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Indonesia During the Administration of Abdurrahman Wahid (1999 – 2001) and Its
Influence on People's Life in Indonesia

Name : Chariel S. Rezky Achmad

NIS : 2021110173
Class : XII MIPA 5


Address: Jl. Desa Cipadung Cibiru Bandung, 40614. West Java

Phone. (022) 7806125 Email: [email protected]


Praise be to the presence of God Almighty for giving me the opportunity

to complete this paper. Thanks to His grace and guidance, I was able to
complete this thesis
This paper is structured to fulfill the task. In addition, I also hope that
this paper can add insight to readers
I express my deepest gratitude to the teachers. The assignments that
have been given can add knowledge and insight.

I also realize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, constructive
criticism and suggestions will be accepted for the perfection of this

Bandung, January 30th 2023

Chariel S. Rezky Achmad

A. Background story
B. Formulation of the problem
C. Writing Purpose
D. Benefits
2.1 Types of Leadership

2.2 Government System

2.3 Constitution '45 Articles relating to the President


3.1 Biography of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid)
3.2 Attitudes, thoughts and role of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid) towards reform
3.3 The shape of the Indonesian economy during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid
3.4 Appointment and appointment of Gusdur (Abdurrahman Wahid) as president

A. Conclusions and suggestions


A. Background to the Problem

K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) during his lifetime Born in Denayar, Jombang
September 7, 1940, and died in Jakarta on December 30, 2009, the life journey history of the
first of six children. He was not only a cleric, but also a culturalist, writer, scholar, even
football observer, politician, art connoisseur, humorist, democracy activist, pluralist
advocate, as well as defender of minorities and more. Many people refer to him as the
teacher of the nation, the figure of pluralism, the figure of democracy, the hero of the
oppressed. At birth he was actually given the name Abdurrahman Addakhil. Addakhil is
named after an Islamic warrior in the Umayyad era. But apparently the word Addakhil was
little known, and it was finally decided to take the father's last name, namely "Wahid". While
the word "Gus" is a typical honorary call of pesantren in kiai children.

Wahid has his own perspective, has his own vision, and also his own answers to all kinds of
problems that exist. He is a kyai who is involved in politics, often referred to as a political
kyai, as well as Gus Dur who has a background in Islamic boarding school education. So that
Wahid, who entered the realm of organizations and political areas, became a politician as
well as a kyai.

Fehadiran a Gus Dur with all his bright ideas surprisingly turned out to be acceptable to
various circles of society, as well as being an alternative figure in the succession of national
leadership at the 1999 General Assembly of the People's Consultative Assembly of the
Republic of Indonesia to lead this nation with a strong image. This is also the effect of an
arguably relatively democratic election result, when compared to the previous election.

The diversity of Indonesian society is an obstacle for Wahid who has a kyai background to be
free to make policies. Although it is undeniable, Wahid is also a pioneer of interfaith
tolerance in Indonesia. Pluralism became one of Gus Dur's thoughts at that time, he insisted
that religion, race or ethnicity cannot be a barrier or differentiating factor in nationality,
everyone must be equal and equal, because religion, race or ethnicity cannot be used as a
benchmark for a person's good or bad.

KH figures. Abdurrahman Wahid feels important, because if we recall how this great kyai
figure was "kicked" from the seat of government, it is certainly not beautiful if we don't
trace the background and how the real incident happened. Some of his friends and political
opponents also wrote about him in several books and journals. This is proof that this political
kyai figure is so important in the eyes of the Indonesian people. The first kyai to become
president of the Republic of Indonesia is an interesting point for the author, because indeed
when he was elected president, he also became the first democratically elected president.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the biography of Gus Dur (Abdurrahman Wahid) ?
2. What is the attitude, thinking and role of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid) towards reform?
3. What was the shape of the Indonesian economy during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid?
4. How is the appointment and removal of Gusdur (Abdurrahman Wahid) as president?

