operation during a refresh-prohibited
The value 1 indicates that a refresh error has occurred. The value 0 indicates that no refresh error has occurred.
Write 0 to the REFEF flag to set the value to 0. Writing 1 has no effect.

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.2.4 IWDT Reset Control Register (IWDTRCR)

Address(es): 0008 8036h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

RSTIR — — — — — — —
Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b6 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b7 RSTIRQS Reset Interrupt Request Selection 0: Non-maskable interrupt request output is enabled R/W
1: Reset output is enabled

There are some restrictions on writing to the IWDTRCR register. For details, refer to section 26.3.2, Control over
Writing to the IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR Registers.
In auto-start mode, the IWDTRCR register setting are disabled, and the settings in option function select register 0
(OFS0) enabled. The bit setting mode to the IWDTRCR register can also be made in option function select register 0. For
details, refer to section 26.3.8, Correspondence between Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0) and IWDT

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26.2.5 IWDT Count Stop Control Register (IWDTCSTPR)

Address(es): 0008 8038h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

SLCST — — — — — — —
Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b6 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b7 SLCSTP Sleep Mode Count Stop Control 0: Count stop is disabled R/W
1: Count is stopped at a transition to sleep mode, software
standby mode, or all-module clock stop mode

IWDTCSTPR controls whether to stop the IWDT down-counter at transitions to low power consumption modes. There
are some restrictions on writing to the IWDTCSTPR register. For details, refer to section 26.3.2, Control over Writing
to the IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR Registers.
In auto-start mode, the settings in the IWDTCSTPR register are ignored, and the settings in option function select
register 0 (OFS0) take effect. The bit setting mode to the IWDTCSTPR register can also be made in option function
select register 0 (OFS0). For details, refer to section 26.3.8, Correspondence between Option Function Select
Register 0 (OFS0) and IWDT Registers.

SLCSTP Bit (Sleep Mode Count Stop Control)

This bit selects whether to stop counting at a transition to sleep mode, software standby mode, or all-module clock stop

26.2.6 Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0)

For option function select register 0 (OFS0), refer to section 26.3.8, Correspondence between Option Function
Select Register 0 (OFS0) and IWDT Registers.

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.3 Operation

26.3.1 Count Operation in Each Start Mode

Select the IWDT start mode by setting the IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) in option function select
register 0.
When the OFS0.IWDTSTRT bit is 1 (register start mode), the IWDT control register (IWDTCR), IWDT reset control
register (IWDTRCR), and IWDT count stop control register (IWDTCSTPR) are enabled, and counting is started by
refreshing (writing) the IWDT refresh register (IWDTRR). When the OFS0.IWDTSTRT bit is 0 (auto-start mode), the
setting of option function select register 0 (OFS0) is enabled, and counting automatically starts after reset. Register Start Mode

When the IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) in option function select register 0 is 1, register start mode is
selected, and the IWDT control register (IWDTCR), IWDT reset control register (IWDTRCR), and IWDT count stop
control register (IWDTCSTPR) are enabled.
After canceling from the reset, set the clock division ratio, window start and end positions, and time-out period in the
IWDTCR register, the reset output or interrupt request output in the IWDTRCR register, and the down-counter stop
control at transitions to low power consumption modes in the IWDTCSTPR register. Then refresh the down-counter to
start counting down from the value selected by setting the time-out period selection (IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0]) bits.
There after, as long as the program continues normal operation and the counter is refreshed in the refresh-permitted
period, the value in the counter is re-set each time the counter is refreshed and counting down continues. The IWDT does
not output the reset signal as long as this continues. However, if the down-counter underflows because of the down-
counter cannot be refreshed due to a program runaway, or if a refresh error occurs because the counter was refreshed
outside the refresh-permitted period, the IWDT outputs a reset signal or a non-maskable interrupt request (WUNI).
Select reset output or interrupt request output by setting the reset interrupt request selection (IWDTRCR.RSTIRQS) bit.

Figure 26.3 shows an example of operation under the following conditions.

 The IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) is 1 (register start mode)
 The reset interrupt request select bit (IWDTRCR.RSTIRQS) is 1 (reset output is enabled)
 The window start position select bits (IWDTCR.RPSS[1:0]) are 10b (75%)
 The window end position select bits (IWDTCR.RPES[1:0]) are 10b (25%)

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

Counter value

75% period

50% permitted
25% Refresh-
0% period

RES# pin

Control register
(IWDTCR) (1) (2) (2) (2)

(1) Initial value

(2) Set value Writing to the Writing to the Writing to the
register is valid. register is invalid. register is invalid.
Refresh H
the counter
Active: High L

Counting starts Counting starts Counting starts

Underflow Refresh error
Refresh error

Status flag
Refresh error flag cleared
Active: High L

Underflow flag Status flag
Active: High L cleared

Interrupt request
Active: Low

Reset output H
from IWDT
Active: High

Figure 26.3 Operation Example in Register Start Mode

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa) Auto-Start Mode

When the IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) in option function select register 0 is 0, auto-start mode is
selected, and the IWDT control register (IWDTCR), IWDT reset control register (IWDTRCR), and IWDT count stop
control register (IWDTCSTPR) are disabled.
Within the reset state, the clock division ratio, window start and end positions, time-out period, reset output or interrupt
request output, and down-counter stop control at transitions to low power consumption modes should be specified in
option function select register 0 (OFS0). When the reset state is canceled, the down-counter automatically starts counting
down from the value selected by the IWDT time-out period select (OFS0.IWDTTOPS[1:0]) bits.
After that, as long as the program continues normal operation and the counter is refreshed in the refresh-permitted period,
the value in the counter is re-set when the counter is refreshed and counting down continues. The IWDT does not output
the reset signal as long as this continues. However, if the down-counter underflows because refreshing of the down-
counter is not possible due to the program having entered crashed execution or if a refresh error occurs due to refreshing
outside the refresh-permitted period, the IWDT outputs the reset signal or non-maskable interrupt request (WUNI). The
reset output or interrupt request output can be selected through the IWDT reset interrupt request select

Figure 26.4 shows an example of operation under the following conditions.

 The IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) is 0 (auto-start mode)
 The reset interrupt request select bit (OFS0.IWDTRSTIRQS) is 0 (non-maskable interrupt request output is
 The window start position select bits (OFS0.IWDTRPSS[1:0]) are 10b (75%)
 The window end position select bits (OFS0.IWDTRPES[1:0]) are 10b (25%)

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

Counter value

prohibited period

50% Refresh-
permitted period

prohibited period

RES# pin

Refresh H
the counter
Active: High L

Counting starts Counting starts Counting starts Counting starts

Refresh error Refresh error

Status flag
Refresh error flag H cleared
Active: High L

Underflow flag H Status flag

Active: High
L cleared

Interrupt request
Active: Low L

Reset output
from IWDT
Active: High L

Figure 26.4 Operation Example in Auto-Start Mode

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.3.2 Control over Writing to the IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR Registers
Writing to the IWDT control register (IWDTCR), IWDT reset control register (IWDTRCR), or IWDT count stop control
register (IWDTCSTPR) is only possible once between the release from the reset state and the first refresh operation.
After a refresh operation (counting starts) or IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, or IWDTCSTPR is written to, the protection signal
in the IWDT becomes 1 to protect IWDTCR, IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR against subsequent attempts at writing.
This protection is released by the reset source of the IWDT. With other reset sources, the protection is not released.
Figure 26.5 sows control waveforms produced in response to writing to the IWDTCR.

RES# pin

Peripheral clock (PCLK)

Data written to IWDTCR

register xxxxh 00F3h 3300h

IWDTCR register write

signal (internal signal) Writing disabled

IWDTCR register 33F3h (initial value) 00F3h 00F3h 33F3h (initial value)

protection signal
(internal signal) IWDTCR register is protected
(writing-disabled period)
Writing is possible

Figure 26.5 Control Waveforms Produced in Response to Writing to the IWDTCR

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.3.3 Refresh Operation

The down-counter is refreshed and starts operation (counting is started by refreshing) by writing the values 00h and then
FFh to the IWDT refresh register (IWDTRR). If a value other than FFh is written after 00h, the down-counter is not
refreshed. After such invalid writing, correct refreshing is performed by again writing 00h and then FFh to the IWDT
refresh register (IWDTRR).
When writing is done in the order of 00h (first time) → 00h (second time), and if FFh is written after that, the writing
order 00h → FFh is satisfied; writing 00h (n–1-th time) → 00h (n-th time) → FFh is valid and correct refreshing will be
done. Even when the first value written before 00h is not 00h, correct refreshing will be done if the operation contains the
set of writing 00h → FFh. Moreover, even if a register other than IWDTRR is accessed or IWDTRR is read between
writing 00h and writing FFh to IWDTRR, correct refreshing will be done.

[Sample sequences of writing that are valid for refreshing the counter]
 00h→FFh
 00h (n–1-th time) →00h (n-th time) →FFh
 00h→access to another register or read from IWDTRR→FFh

[Sample sequences of writing that are not valid for refreshing the counter]
 23h (a value other than 00h) →FFh
 00h→54h (a value other than FFh)
 00h→AAh (00h and a value other than FFh) →FFh

Even when 00h is written to IWDTRR outside the refresh-permitted period, if FFh is written to IWDTRR in the refresh-
permitted period, the writing sequence is valid and refreshing will be done.
After FFh is written to the IWDTRR register, refreshing the down-counter requires up to four cycles of the signal for
counting (the clock division ratio selection (the clock division ratio selection (IWDTCR.CKS[3:0]) bits determine how
many cycles of the IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK) make up one cycle for counting). Therefore, writing FFh to the
IWDTRR should be completed four-count cycles before the end position of the refresh-permitted period or a counter
underflow. The value of the down-counter can be checked by the counter bits (IWDTSR.CNTVAL[13:0]).

[Sample refreshing timings]

 When the window start position is set to 1FFFh, even if 00h is written to IWDTRR before 1FFFh is reached (2002h,
for example), refreshing is done if FFh is written to IWDTRR after the value of the IWDTSR.CNTVAL[13:0] bits
has reached 1FFFh.
 When the window end position is set to 1FFFh, refreshing is done if 2003h (four-count cycles before 1FFFh) or a
greater value is read from the IWDTSR.CNTVAL[13:0] bits immediately after writing 00h → FFh to IWDTRR.
 When the refresh-permitted period continues until count 0000h, refreshing can be done immediately before an
underflow. In this case, if 0003h (four-count cycles before an underflow) or a greater value is read from the
IWDTSR.CNTVAL[13:0] bits immediately after writing 00h → FFh to IWDTRR, no underflow occurs and
refreshing is done.

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

Figure 26.6 shows the IWDT refresh-operation waveforms when PCLK > IWDTCLK and clock division ratio =

Peripheral clock

clock (IWDTCLK)

Data written to
00h 54h 00h FFh
IWDTRR register

IWDTRR register write Valid

signal (internal signal)

IWDTRR register FFh 00h FFh 00h FFh

synchronization signal
Refresh signal
(after synchronization Refresh request

Counter value (n+2)h (n+1)h (n)h (n-1)h (n-2)h (n-3)h 3FFFh


Figure 26.6 IWDT Refresh Operation Waveforms (IWDTCR.CKS[3:0] = 0000b, IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0] = 11b)

26.3.4 Status Flags

The refresh error (IWDTSR.REFEF) and underflow (IWDTSR.UNDFF) flags retain the source of the reset signal output
from the IWDT or the source of the interrupt request from the IWDT.
Thus, after release from the reset state or interrupt request generation, read the IWDTSR.REFEF and IWDTSR.UNDFF
flags to check for the reset or interrupt source.
For each flag, writing 0 clears the bit and writing 1 has no effect.
Leaving the status flags unchanged does not affect operation. If the flags are not cleared, at the time of the next reset or
interrupt request from the IWDT, the earlier reset or interrupt source is cleared and the new reset or interrupt source is
After 0 is written to each flag, up to three IWDTCLK cycles and two PCLK cycles are required before the value is

26.3.5 Reset Output

When the reset interrupt request selection (IWDTRCR.RSTIRQS) bit is set to 1 in register start mode or when the IWDT
reset interrupt request select (OFS0.IWDTRSTIRQS) bit in option function select register 0 (OFS0) is set to 1 in auto-
start mode, a reset signal is output for one-count cycle when an underflow in the down-counter or a refresh error occurs.
In register start mode, the down-counter is initialized (all bits cleared to 0) and kept in that state after assertion of the
reset signal. After the reset is canceled and the program is restarted, the counter is set up again and counting down is
started by refreshing.
In auto-start mode, counting down automatically starts after the reset output.

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.3.6 Interrupt Source

When the reset interrupt selection (IWDTRCR.RSTIRQS) bit is set to 0 in register start mode or when the IWDT reset
interrupt request select (OFS0.IWDTRSTIRQS) bit in option function select register 0 (OFS0) is set to 0 in auto-start
mode, a non-maskable interrupt (WUNI) signal is output when an underflow in the down-counter or a refresh error

Table 26.4 IWDT Interrupt Source

Name Interrupt Source DTC Activation DMAC Activation
WUNI Down-counter underflow Not possible Not possible
Refresh error

26.3.7 Reading the Down-Counter Value

As the down-counter in IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK), the counter value cannot be read directly. The IWDT
synchronizes the counter value with the peripheral clock (PCLK) and stores it in the down-counter value
(IWDTSR.CNTVAL[13:0]) bits of the IWDT status register. Thus, the counter value can be checked indirectly through
the IWDTSR.CNTVAL[13:0] bits.
Reading the down-counter value requires multiple PCLK clock cycles (up to four clock cycles), and the read counter
value may differ from the actual down-counter value by a value of one count.
Figure 26.7 shows the processing for reading the IWDT down-counter value when PCLK > IWDTCLK and clock
division ratio = IWDTCLK.

Peripheral clock

clock (IWDTCLK)
(after synchronization with IWDTCLK)
Counter value (n+1)h (n)h (n-1)h (n-2)h (n-3)h 3FFFh 3FFEh

IWDTSR.CNTVAL (n+1)h (n)h (n-1)h (n-2)h (n-3)h 3FFFh

[13:0] read signal
(internal signal)

[13:0] read data xxxxh (n+1)h (n)h (n-2)h 3FFFh

Figure 26.7 Processing for Reading IWDT Down-Counter Value (IWDTCR.CKS[3:0] = 0000b,
IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0] = 11b)

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RX220 Group 26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)

26.3.8 Correspondence between Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0) and IWDT
Table 26.5 lists the correspondence between option function select register 0 (OFS0) and the IWDT registers (IWDT
control register (IWDTCR), IWDT reset control register (IWDTRCR), and IWDT count stop control register
(IWDTCSTPR)) regarding control of the down-counter, reset or interrupt request output, and count stop function.
Control can be switched between option function select register 0 (OFS0) and the IWDT registers (IWDTCR,
IWDTRCR, and IWDTCSTPR) through the setting of the IWDT start mode select bit (OFS0.IWDTSTRT) in option
function select register 0 (OFS0).
Note that option function select register 0 (OFS0) setting should be kept unchanged during IWDT operation.
For details on option function select register 0 (OFS0), see section 7.2.1, Option Function Select Register 0

Table 26.5 Correspondence between Option Function Select Register 0 (OFS0) and IWDT Registers
OFS0 Register IWDT Registers
(Effective in Auto-Start Mode) (Effective in Register Start Mode)
Target of Control Function OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 0 OFS0.IWDTSTRT = 1
Down-counter Time-out period selection OFS0.IWDTTOPS[1:0] IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0]
Clock frequency division ratio OFS0.IWDTCKS[3:0] IWDTCR.CKS[3:0]
Window start position selection OFS0.IWDTRPSS[1:0] IWDTCR.RPSS[1:0]
Window end position selection OFS0.IWDTRPES[1:0] IWDTCR.RPES[1:0]
Reset output or Reset output or interrupt request OFS0.IWDTRSTIRQS IWDTRCR.RSTIRQS
interrupt request output selection
Count stop Sleep mode count stop control OFS0.IWDTSLCSTP IWDTCSTPR.SLCSTP

26.4 Usage Notes

26.4.1 Refresh Operations

When making the settings to control the timing of refreshing, consider variations in the range of errors due to the
accuracy of the PCLK and IWDTCLK and set values which ensure that refreshing is possible.

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RX220 Group 27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf)

27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf)

The RX220 Group has five independent serial communications interface (SCI) channels. The SCI is configured as SCIe
module (SCI1 5, 6 and 9) and SCIf module (SCI12).
The SCIe (SCI1, 5, 6 and 9) can handle both asynchronous and clock synchronous serial communications.
Asynchronous serial data communications can be carried out with standard asynchronous communications chips such as
a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) or Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA).
As an extended function in asynchronous communications mode, the SCI also supports smart card (IC card) interfaces
conforming to ISO/IEC 7816-3 (standard for Identification Cards). Single-master operation as an simple I2C bus
interface and simple SPI interfaces are also supported.
As well as the functions of the SCIe module, the SCIf module (SCI12) supports an extended serial protocol with a
structure formed from Start Frames and Information Frames.

27.1 Overview
Table 27.1 lists the specifications of the SCIe module, Table 27.2 lists the specifications of the SCIf module, and Table
27.3 lists the specifications of the individual SCI channels.
Figure 27.1 is a block diagram depicting SCI1 and 9. Figure 27.2 is a block diagram depicting SCI5 and SCI6. Figure
27.3 is a block diagram depicting SCI12 (the SCIf module).

Table 27.1 Specifications of SCIe (1/2)

Item Description
Serial communications modes  Asynchronous operation
 Clock synchronous operation
 Smart card interface
 Simple I2C bus
 Simple SPI bus
Transfer speed Bit rate specifiable with on-chip baud rate generator.
Full-duplex communications Transmitter: Enables continuous transmission by double-buffering.
Receiver: Enables continuous reception by double-buffering.
I/O pins See Table 27.4 to Table 27.6
Data transfer Selectable as LSB-first or MSB-first transfer*1
Interrupt sources Transmit-end, transmit-data-empty, receive-data-full, and receive error
Completion of generation of a start condition, restart condition, or stop condition (for
simple I2C mode)
Low power consumption function Module stop state can be set for each channel.
Asynchronous mode Data length 7 or 8 bits
Transmission stop bit 1 or 2 bits
Parity Even, odd, or none
Receive error detection Parity, overrun, and framing errors
Hardware flow control CTSn and RTSn pins can be used in transfer control.
Start bit detection Low level or falling edge is selectable.
Break detection Break can be detected by reading RXDn pin level directly in case of a framing error
Clock source Selectable from internal or external clock
Enables transfer rate clock input from TMR (SCI5 and SCI6)
Multi-processor Serial communication among multiple processors
communications function
Noise cancellation The signal paths from input on the RXDn pins incorporate digital noise filters.
Clock synchronous Data length 8 bits
Receive error detection Overrun errors
Hardware flow control CTSn and RTSn pins can be used in transfer control.

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Table 27.1 Specifications of SCIe (2/2)

Item Description
Smart card interface Error processing An error signal can be automatically transmitted on detection of a parity error during
mode reception
Data can be automatically re-transmitted on receiving an error signal during
Data type Both direct convention and inverse convention are supported.
Simple I2C mode Transfer format I2C bus format (MSB-first transfer only)
Operating mode Master (single-master operation only)
Transfer rate Up to 384 kbps
Noise cancellation The signal paths from input on the SSCLn and SSDAn pins incorporate digital
noise filters, and the interval for noise cancellation is adjustable.
Simple SPI bus Data length Eight bits
Detection of errors Overrun errors
SS input pin function Applying the high level to the SS# pin can cause the output pins to enter the high-
impedance state.
Clock settings Four kinds of settings for clock phase and clock sense are selectable.
Event link function (SCI5 only) Error (receive error or error signal detection) event output
Receive data full event output
Transmit data empty event output
Transmit end event output
Note 1. In simple I2C mode, only MSB-first is available.

Table 27.2 Specifications of SCIf (1/2)

Item Description
Serial communications modes  Asynchronous operation
 Clock synchronous operation
 Smart card interface
 Simple I2C bus
 Simple SPI bus
Transfer speed Bit rate specifiable with on-chip baud rate generator.
Full-duplex communications Transmitter: Enables continuous transmission by double-buffering.
Receiver: Enables continuous reception by double-buffering.
Input/output pins See Table 27.4 to Table 27.7.
Data transfer Selectable as LSB-first or MSB-first transfer*1
Interrupt sources Transmit-end, transmit-data-empty, receive-data-full, and receive error
Completion of generation of a start condition, restart condition, or stop condition (for
simple I2C mode)
Power consumption reduction function Module stop state can be set.
Asynchronous mode Data length 7 or 8 bits
Transmission stop bit 1 or 2 bits
Parity Even, odd, or none
Receive error detection Parity, overrun, and framing errors
Hardware flow control CTSn and RTSn pins can be used in transfer control.
Start bit detection Low level or falling edge is selectable.
Break detection Break can be detected by reading RXDn pin level directly in case of a framing error
Clock source Selectable from internal or external clock
Enables transfer rate clock input from TMR
Multi-processor Serial communication among multiple processors
communications function
Noise cancellation The signal paths from input on the RXDn pins incorporate digital noise filters.

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Table 27.2 Specifications of SCIf (2/2)

Item Description
Clock synchronous Data length 8 bits
Receive error detection Overrun errors
Hardware flow control CTSn and RTSn pins can be used in transfer control.
Smart card interface Error processing An error signal can be automatically transmitted on detection of a parity error during
mode reception
Data can be automatically re-transmitted on receiving an error signal during
Data type Both direct convention and inverse convention are supported.
Simple I2C mode Transfer format I2C bus format (MSB-first transfer only)
Operating mode Master (single-master operation only)
Transfer rate Up to 384 kbps
Noise cancellation The signal paths from input on the SSCLn and SSDAn pins incorporate digital
noise filters, and the interval for noise cancellation is adjustable.
Simple SPI bus Data length 8 bits
Detection of errors Overrun errors
SS input pin function Applying the high level to the SS# pin can cause the output pins to enter the high-
impedance state.
Clock settings Four kinds of settings for clock phase and clock sense are selectable.
Extended serial mode Start Frame transmission  Output of a low level as the Break Field over a specified width and generation of
interrupts on completion
 Detection of bus collisions and the generation of interrupts on detection
Start Frame reception  Detection of the Break Field low width and generation of an interrupt on detection
 Comparison of Control Fields 0 and 1 and generation of an interrupt when the
two match
 Two kinds of data for comparison (primary and secondary) can be set in Control
Field 1.
 A priority interrupt bit can be set in Control Field 1.
 Handling of Start Frames that do not include a Break Field
 Handling of Start Frames that do not include a Control Field
 Function for measuring bit rates
I/O control function  Selectable polarity for TXDX12 and RXDX12 signals
 Selection of a digital filter for RXDX12
 Half-duplex operation employing RXDX12 and TXDX12 signals multiplexed on
the same pin
 Selectable timing for the sampling of data received through RXDX12
 Signals received on RXDX12 can be passed though to SCIe when the extended
serial mode control section is off.
Timer function  Usable as a reloading timer
Note 1. In simple I2C mode, only MSB-first is available.

Table 27.3 List of Functions of SCI Channels

Item SCI1 and 9 SCI5 SCI6 SCI12
Asynchronous mode ○ ○ ○ ○
Clock synchronous mode ○ ○ ○ ○
Smart card interface mode ○ ○ ○ ○
Simple I2C mode ○ ○ ○ ○
Simple SPI bus ○ ○ ○ ○
Extended serial mode — — — ○
TMR clock input — ○ ○ ○
Event link function — ○ — —

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Internal peripheral bus 2

Bus interface
Module data bus


SMR Baud rate
SSn# Parity error
occurrence SPMR
Transmission Clock
Parity check and reception
External clock


RSR: Receive shift register BRR: Bit rate register

RDR: Receive data register SEMR: Serial extended mode register
TSR: Transmit shift register SNFR: Noise filter setting register
TDR: Transmit data register SIMR1: I2C mode register 1
SMR: Serial mode register SIMR2: I2C mode register 2
SCR: Serial control register SIMR3: I2C mode register 3
SSR: Serial status register SISR: I2C status register
SCMR: Smart card mode register SPMR: SPI mode register

Figure 27.1 Block Diagram of SCI1 and 9

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Internal peripheral bus 2

Bus interface
Module data bus


SMR Baud rate
SSn# Parity error
occurrence SPMR
Transmission Clock
Parity check and reception Event output
control (SCI5 only)
External clock



RSR: Receive shift register BRR: Bit rate register

RDR: Receive data register SEMR: Serial extended mode register
TSR: Transmit shift register SNFR: Noise filter setting register
TDR: Transmit data register SIMR1: I2C mode register 1
SMR: Serial mode register SIMR2: I2C mode register 2
SCR: Serial control register SIMR3: I2C mode register 3
SSR: Serial status register SISR: I2C status register
SCMR: Smart card mode register SPMR: SPI mode register

Figure 27.2 Block Diagram of SCI5 and SCI6

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TMO0, 1

Extended serial mode

control section
Internal peripheral bus 2

SCIX0 interrupt signal SIOX12

Controller SCIX1 interrupt signal

SCIX2 interrupt signal
SCIX3 interrupt signal

Timer unit

SCIe-RXI interrupt signal

SCIe-TXI interrupt signal
SCIe-TEI interrupt signal
SCIe-ERI interrupt signal

Figure 27.3 Block Diagram of SCI12 (SCIf)

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Table 27.4 to Table 27.7 list the pin configuration of the SCIs for the individual modes.

Table 27.4 Input and Output Pins of the SCIs (Asynchronous/Clock Synchronous Modes)
Channel Pin Name I/O Function
SCI1 SCK1 I/O SCI1 clock input/output
RXD1 Input SCI1 receive data input
TXD1 Output SCI1 transmit data output
CTS1#/RTS1# I/O SCI1 transfer start control input/output
SCI5 SCK5 I/O SCI5 clock input/output
RXD5 Input SCI5 receive data input
TXD5 Output SCI5 transmit data output
CTS5#/RTS5# I/O SCI5 transfer start control input/output
SCI6 SCK6 I/O SCI6 clock input/output
RXD6 Input SCI6 receive data input
TXD6 Output SCI6 transmit data output
CTS6#/RTS6# I/O SCI6 transfer start control input/output
SCI9 SCK9 I/O SCI9 clock input/output
RXD9 Input SCI9 receive data input
TXD9 Output SCI9 transmit data output
CTS9#/RTS9# I/O SCI9 transfer start control input/output
SCI12 SCK12 I/O SCI12 clock input/output
RXD12 Input SCI12 receive data input
TXD12 Output SCI12 transmit data output
CTS12#/RTS12# I/O SCI12 transfer start control input/output

Table 27.5 Pin Configuration of SCI (Simple I2C Mode)

Channel Pin Name I/O Function
SCI1 SSCL1 I/O SCI1 I2C clock input/output
SSDA1 I/O SCI1 I2C data input/output
SCI5 SSCL5 I/O SCI5 I2C clock input/output
SSDA5 I/O SCI5 I2C data input/output
SCI6 SSCL6 I/O SCI6 I2C clock input/output
SSDA6 I/O SCI6 I2C data input/output
SCI9 SSCL9 I/O SCI9 I2C clock input/output
SSDA9 I/O SCI9 I2C data input/output
SCI12 SSCL12 I/O SCI12 I2C clock input/output
SSDA12 I/O SCI12 I2C data input/output

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Table 27.6 Pin Configuration of SCI (Simple SPI Mode)

Channel Pin Name I/O Function
SCI1 SCK1 I/O SCI1 clock input/output
SMISO1 I/O SCI1 slave transmit data input/output
SMOSI1 I/O SCI1 master transmit data input/output
SS1# Input SCI1 chip select input
SCI5 SCK5 I/O SCI5 clock input/output
SMISO5 I/O SCI5 slave transmit data input/output
SMOSI5 I/O SCI5 master transmit data input/output
SS5# Input SCI5 chip select input
SCI6 SCK6 I/O SCI6 clock input/output
SMISO6 I/O SCI6 slave transmit data input/output
SMOSI6 I/O SCI6 master transmit data input/output
SS6# Input SCI6 chip select input
SCI9 SCK9 I/O SCI9 clock input/output
SMISO9 I/O SCI9 slave transmit data input/output
SMOSI9 I/O SCI9 master transmit data input/output
SS9# Input SCI9 chip select input
SCI12 SCK12 I/O SCI12 clock input/output
SMISO12 I/O SCI12 slave transmit data input/output
SMOSI12 I/O SCI12 master transmit data input/output
SS12# Input SCI12 chip select input

Table 27.7 Pin Configuration of SCI (Extended Serial Mode)

Channel Pin Name I/O Function
SCI12 RXDX12 Input SCI12 receive data input
TXDX12 Output SCI12 transmit data output
SIOX12 I/O SCI12 transfer data input/output

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27.2 Register Descriptions

27.2.1 Receive Shift Register (RSR)

RSR is a shift register which is used to receive serial data input from the RXDn pin and converts it into parallel data.
When one frame of data has been received, it is transferred to RDR automatically.
RSR cannot be directly accessed by the CPU.

27.2.2 Receive Data Register (RDR)

Address(es): SCI1.RDR 0008 A025h, SCI5.RDR 0008 A0A5h, SCI6.RDR 0008 A0C5h, SCI9.RDR 0008 A125h,
SCI12.RDR 0008 B305h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RDR is an 8-bit register that stores receive data.

When the SCI has received one frame of serial data, it transfers the received serial data from RSR to RDR where it is
stored. This allows RSR to receive the next data.
Since RSR and RDR function as a double buffer in this way, continuous receive operations can be performed.
Read RDR only once after a receive data full interrupt (RXI) has occurred. Note that if next one frame of data is received
before reading receive data from RDR, an overrun error occurs.
RDR cannot be written to by the CPU.

27.2.3 Transmit Data Register (TDR)

Address(es): SCI1.TDR 0008 A023h, SCI5.TDR 0008 A0A3h, SCI6.TDR 0008 A0C3h, SCI9.TDR 0008 A123h,
SCI12.TDR 0008 B303h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

TDR is an 8-bit register that stores transmit data.

When the SCI detects that TSR is empty, it transfers the transmit data written in TDR to TSR and starts transmission.
The double-buffered structures of TDR and TSR enable continuous serial transmission. If the next transmit data has
already been written to TDR when one frame of data is transmitted, the SCI transfers the written data to TSR to continue
The CPU is able to read from or write to TDR at any time. Only write data for transmission to TDR once after each
instance of the transmit data empty interrupt (TXI).

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27.2.4 Transmit Shift Register (TSR)

TSR is a shift register that transmits serial data.
To perform serial data transmission, the SCI first automatically transfers transmit data from TDR to TSR, and then sends
the data to the TXDn pin.
TSR cannot be directly accessed by the CPU.

27.2.5 Serial Mode Register (SMR)

Note: • Some bits in SMR have different functions in serial communications interface mode and smart card interface

(1) Serial Communications Interface Mode (SMIF in SCMR = 0)

Address(es): SCI1.SMR 0008 A020h, SCI5.SMR 0008 A0A0h, SCI6.SMR 0008 A0C0h, SCI9.SMR 0008 A120h,
SCI12.SMR 0008 B300h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 CKS[1:0] Clock Select b1 b0 R/W*4
0 0: PCLK clock (n = 0)*1
0 1: PCLK/4 clock (n = 1)*1
1 0: PCLK/16 clock (n = 2)*1
1 1: PCLK/64 clock (n = 3)*1
b2 MP Multi-Processor Mode (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*4
0: Multi-processor communications function is disabled
1: Multi-processor communications function is enabled
b3 STOP Stop Bit Length (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*4
0: 1 stop bit
1: 2 stop bits
b4 PM Parity Mode (Valid only when the PE bit is 1 in asynchronous mode) R/W*4
0: Selects even parity
1: Selects odd parity
b5 PE Parity Enable (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*4
 When transmitting
0: Parity bit addition is not performed
1: The parity bit is added
 When receiving
0: Parity bit checking is not performed
1: The parity bit is checked
b6 CHR Character Length (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*4
0: Selects 8 bits as the data length*2
1: Selects 7 bits as the data length*3
b7 CM Communications Mode 0: Asynchronous mode R/W*4
1: Clock synchronous mode

Note 1. n is the decimal notation of the value of n in BRR (see section 27.2.9, Bit Rate Register (BRR)).
Note 2. In clock synchronous mode, this bit setting is invalid and a fixed data length of 8 bits is used.
Note 3. LSB-first is fixed and the MSB (bit 7) in TDR is not transmitted in transmission.
Note 4. Writable only when TE in SCR = 0 and RE in SCR = 0 (both serial transmission and reception are disabled).

CKS[1:0] Bits (Clock Select)

These bits select the clock source for the on-chip baud rate generator.
For the relation between the settings of these bits and the baud rate, see section 27.2.9, Bit Rate Register (BRR).

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MP Bit (Multi-Processor Mode)

Disables/enables the multi-processor communications function. The settings of the PE bit and PM bit are invalid in
multi-processor mode.

STOP Bit (Stop Bit Length)

Selects the stop bit length in transmission.
In reception, only the first stop bit is checked regardless of this bit setting. If the second stop bit is 0, it is treated as the
start bit of the next transmit frame.

PM Bit (Parity Mode)

Selects the parity mode (even or odd) for transmission and reception.
The setting of the PM bit is invalid in multi-processor mode.

PE Bit (Parity Enable)

When this bit is set to 1, the parity bit is added to transmit data, and the parity bit is checked in reception.
Irrespective of the setting of the PE bit, the parity bit is not added or checked in multi-processor format.

CHR Bit (Character Length)

Selects the data length for transmission and reception.
In clock synchronous mode, a fixed data length of 8 bits is used.

CM Bit (Communications Mode)

Selects asynchronous or clock synchronous mode.

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(2) Smart Card Interface Mode (SMIF in SCMR = 1)

Address(es): SCI1.SMR 0008 A020h, SCI5.SMR 0008 A0A0h, SCI6.SMR 0008 A0C0h, SCI9.SMR 0008 A120h,
SCI12.SMR 0008 B300h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

GM BLK PE PM BCP[1:0] CKS[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 CKS[1:0] Clock Select b1 b0 R/W*3
0 0: PCLK clock (n = 0)*1
0 1: PCLK/4 clock (n = 1)*1
1 0: PCLK/16 clock (n = 2)*1
1 1: PCLK/64 clock (n = 3)*1
b3, b2 BCP[1:0] Base Clock Pulse Selects the number of base clock cycles in combination with the BCP2 bit in R/W*3
Setting values in BCP2 bit in SCMR and BCP[1:0] bits in SMR:
BCP2 b3 b2
0 0 0: 93 clock cycles (S = 93)*2
0 0 1: 128 clock cycles (S = 128)*2
0 1 0: 186 clock cycles (S = 186)*2
0 1 1: 512 clock cycles (S = 512)*2
1 0 0: 32 clock cycles (S = 32)*2 (Initial value)
1 0 1: 64 clock cycles (S = 64)*2
1 1 0: 372 clock cycles (S = 372)*2
1 1 1: 256 clock cycles (S = 256)*2
b4 PM Parity Mode (Valid only when the PE bit is 1 in asynchronous mode) R/W*3
0: Selects even parity
1: Selects odd parity
b5 PE Parity Enable When this bit is set to 1, a parity bit is added to data for transmission, and R/W*3
the parity of received data is checked. Set this bit to 1 in smart card interface
b6 BLK Block Transfer Mode 0: Normal mode operation R/W*3
1: Block transfer mode operation
b7 GM GSM Mode 0: Normal mode operation R/W*3
1: GSM mode operation

Note 1. n is the decimal notation of the value of n in BRR (see section 27.2.9, Bit Rate Register (BRR)).
Note 2. S is the value of S in BRR (see section 27.2.9, Bit Rate Register (BRR)).
Note 3. Writable only when TE in SCR = 0 and RE in SCR = 0 (both serial transmission and reception are disabled).

CKS[1:0] Bits (Clock Select)

These bits select the clock source for the on-chip baud rate generator.
For the relationship between the settings of these bits and the baud rate, see section 27.2.9, Bit Rate Register (BRR).

BCP[1:0] Bits (Base Clock Pulse)

These bits select the number of base clock cycles in a 1-bit data transfer time in smart card interface mode.
Set these bits in combination with the BCP2 bit in SCMR.
For details, see section 27.6.4, Receive Data Sampling Timing and Reception Margin.

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PM Bit (Parity Mode)

Selects the parity mode for transmission and reception (even or odd).
For details on the usage of this bit in smart card interface mode, see section 27.6.2, Data Format (Except in Block
Transfer Mode).

PE Bit (Parity Enable)

Set the PE bit to 1.
The parity bit is added to transmit data before transmission, and the parity bit is checked in reception.

BLK Bit (Block Transfer Mode)

Setting this bit to 1 allows block transfer mode operation.
For details, see section 27.6.3, Block Transfer Mode.

GM Bit (GSM Mode)

Setting this bit to 1 allows GSM mode operation.
In GSM mode, the SSR.TEND flag set timing is put forward to 11.0 etu (elementary time unit = 1-bit transfer time) from
the start and the clock output control function is appended. For details, see section 27.6.6, Serial Data Transmission
(Except in Block Transfer Mode) and section 27.6.8, Clock Output Control.

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27.2.6 Serial Control Register (SCR)

Note: • Some bits in SCR have different functions in serial communications interface mode and smart card interface

(1) Serial Communications Interface Mode (SMIF in SCMR = 0)

Address(es): SCI1.SCR 0008 A022h, SCI5.SCR 0008 A0A2h, SCI6.SCR 0008 A0C2h, SCI9.SCR 0008 A122h,
SCI12.SCR 0008 B302h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 CKE[1:0] Clock Enable  For SCI1and 9 R/W*1
(Asynchronous mode)
b1 b0
0 0: On-chip baud rate generator
The SCKn pin is available for use as an I/O port in accord
with the I/O port settings.
0 1: On-chip baud rate generator
The clock with the same frequency as the bit rate is output
from the SCKn pin.
1 x: External clock
The clock with a frequency 16 times the bit rate should be
input from the SCKn pin. Input a clock signal with a
frequency eight times the bit rate when the SEMR.ABCS bit
is 1.

(Clock synchronous mode)

b1 b0
0 x: Internal clock
The SCKn pin functions as the clock output pin.
1 x: External clock
The SCKn pin functions as the clock input pin.
b1, b0 CKE[1:0] Clock Enable  For SCI5, SCI6 and SCI12 R/W*1
(Asynchronous mode)
b1 b0
0 0: On-chip baud rate generator
The SCKn pin is available for use as an I/O port in accord
with the I/O port settings.
0 1: On-chip baud rate generator
The clock with the same frequency as the bit rate is output
from the SCKn pin.
1 x: External clock or TMR clock
• When an external clock is used, the clock with a
frequency 16 times the bit rate should be input from the
SCKn pin. Input a clock signal with a frequency eight
times the bit rate when the SEMR.ABCS bit is 1.
• The TMR clock can be used.

(Clock synchronous mode)

b1 b0
0 x: Internal clock
The SCKn pin functions as the clock output pin.
1 x: External clock
The SCKn pin functions as the clock input pin.
b2 TEIE Transmit End Interrupt Enable 0: A TEI interrupt request is disabled R/W
1: A TEI interrupt request is enabled

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Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 MPIE Multi-Processor Interrupt Enable (Valid in asynchronous mode when SMR.MP = 1) R/W
0: Normal reception
1: When the data with the multi-processor bit set to 0 is received,
the data is not read, and setting the status flags ORER and
FER in SSR to 1 is disabled. When the data with the multi-
processor bit set to 1 is received, the MPIE bit is automatically
cleared to 0, and normal reception is resumed.
b4 RE Receive Enable 0: Serial reception is disabled R/W*2
1: Serial reception is enabled
b5 TE Transmit Enable 0: Serial transmission is disabled R/W*2
1: Serial transmission is enabled
b6 RIE Receive Interrupt Enable 0: RXI and ERI interrupt requests are disabled R/W
1: RXI and ERI interrupt requests are enabled
b7 TIE Transmit Interrupt Enable 0: A TXI interrupt request is disabled R/W
1: A TXI interrupt request is enabled
x: Don’t care
Note 1. Writable only when TE = 0 and RE = 0.
Note 2. A 1 can be written only when TE = 0 and RE = 0, while the SMR.CM bit is 1. After setting TE or RE to 1, only 0 can be written in
TE and RE. While the SMR.CM bit is 0 and the SIMR1.IICM bit is 0, writing is enabled under any condition.

CKE[1:0] Bits (Clock Enable)

These bits select the clock source and SCKn pin function.
The combination of the settings of these bits and of the SEMR.ACS0 bit sets the internal TMR clock.

TEIE Bit (Transmit End Interrupt Enable)

Enables or disables a TEI interrupt request.
A TEI interrupt request is disabled by clearing the TEIE bit to 0.
In simple I2C mode (when the IICM bit in SIMR1 is 1), the TEI is allocated to the interrupt on completion of issuing a
start, restart, or stop condition (STI). In this case, the TEIE bit can be used to enable or disable the STI.

MPIE Bit (Multi-Processor Interrupt Enable)

When this bit is set to 1 and the data with the multi-processor bit set to 0 is received, the data is not read and setting the
status flags ORER and FER in SSR to 1 is disabled. When the data with the multi-processor bit set to 1 is received, the
MPIE is automatically cleared to 0, and normal reception is resumed. For details, see section 27.4, Multi-Processor
Communications Function.
When the receive data includes the MPB bit is SSR set to 0, the receive data is not transferred from the RSR to the RDR,
a receive error is not detected, and setting the flags ORER and FER to 1 is disabled.
When the receive data includes the MPB bit set to 1, the MPB bit is set to 1, the MPIE bit is automatically cleared to 0,
the RXI and ERI interrupt requests are enabled (if the RIE bit in SCR is set to 1), and setting the flags ORER and FER to
1 is enabled.
MPIE should be set to 0 if multi-processor communications function is not to be used.

RE Bit (Receive Enable)

Enables or disables serial reception.
When this bit is set to 1, serial reception is started by detecting the start bit in asynchronous mode or the synchronous
clock input in clock synchronous mode. Note that SMR should be set prior to setting the RE bit to 1 in order to designate
the reception format.
Even if reception is halted by clearing the RE bit to 0, the ORER, FER, and PER flags in SSR are not affected and the
previous value is retained.

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TE Bit (Transmit Enable)

Enables or disables serial transmission.
When this bit is set to 1, serial transmission is started by writing transmit data to TDR. Note that SMR should be set prior
to setting the TE bit to 1 in order to designate the transmission format.

RIE Bit (Receive Interrupt Enable)

Enables or disables RXI and ERI interrupt requests.
An RXI interrupt request is disabled by clearing the RIE bit to 0.
An ERI interrupt request can be canceled by reading 1 from the ORER, FER, or PER flag in SSR and then clearing the
flag to 0, or clearing the RIE bit to 0.

TIE Bit (Transmit Interrupt Enable)

Enables or disables notification of a TXI interrupt request.
Notification of a TXI interrupt request is disabled by clearing the TIE bit to 0.

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(2) Smart Card Interface Mode (SMIF in SCMR = 1)

Address(es): SCI1.SCR 0008 A022h, SCI5.SCR 0008 A0A2h, SCI6.SCR 0008 A0C2h, SCI9.SCR 0008 A122h,
SCI12.SCR 0008 B302h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 CKE[1:0] Clock Enable  When GM in SMR = 0 R/W*1
b1 b0
0 0: Output disabled
(The SCKn pin is available for use as an I/O port in accord
with the I/O port settings.)
0 1: Clock output
1 x: (Setting prohibited)

 When GM in SMR = 1
b1 b0
0 0: Output fixed low
x 1: Clock output
1 0: Output fixed high
b2 TEIE Transmit End Interrupt Enable This bit should be 0 in smart card interface mode. R/W
b3 MPIE Multi-Processor Interrupt Enable This bit should be 0 in smart card interface mode. R/W
b4 RE Receive Enable 0: Serial reception is disabled R/W*2
1: Serial reception is enabled
b5 TE Transmit Enable 0: Serial transmission is disabled R/W*2
1: Serial transmission is enabled
b6 RIE Receive Interrupt Enable 0: RXI and ERI interrupt requests are disabled R/W
1: RXI and ERI interrupt requests are enabled
b7 TIE Transmit Interrupt Enable 0: A TXI interrupt request is disabled R/W
1: A TXI interrupt request is enabled

x: Don’t care
Note 1. Writable only when TE = 0 and RE = 0.
Note 2. A 1 can be written only when TE = 0 and RE = 0, while the SMR.CM bit is 1. After setting TE or RE to 1, only 0 can be written in
TE and RE. While the SMR.CM bit is 0, writing is enabled under any condition.

For details on interrupt requests, see section 27.11, Interrupt Sources.

CKE[1:0] Bits (Clock Enable)

These bits control the clock output from the SCKn pin.
In GSM mode, clock output can be dynamically switched. For details, see section 27.6.8, Clock Output Control.

TEIE Bit (Transmit End Interrupt Enable)

This bit should be 0 in smart card interface mode.

MPIE Bit (Multi-Processor Interrupt Enable)

This bit should be 0 in smart card interface mode.

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RE Bit (Receive Enable)

Enables or disables serial reception.
When this bit is set to 1, serial reception is started by detecting the start bit. Note that SMR should be set prior to setting
the RE bit to 1 in order to designate the reception format.
Even if reception is halted by clearing the RE bit to 0, the ORER, FER, and PER flags in SSR are not affected and the
previous value is retained.

TE Bit (Transmit Enable)

Enables or disables serial transmission.
When this bit is set to 1, serial transmission is started by writing transmit data to TDR. Note that SMR should be set prior
to setting the TE bit to 1 in order to designate the transmission format.

RIE Bit (Receive Interrupt Enable)

Enables or disables RXI and ERI interrupt requests.
An RXI interrupt request is disabled by clearing the RIE bit to 0.
An ERI interrupt request can be canceled by reading 1 from the ORER, FER, or PER flag in SSR and then clearing the
flag to 0, or clearing the RIE bit to 0.

TIE Bit (Transmit Interrupt Enable)

Enables or disables notification of a TXI interrupt request.
Notification of a TXI interrupt request is disabled by clearing the TIE bit to 0.

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27.2.7 Serial Status Register (SSR)

Note: • Some bits in SSR have different functions in serial communications interface mode and smart card interface

(1) Serial Communications Interface Mode (SMIF in SCMR = 0)

Address(es): SCI1.SSR 0008 A024h, SCI5.SSR 0008 A0A4h, SCI6.SSR 0008 A0C4h, SCI9.SSR 0008 A124h,
SCI12.SSR 0008 B304h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x 0 0 0 1 0 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 MPBT Multi-Processor Bit Transfer Sets the multi-processor bit for adding to the transmission frame R/W
0: Data transmission cycles
1: ID transmission cycles
b1 MPB Multi-Processor Value of the multi-processor bit in the reception frame R
0: Data transmission cycles
1: ID transmission cycles
b2 TEND Transmit End Flag 0: A character is being transmitted. R
1: Character transfer has been completed.
b3 PER Parity Error Flag 0: No parity error occurred R/(W)
1: A parity error has occurred *1
b4 FER Framing Error Flag 0: No framing error occurred R/(W)
1: A framing error has occurred *1
b5 ORER Overrun Error Flag 0: No overrun error occurred R/(W)
1: An overrun error has occurred *1
b7, b6 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit, to clear the flag.

MPBT Bit (Multi-Processor Bit Transfer)

Sets the value of the multi-processor bit for adding to the transmission frame.

MPB Bit (Multi-Processor)

Holds the value of the multi-processor bit in the reception frame. This bit does not change when the RE bit in SCR is 0.

TEND Flag (Transmission End Flag)

Indicates completion of transmission.
[Setting conditions]
 Clearing of the SCR.TE bit to 0 (disabling serial transmission operations)
When the SCR.TE bit is changed from 0 to 1, the TEND flag is not affected and retains the value 1.
 The TDR is not updated at the time of transmission of the tail-end bit of a character being transmitted
[Clearing condition]
 When data for transmission are written to the TDR while the SCR.TE is 1
When the TEND flag is cleared by writing transmit data to the TDR register, perform a dummy read of the SSR register
in the following order:

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(1) Write transmit data to the TDR register.

(2) Read the SSR register and write that value to a general register.
(3) Execute some operations using the read value.

PER Bit (Parity Error Flag)

Indicates that a parity error has occurred during reception in asynchronous mode and the reception ends abnormally.
[Setting condition]
 When a parity error is detected during reception
Although receive data when the parity error occurs is transferred to RDR, no RXI interrupt request occurs. Note that
when the PER flag is being set to 1, the subsequent receive data is not transferred to RDR.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to PER after reading PER = 1 (after writing 0 to it, read the PER bit to check that it has actually
been cleared to 0.)
Even when the RE bit in SCR is cleared to 0 (which indicates that serial reception is disabled), the PER flag is not
affected and retains its previous value.

FER Bit (Framing Error Flag)

Indicates that a framing error has occurred during reception in asynchronous mode and the reception ends abnormally.
[Setting condition]
 When the stop bit is 0
In 2-stop-bit mode, only the first stop bit is checked whether it is 1 but the second stop bit is not checked. Note that
although receive data when the framing error occurs is transferred to RDR, no RXI interrupt request occurs. In
addition, when the FER flag is being set to 1, the subsequent receive data is not transferred to RDR.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to FER after reading FER = 1 (after writing 0 to it, read the FER bit to check that it has actually
been cleared to 0.)
Even when the RE bit in SCR is cleared to 0, the FER flag is not affected and retains its previous value.

ORER Bit (Overrun Error Flag)

Indicates that an overrun error has occurred during reception and the reception ends abnormally.
[Setting condition]
 When the next data is received before receive data is read from RDR
In RDR, receive data prior to an overrun error occurrence is retained, but data received after the overrun error
occurrence is lost. When the ORER flag is set to 1, subsequent serial reception cannot be performed. Note that, in
clock synchronous mode, serial transmission also cannot continue.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to ORER after reading ORER = 1 (after writing a 0 to it, read the ORER bit to check that it has
actually been cleared to 0.)
Even when the RE bit in SCR is cleared to 0, the ORER flag is not affected and retains its previous value.

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(2) Smart Card Interface Mode (SMIF in SCMR = 1)

Address(es): SCI1.SSR 0008 A024h, SCI5.SSR 0008 A0A4h, SCI6.SSR 0008 A0C4h, SCI9.SSR 0008 A124h,
SCI12.SSR 0008 B304h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x x 0 0 0 1 0 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 MPBT Multi-Processor Bit Transfer This bit should be set to 0 in smart card interface mode. R/W
b1 MPB Multi-Processor This bit is not used in smart card interface mode. It should be set R
to 0.
b2 TEND Transmit End Flag 0: A character is being transmitted. R
1: Character transfer has been completed.
b3 PER Parity Error Flag 0: No parity error occurred R/(W)
1: A parity error has occurred *1
b4 ERS Error Signal Status Flag 0: Low error signal not responded R/(W)
1: Low error signal responded *1
b5 ORER Overrun Error Flag 0: No overrun error occurred R/(W)
1: An overrun error has occurred *1
b7, b6 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit, to clear the flag.

MPBT Bit (Multi-Processor Bit Transfer)

This bit should be set to 0 in smart card interface mode.

MPB Bit (Multi-Processor)

This bit is not used in smart card interface mode. It should be set to 0.

TEND Flag (Transmission End Flag)

With no error signal from the receiving side, this bit is set to 1 when further data for transfer is ready to be transferred to
the TDR register.
[Setting conditions]
 When SCR.TE bit = 0 (disabling serial transmission operations)
When the SCR.TE bit is changed from 0 to 1, the TEND flag is not affected and retains the value 1.
 When a specified period has elapsed after the latest transmission of one byte, the ERS flag is 0, and the TDR register
is not updated
The set timing is determined by register settings as listed below.
When SMR.GM = 0 and SMR.BLK = 0, 12.5 etu after the start of transmission
When SMR.GM = 0 and SMR.BLK = 1, 11.5 etu after the start of transmission
When SMR.GM = 1 and SMR.BLK = 0, 11.0 etu after the start of transmission
When SMR.GM = 1 and SMR.BLK = 1, 11.0 etu after the start of transmission
[Clearing condition]
 When data for transmission are written to the TDR while the SCR.TE is 1

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PER Flag (Parity Error Flag)

Indicates that a parity error has occurred during reception in asynchronous mode and the reception ends abnormally.
[Setting condition]
 When a parity error is detected during reception
Although receive data when the parity error occurs is transferred to RDR, no RXI interrupt request occurs. Note that
when the PER flag is being set to 1, the subsequent receive data is not transferred to RDR.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to PER after reading PER = 1 (After writing 0 to it, read the PER bit to check that it has actually
been cleared to 0.)
Even when the RE bit in SCR is cleared to 0 (which indicates that serial reception is disabled), the PER flag is not
affected and retains its previous value.

ERS Flag (Error Signal Status Flag)

[Setting condition]
 When a low error signal is sampled
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to ERS after reading ERS = 1

ORER Flag (Overrun Error Flag)

Indicates that an overrun error has occurred during reception and the reception ends abnormally.
[Setting condition]
 When the next data is received before receive data is read from RDR
In RDR, the receive data prior to an overrun error occurrence is retained, but data received following the overrun
error occurrence is lost. When the ORER flag is set to 1, subsequent serial reception cannot be performed.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written to ORER after reading ORER = 1 (After writing 0 to it, read the ORER bit to check that it has
actually been cleared to 0.)
Even when the RE bit in SCR is cleared to 0, the ORER flag is not affected and retains its previous value.

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27.2.8 Smart Card Mode Register (SCMR)

Address(es): SCI1.SCMR 0008 A026h, SCI5.SCMR 0008 A0A6h, SCI6.SCMR 0008 A0C6h, SCI9.SCMR 0008 A126h,
SCI12.SCMR 0008 B306h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SMIF Smart Card Interface Mode 0: Serial communications interface mode R/W*1
Select 1: Smart card interface mode
b1 — Reserved This bit is read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b2 SINV Transmitted/Received Data 0: TDR contents are transmitted as they are. Receive data is stored as R/W*1
Invert it is in RDR.
1: TDR contents are inverted before being transmitted. Receive data is
stored in inverted form in RDR.
b3 SDIR Transmitted/Received Data 0: Transfer with LSB-first R/W*1
Transfer Direction 1: Transfer with MSB-first
b6 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W
b7 BCP2 Base Clock Pulse 2 Selects the number of base clock cycles in combination with the R/W*1
SMR.BCP[1:0] bits.
Setting values in the SCMR.BCP2 bit
0 0 0: 93 clock cycles (S = 93)*2
0 0 1: 128 clock cycles (S = 128)*2
0 1 0: 186 clock cycles (S = 186)*2
0 1 1: 512 clock cycles (S = 512)*2
1 0 0: 32 clock cycles (S = 32)*2 (Initial Value)
1 0 1: 64 clock cycles (S = 64)*2
1 1 0: 372 clock cycles (S = 372)*2
1 1 1: 256 clock cycles (S = 256)*2

Note 1. Writable only when TE in SCR = 0 and RE in SCR = 0 (both serial transmission and reception are disabled).
Note 2. S is the value of S in BRR (see section 27.2.9, Bit Rate Register (BRR)).

SCMR selects smart card interface mode and its format.

SMIF Bit (Smart Card Interface Mode Select)

When this bit is set to 1, smart card interface mode is selected.
When this bit is set to 0, asynchronous or clock synchronous mode is selected.

SINV Bit (Transmitted/Received Data Invert)

Inverts the transmit/receive data logic level. This bit does not affect the logic level of the parity bit. To invert the parity
bit, invert the PM bit in SMR.

SDIR Bit (Transmitted/Received Data Transfer Direction)

Selects the serial/parallel conversion format.
This bit can be used in the following modes.
 Asynchronous mode
 Clock-synchronous mode
 Smart card interface mode
 Multiprocessor mode
 Simple SPI mode

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Set this bit to 1 if operation is to be in simple I2C mode.

BCP2 Bit (Base Clock Pulse 2)

Selects the number of base clock cycles in a 1-bit data transfer time in smart card interface mode. Set this bit in
combination with the SMR.BCP[1:0] bits.

27.2.9 Bit Rate Register (BRR)

Address(es): SCI1.BRR 0008 A021h, SCI5.BRR 0008 A0A1h, SCI6.BRR 0008 A0C1h, SCI9.BRR 0008 A121h,
SCI12.BRR 0008 B301h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

BRR is an 8-bit register that adjusts the bit rate.

As each SCI channel has independent baud-rate generator control, different bit rates can be set for each. Table 27.8
shows the relationships between the setting (N) in the BRR and the bit rate (B) for normal asynchronous mode, multi-
processor transfer, clock synchronous mode, smart card interface mode, simple SPI mode, and simple I2C mode.
The initial value of BRR is FFh.
BRR can be read from by the CPU at all times, but it can be written to only when the TE and RE bits in SCR are 0.

Table 27.8 Relationships between N Setting in BRR and Bit Rate B

Mode ABCS Bit in SEMR BRR Setting Error

PCLK  106 PCLK  106

0 N= –1 Error (%) = { –1 }  100
Asynchronous, 64  22n-1  B B  64  22n-1  (N+1)
transfer PCLK  106 PCLK  106
1 N= –1 Error (%) = { –1 }  100
32  22n-1  B B  32  22n-1  (N+1)

PCLK  106
Clock synchronous, simple SPI N= –1
8  22n-1  B

PCLK  106 PCLK  106

Smart card interface N= –1 Error (%) = { –1 }  100
S  22n+1  B B  S  22n+1  (N+1)

PCLK  106
Simple I2C *1 N= –1
64  22n-1  B

B: Bit rate (bps)

N: BRR setting for baud rate generator (0  N 255)
PCLK: Operating frequency (MHz)
n and S: Determined by the SMR setting listed in the following table.
Note 1. Adjust the bit rate so that the widths at high and low level of the SCL output in simple I2C mode satisfy the I2C standard.

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Table 27.9 Calculating Widths at High and Low Level for SCL
Mode SCL Formula (Result in Seconds)
I2C Width at high level 1
(minimum value) (N+1) × 4 × 22n-1 × 7 ×
PCLK × 106
Width at low level 1
(minimum value) (N+1) × 4 × 22n-1 × 8 ×
PCLK × 106

Table 27.10 Clock Source Settings

SMR Setting
CKS[1:0] Bits Clock Source n
00 PCLK clock 0
01 PCLK/4 clock 1
10 PCLK/16 clock 2
11 PCLK/64 clock 3

Table 27.11 Base Clock Settings in Smart Card Interface Mode

SCMR Setting SMR Setting
Base Clock Cycles for
BCP2 Bit BCP[1:0] Bits One-bit Period S
0 00 93 clock cycles 93
0 01 128 clock cycles 128
0 10 186 clock cycles 186
0 11 512 clock cycles 512
1 00 32 clock cycles 32
1 01 64 clock cycles 64
1 10 372 clock cycles 372
1 11 256 clock cycles 256

Table 27.12 lists sample N settings in BRR in normal asynchronous mode. Table 27.13 lists the maximum bit rate
settable for each operating frequency. Examples of BRR (N) settings in clock synchronous mode and simple SPI mode
are listed in Table 27.15. Examples of BRR (N) settings in smart card interface mode are listed in Table 27.17.
Examples of BRR (N) settings in simple I2C mode are listed in Table 27.19. In smart card interface mode, the number of
base clock cycles S in a 1-bit data transfer time can be selected. For details, see section 27.6.4, Receive Data
Sampling Timing and Reception Margin. Table 27.14 and Table 27.16 list the maximum bit rates with external
clock input.
When the asynchronous mode base clock select bit (ABCS) in the serial extended mode register (SEMR) is set to 1 in
asynchronous mode, the bit rate is two times that of listed in Table 27.12.

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Table 27.12 Examples of BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Asynchronous Mode)
Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)
8 9.8304 10 12 12.288
Bit Rate
(bps) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%)
110 2 141 0.03 2 174 –0.26 2 177 –0.25 2 212 0.03 2 217 0.08
150 2 103 0.16 2 127 0.00 2 129 0.16 2 155 0.16 2 159 0.00
300 1 207 0.16 1 255 0.00 2 64 0.16 2 77 0.16 2 79 0.00
600 1 103 0.16 1 127 0.00 1 129 0.16 1 155 0.16 1 159 0.00
1200 0 207 0.16 0 255 0.00 1 64 0.16 1 77 0.16 1 79 0.00
2400 0 103 0.16 0 127 0.00 0 129 0.16 0 155 0.16 0 159 0.00
4800 0 51 0.16 0 63 0.00 0 64 0.16 0 77 0.16 0 79 0.00
9600 0 25 0.16 0 31 0.00 0 32 –1.36 0 38 0.16 0 39 0.00
19200 0 12 0.16 0 15 0.00 0 15 1.73 0 19 –2.34 0 19 0.00
31250 0 7 0.00 0 9 –1.70 0 9 0.00 0 11 0.00 0 11 2.40
38400 — — — 0 7 0.00 0 7 1.73 0 9 –2.34 0 9 0.00

Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)

14 16 17.2032 18 19.6608
Bit Rate
(bps) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%)
110 2 248 –0.17 3 70 0.03 3 75 0.48 3 79 –0.12 3 86 0.31
150 2 181 0.16 2 207 0.16 2 223 0.00 2 233 0.16 2 255 0.00
300 2 90 0.16 2 103 0.16 2 111 0.00 2 116 0.16 2 127 0.00
600 1 181 0.16 1 207 0.16 1 223 0.00 1 233 0.16 1 255 0.00
1200 1 90 0.16 1 103 0.16 1 111 0.00 1 116 0.16 1 127 0.00
2400 0 181 0.16 0 207 0.16 0 223 0.00 0 233 0.16 0 255 0.00
4800 0 90 0.16 0 103 0.16 0 111 0.00 0 116 0.16 0 127 0.00
9600 0 45 –0.93 0 51 0.16 0 55 0.00 0 58 –0.69 0 63 0.00
19200 0 22 –0.93 0 25 0.16 0 27 0.00 0 28 1.02 0 31 0.00
31250 0 13 0.00 0 15 0.00 0 16 1.20 0 17 0.00 0 19 –1.70
38400 — — — 0 12 0.16 0 13 0.00 0 14 –2.34 0 15 0.00

Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)

20 25
Bit Rate
(bps) n N Error (%) n N Error (%)
110 3 88 –0.25 3 110 –0.02
150 3 64 0.16 3 80 0.47
300 2 129 0.16 2 162 –0.15
600 2 64 0.16 2 80 0.47
1200 1 129 0.16 1 162 –0.15
2400 1 64 0.16 1 80 0.47
4800 0 129 0.16 0 162 –0.15
9600 0 64 0.16 0 80 0.47
19200 0 32 –1.36 0 40 –0.76
31250 0 19 0.00 0 24 0.00
38400 0 15 1.73 0 19 1.73

Note: • This is an example when the ABCS bit in SEMR is 0.

When the ABCS bit is set to 1, the bit rate is two times.

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Table 27.13 Maximum Bit Rate for Each Operating Frequency (Asynchronous Mode)
PCLK (MHz) Maximum Bit Rate (bps) n N
8 250000 0 0
9.8304 307200 0 0
10 312500 0 0
12 375000 0 0
12.288 384000 0 0
14 437500 0 0
16 500000 0 0
17.2032 537600 0 0
18 562500 0 0
19.6608 614400 0 0
20 625000 0 0
25 781250 0 0

Note: • When the ABCS bit in SEMR is set to 1, the bit rate is two times.

Table 27.14 Maximum Bit Rate with External Clock Input (Asynchronous Mode)
Maximum Bit Rate (bps)
PCLK (MHz) External Input Clock (MHz) SEMR.ABCS Bit = 0 SEMR.ABCS Bit = 1
8 2.0000 125000 250000
9.8304 2.4576 153600 307200
10 2.5000 156250 312500
12 3.0000 187500 375000
12.288 3.0720 192000 384000
14 3.5000 218750 437500
16 4.0000 250000 500000
17.2032 4.3008 268800 537600
18 4.5000 281250 562500
19.6608 4.9152 307200 614400
20 5.0000 312500 625000
25 6.2500 390625 781250

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Table 27.15 BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Clock Synchronous Mode, Simple SPI Bus Mode)
Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)
8 10 16 20 25
Bit Rate (bps) n N n N n N n N n N
250 3 124 — — 3 249
500 2 249 — — 3 124 — —
1k 2 124 — — 2 249 — — 3 97
2.5 k 1 199 1 249 2 99 2 124 2 155
5k 1 99 1 124 1 199 1 249 2 77
10 k 0 199 0 249 1 99 1 124 1 155
25 k 0 79 0 99 0 159 0 199 0 249
50 k 0 39 0 49 0 79 0 99 0 124
100 k 0 19 0 24 0 39 0 49 0 62
250 k 0 7 0 9 0 15 0 19 0 24
500 k 0 3 0 4 0 7 0 9 — —
1M 0 1 0 3 0 4 — —
2M 0 0*1 — — 0 1 — — — —
2.5 M 0 0*1 0 1 — —
4M 0 0*1 — — — —
5M 0 0*1 — —
6.25 M 0 0*1
7.5 M

Space: Setting prohibited.

—: Can be set, but there will be error.
Note 1. The bit rate can be set only when the serial transfer clock is output, but continuous transmission or reception is impossible. After
transmitting/receiving one frame of data, there is an interval of a 1-bit period before starting transmitting/receiving the next frame
of data. The output of the serial transfer clock is stopped for a 1-bit period. For this reason, it takes 9 bits worth of time to transfer
one frame (8 bits) of data, and the average transfer rate is 8/9 times the bit rate.

Table 27.16 Maximum Bit Rate with External Clock Input (Clock Synchronous Mode, Simple SPI Mode)
PCLK (MHz) External Input Clock (MHz) Maximum Bit Rate (bps)
8 1.3333 1333333.3
10 1.6667 1666666.7
12 2.0000 2000000.0
14 2.3333 2333333.3
16 2.6667 2666666.7
18 3.0000 3000000.0
20 3.3333 3333333.3
25 4.1667 4166666.7

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Table 27.17 BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Smart Card Interface Mode, n = 0, S = 372)
Bit Rate (bps) PCLK (MHz) n N Error (%)
9600 7.1424 0 0 0.00
10.00 0 1 30
10.7136 0 1 25
13.00 0 1 8.99
14.2848 0 1 0.00
16.00 0 1 12.01
18.00 0 2 15.99
20.00 0 2 6.66
25.00 0 3 12.49

Table 27.18 Maximum Bit Rate for Each Operating Frequency (Smart Card Interface Mode, S = 372)
PCLK (MHz) Maximum Bit Rate (bps) n N
10.00 13441 0 0
10.7136 14400 0 0
13.00 17473 0 0
16.00 21505 0 0
18.00 24194 0 0
20.00 26882 0 0
25.00 33602 0 0

Table 27.19 BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Simple I2C Mode)
Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)
8 10 16 20 25
Bit Rate
(bps) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%) n N Error (%)
10 k 0 24 0.0 0 31 –2.3 1 12 –3.8 1 15 –2.3 1 19 –2.3
25 k 0 9 0.0 0 12 –3.8 1 4 0.0 1 6 –10.7 1 7 –2.3
50 k 0 4 0.0 0 6 –10.7 1 2 –16.7 1 3 –21.9 1 3 –2.3
100 k 0 2 –16.7 0 3 –21.9 0 4 0.0 0 6 –10.7 1 1 –2.3
250 k 0 0 0.0 0 1 –37.5 0 1 0.0 0 2 –16.7 0 3 –21.9
350 k 0 1 –10.7 0 2 –25.6

Table 27.20 Minimum Widths at High and Low Level for SCL at Various Bit Rates (Simple I2C Mode)
Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)
8 10 16 20
Min. Widths at
High/Low Level High/Low High/Low High/Low High/Low
for SCL (μs) n N Width n N Width n N Width n N Width
10 k 0 24 43.75/50.00 0 31 44.80/51.20 1 12 45.5/52.00 1 15 44.80/51.20
25 k 0 9 17.50/20.00 0 12 18.2/20.80 1 4 17.50/20.00 1 6 19.60/22.40
50 k 0 4 8.75/10.00 0 6 9.80/11.20 1 2 10.50/12.00 1 3 11.20/12.80
100 k 0 2 5.25/6.00 0 3 5.60/6.40 0 4 4.37/5.00 0 6 4.90/5.60
250 k 0 0 1.75/2.00 0 1 2.80/3.20 0 1 1.75/2.00 0 2 2.10/2.40
350 k 0 1 1.40/1.60

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Operating Frequency
Min. Widths at
High/Low Level High/Low
for SCL (μs) n N Width
10 k 1 19 44.80/51.20
25 k 1 7 17.92/20.48
50 k 1 3 8.96/10.24
100 k 1 1 4.48/5.12
250 k 0 3 2.24/2.56
350 k 0 2 1.68/1.92

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RX220 Group 27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf)

27.2.10 Serial Extended Mode Register (SEMR)

Address(es): SCI1.SEMR 0008 A027h, SCI5.SEMR 0008 A0A7h, SCI6.SEMR 0008 A0C7h, SCI9.SEMR 0008 A127h,
SCI12.SEMR 0008 B307h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 ACS0 Asynchronous Mode (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*1
Clock Source Select 0: External clock input
1: TMR clock input (valid only for SCI5, SCI6, and SCI12)
The following table lists the correspondence between SCI channels and
compare match outputs

SCI TMR Compare Match Output

SCI5 Unit 0 TMO0, TMO1
SCI6 Unit 1 TMO2, TMO3
SCI12 Unit 0 TMO0, TMO1

b3 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 ABCS Asynchronous Mode (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*1
Base Clock Select 0: Selects 16 base clock cycles for 1-bit period
1: Selects 8 base clock cycles for 1-bit period
b5 NFEN Digital Noise Filter (In asynchronous mode) R/W*1
Function Enable 0: Noise cancellation function for the RXDn input signal is disabled.
1: Noise cancellation function for the RXDn input signal is enabled.
(in simple I2C mode)
0: Noise cancellation function for the SSCLn and SSDAn input signals is
1: Noise cancellation function for the SSCLn and SSDAn input signals is
The NFEN bit should be 0 in any mode other than above.
b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 RXDESE Asynchronous Start Bit (Valid only in asynchronous mode) R/W*1
L Edge Detection Select 0: The low level on the RXDn pin is detected as the start bit.
1: A falling edge on the RXDn pin is detected as the start bit.

Note 1. Writable only when TE in SCR = 0 and RE in SCR = 0 (both serial transmission and reception are disabled).

SEMR selects the clock source for 1-bit period in asynchronous mode.
For SCI5, SCI6, and SCI12, the TMOn output (n = 0 to 3) of TMR units 0 and 1 can be set as the serial transfer base
Figure 27.4 shows a setting example when the TMOn output of TMRn (n = 0 to 3) is selected.

ACS0 Bit (Asynchronous Mode Clock Source Select)

Selects the clock source in the asynchronous mode.
The ACS0 bit is valid in asynchronous mode (CM bit in SMR = 0) and when an external clock input is selected
(CKE[1:0] bits in SCR = 10b or 11b). An external clock input or internal TMR clock input can be selected.
Clear the ACS0 bit to 0 in other than asynchronous mode.
These bits for the other SCI channels than SCI5, SCI6, and SCI12 are reserved. The write values to these bits for other
than SCI5, SCI6, and SCI12 should always be 0.

ABCS Bit (Asynchronous Mode Base Clock Select)

Selects the number of base clock pulses for 1-bit period.

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NFEN Bit (Digital Noise Filter Function Enable)

This bit enables or disables the digital noise filter function.
When the function is enabled, noise cancellation is applied to the RXDn input signal in asynchronous mode, and noise
cancellation is applied to the SSDAn and SSCLn input signals in simple I2C mode.
In any mode other than above, set the NFEN bit to 0 to disable the digital noise filter function.
When the function is disabled, input signals are transferred as is, as internal signals.

TMR (unit 0) SCI5

This figure shows an example when TMR clock is input to SCI 5. Base clock
When generating 187.5 kbps of TMR average transfer rate for PCLK = 32 MHz: TMO0
(1) Generate a frequency of 4 MHz using TMO0 as the base clock. TMO1
(2) Set TMO1 in the compare match count of TCNT in TMR0 and generate 3/4 clock enable to set an Clock enable
average transfer rate of 3 MHz/16 = 187.5 kbps.

Setting examples of TMR and SCI

TMR0.TCR = 08h (TMR0.TCNT is cleared at compare match in TMR0.TCORA, the count is incremented at rising edge of PCLK/2)
TMR0.TCCR = 09h
TMR1.TCR = 08h (TMR1.TCNT is cleared at compare match in TMR1.TCORA, the count is incremented at compare match A in TMR0.TCNT)
TMR1.TCCR = 18h
TMR0.TCSR = 09h (Low is output at compare match in TMR0.TCORA, High is output at compare match in TMR0.TCORB)
TMR1.TCSR = 09h (Low is output at compare match in TMR1.TCORA, High is output at compare match in TMR1.TCORB)
TMR0.TCORA = 03h, TMR0.TCORB = 01h
TMR1.TCORA = 03h, TMR1.TCORB = 00h
SCI5.SEMR = 01h

When using SCI6, set TMO2 as the base clock and TMO3 as clock enable.

Base clock 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
TMO0 output
4 MHz

Clock enable
TMO1 output
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
internal base clock 4 MHz
= 4 MHz x 3/4 3 MHz
= 3 MHz (average)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5

1 bit = Base clock x 16

Average transfer rate = 3 MHz/16 = 187.5 kbps

Figure 27.4 Example of Average Transfer Rate Setting when TMR Clock is Input

RXDESEL Bit (Asynchronous Start Bit Edge Detection Select)

This bit selects the method to detect a start bit during receive operation in asynchronous mode. Operation in a break
differs depending on the setting of this bit. Set this bit to 1 to stop receive operation during a break, or to start reception
without holding the RXDn pin input at high for one frame period or more after a break ends.
Set this bit to 0 in a mode other than asynchronous mode.

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27.2.11 Noise Filter Setting Register (SNFR)

Address(es): SCI1.SNFR 0008 A028h, SCI5.SNFR 0008 A0A8h, SCI6.SNFR 0008 A0C8h, SCI9.SNFR 0008 A128h,
SCI12.SNFR 0008 B308h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — NFCS[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 NFCS[2:0] Noise Filter Clock Select In asynchronous mode, the standard setting for the base clock is as R/W*1
b2 b0
0 0 0: The clock signal divided by 1 is used with the noise filter.

In simple I2C mode, the standard settings for the clock source
selected for the on-chip baud rate generator are given below.
b2 b0
0 0 1: The clock signal divided by 1 is used with the noise filter.
0 1 0: The clock signal divided by 2 is used with the noise filter.
0 1 1: The clock signal divided by 4 is used with the noise filter.
1 0 0: The clock signal divided by 8 is used with the noise filter.

Settings other than above are prohibited.

b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Writing to these bits is only possible when the RE and TE bits in the SCR are 0 (disabling reception and transmission).

NFCS[2:0] Bits (Noise Filter Clock Select)

These bits select the sampling clock for the digital noise filter. To use the noise filter in asynchronous mode, set these bits
to 000b. In simple I2C mode, set the bits to a value in the range from 001b to 100b.

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27.2.12 I2C Mode Register 1 (SIMR1)

Address(es): SCI1.SIMR1 0008 A029h, SCI5.SIMR1 0008 A0A9h, SCI6.SIMR1 0008 A0C9h, SCI9.SIMR1 0008 A129h,
SCI12.SIMR1 0008 B309h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

IICDL[4:0] — — IICM

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IICM Simple I2C Mode Select SMIF IICM R/W*1
0 0: Serial interface mode
(in asynchronous, synchronous, or simple SPI mode)
0 1: Simple I2C mode
1 0: Smart card interface mode
1 1: Setting prohibited.
b2, b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 to b3 IICDL[4:0] SSDA Delay Output Select (Cycles below are of the clock signal from the on-chip baud rate R/W*1
b7 b3
0 00 0 0: No output delay
0 00 0 1: 0 to 1 cycle
0 00 1 0: 1 to 2 cycles
0 00 1 1: 2 to 3 cycles
0 10 0 0: 3 to 4 cycles
0 10 0 1: 4 to 5 cycles
: :
1 1 1 1 0: 29 to 30 cycles
1 1 1 1 1: 30 to 31 cycles

Note 1. Writing to these bits is only possible when the RE and TE bits in the SCR are 0 (disabling reception and transmission).

SIMR1 is used to select simple I2C mode and the number of delay stages for the SSDA output.

IICM Bit (Simple I2C Mode Select)

In conjunction with the SMIF bit in SCMR, this bit selects the operating mode.

IICDL[4:0] Bits (SSDA Output Delay Select)

These bits are used to set a delay for output on the SSDAn pin relative to the falling edge of the output on the SSCLn pin.
The available delay settings range from no delay to 31 cycles, with the clock signal from the on-chip baud rate generator
as the base. The signal obtained by frequency-dividing PCLK by the divisor set in SMR.CKS[1:0] is supplied as the
clock signal from the on-chip baud rate generator. Set these bits to 00000b unless operation is in simple I2C mode. In
simple I2C mode, set the bits to a value in the range from 00001b to 11111b.

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27.2.13 I2C Mode Register 2 (SIMR2)

Address(es): SCI1.SIMR2 0008 A02Ah, SCI5.SIMR2 0008 A0AAh, SCI6.SIMR2 0008 A0CAh, SCI9.SIMR2 0008 A12Ah,
SCI12.SIMR2 0008 B30Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IICINTM I2C Interrupt Mode Select 0: Use ACK/NACK interrupts. R/W*1
1: Use reception and transmission interrupts.
b1 IICCSC Clock Synchronization 0: No synchronization with the clock signal R/W*1
1: Synchronization with the clock signal
b4 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 IICACKT ACK Transmission Data 0: ACK transmission R/W
1: NACK transmission and reception of ACK/NACK
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Writing to these bits is only possible when the RE and TE bits in the SCR are 0 (disabling serial reception and transmission).

SIMR2 is used to select how reception and transmission are controlled in simple I2C mode.

IICINTM Bit (I2C Interrupt Mode Select)

This bit selects the sources of interrupt requests in simple I2C mode.

IICCSC Bit (Clock Synchronization)

Set the IICCSC bit to 1 if the internally generated SSCLn clock signal is to be synchronized when the SSCLn bit has
been placed at the low level in the case of a wait inserted by the other device, etc.
The SSCLn clock signal is not synchronized if the IICCSC bit is 0. The SSCLn clock signal is generated in accord with
the rate selected in the BRR regardless of the level being input on the SSCLn pin.
Set the IICCSC bit to 1 except during debugging.

IICACKT Bit (ACK Transmission Data)

Transmitted data contains ACK bits. Set this bit to 1 when ACK and NACK bits are received.

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27.2.14 I2C Mode Register 3 (SIMR3)

Address(es): SCI1.SIMR3 0008 A02Bh, SCI5.SIMR3 0008 A0ABh, SCI6.SIMR3 0008 A0CBh, SCI9.SIMR3 0008 A12Bh,
SCI12.SIMR3 0008 B30Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IICSTAREQ Start Condition Generation 0: A start condition is not generated. R/W
1: A start condition is generated.*1,*3,*4
b1 IICRSTAREQ Restart Condition Generation 0: A restart condition is not generated. R/W
1: A restart condition is generated.*2,*3,*4
b2 IICSTPREQ Stop Condition Generation 0: A stop condition is not generated. R/W
1: A stop condition is generated.*2,*3,*4
b3 IICSTIF Issuing of Start, Restart, or Stop 0: There are no requests for generating conditions or a R/W
Condition Completed Flag condition is being generated.
1: All request generation has been completed.
b5, b4 IICSDAS[1:0] SSDA Output Select b5 b4 R/W
0 0: Serial data output
0 1: Generate a start, restart, or stop condition.
1 0: Output the low level on the SSDA pin.
1 1: Place the SSDA pin in the high-impedance state.
b7, b6 IICSCLS[1:0] SSCL Output Select b7 b6 R/W
0 0: Serial clock output
0 1: Generate a start, restart, or stop condition.
1 0: Output the low level on the SSCL pin.
1 1: Place the SSCL pin in the high-impedance state.

Note 1. Only generate a start condition after checking the bus state and confirming that it is free.
Note 2. Generate a restart or stop condition after checking the bus state and confirming that it is busy.
Note 3. Do not set more than one from among the IICSTAREQ, IICRSTAREQ, and IICSTPREQ bits to 1 at a given time.
Note 4. Execute the generation of a condition after the value of the IICSTIF flag is 0.

SIMR3 is used to control the simple I2C mode start and stop conditions, and to hold the SSDAn and SSCLn pins at fixed

IICSTAREQ Bit (Start Condition Generation)

When a start condition is to be generated, set both the IICSDAS[1:0] and IICSCLS[1:0] bits to 01b as well as setting the
IICSTAREQ bit to 1.
[Setting condition]
 Writing 1 to the bit
[Clearing condition]
 Completion of generation of the start condition

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IICRSTAREQ Bit (Restart Condition Generation)

When a restart condition is to be generated, set both the IICSDAS[1:0] and IICSCLS[1:0] bits to 01b as well as setting
the IICRSTAREQ bit to 1.
[Setting condition]
 Writing 1 to the bit
[Clearing condition]
 Completion of generation of the restart condition

IICSTPREQ Bit (Stop Condition Generation)

When a stop condition is to be generated, set both the IICSDAS[1:0] and IICSCLS[1:0] bits to 01b as well as setting the
IICSTPREQ bit to 1.
[Setting condition]
 Writing 1 to the bit
[Clearing condition]
 Completion of generation of the stop condition

IICSTIF Flag (Issuing of Start, Restart, or Stop Condition Completed Flag)

After execution for the generation of a condition, this bit indicates the state of generation being completed. When using
the IICSTAREQ, IICRSTAREQ, or IICSTPREQ bit to cause generation of a condition, do so after clearing the IICSTIF
flag to 0.
If the TEIE bit in the SCR is enabling interrupt requests, an STI is output on completion of generation of the start, restart,
or stop condition when the IICSTIF flag is 1.
[Setting condition]
 Completion of the generation of a start, restart, or stop condition (however, in cases where this conflicts with any of
the conditions for the flag becoming zero listed below, the other condition takes precedence)
[Clearing conditions]
 Writing 0 to the bit (confirm that the IICSTIF flag is 0 before doing so)
 Writing 0 to the IICM bit in SIMR1 (when operation is not in simple I2C mode)
 Writing 0 to the TE bit in SCR

IICSDAS[1:0] Bits (SSDA Output Select)

These bits control output from the SSDAn pin.
Set the IICSDAS and IICSCLS bits to the same value during normal operations.

IICSCLS[1:0] Bits (SSCL Output Select)

These bits control output from the SSCLn pin.
Set the IICSCLS and IICSDAS bits to the same value during normal operations.

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27.2.15 I2C Status Register (SISR)

Address(es): SCI1.SISR 0008 A02Ch, SCI5.SISR 0008 A0ACh, SCI6.SISR 0008 A0CCh, SCI9.SISR 0008 A12Ch,
SCI12.SISR 0008 B30Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — IICACK
Value after reset: 0 0 x x 0 x 0 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 IICACKR ACK Reception Data Flag 0: ACK received R/W*1
1: NACK received
b1 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b2 — Reserved The read value is undefined R
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 — Reserved The read value is undefined R
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit, to clear the flag.

SISR is used to monitor state in relation to simple I2C mode.

IICACKR Flag (ACK Reception Data Flag)

Received ACK and NACK bits can be read from this bit.
The IICACK flag is updated at the rising of SSCLn clock for the ACK/NACK receiving bit.

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27.2.16 SPI Mode Register (SPMR)

Address(es): SCI1.SPMR 0008 A02Dh, SCI5.SPMR 0008 A0ADh, SCI6.SPMR 0008 A0CDh, SCI9.SPMR 0008 A12Dh,
SCI12.SPMR 0008 B30Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SSE SS Pin Function Enable 0: SS pin function is disabled. R/W*1
1: SS pin function is enabled.
b1 CTSE CTS Enable 0: CTS pin function is disabled (RTS output function is enabled). R/W*1
1: CTS pin function is enabled
b2 MSS Master Slave Select 0: Transmission is through the TXDn pin and reception is through R/W*1
the RXDn pin (master mode).
1: Reception is through the TXDn pin and transmission is through
the RXDn pin (slave mode).
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 MFF Mode Fault Flag 0: No mode-fault error R/W*2
1: Mode-fault error
b5 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 CKPOL Clock Polarity Select 0: Clock polarity is not inverted. R/W*1
1: Clock polarity is inverted.
b7 CKPH Clock Phase Select 0: Clock is not delayed. R/W*1
1: Clock is delayed.

Note 1. Writing to these bits is only possible when the RE and TE bits in the SCR are 0 (disabling reception and transmission).
Note 2. Only 0 can be written to these bits, which clears the flag.

SPMR is used to select the extension settings in asynchronous and clock-synchronous modes.

SSE Bit (SS Pin Function Enable)

Set this bit to 1 if the SSn# pin is to be used in control of transmission and reception (in simple SPI mode). Set this bit to
0 in any other mode. Furthermore, even for usage in simple SPI mode, the SS# pin on the master side is not required to
control reception and transmission when master mode (SCR.CKE[1:0] = 00b and MSS = 0) is selected and there is a
single master, so the setting for the SSE bit is 0. Do not set both the SSE and CTS bits to “enabled” (even if this setting is
made, the functions will be disabled).

CTSE Bit (CTS Enable)

Set this bit to 1 if the SSn# pin is to be used for inputting of the CTS control signal to control of transmission and
reception. The RTS signal is output when this bit is set to 0. Set this bit to 0 in smart card interface mode, simple SPI
mode, and simple I2C mode. Do not set both the CTS and SSE bits to “enabled” (even if this setting is made, the
functions will be disabled).

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MSS Bit (Master Slave Select)

This bit selects between master and slave operation in simple SPI mode. The functions of the TXDn and RXDn pins are
reversed when the MSS bit is set to 1, so that data are received through the TXDn pin and transmitted through the RXDn
Set this bit to 0 in modes other than simple SPI mode.

MFF Flag (Mode Fault Flag)

This bit indicates mode-fault errors.
In a multi-master configuration, determine the mode-fault error occurrence by reading the MFF flag.
[Setting condition]
 Input on the SS# pin being at the low level during master operation in simple SPI mode (SSE bit = 1 and MSS bit =
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 0 to the bit after it was read as 1

CKPOL Bit (Clock Polarity Select)

This bit selects the polarity of the clock signal output through the SCKn pin. See Figure 27.52 for details.
Clear the bit to 0 in other than simple SPI mode and clock synchronous mode.

CKPH Bit (Clock Phase Select)

This bit selects the phase of the clock signal output through the SCKn pin. See Figure 27.52 for details.
Clear the bit to 0 in other than simple SPI mode and clock synchronous mode.

27.2.17 Extended Serial Module Enable Register (ESMER)

Address(es): SCI12.ESMER 0008 B320h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — ESME

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 ESME Extended Serial Mode Enable 0: The extended serial mode is disabled. R/W
1: The extended serial mode is enabled.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

ESME Bit (Extended Serial Mode Enable)

When the ESME bit is 1, the facilities of the extended serial mode control section are enabled.
When the ESME bit is 0, the extended serial mode control section enters the following states:
 the extended serial mode control section is initialized

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Table 27.21 Settings of the ESME Bits and Guaranteed Operation by Timer Operation Mode
ESME bit Timer Mode Break Field Low Width Judgment Break Field Low Width Output
Mode Mode
0 ○*1 × ×
1 ○ ○ ○

○: Guarantee of operation is necessary. ×: Guarantee of operation is not necessary.

Note 1. Operation is only possible with PCLK selected.

27.2.18 Control Register 0 (CR0)

Address(es): SCI12.CR0 0008 B321h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b1 SFSF Start Frame Status Flag 0: Start Frame detection function is disabled. R
1: Start Frame detection function is enabled.
b2 RXDSF RXDX12 Input Status Flag 0: RXDX12 input is enabled. R
1: RXDX12 input is disabled.
b3 BRME Bit Rate Measurement 0: Measurement of bit rate is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Measurement of bit rate is enabled.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

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27.2.19 Control Register 1 (CR1)

Address(es): SCI12.CR1 0008 B322h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 BFE Break Field Enable 0: Break Field detection is disabled. R/W
1: Break Field detection is enabled.
b1 CF0RE Control Field 0 Reception 0: Reception of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Reception of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b3, b2 CF1DS[1:0] Control Field 1 Data Register b3 b2 R/W
Select 0 0: Selects comparison with the value in PCF1DR.
0 1: Selects comparison with the value in SCF1DR.
1 0: Selects comparison with the values in PCF1DR and
1 1: Setting prohibited.
b4 PIBE Priority Interrupt Bit Enable 0: The priority interrupt bit is disabled. R/W
1: The priority interrupt bit is enabled.
b7 to b5 PIBS[2:0] Priority Interrupt Bit Select b7 b5 R/W
0 0 0: 0th bit of Control Field 1
0 0 1: 1st bit of Control Field 1
0 1 0: 2nd bit of Control Field 1
0 1 1: 3rd bit of Control Field 1
1 0 0: 4th bit of Control Field 1
1 0 1: 5th bit of Control Field 1
1 1 0: 6th bit of Control Field 1
1 1 1: 7th bit of Control Field 1

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27.2.20 Control Register 2 (CR2)

Address(es): SCI12.CR2 0008 B320h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

RTS[1:0] BCCS[1:0] — DFCS[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 DFCS[2:0] RXDX12 Signal Digital Filter b2 b0 R/W
Clock Select 0 0 0: Filter is disabled.
0 0 1: Filter is enabled (SCI base clock).
0 1 0: Filter is enabled (PCLK/8).
0 1 1: Filter is enabled (PCLK/16).
1 0 0: Filter is enabled (PCLK/32).
1 0 1: Filter is enabled (PCLK/64).
1 1 0: Filter is enabled (PCLK/128).
1 1 1: Setting prohibited
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 BCCS[1:0] Bus Collision Detection Clock b5 b4 R/W
Select 0 0: SCI base clock
0 1: SCI base clock frequency divided by 2
1 0: SCI base clock frequency divided by 4
1 1: Setting prohibited
b7, b6 RTS[1:0] RXDX12 Reception Sampling  When SCI12.SEMR.ABCS = 0 R/W
Timing Select b7 b6
0 0: Rising edge of the 8th cycle of SCI base clock
0 1: Rising edge of the 10th cycle of SCI base clock
1 0: Rising edge of the 12th cycle of SCI base clock
1 1: Rising edge of the 14th cycle of SCI base clock

 When SCI12.SEMR.ABCS = 1
b7 b6
0 0: Rising edge of the 4th cycle of SCI base clock
0 1: Rising edge of the 5th cycle of SCI base clock
1 0: Rising edge of the 6th cycle of SCI base clock
1 1: Rising edge of the 7th cycle of SCI base clock

Note 1. The period of the SCI base clock is 1/16 of a single bit period when the SCI12.SEMR.ABCS is 0, and 1/8 of a single bit period
when the SCI12.SEMR.ABCS is 1. To use the SCI base clock, set the SCI12.SCR.TE bit to 1.

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27.2.21 Control Register 3 (CR3)

Address(es): SCI12.CR3 0008 B324h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — SDST

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SDST Start Frame Detection Start 0: Detection of Start Frame is not performed. R/W
1: Detection of Start Frame is performed.
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SDST Bits (Start Frame Detection Start)

Detection of a Start Frame begins when this bit is set to 1. The bit is read as 0.

27.2.22 Port Control Register (PCR)

Address(es): SCI12.PCR 0008 B325h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TXDXPS TXDX12 Signal Polarity Select 0: The polarity of TXDX12 signal is not inverted for output. R/W
1: The polarity of TXDX12 signal is inverted for output.
b1 RXDXPS RXDX12 Signal Polarity Select 0: The polarity of RXDX12 signal is not inverted for input. R/W
1: The polarity of RXDX12 signal is inverted for input.
b3, b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 SHARPS TXDX12/RXDX12 Pin 0: The TXDX12 and RXDX12 pins are independent. R/W
Multiplexing Select 1: The TXDX12 and RXDX12 signals are multiplexed on the same
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SHARPS Bit (TXDX12/RXDX12 Pin Multiplexing Selection)

When this bit is set to 1, the TXDX12 and RXDX12 signals are multiplexed on the same pin so that half-duplex
communications become possible.

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27.2.23 Interrupt Control Register (ICR)

Address(es): SCI12.ICR 0008 B326h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 BFDIE Break Field Low Width Detected 0: Interrupts on detection of the low width for a Break Field R/W
Interrupt Enable are disabled.
1: Interrupts on detection of the low width for a Break Field
are enabled.
b1 CF0MIE Control Field 0 Match Detected 0: Interrupts on detection of a match with Control Field 0 are R/W
Interrupt Enable disabled.
1: Interrupts on detection of a match with Control Field 0 are
b2 CF1MIE Control Field 1 Match Detected 0: Interrupts on detection of a match with Control Field 1 are R/W
Interrupt Enable disabled.
1: Interrupts on detection of a match with Control Field 1 are
b3 PIBDIE Priority Interrupt Bit Detected Interrupt 0: Interrupts on detection of the priority interrupt bit are R/W
Enable disabled.
1: Interrupts on detection of the priority interrupt bit are
b4 BCDIE Bus Collision Detected Interrupt Enable 0: Interrupts on detection of a bus collision are disabled. R/W
1: Interrupts on detection of a bus collision are enabled.
b5 AEDIE Valid Edge Detected Interrupt Enable 0: Interrupts on detection of a valid edge are disabled. R/W
1: Interrupts on detection of a valid edge are enabled.
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

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27.2.24 Status Register (STR)

Address(es): SCI12.STR 0008 B327h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 BFDF Break Field Low Width [Setting conditions] R
Detection Flag  Detection of the low width for a Break Field
 Completion of the output of the low width for a Break Field
 Underflow of the timer
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the BFDCL bit in STCR
b1 CF0MF Control Field 0 Match [Setting condition] R
Flag  A match between the value received in Control Field 0 and the set value.
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the CF0MCL bit in STCR
b2 CF1MF Control Field 1 Match [Setting condition] R
Flag  A match between the data received in Control Field 1 and the set values.
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the CF1MCL bit in STCR
b3 PIBDF Priority Interrupt Bit [Setting condition] R
Detection Flag  Detection of the priority interrupt bit
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the PIBDCL bit in STCR
b4 BCDF Bus Collision Detected [Setting condition] R
Flag  Detection of the bus collision
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the BCDFL bit in STCR
b5 AEDF Valid Edge Detection [Setting condition] R
Flag  Detection of a valid edge
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the AEDCL bit in STCR
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R

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27.2.25 Status Clear Register (STCR)

Address(es): SCI12.STCR 0008 B328h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 BFDCL BFDF Clear Setting this bit to 1 clears the STR.BFDF flag. This bit is read as 0. R/W
b1 CF0MCL CF0MF Clear Setting this bit to 1 clears the STR.CF0MF flag. This bit is read as 0. R/W
b2 CF1MCL CF1MF Clear Setting this bit to 1 clears the STR.CF1MF flag. This bit is read as 0. R/W
b3 PIBDCL PIBDF Clear Setting this bit to 1 clears the STR.PIBDF flag. This bit is read as 0. R/W
b4 BCDCL BCDF Clear Setting this bit to 1 clears the STR.BCDF flag. This bit is read as 0. R/W
b5 AEDCL AEDF Clear Setting this bit to 1 clears the STR.AEDF flag. This bit is read as 0. R/W
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

27.2.26 Control Field 0 Data Register (CF0DR)

Address(es): SCI12.CF0DR 0008 B329h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CF0DR is an 8-bit readable and writable register that holds a value for comparison with Control Field 0.

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27.2.27 Control Field 0 Compare Enable Register (CF0CR)

Address(es): SCI12.CF0CR 0008 B32Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CF0CE0 Control Field 0 Bit 0 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 0 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 0 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b1 CF0CE1 Control Field 0 Bit 1 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 1 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 1 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b2 CF0CE2 Control Field 0 Bit 2 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 2 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 2 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b3 CF0CE3 Control Field 0 Bit 3 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 3 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 3 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b4 CF0CE4 Control Field 0 Bit 4 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 4 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 4 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b5 CF0CE5 Control Field 0 Bit 5 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 5 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 5 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b6 CF0CE6 Control Field 0 Bit 6 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 6 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 6 of Control Field 0 is enabled.
b7 CF0CE7 Control Field 0 Bit 7 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 7 of Control Field 0 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 7 of Control Field 0 is enabled.

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27.2.28 Control Field 0 Receive Data Register (CF0RR)

Address(es): SCI12.CF0RR 0008 B32Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CF0RR is a read-only register that holds the value received in Control Field 0. Writing to this register from the CPU or
DTC is not possible.

27.2.29 Primary Control Field 1 Data Register (PCF1DR)

Address(es): SCI12.PCF1DR 0008 B32Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PCF1DR is an 8-bit readable and writable register that holds the 8-bit primary value for comparison with Control Field 1.

27.2.30 Secondary Control Field 1 Data Register (SCF1DR)

Address(es): SCI12.SCF1DR 0008 B32Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PCF1DR is an 8-bit readable and writable register that holds the 8-bit secondary value for comparison with Control Field

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27.2.31 Control Field 1 Compare Enable Register (CF1CR)

Address(es): SCI12.CF1CR 0008 B32Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CF1CE0 Control Field 1 Bit 0 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 0 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 0 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b1 CF1CE1 Control Field 1 Bit 1 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 1 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 1 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b2 CF1CE2 Control Field 1 Bit 2 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 2 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 2 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b3 CF1CE3 Control Field 1 Bit 3 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 3 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 3 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b4 CF1CE4 Control Field 1 Bit 4 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 4 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 4 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b5 CF1CE5 Control Field 1 Bit 5 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 5 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 5 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b6 CF1CE6 Control Field 1 Bit 6 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 6 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 6 of Control Field 1 is enabled.
b6 CF1CE7 Control Field 1 Bit 7 Compare Enable 0: Comparison with bit 7 of Control Field 1 is disabled. R/W
1: Comparison with bit 7 of Control Field 1 is enabled.

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27.2.32 Control Field 1 Receive Data Register (CF1RR)

Address(es): SCI12.CF1RR 0008 B32Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CF1RR is a read-only register that holds the value received in Control Field 1. Writing to this register from the CPU or
DTC is not possible.

27.2.33 Timer Control Register (TCR)

Address(es): SCI12.TCR 0008 B330h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — TCST

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TCST Timer Count Start 0: Stops the timer counting R/W
1: Starts the timer counting
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

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27.2.34 Timer Mode Register (TMR)

Address(es): SCI12.TMR 0008 B331h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— TCSS[2:0] TWRC — TOMS[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 TOMS[1:0] Timer Operating Mode Select*1 b1 b0 R/W
0 0: Timer mode
0 1: Break Field low width determination mode
1 0: Break Field low width output mode
1 1: Setting prohibited
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 TWRC Counter Write Control 0: Writing is to the reload register and the counter. R/W
1: Writing is only to the reload register
b6 to b4 TCSS[2:0] Timer Count Clock Source Select*1 b6 b4 R/W
0 0 0: PCLK
0 0 1: PCLK/2
0 1 0: PCLK/4
0 1 1: PCLK/8
1 0 0: PCLK/16
1 0 1: PCLK/32
1 1 0: PCLK/64
1 1 1: PCLK/128
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. Rewrite the TOMS[1:0] and TCSS[2:0] bits only when the timer is stopped (TCST = 0).

TWRC Bit (Counter Write Control)

These bits determine whether a value written to TPRE or TCNT is only written to the reload register or is written to both
the reload register and the counter.

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27.2.35 Timer Prescaler Register (TPRE)

Address(es): SCI12.TPRE 0008 B332h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

TPRE consists of an eight-bit reload register, a read buffer, and a counter, each of which has FFh as its initial value. The
counter counts down in synchronization with the counter clock selected by the TMR.TCSS[2:0] bits, and is reloaded with
the value in the reload register when it underflows. Underflows of this register provide the clock source to drive counting
by the TCNT register. The reload register and read buffer are allocated to the same address, so in writing, transfer is to
the reload register and in reading, transfer is of the counter value from the read buffer.
It takes 1 system operating clock cycle to load a value from the reload register to the counter.

27.2.36 Timer Count Register (TCNT)

Address(es): SCI12.TCNT0008 B333h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

TCNT consists of an eight-bit reload register, a read buffer, and a counter, each of which has FFh as its initial value. This
down-counter counts underflows of the TPRE register until the TCNT register underflows, and is then reloaded with the
value from the reload register. The reload register and read buffer are allocated to the same address, so in writing, transfer
is to the reload register and in reading, transfer is of the counter value from the read buffer.
It takes 1 system operating clock cycle to load a value from the reload register to the counter.

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27.3 Operation in Asynchronous Mode

Figure 27.5 shows the general format for asynchronous serial communications.
One frame consists of a start bit (low level), transmit/receive data, a parity bit, and stop bits (high level).
In asynchronous serial communications, the communications line is usually held in the mark state (high level).
The SCI monitors the communications line. When the SCI detects the space state (low level) while the
SEMR.RXDESEL bit is 0 and a falling edge of the space state (low level) while the SEMR.RXDESEL bit is 1, it
recognizes a start bit and starts serial communications.
Inside the SCI, the transmitter and receiver are independent units, enabling full-duplex communications. Both the
transmitter and the receiver also have a double-buffered structure, so that data can be read or written during transmission
or reception, enabling continuous data transmission and reception.

Idle state
(mark state)

Serial data 0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 0/1 1 1

Start bit Transmit/receive data Parity bit Stop bit

1 bit 7 or 8 bits 1 or 0 bit 1 or 2 bits

One unit of transfer data (character or frame)

Figure 27.5 Data Format in Asynchronous Serial Communications

(Example with 8-Bit Data, Parity, Two Stop Bits)

27.3.1 Serial Data Transfer Format

Table 27.22 lists the serial data transfer formats that can be used in asynchronous mode.
Any of 12 transfer formats can be selected according to the SMR setting. For details of multi-processor function, see
section 27.4, Multi-Processor Communications Function.

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Table 27.22 Serial Transfer Formats (Asynchronous Mode)

SMR Setting Serial Transfer Format and Frame Length

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 0 0 0 S 8-bit data STOP

0 0 0 1 S 8-bit data STOP STOP

0 1 0 0 S 8-bit data P STOP

0 1 0 1 S 8-bit data P STOP STOP

1 0 0 0 S 7-bit data STOP

1 0 0 1 S 7-bit data STOP STOP

1 1 0 0 S 7-bit data P STOP

1 1 0 1 S 7-bit data P STOP STOP

0 — 1 0 S 8-bit data MPB STOP

0 — 1 1 S 8-bit data MPB STOP STOP

1 — 1 0 S 7-bit data MPB STOP

1 — 1 1 S 7-bit data MPB STOP STOP

S: Start bit
STOP: Stop bit
P: Parity bit
MPB: Multi-processor bit

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RX220 Group 27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf)

27.3.2 Receive Data Sampling Timing and Reception Margin in Asynchronous Mode
In asynchronous mode, the SCI operates on a base clock with a frequency of 16 times*1 the bit rate.
In reception, the SCI samples the falling edge of the start bit using the base clock, and performs internal synchronization.
Since receive data is sampled at the rising edge of the 8th pulse*1 of the base clock, data is latched at the middle of each
bit, as shown in Figure 27.6. Thus the reception margin in asynchronous mode is determined by formula (1) below.

