Specification Report: Specification Report To Accompany The Detailed Estimate For The Work
Specification Report: Specification Report To Accompany The Detailed Estimate For The Work
Specification Report: Specification Report To Accompany The Detailed Estimate For The Work
Width of the
Length of the road road
Type of section : 2 6.00
Type of section : 3 6.00
Type of section : 4 800.00 4.5
Enter the values for Population in Pop.
Enter the values of length and width in the above table
Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New ,RBK building , Wellness Center in Rudravaram village of
Name of the Work: Rudravaram Mandal of Kurnool District.
Name of the Sub Work: Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New Est.Cost: 40.00 lakhs
Name of the Work: Construction of Well ness centre( YSR Clinic Centre) Est.Cost: 17.50 lakhs
Name of the Work: Construction of Rythu bharosa kendram Building Est.Cost: 21.80 lakhs
Name of the Grant MGNREGS
Estimate Cost Rs : 79.30 Lakhs
GP Rudravaram
Name of the Mandal Rudravaram PRI : NANDYADivision PR : NANDYAL Allagada
Work ID 137113714014090053
Sub Division PRI Sub Division Allagada
Mandal Rudravaram
Specification report to accompany the Detailed estimate for the work
Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New ,RBK building , Wellness Center in Rudravaram village of Rudravaram Mandal of Kurnool District.
The work Construction of Grama Sacis proposed MGNREGS
Name of the Material Name of the Quarry
Sand for Mortor for concrete Gundrevula 157
20 Polished Kadapa slabs 15 to 18mm thick Palukur 73 168.53 10 sqm 1584.74 1753.27
Certificate :
(1) Certified that the above rates are correct. (2) Certified that the above leads are correct.
(3) Certified that the Quarries are nearest. (4) Certified that the meterials are available in the above Quarries
Revised Estimate
Mandal : Rudravaram
Provision for Unforseen items for change in SSR and sand 412600
9 rates
CW-G03.sand for filling 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 22.54 2171.10 48937.00
CW-G04.sand for mortar
21 Total 1750000.00
Construction of Rythu bharosa kendram Building
21 Total 2180000.00
Deputy Executive Engineer, Mandal Engineering Officer
PRI Sub Division MPP, Rudravaram
Specification report to accompany the Detailed estimate for the work
Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New ,RBK building , Wellness Center in
The District Collector /DPC,MGNREGS-AP,KURNOOL accorded the administrative sanction for the work
Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New ,RBK building , Wellness Center in Rudravaram village of
Rudravaram Mandal of Kurnool District.
Estimate cost of Rs 79.30 Lakhs vide Progs No D11 /225 / MGNREGS /2019 Dated 16-12-2019.
under MGNRGES 100%, 50:50 and 90:10 ratio respectively
The Chief Engineer,PRED,Vijayawada has communicated the structural drawings for Grama
Sachivalayam Buildings accoding to Seismic Zones vide Memo No AEE/DEE/Grama Sachivalayam /2019
Dt 31/10/2019 Kurnnool district will come under Zone-2.
Accordingly the Detailed Estimate is prepared with the following provisions as per Communicate
11 Flooring with Ceramic tiles, set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8) 12 mm
thick in First Foloor
12 Flooring with Ceramic tiles, set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8) 12 mm
thick over CC bed for Toilets
14 Supplying and Fixing of Teak Wood Door Frames With Flush Door Shutters
/Powder coated Iron Doors
15 Whiting to new walls and ceiling in two coats with Birla White or equavalent
quality for inside of the building
16 Painting to new walls with Water proof Cement paint of approved brand and
shade over a base coat of appropriate primer of approved brand for outside of
the building
This Estimate is preapared as per SSR for the year 2019-20,And work will be
executed as per the specifications of APDSS
Deputy Executive Engineer, Mandal Engineering Officer
PRI Sub Division Allagada MPP, Rudravaram
Name of the Work:Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New ,RBK building , Wellness Center
in Rudravaram village of Rudravaram Mandal of Kurnool District.
Sl. Quantit
Description of Item Rate UNIT Amount
No. y
1 2 3 4 5 6
Part A :Grama Sachivalayam Building New
1 Construction of Ground floor 1 1859832.48 1 No 1859832.00
2 Construction of First floor 1 1328910.95 1 No 1328911.00
3 Provision for Electrification 1 255163.00 1 No 255163.00
4 Provision for Sanitation and water supply 1 104707.00 1 No 104707.00
5 Construction of Septic Tank 1 58398.00 58398.00
6 Provision for seginorage charges 24432.00
7 Provision [email protected]% on sl.no 1 to 6 0.001 3631443.00 3631.00
9 Provision for [email protected]% on sl.no 1 to 5 0.005 3607011.00 18035.00
9 Provision for Elevation wth steel frame and Glasses 300000.00
10 Provision for Unforeseen items 46891.00
TOTAL 4000000.00
Part B :Well ness Centre
11 Cost of Part A 1 874294.00 1 No 874294.00
12 Cost of Part B 1 868096.00 1 No 868096.00
14 Construction of Septic Tank 0.00
18 Provision for Elevation 0.00
19 Provision for Unforeseen items 7610.00
TOTAL 1750000
Part B :RBK Building
TOTAL 2180000.00
GRAND TOTAL 7930000.00
S. Measurements
Descripition of Item No. Quantity unit Rate Per Amount
No L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Engaging Unskilled labour for Clearing Light shurbs for
clearing the site.
1 x 1 10.00 12.00 120.00
Deduct Voids @ 40% -48.00
Hall 1 x 1 6.10 4.88 0.60 17.86
Antinental Room 1 x 1 1.83 1.22 0.60 1.34
Kitchen 1 x 1 1.83 1.63 0.60 1.79
Store 1 x 1 1.83 1.52 0.60 1.67
Varandah 1 x 1 8.16 1.45 0.60 7.10
Room in Varandah 2.00
Alround 1 x 1 30.36 0.20 0.60 3.64
Deduct columns 1 x -8 0.23 0.20 0.60 -0.22
1 x 1 8.42 0.20 0.60 1.01
Deduct columns 1 x -2 0.23 0.20 0.60 -0.05
Cross Walls 1 x 1 6.33 0.20 0.60 0.76
1 x 2 1.83 0.20 0.60 0.44
5.58 cum 2214.95 1.00cum 12359
13 Brick Masonry in superstructure with CM (1:6) prop with
Flyash Cement solid blocks of size 290 x 200 x 140 mm,
for manufacturing of flyash solid blocks using flyash of 80
kgs, cement of 15 kgs. Gypsum of 5 kgs. and stone dust
with a compresive strength not lessthan 50 kg/sqm
including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, scaffolding and curing etc., but excluding
seigniorage charges & VAT
Bldg A/R 1 x 1 27.00 0.20 2.85 15.39
Cross Wall at Rooms 1 x 1 4.88 0.20 2.85 2.78
Long Wall in Rooms 1 x 2 1.83 0.20 2.85 2.09
Deduct columns 1 x 10 0.23 0.20 2.85 -1.31
Deduct Door D 1 x 1 1.00 0.20 2.06 -0.41
Deduct Door D1 1 x 3 0.75 0.20 2.06 -0.93
Deduct Window W 1 x 6 1.22 0.20 1.39 -2.03
Deduct Window W1 1 x 2 0.95 0.20 1.22 -0.46
Deduct Opening O 1 x 1 0.75 0.20 2.06 -0.31
Deduct Ventilators 1 x 1 0.60 0.20 0.15 -0.02
Ls 0.21
15.00 Cum 2635.05 1 cum 39526
14 Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab
surface with CM(1:3), 20mm thick with 1kg of water
proof compound per bag of cement laid over roof when
it is green including cost of all materials, seigniorage
charges, excluding conveyance charges of materials and
including all operational, incidental and labour charges
for mixing mortar, laying, rendering smooth and thread
lining, curing, rounding off junctions of wall and slab
etc,, complete for finished item of work but excluding
seigniorage charges & VAT
over roof slab 1 x 1 9.40 x 7.60 71.44 sqm 400.34 1 sqm 28600
15 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in
foundation complete as per drawings and technical
specifications for Bars below 36 mm dia including over
laps and wastage, where they are not welded but
excluding seigniorage charges & VAT
Part B
Estmate cost Rs 2.00 lakhs
Hall 1 x 1 6.10 4.88 0.10 2.98
Antinental Room 1 x 1 1.83 1.22 0.10 0.22
Kitchen 1 x 1 1.83 1.63 0.10 0.30
Store 1 x 1 1.83 1.52 0.10 0.28
Varandah 1 x 1 8.16 1.45 0.10 1.18
Room in Varandah 1 x 1 1.90 1.48 0.10 0.28
Add Steps & Ramp 0.30
5.54 Cum 4311.61 1cum 23886
20 Flooring with ceramic tiles, set over base coat of cement
mortar (1:8), 12 mm thick over CC bed already laid or RCC roof
slab, including neat cement slurry of honey like consistency
spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm & jointed neatly with white cement
paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade,
including cost of all materials like cement, sand water and tiles
etc., complete, including seigniorage charges, etc., complete
for finished item of work, but excluding seigniorage charges
Outside building A/R 1 x 1 31.28 ---- 0.60 18.77
upto basement
Outside building A/R 1 x 1 89.34
27.92 ---- 3.20
above basement
Sun shades over
Doors & windows 8.15
Sides of step I 1 x 2 0.9 ---- 0.15 0.27
---do--- II 1 x 2 0.6 ---- 0.15 0.18
---do--- III 1 x 2 0.3 ---- 0.15 0.09
Step threads 1 x 3 1.35 0.30 ---- 1.22
Door(D1) size:0.75 x2.05m 1 x 3 ----- ----- ----- 3.00 No 4013.00 1 No. 12039
26 Supply and fixing of Window of Size 1.22X 1.39 mts RCC
frame of 100 mm x 75 mm thick with 18mm thick Water
Proof Ply Wood Shutters including cost and conyence of
all material for fixing and all labour charges etc
complete but excluding seigniorage charges & VAT
Total 218669
Deputy Executive Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer,
PRI Sub-Division, Vijayawada. MPP, Kankipadu.
