Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media On Different Age Group of Society.

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Social media is a platform for people to discuss their issues and opinions. Before knowing the
aspects of social media people must have to know what is social media? Social media are
computer tools that allows people to share or exchange information’s, ideas, images, videos and
even more with each other through a particular network. The intent of this thesis is to explore the
relationship between social media use and its effect on the different age groups of population.
Current research indicates that there is a connection between increased social media use and
deteriorated health of children and adolescents. Unfortunately, young adults and kids are the
most active social media users nowadays, have a predominantly high risk for developing health
issues, making this connection particularly concerning. At present, it is unclear how social media
and health are connected; therefore this work explores the individual and social theories that may
give reason for this connection. Many researchers suggest that social media is harmful to young
people and children, while others argue that the benefits of the internet and social media
outweigh the costs and risks. By analyzing the current research, it seems like there is still a lack
of consensus on this debate. The goal of this study is to provide a general overview of the prior
research and literature in order to suggest future areas of study to help improve internet safety
and the understanding of how young people and children use social media.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of popular social media sites................................................2
1.2 Objective of the study............................................................................................................6
Chapter 2..........................................................................................................................................7
Literature review..............................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3........................................................................................................................................13
Material and Methodology............................................................................................................13
3.1 Data description...................................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Statement of problem....................................................................................................13
3.1.2 Target population..........................................................................................................13
3.1.3 Sampled population.......................................................................................................13
3.1.4 Sampling technique.......................................................................................................14
3.1.5 Sample size....................................................................................................................14
3.1.6 Variables........................................................................................................................14
3.1.7 Data structure................................................................................................................14
3.2 Data Analysis Tools.............................................................................................................14
3.3 Chi-Square Test....................................................................................................................14
3.3.1 Chi-Square Test of Association.....................................................................................14
Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................16
Results and discussion...................................................................................................................16
Chapter 5........................................................................................................................................42
Summary and Conclusion..............................................................................................................42
5.1 SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................42
5.2 conclusion............................................................................................................................42
Chapter 1

Social media is intertwined with daily life—for school-aged teens in developed countries,
interacting with and through social media platforms is “just part of the routine.” Now a day’s
social media has been the important part of one’s life from shopping to electronic mails,
education and business tool. Social media plays a vital role in transforming people’s life style.
“Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allows the creation and exchange of user-
generated content.” The foundation of social media is the social interaction, which gives the
participants the possibility to share opinions, thoughts, and knowledge in a global forum where
time and place are insignificant (Carlsson, 2010). Web 2.0 contains social networks and
communities such as Pirate Bay and My Space, blogs and sites where the participants themselves
create the content, e.g. Facebook. Web 2.0 is a platform on which social media is based
(Carlsson, 2010). The term Web 2.0 refers to websites that are designed to: (a) rely on the
participation of mass groups of users rather than centrally controlled content providers, (b)
aggregate and remix content from multiple sources, and (c) more intensely, network users and
content together

On one hand, the internet affords many opportunities for learning, entertainment, enrichment,
and personal growth. Therefore, parents have a positive view of its use, and encourage children
and adolescent to make judicious use of it. On the other hand, parents are ambivalent to the
internet, as they are aware of the potential risks it carries by exposing users to negative content
such as pornography, violence, commercialism, cyberbullying, unsupervised social relations, and
privacy and security issues (Ceyhan, 2011). The impact of social networks on young people is
significant. Many scholars suggest that students learn in new ways using social media and that
educators should embrace these new platforms. Social media includes social networking sites
and blogs where people can easily connect with each other. Since the emergence of these social
networking sites like Twitter and Facebook as key tools for news, journalists and their
organizations have performed a high-wire act. These sites have become a day to day routine for
the people. Social media has been mainly defined to refer to “the many relatively inexpensive

and widely accessible electronic tools that facilitate anyone to publish and access information,
collaborate on a common effort, or build relationship”. The growth of social media over past few
years has changed the ways in which the internet is experienced by most end users. Social media
is built on the idea of how people know and interact with each other. It gives people the power to
share, making the world more open and connected with each other. Social networking has a vital
influence on our live as it helps a lot in every field of life such as political field, economic field
and educational field. “Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modern culture and
thus, people have woven these networks into their daily routines. Teenagers in these days widely
use social networks (sites). They have made this a part of their daily activities. Every webpage
that allows for social interaction is considered to be a social media site. Social networking makes
kids more peer-based. Young people are motivated to learn from their peers online. They interact
and receive feedback from one another. They are motivated to learn more from each other than
from adults. Teachers and adults are no longer the only sources of knowledge. It makes kids
more networked than ever. It is easier for kids to make friends with people all over the world,
most of whom they will never ever meet without these technological advances. On an individual
level, social media allow us to communicate with our friends and relatives, gain knowledge of
new things, develop your interests, and be entertained. On a professional level, we can make use
of social media to expand or broaden our knowledge in a particular field and build our
professional network by connecting with other professionals in our industry. At the business
level, social media allows us to have a conversation with the audience, gain customer feedback,
and elevate one’s brand.