1 D - 0.5
M= (0.5 - ) - (L - 0.5) F - (1 + F) × 100 [%] ... Formula (1)
2N N

M: Reception margin
N: Ratio of bit rate to clock (N = 16 when ABCS in SEMR = 0, N = 8 when ABCS in SEMR = 1)
D: Duty cycle of clock (D = 0.5 to 1.0)
L: Frame length (L = 9 to 12)
F: Absolute value of clock frequency deviation

Assuming values of F = 0 and D = 0.5 in formula (1), the reception margin is determined by the formula below.

M = {0.5 - 1/(2 × 16)} × 100 (%) = 46.875%

However, this is only the computed value, and a margin of 20% to 30% should be allowed in system design.

Note 1. This is an example when the ABCS bit in SEMR is 0. When the ABCS bit is 1, a frequency of 8 times the bit rate
is used as a base clock and receive data is sampled at the rising edge of the 4th pulse of the base clock.

16 clock pulses
8 clock pulses
0 7 15 0 7 7 15 0
Internal base clock

Receive data (RXDn) Start bit D0 D1

sampling timing

Data sampling

Figure 27.6 Receive Data Sampling Timing in Asynchronous Mode

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27.3.3 Clock
Either an internal clock generated by the on-chip baud rate generator or an external clock input to the SCKn pin can be
selected as the SCI's transfer clock, according to the setting of the CM bit in SMR and the CKE[1:0] bits in SCR.
When an external clock is input to the SCKn pin, the clock frequency should be 16 times the bit rate (when ABCS in
SEMR = 0) and 8 times the bit rate (when ABCS in SEMR = 1). In addition, when an external clock is specified, the base
clock of TMR0 and TMR1 can be selected by the ACS0 bit in SEMR of SCIn (n = 5, 6, 12).
When the SCI is operated on an internal clock, the clock can be output from the SCKn pin. The frequency of the clock
output in this case is equal to the bit rate, and the phase is such that the rising edge of the clock is in the middle of the
transmit data, as shown in Figure 27.7.


TXDn 0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 0/1 1 1

1 frame

Figure 27.7 Phase Relationship between Output Clock and Transmit Data
(Asynchronous Mode: SMR.CHR = 0, PE = 1, MP = 0, STOP = 1)

27.3.4 CTS and RTS Functions

The CTS function is the use of input on the CTSn# pin in transmission control. Setting the SPMR.CTSE bit to 1 enables
the CTS function. When the CTS function is enabled, placing the low level on the CTSn# pin causes transmission to
Applying the low level to the CTS# pin while transmission is in progress does not affect transmission of the current
frame, which continues.
In the RTS function, by using the function of output on the RTSn# pin, a low level is output when reception becomes
possible. Conditions for output of the low and high level are shown below.

[Conditions for low-level output]

Satisfaction of all conditions listed below
 The value of the RE bit in the SCR is 1
 Reception is not in progress
 There are no received data yet to be read
 The ORER, FER, and PER flags in the SSR are all 0

[Condition for high-level output]

 The conditions for low-level output have not been satisfied.

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27.3.5 SCI Initialization (Asynchronous Mode)

Before transmitting and receiving data, start by writing the initial value “00h” to SCR and then continue through the
procedure for SCI given in the sample flowchart (Figure 27.8). Whenever the operating mode or transfer format is
changed, SCR must be initialized before the change is made.
When the external clock is used in asynchronous mode, ensure that the clock signal is supplied even during initialization.
Note that clearing the SCR.RE bit to 0 initializes neither the ORER, FER, and PER flags in SSR nor RDR.
Moreover, note that switching the value of the SCR.TE bit from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 while the SCR.TIE bit is 1 leads to the
generation of a TXI interrupt request.

Start initialization [ 1 ] Make I/O port settings to enable input and output functions
as required for TXDn, RXDn, and SCKn pins.

Clear the SCR.TIE, RIE, TE, RE, and [ 2 ] Set the clock selection in SCR.
TEIE bits to 0
When the clock output is selected in asynchronous mode,
the clock is output immediately after SCR settings are made.
Set the I/O port functions [1]
[ 3 ] Clear the SIMR1.IICM bit to 0.
Clear the SPMR.CKPH and CKPOL bits to 0.
Set bits CKE[1:0] in SCR [2] Step [3] can be skipped if the values have not been changed
from the initial values.
Clear the SIMR1.IICM bit to 0
[3] [ 4 ] Set the data transmission/reception format in SMR, SCMR,
Clear the SPMR.CKPH and CKPOL bits to 0
and SEMR.

Set data transmission/reception format in [ 5 ] Write a value corresponding to the bit rate to BRR.
SMR, SCMR, and SEMR [4]
This step is not necessary if an external clock is used.

[ 6 ] Set the SCR.TE or RE bit to 1. Also set the SCR.TIE and

Set a value in BRR [5]
RIE bits.
Setting the TE and RE bits allows TXDn and RXDn to be
Set the SCR.TE or RE bit to 1, and used.
set the SCR.TIE and RIE bits

Initialization completion

Figure 27.8 Sample SCI Initialization Flowchart (Asynchronous Mode)

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27.3.6 Serial Data Transmission (Asynchronous Mode)

Figure 27.9 shows an example of the operation for serial transmission in asynchronous mode.
In serial transmission, the SCI operates as described below.

1. The SCI transfers data from TDR to TSR when data is written to TDR in the TXI interrupt processing routine. The
TXI interrupt request at the beginning of transmission is generated when the TE bit in SCR is set to 1 after the TIE
bit in SCR is set to 1 or when these two bits are set to 1 simultaneously by a single instruction.
2. Transmission starts after the CTSE bit in SPMR is set to 0 (disabling the CTS function) and a low level on the CTS#
pin causes data transfer from TDR to TSR. If the TIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, a TXI interrupt request is
generated. Continuous transmission is obtainable by writing the next data for transmission to TDR in the TXI
interrupt processing routine before transmission of the current data for transmission is completed.
3. Data is sent from the TXDn pin in the following order: start bit, transmit data, parity bit or multi-processor bit (may
be omitted depending on the format), and stop bit.
4. The SCI checks for updating of (writing to) TDR at the time of stop bit output.
5. When TDR is updated, setting of the CTSE bit in SPMR to 0 (CTS function disabled) or a low level input on the
CTSn# pin cause the next transfer of the next data for transmission from TDR to TSR and sending of the stop bit,
after which serial transmission of the next frame starts.
6. If TDR is not updated, the TEND flag in SSR is set to 1, the stop bit is sent, and then the mark state is entered in
which 1 is output. If the TEIE flag in SCR is 1 at this time, the TEND flag in SSR is set to 1 and a TEI interrupt
request is generated.

Start bit Parity bit Stop bit


1 0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 1 Idle state

(mark state)

TXI interrupt flag
(IRn in ICU*1)


TXI interrupt Data written to TXI interrupt Data written to TDR in TXI TEI interrupt
request TDR in TXI request interrupt processing routine request generated
generated interrupt generated (Set the TIE bit to 0 and the
processing TEIE bit to 1 after writing the
routine last data)

1 frame

Note 1. Refer to Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb) for the corresponding interrupt vector number.

Figure 27.9 Example of Operation for Serial Transmission in Asynchronous Mode (from the Middle of
Transmission until Transmission Completion) (Example with 8-Bit Data, Parity, One Stop Bit)

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Figure 27.10 shows a sample flowchart for serial transmission in asynchronous mode.

Initialization [1] [1] SCI initialization:

The TXDn automatically becomes the output pin for data
being transmitted.
Start data transmission
After the TE bit in SCR is set to 1, 1 is output for a
frame, and transmission is enabled.

No [2] Transmit data write to TDR by a TXI interrupt request:

TXI interrupt [2] When transmit data is transferred from TDR to TSR, a
transmit data empty interrupt (TXI) request is generated.
Yes Write transmit data to TDR once in the TXI interrupt
processing routine.
Write transmit data to TDR [3]
[3] Serial transmission continuation procedure:
To continue serial transmission, write transmit data to
All data transmitted? TDR once using a TXI interrupt request.
Transmit data can also be written to TDR by activating
the DMAC or DTC.
When TEI interrupt requests are in use, set the SCR.TIE
Clear TIE in SCR to 0 bit to 0 and the SCR.TEIE bit to 1 after the last of the
Set TEIE in SCR to 1 data to be transmitted are written to the TDR.

[4] To output a break in serial transmission, set the I/O port

that shares a pin with the TXDn pin to “low output”, and
No switch from the TXDn pin to the general I/O port before
TEI interrupt setting the TE bit in the SCR register to 0.


Break output [4]

Set the I/O port functions

Clear bits TIE, TE, and TEIE

in SCR to 0


Figure 27.10 Example of Serial Transmission Flowchart in Asynchronous Mode

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27.3.7 Serial Data Reception (Asynchronous Mode)

Figure 27.11 and Figure 27.12 show an example of the operation for serial data reception in asynchronous mode.
In serial data reception, the SCI operates as described below.

1. When the value of the RE bit in SCR becomes 1, the output signal on the RTSn# pin goes to the low level.
2. When the SCI monitors the communications line and detects a start bit, it performs internal synchronization, stores
receive data in RSR, and checks the parity bit and stop bit.
3. If an overrun error occurs, the ORER flag in SSR is set to 1. If the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt
request is generated. Receive data is not transferred to RDR.
4. If a parity error is detected, the PER bit in SSR is set to 1 and receive data is transferred to RDR. If the RIE bit in
SCR is 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt request is generated.
5. If a framing error (when the stop bit is 0) is detected, the FER bit in SSR is set to 1 and receive data is transferred to
RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt request is generated.
6. When reception finishes successfully, receive data is transferred to RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, an
RXI interrupt request is generated. Continuous reception is enabled by reading the receive data transferred to RDR
in this RXI interrupt processing routine before reception of the next receive data is completed. Reading out the
received data that have been transferred to RDR causes the RTSn# pin to output the low level.

Data Parity Stop Data Parity Stop

Start bit Start bit
1 bit bit bit bit 1

0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 0 Idle state

(mark state)

RXI interrupt flag

(IRn in ICU*1)

SSR.FER flag

RXI interrupt RDR data read in RXI interrupt

request processing routine ERI interrupt request generated
generated by framing error
1 frame

Note 1. Refer to Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb) for the corresponding interrupt vector number.

Figure 27.11 Example of SCI Operation for Serial Reception in Asynchronous Mode (1)
(Example with 8-Bit Data, Parity, One Stop Bit)

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Data Parity Stop Data Parity Stop Data

Start bit Start bit Start bit
1 bit bit bit bit 1

0 D0 D7 0/1 1 0 D0 D7 0/1 0 Idle state

0 D0
(mark state)

RXI interrupt flag

(IRn in ICU*1)

SSR.FER flag

RXI interrupt RDR data read in RXI interrupt

request processing routine
generated ERI interrupt request Error flag is cleared
generated by framing error

RTSn# pin

1 frame

Note 1. Refer to Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb) for the corresponding interrupt vector number.

Figure 27.12 Example of SCI Operation for Serial Reception in Asynchronous Mode (2) (when RTS Function Is
Used) (Example with 8-Bit Data, Parity, One Stop Bit)

Table 27.23 lists the states of the SSR status flags and receive data handling when a receive error is detected.
If a receive error is detected, an ERI interrupt request is generated but an RXI interrupt request is not generated. Data
reception cannot be resumed while the receive error flag is 1. Accordingly, clear the ORER, FER, and PER bits to 0
before resuming reception. Moreover, be sure to read the RDR during overrun error processing.
Figure 27.13 and Figure 27.14 show samples of flowcharts for serial data reception.

Table 27.23 SSR Status Flags and Receive Data Handling

SSR Status Flag
ORER FER PER Receive Data Receive Error Type
1 0 0 Lost Overrun error
0 1 0 Transferred to RDR Framing error
0 0 1 Transferred to RDR Parity error
1 1 0 Lost Overrun error + framing error
1 0 1 Lost Overrun error + parity error
0 1 1 Transferred to RDR Framing error + parity error
1 1 1 Lost Overrun error + framing error + parity error

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Initialization [1]

[ 1 ] SCI initialization:
Start data reception The RXDn automatically becomes the input pin
for data being received.

[ 2 ] [ 3 ] Receive error processing and break

Read ORER, PER, and FER flags in SSR [2]
If a receive error occurs, an ERI interrupt is
generated. An error is identified by reading the
ORER, PER, and FER flags in SSR. After
SSR.ORER flag = 1, Yes performing the appropriate error processing, be
SSR.PER flag = 1, or
SSR.FER flag = 1 sure to clear the ORER, PER, and FER flags to
0. Reception cannot be resumed if any of these
No Error processing flags is set to 1. In the case of a framing error, a
break can be detected by reading the value of
(Continued to next page)
the input port corresponding to the RxDn pin.

[ 4 ] Read the receive data in RDR once in the RXI

interrupt processing routine.

RXI interrupt [ 5 ] Serial reception continuation procedure:
To continue serial reception, before the stop bit
of the current frame is received, read data from
RDR in the RXI interrupt processing routine. The
RDR data can also be read by activating the
Read receive data in RDR [4]

All data received? [5]


Clear bits RIE and RE in SCR to 0


Figure 27.13 Example of Serial Reception Flowchart (1) (Asynchronous Mode)

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Error processing

SSR.ORER flag = 1


Overrun error processing*1 [6] [ 6 ] Processing in response to an overrun error:

Read the RDR. In combination with step [ 7 ], this
will make correct reception of the next frame possible.

SSR.FER flag = 1




Framing error processing Clear RE bit in SCR to 0

SSR.PER flag = 1


Parity error processing

Clear the SSR.ORER, PER,

[7] [ 7 ] Clearing the error flag:
and FER flags to 0.
Write 0 to the error flag.

Read the SSR.ORER, PER, and FER flags. [8] [ 8 ] Confirming that the error flag is actually clear:
Read the error flag to confirm that its value is
actually 0.


Figure 27.14 Example of Serial Reception Flowchart (2) (Asynchronous Mode)

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27.4 Multi-Processor Communications Function

Using the multi-processor communication functions enables to transmit and receive data by sharing a communication
line between multiple processors by using asynchronous serial communication in which the multi-processor bit is added.
In multi-processor communication, a unique ID code is allocated to each receiving station. Serial communication cycles
consist of an ID transmission cycle to specify the receiving station and a data transmission cycle to transmit data to the
specified receiving station. The multi-processor bit is used to distinguish between the ID transmission cycle and the data
transmission cycle. When the multi-processor bit is set to 1, it indicates the ID transmission cycle and when the multi-
processor bit is set to 0, it indicates the data transmission cycle. Figure 27.15 shows an example of communication
between processors by using a multi-processor format. First, a transmitting station transmits communication data in
which the multi-processor bit set to 1 is added to the ID code of the receiving station. Next, the transmitting station
transmits the communication data in which the multi-processor bit set to 0 is added to the transmission data. Upon
receiving the communication data in which the multi-processor bit is set to 1, the receiving station compares the received
ID with the ID of the receiving station itself and if the two match, receives the communication data that is subsequently
transmitted. If the received ID does not match with the ID of the receiving station, the receiving station skips the
communication data until again receiving the communication data in which the multi-processor bit is set to 1.
For supporting this function, the SCI provides the MPIE bit in SCR. When the MPIE bit is set to 1, transfer of receive
data from the RSR to the RDR, detection of a reception error, and setting the respective status flags ORER and FER in
SSR are disabled until reception of data in which the multi-processor bit is set to 1. Upon receiving a reception character
in which the multi-processor bit is set to 1, the MPBT bit in SSR is set to 1 and the MPIE bit in SCR is automatically
cleared, thus returning to a normal reception operation. During this time, an RXI interrupt is generated if the RIE bit in
SCR is set.
When the multi-processor format is specified, specification of the parity bit is disabled. Apart from this, there is no
difference from the operation in the normal asynchronous mode. A clock which is used for the multi-processor
communication is also the same as the clock used in the normal asynchronous mode.


Communication line

Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving

station A station B station C station D

(ID = 01) (ID = 02) (ID = 03) (ID = 04)

(MPB = 1)

Serial data
01h AAh

(MPB = 1) (MPB = 0)

ID transmission cycle = Data transmission cycle = data

specification of a receiving station transmission to the receiving
station specified by ID

MPB: Multi-processor bit

Figure 27.15 An Example of Communication using the Multi-Processor Format

(Example of Transmission of Data AAh to Receiving Station A)

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27.4.1 Multi-Processor Serial Data Transmission

Figure 27.16 is a sample flowchart of multi-processor data transmission. In the ID transmission cycle, the ID should be
transmitted with the MPBT bit in SSR set to 1. In the data transmission cycle, the data should be transmitted with the
MPBT bit set to 0. The other operations are the same as the operations in asynchronous mode.

[1] [ 1 ] SCI initialization:
The TXDn automatically becomes the output pin for
data being transmitted.
Start data transmission After the TE bit in SCR is set to 1, 1 is output for a
frame, and transmission is enabled.

[ 2 ] TXI interrupt request:

No When transmit data is transferred from TDRn to TSR,
TXI interrupt [2]
a transmit data empty interrupt (TXI) request is
Yes Set the MPBT bit in SSR to 0 or 1, and write transmit
data to TDRn once in the TXI interrupt processing
Set MPBT bit in SSR routine.

[ 3 ] Serial transmission continuation procedure:

Write transmit data to TDR To continue serial transmission, write transmit data to
TDRn once using a TXI interrupt request.
Transmit data can also be written to TDRn by
activating the DMAC or DTC.
All data written? [3] When TEI interrupt requests are in use, set the
SCR.TIE bit to 0 and the SCR.TEIE bit to 1 after the
last of the data to be transmitted are written to the
Clear the SCR.TIE bit to 0, and set the
SCR.TEIE bit to 1
[ 4 ] To output a break in serial transmission, set the I/O
port function corresponding to the TXDn pin
(corresponding to output of the low level), and after
No switching the TXDn pin to the general I/O port
TEI interrupt function, set the TE bit in the SCR to 0.


Break output


Set the I/O port functions

Clear bits TE, TIE, and TEIE in SCR to 0


Figure 27.16 Example of Multi-Processor Serial Transmission Flowchart

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27.4.2 Multi-Processor Serial Data Reception

Figure 27.18 and Figure 27.19 are sample flowcharts of multi-processor data reception. When the MPIE bit in SCR is
set to 1, reading the communication data is skipped until reception of the communication data in which the multi-
processor bit is set to 1. When the communication data in which the multi-processor bit is set to 1 is received, the
received data is transferred to RDR. During this time, the RXI interrupt request is generated. The other operations are the
same as the operations in asynchronous mode.
Figure 27.17 is the example of operation for reception.

Data (ID1) Data (Data1)

1 Start bit MPB Stop bit Start bit MPB Stop bit 1

0 D0 D1 D7 1 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0 1 Idle state
(mark state)


RXI interrupt signal

RDR value ID1

MPIE = 0 RXI interrupt request RDR data read in RXI RXI interrupt request not
(multi-processor interrupt processing MPIE bit set to 1 again
generated. RDR retains
interrupt) generated when the received ID
routine the state.
does not match the ID of
the receiving station itself

(a) When the received ID does not match the ID of the receiving station itself

Data (ID2) Data (Data2)

1 Start bit MPB Stop bit Start bit MPB Stop bit 1

0 D0 D1 D7 1 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0 1 Idle state
(mark state)


RXI interrupt signal

RDR value ID1 ID2 Data2

MPIE = 0 RXI interrupt request RDR data read in RXI Since the received ID matches MPIE bit set to 1 again
(multi-processor interrupt processing the ID of the receiving station
interrupt) generated routine itself, reception continued and
data received in RXI interrupt
processing routine

(b) When the received ID matches the ID of the receiving station itself

Figure 27.17 Example of SCI Reception (8-Bit Data/Multi-Processor Bit/One Stop Bit)

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Initialization [1]
[ 1 ] SCI initialization:
The RXDn automatically becomes the input pin for
data being received.
Start data reception

[ 2 ] ID reception cycle:
Set the MPIE bit in SCR to 1 and wait for ID
Set MPIE bit in SCR to 1. [2]

[ 3 ] SCI status confirmation and reception and

No comparison of ID:
RXI interrupt? [3]
Read data in RDR at the first RXI interrupt, and
compare it with the ID of the receiving station itself.
If the ID does not match the ID of the receiving
Read ORER and FER flags in SSR. station itself, set the MPIE bit to 1 again, and wait for
another RXI interrupt.

Yes [ 4 ] Data reception at an RXI interrupt:

FER flag = 1 or ORER flag = 1 Read data in RDR once in the RXI interrupt routine.

No [5 ] Receive error processing and break detection:

If a receive error occurs, an error is identified by
Read receive data in RDR.
reading the ORER and FER flags in SSR. After
performing the appropriate error processing, be sure
to clear the ORER and FER flags to 0. Reception
ID of receiving station itself? cannot be resumed if any of these flags is set to 1.
In the case of a framing error, a break can be
Yes detected by reading the value of the RXDn pin.

RXI interrupt? [4]


Read ORER and FER flags in SSR.

FER flag = 1 or ORER flag = 1


Read receive data in RDR.

All data received? [5]

Error processing
(Continued to next page)

Clear RE and RIE bits in SCR to 0.


Figure 27.18 Example of Multi-Processor Serial Reception Flowchart (1)

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Error processing

SSR.ORER flag = 1


Overrun error processing*1 [6] [ 6 ] Processing in response to an overrun error:

Read the RDR. In combination with step [ 7 ],
this will make correct reception of the next frame

SSR.FER flag = 1




Framing error processing Clear RE bit in SCR to 0

Clear the SSR.ORER, PER,

[7] [ 7 ] Clearing the error flag:
and FER flags to 0.
Write 0 to the error flag.

Read the SSR.ORER, PER, and FER flags. [8] [ 8 ] Confirming that the error flag is actually clear:
Read the error flag to confirm that its value is
actually 0.


Figure 27.19 Example of Multi-Processor Serial Reception Flowchart (2)

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27.5 Operation in Clock Synchronous Mode

Figure 27.20 shows the data format for clock synchronous serial data communications.
In clock synchronous mode, data is transmitted or received in synchronization with clock pulses. One character in
transfer data consists of 8-bit data. In clock synchronous mode, no parity bit can be added.
In data transmission, the SCI outputs data from one falling edge of the synchronization clock to the next. In data
reception, the SCI receives data in synchronization with the rising edge of the synchronization clock. After 8-bit data is
output, the transmission line holds the last bit output state.
Inside the SCI, the transmitter and receiver are independent units, enabling full-duplex communications by use of a
common clock. Both the transmitter and the receiver also have a double-buffered structure, so that the next transmit data
can be written during transmission or the previous receive data can be read during reception, enabling continuous data

One unit of transfer data (character or frame)

* *1

Serial data Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

Don't care Don't care

Note 1. Holds a high level except during continuous transfer.

Figure 27.20 Data Format in Clock Synchronous Serial Communications (LSB-First)

27.5.1 Clock
Either an internal clock generated by the on-chip baud rate generator or an external synchronization clock input at the
SCKn pin can be selected, according to the setting of the CKE[1:0] bits in SCR.
When the SCI is operated on an internal clock, the synchronization clock is output from the SCKn pin. Eight
synchronization clock pulses are output in the transfer of one character, and when no transfer is performed the clock is
held high. However, when only data reception is performed, output of the synchronizing clock signal continues until the
CTS function is enabled and the high level is input on the CTSn# pin, an overflow error occurs, or the RE bit in SCR is
set to 0. When the CTS function is enabled, the synchronous clock signal output is stopped if the CTSn# pin input is high
on completion of the frame reception.

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27.5.2 CTS and RTS Functions

In the CTS function, CTSn# pin input is used to control reception/transmission start when the clock source is the internal
clock. Setting the SPMR.CTSE bit to 1 enables the CTS function.
When the CTS function is enabled, placing the low level on the CTSn# pin causes reception/transmission to start.
In the RTS function, RTSn# pin output is used to request reception/transmission start when the clock source is an
external synchronizing clock. A low level is output when serial communications become possible. Conditions for output
of the low and high level are shown below.

[Conditions for low-level output]

Satisfaction of all conditions listed below
 The value of the RE or TE bit in the SCR is 1
 neither transmission nor reception is in progress
 there are no received data yet to be read (when the SCR.RE bit is 1)
 transmit data has been written (when the SCR.TE bit is 1)
 ORER flag in SSR is 0

[Condition for high-level output]

The conditions for low-level output have not been satisfied.

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27.5.3 SCI Initialization (Clock Synchronous Mode)

Before transmitting and receiving data, start by writing the initial value 00h to the SCR and then continue through the
procedure for SCI given in the sample flowchart (Figure 27.21). Whenever the operating mode or transfer format is
changed, the SCR must be initialized before the change is made.
Note that clearing the SCR.RE bit to 0 initializes neither the ORER, FER, and PER flags in SSR nor RDR.
Moreover, note that switching the value of the SCR.TE bit from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 while the SCR.TIE bit is 1 leads to the
generation of a TXI interrupt request.

Start initialization [ 1 ] Make I/O port settings to enable input and output
functions as required for TXDn, RXDn, and SCKn
Clear bits TIE, RIE, TE, RE, and TEIE in
SCR to 0
[ 2 ] Set the clock selection in SCR.
When an internal clock is selected, the SCK pin
Set the I/O port functions [1] functions as the clock output pin.

[ 3 ] Clear the SIMR1.IICM bit to 0.

Set bits CKE[1:0] in SCR [2]
Clear the SPMR.CKPH and CKPOL bits to 0.
Step [3] can be skipped if the values have not been
Clear the SIMR1.IICM bit to 0 changed from the initial values.
Clear the SPMR.CKPH and CKPOL bits to 0
[ 4 ] Set the data transmission/reception format in SMR
and SCMR.
Set data transmission/reception format in
[ 5 ] Write a value corresponding to the bit rate to BRR.
This step is not necessary if an external clock is
Set a value in BRR [5] used.

Set TE or RE bit in SCR to 1, and set TIE and [ 6 ] Set the TE bit or RE bit in SCR to 1. Also set the
[6] TIE and RIE bits in SCR.
RIE bits in SCR
Setting the TE and RE bits allows TXDn and RXDn
to be used.

Note: • In simultaneous transmit and receive operations, the TE and RE bits in SCR should both be to 0 or
set to 1 simultaneously.

Figure 27.21 Example of SCI Initialization Flowchart (Clock Synchronous Mode)

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27.5.4 Serial Data Transmission (Clock Synchronous Mode)

Figure 27.22 shows an example of the operation for serial transmission in clock synchronous mode.
In serial data transmission, the SCI operates as described below.

1. The SCI transfers data from TDR to TSR when data is written to TDR in the TXI interrupt processing routine. The
TXI interrupt request at the beginning of transmission is generated when the TE bit in SCR is set to 1 after the TIE
bit in SCR is set to 1 or when these two bits are set to 1 simultaneously by a single instruction.
2. After transferring data from TDR to TSR, the SCI starts transmission. When the SCR.TIE bit is set to 1 at this time,
a TXI interrupt request is generated. Continuous transmission is enabled by writing the next transmit data to TDR in
this TXI interrupt processing routine before transmission of the current transmit data has finished. When TEI
interrupt requests are in use, set the SCR.TIE bit to 0 (disabling TXI requests) and the SCR.TEIE bit to 1 (enabling
TEI requests) after the last of the data to be transmitted are written to the TDR from the processing routine for TXI
3. 8-bit data is sent from the TXDn pin in synchronization with the output clock when clock output mode has been
specified and in synchronization with the input clock when use of an external clock has been specified. Output of
the clock signal is suspended until the input CTS signal is at the low level while the CTSE bit in SPMR is 1
(enabling the CTS function).
4. The SCI checks for updating of (writing to) the TDR at the time of the last bit output.
5. When TDR is updated, the next transmit data is transferred from TDR to TSR, and serial transmission of the next
frame is started.
6. If TDR is not updated, set the SSR flag in TEND to 1 and the TXDn pin retains the output state of the last bit. If the
TEIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, a TEI interrupt request is generated. The SCKn pin is held high.

Figure 27.23 shows a sample flowchart of serial data transmission.

Transmission will not start while a receive error flag (ORER, FER, or PER in SSR) is set to 1. Be sure to clear the receive
error flags to 0 before starting transmission. Note that clearing the RE bit in SCR to 0 does not clear the receive error


Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7

Serial data
TXI interrupt flag
(IRn in ICU*1)

TXI interrupt Data written to TDR in TXI interrupt TEI interrupt

Data written to TDR in TXI
request TXI interrupt processing request request
interrupt processing routine
generated routine generated generated
(Set the TIE bit to 0 and the
TEIE bit to 1 after writing the
last data)
1 frame

Note 1. Refer to Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb) for the corresponding interrupt vector number.

Figure 27.22 Example of Operation for Serial Transmission in Clock Synchronous Mode
(from the Middle of Transmission until Transmission Completion)

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Initialization [1] [ 1 ] SCI initialization:

The TXDn automatically becomes the output pin for
data being transmitted.
Start transmission
[ 2 ] Writing transmit data write to TDR by a TXI interrupt
[2] When transmit data is transferred from TDR to TSR, a
TXI interrupt transmit data empty interrupt (TXI) request is
Yes Transmit data is written to TDR once from the
processing routine for TXI requests.
Write transmit data to TDR
[ 3 ] Serial transmission continuation procedure:
To continue serial transmission, write transmit data to
All data transmitted? [3] TDR upon accepting a transmit data empty interrupt
(TXI). Transmit data can also be written to TDR by
activating the DMAC or DTC by the TXI interrupt
Clear the TIE bit in SCR to 0, and When TEI interrupt requests are in use, set the
set the TEIE bit in SCR to 1 SCR.TIE bit to 0 and the SCR.TEIE bit to 1 after the
last of the data to be transmitted are written to the

TEI interrupt


Clear bits TIE, TE, and TEIE in SCR to 0


Note: • When the external clock is in use (the value of the SCR.CKE[1:0] bits is 10b or 11b), the rising edge on the SCK pin for
the last bit sets the SSR.TEND flag to 1. Clearing the SCR.TE bit to 0 immediately after this may lead to insufficient
received-data hold time on the receiver side.

Figure 27.23 Example of Serial Transmission Flowchart (Clock Synchronous Mode)

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27.5.5 Serial Data Reception (Clock Synchronous Mode)

Figure 27.24 and Figure 27.25 shows an example of SCI operation for serial reception in clock synchronous mode.
In serial data reception, the SCI operates as described below.

1. The value of the RE bit in SCR becoming 1 places the signal output on the RTS pin at the low level (when the RTS
function is in use).
2. The SCI performs internal initialization and starts receiving data in synchronization with a synchronization clock
input or output, and stores the receive data in RSR.
3. If an overrun error occurs, the ORER bit in SSR is set to 1. If the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt
request is generated. Receive data is not transferred to RDR.
4. When reception finishes successfully, receive data is transferred to RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, an
RXI interrupt request is generated. Continuous reception is enabled by reading the receive data transferred to RDR
in this RXI interrupt processing routine before reception of the next receive data is completed. Reading out the
received data that have been transferred to RDR causes the RTSn# pin to output the low level (when the RTS
function is in use).


Serial data Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 6 Bit 7

RXI interrupt flag

(IRn in ICU*1)


RXI interrupt RXI interrupt ERI interrupt request

request RDR data read in RXI request
interrupt processing routine generated by overrun error
generated generated

1 frame

Note 1. Refer to Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb) for the corresponding interrupt vector number.

Figure 27.24 Example of Operation for Serial Reception in Clock Synchronous Mode (1) (when RTS Function is
not Used)

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Serial data Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 0

RXI interrupt flag

(IRn in ICU*1)


RXI interrupt RXI interrupt

RDR data read in RXI ERI interrupt request
request request
interrupt processing generated by overrun error
generated generated

RTSn# pin

1 frame

Note 1. Refer to Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb) for the corresponding interrupt vector number.

Figure 27.25 Example of Operation for Serial Reception in Clock Synchronous Mode (2) (when RTS Function is

Data transfer cannot be resumed while a receive error flag is 1. Accordingly, clear the ORER, FER, and PER bits in SSR
to 0 before resuming reception. Moreover, be sure to read the RDR during overrun error processing.
Figure 27.26 shows a sample flowchart for serial data reception.

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Initialization [1] [ 1 ] SCI initialization:

Make input port-pin settings for pins to be used
Start data reception as RXDn pins.

[ 2 ] [ 3 ] Receive error processing:

If a receive error occurs, read the ORER flag in
Read ORER flag in SSR [2]
SSR, perform the relevant error processing, and
then clear the ORER flag to 0. Data reception
Yes cannot be resumed while the ORER flag is 1.
SSR.ORER = 1 [3]
[ 4 ] Read the receive data in RDR once in the
No receive data full interrupt (RXI) request
Error processing
processing routine.
(Continued below)
[ 5 ] Serial reception continuation procedure:
No To continue serial reception, before the MSB (bit
RXI interrupt
7) of the current frame is received, finish reading
the receive data in RDR. The RDR data can also
Yes be read by activating the DMAC or DTC by an
RXI interrupt request.

Read receive data in RDR [4]

All data received? [5]


Clear bits RIE and RE in SCR to 0


[3] Error processing

[ 6 ] Processing in response to an overrun error:
Read the RDR. In combination with step [ 7 ],
this will make correct reception of the next
Overrun error processing [6] frame possible.

[ 7 ] Clearing the error flag:

Write 0 to the error flag.
Clear the SSR.ORER flag to 0. [7]
[ 8 ] Confirming that the error flag is actually clear:
Read the error flag to confirm that its value is
Read the SSR.ORER flag. [8] actually 0.


Figure 27.26 Example of Serial Reception Flowchart (Clock Synchronous Mode)

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27.5.6 Simultaneous Serial Data Transmission and Reception (Clock Synchronous

Figure 27.27 shows a sample flowchart for simultaneous serial transmit and receive operations in clock synchronous
After initializing the SCI, the following procedure should be used for simultaneous serial data transmit and receive
To switch from transmit mode to simultaneous transmit and receive mode, check that the SCI has finished transmission
by reading that the TEND flag in SSR is 1, and then initialize the SCR register. Then set the TIE, RIE, TE, and RE bits in
SCR to 1 simultaneously by a single instruction.
To switch from receive mode to simultaneous transmit and receive mode, check that the SCI has finished reception, and
then clear the RIE and RE bits to 0. Then check that the receive error flags (ORER, FER, and PER in SSR) are 0, and
then set the TIE, RIE, TE, and RE bits in SCR to 1 simultaneously by a single instruction.

Initialization [1] [ 1 ] SCI initialization:

The TXDn pin can act as the output pin for
transmitted data and the RXDn pin can act as
Start data transmission/reception the input pin for received data at the same time.

[ 2 ] Transmit data write:

No Write transmit data to TDR once in the TXI
TXI interrupt interrupt request processing routine.

Yes [ 3 ] Receive error processing:

If a receive error occurs, read the ORER flag in
Write transmit data to TDR [2]
SSR, perform the relevant error processing, and
then clear the ORER flag to 0. Data reception
cannot be resumed while the ORER flag is 1.
Read ORER flag in SSR

[ 4 ] Reading receive data:

Read the receive data in RDR once in the RXI
SSR.ORER = 1 Yes interrupt request processing routine.

No Error processing [ 5 ] Serial transmission/reception continuation

No To continue serial transmission and reception,
RXI interrupt
before the MSB (bit 7) of the current frame is
received, finish reading the receive data in RDR
by the RXI interrupt. Also, before the MSB (bit
Read receive data in RDR [4] 7) of the current frame is transmitted, write data
to TDR by the TXI interrupt.
Transmit data can also be written to TDR by
No activating the DMAC or DTC by a transmit data
All data received? [5] empty interrupt (TXI) request. Similarly, the
RDR data can also be read by activating the
Yes DMAC or DTC by a receive data full interrupt
(RXI) request.
Clear TIE, RIE, TE, RE, and TEIE
bits in SCR to 0

Note: • When switching from transmit or receive operation to simultaneous transmit and receive operations, first clear
the TIE, RIE, TE, RE, and TEIE bits in SCR to 0, and then set TIE, RIE, TE, and RE bits to 1 simultaneously.

Figure 27.27 Example of Simultaneous Serial Transmission and Reception Flowchart

(Clock Synchronous Mode)

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27.6 Operation in Smart Card Interface Mode

The SCI supports the smart card (IC card) interface conforming to the ISO/IEC 7816-3 (Identification Card) standard, as
an extended function of the SCI.
Smart card interface mode can be selected using the appropriate register.

27.6.1 Sample Connection

Figure 27.28 shows a sample connection between a smart card (IC card) and this LSI.
As in the figure, since this LSI communicates with an IC card using a single transmission line, interconnect the TXDn
and RXDn pins and pull up the data transmission line to VCC using a resistor.
Setting the TE and RE bits in SCR to 1 with an IC card disconnected enables closed transmission/reception allowing
To supply an IC card with the clock pulses generated by the SCI, input the SCKn pin output to the CLK pin of an IC card.
The output port of the RX220 can be used to output a reset signal.


RXDn Data line

Clock line
Port RST
Reset line
RX220 IC card
Main unit of the device to
be connected

Figure 27.28 Sample Connection with a Smart Card (IC Card)

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27.6.2 Data Format (Except in Block Transfer Mode)

Figure 27.29 shows the data transfer formats in smart card interface mode.
 One frame consists of 8-bit data and a parity bit in asynchronous mode.
 During transmission, at least 2 etu (elementary time unit: time required for transferring one bit) is secured as a guard
time from the end of the parity bit until the start of the next frame.
 If a parity error is detected during reception, a low-level error signal is output for 1 etu after 10.5 etu has passed
from the start bit.
 If an error signal is sampled during transmission, the same data is automatically re-transmitted after at least 2 etu.

In normal transmission/reception

Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp

Output from the transmitting station

When a parity error occurs

Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp DE

Output from the transmitting station

Output from the

receiving station

Ds: Start bit

D0 to D7: Data bits
Dp: Parity bit
DE: Error signal

Figure 27.29 Data Formats in Smart Card Interface Mode

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For communications with IC cards of the direct convention type and inverse convention type, follow the procedure

(1) Direct Convention Type

For the direct convention type, logic levels 1 and 0 correspond to states Z and A, respectively, and data is transferred with
LSB-first as the start character, as shown in Figure 27.30. Therefore, data in the start character in the figure is 3Bh.
When using the direct convention type, write 0 to both the SDIR and SINV bits in SCMR. Write 0 to the PM bit in SMR
in order to use even parity, which is prescribed by the smart card standard.

(Z) A Z Z A Z Z Z A A Z (Z) state

Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp

Figure 27.30 Direct Convention (SDIR in SCMR = 0, SINV in SCMR =0, PM in SMR = 0)

(2) Inverse Convention Type

For the inverse convention type, logic levels 1 and 0 correspond to states A and Z, respectively and data is transferred
with MSB-first as the start character, as shown in Figure 27.31. Therefore, data in the start character in the figure is 3Fh.
When using the inverse convention type, write 1 to both the SDIR and SINV bits in SCMR. The parity bit is logic level 0
to produce even parity, which is prescribed by the smart card standard, and corresponds to state Z. Since the SINV bit of
the RX220 only inverts data bits D7 to D0, write 1 to the PM bit in SMR to invert the parity bit for both transmission and

(Z) A Z Z A A A A A A Z (Z) state

Ds D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Dp

Figure 27.31 Inverse Convention (SDIR in SCMR = 1, SINV in SCMR =1, PM in SMR = 1)

27.6.3 Block Transfer Mode

Block transfer mode is different from normal smart card interface mode in the following respects.
 Even if a parity error is detected during reception, no error signal is output. Since the PER bit in SSR is set by error
detection, clear the PER bit before receiving the parity bit of the next frame.
 During transmission, at least 1 etu is secured as a guard time from the end of the parity bit until the start of the next
 Since the same data is not re-transmitted during transmission, the TEND flag in SSR is set 11.5 etu after
transmission start.
 In block transfer mode, the ERS flag in SSR indicates the error signal status as in normal smart card interface mode,
but the flag is always read as 0 because no error signal is transferred.

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27.6.4 Receive Data Sampling Timing and Reception Margin

Only the internal clock generated by the on-chip baud rate generator can be used as a transfer clock in smart card
interface mode.
In this mode, the SCI can operate on a base clock with a frequency of 32, 64, 372, 256, 93, 128, 186, or 512 times the bit
rate according to the settings of the BCP2 bit in SCMR and the BCP[1:0] bits in SMR (the frequency is always 16 times
the bit rate in normal asynchronous mode).
For data reception, the falling edge of the start bit is sampled with the base clock to perform internal synchronization.
Receive data is sampled on the 16th, 32nd, 186th, 128th, 46th, 64th, 93rd, and 256th rising edges of the base clock so that
it can be latched at the middle of each bit as shown in Figure 27.32. The reception margin here is determined by the
following formula.

1 D - 0.5
M= (0.5 - ) - (L - 0.5) F - (1 + F) × 100 [%]
2N N

M: Reception margin (%)

N: Ratio of bit rate to clock (N = 32, 64, 372, 256)
D: Duty cycle of clock (D = 0 to 1.0)
L: Frame length (L = 10)
F: Absolute value of clock frequency deviation

Assuming values of F = 0, D = 0.5, and N = 372 in the above formula, the reception margin is determined by the formula

M = {0.5 - 1/(2 × 372)} × 100 [%] = 49.866%

372 clocks 372 clocks

186 clocks 186 clocks

0 185 371 0 185 371 0

Internal base clock

Receive data (RXDn) Start bit

D0 D1

Synchronization sampling

Data sampling timing

Figure 27.32 Receive Data Sampling Timing in Smart Card Interface Mode
(When Clock Frequency is 372 Times the Bit Rate)

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27.6.5 Initialization of the SCI (Smart Card Interface Mode)

Before transmitting and receiving data, initialize the SCI using the following procedure. Initialization is also necessary
before switching from transmission to reception and vice versa.

1. Write the initial value “00h” to the SCR.

2. Make I/O port settings to enable input and output functions as required for TXDn, RXDn, and SCKn pins.
3. Set the error flags ORER, ERS, and PER in SSR to 0.
4. Clear the SIMR1.IICM bit and the SPMR.CKPH and CKPOL bits to 0.
This step can be skipped if the values have not been changed from the initial values.
5. Set bits GM, BLK, PM, BCP[1:0], and CKS[1:0] in SMR and the BCP2 bit in SCMR appropriately. Also set the PE
bit in SMR to 1.
6. Set bits SDIR, SINV, and SMIF in SCMR appropriately. Set the SEMR.RXDESEL bit to 0. Then, the TXDn and
RXDn pins are placed in the high impedance state.
7. Set the value corresponding to the bit rate in BRR.
8. Set the CKE[1:0] bits in SCR appropriately, and set bits TIE, RIE, TE, RE, and TEIE in SCR to 0 at the same time.
When the CKE0 bit is set to 1, the SCKn pin is allowed to output clock pulses.
9. Set the TIE, RIE, TE, and RE bits in SCR to 1. Setting the TE and RE bits to 1 simultaneously is prohibited except
for self-diagnosis.

To change reception mode to transmission mode, first check that reception has completed, and then initialize the SCI. At
the end of initialization, set TE = 1 and RE = 0. Reception completion can be verified by reading the RXI request, ORER,
or PER flag in SSR.
To change transmission mode to reception mode, first check that transmission has completed, and then initialize the SCI.
At the end of initialization, set TE = 0 and RE = 1. Transmission completion can be verified by reading the TEND flag in

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27.6.6 Serial Data Transmission (Except in Block Transfer Mode)

Serial data transmission in smart card interface mode (except in block transfer mode), in that an error signal is sampled
and data can be re-transmitted, is different from that in normal serial communications interface mode. Figure 27.33
shows the data retransfer operation during transmission.

1. When an error signal from the receiver end is sampled after one-frame data has been transmitted, the ERS flag in
SSR is set to 1. If the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt request is generated. Clear the ERS flag to 0
before the next parity bit is sampled.
2. For a frame in which an error signal is received, the TEND flag in SSR is not set. Data is retransferred from TDR to
TSR allowing automatic data retransmission.
3. If no error signal is returned from the receiver, the ERS flag is not set to 1.
4. In this case, the SCI judges that transmission of one-frame data (including retransfer) has been completed, and the
TEND flag is set. If the TIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time, a TXI interrupt request is generated. Writing transmit data
to TDR starts transmission of the next data.

Figure 27.35 shows a sample flowchart of serial transmission. All the processing steps are automatically performed
using a TXI interrupt request to activate the DTC or DMAC.
When the TEND flag in SSR is set to 1 in transmission, if the TIE bit in SCR is 1, a TXI interrupt request is generated.
The DTC or DMAC is activated by a TXI interrupt request if the TXI interrupt request is specified as a source of DTC or
DMAC activation beforehand, allowing transfer of transmit data. The TEND flag is automatically cleared to 0 when the
DTC or DMAC transfers the data.
If an error occurs, the SCI automatically re-transmits the same data. During this retransmission, the TEND flag is kept to
0 and the DTC or DMAC is not activated. Therefore, the SCI and DTC or DMAC automatically transmit the specified
number of bytes, including retransmission in the case of error occurrence. However, since the ERS flag is not
automatically cleared, set the RIE bit to 1 beforehand to enable an ERI interrupt request to be generated at error
occurrence, and clear the ERS flag to 0.
When transmitting/receiving data using the DTC or DMAC, be sure to make settings to enable the DTC or DMAC
before making SCI settings.
For DTC or DMAC settings, see section 16, DMA Controller (DMACA) and section 17, Data Transfer Controller

(n + 1)-th transfer
n-th transfer frame Retransfer frame frame
Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp DE Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4

TXI interrupt signal

[2] [4]
SSR.FER flag/
SSR.ERS flag
[1] [3]

Figure 27.33 Data Retransfer Operation in SCI Transmission Mode

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Note that the SSR.TEND flag is set in different timings depending on the GM bit setting in SMR. Figure 27.34 shows
the TEND flag generation timing.

I/O data Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp DE

SSR.TEND flag Guard

(TXI interrupt) time
12.5 etu (11.5 etu in block transfer mode)
When GM bit in SMR = 0

11.0 etu
When GM bit in SMR = 1

Ds: Start bit

D0 to D7: Data bits
Dp: Parity bit
DE: Error signal

Figure 27.34 SSR.TEND Flag Generation Timing during Transmission

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Start data transmission

SSR.ERS flag = 0?

Error processing

TXI interrupt


Write transmit data to TDR

Write all transmit data

SSR.ERS flag = 0?

Error processing

TXI interrupt


Clear bits TIE, RIE, and TE

in SCR to 0


Figure 27.35 Sample Smart Card Interface Transmission Flowchart

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27.6.7 Serial Data Reception (Except in Block Transfer Mode)

Serial data reception in smart card interface mode is similar to that in serial communications interface mode. Figure
27.36 shows the data retransfer operation in reception mode.

1. If a parity error is detected in receive data, the PER flag in SSR is set to 1. When the RIE bit in SCR is 1 at this time,
an ERI interrupt request is generated. Clear the PER flag to 0 before the next parity bit is sampled.
2. For a frame in which a parity error is detected, no RXI interrupt is generated.
3. When no parity error is detected, the PER flag in SSR is not set to 1.
4. In this case, data is determined to have been received successfully. When the RIE bit in SCR is 1, an RXI interrupt
request is generated.

Figure 27.37 shows a sample flowchart for serial data reception. All the processing steps are automatically performed
using an RXI interrupt request to activate the DTC or DMAC.
In reception, setting the RIE bit to 1 allows an RXI interrupt request to be generated. The DTC or DMAC is activated by
an RXI interrupt request if the RXI interrupt request is specified as a source of DTC or DMAC activation beforehand,
allowing transfer of receive data.
If an error occurs during reception and either the ORER or PER flag in SSR is set to 1, a receive error interrupt (ERI)
request is generated. Clear the error flag after the error occurrence. If an error occurs, the DTC or DMAC is not activated
and receive data is skipped. Therefore, the number of bytes of receive data specified in the DTC or DMAC is transferred.
Even if a parity error occurs and the PER flag is set to 1 during reception, receive data is transferred to RDR, thus
allowing the data to be read.
Note 1. For operations in block transfer mode, see section 27.3, Operation in Asynchronous Mode.

(n + 1)-th transfer
n-th transfer frame Retransfer frame frame

Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp DE Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Dp Ds D0 D1 D2 D3 D4

RXI interrupt signal

[2] [4]

SSR.PER flag

[1] [3]

Figure 27.36 Data Retransfer Operation in SCI Reception Mode

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Start data reception

SSR.ORER = 0 and No
SSR.PER = 0?

Error processing

RXI interrupt


Read data from RDR

All data received?

Clear bits RIE and RE
in SCR to 0

Figure 27.37 Sample Smart Card Interface Reception Flowchart

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27.6.8 Clock Output Control

Clock output can be fixed using the CKE[1:0] bits in SCR when the GM bit in SMR is 1. Specifically, the minimum
width of a clock pulse can be specified.
Figure 27.38 shows an example of clock output fixing timing when the CKE0 bit is controlled with GM = 1 and CKE1
= 0.

SCR.CKE0 bit


Given pulse width Given pulse width

Figure 27.38 Clock Output Fixing Timing

At power-on and transitions to/from software standby mode, use the following procedure to secure the appropriate clock
duty cycle.

(1) At Power-On
To secure the appropriate clock duty cycle simultaneously with power-on, use the following procedure.
1. Initially, port input is enabled in the high-impedance state. To fix the potential level, use a pull-up or pull-down
2. Fix the SCKn pin to the specified output by setting the SCR.CKE[1] bit and I/O port functions.
3. Set SMR and SCMR to enable smart card interface mode.
4. Set the SCR.CKE[0] bit to 1 to start clock output.

(2) At Mode Switching

(a) At transition from smart card interface mode to software standby mode
1. Set I/O port functions to make the SCKn pin fixed with a desired output value in software standby mode.
2. Write 0 to the TE and RE bits in SCR to stop transmission/reception.
Simultaneously, set the SCR.CKE[1] bit to the value for the output fixed state in software standby mode.
3. Write 0 to the SCR.CKE[0] bit to stop the clock.
4. Wait for one cycle of the serial clock. In the mean time, the clock output is fixed to the specified level with the duty
cycle retained.
5. After switching the SCKn pin to the general I/O port function, make a transition to software standby mode.

(b) Return from software standby mode to smart card interface mode
6. Cancel software standby mode.
7. Set the SCR.CKE[0] bit to 1 to start clock output. A clock signal with the appropriate duty cycle is then generated.

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Normal operation standby Normal operation


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Figure 27.39 Clock Stop and Restart Procedure

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27.7 Operation in Simple I2C Mode

Simple I2C bus master format is composed of eight data bits and an acknowledge bit. By continuing into a slave-address
frame after a start condition or restart condition, a master device is able to specify a slave device as the partner for
communications. The currently specified slave device remains valid until a new slave device is specified or a stop
condition is satisfied. The eight data bits in all frames are transmitted in order from the MSB.
The I2C format and timing of the I2C bus are shown in Figure 27.40 and Figure 27.41.

7-bit address format transmission

S SLA (7 bits) W# A DATA (8 bits) A A/A# P

1 7 1 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or larger) n: Number of transfer frames

7-bit address format reception : Master device  Slave device
: Slave device  Mater device
S SLA (7 bits) R A DATA (8 bits) A A# P

1 7 1 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or larger)
10-bit address format transmission
11110b + SLA
S (2 bits) W# A SLA (8 bits) A DATA (8 bits) A A/A# P

1 7 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or larger)
10-bit address format reception
11110b + SLA 11110b + SLA
S (2 bits) W# A SLA (8 bits) A Sr (2 bits) R A DATA (8 bits) A A# P

1 7 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or larger)

Figure 27.40 I2C Bus Master Format

SSDAn D7-D1 D0 D7-D1 D0 D7-D1 D0

SSCLn 1-7 8 9 1-7 8 9 1-7 8 9


Figure 27.41 I2C Bus Timing (When SLA is 7 Bits)

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S: Indicates a start condition, i.e. the master device changing the level on the SSDAn line from the high to the low level
while the SSCLn line is at the high level.
SLA: Indicates a slave address, by which the master device selects a slave device.
R/W#: Indicates the direction of transfer (reception or transmission). The value 1 corresponds to transfer from the slave device
to the master device and 0 corresponds to transfer from the master device to the slave device.
A/A#: Indicates an acknowledge bit. This is returned by the slave device for master transmission and by the master device for
master reception. Return of the low level indicates ACK and return of the high level indicates NACK.
Sr: Indicates a restart condition, i.e. the master device changing the level on the SSDAn line from the high to the low level
while the SSCLn line is at the high level and after the setup time has elapsed.
DATA: Indicates the data being received or transmitted.
P: Indicates a stop condition, i.e. the master device changing the level on the SSDAn line from the low to the high level
while the SSCLn line is at the high level.

27.7.1 Generation of Start, Restart, and Stop Conditions

Writing 1 to the IICSTAREQ bit in SIMR3 causes the generation of a start condition. The generation of a start condition
proceeds through the following operations.
 The level on the SSDAn line falls (from the high level to the low level) and the SSCLn line is kept in the released
 The hold time for the start condition is secured as half of a bit period at the bit rate determined by the setting of the
 The level on the SSCLn line falls (from the high level to the low level), the IICSTAREQ bit in SIMR3 is cleared (to
0), and a start-condition generated interrupt is output.

Writing 1 to the IICRSTAREQ bit in SIMR3 causes the generation of a start condition. The generation of a start
condition proceeds through the following operations.
 The SSDAn line is released and the SSCLn line is kept at the low level.
 The period at low level for the SSCLn line is secured as half of a bit period at the bit rate determined by the setting
of the BRR.
 The SSCLn line is released (transition from the low to the high level).
 Once the high level on the SSCLn line is detected, the setup time for the restart condition is secured as half of a bit
period at the bit rate determined by the setting of the BRR.
 The level on the SSDAn line falls (from the high level to the low level).
 The hold time for the restart condition is secured as half of a bit period at the bit rate determined by the setting of the
 The level on the SSCLn line falls (from the high level to the low level), the IICRSTAREQ bit in SIMR3 is cleared
(to 0), and a restart-condition generated interrupt is output.

Writing 1 to the IICSTPREQ bit in SIMR3 causes the generation of a stop condition. The generation of a stop condition
proceeds through the following operations.
 The level on the SSDAn line falls (from the high level to the low level) and the SSCLn line is kept at the low level.
 The period at low level for the SSCLn line is secured as half of a bit period at the bit rate determined by the setting
of the BRR.
 The SSCLn line is released (transition from the low to the high level).
 Once the high level on the SSCLn line is detected, the setup time for the stop condition is secured as half of a bit
period at the bit rate determined by the setting of the BRR.
 The SSDAn is released (transition from the low to the high level), the IICSTPREQ bit in SIMR3 is cleared (to 0),
and a stop-condition generated interrupt is output.

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Figure 27.42 shows the timing of operations in the generation of start, restart, and stop conditions.






11b 01b 00b 01b 00b 01b 11b

Start-condition generated Restart-condition generated Stop-condition generated

interrupt request interrupt request interrupt request

Figure 27.42 Timing of Operations in the Generation of Start, Restart, and Stop Conditions

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27.7.2 Clock Synchronization

The SSCLn line may be placed at the low level in the case of a wait inserted by a slave device as the other side of
transfer. Setting the IICCSC bit in SIMR2 to 1 applies control to obtain synchronization when the levels of the internal
SSCLn clock signal and the level being input on the SSCLn pin differ.
When the IICCSC bit in SIMR2 is set to 1, the level of the internal SSCLn clock signal changes from low to high,
counting to determine the period at high level is stopped while the low level is being input on the SSCLn pin, and
counting to determine the period at high level starts after the transition of the input on the SSCLn pin to the high level.
The interval from this time until counting to determine the period at high level starts on the transition of the SSCLn pin to
the high level is the total of the delay of SSCLn output, delay for noise filtering of the input on the SSCLn pin (2 or 3
cycles of sampling clock for the noise filter), and delay for internal processing (1 or 2 cycles of PCLK). The period at
high level of the internal SSCLn clock is extended even if other devices are not placing the low level on the SSCLn line.
If the IICCSC bit in SIMR2 is 1, synchronization is obtained for the transmission and reception of data by taking the
logical AND of the input on the SSCLn pin and the internal SSCLn clock. If the IICCSC bit in SIMR2 is 0,
synchronization with the internal SSCLn clock is obtained for the transmission and reception of data.
If a slave device inserts a period of waiting into the interval until the transition of the internal SSCLn clock signal from
the low to the high level after a request for the generation of a start, restart, or stop condition is issued, the time until
generation is prolonged by that period.
If a slave device inserts a period of waiting after the transition of the internal SSCLn clock signal from the low to the
high level, although the generation-completed interrupt is issued without stopping the period of waiting, generation of
the condition itself is not guaranteed. Figure 27.43 shows an example of operations to synchronize the clocks.

SSCLn output from the

other device

SSCLn line

Internal SSCLn clock

Clock driving transfer


Counting of the period Counting of the period Counting of the period

at low level starts. at high level starts. at high level starts.

Counting is stopped until the SSCLn Counting is stopped while the

line being at the high level is SSCLn line is at the low level.
conveyed within the SCI.

Figure 27.43 Example of Operations for Clock Synchronization

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27.7.3 SSDA Output Delay

The IICDL[4:0] bits in SIMR1 can be used to set a delay for output on the SSDA pin relative to falling edges of output
on the SSCLn pin. Delay-time settings from 0 to 31 are selectable, representing periods of the corresponding numbers of
cycles of the clock signal from the on-chip baud rate generator (derived by frequency-dividing the base clock, PCLK, by
the divisor selected by the CKS[1:0] bits in SMR). A delay for output on the SSDAn pin is for the start condition/restart
condition/stop condition signal, 8-bit transmit data, and an acknowledge bit.
If the SSDA output delay is shorter than the time for the level on the SSCLn pin to fall, the change of the output on the
SSDAn pin will start while the output level on the SSCLn pin is falling, creating a possibility of erroneous operation for
slave devices. Ensure that settings for the delay of output on the SSDA pin are for times greater than the time output on
the SSCLn pin takes to fall (300 ns for I2C in normal mode and fast mode).
Figure 27.44 shows the timing of delays in output on the SSDA pin.

Clock signal from the on-chip baud-

rate generator (internal signal)

Output on the SSCLn pin

Output on the SSDAn pin

(IICDL[4:0] = 00000b)

Output on the SSDAn pin

(IICDL[4:0] = 00001b)

Output on the SSDAn pin

(IICDL[4:0] = 00010b)

Output on the SSDAn pin

(IICDL[4:0] = 00111b)

Output on the SSDAn pin

(IICDL[4:0] = 01000b)

Figure 27.44 Timing of Delays in SSDA Output

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27.7.4 SCI Initialization (Simple I2C Mode)

Before transferring data, write the initial value (00h) to SCR and initialize the interface in accordance with the flowchart
shown as Figure 27.45.
When changing the operating mode, transfer format, and so on, be sure to set SCR to its initial value before proceeding
with the changes.
In simple I2C mode, the open drain setting for the communication ports should be made on the port side.

[ 1 ] Make I/O port settings that allow use (on N-channel

Start of initialization
open-drain output pins) of the SSCLn and SSDAn pin

Set the TIE, RIE, TE, RE, TEIE and

CKE[1:0] bits in SCR to 0. [ 2 ] Place the SSCLn and SSDAn pins in the high-
impedance state until a start condition is to be
Set the I/O port functions
[ 3 ] Set the format for transmission and reception in SMR
and SCMR.
Set the IICSDAS[1:0] and IICSCLS[1:0] bits In SMR, set the CKS[1:0] bits to the desired value and
in SIMR3 to 11b. set the other bits to 0.
In SCMR, set the SDIR bit to 1 and the SINV and SMIF
bits to 0.
Set up the transfer or reception format in
SMR and SCMR. [3]
[ 4 ] Write the value for the desired bit rate to BRR.

Set the value in BRR. [ 5 ] Set the values in SEMR, SNFR, SIMR1, SIMR2, and
In SEMR, set the NFEN bit.
Set the values in SEMR, SNFR, SIMR1, In SNFR, set the NFCS[2:0] bits.
SIMR2, and SPMR. In SIMR1, set the IICM bit to 1 and the IICDL[4:0] bits
as required.
In SIMR2, set the IICACKT and IICCSC bits to 1 and
Set the SCR.RE and TE bit to 1 and set the
[6] the IICINTM bits as required.
SCR.TIE, RIE and TEIE bits.
In SPMR, clear all the bits to 0.

Start of transmission or reception [ 6 ] Set the RE and TE bits in the SCR to 1. Then, set the
SCR.TIE, RIE, and TEIE bits (for transmission and
when the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 1, clear the RIE bit).
Setting the TE and RE bits to 1 makes the SSCLn and
SSDAn pin functions available.

Note: • Set the SCR.RE and TE bits to 0 or 1 at the same time.

Figure 27.45 Example of the Flow of SCI Initialization (for Simple I2C Mode)

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27.7.5 Operation in Master Transmission (Simple I2C Mode)

Figure 27.46 and Figure 27.47 show examples of operations in master transmission and Figure 27.48 is a flowchart
showing the procedure for data transmission. The value of the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is assumed to be 1 (transmission and
reception interrupts are in use) and the value of the SCR.RIE bit is assumed to be 0 (disabling reception interrupt
requests). See Table 27.28 for more information on the STI interrupt.
When 10-bit slave addresses are in use, steps [3] and [4] in Figure 27.48 are repeated twice.
In simple I2C mode, the transmit end interrupt (TXI) is generated when communication of one frame is completed,
unlike the TXI interrupt request generation timing during clock-synchronous transmission.

Start condition Slave address (7 bits) W# Transmitted data Stop condition



TXI interrupt flag

(IRn in the ICU*1)

Acceptance of TXI interrupt request

STI interrupt flag Generation of TXI interrupt request
Generation of TXI interrupt request
(IRn in the ICU*1)

Generation of STI interrupt Acceptance of request

Reception of NACK Generation of request
Reception of ACK

Reception of ACK
Note 1. For details on the corresponding interrupt vector number see Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

Figure 27.46 Example of Operations for Master Transmission in I2C Bus Mode
(with Seven-Bit Slave Addresses, Transmission Interrupts, and Reception Interrupts in Use)

When the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is set to 0 (ACK and NACK interrupts are used) during master transmission, the DTC or
DMAC is activated by the ACK interrupt as the trigger and necessary number of data bytes are transmitted. When the
NACK is received, error processing, such as transmission stop and re-transmission, is performed by the NACK interrupt
as the trigger.

Start condition Slave address (7 bits) W# Transmitted data Stop condition


SSDAn D7 D6 D1 D0 ACK D7 D6 D1 D0 NACK

TXI interrupt flag

(IRn in the ICU*1)

Generation of TXI interrupt request Acceptance of TXI

RXI interrupt flag interrupt request
(IRn in the ICU*1)

STI interrupt flag Generation of RXI interrupt request Acceptance or RXI interrupt request
(IRn in the ICU*1)

Generation of STI interrupt request Acceptance of STI interrupt request

Generation of STI interrupt request

Note 1. For details on the corresponding interrupt vector number see Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

Figure 27.47 Example 2 of Operations for Master Transmission in Simple I2C Bus Mode
(with Seven-Bit Slave Addresses, ACK Interrupts, and NACK Interrupts in Use)

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Initialization [1] [1] Initialization for simple I2C mode

For transmission, clear the SCR.RIE bit to 0.
(Reception interrupt request is disabled.)
Start of transmission
[2] Generate a start condition.

Simultaneously set the SIMR3.IICSTAREQ bit to [3] Writing to TDR:

1 and the SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and [2]
Writing the slave address and value for the R/W bit to TDR.
IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 01b.

[4] Confirming ACK response from the slave address:

Check the SISR.IICACKR bit. If its value is 0, it is indicated
No that the slave device responded with ACK and operations
STI interrupt? proceed. If its value is 1, it is indicated that there was no
response from a slave device so the next transition is to
Yes generation of the stop condition.

Set the SIMR3.IICSTIF to 0, and set the [5] Steps for continuing with serial transmission:
SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 00b.
When transmission is to continue, write further data for
transmission to TDR. Except for the first data to be
Write the slave address and value for the transmitted, a TXI request can activate the DMAC or DTC to
[3] handle writing of data to TDR.
R/W bit in TDR.

[6] Generation of a stop condition.

TXI interrupt?


No If 10-bit slave addresses are in use, processing of [3] and [4]

SISR.IICACKR = 0? [4] is repeated twice.


Write data for transmission in TDR

Note: • In simple I2C mode, the TXI interrupt request is generated
when communication is completed, unlike the timing
during clock-synchronous transmission.
TXI interrupt?


All data transmitted? [5]


Simultaneously set the SIMR3.IICSTPREQ bit to

1 and the SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and [6]
IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 01b.

STI interrupt?


Set the SIMR3.IICSTIF to 0, and set the

SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 11b.


Figure 27.48 Example of the Procedure for Master Transmission Operations in Simple I2C Mode
(with Transmission Interrupts and Reception Interrupts in Use)

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27.7.6 Master Reception (Simple I2C Mode)

Figure 27.49 shows an example of operations in simple I2C mode master reception and Figure 27.50 is a flowchart
showing the procedure for master reception.
The value of the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is assumed to be 1 (transmission and reception interrupts are in use).
In simple I2C mode, the transmit end interrupt (TXI) is generated when communication of one frame is completed,
unlike the TXI interrupt request generation timing during clock-synchronous transmission.

condition Slave address (7 bits) R Received data Stop condition


SSDAn D7 D6 D1 D0 ACK D7 D6 D1 D0 NACK

RXI interrupt flag

(IRn in the ICU*1)

TXI interrupt flag RXI is assumed to have been disabled by Generation of RXI interrupt request
(IRn in the ICU*1) setting SCR.RIE = 0.

Acceptance of TXI interrupt request

STI interrupt flag
Generation of TXI interrupt request Generation of TXI interrupt request
(IRn in the ICU*1)

Acceptance of STI interrupt request Generation of STI interrupt request

Generation of STI interrupt request

Note 1. For details on the corresponding interrupt vector number, see Section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

Figure 27.49 Example of Operations for Master Reception in I2C Bus Mode
(with Seven-Bit Slave Addresses, Transmission Interrupts, and Reception Interrupts in Use)

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Initialization [1] [1] Initialization for simple I2C mode:

Clear the RIE bit in SCR to 0.
Start of reception
[2] Generate a start condition.

Simultaneously set the SIMR3.IICSTAREQ bit [3] Writing to TDR:

to 1 and the SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and [2] Writing the slave address and value for the R/W bit to TDR.
IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 01b.

[4] Confirming ACK response from the slave address:

Check the SISR.IICACKR bit. If its value is 0, it is indicated
No that the slave device responded with ACK and operations
STI interrupt?
proceed. If its value is 1, it is indicated that there was no
Yes response from a slave device so the next transition is to
generation of the stop condition.
Set the SIMR3.IICSTIF to 0, and set the
SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 00b.
[5] Steps for continuing with reception:
To proceed with reception, write FFh as dummy data for
Write the slave address and value for
the R/W bit to TDR. [3] transmission to TDR. Other than in the first and last rounds of
transmission, a TXI request can activate DMAC or DTC to
handle writing of data to TDR. Furthermore, other than for the
last data to be received, an RXI request can activate the
TXI interrupt? DMAC or DTC to handle reading of data from RDR.

[6] NACK is transmitted in response to the last data.
[7] Generation of a stop condition.

Set SCR.RIE to 1.

Next data is the last?
No Set SIMR2.IICACKT to 1. [6]
Write FFh as dummy data to TDR.
Write FFh as dummy data to TDR.

RXI interrupt?
RXI interrupt?
Read received data from RDR.
Read received data from RDR.

TXI interrupt? No
TXI interrupt?

Simultaneously set the SIMR3.IICSTPREQ bit to

1 and the SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and
IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 01b. [7]
Note: • In simple I C mode, the TXI interrupt request is generated when
communication is completed, unlike the timing during clock-
synchronous transmission.
STI interrupt?


Set the SIMR3.IICSTIF flag to 0, and set the

SIMR3.IICSCLS[1:0] and IICSDAS[1:0] bits to 11b.


Figure 27.50 Example of the Procedure for Master Reception Operations in Simple I2C Mode
(with Transmission Interrupts and Reception Interrupts in Use)

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27.8 Operation in Simple SPI Mode

As an extended function, the SCI supports a simple SPI mode that handles transfer among one or multiple master devices
and multiple slave devices.
Making the settings for clock-synchronous mode (SCMR.SMIF = 0, SIMR1.IICM = 0, SMR.CM = 1) plus setting the
SSE bit in the SPMR to 1 places the SCI in simple SPI mode. However, the SS pin function on the master side is
unnecessary for connection of the device used as the master in simple SPI mode when the configuration only has a single
master, so set the SSE bit in the SPMR to 0 in such cases.
Figure 27.51 shows an example of connections for simple SPI mode. Control a general port pin to produce the SS
output signal from the master.
In simple SPI mode, data are transferred in synchronization with clock pulses in the same way as in clock-synchronous
mode. One character of data for transfer consists of eight bits of data, and parity bits cannot be appended to this. The data
can be inverted by setting the SCMR.SINV bit to 1.
Since the reception and transmission sections are independent of each other within the SCI module, full-duplex
communications are possible, with a common clock signal. Furthermore, since both sections have a buffered structure,
writing of further data for transmission while transmission is in progress and reading of previously received data while
reception is in progress are both possible. Continuous transfer is thus possible.

Device 1 (master) Device 2 (slave)

Port pin (output)

Port pin (output) SSn# (input)

SSn# (input) *1 SCKn (input)

SCKn (output) SMISOn (output)

SMISOn (input) SMOSIn (input)

SMOSIn (output)

Device 3 (slave)

SSn# (input)

SCKn (input)

SMISOn (output)

SMOSIn (input)

Note 1. The SSn# input is not required in a single-master system

(the interface is used with the setting SPMR.SSE = 0).

Figure 27.51 Example of Connections via a Simple SPI Mode (In Single Master Mode, SPMR.SSE Bit = 0)

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27.8.1 States of Pins in Master and Slave Modes

The direction (input or output) of pins for the simple SPI mode interface differs according to whether the device is a
master (SCR.CKE[1:0] = 00b or 01b and SPMR.MSS = 0) or slave (SCR.CKE[1:0] = 10b or 11b and SPMR.MSS = 1).
Table 27.24 lists the states of pins according to the mode and the level on the SSn# pin.

Table 27.24 States of Pins by Mode and Input Level on the SSn# Pin
Mode Input on SSn# pin State of SMOSIn pin State of SMISOn pin State of SCKn pin
Master mode*1 High level Output for data Input for received data Clock output*3
(transfer can proceed) transmission*2
Low level High impedance Input for received data High impedance
(transfer cannot proceed) (but disabled)
Slave mode High level Input for received data High impedance Clock input
(transfer can proceed) (but disabled) (but disabled)
Low level Input for received data Output for data Clock input
(transfer cannot proceed) transmission

Note 1. When there is only a single master (SPMR.SSE = 0), transfer is possible regardless of the input level on the SSn# pin (this is
equivalent to input of a high level on the SSn# pin). Since the SSn# pin function is not required, the pin is available for other
Note 2. The SMOSIn pin output is in the high-impedance state when transmission is disabled (SCR.TE bit = 0).
Note 3. The SCKn pin output is in the high-impedance state when transmission is disabled (SCR.TE and RE bits = 00b) in a multi-master
configuration (SPMR.SSE = 1).

27.8.2 SS Function in Master Mode

Setting the CKE[1:0] bits in the SCR to 00b and the MSS bit in the SPMR to 0 selects master operation. The SSn# pin is
not used in single-master configurations (SPMR.SSE = 0), so transmission or reception can proceed regardless of the
value of the SSn# pin.
When the level on the SSn# pin is high in a multi-master configuration (SPMR.SSE = 1), a master device outputs clock
signals from the SCKn pin before starting transmission or reception to indicate that there are no other masters or another
master is performing reception or transmission. When the level on the SSn# pin is low in a multi-master configuration
(SPMR.SSE = 1), there are other masters, and this indicates that transmission or reception is in progress. At this time the
SMOSIn output and SCKn pins will be placed in the high-impedance state and starting transmission or reception will not
be possible. Furthermore, the value of the SPMR.MFF bit will be 1, indicating a mode-fault error. In a multi-master
configuration, start error processing by reading SPMR.MFF flag. Also, even if a mode-fault error occurs while
transmission or reception is in progress, transmission or reception will not be stopped, but the SMOSIn and SCKn output
pins will be placed in the high-impedance state after the completion of the transfer.
Control a general port pin to produce the SS output signal from the master.

27.8.3 SS Function in Slave Mode

Setting the CKE[1:0] bits in the SCR to 10b and the MSS bit in the SPMR to 1 selects slave operation. When the level on
the SSn# pin is high, the SMISOn output pin will be in the high-impedance state and clock input through the SCKn pin
will be ignored. When the level on the SSn# pin is low, clock input through the SCKn pin will be effective and
transmission or reception can proceed.
If the input on the SSn# pin changes from low to high level during transmission or reception, the SMISOn output pin will
be placed in the high-impedance state. Meanwhile, the internal processing for transmission or reception will continue at
the rate of the clock input through the SCKn pin until processing for the character currently being transmitted or received
is completed, after which it stops. At that time, an interrupt (the appropriate one from among TXI, RXI, and TEI) will be

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27.8.4 Relationship between Clock and Transmit/Receive Data

The CKPOL and CKPH bits in the SPMR can be used to set up the clock for use in transmission and reception in four
different ways. The relation between the clock signal and the transmission and reception of data is shown in Figure
27.52. The relation is the same for both master and slave operation. This is the same as when the level on the SSn# pin is
high. The SSn# pin can be used for another purpose. For details, see section 27.8.2, SS Function in Master Mode.

One unit of transfer data (character or frame)

(1) When CKPH = 0

SSn# pin

SCKn pin
(CKPOL = 0)

SCKn pin
(CKPOL = 1)

SMOISIn pin Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

SMISOn pin Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

(2) When CKPH=1

SSn# pin

SCKn pin
(CKPOL = 0)

SCKn pin
(CKPOL = 1)

SMOISIn pin Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

SMISOn pin Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

Figure 27.52 Relation between Clock Signal and Transmit/Receive Data in Simple SPI Mode

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27.8.5 SCI Initialization (Simple SPI Mode)

The procedure is the same as for initialization in clock-synchronous mode Figure 27.21, Sample SCI Initialization
Flowchart. The CKPOL and CKPH bits in the SPMR must be set to endure that the kind of clock signal they select is
suitable for both master and slave devices.
For initialization, changes to the operating mode, changes to the transfer format, and so on, initialize the SCR register
before proceeding with changes.
As well as setting the RE bit to 0, note that the SSR.ORER, FER, and PER flags, as well as the RDR, are not initialized.
Note that changing the value of the TE bit from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1 will lead to the generation of a transmission interrupt
(TXI) if the value of the TIE bit in the SCR is 1 at the time.

27.8.6 Transmission and Reception of Serial Data (Simple SPI Mode)

In master operation, ensure that the SSn# pin of the slave device on the other side of the transfer is at the low level before
starting the transfer and at the high level on completion of the transfer. Otherwise, the procedures are the same as in
clock-synchronous mode.

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27.9 Extended Serial Mode Control Section: Description of Operation

27.9.1 Serial Transfer Protocol

In conjunction with an SCIe module, the extended serial mode control section of an SCIf module can realize the serial
transfer protocol composed of Start Frames and Information Frames that is shown in Figure 27.53.
A Start Frame is composed of a Break Field, Control Field 0, and Control Field 1. An Information Frame is composed of
a number of Data Fields, a CRC16 Upper Field, and a CRC16 Lower Field.

Start Frame Information Frame

Break Field Control Field 0 Control Field 1 Data Field

8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

Break Field low width Break Field Inter Field Space Inter Field Space
high width
Information Frame

Data Field Data Field Data Field CRC16 Upper Field CRC16 Lower Field

8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

Inter Field Space Inter Field Space Inter Field Space Inter Field Space

Figure 27.53 Protocol for Serial Transfer by the Extended Serial Mode Control Section

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27.9.2 Transmitting a Start Frame

Figure 27.54 shows an example of operations to transmit a Start Frame, which is composed of the Break Field low
width, Control Field 0, and Control Field 1. Figure 27.55 and Figure 27.56 are flowcharts for the transmission of a
Start Frame.
Operations when the extended serial mode control section is to be used to transmit a Start Frame are as listed below. Be
sure to use the SCI12 in asynchronous mode.

(1) With Break Field low width output mode as the operating mode for the timer, writing 1 to the TCST bit in TCR
starts counting by the timer, and the low level will be output from the TXDX12 pin over the period corresponding to
the TCNT and TPRE settings.
(2) The output on the TXDX12 pin is inverted when the timer counter underflows, and the BFDF bit in STR is set to 1.
An SCIX0 interrupt is also generated if the value of the BFDIE bit in ICR is 1.
(3) Writing 0 to the TCST bit in TCR stops counting by the timer, and SCI2 is used to send the data for Control Field 0.
After the Break Field low width output, stop counting before the next underflow occurs.
(4) Once the data for Control Field 0 have been transmitted, SCI12 is used to send the data for Control Field 1.
(5) Once the data for Control Field 1 have been transmitted, SCI12 is used to send an Information Frame.

Omit the Break Field and Control Field 0 to suit the structure of the Start Frame.

Start Frame Information Frame

Break Field low width Control Field 0 Control Field 1 Data Field

TXDX12 pin 8 bits 8 bits

Write 1 to


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Conditions for the above fIgure:

TMR: TOMS0 = 0, TOMS1 = 1

Figure 27.54 Example of Operations at the Time of Start-Frame Transmission

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Set 1 to SCI12.ESMER.ESME Enable the extended serial mode control section.

Set SCI12.CR2.RTS[1:0], BCCS[1:0], Set the timing of sampling for RXDX12 reception, clock for bus-collision detection,
and DFCS[2:0] and sampling clock for the RXDX12 signal’s digital filter.


Set the RXDX12 and TXDX12 pins.

Set 10b to SCI12.TMR.TOMS[1:0] Set Break Field low width output mode as the operating mode of the timer.

Set SCI12.TMR.TCSS[2:0] Set the clock source for counting, TCNT, and TPRE to values that suit the period
Set TCNT and TPRE for the Break Field low width.

Initialize SCI12 (see the example of a flowchart of SCI initialization (asynchronous

SCI12 initialization mode) However, set SCR.TE = 1 and SCR.RE = 0 for transmission and SCR.TE =
0 and SCR.RE = 1 for reception. Data for output need not be set at this stage.

Set 1 to each bit in SCI12.STCR Clear all flags in SCI12.STR.


Set interrupt-enable bits as required.

Figure 27.55 Sample Flowchart for Transmission of a Start Frame (1)

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Set 1 to SCI12.TCR.TCST Start the timer counter and output of the Break Field low width.

The BFDF bit in STR is set to 1 on output of the Break Field low width. At
SCI12.STR.BFDF = 1? this time, if the BFDIE bit in ICR is 1, an SCIX0 interrupt is generated.


Set 1 to SCI12.STCR.BFDCL Clear the BFDF flag.

After output of the Break Field low width is completed, stop the timer
Clear SCI12.TCR.TCST to 0
counting before the next underflow of the timer occurs.

Set SCI12.SCR.TE to 0 and then 1. After setting the SCI12.SCR.TE bit to 0, set it to 1.

TXI interrupt?
The transmission data empty interrupt request (TXI) is generated. Write
transmit data in Control Field 0 to TDR with the TXI interrupt processing
Yes routine.

Write data for transmission in Control Field 0

to SCI12.TDR

TXI interrupt?
The transmission data empty interrupt request (TXI) is generated. Write
transmit data in Control Field 1 to TDR with the TXI interrupt processing
Yes routine.

Write data for transmission in Control Field 1

to SCI12.TDR

Information Frame communications Use SCI12 to transfer the Information Frame.

Figure 27.56 Sample Flowchart for Transmission of a Start Frame (2)

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27.9.3 Receiving a Start Frame

The extended serial mode control section is capable of receiving Start Frames with the structures listed in Table 27.25.

Table 27.25 Structures of Start Frames

Bit Setting
Structures of Start Frames
Control Field 1 Information Frame
0 0
8 bits

Control Field 0 Control Field 1 Information Frame

0 1
8 bits 8 bits

Break Field Control Field 1 Information Frame

1 0
low width 8 bits

Break Field Control Field 0 Control Field 1 Information Frame

1 1 low width 8 bits 8 bits

Figure 27.57 shows an example of operations to receive a Start Frame, which is composed of the Break Field low width,
Control Field 0, and Control Field 1. Figure 27.58 and Figure 27.59 are flowcharts for the reception of a Start Frame,
and Figure 27.60 is a state transition diagram for the extended serial mode control section.
Operations when the extended serial mode control section is to be used to receive a Start Frame are as listed below. Be
sure to use the SCI12 in asynchronous mode.

(1) With Break Field low width detection mode as the operating mode for the timer, writing 1 to the SDST bit in CR3
enables detection of the Break Field low width. RXDX12 input to the SCI12 module is disabled at this time.
(2) Low-level input on the RXDX12 pin continuing over a period longer than that corresponding to the settings of
TCNT and TPRE is detected as the Break Field low width. At this time, the BFDF bit in STR is set to 1. An SCIX0
interrupt is also generated if the value of the BFDIE bit in ICR is 1.
(3) When the input from the RXDX12 pin goes high after the Break Field low width, the RXDSF bit in CR0 becomes
zero and reception of Control Field 0 by the SCI12 module starts.
(4) If the data received in Control Field 0 match the data set in CF0DR, the CF0MF bit in STR is set to 1. An SCIX1
interrupt is also generated if the value of the CF0MIE bit in ICR is 1. Reception of Control Field 1 by the SCI12
module starts after that. If the data received in Control Field 0 do not match the data set in CF0DR, a transition to
the state prior to Break Field low width detection proceeds.
(5) If the data received in Control Field 1 match the data set in PCF1DR and SCF1DR, the CF1MF bit in STR is set to
1. An SCIX1 interrupt is also generated if the value of the CF1MIE bit in ICR is 1. Transfer of the Information
Frame by the SCI12 module starts after that. If the data received in Control Field 1 do not match the data set in
either or both of PCF1DR and SCF1DR, a transition to the state prior to Break Field low width detection proceeds.

Omit the Break Field and Control Field 0 to suit the structure of the Start Frame.

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Start Frame Information Frame

Break Field low width Control Field 0 Control Field 1 Data Field

RXDX12 pin 8 bits 8 bits

8 bits 8 bits
Write 1 to
CR3.SDST Clear to 0 after Break Field
low width detection
Specified period for
TCNT and TPRE Write 1 to

Write 1 to

Write 1 to


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Conditions for the above figure:

CR1: BFE = 1, CF0RE = 1, CF1DS0 = 0, CF1DS1 = 1
ICR: BFDIE = 1, CF0MIE = 1, CF1MIE = 1
TMR: TOMS0 = 1, TOMS1 = 0

Figure 27.57 Example of Operations at the Time of Start-Frame Reception

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Set 1 to SCI12.ESMER.ESME Enable the extended serial mode control section.

Set whether to include the Break Field and Control Field 0

Set SCI12.CR1.BFE and CF0RE
in the Start Frame.

Set SCI12.CR1.CF1DS[1:0] and PIBE Select the data for comparison with Control Field 1 and the
presence or absence of a priority interrupt bit.

Select the bit of Control Field 1 that will be the priority

Set SCI12.CR1.PIBS[2:0]
interrupt bit.

Set the bits for comparison in Control Field 1 of SCI12.CF1CR Select the bits for comparison in Control Field 1.

Set the data for comparison with Control Field 1 to

Set the data for comparison with Control Field 1.

Set the bits for comparison in Control Field 0 of SCI12.CF0CR Select the bits for comparison in Control Field 0.

Set the data for comparison with Control Field 0 to

Set the data for comparison with Control Field 0.

Set Break Field low width detection mode as the operating

Set 01b to SCI12.TMR.TOMS[1:0]
mode of the timer.

Set SCI12.TMR.TCSS[2:0], and set SCI12.TCNT and Set the clock source for counting, TCNT, and TPRE to values
SCI12.TPRE that suit the period for the Break Field low width.

Set the timing of sampling for RXDX12 reception, clock for

Set SCI12.CR2.RTS[1:0], BCCS[1:0], and DFCS[2:0] bus-collision detection, and sampling clock for the RXDX12
signal’s digital filter.

Set SCI12.PCR.SHARPS, RXDXPS, and TXDXPS Set the RXDX12 and TXDX12 pins.

Initialize SCI12 (see the example of a flowchart of SCI

initialization (asynchronous mode)). However, set SCR.TE = 1
SCI12 initialization
and SCR.RE = 0 for transmission and SCR.TE = 0 and SCR.RE
= 1 for reception.

Set 1 to each bit in SCI12.STCR Clear all flags in STR.


Set interrupt-enable bits as required.

Figure 27.58 Sample Flowchart for Reception of a Start Frame (1)

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Start the timer counter so that determining the

Set 1 to SCI12.TCR.TCST
Break Field is possible.

Set 1 to SCI12.CR3.SDST Begin detection of the Start Frame.

The BFDF bit in SCI12.STR is set to 1 on detection

No of the Break Field low width. At this time, if the
SCI12.STR.BFDF = 1? BFDIE bit in SCI12.ICR is 1, an SCIX0 interrupt is

Set 1 to SCI12.STCR.BFDCL Clear the BFDF flag in SCI12.STR.

If the data received in Control Field 0 matches the

No comparison data, the CF0MF bit in SCI12.STR is
SCI12.STR.CF0MF = 1?
set. An SCIX1 interrupt is also generated if the
value of the CF0MIE bit in SCI12.ICR is 1.

Set 1 to SCI12.STCR.CF0MFCL Clear the CF0MF flag in SCI12.STR.

Yes If there is a match with the priority interrupt bit in

Control Field 1, the PIBDF bit in SCI12.STR
becomes 1. An SCIX1 interrupt is also generated if
the value of the PIBDIE bit in SCI12.ICR is 1.

If there is a match with the data received in Control

No Field 1, the CF1MF bit in SCI12.STR is set. An
SCI12.STR.CF1MF = 1?
SCIX1 interrupt is also generated if the value of the
CF1MIE bit in SCI12.ICR is 1.
Clear the CF1MF and PIBDF flags in SCI12.STR.
Set 1 to

Information Frame communications Use SCI12 to transfer the Information Frame.

Figure 27.59 Sample Flowchart for Reception of a Start Frame (2)

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CR3.SDST = 1

Break Field

[Break Field low width] detected

Control Field 0

CR3.SDST = 1

[CF0RR] matches [CF0DR]

Control Field 1

[CF1RR] matches [PCF1DR, SCF1DR], or both

the priority interrupt bit is detected.

Information Frame

Figure 27.60 Diagram of State Transitions at the Time of Start-Frame Reception

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Figure 27.61 shows an example of operation in Start-Frame reception where a priority interrupt bit is in use. Setting the
PIBE bit in CR1 to 1 enables the use of a priority interrupt bit.
Operations of the extended serial mode control section in start-Frame reception where a priority interrupt bit is in use are
as described below.

Steps (1) to (4) are the same as in Figure 27.57, for Start-Frame reception.
(5) If the value of the bit selected by the PIBS[2:0] bits in CR1 matches the corresponding bit in PCF1DR, the PIBDF
bit in STR is set to 1. An SCIX1 interrupt is also generated if the value of the PIBDIE bit in ICR is 1. Transfer of the
Information Frame by the SCI12 module starts after that. If the data received in Control Field 1 do not match the
data set in either or both of PCF1DR and SCF1DR and the priority interrupt bit is not detected, a transition to the
state prior to Break Field low width detection proceeds.

Start Frame Information Frame

Break Field low width Control Field 0 Control Field 1 Data Field

RXDX12 pin 8 bits

8 bits
Write 1 to
CR3.SDST Clear to 0 after Break Field The bit specified by PIBS[2:0] in CR1
low width detection matches the value set in PCF1DR.
Specified period for
TCNT and TPRE Write 1 to

Write 1 to


Write 1 to
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Conditions for the above figure:

CR1: BFE = 1, PIBE = 1, CF0RE = 0, CF1DS[1:0] = 10b, PIBS[2:0] = 011b
ICR: BFDIE = 1, CF0MIE = 1, PIBDIE = 1
TMR: TOMS0 = 1, TOMS1 = 0

Figure 27.61 Example of Operations at the Time of Start-Frame Reception (with Priority Interrupts in Use)

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27.9.4 Detection of Bus Collisions

Detection of bus collisions operate for cases where output of the Break Field low width and transmission of data by the
SCI12 module are in progress when the ESMER.ESME and the SCI12.SCI. TE are set to 1.
Figure 27.62 shows an example of operations with bus collision detection. Signals output through TXDX12 and input
through RXDX12 are sampled with the bus-collision detection clock set with CR2.BCCS[1:0] as the sampling clock, and
the BCDF bit in STR is set to 1 if the signals fail to match three times in a row. An SCIX2 interrupt is also generated if
the value of the BCDIE bit in ICR is 1.


No division

SCI base clock Division by 2

Division by 4

Bus-collision detection clock

TXDX12 output signal

D Q D Q D Q Match-
RXDX12 input signal

Bus-collision clock

TXDX12 output signal

RXDX12 input signal

Signals not
matching 3 times
confirms a bus


Write 1 to
Conditions for the above figure: STCR.BCDCL
CR2: BCCS[1:0] = 01b

Figure 27.62 Example of Operations with Bus-Collision Detection

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27.9.5 Digital Filter for Input on the RXDX12 Pin

Signals input through the RXDX12 pin can be passed through a digital filter before they are conveyed to the internal
circuits. The digital filter consists of three flip-flop circuit stages connected in series and a match-detecting circuit. The
DFCS[2:0] bits in CR2 select the sampling clock for the RXDX12 pin input signals. If the outputs of all three latches
match, the given level is conveyed to subsequent circuits. If the levels do not match, the previous value is retained. In
other words, levels are confirmed as being the signal if they are retained for at least three cycles of the sampling clock but
judged to be noise rather than changes in the signal level if they change within three cycles of the sampling clock. Figure
27.63 shows an example of operations with the digital filter.


SCI base clock




PCLK/64 Sampling clock


RXDX12 input C C C
signal D Q D Q D Q Match-

Clock period selected by


Sampling clock

RXDX12 input signal

RXDX12 input signal after

passing through the digital filter

Change in signal level is not recognized

due to not matching 3 times. Delay in signal propagation:
up to 3 sampling-clock cycles

Figure 27.63 Example of Operations with the Digital Filter

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27.9.6 Bit-Rate Measurement

The bit-rate measurement function measures the intervals between rising and falling edges and between falling and rising
edges of the signal input from the RXDX12 pin. Figure 27.64 shows an example of operations for bit-rate measurement.

(1) Writing 1 to the BRME bit in CR0 enables bit-rate measurement. Only set BRME to 1 when you wish to proceed
with bit-rate measurement. Furthermore, bit-rate measurement will not proceed during a Break Field, even if BRME
is set to 1.
(2) After detection of the Break Field low width, bit-rate measurement starts when the level input on the RXDX12 pin
becomes high.
(3) Once bit-rate measurement has started, counter values from the timer are retained in the read buffers on the input of
valid edges from the RXDX12 pin (rising and falling edges) and the counter is reloaded. An SCIX3 interrupt is also
generated if the value of the AEDIE bit in ICR is 1. Retention by TCNT and TPRE is released by reading these
(4) The bit rate as calculated from the values counted during intervals between valid edges can be used for adjusting the
rate by changing the settings of the SCI12 module. To disable the bit-rate measurement after a match with Control
Field 1, write 0 to the BRME bit in CR0.

Valid edge Valid edge Valid edge

RXDX12 pin

Reload Reload Reload

Counter value 10 0F 0E 0D FF FE FD FC FB FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 FF FE FD

Retention released Retained
Read buffer*1 11 10 0F 0E 0D FD FC FB FA F9 F8

*2 *4
STR.AEDF Read the counter value*5

Write 1 to

Note 1. The contents of the read buffers are read by reading TCNT and TPRE .
Note 2. The AEDF bit in STR becomes 1 on detection of a valid edge.
Note 3. The current counter value is retained in the read buffers on detection of a valid edge .
Note 4. The value retained in the read buffers due to one valid edge is not updated to the new value even if a further valid edge is detected.
Note 5. Retention of a value in a read buffer due to a valid edge is released by reading TCNT or TPRE .

Figure 27.64 Example of Operations for Bit-Rate Measurement

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27.9.7 Selectable Timing for Sampling Data Received through RXDX12

The extended serial mode control section provides a way of adjusting the timing for the sampling of data received
through the RXDX12 pin of an SCI12 module by setting the RTS0 and RTS1 bits in CR2 to select the rising edges of 8,
10, 12, or 14 cycles of SCI base clock. If the value of the ABCS bit in SEMR is 1, the bits select the rising edges of 4, 5,
6, or 7 cycles of the PCLK clock of the SCI12 module. Figure 27.65 shows timing for the sampling of data received
through RXDX12.

16 clocks

SCI base clock

RXDX12 receive data

8 clocks
RTS0 = 0, RTS1 = 0
10 clocks
RTS0 = 1, RTS1 = 0
12 clocks
RTS0 = 0, RTS1 = 1
14 clocks
RTS0 = 1, RTS1 = 1

Conditions for the above figure:


Figure 27.65 Timing for Sampling of Data Received through RXDX12

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27.9.8 Timer
The timer has the following operating modes.

(1) Break Field Low Width Output Mode

This mode is for output through the TXDX12 pin of the low level over the Break Field low width at the time of
transmitting a Start Frame. Setting TOMS0 to 0 and TOMS1 to 1 in TMR switches operation to Break Field low width
output mode. The TCSS[2:0] bits in TMR select the clock source for the counter. When the TCST bit in TCR is set to 1,
the output on the TXDX12 pin goes to the low level and counting starts. When the timer underflows, the output on the
TXDX12 pin goes to the high level and the BFDF bit in the STR is set to 1. An SCIX0 interrupt is also generated if the
value of the BFDIE bit in ICR is 1. When 0 is written to the TCST bit in TCR, counting stops after reloading of TPRE
and TCNT. After output of the Break Field low width is completed, stop the timer before it underflows again. Figure
27.66 shows an example of operations in Break Field low width output mode.

n = Contents of (upper) TCNT and (lower) TPRE

Contents of the counter (hex.)

Counting stops
Counting stops
Count started after reloading Count started
after reloading

Set to 1 by the
Set to 0 by the


TXDX12 pin output

Write 1 to


Conditions for the above figure:

TMR: TOMS[1:0] = 01b

Figure 27.66 Example of Operations in Break Field Low Width Output Mode

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(2) Break Field Low Width Determination Mode

This mode is for determining the Break Field low width in the input signal on the RXDX12 pin at the time of receiving a
Start Frame. Setting TOMS0 to 1 and TOMS1 to 0 in TMR switches operation to Break Field low width determination
mode. The TCSS[2:0] bits in TMR select the clock source for the counter. When the TCST bit in TCR is set to 1, the
interface enters the Break Field low width determinable state. Determination starts when a low level is input from the
RXDX12 pin. When a high level is then input on the RXDX12 pin, TPRE and TCNT are reloaded and the interface
enters the Break Field low width determinable state. When the timer underflows during Break Field low width
determination, the BFDF bit in STR is set to 1. An SCIX0 interrupt is also generated if the value of the BFDIE bit in ICR
is 1. If an underflow of the timer during data transfer cause a problem in the form of interrupt generation, stop the timer
after Break Field low width determination. Figure 27.67 shows an example of operations in Break Field low width
output mode.

n = Contents of (upper) TCNT and (lower) TPRE

FFFFh Underflow
Contents of the counter (hex.)

Determination state after Determination
state after
started reloading started

Set to 1 by the program


RXDX12 pin output

Write 1 to


Conditions for the above figure:

CR1: BFE = 0
TMR: TOMS[1:0] = 01b

Figure 27.67 Example of Operations in Break Field Low Width Determination Mode

(3) Timer Mode

This mode is for counting cycles of the internal clock as the clock source. Setting TOMS0 to 0 and TOMS1 to 0 in TMR
switches operation to timer mode. The TCSS[2:0] bits in TMR select the clock source for counting. Counting starts when
1 is written to the TCST bit in TCR and stops when 0 is written to TCST. TPRE and TCNT both count down. TPRE
counts cycles of the clock source for counting, and underflows of TPRE provide the clock source for counting by TCNT.
When the timer underflows, the BFDF bit in STR is set to 1. An SCIX0 interrupt is also generated if the value of the
BFDIE bit in ICR is 1.

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27.10 Noise Cancellation Function

Figure 27.68 shows the configuration of the noise filter used for noise cancellation. The noise filter consists of two
stages of flip-flop circuits and a match-detection circuit. When the level on the pin matches in three consecutive samples
taken at the set sampling interval, the matching level continues to be conveyed internally until the level on the pin again
matches in three consecutive samples.
In asynchronous mode, the noise cancellation function can be applied on the RXDn input signal. The period of the base
clock (1/16th of a bit-period when SEMR.ABCS = 0 and 1/8th of a bit-period when SEMR.ABCS = 1) is the sampling
In simple I2C mode, the noise cancellation function can be applied on the SSDAn and SSCLn input signals. The
sampling clock is the clock signal produced by frequency-dividing the signal from the clock source for the internal baud-
rate generator by one, two, four, or eight as selected by the setting of the SNFR.NFCS[2:0] bits.
If the base clock is stopped with the noise filter enabled and then the clock input is started again, the noise filter operation
resumes from where the clock was stopped. If SCR.TE and SCR.RE are set to 0 during base clock input, all of the noise
filter flip-flop values are initialized to 1. Accordingly, if the input data is 1 when reception operation resumes, it is
determined that a level match is detected and is conveyed to the internal signal. When the level being input corresponds
to 0, the initial output of the noise filter is retained until the level matches in three consecutive samples.

internal signals
Not match
Match D Q

Com- CLK

input signal D Q D Q

Divided by 1 CLK CLK

Clock source for the on-chip
Divided by 2
baud-rate generator
Divided by 4
Divided by 8
Base clock for
asynchronous mode

Bits NFCS[2:0] Bit NFE

Figure 27.68 Block Diagram of Digital Noise Filter Circuit

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27.11 Interrupt Sources

27.11.1 Buffer Operations for TXI and RXI Interrupts

If the conditions for a TXI and RXI interrupt are satisfied while the interrupt status flag in the interrupt controller is 1, the
interrupt controller does not output the interrupt request but retains it internally (with a capacity for retention of one
request per source).
When the value of the interrupt status flag in the interrupt controller becomes 0, the interrupt request retained within the
interrupt controller is output. The internally retained interrupt request is automatically discarded once the actual interrupt
is output. Clearing of the corresponding interrupt enable bit (the TIE or RIE bit in the SCR) can also be used to discard an
internally retained interrupt request.

27.11.2 Interrupts in Serial Communications Interface and Simple SPI Mode

Table 27.26 lists interrupt sources in serial communication interface mode and simple SPI mode. A different interrupt
vector is assigned to each interrupt source, and individual interrupt sources can be enabled or disabled with the enable
bits in SCR.
If the SCR.TIE bit is 1, a TXI interrupt request is generated when data for transmission are transferred from the TDR to
the TSR. A TXI interrupt request can also be generated by setting the SCR.TE bit to 1 after setting the SCR.TIE bit to 1
or by using a single instruction to set the SCR.TE and SCR.TIE bit to 1 at the same time. A TXI interrupt request can
activate the DTC or DMAC to handle data transfer.
A TXI interrupt request is not generated by setting the SCR.TE bit to 1 while the setting of the SCR.TIE bit is 0 or by
setting the SCR.TIE bit to 1 while the setting of the SCR.TE bit is 1.*1
When new data are not written by the time of transmission of the last bit of the current data for transmission and the
setting of the SCR.TEIE bit is 1, the SSR.TEND flag becomes 1 and a TEI interrupt request is generated. Furthermore,
when the setting of the SCR.TE bit is 1, the SSR.TEND flag retains the value 1 until further data for transmission are
written to the TDR, and setting the SCR.TEIE bit to 1 leads to the generation of a TEI interrupt request.
Writing data to the TDR leads to clearing of the SSR.TEND flag and, after a certain time, discarding of the TEI interrupt
If the SCR.RIE bit is 1, an RXI interrupt request is generated when received data are stored in the RDR. An RXI interrupt
request can activate the DTC or DMAC to handle data transfer.
Setting of any from among the ORER, FER, and PER flags in the SSR to 1 while the SCR.RIE bit is 1 leads to the
generation of an ERI interrupt request. An RXI interrupt request is not generated at this time. Clearing all three flags
(ORER, FER, and PER) leads to discarding of the ERI interrupt request.

Note 1. To temporarily prohibit TXI interrupts at the time of transmission of the last of the data and so on when you wish
a new round of transmission to start after handling of the transmission-completed interrupt, control prohibiting
and permitting of the interrupt by using the interrupt request enable bit in the interrupt controller rather than
using the SCR.TIE bit. This can prevent the suppression of TXI interrupt requests in the transfer of new data.

Table 27.26 Interrupt Sources

Name Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag DTC Activation DMAC Activation Priority
ERI Receive error ORER, FER, or PER Not possible Not possible High
RXI Receive data full — Possible Possible
TXI Transmit data empty — Possible Possible
TEI Transmit end TEND Not possible Not possible Low

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27.11.3 Interrupts in Smart Card Interface Mode

Table 27.27 lists interrupt sources in smart card interface mode. A transmit end interrupt (TEI) request cannot be used in
this mode.

Table 27.27 SCI Interrupt Sources

Name Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag DTC Activation DMAC Activation Priority
ERI Receive error or error signal detection ORER, PER, or ERS Not possible Not possible High
RXI Receive data full — Possible Possible
TXI Transmit data empty TEND Possible Possible Low

Data transmission/reception using the DTC or DMAC is also possible in smart card interface mode, similar to in the
normal SCI mode. In transmission, when the TEND flag in SSR is set to 1, a TXI interrupt request is generated. This TXI
interrupt request activates the DTC or DMAC allowing transfer of transmit data if the TXI request is specified
beforehand as a source of DTC or DMAC activation. The TEND flag is automatically cleared to 0 when the DTC or
DMAC transfers the data.
If an error occurs, the SCI automatically re-transmits the same data. During the retransmission, the TEND flag is kept to
0 and the DTC or DMAC is not activated. Therefore, the SCI and DTC or DMAC automatically transmit the specified
number of bytes, including retransmission in the case of error occurrence. However, the ERS flag in SSR is not
automatically cleared to 0 at error occurrence. Therefore, the ERS flag must be cleared by previously setting the RIE bit
in SCR to 1 to enable an ERI interrupt request to be generated at error occurrence.
When transmitting/receiving data using the DTC or DMAC, be sure to make settings to enable the DTC or DMAC
before making SCI settings. For DTC or DMAC settings, see section 16, DMA Controller (DMACA) and section 17,
Data Transfer Controller (DTCa).
In reception, an RXI interrupt request is generated when receive data is set to RDR. This RXI interrupt request activates
the DTC or DMAC allowing transfer of receive data if the RXI request is specified beforehand as a source of DTC or
DMAC activation. If an error occurs, the error flag is set. Therefore, the DTC or DMAC is not activated and an ERI
interrupt request is issued to the CPU instead; the error flag must be cleared.