Name of the work:Construction of Grama Sachivalayam in Penamaluru(V&M)
Est.Rs..60.00 lakhs
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Earth work excavation for foundations and depositing on bank for all lifts and with
BLD-CSTN-2- an initial lead of 10m including all operational, incidental, labour charges such as
1 shoring ,sheeting, planking, strutting, etc. complete for finished item of work
including seigniorage excluding dewatering charges etc as per SS - 20 B (APSS
A Unit=1cum
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.800 1610.64 1288.51
Sand cum 0.400 267.58 107.03
Cement Kgs 340.00 4.80 1632.00
1st Class Mason day 0.133 490.00 65.17
2nd Class Mason day 0.267 440.00 117.48
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 4.600 400.00 1840.00
Add MA 40% 809.06
weigh Batcher Hire Charges(Machine Mixing) hour 1.33 525.50 700.49
Vibrator hire charges hour 1.33 203.50 271.27
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 #REF!
BASIC COST per 1 cum 6831.01
Without vibration 6559.74
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 930.04
For Raft 7761.05
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 6831.01 6831.01
Centering charges cum 1.00 1332.00 1332.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 1004.00 401.60
Total 8564.61
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1166.07
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 6831.01 6831.01
Centering charges cum 1.00 2911.00 2911.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 1521.00 608.40
Total 10350.41
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1409.21
CSTN-3-15 A. MATERIALS: Lintels and Lintels and
sunshades sunshades
Columns Columns
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.800 1610.64 1288.51 1288.51 1288.51 1288.51
Sand cum 0.400 267.58 107.03 107.03 107.03 107.03
Cement Kgs 340.000 4.80 1632.00 1632.00 1632.00 1632.00
1st Class Mason day 0.167 490.00 81.83 81.83 81.83 81.83
2nd Class Mason day 0.167 440.00 73.48 73.48 73.48 73.48
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 5.600 400.00 2240.00 2240.00 2240.00 2240.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 239.53 239.53
Add MA 40% 958.12 958.12 1053.94 1053.94
weigh Batcher Hire Charges(Machine Mixing) hour
Charges 1.333 525.50 700.49 700.49 700.49 700.49
Vibrator hire charges hour
1.333 203.50 271.27 271.27
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 #REF!
BASIC COST per 1 cum 7352.73 7081.46 7688.08 7416.81
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7352.73 7352.73 7688.08 7688.08 8023.42
Centering charges cum 1.00 2623.00 2623.00 2850.00 2850.00 3077.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 2268.00 907.20 2495.00 998.00 2722.00
Total 10882.93 11536.08
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 0.00 1570.64
10882.93 13106.72
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7081.46 7081.46 7416.81 7416.81 7752.15
Centering charges cum 1.00 2041.00 2041.00 2166.00 2166.00 2291.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 1251.00 500.40 1376.00 550.40 1501.00
Total 9622.86 10133.21
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1310.15 1379.64
10933.01 11512.85
BASIC COST cum 1.00 7081.46 7081.46 7416.81 7416.81 7752.15
Centering charges cum 16.00 348.00 5568.00 367.00 5872.00 386.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 192.00 1228.80 211.00 1350.40 230.00
Total 13878.26 14639.21
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1889.53 1993.13
15767.79 16632.34
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.800 1610.64 1288.51 1288.51 1288.51 1288.51
Sand cum 0.400 267.58 107.03 107.03 107.03 107.03
Cement Kgs 340.000 4.80 1632.00 1632.00 1632.00 1632.00
1st Class Mason day 0.067 490.00 32.83 32.83 32.83 32.83
2nd Class Mason day 0.133 440.00 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 3.077 400.00 1230.80 1230.80 1230.80 1230.80
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 132.22 264.43 396.65
Add MA 40% 528.86 581.75 634.63 687.52
weigh Batcher Hire Charges(Machine Mixing) hour
Charges 0.308 525.50 161.85 161.85 161.85 161.85
Vibrator hire charges hour 0.308 203.50 62.68 62.68 62.68 62.68
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 #REF!
BASIC COST per 1 cum 5103.08 5288.18 5473.28 5658.38
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 5103.08 5103.08 5288.18 5288.18 5473.28
Centering charges cum 1.00 2868.00 2868.00 3015.00 3015.00 3163.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 1473.00 589.20 1620.00 648.00 1768.00
Total 8560.28 8951.18
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1165.48 1218.70
9725.76 10169.88
For slabs of 125mm thick
Cost of RCC M20mix cum 1.000 5103.08 5103.08 5288.18 5288.18 5473.28
Centring Charges sqm 8.000 325.00 2600.00 342.00 2736.00 358.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 167.00 534.40 184.00 588.80 200.00
Total 8237.48 8612.98
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1121.53 1172.66
9359.01 9785.64
For slabs of 150mm thick
Cost of RCC M20mix cum 1.000 5103.08 5103.08 5288.18 5288.18 5473.28
Centring Charges sqm 6.667 325.00 2166.78 342.00 2280.11 358.00
Add MA on Centering labour 40% 167.00 445.36 184.00 490.69 200.00
Total 7715.22 8058.98
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 1050.43 1097.23
8765.64 9156.21
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
BLD-CSTN-5- Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with Bricks traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms 2nd Class for
4 basement
Unit = 1cum
Cement kg 48.00 4.80 230.40
Bricks traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms 2nd class Nos 512.00
5834.53 2987.28
Fine aggregate (Sand) cum 0.20 349.58 69.92
Mason 1st class day 0.24 490.00 117.60
Mason 2nd class day 0.56 440.00 246.40
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 1.89 400.00 756.00
Add MA 40% 448.00
Total 4855.60
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
. contractor profit 661.09
BLD-CSTN-5- 10 Brick Masonry in CM (1:8) with Bricks traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms 2nd Class for
5 superstructure
Unit = 1cum
Cement kg 36.00 4.80 172.80 172.80
Bricks traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms 2nd class Nos 512.00 5834.53 2987.28 2987.28
Fine aggregate (Sand) cum 0.20 349.58 69.92 69.92
Mason 1st class day 0.24 490.00 117.60 117.60
Mason 2nd class day 0.56 440.00 246.40 246.40
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 1.89 400.00 756.00 756.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 112.00
Add MA 40% 448.00 492.80
C. SCAFOLDING 4798.00 4954.80
Scafolding charges per sqm (1cum/0.23m thick =
4.35sqm) sqm 4.35 89.78 390.54 124.10 539.84 158.41
Add MA on Scaffolding labour 40% 79.46 138.26 113.78 197.98 148.09
Total 5326.80 5692.61
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 725.24 775.05
6052.04 6467.66
OrnamentalPlastering with CM (1:3)8mm thick including cost and conveyance of all
BLD- CSTN 8- materials and all labour charges etc., complete for superstructure -10Sqm
Unit = 10 sqm
Cement Mortor (1:3) cum 0.10 2783.06 278.31 278.31
Mason 1st class day 0.45 490.00 220.50 220.50
Mason 2nd class day 1.05 440.00 462.00 462.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 2.80 400.00 1120.00 1120.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 180.25
Add MA 40% 721.00 793.10
Scafolding charges sqm 10.00 18.37 183.70 25.03 250.30 31.69
Add MA 40% 15.91 63.64 22.57 90.28 29.23
Total cost 3049.15 3394.74
cost for 1 sqm 304.92 339.47
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 41.51 46.22
346.43 385.69
BLD- CSTN 8- Plastering with CM (1:5) 12mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials
3 and all labour charges etc., complete for superstructure -10Sqm
Unit = 10 sqm
Cement Mortor (1:5) cum 0.15 2783.06 417.46 417.46
Mason 1st class day 0.45 490.00 220.50 220.50
Mason 2nd class day 1.05 440.00 462.00 462.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 2.8 400.00 1120.00 1120.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 180.25
Add MA 40% 721.00 793.10
Scafolding charges sqm 10.00 8.98 89.80 12.41 124.10 15.84
Add MA 40% 7.95 31.80 11.38 45.52 14.81
Total cost 3062.56 3362.93
cost for 1 sqm 306.26 336.29
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 41.70 45.79
347.95 382.08
BLD-CSTN- 17 Painting to New wood work with two coats of ready mixed synthetic enamel paint
12-6 & 12-12 first quality all shades to give an even shade over base coat Primer with Luppam
finishing after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all remains including
cost and conveyance of all materials to site, sales & other taxes, all operational,
incidental and labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work.(3 coats)
(APSS No. 1201 & 1212).in All Floors
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Unit: 10 sqm
Painting, Priming Coat on New Wood Work
Wood Primer L 0.70 166.40 137.45 137.45 137.45
Painter day 0.70
1st class 0.21 550.00 115.50 115.50 115.50
2ndclass 0.49 440.00 215.60 215.60 215.60
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 33.11 66.22
Add MA including brushes, soap,putty,
Sundries 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
[email protected]% 3.31 3.64 3.97
Synthetic Enamel paint (at 20 sqm / litre as per
British Paints (I) Ltd. L 1.200 288.00 407.81 407.81 407.81
Painter day 1.20
1st class 0.36 550.00 198.00 198.00 198.00
2ndclass 0.84 440.00 369.60 369.60 369.60
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 56.76 113.52
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sundries including brushes, soap,putty, etc.
