40 Hadith

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Abu Musa narrated that they (the people) asked: "Oh Prophet of Allah, whose

Islaam is best?" He (the prophet, SAW), answered: "He of whose tongue and
hands other muslims are secure."
[Bukhaari]H Page 19H

Anas narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: "None of you believes truely until
he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself."
[Bukhaari]H Page 19]H


Anas narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: "There are three things, which, if
they are in a person, that person would have dicovered the sweetness of Imaan:
1. That Allah and His messenger become dearer to him/her than all else.
2. That he loves a person only for the sake of Allah.
3. That he hates returning to disbelief (kufr) as much as he fears being thrown
into the fire."
[Bukhaari]H Page 20]H


Narrated by Abu Hureirah: The Prophet (SAW) said: "The signs of a munaafiq are
three: When he speaks, he tells lies. When he promises, he breaks it. When he
is entrusted, he deceives."
[Bukhaari]H page 31]H


Abu Hureirah narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Allah decrees that, a
person who goes out in His cause, for no other reason except belief in Him and
confirmation of His messengers, that Allah will make him return with his share
of reward or booty or Allah will enter him into Jannah. If it was not for my
being fearful of hurting my ummah, I would not have stayed behind for a single
military expedition. I would have wished to be killed in the way of Allah.
Then revived. Then killed again. Then revived. Then killed again...


It was told by 'Abdullah that the prophet (SAW) said: "Verbally abusing or
swearing a muslim is an evil (fusooq) and killing him is kufr (disbelief)."


Narrated by Anas. The Prophet (SAW) said: "Simplify (matters), do not

complicate (them). Give good news and do not drive off."


Abu Hureirah reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Whosoever dies,
and has not fought (in Allah's cause), nor having spoken to himself about it,
dies in a certain state of nifaaq (hypocricy).

Abu Hureirah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whosoever meets
Allah, without a trace of Jihad on him, meets Allah with a defect." Tirmidhi,
ibn Mahjah [Al-Hadis p356]


Narrated by 'Ebaadah ibn Saamit. The Prophets (SAW) said: The five prescribed
salaah's removes sins the way water removes impurities. [Malik, Ahmad, Aboo
Daawood, Nasaai, Ibn Hubbaan, Al Haakim. Ad-darrarun Naqia P118]

Narrated by 'Abdullah ibn 'Omar that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whosoever
observes the five Daily Salaahs (Prayers), with the necessary cleanliness, and
in their stipulated Waqts (Times), they (these Salaas) will be an illumination
and an argument in his favour on the day of judgement. Whosoever is neglectful
of it (The Salaah), will be resurrected along with Fir'aon (Pharao) and
[Al Wahda p159]

Narrated by Umm Ayman. The Messenger of Allah said: "Whosoever leaves out ONE
salaah on purpose, will be cut off from the protection of Muhammad." (SAW)
[Bayhaaqi-Ad-dararun Naqia]


Narrated by Anas: The Messenger of Allah said: "Help your brother whether he
is an oppressed or oppressor." So people asked: "Oh Prophet of Allah, we
understand that we should help our brother if oppressed, but how can we help
him if he is an oppressor?" The Prophet (SAW) answered: "By stopping him."
[Bukhaari p374 vol 3]


Narrated by Abu Musa that the Prophet of Allah said: "A mu'min towards another
mu'min (believer) is like a solid structure. One part re-enforcing the other."
, and the prophet (SAW) clasped his two hands solidly while saying this.
[Bukhaari p374 vol 3]


Narrated by Abu Hureirah: A man came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked: "Oh
Prophet of Allah, who is most entitled to my good companionship?" The Prophet
(SAW) answered: "Your mother." The man asked: "And then?" The Prophet (SAW)
answered: "Your mother." The man asked: "And then?" The Prophet (SAW)
answered: "Your mother" The man asked:"And then?" The Prophet (SAW) answered:
"And then your father."
[Bukhaari vol 8 p2]


Narrated by Abu Dhar that he heard the Prophet (SAW) say:"No man accuses
another of fusooq (sinning) or kufr (disbelief), except that the accusation
will rebound on him had it been false."
[Bukhaari vol 8 p44]