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27.11.4 Interrupts in Simple I2C Mode

The interrupt sources in simple I2C mode are listed in Table 27.28. The STI interrupt is allocated to the transmit end
interrupt (TEI) request. The receive error interrupt (ERI) request cannot be used.
The DTC and DMAC can also be used to handle transfer in simple I2C mode.
When the value of the IICINTM bit in SIMR2 is 1, an RXI request will be generated on the falling edge of the SSCL
signal for the eighth bit. If the RXI has been set up as an activating request for the DTC or DMAC beforehand, the RXI
request will activate the DTC or DMAC to handle transfer of the received data. Furthermore, a TXI request is generated
on the falling edge of the SSCLn signal for the ninth bit (acknowledge bit). If the TXI has been set up as an activating
request for the DTC or DMAC beforehand, the TXI request will activate the DTC or DMAC to handle transfer of the
data for transmission.
When the value of the IICINTM bit in SIMR2 is 0, an RXI request (ACK detection) if the input on the SSDAn pin is at
the low level or a TXI request (NACK detection) if the input on the SSDAn pin is at the high level will be generated on
the rising edge of the SSCLn signal for the ninth bit (acknowledge bit). If the RXI has been set up as an activating request
for the DTC or DMAC beforehand, the RXI request will activate the DTC or DMAC to handle transfer of the received
Also, if the DTC or DMAC is used for data transfer in reception or transmission, be sure to set up and enable the DTC or
DMAC before setting up the SCI.
When the IICSTAREQ, IICRSTAREQ, and IICSTPREQ bits in SIMR3 are used to generate a start condition, restart
condition, or stop condition, the STI request is issued when generation is complete.

Table 27.28 SCI Interrupt Sources

Name Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag DTC Activation DMAC Activation Priority
RXI Reception, ACK detection — Possible Possible High
TXI Transmission, NACK detection — Possible*1 Possible*1
STI Completion of generating a start, IICSTIF Not possible Not possible
restart, or stop condition Low

Note 1. Activation of the DTC or DMAC is only possible when the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 1 (selecting reception and interrupts).

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27.11.5 Interrupts from the Extended Serial Mode Control Section

The extended serial mode control section has a total of six types of interrupt request for generating the SCIX0 interrupt
(Break Field low width detected), SCIX1 interrupt (Control Field 0 match, Control Field 1 match, priority interrupt bit
detected), SCIX2 interrupt (bus collision detected), and SCIX3 interrupt (valid edge detected). When any of the interrupt
factors is generated, the corresponding status flag is set to 1. Details of all of the interrupt requests are listed in Table

Table 27.29 Interrupt Sources of the Extended Serial Mode Control Section
Interrupt Request Status Flag Interrupt Factors
SCIX0 interrupt (Break Field low width BFDF  Detection of a Break Field low width longer than the interval corresponding
detected) to the timer setting
 Completion of the output of a Break Field low width over the interval
corresponding to the timer setting
 Underflow of the timer
SCIX1 interrupt (Control Field 0 match) CF0MF The data received in Control Field 0 matching the value set in CF0DR
SCIX1 interrupt (Control Field 1 match) CF1MF The data received in Control Field 1 matching the value set in PCF1DR or
SCIX1 interrupt (priority interrupt bit PIBDF The value of the bit specified as the priority interrupt bit matching the value set
detected) in PCF1DR
SCIX2 interrupt (bus collision detected) BCDF The output level on the TXDX12 pin and the input level on the RXDX12 pin not
matching on three consecutive cycles of the bus-collision detection clock
SCIX3 interrupt (valid edge detected) AEDF Detection of a valid edge during bit-rate measurement

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27.12 Event Linking

By employing interrupt request signals as event signals, SCI5 is able to provide linked operation through the event link
controller (ELC) for modules selected in advance.
Event signals can be output regardless of the values of the corresponding interrupt request enable bits.

(1) Error (reception error, error-signal detected) event output

 Indicates abnormal termination due to a parity error during reception in asynchronous mode.
 Indicates abnormal termination due to a framing error during reception in asynchronous mode.
 Indicates abnormal termination due to an overrun error during reception.
 Indicates detection of the error signal during transmission in smart card interface mode.

(2) Received-data full event output

 Indicates that received data have been set in the receive data register (RDR).
 Indicates that ACK has been detected if the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 0 in simple I2C mode.
 Indicates that the eighth-bit SSCL5 falling edge has been detected if the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 1 in simple I2C
When the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 1 during master transmission in simple I2C mode, set the event link controller (ELC)
so that received-data full events are not used.

(3) Transmission-data empty event output

 Indicates that the SCR.TE bit has been changed from 0 to 1.
 Indicates that data for transmission have been transferred from the transmit data register (TDR) to the transmit shift
register (TSR).
 Indicates that transmission has been completed in smart card interface mode.
 Indicates that NACK has been detected if the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 0 in simple I2C mode.
 Indicates that the ninth-bit SSCL5 falling edge has been detected if the SIMR2.IICINTM bit is 1 in simple I2C

(4) Transmission-completed event output

 Indicates the completion of transmission.
 Indicates that the starting condition, resumption condition, or termination condition has been generated in simple
I2C mode.

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27.13 Usage Notes

27.13.1 Setting the Module Stop Function

Module stop control registers B and C (MSTPCRB and MSTPCRC) are used to stop and start SCI operations. With the
value after a reset, SCI operations are stopped. The registers of the modules only become accessible after release from
the module-stop state. For details, refer to section 11, Low Power Consumption.

27.13.2 Break Detection and Processing

When a framing error is detected, a break can be detected by reading the RXDn pin value directly. In a break, the input
from the RXDn pin becomes all 0s, and so the FER flag in SSR is set to 1 (framing error), and the PER flag in SSR may
also be set to 1 (parity error). When the SEMR.RXDESEL bit is 0, the SCI continues the receive operation even after a
break is received. Therefore, note that even if the FER flag is cleared to 0 (no framing error), it will be set to 1 again.
When the SEMR.RXDESEL bit is 1, the SCI stops the receive operation while waiting for the start bit of the next frame
to be detected, with the SSR.FER flag set to 1. If the SSR.FER flag is set to 0 at this time, this flag remains 0 during a
break. After the RXDn pin is pulled high and the break ends, the SCI detects the beginning of the start bit at the first
falling edge of the RXDn pin and starts the receive operation.

27.13.3 The Mark State and Production of Breaks

When the SCR.TE bit is 0 (prohibiting serial transmission), setting the I/O port function makes selection of the level and
direction (input or output) of the TXDn pin possible. If this is done, the TXDn pin can be placed in the mark state to send
a break at the time of data transmission. Until the SCR.TE bit is set to 1 (permitting serial transmission), the I/O port
function is used to set the TXDn pin to output 1 and set the pin mode to a general I/O port pin, and thus place the transfer
circuit in the mark state (state of having the value 1). On the other hand, to output a break at the time of data
transmission, set the TXDn pin to output 0 and make the pin mode settings for a general I/O port pin. When the SCR.TE
bit is set to 0, the transmission section is initialized regardless of the current state of transmission.

27.13.4 Receive Error Flags and Transmit Operations (Clock Synchronous Mode Only)
Transmission cannot be started when a receive error flag (ORER) in SSR is set to 1, even if data is written to TDR. Be
sure to clear the receive error flags to 0 before starting transmission. Note also that the receive error flags cannot be
cleared to 0 even if the RE bit in SCR is cleared to 0 (serial reception disabled).

27.13.5 Writing Data to TDR

Data can always be written to TDR. However, if new data is written to TDR when transmit data is remaining in TDR, the
previous data in TDR is lost because it has not been transferred to TSR yet. Be sure to write transmit data to TDR in the
TXI interrupt request processing routine.

27.13.6 Restrictions on Clock Synchronous Transmission

When the external clock source is used as a synchronization clock, update TDR by the DMAC or DTC and wait for at
least five PCLK clock cycles before allowing the transmit clock to be input. If the transmit clock is input within four
clock cycles after TDR is updated, the SCI may malfunction.

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27.13.7 Restrictions on Using DTC or DMAC

When using the DMAC or DTC to read RDR, be sure to set the receive end interrupt (RXI) as the activation source of the
relevant SCI.

27.13.8 Points to Note on Starting Transfer

At the point where transfer starts when the interrupt status flag in the interrupt controller is 1, follow the procedure below
to clear interrupt requests before permitting operations (by setting the SCR.TE or SCR.RE bit to 1).
 Confirm that transfer has stopped (the setting of the SCR.TE or SCR.RE bits is 0).
 Set the corresponding interrupt enable bit (SCR.TIE or SCR.RIE) to 0.
 Read the corresponding interrupt enable bit (SCR.TIE or SCR.RIE bit) to check that it has actually become 0.
 Set the interrupt status flag in the interrupt controller to 0.

27.13.9 SCI Operations during Low Power Consumption State

(1) Transmission
When making settings for the module-stopped state or in transitions to software standby, stop operations (by setting the
TIE, TE, and TEIE bits in the SCR to 0) after switching the TXDn pin to the general I/O port pin function. Clearing the
TE bit to 0 resets the TSR and the TEND bit in the SSR. Depending on the port settings, output pins may output the high
level after release from the module-stopped state or software standby. When transitions to these states are made during
transmission, the data being transmitted become indeterminate.
To transmit data in the same transmission mode after cancellation of the low power consumption state, set the TE bit to 1,
read SSR, and write data to TDR sequentially to start data transmission. To transmit data with a different transmission
mode, initialize the SCI first.
Figure 27.69 shows a sample flowchart for transition to software standby mode during transmission. Figure 27.70 and
Figure 27.71 show the port pin states during transition to software standby mode.
Before specifying the module stop state or making a transition to software standby mode from the transmission mode
using DTC transfer, stop the transmit operations (TE = 0). To start transmission after cancellation using the DTC, set the
TE bit to 1. The TXI interrupt flag is set to 1 and transmission starts using the DTC.

(2) Reception
Before specifying the module stop state or making a transition to software standby mode, stop the receive operations (RE
= 0 in SCR). If transition is made during data reception, the data being received will be invalid.
To receive data in the same reception mode after cancellation of the low power consumption state, set the RE bit to 1, and
then start reception. To receive data in a different reception mode, initialize the SCI first.
Figure 27.72 shows a sample flowchart for transition to software standby mode during reception.

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<Data transmission>

No [1] [ 1 ] Data being transmitted is lost halfway. Data can be

All data transmitted? normally transmitted from the CPU by setting the TE
bit in SCR to 1, reading SSR, and writing data to
Yes TDR after canceling software standby mode.
However, if the DTC has been activated, the data
Read TEND flag in SSR remaining in the DTC will be transmitted when both
the TE and TIE bits in SCR are set to 1.

No [ 2 ] Set the I/O port function, and switch from the TXDn
pin to the general I/O port.

Yes [ 3 ] Clear the TIE and TEIE bits in the SCR if they are
Make the I/O port function settings currently set to 1.

[ 4 ] This includes the setting for the module-stopped

SCR.TE bit = 0 [3] state.

Make transition to software standby mode [4]

Cancel software standby mode

Change operating mode?

Yes Make the I/O port function settings

Initialization SCR.TE = 1

<Start data transmission>

Figure 27.69 Example of Flowchart for Transition to Software Standby Mode during Transmission

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Transition to
software standby Software standby mode
Transmission start Transmission end mode canceled

SCR.TE bit

SCKn output pin Port input/output

TXDn output pin Port input/output High output Stop Port input/output High output

Port SCI TXDn output Port SCI TXDn output

Figure 27.70 Port Pin States during Transition to Software Standby Mode
(Internal Clock, Asynchronous Transmission)

Transition to
software standby Software standby
Transmission start Transmission end mode mode canceled

SCR.TE bit

SCKn output pin Port input/output

TXDn output pin Port input/output Marking output Last TXD bit retained Port input/output High output*1

Port SCI TXDn output Port SCI TXDn output

Note 1. Initialized in software standby mode

Figure 27.71 Port Pin States during Transition to Software Standby Mode
(Internal Clock, Clock Synchronous Transmission)

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Data reception

No [1] [ 1 ] Data being received is invalid.

RXI interrupt


Read receive data in RDR

SCR.RE = 0

Make transition to software standby mode [2] [ 2 ] Setting for the module stop state is included.

Cancel software standby mode

Change operating mode?


Initialization SCR.RE = 1

Start data reception

Figure 27.72 Example of Flowchart for Transition to Software Standby Mode during Reception

27.13.10 External Clock Input in Clock Synchronous Mode

In clock synchronous mode, the external clock SCKn must be input as follows:
High-pulse period, low-pulse period = 2 PCLK cycles or more, period = 6 PCLK cycles or more

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27.13.11 Limitation on Using Simple SPI Bus Mode

(1) Master Mode
 Use a resistor to pull up or pull down the clock line matching the initial settings for the transfer clock set by the
CKPH and CKPOL bits in SPMR.
 In the case of the setting for clock delay (the SPMR.CKPH bit is 1), the received data full interrupt (RXI interrupt)
is generated before the final clock edge on the SCKn pin as indicated in Figure 27.73. If the TE and RE bits in the
SCR become 0 at this time before the final edge of the clock signal on the SCKn pin, the SCKn pin is placed in the
high impedance state, so the width of the last clock pulse of the transfer clock is shortened. Furthermore, an RXI
interrupt may lead to the input signal on the SSn# pin of a connected slave going to the high level before the final
edge of the clock signal on the SCKn pin, leading to incorrect operation of the slave.
 When operation is in multi-master mode, take care because the SCKn pin output becomes high impedance while the
input on the SS# pin is at the low level if a mode-fault error occurs as the current character is being transferred,
stopping supply of the clock signal to the connected slave. Remake the settings for the connected slave to avoid
misaligned bits when transfer is restarted.

SCKn pin
SCKn pin

RXDn pin Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

RXI source

Figure 27.73 Timing of the RXI Interrupt in Simple SPI Mode (with Clock Delay)

(2) Slave Mode

 When data for transmission are written to the TDR, secure at least five cycles of the PCLK from input of the low
level on the SSn# pin to input of the external clock.
 Provide an external clock signal to the master the same as the data length for transfer.
 Control the input on the SSn# pin before the start and after the end of data transfer.
 When the level being input on the SSn# pin is to be changed from low to high while the current character is being
transferred, set the TE and RE bits in the SCR to 0 and, after remaking the settings, restart transfer of the first byte.

27.13.12 Limitation 1 on Usage of the Extended Serial Mode Control Section

When the SHARPS bit in PCR is set to 1, output on the TXDX12/RXDX12 pin is only possible when the following
conditions apply.
 The timer of the SCIf module is in Break Field low width output mode and the value of the TCST bit in TCR is 1
(when the TCST bit is set to 1, the high level continues to be output for up to one cycle of the clock source for
counting by the timer counter before output of the low level)
 The value of the TE bit in SCI12.SCR is 1.

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27.13.13 Limitation 2 on Usage of the Extended Serial Mode Control Section

An SCIe interrupt request is generated even if the extended serial mode is enabled. However, the SCIe interrupt should
not be used during reception of a start frame because SCIf uses an SCIe interrupt request.
The two ways of dealing with this are described below. When a reception error is detected, clear the error flag of the SCIe
and initialize the control section of the SCIf.

(1) Set the SCR.RIE bit of the SCI (SCIe) to 0 to disable the output of interrupt requests. Check the error flags in the
SSR register for SCIe on completion of the reception of a start frame, because an ERI interrupt is not generated if a
reception error occurs. After reception of the start frame is completed, set the SCR.RIE bit of the SCIe to 1 by the
time the first byte of the information frame is received.
(2) Set the SCR.RIE bit of the SCIe to 1 to disable RXI interrupts and enable ERI interrupts for ICU.
Clear the IRn.IR flag to enable the acceptance of RXI interrupts by ICU by the time the first byte of the information
frame is received after the completion of start frame reception.

Start of reception error handling

Clear the TCR.TCST bit to 0 Stop counting by the timer.

Clear the ESMER.ESME bit to 0 Disable extended serial functions. The state
of the control section is initialized.

Set the ESMER.ESME bit to 1 Enable extended serial functions. *1

Set break field low period detection mode as the timer’s operating
Set the TMR.TOMS[1:0] bits
Set the TMR.TCSS[2:0] bits, and TPRE and TCNT Set a counter clock source that is suitable for the break field low period and set the
registers TPRE and TCNT registers.
Clear the reception error flags (ORER, FER and PER) in the SSR register for SCIe
Clear reception error flags for SCIe to 0
to 0.

Set all bits in STCR to 1 Clear all flags in the STR register.

Set the AEDIE, BCDIE, CF1MIE, CF0MIE and Set interrupt enable bits as required.
BFDIE bits in the ICR.

Set the TCR.TCST bit to 1 Start counting by the timer so that judgment of break fields is possible.

Set the CR3.SDST bit to 1. This starts detection of the start frame.

Completion of reception error handling Note 1. The setting in this step is not necessary if the setting conditions
have not been changed.

Figure 27.74 Example of Flowchart for Reception Error Handling (During Reception of the Start Frame)

27.13.14 Note on Transmit Enable Bit (TE bit)

When setting the SCR.TE bit to 0 (serial transmission is disabled) while the pin function is “TXDn” (n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12),
output of the pin becomes high impedance.
Prevent the TXDn line from becoming high impedance by any of the following ways:
(1) Connect a pull-up resistor to the TXDn line.
(2) Change the pin function to “general-purpose I/O port, output” before setting the SCR.TE bit to 0.
Set the SCR.TE bit to 1 before changing the pin function to “TXDn”.
Note that a TXI interrupt request is generated when both bits SCR.TE and SCR.TIE become 1.

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RX220 Group 28. IrDA Interface

28. IrDA Interface

The IrDA interface sends and receives IrDA data communication waveforms in cooperation with the SCI5 based on the
IrDA (Infrared Data Association) standard 1.0.

28.1 Overview
Enabling the IrDA function by using the IRE bit in the IRCR register allows encoding and decoding the TXD5 and
RXD5 signals of the SCI5 to the waveforms conforming to the IrDA standard 1.0 (IRTXD5 and IRRXD5 pins).
Connecting these waveforms to an infrared transmitter/receiver implements infrared data communication conforming to
the IrDA standard 1.0 system.
With the IrDA standard 1.0 system, data transfer can be started at 9600 bps and the transfer rate can be changed
whenever necessary. Since the IrDA interface cannot change the transfer rate automatically, the transfer rate should be
changed through software.
Figure 28.1 is a block diagram showing cooperation between the IrDA and SCI5.


IRE bit = 0

Phase inverter Pulse encoder
IRE bit = 1
IRE bit = 1
RXD5/IRRXD5 Phase inverter Pulse decoder RXD5

IRE bit = 0


Internal peripheral bus 2

Figure 28.1 Block Diagram Showing Cooperation between IrDA and SCI5

Table 28.1 IrDA Interface Input Pins

Pin Name I/O Function
IRTXD5 Output Outputs data to be transmitted.
IRRXD5 Input Inputs received data.

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28.2 Register Descriptions

28.2.1 IrDA Control Register (IRCR)

Address(es): 0008 8410h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b2 IRRXINV IRRXD Polarity Switching 0: IRRXD input is used as received data as is. R/W
1: IRRXD input is used as received data after the polarity is inverted.
b3 IRTXINV IRTXD Polarity Switching 0: Data to be transmitted is output to IRTXD as is. R/W
1: Data to be transmitted is output to IRTXD after the polarity is inverted.
b6 to b4 IRCKS[2:0] IrDA Clock Select b6 b4 R/W
0 0 0: B × 3/16 (B = bit rate)
0 0 1: PCLK/2
0 1 0: PCLK/4
0 1 1: PCLK/8
1 0 0: PCLK/16
1 0 1: PCLK/32
1 1 0: PCLK/64
1 1 1: PCLK/128
b7 IRE IrDA Enable 0: Serial I/O pins are used for normal serial communication. R/W
1: Serial I/O pins are used for IrDA data communication.

Note 1. The IRCR register values are retained in module stop function mode, sleep mode, all-module clock stop mode, and software
standby mode.

IRRXINV Bit (IRRXD Polarity Switching)

This bit inverts the logic level of the IRRXD input. When inverted, the high-level pulse width set by the IRCKS[2:0] bits
applies to the low-level pulse width.

IRTXINV Bit (IRTXD Polarity Switching)

This bit inverts the logic level of the IRTXD output. When inverted, the high-level pulse width set by the IRCKS[2:0]
bits applies to the low-level pulse width.

IRCKS[2:0] Bits (IrDA Clock Select)

These bits set the high-level pulse width during IRTXD output encoding when the IrDA function is enabled.

IRE Bit (IrDA Enable)

This bit selects either normal serial communication or IrDA data communication as the function of the serial I/O pins.

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28.3 Operation

28.3.1 IrDA Interface Setting Procedure

Set the IrDA interface operation according to the following procedure.

(1) Set the corresponding pins to IRTXD5 and IRRXD5 by the pin function select register (Pmn.PFS = 1010b) of the
multi-function pin controller (MPC).
(2) Set the general I/O port to the port mode by the port mode register (PORTm.PMR = 0) of the I/O port.
(3) Specify the IrDA function by the IRCR register.
(4) Set the SCI5-related registers of the serial communications interface.

28.3.2 Transmission
In transmission, the signals output from the SCI5 (UART frames) are converted to the IR frame data through the IrDA
interface (see Figure 28.2). When the IRCR.IRTXINV bit is 0 and serial data is 0, high-level pulses with 3/16 the width
of the bit rate (1-bit width period) are output (initial setting). The high-level pulse width can be changed by setting the
IRCR.IRCKS[2:0] bits. The standard prescribes that the minimum high-level pulse width should be 1.41 μs and the
maximum high-level pulse width be (3/16 + 2.5%) × bit rate or (3/16 × bit rate) + 1.08 μs. When the peripheral module
clock PCLK is 20 MHz, the high-level pulse width can be 1.41 μs to 1.6 μs. When serial data is 1, no pulses are output.

UART frame

Start bit Stop bit

0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

Transmission Reception

IR frame

Start bit Stop bit

0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

Pulse width is 1.4 µs to 3/16

Bit period
the bit period + 1.08 µs

Figure 28.2 IrDA Transmission/Reception

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28.3.3 Reception
In reception, the IR frame data is converted to the UART frame data through the IrDA interface and is input to the SCI5.
Low-level data is output when the IRCR.IRRXINV bit is 0 and a high-level pulse is detected; high-level data is output
when no pulse is detected for a 1-bit period. Note that pulses shorter than the minimum pulse width of 1.41 μs are not

28.3.4 Selecting High-Level Pulse Width

When the pulse width should be shorter than bit rate × 3/16 for transmission, IRCKS[2:0] bit setting (minimum pulse
width) shown in Table 28.2 can be used. In the table, the corresponding operating frequencies and bit rates of this
module are also shown.

Table 28.2 IRCKS[2:0] Bit Setting

Peripheral Module Bit Rate (bps) (Upper Row)/Bit Period × 3/16 (μs) (Lower Row)
2400 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Frequency PCLK
(MHz) 78.13 19.53 9.77 4.88 3.26 1.63
4.9152 011b 011b 011b 011b 011b 011b
5 011b 011b 011b 011b 011b 011b
6 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b —
6.144 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b —
7.3728 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b —
8 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b —
9.8304 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b
10 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b 100b
12 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
12.288 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
14 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
14.7456 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
16 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
16.9344 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
17.2032 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
18 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b —
19.6608 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b
20 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b 101b
25 110b 110b 110b 110b 110b —

—: The bit rate cannot be set for the SCI5.

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28.4 Usage Notes

28.4.1 Module Stop Function Setting

The IrDA can be enabled and disabled by setting the MSTPCRC.MSTPC20 bit. The IrDA is stopped after a reset.
Registers can be accessed by enabling the IrDA. For details, refer to section 11, Low Power Consumption.

28.4.2 Minimum Pulse Width during Reception

Pulses shorter than the minimum pulse width of 1.41 μs are not recognized.

28.4.3 Asynchronous Reference Clock for SCI5

DB: The IrDA receives a clock with a frequency 16 times the bit rate from SCI5 and operates in conjunction with SCI5.
When using the IrDA, set the SCI5.SEMR.ABCS bit to 0.

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29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)

The RX220 Group has one I2C bus interface (RIIC module).
The RIIC module conforms with and provides a subset of the NXP I2C bus (Inter-IC-Bus) interface functions.

29.1 Overview
Table 29.1 lists the specifications of the RIIC, Figure 29.1 shows a block diagram of the RIIC, and Figure 29.2 shows
an example of I/O pin connections to external circuits (I2C bus configuration example). Table 29.2 lists the I/O pins of
the RIIC.

Table 29.1 RIIC Specifications (1/2)

Item Description
Communications format  I2C bus format or SMBus format
 Master mode or slave mode selectable
 Automatic securing of the various set-up times, hold times, and bus-free times for the transfer rate
Transfer rate Up to 400 kbps
SCL clock For master operation, the duty cycle of the SCL clock is selectable in the range from 4% to 96%.
Issuing and detecting Start, restart, and stop conditions are automatically generated. Start conditions (including restart conditions)
conditions and stop conditions are detectable.
Slave address  Up to three slave-address settings can be made.
 Seven- and ten-bit address formats are supported (along with the use of both at once).
 General call addresses, device ID addresses, and SMBus host addresses are detectable.
Acknowledgement  For transmission, the acknowledge bit is automatically loaded.
Transfer of the next data for transmission can be automatically suspended on detection of a not-
acknowledge bit.
 For reception, the acknowledge bit is automatically transmitted.
If a wait between the eighth and ninth clock cycles has been selected, software control of the value in the
acknowledge field in response to the received value is possible.
Wait function  In reception, the following periods of waiting can be obtained by holding the clock signal (SCL) at the low
Waiting between the eighth and ninth clock cycles
Waiting between the ninth clock cycle and the first clock cycle of the next transfer (WAIT function)
SDA output delay Timing of the output of transmitted data, including the acknowledge bit, can be delayed.
Arbitration  For multi-master operation
Operation to synchronize the SCL (clock) signal in cases of conflict with the SCL signal from another
master is possible.
When issuing the start condition would create conflict on the bus, loss of arbitration is detected by testing
for non-matching between the internal signal for the SDA line and the level on the SDA line.
In master operation, loss of arbitration is detected by testing for non-matching between the signal on the
SDA line and the internal signal for the SDA line.
 Loss of arbitration due to detection of the start condition while the bus is busy is detectable (to prevent the
issuing of double start conditions).
 Loss of arbitration in transfer of a not-acknowledge bit due to the internal signal for the SDA line and the
level on the SDA line not matching is detectable.
 Loss of arbitration due to non-matching of internal and line levels for data is detectable in slave
Timeout function The internal time-out function is capable of detecting long-interval stop of the SCL (clock signal).
Noise removal The interface incorporates digital noise filters for both the SCL and SDA signals, and the width for noise
cancellation by the filters is adjustable by software.
Interrupt sources  Four sources:
Error in transfer or occurrence of events (detection of AL, NACK, time-out, a start condition including a
restart condition, or a stop condition)
Receive-data-full (including matching with a slave address)
Transmit-data-empty (including matching with a slave address)
Transmission complete

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Table 29.1 RIIC Specifications (2/2)

Item Description
Low power consumption Module stop state can be set.
Event link function  Four sources:
Error in transfer or occurrence of events (detection of AL, NACK, time-out, a start condition including a
restart condition, or a stop condition)
Receive-data-full (including matching with a slave address)
Transmit-data-empty (including matching with a slave address)
Transmission complete


IIC (PCLK/1 to PCLK/128)

SCL Transfer clock ICBRH
generator ICBRL
Noise SCLI
NF[1:0] NFE
Transmission/ SDAI
reception control ST, RS, SP
circuit ICCR2


IIC, IIC/2
SDA output delay control ICMR2

Internal data bus


ACK output circuit ICDRT



Output SARU2 SARL2
NACK decision/ACK
reception circuit
Noise Address comparator
Arbitration decision ICDRR
NF[1:0] NFE

Bus state decision NACKF

circuit ICSR2

Timeout circuit

Interrupt generator
Interrupt request

Figure 29.1 Block Diagram of RIIC

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Power supply for pull-up (VCC to 5 V)







(Master) SCLin SCLin

SCLout# SCLout#


SDAout# SDAout#

(Slave 1) (Slave 2)

Figure 29.2 Connections to the External Circuit by the I/O Pins (I2C Bus Configuration Example)

The input level of the signals for RIIC is CMOS when I2C bus is selected (the ICMR3.SMBS bit = 0), or TTL when
SMBus is selected (the ICMR3.SMBS bit = 1).

Table 29.2 Pin Configuration

Channel Pin Name I/O Function
RIIC0 SCL I/O RIIC0 serial clock I/O pin
SDA I/O RIIC0 serial data I/O pin

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29.2 Register Descriptions

Table 29.3 Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access

Address Upper 8 Bits Lower 8 Bits

Note 1. Same address with ones of the slave address registers, SARL0, SARU0. Care should be taken.

29.2.1 I2C Bus Control Register 1 (ICCR1)

Address(es): 0008 8300h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SDAI SDA line Monitor 0: SDA line is low. R
1: SDA line is high.
b1 SCLI SCL line Monitor 0: SCL line is low. R
1: SCL line is high.
b2 SDAO SDA Output Control/Monitor  Read: R/W
0: The RIIC has driven the SDA pin low.
1: The RIIC has released the SDA pin.
 Write:
0: The RIIC drives the SDA pin low.
1: The RIIC releases the SDA pin.
b3 SCLO SCL Output Control/Monitor  Read: R/W
0: The RIIC has driven the SCL pin low.
1: The RIIC has released the SCL pin.
 Write:
0: The RIIC drives the SCL pin low.
1: The RIIC releases the SCL pin.
b4 SOWP SCLO/SDAO Write Protect 0: Bits SCLO and SDAO can be written. R/W
1: Bits SCLO and SDAO are protected.
(This bit is read as 1.)
b5 CLO Extra SCL Clock Cycle Output 0: Does not output an extra SCL clock cycle (default). R/W
1: Outputs an extra SCL clock cycle.
(The CLO bit is cleared automatically after one clock cycle is
b6 IICRST I2C Bus Interface Internal Reset 0: Clears the RIIC reset or internal reset. R/W
1: Initiates the RIIC reset or internal reset.
(Clears the bit counter and the SCL/SDA output latch)
b7 ICE I2C Bus Interface Enable 0: Disable (SCL and SDA pins in inactive state) R/W
1: Enable (SCL and SDA pins in active state)
 Combined with the IICRST bit to select either RIIC or internal

SDAO Bit (SDA Output Control/Monitor) and SCLO Bit (SCL Output Control/Monitor)
These bits are used to directly control the SDA and SCL signals output from the RIIC.
When writing to these bits, also write 0 to the SOWP bit.
The result of setting these bits is input to the RIIC via the input buffer. When slave mode is selected, a START condition
may be detected and the bus may be released depending on the bit settings.
Do not rewrite these bits during a START condition, STOP condition, repeated START condition, or during transmission

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or reception. Operation after rewriting under the above conditions is not guaranteed.
When reading these bits, the state of signals output from the RIIC can be read.

CLO Bit (Extra SCL Clock Cycle Output)

This bit is used to output an extra SCL clock cycle for debugging or error processing.
Normally, set the bit to 0. Setting the bit to 1 in a normal communication state causes a communication error.
For details on this function, see section 29.11.2, Extra SCL Clock Cycle Output Function.

IICRST Bit (I2C Bus Interface Internal Reset)

This bit is used to reset the internal states of the RIIC.
Setting this bit to 1 initiates an RIIC reset or internal reset.
Whether an RIIC reset or internal reset is initiated is determined according to the combination with the ICE bit. Table
29.4 lists the resets of the RIIC.
The RIIC reset resets all registers including the BBSY flag in ICCR2 and internal states of the RIIC, and the internal
reset resets the bit counter (BC[2:0] bits in ICMR1), the I2C bus shift register (ICDRS), and the I2C bus status registers
(ICSR1 and ICSR2) as well as the internal states of the RIIC. For the reset conditions for each register, see section
29.14, Reset States.
An internal reset initiated with the IICRST bit set to 1 during operation (with the ICE bit set to 1) resets the internal states
of the RIIC without initializing the port settings and the control and setting registers of the RIIC when the bus or RIIC
hangs up due to a communication error.
If the RIIC hangs up in a low level output state, resetting the internal states cancels the low level output state and releases
the bus with the SCL pin and SDA pin at a high impedance.

Note: • If an internal reset is initiated using the IICRST bit for a bus hang-up occurred during communication with the
master device in slave mode, the states may become different between the slave device and the master device
(due to the difference in the bit counter information). For this reason, do not initiate an internal reset in slave
mode, but initiate restoration processing from the master device. If an internal reset is necessary because the
RIIC hangs up with the SCL line in a low level output state in slave mode, initiate an internal reset and then issue
a restart condition from the master device or resume communication from the start condition issuance after
issuing a stop condition. If communication is restarted by initiating a reset solely in the slave device without
issuing a start condition or restart condition from the master device, synchronization will be lost because the
master and slave devices operate asynchronously.

Table 29.4 RIIC Resets

IICRST ICE State Specifications
1 0 RIIC reset Resets all registers and internal states of the RIIC.
1 Internal reset Reset the BC[2:0] bits in ICMR1, and the ICSR1, ICSR2, ICDRS registers and the
internal states of the RIIC.

ICE Bit (I2C Bus Interface Enable)

This bit selects the active or inactive state of the SCL and SDA pins. It can also be combined with the IICRST bit to
initiate two types of resets. See Table 29.4, RIIC Resets, for the types of resets.
Set the ICE bit to 1 when using the RIIC. The SCL and SDA pins are placed in the active state when the ICE bit is set to
Set the ICE bit to 0 when the RIIC is not to be used. The SCL and SDA pins are placed in the inactive state when the ICE
bit is set to 0. Do not assign the SCL or SDA pin to the RIIC when setting up the multi-function pin controller (MPC).
Note that the slave address comparison operation is carried out if the pins are assigned to the RIIC.

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29.2.2 I2C Bus Control Register 2 (ICCR2)

Address(es): 0008 8301h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b1 ST Start Condition Issuance 0: Does not request to issue a start condition. R/W
Request 1: Requests to issue a start condition.
b2 RS Restart Condition Issuance 0: Does not request to issue a restart condition. R/W
Request 1: Requests to issue a restart condition.
b3 SP Stop Condition Issuance 0: Does not request to issue a stop condition. R/W
Request 1: Requests to issue a stop condition.
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 TRS Transmit/Receive Mode 0: Receive mode R/W*1
1: Transmit mode
b6 MST Master/Slave Mode 0: Slave mode R/W*1
1: Master mode
b7 BBSY Bus Busy Detection Flag 0: The I2C bus is released (bus free state). R
1: The I2C bus is occupied (bus busy state).

Note 1. When the MTWP bit in ICMR1 is set to 1, the MST and TRS bits can be written to.

ST Bit (Start Condition Issuance Request)

This bit is used to request transition to master mode and issuance of a start condition.
When this bit is set to 1 to request to issue a start condition, a start condition is issued when the BBSY flag is set to 0 (bus
For details on the start condition issuance, see section 29.10, Start Condition/Restart Condition/Stop Condition
Issuing Function.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to the ST bit
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the ST bit
 When a start condition has been issued
 When the AL (arbitration-lost) flag in ICSR2 is set to 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

Note: • Set the ST bit to 1 (start condition issuance request) when the BBSY flag is set to 0 (bus free).
Note that arbitration may be lost if the ST bit is set to 1 (start condition issuance request) when the BBSY flag is
set to 1 (bus busy).

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RS Bit (Restart Condition Issuance Request)

This bit is used to request that a restart condition be issued in master mode.
When this bit is set to 1 to request to issue a restart condition, a restart condition is issued when the BBSY flag is set to 1
(bus busy) and the MST bit is set to 1 (master mode).
For details on the restart condition issuance, see section 29.10, Start Condition/Restart Condition/Stop Condition
Issuing Function.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to the RS bit with the BBSY flag in ICCR2 set to 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the RS bit
 When a restart condition has been issued or a start condition is detected
 When the AL (arbitration-lost) flag in ICSR2 is set to 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

Note: • Do not set the RS bit to 1 while issuing a stop condition.

Note: • If the RS bit is set to 1 (restart condition issuance request) in mode other than master mode, the restart condition
is not issued in this mode but the restart condition issuance request bit remains set. If the operating mode
changes to master mode with the bit not being cleared, the restart condition may be issued.

SP Bit (Stop Condition Issuance Request)

This bit is used to request that a stop condition be issued in master mode.
When this bit is set to 1 to request to issue a stop condition, a stop condition is issued when the BBSY flag is set to 1 (bus
busy) and the MST bit is set to 1 (master mode).
For details on the stop condition issuance, see section 29.10, Start Condition/Restart Condition/Stop Condition
Issuing Function.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to the SP bit with both the BBSY flag and the MST bit in ICCR2 set to 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the SP bit
 When a stop condition has been issued or a stop condition is detected
 When the AL (arbitration-lost) flag in ICSR2 is set to 1
 When a start condition and a restart condition are detected
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

Note: • Writing to the SP bit is not possible while the setting of the BBSY flag is 0 (bus free).
Note: • Do not set the SP bit to 1 while a restart condition is being issued.

TRS Bit (Transmit/Receive Mode)

This bit indicates transmit or receive mode.
The RIIC is in receive mode when the TRS bit is set to 0 and is in transmit mode when the bit is set to 1. Combination of
this bit and the MST bit indicates the operating mode of the RIIC.
The value of the TRS bit is automatically changed to the value for transmission mode or reception mode by detection or
issuing of a start condition, setting or clearing of the R/W# bit, etc. Although writing to the TRS bit is possible when the
MTWP bit in ICMR1 is set to 1, writing to this bit is not necessary during normal usage.

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[Setting conditions]
 When a start condition is issued normally according to the start condition issuance request (when a start condition is
detected with the ST bit set to 1)
 When the R/W# bit added to the slave address is set to 0 in master mode
 When the address received in slave mode matches the address enabled in ICSER, with the R/W# bit set to 1
 When 1 is written to the TRS bit with the MTWP bit in ICMR1 set to 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When a stop condition is detected
 The AL (arbitration-lost) flag in ICSR2 being set to 1
 In master mode, reception of a slave address to which an R/W# bit with the value 1 is appended
 In slave mode, a match between the received address and the address enabled in ICSER when the value of the
received R/W# bit is 0 (including cases where the received address is the general call address)
 In slave mode, a restart condition is detected (a start condition is detected with ICCR2.BBSY = 1 and ICCR2.MST
= 0)
 When 0 is written to the TRS bit with the MTWP bit in ICMR1 set to 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

MST Bit (Master/Slave Mode)

This bit indicates master or slave mode.
The RIIC is in slave mode when the MST bit is set to 0 and is in master mode when the bit is set to 1. Combination of this
bit and the TRS bit indicates the operating mode of the RIIC.
The value of the MST bit is automatically changed to the value for master mode or slave mode by detection or issuing of
a start condition, etc. Although writing to the MST bit is possible when the MTWP bit in ICMR1 is set to 1, writing to
this bit is not necessary during normal usage.
[Setting conditions]
 When a start condition is issued normally according to the start condition issuance request (when a start condition is
detected with the ST bit set to 1)
 When 1 is written to the MST bit with the MTWP bit in ICMR1 set to 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When a stop condition is detected
 When the AL (arbitration-lost) flag in ICSR2 is set to 1
 When 0 is written to the MST bit with the MTWP bit in ICMR1 set to 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

BBSY Flag (Bus Busy Detection)

The BBSY flag indicates whether the I2C bus is occupied (bus busy) or released (bus free).
This bit is set to 1 when the SDA line changes from high to low under the condition of SCL = high, assuming that a start
condition has been issued.
When the SDA line changes from low to high under the condition of SCL = high, this bit is cleared to 0 after the bus free
time (specified in ICBRL) start condition is not detected, assuming that a stop condition has been issued.
[Setting condition]
 When a start condition is detected
[Clearing conditions]
 When the bus free time (specified in ICBRL) start condition is not detected after detecting a stop condition
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 with the ICE bit in ICCR1 set to 0 (RIIC reset)

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29.2.3 I2C Bus Mode Register 1 (ICMR1)

Address(es): 0008 8302h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

MTWP CKS[2:0] BCWP BC[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 BC[2:0] Bit Counter b2 b0 R/W*1
0 0 0: 9 bits
0 0 1: 2 bits
0 1 0: 3 bits
0 1 1: 4 bits
1 0 0: 5 bits
1 0 1: 6 bits
1 1 0: 7 bits
1 1 1: 8 bits
b3 BCWP BC Write Protect 0: Enables a value to be written in the BC[2:0] bits. R/W*1
(This bit is read as 1.)
b6 to b4 CKS[2:0] Internal Reference Clock Selection b6 b4 R/W
0 0 0: PCLK/1 clock
0 0 1: PCLK/2 clock
0 1 0: PCLK/4 clock
0 1 1: PCLK/8 clock
1 0 0: PCLK/16 clock
1 0 1: PCLK/32 clock
1 1 0: PCLK/64 clock
1 1 1: PCLK/128 clock
b7 MTWP MST/TRS Write Protect 0: Disables writing to the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2. R/W
1: Enables writing to the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2.

Note 1. Set the BCWP bit to 0 to rewrite the BC[2:0] bits. The BC[2:0] bits must be rewritten by using the MOV instruction.

BC[2:0] Bits (Bit Counter)

These bits function as a counter that indicates the number of bits remaining to be transferred at the detection of a rising
edge on the SCL line. Although these bits are writable and readable, it is not necessary to access these bits under normal
To write to these bits, specify the number of bits to be transferred plus one (data is transferred with an additional
acknowledge bit) between transferred frames when the SCL line is at a low level.
The values of the BC[2:0] bits return 000b at the end of a data transfer including the acknowledge bit or when a start
condition including a restart condition is detected.

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29.2.4 I2C Bus Mode Register 2 (ICMR2)

Address(es): 0008 8303h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TMOS Timeout Detection Time 0: Long mode is selected. R/W
Selection 1: Short mode is selected.
b1 TMOL Timeout L Count Control 0: Count is disabled while the SCL line is at a low level. R/W
1: Count is enabled while the SCL line is at a low level.
b2 TMOH Timeout H Count Control 0: Count is disabled while the SCL line is at a high level. R/W
1: Count is enabled while the SCL line is at a high level.
b3 TMWE Timeout Internal Counter Write 0: Writing to internal counter of timeout detection function is R/W
Enable disabled.
1: Writing to internal counter of timeout detection function is
b6 to b4 SDDL[2:0] SDA Output Delay Counter  When ICMR2.DLCS = 0 (IIC) R/W
b6 b4
0 0 0: No output delay
0 0 1: 1 IIC cycle
0 1 0: 2 IIC cycles
0 1 1: 3 IIC cycles
1 0 0: 4 IIC cycles
1 0 1: 5 IIC cycles
1 1 0: 6 IIC cycles
1 1 1: 7 IIC cycles
 When ICMR2.DLCS = 1 (IIC/2)
b6 b4
0 0 0: No output delay
0 0 1: 1 or 2 IIC cycles
0 1 0: 3 or 4 IIC cycles
0 1 1: 5 or 6 IIC cycles
1 0 0: 7 or 8 IIC cycles
1 0 1: 9 or 10 IIC cycles
1 1 0: 11 or 12 IIC cycles
1 1 1: 13 or 14 IIC cycles
b7 DLCS SDA Output Delay Clock Source 0: The internal reference clock (IIC) is selected as the clock R/W
Selection source of the SDA output delay counter.
1: The internal reference clock divided by 2 (IIC/2) is selected as
the clock source of the SDA output delay counter.*1

Note 1. The setting DLCS = 1 (IIC/2) only becomes valid when SCL is at the low level. When SCL is at the high level, the setting DLCS
= 1 becomes invalid and the clock source becomes the internal reference clock (IIC).

TMOS Bit (Timeout Detection Time Selection)

This bit is used to select long mode or short mode for the timeout detection time when the timeout function is enabled
(TMOE bit = 1 in ICFER). When this bit is set to 0, long mode is selected. When this bit is set to 1, short mode is
selected. In long mode, the timeout detection internal counter functions as a 16 bit-counter. In short mode, the counter
functions as a 14 bit-counter. While the SCL line is in the state that enables this counter as specified by bits TMOH and
TMOL, the counter counts up in synchronization with the internal reference clock (IIC) as a count source.
For details on the timeout function, see section 29.11.1, Timeout Function.

TMOL Bit (Timeout L Count Control)

This bit is used to enable or disable the internal counter of the timeout function to count up while the SCL line is held low
when the timeout function is enabled (TMOE bit = 1 in ICFER).

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TMOH Bit (Timeout H Count Control)

This bit is used to enable or disable the internal counter of the timeout function to count up while the SCL line is held
high when the timeout function is enabled (TMOE bit = 1 in ICFER).

TMWE Bit (Timeout Internal Counter Write Enable)

This bit is used to select whether or not to allocate the timeout internal counter (TMOCNTL/TMOCNTU) to the address
of the slave address register (SARL0/SARU0).

SDDL[2:0] Bits (SDA Output Delay Counter)

The SDA output can be delayed by the SDDL[2:0] setting. This counter works with the clock source selected by the
DLCS bit. The setting of this function can be used for all types of SDA output, including the transmission of the
acknowledge bit.
For details on this function, see section 29.5, Facility for Delaying SDA Output.

Note: • Set the SDA output delay time to meet the I2C bus standard (within the data enable time/acknowledge enable
time*1) or the SMBus standard (within the data hold time: 300 ns or more, and SCL-clock low-level period - the
data setup time: 250 ns). Note that, if a value outside the standard is set, communication with communication
devices may malfunction or it may seemingly become a start condition or stop condition depending on the bus
Note 1. Data enable time/acknowledge enable time
3,450 ns (up to 100 kbps: standard mode [Sm])
900 ns (up to 400 kbps: fast mode [Fm])

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RX220 Group 29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)

29.2.5 I2C Bus Mode Register 3 (ICMR3)

Address(es): 0008 8304h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 NF[1:0] Noise Filter Stage b1 b0 R/W
Selection 0 0: Noise of up to one IIC cycle is filtered out (single-stage filter).
0 1: Noise of up to two IIC cycles is filtered out (2-stage filter).
1 0: Noise of up to three IIC cycles is filtered out (3-stage filter).
1 1: Noise of up to four IIC cycles is filtered out (4-stage filter).
b2 ACKBR Receive Acknowledge 0: A 0 is received as the acknowledge bit (ACK reception). R
1: A 1 is received as the acknowledge bit (NACK reception).
b3 ACKBT Transmit Acknowledge 0: A 0 is sent as the acknowledge bit (ACK transmission). R/W*1
1: A 1 is sent as the acknowledge bit (NACK transmission).
b4 ACKWP ACKBT Write Protect 0: Modification of the ACKBT bit is disabled. W*1
1: Modification of the ACKBT bit is enabled.
b5 RDRFS RDRF Flag Set Timing 0: The RDRF flag is set at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle. R/W*2
Selection (The SCL line is not held low at the falling edge of the eighth clock
1: The RDRF flag is set at the rising edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle.
(The SCL line is held low at the falling edge of the eighth clock cycle.)
Low-hold is released by writing a value to the ACKBT bit.
(The period between ninth clock cycle and first clock cycle is not held
(The period between ninth clock cycle and first clock cycle is held low.)
Low-hold is released by reading ICDRR.
b7 SMBS SMBus/I2C Bus Selection 0: The I2C bus is selected. R/W
1: The SMBus is selected.

Note 1. If it is attempted to write 1 to both ACKWP and ACKBT bits, the ACKBT bit cannot be set to 1.
Note 2. The WAIT and RDRFS bits are valid only in receive mode (invalid in transmit mode).

ICMR3 has functions to send/receive acknowledge, to select the RDRF set timing in RIIC receive operation, and to
control WAIT operation.

Note: • Set the noise range to be filtered out by the noise filter within a range less than the SCL line high-level period or
low-level period. If the noise range is set to a value of (SCL clock width: high-level period or low-level period,
whichever is shorter) - [1.5 internal reference clock (IIC) cycles + analog noise filter: 120 ns (reference values)]
or more, the SCL clock is regarded as noise by the noise filter function of the RIIC, which may prevent the RIIC
from operating normally.

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ACKBR Bit (Receive Acknowledge)

This bit is used to store the acknowledge bit information received from the receive device in transmit mode.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is received as the acknowledge bit with the TRS bit in ICCR2 set to 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is received as the acknowledge bit with the TRS bit in ICCR2 set to 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 while the ICE bit in ICCR1 is 0 (RIIC reset)

ACKBT Bit (Transmit Acknowledge)

This bit is used to set the bit to be sent at the acknowledge timing in receive mode.
[Setting condition]
 When 1 is written to this bit with the ACKWP bit set to 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to this bit with the ACKWP bit set to 1
 When stop condition issuance is detected (when a stop condition is detected with the SP bit in ICCR2 set to 1)
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 while the ICE bit in ICCR1 is 0 (RIIC reset)

Note: • The ACKBT bit must be written to while the ACKWP bit is 1. If the ACKBT bit is written to with the ACKWP bit
cleared to 0, writing to the ACKBT bit is disabled.

ACKWP Bit (ACKBT Write Protect)

This bit is used to control the modification of the ACKBT bit.

RDRFS Bit (RDRF Flag Set Timing Selection)

This bit is used to select the RDRF flag set timing in receive mode and also to select whether to hold the SCL line low at
the falling edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle.
When the RDRFS bit is 0, the SCL line is not held low at the falling edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle, and the RDRF
flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle.
When the RDRFS bit is 1, the RDRF flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle and the SCL line is
held low at the falling edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle. The low-hold of the SCL line is released by writing a value to
the ACKBT bit.
After data is received with this setting, the SCL line is automatically held low before the acknowledge bit is sent. This
enables processing to send ACK (ACKBT = 0) or NACK (ACKBT = 1) according to receive data.


This bit is used to control whether to hold the period between the ninth SCL clock cycle and the first SCL clock cycle
low until the receive data buffer (ICDRR) is completely read each time single-byte data is received in receive mode.
When the WAIT bit is 0, the receive operation is continued without holding the period between the ninth and the first
SCL clock cycle low. When both the RDRFS and WAIT bits are 0, continuous receive operation is enabled with the
double buffer.
When the WAIT bit is 1, the SCL line is held low from the falling edge of the ninth clock cycle until the ICDRR value is
read each time single-byte data is received. This enables receive operation in byte units.

Note: • When the value of the WAIT bit is to be read, be sure to read the ICDRR beforehand.

SMBS Bit (SMBus/I2C Bus Selection)

Setting this bit to 1 selects the SMBus and enables the HOAE bit in ICSER.

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RX220 Group 29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)

29.2.6 I2C Bus Function Enable Register (ICFER)

Address(es): RIIC0.ICFER 0008 8305h, RIIC1.ICFER 0008 8325h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TMOE Timeout Function Enable 0: The timeout function is disabled. R/W
1: The timeout function is enabled.
b1 MALE Master Arbitration-Lost 0: Master arbitration-lost detection is disabled. R/W
Detection Enable (Disables the arbitration-lost detection function and does not clear
the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2 automatically when arbitration is
1: Master arbitration-lost detection is enabled.
(Enables the arbitration-lost detection function and clears the MST
and TRS bits in ICCR2 automatically when arbitration is lost.)
b2 NALE NACK Transmission 0: NACK transmission arbitration-lost detection is disabled. R/W
Arbitration-Lost Detection 1: NACK transmission arbitration-lost detection is enabled.
b3 SALE Slave Arbitration-Lost 0: Slave arbitration-lost detection is disabled. R/W
Detection Enable 1: Slave arbitration-lost detection is enabled.
b4 NACKE NACK Reception Transfer 0: Transfer operation is not suspended during NACK reception R/W
Suspension Enable (transfer suspension disabled).
1: Transfer operation is suspended during NACK reception (transfer
suspension enabled).
b5 NFE Digital Noise Filter Circuit 0: No digital noise filter circuit is used. R/W
Enable 1: A digital noise filter circuit is used.
b6 SCLE SCL Synchronous Circuit 0: No SCL synchronous circuit is used. R/W
Enable 1: An SCL synchronous circuit is used.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TMOE Bit (Timeout Function Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable the timeout function.
For details on the timeout function, see section 29.11.1, Timeout Function.

MALE Bit (Master Arbitration-Lost Detection Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to use the arbitration-lost detection function in master mode. Normally, set this
bit to 1.

NALE Bit (NACK Transmission Arbitration-Lost Detection Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to cause arbitration to be lost when ACK is detected during transmission of NACK in
receive mode (such as when slaves with the same address exist on the bus or when two or more masters select the same
slave device simultaneously with different number of receive bytes).

SALE Bit (Slave Arbitration-Lost Detection Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to cause arbitration to be lost when a value different from the value being transmitted
is detected on the bus in slave transmit mode (such as when slaves with the same address exist on the bus or when a
mismatch with the transmit data occurs due to noise).

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NACKE Bit (NACK Reception Transfer Suspension Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to continue or discontinue the transfer operation when NACK is received from the
slave device in transmit mode. Normally, set this bit to 1.
When NACK is received with the NACKE bit set to 1, the next transfer operation is suspended.
When the NACKE bit is 0, the next transfer operation is continued regardless of the received acknowledge content.
For details on the NACK reception transfer suspension function, see section 29.8.2, NACK Reception Transfer
Suspension Function.

SCLE Bit (SCL Synchronous Circuit Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to synchronize the SCL clock with the SCL input clock. Normally, set this bit to 1.
When the SCLE bit is cleared to 0 (SCL synchronous circuit not used), the RIIC does not synchronize the SCL clock
with the SCL input clock. In this setting, the RIIC outputs the SCL clock with the transfer rate set in ICBRH and ICBRL
regardless of the SCL line state. For this reason, if the bus load of the I2C bus line is much larger than the specification
value or if the SCL clock output overlaps in multiple masters, the short-cycle SCL clock that does not meet the
specification may be output. When no SCL synchronous circuit is used, it also affects the issuance of a start condition,
restart condition, and stop condition, and the continuous output of extra SCL clock cycles.
This bit must not be cleared to 0 except for checking the output of the set transfer rate.

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29.2.7 I2C Bus Status Enable Register (ICSER)

Address(es): 0008 8306h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SAR0E Slave Address Register 0 Enable 0: Slave address in SARL0 and SARU0 is disabled. R/W
1: Slave address in SARL0 and SARU0 is enabled.
b1 SAR1E Slave Address Register 1 Enable 0: Slave address in SARL1 and SARU1 is disabled. R/W
1: Slave address in SARL1 and SARU1 is enabled.
b2 SAR2E Slave Address Register 2 Enable 0: Slave address in SARL2 and SARU2 is disabled. R/W
1: Slave address in SARL2 and SARU2 is enabled.
b3 GCAE General Call Address Enable 0: General call address detection is disabled. R/W
1: General call address detection is enabled.
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 DIDE Device-ID Address Detection 0: Device-ID address detection is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Device-ID address detection is enabled.
b6 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 HOAE Host Address Enable 0: Host address detection is disabled. R/W
1: Host address detection is enabled.

SARyE Bit (Slave Address Register y Enable) (y = 0 to 2)

This bit is used to enable or disable the received slave address and the slave address set in SARLy and SARUy.
When this bit is set to 1, the slave address set in SARLy and SARUy is enabled and is compared with the received slave
When this bit is cleared to 0, the slave address set in SARLy and SARUy is disabled and is ignored even if it matches the
received slave address.

GCAE Bit (General Call Address Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to ignore the general call address (0000 000b + 0 [W]: All 0) when it is received.
When this bit is set to 1, if the received slave address matches the general call address, the RIIC recognizes the received
slave address as the general call address independently of the slave addresses set in SARLy and SARUy (y = 0 to 2) and
performs data receive operation.
When this bit is cleared to 0, the received slave address is ignored even if it matches the general call address.

DIDE Bit (Device-ID Address Detection Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to recognize and execute the Device-ID address when a device ID (1111 100b) is
received in the first frame after a start condition or restart condition is detected.
When this bit is set to 1, if the received first frame matches the device ID, the RIIC recognizes that the Device-ID address
has been received. When the following R/W# bit is 0 [W], the RIIC recognizes the second and the following frames as
slave addresses and continues the receive operation.
When this bit is cleared to 0, the RIIC ignores the received first frame even if it matches the device ID address and
recognizes the first frame as a normal slave address.
For details on the device-ID address detection, see section 29.7.3, Device-ID Address Detection.

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HOAE Bit (Host Address Enable)

This bit is used to specify whether to ignore received host address (0001 000b) when the SMBS bit in ICMR3 is 1.
When this bit is set to 1 while the SMBS bit in ICMR3 is 1, if the received slave address matches the host address, the
RIIC recognizes the received slave address as the host address independently of the slave addresses set in SARLy and
SARUy (y = 0 to 2) and performs the receive operation.
When the SMBS bit in ICMR3 or the HOAE bit is cleared to 0, the received slave address is ignored even if it matches
the host address.

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29.2.8 I2C Bus Interrupt Enable Register (ICIER)

Address(es): 0008 8307h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TMOIE Timeout Interrupt Enable 0: Timeout interrupt request (TMOI) is disabled. R/W
1: Timeout interrupt request (TMOI) is enabled.
b1 ALIE Arbitration-Lost Interrupt Enable 0: Arbitration-lost interrupt request (ALI) is disabled. R/W
1: Arbitration-lost interrupt request (ALI) is enabled.
b2 STIE Start Condition Detection Interrupt 0: Start condition detection interrupt request (STI) is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Start condition detection interrupt request (STI) is enabled.
b3 SPIE Stop Condition Detection Interrupt 0: Stop condition detection interrupt request (SPI) is disabled. R/W
Enable 1: Stop condition detection interrupt request (SPI) is enabled.
b4 NAKIE NACK Reception Interrupt Enable 0: NACK reception interrupt request (NAKI) is disabled. R/W
1: NACK reception interrupt request (NAKI) is enabled.
b5 RIE Receive Data Full Interrupt Enable 0: Receive data full interrupt request (RXI) is disabled. R/W
1: Receive data full interrupt request (RXI) is enabled.
b6 TEIE Transmit End Interrupt Enable 0: Transmit end interrupt request (TEI) is disabled. R/W
1: Transmit end interrupt request (TEI) is enabled.
b7 TIE Transmit Data Empty Interrupt Enable 0: Transmit data empty interrupt request (TXI) is disabled. R/W
1: Transmit data empty interrupt request (TXI) is enabled.

TMOIE Bit (Timeout Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable timeout interrupt requests (TMOI) when the TMOF flag in ICSR2 is set to 1. A
TMOI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the TMOF flag or the TMOIE bit to 0.

ALIE Bit (Arbitration-Lost Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable arbitration-lost interrupt requests (ALI) when the AL flag in ICSR2 is set to 1. An
ALI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the AL flag or the ALIE bit to 0.

STIE Bit (Start Condition Detection Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable start condition detection interrupt requests (STI) when the START flag in ICSR2 is
set to 1. An STI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the START flag or the STIE bit to 0.

SPIE Bit (Stop Condition Detection Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable stop condition detection interrupt requests (SPI) when the STOP flag in ICSR2 is set
to 1. An SPI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the STOP flag or the SPIE bit to 0.

NAKIE Bit (NACK Reception Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable NACK reception interrupt requests (NAKI) when the NACKF flag in ICSR2 is set to
1. An NAKI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the NACKF flag or the NAKIE bit to 0.

RIE Bit (Receive Data Full Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable receive data full interrupt requests (RXI) when the RDRF flag in ICSR2 is set to 1.

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TEIE Bit (Transmit End Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable transmit end interrupts (TEI) when the TEND flag in ICSR2 is set to 1. An TEI
interrupt request is canceled by clearing the TEND flag or the TEIE bit to 0.

TIE Bit (Transmit Data Empty Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable transmit data empty interrupts (TXI) when the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is set to 1.

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29.2.9 I2C Bus Status Register 1 (ICSR1)

Address(es): 0008 8308h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 AAS0 Slave Address 0 Detection Flag 0: Slave address 0 is not detected. R(/W)
1: Slave address 0 is detected. *1
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches
the SVA[6:0] value in SARL0 while the FS bit in SARU0 is 0 (7-
bit address format selected).
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches a
value of (1111 0b + SVA[1:0] in SARU0) and the following
address matches the SARL0 value while the FS bit in SARU0 is
1 (10-bit address format selected).
(This bit is set at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in
the SARL0 match determination frame.)
b1 AAS1 Slave Address 1 Detection Flag 0: Slave address 1 is not detected. R(/W)
1: Slave address 1 is detected. *1
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches
the SVA[6:0] value in SARL1 while the FS bit in SARU1 is 0 (7-
bit address format selected).
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches a
value of (1111 0b + SVA[1:0] in SARU1) and the following
address matches the SARL1 value while the FS bit in SARU1 is
1 (10-bit address format selected).
(This bit is set at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in
the SARL1 match determination frame.)
b2 AAS2 Slave Address 2 Detection Flag 0: Slave address 2 is not detected. R(/W)
1: Slave address 2 is detected. *1
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches
the SVA[6:0] value in SARL2 while the FS bit in SARU2 is 0 (7-
bit address format selected).
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches a
value of (1111 0b + SVA[1:0] in SARU2) and the following
address matches the SARL2 value while the FS bit in SARU2 is
1 (10-bit address format selected).
(This bit is set at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in
the SARL2 match determination frame.)
b3 GCA General Call Address Detection 0: General call address is not detected. R(/W)
Flag 1: General call address is detected. *1
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches
the general call address (all 0).
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 DID Device-ID Address Detection Flag 0: Device-ID command is not detected. R(/W)
1: Device-ID command is detected. *1
 This bit is set to 1 when the first frame received immediately
after a start condition is detected matches a value of (device ID
(1111 100b) + 0[W]).
b6 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 HOA Host Address Detection Flag 0: Host address is not detected. R(/W)
1: Host address is detected. *1
 This bit is set to 1 when the received slave address matches
the host address (0001 000b).

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag.

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AASy Flag (Slave Address y Detection) (y = 0 to 2)

[Setting conditions]
For 7-bit address format: SARUy.FS = 0
 When the received slave address matches the SVA[6:0] value in SARLy with the SARyE bit in ICSER set to 1
(slave address y detection enabled)
This flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
For 10-bit address format: SARUy.FS = 1
 When the received slave address matches a value of (11110b + SVA[1:0] in SARUy) and the following address
matches the SARLy value with the SARyE bit in ICSER set to 1 (slave address y detection enabled)
This flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the AASy bit after reading AASy = 1
 When a stop condition is detected
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset
For 7-bit address format: SARUy.FS = 0
 When the received slave address does not match the SVA[6:0] value in SARLy with the SARyE bit in ICSER set to
1 (slave address y detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
For 10-bit address format: SARUy.FS = 1
 When the received slave address does not match a value of (11110b + SVA[1:0] in SARUy) with the SARyE bit in
ICSER set to 1 (slave address y detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
 When the received slave address matches a value of (11110b + SVA[1:0] in SARUy) and the following address does
not match the SARLy value with the SARyE bit in ICSER set to 1 (slave address y detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.

GCA Flag (General Call Address Detection)

[Setting condition]
 When the received slave address matches the general call address (0000 000b + 0 [W]) with the GCAE bit in ICSER
set to 1 (general call address detection enabled)
This flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the GCA bit after reading GCA = 1
 When a stop condition is detected
 When the received slave address does not match the general call address (0000 000b + 0 [W]) with the GCAE bit in
ICSER set to 1 (general call address detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

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DID Flag (Device-ID Address Detection)

[Setting condition]
 When the first frame received immediately after a start condition or restart condition is detected matches a value of
(device ID (1111 100b) + 0 [W]) with the DIDE bit in ICSER set to 1 (Device-ID address detection enabled)
This flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the DID bit after reading DID = 1
 When a stop condition is detected
 When the first frame received immediately after a start condition or restart condition is detected does not match a
value of (device ID (1111 100b)) with the DIDE bit in ICSER set to 1 (Device-ID address detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
 When the first frame received immediately after a start condition or restart condition is detected matches a value of
(device ID (1111 100b) + 0 [W]) and the second frame does not match any of slave addresses 0 to 2 with the DIDE
bit in ICSER set to 1 (Device-ID address detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

HOA Flag (Host Address Detection)

[Setting condition]
 When the received slave address matches the host address (0001 000b) with the HOAE bit in ICSER set to 1 (host
address detection enabled)
This flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the HOA bit after reading HOA = 1
 When a stop condition is detected
 When 0 is written to the SMBS bit in ICMR3 or the HOAE bit in ICSER
 When the received slave address does not match the host address (0001 000b) with the HOAE bit in ICSER set to 1
(host address detection enabled)
This flag is cleared to 0 at the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle in the frame.
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

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29.2.10 I2C Bus Status Register 2 (ICSR2)

Address(es): 0008 8309h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 TMOF Timeout Detection Flag 0: Timeout is not detected. R(/W)
1: Timeout is detected. *1
b1 AL Arbitration-Lost Flag 0: Arbitration is not lost. R(/W)
1: Arbitration is lost. *1
b2 START Start Condition Detection Flag 0: Start condition is not detected. R(/W)
1: Start condition is detected. *1
b3 STOP Stop Condition Detection Flag 0: Stop condition is not detected. R(/W)
1: Stop condition is detected. *1
b4 NACKF NACK Detection Flag 0: NACK is not detected. R(/W)
1: NACK is detected. *1
b5 RDRF Receive Data Full Flag 0: ICDRR contains no receive data. R(/W)
1: ICDRR contains receive data. *1
b6 TEND Transmit End Flag 0: Data is being transmitted. R(/W)
1: Data has been transmitted. *1
b7 TDRE Transmit Data Empty Flag 0: ICDRT contains transmit data. R
1: ICDRT contains no transmit data.

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag.

TMOF Flag (Timeout Detection)

This flag is set to 1 when the RIIC recognizes timeout after the SCL line state remains unchanged for a certain period.
[Setting condition]
 When the SCL line state remains unchanged for the period specified by bits TMOH, TMOL, and TMOS in ICMR2
with the TMOE bit in ICFER set to 1 (timeout detection enabled) in master mode or in the slave specification state.
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the TMOF bit after reading TMOF = 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

AL Flag (Arbitration-Lost)
This flag shows that bus mastership has been lost (loss in arbitration) due to a bus conflict or some other reason when a
start condition is issued or an address and data are transmitted. The RIIC monitors the level on the SDA line during
transmission and, if the level on the line does not match the value of the bit being output, sets the value of the AL bit to 1
to indicate that the bus is occupied by another device.
The RIIC can also set the flag to indicate the detection of loss of arbitration during NACK transmission in master mode
or during data transmission in slave mode.

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[Setting conditions]
When master arbitration-lost detection is enabled: ICFER.MALE = 1
 When the internal SDA output state does not match the SDA line level at the rising edge of SCL clock except for the
ACK period during data (including slave address) transmission in master transmit mode (when the SDA line is
driven low while the internal SDA output is at a high level (the SDA pin is in the high-impedance state))
 When a start condition is detected while the ST bit in ICCR2 is 1 (start condition issuance request) or the internal
SDA output state does not match the SDA line level
 When the ST bit in ICCR2 is set to 1 (start condition issuance request) with the BBSY flag in ICCR2 set to 1.
When NACK arbitration-lost detection is enabled: ICFER.NALE = 1
 When the internal SDA output state does not match the SDA line level at the rising edge of SCL clock in the ACK
period during NACK transmission in receive mode
When slave arbitration-lost detection is enabled: ICFER.SALE = 1
 When the internal SDA output state does not match the SDA line level at the rising edge of SCL clock except for the
ACK period during data transmission in slave transmit mode
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the AL bit after reading AL = 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

Table 29.5 Relationship between Arbitration-Lost Generation Sources and Arbitration-Lost Enable Functions
MALE NALE SALE AL Error Arbitration-Lost Generation Source
1 × × 1 Start condition When internal SDA output state does not match SDA line level when a
issuance error start condition is detected while the ST bit in ICCR2 is 1
When ST in ICCR2 is set to 1 with BBSY in ICCR2 set to 1
1 Transmit data When transmit data (including slave address) does not match the bus
mismatch state in master transmit mode
× 1 × 1 NACK When ACK is detected during transmission of NACK in master receive
transmission mode or slave receive mode
× × 1 1 Transmit data When transmit data does not match the bus state in slave transmit mode

×: Don’t care

START Flag (Start Condition Detection)

[Setting condition]
 When a start condition (or a restart condition) is detected
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the START bit after reading START = 1
 When a stop condition is detected
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

STOP Flag (Stop Condition Detection)

[Setting condition]
 When a stop condition is detected
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the STOP bit after reading STOP = 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

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NACKF Flag (NACK Detection)

[Setting condition]
 When acknowledge is not received (NACK is received) from the receive device in transmit mode with the NACKE
bit in ICFER set to 1 (transfer suspension enabled)
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the NACKF bit after reading NACKF = 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

Note: • When the NACKF flag is set to 1, the RIIC suspends data transmission/reception. Writing to ICDRT in transmit
mode or reading from ICDRR in receive mode with the NACKF flag set to 1 does not enable data transmit/receive
operation. To restart data transmission/reception, clear the NACKF flag to 0.

RDRF Flag (Receive Data Full)

[Setting conditions]
 When receive data has been transferred from ICDRS to ICDRR
This flag is set to 1 at the rising edge of the eighth or ninth SCL clock cycle (selected by the RDRFS bit in ICMR3)
 When the received slave address matches after a start condition (or a restart condition) is detected with the TRS bit
in ICCR2 cleared to 0
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the RDRF bit after reading RDRF = 1
 When data is read from ICDRR
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

TEND Flag (Transmit End)

[Setting condition]
 At the rising edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle while the TDRE flag is 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When 0 is written to the TEND bit after reading TEND = 1
 When data is written to ICDRT
 When a stop condition is detected
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

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TDRE Flag (Transmit Data Empty)

[Setting conditions]
 When data has been transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS and ICDRT becomes empty
 When the TRS bit in ICCR2 is set to 1
a. When the MST bit in ICCR2 is set to 1 after a start condition (or a restart condition) is detected
b. When the RIIC enters transmit mode from receive mode
c. When 1 is written to while the ICMR1.MTWP bit is 1
 When the received slave address matches while the TRS bit is 1
[Clearing conditions]
 When data is written to ICDRT
 When the TRS bit in ICCR2 is cleared to 0
a. When a stop condition is detected
b. When the RIIC enters receive mode from transmit mode
c. When 0 is written to while the ICMR1.MTWP bit is 1
 When 1 is written to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to apply an RIIC reset or an internal reset

Note: • When the NACKF flag is set to 1 while the NACKE bit in ICFER is 1, the RIIC suspends data transmission/
reception. Here, if the TDRE flag is 0 (next transmit data has been written), data is transferred to the ICDRS
register and the ICDRT register becomes empty at the rising edge of the ninth clock cycle, but the TDRE flag is
not set to 1.

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29.2.11 Slave Address Register Ly (SARLy) (y = 0 to 2)

Address(es): RIIC0.SARL0 0008 830Ah RIIC0.SARL1 0008 830Ch RIIC0.SARL2 0008 830Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

SVA[6:0] SVA0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SVA0 10-Bit Address LSB The least significant bit (LSB) of a 10-bit slave address is set. R/W
 When the FS bit in SARUy is 0 (7-bit address format), this bit is invalid.
 When the FS bit in SARUy is 1 (10-bit address format), this bit is the LSB of
the lower 8-bit address (combined with the SVA[6:0] bits) of a 10-bit slave
b7 to b1 SVA[6:0] 7-Bit Address/10-Bit A slave address is set. R/W
Address Lower Bits  When the FS bit in SARUy is 0 (7-bit address format), these bits form a 7-bit
slave address.
 When the FS bit in SARUy is 1 (10-bit address format), these bits form the
lower 8-bit address (combined with the SVA0 bit) of a 10-bit slave address.

SVA0 Bit (10-Bit Address LSB)

When the 10-bit address format is selected (SARUy.FS = 1), this bit functions as the LSB of a 10-bit address and forms
the lower eight bits of a 10-bit address in combination with the SVA[6:0] bits.
When the SARyE bit in ICSER is set to 1 (SARLy and SARUy enabled) and the SARUy.FS bit is 1, this bit is valid.
While the SARUy.FS bit or SARyE bit is 0, the setting of this bit is ignored.

SVA[6:0] Bits (7-Bit Address/10-Bit Address Lower Bits)

When the 7-bit address format is selected (SARUy.FS = 0), these bits function as a 7-bit address. When the 10-bit
address format is selected (SARUy.FS = 1), these bits function as the lower eight bits of a 10-bit address in combination
with the SVA0 bit.
While the SARyE bit in ICSER is 0, the setting of these bits is ignored.

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29.2.12 Slave Address Register Uy (SARUy) (y = 0 to 2)

Address(es): RIIC0.SARU0 0008 830Bh RIIC0.SARU1 0008 830Dh RIIC0.SARU2 0008 830Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SVA[1:0] FS

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FS 7-Bit/10-Bit Address Format 0: The 7-bit address format is selected. R/W
Selection 1: The 10-bit address format is selected.
b2, b1 SVA[1:0] 10-Bit Address Upper Bits A slave address is set. R/W
 When the SARUy.FS bit is 0 (7-bit address format), these bits are
 When the SARUy.FS bit is 1 (10-bit address format), these bits form
the upper two bits of a 10-bit slave address.
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FS Bit (7-Bit/10-Bit Address Format Selection)

This bit is used to select 7-bit address or 10-bit address for slave address y (in SARLy and SARUy).
When the SARyE bit in ICSER is set to 1 (SARLy and SARUy enabled) and the SARUy.FS bit is 0, the 7-bit address
format is selected for slave address y, the SVA[6:0] setting in SARLy is valid, and the settings of the SVA[1:0] bits and
the SVA0 bit in SARLy are ignored.
When the SARyE bit in ICSER is set to 1 (SARLy and SARUy enabled) and the SARUy.FS bit is 1, the 10-bit address
format is selected for slave address y and the settings of the SVA[1:0] bits and SARLy are valid.
While the SARyE bit in ICSER is 0 (SARLy and SARUy disabled), the setting of the SARUy.FS bit is invalid.

SVA[1:0] Bits (10-Bit Address Upper Bits)

When the 10-bit address format is selected (FS = 1), these bits function as the upper two bits of a 10-bit address.
When the SARyE bit in ICSER is set to 1 (SARLy and SARUy enabled) and the SARUy.FS bit is 1, these bits are valid.
While the SARUy.FS bit or SARyE bit is 0, the setting of these bits is ignored.

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29.2.13 I2C Bus Bit Rate Low-Level Register (ICBRL)

Address(es): 0008 8310h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — BRL[4:0]

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 BRL[4:0] Bit Rate Low-Level Period Low-level period of SCL clock R/W
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

ICBRL is a 5-bit register to set the low-level period of SCL clock.

It also works to generate the data setup time for automatic SCL low-hold operation (see section 29.8, Automatically
Low-Hold Function for SCL); when the RIIC is used only in slave mode, this register needs to be set to a value longer
than the data setup time*1.
ICBRL counts the low-level period with the internal reference clock source (IIC) specified by the CKS[2:0] bits in
If the digital noise filter is enabled (the NFE bit in ICFER is 1), set the ICBRL register to a value at least one greater than
the number of stages in the noise filter. Regarding the number of stages in the noise filter, see the description of the
ICMR3.NF[1:0] bits.

Note 1. Data setup time (tSU: DAT)

250 ns (up to 100 kbps: standard mode [Sm])
100 ns (up to 400 kbps: fast mode [Fm])

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29.2.14 I2C Bus Bit Rate High-Level Register (ICBRH)

Address(es): 0008 8311h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — BRH[4:0]

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 BRH[4:0] Bit Rate High-Level Period High-level period of SCL clock R/W
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 1. The write value should be 1. R/W

ICBRH is a 5-bit register to set the high-level period of SCL clock. ICBRH is valid in master mode. If the RIIC is used
only in slave mode, this register need not to set the high-level period.
ICBRH counts the high-level period with the internal reference clock source (IIC) specified by the CKS[2:0] bits in
If the digital noise filter is enabled (the NFE bit in ICFER is 1), set the ICBRH register to a value at least one greater than
the number of stages in the noise filter. Regarding the number of stages in the noise filter, see the description of the
ICMR3.NF[1:0] bits.

The I2C transfer rate and the SCL clock duty are calculated using the following expression.
Transfer rate = 1 / {[(ICBRH + 1) + (ICBRL + 1)] / IIC*1 + SCL line rising time [tr] + SCL line falling time [tf]}
Duty cycle = {SCL line rising time [tr]*2 + (ICBRH + 1) / IIC} / {SCL line falling time [tf]*2 + (ICBRL + 1) / IIC}

Note 1. IIC = PCLK × Division ratio

Note 2. The SCL line rising time [tr] and SCL line falling time [tf] depend on the total bus line capacitance [Cb] and the
pull-up resistor [Rp]. For details, see the I2C bus standard from NXP Semiconductors.

Table 29.6 lists examples of ICBRH/ICBRL settings.

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Table 29.6 Examples of ICBRH/ICBRL Settings for Transfer Rate

Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)
8 10 12.5
10 100b 22 (F6h) 25 (F9h) 101b 13 (EDh) 15 (EFh) 101b 16 (F0h) 20 (F4h)
50 010b 16 (F0h) 19 (F3h) 010b 21 (F5h) 24 (F8h) 011b 12 (ECh) 15 (EFh)
100 001b 15 (EFh) 18 (F2h) 001b 19 (F3h) 23 (F7h) 001b 24 (F8h) 29 (FDh)
400 000b 4 (E4h) 10 (EAh) 000b 5 (E5h) 12 (ECh) 000b 7 (E7h) 16 (F0h)

Operating Frequency PCLK (MHz)

16 20 25
10 101b 22 (F6h) 25 (F9h) 110b 13 (EDh) 15 (EFh) 110b 16 (F0h) 20 (F4h)
50 011b 16 (F0h) 19 (F3h) 011b 21 (F5h) 24 (F8h) 100b 12 (ECh) 15 (EFh)
100 010b 15 (EFh) 18 (F2h) 010b 19 (F3h) 23 (F7h) 010b 24 (F8h) 29 (FDh)
400 000b 9 (E9h) 20 (F4h) 000b 11 (EBh) 25 (F9h) 001b 7 (E7h) 16 (F0h)

Note: • ICBRH/ICBRL settings in these tables are calculated using the following values:
SCL line rising time (tr): 100 kbps or less, [Sm]: 1000 ns, 400 kbps or less, [Fm]: 300 ns
SCL line falling time (tf): 400 kbps or less, [Sm/Fm]: 300 ns
For the specified values of SCL line rising time (tr) and SCL line falling time (tf), see the I2C bus standard from NXP

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29.2.15 I2C Bus Transmit Data Register (ICDRT)

Address(es): 0008 8312h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

When ICDRT detects a space in the I2C bus shift register (ICDRS), it transfers the transmit data that has been written to
ICDRT to ICDRS and starts transmitting data in transmit mode.
The double-buffer structure of ICDRT and ICDRS allows continuous transmit operation if the next transmit data has
been written to ICDRT while the ICDRS data is being transmitted.
ICDRT can always be read and written. Write transmit data to ICDRT once when a transmit data empty interrupt (TXI)
request is generated.

29.2.16 I2C Bus Receive Data Register (ICDRR)

Address(es): 0008 8313h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

When 1 byte of data has been received, the received data is transferred from the I2C bus shift register (ICDRS) to ICDRR
to enable the next data to be received.
The double-buffer structure of ICDRS and ICDRR allows continuous receive operation if the received data has been read
from ICDRR while ICDRS is receiving data.
ICDRR cannot be written. Read data from ICDRR once when a receive data full interrupt (RXI) request is generated.
If ICDRR receives the next receive data before the current data is read from ICDRR (while the RDRF flag in ICSR2 is
1), the RIIC automatically holds the SCL clock low one cycle before the RDRF flag is set to 1 next.

29.2.17 I2C Bus Shift Register (ICDRS)

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: — — — — — — — —

ICDRS is an 8-bit shift register to transmit and receive data.

During transmission, transmit data is transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS and is sent from the SDA pin. During reception,
data is transferred from ICDRS to ICDRR after 1 byte of data has been received.
ICDRS cannot be accessed directly.

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29.2.18 Timeout internal counter (TMOCNT)

Address(es): RIIC0.TMOCNTL 0008 830Ah, RIIC0.TMOCNTU 0008 830Bh

 TMOS = 0 (Long mode)


b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 TMOS = 1 (Short mode)


b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: • Same address with ones of the slave address registers, SARL0,SARU0. Care should be taken.

 TMOCNTL register
Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W
b7 to b0 TMOCNTL Timeout internal counter Timeout internal counter low-order W*1

Note 1. Value in timeout internal counter cannot be read. When value is read, the read value is FFh.

 TMOCNTU register
Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W
b7 to b0 TMOCNTU Timeout internal counter Timeout internal counter high-order*1 W*2

Note 1. When TMOS = 1 (short mode), bits b7 to b4 are reserved bits. They are writable. However, the value written is disabled.
Note 2. Value in timeout internal counter cannot be read. When value is read, the read value is FFh.

The timeout internal counter (TMOCNTL/TMOCNTU) is initialized (TMOCNTL = 00h, TMOCNTU = 00h) after a
reset, while ICCR1.IICRST = 1 or ICFER.TMOE = 1 and PCLK/1 is selected with ICMR1.CKS[2:0] = 000b setting, and
when the counter clear conditions specified by the ICMR2.TMOH/TMOL bit (SCL rising edge/falling edge detection)
are met.
The TMOCNTL and TMOCNTU counters can be accessed as 16-bit registers in 16-bit units.

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29.3 Operation

29.3.1 Communication Data Format

The I2C bus format consists of 8-bit data and 1-bit acknowledge. The frame following a start condition or restart
condition is an address frame used to specify a slave device with which the master device communicates. The specified
slave is valid until a new slave is specified or a stop condition is issued.
Figure 29.3 shows the I2C bus format, and Figure 29.4 shows the I2C bus timing.

[7-bit address format]

S SLA (7 bits) R/W# A DATA (8 bits) A A/A# P n: Number of transfer frames

1 7 1 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or more)

[10-bit address format]

S 11110b+SLA(2 bits) W# A SLA (8 bits) A DATA (8 bits) A A/A# P

1 7 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or more)

S 11110b+SLA(2 bits) W# A SLA (8 bits) A Sr 11110b+SLA(2 bits) R A DATA (8 bits) A A/A# P

1 7 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 1

n (n = 1 or more)

Figure 29.3 I2C Bus Format


SCL 1 to 7 8 9 1 to 7 8 9 1 to 7 8 9

S SLA R/W# A Data A Data A P

Figure 29.4 I2C Bus Timing (SLA = 7 Bits)

S: Start condition. The master device drives the SDA line low from high level while the SCL line is at a high level.
SLA: Slave address, by which the master device selects a slave device.
R/W#: Indicates the direction of data transfer: from the slave device to the master device when R/W is 1, or from the master device to
the slave device when R/W is 0.
A: Acknowledge. The receive device drives the SDA line low. (In master transmit mode, the slave device returns acknowledge. In
master receive mode, the master device returns acknowledge.)
Sr: Restart condition. The master device drives the SDA line low from the high level after the setup time has elapsed with the SCL
line at the high level.
DATA: Transmitted or received data
P: Stop condition. The master device drives the SDA line high from low level while the SCL line is at a high level.

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29.3.2 Initial Settings

Before starting data transmission and reception, initialize the RIIC according to the procedure in Figure 29.5.

Initial settings

Clear ICE in ICCR1 to 0 SCL, SDA pins not driven

Set IICRST in ICCR1 to 1 RIIC reset

Set ICE in ICCR1 to 1 Internal reset

Set SARLn and SARUn.

Set slave address format and slave address

Set CKS[2:0] in ICMR1 and

ICBRL/ICBRH Set transfer bit rate *1

Set ICMR2 and ICMR3 *2

ICMR2.TMWE = 1 *2 Writing to the timeout internal counter is enabled *3

*2, *4 The timeout internal counter is initialized *3


The timeout function is enabled *3

Set ICFER *2

Set ICIER Set interrupt enable

ICCR1.IICRST = 0 Release from the internal reset state


[Legend] n = 0 to 2
Note 1. When the RIIC is used only in slave mode, set the ICBRL register to a value longer than the
data setup time.
Note 2. Set these registers as necessary.
Note 3. Those procedures need to be added only when using timeout function. Not needed when
not using timeout function.
Note 4. The diagram above is for 8-bit access. For 16-bit access, set 0000h to the address listed in
Table 29.3, Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access.

Figure 29.5 Example of RIIC Initialization Flowchart

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29.3.3 Master Transmit Operation

In master transmit operation, the RIIC outputs the SCL (clock) and transmitted data signals as the master device, and the
slave device returns acknowledgements. Figure 29.6 shows an example of usage of master transmission and Figure
29.7 to Figure 29.9 show the timing of operations in master transmission.
The following describes the procedure and operations for master transmission.

(1) Set the ICCR1.ICE bit to 1 (internal reset) after setting the ICCR1.IICRST bit to 1 (RIIC reset) with the ICCR1.ICE
bit cleared to 0 (SCL and SDA pins in inactive state). This initializes the various flags and internal state of ICSR1.
After that, set registers SARLy, SARUy, ICSER, ICMR1, ICBRH, and ICBRL (y = 0 to 2), and set the other
registers as necessary (for initial settings of the RIIC, see Figure 29.5). When the necessary register settings have
been completed, clear the ICCR1.IICRST bit to 0 (to release the reset state). This step is not necessary if
initialization of the RIIC has already been completed.
(2) Read the BBSY flag in ICCR2 to check that the bus is open, and then set the ST bit in ICCR2 to 1 (start condition
issuance request). Upon receiving the request, the RIIC issues a start condition. At the same time, the BBSY flag
and the START flag in ICSR2 are automatically set to 1 and the ST bit is automatically cleared to 0. At this time, if
the start condition is detected and the internal levels for the SDA output state and the levels on the SDA line have
matched while the ST bit is 1, the RIIC recognizes that issuing of the start condition as requested by the ST bit has
been successfully completed, and the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2 are automatically set to 1, placing the RIIC in
master transmit mode. The TDRE flag in ICSR2 is also automatically set to 1 in response to setting of the TRS bit to
(3) Check that the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is 1, and then write the value for transmission (the slave address and the R/W#
bit) to ICDRT. Once the data for transmission are written to ICDRT, the TDRE flag is automatically cleared to 0, the
data are transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS, and the TDRE flag is again set to 1. After the byte containing the slave
address and R/W# bit has been transmitted, the value of the TRS bit is automatically updated to select master
transmit or master receive mode in accord with the value of the transmitted R/W# bit. If the value of the R/W# bit
was 0, the RIIC continues in master transmit mode.
Since the ICSR2.NACKF flag being 1 at this time indicates that no slave device recognized the address or there was
an error in communications, write 1 to the ICCR2.SP bit to issue a stop condition.
For data transmission with an address in the 10-bit format, start by writing 1111 0b, the two higher-order bits of the
slave address, and W to ICDRT as the first address transmission. Then, as the second address transmission, write the
eight lower-order bits of the slave address to ICDRT.
(4) After confirming that the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is 1, write the data for transmission to the ICDRT register. The RIIC
automatically holds the SCL line low until the data for transmission are ready or a stop condition is issued.
(5) After all bytes of data for transmission have been written to the ICDRT register, wait until the value of the TEND
flag in ICSR2 returns to 1, and then set the SP bit in ICCR2 to 1 (stop condition issuance request). Upon receiving a
stop condition issuance request, the RIIC issues the stop condition.
(6) Upon detecting the stop condition, the RIIC automatically clears the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2 to 00b and enters
slave receive mode. Furthermore, it automatically clears the TDRE and TEND flags to 0, and sets the STOP flag in
ICSR2 to 1.
(7) After checking that the ICSR2.STOP flag is 1, clear the ICSR2.NACKF and STOP flags to 0 for the next transfer

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Master transmission

Initial settings [1] Initial settings

[2] Check I2C bus occupation and issue
Yes a start condition.
ICCR2.ST = 1




TMOCNTL = 00h [3] Transmit slave address and W (first byte).

*1, *2 [4] Check ACK and set transmit data.

Write data to ICDRT

All data transmitted?



TMOCNTL = 00h [5] Check end of last data

*1, *2 transmission and issue a stop
TMOCNTU = 00h condition.


ICCR2.SP = 1

ICSR2.STOP = 1? [6] Check stop condition issuance

*1, *2

ICSR2.NACKF = 0 [7] Processing for the next transfer



End of master transmission

Note 1. Those procedures need to be added only when using timeout function. Not needed when
not using timeout function.
Note 2. The diagram above is for 8-bit access. For 16-bit access, set 0000h to the address listed in
Table 29.3, Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access.

Figure 29.6 Example of Master Transmission Flowchart

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Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission)

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4

SDA b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4

7-bit slave address W DATA 1 DATA 2
TRS Transmit data (7-bit address + W) Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 2)


ICDRT 7-bit address + W DATA 1 DATA 2 DATA 3

ICDRS 7-bit address + W DATA 1 DATA 2

ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception)




Write data to Write data to Write data to Write data to

to ST (7-bit address + W) (DATA 3)
(DATA 1) (DATA 2)
[2] [3] [4] [4] [4]

Figure 29.7 Master Transmit Operation Timing (1) (7-Bit Address Format)

Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission)

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4

SDA b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4

Upper 10-bit addresses (11110b + 2 bits) W Lower 10-bit addresses DATA 1
TRS Transmit data (upper 10 bits + W) Transmit data (lower 10 bits) Transmit data (DATA 1)


ICDRT 10-bit address + W Lower 10 bits DATA 1 DATA 2

ICDRS Upper 10 bits + W Lower 10 bits DATA 1
ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception)




Write 1 Write
data to Write data to
ICDRT Write data to Write data to
to ST (11110b + 2 ICDRT ICDRT ICDRT
(lower 8 bits)
bits + W) (DATA 1) (DATA 2)
[2] [3] [4] [4]

Figure 29.8 Master Transmit Operation Timing (2) (10-Bit Address Format)

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7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P


SDA b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 A/NA

DATA n-2 DATA n-1 DATA n



TRS Transmit data (DATA n)

Transmit data (DATA n-1)





ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/final receive data)





Write data to ICDRT Write 1 Clear

(Final transmit data [DATA n]) to SP STOP to 0

[4] [5] [7]

Figure 29.9 Master Transmit Operation Timing (3)

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29.3.4 Master Receive Operation

In master receive operation, the RIIC as a master device outputs the SCL (clock) signal, receives data from the slave
device, and returns acknowledgements. Since the RIIC must start by sending a slave address to the corresponding slave
device, this part of the procedure is performed in master transmit mode, but the subsequent steps are in master receive
Figure 29.11 shows an example of usage of master reception and Figure 29.12 and Figure 29.14 show the timing of
operations in master reception.
The following describes the procedure and operations for master reception.

(1) Set the ICCR1.ICE bit to 1 (internal reset) after setting the ICCR1.IICRST bit to 1 (RIIC reset) with the ICCR1.ICE
bit cleared to 0 (SCL and SDA pins in inactive state). This initializes the various flags and internal state of ICSR1.
After that, set registers SARLy, SARUy, ICSER, ICMR1, ICBRH, and ICBRL (y = 0 to 2), and set the other
registers as necessary (for initial settings of the RIIC, see Figure 29.5). When the necessary register settings have
been completed, clear the ICCR1.IICRST bit to 0 (to release the reset state). This step is not necessary if
initialization of the RIIC has already been completed.
(2) Read the BBSY flag in ICCR2 to check that the bus is open, and then set the ST bit in ICCR2 to 1 (start condition
issuance request). Upon receiving the request, the RIIC issues a start condition. When the RIIC detects the start
condition, the BBSY flag and the START flag in ICSR2 are automatically set to 1 and the ST bit is automatically
cleared to 0. At this time, if the start condition is detected and the levels for the SDA output and the levels on the
SDA line have matched while the ST bit is 1, the RIIC recognizes that issuing of the start condition as requested by
the ST bit has been successfully completed, and the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2 are automatically set to 1, placing
the RIIC in master transmit mode. The TDRE flag in ICSR2 is also automatically set to 1 in response to setting of
the TRS bit to 1.
(3) Check that the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is 1, and then write the value for transmission (the first byte indicates the slave
address and value of the R/W# bit) to ICDRT. Once the data for transmission are written to ICDRT, the TDRE flag
is automatically cleared to 0, the data are transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS, and the TDRE flag is again set to 1.
Once the byte containing the slave address and R/W# bit has been transmitted, the value of the ICCR2.TRS bit is
automatically updated to select transmit or receive mode in accord with the value of the transmitted R/W# bit. If the
value of the R/W# bit was 1, the TRS bit is cleared to 0 on the rising edge of the ninth cycle of SCL (the clock
signal), placing the RIIC in master receive mode. At this time, the TDRE flag is automatically cleared to 0 and the
ICSR2.RDRF flag is automatically set to 1.
Since the ICSR2.NACKF flag being 1 at this time indicates that no slave device recognized the address or there was
an error in communications, write 1 to the ICCR2.SP bit to issue a stop condition.
For master reception from a device with a 10-bit address, start by using master transmission to issue the 10-bit
address, and then issue a restart condition. After that, transmitting 1111 0b, the two higher-order bits of the slave
address, and the R bit places the RIIC in master receive mode.
(4) Dummy read ICDRR after confirming that the RDRF flag in ICSR2 is 1; this makes the RIIC start output of the
SCL (clock) signal and start data reception.
(5) After 1 byte of data has been received, the RDRF flag in ICSR2 is set to 1 on the rising edge of the eighth or ninth
cycle of SCL clock (the clock signal) as selected by the RDRFS bit in ICMR3. Reading out ICDRR at this time will
produce the received data, and the RDRF flag is automatically cleared to 0 at the same time. Furthermore, the value
of the acknowledgement field received during the ninth cycle of SCL clock is returned as the value set in the
ACKBT bit of ICMR3. Furthermore, if the next byte to be received is the next to last byte, set the ICMR3.WAIT bit
to 1 (for wait insertion) before reading the ICDRR (containing the second byte from last). As well as enabling
NACK output even in the case of delays in processing to set the ICMR3.ACKBT bit to 1 (NACK) in step (6), due to
other interrupts, etc., this fixes the SCL line to the low level on the rising edge of the ninth clock cycle in reception
of the last byte, so the state is such that issuing a stop condition is possible.
(6) When the ICMR3.RDRFS bit is 0 and the slave device must be notified that it is to end transfer for data reception
after transfer of the next (final) byte, set the ACKBT bit in ICMR3 to 1 (NACK).

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(7) After reading out the byte before last from the ICDRR register, if the value of the ICSR2.RDRF flag is confirmed to
be 1, write 1 to the SP bit in ICCR2 (stop condition issuance request) and then read the last byte from ICDRR. When
ICDRR is read, the RIIC is released from the wait state and issues the stop condition after low-level output in the
ninth clock cycle is completed or the SCL line is released from the low-hold state.
(8) Upon detecting the stop condition, the RIIC automatically clears the MST and TRS bits in ICCR2 to 00b and enters
slave receive mode. Furthermore, detection of the stop condition leads to setting of the STOP flag in ICSR2 to 1.
(9) After checking that the ICSR2.STOP flag is 1, clear the ICSR2.NACKF and STOP flags to 0 for the next transfer

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Master reception starts

Initial settings (1) Initial settings

ICCR2.BBSY = 0? (2) Check I2C bus occupation and issue
Yes a start condition.
ICCR2.ST = 1

TMOCNTL = 00h *1, *2

Write the ICDRT register
(3) Transmit the slave address followed by
No R and check ACK.
TMOCNTL = 00h *1, *2

ICMR3.WAIT = 1 (4) Set to WAIT
Next data = last byte?
Dummy read the ICDRR register

No (5) Set to NACK

When receiving 2 bytes, perform dummy
TMOCNTL = 00h read.
*1, *2

ICMR3.RDRFS = 1 *3

(6) Read received data
Read the ICDRR register When receiving 1 byte, perform
dummy read.
TMOCNTL = 00h *1, *2

TMOCNTU = 00h (7) Read the last data,

ICSR2.STOP = 0 ICSR2.STOP = 0 release SCL by the ACKBT setting,
and generate a STOP condition.
ICSR2.SP = 1 ICSR2.SP = 1
Read the ICDRR register Dummy read the ICDRR

No (8) Confirm that the STOP condition

has been generated.
TMOCNTL = 00h *1, *2

ICMR3.RDRFS = 0 *3
(9) Processing for the next transfer operation
Master reception ends

Note 1. These settings are required only when timeout detection is enabled.
Note 2. Word access can be also performed as a 16-bit register.
Note 3. These bits can be set at the same time.

Figure 29.10 Example of Master Reception (7-Bit Address Format, 1 or 2 bytes)

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Master reception

Initial settings [1] Initial settings


Yes [2] Check I2C bus occupation and issue a start condition.

ICCR2.ST = 1


*1, *2


Write data to ICDRT

[3] Transmit slave address and R and check ACK.

*1, *2



Perform dummy read of ICDRR [4] Perform dummy read.


*1, *2

Yes [5] Read received data and prepare for receiving final
Next data = Final byte - 1?

Next data = Final byte - 2?



[6] Change RDRF set timing and set the
ICMR3.ACKBT = 1 acknowledgement and read data of (final byte – 1



*1, *2


[7] Read final data and SCL release by writing ACKBT
and issue a stop condition
ICCR2.SP = 1 ICCR2.SP = 1

Read ICDRR Perform dummy read of ICDRR



No ICSR2.STOP = 1? [8] Check stop condition issuance

*1, *2



ICMR3.ACKBT = 0 [9] Processing for the next transfer operation



End of master reception

Note 1. These settings are required only when timeout detection is enabled.
Note 2. Word access can be also performed as a 16-bit register.
Note 3. These bits can be set at the same time.

Figure 29.11 Example of Master Reception (7-Bit Address Format, 3 Bytes or More)

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Automatic low hold Master transmit mode Master receive mode

(to prevent wrong transmission)
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4


SDA b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4

7-bit slave address R DATA 1 DATA 2


TRS Transmit data (7-bit address + R)

Receive data (7-bit address + R) Receive data (DATA 1)


ICDRT 7-bit address + R

ICDRS 7-bit address + R DATA 1 DATA 2

ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception) XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception) DATA 1





Write 1 Write data to ICDRT Read ICDRR Read ICDRR

to ST (7-bit address + R) (Dummy read) (DATA 1)

[2] [3] [4] [5]

Figure 29.12 Master Receive Operation Timing (1) (7-Bit Address Format, when RDRFS = 0)

Automatic low hold (to prevent wrong transmission) Master transmit mode Master receive mode

S 1 to 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4


SDA b7 b1 b0 ACK b7 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4

Upper 10 bits W Lower 10 bits Upper 10-bit addresses (11110b + 2 bits) R DATA 1


TRS Transmit data (upper 10 bits + W)Transmit data (lower 10 bits) Transmit data (upper 10 bits + R)
Transmit data (upper 10 bits + R)


ICDRT Upper 10 bits+W Lower 10 bits Upper 10 bits+R

ICDRS Upper 10 bits+W Lower 10 bits Upper 10 bits+R DATA 1

ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception) XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception )






Write data to Read ICDRR

Write 1 Write data to ICDRT Clear Write 1 Write data to ICDRT
to ST (11110b + 2 bits + W) (lower 8 bits) START to 0 to RS (11110b + 2 bits + R) (Dummy read)

[2] [3] [4]

Figure 29.13 Master Receive Operation Timing (2) (10-Bit Address Format, when RDRFS = 0)

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Automatic low hold (WAIT) Automatic low hold (WAIT)

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P

SDA b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 NACK

DATA n-2 DATA n-1 DATA n


TEND Receive data (DATA n-2) Receive data (DATA n-1) Receive data (DATA n)


XXXX (last data for transmission

ICDRT [7-bit addresses + R/Upper 10 bits + R])



ACKBT 0 (ACK) 1 (NACK) 0

ACKBR 0 (ACK) 0 (ACK) 0 (ACK) 1 (NACK)




Write 1 Read ICDRR Write 1 Read ICDRR Write 1 Clear Clear
(last data for reception
to WAIT (DATA n-2) to ACKBT (DATA n-1) to SP WAIT to 0 STOP to 0
[DATA n])
[5] [6] [7] [9]

Figure 29.14 Master Receive Operation Timing (3) (when RDRFS = 0)

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29.3.5 Slave Transmit Operation

In slave transmit operation, the master device outputs the SCL (clock) signal, the RIIC transmits data as a slave device,
and the master device returns acknowledgements.
Figure 29.15 shows an example of usage of slave transmission and Figure 29.16 and Figure 29.17 show the timing of
operations in slave transmission.
The following describes the procedure and operations for slave transmission.

(1) Follow the procedure in Figure 29.5 to make initial settings for the RIIC. This step is not necessary if initialization
of the RIIC has already been completed. After initial settings, the RIIC will stay in the standby state until it receives
a slave address that it matches.
(2) After receiving a matching slave address, the RIIC sets one of the corresponding bits ICSR1.HOA, GCA, and AASy
(y = 0 to 2) to 1 on the rising edge of the ninth cycle of SCL clock (the clock signal) and outputs the value set in the
ICMR3.ACKBT bit to the acknowledge bit on the ninth cycle of SCL clock. If the value of the R/W# bit that was
also received at this time is 1, the RIIC automatically places itself in slave transmit mode by setting both the TRS bit
and the TDRE flag in ICSR2 to 1.
(3) After the ICSR2.TEND flag is confirmed to be 1, write the data for transmission to the ICDRT register. At this time,
if the RIIC receives no acknowledge from the master device (receives an NACK signal) while the ICFER.NACKE
bit is 1, the RIIC suspends transfer of the next data.
(4) Wait unit the ICSR2.TEND flag is set to 1 while the ICSR2.TDRE flag is 1, after the ICSR2.NACKF flag is set to 1
or the last byte for transmission is written to the ICDRT register. When the ICSR2.NACKF flag or the TEND flag is
1, the RIIC drives the SCL line low on the ninth falling edge of SCL clock.
(5) When the ICSR2.NACKF flag or the ICSR2.TEND flag is 1, dummy read ICDRR to complete the processing. This
releases the SCL line.
(6) Upon detecting the stop condition, the RIIC automatically clears bits ICSR1.HOA, GCA, and AASy (y = 0 to 2),
flags ICSR2.TDRE and TEND, and the ICCR2.TRS bit to 0, and enters slave receive mode.
(7) After checking that the ICSR2.STOP flag is 1, clear the ICSR2.NACKF and STOP flags to 0 for the next transfer

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Slave transmission

Initial settings [1] Initial settings



*1, *2

[2], [3] Check ACK and set transmit data

(Checking of ACK not necessary immediately after
address is received)
Write data to ICDRT

All data transmitted?