Total cost for 10 sqm 1447.27 1537.47 1627.67
Total per 1 sqm 144.73 153.75 162.77
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 0.00 0.00 0.00
144.73 153.75 162.77
BLD-CSTN- 16 Painting to New walls with two coats of Plastic Emulsion paint of superior quality of
12- approved brand and shade over base coat of cement primer grade -I making three
2&emendment coats in all to give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove
15 all loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials,
including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of brushes, water to site, etc.,
sales & other taxes, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as
scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work in
all floors for Walls.(APSS No. 911) in All Floors for interior walls
Unit: 10 sqm GF FF SF
Cost of Cement Primer Kg 1.00 141.00 141.00 141.00 141.00
1st class painter day 0.210 550.00 115.50 115.50 115.50
2nd class painter day 0.49 440.00 215.60 215.60 215.60
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 33.11 66.22
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
[email protected]% 1.66 1.82 1.99
plastic emulsion(@20sqm/lt as per british paint
ltd) Kg 0.80 249.60 199.68 199.68 199.68
Ist class painter day 0.360 550.00 198.00 198.00 198.00
2nd class painter day 0.84 440.00 369.60 369.60 369.60
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 56.76 113.52
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost for 10 sqm 1241.04 1331.07 1421.11
Total per 1 sqm 124.10 133.11 142.11
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit
0.00 0.00 19.35
Total per 1 sqm 124.10 133.11 161.46
BLD-CSTN- Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab surface with CM(1:3), 20mm
10-25 thick with 1kg of water proof compound per bag of cement laid over roof when it is
green including cost and conveyance charges of all materials excluding
seigniorage charges and including all operational, incidental and labour charges for
mixing mortar, laying, rendering smooth and thread lining, curing, rounding off
junctions of wall and slab etc,, complete for finished item of work
Unit = 10 sqm
Cement Mortar 1:3 cum 0.21 2783.06 584.44 584.44 584.44
Water proof compound kg 2.00 73.00 146.00 146.00 146.00
Mason 1st class day 0.660 490.00 323.40 323.40 323.40
Mason 2nd class day 1.540 440.00 677.60 677.60 677.60
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 3.70 400.00 1480.00 1480.00 1480.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 248.10 496.20
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total per 10 sqm 3211.44 3459.54 3707.64
Total per 1 sqm 321.14 345.95 370.76
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 43.72 47.10 50.48
364.87 393.06 421.24
BLD- 10 R.C.C. M-25 DesignMix for Piles
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
CSTN Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete corresponding to IS 456 using
Amendmt-22 WEIGH BATCHER/MIXER with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite
metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, fine aggregated (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc.,
tosite and sales & othr taxes on all materials includign all operational, incidental
and labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc., complete but excludign cost of steel and its fabrictaion chrages for
finished item of work (APSS No. 402) with minimum cement content as per IS code
from standard suppliers approved by the department includign laying concrete,
Including Overheads & Cotractors Profit @13.615%etc., complete but excluding
cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work including
Auguring, Boring&Under reaming for Cast-in-Situ piles of 250mm dia 3.50mts
300mm dia3.75mts depth
RCC M20 cum 0.456 5070.04 2311.94
Augoring 3.75*0.526 day 1.97 400.00 789.00
Under reaming for bulb 2*0.56 day 1.12 400.00 448.00
Add MA 0% 0.00
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 483.19
Flooring with vitrified tiles of 1st quality, set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8),
12 mm thick over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab, including neat cement
slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm & jointed neatly with
BLD-CSTN white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade, including
9-5 cost of all materials like cement, sand water and tiles etc., complete, for finished
item of work, but excluding the cost of conveyance of all materials.
Unit = 10 sqm
Vitrified tiles of 1st quality of size sqm 10.50 522.74 5488.77 5488.77 5488.77
Cement for CM (1:8) for base coat kg. 21.60 4.80 103.68 103.68
Cement for slurry kg. 33.00 4.80 158.40 158.40 158.40
Cement for Pointing with CM (1:3) kg. 6.000 4.80 28.80 28.80 28.80
Sand for CM (1:8) cum 0.12 349.58 41.95 41.95 41.95
Sand for pointing cum 0.020 349.58 6.99 6.99 6.99
Mason 1st class day 0.96 490.00 470.40 470.40 470.40
Mason 2nd class day 2.24 440.00 985.60 985.60 985.60
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 3.30 400.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 277.60 555.20 8604.59
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 277.60
Add water charges 1% 1.00% 0.00
Grand Total 8604.59 8882.19 9159.79 8882.19
Total cost for 1 sqm 860.46 888.22 915.98
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 0.00 0.00 124.71 1209.31
860.46 888.22 1040.69 10091.50
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Providing skirting to internal walls to 15 cm height/risers of steps with Vitrified tiles
length equal to flooring stones, set over base coat of CM (1:5) 12 mm thick with
cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm and
BLD-CSTN jointed with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full
9-20 depth, including cost of all materials like stone, cement, sand and water etc.,
complete excluding seigniorage charges, etc., complete for finished item of work
Unit = 10 sqm
Vitrified tiles of 1st quality of size sqm 10.50 522.74 5488.77 5488.77 5488.77
Sand for CM 1:5 base coat cum 0.12 349.58 41.95 41.95 41.95
Cement for CM (1:5) for base coat kg. 34.56 4.80 165.89 165.89
Cement for slurry kg. 33.00 4.80 158.40 158.40 158.40
White Cement for Jointing & Pointing kg. 2.000 27.00 54.00 54.00 54.00
Mason 1st class day 0.96 490.00 470.40 470.40 470.40
Mason 2nd class day 2.24 440.00 985.60 985.60 985.60
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 3.30 400.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 277.60 555.20
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Add water charges 1% 1.00%
Grand Total 8685.01 8962.61 9240.21
Total cost for 1 sqm 868.50 896.26 924.02
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit 0.00 0.00 125.81
868.50 896.26 1049.83
BLD-CSTN-9- Flooring with ceramic tiles, set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8), 12 mm thick
6 over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab, including neat cement slurry of honey
like consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm & jointed neatly with white cement
paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade, including cost and
conveyance of all materials like cement, sand water and tiles etc., complete,
excluding seigniorage charges, etc., complete for finished item of work
Unit = 10 sqm
Ceramic tiles 7.30 mm thick sqm 10.50 441.32 4633.86 4633.86 4633.86
Cement for CM (1:8) for base coat kg. 21.60 4.80 103.68 103.68 103.68
Cement for slurry kg. 33.00 4.80 158.40 158.40 158.40
White cement kg. 2.00 27.00 54.00 54.00 54.00
Sand for CM (1:8) cum 0.12 349.58 41.95 41.95 41.95
Mason 1st class day 0.96 490.00 470.40 470.40 470.40
Mason 2nd class day 2.24 440.00 985.60 985.60 985.60
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 3.30 400.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 277.60 555.20 7767.89
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 277.60
Add water charges 1% 1.00% 0.00
Grand Total 7767.89 8045.49 8323.09 8045.49
Add for contract [email protected]% 0.00 0.00 0.00
7767.89 8045.49 8323.09
Total cost for 1 sqm 776.79 804.55 832.31
776.79 804.55 832.31 8045.49
BLD-CSTN-9- Providing dadooing to internal walls to 15 cm height/risers of steps with 7.30 mm
18 thick Ceramic tiles length equal to flooring stones, set over base coat of CM (1:3)
12 mm thick with cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30
kgs per sqm and jointed with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching
shade to full depth, including cost of all materials like Shahabad stone, cement,
sand and water etc., complete excluding seigniorage charges, etc., complete for
finished item of work
Unit = 10 sqm
Ceramic tiles 7.30 mm thick sqm 10.50 441.32 4633.86 4633.86 4633.86
Sand for base coat cum 0.12 349.58 41.95 41.95 41.95
Cement for CM (1:3) for base coat kg. 57.60 4.80 276.48 276.48 276.48
Cement for slurry kg. 33.00 4.80 158.40 158.40 158.40
White Cement for Jointing & Pointing kg. 6.00 27.00 162.00 162.00 162.00
Mason 1st class day 0.77 490.00 377.30 377.30 377.30
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 0.80 400.00 320.00 320.00 320.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 69.73 139.46
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Grand Total 5969.99 6039.72 6109.45
Total cost for 1 sqm 597.00 603.97 610.95
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
0.00 0.00 83.18
contractor profit
597.00 603.97 694.13
Cost and supply of HYSD bars including cost and conveyance of work spot and
BLD-CSTN fabrication charges fo steel like cutting rods, tying grills placing in position including
4-1 cost of binding wire etc., complete.