C. Purpose of Writing
1. In order to know the biography of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid)

2. In order to know the attitude, from the thoughts and role of Wahid (Abdurrahman
Wahid) towards reform
3. In order to provide information on the shape of the Indonesian economy during the
reign of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid)
4. In order to know how to appoint and demote Gusdur (Abdurrahman Wahid) as

D. Benefits of Writing
In order to provide knowledge and information to writers and readers about the reign of
Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001) as president and his influence on the people of the
Republic of Indonesia.
2.1 Types of Leadership

In his leadership, Gud Dur (Abdurrahman Wahid) applies a democratic type of leadership
which can be seen through various policy making that often shows a common consensus. In
implementing his democratic leadership, for example, it can be seen when Wahid handles the
problems that exist in Papua which are pursued through the path of interactive dialogue with
the Papuan people. Through this approach, Wahid seeks to formulate appropriate and
inclusive policies by capturing the aspirations of the Papuan people to create a more
democratic society.

In addition, Wahid is known as a charismatic leader. Gus Dur's charismatic nature is one of
them radiated through his agile and sharp thinking. Based on Wahid's policy in providing
positive changes in various fields. In addition, Gus Dur's charisma comes from his humble
and simple nature, as well as humorous. Many people and various groups in society,
regardless of NU or outside NU, end up loving and admiring him, through the attitude and
good treatment that Wahid has always shown.

Here are some types of leadership, including:

 Authoritarian

Authoritarian leadership is centered on the boss as the ultimate power holder. In this type of
leadership, leaders make decisions, rules and procedures based on their own thinking.

 Democratic

Contrary to authoritarian, this type of democratic leadership prioritizes the contribution of

people in the work environment. The leader then makes the final decision, but he will
delegate his authority to others.

 Delegatif

Leaders who apply a delegative type of leadership type give their members the authority to
make decisions. This type of leadership is very useful when run by experienced people.

 Transformational

The transformational type of leadership focuses on changes in the organization, group, and
other elements involved in it. The leader is able to motivate the group and lead it to a good
change. Transformational leaders are usually intelligent, energetic, and passionate. They
encourage the people they lead to do things beyond the initial target so that the resulting
achievements are also high.

 Transactional
The transactional type of leadership focuses on the status of the leader and the people he
leads. There is a clear line of command that must be adhered to so that everyone understands
their respective roles.

 Circumstantial

A unique type of leadership, because leaders act on the work environment and the person at
hand. The theory says that a leader can function optimally when his role is appropriate to the
work situation.

 Charismatic

Charismatic personality type, the leaders are figures who have strong personalities. This is a
source of strength that makes many people appreciate the value they espouse.

 Bureaucracy

The bureaucratic type expects team members to follow the proper rules and procedures, as
already written. This type of leadership focuses on tasks in a hierarchy in which each
employee already has its own individual list of responsibilities.

 Visions

Leaders who have this type usually have a clear vision by always innovating in order to
achieve the specified targets. Those who have this type of leadership, always encourage their
team members to always spur and try new things in improving performance and find the ideal
method in the process of achieving goals.

2.2 Government System

Indonesia's system of government according to the 1945 Constitution adheres to a presidential
system of government. This system of government was implemented during the New Order
government under the leadership of President Suharto. A feature of the system of government at
that time was the existence of enormous power in the institution of the presidency. Almost all of the
presidential authority regulated according to the 1945 Constitution is carried out without involving
the consideration or approval of the DPR as a representative of the people. Because of the absence
of oversight and without the approval of the House, the power of the president is very large and
tends to be abused.

Despite the weakness, the great power in the president also has a positive impact, namely that
the president can control the entire administration of government so as to create a compact and
solid government. The government system is more stable, it is not easy to fall or change. Conflicts
and conflicts between state officials can be avoided. However, in the practice of the course of the
government system in Indonesia, it turns out that the great power in the president is more
detrimental to the nation and the state than the benefits he gets.