*1, *2


Read ICDRR [4] Dummy read to release the SCL

ICSR2.STOP=1? [5] Check stop condition detection

*1, *2


ICSR2.NACKF = 0 [6] Processing for the next transfer operation.


End of slave transmission

Note 1. Those procedures need to be added only when using timeout function.
Not needed when not using timeout function.
Note 2. The diagram above is for 8-bit access. For 16-bit access, set 0000h to
the address listed in Table 29.3, Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access.

Figure 29.15 Example of Slave Transmission Flowchart

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Slave receive mode Slave transmit mode Automatic low hold (to prevent wrong transmission)

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4

SDA b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4

7-bit slave address R DATA 1 DATA 2
TRS Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 2)



ICDRT XXXX (Initial value/last data for transmission) DATA 1 DATA 2 DATA 3
ICDRS 7-bit address + R DATA 1 DATA 2
ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception)




Write data to Write data to Write data to

(DATA 1) (DATA 2) (DATA 3)
[3] [3] [3]

Figure 29.16 Slave Transmit Operation Timing (1) (7-Bit Address Format)

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P

SDA b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 NACK

DATA n-2 DATA n-1 DATA n
TRS Transmit data (DATA n-1) Transmit data (DATA n)


ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception)


ACKBR 0 (ACK) 0 (ACK) 1 (NACK)


Write data to ICDRT Clear Clear

Dummy read ICDRR
(last data for transmission NACKF STOP
(SCL line is released)
[DATA n]) to 0 to 0
[4] [5] [7]

Figure 29.17 Slave Transmit Operation Timing (2)

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29.3.6 Slave Receive Operation

In slave receive operation, the master device outputs the SCL clock and transmit data, and the RIIC returns
acknowledgements as a slave device.
Figure 29.18 shows an example of usage of slave reception and Figure 29.19 and Figure 29.20 show the timing of
operations in slave reception.
The following describes the procedure and operations for slave reception.

(1) Follow the procedure in Figure 29.5 to make initial settings for the RIIC. This step is not necessary if initialization
of the RIIC has already been completed. After initial settings, the RIIC will stay in the standby state until it receives
a slave address that it matches.
(2) After receiving a matching slave address, the RIIC sets one of the corresponding bits ICSR1.HOA, GCA, and AASy
(y = 0 to 2) to 1 on the rising edge of the ninth cycle of SCL clock (the clock signal) and outputs the value set in the
ICMR3.ACKBT bit to the acknowledge bit on the ninth cycle of SCL clock. If the value of the R/W# bit that was
also received at this time is 0, the RIIC continues to place itself in slave receive mode and sets the RDRF flag in
ICSR2 to 1.
(3) After the ICSR2.STOP flag is confirmed to be 0 and the ICSR2.RDRF flag to be 1, dummy read ICDRR (the
dummy value consists of the slave address and R/W# bit when the 7-bit address format is selected, or the lower
eight bits when the 10-bit address format is selected).
(4) When ICDRR is read, the RIIC automatically clears the ICSR2.RDRF flag to 0. If reading of ICDRR is delayed and
a next byte is received while the RDRF flag is still set to 1, the RIIC holds the SCL line low from one SCL cycle
before the timing with which RDRF should be set. In this case, reading ICDRR releases the SCL line from being
held at the low level.
When the ICSR2.STOP flag is 1 and the ICSR2.RDRF flag is also 1, read ICDRR until all the data is completely
(5) Upon detecting the stop condition, the RIIC automatically clears bits ICSR1.HOA, GCA, and AASy (y = 0 to 2) to
(6) After checking that the ICSR2.STOP flag is 1, clear the ICSR2.STOP flag to 0 for the next transfer operation.

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Slave reception

Initial settings [1] Initial settings


No No

Yes Yes [2], [3], [4] Read receive data

(Dummy read first)
*1, *2 *1, *2


Read ICDRR Read ICDRR (last data)

All data received?

[5] Check stop condition detection


Yes [6] Processing for the next transfer

*1, *2


Note 1. Those procedures need to be added only when using timeout function.
Not needed when not using timeout function.
Note 2. The diagram above is for 8-bit access. For 16-bit access, set 0000h to
End of slave reception the address listed in Table 29.3, Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access.

Figure 29.18 Example of Slave Reception Flowchart

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Automatic low hold

(to prevent failure to receive data)
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4


SDA b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4

7-bit slave address W DATA 1 DATA 2



Receive data (7-bit address + W) Receive data (DATA 1)



ICDRT XXXX (Initial value/last data for transmission)

ICDRS 7-bit address + W DATA 1 DATA 2

ICDRR XXXX (Initial value/last data for reception) 7-bit address + W DATA 1






(Dummy read
[7-bit address + W]) (DATA 1)

[3] [3][4]

Figure 29.19 Slave Receive Operation Timing (1) (7-Bit Address Format, when RDRFS = 0)

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P


SDA b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ACK

DATA n-2 DATA n-1 DATA n




Receive data (DATA n-2) Receive data (DATA n-1) Receive data (DATA n)



ICDRT XXXX (Initial value/last data for transmission)




ACKBR 0 (ACK) 0 (ACK) 0 (ACK)



Read ICDRR Read ICDRR Read ICDRR Clear

(DATA n-2) (DATA n-1) (DATA n) STOP to 0

[3] [4] [3] [4] [3] [4] [6]

Figure 29.20 Slave Receive Operation Timing (2) (when RDRFS = 0)

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29.4 SCL Synchronization Circuit

In generation of the SCL (clock) signal, the RIIC starts counting out the value for width at high level specified in ICBRH
when it detects a rising edge on the SCL line and drives the SCL line low once counting of the width at high level is
complete. When the RIIC detects the falling edge of the SCL line, it starts counting out the width at low level period
specified in ICBRL, and then stops driving the SCL line (releases the line) once counting of the width at low level is
complete. The SCL (clock) signal is thus generated.
If multiple master devices are connected to the I2C bus, a collision of SCL signals may arise due to contention with
another master device. In such cases, the master devices have to synchronize their SCL signals. Since this
synchronization of SCL signals must be bit by bit, the RIIC is equipped with a facility (the SCL synchronization circuit)
to obtain bit-by-bit synchronization of the SCL clock signals by monitoring the SCL line while in master mode.
When the RIIC has detected a rising edge on the SCL line and thus started counting out the width at high level specified
in ICBRH, and the level on the SCL line falls because an SCL signal is being generated by another master device, the
RIIC stops counting when it detects the falling edge, drives the level on the SCL line low, and starts counting out the
width at low level specified in ICBRL. When the RIIC finishes counting out the width at low level, it stops driving the
SCL line to the low level (i.e. releases the line). At this time, if the width at low level of the SCL clock signal from the
other master device is longer than the width at low level set in the RIIC, the width at low level of the SCL signal will be
extended. Once the width at low level for the other master device has ended, the SCL signal rises because the SCL line
has been released. When the RIIC finishes outputting the low-level period of the SCL clock, the SCL line is released and
the SCL clock rises. That is, in cases of contention of SCL signals from more than one master, the width at high level of
the SCL signal is synchronized with that of the clock having the narrower width, and the width at low level of the SCL
signal is synchronized with that of the clock having the broader width. However, such synchronization of the SCL signal
is only enabled when the SCLE bit in ICFER is set to 1.

[SCL clock generation]

Compare match Rising of SCL detected
(Counter clear, low-drive start) (High-level period count start)




Falling of SCL detected Compare match

(Low-level period count start) (Counter clear, SCL line released)

[SCL synchronization]
Counter clear Counter clear

Low-level output of Low-level output of

ICBRH other master device ICBRH ICBRH
other master device



ICBRH: I2C bus bit rate high-level register (SCL clock high-level period counter)
ICBRL: I2C bus bit rate low-level register (SCL clock low-level period counter)

Figure 29.21 Generation and Synchronization of the SCL Signal from the RIIC

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29.5 Facility for Delaying SDA Output

The RIIC module incorporates a facility for delaying output on the SDA line. The delay can be applied to all output
(issuing of the start, restart, and stop conditions, data, and the ACK and NACK signals) on the SDA line.
With the SDA output delay facility, SDA output is delayed from detection of a falling edge of the SCL signal to ensure
that the SDA signal is output within the interval over which the SCL (clock) signal is at the low level. Doing this leads to
usage with the aim of preventing erroneous operation of communications devices, with the aim of satisfying the 300-ns
(min.) data-hold time requirement of the SMBus specification.
The output delay facility is enabled by setting the SDDL[2:0] bits in ICMR2 to any value other than 000b, and disabled
by setting the same bits to 000b.
While the SDA output delay facility is enabled (i.e. while the SDDL[2:0] bits in ICMR2 are set to any value other than
000b), the DLCS bit in ICMR2 selects the clock source for counting by the SDA output delay counter as the internal base
clock (IIC) for the RIIC module or as a clock signal derived by dividing the frequency of the internal base clock by two
(IIC/2). The counter counts the number of cycles set in the SDDL[2:0] bits in ICMR2. After counting of the set number
of cycles of delay is completed, the RIIC module places the required output (start, restart, or stop condition, data, or an
ACK or NACK signal) on the SDA line.

Analog noise filter delay time + PCLK sampling error (1 PCLK (max))

Digital noise filter delay time (NFE, NF[1:0] settings = 0.5 PCLK (min), 1 IIC to 4 IIC (max))
Transmit mode
SDA output delay time (DLCS,SDDL[2:0] settings = 0 (min) to 14 IIC (max))
SDA output release timing
S 8 9


SDA b7 to b1 b0 ACK/NACK

SDA output delay

Receive mode
SDA output release timing
1 to 7 8 9 P


SDA b7 to b1 b0 ACK/NACK

SDA output delay

Master mode


SCL ST 1 2 to 8 9 RS 1 to 9 SP

SDA b7 b6 to b0 ACK/NACK

*1 *1 *1


SDA output delay

Note 1. The output delay facility is set by the DLCS, and SDDL[2:0] bits when a start (ST),
restart (RS), or stop (SP) condition is issued.

Figure 29.22 SDA Output Delay Facility

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29.6 Digital Noise-Filter Circuits

The states of the SCL and SDA pins are conveyed to the internal circuitry through analog noise-filter and digital noise-
filter circuits. Figure 29.23 is a block diagram of the digital noise-filter circuit.
The on-chip digital noise-filter circuit of the RIIC consists of four flip-flop circuit stages connected in series and a match-
detection circuit.
The number of effective stages in the digital noise filter is selected by the NF[1:0] bits in ICMR3. The selected number
of effective stages determines the noise-filtering capability as a period from one to four IIC cycles.
The input signal to the SCL pin (or SDA pin) is sampled on falling edges of the IIC signal. When the input signal level
matches the output level of the number of effective flip-flop circuit stages as selected by the NF[1:0] bits in ICMR3, the
signal level is conveyed to the subsequent stage. If the signal levels do not match, the previous value is retained.
If the ratio between the frequency of the internal operating clock (PCLK) and the transfer rate is small (e.g. data transfer
at 400 kbps with PCLK = 4 MHz), the characteristics of the digital noise filter may lead to the elimination of needed
signals as noise. In such cases, it is possible to disable the digital noise-filter circuit (by clearing the NFE bit in ICFER)
and use only the analog noise-filter circuit.

Match D Q
internal signal



Four-stage digital noise filter

input signal


IIC NF[1:0] NFE

NFE: Digital noise filter circuit enable bit

NF[1:0]: Digital noise filter stage selection bits

Figure 29.23 Block Diagram of Digital Noise Filter Circuit

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29.7 Address Match Detection

The RIIC can set three unique slave addresses in addition to the general call address and host address, and also can set 7-
bit or 10-bit slave addresses.

29.7.1 Slave-Address Match Detection

The RIIC can set three unique slave addresses, and has a slave address detection function for each unique slave address.
When the SARyE bit (y = 0 to 2) in ICSER is set to 1, the slave addresses set in SARUy and SARLy (y = 0 to 2) can be
When the RIIC detects a match of the set slave address, the corresponding AASy flag (y = 0 to 2) in ICSR1 is set to 1 at
the falling edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle, and the RDRF flag in ICSR2 or the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is set to 1 by the
following R/W# bit. This causes a receive data full interrupt (RXI) or transmit data empty interrupt (TXI) to be
generated. The AASy flag is used to identify which slave address has been specified.
Figure 29.24 to Figure 29.26 show the AASy flag set timing in three cases.

[7-bit address format: Slave reception]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5


SDA 7-bit slave address W ACK Data (DATA 1) ACK Data (DATA 2)

Address match
Receive data (7-bit address) Receive data (DATA 1)




(Dummy read [7-bit address]) (DATA 1)

[7-bit address format: Slave transmission]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5


SDA 7-bit slave address R ACK Data (DATA 1) ACK Data (DATA 2)

Address match
AASy Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 2)



Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT

(DATA 1) (DATA 2) (DATA 3)

Figure 29.24 AASy Flag Set Timing with 7-Bit Address Format Selected

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[10-bit address format: Slave reception]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA 1 1 1 1 0 Upper 2 bits W ACK 10-bit slave address (lower 8 bits) ACK Data

Address match
Receive data (lower addresses)


(Dummy read [lower addresses])

[10-bit address format: Slave transmission]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SDA 1 1 1 1 0 Upper 2 bits W ACK Lower 8 bits ACK R 1 1 1 1 0 Upper 2 bits R ACK

Address match
Receive data (lower addresses)

(Dummy read [lower addresses])

Figure 29.25 AASy Flag Set Timing with 10-Bit Address Format Selected

[In the case of SAR0L: 7-bit address, SAR1L: 7-bit address, SAR2: 10-bit address (1)]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SDA 7-bit slave address (SAR0L) R/W ACK DATA ACK 7-bit slave address (SAR1L) R/W ACK

Address mismatch
AAS0 Address match
Address match


[In the case of SAR0L: 7-bit address, SAR1L: 7-bit address, SAR2: 10-bit address (2)]
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SDA 7-bit slave address (SAR1L) R/W ACK DATA ACK 1 1 1 1 0 Upper 2 bits W ACK


AAS1 Address match Address mismatch

[In the case of SAR0L: 7-bit address, SAR1L: 7-bit address, SAR2: 10-bit address (3)]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SDA 1 1 1 1 0 Upper 2 bits W ACK Lower 8 bits ACK 7-bit slave address (SAR0L) R/W ACK

Address match

AAS2 Address match Address mismatch

Figure 29.26 AASy Flag Set/Clear Timing with 7-Bit/10-Bit Address Formats Mixed

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29.7.2 Detection of the General Call Address

The RIIC has a facility for detecting the general call address (0000 000b + 0 [W]). This is enabled by setting the GCAE
bit in ICSER to 1.
If the address received after a start or restart condition is issued is 0000 000b + 1[R] (start byte), the RIIC recognizes this
as the address of a slave device with an “all-zero” address but not as the general call address.
When the RIIC detects the general call address, both the GCA flag in ICSR1 and the RDRF flag in ICSR2 are set to 1 on
the falling edge of the ninth cycle of SCL clock. This leads to the generation of a receive data full interrupt (RXI). The
value of the GCA flag can be confirmed to recognize that the general call address has been transmitted.
Operation after detection of the general call address is the same as normal slave receive operation.

[General call address reception]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W ACK Data (DATA 1) ACK Data (DATA 2)


Receive data (7-bit address) Receive data (DATA 1)


GCA General call address match (0000 000b + W)



(Dummy read [7-bit address]) (DATA 1)

Figure 29.27 Timing of GCA Flag Setting during Reception of General Call Address

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29.7.3 Device-ID Address Detection

The RIIC module has a facility for detecting device-ID addresses conformant with the I2C bus specification (Rev. 03).
When the RIIC receives 1111 100b as the first byte after a start condition or restart condition was issued with the DIDE
bit in ICSER set to 1, the RIIC recognizes the address as a device ID, sets the DID flag in ICSR1 to 1 on the rising edge
of the ninth SCL clock cycle when the following R/W# bit is 0, and then compares the second and subsequent bytes with
its own slave address. If the address matches the value in the slave address register, the RIIC sets the corresponding
AASy flag (y = 0 to 2) in ICSR1 to 1.
After that, when the first byte received after a start or restart condition is issued matches the device ID address (1111
100b) again and the following R/W# bit is 1, the RIIC does not compare the second and subsequent bytes and sets the
ICSR2.TDRE flag to 1.
In the device-ID address detection function, the RIIC clears the DID flag to 0 if a match with the RIIC’s own slave
address is not obtained or a match with the device ID address is not obtained after a match with the RIIC’s own slave
address and the detection of a restart condition. If the first byte after detection of a start or restart condition matches the
device ID address (1111 100b) and the R/W# bit is 0, the RIIC sets the DID flag to 1 and compares the second and
subsequent bytes with the RIIC’s slave address. If the R/W# bit is 1, the DID flag holds the previous value and the RIIC
does not compare the second and subsequent bytes. Therefore, the reception of a device-ID address can be checked by
reading the DID flag after confirming that TDRE = 1.
Furthermore, prepare the device-ID fields (three bytes: 12 bits indicating the manufacturer + 9 bits identifying the part +
3 bits indicating the revision) that must be sent to the host after reception of a continuous device-ID field as normal data
for transmission. For details of the information that must be included in device-ID fields, contact NXP Semiconductors.

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[Device-ID reception]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


SDA 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 W ACK Address ACK 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 R ACK

Slave address match

Device-ID match (1111 100b + W) Device-ID match (1111 100b + R)


TRS Receive data (7-bit address/lower 10 bits)



(Dummy read [7-bit address/lower 10 bits])

[When address received after a restart condition is detected does not match the Device-ID]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


SDA 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 W ACK Address ACK 7-bit slave address (other station) R/W ACK

Receive data (7-bit address/lower 10 bits) Slave address match Slave address mismatch
Device-ID mismatch
Device-ID match (1111 100b + W)


(Dummy read [7-bit address/lower 10 bits])

[When address before the Device-ID + R does not match the slave address]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 to 8 9 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


SDA 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 R NACK NACK 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 R NACK

Comparing the second and the following
bytes is stopped.

Device-ID match (1111 100b + R) Device-ID match (1111 100b + R)
The previous value is retained.


Figure 29.28 AASy/DID Flag Set/Clear Timing during Reception of Device-ID

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29.7.4 Host Address Detection

The RIIC has a function to detect the host address while the SMBus is operating. When the HOAE bit in ICSER is set to
1 while the SMBS bit in ICMR3 is 1, the RIIC can detect the host address (0001 000b) in slave receive mode (MST and
TRS bits = 00b in ICCR2).
When the RIIC detects the host address, the HOA flag in ICSR1 is set to 1 at the falling edge of the ninth SCL clock
cycle, and at the same time, the RDRF flag in ICSR2 is set to 1 when the R/W# bit is 0 (Wr bit). This causes a transmit
data empty interrupt (TXI) to be generated. The HOA flag is used to recognize that the host address was sent from the
smart battery or other devices.
If the bit following the host address (0001 000b) is an Rd bit (R/W# bit = 1), the RIIC can also detect the host address.
After the host address is detected, the RIIC operates in the same manner as normal slave operation.

[Host address reception]

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 W ACK Data (DATA 1) ACK Data (DATA 2)


Receive data (7-bit address) Receive data (DATA 1)


HOA Host address match (0001 000b)



(Dummy read [7-bit address]) (DATA 1)

Figure 29.29 HOA Flag Set Timing during Reception of Host Address

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29.8 Automatically Low-Hold Function for SCL

29.8.1 Function to Prevent Wrong Transmission of Transmit Data

If the shift register (ICDRS) is empty when data have not been written to the transmit data register (ICDRT) with the
RIIC in transmission mode (TRS bit = 1 in ICCR2), the SCL line is automatically held at the low level over the intervals
shown below. This low-hold period is extended until data for transmission have been written, which prevents the
unintended transmission of erroneous data.
Master transmit mode
 Low-level interval after a start condition or restart condition is issued
 Low-level interval of one clock cycle between the ninth clock cycle of one transfer and the first clock cycle of the
Slave transmit mode
 Low-level interval between the ninth clock cycle of one transfer and the first clock cycle of the next

[Master transmit mode] Automatic low-hold

(to prevent wrong
Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission) Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission)
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2

SDA 7-bit slave address W ACK Data (DATA 1) ACK

Transmit data (7-bit address + W) Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 2)




Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT

(7-bit address + W) (DATA 1) (DATA 2)

Automatic low-hold
[Slave transmit mode] Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission) (to prevent wrong
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3

SDA 7-bit slave address R ACK Data (DATA 1) ACK

BBSY Address match

AASy Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 2)


Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT

(DATA 1) (DATA 2)

Figure 29.30 Automatic Low-Hold Operation in Transmit Mode

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29.8.2 NACK Reception Transfer Suspension Function

The RIIC has a function to suspend transfer operation when NACK is received in transmit mode (TRS bit = 1 in ICCR2).
This function is enabled when the NACKE bit in ICFER is set to 1 (transfer suspension enabled). If the next transmit data
has already been written (TDRE flag = 0 in ICSR2) when NACK is received, next data transmission at the falling edge of
the ninth SCL clock cycle is automatically suspended. This prevents the SDA line output level from being held low when
the MSB of the next transmit data is 0.
If the transfer operation is suspended by this function (NACKF flag = 1 in ICSR2), transmit operation and receive
operation are discontinued. To restore transmit/receive operation, be sure to clear the NACKF flag to 0. In master
transmit mode, clear the NACKF flag to 0, issue a restart or stop condition, and then issue a start condition again.

[Master transmit mode]

Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission) Dummy read ICDRR Bus free time (ICBRL)

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SDA 7-bit slave address W NACK 7-bit slave address W ACK

Transfer suspended

BBSY Transmit data Transmit data

Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 1)
(7-bit address + W) (7-bit address + W)




Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT Write 1 to SP Clear NACKF Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT
(7-bit address + W) (DATA 1) (7-bit address + W) (DATA 1)

[Slave transmit mode] Automatic low-hold (to prevent wrong transmission) Bus free time
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P

SDA 7-bit slave address W ACK Data (DATA 1)

Transfer suspended
Address match
AASy Transmit data (DATA 1) Transmit data (DATA 2)



Write data to ICDRT Write data to ICDRT Write 1 to SP Clear NACKF

(DATA 1) (DATA 2)

Figure 29.31 Suspension of Data Transfer when NACK is Received (NACKE = 1)

29.8.3 Function to Prevent Failure to Receive Data

If response processing is delayed when receive data (ICDRR) read is delayed for a period of one transfer frame or more
with receive data full (RDRF flag = 1 in ICSR2) in receive mode (TRS = 0 in ICCR2), the RIIC holds the SCL line low
automatically immediately before the next data is received to prevent failure to receive data.
This function to prevent failure to receive data using the automatic low-hold function is also enabled even if the read
processing of the final receive data is delayed and, in the meantime, the RIIC’s own slave address is designated after a
stop condition is issued. This function does not disturb other communication because the RIIC does not hold the SCL
line low when a mismatch with its own slave address occurs after a stop condition is issued.
Sections in which the SCL line is held low can be selected with a combination of the WAIT and RDRFS bits in ICMR3.

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(1) One-Byte Receive Operation and Automatic Low-Hold Function Using the WAIT Bit
When the WAIT bit in ICMR3 is set to 1, the RIIC performs one-byte receive operation using the WAIT bit function.
Furthermore, when the ICMR3.RDRFS bit is 0, the RIIC automatically sends the ACKBT bit value in ICMR3 for the
acknowledge bit in the period from the falling edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle to the falling edge of the ninth SCL
clock cycle, and automatically holds the SCL line low at the falling edge of the ninth SCL clock cycle using the WAIT bit
function. This low-hold is released by reading data from ICDRR, which enables bytewise receive operation.
The WAIT bit function is enabled for receive frames after a match with the RIIC’s own slave address (including the
general call address and host address) is obtained in master receive mode or slave receive mode.

(2) One-Byte Receive Operation (ACK/NACK Transmission Control) and Automatic Low-Hold
Function Using the RDRFS Bit
When the RDRFS bit in ICMR3 is set to 1, the RIIC performs one-byte receive operation using the RDRFS bit function.
When the RDRFS bit is set to 1, the RDRF flag (receive data full) in ICSR2 is set to 1 at the rising edge of the eighth
SCL clock cycle, and the SCL line is automatically held low at the falling edge of the eighth SCL clock cycle. This low-
hold is released by writing a value to the ACKBT bit in ICMR3, but cannot be released by reading data from ICDRR,
which enables receive operation by the ACK/NACK transmission control according to the data received in byte units.
The RDRFS bit function is enabled for receive frames after a match with the RIIC’s own slave address (including the
general call address and host address) is obtained in master receive mode or slave receive mode.

Automatic low-hold
[RDRFS = 0, WAIT = 0]
(to prevent failure to receive data)
9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4

SDA ACK Data ACK Data ACK Data



[RDRFS = 0, WAIT = 1]
Automatic low-hold (WAIT) Automatic low-hold (WAIT) Automatic low-
hold (WAIT)
9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1




Automatic low-hold
[RDRFS = 1, WAIT = 0] Automatic low-
Automatic low-hold (RDRFS) (to prevent failure to
receive data) hold (RDRFS)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1




Write 0 to ACKBT Read ICDRR Read ICDRR Write 0 to ACKBT

[RDRFS = 1, WAIT = 1] Automatic low-hold Automatic low-hold (WAIT) Automatic low-hold

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1




Write 0 to ACKBT Read ICDRR Read ICDRR Write 0 to ACKBT

Figure 29.32 Automatic Low-Hold Operation in Receive Mode (Using RDRFS and WAIT Bits)

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29.9 Arbitration-Lost Detection Functions

In addition to the normal arbitration-lost detection function defined by the I2C bus standard, the RIIC has functions to
prevent double-issue of a start condition, to detect arbitration-lost during transmission of NACK, and to detect
arbitration-lost in slave transmit mode.

29.9.1 Master Arbitration-Lost Detection (MALE Bit)

The RIIC drives the SDA line low to issue a start condition. However, if the SDA line has already been driven low by
another master device issuing a start condition, the RIIC regards its own issuing of a start condition as an error and
considers this a loss in arbitration, so priority is given to transfer by the other master device. Similarly, if a request to
issue a start condition is made by setting the ST bit in ICCR2 to 1 while the bus is busy (BBSY flag = 1 in ICCR2), the
RIIC regards this as a double-issuing-of-start-condition error and considers itself to have lost in arbitration, thus
preventing a failure of transfer due to issuing of a start condition while transfer is in progress.
When a start condition is issued successfully, if the data for transmission including the address bits (i.e. the internal SDA
output level) and the level on the SDA line do not match (the high output as the internal SDA output; i.e. the SDA pin is
in the high-impedance state) and the low level is detected on the SDA line, the RIIC loses in arbitration.
After a loss in arbitration of mastership, the RIIC immediately enters slave receive mode. If a slave address (including
the general call address) matches its own address at this time, the RIIC continues in slave operation.
A loss in arbitration of mastership is detected when the following conditions are met while the MALE bit in ICFER is 1
(master arbitration-lost detection enabled).
[Master arbitration-lost conditions]
 Non-matching of the internal level for output on SDA and the level on the SDA line after a start condition was
issued by setting the ST bit in ICCR2 to 1 while the BBSY flag in ICCR2 was cleared to 0 (erroneous issuing of a
start condition)
 Setting of the ST bit in ICCR2 to 1 (start condition double-issue error) while the BBSY flag is set to 1
 When the transmit data excluding acknowledge (internal SDA output level) does not match the level on the SDA
line in master transmit mode (MST and TRS bits = 11b in ICCR2)

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[When slave addresses conflict] Transmit data mismatch Release SCL/SDA

(Arbitration lost)
S 1 2 3 4 5 6


S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA 0 R ACK Data ACK Data

BBSY Address match

MST Address mismatch





Clear AL to 0

[When data transmission conflicts after general call address is sent] Transmit data mismatch Release SCL/SDA
(Arbitration lost)
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W ACK 1

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W ACK 0 ACK Data

Receive data


GCA General call address match (0000 000b + W)

RDRF Clear AL to 0


Figure 29.33 Examples of Master Arbitration-Lost Detection (MALE = 1)

Bus free (BBSY = 0) start condition issuance (ST = 1) error Bus busy (BBSY =1) start condition issuance (ST = 1) error

SDA mismatch



S 1 S 1 2 S 1 2 6 7 8 9 1


SDA SDA SDA 7-bit/10-bit slave address R ACK

ST = 1, BBSY = 1 ST = 1, BBSY = 1 ST = 1,
BBSY = 1






Write 1 to ST Write 1 to ST Write 1 to ST

Figure 29.34 Arbitration-Lost when a Start Condition is Issued (MALE = 1)

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29.9.2 Function to Detect Loss of Arbitration during NACK Transmission (NALE Bit)
The RIIC has a function to cause arbitration to be lost if the internal SDA output level does not match the level on the
SDA line (the high output as the internal SDA output; i.e. the SDA pin is in the high-impedance state) and the low level
is detected on the SDA line during transmission of NACK in receive mode. Arbitration is lost due to a conflict of NACK
transmission and ACK transmission when two or more master devices receive data from the same slave device
simultaneously in a multi-master system. Such conflict occurs when multiple master devices send/receive the same
information through a single slave device. Figure 29.35 shows an example of arbitration-lost detection during
transmission of NACK.

NACK transmission mismatch

[Conflict during transmission of NACK (ACK received)] (Arbitration lost) Release SCL/SDA
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA Data ACK Data ACK Data


Receive data Receive data





Write 1 to RDRFS Read ICDRR Read ICDRR Write 1 to ACKBT Clear AL to 0

Figure 29.35 Example of Arbitration-Lost Detection during Transmission of NACK (NALE = 1)

The following explains arbitration-lost detection using an example where two master devices (master A and master B)
and a single slave device are connected through the bus. In this example, master A receives two bytes of data from the
slave device, and master B receives four bytes of data from the slave device.
If master A and master B access the slave device simultaneously, because the slave address is identical, arbitration is not
lost in both master A and master B during access to the slave device. Therefore, both master A and master B recognize
that they have obtained the bus mastership and operate as such. Here, master A sends NACK when it has received two
final bytes of data from the slave device. Meanwhile, master B sends ACK because it has not received necessary four
bytes of data. At this time, the NACK transmission from master A and the ACK transmission from master B conflict. In
general, if a conflict like this occurs, master A cannot detect ACK transmitted by master B and issues a stop condition.
Therefore, the issuance of the stop condition conflicts with the SCL clock output of master B, which disturbs
When the RIIC receives ACK during transmission of NACK, it detects a defeat in conflict with other master devices and
causes arbitration to be lost.
If arbitration is lost during transmission of NACK, the RIIC immediately cancels the slave match condition and enters
slave receive mode. This prevents a stop condition from being issued, preventing a communication failure on the bus.
Similarly, in the ARP command processing of SMBus, the function to detect loss of arbitration during transmission of
NACK is also available for eliminating the extra clock cycle processing (such as FFh transmission processing) necessary
if the UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of assign address does not match in the Get UDID (general) processing after the
Assign address command.
The RIIC detects arbitration-lost during transmission of NACK when the following condition is met with the NALE bit
in ICFER set to 1 (arbitration-lost detection during NACK transmission enabled).

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RX220 Group 29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)

[Condition for arbitration-lost during NACK transmission]

 When the internal SDA output level does not match the SDA line (ACK is received) during transmission of NACK
(ACKBT bit = 1 in ICMR3)

29.9.3 Slave Arbitration-Lost Detection (SALE Bit)

The RIIC has a function to cause arbitration to be lost if the data for transmission (i.e. the internal SDA output level) and
the level on the SDA line do not match (the high output as the internal SDA output; i.e. the SDA pin is in the high-
impedance state) and the low level is detected on the SDA line in slave transmit mode. This arbitration-lost detection
function is mainly used when transmitting a UDID (Unique Device Identifier) over an SMBus.
When it loses slave arbitration, the RIIC is immediately released from the slave-matched state and enters slave receive
mode. This function can detect conflicts of data during transmission of UDIDs over an SMBus and eliminates
subsequent redundant processing (processing for the transmission of FFh).
The RIIC detects slave arbitration-lost when the following condition is met with the SALE bit in ICFER set to 1 (slave
arbitration-lost detection enabled).

[Condition for slave arbitration-lost]

 When transmit data excluding acknowledge (internal SDA output level) does not match the SDA line in slave
transmit mode (MST and TRS bits = 01b in ICCR2)

[Conflict during data transmission] Transmit data mismatch

(Arbitration lost) Release SCL/SDA

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

SDA Data ACK 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6

SDA Data ACK 0 ACK Data





Write data to ICDRT Clear AL to 0

Figure 29.36 Example of Slave Arbitration-Lost Detection (SALE = 1)

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29.10 Start Condition/Restart Condition/Stop Condition Issuing Function

29.10.1 Issuing a Start Condition

The RIIC issues a start condition when the ST bit in ICCR2 is set to 1.
When the ST bit is set to 1, a start condition issuance request is made and the RIIC issues a start condition when the
BBSY flag in ICCR2 is 0 (bus free). When a start condition is issued normally, the RIIC automatically shifts to the
master transmit mode.
A start condition is issued in the following sequence.

[Start condition issuance]

(1) Drive the SDA line low (high level to low level).
(2) Ensure the time set in ICBRH and the start condition hold time.
(3) Drive the SCL line low (high level to low level).
(4) Detect low level of the SCL line and ensure the low-level period of SCL line set in ICBRL.

29.10.2 Issuing a Restart Condition

The RIIC issues a restart condition when the RS bit in ICCR2 is set to 1.
When the RS bit is set to 1, a restart condition issuance request is made and the RIIC issues a restart condition when the
BBSY flag in ICCR2 is 1 (bus busy) and the MST bit in ICCR2 is 1 (master mode).
A restart condition is issued in the following sequence.

[Restart condition issuance]

(1) Release the SDA line.
(2) Ensure the low-level period of SCL line set in ICBRL.
(3) Release the SCL line (low level to high level).
(4) Detect a high level of the SCL line and ensure the time set in ICBRL and the restart condition setup time.
(5) Drive the SDA line low (high level to low level).
(6) Ensure the time set in ICBRH and the restart condition hold time.
(7) Drive the SCL line low (high level to low level).
(8) Detect a low level of the SCL line and ensure the low-level period of SCL line set in ICBRL.

[Start condition issuing operation] [Restart condition issuing operation]

Hold time Setup time Hold time


SCL S Issue start SCL 8 Sr

Issue restart
condition condition


Write 1 to ST Accept start condition issuance Accept restart condition issuance

Write 1 to RS

Figure 29.37 Start Condition/Restart Condition Issue Timing (ST and RS Bits)

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29.10.3 Issuing a Stop Condition

The RIIC issues a stop condition when the SP bit in ICCR2 is set to 1.
When the SP bit is set to 1, a stop condition issuance request is made and the RIIC issues a stop condition when the
BBSY flag in ICCR2 is 1 (bus busy) and the MST bit in ICCR2 is 1 (master mode).
A stop condition is issued in the following sequence.

[Stop condition issuance]

 Drive the SDA line low (high level to low level).
 Ensure the low-level period of SCL line set in ICBRL.
 Release the SCL line (low level to high level).
 Detect a high level of the SCL line and ensure the time set in ICBRH and the stop condition setup time.
 Release the SDA line (low level to high level).
 Ensure the time set in ICBRL and the bus free time.
 Clear the BBSY flag to 0 (to release the bus mastership).

Setup time Bus free time


SCL 8 9 P
Issue stop
SDA b0 ACK/NACK condition







Write 1 to SP Accept stop condition issuance Clear STOP to 0

Figure 29.38 Stop Condition Issue Timing (SP Bit)

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29.11 Bus Hanging

If the clock signals from the master and slave devices go out of synchronization due to noise or other factors, the I2C bus
might hang with a fixed level on the SCL line and/or SDA line.
As measures against the bus hanging, the RIIC has a timeout function to detect hanging by monitoring the SCL line, a
function for the output of an extra SCL clock cycle to release the bus from a hung state due to clock signals being out of
synchronization, and the RIIC/internal reset function.
By checking the SCLO, SDAO, SCLI, and SDAI bits in ICCR1, it is possible to see whether the RIIC or its partner in
communications is placing the low level on the SCL or SDA lines.

29.11.1 Timeout Function

The RIIC includes a timeout function for detecting when the SCL line has been stuck longer than the predetermined time.
The RIIC can detect an abnormal bus state by monitoring that the SCL line is stuck low or high for a predetermined time.
The timeout function monitors the SCL line state and counts the low-level period or high-level period using the internal
counter. The timeout function resets the internal counter each time the SCL line changes (rising or falling), but continues
to count unless the SCL line changes. If the internal counter overflows due to no SCL line change, the RIIC can detect
the timeout and report the bus abnormality.
This timeout function is enabled when the ICFER.TMOE bit is 1. It detects a hung state that the SCL line is stuck low or
high during the following conditions:
 The bus is busy (ICCR2.BBSY flag is 1) in master mode (ICCR2.MST bit is 1).
 The RIIC’s own slave address is detected (ICSR1 register is not 00h) and the bus is busy (ICCR2.BBSY flag is 1) in
slave mode (ICCR2.MST bit is 0).
 The bus is free (ICCR2.BBSY flag is 0) while generation of a START condition is requested (ICCR2.ST bit is 1).

The internal counter of the timeout function works using the internal reference clock (IIC) set by the CKS[2:0] bits in
ICMR1 as a count source. It functions as a 16-bit counter when long mode is selected (TMOS bit = 0 in ICMR2) or a 14-
bit counter when short mode is selected (TMOS bit = 1).
The SCL line level (low/high or both levels) during which this counter is activated can be selected by the setting of the
TMOH and TMOL bits in ICMR2. If both TMOL and TMOH bits are cleared to 0, the internal counter does not work.

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[Timeout function]

Start internal Start internal Start internal Start internal Start internal Start internal
counter counter counter counter counter counter

Clear internal Clear internal Clear internal Clear internal Clear internal Clear internal Clear internal
counter counter counter counter counter counter counter





Write 1 to TMOH Write 0 to TMOL Write 1 to TMOL Write 0 to TMOE

[Example of operation when TMOH = 1 and TMOL = 1] When a stat condition is issued In the slave-address matched state
14-bit counter 16-bit counter
Clear internal counter Start internal counter overflows
TMOS = 0 TMOS = 1

7 8 9 P S 1 2 7 8 9 1 2

SDA A/NA Bus free time 7-bit slave address R/W ACK Data



Figure 29.39 Timeout Function (TMOE, TMOS, TMOH, and TMOL Bits)

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29.11.2 Extra SCL Clock Cycle Output Function

In master mode, the RIIC module has a facility for the output of extra SCL (clock) cycles to release the SDA line of the
slave device from being held at the low level due to the master being out of synchronization with the slave device.
This function is mainly used in master mode to release the SDA line of the slave device from the state of being fixed to
the low level by including extra cycles of SCL output from the RIIC with single cycles of the SCL (clock) signal as the
unit in the case of a bus error where the RIIC cannot issue a stop condition because the slave device is holding the SDA
line at the low level. Do not use this facility in normal situations. Using it when communications are proceeding correctly
will lead to malfunctions.
When the CLO bit in ICCR1 is set to 1 in master mode, a single cycle of the SCL clock at the frequency corresponding to
the transfer rate settings (settings of the CKS[2:0] bits in ICMR1, and of the ICBRH and ICBRL registers) is output as an
extra clock cycle. After output of this single cycle of the SCL clock, the CLO bit is automatically cleared to 0. Therefore,
further extra clock cycles can be output consecutively by the software program writing 1 to the CLO bit after having read
CLO = 0.
When the RIIC module is in master mode and the slave device is holding the SDA line at the low level because
synchronization with the slave device has been lost due to the effects of noise, etc., the output of a stop condition is not
possible. The facility for output of an extra cycle of the SCL (clock) signal can be used to output extra cycles of SCL one
by one to make the slave device release the SDA line from being held at the low level, thus recovering the bus from an
unusable state. Release of the SDA line by the slave device can be monitored by reading the SDAI bit in ICCR1. After
confirming release of the SDA line by the slave device, complete communications by reissuing the stop condition.
Use this facility with the MALE bit (master arbitration-lost detection disabled) in ICFER cleared to 0. If the MALE bit is
set to 1 (master arbitration-lost detection enabled), arbitration is lost when the value of the SDAO bit in ICCR1does not
match the state of the SDA line, so take care on this point.

[Output conditions for using the CLO bit in ICCR1]

 When the bus is free (BBSY flag in ICCR2 = 0) or in master mode (MST bit = 1 and BBSY flag = 1 in ICCR2)
 When the communication device does not hold the SCL line low

Figure 29.40 shows the operation timing of the extra SCL clock cycle output function (CLO bit).

SDA line is held low due to irregular bits Release SDA line
Extra clock cycle Extra clock cycle
SCL 9 output output

SDA ACK or Data“0” MSB or Next Data Data“1”


Accept CLO output Write 1 to CLO Write 1 to CLO

Figure 29.40 Extra SCL Clock Cycle Output Function (CLO Bit)

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29.11.3 RIIC Reset and Internal Reset

The RIIC module incorporates a function for resetting itself. There are two types of reset. One is referred to as an RIIC
reset; this initializes all registers including the BBSY flag in ICCR2. The other is referred to as an internal reset; this
releases the RIIC from the slave-address matched state and initializes the internal counter while retaining other settings.
After issuing a reset, be sure to clear the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to 0.
Both types of reset are effective for release from bus-hung states since both restore the output state of the SCL and SDA
pins to the high impedance state.
Issuing a reset during slave operation may lead to a loss of synchronization between the master device clock and the
slave device clock, so avoided this where possible. Note that monitoring of the bus state, such as for the presence of a
start condition, is not possible during an RIIC reset (ICE and IICRST bits = 01b in ICCR1).
For a detailed description of the RIIC and internal resets, see section 29.14, Reset States.

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29.12 SMBus Operation

The RIIC is available for data communication conforming to the SMBus (Version 2.0). To perform SMBus
communication, set the SMBS bit in ICMR3 to 1. To use the transfer rate within a range of 10 kbps to 100 kbps of the
SMBus standard, set the CKS[2:0] bits in ICMR1, ICBRH, and ICBRL. In addition, determine the values of the DLCS
bit in ICMR2 and the SDDL[2:0] bits in ICMR2 to meet the data hold time specification of 300 ns or more. If the RIIC is
used only as a slave device, the transfer rate setting is not necessary. When the RIIC is used only as a slave device, the
transfer rate setting is not necessary, whereas the ICBRL needs to be set to a value longer than the data setup time (250
For the SMBus device default address (1100 001b), use one of the slave address registers L0 to L2 (SARL0, SARL1, and
SARL2), and set the corresponding FS bit (7-bit/10-bit address format select) in SARUy (y = 0 to 2) to 0 (7-bit address
When transmitting the UDID (Unique Device Identifier), set the SALE bit in ICFER to 1 to enable the slave arbitration-
lost detection function.

29.12.1 SMBus Timeout Measurement

(1) Measuring timeout of slave device
The following period (timeout interval: TLOW: SEXT) must be measured for slave devices in SMBus communication.

 From start condition to stop condition

To measure timeout for slave devices, measure the period from start condition detection to stop condition detection with
the MTU or TMR timer using a start condition detection interrupt (STI) and stop condition detection interrupt (SPI) of
the RIIC. The measured timeout period must be within the total clock low-level period [slave device] TLOW: SEXT: 25 ms
(max.) of the SMBus standard.
If the time measured with the MTU or TMR exceeds the clock low-level detection timeout TTIMEOUT: 25 ms (min.) of
the SMBus standard, the slave device must release the bus by writing 1 to the IICRST bit in ICCR1 to issue an internal
reset of the RIIC. When an internal reset is issued, the RIIC stops driving the bus for the SCL pin and SDA pin and make
the SCL/SDA pin outputs high impedance, which releases the bus.

(2) Measuring timeout of master device

The following periods (timeout interval: TLOW: MEXT) must be measured for master devices in SMBus

 From start condition to acknowledge bit

 Between acknowledge bits
 From acknowledge bit to stop condition
To measure timeout for master devices, measure these periods with the MTU or TMR timer using a start condition
detection interrupt (STI), stop condition detection interrupt (SPI), and transmit end interrupt (TEI) or receive data full
interrupt (RXI) of the RIIC. The measured timeout period must be within the total clock low-level extended period
[master device] TLOW: MEXT: 10 ms (max.) of the SMBus standard, and the total of all TLOW: MEXT from start condition
to stop condition must be within TLOW: SEXT: 25 ms (max.).
For the ACK receive timing (rising edge of the ninth SMBCLK clock cycle), monitor the TEND flag in ICSR2 in master
transmit mode (master transmitter) and the RDRF flag in ICSR2 in master receive mode (master receiver). For this
reason, perform bytewise transmit operation in master transmit mode, and hold the RDRFS bit in ICMR3 0 until the byte
just before reception of the final byte in master receive mode. While the RDRFS bit is 0, the RDRF flag is set to 1 at the
rising edge of the ninth SMBCLK clock cycle.
If the period measured with the MTU or TMR exceeds the total clock low-level extended period [master device] TLOW:
MEXT: 10 ms (max.) of the SMBus standard or the total of measured periods exceeds the clock low-level detection
timeout TTIMEOUT: 25 ms (min.) of the SMBus standard, the master device must stop the transaction by issuing a stop

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condition. In master transmit mode, immediately stop the transmit operation (writing data to ICDRT).

SMBus standard TLOW:SEXT: Total clock low-level extended period (slave device)
TLOW:MEXT: Total clock low-level extended period (master device)

Start Stop



S 1 2 7 8 9 1 2 7 8 9 1 2 7 8 9 P

SDA 7-bit slave address R/W ACK Data ACK Data A/NA


Measured with the MTU or TMR

Figure 29.41 SMBus Timeout Measurement

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29.12.2 Packet Error Code (PEC)

The RX220 Group incorporates a CRC calculator. The CRC calculator enables transmission of a packet error code (PEC)
or checking the received data of the SMBus in data communication of the RIIC. For the CRC generating polynomials of
the CRC calculator, see section 31, CRC Calculator (CRC).
The PEC data in master transmit mode (master transmitter) can be generated by writing all transmit data to the CRC data
input register (CRCDIR) in the CRC calculator.
The PEC data in master receive mode (master receiver) can be checked by writing all receive data to CRCDIR in the
CRC calculator and comparing the obtained value in the CRC data output register (CRCDOR) with the received PEC
To send ACK or NACK according to the match or mismatch result when the final byte is received as a result of the PEC
code check, set the RDRFS bit in ICMR3 to 1 before the rising edge of the eighth SMBCLK clock cycle during reception
of the final byte, and hold the SCL line low at the falling edge of the eighth clock cycle.

29.12.3 SMBus Host Notification Protocol/Notify ARP Master

In communications over an SMBus, a slave device can temporarily act as a master device to notify the SMBus host (or
ARP master) of (or request the SMBus host for) its own slave address or to request its own slave address from the
SMBus host.
For a product of the RX220 Group to operate as an SMBus host (or ARP master), the host address (0001 000b) sent from
the slave device must be detected as a slave address, so the RIIC has a function for detecting the host address. To detect
the host address as a slave address, set the SMBS bit in ICMR3 and the HOAE bit in ICSER to 1. Operation after the host
address has been detected is the same as normal slave operation.

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29.13 Interrupt Request

The RIIC issues four types of interrupt request: transfer error or event generation (arbitration-lost, NACK detection,
timeout detection, start condition detection, and stop condition detection), receive data full, transmit data empty, and
transmit end.
Table 29.7 lists details of the several interrupt requests. The receive data full and transmit data empty are both capable of
launching data transfer by the DTC or DMAC.

Table 29.7 Interrupt Sources

Symbol Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag Launching Launching Priority Interrupt Condition
EEI Transfer Error/ AL Not possible Not possible High AL = 1 • ALIE = 1
Event Generation
STOP STOP = 1 • SPIE = 1
RXI Receive Data Full — Possible Possible RDRF = 1 • RIE = 1
TXI Transmit Data — Possible Possible TDRE = 1 • TIE = 1
TEI Transmit End TEND Not possible Not possible Low TEND = 1 • TEIE = 1

Clear or mask the each flag during interrupt handling.

Notes on interrupt processing:

1. There is a latency (delay) between the execution of a write instruction for a peripheral module by the CPU and
actual writing to the module. Thus, when an interrupt flag has been cleared or masked, read the relevant flag again
to check whether clearing or masking has been completed, and then return from interrupt processing. Returning
from interrupt processing without checking that writing to the module has been completed creates a possibility of
repeated processing of the same interrupt.
2. Since TXI is an edge-detected interrupted, it does not require clearing. Furthermore, the TDRE flag in ICSR2 (a
condition for TXI) is automatically cleared to 0 when data for transmission are written to ICDRT or a stop condition
is detected (STOP flag = 1 in ICSR2).
3. Since RXI is an edge-detected interrupted, it does not require clearing. Furthermore, the RDRF flag in ICSR2 (a
condition for RXI) is automatically cleared to 0 when data are read from ICDRR.
4. When using the TEI interrupt, clear the TEND flag in ICSR2 in the TEI interrupt processing.
Note that the TEND flag in ICSR2 is automatically cleared to 0 when data for transmission are written to ICDRT or
a stop condition is detected (STOP flag = 1 in ICSR2).

29.13.1 Buffer Operation for TXI and RXI Interrupts

For the TXI and RXI interrupts, as well as the ICU.IRn.IR flag having the value 1 being a condition for issuing the
interrupts, the interrupt request is retained within and not output by the ICU (the capacity for internally retaining the
interrupts is one request per source).
An interrupt request that was being retained within the ICU is output when the value of the ICU.IRn.IR flag becomes 0.
Internally retained interrupt requests are automatically cleared under normal conditions of usage.
Internally retained interrupt requests can also be cleared by writing 0 to the interrupt enable bit within the given
peripheral module.

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29.14 Reset States

The RIIC has chip reset, RIIC reset, and internal reset functions. Table 29.8 lists the scope of each reset and reset

Table 29.8 Reset Conditions

Start Condition/
Chip RIIC Reset Internal Reset Restart Condition Stop Condition
Reset (ICE = 0, IICRST = 1) (ICE = 1, IICRST = 1) Detection Detection
ICCR1 ICE, At a reset Retained Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
SCLO, At a reset At a reset
Others Retained
ICCR2 BBSY At a reset At a reset Operation Operation Operation
ST At a reset At a reset Operation (retained)
Others At a reset
ICMR1 BC[2:0] At a reset At a reset At a reset At a reset Operation (retained)
Others Retained Operation (retained)
ICMR2 At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICMR3 At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICFER At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICSER At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICIER At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICSR1 At a reset At a reset At a reset Operation (retained) At a reset
ICSR2 TDRE, At a reset At a reset At a reset Operation (retained) At a reset
START Operation
STOP Operation (retained) Operation
Others Operation (retained)
SARL0, 1, 2 At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
SARU0, 1, 2
ICBRH, ICBRL At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICDRT At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICDRR At a reset At a reset Retained Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
ICDRS At a reset At a reset At a reset Operation (retained) Operation (retained)
Timeout function At a reset At a reset Operation Operation Operation
Bus free time At a reset At a reset Operation Operation Operation

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29.15 Event Link Output

The event link controller (ELC) handles output of the following event signals.
(1) Transfer error event output
When a transfer error event occurs, the corresponding event signal can be output for another module via the ELC.
(2) Received-data full output
When a received data register becomes full, the corresponding event signal can be output for another module via the
(3) Transmission-data empty output
When a transmission data register becomes empty, the corresponding event signal can be output for another module via
the ELC.
(4) Transmission-completed output
On completion of transfer, the corresponding event signal can be output for another module via the ELC.

29.15.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking

The RIIC module produces four kinds of interrupt: transfer-error (arbitration-lost detection, detection of NACK,
detection of time-out, or detection of a stop condition) event, received data full, transmission data empty, and
transmission completed interrupts detection of a start condition. Each of these has an enable bit to control enabling and
disabling of the interrupt signal. An interrupt-request signal is output for the CPU when an interrupt-source condition is
satisfied while the setting of the corresponding enable bit is “enabled”.
The corresponding event link output signals are sent to other modules as event signals via the ELC when the interrupt-
source conditions are satisfied, regardless of the settings of the interrupt enable bits.
For details on interrupt sources, see Table 29.7.

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29.16 Usage Notes

29.16.1 Setting Module Stop Function

Module stop state can be entered or canceled using module stop control register B (MSTPCRB). The initial setting is for
operation of the RIIC to be stopped. RIIC register access is enabled by clearing module stop state.
For details of module stop control register B, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

29.16.2 Points to Note on Starting Transfer

If the ICU.IRn.IR flag is 1 at the time transfer is to be started (by setting the ICCR1.ICE bit to 1), follow the procedure
below to clear interrupts before enabling operations. Starting transfer with the ICU.IRn.IR flag set to 1 while the
ICCR1.ICE bit is 1 leads to an interrupt request being internally retained after transfer starts, and this can lead to
unanticipated behavior of the ICU.IRn.IR flag.
1. Confirm that the ICCR1.ICE bit is 0.
2. Clear the relevant interrupt enable bits (ICIER.TIE, etc.) on the peripheral function side to 0.
3. Read the relevant interrupt enable bits (ICIER.TIE, etc.) on the peripheral function side and confirm that its value is 0.
4. Clear the ICU.IRn.IR flag to 0.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.1 Overview
The RX220 Group includes one independent channels of Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI).
The RSPI channels are capable of high-speed, full-duplex synchronous serial communications with multiple processors
and peripheral devices.
Table 30.1 lists the specifications of the RSPI, and Figure 30.1 shows a block diagram of the RSPI.
In this chapter, a lower-case letter i in pin and signal names indicates a value from 0 to 3, and a lower-case letter m in
RSPI command register m (SPCMDm) indicates a value from 0 to 7.

Table 30.1 Specifications of RSPI (1/2)

Item Description
Number of channels One channel
RSPI transfer functions  Use of MOSI (master out/slave in), MISO (master in/slave out), SSL (slave select), and RSPCK (RSPI
clock) signals allows serial communications through SPI operation (four-wire method) or clock
synchronous operation (three-wire method).
 Transmit-only operation is available.
 Capable of serial communications in master/slave mode
 Switching of the polarity of the serial transfer clock
 Switching of the phase of the serial transfer clock
Data format  MSB-first/LSB-first selectable
 Transfer bit length is selectable as 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 24, or 32 bits.
 128-bit transmit/receive buffers
 Up to four frames can be transferred in one round of transmission/reception (each frame consisting of
up to 32 bits).
Bit rate  In master mode, the on-chip baud rate generator generates RSPCK by frequency-dividing PCLK (the
maximum divisor is 4096).
 In slave mode, the externally input clock is used as the serial clock (the maximum frequency is that of
PCLK divided by 8).
Width at high level: 4 cycles of PCLK; width at low level: 4 cycles of PCLK
Buffer configuration Double buffer configuration for the transmit/receive buffers
Error detection  Mode fault error detection
 Overrun error detection
 Parity error detection
SSL control function  Four SSL signals (SSLA0 to SSLA3) for each channel
 In single-master mode, SSLA0 to SSLA3 signals are output.
 In multi-master mode:
SSLA0 signal for input, and SSLA1 to SSLA3 signals for either output or unused.
 In slave mode:
SSLA0 signal for input, and SSLA1 to SSLA3 signals for unused.
 Controllable delay from SSL output assertion to RSPCK operation (RSPCK delay)
Range: 1 to 8 RSPCK cycles (set in RSPCK-cycle units)
 Controllable delay from RSPCK stop to SSL output negation (SSL negation delay)
Range: 1 to 8 RSPCK cycles (set in RSPCK-cycle units)
 Controllable wait for next-access SSL output assertion (next-access delay)
Range: 1 to 8 RSPCK cycles (set in RSPCK-cycle units)
 Function for changing SSL polarity
Control in master transfer  A transfer of up to eight commands can be executed sequentially in looped execution.
 For each command, the following can be set:
SSL signal value, bit rate, RSPCK polarity/phase, transfer data length, MSB/LSB-first, burst, RSPCK
delay, SSL negation delay, and next-access delay
 A transfer can be initiated by writing to the transmit buffer.
 MOSI signal value specifiable in SSL negation
Interrupt sources  Maskable interrupt sources
RSPI receive interrupt (receive buffer full)
RSPI transmit interrupt (transmit buffer empty)
RSPI error interrupt (mode fault, overrun, parity error)
RSPI idle interrupt (RSPI idle)

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Table 30.1 Specifications of RSPI (2/2)

Item Description
Event linking The following five types of events can be output to the event link controller.
 Reception-buffer full event output
 Transmission-buffer empty event output
 Mode fault, overrun, or parity error event output
 RSPI idle event output
 Transmission-completed event output
Others  Function for switching between CMOS output and open-drain output
 Function for initializing the RSPI
 Loopback mode
Power consumption reduc- Module stop state can be set.
ing function

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Bus interface
Module data bus peripheral bus 2


SPPCR Baud rate PCLK
SPSR generator

Parity circuit
Shift register

Selector Transmission/ Event output

reception controller


Normal Master Loopback 2


Loopback 2 Slave

Normal Master

Loopback SPRI
Loopback 2 SPII

SPCR: RSPI control register

SPCR2: RSPI control register 2
SSLP: RSPI slave select polarity register
SPPCR: RSPI pin control register
SPSR: RSPI status register
SPDR: RSPI data register
SPSCR: RSPI sequence control register
SPSSR: RSPI sequence status register
SPDCR: RSPI data control register
SPCKD: RSPI clock delay register
SSLND: RSPI slave select negation delay register
SPND: RSPI next-access delay register
SPCMD: RSPI command registers 0 to 7 (eight registers)
SPBR: RSPI bit rate register
SPTX: RSPI transmit buffer
SPRX: RSPI receive buffer
SPTI: RSPI transmit interrupt
SPRI: RSPI receive interrupt
SPII: SPI idle interrupt
SPEI: RSPI error interrupt

Figure 30.1 Block Diagram of RSPI

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Table 30.2 lists the input and output pins used in the RSPI.
The RSPI automatically switches the input/output direction of the SSLA0 pin. SSLA0 is set as an output when the RSPI
is a single master and as an input when the RSPI is a multi-master or a slave. Pins RSPCKA, MOSIA, and MISOA are
automatically set as inputs or outputs according to the setting of master or slave and the level input on the SSLA0 pin
(see section 30.3.2, Controlling RSPI Pins).

Table 30.2 RSPI Pin Configuration

Channel Pin Name I/O Function
RSPI0 RSPCKA I/O Clock I/O pin
MOSIA I/O Master transmit data I/O pin
MISOA I/O Slave transmit data I/O pin
SSLA0 I/O Slave selection I/O pin
SSLA1 Output Slave selection output pin
SSLA2 Output Slave selection output pin
SSLA3 Output Slave selection output pin

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30.2 Register Descriptions

30.2.1 RSPI Control Register (SPCR)

Address(es): 0008 8380h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SPMS RSPI Mode Select 0: SPI operation (four-wire method) R/W
1: Clock synchronous operation (three-wire method)
b1 TXMD Communications Operating Mode 0: Full-duplex synchronous serial communications R/W
Select 1: Serial communications consisting of only transmit operations
b2 MODFEN Mode Fault Error Detection Enable 0: Disables the detection of mode fault error R/W
1: Enables the detection of mode fault error
b3 MSTR RSPI Master/Slave Mode Select 0: Slave mode R/W
1: Master mode
b4 SPEIE RSPI Error Interrupt Enable 0: Disables the generation of RSPI error interrupt requests R/W
1: Enables the generation of RSPI error interrupt requests
b5 SPTIE RSPI Transmit Interrupt Enable 0: Disables the generation of RSPI transmit interrupt requests R/W
1: Enables the generation of RSPI transmit interrupt requests
b6 SPE RSPI Function Enable 0: Disables the RSPI function R/W
1: Enables the RSPI function
b7 SPRIE RSPI Receive Interrupt Enable 0: Disables the generation of RSPI receive interrupt requests R/W
1: Enables the generation of RSPI receive interrupt requests

If the SPCR.MSTR, SPCR.MODFEN, and SPCR.TXMD bits are changed while the SPCR.SPE bit is 1, subsequent
operations cannot be guaranteed.

SPMS Bit (RSPI Mode Select)

The SPMS bit selects SPI operation (four-wire method) or clock synchronous operation (three-wire method).
The SSLA0 to SSLA3 pins are not used in clock synchronous operation. The three pins RSPCKA, MOSIA, and MISOA
handle communications. If clock-synchronous operation is to proceed in master mode (SPCR.MSTR = 1), the
SPCMDm.CPHA bit can be set to either 0 or 1. Set the CPHA bit to 1 if clock-synchronous operation is to proceed in
slave mode (SPCR.MSTR = 0). Operation is not guaranteed if the CPHA bit is set to 0 when clock-synchronous
operation is to proceed in slave mode (SPCR.MSTR = 0).

TXMD Bit (Communications Operating Mode Select)

The TXMD bit selects full-duplex synchronous serial communications or transmit operations only.
When performing communications with the TXMD bit set to 1, the RSPI performs only transmit operations and not
receive operations (see section 30.3.6, Communications Operating Mode).
When the TXMD bit is set to 1, receive buffer full interrupt requests cannot be used.

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MODFEN Bit (Mode Fault Error Detection Enable)

The MODFEN bit enables or disables the detection of mode fault error (see section 30.3.8, Error Detection). In
addition, the RSPI determines the input/output direction of the SSLA0 to SSLA3 pins based on combinations of the
MODFEN and MSTR bits (see section 30.3.2, Controlling RSPI Pins).

MSTR Bit (RSPI Master/Slave Mode Select)

The MSTR bit selects master/slave mode of the RSPI. According to MSTR bit settings, the RSPI determines the
direction of pins RSPCKA, MOSIA, MISOA, and SSLA0 to SSLA3.

SPEIE Bit (RSPI Error Interrupt Enable)

The SPEIE bit enables or disables the generation of RSPI error interrupt requests when the RSPI detects a mode fault
error and sets the SPSR.MODF flag to 1, when the RSPI detects an overrun error and sets the SPSR.OVRF flag to 1, or
when the RSPI detects a parity error and sets the SPSR.PERF flag to 1 (see section 30.3.8, Error Detection).

SPE Bit (RSPI Function Enable)

The SPE bit enables or disables the RSPI function.
When the SPSR.MODF bit is 1, the SPE bit cannot be set to 1. For details, refer to section 30.3.8, Error Detection.
Setting the SPE bit to 0 disables the RSPI function, and initializes a part of the module function. For details, refer to
section 30.3.9, Initializing RSPI. Furthermore, an RSPI transmission interrupt request is generated by the state of the
SPE bit changing from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.

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30.2.2 RSPI Slave Select Polarity Register (SSLP)

Address(es): 0008 8381h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SSL0P SSL0 Signal Polarity Setting 0: SSL0 signal is active low R/W
1: SSL0 signal is active high
b1 SSL1P SSL1 Signal Polarity Setting 0: SSL1 signal is active low R/W
1: SSL1 signal is active high
b2 SSL2P SSL2 Signal Polarity Setting 0: SSL2 signal is active low R/W
1: SSL2 signal is active high
b3 SSL3P SSL3 Signal Polarity Setting 0: SSL3 signal is active low R/W
1: SSL3 signal is active high
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

If the contents of SSLP are changed while the SPCR.SPE bit is 1, subsequent operations are not guaranteed.

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30.2.3 RSPI Pin Control Register (SPPCR)

Address(es): 0008 8382h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SPLP RSPI Loopback 0: Normal mode R/W
1: Loopback mode (reversed transmit data = receive data)
b1 SPLP2 RSPI Loopback 2 0: Normal mode R/W
1: Loopback mode (transmit data = receive data)
b3, b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 MOIFV MOSI Idle Fixed Value 0: The level output on the MOSIA pin during MOSI idling corresponds R/W
to low.
1: The level output on the MOSIA pin during MOSI idling corresponds
to high.
b5 MOIFE MOSI Idle Value Fixing 0: MOSI output value equals final data from previous transfer R/W
Enable 1: MOSI output value equals the value set in the MOIFV bit
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

If the contents of SPPCR are changed while the SPCR.SPE bit is 1, subsequent operations are not guaranteed.

SPLP Bit (RSPI Loopback)

The SPLP bit selects the mode of the RSPI pins.
When the SPLP bit is set to 1, the RSPI shuts off the path between the MISOA pin and the shift register if the
SPCR.MSTR bit is 1, and between the MOSIA pin and the shift register if the SPCR.MSTR bit is 0, and connects
(reverses) the input path and output path for the shift register (loopback mode).

SPLP2 Bit (RSPI Loopback 2)

The SPLP2 bit selects the mode of the RSPI pins.
When the SPLP2 bit is set to 1, the RSPI shuts off the path between the MISOA pin and the shift register if the
SPCR.MSTR bit is 1, and between the MOSIA pin and the shift register if the SPCR.MSTR bit is 0, and connects the
input path and output path for the shift register (loopback mode).

MOIFV Bit (MOSI Idle Fixed Value)

If the MOIFE bit is 1 in master mode, the MOIFV bit determines the MOSIA pin output value during the SSL negation
period (including the SSL retention period during a burst transfer).

MOIFE Bit (MOSI Idle Value Fixing Enable)

The MOIFE bit fixes the MOSIA output value when the RSPI in master mode is in an SSL negation period (including the
SSL retention period during a burst transfer). When the MOIFE bit is 0, the RSPI outputs the last data from the previous
serial transfer during the SSL negation period to the MOSIA pin. When the MOIFE bit is 1, the RSPI outputs the fixed
value set in the MOIFV bit to the MOSIA pin.

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30.2.4 RSPI Status Register (SPSR)

Address(es): 0008 8383h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: x 0 x 0 0 0 0 0

x: Undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 OVRF Overrun Error Flag 0: No overrun error occurs R/(W)
1: An overrun error occurs *1
b1 IDLNF RSPI Idle Flag 0: RSPI is in the idle state R
1: RSPI is in the transfer state
b2 MODF Mode Fault Error Flag 0: No mode fault error occurs R/(W)
1: A mode fault error occurs *1
b3 PERF Parity Error Flag 0: No parity error occurs R/(W)
1: A parity error occurs *1
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 1. R/W
b6 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 1. R/W

Note 1. Only 0 can be written to clear the flag after reading 1.

SPSR indicates the operating status of the RSPI. Writing to SPSR can only be performed under certain conditions.

OVRF Flag (Overrun Error Flag)

The OVRF flag indicates the occurrence of an overrun error.
[Setting condition]
 When a serial transfer ends while the SPCR.TXMD bit is 0 and the receive buffer is full.
[Clearing condition]
 When SPSR is read while the OVRF flag is 1, and then writes the value 0 to the OVRF flag.

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IDLNF Flag (RSPI Idle Flag)

The IDLNF flag indicates the transfer status of the RSPI.
[Setting condition]
Master mode
 Neither condition 1 nor condition 2 is satisfied in master mode under the clearing conditions below.
Slave mode
 The SPCR.SPE bit is 1 (RSPI function is enabled)
[Clearing conditions]
Master mode
 The following 1 is satisfied (condition 1) or all of the following 2 to 4 are satisfied (condition 2).
1. The SPCR.SPE bit is 0 (RSPI is initialized)
2. The transmit buffer (SPTX) is empty (data for the next transfer is not set)
3. The SPSSR.SPCP[2:0] bits are 000b (beginning of sequence control)
4. The RSPI internal sequencer has entered the idle state (status in which operations up to the next-access delay have
The flag is cleared to 0 when the above first clearing condition is satisfied or all of the second to fourth clearing
conditions are satisfied.
Slave mode
 The SPCR.SPE bit is 0 (RSPI is initialized)

MODF Flag (Mode Fault Error Flag)

Indicates the occurrence of a mode fault error.
[Setting condition]
Multi-master mode
 When the input level of the SSLAi pin changes to the active level while the SPCR.MSTR bit is 1 (master mode) and
the SPCR.MODFEN bit is 1 (mode fault error detection is enabled), the RSPI detects a mode fault error
Slave mode
 When the SSLAi pin is negated before the RSPCK cycle necessary for data transfer ends while the SPCR.MSTR bit
is 0 (slave mode) and the SPCR.MODFEN bit is 1 (mode fault error detection is enabled), the RSPI detects a mode
fault error

The active level of the SSLAi signal is determined by the SSLP.SSLiP bit (SSL signal polarity setting bit).

[Clearing condition]
 When SPSR is read while the MODF flag is 1, and then writes the value 0 to the MODF flag

PERF Flag (Parity Error Flag)

Indicates the occurrence of a parity error.
[Setting condition]
 When a serial transfer ends while the SPCR.TXMD bit is 0 and the SPCR2.SPPE bit is 1, the RSPI detects a parity
[Clearing condition]
 When SPSR is read while the PERF flag is 1, and then writes the value 0 to the PERF flag

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30.2.5 RSPI Data Register (SPDR)

Address(es): 0008 8384h

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPDR is the interface with the buffers that hold data for transmission and reception by the RSPI. The transmit buffer
(SPTX) and receive buffer (SPRX) are independent but are both mapped to SPDR. Figure 30.2 shows the Configuration
of SPDR.

RSPI data register

Transmit buffer
*1 SPTX1 *1
Internal peripheral bus 2


Shift Transmit data

Receive buffer register Receive data
*1 SPRX1 *1


Note 1. The destination buffer and stage for access is automatically switched by hardware.

Figure 30.2 Configuration of SPDR

The transmit and receive buffers have four stages each. The number of stages to be used is selectable by the number of
frames specification bits in the RSPI data control register (SPDCR.SPFC[1:0]). The eight stages of the buffer are all
mapped to the single address of SPDR.
Data written to SPDR are written to a transmit-buffer stage (SPTXn) and then transmitted from the buffer. The receive
buffer holds received data on completion of reception. The receive buffer is not updated if an overrun is generated.
Furthermore, if the data length is other than 32 bits, bits not referred to in SPTXn (n = 0 to 3) are stored in the
corresponding bits in SPRXn. For example, if the data length is nine bits, the SPTXn[31:9] bits are stored in
SPRXn[31:9] (and received data are stored in the SPRXn[8:0] bits).

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(1) Bus Interface

SPDR is the interface with 32-bit wide transmit and receive buffers, each of which has four stages, for a total of 32 bytes.
In other words, the 32 bytes are mapped to the four-byte address space for SPDR. Furthermore, the unit of access for
SPDR is selected by the RSPI longword access/word access specification bit in the RSPI data control register
Data for transmission should be flush with the LSB end of the register. Received data are stored flush with the LSB end.
Operations involved in writing to and reading from SPDR are described below.

(a) Writing
Data written to SPDR are written to a transmit buffer (SPTXn). This is not influenced by the value of the
SPDCR.SPRDTD bit unlike when reading the SPDR register.
The transmit buffer includes a transmit buffer write pointer which is automatically updated to indicate the next stage each
time data is written to SPDR.
Figure 30.3 shows the configuration of the bus interface with the transmit buffer in the case of writing to SPDR.



Write access + Setting of the SPFC[1:0] bits

Figure 30.3 Configuration of SPDR (Writing)

The sequence for switching the transmit buffer write pointer differs with the setting of the frame-number setting bits in
the RSPI data control register (SPDCR.SPFC[1:0]).

 Settings of the SPFC[1:0] bits and sequence of switching the pointer among SPTX0 to SPTX3.
When the SPFC[1:0] bits are 00b: SPTX0 → SPTX0 → SPTX0 → …
When the SPFC[1:0] bits are 01b: SPTX0 → SPTX1 → SPTX0 → SPTX1 → …
When the SPFC[1:0] bits are 10b: SPTX0 → SPTX1 → SPTX2 → SPTX0 → SPTX1 → …
When the SPFC[1:0] bits are 11b: SPTX0 → SPTX1 → SPTX2 → SPTX3 → SPTX0 → SPTX1 → …

When 1 is written to the RSPI function enable bit in the RSPI control register (SPCR.SPE) while the bit’s current value is
0, SPTX0 will be the destination the next time writing proceeds.
When writing to the transmit buffer (SPTXn) after generation of the RSPI transmission interrupt, write the number of
frames set by the number of frames specification bits (SPFC[1:0]) in the RSPI data control register (SPDCR). Writing to
the transmit buffer (SPTXn) before the next RSPI transmission interrupt breaks off write access to the SPDR.

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(b) Reading
SPDR can be read to read the value of a receive buffer (SPRXn; n = 0 to 3) or a transmit buffer (SPTXn; n = 0 to 3). The
setting of the RSPI receive/transmit data selection bit in the RSPI data control register (SPDCR.SPRDTD) selects
whether reading is of the receive or transmit buffer.
The structure of the SPDR when it is read includes two independent pointers (receive buffer read pointer and transmit
buffer read pointer). Reading SPDR causes automatic updating of the pointer so that it indicates the next stage of the
Figure 30.4 shows the configuration of the bus interface with the receive and transmit buffers in the case of reading
from SPDR.




Read access to receive buffer +

Setting of the SPFC[1:0] bits




SPRDTD Read access to transmit buffer +

Setting of the SPFC[1:0] bits

Figure 30.4 Configuration of SPDR (Reading)

The sequence for switching the receive buffer read pointer is the same as that for the transmit buffer write pointer. When
reading is from the transmit buffer, the value before that most recently written is read. Furthermore, only the read pointer
for the buffer that is currently selected for reading by the setting of the RSPI receive/transmit selection bit in the RSPI
data control register (SPDCR.SPRDTD) is updated, and the state of the read pointer for the other buffer is preserved.
When 1 is written to the RSPI function enable bit in the RSPI control register (SPCR.SPE) while the bit’s current value is
0, SPRX0 will be indicated by the buffer read pointer the next time reading proceeds.
If the transmit buffer is read in the interval after writing of the number of frames of data for transmission specified in the
number of frames specification bits (SPFC[1:0]) in the RSPI data control register (SPDCR) and generation of the RSPI
transmission interrupt, and before the next RSPI transmission interrupt, all bits of the value read are 0.
The SPTXn buffer-reading pointer is cleared when the number of frames of data for transmission specified in the number
of frames specification bits (SPFC[1:0]) in the RSPI data control register (SPDCR) are written after generation of the
RSPI transmission interrupt.

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30.2.6 RSPI Sequence Control Register (SPSCR)

Address(es): 0008 8388h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SPSLN[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 SPSLN[2:0] RSPI Sequence Length b2 b0 Sequence Length Referenced SPCMD0 to SPCMD7 (No.) R/W
Specification 0 0 0: 1 0→0→…
0 0 1: 2 0→1→0→…
0 1 0: 3 0→1→2→0→…
0 1 1: 4 0→1→2→3→0→…
1 0 0: 5 0→1→2→3→4→0→…
1 0 1: 6 0→1→2→3→4→5→0→…
1 1 0: 7 0→1→2→3→4→5→6→0→…
1 1 1: 8 0→1→2→3→4→5→6→7→0→…
SPCMD0 to SPCMD7 to be referenced and the order in which they
are referenced are changed according to the sequence length that is
set in these bits. The relationship among the setting of these bits,
sequence length, and SPCMD0 to SPCMD7 registers referenced by
the RSPI is shown above. However, the RSPI in slave mode always
references SPCMD0.
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SPSCR sets the sequence length when the RSPI operates in master mode. When changing the SPSCR.SPSLN[2:0] bits
while both the SPCR.MSTR and SPCR.SPE bits are 1, the bits should be changed while the SPSR.IDLNF flag is 0.

SPSLN[2:0] Bits (RSPI Sequence Length Specification)

The SPSLN[2:0] bits specify a sequence length when the RSPI in master mode performs sequential operations. The RSPI
in master mode changes SPCMD0 to SPCMD7 registers to be referenced and the order in which they are referenced
according to the sequence length that is set in the SPSLN[2:0] bits.
In slave mode, SPCMD0 is always referred to.

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30.2.7 RSPI Sequence Status Register (SPSSR)

Address(es): 0008 8389h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— SPECM[2:0] — SPCP[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 SPCP[2:0] RSPI Command Pointer b2 b0 R
0 0 0: SPCMD0
0 0 1: SPCMD1
0 1 0: SPCMD2
0 1 1: SPCMD3
1 0 0: SPCMD4
1 0 1: SPCMD5
1 1 0: SPCMD6
1 1 1: SPCMD7
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. R
b6 to b4 SPECM[2:0] RSPI Error Command b6 b4 R
0 0 0: SPCMD0
0 0 1: SPCMD1
0 1 0: SPCMD2
0 1 1: SPCMD3
1 0 0: SPCMD4
1 0 1: SPCMD5
1 1 0: SPCMD6
1 1 1: SPCMD7
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. R

SPSSR indicates the sequence control status when the RSPI operates in master mode.
Any writing to SPSSR is ignored.

SPCP[2:0] Bits (RSPI Command Pointer)

The SPCP[2:0] bits indicate SPCMDm that is currently pointed to by the pointer during sequence control by the RSPI.
For the RSPI’s sequence control, see section, Master Mode Operation.

SPECM[2:0] Bits (RSPI Error Command)

The SPECM[2:0] bits indicate SPCMDm that is specified by the SPCP[2:0] bits when an error is detected during
sequence control by the RSPI. The RSPI updates the SPECM[2:0] bits only when an error is detected. If both the
SPSR.OVRF and SPSR.MODF bits are 0 and there is no error, the values of the SPECM[2:0] bits have no meaning.
For the RSPI’s error detection function, see section 30.3.8, Error Detection. For the RSPI's sequence control, see
section, Master Mode Operation.

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30.2.8 RSPI Bit Rate Register (SPBR)

Address(es): 0008 838Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SPBR sets the bit rate in master mode. If the contents of SPBR are changed while both the SPCR.MSTR and SPCR.SPE
bits are 1, subsequent operations cannot be guaranteed.

When the RSPI is used in slave mode, the bit rate depends on the bit rate of the input clock (bit rate satisfying the
electrical characteristics should be used) regardless of the settings of SPBR and the SPCMDm.BRDV[1:0] bits (bit rate
division setting bits).
The bit rate is determined by combinations of the SPBR setting and the SPCMDm.BRDV[1:0] bit setting. The equation
for calculating the bit rate is given below. In the equation, n denotes an SPBR setting (0, 1, 2, …, 255), and N denotes a
BRDV[1:0] bit setting (0, 1, 2, 3).

f (PCLK)
Bit rate =
2 × (n + 1) 2N

Table 30.3 lists examples of the relationship among the SPBR settings, the BRDV[1:0] settings, and bit rates.

Table 30.3 Relationship among SPBR Settings, BRDV[1:0] Settings, and Bit Rates
Bit Rate
SPBR (n) BRDV[1:0] Bits (N) Ratio PCLK = 32 MHz
0 0 2 16.0 Mbps
1 0 4 8.00 Mbps
2 0 6 5.33 Mbps
3 0 8 4.00 Mbps
4 0 10 3.20 Mbps
5 0 12 2.67 Mbps
5 1 24 1.33 Mbps
5 2 48 667 kbps
5 3 96 333 kbps
255 3 4096 7.81 kbps

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.2.9 RSPI Data Control Register (SPDCR)

Address(es): RSPI0.SPDCR 0008 838Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — SPLW SPRDT — — SPFC[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 SPFC[1:0] Number of Frames b1 b0 R/W
Specification 0 0: 1 frame
0 1: 2 frames
1 0: 3 frames
1 1: 4 frames
b3, b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 SPRDTD RSPI Receive/Transmit 0: SPDR values are read from the receive buffer R/W
Data Selection 1: SPDR values are read from the transmit buffer
(but only if the transmit buffer is empty)
b5 SPLW RSPI Longword Access/ 0: SPDR is accessed in words R/W
Word Access Specification 1: SPDR is accessed in longwords
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Up to four frames can be transmitted or received in one round of transmission or reception activation. The amount of data
in each transfer is controlled by the combination of the SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] bits, the SPSCR.SPSLN[2:0] bits, and the
SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits.
When changing the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits while the SPCR.SPE bit is 1, the bits should be changed while the
SPSR.IDLNF flag is 0.

SPFC[1:0] Bits (Number of Frames Specification)

The SPFC[1:0] bits specify the number of frames that can be stored in SPDR (per transfer activation). Up to four frames
can be transmitted or received in one round of transmission or reception, and the amount of data is determined by the
combination of the SPSCR.SPSLN[2:0] bits, and the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits. Furthermore, the setting of the SPFC[1:0]
bits adjusts the number of frames for generation of RSPI reception interrupts, and start of transmission or generation of
RSPI transmission interrupts. Table 30.4 lists the frame configurations that can be stored in SPDR and examples of
combinations of settings for transmission and reception. If combinations of settings other than those shown in the
examples are made, subsequent operations are not guaranteed.

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Table 30.4 Settable Combinations of SPSLN[2:0] Bits and SPFC[1:0] Bits

Number of
Frames in a Number of Frames at which Receive Buffer
Single Full Interrupt Occurs or Transmit Buffer
Setting SPSLN[2:0] SPFC[1:0] Sequence Holding Data is Recognized
1-1 000b 00b 1 1
1-2 000b 01b 2 2
1-3 000b 10b 3 3
1-4 000b 11b 4 4
2-1 001b 01b 2 2
2-2 001b 11b 4 4
3 010b 10b 3 3
4 011b 11b 4 4
5 100b 00b 5 1
6 101b 00b 6 1
7 110b 00b 7 1
8 111b 00b 8 1

SPRDTD Bit (RSPI Receive/Transmit Data Selection)

The SPRDTD bit selects whether the SPDR reads values from the receive buffer or from the transmit buffer.
If reading is from the transmit buffer, the value written to SPDR register immediately beforehand is read.
When reading the transmit buffer, do so before writing of the number of frames set in the SPFC[1:0] bits is finished and
after generation of the RSPI transmission interrupt.
For details, see section 30.2.5, RSPI Data Register (SPDR).

SPLW Bit (RSPI Longword Access/Word Access Specification)

The SPLW bit specifies the access width for SPDR. Access to SPDR is in words when the SPLW bit is 0 and in
longwords when the SPLW bit is 1.
Also, when the SPLW bit is 0, set the SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] bits (RSPI data length specification bits) to 8 to 16 bits. When
20, 24, or 32 bits is specified, operation is not guaranteed.

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30.2.10 RSPI Clock Delay Register (SPCKD)

Address(es): 0008 838Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SCKDL[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 SCKDL[2:0] RSPCK Delay Setting b2 b0 R/W
0 0 0: 1 RSPCK
0 0 1: 2 RSPCK
0 1 0: 3 RSPCK
0 1 1: 4 RSPCK
1 0 0: 5 RSPCK
1 0 1: 6 RSPCK
1 1 0: 7 RSPCK
1 1 1: 8 RSPCK
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SPCKD sets a period from the beginning of SSLAi signal assertion to RSPCK oscillation (RSPCK delay) when the
SPCMDm.SCKDEN bit is 1. If the contents of SPCKD are changed while both the SPCR.MSTR and SPCR.SPE bits are
1, subsequent operations cannot be guaranteed.

SCKDL[2:0] Bits (RSPCK Delay Setting)

The SCKDL[2:0] bits set an RSPCK delay value when the SPCMDm.SCKDEN bit is 1.
When using the RSPI in slave mode, set the SCKDL[2:0] bits to 000b.

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30.2.11 RSPI Slave Select Negation Delay Register (SSLND)

Address(es): 0008 838Dh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SLNDL[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 SLNDL[2:0] SSL Negation Delay Setting b2 b0 R/W
0 0 0: 1 RSPCK
0 0 1: 2 RSPCK
0 1 0: 3 RSPCK
0 1 1: 4 RSPCK
1 0 0: 5 RSPCK
1 0 1: 6 RSPCK
1 1 0: 7 RSPCK
1 1 1: 8 RSPCK
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SSLND sets a period (SSL negation delay) from the transmission of a final RSPCK edge to the negation of the SSLAi
signal during a serial transfer by the RSPI in master mode. If the contents of SSLND are changed while both the
SPCR.MSTR and SPCR.SPE bits are 1, subsequent operations cannot be guaranteed.

SLNDL[2:0] Bits (SSL Negation Delay Setting)

The SLNDL[2:0] bits set an SSL negation delay value when the RSPI is in master mode.
When using the RSPI in slave mode, set the SLNDL[2:0] bits to 000b.

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30.2.12 RSPI Next-Access Delay Register (SPND)

Address(es): 0008 838Eh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — SPNDL[2:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b2 to b0 SPNDL[2:0] RSPI Next-Access Delay Setting b2 b0 R/W
0 0 0: 1 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
0 0 1: 2 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
0 1 0: 3 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
0 1 1: 4 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
1 0 0: 5 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
1 0 1: 6 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
1 1 0: 7 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
1 1 1: 8 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

SPND sets a non-active period (next-access delay) of the SSLAi signal after termination of a serial transfer when the
SPCMDm.SPNDEN bit is 1. If the contents of SPND are changed while both the SPCR.MSTR and SPCR.SPE bits are 1,
subsequent operations cannot be guaranteed.

SPNDL[2:0] Bits (RSPI Next-Access Delay Setting)

The SPNDL[2:0] bits set a next-access delay when the SPCMDm.SPNDEN bit is 1.
When using the RSPI in slave mode, set the SPNDL[2:0] bits to 000b.

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30.2.13 RSPI Control Register 2 (SPCR2)

Address(es): 0008 838Fh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 SPPE Parity Enable 0: Does not add the parity bit to transmit data and does not check the R/W
parity bit of receive data
1: Adds the parity bit to transmit data and checks the parity bit of
receive data (when SPCR.TXMD = 0)
Adds the parity bit to transmit data but does not check the parity bit
of receive data (when SPCR.TXMD = 1)
b1 SPOE Parity Mode 0: Selects even parity for use in transmission and reception R/W
1: Selects odd parity for use in transmission and reception
b2 SPIIE RSPI Idle Interrupt Enable 0: Disables the generation of idle interrupt requests R/W
1: Enables the generation of idle interrupt requests
b3 PTE Parity Self-Testing 0: Disables the self-diagnosis function of the parity circuit R/W
1: Enables the self-diagnosis function of the parity circuit
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

If the SPPE bit or SPOE bit in SPCR2 is changed while the SPCR.SPE bit is 1, subsequent operations cannot be

SPPE Bit (Parity Enable)

The SPPE bit enables or disables the parity function.
The parity bit is added to transmit data and parity checking is performed for receive data when the SPCR.TXMD bit is 0
and the SPCR2.SPPE bit is 1.
The parity bit is added to transmit data but parity checking is not performed for receive data when the SPCR.TXMD bit
is 1 and the SPCR2.SPPE bit is 1.

SPOE Bit (Parity Mode)

The SPOE bit specifies odd or even parity.
When even parity is set, parity bit addition is performed so that the total number of 1-bits in the transmit/receive
character plus the parity bit is even. Similarly, when odd parity is set, parity bit addition is performed so that the total
number of 1-bits in the transmit/receive character plus the parity bit is odd.
The SPOE bit is valid only when the SPPE bit is 1.

SPIIE Bit (RSPI Idle Interrupt Enable)

The SPIIE bit enables or disables the generation of RSPI idle interrupt requests when the RSPI being in the idle state is
detected and the SPSR.IDLNF flag is cleared to 0.

PTE Bit (Parity Self-Testing)

The PTE bit enables the self-diagnosis function of the parity circuit in order to check whether the parity function is
operating correctly.

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30.2.14 RSPI Command Registers 0 to 7 (SPCMD0 to SPCMD7)

Address(es): RSPI0.SPCMD0 0008 8390h, RSPI0.SPCMD1 0008 8392h, RSPI0.SPCMD2 0008 8394h, RSPI0.SPCMD3 0008 8396h,
RSPI0.SPCMD4 0008 8398h, RSPI0.SPCMD5 0008 839Ah, RSPI0.SPCMD6 0008 839Ch, RSPI0.SPCMD7 0008 839Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 CPHA RSPCK Phase Setting 0: Data sampling on odd edge, data variation on even edge R/W
1: Data variation on odd edge, data sampling on even edge
b1 CPOL RSPCK Polarity Setting 0: RSPCK is low when idle R/W
1: RSPCK is high when idle
b3, b2 BRDV[1:0] Bit Rate Division Setting b3 b2 R/W
0 0: These bits select the base bit rate
0 1: These bits select the base bit rate divided by 2
1 0: These bits select the base bit rate divided by 4
1 1: These bits select the base bit rate divided by 8
b6 to b4 SSLA[2:0] SSL Signal Assertion Setting b6 b4 R/W
0 0 0: SSL0
0 0 1: SSL1
0 1 0: SSL2
0 1 1: SSL3
1 x x: Setting prohibited
x: Don’t care
b7 SSLKP SSL Signal Level Keeping 0: Negates all SSL signals upon completion of transfer R/W
1: Keeps the SSL signal level from the end of transfer until the
beginning of the next access
b11 to b8 SPB[3:0] RSPI Data Length Setting b11 b8 R/W
0100 to 0111: 8 bits
1 0 0 0: 9 bits
1 0 0 1: 10 bits
1 0 1 0: 11 bits
1 0 1 1: 12 bits
1 1 0 0: 13 bits
1 1 0 1: 14 bits
1 1 1 0: 15 bits
1 1 1 1: 16 bits
0 0 0 0: 20 bits
0 0 0 1: 24 bits
0010, 0011: 32 bits
b12 LSBF RSPI LSB First 0: MSB first R/W
1: LSB first
b13 SPNDEN RSPI Next-Access Delay 0: A next-access delay of 1 RSPCK + 2 PCLK R/W
Enable 1: A next-access delay is equal to the setting of the RSPI next-
access delay register (SPND)
b14 SLNDEN SSL Negation Delay Setting 0: An SSL negation delay of 1 RSPCK R/W
Enable 1: An SSL negation delay is equal to the setting of the RSPI slave
select negation delay register (SSLND)
b15 SCKDEN RSPCK Delay Setting Enable 0: An RSPCK delay of 1 RSPCK R/W
1: An RSPCK delay is equal to the setting of the RSPI clock delay
register (SPCKD)

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SPCMDm register is used to set a transfer format for the RSPI in master mode. Each channel has eight RSPI command
registers (SPCMD0 to SPCMD7). Some of the bits in SPCMD0 register is used to set a transfer mode for the RSPI in
slave mode. The RSPI in master mode sequentially references SPCMDm register according to the settings in the
SPSCR.SPSLN[2:0] bits, and executes the serial transfer that is set in the referenced SPCMDm register.
SPCMDm register should be set while the transmit buffer is empty (data for the next transfer is not set) and before setting
of the data that is to be transmitted when that SPCMDm register is referenced.
SPCMDm that is referenced by the RSPI in master mode can be checked by means of the SPSSR.SPCP[2:0] bits. If the
contents of SPCMDm are changed while the SPCR.MSTR bit is 0 and the SPCR.SPE bit is 1, subsequent operations
cannot be guaranteed.

CPHA Bit (RSPCK Phase Setting)

The CPHA bit sets an RSPCK phase of the RSPI in master mode or slave mode. Data communications between RSPI
modules require the same RSPCK phase setting between the modules.

CPOL Bit (RSPCK Polarity Setting)

The CPOL bit sets an RSPCK polarity of the RSPI in master mode or slave mode. Data communications between RSPI
modules require the same RSPCK polarity setting between the modules.

BRDV[1:0] Bits (Bit Rate Division Setting)

The BRDV[1:0] bits are used to determine the bit rate. A bit rate is determined by combinations of the settings in the
BRDV[1:0] bits and SPBR (see section 30.2.8, RSPI Bit Rate Register (SPBR)). The settings in SPBR determine
the base bit rate. The settings in the BRDV[1:0] bits are used to select a bit rate which is obtained by dividing the base bit
rate by 1, 2, 4, or 8. In SPCMDm register, different BRDV[1:0] bit settings can be specified. This permits the execution
of serial transfers at a different bit rate for each command.

SSLA[2:0] Bits (SSL Signal Assertion Setting)

The SSLA[2:0] bits control the SSLAi signal assertion when the RSPI performs serial transfers in master mode.
Setting the SSLA[2:0] bits controls the assertion for the SSLAi signal. When an SSLAi signal is asserted, its polarity is
determined by the set value in the corresponding SSLP. When the SSLA[2:0] bits are set to 000b in multi-master mode,
serial transfers are performed with all the SSL signals in the negated state (as the SSLA0 pin acts as input).
When using the RSPI in slave mode, set the SSLA[2:0] bits to 000b.

SSLKP Bit (SSL Signal Level Keeping)

When the RSPI in master mode performs a serial transfer, the SSLKP bit specifies whether the SSLAi signal level for the
current command is to be kept or negated between the SSL negation timing associated with the current command and the
SSL assertion timing associated with the next command.
When using the RSPI in slave mode, the SSLKP bit should be set to 0.

SPB[3:0] Bits (RSPI Data Length Setting)

The SPB[3:0] bits set a transfer data length for the RSPI in master mode or slave mode.


The LSBF bit sets the data format of the RSPI in master mode or slave mode to MSB first or LSB first.

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SPNDEN Bit (RSPI Next-Access Delay Enable)

The SPNDEN bit sets the period from the time the RSPI in master mode terminates a serial transfer and sets the SSLAi
signal inactive until the RSPI enables the SSLAi signal assertion for the next access (next-access delay). If the SPNDEN
bit is 0, the RSPI sets the next-access delay to 1 RSPCK + 2 PCLK. If the SPNDEN bit is 1, the RSPI inserts a next-
access delay in compliance with the SPND setting.
When using the RSPI in slave mode, the SPNDEN bit should be set to 0.

SLNDEN Bit (SSL Negation Delay Setting Enable)

The SLNDEN bit sets the period from the time the RSPI in master mode stops RSPCK oscillation until the RSPI sets the
SSLAi signal inactive (SSL negation delay). If the SLNDEN bit is 0, the RSPI sets the SSL negation delay to 1 RSPCK.
If the SLNDEN bit is 1, the RSPI negates the SSL signal at an SSL negation delay in compliance with the SSLND
When using the RSPI in slave mode, the SLNDEN bit should be set to 0.

SCKDEN Bit (RSPCK Delay Setting Enable)

The SCKDEN bit sets the period from the point when the RSPI in master mode activates the SSLAi signal until the
RSPCK starts oscillation (RSPI clock delay). If the SCKDEN bit is 0, the RSPI sets the RSPCK delay to 1 RSPCK. If the
SCKDEN bit is 1, the RSPI starts the oscillation of RSPCK at an RSPCK delay in compliance with the SPCKD setting.
When using the RSPI in slave mode, the SCKDEN bit should be set to 0.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3 Operation
In this section, the serial transfer period means a period from the beginning of driving valid data to the fetching of the
final valid data.

30.3.1 Overview of RSPI Operations

The RSPI is capable of synchronous serial transfers in slave mode (SPI operation), single-master mode (SPI operation),
multi-master mode (SPI operation), slave mode (clock synchronous operation), and master mode (clock synchronous
operation). A particular mode of the RSPI can be selected by using the MSTR, MODFEN, and SPMS bits in SPCR.
Table 30.5 lists the relationship between RSPI modes and SPCR settings, and a description of each mode.

Table 30.5 Relationship between RSPI Modes and SPCR Settings and Description of Each Mode
Slave Master
Slave Single-Master Multi-Master (Clock Synchronous (Clock Synchronous
Mode (SPI Operation) (SPI Operation) (SPI Operation) Operation) Operation)
MSTR bit setting 0 1 1 0 1
MODFEN bit setting 0 or 1 0 1 0 0
SPMS bit setting 0 0 0 1 1
RSPCKA signal Input Output Output/Hi-Z Input Output
MOSIA signal Input Output Output/Hi-Z Input Output
MISOA signal Output/Hi-Z Input Input Output Input
SSLA0 signal Input Output Input Hi-Z*1 Hi-Z*1
SSLA1 to SSLA3 signals Hi-Z*1 Output Output/Hi-Z Hi-Z*1 Hi-Z*1
SSL polarity modification Supported Supported Supported — —
Transfer rate Up to PCLK/8 Up to PCLK/2 Up to PCLK/2 Up to PCLK/8 Up to PCLK/2
Clock source RSPCK input On-chip baud rate On-chip baud rate RSPCK input On-chip baud rate
generator generator generator
Clock polarity Two Two Two Two Two
Clock phase Two Two Two One (CPHA = 1) Two
Transfer data length 8 to 32 bits 8 to 32 bits 8 to 32 bits 8 to 32 bits 8 to 32 bits
Burst transfer Possible Possible Possible — —
(CPHA = 1) (CPHA = 0,1) (CPHA = 0,1)
RSPCK delay control Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Supported
SSL negation delay Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Supported
Next-access delay Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Supported
Transfer activation SSL input active or Transmit buffer is written Transmit buffer is written RSPCK oscillation Transmit buffer is written
method RSPCK oscillation to at generation of a to at generation of a to at generation of a
transmit buffer empty transmit buffer empty transmit buffer empty
interrupt request interrupt request interrupt request
Sequence control Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Supported
Transmit buffer empty Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Receive buffer full Supported*2 Supported*2 Supported*2 Supported*2 Supported*2
Overrun error detection Supported*2 Supported*2 Supported*2 Supported*2 Supported*2
Parity error detection Supported*2,*3 Supported*2,*3 Supported*2,*3 Supported*2,*3 Supported*2,*3
Mode fault error Supported Not supported Supported Not supported Not supported
detection (MODFEN = 1)

Note 1. This function is not supported in this mode.

Note 2. When the SPCR.TXMD bit is 1, receiver buffer full detection, overrun error detection, and parity error detection are not performed.
Note 3. When the SPCR2.SPPE bit is 0, parity error detection is not performed.

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30.3.2 Controlling RSPI Pins

According to the MSTR, MODFEN, and SPMS bits in SPCR and the ODRn.Bi bit for I/O ports, the RSPI can switch pin
states. Table 30.6 lists the relationship between pin states and bit settings. The I/O port settings should follow this

Table 30.6 Relationship between Pin States and Bit Settings

Pin State*2
Mode Pin ODRn.Bi for I/O ports = 0 ODRn.Bi for I/O ports = 1
Single-master mode (SPI operation) RSPCKA CMOS output Open-drain output
(MSTR = 1, MODFEN = 0, SPMS = 0)
SSLA0 to SSLA3 CMOS output Open-drain output
MOSIA CMOS output Open-drain output
MISOA Input Input
Multi-master mode (SPI operation) RSPCKA*3 CMOS output/Hi-Z Open-drain output/Hi-Z
(MSTR = 1, MODFEN = 1, SPMS = 0)
SSLA0 Input Input
SSLA1 to SSLA3*3 CMOS output/Hi-Z Open-drain output/Hi-Z
MOSIA*3 CMOS output/Hi-Z Open-drain output/Hi-Z
MISOA Input Input
Slave mode (SPI operation) RSPCKA Input Input
(MSTR = 0, SPMS = 0)
SSLA0 Input Input
SSLA1 to SSLA3*5 Hi-Z*1 Hi-Z*1
MOSIA Input Input
MISOA*4 CMOS output/Hi-Z Open-drain output/Hi-Z
Master mode RSPCKA CMOS output Open-drain output
(Clock synchronous operation)
SSLA1 to SSLA3*5 Hi-Z*1 Hi-Z*1
(MSTR = 1, MODFEN = 0, SPMS = 1)
MOSIA CMOS output Open-drain output
MISOA Input Input
Slave mode RSPCKA Input Input
(Clock synchronous operation)
SSLA1 to SSLA3*5 Hi-Z*1 Hi-Z*1
(MSTR = 0, SPMS = 1)
MOSIA Input Input
MISOA CMOS output Open-drain output

Note 1. This function is not supported in this mode.

Note 2. RSPI settings are not reflected in the multiplex pins for which the RSPI function is not selected.
Note 3. When SSLA0 is at the active level, the pin state is Hi-Z.
Note 4. When SSLA0 is at the non-active level or the SPCR.SPE bit is cleared (= 0), the pin state is Hi-Z.
Note 5. These pins are available for use as I/O port pins.

The RSPI in single-master mode (SPI operation) or multi-master mode (SPI operation) determines MOSI signal values
during the SSL negation period (including the SSL retention period during a burst transfer) according to MOIFE and
MOIFV bit settings in SPPCR, as listed in Table 30.7.

Table 30.7 MOSI Signal Value Determination during SSL Negation Period
MOIFE Bit MOIFV Bit MOSIA Signal Value during SSL Negation Period
0 0, 1 Final data from previous transfer
1 0 Always low
1 1 Always High

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.3 RSPI System Configuration Examples Single Master/Single Slave (with This LSI Acting as Master)

Figure 30.5 shows a single-master/single-slave RSPI system configuration example when this LSI is used as a master.
In the single-master/single-slave configuration, the SSLA0 to SSLA3 output of this LSI (master) are not used. The SSL
input of the RSPI slave is fixed to the low level, and the RSPI slave is always maintained in a select state.*1
This LSI (master) always drives the RSPCKA and MOSIA. The RSPI slave always drives the MISO.

Note 1. In the transfer format corresponding to the case where the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 0, there are slave devices for
which the SSL signal cannot be fixed to the active level. In situations where the SSL signal cannot be fixed, the
SSLAi output of this LSI should be connected to the SSL input of the slave device.

This LSI (master) RSPI slave


Figure 30.5 Single-Master/Single-Slave Configuration Example (This LSI = Master)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Single Master/Single Slave (with This LSI Acting as Slave)

Figure 30.6 shows a single-master/single-slave RSPI system configuration example when this LSI is used as a slave.
When this LSI is to operate as a slave, the SSLA0 pin is used as SSL input. The RSPI master always drives the RSPCK
and MOSI. This LSI (slave) always drives the MISOA.*1
In the single-slave configuration in which the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is set to 1, the SSLA0 input of this LSI (slave) is
fixed to the low level, this LSI (slave) is always maintained in a select state, and in this manner it is possible to execute
serial transfer (Figure 30.7).

Note 1. When SSLA0 is at the non-active level, the pin state is Hi-Z.