a) Material GF FF SF
Index-code Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
HYSD barrs including 5% for overlaps and
MT 1.05 47200.00 49560.00 49560.00 49560.00 49560.00
wastage (8 to 40mm)
Binding wire Kg 6.00 53.00 318.00 318.00 318.00
b)Labour for cutting,bending,shifting to site,tying
and placing in position
Black smith/Barbender day 10.00 475.00 4750.00 4750.00 4750.00 4750.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 10.00 400.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 875.00 1750.00
Add MA 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 58628.00 58310.00 59503.00 60378.00
58.63 58.31 59.50 60.38
Add 13.615% towards Overhead charges and
contractor profit
0.00 0.00 0.00
58.63 59.50 60.38
BLD-CSTN-13- Best Teak wood wrought and put up to2 &2 to3
1 25 meters(schedule item no 286&287)
Unit=1 cum
Teak wood large scantlings cum 1.00
Labour:- 17.70
Carpenter 1st class day 5.310 550.00 2920.50
Carpenter 2nd class day 12.390 440.00 5451.60
Man mazdoor day 8.80 400.00 3520.00
Add MA @40% 0.000 0.00
Furniture - Iron - for External doors (Schedule
Item 292) Double Door
BMT-G-17 MS powder coated top tower bolts 250mm long Nos 2 136.00
MS powder coated bottom tower bolts 250mm
BMT-G-17 long Nos 1 68.00
BMT-G-36 MS powder coated handles 150mm long Nos 2 45.00 90.00
BMT-G-45 MS powder coated aldrops 300mm long Nos 1 146.00 146.00
BMT-G-29 MS powder coated bult hings 125mm long Nos 6 31.00 186.00
Wind Cleats Nos 2 15.00 30.00
BMS-W 69 MS hold fasts 300mm long Nos 4 32.00 128.00
(Same for all doors) 784.00
BMT-G-17 MS powder coated top tower bolts 250mm long Nos 1 68.00 68.00
MS powder coated bottom tower bolts 250mm
BMT-G-17 long Nos 1 68.00 68.00
BMT-G-36 MS powder coated handles 150mm long Nos 1 45.00 45.00
BMT-G-45 MS powder coated aldrops 300mm long Nos 1 146.00 146.00
BMT-G-29 MS powder coated bolt hings 125mm long Nos 3 31.00 93.00
Wind Cleats Nos 1 15.00 15.00
BMS-W 69 MS hold fasts 300mm long Nos 4 32.00 128.00
(Same for all doors) 563.00
For Foundations
For out side toilets alround 1 x 1 9.690 0.450 0.150 0.65
Cross wall in toilets 1 x 1 1.165 0.450 0.150 0.08
Fro Ramp plat form 3 sides 1 x 1 11.380 0.450 0.100 0.51
For front steps 1 x 1 5.490 1.200 0.100 0.66
Ramp 3 sides at Godown 1 x 1 5.180 0.450 0.100 0.23
For RRM Walls 1 x 1 42.55 0.60 0.10 2.55
For verandah three sides 1 x 1 13.04 0.60 0.15 1.17
Steps 1 x 1 2.40 1.50 0.15 0.54
For Flooring
Secretary Room 1 x 1 3.350 2.785 0.100 0.93
Agri cum Aqua store 1 x 1 3.350 2.820 0.100 0.94
Spandana Hall 1 x 1 5.070 8.580 0.100 4.35
Stairecase 1 x 1 3.350 2.700 0.100 0.90
Front plat form 1 x 1 5.540 1.500 0.100 0.83
Toilets in side 1 x 2 1.500 1.500 0.100 0.45
Godown 1 x 1 3.350 8.540 0.100 2.86
17.65 cum 4343.92 1 Cum 76670.00
Page 30 of 147
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
5 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
a Columns Footings
For Columns - F1 1 x 1 1.60 1.60 0.300 0.77
For Columns - F2 1 x 11 2.05 2.05 0.350 16.18
For Columns - F3 1 x 3 2.40 2.40 0.425 7.34
24.29 cum 8035.58 1 Cum 195184.00
b Pedastals
For Columns 1 x 15 0.60 0.45 0.45 1.82
1.82 cum 8448.58 1 Cum 15376.00
6 Random Rubble stone masonry, in CM (1:8) prop: (Cement: Sand) using
hard granite stones from approved quarry including Cost and Conveyance
of all materials like Granite stones, cement, sand, water, etc., to site
including all operational, incidental, and labour charges such as cutting
stones to required size and shape, mixing of cement mortar, constructing
masonry, curing etc., complete for finished item of work for foundation
(APSS No. 601 & 615)
For Lintels
Over Godown Door 1 x 1 2.700 0.230 0.200 0.12
Over Doors D 1 x 1 1.800 0.230 0.200 0.08
Over Doors D1 1 x 2 1.650 0.230 0.200 0.15
Over Windows 1 x 5 2.100 0.230 0.200 0.48
Over Window at stairecase 1 x 1 1.800 0.230 0.200 0.08
0.91 cum 10344.58 1 Cum 9414.00
10 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
Page 34 of 147
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
22.24 Sqm 276.05 1 Sqm 6139.00
20 Plastering with CM 2 coats, 12 mm thick, base coat in CM (1:4), 8mm thick
and top coat in CM (1:2), 4mm thick with sponze finishing Out side
Out side - Alround 1 x 1 43.540 3.780 164.58
Deduct for Rolling shutter 1 x -1 2.100 2.700 -5.67
Deduct Ventilators 1 x 2 0.450 0.450 -0.41
Deduct for Windows 1 x 4 1.500 1.350 -8.10
Deduct for Door 1 x 1 1.200 2.100 -2.52
Deduct for Stair case 1 x 1 1.200 1.350 -1.62
Deduct for Counter in Agri 1 x 1 1.500 1.350 -2.03
Stairecase inside wall 1 x 1 3.350 3.350 11.22
Out side alround toiltet 1 x 1 6.690 3.000 20.07
Deduct toilet Doors 1 x 2 0.750 2.100 -3.15
Add sides and soffits
Godown Door 1 x 1 7.500 0.230 1.73
Doors 1 x 1 5.400 0.230 1.24
Windows 1 x 5 5.700 0.230 6.56
181.90 Sqm 328.32 1 Sqm 59721.00
21 Providing high yield strength deformed (HYSD) steel bars (Fe 500
grade as per IS 1786-1985) of 8mm to 40mm diameters, cutting, bending, to
required sizes and shapes placing in position with cover blocks of approved
size and binding wire of 20SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per
approved designs and drawings including cost and conveyance of bars from
approved sources to site of work, including cost and conveyance of binding
wire, cover blocks and all operational, incidental, and labour charges such
as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying etc., and sales & other
taxes,on cost of all materials complete for finished item of work
Page 35 of 147
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
Door - D1 1 x 2 2.00 Nos 7385.61 1 No 14771.00
25 Supplying and fixing of Unplasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) casement
windows openable shutters duly manufactured using UPVC reinforced
profiles of 60 mm x 55 mm x 2.0 mm for outer frames, 70 mm x 60 mm x 2.0
mm for mullion sections for two or more openable shutters 70 mm x 60 mm
x 2.0 mm for openable shutter frame capable of mounting single glazing
system structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized up to 50 microns of
minimum thickness of 1.2 mm prefabricated & welded through fusion
welding the window sash shall be fitted with 5 mm thick clear float glass of
reputed make duly fixed with TPV Gaskets/ EPDM weathering seal resistant
and accessories for casement window - friction stay hinges of stainless
steel grade 304- 2 Nos., per sash, handle with mazak alloy casting 1 No.
per sash, multipoint locking system suitably concealed 1 No., per sash
provided with raiser wedges for smooth operation and the system is to be
installed at the site using anchor fasteners, silicon rubber sealant, easy
glazing/ deglazing at site etc., including cost and conveyance of all
materials, accessories, labour charges for transportation, erection at site
with templates for casement sizing complete for finished item of work
26 Providing and fixing factory made polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Door Frame of
the size 50 x 47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 10
mm rigid PVC foam sheet, mitre cut at two corners and joined with 2nos. of
150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square tube. The two vertical door
profiles are to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. Square tube of 19 gauge.