Narrated by Abu Hureirah that the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah says: 'Every
deed done by the son of Adam is for himself, except the Fast, for indeed the
fast is for Me. I will certainly reward for it.' Fasting serves as a
bulwark. During a day of fasting, each one should terminate sexual relations
and noisy quarreling. If anyone should abuse verbally or fight with one
(fasting), then let him say: 'I am fasting. By Him in whose hands Muhammad's
soul is: The unpleasant smell eminating from a fasting person's mouth is more
pleasant to Allah than the fragrance of musk. The fasting person has two
joys. One at the time of breaking his/her fast and at the time of meeting
his/her Lord he will joy because of his/her having fasted. [Bukhaari vol3 p71]

Narrated by Abu Hureira that the prophet (SAW) said: "Whosoever does not
abandon erroneous utterances, their accompanied actions, and ignorance, then
Allah is not in need of him abandoning his food and water." [Bukhaari vol 8


Narrated by Hassan, that the Messenger of Allah said: "Legitimize and

strengthen your wealth by (paying) the Zakaah (Alms). Treat you illnesses by
(giving) Sadaqah (Charity). Face waves of trials and tribulations with
supplication and sincere pleading to Allah."
[Al Wahda p182]


Abu Hureirah reports that the Messenger of Allah was asked: "Which is the best
of deeds?" He (SAW) said: "Imaan (True belief) in Allah and His Messenger."
It was asked: "And after that?" He (SAW) answered: "Jihaad in the way of
Allah." Then it was asked: "And then?" He (SAW) said: "A Hajj Mabroor
(Accepted Pilgrimage)."
[Wahdah p197]

Abu Hureirah reports that the Messenger of Allah said: "The performers of Hajj
and "Umrah (Lesser Pilgrimage) are the deputations of Allah. If they should
appeal to Him, he will grant and if they should ask for forgiveness, He will
forgive them."
[Wahda p198]


Narrated by Abu Hureira that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Beware of conjecture! It
is the falsest of utterances. Do not undermine each other. Do not spy on each
other. Do not be envious of each other. Do not turn your backs on each
other. Do not despise each other. Be ye, oh worshippers of Allah, a
[Bukhaari vol 8 p58]

Jaber reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "Verily the most fearful of
what I fear for my people is the action of Lot's people." (Homosexualism or
[Al Hadis v2 p546]

Akramah from Ibn Abbaas reports that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Whosoever
discovers practicing of the act of Lot's people, then kill ye all the doer and
the being-done-to."
[Al hadis vol 2 p545]


Ibn 'Umar reported that the messenger of Allah said: "The most detestable
Halaal (lawful thing) in the sight of Allah is the Talaq." [Al Hadis vol2 p702]

Mahmud bin Labeed reported that the Messenger of Allah heard that a man
divorced his wife by pronouncing three Talaqs in one sitting. (i.e. together)
The Prophet (SAW) angrily got up and said:"Are you playing with the law of
Allah, even while I am in your midst? To the point where a man got up and
said: "Oh Messenger of Allah, should I not kill him?" [Al Hadis vol2 p708]


Ibn Mas'ud reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not go into
acquisition of perishables. Lest you should fall into opulence in this world."
[Al Hadis vol 2 p 739]

Sahl bin Sa'ad reports that a man came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked: "Oh
Apostle of Allah, show me towards a deed which, if I should practice it, will
make me well-liked by Allah and also well-liked by people. The Prophet (SAW)
answered: "Keep in oblivion worldly things and Allah will like you. Keep in
oblivion people's posessions and people will like you." [Al Hadis vol 2 P741]

Abu Dhar reports that the Prophet (SAW) said:"No servant of Allah renounces
worldy things except but that Allah will cultivate wisdom in his heart, so that
his tongue will give expression to it. He makes this slave see the defects of
this world, its diseases and its cures. He takes him out of this world
peacefully into the abode of peace."
[Al Hadis v2 p748]