1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of popular social media sites.


Facebook is the major social media network on the Internet, in the terms of both the whole
number of users and name recognition. The Facebook makes one of the best medium for your
business to connecting the people all over the world.


 The biggest advantage of Facebook is that it provides business promotion.

 It provides an interface to the people where they can chat with all the people that they
 People can find and invite their friends.


 A person can get addicted to Facebook in no time.

 It may source of harassment and abuse because some people can create fake account.
 All your personal data can retrieve as hackers are now using Facebook who send scams.


In these days google is one of the popular social media site. For any small business its SEO
worth alone makes it a must-use tool. Google+ was drove on December 15, 2011.


 Google provide swift and easy access to work and collaborate.

 There is no software installation required for it.
 The creator has full control on page access and authorization.
 For editing its fast and easy.


 Without reason many schemes are cancelled repetitively.

 Many people are overqualified.
 It require most of your time to working on it.
 Apps only limited to google apps only. Apps outside google apps may be inappropriate.


YouTube is known as the biggest and famous video-based online networking site. It is the
second most famous internet searcher behind Google and has more than 1 billion site guests for
every month.


 It’s a platform for the students to improve their learning skills.

 YouTube is completely a free platform. It does not contain any kind of subscription fee or
payment in it.
 It is also a place where people will be able to showcase their talents. Whatever it can be
education or entertainment.


 YouTube education completely relies upon an internet connection.

 Since YouTube is a free platform, but by showing ads the only option for the users to
make money.
 Not every video on YouTube comes from reliable sources. Some videos are uploaded just
for the sake of business.


Instagram is a visual online networking stage. A significant number of its clients utilize it to post
data about travel, form, sustenance, workmanship and comparable subjects. 95 percent users of
Instagram additionally utilize Facebook.


 In addition to publishing multimedia files, this application also offers instant messaging

 This social network encourages people's artistic skills.
 One of the most important advantages of Instagram is its privacy and security policy.


 Its application was created as a portable system. That is, its design is best suitable for
mobile devices such as smartphones.
 The Instagram social network can become an addiction for its users. For this reason, it
must be used with caution.
 The popularity of an account is largely based on the quality of the published images.


WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform instant messaging client for smartphones, PCs
and tablets. This application needs Internet connection to send images, texts, documents,
audio and video messages to other users that have the app installed on their devices.


 Messages are sent without any charges to any part of the world provided internet is
available on mobile devices.
 There is no advertisements on the screen to annoy the user.
 All the tools are very easy to use.
 Location, images, status can be shared with friends.


 WhatsApp is addictive. Once you get addicted to it, it is very difficult to get over
WhatsApp addiction.
 You need to share the number with people with whom you would like to communicate.
 It is not possible to send messages into normal inbox of the mobile phone.


We might be thinking that restrictive our posts to 140 characters is no way to advertise
our business, but we will be shocked to know that this social media stage has more than
320 million active monthly users who can build use of the 140 character limit to pass on


 It’s a great place to network with like-minded people and meet your potential partners.
 This social media platform lets a business promote its brand in different forms, and
promoted tweet is one of such.
 If you are a person who likes to say much in fewer words, this is the right place to be and
let your words do the talking.

 There are many inactive and fake Twitter accounts, it has billion users, Most of them
either inactive or not used regularly.
 The main disadvantage of Twitter is its addiction, when you start to use Twitter, you will
get more involved into it.
 You can’t upload the videos on it, you can only add the links of different sites, and it is
not more effective for the visual content.

1.2 Objective of the study

The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

 To explore the effects of usage of social media on different age group of society.
 To determine the basic purpose of the usage of social media.
 To know whether the usage of social media are the cause of lack of social interaction
with your family members and friends.
 To check out the relationship between health and time spend on social media.
 To find whether social media is playing a fruitful role in the behavior of undergraduate

Chapter 2

Literature review
Davis & Swan (1999) examined the association of negative and positive social ties with
fibrinogen levels in young women. They analyzed that a risk factor for coronary heart disease
(CHD), were observed in young, healthy women drafted from the community n = 46 and from
a college campus n = 42. For community woman, the perception that people of their social
networks often undermined them turned into related to higher fibrinogen, unbiased of perceived
frequency of guide. For college women, fibrinogen was elevated among women with numerous
undermining only when they also reported irregular support. They indicated that positive and
negative social ties are related to fibrinogen stages and propose that social relationships might
also have an effect on CHD chance in part through their impact on fibrinogen.

Strasburger et al. (2013) worked on the Children, Adolescents, and the Media. He analyzed
media, from television to the “new media” (including cellphones, iPads, and social media), are a
dominant presser in children’s lives. Although television remains the fundamental medium for
children and adolescents, new technologies are increasingly popular. The American Academy of
Pediatrics continues to be worried by using proof about the potential dangerous results of media
messages and images however, important positive and negative effects of media use should also
be recognized. Then he concluded that the media influences on children and young adults need to
be identified by schools, policymakers, product advertisers, and entertainment producers.