The door frame shall be fixed to the wall using 65/100mm long M.S. Screws
through the frame by using PVC fasteners. A minimum of 4nos. of screws to
be provided for each vertical member & minimum 2nos. for horizontal
member etc. complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of
Engineer-in-Charge for finished item of work
Page 36 of 147
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
29 Flooring with vitrified tiles of 1st quality, set over base coat of cement mortar
(1:8), 12 mm thick over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab, including
neat cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm &
jointed neatly with white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of
matching shade, including cost of all materials like cement, sand water and
tiles etc., complete, including seigniorage charges, etc., complete for
finished item of work, but excluding the cost of conveyance of all materials
Page 37 of 147
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
24.19 Sqm 794.55 1 Sqm 19220.00
34 Flooring (Dadooing) with decorated white back ground glazed tiles, set over
base coat of cement mortar (1:6), 12 mm thick over CC bed already laid or
RCC roof slab, including neat cement slurry of honey like consistency
spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm & jointed neatly with white cement paste mixed
with pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost of all materials
like cement, sand water and tiles etc., complete, including seigniorage
charges, etc., complete for finished item of work, but excluding the cost of
conveyance of all materials
33 Supplying and fixing of stainless steel hand railing as per approved drawing
with top rail of 64mm dia (outer) 2mm thick pipe, vertical balusters of 50mm
dia 2mm thick at 600mm c/c spacing (7 Nos)and 3 nos 25mm dia (outer)
1.6mm thick stainless steel pipes below top rail with equal spacings and
50mm wide 8mm thick SS plate for fixing vertical balusters at 600mm centre
with 100x100mm stainless steel base plate to be fixed to the steps with
Anchor fasteners. The rate should include providing and using bonding
agent, drilling of 25mm holes of fixing railing , polishing of all nos of railing
thouroughly and also including cost and conveyance of all materials,
electrodes, welding charges, cost of all consumables, labour charges such
as for fabrication of SS pipes, buffing, polishing etc., complete for finished
item of work.
34 Painting to new walls with plastic Emulsion paint of approved brand and
shade over a base coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, making 3
coats in all to give an even shade after thourughly brushing the surface to
remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges etc.excluding VAT and seigniorage charges and including
overhead charges complete for finished item of work as per SS 911 for
internal walls (APSS No. 912) for internal walls and External walls.
Ceiling 136.80
Inside 280.57
Out side 181.90
599.27 Sqm 177.57 1 Sqm 106412.00
35 Painting to new wood work and flush shutters , over a primary coat
and painting two coats of synthetic enamel paint Grade-I of approved
shade including cost and conveyance of all materials to site cost of primer
coat and all labour charges etc. complete including applying sand paper on
lappam coats for neat finish including sales & other taxes on cost of all
materials etc. complete (APSS No.1200, 1207 & 1211) in all floors
Page 38 of 147
Name of the Sub Work: Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New
S Description of the
Quantity Rate Per Amount
No work No's L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Part A : Work Done
1 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine
aggregates: Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS
456 using 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite
metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost
and conveyance of all materials like Cement, fine
aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as machine
mixing, laying concrete, curing etc complete but excluding cost
of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work,
but including centering, shuttering for finished item of work
For Lintel
Over Doors - D 1 x 3 1.800 0.115 0.200 0.12 Cum
9 Brick Masonry in CM (1:8) with Bricks traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms 2nd Class for
superstructure inside
Corridor wall Two sides 1 x 2 9.170 0.11 2.98 6.01 cum
19 Supply and fixing of pre-painted steel windows & top hung and
fixed louvered ventilators made of pre - painted steel (base
steel as per IS 513 of -0.58 mm thick 'D" quality, galvanized as
per IS 277 with zinc of 120 GSM) primer coated with epoxy
primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted with a polyester
paint of 12-16 microns thick and back coated with 5-7 microns
thick alkyd backer, section for outer frame of 46 x 52 mm
section and for shutter of 46 x 46 mm section for mullion 46 x
70 mm, and section for beading should be 18 x 25 mm and
section for louvered ventilation of 33 x 56 mm Box section and
the windows panelled with 5 mm thick plain float glass & 4 mm
pinhead glass for ventilators with Ethyl propylene Diamine
monomer Gasket (EPDM) and the sections cut to length mitre
joined with corner brocket centre mullions fixed using mullion
cap and with handle made of high grade aluminium powder
coated and nylon receiver, corner brackets made of CRCA with
Zinc Phosphate, Mullion caps made of glass filled nylon, frames
fixed to the concrete /masonry wall by means of self expanding
screws including 10 mm square guard bars with 6" pitch
complete for finished item of work
20 Flooring with vitrified tiles of 1st quality, set over base coat of
cement mortar (1:8), 12 mm thick over CC bed already laid or
RCC roof slab, including neat cement slurry of honey like
consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm & jointed neatly with
white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of
matching shade, including cost of all materials like cement,
sand water and tiles etc., complete, including seigniorage
charges, etc., complete for finished item of work, but excluding
the cost of conveyance of all materials
M20 for Steps 22 x 1/2 1.50 0.30 0.15 0.74 cum 5839.96 cum 4322.00
a Columns Footings
For Footings -F1 1 X 2 1.60 1.60 0.300 1.54
For Footings - F2 1 X 8 2.05 2.05 0.350 11.77
For Footings - F3 1 x 4 2.40 2.40 0.425 9.79
23.10 cum 7997.58 1 Cum
b Pedastals
P1 1 X 14 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.28
1.28 cum 8410.58 1 Cum
7 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work For columns
Ground Floor :
Up to Plinth
For columns -C1,C2 1 X 14 0.230 0.380 0.85 1.04
Above Ground Level
For columns -C1,C2 1 X 14 0.230 0.380 2.90 3.55
4.59 cum 10236.90 1 Cum
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per
No No's L B D
8 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
Plinth beam
Alround theBuilding 1 X 1 39.92 0.23 0.38 3.49
internal plinth long 1 X 1 9.37 0.23 0.38 0.82
internal plinth short 1 X 2 3.05 0.23 0.38 0.53
at verandah long beam 1 x 1 9.83 0.23 0.30 0.68
do short sides 1 x 2 0.85 0.23 0.30 0.12
toilet alround 1 X 1 13.26 0.23 0.30 0.91
in toilets internal cross walls 1 X 2 1.22 0.15 0.30 0.11
6.66 cum 9989.58 1 Cum
9 Filling with gravel in trenches, sides of foundations & basement by watering
and ramming including all operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T&P etc complete including cost and conveyance of material and
labour charges etc complete for finished item of the work (APSS No 309&
for basement filling 28.53
1 x 1 9.37 10.15 0.30
do at verandah 1 x 1 9.37 0.75 0.30 2.11
basement filling at toilets 1 x 2 2.32 1.22 0.30 1.70
Septic tank 1 X 1 5.00 1.90 0.15 1.43
for steps at toilet 1 x 2 1.50 0.90 0.10 0.27
Steps at main entrance 1 x 1 3.05 0.90 0.10 0.27
34.31 cum 385.15 1 Cum
10 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 (Cement: Fine aggregates: Coarse
aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size graded
machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like Cement, fine
aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and including sales
and other taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and
labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc
complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished
item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item of work
For Lintels
Over Door - D 1 X 1 1.66 0.23 0.15 0.06
do 1 x 1 1.66 0.115 0.15 0.03
over Door D1 1 X 2 1.36 0.115 0.15 0.05
over Door D 2 1 X 2 1.20 0.110 0.15 0.04
Over Windows - W 1 1 X 11 1.66 0.23 0.15 0.63
0.81 cum 10408.90 1 Cum
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per
No No's L B D
10 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
12 Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab surface with CM(1:3), 20mm
thick with 1kg of water proof compound per bag of cement laid over roof when it is
green including cost and conveyance charges of all materials excluding seigniorage
charges and including all operational, incidental and labour charges for mixing
mortar, laying, rendering smooth and thread lining, curing, rounding off junctions of
wall and slab etc,, complete for finished item of work
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per
No No's L B D
a Over Roof Slab 125 mm thick
Roof Slab 1 X 1 9.83 11.66 114.62
front elevation portion 1 x 1 3.05 1.00 3.05
117.67 Sqm 400.34 1 Sqm
Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 nominal mix using 12mm size hard
granite machine crushed graded metal (coarse aggregate - as per IS 383 -
1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry, using a minimum
quantity of 350 kgs. of cement per 1 cum of concrete using concrete Mixer
10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc.,
to site including centering, shuttering, labour charges such as weigh
batching, machine mixing, hire charges of concrete mixer, laying concrete,
lift charges, curing etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for
finished item of work (APSS No. 402 & 403) for platforms and shelves.