The state government system describes the existence of institutions that work and run
interconnected with each other towards achieving the objectives of state administration. State
institutions in a political system include four main institutions, namely the executive, bureaucratic,
legislative, and judicial. In addition, there are other institutions or other elements such as
parliaments, elections, and councils of ministers. The division of the modern state government
system is divided into two, namely presidential and ministerial (parliament). The division of
presidential and parliamentary systems of government is based on the relationship between
executive and legislative power. In the parliamentary system, the executive body gets direct
supervision from the legislature. Conversely, if the executive body is outside the supervision of the
legislature then the system of government is presidential. In the republican state system of
government, the institutions of the state run according to democratic mechanisms, while in the
monarchical state system of government, those institutions work according to different principles.
2.3 Constitution '45 Articles relating to the President

Article 4
(1) The President of the Republic of Indonesia shall exercise governmental power under the Constitution.
(2) In performing his duties the President shall be assisted by one Vice President.

Article 5
(1) The President shall be entitled to submit a draft law to the House of Representatives. *)
(2) The President shall enact a government regulation to carry out the law as appropriate.

Article 6
(1) The presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate must be an Indonesian citizen since his
birth and never receive another citizenship of his own accord, never betray the country, and be spiritually
and physically capable of carrying out his duties and obligations as President and Vice President. ***)
(2) The conditions for becoming President and Vice President shall be further regulated by law. ***)

Article 6A
(1) The President and Vice President are elected in one pair directly by the people.***)
(2) The pairing of candidates for President and Vice President shall be proposed by a political party or a
combination of political parties participating in the general election prior to the conduct of the general
election. ***)
(3) The pair of candidates for President and Vice President who get more than fifty percent of the votes in
the general election with at least twenty percent of the votes in each province spread over half the
number of provinces in Indonesia, shall be inaugurated as President and Vice President. ***)
(4) In the event that no pair of candidates for President and Vice President is elected, the two pairs of
candidates who obtain the first and second most votes in the general election are elected by the people
directly and the spouse who obtains the most popular votes is sworn in as President and Vice President.
(5) The procedure for conducting the election of the President and Vice President shall be further
regulated in law. ***)

Article 7
The President and Vice President hold office for five years, and thereafter may be re-elected to the same
office, for one term only.*)

Article 7A
The President and/or Vice President may be dismissed during his term of office by the People's
Consultative Assembly on the proposal of the House of Representatives, either if it is proven that he has
committed a violation of the law in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery, other
serious criminal acts, or despicable acts or if it is proven that he no longer qualifies as President and/or
Vice President. ***)

Article 7C
The President cannot freeze and/or dissolve the House of Representatives. ***)

Article 8
(1) If the President dies, quits, is dismissed, or is unable to perform his obligations during his term of
office, he is replaced by the Vice President until the expiration of his term. ***)

(2) In the event of a vacancy of the Vice President, not later than sixty days, the People's Consultative
Assembly shall convene a session to elect the Vice President from the two candidates proposed by the
President. ***)
(3) If the President and Vice President die, quit, are dismissed, or are unable to perform their obligations
during their concurrent terms of office, the acting presidency shall be the Secretary of State, the Minister
of the Interior, and the Minister of Defense jointly. Not later than thirty days after that, the People's
Consultative Assembly shall convene a session to elect the President and Vice-President from the two
pairs of candidates for President and Vice President proposed by a political party or a combination of
political parties whose spouses of the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates received the first and
second most votes in the previous general election, until the end of their term. ****)

Article 9
(1) Before assuming office, the President and Vice President swear according to religion, or solemnly
pledge before the People's Consultative Assembly or the House of Representatives as follows: Oath of the
President (Vice President): By Allah, I swear that I will fulfill the obligations of the President of the
Republic of Indonesia (Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia) as well as possible and as fair as
possible, upholding the Basic Law and carrying out all laws and regulations with as straight as possible
and devoted to Nusa and the Nation. Promise of the President (Vice President): I solemnly promise that I
will fulfill the obligations of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (Vice President of the Republic of
Indonesia) as well as possible and as fair as possible, uphold the Basic Law and carry out all laws and
regulations as straight as possible and be devoted to Nusa and the Nation. *)

(2) If the People's Consultative Assembly or the House of Representatives is unable to convene a session,
the President and Vice President swear by religion, or solemnly pledge before the leadership of the
People's Consultative Assembly witnessed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. *)

Article 10
The President holds supreme power over the Army, Navy and Air Force.

