Child With Fits in ED - Srl.

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London GEM Self Reflective Learning

Full name Of Doctor Dr Muhammad Azeem Imran

Date of Learning/studying August 07,2022


How many Hours 1

Topic Studied Management of Child with Fits in ED.

Relevance to Emergency Fits are one of the common presentation in ED and it’s disabling as
Medicine well as life threatening condition.

Resources used , Name of book,  Dr Faisal Cheema Lecture slides

online resources , page number ,  APLS manual 2016 edition
web link

 Now after learning about fits and its management I will manage
How this clinical learning activity patients better
will change your practice  Now I know appropriate doses and DOC for different age
 Now I can differentiate between febrile and non febrile fits and
their management

Write 5 learning points from this 1. Investigations for Fits:-

self-reflective learning.  Check bedside strip measurement of venous/ capillary
BMG, and treat hypoglycaemia with glucose IV 0.2g/kg
(2mL/kg of 10%).
First fit
Refer for investigation of possible causes. U&E, blood glucose,
Calcium,Mg,FBC, and urinalysis will be required.
Subsequent fit
If appropriate, check serum anticonvulsant level and arrange
for follow-up at the GP/outpatient clinic to receive the results
and adjust the dose appropriately.
2. Managing the child with fits:-
 Open and maintain airway, and give O,
 Do not rise open clenched teeth-consider a nasopharyngeal
 Rapidly obtain venous access, and check BMG.
3. If convulsion continuing at 5min
 If the fit has lasted for 5min, give lorazepam 0.1mg/kg
IV/10 over 30-60s, or if venous access is unsuccessful,
give buccal midazolam (0.5mg/kg, max 10mg) or PR
London GEM Self Reflective Learning

diazepam (0.5mg/kg).
 Treat hypoglycaemia with glucose 2mL/kg IV of 10%.
 Apply pulse oximeter and send blood for investigations
 Check T°-if >38°C, give paracetamol 15mg/kg PR.
4. If convulsion continuing after a further 10min
 Repeat lorazepam 0.1mg/kg IV/10 over 30-60s. Do not
give >2 doses of benzodiazepines, including prehospital
 Get senior help and call for senior ED/anaesthetic/PICU
5. If convulsion continuing after a further 10min
 Start phenytoin 20mg/kg IVI over 20min (monitor BP and ECG),
or if already on phenytoin, consider instead phenobarbital
(20mg/kg IV over 20min) or levetiracetam or sodium valproate.
 Whilst preparing to give phenytoin IVI, consider giving a dose
of PR paraldehyde (0.4mL/kg) mixed with an equal volume of
olive oil (thus making a total volume of 0.8mL/kg of the
paraldehyde + oil mixture).
6. If convulsion continuing after a further 20min
 Paralyse, intubate, and ventilate using IV thiopental
(induction dose 4mg/kg), and consider a thiopental
infusion. Alternatively, consider midazolam IVI (0.1-
1mg/kg/hr) if this fails to control the fit, usethiopental.
 Transfer to ICU/PICU.
7. Febrile Fits:-
 Grand mal seizures lasting <5 min and secondary to
pyrexia of febrile illness.
 By definition, children already diagnosed as epileptic do
not have febrile convulsions, but 'further fits'.
 Refer for admission children with one or more of the
a. Age <2y.
b. A first febrile fit.
c. Underlying serious infection.
d. An unknown cause or pyrexia.

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