Ground Floor :
Plafforms and shelves 50 mm thick
for storage rack 1 X 4 3.05 0.45 - 5.49
for mini soil testing lab 1 X 3 3.05 0.90 - 8.24
13.73 Sqm 682.88 1Sqm
14 Random Rubble stone masonry, in CM (1:6) prop: (Cement: Sand) using
hard granite stones from approved quarry including Cost and Conveyance
of all materials like Granite stones, cement, sand, water, etc., to site
including all operational, incidental, and labour charges such as cutting
stones to required size and shape, mixing of cement mortar, constructing
masonry, curing etc., complete for finished item of work for foundation
(APSS No. 601 & 615)
4500.00 Kg 55.38 1 Kg
23 Supply and fixing doors with Teak wood frame of section 100mm x 75 mm
and ISI marked flush door shutters/Powder coated Iron Doors of single
shutters with Flush door shutters, solid bond wood block board type with
teak ply on both faces.: 30 mm thick conforming to IS:2202 including cost
and conveyance to site of teak wood frame, flush shutter including fixing the
all fixtures to door 3 Nos of Al. Butt hings 100 mm long, 2 Nos of Al, tower
bolts 150 mm long, 2 Nos of Al Handles 100 mm long, 1 No of 250 mm long
Aldrop and 1 No of door stoppers with required number of screws, bolt and
nuts including labour charges for fixing the frame in position, fixing the
shutter to the frame etc., complete for finished item of work as per APSS
1001 & 1002 (1200 mm x 2100mm)
29 Flooring with 25mm thick polished Cuddapah/Shabad stone set over base
coat of CM (1:8) over already laid CC bed / RCC Roof Slab, including neat
cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 kgs per sqm. &
Jointed with neat cement to full depth including cost of all materials like
cement, sand, and water and flooring stones etc., complete, including
seigniorage charges, labour charges for dressing of flooring stones etc.,
complete for finished item of work, but excluding the cost of conveyance of
all materials.
34 Painting to new walls with plastic Emulsion paint of approved brand and
shade over a base coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, making 3
coats in all to give an even shade after thourughly brushing the surface to
remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges etc.excluding VAT and seigniorage charges and including
overhead charges complete for finished item of work as per SS 911 for
internal walls (APSS No. 912) for internal walls and External walls.
Ceiling 109.12
Inside 232.15
Out side 236.76
578.03 Sqm 177.57 1 Sqm
35 Painting to new wood work and flush shutters , over a primary coat
and painting two coats of synthetic enamel paint Grade-I of approved
shade including cost and conveyance of all materials to site cost of primer
coat and all labour charges etc. complete including applying sand paper on
lappam coats for neat finish including sales & other taxes on cost of all
materials etc. complete (APSS No.1200, 1207 & 1211) in all floors
g Officer
Name of the Sub Work: Construction of Well ness centre( YSR Clinic Centre)
a Columns Footings
For Footings - F1 1 X 3 1.60 1.60 0.300 2.30
F2 1 X 9 1.90 1.90 0.325 10.56
F3 1 X 3 2.20 2.20 0.375 5.45
2.30 cum 7997.58 1 Cum 18394.00
b Pedastals
For Columns 1 X 15 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.37
2.43 cum 8410.58 1 Cum 20438.00
6 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
Ground Floor :
Up to Plinth
For columns - C1, C2& C3 1 X 15 0.230 0.380 0.80 1.05
Above Ground Level
For columns 1 X 15 0.230 0.380 2.90 3.80
4.85 cum 10236.90 1 Cum 49649.00
7 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
Plinth beam
Alround theBuilding 1 X 1 38.95 0.23 0.38 3.40
IPB 1 X 1 13.08 0.23 0.38 1.14
IPB 1 X 5 2.705 0.23 0.38 1.18
IPB 1 X 2 1.36 0.23 0.38 0.24
IPB 1 X 1 3.00 0.23 0.38 0.26
IPB 1 X 1 15.93 0.23 0.23 0.84
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
7.06 cum 9989.58 1 Cum 70526.00
8 Filling with gravel in trenches, sides of foundations & basement by watering
and ramming including all operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T&P etc complete including cost and conveyance of material and
labour charges etc complete for finished item of the work (APSS No 309&
Examination 1 x 1 2.895 2.820 0.30 2.45
Toilet 1 x 1 1.360 1.630 0.30 0.67
Toilet front 1 x 1 1.345 1.630 0.30 0.66
Lab & store 1 x 1 2.340 2.820 0.30 1.98
Clinic 1 x 1 4.335 3.000 0.30 3.90
Lobby Area 1 x 1 2.340 3.000 0.30 2.11
ANM Toilets 1 x 1 1.360 2.820 0.30 1.15
Kitchen 1 x 1 1.830 2.820 0.30 1.55
Bed Room 1 x 1 2.750 2.820 0.30 2.33
Living Room 1 x 1 6.170 3.000 0.30 5.55
22.35 cum 385.15 1 Cum 8608.00
9 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 (Cement: Fine aggregates: Coarse
aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size graded
machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved
quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like Cement, fine
aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and including sales
and other taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and
labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc
complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished
item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item of work
For Lintels
Over Door - D 1 X 1 1.66 0.23 0.15 0.06
over Door D1 1 X 1 1.46 0.11 0.15 0.02
over Door D 2 1 X 3 1.36 0.11 0.15 0.07
over Door D3 1 X 3 1.26 0.11 0.15 0.06
Over Windows - W 1 1 X 8 1.66 0.23 0.15 0.46
Ventilators 1 X 2 1.06 0.23 0.15 0.07
0.74 cum 10408.90 1 Cum 7703.00
10 Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 mix (Cement: Fine aggregates:
Coarse aggregates) corresponding Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size
graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, fine aggregate( Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc to site and
including sales and other taxes on all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges
for finished item of work, but including centering, shuttering for finished item
of work
Ground Floor :
Plafforms and shelves 50 mm thick
for WA sitting Bench 1 X 1 3.91 0.45 - 1.76
for Clinic sitting Bench 1 X 1 3.05 0.45 - 1.37
for Living sitting Bench 1 X 1 4.11 0.45 - 1.85
Lab 1 X 1 3.51 0.45 - 1.58
For Examin Platform 1 X 1 3.05 0.45 - 1.37
For kitchen Platform 1 X 1 2.50 0.60 - 1.50
9.43 Sqm 682.88 1Sqm 6440.00
Plafforms and shelves 25 mm thick
Store 1 X 4 1.20 0.45 - 2.16
Kitchen 1 X 4 1.20 0.45 - 2.16
4.32 Sqm 524.50 1Sqm 2266.00
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
15 Providing high yield strength deformed (HYSD) steel bars (Fe 500
grade as per IS 1786-1985) of 8mm to 40mm diameters, cutting, bending, to
required sizes and shapes placing in position with cover blocks of approved
size and binding wire of 20SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per
approved designs and drawings including cost and conveyance of bars from
approved sources to site of work, including cost and conveyance of binding
wire, cover blocks and all operational, incidental, and labour charges such
as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying etc., and sales & other
taxes,on cost of all materials complete for finished item of work
Part B ( Convergence)
32 Flooring with 25mm thick polished Cuddapah/Shabad stone set over base
coat of CM (1:8) over already laid CC bed / RCC Roof Slab, including neat
cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 kgs per sqm. &
Jointed with neat cement to full depth including cost of all materials like
cement, sand, and water and flooring stones etc., complete, including
seigniorage charges, labour charges for dressing of flooring stones etc.,
complete for finished item of work, but excluding the cost of conveyance of
all materials.
Ground Floor :
Eamination 1 X 1 11.43 - 1.80 20.57
Lab 1 x 1 10.32 1.80 18.58
Toilet 1 X 1 5.98 1.80 10.76
ANM Toilet 1 X 1 6.68 1.80 12.02
kitchen 1 X 1 2.82 1.20 3.38
Deduct Doors 1 X 2 0.90 1.80 -3.24
1 X 2 0.80 1.80 -2.88
59.19 Sqm 797.22 1 Sqm 47187.00
36 Painting to new walls with plastic Emulsion paint of approved brand and
shade over a base coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, making 3
coats in all to give an even shade after thourughly brushing the surface to
remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges etc.excluding VAT and seigniorage charges and including
overhead charges complete for finished item of work as per SS 911 for
internal walls (APSS No. 912) for internal walls and External walls.
Ceiling 96.20
Inside 462.01
Out side 110.09
668.30 Sqm 177.57 1 Sqm 118670.00
Description of the work Quantity Rate Per Amount
No No's L B D
37 Painting to new wood work and flush shutters , over a primary coat
and painting two coats of synthetic enamel paint Grade-I of approved
shade including cost and conveyance of all materials to site cost of primer
coat and all labour charges etc. complete including applying sand paper on
lappam coats for neat finish including sales & other taxes on cost of all
materials etc. complete (APSS No.1200, 1207 & 1211) in all floors
Provision for Electrification -LS- 100000.00
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Earth work excavation for foundations and depositing on bank for all
lifts and with an initial lead of 10m including all operational,
2-1 incidental, labour charges such as shoring ,sheeting, planking,
strutting, etc. complete for finished item of work including
seigniorage excluding dewatering charges etc as per SS - 20 B
(APSS 308).
Ordinary Soil-Manual Means-Upto 3 m
Unit = cum
Taking output = 10 cum
Mate day
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 3.64 420.00 1528.80
Add 75% for foundations 1146.60
Cost for 10 cum = a+b+c 2675.40
Rate per
Note cum =of(a+b+c)/10
: 1. Cost dewatering may be added, where required, up to 5 267.54
per cent of labour cost. Assessment for dewatering shall be made as
per site conditions.