RSPI master This LSI (slave)


Figure 30.6 Single-Master/Single-Slave Configuration Example (This LSI = Slave, CPHA = 0)

RSPI master This LSI (slave, CPHA = 1)


Figure 30.7 Single-Master/Single-Slave Configuration Example (This LSI = Slave, CPHA = 1)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Single Master/Multi-Slave (with This LSI Acting as Master)

Figure 30.8 shows a single-master/multi-slave RSPI system configuration example when this LSI is used as a master. In
the example of Figure 30.8, the RSPI system is comprised of this LSI (master) and four slaves (RSPI slave 0 to RSPI
slave 3).
The RSPCKA and MOSIA outputs of this LSI (master) are connected to the RSPCK and MOSI inputs of RSPI slave 0 to
RSPI slave 3. The MISO outputs of RSPI slave 0 to RSPI slave 3 are all connected to the MISOA input of this LSI
(master). SSLA0 to SSLA3 outputs of this LSI (master) are connected to the SSL inputs of RSPI slave 0 to RSPI slave 3,
This LSI (master) always drives RSPCK, MOSI, and SSLA0 to SSLA3. Of the RSPI slave 0 to RSPI slave 3, the slave
that receives low-level input into the SSL input drives MISO.

This LSI (master) RSPI slave 0

SSL3 RSPI slave 1


RSPI slave 2


RSPI slave 3


Figure 30.8 Single-Master/Multi-Slave Configuration Example (This LSI = Master)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Single Master/Multi-Slave (with This LSI Acting as Slave)

Figure 30.9 shows a single-master/multi-slave RSPI system configuration example when this LSI is used as a slave. In
the example of Figure 30.9, the RSPI system is comprised of an RSPI master and two LSIs (slave X and slave Y).
The RSPCK and MOSI outputs of the RSPI master are connected to the RSPCKA and MOSIA inputs of the LSIs (slave
X and slave Y). The MISOA outputs of the LSIs (slave X and slave Y) are all connected to the MISO input of the RSPI
master. SSLX and SSLY outputs of the RSPI master are connected to the SSLA0 inputs of the LSIs (slave X and slave
Y), respectively.
The RSPI master always drives RSPCK, MOSI, SSLX, and SSLY. Of the LSIs (slave X and slave Y), the slave that
receives low-level input into the SSLA0 input drives MISOA.

RSPI master This LSI (slave X)


This LSI (slave Y)


Figure 30.9 Single-Master/Multi-Slave Configuration Example (This LSI = Slave)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Multi-Master/Multi-Slave (with This LSI Acting as Master)

Figure 30.10 shows a multi-master/multi-slave RSPI system configuration example when this LSI is used as a master.
In the example of Figure 30.10, the RSPI system is comprised of two LSIs (master X and master Y) and two RSPI
slaves (RSPI slave 1 and RSPI slave 2).
The RSPCKA and MOSIA outputs of the LSIs (master X and master Y) are connected to the RSPCK and MOSI inputs
of RSPI slaves 1 and 2. The MISO outputs of RSPI slaves 1 and 2 are connected to the MISOA inputs of the LSIs (master
X and master Y). Any generic port Y output from this LSI (master X) is connected to the SSLA0 input of this LSI
(master Y). Any generic port X output of this LSI (master Y) is connected to the SSLA0 input of this LSI (master X).
The SSLA1 and SSLA2 outputs of the LSIs (master X and master Y) are connected to the SSL inputs of the RSPI slaves
1 and 2. In this configuration example, since the system can be comprised solely of SSLA0 input, and SSLA1 and
SSLA2 outputs for slave connections, the SSLA3 output of this LSI is not required.
This LSI drives RSPCKA, MOSIA, SSLA1, and SSLA2 when the SSLA0 input level is high. When the SSLA0 input
level is low, this LSI detects a mode fault error, sets RSPCKA, MOSIA, SSLA1, and SSLA2 to Hi-Z, and releases the
RSPI bus right to the other master. Of the RSPI slaves 1 and 2, the slave that receives low-level input into the SSL input
drives MISO.

This LSI (master X) This LSI (master Y)

Port Y Port X

RSPI slave 1


RSPI slave 2


Figure 30.10 Multi-Master/Multi-Slave Configuration Example (This LSI = Master)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Master (Clock Synchronous Operation)/Slave (Clock Synchronous Operation)

(with This LSI Acting as Master)
Figure 30.11 shows a master (clock synchronous operation)/slave (clock synchronous operation) RSPI system
configuration example when this LSI is used as a master. In the master (clock synchronous operation)/slave (clock
synchronous operation) configuration, SSLA0 to SSLA3 of this LSI (master) are not used.
This LSI (master) always drives the RSPCKA and MOSIA. The RSPI slave always drives the MISO.

This LSI (master) RSPI slave


Figure 30.11 Master (Clock Synchronous Operation)/Slave (Clock Synchronous Operation) Configuration
Example (This LSI = Master) Master (Clock Synchronous Operation)/Slave (Clock Synchronous Operation)

(with This LSI Acting as Slave)
Figure 30.12 shows a master (clock synchronous operation)/slave (clock synchronous operation) RSPI system
configuration example when this LSI is used as a slave. When this LSI is to operate as a slave (clock synchronous
operation), this LSI (slave) always drives the MISOA and the RSPI master always drives the RSPCK and MOSI. In
addition, SSLA0 to SSLA3 of this LSI (slave) are not used.
Only in the single-slave configuration in which the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is set to 1, this LSI (slave) can execute serial

RSPI master This LSI (slave)


Figure 30.12 Master (Clock Synchronous Operation)/Slave (Clock Synchronous Operation) Configuration
Example (This LSI = Slave, CPHA = 1)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.4 Data Format

The RSPI’s data format depends on the settings in the RSPI command register m (SPCMDm) (m = 0 to 7) and the parity
enable bit of RSPI control register 2 (SPCR2.SPPE). Regardless of whether the MSB or LSB is first, the RSPI treats the
range from the LSB bit of the RSPI data register (SPDR) to the selected data length as transfer data.
The format of one frame of data before or after transfer is shown below.

(a) With Parity Disabled

When parity is disabled, transmission or reception of data proceeds with the length in bits selected in the data length
setting bits in the RSPI command register m (SPCMDm.SPB[3:0]).

D0 D1 D2 Dn-2 Dn-1 Dn

SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] (m = SPSSR.SPCP[2:0])

Figure 30.13 Outline of the Data Format (with Parity Disabled)

(b) With Parity Enabled

When parity is enabled, transmission or reception of data also proceeds with the length in bits selected in the
SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] bits. In this case, however, the last bit is a parity bit.

D0 D1 D2 Dn-2 Dn-1 P

SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] (m = SPSSR.SPCP[2:0])

Figure 30.14 Outline of the Data Format (with Parity Enabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) When Parity is Disabled (SPCR2.SPPE = 0)

When parity is disabled, data for transmission are copied to the shift register with no prior processing. A description of
the connection between the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in terms of the combination of MSB- or
LSB-first and data length is given below.

(1) MSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data)

Figure 30.15 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
disabled, an RSPI data length of 32 bits, and MSB-first selected.
In transmission, bits T31 to T00 from the current stage of the transmit buffer are copied to the shift register. Data for
transmission are shifted out from the shift register in order from T31, through T30, and so on to T00.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 0 of the shift register. When bits R31 to R00 have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00


Output T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Bit 31 Bit 0
Shift register

Transfer end

Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 0

R31 R30 R29 R28 R27 R26 R25 R24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00 Input


R31 R30 R29 R28 R27 R26 R25 R24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00

Bit 31 Bit 0
SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.15 MSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data, Parity Disabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(2) MSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data)

Figure 30.16 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
disabled, 24 bits as the RSPI data length for an example that is not 32 bits, and MSB-first selected.
In transmission, the lower-order 24 bits (T23 to T00) from the current stage of the transmit buffer are copied to the shift
register. Data for transmission are shifted out from the shift register in order from T23, through T22, and so on to T00.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 0 of the shift register. When bits R23 to R00 have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive
buffer. At this time, the higher-order eight bits of the transmit buffer are stored in the higher-order eight bits of the
receive buffer. Writing 0 to bits T31 to T24 at the time of transmission leads to 0 being inserted in the higher-order eight
bits of the receive buffer.

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 23 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Output Copy

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Bit 31 Bit 23 Bit 0

Shift register

Transfer end

Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 R23 R00 Input
R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01


T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00

Bit 31 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 0

SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.16 MSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data, Parity Disabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(3) LSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data)

Figure 30.17 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
disabled, an RSPI data length of 32 bits, and LSB-first selected.
In transmission, bits T31 to T00 from the current stage of the transmit buffer are reordered bit by bit to obtain the order
T00 to T31 for copying to the shift register. Data for transmission are shifted out from the shift register in order from
T00, through T01, and so on to T31.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 0 of the shift register. When bits R00 to R31 have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00


Output T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31

Bit 31 Bit 0
Shift register

Transfer end

Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 0

R00 R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06 R07 R08 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 Input

Copy (SPCR.TXMD = 0)

R31 R30 R29 R28 R27 R26 R25 R24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00

Bit 31 Bit 0
SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.17 LSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data, Parity Disabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(4) LSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data)

Figure 30.18 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
disabled, 24 bits as the RSPI data length for an example that is not 32 bits, and LSB-first selected.
In transmission, the lower-order 24 bits (T23 to T00) from the current stage of the transmit buffer are reordered bit by bit
to obtain the order T00 to T23 for copying to the shift register. Data for transmission are shifted out from the shift register
in order from T00, through T01, and so on to T23.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 8 of the shift register. When bits R00 to R23 have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive
At this time, the higher-order eight bits of the transmit buffer are stored in the higher-order eight bits of the receive
buffer. Writing 0 to bits T31 to T24 at the time of transmission leads to 0 being inserted in the higher-order eight bits of
the receive buffer.

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00


Output T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31

Bit 31 Bit 0
Shift register

Transfer end
Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 0

R00 R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06 R07 R08 R23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31


T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00

Bit 31 Bit 0
SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.18 LSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data, Parity Disabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) When Parity is Enabled (SPCR2.SPPE = 1)

When parity is enabled, the lowest-order bit of the data for transmission becomes a parity bit. Hardware calculates the
value of the parity bit.

(1) MSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data)

Figure 30.19 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
enabled, an RSPI data length of 32 bits, and MSB-first selected.
In transmission, the value of the parity bit (P) is calculated from bits T31 to T01. This replaces the final bit, T00, and the
whole is copied to the shift register. Data are transmitted in the order T31, T30, …, T01, and P.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 0 of the shift register. When bits R31 to P have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive
buffer. On copying of data to the shift register, the data from R31 to P are checked by judging the parity.

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 0
T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Parity calculated
Parity added

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 P


Output T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 P

Bit 31 Bit 0
Shift register

Transfer end

Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 0

R31 R30 R29 R28 R27 R26 R25 R24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 P Input

Copy (SPCR.TXMD = 0)

R31 R30 R29 R28 R27 R26 R25 R24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 P

Bit 31 Bit 0
SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.19 MSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data, Parity Enabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(2) MSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data)

Figure 30.20 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
enabled, 24 bits as the RSPI data length for an example that is not 32 bits, and MSB-first selected.
In transmission, the value of the parity bit (P) is calculated from bits T23 to T01. This replaces the final bit, T00, and the
whole is copied to the shift register. Data are transmitted in the order T23, T22, …, T01, and P.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 0 of the shift register. When bits R23 to P have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive
buffer. On copying of data to the shift register, the data from R23 to P are checked by judging the parity. At this time, the
higher-order eight bits of the transmit buffer are stored in the higher-order eight bits of the receive buffer. Writing 0 to
bits T31 to T24 at the time of transmission leads to 0 being inserted in the higher-order eight bits of the receive buffer.

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 23 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Parity added

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 P

Output Copy

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 P

Bit 31 Bit 23 Bit 0

Shift register

Transfer end

Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 P Input


T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 P

Bit 31 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 0

SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.20 MSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data, Parity Enabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(3) LSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data)

Figure 30.21 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
enabled, an RSPI data length of 32 bits, and LSB-first selected.
In transmission, the value of the parity bit (P) is calculated from bits T30 to T00. This replaces the final bit, T31, and the
whole is copied to the shift register. Data are transmitted in the order T00, T01, …, T30, and P.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 0 of the shift register. When bits R00 to P have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive
buffer. On copying of data to the shift register, the data from R00 to P are checked by judging the parity.

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Parity calculated Parity added

Bit 31 Bit 0

P T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00


Output T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 P

Bit 31 Bit 0
Shift register

Transfer end

Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 0

R00 R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06 R07 R08 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 P Input


P R30 R29 R28 R27 R26 R25 R24 R23 R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00

Bit 31 Bit 0
SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.21 LSB-First Transfer (32-Bit Data, Parity Enabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(4) LSB First Transfer (24-Bit Data)

Figure 30.22 shows details of operations by the RSPI data register (SPDR) and the shift register in transfer with parity
enabled, 24 bits as the RSPI data length for an example that is not 32 bits, and LSB-first selected.
In transmission, the value of the parity bit (P) is calculated from bits T22 to T00. This replaces the final bit, T23, and the
whole is copied to the shift register. Data are transmitted in the order T00, T01, …, T22, and P.
In reception, received data are shifted in bit by bit through bit 8 of the shift register. When bits R00 to P have been
collected after input of the required number of cycles of RSPCK, the value in the shift register is copied to the receive
buffer. On copying of data to the shift register, the data from R00 to P are checked by judging the parity. At this time, the
higher-order eight bits of the transmit buffer are stored in the higher-order eight bits of the receive buffer. Writing 0 to
bits T31 to T24 at the time of transmission leads to 0 being inserted in the higher-order eight bits of the receive buffer.

Transfer start

SPDR (transmit buffer)

Bit 31 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00

Parity calculated Parity added

Bit 31 Bit 0

T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 P T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00


Output T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 P T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31

Bit 31 Bit 0
Shift register

Transfer end
Shift register
Bit 31 Bit 0

R00 R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06 R07 R08 P T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31


T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 P R08 R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 R01 R00

Bit 31 Bit 0
SPDR (receive buffer)

Note: • Output = MOSI (master)/MISO (slave), input = MISO (master)/MOSI (slave)

Figure 30.22 LSB-First Transfer (24-Bit Data, Parity Enabled)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.5 Transfer Format CPHA = 0
Figure 30.23 shows a sample transfer format for the serial transfer of 8-bit data when the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 0.
Note that clock synchronous operation (the SPCR.SPMS bit is 1) is not guaranteed when the RSPI operates in slave
mode (SPCR.MSTR = 0) and the CPHA bit is 0. In Figure 30.23, RSPCKA (CPOL = 0) indicates the RSPCKA signal
waveform when the SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0; RSPCKA (CPOL = 1) indicates the RSPCKA signal waveform when the
CPOL bit is 1. The sampling timing represents the timing at which the RSPI fetches serial transfer data into the shift
register. The input/output directions of the signals depend on the RSPI settings. For details, see section 30.3.2,
Controlling RSPI Pins.
When the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 0, the driving of valid data to the MOSIA and MISOA signals commences at an SSLAi
signal assertion timing. The first RSPCKA signal change timing that occurs after the SSLAi signal assertion becomes the
first transfer data fetch timing. After this timing, data is sampled at every 1 RSPCK cycle. The change timing for MOSIA
and MISOA signals is always 1/2 RSPCK cycles after the transfer data fetch timing. The CPOL bit setting does not affect
the RSPCK signal operation timing; it only affects the signal polarity.
t1 denotes a period from an SSLAi signal assertion to RSPCKA oscillation (RSPCK delay). t2 denotes a period from the
termination of RSPCKA oscillation to an SSLAi signal negation (SSL negation delay). t3 denotes a period in which
SSLAi signal assertion is suppressed for the next transfer after the end of serial transfer (next-access delay). t1, t2, and t3
are controlled by a master device running on the RSPI system. For a description of t1, t2, and t3 when the RSPI of this
LSI is in master mode, see section, Master Mode Operation.

Start End
Serial transfer period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(CPOL = 0)
(CPOL = 0)
(CPOL 1)





t1 t2 t3

Figure 30.23 RSPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 0)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) CPHA = 1
Figure 30.24 shows a sample transfer format for the serial transfer of 8-bit data when the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 1.
However, when the SPCR.SPMS bit is 1, the SSLAi signals are not used, and only the three signals RSPCKA, MOSIA,
and MISOA handle communications. In Figure 30.24, RSPCK (CPOL = 0) indicates the RSPCKA signal waveform
when the SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0; RSPCK (CPOL = 1) indicates the RSPCKA signal waveform when the CPOL bit is
1. The sampling timing represents the timing at which the RSPI fetches serial transfer data into the shift register. The
input/output directions of the signals depend on the RSPI mode (master or slave). For details, see section 30.3.2,
Controlling RSPI Pins.
When the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 1, the driving of invalid data to the MISOA signal commences at an SSLAi signal
assertion timing. The output of valid data to the MOSIA and MISOA signals commences at the first RSPCKA signal
change timing that occurs after the SSLAi signal assertion. After this timing, data is updated at every 1 RSPCK cycle.
The transfer data fetch timing is always 1/2 RSPCK cycles after the data update timing. The SPCMDm.CPOL bit setting
does not affect the RSPCKA signal operation timing; it only affects the signal polarity.
t1, t2, and t3 are the same as those in the case of CPHA = 0. For a description of t1, t2, and t3 when the RSPI of this LSI
is in master mode, see section, Master Mode Operation.

Start End
Serial transfer period

cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





t1 t2 t3

Figure 30.24 RSPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 1)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.6 Communications Operating Mode

Full-duplex synchronous serial communications or transmit operations only can be selected by the communications
operating mode select bit (SPCR.TXMD). The SPDR access shown in Figure 30.25 and Figure 30.26 indicates the
condition of access to the SPDR register, where W denotes a write cycle. Full-Duplex Synchronous Serial Communications (SPCR.TXMD = 0)

Figure 30.25 shows an example of operation when the communications operating mode select bit (SPCR.TXMD) is set
to 0. In the example in Figure 30.25, the RSPI performs an 8-bit serial transfer in which the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits are
00b, the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 1, and the SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0. The numbers given under the RSPCKA waveform
represent the number of RSPCK cycles (i.e., the number of transferred bits).

SPDR access W W

(CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(TXMD = 0)

Receive buffer Empty Full





Figure 30.25 Operation Example of SPCR.TXMD = 0

The operation of the flags at timings shown in steps (1) and (2) in the figure is described below.
(1) When a serial transfer ends with the receive buffer of SPDR empty, the RSPI generates a receive buffer full interrupt
request (SPRI) and copies the received data in the shift register to the receive buffer.
(2) When a serial transfer ends with the receive buffer of SPDR holding data that was received in the previous serial
transfer, the RSPI sets the SPSR.OVRF flag to 1 and discards the received data in the shift register.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Transmit Operations Only (SPCR.TXMD = 1)

Figure 30.26 shows an example of operation when the communications operating mode select bit (SPCR.TXMD) is set
to 1. In the example in Figure 30.26, the RSPI performs an 8-bit serial transfer in which the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits are
00b, the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 1, and the SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0. The numbers given under the RSPCKA waveform
represent the number of RSPCK cycles (i.e., the number of transferred bits).

SPDR access W W

(CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(TXMD = 1)

Receive buffer



Figure 30.26 Operation Example of SPCR.TXMD = 1

The operation of the flags at timings shown in steps (1) to (3) in the figure is described below.
(1) Make sure there is no data left in the receive buffer and the SPSR.OVRF flag is 0 before entering the mode of
transmit operations only (SPCR.TXMD = 1).
(2) When a serial transfer ends with the receive buffer of SPDR empty, if the mode of transmit operations only is
selected (SPCR.TXMD = 1), the RSPI does not copy the data in the shift register to the receive buffer.
(3) Since the receive buffer of SPDR does not hold data that was received in the previous serial transfer, even when a
serial transfer ends, the SPSR.OVRF flag retains the value of 0, and the data in the shift register is not copied to the
receive buffer.

When performing transmit operations only (SPCR.TXMD = 1), the RSPI transmits transmit data but does not receive
received data. Therefore, the SPSR.OVRF flag remains cleared to 0 at the timings of (1) to (3).

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.7 Transmit Buffer Empty/Receive Buffer Full Interrupts

Figure 30.27 shows an example of operation of the RSPI transmit buffer empty interrupt (SPTI) and the RSPI receive
buffer full interrupt (SPRI). The SPDR register access shown in Figure 30.27 indicates the condition of access to the
SPDR register, where W denotes a write cycle, and R a read cycle. In the example in Figure 30.27, the RSPI performs
an 8-bit serial transfer in which the SPCR.TXMD bit is 0, the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits are 00b, the SPCMDm.CPHA bit
is 1, and the SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0. The numbers given under the RSPCKA waveform represent the number of
RSPCK cycles (i.e., the number of transferred bits).

SPDR access W W R

(CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Transmit buffer state Empty Full Empty Full Empty

(1) (3)

(2) (4)

Receive buffer state Empty Full



Figure 30.27 Operation Example of SPTI and SPRI Interrupts

The operation of the interrupts at timings shown in steps (1) to (5) in the figure is described below.
1. When transmit data is written to SPDR when the transmit buffer of SPDR is empty (data for the next transfer is not
set), the RSPI writes data to the transmit buffer.
2. If the shift register is empty, the RSPI copies the data in the transmit buffer to the shift register and generates a
transmit buffer empty interrupt request (SPTI). How a serial transfer is started depends on the mode of the RSPI.
For details, see section 30.3.10, SPI Operation, and section 30.3.11, Clock Synchronous Operation.
3. When transmit data is written to SPDR by the transmit buffer empty interrupt routine, the data is transferred to the
transmit buffer. Because the data being transferred serially is stored in the shift register, the RSPI does not copy the
data in the transmit buffer to the shift register.
4. When the serial transfer ends with the receive buffer of SPDR being empty, the RSPI copies the receive data in the
shift register to the receive buffer and generates a receive buffer full interrupt request (SPRI). Since the shift register
becomes empty upon completion of serial transfer, when the transmit buffer had been full before the serial transfer
ended, the RSPI copies the data in the transmit buffer to the shift register. Even when received data is not copied
from the shift register to the receive buffer in an overrun error status, upon completion of the serial transfer, the
RSPI determines that the shift register is empty, thus data transfer from the transmit buffer to the shift register is
5. When SPDR is read by the receive buffer full interrupt routine, the receive data can be read.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

If SPDR is written to when the transmit buffer holds data that has not yet been transmitted, the RSPI does not update the
data in the transmit buffer. When writing to SPDR, make sure to use a transmit buffer empty interrupt request. To use an
RSPI transmit interrupt, set the SPTIE bit in SPCR to 1.
If the RSPI function is disabled (the SPE bit in SPCR being 0), set the SPTIE bit to 0.
When serial transfer ends with the receive buffer being full, the RSPI does not copy data from the shift register to the
receive buffer, and detects an overrun error (see section 30.3.8, Error Detection). To prevent a receive data overrun
error, read the received data using a receive buffer full interrupt request before the next serial transfer ends. To use an
RSPI receive interrupt, set the SPCR.SPRIE bit to 1.
Transmission and reception interrupts or the corresponding IRn.IR flags (where n is the vector number) in ICU can be
used to confirm the states of the transmission and reception buffers. See section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb), for
the vector numbers.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.8 Error Detection

In the normal RSPI serial transfer, the data written to the transmit buffer of SPDR is serially transmitted, and the serially
received data can be read from the receive buffer of SPDR. If access is made to SPDR, depending on the status of the
transmit/receive buffer or the status of the RSPI at the beginning or end of serial transfer, in some cases non-normal
transfers can be executed.
If a non-normal transfer operation occurs, the RSPI detects the event as an overrun error, parity error, or mode fault error.
Table 30.8 lists the relationship between non-normal transfer operations and the RSPI’s error detection function.

Table 30.8 Relationship between Non-Normal Transfer Operations and RSPI Error Detection Function
Occurrence Condition RSPI Operation Error Detection
A SPDR is written when the transmit buffer is full.  The contents of the transmit buffer are kept. None
 Missing write data.
B Serial transfer is started in slave mode when transmit Data received in previous serial transfer is None
data is still not loaded on the shift register. serially transmitted.
C SPDR is read when the receive buffer is empty. Previously received serial data is output. None
D Serial transfer terminates when the receive buffer is full.  The contents of the receive buffer are kept. Overrun error
 Missing serial receive data.
E An incorrect parity bit is received when performing full- The parity error flag is asserted. Parity error
duplex synchronous serial communications with the par-
ity function enabled.
F The SSLA0 input signal is asserted when the serial  Driving of the RSPCKA, MOSIA, SSLA1 to Mode fault error
transfer is idle in multi-master mode. SSLA3 output signals is stopped.
 RSPI function is disabled.
G The SSLA0 input signal is asserted during serial transfer  Serial transfer is suspended. Mode fault error
in multi-master mode.  Missing transmit/receive data.
 Driving of the RSPCKA, MOSIA, SSLA1 to
SSLA3 output signals is stopped.
 RSPI function is disabled.
H The SSLA0 input signal is negated during serial transfer  Serial transfer is suspended. Mode fault error
in slave mode.  Missing transmit/receive data.
 Driving of the MISOA output signal is
 RSPI function is disabled.

On operation A described in Table 30.8, the RSPI does not detect an error. To prevent data omission during the writing
to SPDR, write operations to SPDR should be executed using a transmit interrupt request.
Likewise, the RSPI does not detect an error on operation B. In a serial transfer that was started before the shift register
was updated, the RSPI sends the data that was received in the previous serial transfer, and does not treat the operation
indicated in B as an error. Note that the received data from the previous serial transfer is retained in the receive buffer of
SPDR, thus it can be correctly read (if SPDR is not read before the end of the serial transfer, an overrun error may occur).
Similarly, the RSPI does not detect an error on operation C. To prevent extraneous data from being read, SPDR read
operation should be executed using a receive interrupt request.
An overrun error shown in D is described in section, Overrun Error. A parity error shown in E is described in
section, Parity Error. A mode fault error shown in F to H is described in section, Mode Fault
For the transmit and receive interrupts, refer to section 30.3.7, Transmit Buffer Empty/Receive Buffer Full

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Overrun Error

If a serial transfer ends when the receive buffer of SPDR is full, the RSPI detects an overrun error, and sets the OVRF
flag in SPSR to 1. When the OVRF flag is 1, the RSPI does not copy data from the shift register to the receive buffer so
that the data prior to the occurrence of the error is retained in the receive buffer. To set the OVRF flag to 0, write 0 to the
OVRF flag after the CPU has read SPSR with the OVRF flag set to 1.
Figure 30.28 shows an example of operation of the OVRF flag. The SPSR and SPDR accesses shown in Figure 30.28
indicate the condition of accesses to SPSR and SPDR, respectively, where W denotes a write cycle, and R a read cycle. In
the example in Figure 30.28, the RSPI performs an 8-bit serial transfer in which the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 1 and the
SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0. The numbers given under the RSPCKA waveform represent the number of RSPCK cycles (i.e.,
the number of transferred bits).

SPSR access R W

SPDR access R

(CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(2) (3)
Receive buffer
Full Empty

OVRF (4)

Figure 30.28 Operation Example of OVRF Flag

The operation of the flags at the timing shown in steps (1) to (4) in the figure is described below.
1. If a serial transfer terminates with the receive buffer full, the RSPI detects an overrun error, and sets the OVRF flag
to 1. The RSPI does not copy the data in the shift register to the receive buffer. Even if the SPPE bit is 1, parity
errors are not detected. In master mode, the RSPI copies the pointer value to SPCMDm register to the
SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits.
2. When SPDR is read, the RSPI outputs the data in the receive buffer can be read. The receive buffer becoming empty
does not clear the OVRF flag.
3. If the serial transfer ends with the OVRF flag being 1 (an overrun error), the RSPI does not copy the data in the shift
register to the receive buffer. A reception-buffer interrupt is not generated. Even if the SPPE bit is 1, parity errors
are not detected. When in master mode, the RSPI does not update the SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits. When in an overrun
error state and the RSPI does not copy the received data from the shift register to the receive buffer, upon
termination of the serial transfer, the RSPI determines that the shift register is empty; in this manner, data transfer
from the transmit buffer to the shift register is enabled.
4. If the value 0 is written to the OVRF flag after SPSR is read when the OVRF flag is 1, OVRF flag is cleared to 0.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

The occurrence of an overrun can be checked either by reading SPSR or by using an RSPI error interrupt and reading
SPSR. When executing a serial transfer, measures should be taken to ensure the early detection of overrun errors, such as
reading SPSR immediately after SPDR is read. When the RSPI is used in master mode, the pointer value to SPCMDm
register at the occurrence of the error can be checked by reading the SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits.
If an overrun error occurs and the OVRF flag is set to 1, normal reception operations cannot be performed until the
OVRF flag is cleared.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Parity Error

If full-duplex synchronous serial communications is performed with the SPCR.TXMD bit cleared to 0 and the
SPCR2.SPPE bit set to 1, when serial transfer ends, the RSPI checks whether there are parity errors. Upon detecting a
parity error in the received data, the RSPI sets the SPSR.PERF flag to 1. Since the RSPI does not copy the data in the
shift register to the receive buffer when the SPSR.OVRF flag is set to 1, parity error detection is not performed for the
received data. To set the PERF flag to 0, write 0 to the PERF flag after SPSR register is read with the PERF flag set to 1.
Figure 30.29 shows an example of operation of the OVRF and PERF flags. The SPSR access shown in Figure 30.29
indicates the condition of access to SPSR register, where W denotes a write cycle, and R a read cycle. In the example of
Figure 30.29, full-duplex synchronous serial communications is performed while the SPCR.TXMD bit is 0 and the
SPCR2.SPPE bit is 1. The RSPI performs an 8-bit serial transfer in which the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 1 and the
SPCMDm.CPOL bit is 0. The numbers given under the RSPCKA waveform represent the number of RSPCK cycles (i.e.,
the number of transferred bits).

SPSR access R W

(CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

PERF (2)

OVRF (3)

Figure 30.29 Operation Example of PERF Flag

The operation of the flags at the timing shown in steps (1) to (3) in the figure is described below.
1. If a serial transfer terminates with the RSPI not detecting an overrun error, the RSPI copies the data in the shift
register to the receive buffer. The RSPI judges the received data at this timing, and sets the PERF flag to 1 if a parity
error is detected. In master mode, the RSPI copies the pointer value to SPCMDm register to the
SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits.
2. If the value 0 is written to the PERF flag after SPSR register is read when the PERF flag is 1, the PERF flag is
cleared to 0.
3. When the RSPI detects an overrun error and serial transfer is terminated, the data in the shift register is not copied to
the receive buffer. The RSPI does not perform parity error detection at this timing.

The occurrence of a parity error can be checked either by reading SPSR register or by using an RSPI error interrupt and
reading SPSR register. When executing a serial transfer, measures should be taken to ensure the early detection of parity
errors, such as reading SPSR. When the RSPI is used in master mode, the pointer value to SPCMDm register at the
occurrence of the error can be checked by reading the SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Mode Fault Error

The RSPI operates in multi-master mode when the SPCR.MSTR bit is 1, the SPCR.SPMS bit is 0, and the
SPCR.MODFEN bit is 1. If the active level is input with respect to the SSLA0 input signal of the RSPI in multi-master
mode, the RSPI detects a mode fault error irrespective of the status of the serial transfer, and sets the MODF bit in the
RSPI status register (SPSR) to 1. Upon detecting the mode fault error, the RSPI copies the value of the pointer to
SPCMDm to the SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits. The active level of the SSLA0 signal is determined by the SSL0P bit in the
RSPI slave select polarity register (SSLP).
When the MSTR bit is 0, the RSPI operates in slave mode. The RSPI detects a mode fault error if the MODFEN bit in the
RSPI in slave mode is 1, and the SPMS bit is 0, and if the SSLA0 input signal is negated during the serial transfer period
(from the time the driving of valid data is started to the time the final valid data is fetched).
Upon detecting a mode fault error, the RSPI stops driving of the output signals and clears the SPCR.SPE bit to 0 (see
section 30.3.9, Initializing RSPI). In the case of multi-master configuration, detection of a mode fault error is used to
stop driving of the output signals and the RSPI function, which allows the master right to be released.
The occurrence of a mode fault error can be checked either by reading SPSR or by using an RSPI error interrupt and
reading SPSR. Detecting mode-fault errors without utilizing the RSPI error interrupt requires polling of SPSR. When
using the RSPI in master mode, the pointer value to SPCMDm register at the occurrence of the error can be checked by
reading the SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits.
When the MODF bit is 1, writing of the value 1 to the SPE bit is ignored by the RSPI. To enable the RSPI function after
the detection of a mode fault error, the MODF bit must be set to 0.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.9 Initializing RSPI

If the value 0 is written to the SPE bit in the RSPI control register (SPCR) or the RSPI clears the SPE bit to 0 because of
the detection of a mode fault error, the RSPI disables the RSPI function, and initializes some of the module functions.
When a system reset is generated, the RSPI initializes all of the module functions. The following describes initialization
by the clearing of the SPE bit in SPCR and initialization by a system reset. Initialization by Clearing the SPE Bit

When the SPE bit in SPCR is cleared, the RSPI performs the following initialization:
 Suspending any serial transfer that is being executed
 Stopping the driving of output signals (Hi-Z) in slave mode
 Initializing the internal state of the RSPI
 Initializing the transmit buffer of the RSPI

Initialization by the clearing of the SPE bit does not initialize the control bits of the RSPI. For this reason, the RSPI can
be started in the same transfer mode as prior to the initialization if the SPE bit is set to 1 again.
The OVRF and MODF flags in SPSR are not initialized, nor is the value of the RSPI sequence status register (SPSSR)
initialized. For this reason, even after the RSPI is initialized, data from the receive buffer can be read in order to check
the status of error occurrence during an RSPI transfer.
The transmit buffer is initialized to an empty state. Therefore, if the SPTIE bit in SPCR is set to 1 after RSPI
initialization, an RSPI transmit interrupt is generated. When the RSPI is initialized, in order to disable any RSPI transmit
interrupt, the value 0 should be written to the SPTIE bit simultaneously with the writing of the value 0 to the SPE bit. To
disable any RSPI transmit interrupt after a mode fault error is detected, use an error handling routine to write the value 0
to the SPTIE bit. System Reset

The initialization by a system reset completely initializes the RSPI through the initialization of all bits for controlling the
RSPI, initialization of the status bits, and initialization of data registers, in addition to the requirements described in
section, Initialization by Clearing the SPE Bit.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.10 SPI Operation Master Mode Operation

The only difference between single-master mode operation and multi-master mode operation lies in mode fault error
detection (see section 30.3.8, Error Detection). When operating in single-master mode, the RSPI does not detect mode
fault errors whereas the RSPI running in multi-master mode does detect mode fault errors. This section explains
operations that are common to single-master mode and multi-master mode.

(1) Starting a Serial Transfer

The RSPI updates the data in the transmit buffer (SPTX) when data is written to the RSPI data register (SPDR) with the
RSPI transmit buffer being empty (data for the next transfer is not set). When the shift register is empty after the number
of frames set in the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits are written to the SPDR, the RSPI copies data from the transmit buffer to the
shift register and starts serial transfer. Upon copying transmit data to the shift register, the RSPI changes the status of the
shift register to “full”, and upon termination of serial transfer, it changes the status of the shift register to “empty”. The
status of the shift register cannot be referenced.
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format. The polarity of the SSLAi output pins
depends on the SSLP register settings.

(2) Terminating a Serial Transfer

Irrespective of the CPHA bit in the RSPI command register (SPCMDm), the RSPI terminates the serial transfer after
transmitting an RSPCKA edge corresponding to the final sampling timing. If free space is available in the receive buffer
(SPRX), upon termination of serial transfer, the RSPI copies data from the shift register to the receive buffer of the RSPI
data register (SPDR).
It should be noted that the final sampling timing varies depending on the bit length of transfer data. In master mode, the
RSPI data length depends on the SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] bit setting. The polarity of the SSLAi output pin depends on the
SSLP register settings.
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(3) Sequence Control

The transfer format that is employed in master mode is determined by SPSCR, SPCMDm, SPBR, SPCKD, SSLND, and
SPND registers.
SPSCR is a register used to determine the sequence configuration for serial transfers that are executed by the RSPI in
master mode. The following items are set in SPCMDm register: SSLAi pin output signal value, MSB/LSB first, data
length, some of the bit rate settings, RSPCK polarity/phase, whether SPCKD is to be referenced, whether SSLND is to be
referenced, and whether SPND is to be referenced. SPBR holds some of the bit rate settings; SPCKD, an RSPI clock
delay value; SSLND, an SSL negation delay; and SPND, a next-access delay value.
According to the sequence length that is assigned to SPSCR, the RSPI makes up a sequence comprised of a part or all of
SPCMDm register. The RSPI contains a pointer to the SPCMDm register that makes up the sequence. The value of this
pointer can be checked by reading the SPSSR.SPCP[2:0] bits. When the SPCR.SPE bit is set to 1 and the RSPI function
is enabled, the RSPI loads the pointer to the commands in SPCMD0, and incorporates the SPCMD0 settings into the
transfer format at the beginning of serial transfer. The RSPI increments the pointer each time the next-access delay
period for a data transfer ends. Upon completion of the serial transfer that corresponds to the final command comprising
the sequence, the RSPI sets the pointer in SPCMD0, and in this manner the sequence is executed repeatedly.

Sequence length setting Determining reference command Loading transfer format settings


pointer control

Transfer format determiner

Figure 30.30 Procedure for Determining the Form of Serial Transfer in Master Mode

In this section, a frame is the combination of the data (SPDR) and the settings (SPCMDm).

(SPDR) Frame

Figure 30.31 Concept of a Frame

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

Figure 30.32 shows the relationship between the command and the transmit and receive buffers in the sequence of
operations specified by the settings in Table 30.4.

Setting 1-1

Only 1 frame

Setting 1-2

1st frame 2nd frame


Setting 1-3

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame


Setting 1-4

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame

Setting 2-1

1st frame 2nd frame


Setting 2-2

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame


Setting 3

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame


Setting 4

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame


Setting 5

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame


Setting 6

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame 6th frame


Setting 7

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame 6th frame 7th frame


Setting 8

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame 6th frame 7th frame 8th frame

Figure 30.32 Correspondence between the RSPI Command Register and Transmit/Receive Buffers in
Sequence Operations

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(4) Burst Transfer

If the SSLKP bit in the RSPI command register (SPCMDm) that the RSPI references during the current serial transfer is
1, the RSPI keeps the SSLAi signal level during the serial transfer until the beginning of the SSLAi signal assertion for
the next serial transfer. If the SSLAi signal level for the next serial transfer is the same as the SSLAi signal level for the
current serial transfer, the RSPI can execute continuous serial transfers while keeping the SSLAi signal assertion status
(burst transfer).
Figure 30.33 shows an example of an SSLAi signal operation for the case where a burst transfer is implemented using
SPCMD0 and SPCMD1 register settings. The text below explains the RSPI operations (1) to (7) as shown in Figure
30.33. It should be noted that the polarity of the SSLAi output signal depends on the SSLP register settings.

(CPHA = 1,
CPOL = 0)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Figure 30.33 Example of Burst Transfer Operation using SSLKP Bit

(1) Based on SPCMD0, the RSPI asserts the SSLAi signal and inserts RSPCK delays.
(2) The RSPI executes serial transfers according to SPCMD0.
(3) The RSPI inserts SSL negation delays.
(4) Since the SPCMD0.SSLKP bit is 1, the RSPI keeps the SSLAi signal value on SPCMD0. This period is sustained,
at the shortest, for a period equal to the next-access delay of SPCMD0. If the shift register is empty after the passage
of a minimum period, this period is sustained until the transmit data is stored in the shift register for the next
(5) Based on SPCMD1, the RSPI asserts the SSLAi signal and inserts RSPCK delays.
(6) The RSPI executes serial transfers according to SPCMD1.
(7) Because the SPCMD1.SSLKP bit is 0, the RSPI negates the SSLAi signal. In addition, a next-access delay is
inserted according to SPCMD1.

If the SSLAi signal output settings in the SPCMDm register in which 1 is assigned to the SSLKP bit are different from
the SSLAi signal output settings in the SPCMDm register to be used in the next transfer, the RSPI switches the SSLAi
signal status to SSLAi signal assertion ((5) in Figure 30.33) corresponding to the command for the next transfer. Note
that if such an SSLAi signal switching occurs, the slaves that drive the MISOA signal compete, and collision of signal
levels may occur.
The RSPI in master mode references the SSLAi signal operation within the module for the case where the SSLKP bit is
not used. Even when the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is 0, the RSPI can accurately start serial transfers by using the SSLAi
signal assertion for the next transfer that is detected internally. For this reason, burst transfers in master mode can be
executed irrespective of CPHA bit settings (see section 30.3.10, SPI Operation).

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(5) RSPCK Delay (t1)

The RSPCK delay value of the RSPI in master mode depends on the SPCMDm.SCKDEN bit setting and the SPCKD
register setting. The RSPI determines the SPCMDm register to be referenced during serial transfer by pointer control,
and determines an RSPCK delay value during serial transfer by using the SPCMDm.SCKDEN bit and SPCKD, as listed
in Table 30.9. For a definition of RSPCK delay, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.

Table 30.9 Relationship among SCKDEN Bit, SPCKD, and RSPCK Delay Value
0 000 to 111 1 RSPCK
1 000 1 RSPCK
001 2 RSPCK
010 3 RSPCK
011 4 RSPCK
100 5 RSPCK
101 6 RSPCK
110 7 RSPCK
111 8 RSPCK

(6) SSL Negation Delay (t2)

The SSL negation delay value of the RSPI in master mode depends on the SPCMDm.SLNDEN bit setting and the
SSLND register setting. The RSPI determines the SPCMDm register to be referenced during serial transfer by pointer
control, and determines an SSL negation delay value during serial transfer by using the SPCMDm.SLNDEN bit and
SSLND, as listed in Table 30.10. For a definition of SSL negation delay, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.

Table 30.10 Relationship among SLNDEN Bit, SSLND, and SSL Negation Delay Value
SPCMDm.SLNDEN Bit SSLND.SLNDL[2:0] Bits SSL Negation Delay Value
0 000 to 111 1 RSPCK
1 000 1 RSPCK
001 2 RSPCK
010 3 RSPCK
011 4 RSPCK
100 5 RSPCK
101 6 RSPCK
110 7 RSPCK
111 8 RSPCK

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(7) Next-Access Delay (t3)

The next-access delay value of the RSPI in master mode depends on the SPCMDm.SPNDEN bit setting and the SPND
setting. The RSPI determines the SPCMDm register to be referenced during serial transfer by pointer control, and
determines a next-access delay value during serial transfer by using the SPCMDm.SPNDEN bit and SPND, as listed in
Table 30.11. For a definition of next-access delay, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.

Table 30.11 Relationship among SPNDEN Bit, SPND, and Next-Access Delay Value
SPCMDm.SPNDEN Bit SPND.SPNDL[2:0] Bits Next-Access Delay Value
0 000 to 111 1 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
1 000 1 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
001 2 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
010 3 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
011 4 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
100 5 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
101 6 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
110 7 RSPCK + 2 PCLK
111 8 RSPCK + 2 PCLK

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(8) Initialization Flowchart

Figure 30.34 is a flowchart illustrating an example of initialization in SPI operation when the RSPI is used in master
mode. For a description of how to set up the interrupt controller, DMAC, and I/O ports, see the descriptions given in the
individual blocks.

Start of initialization in
master mode

Set RSPI pin control

register (SPPCR) • Sets MOSI signal value when transfer is in idle state.

Set RSPI bit rate

• Sets transfer bit rate.
register (SPBR)

Set RSPI data control

• Sets number of frames to be used.
register (SPDCR)

Set RSPI clock delay register

• Sets RSPCK delay value.

Set RSPI slave select negation

• Sets SSL negation delay value.
delay register (SSLND)

Set RSPI next-access delay

• Sets next-access delay value.
register (SPND)

• Sets parity function.

Set RSPI control register 2 (SPCR2) • Sets interrupt mask.

RSPI sequence control register

• Sets sequence length.
• Sets SSL signal level.
• Sets RSPCK delay enable.
• Sets SSL negation delay enable.
Set RSPI command registers 0 to 7 • Sets next-access delay enable.
• Sets MSB or LSB first.
(SPCMD0 to SPCMD7) • Sets data length.
• Sets transfer bit rate.
• Sets clock phase.
• Sets clock polarity.

Set interrupt controller (when using an interrupt)

Set DMAC (when using the DMAC)

Set I/O ports

• Sets master mode.

Set RSPI control
• Sets interrupt mask.
register (SPCR)
• Sets RSPI mode.

Read RSPI control register (SPCR)

End of initialization in
master mode

Figure 30.34 Example of Initialization Flowchart in Master Mode (SPI Operation)

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(9) Software Processing Flow

Figure 30.35 to Figure 30.37 show examples of the flow of software processing.

(a) Transmit Processing Flow

When transmitting data, the CPU will be notified of the completion of data transmission after the last writing of data for
transmission if the SPII interrupt is enabled.

Pre-transfer processing Processing for transmission

Start processing
End of initial settings for transmission

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF, No

[1] Clear error sources. SPTI interrupt?
and PERF flags


Write data for transmission to

Set SPCR2.SPIIE = 0 [2] Prohibit SPII interrupts. [4] [4] Access when the interrupt
processing routine is executed
once is to the number of frames
set in SPDCR.SPFC[1:0].
[3] Set the SPE bit to “enabled”.
Set SPCR.SPE = 1, SPTIE = 1,
Enable the required interrupts at the
SPRIE = 1, and SPEIE = 1 Have the last of the data been No
same time.


Proceed to Proceed to Proceed to SPCR.SPTIE = 0,

processing for processing for error SPCR2.SPIIE = 1
transmission reception processing

SPII interrupt?



End of
processing for

Figure 30.35 Flowchart in Master Mode (Transmission)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(b) Receive Processing Flow

The RSPI does not handle receive-only operation, so processing for transmission is required if reception is to proceed.

Pre-transfer processing Processing for reception

Start processing
End of initial settings for reception

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF, No

[1] Clear error sources. SPRI interrupt?
and PERF flags


Set SPCR2.SPIIE = 0 [2] Prohibit SPII interrupts. Read receive data from SPDR [4] [4] Access when the interrupt
processing routine is executed once
is to the number of frames set in
[3] Set the SPE bit to “enabled”.
Set SPCR.SPE = 1, SPTIE = 1,
SPRIE = 1, and SPEIE = 1 Enable the required interrupts at No
Have the last of the data been
the same time. read?


Proceed to Proceed to Proceed to SPCR.SPRIE = 0

processing for processing for error
transmission reception processing

End of [5] Prohibition of operation is handled by

processing for
reception processing for transmission.

Figure 30.36 Flowchart in Master Mode (Reception)

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(c) Flow of error processing

The RSPI has three types of error. When a mode-fault error is generated, the SPCR.SPE bit is automatically cleared,
stopping operations for transmission and reception. For errors from other sources, however, the SPCR.SPE bit is not
cleared and operations for transmission and reception continue; accordingly, we recommend clearing of the SPCR.SPE
bit to stop operations in the case of errors other than mode-fault errors. Not doing so will lead to updating of the
SPSSR.SPECM[2:0] bits.
When an error occurs, clear the ICU.IRn.IR flag from within the error processing routine. If this is not done, the
ICU.IRn.IR flag may continue to indicate the SPTI interrupt or SPRI interrupt request.

Pre-transfer processing Error processing

Start error
End of initial settings processing

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF, No

[1] Clear error sources. SPEI interrupt?
and PERF flags


Set SPCR2.SPIIE = 0 [2] Prohibit SPII interrupts. No


[3] Set the SPE bit to “enabled”. Yes

Set SPCR.SPE = 1, SPTIE = 1, No
SPRIE = 1, and SPEIE = 1 Enable the required interrupts at
the same time. SSL0 = inactive?
SPCR.SPE = 0 [4]

Proceed to Proceed to Proceed to Set SPCR.SPTIE = 0,

processing for processing for error [4] Read the port register and confirm that
transmission reception processing SPRIE = 0, SPEIE = 0, the SSL0 pin is at the inactive level.
and SPCR2.SPIIE = 0

Error processing [5] [5] Clear the ICU.IRn.IR flag

corresponding to SPTI, SPRI, etc.

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF,

and PERF flags

Repeat the transfer processing [6] Run the initialization processing again, etc.

End of error The order of processing can be changed.


Figure 30.37 Flowchart for Master Mode (Error Processing)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI) Slave Mode Operation

(1) Starting a Serial Transfer
If the SPCMD0.CPHA bit is 0, when detecting an SSLA0 input signal assertion, the RSPI needs to start driving valid
data to the MISOA output signal. For this reason, when the CPHA bit is 0, the assertion of the SSLA0 input signal
triggers the start of a serial transfer.
If the CPHA bit is 1, when detecting the first RSPCKA edge in an SSLA0 signal asserted condition, the RSPI needs to
start driving valid data to the MISOA output signal. For this reason, when the CPHA bit is 1, the first RSPCKA edge in
an SSLA0 signal asserted condition triggers the start of a serial transfer.
When detecting the start of a serial transfer in a condition in which the shift register is empty, the RSPI changes the status
of the shift register to “full”, so that data cannot be copied from the transmit buffer to the shift register when serial
transfer is in progress. If the shift register was full before the serial transfer started, the RSPI leaves the status of the shift
register unchanged, in the full state.
Irrespective of CPHA bit setting, the timing at which the RSPI starts driving of the MISOA output signal is the SSLA0
signal assertion timing. The data which is output by the RSPI is either valid or invalid, depending on the CPHA bit
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format. The polarity of the SSLA0 input signal
depends on the setting of the SSL0P bit in the RSPI slave select polarity register (SSLP).

(2) Terminating a Serial Transfer

Irrespective of the SPCMD0.CPHA bit, the RSPI terminates the serial transfer after detecting an RSPCKA edge
corresponding to the final sampling timing. When free space is available in the receive buffer, upon termination of serial
transfer the RSPI copies received data from the shift register to the receive buffer of the RSPI data register (SPDR).
Upon termination of a serial transfer the RSPI changes the status of the shift register to “empty”, regardless of the receive
buffer state. A mode fault error occurs if the RSPI detects an SSLA0 input signal negation from the beginning of serial
transfer to the end of serial transfer (see section 30.3.8, Error Detection).
The final sampling timing changes depending on the bit length of transfer data. In slave mode, the RSPI data length
depends on the SPCMD0.SPB[3:0] bit setting. The polarity of the SSLA0 input signal depends on the SSLP.SSL0P bit
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.

(3) Notes on Single-Slave Operations

If the SPCMD0.CPHA bit is 0, the RSPI starts serial transfers when it detects the assertion edge for an SSLA0 input
signal. In the type of configuration shown in Figure 30.7 as an example, if the RSPI is used in single-slave mode, the
SSLA0 signal is always fixed at the active state. Therefore, when the CPHA bit is set to 0, the RSPI cannot correctly start
a serial transfer. To correctly execute transmit/receive operations by the RSPI in slave mode in a configuration in which
the SSLA0 input signal is fixed at the active state, the CPHA bit should be set to 1. If there is a need for setting the CPHA
bit to 0, the SSLA0 input signal should not be fixed.

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(4) Burst Transfer

If the SPCMD0.CPHA bit is 1, continuous serial transfer (burst transfer) can be executed while retaining the assertion
state for the SSLA0 input signal. If the CPHA bit is 1, the period from the first RSPCKA edge to the sampling timing for
the reception of the final bit in an SSLA0 signal active state corresponds to a serial transfer period. Even when the
SSLA0 input signal remains at the active level, the RSPI can accommodate burst transfers because it can detect the start
of an access.
If the CPHA bit is 0, the second and subsequent serial transfers during burst transfer cannot be executed correctly.

(5) Initialization Flowchart

Figure 30.38 is a flowchart illustrating an example of initialization in SPI operation when the RSPI is used in slave
mode. For a description of how to set up the interrupt controller, DMAC, and I/O ports, see the descriptions given in the
individual blocks.

Start of initialization in
slave mode

Set RSPI slave select polarity • Sets polarity of SSL0 input signal
register (SSLP)

Set RSPI data control

• Sets number of frames to be used.
register (SPDCR)

• Sets parity function.

Set RSPI control register 2 (SPCR2) • Sets interrupt mask.

• Sets MSB or LSB first.

Set RSPI command register 0 • Sets data length.
(SPCMD0) • Sets clock phase.
• Sets clock polarity.

Set interrupt controller (when using an interrupt)

Set DMAC (when using the DMAC)

Set I/O ports

• Sets slave mode.

Set RSPI control register
• Sets mode fault error detection.
• Sets interrupt mask.
• Sets RSPI mode.

Read RSPI control register (SPCR)

End of initialization in
slave mode

Figure 30.38 Example of Initialization Flowchart in Slave Mode (SPI Operation)

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(6) Software Processing Flow

Figure 30.39 to Figure 30.41 show examples of the flow of software processing.

(a) Transmit Processing Flow

Pre-transfer processing Processing for transmission

Start processing
End of initial settings for transmission

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF, No

[1] Clear error sources. SPTI interrupt?
and PERF flags


Write data for transmission to

Set SPCR2.SPIIE = 0 [2] Prohibit SPII interrupts. [4] [4] Access when the interrupt
processing routine is executed
once is to the number of frames
set in SPDCR.SPFC[1:0].
[3] Set the SPE bit to “enabled”.
Set SPCR.SPE = 1, SPTIE = 1,
Enable the required interrupts at the
SPRIE = 1, and SPEIE = 1 Have the last of the data been No
same time.


Proceed to Proceed to Proceed to SPCR.SPTIE = 0

processing for processing for error
transmission reception processing

End of
processing for

Figure 30.39 Flowchart in Slave Mode (Transmission)

(b) Receive Processing Flow

Pre-transfer processing Processing for reception

Start processing
End of initial settings for reception

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF, No

[1] Clear error sources. SPRI interrupt?
and PERF flags


Set SPCR2.SPIIE = 0 [2] Prohibit SPII interrupts. Read receive data from SPDR [4] [4] Access when the interrupt
processing routine is executed once
is to the number of frames set in
[3] Set the SPE bit to “enabled”.
Set SPCR.SPE = 1, SPTIE = 1,
SPRIE = 1, and SPEIE = 1 Enable the required interrupts at No
Have the last of the data been
the same time. read?


Proceed to Proceed to Proceed to SPCR.SPRIE = 0

processing for processing for error
transmission reception processing

End of
processing for

Figure 30.40 Flowchart in Slave Mode (Reception)

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(c) Flow of error processing

In slave operation, even when a mode-fault error is generated, the SPSR.MODF flag can be cleared without de-asserting
the pin.

Pre-transfer processing Error processing

Start error
End of initial settings processing

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF, No

[1] Clear error sources. SPEI interrupt?
and PERF flags


Set SPCR2.SPIIE = 0 [2] Prohibit SPII interrupts. No


[3] Set the SPE bit to “enabled”. Yes

Set SPCR.SPE = 1, SPTIE = 1,
SPRIE = 1, and SPEIE = 1 Enable the required interrupts at
the same time.

Proceed to Proceed to Proceed to Set SPCR.SPTIE = 0,

processing for processing for error
transmission reception processing SPRIE = 0, SPEIE = 0,
and SPCR2.SPIIE = 0

Error processing [4] [4] Clear the ICU.IRn.IR flag

corresponding to SPTI, SPRI, etc.

Clear the SPSR.MODF, OVRF,

and PERF flags

Repeat the transfer processing [5] Run the initialization processing again, etc.

End of error The order of processing can be changed.


Figure 30.41 Flowchart for Slave Mode (Error Processing)

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30.3.11 Clock Synchronous Operation

Setting the SPMS bit in the RSPI control register (SPCR) to 1 selects clock synchronous operation of the RSPI. In clock
synchronous operation, the SSLAi pin is not used, and the three pins of RSPCKA, MOSIA, and MISOA handle
communications. The SSLAi pin is available as I/O port pins.
Although clock synchronous operation does not require use of the SSLAi pin, operation of the module is the same as in
SPI operation. That is, in both master and slave operations, communications can be performed with the same flow as in
SPI operation. However, mode fault errors are not detected because the SSLAi pin is not used.
Furthermore, operation is not guaranteed if clock synchronous operation proceeds when the SPCMDm.CPHA bit is set to
0 in slave mode (SPCR.MSTR = 0).

30.3.12 Master Mode Operation

(1) Starting a Serial Transfer
The RSPI updates the data in the transmit buffer (SPTX) of SPDR when data is written to the RSPI data register (SPDR)
with the transmit buffer being empty (data for the next transfer is not set). When the shift register is empty after the
number of frames set in the SPDCR.SPFC[1:0] bits are written to the SPDR, the RSPI copies data from the transmit
buffer to the shift register and starts serial transmission. Upon copying transmit data to the shift register, the RSPI
changes the status of the shift register to “full”, and upon termination of serial transfer, it changes the status of the shift
register to “empty”. The status of the shift register cannot be referenced.
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.
However, transfer in clock-synchronous operation is conducted without the SSLA0 output signal.

(2) Terminating a Serial Transfer

The RSPI terminates the serial transfer after transmitting an RSPCKA edge corresponding to the sampling timing. If free
space is available in the receive buffer, upon termination of serial transfer, the RSPI copies data from the shift register to
the receive buffer of the RSPI data register (SPDR).
It should be noted that the final sampling timing varies depending on the bit length of transfer data. In master mode, the
RSPI data length depends on the SPCMDm.SPB[3:0] bit setting.
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.
However, transfer in clock-synchronous operation is conducted without the SSLA0 output signal.

(3) Sequence Control

The transfer format employed in master mode is determined by SPSCR, SPCMDm, SPBR, SPCKD, SSLND, and SPND
registers. Although the SSLAi signals are not output in clock synchronous operation, these settings are valid.
SPSCR is a register used to determine the sequence configuration for serial transfers that are executed by the RSPI in
master mode. The following items are set in SPCMDm register: SSLAi output signal value, MSB/LSB first, data length,
some of the bit rate settings, RSPCKA polarity/phase, whether SPCKD is to be referenced, whether SSLND is to be
referenced, and whether SPND is to be referenced. SPBR holds some of the bit rate settings; SPCKD, an RSPI clock
delay value; SSLND, an SSL negation delay; and SPND, a next-access delay value.
According to the sequence length that is assigned to SPSCR, the RSPI makes up a sequence comprised of a part or all of
SPCMDm register. The RSPI contains a pointer to the SPCMDm register that makes up the sequence. The value of this
pointer can be checked by reading the SPSSR.SPCP[2:0] bits. When the SPE bit in the RSPI control register (SPCR) is
set to 1 and the RSPI function is enabled, the RSPI loads the pointer to the commands in SPCMD0 register, and
incorporates the SPCMD0 register setting into the transfer format at the beginning of serial transfer. The RSPI
increments the pointer each time the next-access delay period for a data transfer ends. Upon completion of the serial
transfer that corresponds to the final command comprising the sequence, the RSPI sets the pointer in SPCMD0 register,
and in this manner the sequence is executed repeatedly.

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Sequence length Determining

Loading transfer format settings
setting reference command

pointer control


Transfer format determiner

Figure 30.42 Procedure for Determining the Form of Serial Transmission in Master Mode

In this section, a frame is the combination of the data (SPDR) and the settings (SPCMDm).

(SPDR) Frame

Figure 30.43 Concept of a Frame

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Figure 30.44 shows the relationship between the command and the transmit and receive buffers in the sequence of
operations specified by the settings in Table 30.4.

Setting 1-1

Only 1 frame

Setting 1-2

1st frame 2nd frame


Setting 1-3

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame


Setting 1-4

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame

Setting 2-1

1st frame 2nd frame


Setting 2-2

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame


Setting 3

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame


Setting 4

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame


Setting 5

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame


Setting 6

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame 6th frame


Setting 7

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame 6th frame 7th frame


Setting 8

1st frame 2nd frame 3rd frame 4th frame 5th frame 6th frame 7th frame 8th frame

Figure 30.44 Correspondence between the RSPI Command Register and Transmit/Receive Buffers in
Sequence Operations

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(4) Initialization Flowchart

Figure 30.45 is a flowchart illustrating an example of initialization in clock synchronous operation when the RSPI is
used in master mode. For a description of how to set up the interrupt controller, DMAC, and I/O ports, see the
descriptions given in the individual blocks.

Start of initialization in
master mode

Set RSPI pin control • Sets MOSI signal value when transfer is in idle state.
register (SPPCR)

Set RSPI bit rate

register (SPBR) • Sets transfer bit rate.

Set RSPI data control register

(SPDCR) • Sets number of frames to be used.

Set RSPI clock delay register

(SPCKD) • Sets RSPCK delay value.

Set RSPI slave select negate delay

register (SSLND) • Sets SSL negation delay value.

Set RSPI next-access delay register

(SPND) • Sets next-access delay value.

• Sets parity function.

Set RSPI control register 2 (SPCR2) • Sets interrupt mask.

RSPI sequence control register • Sets sequence length.


• Sets the value of SSL negation delay.

• Sets RSPCK delay enable.
• Sets SSL negation delay enable.
Set RSPI command registers 0 to 7 • Sets next-access delay enable.
(SPCMD0 to SPCMD7) • Sets MSB or LSB first.
• Sets data length.
• Sets transfer bit rate.
• Sets clock polarity.

Set interrupt controller (when using an interrupt)

Set DMAC (when using the DMAC)

Set I/O ports

Set RSPI control • Sets master mode.

register (SPCR) • Sets interrupt mask.
• Sets RSPI mode.

Read RSPI control register (SPCR)

End of initialization in
master mode

Figure 30.45 Example of Initialization Flowchart in Master Mode (Clock Synchronous Operation)

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(5) Flow of Software Processing

Software processing during clock-synchronous master operation is the same as that for SPI master operation. For details,
see section, (9) Software Processing Flow. Note that mode-fault errors will not occur.

30.3.13 Slave Mode Operation

(1) Starting a Serial Transfer
When the SPCR.SPMS bit is 1, the first RSPCKA edge triggers the start of a serial transfer in the RSPI.
When detecting the start of a serial transfer in a condition in which the shift register is empty, the RSPI changes the status
of the shift register to “full”, so that data cannot be copied from the transmit buffer to the shift register when serial
transfer is in progress. If the shift register was full before the serial transfer started, the RSPI keeps the status of the shift
register unchanged, in the full state.
When the SPMS bit is 1, the RSPI always drives the MISOA output signal.
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.
It should be noted that the SSL0 input signal is not used in clock synchronous operation.

(2) Terminating a Serial Transfer

The RSPI terminates the serial transfer after detecting an RSPCKA edge corresponding to the final sampling timing.
When free space is available in the receive buffer, upon termination of serial transfer the RSPI copies received data from
the shift register to the receive buffer of the RSPI data register (SPDR). Upon termination of a serial transfer the RSPI
changes the status of the shift register to “empty”. The final sampling timing changes depending on the bit length of
transfer data. In slave mode, the RSPI data length depends on the SPCMD0.SPB[3:0] bit setting.
For details on the RSPI transfer format, see section 30.3.5, Transfer Format.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

(3) Initialization Flowchart

Figure 30.46 is a flowchart illustrating an example of initialization in clock synchronous operation when the RSPI is
used in slave mode. For a description of how to set up the interrupt controller, DMAC, and I/O ports, see the descriptions
given in the individual blocks.

Start of initialization in
slave mode

Set RSPI data control

register (SPDCR) • Sets number of frames to be used.

Set RSPI control register 2 (SPCR2) • Sets parity function.

• Sets interrupt mask.

• Sets MSB or LSB first.

Set RSPI command register 0 • Sets data length.
(SPCMD0) • Sets clock phase.
• Sets clock polarity.

Set interrupt controller (when using an interrupt)

Set DMAC (when using the DMAC)

Set I/O ports

• Sets slave mode.

Set RSPI control register
• Sets interrupt mask.
• Sets RSPI mode.

Read RSPI control register (SPCR)

End of initialization in
slave mode

Figure 30.46 Example of Initialization Flowchart in Slave Mode (Clock Synchronous Operation)

(4) Flow of Software Processing

Software processing during clock-synchronous slave operation is the same as that for SPI slave operation. For details, see
section, (6) Software Processing Flow. Note that mode-fault errors will not occur.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.14 Loopback Mode

When 1 is written to the SPPCR.SPLP2 bit or SPPCR.SPLP bit, the RSPI shuts off the path between the MISOA pin and
the shift register if the SPCR.MSTR bit is 1, and between the MOSIA pin and the shift register if the SPCR.MSTR bit is
0, and connects the input path and output path of the shift register. The RSPI does not shut off the path between the
MOSIA pin and the shift register if the SPCR.MSTR bit is 1, and between the MISOA pin and the shift register if the
SPCR.MSTR bit is 0. This is called loopback mode. When a serial transfer is executed in loopback mode, the transmit
data for the RSPI or the reversed transmit data becomes the received data for the RSPI.
Table 30.12 lists the relationship among the SPLP2 and SPLP bits and the received data. Figure 30.47 shows the
configuration of the shift register I/O paths for the case where the RSPI in master mode is set in loopback mode

Table 30.12 SPLP2 and SPLP Bit Settings and Received Data
SPPCR.SPLP2 Bit SPPCR.SPLP Bit Received Data
0 0 Input data from the MOSIA pin or MISOA pin
0 1 Reversed transmit data
1 0 Transmit data
1 1 Transmit data

(MOSIA/MISOA) Shift register




Figure 30.47 Configuration of Shift Register I/O Paths in Loopback Mode (Master Mode)

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.15 Self-Diagnosis of Parity Bit Function

The parity circuit consists of a parity bit adding unit used for transmit data and an error detecting unit used for received
data. In order to detect defects in the parity bit adding unit and error detecting unit of the parity circuit, self-diagnosis is
executed for the parity circuit following the flowchart shown in Figure 30.48.

Start of self-diagnosis of
parity circuit

Select full-duplex synchronous serial communications (SPCR.TXMD = 0).

Enable the parity circuit self-diagnosis function (SPCR2.PTE = 1).
Enable the parity function (SPCR2.SPPE = 1).
Select loopback operation (SPPCR.SPLP2 = 1).

Add correct parity bit to Parity error occurred

transmit data and transfer it

No parity error

Add incorrect parity bit to No parity error

transmit data and transfer it

Parity error occurred

Disable the parity circuit self-diagnosis function (SPCR2.PTE = 0).

Loopback operation with Parity error occurred

the parity bit added at
normal operation

No parity error

Incorrect parity bit is


Check the data that is stored in

the transmit data register

Correct parity bit is added

Normal end Erroneous end Erroneous end

No defect in parity circuit
Defect found in parity bit adding unit Defect found in error
No defect in error detecting unit detecting unit

Figure 30.48 Flowchart for Self-Diagnosis of Parity Circuit

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.3.16 Interrupt Sources

The RSPI has interrupt sources of receive buffer full, transmit buffer empty, mode fault, overrun, parity error, and RSPI
idle. In addition, the DTC or DMAC can be activated by the receive buffer full or transmit buffer empty interrupt to
perform data transfer.
Since the vector address for SPEI is allocated to interrupt requests due to mode-fault, overrun, and parity errors, the
actual interrupt source must be determined from the flags. Interrupt sources for the RSPI are listed in Table 30.13. An
interrupt is generated on satisfaction of an interrupt condition in Table 30.13. Clear the receive buffer full and transmit
buffer empty sources through data transfer.
When using the DTC or DMAC to perform data transmission/reception, the DTC or DMAC must be set up first to be in
a status in which transfer is enabled before making the RSPI settings. For the method for setting the DTC or DMAC,
refer to section 16, DMA Controller (DMACA), or section 17, Data Transfer Controller (DTCa).
If the conditions for generating a transmit buffer empty or receive buffer full interrupt are generated while the
ICU.IRn.IR flag is 1, the interrupt is not output as a request for ICU but is retained internally (the capacity for retention
is one request per source). A retained interrupt request is output when the ICU.IRn.IR flag becomes 0. A retained
interrupt request is automatically discarded once it is output as an actual interrupt request. The interrupt enable bit (the
SPCR.SPTIE or SPCR.SPRIE bit) for an internally retained interrupt request can also be cleared to 0.

Table 30.13 Interrupt Sources of RSPI

Interrupt Source Symbol Interrupt Condition DMAC/DTC Activation
Receive buffer full SPRI The receive buffer becomes full while the Possible
SPCR.SPRIE bit is 1.
Transmit buffer empty SPTI The transmit buffer becomes empty while the Possible
SPCR.SPTIE bit is 1.
RSPI errors (mode fault, SPEI The SPSR.MODF, OVRF, or PERF flag is set Impossible
overrun and parity error) to 1 while the SPCR.SPEIE bit is 1.
RSPI idle SPII The SPSR.IDLNF flag is set to 0 while the Impossible
SPCR2.SPIIE bit is 1.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.4 Event Link Output

The event link controller (ELC) is capable of producing the following event-output signals. The event link output signal
is output regardless of the interrupt enable bit setting.

30.4.1 Receive Buffer Full Event Output

This event signal is output when received data have been transferred from the shift register to the SPDR on completion of
serial transfer.

30.4.2 Transmit Buffer Empty Event Output

This event signal is output when data for transmission have been transferred from the transmit buffer to the shift register
and when the value of the SPE bit has changed from 0 to 1.

30.4.3 Mode Fault, Overrun, or Parity Error Event Output

(1) Mode Fault
Table 30.14 lists the occurrence conditions of a mode fault event.

Table 30.14 Occurrence Conditions of Mode Fault Event

Master (MSTR bit = 1) 1 Active Under this condition (when the MSTR bit is 1 and the
SPCR.MODFEN bit is 1), mode fault error, overrun error, and
parity error event output cannot be used.
Do not set the ELSRn register to 52h.
Slave (MSTR bit = 0) 1 Not active Event is output only when the pin is deactivated during

(2) Overrun
The condition for this event signal being output in response to an overrun is completion of serial transfer while the
reception buffer contains data that have not been read and the value of the SPCR.TXMD bit is 0, in which case the OVRF
flag is set to 1.

(3) Parity Error

The condition for this event signal being output in response to a parity error is detection of a parity error on completion
of serial transfer while the value of the TXMD bit in SPCR is 0 and the value of the SPPE bit in SPCR2 is 1.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.4.4 RSPI Idle Event Output

(1) In master mode
In master mode, an event is output when the condition for setting the IDLNF flag (RSPI idle flag) to 0 is satisfied.

(2) In slave mode

In slave mode, an event is output when the SPE bit in the SPCR is set to 0 (RSPI is initialized).

30.4.5 Transmit End Event Output

During both SPI operation and clock synchronous operation in master mode, an event is output when the IDLNF bit
changes from 1 to 0.

Table 30.15 Conditions for Generation of a Transmission-Completed Event (Slave)

Transmit Buffer State Shift Register State Others
SPI operation (SPMS = 0) Empty Empty Negation of SSL0 input
Clock synchronous operation Empty Empty Edge detection of the last RSPCK
(SPMS = 1)

Whether the operation is in master mode or slave mode, an event is not output if 0 is written to the SPCR.SPE bit in
transmission or the SPCR.SPE bit is cleared by the mode fault error.

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RX220 Group 30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)

30.5 Usage Note

30.5.1 Setting Module Stop Function

Module stop control register B (MSTPCRB) can used to enable or disable operation of the RSPI. The RSPI is stopped
after a reset. The registers become accessible on release from the module-stop state. For details, refer to section 11, Low
Power Consumption.

30.5.2 Cautionary Note on the Low Power Consumption Functions

When a low power consumption function is to be used to lower power consumption by the RSPI, use the low power
consumption function after the SPCR.SPE bit is set to 0 and transfer ends.

30.5.3 Points to Note on Starting Transfer

If the ICU.IRn.IR flag is 1 at the time transfer is to be started, an interrupt request is internally retained after transfer
starts, and this can lead to unanticipated behavior of the ICU.IRn.IR flag.
When the ICU.IRn.IR flag is 1 at the time transfer is to start, follow the procedure below to clear interrupt requests
before enabling operations (by setting the SPCR.SPE bit to 1).
1. Confirm that transfer has stopped (i.e. that the SPCR.SPE bit is 0).
2. Clear the relevant interrupt enable bit (the SPCR.SPTIE or SPCR.SPRIE bit) to 0.
3. Read the relevant interrupt enable bit (the SPCR.SPTIE or SPCR.SPRIE bit) and confirm that its value is 0.
4. Clear the ICU.IRn.IR flag to 0.

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculator generates CRC codes of data blocks.

31.1 Overview
Table 31.1 lists the specifications of the CRC calculator, and Figure 31.1 shows a block diagram of the CRC calculator.

Table 31.1 Specifications of CRC

Item Description
Data for CRC calculation*1 CRC code generated for any desired data in 8n-bit units (where n is a whole number)
Data block size 8 bits
CRC processor unit Operation executed on eight bits in parallel
CRC generating polynomial One of three generating polynomials selectable
 8-bit CRC
X8 + X2 + X + 1
 16-bit CRC
X16 + X15 + X2 + 1
X16 + X12 + X5 + 1
CRC calculation switching CRC code generation for LSB-first or MSB-first communication selectable
Low power consumption function Module stop state can be set

Note 1. The circuit does not have functionality to divide data for calculation into a data-block size. Write data in 8-bit units.

Control signal
Internal peripheral bus 2

CRC code
CRCDIR generation


CRCCR: CRC control register

CRCDIR: CRC data input register
CRCDOR: CRC data output register

Figure 31.1 Block Diagram of CRC Calculator

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

31.2 Register Descriptions

31.2.1 CRC Control Register (CRCCR)

Address(es): 0008 8280h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

DORCL — — — — LMS GPS[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 GPS[1:0] CRC Generating Polynomial b1 b0 R/W
Switching 0 0: No calculation is executed.
0 1: X8 + X2 + X + 1
1 0: X16 + X15 + X2 + 1
1 1: X16 + X12 + X5 + 1
b2 LMS CRC Calculation Switching 0: Performs CRC operation for LSB-first communication. The lower- R/W
order byte (bits 7 to 0) is the first to be transmitted when the
contents of the CRCDOR (CRC code) are divided into bytes.
1: Performs CRC operation for MSB-first communication. The higher-
order byte (bits 15 to 8) is first to be transmitted when the contents
of the CRCDOR (CRC code) are divided into bytes.
b6 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 DORCLR CRCDOR Register Clear 1: Clear the CRCDOR register*1 W
This bit is read as 0.

Note 1. Only 1 can be written.

DORCLR Bit (CRCDOR Register Clear)

Write 1 to this bit so that the CRCDOR register is cleared to 0000h.
This bit is read as 0. Only 1 can be written.

31.2.2 CRC Data Input Register (CRCDIR)

Address(es): 0008 8281h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CRCDIR is an 8-bit readable/writable register, to which the bytes to be CRC-operated are written.

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

31.2.3 CRC Data Output Register (CRCDOR)

Address(es): 0008 8282h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CRCDOR is a 16-bit readable/writable register that contains the result of CRC calculation.
In general, the value will be 0 if there is no CRC error when the calculated CRC code matches the CRC code that
continues on, for verification, from the transferred data.
When an 8-bit CRC (X8 + X2 + X + 1 polynomial) is in use, the valid CRC code is obtained in the lower-order byte (b7
to b0). The higher-order byte (b15 to b8) is not updated.

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

31.3 Operation
The CRC calculator generates CRC codes for use in LSB-first or MSB-first transfer.
The following figures show examples in which the CRCCR.GPS[1:0] bits are set to 11b so the CRC code is calculated by
using a 16-bit CRC (with the polynomial X16 + X12 + X5 + 1), and the CRC code is calculated for the value “F0h”.
When an 8-bit CRC (with the polynomial X8 + X2 + X + 1) is in use, the valid bits of the CRC code are obtained in the
lower-order byte of CRCDOR.

1. Write 83h to CRCCR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2. Write F0h to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

CRC code generation

3. Read CRCDOR
CRC code = F78Fh

4. Serial transmission (LSB first)

CRC code Data
7 0 7 0 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Output
F 7 8 F F 0

Figure 31.2 LSB-First Data Transmission

1. Write 87h to CRCCR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2. Write F0h to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

CRC code generation

3. Read CRCDOR
CRC code = EF1Fh

4. Serial transmission (MSB first)

Data CRC code
7 0 7 0 7 0
Output 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
F 0 E F 1 F

Figure 31.3 MSB-First Data Transmission

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

1. Serial reception (LSB first)

CRC code Data
7 0 7 0 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Input
F 7 8 F F 0

2. Write 83h to CRCCR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


3. Write F0h to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

CRC code generation

4. Write 8Fh to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

CRC code generation

5. Write F7h to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CRC code generation

6. Read CRCDOR
CRC code = 0000h  no error

Figure 31.4 LSB-First Data Reception

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

1. Serial reception (MSB first)

Data CRC code
7 0 7 07 0
Input 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
F 0 E F 1 F

2. Write 87h to CRCCR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


3. Write F0h to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
CRC code generation

4. Write EFh to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CRC code generation

5. Write 1Fh to CRCDIR

7 0 15 8 7 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CRC code generation

6. Read CRCDOR
CRC code = 000h  no error

Figure 31.5 MSB-First Data Reception

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RX220 Group 31. CRC Calculator (CRC)

31.4 Usage Notes

31.4.1 Module Stop Function Setting

Operation of the CRC calculator can be disabled or enabled using module stop control register B (MSTPCRB). The
initial setting is for operation of the CRC calculator to be stopped. Register access is enabled by clearing the module stop
state. For details, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

31.5 Note on Transmission

Note that the sequence of transmission for the CRC code differs according to whether transmission is LSB-first or MSB-

1. CRC code

After specifying the method for generation calculation, write data to CRCDIR in order of (1), (2), (3), and (4).
7 0

7 0

7 0

7 0

CRC code generation

15 8 7 0
CRCDOR CRC code (H) CRC code (L)

2. Transmission data

(i) When transmission is LSB-first

CRC code

7 07 0 7 07 07 07 0
(H) (L) (4) (3) (2) (1) Output

(ii) When transmission is MSB-first CRC code

7 07 07 0 7 0 7 07 0
Output (1) (2) (3) (4) (H) (L)

Figure 31.6 LSB-First and MSB-First Data Transmission

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.1 Overview
The RX220 Group includes a 12-bit successive approximation A/D converter. Up to 16 channel analog inputs or internal
reference voltages can be selected.
The 12-bit A/D converter converts a maximum of 16 selected channels of analog inputs or internal reference voltages
into a 12-bit digital value through successive approximation.
The A/D converter has three operating modes: single scan mode in which the analog inputs of up to 16 arbitrarily
selected channels are converted for only once in ascending channel order; and continuous scan mode in which the analog
inputs of up to 16 arbitrarily selected channels are continuously converted in ascending channel order; and group scan
mode in which up to 16 channels of the analog inputs are arbitrarily divided into two groups (group A and group B) and
converted in ascending channel order in each group.
In group scan mode, the scan start conditions of group A and group B can be independently selected, thus allowing A/D
conversion of group A and group B to be started independently.
In double trigger mode, one arbitrarily selected analog input channel is converted in single scan mode or group scan
mode (group A), and the resulting data of A/D conversion started by the first and second triggers are stored into separate
registers (duplication of A/D conversion data).
Self-diagnosis is executed once at the beginning of each scan, and one of the three voltages internally generated in the
12-bit A/D converter is converted.
A/D conversion of the internal reference voltage is accomplished independently.
Table 32.1 lists the specifications of the 12-bit A/D converter and Table 32.2 indicates the functions of the 12-bit A/D
converter. Figure 32.1 shows a block diagram of the 12-bit A/D converter.

Table 32.1 Specifications of 12-Bit A/D Converter (1 / 2)

Item Description
Number of units One unit
Input channels Up to 16 channels
Extended analog inputs Internal reference voltage
A/D conversion method Successive approximation method
Resolution 12 bits
Conversion time 1.56 μs per channel (when A/D conversion clock ADCLK = 32 MHz)
A/D conversion clock Peripheral module clock PCLK*1 and A/D conversion clock ADCLK*1 can be set so that the frequency
division ratio should be one of the following.
PCLK to ADCLK frequency division ratio = 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 2:1, 4:1
ADCLK is set using the clock generation circuit.
Data registers For analog input: 16 data registers
For duplication of A/D conversion data in double trigger mode: One data register
For internal reference voltage: One data register
The A/D conversion result is stored in 12-bit A/D data registers.
In addition mode, A/D conversion results are added and stored in A/D data registers as 14-bit data.
Duplication of A/D conversion data
 A/D conversion data of one selected analog input channel is stored into A/D data register y when
conversion is started by the first trigger and into the duplication register when started by the second
 Duplication is available only in double trigger mode in single scan mode or group scan mode.
Operating modes  Single scan mode:
A/D conversion is performed for only once on the analog inputs of up to 16 arbitrarily selected channels.
A/D conversion is performed only once on the internal reference voltage.
 Continuous scan mode: A/D conversion is performed repeatedly on the analog inputs of up to 16
arbitrarily selected channels.*2
 Group scan mode:
Up to 16 channels of analog inputs are divided into group A and group B and A/D conversion is
performed only once on all the selected channels on a group basis. The scan start conditions of group A
and group B can be independently selected, thus allowing A/D conversion of group A and group B to be
started independently.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

Table 32.1 Specifications of 12-Bit A/D Converter (2 / 2)

Item Description
Conditions of A/D  Software trigger
conversion start  Synchronous trigger
Trigger by MTU or ELC
 Asynchronous trigger
A/D conversion can be triggered from the ADTRG0# pin.
Function  Sample-and-hold function
 Variable sampling state count
 Self-diagnosis of 12-bit A/D converter
 A/D-converted value addition mode
 Analog input disconnection detection assist
 Double trigger mode (duplication of A/D conversion data)
Interrupt source  In the modes except double trigger mode and group scan mode, A/D scan end interrupt (S12ADI0)
request can be generated on completion of single scan.
 In double trigger mode, A/D scan end interrupt (S12ADI0) request can be generated on completion of
double scan.
 In group scan mode, A/D scan end interrupt (S12ADI0) request can be generated on completion of group
A scan, whereas A/D scan end interrupt specially for group B (GBADI) request can be generated on
completion of group B scan.
 In group scan mode with double trigger mode, A/D scan end interrupt (S12ADI0) request can be
generated on completion of double scan of group A, whereas A/D scan end interrupt specially for group B
(GBADI) request can be generated on completion of group B scan.
 S12ADI0 or GBADI interrupt can activate DMA controller (DMAC) or data transfer controller (DTC).
Event linking  An ELC event can be generated on completion of scans except for group B scan in group scan mode.
 A/D conversion can be started by the trigger from ELC.
Low power consumption  Module stop state can be specified.*3
Note 1. Peripheral module clock PCLK is set according to the setting of SCKCR.PCKB[3:0] and A/D conversion clock ADCLK is set
according to the setting of SCKCR.PCKD[3:0].
Note 2. Do not use continuous scan mode or group scan mode when the internal reference voltage is selected.
Note 3. When the module stop state is canceled, A/D conversion can be started after 1 s has elapsed.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

Table 32.2 Functions of 12-Bit A/D Converter

Item Function
Analog input channel AN000 to AN015, internal
reference voltage
A/D conversion Software Software trigger Enabled
start conditions
Asynchronous trigger ADTRG0# Enabled
Synchronous trigger TRGA compare match/input capture from MTU0 TRG0AN
TRGB compare match/input capture from MTU0 TRG0BN
TRGA compare match/input capture or MTU4.TCNT TRGAN
underflow (trough) in complementary PWM mode from
MTU0 to MTU4
TRGE compare match from MTU0 TRG0EN
TRGF compare match from MTU0 TRG0FN
MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TCNT compare match TRG4AN
(interrupt skipping function 1)
MTU4.TADCORB and MTU4.TCNT compare match TRG4BN
(interrupt skipping function 1)
MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TCNT compare match and TRG4ABN
MTU4.TADCORB and MTU4.TCNT compare match
(interrupt skipping function 1)
Trigger from ELC Enabled
Interrupt S12ADI0 interrupt, GBADI
Module stop function setting*1 MSTPCRA.MSTPA17 bit

Note 1. For details, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

Bus interface Internal peripheral bus 2

approximation register

12-bit D/A A/D data register A/D control register


generator Interrupt signal
Comparator (S12ADI0, GBADI)
(for self test)
Sample & hold -
circuit Event signal output to ELC

AN013 Control circuit

(including decoder)
AN012 Synchronous trigger

AN010 Asynchronous trigger

AN009 (ADTRG0#)

Analog multiplexer









Internal reference power

Figure 32.1 Block Diagram of 12-Bit A/D Converter

Table 32.3 lists the input pins of the 12-bit A/D converter.

Table 32.3 Input Pins of 12-Bit A/D Converter

Pin Name Input Function
AVCC0 Input Analog block power supply pin
AVSS0 Input Analog block ground pin
VREFH0 Input Reference power supply pin
VREFL0 Input Reference ground pin
AN000 to AN015 Input Analog input pins
ADTRG0# Input External trigger input pin for starting A/D conversion

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2 Register Descriptions

32.2.1 A/D Data Registers y (ADDRy) (y = 0 to 15)

ADDRy are 16-bit read-only registers which store the A/D conversion results of channels AN000 to AN015.
The A/D data registers use the following different formats depending on the setting of the A/D data register format select
bit (ADRFMT) in ADCER or A/D-converted value addition mode.

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 0 (Setting for right-alignment)

Address: ADDR0:0008 9020h to ADDR15:0008 903Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — AD[11:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b11 to b0 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R
b15 to b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 1 (Setting for left-alignment)

Address: ADDR0:0008 9020h to ADDR15:0008 903Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[11:0] — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b4 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R

 When A/D-converted value addition mode is selected

Address: ADDR0:0008 9020h to ADDR15:0008 903Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[13:0] — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b2 AD[13:0] — 14-bit A/D-converted value addition result R

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

When A/D-converted value addition mode is selected, the AD[13:0] bits in ADDRy show the value added by the A/D-
converted value of the respective channels. In A/D-converted value addition mode, the setting of the ADRFMT bit in
ADCER becomes invalid and the format of the register becomes left-aligned.

The following minimum and maximum values apply to channels on which A/D-converted value addition mode is

First conversion: 0000h  ADDRy (y = 0 to 15)  3FFCh

(ADDRy (y = 0 to 15): Bits 15 and 14 = 00b, bits 13 to 2 = AD11 to AD0, bits 1 and 0 = 00b)
Second conversion: 0000h  ADDRy (y = 0 to 15)  7FF8h
(ADDRy (y = 0 to 15): Bit 15 = 0b, bits 14 to 2 = AD12 to AD0, bits 1 and 0 = 00b)
Third conversion: 0000h  ADDRy (y = 0 to 15)  BFF4h
(ADDRy (y = 0 to 15): Bits 15 to 2 = AD13 to AD0, bits 1 and 0 = 00b)
Fourth conversion: 0000h  ADDRy (y = 0 to 15)  FFF0h
(ADDRy (y = 0 to 15): Bits 15 to 2 = AD13 to AD0, bits 1 and 0 = 00b)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.2 A/D Data Duplication Register (ADDBLDR)

ADDBLDR is a 16-bit read-only register used in double trigger mode. ADDBLDR holds the results of A/D conversion
of the analog input of the channel selected for data duplication when the conversion is started by the second trigger.
ADDBLDR uses the following different formats depending on the setting of the A/D data register format select bit
(ADRFMT) in ADCER or A/D-converted value addition mode.

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 0 (Setting for right-alignment)

Address: 0008 9018h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — AD[11:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b11 to b0 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R
b15 to b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

 ADCER.ADRFMT=1 (Setting for left-alignment)

Address: 0008 9018h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[11:0] — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b4 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R

 When A/D-converted value addition mode is selected

Address: 0008 9018h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[13:0] — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b2 AD[13:0] — 14-bit A/D-converted value addition result R

When A/D-converted value addition mode is selected, the AD[13:0] bits in ADDBLDR show the value added by the
A/D-converted value of the respective channels. In A/D-converted value addition mode, the setting of the ADRFMT bit
in ADCER becomes invalid and the format of the register becomes left-aligned.

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32.2.3 A/D Internal Reference Voltage Data Register (ADOCDR)

ADOCDR is a 16-bit read-only register that holds the A/D conversion results of the internal reference voltage.
The following different formats are used depending on the setting of the A/D data register format select bit (ADRFMT)
in ADCER or A/D-converted value addition mode.

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 0 (Setting for right-alignment)

Address: 0008 901Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — AD[11:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b11 to b0 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R
b15 to b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 1 (Setting for left-alignment)

Address: 0008 901Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[11:0] — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b4 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R

 When A/D-converted value addition mode is selected

Address: 0008 901Ch

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[13:0] — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b2 AD[13:0] — 14-bit A/D-converted value addition result R

When A/D-converted value addition mode is selected, the AD[13:0] bits in ADOCDR show the value added by the A/D-
converted value of the internal reference voltage. In A/D-converted value addition mode, the setting of the ADRFMT bit
in ADCER becomes invalid and the format of the register becomes left-aligned.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.4 A/D Self-Diagnosis Data Register (ADRD)

ADRD is a 16-bit read-only register that holds the A/D conversion results based on the A/D converter’s self-diagnosis.
The following different formats are used depending on the setting of the A/D data register format select bit (ADRFMT)
in ADCER. ADRD cannot be set to A/D-converted value addition mode.

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 0 (Setting for right-alignment)

Address: 0008 901Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

DIAGST[1:0] — — AD[11:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b11 to b0 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R
b13, b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15, b14 DIAGST[1:0] Self-Diagnosis Status b15 b14 R
0 0: Self-diagnosis has never been executed since power-on.
0 1: Self-diagnosis using 0 V has been executed.
1 0: Self-diagnosis using VREFH0 × 1/2 has been executed.
1 1: Self-diagnosis using VREFH0 has been executed.
For details of self-diagnosis, see section 32.2.10, A/D Control
Extended Register (ADCER).

 ADCER.ADRFMT = 1 (Setting for left-alignment)

Address: 0008 901Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

AD[11:0] — — DIAGST[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 DIAGST[1:0] Self-Diagnosis Status b1 b0 R
0 0: Self-diagnosis has never been executed since power-on.
0 1: Self-diagnosis using 0 V has been executed.
1 0: Self-diagnosis using VREFH0 × 1/2 has been executed.
1 1: Self-diagnosis using VREFH0 has been executed.
For details of self-diagnosis, see section 32.2.10, A/D Control
Extended Register (ADCER).
b3, b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b4 AD[11:0] — 12-bit A/D-converted value R

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32.2.5 A/D Control Register (ADCSR)

Address: 0008 9000h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 DBLANS[4:0] A/D Conversion Data Select one of 16 analog input channels for A/D conversion data R/W
Duplication Channel duplication. These bits are valid only in double trigger mode.
b5 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b6 GBADIE Group B Scan End 0: Disables GBADI interrupt generation upon group B scan R/W
Interrupt Enable completion.
1: Enables GBADI interrupt generation upon group B scan completion.
b7 DBLE Double Trigger Mode 0: Deselects double trigger mode. R/W
Select 1: Selects double trigger mode.
b8 EXTRG Trigger Select*1 0: A/D conversion is started by the synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC). R/W
1: A/D conversion is started by the asynchronous trigger (ADTRG0#).
b9 TRGE Trigger Start Enable 0: Disables A/D conversion to be started by the synchronous or R/W
asynchronous trigger.
1: Enables A/D conversion to be started by the synchronous or
asynchronous trigger.
b10, b11 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b12 ADIE Scan End Interrupt 0: Disables S12ADI0 interrupt generation upon scan completion. R/W
Enable 1: Enables S12ADI0 interrupt generation upon scan completion.
b14, b13 ADCS[1:0] Scan Mode Select b14 b13 R/W
0 0: Single scan mode
0 1: Group scan mode
1 0: Continuous scan mode
1 1: Setting prohibited
b15 ADST A/D Conversion Start 0: Stops A/D conversion process. R/W
1: Starts A/D conversion process.

Note 1. Starting A/D conversion using an external pin (asynchronous trigger)

If 1 is written to both the TRGE and EXTRG bits in ADCSR when a high-level signal is input to the external pin (ADTRG0#), and
then if the ADTRG0# signal is driven low, the falling edge of ADTRG0# is detected and the scan conversion process is started.
In this case, the pulse width of the low-level input must be at least 1.5 PCLK clock cycles.

DBLANS[4:0] Bits (A/D Conversion Data Duplication Channel Select)

The DBLANS[4:0] bits select one of the channels for A/D conversion data duplication in double trigger mode. The A/D
conversion results of the analog input of the selected channel are stored into A/D data register y when conversion is
started by the first trigger, and into the A/D data duplication register when started by the second trigger. Table 32.4
shows the relationship between the DBLANS bit settings and selected duplication channel. A/D-converted value
addition mode with double trigger mode can be set by selecting the channel selected by the DBLANS[4:0] bits using the
ADADS register. If double trigger mode is selected, the channel selected by the ADANSA register is invalid, and the
channel selected by the DBLANS[4:0] bits is subjected to A/D conversion instead. When converting analog inputs of
channels, internal reference voltage should not be selected for A/D conversion.
The DBLANS[4:0] bits should be set while the ADST bit is 0 (they should not be set simultaneously when 1 is written to
the ADST bit).

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Table 32.4 Relationship between DBLANS Bit Settings and Double Trigger Enabled Channels
DBLANS[4:0] Duplication Channel DBLANS[4:0] Duplication Channel
00000 AN000 01000 AN008
00001 AN001 01001 AN009
00010 AN002 01010 AN010
00011 AN003 01011 AN011
00100 AN004 01100 AN012
00101 AN005 01101 AN013
00110 AN006 01110 AN014
00111 AN007 01111 AN015

GBADIE Bit (Group B Scan End Interrupt Enable)

The GBADIE bit enables or disables group B scan end interrupt (GBADI) in group scan mode.

DBLE Bit (Double Trigger Mode Select)

In double trigger mode, the following operation is performed after scanning is started by the MTU or ELC trigger
selected by the TRSA[3:0] bits in ADSTRGR.
1. When the ADIE bit is 1, a scan end interrupt is not output upon first scan completion but is output upon second scan
2. The A/D conversion results of the analog input of the channel selected by the DBLANS[4:0] are stored into A/D
data register y for the first time, and into the A/D data duplication register for the second time.
Setting the DBLE bit to 1 invalidates the channel selected by the ADANSA register. In continuous scan mode, double
trigger mode should not be selected. Internal reference voltage should not be selected for A/D conversion. In double
trigger mode, software trigger should not be selected. The DBLE bit should be set while ADST bit is 0 (it should not be
set simultaneously when 1 is written to the ADST bit.)

TRGE Bit (Trigger Start Enable)

The TRGE bit enables or disables A/D conversion by the synchronous trigger and the asynchronous trigger. This bit
should be set to 1 in group scan mode.

ADIE Bit (Scan End Interrupt Enable)

The ADIE bit enables or disables the A/D scan end interrupt (S12ADI0) in scans except for group B scan in group scan
With double trigger mode deselected, the S12ADI0 interrupt is generated when the first scan is completed if the ADIE bit
is set to 1.
When the internal reference voltage is selected, the S12ADI0 interrupt is also generated when A/D conversion is
completed if the ADIE bit is set to 1.
With double trigger mode selected, the S12ADI0 interrupt is generated when the second scan is completed if the ADIE
bit is set to 1 as long as the scan is started by the MTU or ELC trigger selected by the TRSA[3:0] bits in ADSTRGR.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

ADCS[1:0] Bits (Scan Mode Select)

The ADCS bit selects the scan mode.
In single scan mode, A/D conversion is performed for the analog inputs of a maximum of 16 channels selected with the
ADANSA register in the ascending order of the channel number, and when one cycle of A/D conversion is completed for
all the selected channels, scan conversion is stopped.
In continuous scan mode, while the ADST bit in ADCSR is 1, A/D conversion is performed for the analog inputs of a
maximum of 16 channels selected with the ADANSA register in the ascending order of the channel number, and when
one cycle of A/D conversion is completed for all the selected channels, A/D conversion is repeated beginning at the first
channel. A/D conversion is repeated until the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 0.
In group scan mode, A/D conversion is performed for the analog inputs (group A) of a maximum of 16 channels selected
with the ADANSA register in the ascending order of the channel number after scanning is started by the MTU or ELC
trigger selected by the TRSA[3:0] bits in ADSTRGR, and when one cycle of A/D conversion is completed for all the
selected channels, A/D conversion is stopped. A/D conversion is also performed for the analog inputs (group B) of a
maximum of 16 channels selected with the ADANSB register in the ascending order of the channel number after
scanning is started by the MTU or ELC trigger selected by the TRSB[3:0] bits in ADSTRGR, and when one cycle of
A/D conversion is completed for all the selected channels, A/D conversion is stopped. In group scan mode, different
channels and triggers should be selected for group A and group B.
When the internal reference voltage is selected, single scan mode should be selected and all the channels selected by the
ADANSA register should be deselected, after which A/D conversion is to be started. The A/D conversion stops after
completion of A/D conversion of the internal reference voltage selected.
The ADCS bit should be set while the ADST bit is 0 (it should not be set simultaneously when 1 is written to the ADST

ADST Bit (A/D Conversion Start)

The ADST bit starts or stops A/D conversion process.
Before the ADST bit is set to 1, set the A/D conversion clock, the conversion mode, and conversion target analog input.
[Setting conditions]
 1 is written by software.
 The synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC) selected by the ADSTRGR.TRSA[3:0] bits is detected with
ADCSR.EXTRG and ADCSR.TRGE bits being set to 0 and 1, respectively.
 A synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC) selected by the ADSTRGR.TRSB[3:0] bits is detected with the
ADCSR.TRGE bit being set to 1 in group scan mode.
 The asynchronous trigger is detected with the ADCSR.TRGE and ADCSR.EXTRG bits being set to 1 and the
ADSTRGR.TRSA[3:0] bits being set to 0000b.
[Clearing conditions]
 0 is written by software.
 The A/D conversion of all the channels selected is completed in single scan mode.
 The A/D conversion of the internal reference voltage selected is completed in single scan mode.
 Group A scan is completed in group scan mode.
 Group B scan is completed in group scan mode.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.6 A/D Channel Select Register A (ADANSA)

Address: 0008 9004h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b15 to b0 ANSA[15:0] A/D Conversion Channels Select 0: AN000 to AN015 are not subjected to conversion. R/W
1: AN000 to AN015 are subjected to scan conversion.

ADANSA selects analog input channels for A/D conversion from among AN000 to AN015. In group scan mode, group
A channels are to be selected.

ANSA[15:0] Bits (A/D Conversion Channel Select)

The ANSA[15:0] bits select analog input channels for A/D conversion from among AN000 to AN015. The channels to
be selected and the number of channels can be arbitrarily set. The ANSA[0] bit corresponds to AN000 and the
ANSA[15] bit corresponds to AN015. When A/D conversion of analog inputs of the channels is to be performed, A/D
conversion of the internal reference voltage should not be performed.
When double trigger mode is selected, the channel selected by the ANSA[15:0] bits is invalid, and the channel selected
by the ADCSR.DBLANS[4:0] bits is selected in group A instead.
The ANSA[15:0] bits should be set while the ADCSR.ADST bit is 0.

32.2.7 A/D Channel Select Register B (ADANSB)

Address: 0008 9014h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b15 to b0 ANSB[15:0] A/D Conversion Channels Select 0: AN000 to AN015 are not subjected to conversion. R/W
1: AN000 to AN015 are subjected to scan conversion.

ADANSB selects channels for A/D conversion in group B from among AN000 to AN015 in group scan mode. ADANSB
is not used in any other scan mode. The channels for conversion can be selected from among the channels other than
group A channels, which are selected by the ADANSA register or ADCSR.DBLANS[4:0] bits in double trigger mode.
The ANSB[0] bit corresponds to AN000 and the ANSB[15] bit corresponds to AN015. When A/D conversion of analog
inputs of the channels is to be performed, A/D conversion of the internal reference voltage should not be performed.
The ANSB[15:0] bits should be set while the ADST bit is 0.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.8 A/D-Converted Value Addition Mode Select Register (ADADS)

Address: 0008 9008h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b15 to b0 ADS[15:0] A/D-Converted Value Addition 0: A/D-converted value addition mode for AN000 to R/W
Channel Select AN015 is not selected.
1: A/D-converted value addition mode for AN000 to
AN015 is selected.

ADADS selects the channels 0 to 15 on which A/D conversion is performed successively two to four times and then
converted values are added (integrated).

ADS[15:0] Bits (A/D-Converted Value Addition Channel Select)

When the ADS[n] bit of the number that is the same as that of A/D converted channel selected by ANSA[n] bits (n = 0 to
15) in ADANSA or DBLANS[4:0] bits in ADCSR and ANSB[n] bits (n = 0 to 15) in ADANSB is set to 1, these bits
perform A/D conversion of analog input of the selected channels successively 2 to 4 times that is set with the ADC[1:0]
bits in ADADC and returns the added (integrated) conversion results to the A/D data register. For the channel for which
the A/D conversion is performed and addition mode is not selected, a normal one-time conversion is performed and the
conversion result is returned to the A/D data register.
The ADS[15:0] bits should be set while the ADCSR.ADST bit is 0.

Figure 32.2 shows a scanning operation sequence in which both the ADS[2] and ADS[6] bits are set to 1.
In continuous scan mode (ADCSR.ADCS = 10b), it is assumed that the addition count is set to 3 (ADADC.ADC[1:0] =
11b) and the channels AN000 to AN007 are selected (ADANSA.ANSA[15:0] = 00FFh). The conversion process begins
with AN000. The AN002 conversion is performed successively 4 times, and the added (integrated) value is returned to
the A/D data register 2. After that the AN003 conversion process is started. The AN006 conversion is performed
successively 4 times and the added (integrated) value is returned to the A/D data register 6. After conversion of AN007,
the conversion operation is once again performed in the same sequence from AN000.
For the channel for which the addition mode is not selected, the A/D data register format is determined by the ADRFMT
bit in ADCER (right-alignment or left-alignment).

conversion count

4 times AN002 AN006 AN002

3 times
AN002 AN006 AN002

2 times AN002 AN006 AN002

1 time AN000 AN001 AN002 AN003 AN004 AN005 AN006 AN007 AN000 AN001 AN002 • • •

Conversion in progress

Figure 32.2 Scan Conversion Sequence with ADADC.ADC[1:0] = 11b, ADS[2] = 1, and ADS[6] = 1

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32.2.9 A/D-Converted Value Addition Count Select Register (ADADC)

Address: 0008 900Ch

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — ADC[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 ADC[1:0] Addition Count Select b1 b0 R/W
0 0: 1-time conversion (no addition; same as normal conversion)
0 1: 2-time conversion (addition once)
1 0: 3-time conversion (addition twice)
1 1: 4-time conversion (addition three times)
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

ADADC sets the addition count for the channels for which A/D-converted value addition mode is selected, and for A/D
conversion of the internal reference voltage.