Schwartz et al. (2013) worked on the personality, gender, and age in the language of social
media. They analyzed 700 million words, phrases, and topic instances collected from the
Facebook messages of 75,000 volunteers, who also took average personality tests, and found
outstanding variations in language with personality, gender, and age. In their open-vocabulary
technique, the data itself enterprises a comprehensive study of language that differentiates
people, finding connections that are not captured with traditional closed-vocabulary word-
category analyses. That represents the largest study, by an order of extent, of language and
personality. They suggested that new versatile instruments such as DLA evolving from the field
of computational social science shed new light on psychosocial phenomena.

Kulandairaj (2014) examined the impact of social media on the lifestyle of youth. He analyzed
that social networking sites are fast developing as powerful and unparalleled tools to share
information, shape opinions, connect people across domains and cultures, bring participation,
and above all to communicate as never before. Social networking sites enable youth to raise their
voice against social issues and share or upload information for the welfare of the society. They
also concluded that there are also some negative impacts of social media on youth. Such as we
cannot think of a world without these sites today. So, corrective and defensive measures should
be taken towards these negative effects and the young people should be well educated and must
have proper awareness regarding such problems of social networking sites. If the Social
Networking Sites promote a healthy life style through its posts, videos and messages, that will
help to develop a healthy young generation.

Sarkar et al. (2015) examined the positive and negative effects on different age groups in a
society. He concluded that social networks have suffered an intense progress in recent years.
Social networks give us a powerful image of the structure and dynamics of the society of the 21st
century and the collaboration of the Internet generation with both technology and many other
people. It also invented and brought to the new underestimated multimedia sector and now
critical characteristic of science and technology: social collaboration and networking. He
analyzed that even though there are many serious negative effects of social networking, but one
cannot emphatically conclude that the social networking should be removed from our lives.
Social networks offer many benefits and its negative influences can be brought under control
with careful planning and management.

Tartari (2015) examined the benefits and risks of children and adolescents using social media.
He concluded that Children and teenagers broadly use social media they spend most of their time
daily in social media. He examined the objectives that shows the positive and negative impacts
that social media has in the development of the teenagers. He observed this phenomenon in
Albania by interviewing teenagers between 11-16 years of age. He examined that children and
teenagers were positively affected as social media helped in increasing their communication

skills, getting information, developing their technical skills, and how they can effectively use this
recent technology. On the other hand, they are exposed to risk of Facebook depression,
cyberbullying, and online sexual harassments. Then he analyzed that it must be stressed that
advantages and risks of teens in the utilization of social media have a significant impact in their
physical and psychological development.

Raut & Patil (2016) worked on the positive and negative impacts of social media on students.
They analyzed that the use of Social media is being hastily growing in the course of previous few
years. It is not only being used by the working people but also there is Heavy upward push in the
use of social media by the students or we can say in education society. With the help of Internet
all the social site and many others programs are available which can be access easily, also permit
users to communicate and interact with each other, to create, edit and share new forms of textual,
visual and audio content. As the time passing by social media has started creating a poor impact
by permeating today’s society with millions of us engrossed, unhealthy addiction, in the latest
happenings via apps such as WhatsApp , Facebook and Twitter. In this paper they tried to
highlight how social media effect our population there is a need to know for the positive and
negative impacts of the social media on our education sectors well as on our next generation and
make a proper plan in both cases if the usage of social media is good or bad.

Siddiqui & Singh (2016) worked on social media its impact with positive and negative aspects.
He analyzed that social media is a platform for people to discuss their issues and opinions. Social
media are computer tools that allows people to share or exchange statistics, thoughts, images,
videos or even extra with each other via a particular community. Social media has various
advantages but it also has some disadvantages which affect people negatively. Social media can
abuse the society by invading on people’s privacy, some useless blogs can influence youth that
can become violent and can take few inappropriate actions. Use of social media is beneficial but
should be utilized in a restricted way without getting addicted.

Akram and kumar (2017) studied the positive and negative effects of social media on society.
After the analysis they found that people are dependent on technology and youth are found to be
in contact with social media every day. But some pointless sites impact youth that end up savage
and take wrong activities. Furthermore they advised to adopt the positive aspects of social media

and avoid negative effects, So that we are able to avail the benefits of those modern-day and
rising technology.

Singh et al. (2017) worked on the social media usage: positive and negative effects on the life
style of Indian youth. He concluded that the utilization of social media is a fundamental part of
Indian youth today. Over utilization of social media, has captured the attention of young people
entirely. He highlights that it is widely accepted that over usage of social media has profound
negative impact on the Indian youth. Simultaneously, social media have also some positive
effects on the life of youth. The main function of using social media by the youth, and strive has
been made to find out the time spent on browsing social networking sites by the youth. He
analyzed that over usage of social media leads youth towards addiction.