2 Filling in foundation with Stonedust trenches as per drawing and
BLD- technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH
Stone dust filling
Output-6 cum
Unit =1 cum
a) Labour
Mate day
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 0.3100 420.00 130.20
b) Material
Sand cum 6.00 1091.90 6551.40
Total for 6 cum 6681.60
Total for 1 cum 1113.60
BLD- 3 Filling in foundation with Gravel trenches as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH
Gravel filling
Output-6 cum
Unit =1 cum
a) Labour
Mate day
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 0.3100 420.00 130.20
b) Material
Gravel cum 6.00 363.45 2180.70
Total for 6 cum 2310.90
Total for 1 cum 385.15
Page 78 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Man mazdoor for mixing mortar day 0.20 420.00 84.00 84.00
Grand Total 4091.66 4055.66
BLD- 5 Cement Mortar (1 : 5)for plastering
1-6 Unit : 1cum
Cement kg. 288.00 4.80 1382.40 4.70 1353.60
Sand (including 5% wastage) cum 1.05 2171.10 2279.66 2279.66
- Nil -
Man mazdoor for mixing mortar day 0.20 420.00 84.00 84.00
Grand Total 3746.06 3717.26
BLD- 6 Cement Mortar (1 : 3)for plastering
1-4 Unit : 1cum
Cement kg. 480.00 4.80 2304.00 4.70 2256.00
Sand (including 5% wastage) cum 1.05 2171.10 2279.66 2279.66
- Nil -
Man mazdoor for mixing mortar day 0.20 420.00 84.00 84.00
Grand Total 4667.66 4619.66
BLD- 7 Cement Mortar (1:6)
1-7 Unit : 1cum
Cement kg. 240.00 4.80 1152.00 4.70 1128.00
Sand (including 5% wastage) cum 1.05 2171.10 2279.66 2279.66
- Nil -
Man mazdoor for mixing mortar day 0.20 420.00 84.00 84.00
Grand Total 3515.66 3491.66
BLD- 8 Cement Mortar (1 : 8)
1-8 Unit : 1cum
Cement kg. 180.00 4.80 864.00 4.70 846.00
Sand (including 5% wastage) cum 1.05 2171.10 2279.66 2279.66
- Nil -
Man mazdoor for mixing mortar day 0.20 420.00 84.00 84.00
Grand Total 3227.66 3209.66
Plain Cement Concrete corresponding to grade as per IS 456
equivalent to (1:6:10) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine
aggregate: Coarse aggregate) using 40mm size Hard Blasted
Granite (IS383, 1970) metal from approved quarry including cost and
BLD- conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate,
CSTN- 9 water etc. to site, including all operational, incidental, and labour
charges such as mixing, laying and ramming concrete in layers in
position not exceeding 15cm, finishing top surface, curing concrete,
etc., complete for Foundations (APSS No. 402)
B. LABOUR: 0.00
1st Class Mason day 0.100 500.00 50.00 50.00
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 1.390 420.00 583.80 583.80
4343.92 4330.96
10 Plain Cement Concrete corresponding to M7.5 grade as per IS 456
equivalent to (1:4:8) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate:
Coarse aggregate) using 40mm size Hard Blasted Granite (IS383,
1970) metal from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site,
including all operational, incidental, and labour charges such as
mixing, laying and ramming concrete in layers in position not
CSTN- exceeding 15cm, finishing top surface, curing concrete, etc.,
2-5 complete for Foundations (APSS No. 402)
Cost of cement Kgs 162.00 4.80 777.60 4.70 761.40
Cost of 40mm HG metal Cum 0.90 1595.90 1436.31 1436.31
Sand for mortar Cum 0.45 2087.10 939.20 939.20
Watering including curing KL 1.20 80.00
Concrete mixer10/7 cft (2/88cum)
Hr 1.00 524.70
capacity 524.70 524.70
B. LABOUR: 0.00
1st Class Mason day 0.100 500.00 50.00 50.00
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 1.390 420.00 583.80 583.80
4311.61 4295.41
CSTN- 11 PCC M- 25 Nominal mix (Cement:fine aggregate: coarse aggregate)
corresponding to Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size graded
machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site
and including sales & other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing,
laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and
its fabrication charges ,Seigniorage charges for finished item of
work, including centering, shuttering.
A Unit=1cum
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.900 2131.40 1918.26 1918.26
Sand cum 0.450 2087.10 939.20 939.20
Cement Kgs 380.00 4.80 1824.00 4.70 1786.00
1st Class Mason day 0.100 500.00 50.00 50.00
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 1.390 420.00 583.80 583.80
Concrete mixer 10/7 cft ( 0.2 / 0.8 cum) hour 1.000 524.70 524.70 524.70
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 0.00
BASIC COST per 1 cum 5839.96 5801.96
BLD- 12 V.R.C.C. M-25 Nominal Mix
CSTN- RCC M- 25Design mix (Cement:fine aggregate: coarse aggregate)
corresponding to Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size graded
machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site
and including sales & other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing,
laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and
its fabrication charges ,Seigniorage charges for finished item of
work, including centering, shuttering. (Foundations,Plinth ,pedastals)
A Unit=1cum
Page 80 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7116.58 7116.58 7078.58 7078.58
Centering charges cum 1.00 919.00 919.00 919.00
Total 8035.58 7997.58
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7116.58 7116.58 7078.58 7078.58
Centering charges cum 1.00 1332.00 1332.00 1332.00
Total 8448.58 8410.58
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7116.58 7116.58 7078.58 7078.58
Centering charges cum 1.00 2911.00 2911.00 2911.00
Total 10027.58 9989.58
13 RCC M- 25 Design mix (Cement:fine aggregate: coarse aggregate)
corresponding to Table 9 of IS 456 using 20mm size graded
machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site
and including sales & other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as machine mixing,
laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and
its fabrication charges ,Seigniorage charges for finished item of
work, including centering, shuttering. (Columns,Lintels,Water
tank,Rcc Walls)
B Cement cost =240.00 GF FF
A. MATERIALS: Lintels and Lintels and
Columns sunshades Columns sunshades
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.900 2131.40 1918.26 1918.26 1918.26 1918.26
Sand cum 0.450 2087.10 939.20 939.20 939.20 939.20
Cement Kgs 380.000 4.80 1824.00 1824.00 1824.00 1824.00
1st Class Mason day 0.167 500.00 83.50 83.50 83.50 83.50
2nd Class Mason day 0.167 460.00 76.82 76.82 76.82 76.82
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 4.700 420.00 1974.00 1974.00 1974.00 1974.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 213.43 213.43
Concrete mixer 10/7 cft ( 0.2 / 0.8 cum) hour
capacity 1.000 524.70 524.70 524.70 524.70 524.70
Water (including for curing) kl 1.000 209.10 209.10 209.10 209.10 209.10
BASIC COST per 1 cum 7549.58 7549.58 7763.01 7763.01
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7549.58 7549.58 7763.01 7763.01
Centering charges cum 1.00 2623.00 2623.00 2850.00 2850.00
Page 81 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7549.58 7549.58 7763.01 7763.01
Centering charges cum 1.00 2795.00 2795.00 2957.00 2957.00
Total 10344.58 10720.01
BASIC COST cum 0.0375 7549.58 283.11 7763.01 291.11
Centering charges sqm 0.60 481.00 288.60 506.00 303.60
571.71 594.71
20mm HBG graded metal (66%) cum 0.600 2131.40 1278.84 1278.84
12mm HGG graded metal (33%) cum 0.300 1858.40 557.52 557.52
Sand cum 0.450 2087.10 939.20 939.20
Cement Kgs 380.000 4.80 1824.00 1824.00
1st Class Mason day 0.067 500.00 33.50 33.50
2nd Class Mason day 0.133 460.00 61.18 61.18
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 2.500 420.00 1050.00 1050.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 114.47
Add MA 0%
Concrete mixer 10 / 7 cft ( 0.2 / 0.8 cum) hour
capacity 0.267 524.70 140.09 140.09
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 209.10 250.92 250.92
BASIC COST per 1 cum 6135.25 6249.72
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 6135.25 6135.25 6249.72
Centering charges cum 1.00 3988.00 3988.00 4178.00
Total 10123.25 10427.72
RCC SLABS 125mm thick GF FF
Cost of RCC M25mix cum 1.000 6135.25 6135.25 6249.72 6249.72
Centering Charges sqm 8.00 462.00 3696.00 473.00 3784.00
Total 9831.25 10033.72
For slabs of 125mm thick 1st Floor
Cost of RCC M25mix cum 1.000 6135.25 6135.25 6249.72
Centring Charges sqm 8.000 462.00 3696.00 3784.00
Add MA on Centering labour 0% 175.00 0.00 184.00
Total 9831.25
Add 13.615% towards Overhead
charges and contractor profit 0.00
For slabs of 150mm thick GF FF
Cost of RCC M25mix cum 1.000 6135.25 6135.25 6249.72 6249.72
Centering Charges sqm 6.667 462.00 3080.15 473.00 3153.49
Total 9215.40 9403.21
Page 82 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Cement cost =235.00