Article 11
(1) The President with the approval of the House of Representatives declares war, makes peace and
treaties with other countries. ****)
(2) The President in making other international agreements that have far-reaching and fundamental
consequences for the lives of the people related to the financial burden of the state, and/or require the
amendment or establishment of laws shall be with the approval of the House of Representatives. ***)
(3) Further provisions on international treaties shall be regulated by law. ***)

Article 12
The president declared a state of danger. The terms and consequently the state of danger are established
by law.

Article 13
(1) The President shall appoint ambassadors and consuls.
(2) In the case of appointing ambassadors, the President shall pay attention to the consideration of the
House of Representatives. *)
(3) The President accepts the placement of ambassadors of other countries with due regard to the
consideration of the House of Representatives. *)

Article 14
(1) The President grants clemency and rehabilitation with due regard to the consideration of the Supreme
Court. *)
(2) The President grants amnesty and abolition with due regard to the consideration of the House of
Representatives. *)

Article 15
The President gives titles, service marks, and other honorifics regulated by law. *)
Article 16
The President shall establish an advisory council charged with providing advice and consideration to the
President, which is further provided for in the law.

3.1 Biography of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid)
Abdurrahman Wahid or familiarly called Gus Dur has the full name Abdurrahman ad-
Dakhil. Etymologically ad-Dhaki means the conqueror.

However, because the name ad-Dhaki was not well known, it was replaced with the
name Abdurrahman Wahid. The name Gus Dur is because he was born in a pesantren

Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur was born in Jombang, East Java on August 4, 1940.
Wahid was the first of six sons. His father was named KH. Wahid Hasyim who is the son
of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, the founder of Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) as the largest
Islamic mass organization in Indonesia and also the founder of Pesantren Tebu Ireng

Her mother named Hj. Sholehah was the daughter of Kh. Bisri Syansuri, the founder of
Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, East Java. KH's grandfather Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus
Dur) from his mother's sanad was Rais 'Aam in the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board
(PBNU) as a replacement for KH's position. Wahab Chasbullah.

In 1949, Wahid's father was appointed as the first chief Minister of Religious Affairs so
that Wahid Hasyim's family moved to Jakarta to enter a new atmosphere. After his move
in Jakarta, various guests from various circles visited Wahid Hasyim's residence. This
made Wahid add experience to get to know the world of politics.

Since childhood, Wahid has been seen to have full awareness to carry out
responsibilities towards Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Around April 1953, Wahid and his father
went to Sumedang, West Java to attend a Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) meeting by driving a
car, but on the way had an accident that resulted in his father's death.

After graduating from elementary school (SD) in 1953, Wahid was sent by his parents
to study in Yogyakarta. To enter the Gowongan Junior Economic High School (SMEP), as
well as settle in the Krapyak Islamic Boarding School.

SMEP is a formal school run by the Roman Catholic Church. The school uses a lot of
secular curriculum, and from that school Gus Dur first learned English. Because Wahid
felt that he was not free to do his activities while in the world of Islamic boarding
schools, Gus Dur finally asked to move to the city and settle in the House of H. Junaedi
who was one of the local leaders of Muhammadiyah as well as a very influential person
in SMEP.
His daily routine after dawn prayers Gus Dur went to KH. Maksum Krapyak. During
the day, Wahid went to school at SMEP and in the evening Gus Dur participated in
discussions with H. Junaedi with other Muhammadiyah members.