Dyer (2018) examined the effects of social media on children. He concluded that the Social
media and smartphones have become a part of our daily lives and children access the internet at
more and more youthful ages. He analyzed that here are some significant risks that are result of
restricted adult supervision and parents who aren't thoroughly versed in on-line protection
strategies. He also said that However, social media also can offer children with effective
interactions and stronger friendships both from their day by day social circles. Then he
concluded that protective apps and software program, along with appropriate regulations, need to
be implemented to social networking web sites that kids access most often and legal guidelines
want to be in location to protect sufferers from in addition damage or victimization by way of the
prison machine through ineffective or dangerous methods. The advantages of social media have
to also be recognized. Children can deepen their current friendships and create new ones, expand
their access to diversity, increase their communication and technical skills, explore their own
interests, and protect their physical safety when out of the home.

Weinstein (2018) worked on the social media see-saw: Positive and negative influences on
adolescent’s affective well-being. For this the researcher adopted a survey self- report of size
n=568 that portrayed use of social media as predominantly positive. Furthermore the analysis
was done by using principal component analysis that indicated a positive and negative emotions
from orthogonal response components. Thus it was concluded that the relationship between
social technology usage and well-being—whether enhanced or degraded—is not confined to an

“either/or” framework: the emotional see-saw of social media use is weighted by both positive
and negative influences.

Glaser et al. (2018) worked on Social Media usage for networking positive or negative? Offline
social capital and internet addiction as mediators for the relationship between social media use
and mental health. After studied they analyzed that social media use for networking’s
relationship are the cause of anxiety and depression was facilitated by both offline social capital
and internet addiction. Anxiety and depression were lesser when mediated by offline social
capital, and complex when mediated by internet addiction. They concluded that both
augmentation and displacement may occur through the use of social media for networking.
Internet addiction and offline social capital may play important roles as mediators that determine
whether social media use for networking produces affirmative or harmful effects on mental
health. It is possible that the effects of social media use for networking on mental health depend
on the particular user’s ability to escape the addictive side of it.

Harikrishnan & Singh (2018) examined the impact study of social media marketing among
youth. They analyzed that social media and the related websites have changed our life style to a
certain level, now our emotions are based on emoji’s and our mood is dependent on likes and
comments on our photos and other material uploaded on these particular sites. This is a well-
known fact that worldwide minority is the biggest users and even consumers of such sites. There
lies a massive scope for the marketers in this area, they use to promote their products on these
sites and the respective sites use to earn income from such advertisers. They concluded that the
social media websites has become an important part of our life today. It could destroyed the
future of Indian teenagers and children and it had a very bad effect on education. Because there
is no other society or any third party which could check for what actions are been performed by
which user, so it is strongly suggested to check teenager’s activities on social media websites and
don’t let them use social networking websites.

Sangwaan (2019) worked on the use of social media in education. After studying he concluded
that the use of social media has been created a super effect on the society. With the assist of net
all of the social website on line and numerous applications are available which may be get
admission to without issue moreover allow customers to speak and have interaction with each
one of a kind, to create, edit and percentage new sorts of textual, visible and audio content. It has

an essential effect on our lives because it facilitates lots in each problem of existence which
consist of political area, monetary subject and academic subject. The paper tires to spotlight how
social media inspired our population there's a want to understand for the best and horrific effects
of the social median our training sectors nicely as on our subsequent technology and make a
proper plan in every times if the use of social media is right or terrible.

Singh (2019) worked on the impact of social media of social life of teenagers in India. He
analyzed that social media playing a vital role in every sphere of life now days. Computers and
internet has contributed a lot in this field. Smart phones have put the whole world on a mutual
platform. After the study was conducted he analyzed the effect of social media on social life of
teenagers. He concluded that excess use of social media cause the Lack of live socialization and
skip or delay in meal also causes adverse-effect on the health of teenagers. These are the
negative aspects of social media. All the things are easily available on the internet. Everybody
can search the material according to his or her choice.

Abi-Jaoude et al. (2020) worked on the smartphones, social media use and youth mental health.
They analyzed that the use of smartphone and social media are the main cause of mental distress
and suicidality among adolescents. But they do not review evidence for online gaming. After
finding from a few longitudinal, randomized and controlled studies they submitted that social
media and smartphone use may be contributing to the expanding burden of mental distress
among youth. They concluded that today’s youth could benefit from established individual and
systemic interferences to help them navigate the challenges brought about by use of smartphones
and social media, protect themselves from harm and use social media in a manner that defend
their mental health, against a background of policy edges aimed at addressing the social,
environmental and economic factors that underpin family well-being and nurture youth

Wei (2021) examined the analysis of negative effects on social media. He analyzed that there are
huge difference on the positive and negative effects of social media, in order to provide a useful
reference for social media platforms to decrease the scope of negative effect, and for public
institutions to express social media management solutions. He concluded that the uncontrolled
use will not only make people suffer a lot in mental health, such as psychological distress and
symbolize self-concept, but also make an adverse impact on behaviors. Specifically, it not only

forms an unhealthy schedule and a brutal cycle for adults, but also misleads children to unseemly

Chapter 3

Material and Methodology

In this chapter we discuss about the data, data collection method and data analysis tools. The
tittle of our research is" Critical overview of positive and negative effects of social media on

different age group of society ".


