Roslinormansyah - Safety Engineering Expert - Resume
Roslinormansyah - Safety Engineering Expert - Resume
Roslinormansyah - Safety Engineering Expert - Resume
[email protected]
Safety Engineering Expert Perum Graha Candi, Blok B-22 Kel. Bakalan,
Kec. Bugul Kidul, Kota Pasuruan Jawa Timur
Experienced and accomplished health and safety master with a proven track record of promoting optimal health and safety in
industrial spaces. Committed to identifying and improving substandard processes, while solving safety issues. Experienced inensuring
optimal workflow and efficient production in large-scale. Bringing forth an in-depth understanding of facility management aimed at
improving safe work processes and functions. Adept in trouble-shooting and working to offer solutions. A strong leader with
excellent communication skills and a commitment to teamwork.
Conducting Hazard analysis and risk assessment studies, including scenario evaluation and
ranking, PHA, Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies, QRA, LOPA/SIL, MOC, PSSR, Mechanical
Integrity, and other predictive hazard analysis methods and investigative techniques
o PSM/PHA/HAZOP/LOPA/SIL/QRA Project for Pertamina RU-V and Pertamina RU-VI
o PHA/HAZOP/SIL Project of LPG transportation for Eni – Bakau
o PSM/PHA/HAZOP/SIL/QRA Project of Refrigeration System for Unilever Ice Cream
o HAZOP/SIL Project of Condensate for Bukit Tua Block of Petronas
o PSM/HAZOP/LOPA/SIL Project for Biodiesel Plant for Sinarmas Food and Agri
o PSM/HAZOP/LOPA/SIL/QRA Project for Chemical Pant for Asian Pulp and Paper Group
o PSM/HAZOP/LOPA/SIL/QRA Project for Halliburton (BP Train 3 project)
2014 - 2015 Country HSE Manager
Hallliburton Indonesia
Develop local HSE procedure and guidelines and Upholds safety, health, environmental
procedures, communicates directly an supports the all department to ensure OSHA and EPA
compliance at all times.
Personally provide leadership, counsel and technical assistance to the operations managers,
technical advisors, maintenance manager, safety supervisor, plant engineering, and hourly
plant personnel in the field of process safety management to attain production, quality, cost,
safety and environmental goals.
Lead and document the PHA/hazard evaluations of each phase of a large project (such as a
new process) and Lead and document the PHA/hazard evaluations of existing (older) process.
Lead incident investigations or root cause analyses.
Demonstrate how to prepare for PHA meetings, how to effectively lead the hazard review
meetings, and how to document the results in a useable PHA report.
Perform Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for determining if the risk of an accident scenario
is low enough and Be an expert at determining the necessary risk mitigation for an accident
scenario during PHAs/HAZOPs, or as a stand‑alone task
Assist in developing inspection, test, and preventive maintenance plans and equipment
reliability programs
Develop and implement key performance indicators (most importantly leading indicators) to
track the progress of Process and Occupational Safety Management on a week‑by week and
month by‑month basis.
Manage, coordinate and implement all fourteen (14) elements of the OSHA Process Safety
Management standard and the additional requirements of EPA risk management plan rule and
also criteria of OHSAS 18000 & ISO 14000
Evaluate new processes and modify existing processes and facilities to meet new
requirements and Provide oversight and conduct audits for site management of change (MOC)
and pre‑ start up safety review process (PSSR).
Work in tandem with the maintenance staff to develop, coordinate and evaluate maintenance
programs for highly technical equipment.
Conduct safety audits to measure effectiveness of safety controls and Participate on teams
responsible for implementing new products and processes.
Lead for HAZID/HAZOP/LOPA‑SIL, QRA, FERA, EERA, Dropped Object and Non‑Process Facility
Risk Assessment.