To improve English learning, Wahid is not only limited to understanding books in

English. However, he tried to dig up information from various foreign countries and
actively listened to Voice of America and BBC London radio broadcasts.

Wahid continued his education to Pesantren Tegalrejo, Magelang, Central Java led by
KH. Chaudhary. Wahid is also known for his mystical Sufi rituals with the guidance of his
kyai. From there, Wahid often made pilgrimages to the graves of the sacred saints on the
island of Java.

Wahid also began to show his ability in terms of speaking and humor which made
other students entertained by his speech style and humorous nature. In his life in the
Islamic boarding school environment, there is an interesting story from the figure of Gus
Dur, during the imtihan event held before the Ramadan fasting, the event aims to
welcome the graduation of students who have finished their education.

Wahid made a different concept from the previous events, the imtihan event was
made in such a way that it did not seem too formal and rigid. Wahid provides
consumption and folk entertainment such as: traditional dances, gamelan, kuda
lumping, jathilan, and many more.

In fact, in the world of Islamic boarding schools, this kind of folk entertainment is not
commonly done or considered taboo. The event was held on the idea of Gus Dur at
Pesantren Tegalrejo. After spending two years at Pesantren Tegalrejo, Magelang, then
moved back to Jombang and settled in the Rice Pond Islamic boarding school until Gus
Dur was 20 years old.

In Pesantren Tambak Beras, Gus Dur became a ustad as well as being the head of
security at his uncle's Pesantren, KH. Abdul Fatah. When he was 22 years old, Wahid left
for Mecca to perform the hajj as well as to Egypt to continue his studies at al-Azhar

Upon arriving in Egypt, Wahid was disappointed because he could not immediately
continue to the Al-Azhar campus because he had to enter the Aliyah Madrasah first.
Outside the campus activities, Wahid was enthusiastic to visit the sacred tombs of the
saints such as: Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani, the founder of the Qadiriyah Pilgrims and Gus
Dur also explored a lot of the teachings of Imam Junaid Al-Baghdadi who was the
founder of the Sufism school which was widely followed by NU pilgrims.
Thus, Wahid found a source of inspiration in his spiritual territory. After completing
his education in Baghdad, Wahid intends to continue his studies in Europe, but the
requirements are quite strict because he must master German, Greek, and Latin. To
relieve his disappointment, Gus Dur finally became a traveling student who made visits
to other universities.

Finally, Wahid stayed in the Netherlands for 6 months, as well as establishing an

association of Indonesian and Malaysian Muslim Students living in mainland Europe.

To make ends meet while overseas, in a month Wahid twice went to the port to work
as a tanker cleaning service and Wahid also went to McGill University of Canada to
deepen Islamic studies.

Then Wahid returned to Indonesia after being inspired by a news about the
development of the islamic boarding school world and his study journey ended in 1971.
Then he returned to Java and started a new life as well as being the beginning of his

Gus Dur's enthusiasm for learning has never subsided. In 1979, Wahid was offered to
study in Australia to get a doctorate, but this could not be fulfilled by Wahid. Gus Dur is
a figure who loves to read and is very active in utilizing his father's library and often visits
public libraries in Jakarta.

Since he was a teenager, Wahid has been familiar with various magazines,
newspapers, novels, and books such as philosophy and foreign documents he also did
not escape reading. Besides being fond of reading, Gus Dur also likes to play ball, chess,
watch movies, and listen to music.
3.2 Attitudes, thoughts and role of Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid) towards reform

Gus Dur's (Abdurrahman Wahid) view on the Reformation of government institutions

occurred surprisingly, two departments that were strong since many years liquidated by
Wahid, namely the Ministry of Information (Deppen) and the Ministry of Social Affairs
(Depsos). That way the Department of Public Works which was later changed to the Ministry
of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure.

Wahid (Abdurrahman Wahid) also has a strong argument regarding the dissolution of the
two departments. According to him, the tasks charged to the Deppen and Depsos should be
carried out by local governments in connection with regional autonomy. In fact, issues related
to the authority of the two departments can be managed directly by the community, and are
no longer controlled by the government or certain departments.