This research paper was created to measure and assess the amount of time the average people
would spend on usage social media. Whether or not these activities are affecting their academics
performance. Because of this, the primary source of information of this research was the
students. This section will describe the participants selected to participate in the study, the
procedure used to measure and to evaluate participants.

3.1 Data description

Data description is define in following steps.

3.1.1 Statement of problem

First we selected topic named" A study to explore positive and negative effects of social media
on different group of society"

3.1.2 Target population

Totality of all the elements or unit about which the information is required, called the target
population. In our survey, the target population was the people who use social from different

3.1.3 Sampled population
A population from which a sample has been drawn is called sampled population. In our survey,
sampled population was the people from different occupation.

3.1.4 Sampling technique

Sample were taken from people of different academic departments from different occupation.by
using convenience sampling technique and both genders were interviewed to what our objective
in the form of questionnaire.

3.1.5 Sample size

The most important part of the survey is to select a sample. So in our study we decided to take a
sample of size 150.

3.1.6 Variables
In this research, following variables was selected.

 Usage of social media as dependent variable

 Different occupation students as independent variable

3.1.7 Data structure

In our research, there were 50% male and 50% females.

3.2 Data Analysis Tools

Chi square test was used to check for association.

3.3 Chi-Square Test

Pearson's chi-Square test χ 2 is the statistical procedure whose result is evaluated by reference to
the chi square distributions. Chi square was calculated to find the difference between each
observe and theoretical frequency by taking sum of results.


3.3.1 Chi-Square Test of Association

Testing hypothesis of association for contingency table, procedure is as follows:

1) Formulate Hypothesis

H o = There is no association between two attributes

H 1= There is association between two attributes

2) Level of Significance

α = 0.05

3) Test Statistics

k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

χ 2= Pearson's cumulative test statistics, which asymptotically approaches a chi-square


Oi= an observed frequency

Ei= an expected (theoretical) frequency, asserted by the null hypothesis,
n= number of cells in the table.

4) P-Value

Results were decided based on P value.

5) Calculation

The value of χ2 (Chi-Square) test for given data were calculated.

6) Conclusion

Reject H o if the calculated value of χ 2 falls in the critical region otherwise accept it or if P-Value
< α then we reject H o

7) Software

For word processing and writing a report for data coding and for analysis of data and MS-word,
SPSS was used respectively.

Chapter 4

Results and discussion


Respondents Characteristics Frequency Percent

Gender male 75 50.0
female 75 50.0
Age 18-22 43 28.7
23-27 69 46.0
28-30 25 16.7
30& above 13 8.7
Education undergraduate 39 26.0
postgraduate 53 35.3
M.Phil. 40 26.7
PhD 18 12.0
Occupation student 51 34.0
bussiness 45 30.0
job 29 19.3
others 25 16.7
Frequency of using 1 hour
49 32.7
social media
2 hours 51 34.0
3 hors 29 19.3
more then 5 21 14.0

Pie Chart

Figure 4.1

Pie chart

Figure 4.2

Pie chart

Figure 4.3

Pie chart

Figure 4.4

Pie chart

Figure 4.5

Hypothesis 1
H o =There is no association between age and usage of social media is better for communication
between students.

H 1= There is association between age and usage of social media is better for communication
between students.

Level of significance:
α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.1

Age * that you think that the usage of social media is better for
communication between students Crosstabulation
Do you think that the usage of social
media is better for communication
between students?
yes no Total
age 18-22 39 4 43
23-27 60 9 69
28-30 21 4 25
30& above 11 2 13
Total 131 19 150

Table No4.1.1
Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-Value
Pearson Chi-Square .787 a
3 .03
Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and usage of social media is better for communication between students.

Hypothesis 2

Ho=there is no association between age and that you prefer to use social media.
H1=there is association between age and that you prefer to use social media.

Level of significance:
α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.2

Age* that you prefer to use social media

Do you prefer to use social
Yes No Total
age 18-22 36 7 43
23-27 49 20 69
28-30 17 8 25
9 4 13
Total 111 39 150

Table No. 4.2.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 3.053a 3 .03

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and that you prefer to use social media.

Hypothesis 3
Ho=there is no association between age and hours you spend on social media.
H1=there is association between age and hours you spend on social media.

Level of significance:
α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.3

Age * the hours do you spend on social media Crosstabulation
How many hours do you spend on social
1 hour 2 hours 3 hors more then 5 Total
Age 18-22 12 11 11 9 43
23-27 21 29 13 6 69
28-30 10 9 2 4 25
6 2 3 2 13
Total 49 51 29 21 150

Table No. 4.3.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 10.681a 9 .02

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and hours you spend on social media.

Hypothesis 4
Ho=there is no association between age and excessive use of social media effect the eye side

H1=there is association between age and excessive use of social media effect the eye side badly.

Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.4

Age * that you think the excessive use of social media effect the eye sight
badly Crosstabulation

Do you think the excessive use of

social media effect the eye sight
yes no Total
Age 18-22 43 0 43
23-27 68 1 69
28-30 22 3 25
30& above 13 0 13
Total 146 4 150

Table No. 4.4.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 10.319 a
3 .006

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and excessive use of social media effect the eye side badly.

Hypothesis 5

Ho=there is no association between age and social media that effect your behavior towards many
H1=there is association between age and social media that effect your behavior towards many

Level of significance:

α = 0.05
Test Statistics
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )2

χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.5

Age * its affect your behavior towards many people Crosstabulation

Does it affect your behavior

towards many people?
yes no Total
Age 18-22 29 14 43
23-27 49 20 69
28-30 14 11 25
30& above 8 5 13
Total 100 50 150

Table No. 4.5.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 2.032a 3 .006

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age social media that effect your behavior towards many people.

Hypothesis 6

Ho=there is no association between age and using social media cause addiction.
H1=there is association between age and using social media cause addiction.

Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.6

Age * using social media can cause addiction Crosstabulation

Does using social media can cause
yes no Total
Age 18-22 27 16 43
23-27 38 31 69
28-30 14 11 25
30& above 9 4 13

Total 88 62 150

Table No. 4.6.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 1.341a 3 .009

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and using social media cause addiction.

Hypothesis 7

Ho=there is no association between age and the use of social media sites to become more
H1=there is association between age and the use of social media sites to become more sociable.

Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )2
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.7

Age * that you use social media sites to become more sociable
Do you use social media sites to
become more sociable?
yes no Total
age 18-22 31 12 43
23-27 41 28 69
28-30 8 17 25
30& above 7 6 13

Total 87 63 150

Table No. 4.7.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 10.593a 3 .014

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the use of social media sites to become more sociable.
Hypothesis 8

Ho=there is no association between age and that you use social media site for gain knowledge.
H1=there is association between age and that you use social media site for gain knowledge.

Level of significance:

α = 0.05
Test Statistics
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )2

χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.8

Age *that you use social networking sites for gain knowledge
Do you use social networking sites
for gain knowledge?
yes no Total
age 18-22 31 12 43
23-27 46 23 69
28-30 18 7 25
30& above 12 1 13
Total 107 43 150

Table No. 4.8.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 3.549a 3 .03

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and that you use social media site for gain knowledge.

Hypothesis 9

Ho=there is no association between age and the use of social media effect the family relation.
H1=there is association between age and the use of social media effect the family relation.

Level of significance:
α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.9

Age* the usage of social media affect the family relation
Is the usage of social media affect
the family relation?
yes no Total
age 18-22 23 20 43
23-27 35 34 69
28-30 21 4 25
30& above 9 4 13

Total 88 62 150

Table No. 4.9.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 9.485a 3 .02

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the use of social media effect the family relation.

Hypothesis 10

Ho=there is no association between age and the usage of social media helpful for you.
H1=there is association between age and the usage of social media helpful for you.
Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )2

χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.10

Age * social media helpful for you Crosstabulation

Is social media helpful for you?

yes no Total
age 18-22 38 5 43
23-27 67 2 69
28-30 25 0 25
30& above 13 0 13

Total 143 7 150

Table No. 4.10.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 7.029a 3 .01

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age the usage of social media helpful for you.

Hypothesis 11

Ho=there is no association between age and the usage of social media protects the students social
H1=there is association between age and the usage of social media protects the students social
Level of significance:

α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ 2=∑ ¿
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.11

Age * the usage of social media protects the students social identity
Is the usage of social media protects
the students social identity?
yes no Total
age 18-22 37 6 43
23-27 56 13 69
28-30 23 2 25
30& above 11 2 13
Total 127 23 150

Table No. 4.11.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 1.752a 3 .01

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age the usage of social media protects the students social identity.

Hypothesis 12

Ho=there is no association between age and the usage of social media affect the students timing.
H1=there is association between age and the usage of social media affect the students timing.
Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )2
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.12

Age * the usage of social media affect the study timing Crosstabulation

Is the usage of social media affect the
study timing?
yes no Total
age 18-22 31 12 43
23-27 50 19 69
28-30 19 6 25
30& above 12 1 13

Total 112 38 150

Table No. 4.12.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 2.490a 3 .04

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the usage of social media affect the students timing.

Hypothesis 13

Ho=there is no association between age and the usage of social media is reason to decrease GPA
of the students.

H1=there is association between age and the usage of social media is reason to decrease GPA of
the students.
Level of significance:
α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.13

Age * you think that usage of social media is reason to decrease GPA of
the students Crosstabulation
Do you think that usage of social
media is reason to decrease GPA of
the students?
yes yes Total
age 18-22 24 19 43
23-27 47 22 69
28-30 15 10 25
30& above 8 5 13
Total 94 56 150

Table No. 4.13.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 1.822a 3 .01
Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the usage of social media is reason to decrease GPA of the students.

