Cohen03 Albert Bausili

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Reading Report: Cohen03

Albert Bausili Fernández

May 8, 2023

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1 Content
1.1 Identify the genre1 of the document, its purpose, and its target
It is an Article. It’s purpose is to spread information about the function of the
peer-to-peer systems, specifically the BitTorrent one, and its target audience
are the scholars, Computer scientists or enthusiasts that want to dive deeper in
this topic.

1.2 Summarize the document, indicating the key concepts2 .

Bittorrent redestributes the cost of upload to downloaders instead of placing it
in the hosting machine (HTTP). Bittorrent has a problem of fairness, as the
download rate must make happy all the downloaders, so it has sense to make
the download rate be proportional to their upload rate.

The bandwidth requirements of the tracker and web server are very low,
while the seed must send out at least one complete copy of the original file.

In order to keep track of which peers have what, BitTorrent cuts files into
pieces of fixed size, typically a quarter megabyte. Each downloader reports to
all of its peers what pieces it has. To verify data integrity, the SHA1 hashes of
all the pieces are included in the .torrent file, and peers don’t report that they
have a piece until they’ve checked the hash. Erasure codes have been suggested
as a technique which might help with file distribution, but this much simpler
approach has proven to be workable.

BitTorrent facilitates this by breaking pieces further into sub-pieces over

the wire, typically sixteen kilobytes in size, and always keeping some number,
typically five, requests pipelined at once. Every time a sub-piece arrives a new
1 Genres: book, article, essay, report, review, manual, white paper, data sheet, weblog, etc.
2 The summary should help you to answer the questions about the reading in the exam.

request is sent.

Piece Selection Algorithms:

Strict Priority:
BitTorrent’s first policy for piece selection is that once a single sub-piece has
been requested, the remaining sub-pieces from that particular piece are re-
quested before sub-pieces from any other piece. This does a good job of getting
complete pieces as quickly as possible.

Rarest First:
When selecting which piece to start downloading next, peers generally down-
load pieces which the fewest of their own peers have first, a technique we refer
to as ’rarest first’. By replicating the rarest pieces as quickly as possible thus
reducing the risk of them getting completely lost as current peers stop uploading.

Random First Piece:

An exception to rarest first is when downloading starts. At that time, the peer
has nothing to upload, so it’s important to get a complete piece as quickly as
possible. For this reason, pieces to download are selected at random until the
first complete piece is assembled, and then the strategy changes to rarest first.

Endgame Mode:
Sometimes a piece will be requested from a peer with very slow transfer rates.
This isn’t a problem in the middle of a download, but could potentially delay
a download’s finish. To keep that from happening, once all sub-pieces which
a peer doesn’t have are actively being requested it sends requests for all sub-
pieces to all peers. Cancels are sent for sub-pieces which arrive to keep too
much bandwidth from being wasted on redundant sends. In practice not much
bandwidth is wasted this way, since the endgame period is very short, and the
end of a file is always downloaded quickly.

Choking Algorithms:
Each peer is responsible for attempting to maximize its own download rate.
Peers do this by downloading from whoever they can and deciding which peers
to upload to via a variant of tit-for-tat. To cooperate, peers upload, and to not
cooperate they ’choke’ peers. Choking is a temporary refusal to upload; It stops
uploading, but downloading can still happen and the connection doesn’t need
to be renegotiated when choking stops.

Pareto Efficiency:
In computer science terms, seeking pareto efficiency is a local optimization algo-
rithm in which pairs of counter-parties see if they can improve their lot together,
and such algorithms tend to lead to global optima. Specifically, if two peers are
both getting poor reciprocation for some of the upload they are providing, they
can often start uploading to each other instead and both get a better download
rate than they had before. Peers reciprocate uploading to peers which upload to
them, with the goal of at any time of having several connections which are ac-
tively transferring in both directions. Unutilized connections are also uploaded
to on a trial basis to see if better transfer rates could be found using them.

BitTorrent’s Choking Algorithm:
On a technical level, each BitTorrent peer always unchokes a fixed number of
other peers (default is four), so the issue becomes which peers to unchoke. Deci-
sions as to which peers to unchoke are based strictly on current download rate.
To avoid situations in which resources are wasted by rapidly choking and un-
choking peers, BitTorrent peers recalculate who they want to choke once every
ten seconds, and then leave the situation as is until the next ten second period
is up.

Optimistic Uncoking:
Simply uploading to the peers which provide the best download rate would suf-
fer from having no method of discovering if currently unused connections are
better than the ones being used. To fix this, at all times a BitTorrent peer
has a single ‘optimistic unchoke’, which is unchoked regardless of the current
download rate from it. Which peer is the optimistic unchoke is rotated every
third rechoke period (30 seconds).

Occasionally a BitTorrent peer will be choked by all peers which it was formerly
downloading from. In such cases it will usually continue to get poor download
rates until the optimistic unchoke finds better peers. To mitigate this problem,
when over a minute goes by without getting a single piece from a particular peer,
BitTorrent assumes it is ’snubbed’ by that peer and doesn’t upload to it except
as an optimistic unchoke. This frequently results in more than one concurrent
optimistic unchoke, (an exception to the exactly one optimistic unchoke rule
mentioned above), which causes download rates to recover much more quickly
when they falter.

Upload only:
Once a peer is done downloading, it no longer has useful download rates to
decide which peers to up- load to. The current implementation then switches
to preferring peers which it has better upload rates to, which does a decent job
of utilizing all available upload capacity and preferring peers which no-one else
happens to be uploading to at the moment.

2 Assessment
2.1 Rate the readability of the document: easy, readable, difficult,

2.2 Give your opinion of the reading assignment, indicating whether

it should be included in next year’s course or not.
I found it specially interesting, as I’ve been a BitTorrent user for a long time
and I’ve always been interested in knowing how it works, so I really think it
should be included in next year course.

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