Ensure that all contractual / company and local authority requirements for Health Safety &
Environment (HSE) are complied with PSM, OHSAS 18000, and ISO 14000
Develop and implement adequate training / awareness of company personel for QHSE
systems and tool of analysis
Ensure that all subcontractors HSE systems and plans are acceptable to the company as
applicable to a contract, and ensure that Subcontractor’s / Supplier’s HSE systems are
implemented and effective
Liaise with the Clients QHSE representative, to ensure that all potential and actual QHSE issues
are fully resolved
Support the Project Manager to ensure the Gate Review Checklists are tuned to the Work
Process scope
Monitor Quality Standard activities for the Product Area to ensure that Notifications of
Inspections are issued and executed according to schedule
Assist Project personnel in Quality and HSE queries and issues that may arise
Promote a Quality and HSE mindset in the project
Report and investigate all Project related incidents (Quality & HSE) and develop appropriate
Action Plans
Co‑ordinate Project QHSE management activities with the Customers QHSE Representatives
Make sure that personal protective equipment is being used in workplaces according to
Make sure that dangerous materials are correctly stored
Identify and test work areas for potential accident and health hazards and implement
appropriate control measures
Make sure that the organization is aware of, and complies with, all legislation in relation to the
use of its plant, equipment and substances, as well as in all workplace activities
Help supervise the investigation of accidents and unsafe working conditions, study possible
causes and recommend remedial action
Conduct training sessions for management, supervisors and workers on health and safety
practices and legislation
Coordinate emergency procedures
Communicate frequently with management to report on the status of the health and safety
Acts in an advisory capacity on all matters pertaining to health and safety for the guidance of
the employer and the workers.
Perform Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for determining if the risk of an accident scenario
is low enough and Be an expert at determining the necessary risk mitigation for an accident
scenario during PHAs/HAZOPs, or as a stand‑alone taskEnhanced individual safety
compliance through rigorous training and highly effective safety award/rewards program
Increased number of preventive maintenance checks to minimize equipment failures.
Identified and eliminated all major safety violations by conducting comprehensive risk
assessment and hazards analysis.
Updated all HSE documentation and wrote new Safety Program designed to site‑specific operations.
Monitored and actively participated in the management of injury claims with a result of a
positive reduction on the T.R.I.R.
Facilitated Incident Investigations and provided reliable solutions.
Increased number of preventive maintenance checks to minimize equipment failures.
Identified and eliminated all major safety violations by conducting comprehensive risk
assessment and hazards analysis.
Updated all HSE documentation and wrote new Safety Program designed to site‑specific operations.
Monitored and actively participated in the management of injury claims with a result of a
positive reduction on the T.R.I.R.
Facilitated Incident Investigations and provided reliable solutions.
and medical emergencies. Evaluated workplace industrial hygiene needs including VCM
monitoring, heat stress and dust/silica monitoring.
Ensured effective workplace safety training was provided to employees including scissor, fork, and
boom lift, Respiratory Protection, Confined Space,Excavation Safety, and Fall Protection among
Acted as primary liaison for national inspections in which over 85% resulted in no violations or
citations noted. Successfully negotiated reduced fines or citation classifications for
inspections where citations were proposed.
Coordinated safe work practices between separate general contractors and scopes of work to
provide a safe working environment for all employees and visitors
Develop health and safety systems, including policies, procedures and manuals based PSM,
OHSAS 18000, and ISO 1400
Inspect and test machinery and equipment to make sure they meet safety regulations
Make sure that personal protective equipment is being used in workplaces according to
Acts in an advisory capacity on all matters pertaining to health and safety for the guidance of
the employer and the workers
Propagating and promulgating safety and industrial hygiene instructions,procedures,and
Conducting meetings and toolbox meeting for increasing safety awareness
Monitors and check the progress of the project and handles Quality Control and Safety of the
Identified and eliminated all major safety violations by conducting comprehensive risk
assessment and hazards analysis.
Monitored and actively participated in the management of injury claims with a result of a
positive reduction on the T.R.I.R.
Facilitated Incident Investigations and provided reliable solutions
University of Indonesia
Master of Occupational Health and Safety Study Program | Magister Keselamatan dan Kesehatan
Kerja (M.K.K.K)
University of Indonesia
Welding Inspector (Research Center for Material Science - RCMS)
Certified OHS Expert (Ahli K3 Boiler & Bejana Tekan) for Boiler (ASME Section I) and Pressure
Vessel (ASME Sec VIII Div 1 & API 650)
Certified OHS Construction (Intermediate Level) – Indonesia Construction Services Body (Riau)
Occupational Health & Safety Incident Investigation Expert
Industrial Hygiene Expert Qualitative and Quantitative
Risk Management
Human Factor / Behaviour Barrier Analysis Expert
Modification Bow-Tie Analysis Expert
Safety/Organizational Culture Expert Human Error Analysis Expert
Asset Integrity Management Expert Safety Leadership Expert
English Intermediate