Hypothesis 14

Ho=there is no association between age and the usage of social media is the need of the modern

H1=there is association between age and the usage of social media is the need of the modern age.
Level of significance:
α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.14

Age * you think the usage of social media is the need of modern age

Do you think the usage of social

media is the need of modern age?
yes no Total
age 18-22 33 10 43
23-27 49 20 69
28-30 20 5 25
30& above 8 5 13
Total 110 40 150

Table No. 4.14.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 1.939a 3 .04

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the usage of social media is the need of the modern age.

Hypothesis 15
Ho=there is no association between age and making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction
of social needs force student to use social media.
H1=there is association between age and making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction of
social needs force student to use social media.
Level of significance:
α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.15

Age * Making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction of social needs
force student to use social media Crosstabulation

Making new friends, stay connected

and satisfaction of social needs force
student to use social media?
yes no Total
age 18-22 26 17 43
23-27 57 12 69
28-30 17 8 25
30& above 9 4 13
Total 109 41 150

Table No. 4.15.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 7.008a 3 .02
Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction of social needs
force student to use social media.

Hypothesis 16
Ho=there is no association between age and the usage of social media affects the students grade.
H1=there is association between age and the usage of social media affects the students grade.
Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.16

Age * you think that usage of social media affects the Students grades
Do you think that usage of social
media affects the Students grades?
yes no Total
age 18-22 34 9 43
23-27 54 15 69
28-30 19 6 25
30& above 9 4 13
Total 116 34 150

Table No. 4.16.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square .620a 3 .02

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the usage of social media affects the students grade.

Hypothesis 17

Ho=there is no association between age and the reason of students failure is social media.
H1=there is association between age and the reason of students failure is social media.

Level of significance:
α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.17

Age * you think that reason of Students failure is social media
Do you think that reason of Students
failure is social media?
yes no Total
age 18-22 35 8 43
23-27 49 20 69
28-30 23 2 25
30& above 11 2 13
Total 118 32 150

Table No. 4.17.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 5.521a 3 .03

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and the reason of Students failure is social media.

Hypothesis 18
Ho=there is no association between age and that you use social networking sites for online
academic behavior group discussion.
H1=there is no association between age and that you use social networking sites for online
academic behavior group discussion.
Level of significance:

α = 0.05

Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.18

Age * you use social networking sites for online academic group
discussion Crosstabulation
Do you use social networking sites for
online academic group discussion?
yes no Total
age 18-22 32 11 43
23-27 49 20 69
28-30 15 10 25
30& above 11 2 13
Total 107 43 150

Table No. 4.18.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 2.895a 3 .04
Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and that you use social networking sites for online academic behavior
group discussion.

Hypothesis 19

Ho=there is no association between age and you found of social media.

H1=there is association between age and you found of social media.
Level of significance:

α = 0.05
Test Statistics
k 2
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )
χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.19

Age * that you fond of social media Crosstabulation
Are you fond of social media?
Yes No Total
age 18-22 37 6 43
23-27 46 23 69
28-30 20 5 25
30& above 10 3 13

Total 113 37 150

Table No. 4.19.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 5.756a 3 .01

Conclusion: P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and you found of social media.

Hypothesis 20

Ho=there is no association between age and usage of social media beneficial at any level of age.
H1=there is association between age and usage of social media beneficial at any level of age.
Level of significance:

α = 0.05
Test Statistics
(O ¿ ¿i − Ei )2

χ =∑
i=1 Ei

Table No. 4.20

Age * that you think usage of social media is beneficial at any level of
age Crosstabulation

Do you think usage of social media

is beneficial at any level of age?
yes no Total
age 18-22 23 20 43
23-27 23 46 69
28-30 6 19 25
30& above 8 5 13

Total 60 90 150

Table No. 4.20.1

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df P-value
Pearson Chi-Square 9.717a 3 .02
Conclusion P value < 0.05. So, we reject null hypothesis. Which shows that there is
association between age and usage of social media beneficial at any level of age.

Chapter 5

Summary and Conclusion

The aim of this study is to investigate the views of people regarding the positive and negative
effects of social media. In this report we have summarized the people's attitude towards
academic performance and impact of using social media on their life. We collect the data and
information from the people of different occupation, who used social media. We choose the
technique of convenience sampling and took the sample of 150 peoples in which there are 50%
male and 50% females.

In this study we collected data with the help of questioner. We asked questions from the
individuals about social media and the reason why the use it, whether for academic purpose, for
entertainment, for fun, for time pass, for self-use grooming, for interaction with your friends and
for intellectual development.

Researcher asked individuals about how often the visit social media, asses to know negative
behavior promoted by social media. Furthermore the researcher asked individuals opinions about
the fruitfulness of social media for people in any way and also whether the use of social media
has any association with age. After the data collection, researcher estimated the impact of
spending hours on social media and association with age. This study revealed impact of social
media on individuals which are positive as well as negative. It can also be seen that how the
number of hours spent by students has an impact on the lives of individuals and the way they
interact with their family members.

5.2 conclusion
In hypothesis 1, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between there is
association between age and usage of social media is better for communication between students.
It is also visualized through the table (4.1.1) that there is association between there is association
between age and usage of social media is better for communication between students.