Saoban reports that the Prophet (SAW) said:"I fear that a time will come when
nations will invite each other out against you the way that diners offer to
each other food-dishes." Someone asked: "Will that be because we will be small
in number, oh prophet of Allah?" The Prophet (SAW) answered: "No, on the
contrary, you will be numerous. However you will be a useless force. Allah
will then certainly remove fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will
cause weakness in your hearts." A questioner asked: "Oh Messenger of
Allah:"Explain this 'weakness'." The Prophet (SAW) said: "Love of this world
and hatred of dieing."
al hadis v2 p771

'Abdullah bin Mas'ud reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: "The world shall not
pass away till one of my progeny (Ahlul Beit) will have ruled over the arabs.
His name will be my name. In another version of this hadith: "If there
remains in the world but a day, Allah, the Allmighty will stretch that day, so
that He will envoy a man from me or from my Ahlul Beit. His name will be my
name, and his father's name will be my father's name. This man will fill the
world up with justice and fairness the way it would have been filled up with
injustice and oppression."
[Al Hadis p44 vol4]

Umme Salamah reported: I heard the Prophet of Allah say: "The Mahdi will be
from my progeny, from the children of Fatima."
[Al Hadis p45 v4]

Abu Sa'eed Al Khudri reported that the prophet (SAW) said: "The Mahdi is from
me. His forehead will be broad and his nose prominant. He will fill the
world up with justice and fairness the way it would have been filled up with
injustice and oppression. He will govern for seven years." [Al Hadis vol 4


Jaber reported that the messenger of Allah said: "A section of my ummah will
continue fighting for the truth, victoriously until Youmil Qiaamah
(Resurrection Day). He (SAW) added: "Eesa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)
will then descend. The leader of that section of muslims will say: 'Come (Oh
Eesa), lead us in salaah (worship)!' Eesa will answer: 'No, indeed, some of
you are Ameers (Leaders) over others, on account of Allah's honour upon this
[Al Hadis vo 4 p82]


Anas spoke about the Pophet (SAW) and said that he (SAW) used to visit the sick
and followed the Janaazah (funeral). He (SAW) responded to invitations from
slaves and rode upon donkeys. On the day of Khaybar, I saw him on a donkey,
its rein being date fibres.
[Al Hadis v4 p346]

Ayesha reported that the Prophet (SAW) used to mend his sandals, sew his
clothes, and work in his house the way that anyone of 'you' would work in his
house. He (SAW) used to be a man from amongst men: patching his clothes,
milking his goats, and helping himself.
[Al Hadis v4 p347]


'Abdullah bin Mas'ud reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: "If I was to take a
Khaleel (Dear friend), I would have taken Abu Bakr as a Khaleel. However he is
my brother and my companion, and Allah has taken your companion as a Khaleel."
[Al Hadis v4 p513]
Ibn 'Umar reported that the Prophet (SAW) said to Abu Bakr: "You are my
companion in the cave and my companion at Haud (The Fountain)." [Al Hadis v4


Ibn 'Abbaas reported that the prophet (SAW) said: "Oh Allah, strengthen Islam
with Abu Jahl bin Hishaam or 'Omar bin Al Khattaab", then one morning 'Omar
arose and came to the Prophet (SAW) and accepted Islam. From then on he prayed
in the Haram (The Great Mosque) openly.
[Al Hadis v4 p527]

Jaber reports that 'Omar once said to Abu Bakr: "Oh best of people after the
Messenger of Allah (SAW)." Abu Bakr then said: "Behold! You are saying this,
whereas I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'The sun has not risen over a man
better than 'Omar. '
[Al Hadis v4 p527]


'Abdur Rahmaan bin Khabbaab reported: "I was present when the Prophet (SAW) was
busy mobilizing for the Jeish Al 'Usra (The Army of Difficulty). 'Uthmaan stood
up and said: 'Oh Messenger of Allah, I gift one hundred saddled camels in the
way of Allah!' This brought great encouragement. Thereafter 'Uthmaan stood up
and said: 'I gift a further two hundred saddled camels in the way of Allah!'
This brought further encouragement. After this he once again rose and said: 'I
have a further three hundred saddled camels to gift in the way of Allah.' Then
I saw the Messenger of Allah descend from the Mimbar (Pulpit) saying: 'There is
nothing against 'Uthmaan after this deed; There is nothing against 'Uthmaan
after this deed.' " [Al-hadis v4 p534]