For Wahid, the people have suffered too long from being regulated by the government,
especially the Ministry of Agriculture. As we know, the main function of the Ministry of
Education is as a "spokesman" and "publicist" of the government. However, outside of that
official function, the Ministry of Political Affairs often became a "political" department under
the coordination of the Coordinating Minister. With this function, the existence of the
Deppen is contrary to the great currents of democratization. With the great power it has, the
Ministry of Defense can determine the freedom or restraint of the right to speak that the press
institutions have. In fact, press freedom is one of the main pillars of society's hopes after the
1998 political reforms

Reform efforts in the field of law and government are carried out with the separation of
the TNI and Polri so that the TNI can focus on maintaining the territorial sovereignty of the
Republic of Indonesia from the threat of foreign powers, while the Polri can concentrate
more on maintaining security and order.
3.3 The shape of the Indonesian economy during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid

This economic policy during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid made Indonesia's
economic condition more stable. The rupiah exchange rate is in the range of Rp 6,700 and
the stock price index (JCI) is at the level of 700. The low rupiah exchange rate has resulted in
an increase in exports of agricultural and electronic commodities.

During Wahid's time in power, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) never disbursed its loans. Wahid
tried to show the world that Indonesia would be fine without the help of funds from the IMF.
3.4 Appointment and appointment of Gusdur (Abdurrahman Wahid) as president

On October 20, 1999, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was inaugurated as the fourth Indonesian
president to replace Habibie. At that time, the presidential election still used the election system
carried out by members of the MPR. When the counting began, Mega initially took the lead, but
slowly but surely, Wahid's votes supported by the Central Axis camp could keep pace with
Megawati's votes.

In fact, things turned around when at the final tally Wahid garnered 60 more votes. Wahid
became President. Accompanied by the chanting of salawat badar, Wahid was helped to stand up
and guided to the podium to be sworn in as president.

The inaugural speech after taking the oath of office as President, Wahid delivered his first speech.
On the occasion, he stressed his commitment to upholding justice and to bring prosperity to as many
citizens as possible. In addition, it is no less important to maintain the territorial integrity of the
nation. And in the end, the wheels of government run by Wahid did not last long. His policies were
not always considered correct. Wahid also had to deal with political opponents left over from the
Soeharto regime.

During his 21 months as president, Wahid reshuffled the cabinet halfway through. He also
repeatedly sacked ministers, for example Wiranto, Jusuf Kalla, Admiral Sukardi, Yusril Ihza
Mahendra, and several other ministers. Even in his speech, Jusuf Kalla said, "Wahid every two
months fires the minister."

Wahid's progressive policy is certainly the target of criticism. Moreover, Wahid was also involved
in feuds with the DPR several times. Even the relationship between Wahid and the House reached a
nadir that led to impeachment on July 23, 2001. He was succeeded by his deputy Megawati
As president, Gus Dur's direction of mind is known to be difficult to guess. During this period,
according to Barton, the relationship between Wahid and many parties became bad, for example with
the DPR, the media, and the TNI (especially after firing Wiranto).



President Abdurrahman Wahid experienced many legal problems, both from the President, DPR,
MPR conducting their respective defenses under different legal pretexts. State institutions showed
each other's strength, so political lobbying as a middle ground failed to be achieved. The impact was
the dismissal of President Abdurrahman Wahid by the MPR. Unfortunately, the process of dismissing
President Abdurrahman Wahid did not go smoothly, peacefully and constitutionally. Starting from
the unconstitutional formation of the Pansus and its erratic way of working, the memorandum
lacking juridical facts, to the Special Session which reaped legal defects.

Leaders, be it presidents, even if they are the same as public figures and so on, are essentially
merely representatives of the voice of the people they lead. Leaders are nothing more than servants
of the community who must devote and dedicate their leadership to the benefit of the people.

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