ADC[1:0] Bits (Addition Count Select)

The ADC[1:0] bits set the addition count common to the channels for which A/D conversion or A/D-converted value
addition mode is selected, including the channels selected in double trigger mode (by ADCSR.DBLANS[4:0] bits), and
to A/D conversion of the internal reference voltage.
The ADC[1:0] bits should be set while the ADCSR.ADST bit is 0.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.10 A/D Control Extended Register (ADCER)

Address: 0008 900Eh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

ADRFM — — — DIAGM DIAGL DIAGVAL[1:0] — — ACE — — — — —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 ACE Automatic Clearing Enable 0: Disables automatic clearing. R/W
1: Enables automatic clearing.
b7, b6 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b9, b8 DIAGVAL[1:0] Conversion Voltage Select for Self- b9 b8 R/W
Diagnosis 0 0: Setting prohibited when self-diagnosis is enabled
0 1: Uses 0 V for self-diagnosis.
1 0: Uses VREFH0 × 1/2 for self-diagnosis.
1 1: Uses VREFH0 for self-diagnosis.
b10 DIAGLD Self-Diagnosis Mode Select 0: Rotation mode for self-diagnosis voltage R/W
1: Fixed mode for self-diagnosis voltage
b11 DIAGM Self-Diagnosis Enable 0: Disables self-diagnosis of 12-bit A/D converter. R/W
1: Enables self-diagnosis of 12-bit A/D converter.
b14 to b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 ADRFMT A/D Data Register Format Select 0: Right-alignment is selected for the A/D data register R/W
1: Left-alignment is selected for the A/D data register

ACE Bit (Automatic Clearing Enable)

The ACE bit enables or disables automatic clearing (All 0) of ADDRy, ADRD, ADOCDR, and ADDBLDR after the
register has been read by the CPU, DTC, or DMAC. This function enables update failures of ADDRy, ADRD,
ADOCDR, and ADDBLDR to be detected.

DIAGVAL[1:0] Bits (Conversion Voltage Select for Self-Diagnosis)

For details, refer to the ADCER.DIAGLD bit description.
Self-diagnosis should not be executed by setting the ADCER.DIAGLD bit to 1 with these bits set to 00b.

DIAGLD Bit (Self-Diagnosis Mode Select)

The DIAGLD bit selects whether the three voltage values are rotated or the fixed voltage is used in self-diagnosis.
Setting this bit to 0 allows conversion of the voltages in rotation mode where 0 V, VREFH0 × 1/2, and VREFH0 are
converted in this order. After reset, 0 V is first converted if rotation mode is selected whereas the fixed voltage specified
by the ADCER.DIAGVAL[1:0] bits is converted if fixed mode is selected. In rotation mode, the self-diagnosis voltage
value does not return to 0 V when scan conversion is completed; when scan conversion is restarted, rotation starts at the
voltage value following the previous value. If fixed mode is switched to rotation mode, rotation starts at the fixed voltage
The DIAGLD bit should be set while the ADST bit is 0.

DIAGM Bit (Self-Diagnosis Enable)

The DIAGM bit enables or disables self-diagnosis.
Self-diagnosis is used to detect a failure of the 12-bit A/D converter. Specifically, one of the internally generated voltage
values 0 V, VREFH0 × 1/2, and VREFH0 is converted. When conversion is completed, information of the converted

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voltage and the conversion result is stored into the self-diagnosis data register (ADRD). ADRD can then be read by
software to determine whether the conversion result falls within the normal range (normal) or not (abnormal). Self-
diagnosis is executed once at the beginning of each scan, and one of the three voltages is converted. The execution time
of self-diagnosis equals to the A/D conversion time of one channel. To execute self-diagnosis, A/D conversion of the
internal reference voltage should not be selected. If selected, self-diagnosis is not executed. When self-diagnosis is
selected in group scan mode, self-diagnosis is separately executed for group A and group B.
The DIAGM bit should be set while the ADST bit is 0.

ADRFMT Bit (A/D Data Register Format Select)

The ADRFMT bit specifies left-alignment or right-alignment for the data to be stored in ADDRy, ADRD, ADOCDR,
When the A/D converted value addition mode is selected, the format of each data register is fixed to left-alignment,
irrespective of the ADCER.ADRFMT bit value.

For details on the format of the data registers, see section 32.2.1, A/D Data Registers y (ADDRy) (y = 0 to 15),
section 32.2.2, A/D Data Duplication Register (ADDBLDR), section 32.2.3, A/D Internal Reference Voltage
Data Register (ADOCDR), and section 32.2.4, A/D Self-Diagnosis Data Register (ADRD).

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.11 A/D Start Trigger Select Register (ADSTRGR)

Address: 0008 9010h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — TRSA[3:0] — — — — TRSB[3:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 TRSB[3:0] A/D Conversion Start Trigger Select Select the A/D conversion start trigger for group B in R/W
for Group B group scan mode.
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b11 to b8 TRSA[3:0] A/D Conversion Start Trigger Select Select the A/D conversion start trigger in single scan R/W
mode and continuous mode. In group scan mode, the A/D
conversion start trigger for group A is selected.
b15 to b12 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

TRSB[3:0] Bits (A/D Conversion Start Trigger Select for Group B)

The TRSB[3:0] bits select the trigger to start scanning of the analog input selected in group B. The TRSB[3:0] bits
require to be set only in group scan mode and are not used in any other scan mode. For the scan conversion start trigger
for group B, setting software trigger or asynchronous trigger is prohibited. Therefore, the TRSB[3:0] bits should be set to
the value other than 0000 and the ADCSR.TRGE bit should be set to 1 in group scan mode.
Table 32.5 shows the A/D conversion startup sources selected by TRSB[3:0] bits.

TRSA[3:0] Bits (A/D Conversion Start Trigger Select)

The TRSA[3:0] bits select the trigger to start A/D conversion in single scan mode and continuous scan mode. In group
scan mode, the trigger to start scanning of the analog input selected in group A is selected. For scan execution in group
scan mode or double trigger mode, software trigger or asynchronous trigger cannot be used.
 When using the A/D conversion startup source of the synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC), set the TRGE bit in
ADCSR to 1 and set the EXTRG bit in ADCSR to 0.
 When using the asynchronous trigger (ADTRG0#), set the TRGE bit in ADCSR to 1 and set the EXTRG bit in
ADCSR to 1.
 Software trigger (ADST bit in ADCSR) is enabled regardless of the set values of the TRGE, EXTRG in ADCSR,
and the TRSA[3:0] bits.
Table 32.6 shows the A/D conversion startup sources selected by TRSA[3:0] bits

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

Table 32.5 List of A/D Conversion Startup Sources Selected by TRSB[3:0] Bits
Module Source Remarks TRSB[3] TRSB[2] TRSB[1] TRSB[0]
MTU TRG0AN TRGA input capture/compare match from MTU0 0 0 0 1
TRG0BN TRGB input capture/compare match B from MTU0 0 0 1 0
TRGAN TRGA input capture/compare match or MTU4.TCNT 0 0 1 1
underflow (trough) in complementary PWM mode from
MTU0 to MTU4
TRG0EN TRGE compare match from MTU0 0 1 0 0
TRG0FN TRGF compare match from MTU0 0 1 0 1
TRG4AN MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TCNT compare match 0 1 1 0
(interrupt skipping function 1)
TRG4BN MTU4.TADCORB and MTU4.TCNT compare match 0 1 1 1
(interrupt skipping function 1)
TRG4ABN MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TCNT compare match and 1 0 0 0
MTU4.TADCORB and MTU4.TCNT compare match
(interrupt skipping function 1)
ELC ELC Trigger from ELC 1 0 0 1

Table 32.6 List of A/D Conversion Startup Sources Selected by TRSA[3:0] Bits
Module Source Remarks TRSA[3] TRSA[2] TRSA[1] TRSA[0]
ADC ADST Software trigger — — — —
External ADTRG0# A/D conversion start trigger pin 0 0 0 0
MTU TRG0AN TRGA input capture/compare match from MTU0 0 0 0 1
TRG0BN TRGB input capture/compare match B from MTU0 0 0 1 0
TRGAN TRGA input capture/compare match or MTU4.TCNT 0 0 1 1
underflow (trough) in complementary PWM mode from
MTU0 to MTU4
TRG0EN TRGE compare match from MTU0 0 1 0 0
TRG0FN TRGF compare match from MTU0 0 1 0 1
TRG4AN MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TCNT compare match 0 1 1 0
(interrupt skipping function 1)
TRG4BN MTU4.TADCORB and MTU4.TCNT compare match 0 1 1 1
(interrupt skipping function 1)
TRG4ABN MTU4.TADCORA and MTU4.TCNT compare match and 1 0 0 0
MTU4.TADCORB and MTU4.TCNT compare match
(interrupt skipping function 1)
ELC ELC Trigger from ELC 1 0 0 1

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.12 A/D Conversion Extended Input Control Register (ADEXICR)

Address: 0008 9012h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — OCS — — — — — — — OCSAD —

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b1 OCSAD Internal Reference Voltage A/D 0: Internal reference voltage A/D converted value addition R/W
Converted Value Addition Mode Select mode is not selected
1: Internal reference voltage A/D converted value addition
mode is selected
b8 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b9 OCS Internal Reference Voltage A/D 0: A/D conversion of internal reference voltage is not R/W
Conversion Select performed
1: A/D conversion of internal reference voltage is
b15 to b10 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

OCSAD Bit (Internal Reference Voltage A/D Converted Value Addition Mode Select)
The OCSAD bit selects A/D conversion for the internal reference voltage. Setting the OCSAD bit to 1 performs A/D
conversion of the internal reference voltage successively 2 to 4 times that is set with the ADC[1:0] bits in ADADC and
returns the integrated value to the A/D internal reference voltage data register (ADOCDR). The OCSAD bit should be set
while the ADST bit in ADCSR is 0.

OCS Bit (Internal Reference Voltage A/D Conversion Select)

The OCS bit selects A/D conversion for the internal reference voltage. When A/D conversion of the internal reference
voltage is to be performed, all the bits in ADANSA should be set to 0 in single scan mode. The OCS bit should be set
while the ADST bit is 0.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.13 A/D Sampling State Register n (ADSSTRn) (n = 0 to 7, L, O)

Address: ADSSTR0: 0008 9060h, ADSSTR1: 0008 9073h, ADSSTR2: 0008 9074h, ADSSTR3: 0008 9075h,
ADSSTR4: 0008 9076h, ADSSTR5: 0008 9077h, ADSSTR6: 0008 9078h, ADSSTR7: 0008 9079h,
ADSSTRL: 0008 9061h, ADSSTRO: 0008 9071h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 SST[7:0] Sampling Time Setting Sets the sampling time (12 to 255 states). R/W

ADSSTRn sets the sampling time for analog input.

One state is one ADCLK (A/D conversion clock) cycle. When the ADCLK is 32 MHz, one state is 31.25 ns. The initial
value is 20 states. If the impedance of the analog input signal source is too high to secure sufficient sampling time or if
the ADCLK is slow, the sampling time can be adjusted. ADSSTRn should be set while the ADST bit in ADCSR is 0. The
set value for sampling time should be 12 or more states and 255 or less states. The sampling time should be 0.4 μs or
longer. Table 32.7 shows the A/D sampling state registers and corresponding channels.

Table 32.7 A/D Sampling State Registers and Corresponding Channels

Bit Name Corresponding Channels
ADSSTR0.SST[7:0] AN000/self-diagnosis
ADSSTR1.SST[7:0] AN001
ADSSTR2.SST[7:0] AN002
ADSSTR3.SST[7:0] AN003
ADSSTR4.SST[7:0] AN004
ADSSTR5.SST[7:0] AN005
ADSSTR6.SST[7:0] AN006
ADSSTR7.SST[7:0] AN007
ADSSTRL.SST[7:0] AN008 to AN015
ADSSTRO.SST[7:0] Internal reference voltage

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.2.14 A/D Disconnecting Detection Control Register (ADDISCR)

Address: 0008 907Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — ADNDIS[4:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b4 to b0 ADNDIS[4:0] Disconnection Detection Set the disconnection detection assist function. R/W
Assist Setting
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

ADDISCR sets the disconnection detection assist function.

ADNDIS[4:0] Bits (Disconnection Detection Assist Setting)

The ADNDIS[4:0] bits select precharging or discharging of the disconnection detection assist function and set the
precharging or discharging time. Setting the ADNDIS[4] bit to 1 selects precharging and setting ADNDIS[4] to 0 selects
discharging. The ADNDIS[3:0] bits set the precharging or discharging time. When the ADNDIS[3:0] bits are set to
0000b, the disconnection detection assist function is disabled. When the ADNDIS[3:0] bits are set to any value other
than 0000b, the set value is interpreted as the number of states, that is, the precharging or discharging time.
When the internal reference voltage is to be converted, the disconnection detection assist function is not available; the
ADNDIS[4:0] bits should be set to 00000b in this case.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.3 Operation

32.3.1 Scanning Operation

In scanning, A/D conversion is performed sequentially on the analog inputs of the specified channels.
A scan conversion is performed in three operating modes: single scan mode, continuous scan mode, and group scan
mode. In single scan mode, one or more specified channels are scanned once. In continuous scan mode, one or more
specified channels are scanned repeatedly until the ADST bit in ADCSR is cleared to 0 from 1 by software. In group scan
mode, the selected channels of group A and the selected channels of group B are scanned once after starting to be
scanned according to the respective triggers.
In single scan mode and continuous scan mode, A/D conversion is performed for ANn channels selected by the
ADANSA register, starting from the channel with the smallest number n. In group scan mode, A/D conversion is
performed for ANn channels of group A and group B selected by the ADANSA and ADANSB registers, respectively,
starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
When self-diagnosis is selected, it is executed once at the beginning of each scan, and one of the three voltages internally
generated in the 12-bit A/D converter is converted.
When the internal reference voltage is selected, single scan mode should be used for A/D conversion.
Double trigger mode is to be used with single scan mode or group scan mode. With double trigger mode being enabled,
A/D conversion data of a channel selected by the DBLANS[4:0] bits in ADCSR is duplicated only if the conversion is
started by any of the MTU or ELC triggers selected by TRSA[3:0] bits in ADSTRGR.

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.3.2 Single Scan Mode Basic Operation

In basic operation of single scan mode, A/D conversion is performed once on the analog input of the specified channels
as below. In selected channel scanning, internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR should
both be set to 0 (non-selection).
(1) When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by software, synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC),
or asynchronous trigger input, A/D conversion is performed for ANn channels selected by the ADANSA register,
starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
(2) Each time A/D conversion of a single channel is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the
corresponding A/D data register (ADDRy).
(3) When A/D conversion of all the selected channels is completed, an S12ADI0 interrupt request is generated if the
ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled).
(4) The ADST bit remains 1 (A/D conversion start) during A/D conversion, and is automatically cleared to 0 when A/D
conversion of all the selected channels is completed. Then the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state.

Scanning performed once

A/D conversion
ADST started
A/D conversion time (4)
Channel 4 (AN004) Waiting for conversion
A/D conversion 1 Waiting for conversion

Channel 5 (AN005) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 2 Waiting for conversion

Channel 6 (AN006) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 3 Waiting for conversion

ADDR4 A/D conversion result 1
ADDR5 A/D conversion result 2
ADDR6 A/D conversion result 3


Figure 32.3 Example of Operation in Single Scan Mode (Basic Operation: AN004 to AN006 Selected)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb) Channel Selection and Self-Diagnosis

When channels and self-diagnosis are selected, A/D conversion is first performed for the self-diagnosis voltage
(VREFH0 × 0, VREFH0 × 1/2, or VREFH0 × 1) generated from the reference power supply voltage (VREFH0) supplied
to the 12-bit A/D converter, and then A/D conversion is performed once on the analog input of the selected channels as
In selected channel scanning, internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR should both be
set to 0 (non-selection).
(1) A/D conversion for self-diagnosis is first started when the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by
software, synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC), or asynchronous trigger input.
(2) When A/D conversion for self-diagnosis is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the A/D
self-diagnosis data register (ADRD). A/D conversion is then performed for ANn channels selected by the ADANSA
register, starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
(3) Each time A/D conversion of a single channel is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the
corresponding A/D data register (ADDRy).
(4) When A/D conversion of all the selected channels is completed, an S12ADI0 interrupt request is generated if the
ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled).
(5) The ADST bit remains 1 (A/D conversion start) during A/D conversion, and is automatically cleared to 0 when A/D
conversion of all the selected channels is completed. Then the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state.

Scanning performed once

A/D conversion
ADST started
A/D conversion time
VREFH0 Waiting for A/D conversion for
(×0, ×½, ×1) conversion self-diagnosis Waiting for conversion

Channel 0 (AN000) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 1 Waiting for conversion

Channel 8 (AN008) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 2 Waiting for conversion

Stored (2)
ADRD Result of A/D conversion for self-diagnosis

Stored (3)
ADDR0 A/D conversion result 1

Stored (3)
ADDR8 A/D conversion result 2


Interrupt generated

Figure 32.4 Example of Operation in Single Scan Mode (Basic Operation + Self-Diagnosis)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb) A/D Conversion when Internal Reference Voltage is Selected

A/D conversion of the internal reference voltage should be performed in single scan mode. The operation is as follows.
All the channels should be deselected (set the ANSA[15:0] bits in ADANSA to 0000h and DBLE bit in ADCSR to 0)
and self-diagnosis should be deselected.
(1) When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by software, the synchronous trigger (MTU or
ELC), or the asynchronous trigger input, A/D conversion is started for the internal reference voltage.
(2) When A/D conversion is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the A/D internal reference voltage data
register (ADOCDR). If the ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled), an
S12ADI0 interrupt request is generated.
(3) The ADST bit remains 1 (A/D conversion start) during A/D conversion, and is automatically cleared to 0 when A/D
conversion is completed. Then the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state.

A/D conversion performed once

A/D conversion
ADST started
A/D conversion time (3)

Internal reference voltage Waiting for conversion A/D conversion of internal reference voltage Waiting for conversion
Stored (2)
ADOCDR A/D conversion result of internal reference voltage


Figure 32.5 Example of Operation in Single Scan Mode (Internal Reference Voltage Selected)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb) A/D Conversion in Double Trigger Mode

In single scan mode with double trigger mode, single scan operation started by the MTU or ELC trigger is performed
twice as below.
Self-diagnosis should be deselected and the internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR
should both be set to 0 (non-selection).
Duplication of A/D conversion data is enabled by setting the channel numbers to be duplicated to the DBLANS[4:0] bits
in ADCSR and setting the DBLE bit in ADCSR to 1. When the DBLE bit in ADCSR is set to 1, channel selection using
the ADANSA register is invalid. In double trigger mode, MTU or ELC triggers should be selected using the TRSA[3:0]
bits in ADSTRGR; the EXTRG bit and TRGE bit in ADCSR should be set to 0 and 1, respectively. Software trigger
should not be used.
(1) When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by the MTU or ELC trigger input, A/D conversion
is started on the single channel selected by the DBLANS[4:0] bits in ADCSR.
(2) When A/D conversion is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the corresponding A/D data register
(3) The ADST bit is automatically cleared to 0 and the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state. Here, an S12ADI0
interrupt request is not generated irrespective of the ADIE (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled)
bit setting in ADCSR.
(4) When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by the second trigger input, A/D conversion is
started on the single channel selected by the DBLANS[4:0] bits in ADCSR.
(5) When A/D conversion is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the A/D data duplication register
(ADDBLDR), which is exclusively used in double trigger mode.
(6) If the ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled), an S12ADI0 interrupt
request is generated.
(7) The ADST bit remains 1 (A/D conversion start) during A/D conversion, and is automatically cleared to 0 when A/D
conversion is completed. Then the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state.

Trigger (TRG4ABN)
A/D conversion A/D conversion
performed once performed once
Set Set
A/D conversion
ADST started
(1) (4)
A/D conversion time (3) A/D conversion time (7)

Channel 3 (AN003) Waiting for A/D conversion 1 Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 2 Waiting for conversion
Stored (2)
ADDR3 A/D conversion result 1

Stored (5)
ADDBLDR A/D conversion result 2



Interrupt generated
Note: • In the figure, AN003 is set to be duplicated and the TRG4ABN trigger is selected.

Figure 32.6 Example of Operation in Single Scan Mode (Double Trigger Mode Selected; AN003 Duplicated)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.3.3 Continuous Scan Mode Basic Operation

In basic operation of continuous scan mode, A/D conversion is performed repeatedly on the analog input of the specified
channels as below.
In continuous scan mode, the internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR should both be
set to 0 (non-selection).
(1) When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by software, synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC),
or asynchronous trigger input, A/D conversion is performed for ANn channels selected by the ADANSA register,
starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
(2) Each time A/D conversion of a single channel is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the
corresponding A/D data register (ADDRy).
(3) When A/D conversion of all the selected channels is completed, an S12ADI0 interrupt request is generated if the
ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled).
The 12-bit A/D converter sequentially starts A/D conversion for ANn channels selected by the ADANSA register,
starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
(4) The ADST bit in ADCSR is not automatically cleared to 0 and steps 2 and 3 are repeated as long as the bit remains
1 (A/D conversion start). When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 0 (A/D conversion stop), A/D conversion stops
and the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state.
(5) When the ADST bit is later set to 1 (A/D conversion start), A/D conversion is started again for ANn channels
selected by the ADANSA register, starting from the channel with the smallest number n.

A/D conversion repeated

Set Cleared Set
A/D conversion
ADST started
(1) (5)
A/D conversion time

Channel 0 (AN000) Waiting for

conversion A/D conversion 1 Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 4 Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 6
Channel 1 (AN001) 1
Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 2 Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 5 * Waiting for conversion

Channel 2 (AN002) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 3 Waiting for conversion

(2) (2)
Stored Stored
ADDR0 A/D conversion result 1 A/D conversion result 4
ADDR1 A/D conversion result 2
ADDR2 A/D conversion result 3

Interrupt generated

Note 1. Data for A/D conversion 5 is ignored.

Figure 32.7 Example of Operation in Continuous Scan Mode (Basic Operation: AN000 to AN002 Selected)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb) Channel Selection and Self-Diagnosis

When channels and self-diagnosis are selected, A/D conversion is first performed for the self-diagnosis voltage
(VREFH0 × 0, VREFH0 × 1/2, or VREFH0 × 1) generated from the reference power supply voltage (VREFH0) supplied
to the 12-bit A/D converter, and then A/D conversion is performed on the analog input of the selected channels, for
which the sequence is repeated as below.
In continuous scan mode, the internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR should both be
set to 0 (non-selection).
(1) A/D conversion for self-diagnosis is first started when the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 (A/D conversion start) by
software, synchronous trigger (MTU or ELC), or asynchronous trigger input.
(2) When A/D conversion for self-diagnosis is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the A/D
self-diagnosis data register (ADRD). A/D conversion is then performed for ANn channels selected by the ADANSA
register, starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
(3) Each time A/D conversion of a single channel is completed, the A/D conversion result is stored into the
corresponding A/D data register (ADDRy).
(4) When A/D conversion of all the selected channels is completed, an S12ADI0 interrupt request is generated if the
ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt upon scanning completion enabled). At the same time, the 12-bit A/D
converter starts A/D conversion for self-diagnosis and then starts A/D conversion on ANn channels selected by the
ADANSA register, starting from the channel with the smallest number n.
(5) The ADST bit is not automatically cleared to 0 and steps 2 to 4 are repeated as long as the bit remains 1. When the
ADST bit is set to 0 (A/D conversion stop), A/D conversion stops and the 12-bit A/D converter enters a wait state.
(6) When the ADST bit is later set to 1 (A/D conversion start), the A/D conversion for self-diagnosis is started again.

Self-diagnosis and scanning performed repeatedly

A/D conversion Set Cleared Set
A/D conversion time (6)
VREFH0 A/D conversion for A/D conversion for
(×0, ×½, ×1)
Waiting for conversion self-diagnosis 1 Waiting for conversion self-diagnosis 2 Waiting for conversion A/D conversion for
self-diagnosis 3
Channel 1 (AN001) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 1 Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 3*1 Waiting for conversion

Channel 2 (AN002) Waiting for conversion A/D conversion 2 Waiting for conversion

(2) Stored (2) Stored

ADRD Result of A/D conversion for self-diagnosis 1 Result of A/D conversion for self-diagnosis 2
ADDR1 A/D conversion result 1
ADDR2 A/D conversion result 2


Interrupt generated
Note 1. Data for A/D conversion 3 is ignored.

Figure 32.8 Example of Operation in Continuous Scan Mode (Basic Operation + Self-Diagnosis)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.3.4 Group Scan Mode Basic Operation

In basic operation of group scan mode, A/D conversion is performed once on the analog inputs of all the specified
channels in group A and group B after scanning is started by the MTU or ELC trigger as below. Scan operation of each
group is similar to the scan operation in single scan mode.
The group A trigger and group B trigger can be selected using the TRSA[3:0] and TRSB[3:0] bits in ADSTRGR,
respectively. The different triggers should be used for group A and group B to prevent simultaneous A/D conversion of
group A and group B. Software trigger should not be used.
The group A and group B channels to be A/D-converted are selected using the ADANSA register and ADANSB register,
respectively. Group A and group B cannot use the same channels.
In group scan mode, the internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR should both be set to 0
When self-diagnosis is selected in group scan mode, self-diagnosis is separately executed for group A and group B.
The following describes operation in group scan mode using a trigger from the MTU. Specifically, the TRG4AN and
TRG4BN triggers from the MTU are assumed to be used to start conversion of group A and group B, respectively.
(1) Scanning of group A is started by the TRG4AN trigger from the MTU.
(2) When group A scanning is completed, an S12ADI0 interrupt is output if the ADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (S12ADI0
interrupt enabled).
(3) Scanning of group B is started by the TRG4BN trigger from the MTU.
(4) When group B scanning is completed, a GBADI interrupt is output if the GBADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (GBADI
interrupt enabled).

Timer count

Event B

Event A

TRG4AN (1) Group A scanned (3)
TRG4BN Group B scanned
S12ADI0 interrupt

GBADI interrupt

Figure 32.9 Example of Operation in Group Scan Mode (Basic Operation: MTU Triggers Used)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb) A/D Conversion in Double Trigger Mode

In group scan mode with double trigger mode, single scan operation started by the MTU or ELC trigger is performed
twice for group A. For group B, single scan operation started by the MTU or ELC trigger is performed once.
In group scan mode, the group A trigger and group B trigger can be selected using the TRSA[3:0] and TRSB[3:0] bits in
ADSTRGR, respectively. The different triggers should be used for group A and group B to prevent simultaneous A/D
conversion of group A and group B. Software trigger or asynchronous trigger (ADTRG0#) should not be used.
The group A and group B channels to be A/D-converted are selected using the DBLANS[4:0] bits in ADCSR register
and ADANSB register, respectively. The same channels cannot be selected for both groups.
In group scan mode, the internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (OCS) in ADEXICR should both be set to 0
In group scan mode with double trigger mode, self-diagnosis cannot be selected.
Duplication of A/D conversion data is enabled by setting the channel numbers to be duplicated to the DBLANS[4:0] bits
in ADCSR and setting the DBLE bit in ADCSR to 1.
The following describes operation in group scan mode with double trigger mode using a trigger from the MTU.
Specifically, the TRG4ABN and TRG0AN triggers from the MTU are assumed to be used to start conversion of group A
and group B, respectively.
(1) Scanning of group B is started by the TRG0AN trigger from the MTU.
(2) When group B scanning is completed, a GBADI interrupt is output if the GBADIE bit in ADCSR is 1 (GBADI
interrupt enabled).
(3) The first scanning of group A is started by the first TRG4ABN trigger from the MTU.
(4) When the first scanning of group A is completed, the conversion result is stored into ADDRy; an S12ADI0 interrupt
request is not generated irrespective of the ADIE bit setting in ADCSR.
(5) The second scanning of group A is started by the second TRG4ABN trigger from the MTU.
(6) When the second scanning of group A is completed, the conversion result is stored into ADDBLDR. An S12ADI0
interrupt is output if the ADIE bit is 1 (S12ADI0 interrupt enabled).

Timer count

TRG4ABN event

TRG0AN event
(3) (5)
Group A Group A
scanned scanned
(1) (4) (6)
Group B scanned
S12ADI0 interrupt
GBADI interrupt

Figure 32.10 Example of Operation in Group Scan Mode with Double Trigger Mode (Basic Operation: MTU
Triggers Used)

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RX220 Group 32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)

32.3.5 Analog Input Sampling and Scan Conversion Time

Scan conversion can be activated either by software trigger; the triggers from the MTU, ELC, or ADTRG0# (external
trigger). After start-of-scanning-delay time (tD) has passed, the A/D converter samples, executes the disconnection
detection assist process, the conversion process for self-diagnosis, and then starts the A/D conversion process.
Figure 32.11 shows the scan conversion timing in single scan mode, in which scan conversion is activated by software
trigger or triggers from the MTU or ELC. Figure 32.12 shows the scan conversion timing in single scan mode, in which
scan conversion is activated by ADTRG0# (external trigger). The scan conversion time (tSCAN) includes start-of-
scanning-delay time (tD), disconnection detection assist processing time (tDIS)*1, self-diagnosis A/D conversion
processing time (tDIAG)*2, A/D conversion processing time (tCONV), and end-of-scanning-delay time (tED). Table 32.8
shows the specific scanning time.
The scan conversion time (tSCAN) in single scan mode for which the number of selected channels is n can be determined
as follows:

tSCAN = tD + (tDIS × n) + tDIAG + (tCONV × n) + tED

The scan conversion time for the first cycle in continuous scan mode is tSCAN for single scan minus tED.
The scan conversion time for the second and subsequent cycles in continuous scan mode is fixed to (tDIS × n) + tDIAG +
(tCONV × n).
The disconnection detection assist processing time (tDIS) is the value set in the ADNDIS[3:0] bits.
The self-diagnosis A/D conversion processing time (tDIAG) is 30 states (fixed) + the value set in the ADSSTR0.SST[7:0]
The A/D conversion processing time (tCONV) is 30 states (fixed) + the value set in the ADSSTRn.SST[7:0] bits*3.

Note 1. When the disconnection detection assist function is not used, tDIS = 0.
Note 2. When the self-diagnosis function is not used, tDIAG = 0.
Note 3. Registers in Table 32.7.

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Table 32.8 Scan Conversion Time (in Terms of PCLK and ADCLK Cycles)
Scan Conversion Time
Item Symbol Conditions (Cycles)
Start-of-scanning-delay time*1 tD MTU, ELC, or software trigger 2 PCLK + 4 ADCLK
External trigger 4 PCLK + 4 ADCLK
Disconnection detection assist tDIS Set by ADNDIS[3:0] bits (initial value 00h) 0 ADCLK
processing time
Self-diagnosis A/D conversion tDIAG Set by ADSSTR0.SST[7:0] bits (initial value 14h) 50 ADCLK
processing time*1
A/D conversion processing time*1 tCONV Set by ADSSTRn.SST[7:0] bits (initial value 14h) 50 ADCLK
End-of-scanning-delay time*1 tED — 1 PCLK + 3 ADCLK
Scan conversion time*2 tSCAN — 5 PCLK + (50n + 87) ADCLK

Note 1. For tD, tDIAG, tCONV, and tED, refer to Figure 32.11 and Figure 32.12.
Note 2. It is assumed that scan conversion is activated by the external trigger, disconnection detection assist function is deselected, self-
diagnosis A/D conversion is selected, and single scan mode is selected. n indicates the number of channels.



Software trigger

ADST bit

DIAG conversion End

A/D converter Waiting A/D conversion processing

Figure 32.11 Scan Conversion Timing (Activated by Software, or Triggers from the MTU or ELC)



External trigger

ADST bit

DIAG conversion End

A/D converter Waiting A/D conversion processing

Figure 32.12 Scan Conversion Timing (Activated by ADTRG0#)

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32.3.6 Usage Example of Automatic Register Clearing Function

Setting the ACE bit in ADCER to 1 automatically clears the A/D data registers (ADDRy, ADRD, ADOCDR, and
ADDBLDR) to 0000h when the A/D data registers are read by the CPU, DTC, or DMAC.
This function enables detection of update failures of the A/D data registers. The following describes the examples in
which the function to automatically clear the ADDRy register is enabled and disabled.
In a case where the ACE bit in ADCER is 0 (automatic clearing is disabled), if the A/D conversion result (0222h) is not
written to the ADDRy register for some reason, the old data (0111h) will be the ADDRy value. Furthermore, if this
ADDRy value is written to a general register using an A/D scan end interrupt, the old data (0111h) can be saved in the
general register. When checking whether there is an update failure, it is necessary to frequently save the old data in the
RAM or a general register.
In a case where the ACE bit in ADCER is 1 (automatic clearing is enabled), when ADDRy = 0111h is read by the CPU,
DTC, or DMAC, ADDRy is automatically cleared to 0000h. After that, if the A/D conversion result 0222h cannot be
transferred to ADDRy for some reason, the cleared data (0000h) remains as the ADDRy value. If this ADDRy value is
read into a general register using an A/D scan end interrupt at this point, 0000h will be saved in the general register.
Occurrence of an ADDRy update failure can be determined by simply checking that the read data value is 0000h.

32.3.7 A/D-Converted Value Addition Function

The same channel is A/D converted two to four consecutive times and the sum of the converted values is stored in the
data register. The use of the average of these results can improve the accuracy of A/D conversion, depending on the types
of noise components that are present. This function, however, cannot always guarantee an improvement in A/D
conversion accuracy.
A/D-converted value addition function can be used for channel-selected analog input A/D conversion and internal
reference voltage A/D conversion.

32.3.8 Disconnection Detection Assist Function

The charge of the sampling capacitors can be fixed to the specified level (VREFH0 or VREFL0) before A/D conversion.
This function enables detection of disconnection of the wires connected to the analog inputs.
Figure 32.13 shows the A/D conversion when the disconnection detection assist function is used. Figure 32.14 shows
the example of disconnection detection at the VREFH0 (precharge is selected) and Figure 32.15 shows the example of
disconnection detection at the VREFL0 side (discharge is selected).

Fixed to 30 ADCLK cycles


A/D conversion Sampling time Conversion time Sampling time Conversion time

Disconnection detection assisting time (0 to 15 ADCLK cycles) Disconnection detection assisting time (0 to 15 ADCLK cycles)

Figure 32.13 A/D Conversion with Disconnection Detection Assist Function Used

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Precharge control signal

Sample external circuit*1

VREFH0 Discharge
control signal
R = 1 M

Analog input Sampling capacitor


Note 1. The conversion result with disconnection depends on the external circuit used; the circuit should be fully
evaluated before used for the system.

Figure 32.14 VREFH0 Disconnection Detection Example (Precharge Selected)

control signal

control signal

Analog input
ANn Discharge

Disconnection Sampling capacitor

R = 1 M


Sample external circuit*1

Note 1. The conversion result with disconnection depends on the external circuit used; the circuit should be fully
evaluated before used for the system.

Figure 32.15 VREFL0 Disconnection Detection Example (Discharge Selected)

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32.3.9 Starting A/D Conversion with Asynchronous Trigger

The A/D conversion can be started by the input of an asynchronous trigger. To start up the A/D converter by an
asynchronous trigger, the A/D conversion start trigger select bits (ADSTRGR.TRSA[3:0]) should be set to 0000b and a
high-level signal should be input to the asynchronous trigger (ADTRG0# pin), and both the ADCSR.TRGE and
ADCSR.EXTRG bits should be set to 1. Figure 32.16 shows a timing of the asynchronous trigger input.
For the time required for the A/D conversion start after the ADCSR.ADST bit is set, refer to section 32.7.3, A/D
Conversion Restarting Timing and Termination Timing.

Timing of sampling the asynchronous trigger

4 states
Asynchronous trigger

Internal trigger signal

ADST bit

Figure 32.16 Asynchronous Trigger Input Timing

32.3.10 Starting A/D Conversion with Synchronous Trigger from Peripheral Modules
The A/D conversion can be started by a synchronous trigger of the MTU or ELC. To start the A/D conversion by a
synchronous trigger, the ADCSR.TRGE bit should be set to 1, the ADCSR.EXTRG bit should be cleared to 0, and the
relevant source should be selected by ADSTRGR.TRSA[3:0] and TRSB[3:0] bits.

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32.4 Interrupt Sources and DMA Transfer Requests

32.4.1 Interrupt Request on Completion of Each Scanning Conversion

The 12-bit A/D converter can send scan end interrupt requests S12ADI0 and GBADI to the CPU.
Setting the ADIE bit in ADCSR to 1 and 0 enables and disables an S12ADI0 interrupt, respectively; similarly, setting the
GBADIE bit in ADCSR to 1 and 0 enables and disables a GBADI interrupt, respectively.
In addition, the DTC or DMAC can be started up when an S12ADI0 or a GBADI interrupt is generated. Using an
S12ADI0 or a GBADI interrupt to allow the DTC or DMAC to read the converted data enables continuous conversion
without burden on software.
For details on DTC settings, see section 17, Data Transfer Controller (DTCa), and for details on DMAC settings, see
section 16, DMA Controller (DMACA).

32.5 Event Linkage

32.5.1 Event Output to ELC

The ELC connects the S12ADI0 interrupt request signal to the predetermined module as the event signal (i.e., event
linkage). The GBADI interrupt request signal cannot be used as the event signal. The event signal can be output
irrespective of the setting of the corresponding interrupt request enable bit. The 12-bit A/D converter outputs the A/D
conversion end event.

32.5.2 12-bit A/D Converter Operation by Event from ELC

The 12-bit A/D converter can be started by the predetermined event by so setting ELSRn of the ELC.

32.5.3 Notes on Event Reception from ELC during 12-bit A/D Conversion
When an event occurs during A/D conversion, it is invalid.

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32.6 A/D Conversion Accuracy Definitions

The RX220 Group’s A/D conversion accuracy is defined as below:
 Resolution
The number of 12-bit A/D converter digital output codes
 Offset error
The deviation of the analog input voltage value from the ideal A/D conversion characteristic when the digital output
changes from the minimum voltage value 000000000000 to 000000000001, excluding quantization error.
 Full-scale error
The deviation of the analog input voltage value from the ideal A/D conversion characteristic when the digital output
changes from 111111111110 to 111111111111, excluding quantization error.
 Quantization error
The deviation inherent in the 12-bit A/D converter, given by 1/2 LSB
 Nonlinearity error
The error with respect to the ideal A/D conversion characteristic between zero voltage and the full-scale error,
excluding offset error, full-scale error, and quantization error.
 Absolute accuracy
The deviation between the digital value and analog input value, including offset error, full-scale error, quantization
error, and nonlinearity error.

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32.7 Usage Notes

32.7.1 Notes on Reading Data Registers

The A/D data registers, A/D data duplication register, A/D internal reference voltage data register, and A/D self-
diagnosis data register should be read in word units. If a register is read twice in byte units, that is, the upper byte and
lower byte are separately read, the A/D converted value having been read first may disagree with the A/D converted
value having been read for the second time. To prevent this, the data registers should never be read in byte units.

32.7.2 Notes on Stopping A/D Conversion

To stop A/D conversion when an asynchronous trigger or a synchronous trigger has been selected as the condition for
starting A/D conversion, set the TRGE bit in ADCSR to 0 and select the software trigger as the condition for starting
A/D conversion, and then set the ADST bit in ADCSR to 0 (to stop A/D conversion).

32.7.3 A/D Conversion Restarting Timing and Termination Timing

It takes a maximum of four ADCLK cycles for the idle analog unit of the 12-bit A/D converter to be restarted by setting
the ADST bit in ADCSR to 1. It takes a maximum of two ADCLK cycles for the operating analog unit of the 12-bit A/D
converter to be terminated by setting the ADST bit in ADCSR to 0.

32.7.4 Notes on Scan End Interrupt Handling

When scanning the same analog input twice using any trigger, the first A/D converted data is overwritten with the second
A/D converted data in the case that the CPU does not complete reading out the A/D converted data by the time the A/D
conversion of the first analog input for the second scan ends after the first scan end interrupt is generated.

32.7.5 Module Stop Function Setting

Operation of the 12-bit A/D converter can be disabled or enabled using the module stop control register. The initial
setting is for operation of the 12-bit A/D converter to be halted. Canceling the module stop state allows registers to be
After the module stop state is canceled, wait for 1 μs to start A/D conversion. For details, see section 11, Low Power

32.7.6 Notes on Entering Low Power Consumption States

Before entering module stop mode or software standby mode, make sure to stop A/D conversion. Here, set the ADST bit
in ADCSR to 0, and allow time for stopping the analog unit of the 12-bit A/D converter.
Follow the procedure given below to secure this time.
1. Set the ADCSR.TRGE bit to 0 (software trigger).
2. Clear the ADCSR.ADST bit to 0.
3. After confirming that the A/D converter has been stopped, place the LSI in the module stop state mode or software
standby mode.

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32.7.7 Allowable Impedance of Signal Source

To achieve high-speed conversion of 1.56 μs, the analog input pins of this LSI are designed so that the conversion
accuracy is guaranteed if the impedance of the input signal source is 1.0 kΩ or less. If an external capacitor of large
capacitance is attached in the application in which only a single pin input is converted in single scan mode, the only load
on input is virtually 3.0 kΩ of the internal input resistor; therefore, the impedance of the signal source can be ignored.
Being a low-pass filter, however, an analog input circuit may not follow the analog signal with a large differential
coefficient (e. g., larger than 5 mV/μs) as shown in Figure 32.17. When high-speed analog signals are to be converted or
multiple pins are to be converted in scan mode, a low-impedance buffer should be used.

This LSI
Equivalent circuit of
A/D converter



Figure 32.17 Internal Equivalent Circuit of Analog Input Pin

Table 32.9 Specifications of Analog Input Pins

Item Min. Max. Unit
Allowable signal source impedance*1 — 1.0 kΩ
Internal equivalent circuit of a pin*2 Rs — 6.0 kΩ
Cs — 16 pF

Note 1. Value to achieve high-speed conversion of 1.56 μs. The value differs depending on the analog power supply voltage and analog
input pins to be used. For details, see section 38, Electrical Characteristics.
Note 2. Values when the voltage condition is AVCC0  2.7 V.

32.7.8 Influence on Absolute Accuracy

Attaching a capacitor creates coupling with GND and may affect the absolute accuracy when noisy GND is used;
therefore, a capacitor should be connected to electrically stable GND such as AVSS0.
The filter circuit should be designed so that it does not interfere digital signals or it does not serve as an antenna on the
circuit board.

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32.7.9 Voltage Range of Analog Power Supply Pins

If this LSI is used with the voltages outside the following ranges, the reliability of the LSI may be affected.
 Analog input voltage range
Voltage (VAN) applied to analog input pins ANn: VREFL0  VAN  VREFH0
 Relationship between power supply pin pairs (AVCC0–AVSS0, VREFH0–VREFL0, VCC–VSS)
A 0.1-μF capacitor should be connected between each pair of power supply pins to create a closed loop with the
shortest rout possible as shown in Figure 32.18, and connection should be made so that the following conditions
are satisfied at the supply side.
When the A/D converter is not used, the following conditions should be satisfied.
 VREFH0 range
The reference voltage range applied to the VREFH0 pin should be VREFH0  AVCC0.

0.1 µF

0.1 µF

0.1 µF

Figure 32.18 Power Supply Pin Connection Example

32.7.10 Notes on Board Design

The board should be designed so that digital circuits and analog circuits are separated from each other as far as possible.
In addition, digital circuit signal lines and analog circuit signal lines should not intersect or placed near each other. If
these rules are not followed, noise will be produced on analog signals and A/D conversion accuracy will be affected. The
analog input pins (AN000 to AN015), reference power supply pin (VREFH0), reference ground pin (VREFL0), and
analog power supply (AVCC0) should be separated from digital circuits using the analog ground (AVSS0). The analog
ground (AVSS0) should be connected to a stable digital ground (VSS) on the board (single-point ground plane

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32.7.11 Notes on Noise Prevention

To prevent the analog input pins (AN000 to AN015) from being destroyed by abnormal voltage such as excessive surge,
a capacitor should be inserted between AVCC0 and AVSS0 and between VREFH0 and VREFL0, and a protection circuit
should be connected to protect the analog input pins (AN000 to AN015) as shown Figure 32.19.



Rin*2 0.1 µF
AN000 to AN015
*1 *1

0.1 µF

Note 1. The values shown here are reference values.


10 µF 0.01 µF

Note 2. Rin: Signal source impedance

Figure 32.19 Sample Protection Circuit for Analog Inputs

32.7.12 Port Setting when 12-bit A/D Converter Inputs are Used
If any one of port 4 or port E pins is used as an analog input pin for the 12-bit A/D converter, none of port 0 and port 4
output pins should be used. This is because an analog power supply is used for parts of the ports 0 and 4 circuits.

32.7.13 Error in Absolute Accuracy when Disconnection Detection Assist Function is

When the disconnection detection assist function is used, the error voltage is input to the analog input pins, thus affecting
the absolute accuracy of the A/D converter. The error voltage here is caused by dividing the voltage by the pull-up/
pull-down resistor (Rp) and signal source resistor (Rs). The error in the absolute accuracy is represented by the
expression below. When using the disconnection detection assist function, fully evaluate the system in terms of the error
in absolute accuracy.

Maximum error in the absolute accuracy (LSB) = 4095 × Rs/Rp

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RX220 Group 33. Comparator A

33. Comparator A
Comparator A compares a reference input voltage and an analog input voltage. Comparator A1 and comparator A2 are
independent of each other. Note that these comparators A1 and A2 share the voltage detection circuit with voltage
monitor 1 and voltage monitor 2. Either “comparator A1 and comparator A2” or “voltage monitor 1 and voltage monitor
2” can be selected to use the voltage detection circuit.

33.1 Overview
The comparison result of the reference input voltage and analog input voltage can be read by software. An input
voltage to the CVREFA pin can be selected as the reference input voltage. Also, the comparator A1 interrupt and
comparator A2 interrupt can be used.
Table 33.1 lists the comparator A specifications, Figure 33.1 shows a block diagram of comparator A, and Table
33.2 shows the pin configuration of comparator A.

Table 33.1 Comparator A Specifications

Item Comparator A1 Comparator A2
Analog input voltage Input voltage to the CMPA1 pin Input voltage to the CMPA2 pin
Reference input voltage Input voltage to the CVREFA pin
Comparison target Compares whether the analog input voltage has passed through the reference input voltage by
rising or falling.
Comparison result monitor LVD1MON bit in the LVD1SR register LVD2MON bit in the LVD2SR register
Indicates whether the analog input voltage is higher or lower than the reference input voltage
Interrupt Comparator A1 interrupt Comparator A2 interrupt
(non-maskable or maskable can be selected) (non-maskable or maskable can be selected)
Interrupt request generation Input voltage to the CMPA1 pin has risen above Input voltage to the CMPA2 pin has risen above
timing or fallen below the CVREFA pin reference input or fallen below the CVREFA pin reference input
voltage, or either of the two. voltage, or either of the two.
Event generation timing to ELC Input voltage to the CMPA1 pin has risen above —
or fallen below the CVREFA pin reference input
voltage, or either of the two.
Digital Switching enable/ Supported
filter disable
Sampling time (LOCO divided by n)  2
n: 1, 2, 4, 8
Comparison result output Comparison result can be output from a port by —
going through the event link controller (ELC).

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Comparator A1 LVD1FSAMP[1:0] LVD1DET bit is cleared to 0 when 0 (undetected)

(Shared with voltage monitor 1) = 00b is written by program.
= 01b

= 10b
= 11b
LOCO 1/2 1/2 1/2

LVD1SR register
+ Digital LVD1RN = 0
CMPA1 EXVCCINP1 = 1 Voltage monitor 1
- LVD1DFDIS = 1 Fixed
period LVD1RN = 1 reset signal
negation (Low is valid)

selection b0
EXVREFINP1 = 1 circuit Voltage monitor 1/
comparator A1
Voltage detection 1 signal is non-maskable
driven high when LVD1E bit is interrupt signal
0 (disabled). LVD1IDTSEL[1:0]
LVD1IRQSEL Voltage monitor 1/
comparator A1
maskable interrupt

LVD1/comparator A1
LVD1LVL[3:0]: Bits in LVDLVLR

Comparator A2 LVD2FSAMP[1:0] LVD2DET bit is cleared to 0 when 0 (undetected)

(Shared with voltage monitor 2) = 00b is written by program.
= 01b

= 10b
= 11b
LOCO 1/2 1/2 1/2

LVD2SR register
+ Digital LVD2RN = 0
CMPA2 filter
EXVCCINP2 = 1 Voltage monitor 2
- LVD2DFDIS = 1 Fixed
period LVD2RN = 1 reset signal
negation (Low is valid)

selection b0
EXVREFINP2 = 1 circuit Voltage monitor 2/
CVREFA comparator A2
Voltage detection 1 signal is non-maskable
driven high when LVD2E bit is interrupt signal
0 (disabled). LVD2IDTSEL[1:0]
LVD2IRQSEL Voltage monitor 2/
comparator A2
maskable interrupt


LVD2LVL[3:0]: Bits in LVDLVLR

Figure 33.1 Block Diagram of Comparator A

Table 33.2 Pin Configuration of Comparator A

Pin Name I/O Function
CMPA1 Input Comparator A1 analog pin
CMPA2 Input Comparator A2 analog pin
CVREFA Input Comparator reference voltage pin

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33.2 Register Descriptions

33.2.1 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 1 (LVD1CR1)

Address: 0008 00E0h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

QSEL [1:0]
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 LVD1IDTSEL Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 b1 b0 R/W
[1:0] Interrupt/ELC Event Generation Condition 0 0: CMPA1  CVREFA
Select 0 1: CMPA1 < CVREFA
1 0: Falling below or rising above is detected.
1 1: Setting prohibited
b2 LVD1IRQSEL Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Non-maskable interrupt R/W
Interrupt Type Select 1: Maskable interrupt
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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33.2.2 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Status Register (LVD1SR)

Address: 0008 00E1h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — LVD1M LVD1D
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD1DET Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: Not detected R/W
Voltage Change Detection Flag 1: Comparator A1 comparison result change has been *1
b1 LVD1MON Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 0: CMPA1 < CVREFA R
Signal Monitor Flag 1: CMPA1  CVREFA
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit. After writing 0 to this bit, it takes two system clock cycles for the bit to be read as 0.

LVD1DET Flag (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Voltage Change Detection Flag)

The LVD1DET flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit is 1 (voltage detection 1 circuit enabled) and the
LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison result output enabled).
The LVD1DET flag should be set to 0 after LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE is set to 0 (disabled). LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE can be set
to 1 (enabled) again after a period of PCLKB2 cycle or more has elapsed.
A wait time of two or more PCLKB cycles can be secured by reading an I/O register of which access cycles is specified
with PCLKB.

LVD1MON Flag (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Signal Monitor Flag)

The LVD1MON flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit is 1 (voltage detection 1 circuit enabled) and the
LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 1 circuit comparison result output enabled).

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33.2.3 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 1 (LVD2CR1)

Address: 0008 00E2h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — LVD2IR LVD2IDTSEL[1:
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 LVD2IDTSEL Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 b1 b0 R/W
[1:0] Interrupt Generation Condition Select 0 0: CMPA2  CVREFA
1 0: Falling below or rising above is detected.
1 1: Setting prohibited
b2 LVD2IRQSEL Voltage Monitoring 2/ 0: Non-maskable interrupt R/W
Comparator A2 Interrupt Type Select 1: Maskable interrupt
b7 to b3 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

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33.2.4 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Status Register (LVD2SR)

Address: 0008 00E3h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — LVD2M LVD2D
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD2DET Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Not detected R/W
Voltage Change Detection Flag 1: Comparator A2 comparison result change has been *1
b1 LVD2MON Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: CMPA2 < CVREFA R
Signal Monitor Flag 1: CMPA2  CVREFA
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.
Note 1. Only 0 can be written to this bit. After writing 0 to this bit, it takes two system clock cycles for the bit to be read as 0.

LVD2DET Flag (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Voltage Change Detection Flag)

The LVD2DET flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit is 1 (voltage detection 2 circuit enabled) and the
LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 2 circuit comparison result output enabled).
The LVD2DET flag should be set to 0 after LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE is set to 0 (disabled). LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE can be set
to 1 (enabled) again after a period of PCLKB2 cycle or more has elapsed.
A wait time of two or more PCLKB cycles can be secured by reading an I/O register of which access cycles is specified
with PCLKB.

LVD2MON Flag (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Signal Monitor Flag)

The LVD2MON flag is enabled when the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit is 1 (voltage detection 2 circuit enabled) and the
LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit is 1 (voltage monitoring 2 circuit comparison result output enabled).

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33.2.5 Voltage Monitoring Circuit/Comparator A Control Register (LVCMPCR)

Address: 0008 C297h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 EXVREFINP1 Comparator A1 Reference 1: CVREFA pin input voltage R/W
Voltage External Input Select Set this bit to 1 when using comparator A1.
b1 EXVCCINP1 Comparator A1 Comparison 1: CMPA1 pin input voltage R/W
Voltage External Input Select Set this bit to 1 when using comparator A1.
b2 EXVREFINP2 Comparator A2 Reference 1: CVREFA pin input voltage R/W
Voltage External Input Select Set this bit to 1 when using comparator A2.
b3 EXVCCINP2 Comparator A2 Comparison 1: CMPA2 pin input voltage R/W
Voltage External Input Select Set this bit to 1 when using comparator A2.
b4 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5 LVD1E Voltage Detection 1/ 0: Voltage detection 1 and comparator A1 circuit are disabled. R/W
Comparator A1 Enable 1: Voltage detection 1 and comparator A1 circuit are enabled.
b6 LVD2E Voltage Detection 2/ 0: Voltage detection 2 and comparator A2 circuit are disabled. R/W
Comparator A2 Enable 1: Voltage detection 2 and comparator A2 circuit are enabled.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

The EXVREFINP1, EXVCCINP1, EXVREFINP2, and EXVCCINP2 bits can only be modified when the LVD1E and
LVD2E bits are 0 (voltage detection circuit disabled)

LVD1E Bit (Voltage Detection 1/Comparator A1 Enable)

When using voltage detection 1/comparator A1 interrupt/reset or the LVD1SR.LVD1MON bit, set the LVD1E bit to 1.
The voltage detection 1/comparator A1 circuit starts once td(E-A) passes after the LVD1E bit value is changed from 0 to

LVD2E Bit (Voltage Detection 2/Comparator A2 Enable)

When using voltage detection 2/comparator A2 interrupt/reset or the LVD2SR.LVD2MON bit, set the LVD2E bit to 1.
The voltage detection 2 circuit starts once td(E-A) passes after the LVD2E bit value is changed from 0 to 1.

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33.2.6 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 0 (LVD1CR0)

Address: 0008 C29Ah

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


[1:0] MPE FDIS E
Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 x 0 1 0
x: undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD1RIE Voltage Monitoring 1/ Comparator A1 0: Disabled R/W
Interrupt/Reset Enable 1: Enabled
b1 LVD1DFDIS Voltage Monitoring 1/ Comparator A1 0: Digital filter enabled R/W
Digital Filter Disable Mode Select 1: Digital filter disabled
b2 LVD1CMPE Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/ 0: Comparator A1 circuit comparison result output is R/W
Comparator A1 Comparison Result disabled.
Output Enable 1: Comparator A1 circuit comparison result output is
b3 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 LVD1FSAMP Sampling Clock Select b5 b4 R/W
[1:0] 0 0: LOCO divided by 1
0 1: LOCO divided by 2
1 0: LOCO divided by 4
1 1: LOCO divided by 8
b6 LVD1RI Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/ 0: The comparator A1 interrupt is generated when CMPA1 R/W
Comparator A1 Mode Select has crossed the CVREFA
1: The comparator A1 reset enabled when the CMPA1 has
crossed the CVREFA
b7 LVD1RN Voltage Monitoring 1/ Comparator A1 0: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD1) after R/W
Reset Negation Select CMPA1 > CVREFA
1: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD1) after
assertion of the comparator A1 reset.

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

LVD1RIE Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Interrupt/Reset Enable)

The voltage monitoring 1 reset or voltage monitoring 1 non-maskable interrupt should not be generated during flash
memory programming/erasure.

LVD1DFDIS Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Digital Filter Disable Mode Select)
Set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates) if the LVD1DFDIS bit is to be set to 0 (digital filter circuit
Set the LVD1DFDIS bit to 1 (digital filter circuit disabled) when using a voltage monitoring 1 circuit in software standby

LVD1FSAMP[1:0] Bits (Sampling Clock Select)

The LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits can be modified only when the LVD1DFDIS bit is 1 (digital filter circuit disabled). The
LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits should not be modified when the LVD1DFDIS bit is 0 (digital filter circuit enabled).

LVD1RN Bit (Voltage Monitoring 1/Comparator A1 Reset Negation Select)

If the LVD1RN bit is to be set to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring 1 reset
signal), set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates). Furthermore, if a transition to software standby is to be
made, the only possible value for the LVD1RN bit is 0 (negation follows a stabilization time after CMPA1 > CVREFA is
detected). Do not set the LVD1RN bit to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring
1 reset signal).

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RX220 Group 33. Comparator A

33.2.7 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 0 (LVD2CR0)

Address: 0008 C29Bh

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


[1:0] MPE FDIS E
Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 x 0 1 0
x: undefined

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 LVD2RIE Voltage Monitoring 2/ Comparator A2 0: Disabled R/W
Interrupt/Reset Enable 1: Enabled
b1 LVD2DFDIS Voltage Monitoring 2/ Comparator A2 0: Digital filter enabled R/W
Digital Filter Disable Mode Select 1: Digital filter disabled
b2 LVD2CMPE Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/ 0: Comparator A2 circuit comparison result output is R/W
Comparator A2 Comparison Result disabled.
Output Enable 1: Comparator A2 circuit comparison result output is
b3 — Reserved The read value is undefined. The write value should be 0. R/W
b5, b4 LVD2FSAMP Sampling Clock Select b5 b4 R/W
[1:0] 0 0: LOCO divided by 1
0 1: LOCO divided by 2
1 0: LOCO divided by 4
1 1: LOCO divided by 8
b6 LVD2RI Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/ 0: The comparator A2 interrupt is generated when R/W
Comparator A2 Mode Select CMPA2 has crossed the CVREFA
1: The comparator A2 reset enabled when the CMPA2
has crossed the CVREFA
b7 LVD2RN Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 0: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD2) after R/W
Reset Negation Select CMPA2 > CVREFA
1: Negation follows a stabilization time (tLVD2) after
assertion of the comparator A2 reset.

Note: • Set the PRCR.PRC3 bit to 1 (write enabled) before rewriting this register.

LVD2RIE Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Interrupt/Reset Enable)

The voltage monitoring 2 reset or voltage monitoring 2 non-maskable interrupt should not be generated during flash
memory programming/erasure.

LVD2DFDIS Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Digital Filter Disable Mode Select)
Set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates) if the LVD2DFDIS bit is to be set to 0 (digital filter circuit
Set the LVD2DFDIS bit to 1 (digital filter circuit disabled) when using a voltage monitoring 2 circuit in software standby

LVD2FSAMP[1:0] Bits (Sampling Clock Select)

The LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits can be modified only when the LVD2DFDIS bit is 1 (digital filter circuit disabled). The
LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits should not be modified when the LVD2DFDIS bit is 0 (digital filter circuit enabled).

LVD2RN Bit (Voltage Monitoring 2/Comparator A2 Reset Negation Select)

If the LVD2RN bit is to be set to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring 2 reset
signal), set the LOCOCR.LCSTP bit to 0 (the LOCO operates). Furthermore, if a transition to software standby is to be
made, the only possible value for the LVD2RN bit is 0 (negation follows a stabilization time after CMPA2 > CVREFA is
detected). Do not set the LVD2RN bit to 1 (negation follows a stabilization time after assertion of the voltage monitoring
2 reset signal).

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33.3 Monitoring Comparison Results

33.3.1 Monitoring Comparator A1

Table 33.3 lists the procedures for setting up monitoring against comparator A1. After making the following
settings, the LVD1SR.LVD1MON flag can be used to monitor the results of comparison by comparator A1.

Table 33.3 Procedures for Setting up Monitoring against comparator A1

Step When the Digital Filter is in Use When the Digital Filter is Not in Use
1 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP1 bit to 1 (CVREFA pin input voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP1 bit to 1 (CMPA1 pin input voltage).
2 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital
LVD1CR0.LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits. filter).
3 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for comparator A1).
4 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
5 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the comparator A1 circuit).
6 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. —
7 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the digital —
8 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, 4, — (No waiting is required.)
8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO
frequency-divided by n).

33.3.2 Monitoring Comparator A2

Table 33.4 lists the procedures for setting up monitoring against comparator A2. After making the following
settings, the LVD2SR.LVD2MON flag can be used to monitor the results of comparison by comparator A2.

Table 33.4 Procedures for Setting up Monitoring against comparator A2

Step When the Digital Filter is in Use When the Digital Filter is Not in Use
1 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP2 bit to 1 (CVREFA pin input voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP2 bit to 1 (CMPA2 pin input voltage).
2 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 1 (disabling the digital
LVD2CR0.LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits. filter).
3 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for comparator A2).
4 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
5 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the comparator A2 circuit).
6 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. —
7 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the digital —
8 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, 4, — (No waiting is required.)
8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the LOCO
frequency-divided by n).

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RX220 Group 33. Comparator A

33.4 Operation
Comparator A1 and comparator A2 operate independently.
The comparison result of the reference input voltage and analog input voltage can be read by software. An input voltage
to the CVREFA pin can be used as the reference input voltage. The comparator A1 interrupt and the comparator A2
interrupt can be used, and non-maskable or maskable can be selected for each interrupt type.

33.4.1 Comparator A1
Table 33.5 shows the procedure for setting bits related to the comparator A1 interrupt/ELC, Table 33.6 shows the
procedures for stopping bits related to the comparator A1 interrupt/ELC, and Figure 33.2 shows an operating
example of comparator A1.

Table 33.5 Procedures for Setting Bits Related to the Comparator A1 Interrupt/ELC
Step No. When Using Digital Filter When Using No Digital Filter
1 *2 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP1 bit to 1 (CVREFA pin input voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP1 bit to 1 (CMPA1 pin input voltage).
2 *1 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the ―
LVD1CR0.LVD1FSAMP[1:0] bits.
3 *1, *2 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RI bit to 0 (comparator A1 interrupt).
4 Set the LVD1CR1.LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits to select the interrupt request timing.
Set the LVD1CR1.LVD1IRQSEL bit to select the interrupt type.
5 *2 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for comparator A1).
6 *2 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
7 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the comparator A1 circuit).
8 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. ―
9 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the ―
digital filter).
10 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, ―
4, 8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the
LOCO frequency-divided by n).
11 Clear the LVD1SR.LVD1DET bit to 0.
12 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE bit to 1 (enable comparator A1 interrupts).
Events to the ELC are always output regardless of the setting of this bit.

Note 1. Executing steps 2 and 3 at the same time (with a single instruction) creates no problems.
Note 2. Steps 1, 3, 5, and 6 are not required if operation is with the setting to select the comparator A1 interrupt (LVD1CR0.LVD1RI = 0)
and operation can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS and LVD1FSAMP bits or
LVD1CR1.LVD1IRQSEL and LVD1IDTSEL bits after operation is stopped or if restarting is in a case where the settings related
to the comparator A1 circuit were not changed after operation was stopped.

Table 33.6 Procedures for Stopping Bits Related to the Comparator A1 Interrupt/ELC
Step No.
1 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE bit to 0 (disable comparator A1 interrupts).
2 Clear the LVD1CR0.LVD1CMPE bit to 0 (comparator A1 circuit comparison result output is disabled).
3 *1 Clear the LVCMPCR.LVD1E bit to 0 (comparator A1 circuit disabled).
4 Modify settings of bits related to the voltage detection circuit registers other than LVCMPCR.LVD1E,

Note 1. Step 3 is not required if operation is with the setting to select the comparator A1 interrupt (LVD1CR0.LVD1RI = 0) and operation
can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD1CR0.LVD1DFDIS and LVD1FSAMP bits or
LVD1CR1.LVD1IRQSEL and LVD1IDTSEL bits after operation is stopped or if restarting is in a case where the settings related
to the comparator A1 circuit were not changed after operation was stopped.

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Lower limit on VCC voltage

(VCC min) *1

LVD1MON bit when LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0

(digital filter enabled)

1n + 2 to 2n + 3 1n + 2 to 2n + 3
cycles of the LOCO cycles of the LOCO
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0 LVD1DET bit
(digital filter enabled) and
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set Set to 0 by program.
to 10b (when drop or rise is
detected) Voltage monitoring 1/
comparator A1 interrupt

Set to 0 by program.
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0
(digital filter enabled),
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
to 00b (when rise is detected). Voltage monitoring 1/
comparator A1 interrupt

Set to 0 by program.
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 0 LVD1DET bit
(digital filter enabled),
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
to 01b (when drop is detected). Voltage monitoring 1/
comparator A1 interrupt

LVD1MON bit when LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1

(digital filter disabled)
Set to 0 by program.

LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1

(digital filter disabled) and
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
to 10b (when drop or rise is Voltage monitoring 1/
detected) comparator A1 interrupt

Set to 0 by program.
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1 LVD1DET bit
(digital filter disabled),
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
Voltage monitoring 1/
to 00b (when rise is detected).
comparator A1 interrupt
Set to 0 by program.
LVD1DFDIS bit is set to 1 LVD1DET bit
(digital filter disabled),
LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set Voltage monitoring 1/
to 01b (when drop is detected). comparator A1 interrupt

n : sampling clock of the digital filter = LOCO divided by n

Note 1. When the voltage monitoring 0 reset is not in use, VCC  VCC min.

Figure 33.2 Operating Example of Comparator A1

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33.4.2 Comparator A2
Table 33.7 shows the procedure for setting bits related to the comparator A2 interrupt, Table 33.8 shows the
procedures for stopping bits related to the comparator A2 interrupt, and Figure 33.3 shows an operating example
of comparator A2.

Table 33.7 Procedures for Setting Bits Related to the Comparator A2 Interrupt
Step No. When Using Digital Filter When Using No Digital Filter
1 *2 Set the LVCMPCR.EXVREFINP2 bit to 1 (CVREFA pin input voltage).
Set the LVCMPCR.EXVCCINP2 bit to 1 (CMPA2 pin input voltage).
2 *1 Select the sampling clock for the digital filter by setting the ―
LVD2CR0.LVD2FSAMP[1:0] bits.
3 *1, *2 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RI bit to 0 (comparator A2 interrupt).
4 Set the LVD2CR1.LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits to select the interrupt request timing.
Set the LVD2CR1.LVD2IRQSEL bit to select the interrupt type.
5 *2 Set the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit to 1 (enabling the circuit for comparator A2).
6 *2 Wait for at least td(E-A) or longer.
7 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit to 1 (enabling output of the results of comparison by the comparator A2 circuit).
8 Wait for at least one cycle of the LOCO. ―
9 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS bit to 0 (enabling the ―
digital filter).
10 Wait for at least 2n + 3 cycles of the LOCO (where n = 1, 2, ―
4, 8, and the sampling clock for the digital filter is the
LOCO frequency-divided by n).
11 Clear the LVD2SR.LVD2DET bit to 0.
12 Set the LVD1CR0.LVD1RIE bit to 1 (enable comparator A2 interrupts).

Note 1. Executing steps 2 and 3 at the same time (with a single instruction) creates no problems.
Note 2. Steps 1, 3, 5, and 6 are not required if operation is with the setting to select the comparator A2 interrupt (LVD2CR0.LVD2RI = 0)
and operation can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS and LVD2FSAMP bits or
LVD2CR1.LVD2IRQSEL and LVD2IDTSEL bits after operation is stopped or if restarting is in a case where the settings related
to the comparator A2 circuit were not changed after operation was stopped.

Table 33.8 Procedures for Stopping Bits Related to the Comparator A2 Interrupt
Step No.
1 Set the LVD2CR0.LVD2RIE bit to 0 (disable comparator A2 interrupts).
2 Clear the LVD2CR0.LVD2CMPE bit to 0 (comparator A2 circuit comparison result output is disabled).
3 *1 Clear the LVCMPCR.LVD2E bit to 0 (comparator A2 circuit disabled).
4 Modify settings of bits related to the voltage detection circuit registers other than LVCMPCR.LVD2E,

Note 1. Step 3 is not required if operation is with the setting to select the comparator A2 interrupt (LVD2CR0.LVD2RI = 0) and operation
can be restarted by simply changing the settings of the LVD2CR0.LVD2DFDIS and LVD2FSAMP bits or
LVD2CR1.LVD2IRQSEL and LVD2IDTSEL bits after operation is stopped or if restarting is in a case where the settings related
to the comparator A2 circuit were not changed after operation was stopped.

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Lower limit on VCC voltage

(VCC min) *1

LVD2MON bit when LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0

(digital filter enabled)

1n + 2 to 2n + 3 1n + 2 to 2n + 3
cycles of the LOCO cycles of the LOCO
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0 LVD2DET bit
(digital filter enabled) and
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set Set to 0 by program.
to 10b (when drop or rise is
detected) Voltage monitoring 2/
comparator A2 interrupt

Set to 0 by program.
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0
(digital filter enabled),
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
to 00b (when rise is detected). Voltage monitoring 2/
comparator A2 interrupt

Set to 0 by program.
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 0 LVD2DET bit
(digital filter enabled),
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
to 01b (when drop is detected). Voltage monitoring 2/
comparator A2 interrupt

LVD2MON bit when LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1

(digital filter disabled)
Set to 0 by program.

LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1

(digital filter disabled) and
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
to 10b (when drop or rise is Voltage monitoring 2/
detected) comparator A2 interrupt

Set to 0 by program.
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1 LVD2DET bit
(digital filter disabled),
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set
Voltage monitoring 2/
to 00b (when rise is detected).
comparator A2 interrupt
Set to 0 by program.
LVD2DFDIS bit is set to 1 LVD2DET bit
(digital filter disabled),
LVD2IDTSEL[1:0] bits are set Voltage monitoring 2/
to 01b (when drop is detected). comparator A2 interrupt

n : sampling clock of the digital filter = LOCO divided by n

Note 1. When the voltage monitoring 0 reset is not in use, VCC  VCC min.

Figure 33.3 Operating Example of Comparator A2

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33.5 Comparator A1 and Comparator A2 Interrupts

The two interrupt requests (from comparators A1 and A2) are generated with the following timing.
(1) When the input voltage on the CMPA1 pin has crossed the reference voltage on the CVREFA pin
(2) When the input voltage on the CMPA2 pin has crossed the reference voltage on the CVREFA pin
The LVDiCR1.LVDiIDTSEL[1:0] bits are used to select interrupt request generating conditions: rising above, falling
below, or either of the two.
Non-maskable or maskable can be selected for each interrupt type.
For interrupts, refer to section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

33.5.1 Non-maskable Interrupts

When the LVDiCR1.LVDiIRQSEL bit is 0, the comparator Ai interrupt functions as a non-maskable interrupt. When the
selected interrupt request timing occurs, the LVDiSR.LVDiMON bit is set to 1. At this time, if the NMIER.LVDiEN bit
of the interrupt controller (ICU) is 1, a non-maskable interrupt request for comparator Ai is generated.

33.5.2 Maskable Interrupts

When the LVDiCR1.LVDiIRQSEL bit is 1, the comparator Ai interrupt functions as a maskable interrupt.
If the condition for the selected interrupt request is satisfied when the LVDiCR0.LVDiRIE bit is 1 and the
LVDiCR0.LVDiDFDIS is 0, the LVDiSR.LVDiMON bit becomes 1 and the comparator Ai interrupt request is generated.
At this time, if the setting of the IER0B.IEN0 or IER0B.IEN1 bit in the ICU is 1 (interrupt enabled) and the setting of the
IPR88.IPR[3:0] and IPR89[3:0] bits is higher than the level indicated by the PSW.IPL[3:0] bits in the CPU, the IR088.IR
or IR089.IR bit becomes 1 (interrupt requested), and comparator Ai generates a maskable interrupt request.
For information on the IEN0B, IR088, IR089, IPR088, and IPR089 registers and on the interrupt vectors, see section
14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb).

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RX220 Group 33. Comparator A

33.6 Event Link Output

Comparator A1 outputs the event signals for the event link controller (ELC) in the following timing, and these can be
used to initiate operations of other modules selected in advance.
(1) When the input voltage on the CMPA1 pin has crossed the reference voltage on the CVREFA pin
In the same way as for the interrupt sources, the conditions for generation of the event signals for the ELC can be
selected as crossing while rising, crossing while falling, or either of the two by setting the LVD1IDTSEL[1:0] bits in
When enabling the comparator A's event link output function, be sure to make settings for enabling the comparator A
before enabling the comparator A event link function of the ELC. To stop the comparator A's event link output function,
be sure to make settings for stopping comparator A after disabling the comparator A event link function of the ELC.

33.7 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking

Output of event signals to the event link controller (ELC) is independent of the output of interrupt requests to the
interrupt controller. Accordingly, event signals are output to the ELC regardless of the settings of the LVD1RIE and
LVD1RI bits in LVD1CR0 and the LVD1IRQSEL bit in LVD1CR1.

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RX220 Group 34. Data Operation Circuit (DOC)

34. Data Operation Circuit (DOC)

34.1 Overview
The data operation circuit (DOC) is used to compare, add, and subtract 16-bit data.
Table 34.1 lists the data operation circuit specifications and Figure 34.1 shows a block diagram of the data operation

 16-bit data comparison and interrupt generation on a specified condition

 16-bit data addition
 16-bit data subtraction

Table 34.1 Specifications of Data Operation Circuit

Item Description
Data operation function 16-bit data comparison, addition, and subtraction
Interrupts  The condition selected by the DOCR.DCSEL bit being met
 The result of data addition being greater than FFFFh
 The result of data subtraction being less than 0000h
Event link function (output)  The condition selected by the DOCR.DCSEL bit being met
 The result of data addition being greater than FFFFh
 The result of data subtraction being less than 0000h
Power consumption reduction function Module stop state can be set.

Event signal

DODIR Interrupt signal

from data
Internal peripheral bus 2

operation circuit
Operation Interrupt
circuit control circuit




Figure 34.1 Block Diagram of Data Operation Circuit

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RX220 Group 34. Data Operation Circuit (DOC)

34.2 Register Descriptions

34.2.1 DOC Control Register (DOCR)

Address: 0008 B080h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 OMS[1:0] Operating Mode Select b1 b0 R/W
0 0: Data comparison mode
0 1: Data addition mode
1 0: Data subtraction mode
1 1: Setting prohibited
b2 DCSEL*1 Detection Condition Select 0: Detects mismatch as a result of data comparison. R/W
1: Detects match as a result of data comparison.
b3 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 DOPCIE Data Operation Circuit 0: Disables interrupts from the data operation circuit. R/W
Interrupt Enable 1: Enables interrupts from the data operation circuit.
b5 DOPCF Data Operation Circuit Flag Indicates the result of an operation. R
b6 DOPCFCL DOPCF Clear 0: Maintains the DOPCF flag state. R/W
1: Clears the DOPCF flag.
b7 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Note 1. This bit is only valid in data comparison mode.

OMS[1:0] Bits (Operating Mode Select)

These bits select the operating mode of the data operation circuit.

DCSEL Bit (Detection Condition Select)

This bit is only valid in data comparison mode.
This bit selects the condition for detection in data comparison mode.

DOPCIE Bit (Data Operation Circuit Interrupt Enable)

Setting this bit to 1 enables interrupts from the data operation circuit.

DOPCF Flag (Data Operation Circuit Flag)

[Setting conditions]
 The condition selected by the DCSEL bit being met
 A result of data addition being greater than FFFFh
 A result of data subtraction being less than 0000h
[Clearing condition]
 Writing 1 to the DOPCFCL bit


Setting this bit to 1 clears the DOPCF flag.
This bit is read as 0.

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34.2.2 DOC Data Input Register (DODIR)

Address: 0008 B082h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DODIR is a 16-bit readable/writable register in which 16-bit data for use in the operations are stored.

34.2.3 DOC Data Setting Register (DODSR)

Address: 0008 B084h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DODSR is a 16-bit readable/writable register in which 16-bit data for use as a reference in data comparison mode are
stored. This register also stores the results of operations in data addition and data subtraction modes.

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34.3 Operation

34.3.1 Data Comparison Mode

Figure 34.2 shows an example of the steps involved in data comparison mode operation by the data operation circuit.

1. Writing 00b to the DOCR.OMS[1:0] bits selects data comparison mode.

2. The 16-bit reference data is set in DODSR.
3. 16-bit data for comparison is written to DODIR.
4. Writing of 16-bit data continues until all data for comparison have been written to DODIR.
5. If a value written to DODIR does not match that in DODSR*1, the DOCR.DOPCF flag is set to 1. On setting of the
DOCR.DOPCIE bit to 1, a data operation circuit interrupt is also generated.

Note 1. When DOCR.DCSEL = 0

OMS[1:0] in
DOCR xxb 00b


DODIR xxxxh AAAAh AAAAh 5555h

Writing 1 to
DOPCF in 1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Figure 34.2 Example of Operation in Data Comparison Mode

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34.3.2 Data Addition Mode

Figure 34.3 shows an example of the steps involved in data addition mode operation by the data operation circuit.

1. Writing 01b to the DOCR.OMS[1:0] bits selects data addition mode.

2. A 16-bit initial value is set in DODSR.
3. 16-bit data to be added is written to DODIR. The result of the operation is stored in DODSR.
4. Writing of 16-bit data continues until all data for addition have been written to DODIR.
5. If the result of an operation is greater than FFFFh, the DOCR.DOPCF flag is set to 1. On setting of the
DOCR.DOPCIE bit to 1, a data operation circuit interrupt is also generated.

OMS[1:0] in
DOCR xxb 01b

DODSR xxxxh FFF0h FFF4h FFFAh 0002h

DODIR xxxxh 0004h 0006h 0008h

Writing 1 to DOPCFCL in
DOPCF in 1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Figure 34.3 Example of Operation in Data Addition Mode

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34.3.3 Data Subtraction Mode

Figure 34.4 shows an example of the steps involved in data subtraction mode operation by the data operation circuit.

1. Writing 10b to the DOCR.OMS[1:0] bits selects data subtraction mode.

2. A 16-bit initial value is set in DODSR.
3. 16-bit data to be subtracted is written to DODIR. The result of the operation is stored in DODSR.
4. Writing of 16-bit data continues until all data for subtraction have been written to DODIR.
5. If the result of an operation is less than 0000h, the DOCR.DOPCF flag is set to 1. On setting of the DOCR.DOPCIE
bit to 1, a data operation circuit interrupt is also generated.

OMS[1:0] in
DOCR xxb 10b

DODSR xxxxh 000Fh 000Bh 0005h FFFDh

DODIR xxxxh 0004h 0006h 0008h

Writing 1 to DOPCFCL
DOPCF in 1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Figure 34.4 Example of Operation in Data Subtraction Mode

34.4 Interrupt Requests

The data operation circuit generates the data operation circuit interrupt as an interrupt request. When an interrupt
condition arises, the data operation circuit flag corresponding to the interrupt is set to 1. Table 34.2 describes the
interrupt request.

Table 34.2 Interrupt Request from Data Operation Circuit

Interrupt Request Data Operation Circuit Flag Interrupt Conditions
Data operation circuit DOPCF  The condition selected by the DOCR.DCSEL bit being met
interrupt  The result of data addition being greater than FFFFh
 The result of data subtraction being less than 0000h

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34.5 Event Link Output

The DOC outputs event signals for the event link controller (ELC) under the following conditions, and these can be used
to initiate operations by other modules selected in advance.
 The condition selected by the DOCR.DCSEL bit being met
 The result of data addition being greater than FFFFh
 The result of data subtraction being less than 0000h

34.5.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking

The interrupt produced by the DOC has an enable bit to control enabling and disabling of the interrupt signal. An
interrupt-request signal is output for the CPU when an interrupt-source condition is satisfied while the setting of the
corresponding enable bit is “enabled”.
The corresponding event link output signals are sent to other modules as event signals via the ELC when the interrupt
source conditions are satisfied, regardless of the settings of the interrupt enable bits.

34.6 Usage Note

34.6.1 Module Stop Function Setting

Operation of the data operation circuit can be disabled or enabled by using module stop control register B (MSTPCRB).
The initial setting is for the data operation circuit to be halted. Register access is enabled by canceling the module stop
state. For details, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

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RX220 Group 35. RAM

35. RAM
The RX220 Group has an on-chip high-speed static RAM.

35.1 Overview
Table 35.1 lists the specifications of the RAM.

Table 35.1 Specifications of RAM

Item Description
RAM capacity Max. 16 Kbytes (RAM0: 16 Kbytes)*2
Access  Single-cycle access is possible for both reading and writing.
 On-chip RAM can be enabled or disabled.*1
Low power consumption function The module stop state is selectable.

Note 1. Selectable by the RAME bit in SYSCR1. For details on SYSCR1, see section 3.2.3, System Control Register 1 (SYSCR1).
Note 2. The capacity of RAM differs depending on the products.
RAM Capacity RAM Address
16 Kbytes RAM0: 0000 0000h to 0000 3FFFh
8 Kbytes RAM0: 0000 0000h to 0000 1FFFh
4 Kbytes RAM0: 0000 0000h to 0000 0FFFh

35.2 Operation

35.2.1 Low Power Consumption Function

Power consumption can be reduced by setting module stop control register C (MSTPCRC) to stop supply of the clock
signal to the RAM.
Setting the MSTPCRC.MSTPC0 bit to 1 stops supply of the clock signal to RAM.

Stopping supply of the clock signal places the RAM in the module stop state. The RAM operates after initialization by a
The RAM is not accessible in the module stop state. Do not allow transitions to the module stop state while access to
RAM is in progress.
For details on the MSTPCRC register, see section 11, Low Power Consumption.

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RX220 Group 36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)

36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)

The RX220 Group has a maximum 256-Kbyte flash memory for storing code (ROM).
This section explains the flash memory for code storage. For details on the E2 DataFlash, see section 37, E2
DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage).

36.1 Overview
Table 36.1 lists the specifications of the ROM, Table 36.2 lists the correspondence between ROM capacity and ROM
addresses, and Figure 36.1 shows a block diagram of the ROM, E2 DataFlash, and related modules.

Table 36.1 Specifications of ROM

Item Description
Memory capacity  User area: 256 Kbytes max.
 User boot area: 16 Kbytes
High-speed reading A read operation takes one cycle of ICLK
Programming/erasing method  The chip incorporates a dedicated sequencer (FCU) for programming of the ROM.
 Programming and erasing the ROM are handled by issuing commands to the FCU.
 FFFF FFFFh is read from the erased ROM in 32 bits.
BGO (background operation)  Execution of program code from the ROM is possible while the E2 DataFlash memory is
being programmed or erased.
 The CPU is able to execute program code from areas other than the ROM or E2
DataFlash while the ROM is being programmed or erased.
Suspension and resumption  The CPU is able to execute program code from the ROM during suspension of
programming or erasure.
 Programming and erasure of the ROM can be restarted (resumed) after suspension.
Units of programming and erasure  Units of programming for the user area or user boot area: 2, 8, or 128 bytes
 Units of erasure for the user area: In block units
 Units of erasure for the user boot area: 16 Kbytes
On-board programming (three types) Reprogramming in boot mode
 The clock synchronous serial interface (SCI1) is used.
 The bit rate is automatically adjusted.
 The user boot area is also programmable.
Reprogramming in user boot mode
 The user-specific boot program can be programmed.
Reprogramming using the ROM reprogramming routine in the user program
 ROM is reprogrammable without resetting the system.
Protection Software-controlled The FENTRYR.FENTRY0, FWEPROR.FLWE[1:0], and lock bits can be set to prevent
protection unintentional programming.
Command-locked state When abnormal operations are detected during, programming/erasure, this function
disables any further programming/erasure.
Programming/erasure time, number of See section 38, Electrical Characteristics.

Table 36.2 Correspondence between ROM Capacity and ROM Addresses

ROM Capacity ROM Addresses
32 Kbytes FFFF 8000h to FFFF FFFFh
64 Kbytes FFFF 0000h to FFFF FFFFh
128 Kbytes FFFE 0000h to FFFF FFFFh
256 Kbytes FFFC 0000h to FFFF FFFFh

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Mode pins Mode decoder

Memory interface

ROM area
FMODR User area: 256 Kbytes max.

Memory bus 2
FASTAT User boot area: 16 Kbytes
Module internal bus

DFLBCCNT E2 DataFlash area

Internal peripheral bus 6

FMODR: Flash mode register

FASTAT: Flash access status register
FAEINT: Flash access error interrupt enable register
DFLRE0: E2 DataFlash read enable register 0
DFLWE0: E2 DataFlash programming/erasure enable register 0
FSTATR0: Flash status register 0
FSTATR1: Flash status register 1
FENTRYR: Flash P/E mode entry register
FRESETR: Flash reset register
FCMDR: FCU command register
FRDYIE: Flash ready interrupt enable register
FCPSR: FCU processing switching register
DFLBCCNT: E2 DataFlash blank check control register
DFLBCSTAT: E2 DataFlash blank check status register
PCKAR: Peripheral clock notification register
FIFERR: Flash interface error interrupt
FRDYI: Flash ready interrupt

Figure 36.1 Block Diagram of ROM

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RX220 Group 36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)

36.2 Register Descriptions

Although some registers include bits related to E2 DataFlash, this section deals only with the bits related to ROM. For
details on the bits related to the E2 DataFlash, see section 37.2, Register Descriptions (in section 37, E2 DataFlash
Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)).
P/E indicates programming and erasure.

36.2.1 Flash Write Erase Protection Register (FWEPROR)

Address(es): 0008 C296h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — FLWE[1:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b1, b0 FLWE[1:0] Flash Programming/ b1 b0 R/W
Erasure 0 0: Flash programming/erasure disabled.
0 1: Flash programming/erasure enabled.
1 0: Flash programming/erasure disabled.
1 1: Flash programming/erasure disabled.
b7 to b2 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FWEPROR is initialized by a reset due to the signal on the RES# pin, by transitions to software standby mode and by the
power supply voltage falling below the threshold for detection.

FLWE[1:0] Bits (Flash Programming/Erasure)

These bits protect the execution of the flash programming/erasure with software.

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36.2.2 Flash Mode Register (FMODR)

Address(es): 007F C402h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — FRDM — — — —
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 FRDMD FCU Read Mode Select 0: Memory Area Reading Method R/W
Set this bit to 0 when reading ROM lock bits in ROM lock bit read
1: Register Reading Method
Set this bit to 1 when using lock bit read 2 command to read ROM
lock bits.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FRDMD Bit (FCU Read Mode Select)

This bit is used to select a method for reading lock bits.
If the blank check command for the E2 DataFlash is to be used, this bit has to be set for the register read mode (see
section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)).

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36.2.3 Flash Access Status Register (FASTAT)

Address(es): 007F C410h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DFLWPE E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash R/(W)
Protection Violation Memory for Data Storage). *1
b1 DFLRPE E2 DataFlash Read Protection Violation See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash R/(W)
Memory for Data Storage). *1
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 DFLAE E2 DataFlash Access Violation See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash R/(W)
Memory for Data Storage). *1
b4 CMDLK FCU Command Lock 0: FCU is not in the command-locked state R
1: FCU is in the command-locked state
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 ROMAE ROM Access Violation 0: No ROM access error R/(W)
1: ROM access error *1

Note 1. Only 0 can be written after reading 1 to clear the flag to 0.

When any bit from among the DFLWPE, DFLRPE, DFLAE, and ROMAE bits in FASTAT is set to 1, the
FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit is set to 1, which places the FCU in the command-locked state (see section 36.8.2,
Command-Locked State). To clear the command-locked state, a status register clear command must be issued to the
FCU after setting FASTAT to 10h.

CMDLK Bit (FCU Command Lock)

This bit indicates that the FCU is in the command-locked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State).

[Setting condition]
 After the FCU detects an error and enters the command-locked state
[Clearing condition]
 After the FCU issues a status register clear command under conditions where FASTAT is set to 10h

ROMAE Bit (ROM Access Violation)

This bit indicates whether a ROM access violation occurred.
When the ROMAE bit is set to 1, the FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit is set to 1, placing the FCU in the command-locked state.

[Setting conditions]
 Read access to a ROM programming/erasure address when the FCU is in ROM P/E normal mode
ROM programming/erasure address ranges
Capacity FENTRY0 bit is 1
32 Kbytes 00FF 8000h to 00FF FFFFh
64 Kbytes 00FF 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
128 Kbytes 00FE 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
256 Kbytes 00FC 0000h to 00FF FFFFh

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 Read/Write access to a ROM programming/erasure address

ROM programming/erasure address ranges
Capacity FENTRY0 bit is 0
32 Kbytes 00FF 8000h to 00FF FFFFh
64 Kbytes 00FF 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
128 Kbytes 00FE 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
256 Kbytes 00FC 0000h to 00FF FFFFh

 Read access to a ROM-reading address while FENTRYR has placed the ROM in ROM P/E mode
Capacity ROM programming/erasure address ranges
32 Kbytes FFFF 8000h to FFFF FFFFh
64 Kbytes FFFF 0000h to FFFF FFFFh
128 Kbytes FFFE 0000h to FFFF FFFFh
256 Kbytes FFFC 0000h to FFFF FFFFh

[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written after reading 1

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36.2.4 Flash Access Error Interrupt Enable Register (FAEINT)

Address(es): 007F C411h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DFLWPEIE E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash R/W
Protection Violation Interrupt Enable Memory for Data Storage).
b1 DFLRPEIE E2 DataFlash Read Protection Violation See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash R/W
Interrupt Enable Memory for Data Storage).
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 DFLAEIE E2 DataFlash Access Violation Interrupt See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash R/W
Enable Memory for Data Storage).
b4 CMDLKIE FCU Command Lock Interrupt Enable 0: FIFERR interrupt requests disabled when the R/W
FASTAT.CMDLK bit is set to 1
1: FIFERR interrupt requests enabled when the
FASTAT.CMDLK bit is set to 1
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 ROMAEIE ROM Access Violation Interrupt Enable 0: FIFERR interrupt requests disabled when the R/W
FASTAT.ROMAE bit is set to 1
1: FIFERR interrupt requests enabled when the
FASTAT.ROMAE bit is set to 1

CMDLKIE Bit (FCU Command Lock Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable FIFERR interrupt requests when an FCU command lock occurs and the
FASTAT.CMDLK bit is set to 1.

ROMAEIE Bit (ROM Access Violation Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable FIFERR interrupt requests when a ROM access violation occurs and the
FASTAT.ROMAE bit is set to 1.

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36.2.5 Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0)

Address(es): 007F FFB0h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 PRGSPD Programming Suspend 0: Other than the status described below R
Status 1: During programming suspend processing or programming suspended
b1 ERSSPD Erasure Suspend Status 0: Other than the status described below R
1: When erasure suspend processing or erasure suspended
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. Writing to this bit has no effect. R
b3 SUSRDY Suspend Ready 0: P/E suspend commands cannot be received R
1: P/E suspend commands can be received
b4 PRGERR Programming Error 0: Programming terminates normally R
1: An error occurs during programming
b5 ERSERR Erasure Error 0: Erasure terminates normally R
1: An error occurs during erasure
b6 ILGLERR Illegal Command Error 0: FCU detects no illegal command or illegal ROM/E2 DataFlash access R
1: FCU detects an illegal command or illegal ROM/E2 DataFlash access
b7 FRDY Flash Ready 0: During programming/erasure, R
During suspending programming/erasure,
During the lock bit read 2 command processing,
During the peripheral clock notification command processing,
During the blank check processing of E2 DataFlash
(See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data
1: Processing described above is not performed

FSTATR0 is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1

PRGSPD Bit (Programming Suspend Status)

This bit is used to indicate that the FCU enters the programming suspend processing state or programming suspended
state. For details, see section 36.7, Suspending Operation.

[Setting condition]
 The FCU has initiated a write suspend command.
[Clearing condition]
 The FCU has accepted a resume command.

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ERSSPD Bit (Erasure Suspend Status)

This bit is used to indicate that the FCU enters the erasure suspend processing state or erasure suspended state. For
details, see section 36.7, Suspending Operation.

[Setting condition]
 The FCU has initiated an erasure suspend command.
[Clearing condition]
 The FCU has accepted a resume command.

SUSRDY Bit (Suspend Ready)

This bit is used to indicate whether the FCU can receive a P/E suspend command.

[Setting condition]
 After starting programming/erasure process, the FCU enters a state in which P/E suspend commands can be
[Clearing conditions]
 The FCU has accepted a P/E suspend command.
 During programming/erasure process, the FCU enters the command-locked state.

PRGERR Bit (Programming Error)

This bit is used to indicate the result of the ROM/E2 DataFlash programming process by the FCU.
When the PRGERR bit is set to 1, the FCU is placed in the command-locked state. For details, see section 36.8.2,
Command-Locked State.

[Setting conditions]
 An error occurs during programming.
 A programming command is issued to areas protected by a lock bit.
[Clearing condition]
 After the FCU processes a status register clear command

ERSERR Bit (Erasure Error)

This bit is used to indicate the result of the ROM/E2 DataFlash erasure process by the FCU.
When the ERSERR bit is set to 1, the FCU is placed in the command-locked state. For details, see section 36.8.2,
Command-Locked State.

[Setting conditions]
 An error occurs during erasure.
 A block erase command is issued to areas protected by a lock bit.
[Clearing condition]
 After the FCU processes a status register clear command

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ILGLERR Bit (Illegal Command Error)

This bit is used to indicate that the FCU detects any illegal command or ROM/E2 DataFlash access.
When the ILGLERR bit is set to 1, the FCU is placed in the command-locked state. For details, see section 36.8.2,
Command-Locked State.

[Setting conditions]
 The FCU detects an illegal command.
 The FCU detects an illegal ROM/E2 DataFlash access
(one of the ROMAE, DFLAE, DFLRPE, and DFLWPE bits in FASTAT is 1).
 The setting of FENTRYR is invalid.
[Clearing condition]
 After the FCU processes a status register clear command under conditions where FASTAT is set to 10h

FRDY Bit (Flash Ready)

This bit is used to check the processing status of the FCU.

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36.2.6 Flash Status Register 1 (FSTATR1)

Address(es): 007F FFB1h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

FCUER — — FLOCK — — — —
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b4 FLOCKST Lock Bit Status 0: Protected R
1: Not protected
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R
b7 FCUERR FCU Error 0: No error occurs in the FCU processing R
1: An error occurs in the FCU processing

FSTATR1 is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

FLOCKST Bit (Lock Bit Status)

This bit is to reflect the read data of a lock bit when using the lock bit read 2 command.
When the FSTATR0.FRDY bit is set to 1 after a lock bit read 2 command is issued, valid data is stored in the FLOCKST
bit. The value of the FLOCKST bit is retained until the completion of the next lock bit read 2 command.

FCUERR Bit (FCU Error)

This bit is used to indicate that an error occurs in the FCU internal processing.
When the FCUERR bit is set to 1, set the FRESETR.FRESET bit to 1 to initialize the FCU.

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36.2.7 Flash Ready Interrupt Enable Register (FRDYIE)

Address(es): 007F C412h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — FRDYI
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FRDYIE Flash Ready Interrupt Enable 0: FRDYI interrupt requests disabled R/W
1: FRDYI interrupt requests enabled
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FRDYIE Bit (Flash Ready Interrupt Enable)

This bit is to enable/disable a FRDYI interrupt request when programming/erasure is completed.
If the FRDYIE bit is set to 1, a flash ready interrupt request (FRDYI) is generated when execution of the FCU command
has completed (FSTATR0.FRDY bit changes from 0 to 1).

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36.2.8 Flash P/E Mode Entry Register (FENTRYR)

Address: 007F FFB2h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

FEKEY[7:0] FENTR — — — — — — FENTR

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FENTRY0 ROM P/E Mode Entry 0 0: 32, 64, 128, or 256 Kbytes of ROM are in ROM read mode R/W
1: 32, 64, 128, or 256 Kbytes of ROM are in ROM P/E mode
b6 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 FENTRYD E2 DataFlash P/E Mode See section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data R/W
Entry Storage).
b15 to b8 FEKEY[7:0] Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to the R/(W)
FENTRYR register. *1
To modify the FENTRYR register, write AAh to the eight higher-order
bits and the desired value to the eight lower-order bits as a 16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

To place the ROM/E2 DataFlash in ROM P/E mode so that the FCU can accept commands, either the FENTRYD or
FENTRY0 bit must be set to 1. Note that if more than one of these bits are set to 1, the FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit is set to
1 and the FCU enters the command-locked state.
After writing to the FENTRYR to initiate a transition to ROM-reading mode, read the register and confirm that it actually
holds the new setting before reading the ROM.
FENTRYR is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

FENTRY0 Bit (ROM P/E Mode Entry 0)

This bit is used to place 32 Kbytes (read addresses: FFFF 8000h to FFFF FFFFh, programming/erasure addresses: 00FF
8000h to 00FF FFFFh), 64 Kbytes (read addresses: FFFF 0000h to FFFF FFFFh, programming/erasure addresses: 00FF
0000h to 00FF FFFFh), 128 Kbytes (read addresses: FFFE 0000h to FFFF FFFFh, programming/erasure addresses: 00FE
0000h to 00FF FFFFh), or 256 Kbytes (read addresses: FFFC 0000h to FFFF FFFFh, programming/erasure addresses:
00FC 0000h to 00FF FFFFh) of ROM in ROM P/E mode.

[Writing-enable conditions (when all of the following conditions are met)]

 The FSTATR0.FRDY bit is set to 1.
 AAh is written to the FEKEY[7:0] bits in word access.
[Setting condition]
 The writing-enable conditions are met, FENTRYR is set to 0000h, and 1 is written to the FENTRY0 bit.
[Clearing conditions]
 Data is written in byte access.
 Data is written in word access when the FEKEY[7:0] bits are other than AAh.
 When the writing-enable conditions are met, 0 is written to the FENTRY0 bit.
 When the writing-enable conditions are met and FENTRYR is other than 0000h, data is written to FENTRYR.

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36.2.9 Flash Protection Register (FPROTR)

Address(es): 007F FFB4h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

FPKEY[7:0] — — — — — — — FPROT
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FPROTCN Lock Bit Protection Cancel 0: Protection with a lock bit enabled R/W
1: Protection with a lock bit disabled
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b8 FPKEY[7:0] Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to the R/(W)
FPROTR register. *1
To modify the FPROTR register, write 55h to the eight higher-order
bits and the desired value to the eight lower-order bits as a 16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

FPROTR is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

FPROTCN Bit (Lock Bit Protection Cancel)

This bit is used to enable/disable the programming/erasure protection with a lock bit.

[Setting condition]
 55h is written to the FPKEY[7:0] bits and 1 is written to the FPROTCN bit in word access when the value of
FENTRYR is other than 0000h.
[Clearing conditions]
 Data is written in byte access.
 Data is written in word access when the FPKEY[7:0] bits are other than 55h.
 55h is written to the FPKEY[7:0] bits and 0 is written to the FPROTCN bit in word access.
 The value of FENTRYR is 0000h.

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36.2.10 Flash Reset Register (FRESETR)

Address(es): 007F FFB6h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

FRKEY[7:0] — — — — — — — FRESE
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FRESET Flash Reset 0: FCU is not reset R/W
1: FCU is reset
b7 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b8 FRKEY[7:0] Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to the R/(W)
FRESETR register. *1
To modify the FRESETR register, write CCh to the eight higher-order
bits and the desired value to the eight lower-order bits as a 16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

FRESET Bit (Flash Reset)

When the FRESET bit is set to 1, programming/erasure operations for the ROM/E2 DataFlash are forcibly terminated,
and the FCU is initialized.
High voltage is applied to the memory of the ROM/E2 DataFlash during programming/erasure. To ensure the time
required for dropping the voltage applied to the memory, keep the FRESET bit set to 1 for tFCUR (see section 38,
Electrical Characteristics) when initializing the FCU. While the FRESET bit is kept 1, prohibit the ROM/E2 DataFlash
from being read. Additionally, when the FRESET bit is set to 1, the FCU commands cannot be used because FENTRYR
is initialized.

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36.2.11 FCU Command Register (FCMDR)

Address(es): 007F FFBAh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

CMDR[7:0] PCMDR[7:0]

Value after reset: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 PCMDR[7:0] Precommand Store the command immediately before the last command received by R
the FCU.
b15 to b8 CMDR[7:0] Command Store the last command received by the FCU. R

FCMDR is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

Table 36.3 lists the states of FCMDR after receiving each command. For details on the blank check processing, see
section 37.6, Programming and Erasing the E2 DataFlash Memory.

Table 36.3 States of FCMDR after Receiving Each Command

Command CMDR[7:0] PCMDR[7:0]
P/E normal mode transition FFh Previous command
Status read mode transition 70h Previous command
Lock bit read mode transition (lock bit read 1) 71h Previous command
Peripheral clock notification E9h Previous command
Programming E8h Previous command
Block erase D0h 20h
P/E suspend B0h Previous command
P/E resume D0h Previous command
Status register clear 50h Previous command
Lock bit read 2/blank check D0h 71h
Lock bit programming D0h 77h

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36.2.12 FCU Processing Switching Register (FCPSR)

Address(es): 007F FFC8h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ESUSP
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 ESUSPMD Programming/Erasure 0: Suspension priority mode R/W
Suspend Mode 1: Programming/erasure priority mode
b15 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

FCPSR is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

ESUSPMD Bit (Programming/Erasure Suspend Mode)

This bit is to select the erasure suspend mode for when a P/E suspend command is issued while the FCU executes the
erasure processing for the ROM/E2 DataFlash. For details, see section 36.7, Suspending Operation.

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36.2.13 Flash P/E Status Register (FPESTAT)

Address(es): 007F FFCCh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — PEERRST[7:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 PEERRST[7:0] P/E Error Status 00h: No error R
01h: Programming error against areas protected by a lock bit
02h: Programming error due to sources other than the lock bit protection
11h: Erasure error against areas protected by a lock bit
12h: Erasure error due to sources other than the lock bit protection
(Values other than above are reserved)
b15 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. Writing to these bits has no effect. R

FPESTAT is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

PEERRST[7:0] Bits (P/E Error Status)

These bits are used to indicate the reason of an error that occurs during the programming/erasure processing for the
ROM/E2 DataFlash.
The value of the PEERRST[7:0] bits is valid only when the FSTATR0.FRDY bit is set to 1 while the FSTATR0.ERSERR
bit or FSTATR0.PRGERR bit is 1. The value of the reason of the past error is retained in the PEERRST[7:0] bits when
the ERSERR bit and PRGERR bit is 0.

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36.2.14 Peripheral Clock Notification Register (PCKAR)

Address(es): 007F FFE8h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — PCKA[7:0]

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b7 to b0 PCKA[7:0] Peripheral Clock These bits are used to set the FlashIF clock (FCLK) at the R/W
Notification programming/erasure for the ROM/E2 DataFlash.
b15 to b8 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

PCKAR is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESETR.FRESET bit is set to 1.

PCKA[7:0] Bits (Peripheral Clock Notification)

These bits are used to set the FlashIF clock (FCLK) at the programming/erasure for the ROM/E2 DataFlash.
Set the FCLK frequency in the PCKA[7:0] bits and issue a peripheral clock notification command before programming/
erasure. Do not change frequency during programming/erasure for the ROM/E2 DataFlash.
Calculate the setting value as follows:
 Convert an operating frequency represented in MHz units to binary and write it to the PCKA[7:0] bits.
For example, when the operating frequency of the FlashIF clock is 29.9 MHz, the setting value is calculated as follows:
 Round 29.9 off to a whole number.
 Convert 30 to binary and set the upper bits and lower bits of the PCKA[7:0] bits to 00h and 1Eh (0001 1110b).