Imraaan bin Hussein reported that the Prophet (SAW) said :"Verily, 'Ali is from
me and I am from him and he is the Wali (Leader-Friend) of every Mu'min (true
[Al Hadis v4 p544]

Zaid bin Arqaam reports that the Prophet (SAW) said: "Whosoever's Mawlah
(Leader-Friend) I am, then 'Ali is his Mawlah."
[Al Hadis v4 p544]

Ibn 'Abbaas reported that the Messenger of Allah ordered that all doors
(leading to the mosque) except the door of 'Ali be shut. [Al Hadis p547 v 4]

Bara bin Aazib and Zaid bin Arqam reported that the Messenger of Allah, when he
descended at Ghadeer Khum, he took the hand of 'Ali and said to the people:
"Are you not aware that I am more entitled to the Mu'mineen (True Believers)
than their ownselves?" They answered: "Indeed!" He (SAW) said: "Are you not
aware that I am more entitled to every Mu'min (True believer), than his/her
ownself? They said: "Indeed!" He (SAW) then said: "Oh Allah, whosoever's
Mawlah (Leader-Friend) I am, then 'Ali is his Mawlah. Oh Allah be a friend and
protector of him who befriends and protects him and an enemy of him who is his
enemy." Afterwards 'Omar met him and said: "Congratulations, oh ('Ali) son of
Abu Taalib! You arose this morning and by dusk you are the Mawlah of every
Mu'min and Mu'minah (True believing man and woman)."
[Al Hadis v4 p548]

Ibn 'Abbaas reports that the Messenger of Allah said: "I am the City of
Knowledge and 'Ali is its gate. Whosoever wants to enter the city should come
via the gate."
[Al Wahda p261]


Narrated by Hudhaifah, that the Prophet (SAW) said: "By Him in whose hands my
life is, I beseech you: Command with the good and forbid from evil or I truly
fear that Allah will send down amongst you from Him a severe punishment and
that you will call unto Him but he will not answer." [Al wahdatul Aqaaidia


Naarrated by Abi Sa'eed al Khudri that the Messenger of Allah said: "I fear
that I might be called away and will answer, and I am indeed leaving behind the
Two Things of Weight. The book of Allah, a rope stretched out from heaven to
earth, and my progeny; my Ahlul Beit (Household). Verily, the Kind, All-
Knowing has informed me that the two will never part until they meet at Haud (A
Fountain of Paradise). See thus how you will be after me in the matter of the
two of them."
[Al Wahdatul Aqaa-idia p254]

Reported by Hanash al Kinaani, he said: "I heard Abu Dhar saying, wile holding
onto the door of the Ka'abah: 'Oh people, whoever know me, are aware of me, and
whoever does not know me, well, I, Abu Dhar have heard the Messenger of Allah
say: 'There is a similarity between my Ahlul Beit and the ark of Nooh (Noah).
Whosoever mounted it was saved and whosoever turned away from it was drowned.'
[Al wahda p254]

Ibn 'Abbaas reported that the messenger of Allah said: "The stars are a
safeguard to the Earthlings from drowning (at sea), and my Ahlul Beit is a
safeguard to my Ummah from disunity."
[Al Wahda p254]


'Ali reported that the Messenger of Allah said to Fatima: "Verily Allah is
angered when you are angered, and (Allah) is pleased when you are pleased." [Al
Wahda p262]


Salmaan narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "Hassan and Hussein are my
chidren. Whosoever loves them, loves me, and whosoever loves me, he loves
Allah and whosoever Allah loves, does He enter into Jannah (Paradise).
Whosoever hates the two of them, hates me, and whosoever hates me, hates Allah,
and whosoever Allah hates, does He enter into Jahannam (Hell). [Al wahda p262]


Narrated by Abu Hureirah that the Messenger of Allah said: No group of people
meets together in a house from amongst the houses of Allah, reciting and
mutually teaching each other the book of Allah, except but that tranquility
will descend upon them, they will be covered with mercy, the Malaa'ikah will be
with them and Allah will make mention of them to whoever are with Him at that
[Al Wahda p 129]

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