In hypothesis 2, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
that you prefer to use social media .It is also visualized through the table (4.2.1) that there is
association between age and that you prefer to use social media.
In hypothesis 3, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
hours you spend on social media. It is also visualized through the table (4.3.1) that there is
association between age and hours you spend on social media.
In hypothesis 4, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
excessive use of social media effect the eye side badly. It is also visualized through the table
(4.4.1) that there is association between age and excessive use of social media effect the eye side
In hypothesis 5, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age social
media that effect your behavior towards many people. It is also visualized through the table
(4.5.1) that there is association between age social media that effect your behavior towards many
In hypothesis 6 P value < 0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age
and using social media cause addiction. It is also visualized through the table (4.6.1) that there is
association between age and using social media cause addiction.
In hypothesis 7, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
the use of social media sites to become more sociable. It is also visualized through the table
(4.7.1) there is association between age and the use of social media sites to become more
In hypothesis 8, P value < 0.05 we reject H 0 and conclude that there is association between age
and that you use social media site for gain knowledge. It is also visualized through the table
(4.8.1) that there is association between age and that you use social media site for gain
In hypothesis 9, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and the
use of social media effect the family relation. It is also visualized through the table (4.9.1) there
is association between age and the use of social media effect the family relation.
In hypothesis 10, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age the
usage of social media helpful for you. It is also visualized through the table (4.10.1) that there is
association between age the usage of social media helpful for you.

In hypothesis 11, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age the
usage of social media protects the students social identity. It is also visualized through the table
(4.11.1) that there is association between age the usage of social media protects the student’s
social identity.
In hypothesis 12, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
the usage of social media affect the students timing. It is also visualized through the table
(4.12.1) that there is association between age and the usage of social media affect the students
In hypothesis 13, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
the usage of social media is reason to decrease GPA of the students. It is also visualized through
the table (4.13.1) that there is association between age and the usage of social media is reason to
decrease GPA of the students.
In hypothesis 14, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
the usage of social media is the need of the modern age. It is also visualized through the table
(4.14.1) that there is association between age and the usage of social media is the need of the
modern age.
In hypothesis 15, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction of social needs force student to use social
media. It is also visualized through the table (4.15.1) that there is association between age and
making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction of social needs force student to use social
In hypothesis 16, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
the usage of social media affects the students grade. It is also visualized through the table
(4.16.1) that there is association between age and the usage of social media affects the student’s
In hypothesis 17, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
the reason of Students failure is social media. It is also visualized through the table (4.17.1) that
there is association between age and the reason of Students failure is social media.
In hypothesis 18, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
that you use social networking sites for online academic behavior group discussion. It is also

visualized through the table (4.18.1) that there is association between age and that you use social
networking sites for online academic behavior group discussion.
In hypothesis 19, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
you found of social media. It is also visualized through the table (4.19.1) that there is association
between age and you found of social media.
In hypothesis 20, P<0.05 we reject H 0 and concluded that there is association between age and
usage of social media beneficial at any level of age. It is also visualized through the table
(4.20.1) that there is association between age and usage of social media beneficial at any level of

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Critical overview of positive and negative effects of social media on
different age group of society.

I am student of BS (STSTISTICS) 8 thSemester. My name is Noor E Kainat and my roll no is

BSS-18-38.This questionnaire is design for collection of data for research purpose only. I assure
you that this data will not be used in any purpose other than research. Also this data will remain

Age__________ Gender__________

Occupation___________ Education________

1. Do you prefer to use social media?

(a) Yes (b) No

2. Are you fond of social media?

(a) Yes (b) No

3. How many hours do you spend on social media?

(a) 1 hour (b) 2 hours (c) 3 hours (d) more than 5 hour

4. Do you think usage of social media is beneficial at any level of age?

(a) Yes (b) No

5. Do you think the excessive use of social media effect the eye sight badly?

(a) Yes (b) No

6. Do you think that the usage of social media is better for communication between

(a) Yes (b) No

7. Does it affect your behavior towards many people?

(a) Yes (b) No

8. Does using social media can cause addiction?

(a) Yes (b) No

9. Do you use social media sites to become more sociable?

(a) Yes (b) No

10. Do you use social networking sites for gain knowledge?

(a) Yes (b) No

11. Is the usage of social media affect the family relation?

(a) Yes (b) No
12. Is it helpful for you?

(a) Yes (b) No

13. Is the usage of social media protects the students social identity?
(a) Yes (b) No
14. Is the usage of social media affect the study timing?
(a) Yes (b) No
15. Do you think that usage of social media is reason to decrease GPA of the students?
(a)Yes (b) No
16. Do you think the usage of social media is the need of modern age?
(a) Yes (b) No
17. Making new friends, stay connected and satisfaction of social needs force student to use
social media?
(a) Yes (b) No
18. Do you think that usage of social media affects the Students grades?

(a) Yes (b) No

19. Do you think that reason of Students failure is social media?

(a) Yes (b) No

20. Do you use social networking sites for online academic group discussion?
(a) Yes (b) No


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