Note: • When the PCKA[7:0] bits are set to values outside the range from 4 to 32 MHz, do not issue a programming
command to the ROM/E2 DataFlash.
Note: • When the PCKA[7:0] bits are set to a frequency that is different from the FCLK, the data of the ROM/E2
DataFlash may be damaged.
Note: • Please note that the programming time depends on the frequency to some extent even if the PCKA[7:0] bits are

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36.3 Configuration of Memory Areas for the ROM

The ROM of products in the RX220 Group is configured of a maximum 256-Kbyte user area and a 16-Kbyte user boot
area. Figure 36.2 shows the configuration of the ROM memory area.
Note that for the user area, the address range for reading differs from the address range for programming and erasure.

For reading For programming/erasure

Address FFFC 0000h Address 00FC 0000h

the user
User area area
Address FFFE 0000h Address 00FE 0000h capacity
(256 Kbytes) is 256
When Kbytes
the user
When area
Address FFFF 0000h Address 00FF 0000h capacity
When the user
the user area is 128
Address FFFF 8000h Address 00FF 8000h Kbytes
area capacity
capacity is 64
Address FFFF FFFFh Address 00FF FFFFh is 32 Kbytes

For reading
Address FF7F C000h
User boot area
(16 Kbytes)
Address FF7F FFFFh

Figure 36.2 Memory Area Configuration of ROM

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36.4 Block Configuration

The configuration of erasure blocks for the user area is shown in Figure 36.3.
The user area is divided into following blocks according to the ROM capacity and erasure is executed in block units.
Programming is executed in 2-/8-/128-byte units, where each unit starts at 00h.

User area
Address FFFC 0000h Erasure block

User area
2 Kbytes
× 128 blocks Address FFFE 0000h Erasure block
2 Kbytes
× 64 blocks

Address FFFF FFFFh EB00 Address FFFF FFFFh EB00

256-Kbyte ROM 128-Kbyte ROM

User area
Address FFFF 0000h Erasure block User area Erasure block
2 Kbytes
× 32 blocks EB31 Address FFFF 8000h EB15
2 Kbytes × 16 blocks
Address FFFF FFFFh EB00 Address FFFF FFFFh EB00
64-Kbyte ROM 32-Kbyte ROM

Figure 36.3 Configuration of Erasure Blocks for the User Area

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36.5 Operating Modes Associated with the ROM

For information on the relationship between the setting of the level on the MD pin and the operating mode for the RX220
Group, refer to section 3, Operating Modes.
The ROM can be read, programmed, and erased on board in boot mode or single-chip mode.
Which areas are programmable and erasable, the area from which booting up proceeds after a reset, etc., differs with the
mode. The differences between modes are indicated in Table 36.4.

Table 36.4 Differences between Modes

Item Boot Mode User Boot Mode Single-Chip Mode
Environment for programming and erasure On-board programming
Programmable and erasable area User area/user boot area/ User area/data area User area/data area
data area
Division into erasure blocks Possible*1 Possible Possible
Boot program at a reset Boot program User boot program User program

Note 1. The entire ROM may be erased at the time of booting up. Specified blocks can subsequently be erased. For details, refer to
section 36.10.4, ID Code Protection (Boot Mode).

 Programming and erasure of the user boot area are only possible in boot mode.
 In boot mode, a host is able to program, erase, or read the user area, user boot area, or data area via an SCI.
 In boot mode, RAM is employed for the boot program. For this reason, preserving the contents of RAM is not
possible in this case.
 In user boot mode, booting up from the user boot area and then programming and reading of the user area and data
area via a desired interface become possible (after booting up from the boot area).

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36.6 Programming and Erasing the ROM

The ROM is programmed and erased by issuing commands to a dedicated sequencer (FCU) for programming and
erasure. The FCU has five modes. For programming and erasure, the mode is changed and then commands for
programming and erasure are issued.
The mode transitions required to program or erase the ROM and the system of commands are described below. The
descriptions apply in common to boot mode, user boot mode, and single-chip mode.

36.6.1 FCU Modes

The FCU has five modes. Transitions between modes are caused by modifying FENTRYR or issuing FCU commands.
Figure 36.4 is a diagram of the FCU mode transitions.

ROM read mode

ROM/E2 DataFlash
E2 DataFlash P/E mode
read mode


ROM P/E mode

ROM P/E normal ROM status read
mode mode

(A) (C)

(C) (B)
ROM lock bit read

(A): Execute a normal mode transition command.

(B): Execute a command that is neither a normal mode transition command nor a lock bit read mode transition command.
(C): Execute a lock bit read mode transition command.

Figure 36.4 Mode Transitions of the FCU (Associated with the ROM)

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RX220 Group 36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) ROM Read Modes

The ROM read modes are for high-speed reading of the ROM. Access to an address for reading can be accomplished in
one cycle of ICLK.
ROM/E2 DataFlash read mode and E2 DataFlash P/E mode are the two kinds of ROM read modes.

(1) ROM/E2 DataFlash Read Mode

This mode is for reading the ROM and E2 DataFlash memory. The FCU does not accept FCU commands. The FCU
enters this mode when the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is set to 0 with the FENTRYR.FENTRYD bit set to 0.

(2) E2 DataFlash P/E Modes

These modes are for programming and erasure of the E2 DataFlash memory. High-speed reading of the ROM is also
possible. Although the FCU accepts FCU commands related to the E2 DataFlash memory in this mode, it does not accept
FCU commands related to the ROM. The FCU enters these modes when the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is set to 0 with the
FENTRYR.FENTRYD bit set to 1.
For details on the E2 DataFlash P/E modes, see section 37.6.1, FCU Modes (in section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory
(Flash Memory for Data Storage)). ROM P/E Modes

The ROM P/E modes are for programming and erasure of the ROM. High-speed reading of the ROM is not possible in
these modes. Read access to an address within the range for reading causes a ROM-access violation, and the FCU enters
the command-locked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State).
ROM P/E normal mode, ROM status read mode, and ROM lock-bit read mode are the three ROM P/E modes.

(1) ROM P/E Normal Mode

The transition to ROM P/E normal mode is the first transition in the process of programming or erasing the ROM. The
FCU enters this mode when the FENTRYR.FENTRYD bit is set to 0, with the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit set to 1 in ROM
read mode, or when the normal mode transition command is received in ROM P/E modes. Table 36.7 lists the
acceptable commands in this mode.
Read access to an address within the range for programming and erasure while the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is set to 1
causes a ROM-access violation, and the FCU enters the command-locked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-
Locked State).

(2) ROM Status Read Mode

In the ROM status read mode, the state of the ROM can be read. The FCU enters this mode when a command other than
the normal mode transition or lock bit read mode transition command is received in ROM P/E modes.
ROM status read mode encompasses the states where the FSTATR0.FRDY bit is 0 and the command-locked state after
an error has occurred. Table 36.7 lists the acceptable commands in this mode.
Read access to an address within the range for programming and erasure while the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 allows
the value of FSTATR0 to be read.

(3) ROM Lock-Bit Read Mode

In the ROM lock-bit read mode, reading the ROM allows the lock bits to be read. The FCU enters this mode when a lock-
bit read mode transition command is received in ROM P/E modes. Table 36.7 lists the acceptable commands in this mode.
Read access to an address within the range for programming and erasure while the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 allows
the value of the lock bit of the erasure block including the accessed address to be read from all the read bits.

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36.6.2 FCU Commands

FCU commands consist of commands for mode transitions of the FCU and commands for programming and erasure.
Table 36.5 lists the FCU commands for use with the ROM.

Table 36.5 FCU Commands for Use with the ROM

Command Description
P/E normal mode transition Shifts to normal mode (see section 36.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes and Commands)
Status read mode transition Shifts to status read mode (see section 36.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes and Commands)
Lock bit read mode transition Shifts to lock bit read mode (see section 36.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes and
(lock bit read 1) Commands)
Peripheral clock notification Sets the frequency of the peripheral clock
Programming ROM programming (in 2-, 8-, or 128-byte units)
Block erase ROM erasure (in block units, with the lock bit being erased simultaneously)
P/E suspend Suspends programming/erasure
P/E resume Resumes programming/erasure
Status register clear Clears the ILGLERR, ERSERR and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 and releases the FCU from the
command locked state
Lock bit read 2/blank check Reads the lock bit of a specified erasure block (the value of the lock bit is reflected in the
FSTATR1.FLOCKST bit)/blank checking of the E2 DataFlash memory
Lock bit programming Programs the lock bit of a specified erasure block

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The lock bit read 2 command is also used as the blank check command for the E2 DataFlash memory. That is, when a
lock bit read 2 command is issued for the E2 DataFlash, blank checking is executed for the E2 DataFlash memory (see
section 37, E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)).
Commands for the FCU are issued by write access to addresses within the range for ROM programming and erasure.
Table 36.6 lists the formats of the FCU commands. Write access as listed in Table 36.6 and in accordance with certain
conditions causes the FCU to execute processing for the corresponding command.
For details on the conditions for the acceptance of the individual FCU commands, see section 36.6.3, Connections
between FCU Modes and Commands. For how to use the FCU commands, see section 36.6.4, FCU Command

Table 36.6 FCU Command Formats

Number of Bus Cycles

1st 2nd 3rd 4th to 5th 6th 7th to (N+2)th (N+3)th

Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle












P/E normal mode transition 1 RA FFh — — — — — — — — — — — —
Status read mode transition 1 RA 70h — — — — — — — — — — — —
Lock bit read mode transition 1 RA 71h — — — — — — — — — — — —
(lock bit read 1)
Peripheral clock notification 6 RA E9h RA 03h WA 0F0Fh RA 0F0Fh RA D0h — — — —
Programming 4 RA E8h RA 01h WA WDn — — — — — — RA D0h
(2-byte programming; N = 1)
Programming 7 RA E8h RA 04h WA WDn RA WDn RA WDn — — RA D0h
(8-byte programming; N = 4)
Programming 67 RA E8h RA 40h WA WDn RA WDn RA WDn RA WDn RA D0h
(128-byte programming; N = 64)
Block erase 2 RA 20h BA D0h — — — — — — — — — —
P/E suspend 1 RA B0h — — — — — — — — — — — —
P/E resume 1 RA D0h — — — — — — — — — — — —
Status register clear 1 RA 50h — — — — — — — — — — — —
Lock bit read 2 2 RA 71h BA D0h — — — — — — — — — —
Lock bit programming 2 RA 77h BA D0h — — — — — — — — — —

Address column RA: ROM programming/erasure address

When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 with 32-Kbyte ROM: An address from 00FF 8000h to 00FF FFFFh
When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 with 64-Kbyte ROM: An address from 00FF 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 with 128-Kbyte ROM: An address from 00FE 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 with 256-Kbyte ROM: An address from 00FC 0000h to 00FF FFFFh
WA: ROM programming-destination address
Start address for programming of 2/8/128 bytes of data
BA: ROM erasure block address
An address within the target erasure block (specified as an address in the range for programming and erasure)
Data column WDn: nth word of data for programming (n = 1 to 64)

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36.6.3 Connections between FCU Modes and Commands

The sets of FCU commands that can be accepted in each of the FCU modes are fixed. Furthermore, which commands are
acceptable in a given FCU mode also depends on the state of the FCU.
Issuing of an FCU command must follow checking of the FCU’s state after transitions of the FCU mode.
Commands that are acceptable in the various FCU modes and states are listed in Table 36.7. Issuing a command that is
not currently acceptable leads to the FCU being placed in the command-locked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-
Locked State).
Issuing of an FCU command must follow checking of the values of the FRDY, ILGLERR, ERSERR, and PRGERR bits
in FSTATR0 and of the FSTATR1.FCUERR bit after transitions of the FCU mode. Furthermore, the FASTAT.CMDLK
bit can be checked to see if an error has occurred. The value of the FASTAT.CMDLK bit is the logical OR of the

Table 36.7 Acceptable Commands and the State and Mode (ROM P/E Mode) of the FCU
P/E Normal Lock-Bit Read
Mode Status Read Mode Mode
Programming during Erasure Suspended State

Command-Locked State (FRDY = 0)

Command-Locked State (FRDY = 1)

Lock Bit Read 2 Processing
Programming Suspended

Programming Suspended

Programming Suspended
Programming or Erasure

Programming or Erasure
Processing to Suspend
Erasure Suspended

Erasure Suspended

Erasure Suspended
Other State

Other State

Other State
FSTATR0.FRDY bit 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
FSTATR0.SUSRDY bit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FSTATR0.ERSSPD bit 0 1 0 0 1 0/1 0 0 1 0/1 0/1 0 0 1 0
FSTATR0.PRGSPD bit 1 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 1 0 0/1 0/1 0 1 0 0
FASTAT.CMDLK bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Normal mode transition A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
Status read transition A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
Lock-bit read transition (lock bit read 1) A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
Peripheral clock notification × × A × × × × × × × × A × × A
Programming × * A × × × × × * × × A × * A
Block erase × × A × × × × × × × × A × × A
P/E suspend × × × A × × × × × × × × × × ×
P/E resume A A × × × × × A A × × × A A ×
Status register clear A A A × × × × A A × A A A A A
Lock bit read 2 A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
Lock bit programming × * A × × × × × * × × A × * A

A: Acceptable
*: Only programming is acceptable for blocks other than the block where erasure was suspended
×: Not acceptable

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36.6.4 FCU Command Usage

The set of FCU commands consists of commands for FCU mode transitions, actually programming or erasing the ROM,
error processing, and suspension and resumption. The following passages describe the various commands. For a
description of the modes and states where the respective commands are acceptable, see section 36.6.3, Connections
between FCU Modes and Commands. Mode Transitions

This subsection covers the commands for mode transitions. For an illustration of the various transitions between modes,
see Figure 36.4.

(1) Switching to ROM P/E Mode

A transition to ROM P/E mode is required before executing an FCU command for the ROM becomes possible.
Setting the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR to 1 causes a transition to ROM P/E mode for programming and erasure of the
corresponding address range.
Before proceeding to program or erase the ROM, enable programming and erasure by writing 01h as a byte to
FWEPROR (see section 36.2.1, Flash Write Erase Protection Register (FWEPROR)).


Set ROM P/E mode

Write to FENTRYR When setting the FENTRY0 bit to 1: Write AA01h

Write 01h to FWEPROR


Figure 36.5 Procedure for Transition to ROM P/E Mode

(2) Switching to ROM Read Mode

High-speed reading of the ROM requires clearing of the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR, which places the FCU in ROM
read mode.
Writing of 02h as a byte to FWEPROR is also required to disable programming and erasure (see section 36.2.1, Flash
Write Erase Protection Register (FWEPROR)).
Before switching the FCU from ROM P/E mode to read mode, ensure that all processing of FCU commands has been
completed and that the FCU has not detected an error.

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FRDY bit check



Error check (tE2K)*1 No

ILGLERR bit check initialization


PRGERR = 0 10h


Write 10h to FASTAT

Issue a status register

clear command

Write AA00h to




Write 02h to


Note 1. tE2K: Erasure time for a 2-Kbyte erasure block (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.6 Procedure for Transition to ROM Read Mode

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(3) Switching to ROM P/E Normal Mode

Two methods are available for the transition to ROM P/E normal mode: setting FENTRYR while the FCU is in ROM
read mode (see section 36.6.1, FCU Modes), or issuing the normal mode transition command while the FCU is in
ROM P/E mode (see Figure 36.7). The normal mode transition command is issued by writing FFh as a byte to a ROM
programming/erasure address.


Issue a normal mode

transition command

When the ILGLERR bit is 1, the normal mode transition command is not
FSTATR0 check accepted by the FCU.


Figure 36.7 Procedure for Transition to ROM P/E Normal Mode

(4) Switching to ROM Status Read Mode

Issuing an FCU command other than a normal mode transition or lock bit read mode transition command places the FCU
in ROM status read mode. The same transition can be obtained by issuing the status read mode transition command.
Figure 36.8 shows the procedure for checking FSTATR0 as an example. In the example, the status read mode transition
command is issued to place the FCU in ROM status read mode, and the value of FSTATR0 is obtained by read access to
a ROM programming/erasure address and then checked.


Write 70h to the address for ROM Transition to ROM status read mode
programming and erasure in bytes

Read from the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes Read the value of FSTATR0


Figure 36.8 Procedure for Transition to ROM Status Read Mode and the Status Checking

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(5) Switching to ROM Lock-Bit Read Mode

Clearing the FMODR.FRDMD bit (memory area reading method) issues a lock bit read mode transition (lock bit read 1)
command. After the transition to ROM lock bit read mode, the lock bit value is obtained by read access to a ROM
programming/erasure address. All bits of a value thus read have the value of the lock bit of the erasure block that
contains the accessed address (Figure 36.9).


Write 71h to the address for ROM

Transition to ROM lock bit read mode
programming and erasure in bytes

Check the FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit Check the transition to ROM lock bit read mode

Read the value of the lock bit

Read from the arbitrary address in the Use the address for ROM programming and erasure
erasure block in bytes (Do not use the address for reading.)


Figure 36.9 Procedure for Transition to ROM Lock-Bit Read Mode and Lock-Bit Reading

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RX220 Group 36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Programming and Erasure Procedures

The following passages describe the flow of procedures for programming or erasing the ROM. For details on the
acceptance of commands by the FCU, see section 36.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes and Commands.
Figure 36.10 is a simple flowchart of the procedure for executing FCU commands.


Jump to the RAM

ROM P/E mode transition Set FWEPROR and FENTRYR

 Set FASTAT to 10h See table, “Errors that Lead to the

 Issue a status register clear
command Command-Locked State” and section,
Error “Error Processing”.
Error check

No error

Issue a peripheral clock Issued only one time after a peripheral clock is set.
notification command For details, see section, “Using the Peripheral Clock Notification Command”.

 Set FASTAT to 10h

 Issue a status register clear
 Redo the error processing
Error check

No error

Issue an FCU command*1

 Set FASTAT to 10h
 Issue a status register clear
 Redo the error processing

Error check

No error

Check the
execution result of NG
the FCU



Note 1. Selected among the programming, block erase, lock bit programming, and lock bit read 2 commands.
Note 2. To check the result of programming/erasure processing, enter ROM read mode and read data from the ROM
(see section, “Switching to ROM Read Mode”).

Figure 36.10 Simple Flowchart of the Procedure for Programming and Erasure

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(1) Jumping to Locations in RAM

Since fetching instructions from the ROM is not possible while the ROM is being programmed or erased, code has to be
executed from an area other than the ROM. Copy the required instruction code to RAM and then make a jump to the
address where the code starts in RAM.

(2) Transition to ROM P/E Mode

The FCU is placed in ROM P/E mode by setting the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR and FWEPROR register. For details,
see section, (1) Switching to ROM P/E Mode.

(3) Using the Peripheral Clock Notification Command

The FlashIF clock (FCLK) is used in programming and erasing the ROM, so the frequency of this clock has to be set in
PCKAR. Frequencies in the range from 4 MHz to 32 MHz are selectable. If a frequency within this range has not been
set, the FCU will detect the error and enter the command-blocked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State).
Note that if the PCKA[7:0] bits in the PCKAR register are set to values outside the range from 4 MHz to 32 MHz, do not
issue a programming command to the ROM/E2 DataFlash.
The peripheral clock notification command is used after the PCKAR setting has been made. In the first and second cycles
for the peripheral clock notification command, respectively, the values E9h and 03h are written as a byte to the address
range for programming and erasure of the ROM. Word-size writing is used in the third to fifth cycles of the command.
After 0F0Fh has been written three times (as a word) to the address range for programming and erasure of the ROM, the
process of the FCU setting the frequency of the peripheral clock starts once the value D0h has been written as a byte in
the sixth cycle. The FSTATR0.FRDY bit can be used to check whether or not the settings have been completed.
Addresses that can be used in the first to sixth cycles differ according to the settings of the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR.
Ensure that the addresses suit the settings of the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR. If issuing of the command is attempted
with an erroneous combination of the settings of the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR and the specified addresses, the FCU
will detect the error and enter the command-blocked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State).
Furthermore, if the setting for the peripheral clock in use will not be changed from this setting after release from the reset
state, this setting is also valid for the next FCU command.

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Set PCKAR to
frequency of FlashIF clock (FCLK)

Write E9h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

Write 03h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes


Write 0F0Fh data to the address for

ROM programming and erasure in n=n+1

n = 3?

Write D0h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

FRDY bit check
0 tPCKA*1 No

1 Yes
FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit check



Note 1. tPCKA: 120 μs when FCLK = 25 MHz

Note 2. tFCUR: 960 μs when FCLK = 4 MHz, reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical

Figure 36.11 Using the Peripheral Clock Notification Command

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(4) Programming
The programming command is used to write data to the ROM.
In the first cycle of the programming command, the value E8h is written as a byte to the address range for programming
and erasure of the ROM. In the second cycle, the values, 01h (for 2-byte programming), 04h (for 8-byte programming),
or 40h (for 128-byte programming) are written to the same address range. In the third cycle, write the actual data to be
programmed, as a word unit, to the start address of the target area for programming.
In the case of 128-byte programming, 128 bytes (64 words) of data are written to the ROM in the third to the 66th cycles,
divided into 64 rounds. The start address of 128 bytes for programming is specified in the third cycle. The address range
specified at this time must be an integral multiple of 128. The address range specified in the fourth to the 66th cycles
does not need to be the address range for actual programming.
In the case of 8-byte programming, 8 bytes (4 words) of data are written to the ROM in the third to the sixth cycles,
divided into four rounds. The start address of 8 bytes for programming is specified in the third cycle. The address range
specified at this time must be an integral multiple of 8. The address range specified in the fourth to the sixth cycles does
not need to be the address range for actual programming.
In the case of 2-byte programming, the address range and data for programming are specified in the third cycle. The
address range must be an even number.
Once the value D0h has been written as a byte to the address range for programming and erasure of the ROM in the 67th
cycle, the FCU begins the actual process of programming the ROM. The FSTATR0.FRDY bit can be used to check
whether or not the programming has been completed.
Addresses that can be used in the first to 67th cycles differ according to the setting of the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit.
Ensure that the addresses suit the setting of FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit. If issuing of the command is attempted with an
erroneous combination of the setting of the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit and the specified addresses, the FCU will detect
the error and enter the command-blocked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State).
In cases where the target range in the third to 66th cycles includes addresses that do not require programming, use FFFFh
as the data for programming to those addresses. To execute programming with lock bit protection disabled, proceed with
programming after setting the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit to 1.

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Write E8h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

Write number of programming words(N) 2-byte Programming; N = 01h

to the address for ROM programming 8-byte Programming; N = 04h
and erasure in bytes 128-byte Programming; N = 40h

Write programming data to start address

of programming destination in words


Write programming data to the address

for ROM programming and erasure in n=n+1


Write D0h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

FRDY bit check
0 (tP128 x 1.1)*1 No

1 Yes
FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit and PRGERR bit check



Note 1. tP128: Programming time for 128-byte data (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.12 Procedure for ROM Programming

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(5) Erasure
To erase data from the ROM, use the block erase command.
Write 20h to the ROM programming/erasure address in byte access in the first cycle of the block erase command. When
D0h is written to an arbitrary address in a target erasure block in byte access in the second cycle, the FCU starts the
erasure processing for the ROM. Whether erasure is completed can be checked with the FSTATR0.FRDY bit. Reading
the erased ROM by the CPU returns FFFF FFFFh in 32 bits.
To execute an erasure with lock bit protection disabled, set the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit before erasure.


Write 20h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

Write D0h to arbitrary address in Use the address for ROM programming and erasure
erasure block in bytes (Do not use a read address)

FRDY bit check
0 (tE2K x 1.1)*1 No

1 Yes
FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit and ERSERR bit check



Note 1. tE2K: Erasure time for a 2-Kbyte erasure block (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.13 Procedure for ROM Erasure

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(6) Writing to/Erasing Lock Bits

Each erasure block in the user area includes a lock bit. To write to a lock bit, use the lock bit programming command. In
the first cycle of the lock bit programming command, 77h is written to the ROM programming/erasure address as a byte.
When D0h is written to an arbitrary address in an erasure block whose lock bit is to be written to in the second cycle as a
byte, the FCU starts the processing to write to the lock bit. Whether writing is completed can be checked with the


Write 77h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

Write D0h to arbitrary address in Use the address for ROM programming and erasure
erasure block in bytes (Do not use a read address)

FRDY bit check
0 (tP128 x 1.1)*1 No

1 Yes

FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit and PRGERR bit Wait

check (tFCUR)*2



Note 1. tP128: Programming time for 128-byte data (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.14 Procedure for Programming the Lock Bit

To erase a lock bit, use the block erase command.

When the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit is 0, erasure blocks whose lock bit is set to 0 cannot be erased. When erasing a lock
bit, issue a block erase command with the FPROTCN bit set to 1. Using the block erase command erases all data in the
erasure block. It is impossible to erase only a lock bit.

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(7) Reading Lock Bits

Lock bits can be read by either reading from a memory area or reading from a register.
The lock bit read 2 command is issued in the case of the register reading method (i.e. when the FMODR.FRDMD bit is
set to 1). This command is issued to an address within the erasure block for which the lock bit is to be read; the address
range is that for programming and erasing the ROM. In the first and second cycles of the lock bit read 2 command, the
values 71h and D0h are written as bytes; once these values have been written, the value of the lock bit for the specified
erasure block is copied to the FSTATR1.FLOCKST bit.
In the case of the memory area reading method (i.e. when the FMODR.FRDMD bit is 0), the FCU is placed in ROM
lock-bit read mode, and the lock bit is obtained by reading from an address within the address range for programming
and erasure of the ROM. For details, see section, (5) Switching to ROM Lock-Bit Read Mode.


Write 71h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

Issue a lock bit read 2 command

Write D0h to arbitrary address in erasure Use the address for ROM programming and erasure
block in bytes (Do not use a read address)

FRDY bit check
0 (10 µs)
1 Yes

FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit check


FLOCKST bit check


Note 1. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.15 Procedure for Reading Lock Bit in Register Read Mode

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RX220 Group 36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Error Processing

The following passages describe the flow of error processing. For details on errors, see section 36.8, Protection.

(1) Checking Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0)

To check FSTATR0, read FSTATR0 directly or read the ROM programming/erasure address in ROM status read mode.
For the reading in ROM status read mode, see section, (4) Switching to ROM Status Read Mode.

(2) Clearing Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0)

To clear the ILGLERR, ERSERR and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 to 0, use the status register clear command.
When one of the ILGLERR, ERSERR and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 is 1, the FCU is placed in the command-locked
state and receives no FCU commands other than the status register clear command. If the ILGLERR bit is 1, also check
the values of the ROMAE, DFLAE, DFLRPE, and DFLWPE bits in FASTAT. Even if issuing a status register clear
command without clearing these bits, the ILGLERR bit is not cleared to 0.


ILGLERR bit check




Write 10h to FASTAT

Write 50h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes


Figure 36.16 Procedure for Clearing FSTATR0

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(3) Initializing the FCU

When a timeout leads to the FSTATR0.FRDY bit not being set to 1 after an FCU command has been issued, FRESETR
must be used to initialize the FCU. FCU initialization by FRESETR is also necessary when the FSTATR1.FCUERR bit is
1. In either case, maintain the FRESETR.FRESET bit set to 1 for a period of tFCUR (see section 38, Electrical
Characteristics). Disable reading from the ROM and E2 DataFlash memory during this period of keeping the FRESET
bit set to 1. In addition, while the FRESET bit is 1, FCU commands are disabled because FENTRYR is initialized.
Restart the processing from the start, as shown in Figure 36.10. Suspension and Resumption

(1) Suspending Programming or Erasure
To suspend programming/erasure for the ROM, use the P/E suspend command.
When issuing a P/E suspend command, check that the ILGLERR, ERSERR, and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 and the
FSTATR1.FCUERR bit are 0, and the execution of programming/erasure is normally performed. To confirm that the
suspend command can be received, also check that the FSTATR0.SUSRDY bit is 1. After issuing a P/E suspend
command, read FSTATR0 and FSTATR1 to confirm that no error occurs.
If an error occurs during programming/erasure, at least one of the ILGLERR, PRGERR, ERSERR, and FCUERR bits is
set to 1. When programming/erasure processing has finished during the interval from when the SUSRDY bit is checked
as 1 to when a P/E suspend command is received, the ILGLERR bit is set to 1 because the issued P/E suspend command
is detected as an illegal command.
When programming/erasure processing has finished simultaneously with the reception of a P/E suspend command, no
error occurs and the suspended state is not entered (FSTATR0.FRDY bit is 1 and ERSSPD and PRGSPD bits in
FSTATR0 are 0). When a P/E suspend command is received and then the programming/erasure suspend processing
finishes normally, the FCU enters the suspended state, the FRDY bit is set to 1, and the ERSSPD or PRGSPD bit is set to
1. After issuing a P/E suspend command, check that the ERSSPD or PRGSPD bit is 1 and the FCU enters the suspended
state, and then decide the subsequent flow. When issuing a P/E resume command in the subsequent flow although the
FCU does not enter the suspended state, an illegal command error occurs and the FCU is placed in the command-locked
state (see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State).
If the erasure suspended state is entered, programming to blocks other than an erasure target can be performed.
Additionally, the programming and erasure suspended states can shift to ROM read mode by clearing FENTRYR.
For details on FCU operations at the reception of a P/E suspend command, see section 36.7, Suspending Operation.

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Error bit check


SUSRDY bit check
FCUERR bit check

FRDY bit check FCUERR = 1


Write B0h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes
Error bit check 1
ERSERR = 0 1
ILGLERR bit check
FRDY bit check

1 Timeout No
(tSEED x 1.1)*1 Yes
Yes No
FCU initialization
Write 10h to FASTAT

(tFCUR)*2 Issue a status register
ERSSPD bit and PRGSPD bit clear command


Note 1. tSEED: Suspend delay time

Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 3. tE2K: Erasure time for a 2-Kbyte erasure block (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.17 Procedure for Programming/Erasure Suspension

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(2) Resuming Programming or Erasure

To resume a suspended programming/erasure processing, use the P/E resume command. When the FENTRYR register
settings are changed during suspension, reset the FENTRYR register to the value immediately before the P/E suspend
command was issued, and then issue a P/E resume command.


Write D0h to the address for ROM

programming and erasure in bytes

FRDY bit check
(tE2K x 1.1)*1
0 No

1 Yes

FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit, ERSERR bit, and PRGERR Wait

bit check (tFCUR)*2



Note 1. tE2K: Erasure time for a 2-Kbyte erasure block (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 36.18 Procedure for Resuming Programming or Erasure

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36.7 Suspending Operation

The ROM cannot be read during programming/erasure. The ROM can be read by suspending the ROM programming/
erasure with the P/E suspend command. The P/E suspend command includes two programming modes (suspension
priority mode and programming/erasure priority mode) and two erasure modes (suspension priority mode and
programming/erasure priority mode). The P/E resume command that resumes suspended programming/erasure
processing is also provided.

(1) Suspension during Erasure

 Suspension priority mode: Erasure can be suspended one time per pulse*1.
 Programming/erasure priority mode: Suspension is performed after completion of one programming/erasure pulse*1
(see Figure 36.19).

(2) Suspension during Programming

 Suspension priority mode: Programming can be suspended one time per pulse*1.
 Programming/erasure priority mode: Suspension is performed after completion of one programming/erasure

Note 1. Programming/erasure is performed by generating multiple pulses for a single programming/erasure command.

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36.7.1 Suspension during Programming/Erasure (Suspension Priority Mode)

Figure 36.19 shows the suspend operation of erasure when the erasure suspend mode is set to the suspension priority
mode (FCPSR.ESUSPMD bit is 0).
When receiving an erasure-related command, the FCU clears the FSTATR0.FRDY bit to 0 to start erasure. If the FCU
enters the state in which the P/E suspend command can be received after starting erasure, the FSTATR0.SUSRDY bit is
set to 1. When a P/E suspend command is issued, the FCU receives the command and clears the SUSRDY bit to 0. When
receiving a suspend command during erasure, the FCU starts the suspend processing and sets the FSTATR0.ERSSPD bit
to 1 even if it is applying an erasure pulse. When the suspend processing finishes, the FCU sets the FRDY bit to 1 to
enter the erasure suspended state. When receiving a P/E resume command in the erasure suspended state, the FCU clears
the FRDY and ERSSPD bits to 0 and resumes erasure. Operations of the FRDY, SUSRDY, and ERSSPD bits at the
suspension and resumption of erasure are the same, regardless of the erasure suspend mode.
The setting of the erasure suspend mode affects the control method of erasure pulses. In suspension priority mode, when
receiving a P/E suspend command while erasure pulse A that has never been suspended in the past is being applied, the
FCU suspends the application of erasure pulse A and enters the erasure suspended state. When receiving a P/E suspend
command while reapplying erasure pulse A after erasure is resumed by a P/E resume command, the FCU continues
applying erasure pulse A. After the specified pulse application time, the FCU finishes erasure pulse application and
enters the erasure suspended state. When the FCU receives a P/E resume command next and erasure pulse B starts to be
newly applied, and then the FCU receives a P/E suspend command again, the application of erasure pulse B is
suspended. In suspension priority mode, delay due to suspension can be minimized because the application of an erasure
pulse is suspended one time per pulse and priority is given to the suspend processing.

FCU command E S R S R S R S

FRDY bit



Erasure pulse

Pulse A application Pulse A application Pulse B application Pulse B application

halted continues halted continues

E: Erasure-related command (block erase, P/E resume)

S: P/E suspend command
R: P/E resume command

Figure 36.19 Suspension during Erasure (Suspension Priority Mode)

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36.7.2 Suspension during Programming/Erasure (Programming/Erasure Priority Mode)

Figure 36.20 shows the suspend operation of erasure when the erasure suspend mode is set to the programming/erasure
priority mode (FCPSR.ESUSPMD bit is 1). The control method of erasure pulses in programming/erasure priority mode
is the same as that of programming pulses for the programming suspend processing.
If the FCU receives a P/E suspend command while an erasure pulse is being applied, the FCU definitely continues
applying the pulse. In this mode, the required time for the whole erasure processing can be reduced as compared with the
suspension priority mode because the reapplication of erasure pulses does not occur when a P/E resume command is

FCU command E S R S

FRDY bit



Erasure pulse

Pulse A application Pulse B application

continues continues

E: Erasure-related command (block erase, P/E resume)

S: P/E suspend command
R: P/E resume command

Figure 36.20 Suspension during Erasure (Programming/Erasure Priority Mode)

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36.8 Protection
Protection against programming/erasure for the ROM includes software protection and command-locked state.

36.8.1 Software Protection

With the software protection, the ROM programming/erasure is prohibited by the settings of the control registers or user
area lock bit. When the software protection is violated and a ROM programming/erasure-related command is issued, the
FCU detects an error and enters the command-locked state.

(1) Protection through FWEPROR

If the FWEPROR.FLWE[1:0] bits are not set to 01b, programming cannot be performed in any of the modes.

(2) Protection through FENTRYR

When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 0, ROM read mode is selected. Because the FCU command cannot be received in
ROM read mode, ROM programming/erasure is prohibited. When an FCU command is issued in ROM read mode, the
FCU detects an illegal command error and is placed in the command-locked state (see section 36.8.2, Command-
Locked State).

(3) Protection through Lock Bit

Each erasure block in the user area includes a lock bit. When the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit is 0, erasure blocks whose lock
bit is set to 0 are prohibited from being programmed/erased. To program or erase erasure blocks whose lock bit is set to
0, set the FPROTCN bit to 1. When the lock bit protection is violated and a ROM programming/erasure-related
command is issued, the FCU detects a programming/erasure error and enters the command-locked state (see section
36.8.2, Command-Locked State).

36.8.2 Command-Locked State

With the command-locked state, the FCU detects malfunctions caused by FCU command issuance errors and prohibited
access occurrences, and an FCU command is prohibited from being received.
When any bit from among the status bits (the ILGLERR, ERSERR, and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0, the
FSTATR1.FCUERR bit, and the FASTAT.ROMAE bit) is set to 1, the FCU will be in the command-locked state
(FASTAT.CMDLK bit is set to 1), so programming and erasure of the ROM are prohibited. To clear the command-locked
state, a status register clear command must be issued with FASTAT set to 10h.
While the FAEINT.CMDLKIE bit is set to 1, if the FCU is placed in the command-locked state (FASTAT.CMDLK bit is
set to 1), a flash interface error (FIFERR) interrupt occurs. While the FAEINT.ROMAEIE bit is set to 1, if the
FASTAT.ROMAE bit is set to 1, an FIFERR interrupt occurs.
Table 36.8 lists the relationship between the contents of the ROM-related command-locked state and status bit values
detection. If a command other than the suspend command is issued during programming/erasure and the FCU enters the
command-locked state, it continues programming/erasure. In this state, it is impossible to issue a P/E suspend command
and suspend programming/erasure. When a command is issued in the command-locked state, the ILGLERR bit is set to

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Table 36.8 Errors that Lead to the Command-Locked State (Types Dedicated to ROM and Types Common to
ROM and E2 DataFlash)




Type Description
FENTRYR setting More than one bit is set to 1 among the FENTRYD and FENTRY0 bits in FENTRYR 1 0 0 0 0
The FENTRYR setting at suspension disagrees with that at resumption 1 0 0 0 0
Illegal command error Undefined code is specified in the first cycle of an FCU command 1 0 0 0 0
Other than D0h is specified in the last cycle of a multi-cycle FCU command 1 0 0 0 0
The peripheral clock is set to other than 1 to 100 MHz in PCKAR 1 0 0 0 0
(an error is not detected if the setting is from 1 to 4 MHz or from 32 to 100 MHz)
A command other than the suspend command is issued during programming/erasure 1 0 0 0 0
A suspend command is issued during processing other than programming/erasure 1 0 0 0 0
A suspend command is issued in the suspended state 1 0 0 0 0
A resume command is issued in other than the suspended state 1 0 0 0 0
A programming/erasure-related command (programming/lock bit programming/block 1 0 0 0 0
erase) is issued in the programming suspended state
A block erase command is issued in the erasure suspended state 1 0 0 0 0
A programming or lock bit programming command is issued to an erasure suspend 1 0 0 0 0
target area in the erasure suspended state
Other than 01h, 04h, or 40h is specified in the second cycle of a programming 1 0 0 0 0
A command is issued in the command-locked state 1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
Erasure error An error occurs during erasure 0 1 0 0 0
When the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit is 0, a block erase command is issued to an 0 1 0 0 0
erasure block whose lock bit is set to 0
Programming error An error occurs during programming 0 0 1 0 0
When the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit is 0, a programming or lock bit programming 0 0 1 0 0
command is issued to an erasure block whose lock bit is set to 0
FCU error An error occurs during FCU internal processing 0 0 0 1 0
ROM access violation When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 1 in ROM P/E normal mode, a read access 1 0 0 0 1
command is issued for addresses:
00FF 8000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 32 Kbytes,
00FF 0000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 64 Kbytes,
00FE 0000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 128 Kbytes,
or 00FC 0000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 256 Kbytes.
When the FENTRYR.FENTRY0 bit is 0, an access command is issued for addresses: 1 0 0 0 1
00FF 8000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 32 Kbytes,
00FF 0000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 64 Kbytes,
00FE 0000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 128 Kbytes,
or 00FC 0000h to 00FF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 256 Kbytes.
When FENTRYR has set ROM in ROM P/E mode, a read access command is issued 1 0 0 0 1
for addresses
FFFF 8000h to FFFF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 32 Kbytes,
FFFF 0000h to FFFF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 64 Kbytes,
FFFE 0000h to FFFF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 128 Kbytes,
or FFFC 0000h to FFFF FFFFh when the user area capacity is 256 Kbytes.

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36.9 User Boot Mode

If the low level is on the MD pin and the high level is on the PC7 pin at the time of release from the reset state, the chip
starts in user boot mode. The reset vector at this time points to the address FF7F FFFCh of the user boot area. For other
vector tables, refer to normal vector table (see section 14, Interrupt Controller (ICUb)).
In user boot mode, it is possible to perform programming using a given interface; user area or data area can be
programmed or erased by issuing the FCU command. Note that programming to the user boot area should be performed
in boot mode.

36.10 Boot Mode

36.10.1 System Configuration

In boot mode, the host sends control commands and data for programming, and the user area, data area, and user boot
area are programmed or erased accordingly. An on-chip SCI handles transfer between the host and RX220 in
asynchronous mode. Tools for transmission of control commands and the data for programming must be prepared in the
When the RX220 is activated in boot mode, the program on the area that holds the boot program is executed. This
program automatically adjusts the bit rate of the SCI and controls programming/erasure by receiving control commands
from the host.
Figure 36.21 shows the system configuration for operations in boot mode.
Input and output pins associated with the ROM are listed in Table 36.9.


E2 DataFlash


Boot programming tools

Boot program
programming data

Control command and

programming data

Status On-chip SCI

Figure 36.21 System Configuration for Operations in Boot Mode

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Table 36.9 Input and Output Pins Associated with the ROM
Pin Name I/O Description
MD Input Selection of operating mode
PC7 Input Selection of boot mode or User boot mode
P30/RXD1 Input Used in boot mode to receive data via SCI1 (for host communications)
P26/TXD1 Output Used in boot mode to transmit data from SCI1 (for host communications)

36.10.2 State Transitions in Boot Mode

Figure 36.22 is a diagram of the state transitions in boot mode.

Activated in boot mode (Bit rate adjustment)
Bit rate adjustment
(Reset in boot mode)

(2) Inquiry command

Wait for inquiry/ Execute inquiry/
selection command selection command
Response to command
state transition command
(3) ID code Protection enabled
disabled (4) ID Execute ID code inquiry
Wait for ID code processing
for OK
b er wed
um rflo
/N ve
i l ed is o
F a i ng
All blocks of the user All blocks of the user ry
area, user boot area, area, user boot area,
and data area are and data area are
erased erased

(5) Command (read, check, etc.)

Wait for programming/ Execute command
erasure command (read, check, etc.)
Response to command
Programming es
Programming ele
selection Era nc
completed sur om
command ec ma
om nd
ple Specify the
Data for programming erasure block
Wait for data for Wait for specification
programming of erasure block

Figure 36.22 State Transitions in Boot Mode

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(1) Matching the Bit Rates

When the RX220 is activated in boot mode, the bit rate of the SCI is automatically adjusted to match that of the host. On
completion of this automatic bit rate adjustment, the RX220 transmits the value 00h to the host. On subsequent correct
reception of the value 55h sent from the host, the RX220 enters of wait for a command for inquiry or selection. For
details on matching of the bit rates, see section 36.10.3, Automatic Adjustment of the Bit Rate.

(2) Waiting for a Command for Inquiry or Selection

This state is for inquiries on area size, area configuration, the addresses where areas start, the state of support, etc., and
for selection of the device, clock mode, and bit rate. The RX220 receives a programming/erasure state transition
command issued by the host and then enters the state to determine whether ID code protection is enabled or disabled. For
the inquiry/selection commands, see section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command Wait.

(3) Judging ID Code Protection

This state is for determining whether ID code protection is enabled or disabled. The control code and ID code written in
ROM are used to determine whether ID code protection is enabled or disabled. When enabled, the state of waiting for the
ID code is entered. When disabled, the user area and data area are completely erased, and the wait for programming and
erasure commands is entered. For details on the control code and ID code, see section 36.10.4, ID Code Protection
(Boot Mode).

(4) Waiting for an ID Code

This state is for waiting for the control code and ID code to be sent from the host. The control code and ID code sent by
the host are compared with the code stored in ROM, and the state of waiting for programming and erasure commands is
entered if the two match. If they do not match, the next transition is back to the state of waiting for an ID code. However,
if the ID codes fail to match three times in a row and also the state of protection is authentication method 1, the ROM is
completely erased, and the state of waiting for an ID code is entered again. A reset is required to release the system from
this state due to non-matching ID codes. For details on the control code and ID code, see section 36.10.4, ID Code
Protection (Boot Mode).

(5) Waiting for a Command for Programming or Erasure

In this state, programming and erasure proceed in accordance with commands from the host. In response to the reception
of a command, the RX220 enters the wait for the data to use in programming, the wait for specification of the erasure
block to be erased, or the state of executing the processing of commands, such as read and check.
When the RX220 receives a programming selection command, it enters the wait for the data to use in programming.
After the host has issued the programming selection command, the process continues with the address where
programming is to start and then the data for programming. Setting of FFFF FFFFh as the address where programming is
to start indicates the completion of programming, and the next transition is from the wait for the data to use in
programming to the wait for programming and erasure commands.
When the RX220 receives an erasure selection command, it enters the wait for specification of the erasure block to be
erased. After the host has issued the erasure selection command, the process continues with the number of the erasure
block to be erased. Setting of FFh as the number of the erasure block indicates the completion of erasure, and the next
transition is from the wait for specification of the erasure block to the wait for programming and erasure commands.
Since the user area, user boot area and data area are all completely erased during the interval between booting up in boot
mode and transition to the wait for programming and erasure commands, execution of erasure is not necessary unless
data newly programmed in boot mode is to be erased without a further reset.
Other than the programming and erasure commands, commands for execution in this state include those for checksum of
the user area and user boot area, blank checking (to confirm erasure), reading from memory, and acquiring status

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36.10.3 Automatic Adjustment of the Bit Rate

When the RX220 is booted up in boot mode, asynchronous transfer by the SCI is used to measure the periods at low level
of consecutive bytes with value 00h that are sent from the host. While the period at low level is being measured, set the
host’s SCI transfer format to 8-bit data, one stop bit, no parity, and a transfer rate of 9,600 bps or 19,200 bps. The RX220
calculates the host's SCI bit rate from the measured periods at low level, adjusts its own bit rate accordingly, and then
sends the value 00h to the host. If reception of the value 00h by the host is successful, the host responds by sending the
value 55h to the RX220. If successful reception of 00h by the host is not possible, reboot the RX220 in boot mode, and
then repeat the process of automatically adjusting the bit rate. If reception of the value 55h by the RX220 is successful, it
responds by sending E6h to the host, and if successful reception of 55h by the RX220 is not possible, it responds by
sending FFh to the host.

Start bit D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Stop bit

Measurement of low-level period for nine bits High-level period for at

(data is 00h) least one bit

Figure 36.23 Transfer Format Used by SCI in Automatic Adjustment of Bit Rate

Host RX220

00h (up to 30 times) Measures 9-bit


00h (on completion of automatic adjustment)


E6h (for normal reception of 55h) or FFh (error)

Figure 36.24 Sequence of Transfer between Host and RX220

Set the bit rate for SCI transfer on the host to satisfy either of the conditions Table 36.10.

Table 36.10 Conditions for Automatic Bit-Rate Adjustment

Bit Rate of SCI in Host
9,600 bps
19,200 bps

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36.10.4 ID Code Protection (Boot Mode)

This function is used to prohibit reading/programming/erasure from the host such as the PC.
After automatic adjustment of the bit rate when booting up in boot mode, the ID code transmitted from the host and the
control and ID codes written to the ROM are used to determine disabling or enabling of ID code protection. When ID
code protection is enabled, the code sent from the host is compared with the control code and ID code in the ROM to
determine whether they match, and reading/programming/erasure will be enabled only when the two match.
The control code and ID code in the ROM consists of four 32-bit words. Figure 36.25 shows the configuration of the
control code and ID code. The ID code should be set in 32-bit units.

31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0

FFFF FFA0h Control code ID code 1 ID code 2 ID code 3

FFFF FFA4h ID code 4 ID code 5 ID code 6 ID code 7

FFFF FFA8h ID code 8 ID code 9 ID code 10 ID code 11

FFFF FFACh ID code 12 ID code 13 ID code 14 ID code 15

Figure 36.25 Configuration of Control Code and ID Code in ROM

(1) Control Code

The control code determines whether ID code protection is enabled or disabled and the method of authentication to use
with the host. Table 36.11 lists how the control code determines the method of authentication

Table 36.11 Specifications for ID Code Protection

Code ID Code State of Protection Operations at the Time of SCI Connection
45h As desired Protection enabled Matching ID code: The command wait is entered.
(authentication method 1) Non-matching ID code: The ID code protection wait is entered
again. However, if a non-matching ID code
is received three times in a row, all blocks
are erased.
52h Sequences other than Protection enabled Matching ID code: The host command wait is entered.
50h, 72h, 6Fh, 74h, (authentication method 2) Non-matching ID code: The ID code protection wait is entered
65h, 63h, 74h, FFh, ..., again.
50h, 72h, 6Fh, 74h, Protection enabled Always judged to be a non-matching ID code.
65h, 63h, 74h, FFh, ..., (authentication method 3)
Other than ― Protection disabled All blocks are erased.

(2) ID Code
The ID code can be set to any desired value. However, if the control code is 52h and the ID code is 50h, 72h, 6Fh, 74h,
65h, 63h, 74h, FFh, ..., FFh (from the ID code 1 field), there is no determination of matching and the ID code is always
considered to be non-matching. Accordingly, reading, programming, and erasure from the host are prohibited.

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(3) Program Example for ID Code Setting

The following assembler directives set up a control code of 45h and an ID code of 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h, 05h, 06h, 07h,
08h, 0Ah, 0Bh, 0Ch, 0Dh, 0Eh, 0Fh (from the ID code 1 field).

.LWORD 45010203h
.LWORD 04050607h
.LWORD 08090A0Bh

36.10.5 UB Code
For the UB code, see section 7.3, UB Code.

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36.10.6 Inquiry/Selection Command Wait

Table 36.12 lists the commands available in the inquiry/selection command wait. The boot program status inquiry
command can also be used in the programming/erasure command wait. The other commands can only be used in the
inquiry/selection command wait.

Table 36.12 Inquiry/Selection Commands

Command Name Function
Supported device inquiry Inquires regarding the device codes and the series name
Device selection Selects a device code
Clock mode inquiry Inquires regarding the number of clock modes and their values
Clock mode selection Notifies the selected clock mode
Multiplication ratio inquiry Inquires regarding the number of clock types, the number of multiplication/division
ratios, and the multiplication /division ratios
Operating frequency inquiry Inquires regarding the number of clock types and the maximum and minimum
operating frequencies
User boot area information inquiry Inquires regarding the number of user boot areas and the start and end addresses
User area information inquiry Inquires regarding the number of user areas and the start and end addresses
Erasure block information inquiry Inquires regarding the number of blocks and the start and end addresses
Programming size inquiry Inquires regarding the size of programming data
New bit rate selection Modifies the bit rate of SCI communications between the host and RX220
Programming/erasure state transition Enters the state for determining ID code protection
Boot program status inquiry Inquires regarding the processing state

If the host has sent an undefined command, the RX220 returns a response indicating a command error in the format
shown below. The command field holds the first byte of the undefined command sent from the host.

Error response 80h Command

In the inquiry/selection command wait, send selection commands from the host in the order of device selection, clock
mode selection, and new bit rate selection to set up the RX220 according to the responses to inquiry commands. Note
that the supported device inquiry and clock mode inquiry commands are the only inquiry commands that can be sent
before the clock mode selection command; other inquiry commands must not be issued before the clock mode selection
command. If commands are issued in an incorrect order, the RX220 returns a response indicating a command error.
Figure 36.26 shows an example of the procedure to use commands in the inquiry/selection command wait.

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Supported device inquiry

Device selection

Clock mode inquiry

Clock mode selection

Multiplication ratio inquiry

Operating frequency inquiry

New bit rate selection

User boot area information inquiry

Inquiry regarding area programming User area information inquiry
information Erasure block information inquiry
Programming size inquiry

Programming/erasure state transition


Figure 36.26 Example of Procedure to Use Inquiry/Selection Commands for User Area/User Boot Area

Each command is described in detail below. The “command” in the description indicates a command sent from the host
to the RX220 and the “response” indicates a response sent from the RX220 to the host. The “checksum” is byte-size data
calculated so that the sum of all bytes to be sent by the RX220 becomes 00h.

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(1) Supported Device Inquiry

In response to a supported device inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the information concerning the
devices supported by the boot program. If the supported device inquiry command comes after the host has selected a device,
the RX220 only returns the information concerning the selected device. In response to supported device inquiry commands,
the RX220 transmits two sets of device information in turn, one in little endian and the other in big endian.

Command 20h

Response 30h Size Device count

Character count Device code (little endian is specified) Series name

Character count Device code (big endian is specified) Series name


Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the device count, character count, device code, and series name fields
Device count (1 byte): Number of device types supported by the boot program
Character count (1 byte): Number of characters included in the device code and series name fields
Device code (4 bytes): Chip recognition code
Series name (n bytes): ASCII code for the supported device
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

(2) Device Selection

In response to a device selection command sent from the host, the RX220 checks if the selected device is supported.
When the selected device is supported, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If the selected device is not supported or the
sent command is illegal, the RX220 returns an error response (90h).
Select the device code with the endian specification from the two sets of device information transmitted in response to a
supported device inquiry command in accord with the written data.

Command 10h Size Device code SUM

Response 06h

Error response 90h Error

Size (1 byte): Number of characters in the device code field (fixed at 4)

Device code (4 bytes): ASCII code for the series name of the chip (same code as the response to the supported device inquiry
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error (illegal command)
21h: Device code error

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(3) Clock Mode Inquiry

In response to a clock mode inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the supported clock modes. If the
clock mode inquiry command comes after the host has selected a clock mode, the RX220 only returns the information
concerning the selected clock mode.

Command 21h

Response 31h Size


Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the mode count and mode fields
Mode (1 byte): Supported clock mode (for example, 01h indicates clock mode 1)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

(4) Clock Mode Selection

In response to a clock mode selection command sent from the host, the RX220 checks if the selected clock mode is
supported. When the selected mode is supported, the RX220 specifies this clock mode for use and returns a response
(06h). If the selected mode is not supported or the sent command is illegal, the RX220 returns an error response (91h).
Be sure to issue a clock mode selection command only after issuing a device selection command. Even when 00h or 01h
has been returned as the number of supported clock modes in response to a clock mode inquiry command, issue a clock
mode selection command to specify the clock mode that has been returned as the result of the inquiry.

Command 11h Size Mode SUM

Response 06h

Error response 91h Error

Size (1 byte): Number of characters in the mode field (fixed at 1)

Mode (1 byte): Clock mode (same mode as the response to the clock mode inquiry command)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error (illegal command)
21h: Clock mode error

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(5) Multiplication Ratio Inquiry

In response to a multiplication ratio inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the clock types, the number
of multiplication/division ratios, and the multiplication division ratios supported.

Command 22h

Response 32h Size Clock type count

Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication ... Multiplication

ratio count ratio ratio ratio
Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication ... Multiplication
ratio count ratio ratio ratio

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the clock type count, multiplication ratio count, and multiplication ratio
Clock type count (1 byte): Number of clock types (for example, 02h indicates two clock types; that is, a system clock and a
peripheral clock)
Multiplication ratio count (1 byte): Number of supported multiplication/division ratios (for example, 04h indicates that four
multiplication ratios are supported for the system clock (multiplied by 1, multiplied by 2, multiplied
by 4, and multiplied by 8))
Multiplication ratio (1 byte): A positive value indicates a multiplication ratio (for example, 04h = 4 = multiplied by 4)
A negative value indicates a division ratio (for example, FEh = –2 = divided by 2)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

(6) Operating Frequency Inquiry

In response to an operating frequency inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the minimum and
maximum operating frequencies for each clock.

Command 23h

Response 33h Size Clock type count

Minimum frequency Maximum frequency

Minimum frequency Maximum frequency


Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the clock type count, minimum frequency, and maximum frequency fields
Clock type count (1 byte): Number of clock types (for example, 02h indicates two clock types; that is, a system clock and a
peripheral clock)
Minimum frequency (2 bytes): Minimum value of the operating frequency (for example, 07D0h indicates 20.00 MHz).
This value should be calculated by multiplying the frequency value (MHz) to two decimal places by 100.
Maximum frequency (2 bytes): Maximum value of the operating frequency
This value is represented in the same format as the minimum frequency
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

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(7) User Boot Area Information Inquiry

In response to a user boot area information inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the number of user
boot areas and their addresses.

Command 24h

Response 34h Size Area count

Area start address
Area end address

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the area count, area start address, and area end address fields
Area count (1 byte): Number of user boot areas (consecutive areas are counted as one area)
Area start address (4 bytes): Start address of a user boot area
Area end address (4 bytes): End address of a user boot area
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

(8) User Area Information Inquiry

In response to a user area information inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the number of user areas
and their addresses.

Command 25h

Response 35h Size Area count

Area start address
Area end address

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the area count, area start address, and area end address fields
Area count (1 byte): Number of user areas (consecutive areas are counted as one area)
Area start address (4 bytes): Start address of a user area
Area end address (4 bytes): End address of a user area
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

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(9) Erasure Block Information Inquiry

In response to an erasure block information inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the number of total
erasure blocks in the user area and data area, and their addresses.

Command 26h

Response 36h Size Block count

Block start address
Block end address
Block start address
Block end address
Block start address
Block end address

Size (2 bytes): Total number of bytes in the block count, block start address, and block end address fields
Block count (1 byte): Number of erasure blocks in the user area
Block start address (4 bytes): Start address of an erasure block
Block end address (4 bytes): End address of an erasure block
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

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(10) Programming Size Inquiry

In response to a programming size inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the programming size.

Command 27h

Response 37h Size Programming size SUM

Size (1 byte): Number of characters included in the programming size field (fixed at 2)
Programming size (2 bytes): Programming unit (bytes)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

(11) New Bit Rate Selection

In response to a new bit rate selection command sent from the host, the RX220 checks if the on-chip SCI can be set to the
selected new bit rate. When the SCI can be set to the new bit rate, the RX220 returns a response (06h) and sets the SCI to
the new bit rate. If the SCI cannot be set to the new bit rate or the sent command is illegal, the RX220 returns an error
response (BFh). Upon reception of response 06h, the host waits for a one-bit period in the previous bit rate with which
the new bit rate selection command has been sent, and then sets the host's bit rate to the new one. After that, the host
sends confirmation data (06h) in the new bit rate, and the RX220 returns a response (06h) for the confirmation data.
Be sure to issue a new bit rate selection command only after a clock mode selection command.

Host RX220

New bit rate selection command

Wait for Response (06h)

one-bit period
Set new
bit rate
Set new
bit rate

Confirmation (06h)

Response (06h)

Figure 36.27 New Bit Rate Selection Sequence

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Command 3Fh Size Bit rate Input frequency

Clock type Multiplication Multiplication
count ratio 1 ratio 2

Response 06h

Error response BFh Error

Confirmation 06h

Response 06h

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the bit rate, input frequency, clock type count, and multiplication ratio fields
Bit rate (2 bytes): New bit rate (for example, 00C0h indicates 19200 bps)
1/100 of the new bit rate value should be specified.
Input frequency (2 bytes): Frequency input to the RX220 (for example, 04E2h indicates 12.50 MHz)
This value should be calculated by multiplying the input frequency value to two decimal places by 100.
Clock type count (1 byte): Number of clock types (for example, 02h indicates two clock types; that is, a system clock and a
peripheral clock)
Multiplication ratio 1 (1 byte): Multiplication/division ratio of the input frequency to obtain the system clock (ICLK)
A positive value indicates a multiplication ratio (for example, 04h = 4 = multiplied by 4)
A negative value indicates a division ratio (for example, FEh = –2 = divided by 2)
Multiplication ratio 2 (1 byte): Multiplication/division ratio of the input frequency to obtain the peripheral clock (PCLK)
This value is represented in the same format as multiplication ratio 1
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Error: Error code
11h: Checksum error
24h: Bit rate selection error
25h: Input frequency error
26h: Multiplication ratio error
27h: Operating frequency error

 Bit rate selection error

A bit rate selection error occurs when the bit rate selected through a new bit rate selection command cannot be set for the
SCI of the RX220 within an error of 4%. The bit rate error can be obtained by the following equation from the bit rate (B)
selected through a new bit rate selection command, the input frequency (fEX), multiplication ratio 2 (MP), the bit rate
register (BRR) setting (N) in the SCI, and the CKS[1:0] bit value (n) in the serial mode register (SMR).

fEX × MP × 106

Error (%) =  –1 × 100
B × 64 × 22n–1 × (N + 1)

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 Input frequency error

An input frequency error occurs when the input frequency specified through a new bit rate selection command is outside
the range from the minimum to maximum input frequencies for the clock mode selected through a clock mode selection

 Multiplication ratio error

A multiplication ratio error occurs when the multiplication ratio specified through a new bit rate selection command does
not match the clock mode selected through a clock mode selection command. To check the selectable multiplication
ratios, issue a multiplication ratio inquiry command.

 Operating frequency error

An operating frequency error occurs when the RX220 cannot operate at the operating frequencies selected through a new
bit rate selection command. The RX220 calculates the operating frequencies from the input frequency and multiplication
ratios specified through a new bit rate selection command and checks if each calculated frequency is within the range
from the minimum to maximum frequencies for the respective clock. To check the minimum and maximum operating
frequencies for each clock, issue an operating frequency inquiry command.

(12) Programming/Erasure State Transition

In response to a programming/erasure state transition command sent from the host, the RX220 determines whether ID
code protection is enabled or disabled using the control code and ID code written in the ROM. When ID code protection
is enabled, the RX220 returns a response (16h) and waits for the ID code. When ID code protection is disabled, the
RX220 erases the entire area of each of the user area, user boot area and data area. After completing entire erasure, the
RX220 returns a response (26h) and waits for a programming/erasure command. If the RX220 has failed to complete
erasure due to an error, it returns an error response (C0h, 51h).
Do not issue a programming/erasure state transition command before the device selection, clock mode selection, and new
bit rate selection commands.

Command 40h

Response ACK

Error response C0h 51h

ACK (1 byte): ACK code

26h: ID code protection is disabled
16h: ID code protection is enabled

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(13) Boot Program Status Inquiry

In response to a boot program status inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns its current status. The boot
program status inquiry command can be issued in both the inquiry/selection command wait and programming/erasure
command wait.

Command 4Fh

Response 5Fh Size Status Error SUM

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the status and error fields (fixed at 2)
Status (1 byte): Current status of RX220 (see Table 36.13)
Error (1 byte): Error status of RX220 (see Table 36.14)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

Table 36.13 Status Code

Code Description
11h Waiting for device selection
12h Waiting for clock mode selection
13h Waiting for bit rate selection
1Fh Waiting for transition to programming/erasure command wait (bit rate has been selected)
31h Erasing the user area/user boot area
3Fh Waiting for a programming/erasure command
4Fh Waiting for reception of programming data
5Fh Waiting for erasure block specification

Table 36.14 Error Code

Code Description
00h No error
11h Checksum error
21h Incorrect device code error
22h Incorrect clock mode error
24h Bit rate selection error
25h Input frequency error
26h Multiplication ratio error
27h Operating frequency error
29h Block number error
2Ah Address error
2Bh Data size error
51h Erasure error
52h Incomplete erasure error
53h Programming error
54h Selection error
80h Command error
FFh Bit rate adjustment confirmation error

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36.10.7 ID Code Wait State

Table 36.15 shows the command available in the ID code wait state.

Table 36.15 ID Code Check Command

Command Name Function
ID code check Performs the ID code check

If the host has sent an undefined command, the RX220 returns a response indicating a command error. For the contents
of a command error, see section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command Wait.

(1) ID Code Check

In response to an ID code check command sent from the host, the RX220 compares the code sent from the host with the
control code and ID code in the ROM and returns the result.

Command 60h Size

ID code 0 + ID code

Response ACK

Error response E0h Error

Size (1 byte): Number of bytes in the ID code field (fixed at 16)

ID code (16 bytes): ID code 0 (1 byte) + ID code (15 bytes)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
ACK (1 byte): ACK code
26h: Returns the response for a programming/erasure state transition command
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error
61h: ID code mismatch
63h: ID code mismatch (erasure error)
An error has occurred during erasure triggered by an ID code mismatch.

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36.10.8 Programming/Erasure Command Wait

Table 36.16 lists the commands available in the programming/erasure command wait.

Table 36.16 Programming/Erasure Commands

Command Name Function
User boot area programming selection Selects the program for user boot area programming
User/data area programming selection Selects the program for user/data area programming
256-byte programming Programs 256 bytes of data
Erasure selection Selects the erasure program
Block erase Erases block data
Memory read Reads data from memory
User boot area checksum Performs checksum verification for the user boot area
User area checksum Performs checksum verification for the user area
User boot area blank check Checks whether the user boot area is blank
User area blank check Checks whether the user area is blank
Read lock bit status Reads from the lock bit
Lock bit program Writes to the lock bit
Lock bit enable Enables the lock bit protection
Lock bit disable Disables the lock bit protection
Boot program status inquiry Inquires regarding the state of the RX220

If the host has sent an undefined command, the RX220 returns a response indicating a command error. For the contents
of a command error, see section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command Wait.
To program the ROM, issue a programming selection command (user/data area programming selection, user boot area
programming selection) and then a 256-byte programming command from the host. Upon reception of a programming
selection command, the RX220 enters the programming data wait state (see section 36.10.2, State Transitions in Boot
Mode). In response to a 256-byte programming command sent from the host in this state, the RX220 starts programming
the ROM. When the host sends a 256-byte programming command specifying FFFF FFFFh as the programming start
address, the RX220 detects it as the end of programming and enters the programming/erasure command wait.
To erase the ROM, issue an erasure selection command and then a block erase command from the host. Upon reception
of an erasure selection command, the RX220 enters the erasure block selection wait state (see section 36.10.2, State
Transitions in Boot Mode). In response to a block erase command sent from the host in this state, the RX220 erases the
specified block in the ROM. When the host sends a block erase command specifying FFh as the block number, the
RX220 detects it as the end of erasure and enters the programming/erasure command wait.

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User boot area programming selection

Programming selection
User area programming selection

256-byte programming Address and data specification

256-byte programming Address and data specification

256-byte programming Address FFFF FFFFh specification


Figure 36.28 Procedure for ROM Programming in Boot Mode


Erasure selection

Block erasure Block specification

Block erasure Block specification

Block erasure Block number FFh specification


Figure 36.29 Procedure for ROM Erasure in Boot Mode

Each command is described in detail below. The “command” in the description indicates a command sent from the host
to the RX220 and the “response” indicates a response sent from the RX220 to the host. The “checksum” is byte-size data
calculated so that the sum of all bytes to be sent by the RX220 becomes 00h.

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(1) User Boot Area Programming Selection

In response to a user boot area programming selection command sent from the host, the RX220 selects the program for
user boot area programming and waits for programming data.

Command 42h

Response 06h

(2) User/Data Area Programming Selection

In response to a user/data area programming selection command sent from the host, the RX220 selects the program for
user area programming and waits for programming data.

Command 43h

Response 06h

(3) 256-Byte Programming

In response to a 256-byte programming command sent from the host, the RX220 programs the ROM. After completing
ROM programming successfully, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If an error has occurred during ROM
programming, the RX220 returns an error response (D0h).

Command 50h Programming address

Data Data ... Data

Response 06h

Error response D0h Error

Programming address (4 bytes): Target address of programming

To program the ROM, a 256-byte boundary address should be specified.
To terminate programming, FFFF FFFFh should be specified.
Data (256 bytes): Programming data
FFh should be specified for the bytes that do not need to be programmed.
When terminating programming, no data needs to be sent (only the programming address and
SUM should be sent in that order).
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error
2Ah: Address error (the specified address is not in the target area)
53h: Programming cannot be done due to a programming error

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(4) Erasure Selection

In response to an erasure selection command sent from the host, the RX220 selects the erasure program and waits for
erasure block specification.

Command 48h

Response 06h

(5) Block Erasure

In response to a block erase command sent from the host, the RX220 erases the ROM. After completing ROM erasure
successfully, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If an error has occurred during ROM erasure, the RX220 returns an
error response (D8h).

Command 58h Size Block SUM

Response 06h

Error response D8h Error

Size (1 byte): Number of bytes in the block specification field (fixed at 1)

Block (1 byte): Block number whose data is to be erased
To terminate erasure, FFh should be specified.
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error
29h: Block number error (an incorrect block number is specified)
51h: Erasure cannot be done due to an erasure error

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(6) Memory Read

In response to a memory read command sent from the host, the RX220 reads data from the ROM. After completing ROM
reading successfully, the RX220 returns the data stored in the address specified by the memory read command. If the
RX220 has failed to read the ROM, the RX220 returns an error response (D2h).

Command 52h Size Area Read start address

Reading size SUM

Response 52h Reading size

Data Data ... Data

Error response D2h Error

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the area, read start address, and reading size fields
Area (1 byte): Target area to be read
00h: User boot area
01h: User area
Read start address (4 bytes): Start address of the area to be read
Reading size (4 bytes): Size of data to be read (bytes)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Data (1 byte): Data read from the ROM
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error
2Ah: Address error
 The value specified for area selection is neither 00h nor 01h.
 The specified read start address is outside the selected area.
2Bh: Data size error
 00h is specified for the reading size.
 The reading size is larger than the area.
 The end address calculated from the read start address and the reading size is outside the
selected area.

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(7) User Boot Area Checksum

In response to a user boot area checksum command sent from the host, the RX220 sums the user boot area data in byte
units and returns the result (checksum).

Command 4Ah

Response 5Ah Size Area checksum SUM

Size (1 byte): Number of bytes in the area checksum field (fixed at 4)

Area checksum (4 bytes): Checksum of the user boot area data
SUM (1 byte): Checksum (for the response data)

(8) User Area Checksum

In response to a user area checksum command sent from the host, the RX220 sums the user area data in byte units and
returns the result (checksum).

Command 4Bh

Response 5Bh Size Area checksum SUM

Size (1 byte): Number of bytes in the area checksum field (fixed at 4)

Area checksum (4 bytes): Checksum of the user area data
The user area also stores the key code for debugging function authentication. Note that the checksum
includes this key code value.
SUM (1 byte): Checksum (for the response data)

(9) User Boot Area Blank Check

In response to a user boot area blank check command sent from the host, the RX220 checks whether the user boot area is
completely erased. When the user boot area is completely erased, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If the user boot
area has an unerased area, the RX220 returns an error response (CCh, 52h).

Command 4Ch

Response 06h

Error response CCh 52h

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(10) User Area Blank Check

In response to a user area blank check command sent from the host, the RX220 checks whether the user area is
completely erased. When the user area is completely erased, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If the user area has an
unerased area, the RX220 returns an error response (CDh, 52h).

Command 4Dh

Response 06h

Error response CDh 52h

(11) Read Lock Bit Status

In response to a read lock bit status command sent from the host, the RX220 reads data from the lock bit. After
completing the lock bit reading successfully, the RX220 returns the data stored in the address specified by the read lock
bit status command. If the RX220 has failed to read the lock bit, the RX220 returns an error response (F1h).

Command 71h Size Area A15 to A8 A23 to A16 A31 to A24 SUM
A15 to A8 (1 byte):The last address in the specified block (bits 15 to 8)
A23 to A16 (1 byte):The last address in the specified block (bits 23 to 16)
A31 to A24 (1 byte):The last address in the specified block (bits 31 to 24)

Response Status

Error response F1h Error

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the area, A15 to A8, A23 to A16, and A31 to A24
Area (1 byte): Target area to be read
01h: User area
A15 to A8 (1 byte) A15 to A8 of the last address in the specified block (bits 15 to 8)
A23 to A16 (1 byte): A23 to A16 of the last address in the specified block (bits 23 to 16)
A31 to A24 (1 byte): A31 to A24 of the last address in the specified block (bits 31 to 24)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Status (1 byte): Bit 6 locked at 0
Bit 6 unlocked at 1
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error
2Ah: Address error (the specified address is not in the target area)

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(12) Lock Bit Program

In response to a lock bit program command sent from the host, the RX220 writes to a lock bit and locks the specified
block. After completing the lock bit blocking successfully, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If the RX220 has failed
to lock, the RX220 returns an error response (F7h).

Command 77h Size Area Third highest Second highest Highest order SUM
order address order address address

Response 06h

Error response F7h Error

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the area, third highest order address, second highest order address,
and highest order address fields (fixed at 4 in the RX220)
Area (1 byte): Target area to be locked
01h: User area
Third highest order address (1 byte): Third highest order address at the specified block's end address (8 to 15 bits)
Second highest order address (1 byte): Second highest order address at the specified block's end address (16 to 23 bits)
Highest order address (1 byte): Highest order address at the specified block's end address (24 to 31 bits)
SUM (1 byte): Checksum
Error (1 byte): Error code
11h: Checksum error
2Ah: Address error (the specified address is not in the target area)
53h: Lock cannot be done due to a programming error

(13) Lock Bit Enable

In response to a lock bit enable command sent from the host, the RX220 enables a lock bit.

Command 7Ah

Response 06h

(14) Lock Bit Disable

In response to a lock bit disable command sent from the host, the RX220 disables a lock bit.

Command 75h

Response 06h

(15) Boot Program Status Inquiry

For details, refer to section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command Wait.

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36.11 ID Code Protection on Connection of the On-Chip Debugger

This function is used to prohibit connection with the on-chip debugger. When connecting an on-chip debugger, the
control code and ID code that have been written to the ROM are used to determine whether ID code protection on
connection of the on-chip debugger is enabled or disabled and to judge ID code protection on connection of the on-chip
debugger. When the ID code protection is enabled, the code sent from the on-chip debugger is compared with the control
code and ID code in the ROM to determine whether they match. If they match, connection with the on-chip debugger is
allowed. If they do not match, the on-chip debugger cannot be connected. However, if the control code is 52h and the ID
code is 50h, 72h, 6Fh, 74h, 65h, 63h, and 74h (from the first to the seventh field of the ID code), this is always
considered to be a non-match, judgment of the ID code does not proceed, and connection of the on-chip debugger is
prohibited. Furthermore, if all bytes of the control code and ID code have the value FFh, there is no determination of
matching, the ID code is always considered to match, and connection of the on-chip debugger is allowed. See Figure
36.25 for the configuration of ID codes in flash memory.

Table 36.17 Specifications for ID Code Protection on Connection of the On-Chip Debugger
Control State of
Code ID Code Protection Operations at On-Chip Debugger Connection
FFh FFh, …, FFh Protection disabled The ID code always matches and connection to the on-chip
(all bytes FFh) debugger is permitted.
52h 50h, 72h, 6Fh, 74h, 65h, Protection enabled The ID code is always non-matching and connection to the on-chip
63h, 74h debugger is prohibited.
Other than Other than above Protection enabled Matching ID code: Authentication of the on-chip debugger is ended
above and connection with the on-chip debugger is permitted.
Non-matching ID code: The ID code protection waiting state is
entered again.

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36.12 Usage Notes

(1) Areas where Programming or Erasure is Suspended
Data in areas where programming or erasure is suspended are undefined. To avoid malfunctions due to the reading of
undefined data, prevent the reading of data and execution of code from areas where programming or erasure is currently

(2) Suspending Programming or Erasure

If you use the programming/erasure suspension command to suspend the processing of programming or erasure, be sure
to use the resume command so that the processing is completed.

(3) Prohibition of Reprogramming

Two or more programming operations cannot be performed for the same address range. If an address range that has
already been programmed is to be programmed again, be sure to erase the area in advance of the programming.

(4) Reset during Programming or Erasure

In cases where the input of a reset on the RES# pin during programming or erasure is not avoidable, only deassert the
reset signal after at least the reset input period (tRESWF; see section 38, Electrical Characteristics) has elapsed.
When the FCU is reset by using the FRESETR.FRESET bit during programming or erasure, make sure that the reset
state is maintained over tFCUR (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics). Do not attempt to read the ROM during
the FCU reset.
Maintaining the periods described above is not relevant to usage in the case of IWDT, or software reset during
programming or erasure.

(5) Prohibition of Non-Maskable Interrupts during Programming or Erasure

If a non-maskable interrupt (an NMI pin, oscillation stop detection, IWDT underflow/refresh error, voltage monitoring 1,
or voltage monitoring 2 interrupt) is generated during programming or erasure, the vector read is undefined because it is
fetched from the ROM. Therefore, avoid the generation of non-maskable interrupts during programming and erasure of
the ROM (this is only applicable in the case of the ROM).

(6) Interrupt Vector Assignment During Programming or Erasure

The generation of interrupts during programming or erasure may lead to the fetching of vectors from the ROM. To
prevent access to the ROM area due to the generation of interrupts, set the interrupt table register (INTB) of the CPU so
that the destination for the fetching of interrupt vector is an area outside the ROM.

(7) Programming/Erasure in Low-Speed Operating Modes 1 and 2

Do not program or erase the flash memory when low-speed operating mode 1 or 2 is selected with the operating power
control register (OPCCR).

(8) Programming/Erasure Abnormal End

If, during programming or erasure, the operating voltage swings above the allowed range, the FCU is reset by using the
FRESETR.FRESET bit, the command-locked state is entered due to the detection of an error, or one of the prohibitions
under item (9) below is violated, and programming or erasure is not completed normally as a consequence, the value of
the lock bit may become 0 (corresponding to the protected state). In this case, erase the lock bit by issuing the block erase
command with the FPROTR.FPROTCN bit set to 1. After that, repeat the incomplete programming so that it is
completed normally.

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(9) Actions Prohibited during Programming and Erasure

Since they may damage the flash memory, avoid all of the actions, events, and operations listed below during
programming and erasure.

 Applying a power-supply voltage beyond the allowed range to the RX220

 Changing the values of the FWEPROR.FLWE[1:0] bits
 Changing the values of the OPCCR.OPCM[2:0] bits
 Changing the clock source select bits in the SCKCR3 register
 Enabling the sleep mode return clock source switching function by setting the RSTCKCR.RSTCKEN bit
 Changing the division ratio of the FlashIF clock (FCLK)
 Setting the PCKAR for a different frequency from that of FCLK
 Making a transition to all-module clock stop mode or software standby mode

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

The RX220 Group has an 8-Kbyte flash memory for storing data (E2 DataFlash).
This section covers the E2 DataFlash memory. For the ROM, see section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code

37.1 Overview
Table 37.1 lists the specifications of the E2 DataFlash memory, and Figure 37.1 is a block diagram of the ROM, E2
DataFlash memory, and related modules.

Table 37.1 Specifications of E2 DataFlash Memory

Item Description
Memory capacity Data area: 8 Kbytes
Reading via the peripheral bus A read operation takes four cycles of FCLK in words or bytes
Programming/erasing method  The chip incorporates a dedicated sequencer (FCU) for programming of the ROM
and E2 DataFlash.
 Programming and erasing the ROM and E2 DataFlash are handled by issuing
commands to the FCU.
BGO (background operation)  Execution of program code from the ROM is possible while the E2 DataFlash
memory is being programmed or erased.
 The CPU is able to execute program code from areas other than the ROM or E2
DataFlash while the ROM is being programmed or erased.
Suspension and resumption  The CPU is able to execute program code from the E2 DataFlash during
suspension of programming or erasure.
 Programming and erasure of the E2 DataFlash can be restarted (resumed) after
Units of programming and erasure  Unit of programming for the data area: 2 or 8 bytes
 Unit of erasure for the data area: 128 bytes
Blank checking function  The blank checking command can be executed to check the erasure state of E2
 The size of the area to be blank-checked is 2 bytes or 2 Kbytes.
On-board programming Reprogramming in boot mode
(three types)  The clock synchronous serial interface (SCI1) is used.
 The bit rate is automatically adjusted.
 The user boot area is also programmable.
Reprogramming in user boot mode
 The user-specific boot program can be programmed.
Reprogramming using the ROM reprogramming routine in the user program
 ROM is reprogrammable without resetting the system.
Protection Software-controlled  The FENTRYR.FENTRYD bit, FWEPROR.FLWE[1:0] bits, DFLRE0, and DFLWE0
protection register can be used to prevent unintentional programming or reading.
 Protection with the DFLRE0 and DFLWE0 registers is performed on a 2-Kbyte
Command-locked state Prevention of further programming or erasure after the detection of abnormal
operations during programming or erasure
Programming/erasure time, number of See section 38, Electrical Characteristics.

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Mode pins Mode decoder

Memory interface

ROM area

Memory bus 2
Module internal bus

DFLBCCNT E2 DataFlash area
DFLBCSTAT Data area: 8 Kbytes

Internal peripheral bus 6

FMODR: Flash mode register

FASTAT: Flash access status register
FAEINT: Flash access error interrupt enable register
DFLRE0: E2 DataFlash read enable register 0
DFLWE0: E2 DataFlash programming/erasure enable register 0
FSTATR0: Flash status register 0
FSTATR1: Flash status register 1
FENTRYR: Flash P/E mode entry register
FRESETR: Flash reset register
FCMDR: FCU command register
FRDYIE: Flash ready interrupt enable register
FCPSR: FCU processing switching register
DFLBCCNT: E2 DataFlash blank check control register
DFLBCSTAT: E2 DataFlash blank check status register
PCKAR: Peripheral clock notification register
FIFERR: Flash interface error interrupt
FRDYI: Flash ready interrupt

Figure 37.1 Block Diagram of E2 DataFlash Memory

For input and output pins associated with the E2 DataFlash, see Table 36.9, Input and Output Pins Associated with
the ROM.

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37.2 Register Descriptions

Some registers also have bits related to the ROM, but this section deals only with the bits that are relevant to the E2
DataFlash. For registers containing bits with common functions for the ROM and E2 DataFlash (FRDYIE, FSTATR0,
FSTATR1, FRESETR, FCMDR, FCPSR, PCKAR, and FWEPROR) and details on the functions of bits dedicated to the
ROM, see section 36.2, Register Descriptions.
P/E indicates programming/erasure.

37.2.1 Flash Mode Register (FMODR)

Address(es): 007F C402h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — FRDM — — — —
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b3 to b0 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b4 FRDMD FCU Read Mode Select 0: Memory Area Reading Method R/W
This is the setting when a transition of E2 DataFlash lock bit read
mode is made. Since there are no lock bits for the E2 DataFlash,
undefined data are read from the E2 DataFlash area after a
transition of the lock bit reading mode is made.
1: Register Reading Method
This is the setting when the blank checking command is to be used.
b7 to b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

Set the FRDMD bit to 1 if the blank checking command is to be used.

FRDMD Bit (FCU Read Mode Select)

This bit is used to select processing for a transition of E2 DataFlash lock bit read mode or for blank checking.
The FRDMD bit is used to select the method of reading when lock bit values for the ROM are read (see section 36,
ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)).

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37.2.2 Flash Access Status Register (FASTAT)

Address(es): 007F C410h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DFLWPE E2 DataFlash 0: An E2 DataFlash programming/erasure command is not R/(W)
Programming/Erasure Protection issued which conflicts with the DFLWE0 settings *1
Violation 1: An E2 DataFlash programming/erasure command is issued
which conflicts with the DFLWE0 settings
b1 DFLRPE E2 DataFlash Read Protection 0: There is no such E2 DataFlash reading that conflicts with the R/(W)
Violation DFLRE0 settings *1
1: There is such an E2 DataFlash reading that conflicts with the
DFLRE0 settings
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 DFLAE E2 DataFlash Access Violation 0: No E2 DataFlash access violation R/(W)
1: E2 DataFlash access violation *1
b4 CMDLK FCU Command Lock 0: FCU is not in the command-locked state R
1: FCU is in the command-locked state
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 ROMAE ROM Access Violation See section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage). R/(W)

Note 1. Only 0 can be written after reading 1 to clear the flag.

When any bit from among the DFLWPE, DFLRPE, DFLAE, and ROMAE bits in FASTAT is set to 1, the
FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit is set to 1, which places the FCU in the command-locked state (see section 37.7.2,
Command-Locked State). To clear the command-locked state, a status register clearing command must be issued to the
FCU after setting FASTAT to 10h.

DFLWPE Bit (E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure Protection Violation)

This bit is used to indicate whether or not the programming/erasure protection set by DFLWE0 is violated.
When the DFLWPE bit is set to 1, the FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit is set to 1, placing the FCU in the command-locked state.
For FSTATR0, see section 36.2.5, Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0).

[Setting condition]
 A programming/erasure command is issued for an E2 DataFlash area for which programming or erasure is disabled
by DFLWE0.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written after reading 1

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DFLRPE Bit (E2 DataFlash Read Protection Violation)

This bit is used to indicate whether or not the reading protection set by DFLRE0 is violated.
When the DFLRPE bit is set to 1, the FSTATR0.ILGLERR bit is set to 1, placing the FCU in the command-locked state.
For FSTATR0, see section 36.2.5, Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0).

[Setting condition]
 A read command is issued for an E2 DataFlash area for which reading is disabled by DFLRE0.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written after reading 1

DFLAE Bit (E2 DataFlash Access Violation)

This bit indicates whether an E2 DataFlash access violation occurred.
When the DFLAE bit is set to 1, the ILGLERR bit in FSTATR0 is set to 1, placing the FCU in the command-locked state.
For FSTATR0, see section 36.2.5, Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0).

[Setting conditions]
 A read command is issued for an E2 DataFlash area in E2 DataFlash P/E normal mode and when the FENTRYD bit
in FENTRYR is set to 1.
 A write command is issued for an E2 DataFlash area when the FENTRYD bit is set to 0.
 A command is issued for an E2 DataFlash area when the FENTRY0 in FENTRYR is set to 1.
[Clearing condition]
 When 0 is written after reading 1

CMDLK Bit (FCU Command Lock)

This bit indicates that the FCU is in the command-locked state (see section 37.7.2, Command-Locked State).

[Setting condition]
 After the FCU detects an error and enters the command-locked state
[Clearing condition]
 After the FCU has processed a status register clearing command

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.2.3 Flash Access Error Interrupt Enable Register (FAEINT)

Address(es): 007F C411h

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Value after reset: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DFLWPEIE E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure 0: FIFERR interrupt requests disabled when the R/W
Protection Violation Interrupt Enable DFLWPE bit in FASTAT is set to 1
1: FIFERR interrupt requests enabled when the
DFLWPE bit in FASTAT is set to 1
b1 DFLRPEIE E2 DataFlash Read Protection Violation 0: FIFERR interrupt requests disabled when the R/W
Interrupt Enable DFLRPE bit in FASTAT is set to 1
1: FIFERR interrupt requests enabled when the
DFLRPE bit in FASTAT is set to 1
b2 — Reserved This bit is read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b3 DFLAEIE E2 DataFlash Access Violation Interrupt 0: FIFERR interrupt requests disabled when the DFLAE R/W
Enable bit in FASTAT is set to 1
1: FIFERR interrupt requests enabled when the DFLAE
bit in FASTAT is set to 1
b4 CMDLKIE FCU Command Lock Interrupt Enable 0: FIFERR interrupt requests disabled when the CMDLK R/W
bit in FASTAT is set to 1
1: FIFERR interrupt requests enabled when the CMDLK
bit in FASTAT is set to 1
b6, b5 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 ROMAEIE ROM Access Violation Interrupt Enable See section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage). R/W

DFLWPEIE Bit (E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure Protection Violation Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable FIFERR interrupt requests when an E2 DataFlash programming/erasure protection
violation occurs and the DFLWPE bit in FASTAT is set to 1.

DFLRPEIE Bit (E2 DataFlash Read Protection Violation Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable FIFERR interrupt requests when an E2 DataFlash read protection violation occurs
and the DFLRPE bit in FASTAT is set to 1.

DFLAEIE Bit (E2 DataFlash Access Violation Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable FIFERR interrupt requests when an E2 DataFlash access violation occurs and the
DFLAE bit in FASTAT is set to 1.

CMDLKIE Bit (FCU Command Lock Interrupt Enable)

This bit is used to enable or disable FIFERR interrupt requests when a FCU command-locked state occurs and the
CMDLK bit in FASTAT is set to 1.

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.2.4 E2 DataFlash Read Enable Register 0 (DFLRE0)

Address(es): 007F C440h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

KEY[7:0] — — — — DBRE0 DBRE0 DBRE0 DBRE0

3 2 1 0
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DBRE00 DB00 to DB15 Block Read Enable 0: Read disabled R/W
1: Read enabled
b1 DBRE01 DB16 to DB31 Block Read Enable R/W
b2 DBRE02 DB32 to DB47 Block Read Enable R/W
b3 DBRE03 DB48 to DB63 Block Read Enable R/W
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b8 KEY[7:0] Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to the R/(W)
DFLRE0 register. *1
To modify the DFLRE0 register, write 2Dh to the eight
higher-order bits and the desired value to the eight lower-
order bits as a 16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

DFLRE0 is a register to enable or disable the DB00 to DB63 blocks of the data area (see Figure 37.3) to be read.

DBREj Bit (DBj Block Read Enable) (j = 00 to 03)

This bit is used to enable or disable the DB00 to DB63 blocks of the data area to be read.
The DBREj bit is used to control reading of the DB00 to DB63 blocks.

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.2.5 E2 DataFlash Programming/Erasure Enable Register 0 (DFLWE0)

Address(es): 007F C450h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

KEY[7:0] — — — — DBWE0 DBWE0 DBWE0 DBWE0

3 2 1 0
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 DBWE00 DB00 to DB15 Block Programming/ 0: Programming/erasure disabled R/W
Erasure Enable 1: Programming/erasure enabled
b1 DBWE01 DB16 to DB31 Block Programming/ R/W
Erasure Enable
b2 DBWE02 DB32 to DB47 Block Programming/ R/W
Erasure Enable
b3 DBWE03 DB48 to DB63 Block Programming/ R/W
Erasure Enable
b7 to b4 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 to b8 KEY[7:0] Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to R/(W)
the DFLWE0 register. *1
To modify the DFLWE0 register, write 1Eh to the eight
higher-order bits and the desired value to the eight lower-
order bits as a 16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

DFLWE0 is a register to enable or disable the DB00 to DB63 blocks of the data area (see Figure 37.3) to be
programmed or erased.

DBWEj Bit (DBj Block Programming/Erasure Enable) (j = 00 to 03)

This bit is used to enable or disable the DB00 to DB63 blocks of the data area to be programmed or erased.
The DBWEj bit is used to control programming/erasure of the DB00 to DB63 blocks.

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.2.6 Flash P/E Mode Entry Register (FENTRYR)

Address(es): 007F FFB2h

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

FEKEY[7:0] FENTR — — — — — — FENTR

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 FENTRY0 ROM P/E Mode Entry 0 See section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage). R/W
b6 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b7 FENTRYD E2 DataFlash P/E Mode Entry 0: E2 DataFlash is in read mode R/W
1: E2 DataFlash is in P/E mode
b15 to b8 FEKEY[7:0] Key Code These bits control permission and prohibition of writing to the R/(W)
FENTRYR register. *1
To modify the FENTRYR register, write AAh to the eight higher-
order bits and the desired value to the eight lower-order bits as a
16-bit unit.

Note 1. Write data is not retained.

To place the ROM/E2 DataFlash in ROM P/E mode so that the FCU can accept commands, the FENTRYD or FENTRY0
bit must be set to 1. If more than one bit is set to 1, the ILGLERR bit is set in FSTATR0 and the FCU enters the command-
locked state.
After writing to the FENTRYR to initiate a transition to ROM-reading mode, read the register and confirm that it actually
holds the new setting before proceeding to read the ROM.
FENTRYR is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESET bit in FRESETR is set to 1.
For FSTATR0, see section 36.2.5, Flash Status Register 0 (FSTATR0).
For FRESETR, see section 36.2.10, Flash Reset Register (FRESETR).

FENTRYD Bit (E2 DataFlash P/E Mode Entry)

The FENTRYD bit is used to place the E2 DataFlash in P/E mode.

[Writing-enable conditions (when all of the following conditions are met)]

 The FRDY bit in FSTATR0 is set to 1
 AAh is written to the FEKEY[7:0] bits in word access.
[Setting condition]
 When the writing-enable conditions are met, FENTRYR is set to 0000h, and 1 is written to the FENTRYD bit
[Clearing conditions]
 Data is written in byte access.
 Data is written in word access when the FEKEY[7:0] bits are other than AAh.
 When the writing-enable conditions are met, 0 is written to the FENTRYD bit.
 When the writing-enable conditions are met and FENTRYR is other than 0000h, data is written to FENTRYR.

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.2.7 E2 DataFlash Blank Check Control Register (DFLBCCNT)

Address(es): 007F FFCAh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

BCSIZ — — — — BCADR[10:0]
Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b10 to b0 BCADR[10:0] Blank Check Address Set the address of the area to be checked R/W
b14 to b11 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W
b15 BCSIZE Blank Check Size Setting 0: The size of the area to be blank checked is 2 bytes. R/W
1: The size of the area to be blank checked is 2 Kbytes.

DFLBCCNT is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESET bit in FRESETR is set to 1.

For FRESETR, see section 36.2.10, Flash Reset Register (FRESETR).

BCADR[10:0] Bits (Blank Check Address Setting)

These bits are used to set the address of the area to be checked when the size of the area to be checked by a blank check
command is 2 bytes (the BCSIZE bit is 0).
When the BCSIZE bit is 0, the start address of the area to be checked is obtained by adding the DFLBCCNT setting
value to the block start address (in 2-Kbyte units) specified at issuance of a blank check command.

37.2.8 E2 DataFlash Blank Check Status Register (DFLBCSTAT)

Address(es): 007F FFCEh

b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — BCST

Value after reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W

b0 BCST Blank Check Status 0: The area to be blank-checked is erased (blank) R
1: 0 or 1 is written in the area to be blank-checked
b15 to b1 — Reserved These bits are read as 0. The write value should be 0. R/W

DFLBCSTAT is initialized by a reset, or when the FRESET bit in FRESETR is set to 1.

For FRESETR, see section 36.2.10, Flash Reset Register (FRESETR).

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.3 Configuration of Memory Area for the E2 DataFlash Memory

The E2 DataFlash memory of products in the RX220 Group is configured as an 8-Kbyte data area. Figure 37.2 shows
the configuration of the data area for the E2 DataFlash.
Note that for the data area, the address range for reading is the same as the address range for programming and erasure.

Address 0010 0000h

Data area
(8 Kbytes)

Address 0010 1FFFh

Figure 37.2 Configuration of the Data Area for the E2 DataFlash Memory

37.4 Block Configuration

Figure 37.3 shows how the erasure blocks of the data area are configured. The data area is divided into 64 blocks of 128
bytes, and erasure proceeds in these block units. Programming proceeds in 2- or 8-byte units. For programming in 2-byte
units, each unit starts at an address whose two low-order bits are 0h or 2h. For programming in 8-byte units, each unit
starts at an address whose three low-order bits are all 0.

Data area Blocks

Address 0010 0000h DB00

128 bytes  64 blocks

Address 0010 1FFFh DB63

Figure 37.3 Division of the Data Area into Blocks

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37.5 Operating Modes Associated with the E2 DataFlash

For the transitions between operating modes, see section 36.5, Operating Modes Associated with the ROM.
Reading, programming, and erasing of the data area in an on-board device can proceed if the device is in boot mode, user
boot mode, or single-chip mode.
The differences between modes are indicated in Table 37.2.

Table 37.2 Differences between Modes

Item Boot Mode User Boot Mode Single-Chip Mode
Environment for programming and erasure On-board programming
Programmable and erasable area Data area Data area Data area
Division into erasure blocks Possible*1 Possible Possible
Boot program at a reset Boot program User boot program User program

Note 1. All flash memory areas may be erased at the time of booting up. Specified blocks can subsequently be erased. For details, refer
to section 36.10.4, ID Code Protection (Boot Mode), section 36.10.2, State Transitions in Boot Mode

 In boot mode, a host is able to program/erase or read the data area via an SCI.
 In boot mode, RAM is employed for use in the boot program. For this reason, preserving the contents of RAM is not
possible in this case.
 In user boot mode, any desired interface can be used for programming or reading of the user area and data area
following booting up from the user boot area.

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.6 Programming and Erasing the E2 DataFlash Memory

The E2 DataFlash memory is programmed and erased by issuing commands to a dedicated sequencer (FCU) for
programming and erasure. The FCU has five modes. For programming and erasure, the mode is changed and then
commands for programming and erasure are issued.
The mode transitions required to program or erase the E2 DataFlash and the system of commands are described below.
The descriptions apply in common to boot mode, user boot mode, and single-chip mode.

37.6.1 FCU Modes

The FCU has five modes or sets of modes. Transitions between modes are caused by writing to the FENTRYR register or
issuing FCU commands. Figure 37.4 is a diagram of the FCU mode transitions.

ROM/E2 DataFlash read ROM P/E mode



E2 DataFlash P/E mode

E2 DataFlash P/E E2 DataFlash status read
normal mode mode

(A) (C)

(C) (B)
E2 DataFlash lock bit read

(A): Execute a normal mode transition command.

(B): Execute a command that is neither a normal mode transition command nor a lock bit read mode transition command.
(C): Execute a lock bit read mode transition command.

Figure 37.4 Mode Transitions of the FCU (Associated with the E2 DataFlash)

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage) ROM P/E Modes

The ROM P/E modes are for programming and erasure of the ROM.
For details on the ROM P/E modes, see section, ROM P/E Modes. ROM/E2 DataFlash Read Mode

This mode is for reading the ROM or E2 DataFlash memory. The FCU does not accept commands.
The FCU enters this mode when the FENTRYD and FENTRY0 bits in FENTRYR are set to 0. E2 DataFlash P/E Modes

These modes are for programming and erasure of the E2 DataFlash memory. Reading out the E2 DataFlash is not
E2 DataFlash P/E normal mode, E2 DataFlash status read mode, and E2 DataFlash lock-bit read mode are the three E2
DataFlash P/E modes.

(1) E2 DataFlash P/E Normal Mode

The transition to E2 DataFlash P/E normal mode is the first transition in the process of programming or erasing the E2
The FCU enters this mode when the FENTRYD bit in FENTRYR is set to 1 and the FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR is set to
0 in ROM/E2 DataFlash read mode, or when the normal mode transition command is received in E2 DataFlash P/E
modes. Table 37.5 lists the acceptable commands in this mode.

(2) E2 DataFlash Status Read Mode

The E2 DataFlash status read mode is for reading information on the state of the E2 DataFlash.
The FCU enters this mode when a command other than the normal mode transition and lock bit read mode transition
command is received in E2 DataFlash P/E modes. E2 DataFlash status read mode encompasses the states where the
FRDY bit in FSTATR0 is 0 and the command-locked state after an error has occurred.Table 37.5 lists the acceptable
commands in this mode.
Read access to an address within the E2 DataFlash area will actually read the value of the FSTATR0 register. High-speed
reading of the ROM is possible.

(3) E2 DataFlash Lock-Bit Read Mode

The E2 DataFlash lock-bit read mode is for reading the values of the lock bits of the E2 DataFlash. However, this is not
possible because the E2 DataFlash does not have lock bits.
The FCU enters this mode when a lock-bit read mode transition command is received in E2 DataFlash P/E modes. Table
37.5 lists the acceptable commands in this mode.
Since the E2 DataFlash does not have lock bits, data read in read access to addresses within the E2 DataFlash area are
undefined. However, the access does not lead to an E2 DataFlash-access violation. High-speed reading of the ROM is

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.6.2 FCU Commands

FCU commands consist of commands for mode transitions of the FCU and of commands for programming and erasure.
Table 37.3 lists the FCU commands for use with the E2 DataFlash.

Table 37.3 FCU Commands for Use with E2 DataFlash Memory

Command Description
P/E normal mode transition Changes the mode to normal mode (see section 37.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes and
Status read mode transition Changes the mode to status read mode (see section 37.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes
and Commands)
Lock bit read mode transition Changes the mode to lock bit read mode (see section 37.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes
(lock bit read 1) and Commands)
Peripheral clock notification Sets the frequency of the FlashIF clock (FCLK)
Programming E2 DataFlash programming (in 2 or 8 byte units)
Block erasure E2 DataFlash erasure (in 128 units)
P/E suspension Suspends programming/erasure
P/E resumption Resumes programming/erasure
Status register clearing Clears the ILGLERR, ERSERR and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 and releases the FCU from the
command-locked state
Lock bit read 2/blank checking Checks whether the specified block of E2 DataFlash memory has been erased (is blank)

Commands other than the blank-checking command are also for use with the ROM.
The blank-checking command for the E2 DataFlash memory is also used as the lock bit read 2 command for the ROM.
That is, when the same command is issued for the ROM, a lock bit of the ROM is read.
Commands for the FCU are issued by write access to addresses within the E2 DataFlash area.
Table 37.4 lists the formats of the programming commands and the blank checking command. For the formats of FCU
commands other than programming and blank checking commands, see section 36.6.2, FCU Commands.
Write access as listed in Table 37.4 and in accord with certain conditions causes the FCU to execute processing for the
corresponding command. For details on the conditions for acceptance of the individual FCU commands, see section
37.6.3, Connections between FCU Modes and Commands. For how to use the FCU commands, see section
37.6.4, FCU Command Usage.

Table 37.4 FCU Command Formats (Commands Dedicated to the E2 DataFlash Memory)
Number First Cycle Second Cycle Third Cycle 4th to (N+2)th Cycle (N+3)th Cycle
of Bus
Command Cycles Address Data Address Data Address Data Address Data Address Data
Programming 4 EA E8h EA 01h WA WDn — — EA D0h
(2-byte programming; N = 1)
Programming 7 EA E8h EA 04h WA WDn EA WDn EA D0h
(8-byte programming; N = 4)
Blank checking 2 EA 71h BA D0h — — — — — —

Address column EA: Address within the E2 DataFlash area. Any address in the range from 0010 0000h to 0010 1FFFh.
WA: Start address of programming data
BA: Block start address within the E2 DataFlash area (2-Kbyte block)
Data columns WDn: nth word of data for programming (n = 1 to N)

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37.6.3 Connections between FCU Modes and Commands

The sets of FCU commands that can be accepted in each of the FCU modes are fixed. Furthermore, which commands are
acceptable in a given FCU mode varies according to the state of the FCU.
Issuing of an FCU command must follow checking of the FCU’s state after transitions of the FCU mode.
Commands that are acceptable in the various FCU modes and states are listed in Table 37.5. Issuing a command that is
not currently acceptable leads to the FCU being placed in the command-locked state (see section 37.7.2, Command-
Locked State).
Issuing of an FCU command must follow checking of the values of the acceptable FRDY, ILGLERR, ERSERR, and
PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 and of the FCUERR bit in FSTATR1 after transitions of the FCU mode. Furthermore, the
CMDLK bit in FASTAT can be checked to see if an error has occurred. The value of the CMDLK bit in FASTAT is the
logical OR of the ILGLERR, ERSERR, and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 and the FCUERR bit in FSTATR1.

Table 37.5 Acceptable Commands and the State and Mode (E2 DataFlash P/E Mode) of the FCU
P/E Normal Lock-Bit Read
Mode Status Read Mode Mode
Programming during Erasure Suspended State

Command-Locked State (FRDY = 0)

Command-Locked State (FRDY = 1)

Programming Suspended

Programming Suspended

Programming Suspended
Programming or Erasure

programming or Erasure
Processing to Suspend
Erasure Suspended

Erasure Suspended

Erasure Suspended
Blank Checking
Other State

Other State

Other State
FSTATR0.FRDY bit 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
FSTATR0.SUSRDY bit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FSTATR0.ERSSPD bit 0 1 0 0 1 0/1 0 0 1 0/1 0/1 0 0 1 0
FSTATR0.PRGSPD bit 1 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 1 0 0/1 0/1 0 1 0 0
FASTAT.CMDLK bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
P/E normal mode transition A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
Status read mode transition A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
Lock-bit read mode transition A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A
(lock bit read 1)
Peripheral clock notification × × A × × × × × × × × A × × A
Programming × * A × × × × × * × × A × * A
Block erasure × × A × × × × × × × × A × × A
P/E suspension × × × A × × × × × × × × × × ×
P/E resumption A A × × × × × A A × × × A A ×
Status register clearing A A A × × × × A A × A A A A A
Blank checking A A A × × × × A A × × A A A A

A: Acceptable
*: Only programming is acceptable for blocks other than the block where erasure was suspended
×: Not acceptable

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.6.4 FCU Command Usage

This section shows how to program and erase the E2 DataFlash memory by using programming and block erasure
commands, respectively, and how to check the state of erasure of the E2 DataFlash by using the blank check command.
For the ways to use other FCU commands, see section 36.6.4, FCU Command Usage.

(1) Using the Peripheral Clock Notification Command

This command handles notification of the frequency of the peripheral clock. For details, see section 36.6.4, FCU
Command Usage. Set the FENTRYD bit in FENTRYR to 1 and make settings to indicate an address within the E2
DataFlash area.

(2) Programming
To program the E2 DataFlash, use one of the programming commands.
Use byte access to write E8h to an address within the E2 DataFlash area in the first cycle of the programming command,
and the number of words (N)*1 to be programmed in the second cycle. Access the peripheral bus in words from the third
cycle to cycle N + 2 of the command. In the third cycle, write the first word of data for programming to the address
where the target area for programming starts.
In the case of 8-byte programming, 8 bytes (4 words) of data are written to the E2 DataFlash in the third to the sixth
cycles, divided into four rounds. The start address of 8 bytes for programming is specified in the third cycle. The address
range specified at this time must be an integral multiple of 8. The address range specified in the fourth to the sixth cycles
does not need to be the address range for actual programming.
In the case of 2-byte programming, the address range and data for programming are specified in the third cycle. The
address range must be an even number.
After writing words to addresses in the E2 DataFlash area N times, write byte D0h to an address within the E2 DataFlash
area in cycle N + 3; the FCU will then start actual programming of the E2 DataFlash. Read the FRDY bit in FSTATR0 to
confirm the completion of E2 DataFlash programming.
If the area accessed in the third cycle to cycle N + 2 includes addresses that do not require programming, write FFFFh as
the programming data for those addresses. Moreover, programming and erasure of the block that contains the address
must be enabled by the corresponding setting for protection from programming and erasure in the DFLWE0 register.
Figure 37.5 shows the procedure for E2 DataFlash programming.

Note 1. N = 01h and 04h for 2- and 8-byte programming, respectively.

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Write byte E8h to an E2 DataFlash area


Write the number of programming words (N) 2-byte programming: N = 01h

to an E2 DataFlash area address in bytes 8-byte programming: N = 04h

Write a programming data word to the start

address of the programming area in bytes


Write a programming data to an E2 DataFlash

area address in words


Write byte D0h to an E2 DataFlash area


FRDY bit check
0 (tDP2/tDP8 × 1.1)*1 No

1 Yes
FCU initialization


ILGLERR bit and PRGERR bit check (tFCUR)*2



Note 1. tDP2/tDP8: Time required for programming 2-/8-byte data (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 37.5 Procedure for E2 DataFlash Programming

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(3) Erasure
To erase the E2 DataFlash, use the block erasure command. The E2 DataFlash is erased in the same way as the ROM (see
section 36, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)).
Note that the E2 DataFlash has a programming and erasure protection function that is controlled by DFLWE0. Erasure
can only be performed with protection provided by the DFLWE0 setting disabled, so set the programming/erasure enable
bit for the target erasure block to 1 before issuing the erasure command.

(4) Blank Checking

Since using the CPU to read erased areas of the E2 DataFlash produces undefined values, the blank checking command
should be used to check whether the E2 DataFlash has actually been erased. To make the blank checking command
available for use, start by setting the FRDMD bit in FMODR to 1 to enable the command, and then specify the size and
start address of the target area in DFLBCCNT. When the BCSIZE bit in DFLBCCNT is set to 1, blank check can be
executed for the entire erased block (2 Kbytes) as specified in the second cycle of the blank check command. When the
BCSIZE bit is 0, checking can be performed on the 2-byte range starting from the address obtained by adding the start
address of the area as specified in the second cycle of the command and the value held by DFLBCCNT. In the first cycle
of the command sequence, the value 71h is written as a byte unit to an address in the E2 DataFlash. In the second cycle,
when the value D0h is written as a byte unit to an address in the erasure block within the target area, the FCU starts blank
checking of the E2 DataFlash. Test the FRDY bit in the FSTATR0 register to check whether or not the check is complete.
On completion of blank checking, check the BCST bit of DFLBCSTAT to see whether the target area has been erased or
is filled with 0s and/or 1s.
Figure 37.6 shows the procedure for blank checking of the E2 DataFlash.

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Write 1 to the FRDMD bit in FMODR

BCSIZE 0: 2 bytes 1: 2 Kbytes

BCADR The address of an area to be checked when BCSIZE = 0

Write 71h to any addresses in E2 DataFlash

area in byte units

Write D0h to any addresses in the erasure

block in byte units

FRDY bit check
0 (tBC2K × 1.1)*1 No

1 Yes

FCU initialization






Note 1. tBC2K: Time required for blank check of 2-Kbyte data (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)
Note 2. tFCUR: Reset pulse width during programming/erasure (see section 38, Electrical Characteristics)

Figure 37.6 Procedure for Blank Checking of the E2 DataFlash

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.7 Protection
There are two types of E2 DataFlash programming/erasure protection: software protection and command-locked state.

37.7.1 Software Protection

In the software protection function, control register settings are used to disable E2 DataFlash programming, erasure, and
reading. If an attempt is made to issue a programming, an erasure, or a reading command for the E2 DataFlash and the
command violates current software protection, the FCU detects the error and enters the command-locked state.

(1) Protection through FWEPROR

If the FLWE[1:0] bits in FWEPROR are not set to 01b, programming cannot be performed in any mode.

(2) Protection through FENTRYR

When the FENTRYD bit in FENTRYR is 0, the ROM/E2 DataFlash read mode is selected. Since the FCU does not
accept commands in ROM/E2 DataFlash read mode, E2 DataFlash programming and erasure are disabled. If an attempt
is made to issue an FCU command for the E2 DataFlash in ROM/E2 DataFlash read mode, the FCU detects an illegal
command error and enters the command-locked state (see section 37.7.2, Command-Locked State).

(3) Protection through DFLWE0

When the DBWEj (j = 00 to 03) bit in DFLWE0 is 0, programming and erasure of block DBj in the data area is disabled.
If an attempt is made to program or erase block DBj while the DBWEj bit is 0, the FCU detects a programming/erasure
protection error and enters the command-locked state (see section 37.7.2, Command-Locked State).

(4) Protection through DFLRE0

When the DBREj (j = 00 to 03) bit in DFLRE0 is 0, reading of block DBj in the data area is disabled. If an attempt is
made to read block DBj while the DBREj bit is 0, the FCU detects a read protection error and enters the command-
locked state (see section 37.7.2, Command-Locked State).

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37.7.2 Command-Locked State

Command-locked state is the detection of errors in the issuing of FCU commands and of prohibited access, and response
in the form of notification of the FCU malfunction and prohibition of the reception of further commands by the FCU (the
FCU enters the command-locked state). When any bit from among the status bits (the ILGLERR, ERSERR, and
PRGERR bits in FSTATR0, the FSTATR1.FCUERR bit, and the FASTAT.DFLAE, DFLRPE, and DFLWPE bits) is set to
1, the FCU will be in the command-locked state (FASTAT.CMDLK bit is set to 1), so programming and erasure of the E2
DataFlash are prohibited. To release the FCU from the command-locked state, a status register clearing command must
be issued with FASTAT set to 10h.
While the CMDLKIE bit in FAEINT is 1, a flash interface error (FIFERR) interrupt will be generated if the FCU enters
the command-locked state (the CMDLK bit in FASTAT becomes 1). While an E2 DataFlash-related interrupt enable bit
(DFLAEIE, DFLRPEIE, or DFLWPEIE) in FAEINT is 1, an FIFERR interrupt will also be generated if the
corresponding status bit (DFLAE, DFLRPE, or DFLWPE) in FASTAT becomes 1.
Table 37.6 shows the errors that lead to the command-locked state for the E2 DataFlash and the values of the status bits
(the ILGLERR, ERSERR, and PRGERR bits in FSTATR0 and the DFLAE, DFLRPE, and DFLWPE bits in FASTAT)
after the detection of each type of error. For the errors that lead to the command-locked state used in common by the
ROM and E2 DataFlash (FENTRYR setting error, most illegal command errors, erasing errors, programming errors, and
FCU errors, see section 36.8.2, Command-Locked State.
If the FCU enters the command-locked state due to a command other than a suspension command issued during
programming or erasure processing, the FCU continues programming or erasing the E2 DataFlash. In this state, the P/E
suspension command cannot suspend programming or erasure. If a command is issued in the command-locked state, the
ILGLERR bit becomes 1.

Table 37.6 Errors that Lead to the Command-Locked State (for E2 DataFlash Only)




Error Description
Illegal command error The value specified in the second cycle of a programming command was 1 0 0 0 0 0
other than 01h and 04h.
A lock bit programming command was issued for an area in the E2 1 0 0 0 0 0
DataFlash while the FENTRYD bit of FENTRYR register was set to 1.
E2 DataFlash access error A read access command was issued for the E2 DataFlash area while 1 0 0 1 0 0
FENTRYD = 1 in FENTRYR in E2 DataFlash P/E normal mode.
A write access command was issued for the E2 DataFlash area while 1 0 0 1 0 0
An access command was issued for the E2 DataFlash area while the 1 0 0 1 0 0
FENTRY0 bit in FENTRYR was 1.
E2 DataFlash read protect A read access command was issued for the E2 DataFlash area while it was 1 0 0 0 1 0
error protected against reading by the DFLRE0 setting.
E2 DataFlash A program/block erase command was issued for the E2 DataFlash area 1 0 0 0 0 1
programming protect error while it was protected against programming and erasure by the DFLWE0

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.8 Boot Mode

To program or erase the data area in boot mode, send control commands and programming data from the host. For the
system configuration and settings in boot mode, see section 36.10, Boot Mode. This section describes only the
commands dedicated for the E2 DataFlash.

37.8.1 Inquiry/Selection Commands

Table 37.7 lists the inquiry/selection commands dedicated to the E2 DataFlash. The data area inquiry and data area
information inquiry commands are used in the step of “Inquiry regarding area programming information” in the
flowchart shown in Figure 36.26, Example of Procedure to Use Inquiry/Selection Commands for User
Area/User Boot Area in section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command Wait.

Table 37.7 Inquiry/Selection Commands (only for E2 DataFlash)

Command Name Function
Data area inquiry Inquires regarding the availability of data area
Data area information inquiry Inquires regarding the number of data areas and the start and end addresses

Each command is described in detail below. The “command” in the description indicates a command sent from the host
to the RX220 and the “response” indicates a response sent from the RX220 to the host. The “checksum” is byte-size data
calculated so that the sum of all bytes to be sent by the RX220 becomes 00h.

(1) Data Area Inquiry

In response to a data area inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the information concerning the
availability of data areas.

Command 2Ah

Response 3Ah Size Area SUM


Size (1 byte): Number of characters in the area availability field (fixed at 1)

Area availability (1 Availability of data areas (fixed at 21h)
byte): 21h: Data area is available
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

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(2) Data Area Information Inquiry

In response to a data area information inquiry command sent from the host, the RX220 returns the number of data area
areas and their addresses.

Command 2Bh

Response 3Bh Size Area count

Area start address
Area end address

Size (1 byte): Total number of bytes in the area count, area start address, and area end
address fields
Area count (1 byte): Number of data areas (consecutive areas are counted as one area)
Area start address (4 bytes): Start address of a data area
Area end address (4 bytes): End address of a data area
SUM (1 byte): Checksum

The information concerning the block configuration in the data area is included in the response to the erasure block
information inquiry command (see section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command Wait).

37.8.2 Programming/Erasing Commands

Table 37.8 lists the programming/erasing commands dedicated to the E2 DataFlash. E2 DataFlash-dedicated commands
are provided only for checksum and blank check of the data area; the programming, erasing, and reading commands are
used in common for the ROM and E2 DataFlash.
To program the data area, issue from the host a user area programming selection command and then a 256-byte
programming command specifying a data area address as the programming address. To erase the data area, issue an
erasure selection command and then a block erasure command specifying an erasure block in the data area. The
information concerning the erasure block in the data area is included in the response to the erasure block information
inquiry command. To read data from the data area, select the user area through a memory read command specifying a
data area address as the read address.
For the user area programming selection, user boot area programming selection, 256-byte programming, erasure
selection, block erasure, and memory read commands, refer to section 36.10.8, Programming/Erasure Command
Wait. For the erasure block information inquiry command, refer to section 36.10.6, Inquiry/Selection Command

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

Table 37.8 Programming/Erasure Commands (only for E2 DataFlash)

Command Name Function
Data area checksum Performs checksum verification for the data area
Data area blank check Checks whether the data area is blank

Each command is described in detail below. The “command” in the description indicates a command sent from the host
to the RX220 and the “response” indicates a response sent from the RX220 to the host. The “checksum” is byte-size data
calculated so that the sum of all bytes to be sent by the RX220 becomes 00h.

(1) Data Area Checksum

In response to a data area checksum command sent from the host, the RX220 sums the data area data in byte units and
returns the result (checksum).

Command 61h

Response 71h Size Area checksum SUM

Size (1 byte): Number of bytes in the area checksum field (fixed at 4)

Area checksum (4 bytes): Checksum of the data area
SUM (1 byte): Checksum (for the response data)

(2) Data Area Blank Check

In response to a data area blank check command sent from the host, the RX220 checks whether the data area is
completely erased. When the data area is completely erased, the RX220 returns a response (06h). If the data area has an
unerased area, the RX220 returns an error response (E2h, 52h).

Command 62h

Response 06h

response E2h 52h

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RX220 Group 37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)

37.9 Usage Notes

(1) Protection of Data Area Immediately after a Reset
As the initial values of DFLRE0 and DFLWE0 are 0000h, programming, erasure, and reading of the data area are
disabled immediately after a reset. To read data from the data area, set DFLRE0 appropriately before accessing the data
area. To program or erase the data area, set DFLWE0 appropriately before issuing an FCU command for programming or
erasure. If an attempt is made to read, program, or erase the data area without setting the registers, the FCU detects the
error and enters the command-locked state.

(2) Other Points to Note

The other points to note are the same as for the ROM. See section 36.12, Usage Notes of section 36, ROM (Flash
Memory for Code Storage).
However, blank checking has been added for the E2 DataFlash. Therefore, for the E2 DataFlash, read “programming,
erasure, or blank checking” for “programming and erasure” in the usage notes.

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RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

38. Electrical Characteristics

38.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Table 38.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Conditions: VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V
Item Symbol Value Unit
Power supply voltage VCC –0.3 to +6.5 V
Input voltage Vin –0.3 to VCC +0.3*3 V
(except for ports for 5V tolerant*1 and port 4)
Input voltage (port 4) Vin –0.3 to AVCC0 +0.3*3 V
Input voltage (ports for 5 V tolerant*1) Vin –0.3 to +6.5 V
Analog power supply voltage AVCC0*2 –0.3 to +6.5 V
Reference power supply voltage VREFH0*2 –0.3 to AVCC0 +0.3*3 V
Analog input voltage (except for port 4) VAN –0.3 to VCC +0.3*3 V
Analog input voltage (port 4) VAN –0.3 to AVCC0 +0.3*3 V
Operating temperature Topr –40 to +105 °C
Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +125 °C

Caution: Permanent damage to the LSI may result if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded.
To preclude any malfunctions due to noise interferences, insert capacitors of high frequency characteristics between the VCC
and VSS pins, between the AVCC0 and AVSS0 pins, and between the VREFH0 and VREFL0 pins. Place capacitors of 0.1 µF or
so as close to every power pin and use the shortest and heaviest possible traces.
Connect the VCL pin to a VSS pin via a 0.1 µF (±20% accuracy) capacitor. The capacitor must be placed as close to the pin as
Note 1. Ports 12, 13, 16, and 17 are 5 V tolerant.
Note 2. Set to the same potential as VCC. When the A/D converter is not used, do not leave the AVCC0, VREFH0, AVSS0, and VREFL0
pins open. Connect the AVCC0 and VREFH0 pins to VCC, and the AVSS0 and VREFL0 pins to VSS, respectively.
Note 3. The maximum value is 6.5 V.

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RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

38.2 DC Characteristics

Table 38.2 DC Characteristics (1)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Schmitt trigger RIIC input pin (except for VIH VCC × 0.7 — 5.8 V
input voltage SMBus, 5 V tolerant)
Ports 12, 13, 16, and 17 (5 V VCC × 0.8 — 5.8
Ports 0, 14, 15, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, VCC × 0.8 — VCC + 0.3
C, D, E, H, J, and RES#
RIIC input pin (except for VIL –0.3 — VCC × 0.3
Other than RIIC input pin –0.3 — VCC × 0.2
RIIC input pin (except for ∆VT VCC × 0.05 — —
Other than RIIC input pin VCC × 0.1 — —
Input level voltage MD pin VIH VCC × 0.9 — VCC + 0.3 V
(except for
EXTAL VCC × 0.8 — VCC + 0.3
Schmitt trigger
input pins) RIIC input pin (SMBus) 2.1 — VCC + 0.3
MD pin VIL –0.3 — VCC × 0.1
EXTAL –0.3 — VCC × 0.2
RIIC input pin (SMBus) –0.3 — 0.8

Table 38.3 DC Characteristics (2)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 2.7 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Schmitt trigger input Ports 12, 13, 16, and 17 VIH VCC × 0.8 — 5.8 V
voltage (5 V tolerant)
Ports 0, 14, 15, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, VCC × 0.8 — VCC + 0.3
B, C, D, E, H, and J
RES# VCC × 0.9 — VCC + 0.3
Ports 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, C, VIL –0.3 — VCC × 0.2
D, E, H, and J
RES# –0.3 — VCC × 0.1
All input pins ∆VT VCC × 0.01 — —
Input level voltage MD pin VIH VCC × 0.9 — VCC + 0.3 V
(except for Schmitt
EXTAL VCC × 0.8 — VCC + 0.3
trigger input pins)
MD pin VIL –0.3 — VCC × 0.1
EXTAL –0.3 — VCC × 0.2

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RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

Table 38.4 DC Characteristics (3)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Input leakage RES#, MD pin, P35/NMI Iin — — 1.0 µA Vin = 0 V, VCC
Three-state Other pins except for ports for 5 V ITSI — — 0.2 µA Vin = 0 V, VCC
leakage current tolerant
Ports for 5 V tolerant — — 1.0 Vin = 0 V, 5.8 V
Input capacitance All input pins Cin — — 15 pF Vin = 0 V,
(except for XCIN and XCOUT) f = 1 MHz,
Ta = 25°C
XCIN and XCOUT — — 3

Table 38.5 DC Characteristics (4)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol 1.62 to 2.7 V 2.7 to 4.0 V 4.0 to 5.5 V Unit Test Conditions
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Input pull-up MOS All ports Ip –150 –5 –200 –10 –400 –50 µA Vin = 0 V
current (except for port 35)

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Table 38.6 DC Characteristics (5)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Typ.*9 Max. Unit
Supply Medium-speed Normal operating No peripheral ICLK = 32 MHz ICC 4.6 — mA
current*1 operating modes mode operation*2
ICLK = 20 MHz 3.2 —
1A and 1B
All peripheral ICLK = 32 MHz 14 —
operation: Normal*3
ICLK = 20 MHz 9.5 —
All peripheral ICLK = 32 MHz — 25
operation: Max.*3
ICLK = 20 MHz — 19
Sleep mode No peripheral ICLK = 32 MHz 3.8 —
ICLK = 20 MHz 3.0 —
All peripheral ICLK = 32 MHz 10 —
operation: Normal*3
ICLK = 20 MHz 7 —
All-module clock stop mode ICLK = 32 MHz 2.5 —
ICLK = 20 MHz 2.0 —
Increase during Medium-speed operating mode 1A 17 —
BGO operation*4
Medium-speed operating mode 1B 17 —
Low-speed Normal operating No peripheral ICLK = 8 MHz 1.4 —
operating mode 1 mode operation*5
ICLK = 4 MHz 0.9 —
ICLK = 2 MHz 0.7 —
All peripheral ICLK = 8 MHz 4.2 —
operation: Normal*6
ICLK = 4 MHz 2.6 —
ICLK = 2 MHz 1.8 —
All peripheral ICLK = 8 MHz — 6.5
operation: Max.*6
ICLK = 4 MHz — 3.7
ICLK = 2 MHz — 2.4
Sleep mode No peripheral ICLK = 8 MHz 1.5 —
ICLK = 4 MHz 1.2 —
ICLK = 2 MHz 1.1 —
All peripheral ICLK = 8 MHz 3.1 —
operation: Normal*6
ICLK = 4 MHz 2.1 —
ICLK = 2 MHz 1.5 —
All-module clock stop mode ICLK = 8 MHz 1.4 —
ICLK = 4 MHz 1.1 —
ICLK = 2 MHz 1.0 —
Low-speed Normal operating No peripheral ICLK = 32 kHz 0.027 —
operating mode 2 mode operation*7
All peripheral ICLK = 32 kHz 0.04 —
operation: Normal*8
All peripheral ICLK = 32 kHz — 0.23
operation: Max.*8
Sleep mode No peripheral ICLK = 32 kHz 0.024 —
All peripheral ICLK = 32 kHz 0.034 —
operation: Normal*8
All-module clock stop mode 0.016 —

Note 1. Supply current values do not include output charge/discharge current from all pins. The values apply when internal pull-up MOSs
are in the off state.
Note 2. Clock supply to the peripheral functions is stopped. This does not include BGO operation. The clock source is HOCO. BCLK,
FCLK, and PCLK are set to divided by 64.
Note 3. Clocks are supplied to the peripheral functions. This does not include BGO operation. The clock source is HOCO. BCLK, FCLK,
and PCLK are ICLK divided by 1.
Note 4. This is the increase if data is programmed to or erasing from the ROM or E2 DataFlash during program execution.

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RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

Note 5. Clock supply to the peripheral functions is stopped. This does not include BGO operation. The clock source is HOCO. BCLK,
FCLK, and PCLK are set to divided by 64.
Note 6. Clocks are supplied to the peripheral functions. This does not include BGO operation. The clock source is HOCO. BCLK, FCLK,
and PCLK are ICLK divided by 1.
Note 7. Clock supply to the peripheral functions is stopped. This does not include BGO operation. The clock source is the sub oscillation
circuit. BCLK, FCLK, and PCLK are set to divided by 64.
Note 8. Clocks are supplied to the peripheral functions. This does not include BGO operation. The clock source is the sub oscillation
circuit. BCLK, FCLK, and PCLK are ICLK divided by 1.
Note 9. VCC = 3.3 V.


Ta = 105°C, ICLK = 32 MHz*2


Ta = 25°C, ICLK = 32 MHz*1

ICC (mA)

Ta = 105°C, ICLK = 20 MHz*2

Ta = 25°C, ICLK = 20 MHz*1

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Note 1. All peripheral operation is normal. This does not include BGO operation.
Average value of the tested middle samples during product evaluation.
Note 2. All peripheral operation is maximum. This does not include BGO operation.
Average value of the tested upper-limit samples during product evaluation.

Figure 38.1 Voltage Dependency in Medium-Speed Operating Modes 1A and 1B (Reference Data)

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RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

6 Ta = 105°C, ICLK = 8 MHz*2

Ta = 25°C, ICLK = 8 MHz*1

ICC (mA)

Ta = 105°C, ICLK = 4 MHz*2

Ta = 105°C, ICLK = 2 MHz*2


Ta = 25°C, ICLK = 4 MHz*1


Ta = 25°C, ICLK = 2 MHz*1

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0


Note 1. All peripheral operation is normal. This does not include BGO operation.
Average value of the tested middle samples during product evaluation.
Note 2. All peripheral operation is maximum. This does not include BGO operation.
Average value of the tested upper-limit samples during product evaluation.

Figure 38.2 Voltage Dependency in Low-Speed Operating Mode 1 (Reference Data)


Ta = 105°C, ICLK = 32.768 kHz*2

ICC (A)


Ta = 25°C, ICLK = 32.768 kHz*1

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0


Note 1. All peripheral operation is normal. This does not include BGO operation.
Average value of the tested middle samples during product evaluation.
Note 2. All peripheral operation is maximum. This does not include BGO operation.
Average value of the tested upper-limit samples during product evaluation.

Figure 38.3 Voltage Dependency in Low-Speed Operating Mode 2 (Reference Data)

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Table 38.7 DC Characteristics (6)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Typ.*3 Max. Unit
Supply Software Flash memory power supplied, Ta = 25°C ICC 9.3 16.4 µA
current*1 standby mode*2 HOCO power supplied, POR low
Ta = 55°C 11.3 25
power consumption function disabled
(SOFTCUT bit = 000b) Ta = 85°C 16 62
Ta = 105°C 25 127
Flash memory power not supplied, Ta = 25°C 1.7 7.0
HOCO power not supplied, POR low
Ta = 55°C 2.6 15
power consumption function enabled
(SOFTCUT bit = 11xb) Ta = 85°C 6.3 51
Ta = 105°C 14.2 115
Increments produced by running voltage detection circuits and disabling 1.4 —
the POR low power consumption function
Increment for RTC operation (low CL) 0.6 —
Increment for RTC operation (standard CL) 1.4 —

Note 1. Supply current values are with all output pins unloaded and all input pull-up MOSs in the off state.
Note 2. The IWDT and LVD are stopped.
Note 3. VCC = 3.3 V.

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100 Ta = 105°C*2

Ta = 85°C*2

Ta = 105°C*1
ICC (A)

Ta = 55°C*2
Ta = 85°C*1

Ta = 25°C*2
Ta = 55°C*1

Ta = 25°C*1

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

Note 1. Average value of the tested middle samples during product evaluation.
Note 2. Average value of the tested upper-limit samples during product evaluation.

Figure 38.4 Voltage Dependency in Software Standby Mode (SOFTCUT Bit = 11xb) (Reference Data)


VCC = 3.3 V*2

ICC (A)

VCC = 3.3 V*1

-50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90

Ta (°C)

Note 1. Average value of the tested middle samples during product evaluation.
Note 2. Average value of the tested upper-limit samples during product evaluation.

Figure 38.5 Temperature Dependency in Software Standby Mode (SOFTCUT Bit = 11xb) (Reference

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Table 38.8 DC Characteristics (7)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Permissible total consumption power*1 Pd — 350 mW Ta = –40 to 85°C
— 150 85°C < Ta ≤ 105°C

Note: • Please contact Renesas Electronics sales office for derating of operation under Ta = +85°C to +105°C. Derating is the
systematic reduction of load for the sake of improved reliability.
Note 1. Total power dissipated by the entire chip (including output currents)

Table 38.9 DC Characteristics (8)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VREFH0 = 1.62 to AVCC0, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Analog power During A/D conversion Conversion time = 1.56 µs AICC — 1.0 3.0 mA
supply current
Waiting for A/D conversion (all units) — 0.2 3.0 µA
Reference During A/D conversion Conversion time = 1.56 µs IREFH0 — 0.1 0.2 mA
power supply
Waiting for A/D conversion (all units) — 0.2 0.4 µA

Table 38.10 DC Characteristics (9)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
RAM standby voltage VRAM 1.62 — — V

Table 38.11 DC Characteristics (10)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 0 to 5.5 V, VREFH0 = 0 to AVCC0, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
VCC rising gradient SrVCC 0.02 — 20 ms/V At cold start

Table 38.12 DC Characteristics (11)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
The ripple voltage must meet the allowable ripple frequency fr(VCC) within the range between the VCC upper limit (5.5 V) and
lower limit (1.62 V).
When VCC change exceeds VCC ±10%, the allowable voltage change rising/falling gradient dt/dVCC must be met.
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Allowable ripple frequency fr(VCC) — — 10 kHz VCC × 0.1 < Vr(VCC) ≤ VCC × 0.2
— — 1 MHz VCC × 0.05 < Vr(VCC) ≤ VCC × 0.1
— — 10 MHz Vr(VCC) ≤ VCC × 0.05
Allowable voltage change rising/ dt/dVCC 1.0 — — ms/V When VCC change exceeds VCC ±10%
falling gradient

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Figure 38.6 Ripple Waveform

Table 38.13 Permissible Output Currents (1)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, when total power (mW) < 1000 – 10 × Ta
Item Symbol Max. Unit
Permissible output low current (average value per 1 pin) Normal output mode IOL 4.0 mA
High-drive output mode 16.0
Permissible output low current (maximum value per 1 pin) Normal output mode 4.0 mA
High-drive output mode 16.0
Permissible output low current (total) Total of all output pins IOL 80 mA
Permissible output high current (average value per 1 pin) Normal output mode IOH –4.0 mA
High-drive output mode –8.0
Permissible output high current (maximum value per 1 pin) Normal output mode –4.0 mA
High-drive output mode –8.0
Permissible output high current (total) Total of all output pins IOH –60 mA

Table 38.14 Permissible Output Currents (2)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, when total power (mW) ≥ 1000 – 10 × Ta
Item Symbol Max. Unit
Permissible output low current (average value per 1 pin) Normal output mode IOL 2.0 mA
High-drive output mode 8.0
Permissible output low current (maximum value per 1 pin) Normal output mode 2.0 mA
High-drive output mode 8.0
Permissible output low current (total) Total of all output pins IOL 40 mA
Permissible output high current (average value per 1 pin) Normal output mode IOH –2.0 mA
High-drive output mode –4.0
Permissible output high current (maximum value per 1 pin) Normal output mode –2.0 mA
High-drive output mode –4.0
Permissible output high current (total) Total of all output pins IOH –30 mA

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Table 38.15 Output Values of Voltage (1)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, when total power (mW) < 1000 – 10 × Ta
Test Conditions
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
VCC = 2.7 to 4.0 V VCC = 4.0 to 5.5 V
Output low All output pins Normal output VOL — 1.0 V IOL = 3.0 mA IOL = 4.0 mA
(other than RIIC) mode
High-drive — 1.0 IOL = 8.0 mA IOL = 16.0 mA
output mode
RIIC pins — 0.4 IOL = 3.0 mA
— 0.6 IOL = 6.0 mA
Output high All output pins Normal output VOH VCC – 1.0 — V IOH = – 3.0 mA IOH = – 4.0 mA
High-drive VCC – 1.0 — IOH = – 5.0 mA IOH = – 8.0 mA
output mode

Table 38.16 Output Values of Voltage (2)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, when total power (mW) ≥ 1000 – 10 × Ta
Test Conditions
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
VCC = 2.7 to 4.0 V VCC = 4.0 to 5.5 V
Output low All output pins Normal output VOL — 1.0 V IOL = 2.0 mA IOL = 2.0 mA
(other than RIIC) mode
High-drive — 1.0 IOL = 8.0 mA IOL = 8.0 mA
output mode
RIIC pins — 0.4 IOL = 3.0 mA
— 0.6 IOL = 6.0 mA
Output high All output pins Normal output VOH VCC – 1.0 — V IOH = – 2.0 mA IOH = – 2.0 mA
High-drive VCC – 1.0 — IOH = – 4.0 mA IOH = – 4.0 mA
output mode

Table 38.17 Output Values of Voltage (3)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 2.7 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Output low All output pins Normal output mode VOL — 0.4 V IOL = 0.5 mA
(other than RIIC)
High-drive output mode — 0.4 IOL = 2.0 mA
Output high All output pins Normal output mode VOH VCC – 0.4 — V IOH = –0.5 mA
High-drive output mode VCC – 0.4 — IOH = –1.0 mA

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38.2.1 Standard I/O Pin Output Characteristics (1)

Figure 38.7 to Figure 38.11 show the characteristics when normal output is selected by the drive capacity control


VCC = 5.5 V

VCC = 3.3 V
VCC = 2.7 V

VCC = 1.62 V

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
VCC = 1.62 V
VCC = 2.7 V
VCC = 3.3 V


VCC = 5.5 V



Figure 38.7 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Voltage Characteristics at Ta = 25°C when Normal Output is
Selected (Reference Data)


Ta = –40°C
4 Ta = 25°C
Ta = 105°C


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Ta = 105°C

Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C

Figure 38.8 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 1.62 V when Normal Output
is Selected (Reference Data)

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Ta = –40°C

15 Ta = 25°C

Ta = 105°C


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3


Ta = 105°C
Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C


Figure 38.9 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 2.7 V when Normal Output is
Selected (Reference Data)


Ta = –40°C

Ta = 25°C
Ta = 105°C


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5


Ta = 105°C
Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C


Figure 38.10 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 3.3 V when Normal Output is
Selected (Reference Data)

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Ta = –40°C
Ta = 25°C
Ta = 105°C



0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Ta = 105 °C
Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C

Figure 38.11 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 5.5 V when Normal Output is
Selected (Reference Data)

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38.2.2 Standard I/O Pin Output Characteristics (2)

Figure 38.12 to Figure 38.16 show the characteristics when high-drive output is selected by the drive capacity control

VCC = 5.5 V



VCC = 3.3 V

VCC = 2.7 V


VCC = 1.62 V

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
VCC = 1.62 V
VCC = 2.7 V
–40 VCC = 3.3 V


VCC = 5.5 V


Figure 38.12 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Voltage Characteristics at Ta = 25°C when High-Drive Output is
Selected (Reference Data)

Ta = –40°C
Ta = 25°C
8 Ta = 105°C


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Ta = 105°C
Ta = 25°C
–8 Ta = –40°C



Figure 38.13 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 1.62 V when High-Drive
Output is Selected (Reference Data)

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40 Ta = –40°C

Ta = 25°C
Ta = 105°C



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Ta = 105°C
Ta = 25°C
–30 Ta = –40°C



Figure 38.14 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 2.7 V when High-Drive
Output is Selected (Reference Data)


Ta = –40°C
Ta = 25°C
Ta = 105°C



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Ta = 105°C
Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C


Figure 38.15 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 3.3 V when High-Drive
Output is Selected (Reference Data)

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120 Ta = –40°C
100 Ta = 25°C

80 Ta = 105°C


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
–60 Ta = 105°C

–80 Ta = 25°C
–100 Ta = –40°C


Figure 38.16 VOH/VOL and IOH/IOL Temperature Characteristics at VCC = 5.5 V when High-Drive
Output is Selected (Reference Data)

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38.2.3 RIIC Pin Output Characteristics

Figure 38.17 to Figure 38.20 show the output characteristics of the RIIC pin.

IOL vs VOL [V]


VCC = 5.5 V


IOL [mA]


VCC = 3.3 V
VCC = 2.7 V


0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure 38.17 VOL and IOL Voltage Characteristics of RIIC Output Pin at Ta = 25°C (Reference Data)

IOL vs VOL [V]


Ta = –40°C

Ta = 25°C
IOL [mA]

Ta = 105°C



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3


Figure 38.18 VOL and IOL Temperature Characteristics of RIIC Output Pin at VCC = 2.7 V (Reference

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IOL vs VOL [V]

Ta = –40°C


Ta = 25°C

IOL [mA]

Ta = 105°C



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5


Figure 38.19 VOL and IOL Temperature Characteristics of RIIC Output Pin at VCC = 3.3 V (Reference

IOL vs VOL [V]


Ta = –40°C

Ta = 25°C
Ta = 105°C

IOL [mA]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure 38.20 VOL and IOL Temperature Characteristics of RIIC Output Pin at VCC = 5.5 V (Reference

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38.3 AC Characteristics

Table 38.18 Operation Frequency Value (Medium-Speed Operating Mode 1A)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Unit
1.62 to 1.8 V 1.8 to 2.7 V 2.7 to 5.5 V
Maximum operating System clock (ICLK) fmax 8 8 32 MHz
FlashIF clock (FCLK)*1 8 8 32
Peripheral module clock (PCLKB) 8 8 32
Peripheral module clock (PCLKD)*2 8 8 32

Note 1. The VCC is 2.7 to 5.5 V and the FCLK must be running at a frequency of at least 4 MHz during programming or erasing of the
flash memory.
Note 2. The lower-limit frequency of PCLKD is 1 MHz when the A/D converter is in use.

Table 38.19 Operation Frequency Value (Medium-Speed Operating Mode 1B)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 =VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Unit
1.62 to 1.8 V 1.8 to 2.7 V 2.7 to 5.5 V
Maximum operating System clock (ICLK) fmax 8 8 32 MHz
FlashIF clock (FCLK)*1 8 8 32
Peripheral module clock (PCLKB) 8 8 32
Peripheral module clock (PCLKD)*2 8 8 32

Note 1. The VCC is 1.62 to 3.6 V and the FCLK must be running at a frequency of at least 4 MHz during programming or erasing of the
flash memory.
Note 2. The lower-limit frequency of PCLKD is 1 MHz when the A/D converter is in use.

Table 38.20 Operation Frequency Value (Low-Speed Operating Mode 1)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Unit
1.62 to 1.8 V 1.8 to 2.7 V 2.7 to 5.5 V
Maximum operating System clock (ICLK) fmax 2 4 8 MHz
FlashIF clock (FCLK)*1 2 4 8
Peripheral module clock (PCLKB) 2 4 8
Peripheral module clock (PCLKD)*2 2 4 8

Note 1. Programming and erasing the flash memory is impossible.

Note 2. The lower-limit frequency of PCLKD is 1 MHz when the A/D converter is in use.

Table 38.21 Operation Frequency Value (Low-Speed Operating Mode 2)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Unit
1.62 to 1.8 V 1.8 to 2.7 V 2.7 to 5.5 V
Maximum operating System clock (ICLK) fmax 32.768 32.768 32.768 kHz
FlashIF clock (FCLK)*1 32.768 32.768 32.768
Peripheral module clock (PCLKB) 32.768 32.768 32.768
Peripheral module clock (PCLKD)*2 32.768 32.768 32.768

Note 1. Programming and erasing the flash memory is impossible.

Note 2. The A/D converter cannot be used.

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38.3.1 Clock Timing

Table 38.22 Clock Timing

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
EXTAL external clock input cycle time tEXcyc 50 — — ns Figure 38.21

EXTAL external clock input high pulse width tEXH 20 — — ns

EXTAL external clock input low pulse width tEXL 20 — — ns

EXTAL external clock rising time tEXr — — 5 ns

EXTAL external clock falling time tEXf — — 5 ns

EXTAL external clock input wait time*1 tEXWT 1 — — ms

Main clock oscillator oscillation frequency*2 fMAIN 1 — 20 MHz

Main clock oscillation stabilization time (crystal)*2 tMAINOSC — 3 — ms Figure 38.22

Main clock oscillation stabilization time (ceramic resonator)*2 tMAINOSC — 50 — µs

Main clock oscillation stabilization wait time (crystal)*2 tMAINOSCWT — 6 — ms

Main clock oscillation stabilization wait time (ceramic tMAINOSCWT — 100 — µs

LOCO clock cycle time tcyc 7.27 8 8.89 µs

LOCO clock oscillation frequency fLOCO 112.5 125 137.5 kHz

LOCO clock oscillation stabilization wait time tLOCOWT — — 20 µs Figure 38.23

HOCO clock oscillation frequency fHOCO 31.680 32 32.320 MHz Ta = 0 to 50°C

36.495 36.864 37.233
39.600 40 40.400
49.500 50 50.500
31.520 32 32.480 Ta = -40 to 105°C
36.311 36.864 37.417
39.400 40 40.600
49.250 50 50.750
HOCO clock oscillation stabilization time 1 tHOCO1 — — 50 µs Figure 38.24

HOCO clock oscillation stabilization time 2 tHOCO2 — — 10 µs Figure 38.25

HOCO clock oscillation stabilization wait time tHOCOWT — — 20 µs Figure 38.25

HOCO clock power supply stabilization time tHOCOP — — 350 µs Figure 38.26

Sub-clock oscillator oscillation frequency fSUB — 32.768 — kHz

Sub-clock oscillation stabilization time*3 tSUBOSC 2 — — s Figure 38.27

Sub-clock oscillation stabilization wait time*3 tSUBOSCWT 4 — — s

Note 1. The time interval from the time P36 and P37 are configured for input and the main clock oscillator stopping bit
(MOSCCR.MOSTP) is set to 0 (operating) until the clock becomes available.
Note 2. When specifying the main clock oscillator stabilization time, load MOSCWTCR register with a stabilization time value that is
greater than the resonator-vendor-recommended value. When determining the main lock oscillation stabilization wait time, allow
an adequate margin (2 times is recommended) for the main clock oscillation stabilization time.
Start using the main clock in the main clock oscillation stabilization wait time (tMAINOSCWT) after setting up the main clock
oscillator for operation with the MOSCCR.MOSTP bit.
The indicated value is a reference value that is measured for an 8 MHz resonator.
Note 3. When specifying the sub-clock oscillation stabilization time, load SOSCWTCR register with the resonator-vendor-recommended
stabilization time value minus 2 seconds. When determining the sub-clock oscillation stabilization wait time, allow an adequate
margin (2 times is recommended) for the sub-clock oscillation stabilization time. Start using the sub-clock in the sub-clock
oscillation stabilization wait time (tSUBOSCWT) after setting up the sub-clock oscillator for operation with the SOSCCR.SOSTP
or RCR3.RTCEN bit.

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EXTAL external clock input VCC × 0.5

tEXr tEXf

Figure 38.21 EXTAL External Clock Input Timing



Main clock oscillator output


Main clock

Figure 38.22 Main Clock Oscillation Start Timing



LOCO clock

Figure 38.23 LOCO Clock Oscillation Start Timing


Internal reset


HOCO clock

Figure 38.24 HOCO Clock Oscillation Start Timing (After Reset is Canceled by Setting the
OFS1.HOCOEN Bit to 0)

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HOCO clock output


HOCO clock

Figure 38.25 HOCO Clock Oscillation Start Timing (Oscillation is Started by Setting the



Internal power supply for HOCO

Figure 38.26 HOCO Power Control Timing



Sub-clock oscillator output



Figure 38.27 Sub-clock Oscillation Start Timing

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38.3.2 Reset Timing

Table 38.23 Reset Timing

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
RES# pulse Power-on tRESWP 8 — — ms Figure 38.28
Software standby mode, low-speed tRESWS 1 — — ms Figure 38.29
operating modes 1 and 2
Programming or erasure of the ROM or E2 tRESWF 200 — — µs
DataFlash memory or blank checking of the
E2 DataFlash memory
Other than above tRESW 200 — — µs
Wait time after RES# cancellation tRESWT — — 912 µs Figure 38.28
Internal reset time tRESW2 — — 1.4 ms
(independent watchdog timer reset, software reset)

1.55 V



Internal reset


Figure 38.28 Reset Input Timing at Power-On



Internal reset


Figure 38.29 Reset Input Timing

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38.3.3 Timing of Recovery from Low Power Consumption Modes

Table 38.24 Timing of Recovery from Low Power Consumption Modes

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Recovery time Crystal resonator Main clock oscillator tSBYMC — 3 — ms Figure 38.30
after connected to operating
cancellation of main clock
software oscillator*2
standby mode
External clock Main clock oscillator tSBYEX 7 — — µs
(HOCO power
input to main operating
clock oscillator*4
bits = 000b)*1 Sub-clock oscillator operating*5 tSBYSC 2*3 — — s
HOCO clock oscillator operating*6 tSBYHO — — 50 µs
LOCO clock oscillator operating*5 tSBYLO — — 90 µs
Recovery time Crystal resonator Main clock oscillator tSBYMC — 3 — ms Figure 38.30
after connected to operating
cancellation of main clock
software oscillator*2
standby mode
External clock Main clock oscillator tSBYEX 40 — — µs
(HOCO power
input to main operating
not supplied)
clock oscillator*4
bits = 11xb)*1 Sub-clock oscillator operating*5 tSBYSC 2*3 — — s
HOCO clock oscillator operating*6 tSBYHO — — 0.8 ms
LOCO clock oscillator operating*5 tSBYLO — — 90 µs

Note 1. The recovery time varies depending on the state of each oscillator when the WAIT instruction is executed. The recovery time
when multiple oscillators are operating varies depending on the operating state of the oscillators that are not selected as the
system clock source, and depends on the time set in the wait control registers corresponding to the oscillators.
Note 2. The indicated value is measured for an 8 MHz crystal resonator. ICLK is set to divided by 1.
Note 3. When RCR3.RTCEN = 1, the time will be the time set in the SOSCWTCR register minus 2 s.
Note 4. When the external clock frequency is 20 MHz. ICLK is set to divided by 1.
Note 5. ICLK is set to divided by 1.
Note 6. When the frequency is 50 MHz, HOCOWTCR2.HSTS2[4:0] = 10101b and ICLK is set to divided by 2.
When the frequency is 32 MHz, HOCOWTCR2.HSTS2[4:0] = 10100b and ICLK is set to divided by 1.




Software standby mode



Figure 38.30 Software Standby Mode Cancellation Timing

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38.3.4 Control Signal Timing

Table 38.25 Control Signal Timing

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
NMI pulse width tNMIW 200 — — ns tc(PCLKB) × 2 ≤ 200 ns, Figure 38.31
tc(PCLKB) × 2 — — ns tc(PCLKB) × 2 > 200 ns, Figure 38.31
IRQ pulse width tIRQW 200 — — ns tc(PCLKB) × 2 ≤ 200 ns, Figure 38.32
tc(PCLKB) × 2 — — ns tc(PCLKB) × 2 > 200 ns, Figure 38.32

Note: • 200 ns minimum in software standby mode.



Figure 38.31 NMI Interrupt Input Timing



Figure 38.32 IRQ Interrupt Input Timing

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38.3.5 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules

Table 38.26 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules (1)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit*1
I/O ports Input data pulse width tPRW 1.5 — tPcyc Figure 38.33
MTU Input capture input pulse width Single-edge setting tTICW 1.5 — tPcyc Figure 38.34
Both-edge setting 2.5 —
Timer clock pulse width Single-edge setting tTCKWH, 1.5 — tPcyc Figure 38.35
Both-edge setting 2.5 —
Phase counting 2.5 —
POE POE# input pulse width tPOEW 1.5 — tPcyc Figure 38.36
8-bit Timer clock pulse width Single-edge setting tTMCWH, 1.5 — tPcyc Figure 38.37
timer tTMCWL
Both-edge setting 2.5 —
SCI Input clock cycle Asynchronous tScyc 4 — tPcyc Figure 38.38
Clock synchronous 6 —
Input clock pulse width tSCKW 0.4 0.6 tScyc
Input clock rise time tSCKr — 20 ns
Input clock fall time tSCKf — 20 ns
Output clock cycle*2 Asynchronous tScyc 16 — tPcyc C = 30 pF
Clock synchronous 4 — Figure 38.39

Output clock pulse width*2 tSCKW 0.4 0.6 tScyc

Output clock rise time*2 tSCKr — 20 ns
Output clock fall time*2 tSCKf — 20 ns
Transmit data delay Clock 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tTXD — 40 ns
time*3 synchronous
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V — 80
Receive data setup time Clock 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tRXS 40 — ns
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V 80 —
Receive data hold time Clock synchronous tRXH 40 — ns
A/D Trigger input pulse width tTRGW 1.5 — tPcyc Figure 38.40
CAC CACREF input pulse width tPcyc ≤ tcac*4 tCACREF 4.5 tcac + 3 tPcyc — ns
tPcyc > tcac*4 5 tcac + 6.5 tPcyc

Note 1. tPcyc: PCLKB cycle

Note 2. Value when the drive capacity of clock output ports is set to normal output.
Note 3. Value when the drive capacity of data output ports is set to normal output.
Note 4. tcac: CAC count clock source cycle

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Table 38.27 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules (2)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit*1
RSPI RSPCK clock cycle*2 Master tSPcyc 2 4096 tPcyc C = 30 pF
Figure 38.41
Slave 8 4096
RSPCK clock high Master tSPCKWH (tSPcyc – tSPCKr – — ns
pulse width*2 tSPCKf)/2 – 3
Slave (tSPcyc – tSPCKr – —
RSPCK clock low Master tSPCKWL (tSPcyc – tSPCKr – — ns
pulse width*2 tSPCKf)/2 – 3
Slave (tSPcyc – tSPCKr – —
RSPCK clock rise/fall Output 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tSPCKr, — 10 ns
time*2 tSPCKf
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V — 20
Input — 1 μs
Data input setup time Master tSU 4 — ns C = 30 pF
Figure 38.42
Slave 20 – tPcyc —
Data input hold time Master PCLKB set to a tH tPcyc — ns Figure 38.47
division ratio other
than divided by 2
PCLKB set to tHF 0 —
divided by 2
Slave tH 20 + 2 × tPcyc —
SSL setup time Master tLEAD 1 8 tSPcyc
Slave 4 — tPcyc
SSL hold time Master tLAG 1 8 tSPcyc
Slave 4 — tPcyc
Data output delay Master 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tOD — 14 ns
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V — 28
Slave 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V — 3 × tPcyc + 40
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V — 3 × tPcyc + 80
Data output hold time Master tOH 0 — ns
Slave 0 —
Successive Master tTD tSPcyc + 2 × tPcyc 8 × tSPcyc + 2 × ns
transmission delay tPcyc
Slave 4 × tPcyc —
MOSI and MISO rise/ Output 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tDr, tDf — 10 ns
fall time
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V — 20
Input — 1 μs
SSL rise/fall time Output tSSLr, — 20 ns
Input — 1 μs
Slave access time tSA — 4 tPcyc C = 30 pF
Figure 38.45
Slave output release time tREL — 3 tPcyc
Figure 38.47

Note 1. tPcyc: PCLKB cycle

Note 2. Value when the drive capacity of clock output ports is set to normal output.

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Table 38.28 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules (3)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit*1 Test Conditions
Simple SCK clock cycle output (master)*2 tSPcyc 4 65536 tPcyc C = 30 pF
SPI Figure 38.41
SCK clock cycle input (slave) 6 65536
SCK clock high pulse width*2 tSPCKWH 0.4 0.6 tSPcyc
SCK clock low pulse width*2 tSPCKWL 0.4 0.6 tSPcyc
SCK clock rise/fall time tSPCKr, tSPCKf — 20 ns
Data input setup time 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tSU 40 — ns C = 30 pF
Figure 38.42 to
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V 80 —
Figure 38.47
Data input hold time tH 40 — ns
SS input setup time tLEAD 6 — tPcyc
SS input hold time tLAG 6 — tPcyc
Data output delay time 2.7 V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V tOD — 40 ns
1.62 V ≤ VCC < 2.7 V — 80
Data output hold time tOH 0 — ns
Data rise/fall time tDr, tDf — 20 ns
SS input rise/fall time tSSLr, tSSLf — 20 ns
Slave access time tSA — 5 tPcyc C = 30 pF
Figure 38.45
Slave output release time tREL — 5 tPcyc
Figure 38.47

Note 1. tPcyc: PCLKB cycle

Note 2. Value when the drive capacity of clock output ports is set to normal output.

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Table 38.29 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules (4)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, fPCLKB = up to 32 MHz, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min.*1,*2 Max. Unit
RIIC SCL input cycle time tSCL 6 (12) × tIICcyc + 1300 — ns Figure 38.48
SCL input high pulse width tSCLH 3 (6) × tIICcyc + 300 — ns
mode, SMBus)
SCL input low pulse width tSCLL 3 (6) × tIICcyc + 300 — ns
SCL, SDA input rise time tSr — 1000 ns
SCL, SDA input fall time tSf — 300 ns
SCL, SDA input spike pulse removal time tSP 0 1 (5) × tIICcyc ns
SDA input bus free time tBUF 3 (6) × tIICcyc + 300 — ns
Start condition input hold time tSTAH tIICcyc + 300 — ns
Restart condition input setup time tSTAS 1000 — ns
Stop condition input setup time tSTOS 1000 — ns
Data input setup time tSDAS tIICcyc + 50 — ns
Data input hold time tSDAH 0 — ns
SCL, SDA capacitive load Cb — 400 pF
RIIC SCL input cycle time tSCL 6 (12) × tIICcyc + 600 — ns Figure 38.48
(Fast mode)
SCL input high pulse width tSCLH 3 (6) × tIICcyc + 300 — ns
SCL input low pulse width tSCLL 3 (6) × tIICcyc + 300 — ns
SCL, SDA input rise time tSr 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns
SCL, SDA input fall time tSf 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns
SCL, SDA input spike pulse removal time tSP 0 1 (4) × tIICcyc ns
SDA input bus free time tBUF 3 (6) × tIICcyc + 300 — ns
Start condition input hold time tSTAH tIICcyc + 300 — ns
Restart condition input setup time tSTAS 300 — ns
Stop condition input setup time tSTOS 300 — ns
Data input setup time tSDAS tIICcyc + 50 — ns
Data input hold time tSDAH 0 — ns
SCL, SDA capacitive load Cb — 400 pF

Note: • tIICcyc: RIIC internal reference count clock (IICφ) cycle

Note 1. The value in parentheses is used when ICMR3.NF[1:0] are set to 11b while a digital filter is enabled with ICFER.NFE = 1.
Note 2. Cb indicates the total capacity of the bus line.

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Table 38.30 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules (5)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, fPCLKB = up to 32 MHz, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min.*1 Max. Unit Test Conditions
Simple IIC SDA input rise time tSr — 1000 ns Figure 38.48
(Standard mode)
SDA input fall time tSf — 300 ns
SDA input spike pulse removal time tSP 0 4 × tPcyc*2 ns
Data input setup time tSDAS 250 — ns
Data input hold time tSDAH 0 — ns
SCL, SDA capacitive load Cb — 400 pF
Simple IIC SCL, SDA input rise time tSr 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns Figure 38.48
(Fast mode)
SCL, SDA input fall time tSf 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns
SCL, SDA input spike pulse removal time tSP 0 4× tPcyc*2 ns
Data input setup time tSDAS 100 — ns
Data input hold time tSDAH 0 — ns
SCL, SDA capacitive load Cb — 400 pF

Note: • tPcyc: PCLKB cycle

Note 1. Cb indicates the total capacity of the bus line.
Note 2. This applies when the SMR.CKS[1:0] bits = 00b and the SNFR.NFCS[2:0] bits = 010b while the SNFR.NFE bit = 1 and the digital
filter is enabled.

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Figure 38.33 I/O Port Input Timing


compare output

Input capture

Figure 38.34 MTU Input/Output Timing




Figure 38.35 MTU Clock Input Timing


POEn# input


Figure 38.36 POE# Input Timing

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Figure 38.37 8-Bit Timer Clock Input Timing


(n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12)


Figure 38.38 SCK Clock Input Timing






n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12

Figure 38.39 SCI Input/Output Timing: Clock Synchronous Mode




Figure 38.40 A/D Converter External Trigger Input Timing

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Master select output Master select output VOL VOL VOL



Slave select input Slave select input VIL VIL VIL
(n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12) tSPcyc

VOH = 0.7 × VCC, VOL = 0.3 × VCC, VIH = 0.7 × VCC, VIL = 0.3 × VCC

Figure 38.41 RSPI Clock Timing and Simple SPI Clock Timing

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SSLA0 to
output tLEAD tLAG
tSSLr, tSSLf
CPOL = 0 CKPOL = 0
output output

CPOL = 1 CKPOL = 1
output output
tSU tH


input input

tDr, tDf tOH tOD

output output

(n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12)

Figure 38.42 RSPI Timing (Master, CPHA = 0) (Bit Rate: PCLKB Set to Division Ratio Other Than
Divided by 2) and Simple SPI Timing (Master, CKPH = 1)


SSLA0 to
output tLEAD tLAG
tSSLr, tSSLf
CPOL = 0

CPOL = 1



tDr, tDf tOH tOD



Figure 38.43 RSPI Timing (Master, CPHA = 0) (Bit Rate: PCLKB Set to Divided by 2)

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SSLA0 to
output tLEAD tLAG
tSSLr, tSSLf
CPOL = 0 CKPOL = 0
output output

CPOL = 1 CKPOL = 1
output output
tSU tH


input input
tDr, tDf

output output

(n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12)

Figure 38.44 RSPI Timing (Master, CPHA = 1) (Bit Rate: PCLKB Set to Division Ratio Other Than
Divided by 2) and Simple SPI Timing (Master, CKPH = 0)


SSLA0 to
output tLEAD tLAG
tSSLr, tSSLf
CPOL = 0

CPOL = 1
tSU tHF tH


tOH tOD tDr, tDf


Figure 38.45 RSPI Timing (Master, CPHA = 1) (Bit Rate: PCLKB Set to Divided by 2)

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input input

CPOL = 0 CKPOL = 0
input input

CPOL = 1 CKPOL = 1
input input

output output

tSU tH tDr, tDf


input input

(n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12)

Figure 38.46 RSPI Timing (Slave, CPHA = 0) and Simple SPI Timing (Slave, CKPH = 1)



input input

CPOL = 0 CKPOL = 1
input input

CPOL = 1 CKPOL = 0
input input


output output
tSU tH tDr, tDf


input input

(n = 1, 5, 6, 9, 12)

Figure 38.47 RSPI Timing (Slave, CPHA = 1) and Simple SPI Timing (Slave, CKPH = 0)

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P*1 S*1 Sr*1 P*1

tSf tSr tSDAS
Test conditions
Note 1. S, P, and Sr indicate the following conditions, respectively.
VIH = VCC × 0.7, VIL = VCC × 0.3
S : Start condition
P : Stop condition
Sr : Restart condition

Figure 38.48 RIIC Bus Interface Input/Output Timing and Simple IIC Bus Interface Input/Output

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38.4 A/D Conversion Characteristics

Table 38.31 A/D Conversion Characteristics (1)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, 2.7 ≤ VREFH0 ≤ 5.5 V, AVCC0 – 0.9 V ≤ VREFH0 ≤ AVCC0,
VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
A/D conversion clock frequency (fPCLKD) 1 — 32 MHz
Resolution — — 12 Bit
Conversion time*1 Permissible signal source 1.56 — — µs Sampling in 20 states
(Operation at impedance (Max.) = 1 kΩ (0.652)*2
fPCLKD = 32 MHz)
Permissible signal source 3.29 — — Sampling in 75 states
impedance (Max.) = 5 kΩ (2.35)*2
Analog input capacitance — — 30 pF
Offset error — ±0.5 ±4.5 LSB High-precision channel
±7.5 Normal-precision channel
Full-scale error — ±0.75 ±4.5 LSB High-precision channel
±7.5 Normal-precision channel
Quantization error — ±0.5 — LSB
Absolute accuracy — ±1.25 ±5.0 LSB High-precision channel
— ±1.25 ±8.0 LSB Normal-precision channel
DNL differential nonlinearity error — ±1.0 — LSB
INL integral nonlinearity error — ±1.0 ±3.0 LSB High-precision channel
— ±1.0 ±5.0 LSB Normal-precision channel

Note: • The characteristics apply when no pin functions other than A/D converter input are used. Absolute accuracy includes
quantization errors. Offset error, full-scale error, DNL differential nonlinearity error, and INL integral nonlinearity error do not
include quantization errors.
Note 1. The conversion time is the sum of the sampling time and the comparison time. As the test conditions, the number of sampling
states is indicated.
Note 2. The value in parentheses indicates the sampling time.

Table 38.32 Channel Classification for A/D Converter

Classification Channel
High-precision channel AN000 to AN007 It is disallowed to use pins AN000 to
AN007 as digital outputs when the A/D
Normal-precision channel AN008 to AN015
converter is used.

Table 38.33 A/D Internal Reference Voltage Characteristics

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = 40 to +105
Item Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
A/D internal reference voltage 1.35 1.50 1.65 V

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Table 38.34 A/D Conversion Characteristics (2)

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 3.6 V, 1.62 ≤ VREFH0 ≤ 2.7 V, AVCC0 – 0.9 V ≤ VREFH0 ≤ AVCC0,
VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
A/D conversion clock frequency (fPCLKD) 1 — 8 MHz
Resolution — — 12 Bit
Conversion time*1 Permissible signal source 5.25 — — µs Sampling in 12 states
(Operation at impedance (Max.) = 1 kΩ (1.5)*2
fPCLKD = 8 MHz)
Permissible signal source 6.25 — — Sampling in 20 states
impedance (Max.) = 5 kΩ (2.5)*2
Analog input capacitance — — 30 pF
Offset error — ±0.5 ±7.5 LSB
Full-scale error — ±1.25 ±7.5 LSB
Quantization error — ±0.5 — LSB
Absolute accuracy — ±3.0 ±8.0 LSB
DNL differential nonlinearity error — ±1.25 — LSB
INL integral nonlinearity error — ±1.5 ±5.0 LSB

Note: • The characteristics apply when no pin functions other than A/D converter input are used. Absolute accuracy includes
quantization errors. Offset error, full-scale error, DNL differential nonlinearity error, and INL integral nonlinearity error do not
include quantization errors.
Note 1. The conversion time is the sum of the sampling time and the comparison time. As the test conditions, the number of sampling
states is indicated.
Note 2. The value in parentheses indicates the sampling time.

Table 38.35 Sampling Time

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Typ. Unit Test Conditions
Sampling time High-precision channel Ts 0.208 + 0.417 × R0 (kΩ) µs Figure 38.49
Normal-precision channel




Figure 38.49 Internal Equivalent Circuit of Analog Input Pin

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Full-scale error

Integral nonlinearity
error (INL)
A/D converter
output code Ideal line of actual A/D
Actual A/D conversion conversion characteristic

Ideal A/D conversion

characteristic Differential nonlinearity error (DNL)
1-LSB width for ideal A/D
conversion characteristic

Differential nonlinearity error (DNL)

1-LSB width for ideal A/D

conversion characteristic

Absolute accuracy

000h Offset error

0 Analog input voltage VREFH0

Figure 38.50 Illustration of A/D Converter Characteristic Terms

Absolute accuracy
Absolute accuracy is the difference between output code based on the theoretical A/D conversion characteristics, and the
actual A/D conversion result. When measuring absolute accuracy, the voltage at the midpoint of the width of analog
input voltage (1-LSB width), that can meet the expectation of outputting an equal code based on the theoretical A/D
conversion characteristics, is used as an analog input voltage. For example, if 12-bit resolution is used and if reference
voltage (VREFH0) = 5.12 V, then 1-LSB width becomes 1.25 mV, and 0 mV, 1.25 mV, 2.5 mV, ... are used as analog
input voltages.
If analog input voltage is 10 mV, absolute accuracy = ±5 LSB means that the actual A/D conversion result is in the range
of 003h to 00Dh though an output code, 008h, can be expected from the theoretical A/D conversion characteristics.

Integral nonlinearity error (INL)

Integral nonlinearity error is the maximum deviation between the ideal line when the measured offset and full-scale
errors are zeroed, and the actual output code.

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Differential nonlinearity error (DNL)

Differential nonlinearity error is the difference between 1-LSB width based on the ideal A/D conversion characteristics
and the width of the actually output code.

Offset error
Offset error is the difference between a transition point of the ideal first output code and the actual first output code.

Full-scale error
Full-scale error is the difference between a transition point of the ideal last output code and the actual last output code.

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38.5 Comparator Characteristics

Table 38.36 Comparator Characteristics

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Comparator A External standard voltage input LVREF 1.4 ― VCC V
External comparison voltage*1 VI –0.3 ― VCC + 0.3 V
(CMPA1, CMPA2) input range
Offset ― ― ±50 ±150 mV
Comparator output delay time*2 ― ― 3 ― µs At falling edge
VI = LVREF – 110 mV
― 2 ― µs At falling edge
VI < LVREF – 1 V
― 3 ― µs At rising edge
VI = LVREF + 160 mV
― 1.5 ― µs At rising edge
VI > LVREF + 1 V
Comparator operating current ICMPA ― 0.5 ― µA VCC = 5.0 V

Note 1. VCC does not include ripple.

Note 2. When the digital filter is disabled.

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38.6 Power-on Reset Circuit and Voltage Detection Circuit Characteristics

Table 38.37 Power-on Reset Circuit and Voltage Detection Circuit Characteristics (1)
Conditions: VCC = AVCC, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Voltage detection Power-on reset Low power VPOR 1.30 1.40 1.55 V Figure 38.51 and
level (POR) consumption Figure 38.52
function disabled*1
Low power 1.00 1.20 1.45
function enabled*2
Voltage detection circuit (LVD0)*3 Vdet0_0 3.65 3.80 3.95 V Figure 38.53
Vdet0_1 2.70 2.80 2.90
Vdet0_2 1.80 1.90 2.00
Vdet0_3 1.62 1.72 1.82
Voltage detection circuit (LVD1)*4 Vdet1_0 4.00 4.15 4.30 V Figure 38.54
Vdet1_1 3.85 4.00 4.15
Vdet1_2 3.70 3.85 4.00 At falling edge
Vdet1_3 3.55 3.70 3.85 VCC

Vdet1_4 3.40 3.55 3.70

Vdet1_5 3.25 3.40 3.55
Vdet1_6 3.10 3.25 3.40
Vdet1_7 2.95 3.10 3.25
Vdet1_8 2.85 2.95 3.05
Vdet1_9 2.70 2.80 2.90
Vdet1_A 2.55 2.65 2.75
Vdet1_B 2.40 2.50 2.60
Vdet1_C 2.25 2.35 2.45
Vdet1_D 2.10 2.20 2.30
Vdet1_E 1.95 2.05 2.15
Vdet1_F 1.80 1.90 2.00

Note: • These characteristics apply when noise is not superimposed on the power supply.
Note 1. When the CPU is in a mode other than software standby mode, when the CPU transits to software standby mode with the
FHSSBYCR.SOFTCUT[2] bit set to 0.
Note 2. When the CPU transits to software standby mode with the FHSSBYCR.SOFTCUT[2] bit set to 1.
Note 3. # in the symbol Vdet0_# denotes the value of the OFS1.VDSEL[1:0] bits.
Note 4. # in the symbol Vdet1_# denotes the value of the LVDLVLR.LVD1LVL[3:0] bits.

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Table 38.38 Power-on Reset Circuit and Voltage Detection Circuit Characteristics (2)
Conditions: VCC = AVCC0, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Voltage detection Voltage detection circuit (LVD2)*1 Vdet2_0 4.00 4.15 4.30 V Figure 38.55
Vdet2_1 3.85 4.00 4.15
At falling edge VCC
Vdet2_2 3.70 3.85 4.00
Vdet2_3 3.55 3.70 3.85
Vdet2_4 3.40 3.55 3.70
Vdet2_5 3.25 3.40 3.55
Vdet2_6 3.10 3.25 3.40
Vdet2_7 2.95 3.10 3.25
Vdet2_8 2.85 2.95 3.05
Vdet2_9 2.70 2.80 2.90
Vdet2_A 2.55 2.65 2.75
Vdet2_B 2.40 2.50 2.60
Vdet2_C 2.25 2.35 2.45
Vdet2_D 2.10 2.20 2.30
Vdet2_E 1.95 2.05 2.15
Vdet2_F 1.80 1.90 2.00
VCMPA2 1.18 1.33 1.48 EXVCCINP2 = 1
Internal reset time Power-on reset time tPOR — 9 — ms Figure 38.52
Voltage monitoring 0 reset time tLVD0 — 9 — Figure 38.53
Voltage monitoring 1 reset time tLVD1 — 1.4 — Figure 38.54
Voltage monitoring 2 reset time tLVD2 — 1.4 — Figure 38.55
Minimum VCC down time*2 tVOFF 200 — — µs Figure 38.51
Response delay time tdet — — 200 µs Figure 38.52
LVD operation stabilization time (after LVD is enabled) Td(E-A) — — 15 µs Figure 38.54 and
Figure 38.55
Power-on reset enable time tW(POR) 1 — — ms Figure 38.52
VCC = 0.9 V or lower
Hysteresis width (LVD1 and LVD2) V LVH — 100 — mV When selection is from
among VdetX_0 to 7.
— 50 — When selection is from
among VdetX_8 to F.

Note: • These characteristics apply when noise is not superimposed on the power supply.
Note 1. # in the symbol Vdet2_# denotes the value of the LVDLVLR.LVD2LVL[3:0] bits.
Note 2. The minimum VCC down time indicates the time when VCC is below the minimum value of voltage detection levels VPOR, Vdet0,
Vdet1, and Vdet2 for the POR/ LVD.

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics



Internal reset signal


tdet tdet tPOR

Figure 38.51 Voltage Detection Reset Timing


0.9 V

Internal reset signal

tdet tPOR

Note 1. tw(por) is the time required for a power-on reset to be enabled while the external power VCC is being held below the
valid voltage (0.9 V).
When VCC turns on, maintain tw(por) for 1 ms or more.

Figure 38.52 Power-on Reset Timing


VCC Vdet0


Internal reset signal


tdet tdet tLVD0

Figure 38.53 Voltage Detection Circuit Timing (Vdet0)

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics




Comparator output


Internal reset signal
When LVD1RN = L

tdet tdet tLVD1

When LVD1RN = H


Figure 38.54 Voltage Detection Circuit Timing (Vdet1)




Comparator output


Internal reset signal
When LVD2RN = L

tdet tdet tLVD2

When LVD2RN = H


Figure 38.55 Voltage Detection Circuit Timing (Vdet2)

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 1231 of 1252

Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

38.7 Oscillation Stop Detection Timing

Table 38.39 Oscillation Stop Detection Circuit Characteristics

Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V, Ta = –40 to +105°C
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Detection time tdr — — 1 ms Figure 38.56

Main clock


LOCO clock


Figure 38.56 Oscillation Stop Detection Timing

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

38.8 ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Characteristics

Table 38.40 ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Characteristics (1)
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions
Reprogramming/erasure cycle*1 NPEC 10000 — — Times
Data hold time After 1000 times tDRP 30*2 — — Year Ta = +85°C
After 10000 times 1*2 — — Year

Note 1. Definition of reprogram/erase cycle: The reprogram/erase cycle is the number of erasing for each block. When the reprogram/
erase cycle is n times (n = 10000), erasing can be performed n times for each block. For instance, when 128-byte programming
is performed 16 times for different addresses in 2-Kbyte block and then the entire block is erased, the reprogram/erase cycle is
counted as one. However, programming the same address for several times as one erasing is not enabled (overwriting is
Note 2. This result is obtained from reliability testing.

Table 38.41 ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Characteristics (2)
FCLK = 4 MHz FCLK = 32 MHz
Item Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Peripheral clock notification command tPCKA — — 960 — — 120 µs
wait time

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

Table 38.42 ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Characteristics (3)
medium-speed operating mode 1A
Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V
Temperature range for the programming/erasure operation: Ta = –40 to +105°C
FCLK = 4 MHz FCLK = 32 MHz
Item Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Programming time 2 bytes tP2 — 0.19 4.3 — 0.12 2.0 ms
when NPEC ≤ 100 times
8 bytes tP8 — 0.19 4.4 — 0.12 2.0
128 bytes tP128 — 0.67 10.7 — 0.41 4.8
Programming time 2 bytes tP2 — 0.23 5.3 — 0.15 2.5 ms
when NPEC > 100 times
8 bytes tP8 — 0.23 5.4 — 0.15 2.5
128 bytes tP128 — 0.80 13.2 — 0.48 6.0
Erasure time 2 Kbytes tE2K — 13.0 92.8 — 10.5 29 ms
when NPEC ≤ 100 times
Erasure time 2 Kbytes tE2K — 15.9 176.9 — 12.8 60 ms
when NPEC > 100 times
Suspend delay time during programming tSPD — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during tSPSD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during tSPSD2 — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Suspend delay time during erasing tSED — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during erasing tSESD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
(in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during erasing tSESD2 — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
(in suspend priority mode)
FCU reset time tFCUR 20 μs or longer — — 20 μs or longer — — μs
and FCLK × 6 and FCLK × 6
or greater or greater

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

Table 38.43 ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) Characteristics (4)
medium-speed operating mode 1B
Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 3.6 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V
Temperature range for the programming/erasure operation: Ta = –40 to +105°C
FCLK = 4 MHz FCLK = 32 MHz*1
Item Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Programming time 2 bytes tP2 — 0.25 5.0 — 0.21 2.8 ms
when NPEC ≤ 100 times
8 bytes tP8 — 0.25 5.3 — 0.21 3.0
128 bytes tP128 — 0.92 14.0 — 0.65 8.3
Programming time 2 bytes tP2 — 0.31 6.2 — 0.26 3.5 ms
when NPEC > 100 times
8 bytes tP8 — 0.31 6.6 — 0.26 3.7
128 bytes tP128 — 1.09 17.5 — 0.77 10.0
Erasure time 2 Kbytes tE2K — 21.0 113.6 — 18.5 46 ms
when NPEC ≤ 100 times
Erasure time 2 Kbytes tE2K — 25.6 220.6 — 22.5 90 (1000 times ≥ ms
when NPEC > 100 times NPEC > 100 times),
98 (10000 times ≥
NPEC > 1000 times)
Suspend delay time during programming tSPD — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during tSPSD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during tSPSD2 — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Suspend delay time during erasing tSED — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during erasing tSESD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
(in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during tSESD2 — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
erasing (in suspend priority mode)
FCU reset time tFCUR 20 μs or — — 20 μs or — — μs
longer and longer and
FCLK × 6 FCLK × 6
or greater or greater

Note 1. The operating frequency is 8 MHz (max.) when the voltage is in the range from 1.62 V to less than 2.7 V.

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

38.9 E2 DataFlash (Flash Memory for Data Storage) Characteristics

Table 38.44 E2 DataFlash Characteristics (1)

Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions
Reprogramming/erasure cycle*1 NDPEC 100000 — — Times
Data hold time After 100000 tDRP 30*2 — — Year Ta = +85°C
times of NDPEC

Note 1. The reprogram/erase cycle is the number of erasing for each block. When the reprogram/erase cycle is n times (n = 100000),
erasing can be performed n times for each block. For instance, when 8-byte programming is performed 16 times for different
addresses in 128-byte block and then the entire block is erased, the reprogram/erase cycle is counted as one. However,
programming the same address for several times as one erasing is not enabled (overwriting is prohibited).
Note 2. This result is obtained from reliability testing.

Table 38.45 E2 DataFlash Characteristics (2)

FCLK = 4 MHz FCLK = 32 MHz
Item Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Peripheral clock notification command wait tPCKA — — 960 — — 120 μs

Table 38.46 E2 DataFlash Characteristics (3)

medium-speed operating mode 1A
Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VREFH0 = AVCC0, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V
Temperature range for the programming/erasure operation: Ta = –40 to +105°C
FCLK = 4 MHz FCLK = 32 MHz
Item Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Programming time 2 bytes tDP2 — 0.19 4.4 — 0.13 2.0 ms
when NDPEC ≤ 100 times
8 bytes tDP8 — 0.24 5.1 — 0.13 2.2
Programming time 2 bytes tDP2 — 0.25 6.4 — 0.17 3.0 ms
when NDPEC > 100 times
8 bytes tDP8 — 0.32 7.5 — 0.18 3.2
Erasure time 128 bytes tDE128 — 3.3 27.1 — 2.5 8 ms
when NDPEC ≤ 100 times
Erasure time 128 bytes tDE128 — 4.0 45.1 — 3.0 12 ms
when NDPEC > 100 times
Blank check time 2 bytes tDBC2 — — 98 — — 35 μs
2 Kbytes tDBC2K — — 16 — — 2.5 ms
Suspend delay time during programming tDSPD — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during tDSPSD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during tDSPSD2 — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Suspend delay time during erasing tDSED — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during erasing tDSESD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
(in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during erasing tDSESD2 — — 0.9 — — 0.8 ms
(in suspend priority mode)

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

Table 38.47 E2 DataFlash Characteristics (4)

medium-speed operating mode 1B
Conditions: VCC = AVCC0 = 1.62 to 3.6 V, VSS = AVSS0 = VREFL0 = 0 V
Temperature range for the programming/erasure operation: Ta = –40 to +105°C
FCLK = 4 MHz FCLK = 32 MHz*1
Item Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Programming time 2 bytes tDP2 — 0.28 5.1 — 0.20 2.8 ms
when NDPEC ≤ 100 times
8 bytes tDP8 — 0.32 6.0 — 0.22 3.2
Programming time 2 bytes tDP2 — 0.36 7.6 — 0.25 4.2 ms
when NDPEC > 100 times
8 bytes tDP8 — 0.40 8.8 — 0.28 4.5
Erasure time 128 bytes tDE128 — 4.8 32.3 — 4.1 12 ms
when NDPEC ≤ 100 times
Erasure time 128 bytes tDE128 — 5.8 51.4 — 4.9 17 ms
when NDPEC > 100 times
Blank check time 2 bytes tDBC2 — — 110 — — 40 μs
2 Kbytes tDBC2K — — 16.3 — — 2.6 ms
Suspend delay time during programming tDSPD — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during tDSPSD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during tDSPSD2 — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
programming (in suspend priority mode)
Suspend delay time during erasing tDSED — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
(in programming/erasure priority mode)
First suspend delay time during erasing tDSESD1 — — 220 — — 120 μs
(in suspend priority mode)
Second suspend delay time during erasing tDSESD2 — — 1.7 — — 1.6 ms
(in suspend priority mode)

Note 1. The operating frequency is 8 MHz (max.) when the voltage is in the range from 1.62 V to less than 2.7 V.

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group 38. Electrical Characteristics

In suspend priority mode

• Suspension during programming

FCU command Program Suspend Resume Suspend Resume Suspend Resume


FSTATR0.FRDY Ready Not Ready Not Ready Not Ready

Programming pulse Programming Programming Programming

Application of the pulse stops Application of the pulse continues

• Suspension during erasure

FCU command Erase Suspend Resume Suspend Resume Suspend Resume


FSTATR0.FRDY Ready Not Ready Not Ready Not Ready

Erasure pulse Erasing Erasing Erasing

Application of the pulse stops Application of the pulse continues

In programming/erasure priority mode

• Suspension during programming

FCU command Program Suspend


FSTATR0.FRDY Ready Not Ready Ready

Programming pulse Programming

• Suspension during erasure

FCU command Erase Suspend


FSTATR0.FRDY Ready Not Ready Ready

Erasure pulse Erasing

Figure 38.57 Flash Memory Program/Erase Suspend Timing

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group Appendix 1. Port States in Each Processing Mode

Appendix 1. Port States in Each Processing Mode

Table 1.1 Port States in Each Processing State

Port Name
Pin Name Reset Software Standby Mode
P03, P05, P07 Hi-Z Keep-O
P12 to P17 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
(IRQ2 to IRQ7)
P20 to P27 Hi-Z Keep-O
P30 to P34 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
(IRQ0 to IRQ4)
P35 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
P36, P37 Hi-Z Keep-O
P40 to P47 Hi-Z Keep-O
P50 to P55 Hi-Z Keep-O
PA0 to PA2 Hi-Z Keep-O
PA3, PA4 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
(IRQ6, IRQ5)
PA5 to PA7 Hi-Z Keep-O
PB0 Hi-Z Keep-O
PB1 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
PB2 to PB7 Hi-Z Keep-O
PC0 to PC7 Hi-Z Keep-O
PD0 to PD7 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
(IRQ0 to IRQ7)
PE0, PE1 Hi-Z Keep-O
PE2 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
PE3, PE4 Hi-Z Keep-O
PE5 to PE7 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
(IRQ5 to IRQ7)
PH0 Hi-Z Keep-O
PH1, PH2 Hi-Z Keep-O*1
(IRQ0, IRQ1)
PH3 Hi-Z Keep-O
PJ1, PJ3 Hi-Z Keep-O

Keep-O: Output pins retain their previous values, and input pins become high-impedance.
Hi-Z: High-impedance
Note 1. Input is enabled if the pin is specified as the software standby canceling source while it is used as an external interrupt pin.

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Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group Appendix 2. Package Dimensions

Appendix 2. Package Dimensions

Information on the latest version of the package dimensions or mountings has been displayed in “Packages” on Renesas
Electronics Corporation. website.

JEITA Package Code RENESAS Code Previous Code MASS[Typ.]

P-LFQFP100-14x14-0.50 PLQP0100KB-A 100P6Q-A / FP-100U / FP-100UV 0.6g


75 51

1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2"


Reference Dimension in Millimeters



Min Nom Max
D 13.9 14.0 14.1
E 13.9 14.0 14.1
Terminal cross section A2 1.4
HD 15.8 16.0 16.2
100 HE
26 15.8 16.0 16.2

A 1.7
1 25 A1 0.05 0.1 0.15
Index mark bp 0.15 0.20 0.25
F b1 0.18
c 0.09 0.145 0.20
c1 0.125

0° 8°

e 0.5
y S *3 x 0.08

e bp L
L1 y 0.08
ZD 1.0
Detail F
ZE 1.0
L 0.35 0.5 0.65
L1 1.0

Figure A 100-Pin LQFP (PLQP0100KB-A)

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 1240 of 1252

Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group Appendix 2. Package Dimensions

JEITA Package Code RENESAS Code Previous Code MASS[Typ.]

P-LFQFP64-10x10-0.50 PLQP0064KB-A 64P6Q-A / FP-64K / FP-64KV 0.3g



48 33
1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2"


Reference Dimension in Millimeters



Min Nom Max
D 9.9 10.0 10.1
E 9.9 10.0 10.1
17 Terminal cross section

HD 11.8 12.0 12.2
1 16 HE 11.8 12.0 12.2
Index mark
ZD A 1.7
A1 0.05 0.1 0.15
bp 0.15 0.20 0.25
b1 0.18
S c 0.09 0.145 0.20


c1 0.125
0° 8°
y S
e 0.5

*3 L
e bp
x L1 x 0.08
y 0.08
Detail F
ZD 1.25
ZE 1.25
L 0.35 0.5 0.65
L1 1.0

Figure B 64-Pin LQFP (PLQP0064KB-A)

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 1241 of 1252

Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group Appendix 2. Package Dimensions

JEITA Package Code RENESAS Code Previous Code MASS[Typ.]

P-LQFP64-14x14-0.80 PLQP0064GA-A 64P6U-A/ ⎯ 0.7g


*1 D

48 33

1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2"


*2 Reference Dimension in Millimeters
Terminal cross section
Min Nom Max
D 13.9 14.0 14.1
E 13.9 14.0 14.1
A2 1.4

HD 15.8 16.0 16.2

17 HE 15.8 16.0 16.2
A 1.7
1 16 A1 0 0.1 0.2
bp 0.32 0.37 0.42


Index mark

F b1 0.35
S c 0.09 0.145 0.20

L c1 0.125
L1 0° 8°
e 0.8
y S
Detail F x 0.20
e bp
x y 0.10
ZD 1.0
ZE 1.0
L 0.3 0.5 0.7
L1 1.0

Figure C 64-Pin LQFP (PLQP0064GA-A)

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 1242 of 1252

Dec 20, 2013
RX220 Group Appendix 2. Package Dimensions

JEITA Package Code RENESAS Code Previous Code MASS[Typ.]

P-LFQFP48-7x7-0.50 PLQP0048KB-A 48P6Q-A 0.2g


*1 D

36 25

1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2"
37 24 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT




Reference Dimension in Millimeters
Min Nom Max
D 6.9 7.0 7.1
Terminal cross section
48 E 6.9 7.0 7.1

HD 8.8 9.0 9.2
1 12
HE 8.8 9.0 9.2
Index mark A 1.7
A1 0 0.1 0.2
F bp 0.17 0.22 0.27

b1 0.20

c 0.09 0.145 0.20
L c1 0.125
A1 0° 8°

e 0.5
y S
Detail F x 0.08
x y 0.10
ZD 0.75
ZE 0.75
L 0.35 0.5 0.65
L1 1.0

Figure D 48-Pin LQFP (PLQP0048KB-A)

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REVISION HISTORY RX220 Group User’s Manual: Hardware

Rev. Date
Page Summary
0.51 May 24, 2012 — First edition issued
1.00 Dec 21, 2012 All FINEC pin deleted,
RTCb → RTCc, SCIc → SCIe, SCId → SCIf
IrDA Interface added
Terms, changed
Reset generated by the pin → RES# pin reset
35 IrDA, added
Low-power design and architecture, Real-time clock, Up to seven communications channels,
Operating temp. range, changed
1. Overview
37, 38 Table 1.1 Outline of Specifications:
General I/O ports, Event link controller (ELC),
Realtime clock (RTCc), Serial communications interfaces (SCIe, SCIf), IrDA, Power supply voltage/
Operating frequency, Supply current, Operating temperature, changed
39 Table 1.2 Comparison of Functions for Different Packages, changed
40 Table 1.3 List of Products, changed
Note 1, added
41 Figure 1.1 How to Read the Product Part No., Memory Capacity, and Package Type, changed
42 Figure 1.2 Block Diagram, changed
43, 44 Table 1.4 Pin Functions:
Power supply, On-chip emulator, Serial communications interface (SCIe), changed
47 Figure 1.4 Pin Assignments of the 64-Pin LQFP,
Figure 1.5 Pin Assignments of the 48-Pin LQFP, changed
48, 49 Table 1.5 List of Pins and Pin Functions (100-Pin LQFP), chaned
51 Table 1.6 List of Pins and Pin Functions (64-Pin LQFP), chaned
53 Table 1.7 List of Pins and Pin Functions (48-Pin LQFP), chaned
2. CPU
63 2.4 Data Types: description, chanegd
— 2.4.1 Integer, deleted
— 2.4.2 Bits, deleted
— 2.4.3 Strings, deleted
3. Operating Modes
85 3.2.3 System Control Register 1 (SYSCR1): Bit description, changed
87 Figure 3.1 Mode-Setting Pin Levels and Operating Modes, changed
5. I/O Registers
97 to 111 Table 5.1 List of I/O Registers, changed
Notes 1 and 2, added
8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)
141 Table 8.3 Procedures for Setting up Monitoring against Vdet1, changed
141 Table 8.4 Procedures for Setting up Monitoring against Vdet1, changed
9. Clock Generation Circuit
155 9.2.3 Main Clock Oscillator Control Register (MOSCCR): Bit description, changed
163 9.2.11 Main Clock Oscillator Forced Oscillation Control Register (MOFCR): Description, changed
168 9.4.2 Handling of Pins when Sub-Clock is not Used: Description, changed
174, 175 9.7.5 Notes on Sub-Clock, changed
11. Low Power Consumption
194 11.2.4 Module Stop Control Register C (MSTPCRC), changed
196 Table 11.3 Relationship between Operating Power Control Mode, Operating Range, and Power
Consumption, changed
197 • Middle-Speed Operating Mode 1A and
• Middle-Speed Operating Mode 1B: Description, changed
197 Figure 11.2 Relationship between the Operating Voltages and Operating Frequencies in Middle-
Speed Operating Modes 1A and 1B, changed
198 • Low-Speed Operating Mode 1: Description, changed
200 11.2.6 Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Register (RSTCKCR): Description, changed

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Dec 20, 2013

Rev. Date
Page Summary
1.00 Dec 21, 2012 203 11.2.9 HOCO Wait Control Register 2 (HOCOWTCR2), changed
204 11.2.10 Flash HOCO Software Standby Control Register (FHSSBYCR): Description, changed
206 11.5.1 Setting Operating Power Consumption Control Mode, changed
209 Transition to All-Module Clock Stop Mode: Note 5, added
14. Interrupt Controller (ICUb)
247 14.3.1 Interrupt Vector Table: Description, changed
248 Table 14.3 Interrupt Vector Table: Name, changed
15. Buses
— 15.4 Limitations, deleted
17. Data Transfer Controller (DTCa)
319 Figure 17.1 Block Diagram of DTC, changed
332 Figure 17.4 Operation Flowchart of the DTC, changed
347 17.8 Event Link Function, changed
18. Event Link Controller (ELC)
351 Table 18.1 ELC Specifications: Note 1, changed
351 Figure 18.1 Block Diagram of Event Link Controller, changed
353 18.2.2 Event Link Setting Register n (ELSRn) (n = 1 to 4, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25):
Description, changed
353 Table 18.2 Correspondence between ELSRn Registers and Peripheral Functions: Note 1, added
354 Table 18.3 Correspondence between Event Signal Names Set in ELSRn.ELS[7:0] Bits and Signal
Numbers: 01010110 (56h), changed
355 Table 18.3 Correspondence between Event Signal Names Set in ELSRn.ELS[7:0] Bits and Signal
Numbers: 01101010 (6Ah), added
359 Table 18.4 Registers Related to Port Groups and Corresponding Port Numbers: Note 1, added
367 (7) Restrictions on Writing to PODR or PDBF by CPU, changed
369 18.3.6 Procedure for Linking Events: 7., changed
370 18.4.1 Setting the ELSRn Register, added
19. I/O Ports
371 19.1 Overview, chagned
381 19.3.8 Drive Capacity Control Register (DSCR): Description, changed
382 19.3.9 Port Switching Register A (PSRA), added
383 19.3.10 Port Switching Register B (PSRB), added
384 Table 19.3 Treatment of Unused Pins, changed
Notes 1 and 2, added
20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)
387 Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins: Multi-function timer unit 2 MTU4, changed
389 Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins: Serial communications interface, changed
393 to 411 20.2.2 P07 Pin Function Control Register (P07PFS) to
20.2.14 PJn Pin Function Control Registers (PJnPFS) (n = 1, 3): Register names, chagned
401 Table 20.12 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin: 1010b, changed
402 Table 20.13 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin: 1010b, changed
402 Table 20.14 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 48-Pin: 1010b, changed
405 Table 20.18 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 100-Pin: 1010b, changed
405 Table 20.19 Register Settings for Input/Output Pin Function in 64-Pin: 1010b, changed
412 20.3.1 Procedure for Specifying Input/Output Pin Function, changed
21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)
418 Figure 21.1 Block Diagram of MTU, changed
440 • TIER (MTU5): Address, changed
501 Figure 21.36 Example of Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode Operation (When TOCR1’s OLSN = 1
and OLSP = 1), chagned
507 (b) Register Operation: Description, changed
515 (j) Method for Generating PWM Output in Complementary PWM Mode: Description, changed
515 (k) 0% and 100% Duty Cycle Output in Complementary PWM Mode, page changed
539 Figure 21.79 Delay in Dead Time in Complementary PWM Mode Operation, changed
540 Figure 21.81 Example of Motor Control Circuit Configuration, changed
541 Figure 21.82 MTU5.TCNT Capture at Crest and/or Trough in Complementary PWM Mode
Operation, changed
545 (4) A/D Converter Activation by Input Capture or Compare Match with MTU0.TGRA or
MTU0.TGRB, changed

R01UH0292EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 1245 of 1252

Dec 20, 2013

Rev. Date
Page Summary
1.00 Dec 21, 2012 559 21.6.9 Contention between TGR Read Operation and Input Capture: Description, changed
568 21.6.24 Point for Caution Regarding MTU5.TCNT and MTU5.TGR Registers, added
574 to 599 (1) Operation when Error Occurs in Normal Mode and Operation is Restarted in Normal Mode to
(29) Operation when Error Occurs in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode and Operation is Restarted
in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode: Description changed
Figure 21.126 Error Occurrence in Normal Mode, Recovery in Normal Mode to Figure 21.154 Error
Occurrence in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode, Recovery in Reset-Synchronized PWM Mode,
601 (3) Counter restart operation: Description, changed
— Figure 21.113 Contention between TGR Read Operation and Input Capture (MTU5), deleted
— Figure 21.124 Example of Synchronous Clearing (when Condition 2 Applies), deleted
25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)
656 25.1 Overview, Table 25.1 Specifications of RTC, Note 1, changed
657 Figure 25.1 Block Diagram of RTC, changed
6547 Table 25.2 Pin Configuration of RTC: RTCOUT, changed
658 to 679 25.2.1 64-Hz Counter (R64CNT) to 25.2.20 Time Error Adjustment Register (RADJ), changed
680 Figure 25.2 Outline of Initial Settings after Power-On, changed
681 Figure 25.3 Clock and the count mode Setting Procedure, changed
682 Figure 25.4 Setting the Time, changed
682 25.3.4 30-Second Adjustment: Description, changed
684 25.3.6 Alarm Function: Description, changed
685, 686 Automatic Adjustment, changed
689 (3) Carry interrupt (CUP): Description, changed
689 Figure 25.10 Carry Interrupt (CUP) Timing Chart, changed
690 25.5.1 Register Writing during Counting: Description, changed
690 25.5.2 Use of Periodic Interrupts and 25.5.3 RTCOUT (1-Hz/64-Hz) Clock Output, changed
691 25.5.5 Points for Caution when Writing to and Reading from Registers, changed
691 25.5.6 Changing Count Mode, added
— 25.5.6 Initialization Procedure when the Realtime Clock is not to be Used, deleted
26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)
693 Table 26.1 Specifications of IWDT: Note 1, changed
708 26.3.3 Refresh Operation, changed
709 26.3.7 Reading the Down-Counter Value, changed
— Figure 26.7 IWDT Refresh Operation Waveforms (IWDTCR.CKS[3:0] = 0010b,
IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0] = 01b), deleted
— Figure 26.9 Processing for Reading IWDT Down-Counter Value (IWDTCR.CKS[3:0] = 0010b,
IWDTCR.TOPS[1:0] = 11b), deleted
27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf)
711 Table 27.1 Specifications of SCIe: Asynchronous mode, changed
712 Table 27.2 Specifications of SCIf: Asynchronous mode, changed
724 27.2.6 Serial Control Register (SCR): Note 2, changed
729 27.2.7 Serial Status Register (SSR), changed
738 Table 27.15 BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Clock Synchronous Mode, Simple SPI Bus Mode):
Note 1, changed
741, 742 27.2.10 Serial Extended Mode Register (SEMR), changed
742 Figure 27.4 Example of Average Transfer Rate Setting when TMR Clock is Input, changed
753 27.2.20 Control Register 2 (CR2): Description, changed
764 27.3 Operation in Asynchronous Mode, changed
770 Figure 27.10 Example of Serial Transmission Flowchart in Asynchronous Mode, changed
774 Figure 27.14 Example of Serial Reception Flowchart (2) (Asynchronous Mode), changed
776 Figure 27.16 Example of Multi-Processor Serial Transmission Flowchart, changed
779 Figure 27.19 Example of Multi-Processor Serial Reception Flowchart (2), changed
787 Figure 27.26 Example of Serial Reception Flowchart (Clock Synchronous Mode), changed
793 27.6.5 Initialization of the SCI (Smart Card Interface Mode): 6., changed
826 Figure 27.63 Example of Operations with the Digital Filter, changed
837 27.13.2 Break Detection and Processing, changed
837 27.13.6 Restrictions on Clock Synchronous Transmission, changed
838 27.13.9 SCI Operations during Low Power Consumption State: (1) Transmission, changed

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1.00 Dec 21, 2012 839 Figure 27.69 Example of Flowchart for Transition to Software Standby Mode during Transmission,
842 27.13.11 Limitation on Using Simple SPI Bus Mode, changed
28. IrDA Interface
844 to 848 Added
29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)
852 Table 29.3 Register Allocation for 16-Bit Access, added
881 29.2.18 Timeout internal counter (TMOCNT), changed
883 Figure 29.5 Example of RIIC Initialization Flowchart, changed
885 Figure 29.6 Example of Master Transmission Flowchart, changed
890 Figure 29.10 Example of Master Reception Flowchart (7-Bit Address Format), changed
894 Figure 29.14 Example of Slave Transmission Flowchart, changed
897 Figure 29.17 Example of Slave Reception Flowchart, changed
30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)
928 30.1 Overview, changed
937 30.2.4 RSPI Status Register (SPSR): Bit description, changed
1004 Table 30.13 Interrupt Sources of RSPI: RSPI idle, changed
1006 30.4.5 Transmit End Event Output, changed
32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)
1054 32.7.7 Allowable Impedance of Signal Source, changed
1054 Table 32.9 Specifications of Analog Input Pins: Max., changed
Notes 1 and 2, changed
34. Data Operation Circuit (DOC)
1073 Table 34.1 Specifications of Data Operation Circuit, changed
1073 Figure 34.1 Block Diagram of Data Operation Circuit, changed
1079 34.5 Event Link Output, 34.5.1 Interrupt Handling and Event Linking, added
36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)
1093 36.2.8 Flash P/E Mode Entry Register (FENTRYR): Bit description, changed
1114 Figure 36.11 Using the Peripheral Clock Notification Command, changed
1145 (13) Boot Program Status Inquiry, changed
37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)
1158 Table 37.1 Specifications of E2 DataFlash Memory: Protection, changed
38. Electrical Characteristics
1184 to Added
1.10 Dec 20, 2013 All PLQP0064GA-A 14×14 mm, 0.8-mm pitch added
35 ■ Operating temp. range changed
1. Overview
38 Table 1.1 Outline of Specifications changed, Note 1 added
40 Table 1.3 List of Products changed, Note added
41 Figure 1.1 How to Read the Product Part No., Memory Capacity, and Package Type changed
3. Operating Modes
85 3.2.3 System Control Register 1 (SYSCR1) Note added
6. Resets
113 Table 6.2 Targets Initialized by Each Reset Source Note1 added
116 6.2.2 Reset Status Register 1 (RSTSR1) changed
117 6.2.4 Software Reset Register (SWRR) Note added
8. Voltage Detection Circuit (LVDAa)
133 to 137 8.2.1 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 1 (LVD1CR1) to
8.2.5 Voltage Monitoring Circuit/Comparator A Control Register (LVCMPCR) Note added
138 8.2.6 Voltage Detection Level Select Register (LVDLVLR) changed, Note added
139, 140 8.2.7 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 0 (LVD1CR0) and
8.2.8 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 0 (LVD2CR0) Note added
9. Clock Generation Circuit
152, 153 9.2.1 System Clock Control Register (SCKCR) changed, Note added
154 9.2.2 System Clock Control Register 3 (SCKCR3) changed, Note added
155 9.2.3 Main Clock Oscillator Control Register (MOSCCR) changed, Note added

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1.10 Dec 20, 2013 156 to 160 9.2.4 Sub-Clock Oscillator Control Register (SOSCCR) to
9.2.8 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register 2 (HOCOCR2) Note added
161 9.2.9 Oscillation Stop Detection Control Register (OSTDCR) changed, Note added
162 9.2.10 Oscillation Stop Detection Status Register (OSTDSR) changed, Note added
163 9.2.11 Main Clock Oscillator Forced Oscillation Control Register (MOFCR) Note added
164 9.2.12 High-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Power Supply Control Register (HOCOPCR) changed,
Note added
170 Figure 9.8 Flow of Recovery from Detection of Oscillator Stop changed
11. Low Power Consumption
190 to 194 11.2.1 Standby Control Register (SBYCR) to 11.2.4 Module Stop Control Register C (MSTPCRC)
Note added
195 11.2.5 Operating Power Control Register (OPCCR) changed, Note added
200 to 204 11.2.6 Sleep Mode Return Clock Source Switching Register (RSTCKCR) to
11.2.10 Flash HOCO Software Standby Control Register (FHSSBYCR) Note added
14. Interrupt Controller (ICUb)
260 14.4.5 Multiple Interrupts added, 14.4.6 Fast Interrupt changed
16. DMA Controller (DMACA)
309 Figure 16.12 Register Setting Procedure changed
17. Data Transfer Controller (DTCa)
329 17.3 Sources of Activation changed
339 Figure 17.8 Chain Transfer Operation changed
349 17.10.1 Transfer Data Start Address: Title changed
18. Event Link Controller (ELC)
351 Table 18.1 ELC Specifications changed
19. I/O Ports
384 Table 19.3 Treatment of Unused Pins changed
20. Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC)
385 Table 20.1 Allocation of Pin Functions to Multiple Pins changed
21. Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2 (MTU2a)
451 21.2.17 Timer Output Master Enable Registers (TOER), Note 1 changed
510 (g) PWM Cycle Setting changed
25. Realtime Clock (RTCc)
673 25.2.17 RTC Control Register 1 (RCR1) changed
674 to 677 25.2.18 RTC Control Register 2 (RCR2) changed
26. Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDTa)
708 26.3.4 Status Flags changed
27. Serial Communications Interface (SCIe, SCIf)
782 Figure 27.21 Example of SCI Initialization Flowchart (Clock Synchronous Mode) changed
799 (a) At transition from smart card interface mode to software standby mode changed
843 27.13.14 Note on Transmit Enable Bit (TE bit) added
29. I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)
849 to 928 ICRXI → RXI, ICTEI → TEI, ICTXI → TXI, ICEEI → EEI changed
852, 853 29.2.1 I2C Bus Control Register 1 (ICCR1) changed
854 29.2.2 I2C Bus Control Register 2 (ICCR2) changed
885 Figure 29.6 Example of Master Transmission Flowchart changed
890 Figure 29.10 Example of Master Reception (7-Bit Address Format, 1 or 2 bytes) added
893 Figure 29.14 Master Receive Operation Timing (3) (when RDRFS = 0) changed
918 29.11.1 Timeout Function changed
30. Serial Peripheral Interface (RSPI)
937 30.2.4 RSPI Status Register (SPSR) changed
940 (a) Writing changed
989 Figure 30.34 Example of Initialization Flowchart in Master Mode (SPI Operation) changed
1000 Figure 30.45 Example of Initialization Flowchart in Master Mode (Clock Synchronous Operation)
1006 (1) Mode Fault changed
32. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADb)
1040 Channel Selection and Self-Diagnosis changed
1044 Channel Selection and Self-Diagnosis changed

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1.10 Dec 20, 2013 1048 Figure 32.11 Scan Conversion Timing (Activated by Software, or Triggers from the MTU or ELC),
Figure 32.12 Scan Conversion Timing (Activated by ADTRG0#) changed
33. Comparator A
1060 to 33.2.1 Voltage Monitoring 1 Circuit/Comparator A1 Control Register 1 (LVD1CR1) to
1066 33.2.7 Voltage Monitoring 2 Circuit/Comparator A2 Control Register 0 (LVD2CR0) Note added
34. Data Operation Circuit (DOC)
1077 34.3.1 Data Comparison Mode Note1 added
36. ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage)
1116 (4) Programming changed: Title changed
1127 Figure 36.20 Suspension during Erasure (Programming/Erasure Priority Mode): Title changed
37. E2 DataFlash Memory (Flash Memory for Data Storage)
1173 Table 37.4 FCU Command Formats (Commands Dedicated to the E2 DataFlash Memory) changed
1175 (2) Programming changed
38. Electrical Characteristics
1187 Table 38.4 DC Characteristics (3) changed
1193 Table 38.8 DC Characteristics (7) added
1194 Table 38.13 Permissible Output Currents (1) changed, Table 38.14 Permissible Output Currents (2)
1195 Table 38.15 Output Values of Voltage (1) changed, Table 38.16 Output Values of Voltage (2) added
1211 Table 38.26 Timing of On-Chip Peripheral Modules (1) changed
1223 Table 38.31 A/D Conversion Characteristics (1) changed
1224 Table 38.34 A/D Conversion Characteristics (2) changed
1229 Table 38.38 Power-on Reset Circuit and Voltage Detection Circuit Characteristics (2) changed

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RX220 Group User’s Manual: Hardware

Publication Date: Rev.0.51 May 24, 2012

Rev.1.10 Dec 20, 2013

Published by: Renesas Electronics Corporation

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