A. MATERIALS: Lintels and Lintels and
sunshades sunshades
Columns Columns
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.800 2131.40 1705.12 1705.12 1705.12 1705.12
Sand cum 0.400 2087.10 834.84 834.84 834.84 834.84
Cement Kgs 380.000 4.70 1786.00 1786.00 1786.00 1786.00
1st Class Mason day 0.167 500.00 83.50 83.50 83.50 83.50
2nd Class Mason day 0.167 460.00 76.82 76.82 76.82 76.82
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 5.600 420.00 2352.00 2352.00 2352.00 2352.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 251.23 251.23
Concrete mixer 10/7 cft ( 0.2 / 0.8 cum) hour
capacity 1.000 524.70 524.70 524.70 524.70 524.70
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 209.10 250.92 250.92 250.92 250.92
BASIC COST per 1 cum 7613.90 7613.90 7865.13 7865.13
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7613.90 7613.90 7865.13 7865.13
Centering charges cum 1.00 2623.00 2623.00 2850.00 2850.00
Total 10236.90 10715.13
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 7613.90 7613.90 7865.13 7865.13
Centering charges cum 1.00 2795.00 2795.00 2957.00 2957.00
Total 10408.90 10822.13
BASIC COST cum 0.0375 7613.90 285.52 7865.13 294.94
Centering charges sqm 0.60 481.00 288.60 506.00 303.60
574.12 598.54
20mm HBG graded metal cum 0.800 2131.40 1705.12 1705.12
Sand cum 0.400 2087.10 834.84 834.84
Cement Kgs 380.000 4.70 1786.00 1786.00
1st Class Mason day 0.067 500.00 33.50 33.50
2nd Class Mason day 0.133 460.00 61.18 61.18
Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) day 3.077 420.00 1292.34 1292.34
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 138.70
Add MA 0%
Concrete mixer 10 / 7 cft ( 0.2 / 0.8 cum) hour
capacity 0.267 524.70 140.09 140.09
Water (including for curing) kl 1.200 209.10 250.92 250.92
BASIC COST per 1 cum 6103.99 6242.69
BASIC COST per 1 cum cum 1.00 6103.99 6103.99 6242.69
Centering charges cum 1.00 3988.00 3988.00 4178.00
Total 10091.99 10420.69
RCC SLABS 125mm thick GF FF
Cost of RCC M25mix cum 1.250 6103.99 7629.99 6242.69 7803.37
Centering Charges sqm 10.00 462.00 4620.00 473.00 4730.00
Total 12249.99 12533.37
For slabs of 150mm thick GF FF
Cost of RCC M25mix cum 1.500 6103.99 9155.99 6242.69 9364.04
Centering Charges sqm 10.000 462.00 4620.00 473.00 4730.00
Page 83 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 nominal mix using 12mm size hard granite
machine crushed graded metal (coarse aggregate - as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS
2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry, using a minimum quantity of 350
kgs. of cement per 1 cum of concrete using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8
cum) capacity including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine
aggregate (Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc., to site including centering,
shuttering, labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, hire charges
of concrete mixer, laying concrete, lift charges, curing etc., and overheads &
contractors profit complete for finished item of work (APSS No. 402 & 403) for
platforms and shelves.
(BLD-CSTN-3-13 C)
Cement Kgs 330.00 4.70 1551.00
12mm HBG graded metal Cum 0.90 1858.40 1672.56
Sand Cum 0.45 2087.10 939.20
1st class Mason Nos 0.067 500.00 33.50
2nd class Mason Nos 0.133 460.00 61.18
Mazdoor (both men&women) Nos 2.500 420.00 1050.00
Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8
cum)capacity hour 1.00 524.70 524.70
Crew Charges hour 1.00 252.20 252.20
Water(including for curing) kl 1.20 209.10 250.92
Basic cost per 1 cum 6335.26
Page 84 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Mason 1st class day 0.24 500.00 120.00 120.00 120.00
Page 85 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Mason 1st class day 0.24 500.00 120.00 120.00 120
Mason 2nd class day 0.56 460.00 257.60 257.60 257.6
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 1.89 420.00 793.80 793.80 793.8
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 117.14 234.28
C. SCAFOLDING 5240.86 5358.00 5475.14
Scafolding charges per sqm
(1cum/0.23m thick = 4.35sqm) sqm 4.35 89.78 390.54 539.84 689.08
Total 5631.40 5897.84 6164.22
BLD- 15 Masonry work in CM (1:6) prop with Flyash Cement solid blocks of
size 290 x 225 x 140 mm for manufacturing of flyash solid blocks
using flyash of 80 kgs, cement of 15 kgs. Gypsum of 5 kgs. and
stone dust including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, seiniorage charges, scaffolding and curing etc., cpomplete
with a compresive strength not lessthan 50 kg/sqm for walls for
Ground Floor cement Rs240 Rs235
Unit = 1 cum
No of blocks required for one cum of Nos 110.00 31593.45 3475.28 3475.28
Cost of Cement Mortar (1:6) cum 0.10 3515.66 351.57 3491.66 349.17
Mason 1st class day 0.42 500.00 210.00 210.00
Mason 2nd class day 0.92 460.00 423.20 423.20
Man Mazdoor day 0.70 420.00 294.00 294.00
Woman Mazdoor day 2.10 420.00 882.00 882.00
Total 5636.05 5633.65
BLD- OrnamentalPlastering with CM (1:3)mix 12mm thick including cost
CSTN 18 and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc.,
8-3 complete for superstructure -10Sqm for Ceiling.
Unit = 10 sqm Cement cost =240.00
Cement Mortor (1:3) cum 0.15 4667.66 700.15 700.15 700.15
Mason 1st class day 0.45 500.00 225.00 225.00 225.00
Mason 2nd class day 1.05 460.00 483.00 483.00 483.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 2.80 420.00 1176.00 1176.00 1176.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 188.4 376.80
Scafolding charges sqm 10.00 18.37 183.70 250.30 250.30
Total cost 2767.85 3022.85 3211.25
cost for 1 sqm 276.79 302.29 321.13
Page 86 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
BLD- Plastering with CM (1:5) 20mm thick including cost and conveyance
CSTN 19.00 of all materials and all labour charges etc., complete for
8-3 superstructure -10Sqm
Unit = 10 sqm Cement cost =240.00
Cement Mortor (1:5) cum 0.21 3746.06 786.67 786.67 786.67
Mason 1st class day 0.45 500.00 225.00 225.00 225.00
Mason 2nd class day 1.05 460.00 483.00 483.00 483.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 2.80 420.00 1176.00 1176.00 1176.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 188.40 376.80
Scafolding charges sqm 10.00 8.98 89.80 124.10 124.10
Total cost 2760.47 2983.17 3171.57
cost for 1 sqm 276.05 298.32 317.16
Cement cost =235.00
Page 87 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Cement Mortor (1:5) cum 0.21 3717.26 780.62 780.62 780.62
Mason 1st class day 0.45 500.00 225.00 225.00 225.00
Mason 2nd class day 1.05 460.00 483.00 483.00 483.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 2.80 420.00 1176.00 1176.00 1176.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 188.40 376.80
Scafolding charges sqm 10.00 8.98 89.80 124.10 124.10
Total cost 2754.42 2977.12 3165.52
cost for 1 sqm 275.44 297.71 316.55
BLD- 21 Painting to New wood work with two coats of ready mixed synthetic
10-6 &
enamel paint first quality all shades to give an even shade over
10-12 base coat Primer with Luppam finishing after thoroughly brushing
the surface to remove all remains including cost and conveyance of
all materials to site, sales & other taxes, all operational, incidental
and labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work.(3 coats)
(APSS No. 1201 & 1212).in All Floors
Unit: 10 sqm
Painting, Priming Coat on New Wood Work
Wood Primer L 0.70 166.40 116.48 116.48 116.48
Painter day 0.70
1st class 0.21 580.00 121.80 121.80 121.80
2ndclass 0.49 460.00 225.40 225.40 225.40
34.72 69.44
Synthetic Enamel paint (at 20 sqm / litre
as per British Paints (I) Ltd. L 1.200 317.44 380.93 380.93 380.93
Painter day 1.20
1st class 0.36 580.00 208.80 208.80 208.80
2ndclass 0.84 460.00 386.40 386.40 386.40
Add 10% including
Sundries Extra LC brushes,
on Laboursoap,putty, 59.52 119.04
Total cost for 10 sqm 1439.81 1534.05 1628.29
Total per 1 sqm 143.98 153.41 162.83
BLD- 26 Painting to New walls with two coats of Plastic Emulsion paint of
superior quality of approved brand and shade over base coat of
2&em cement primer grade -I making three coats in all to give an even
endm shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all loose
ent 17 powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials,
including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of brushes,
water to site, etc., sales & other taxes, all operational, incidental and
labour charges such as scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing etc.,
complete for finished item of work in all floors for Walls.(APSS No.
911) in All Floors for exterior walls
Unit: 10 sqm GF FF
Cost of Cement Primer Kg 1.00 230.40 230.40 230.40
1st class painter day 0.210 580.00 121.80 121.80
2nd class painter day 0.49 460.00 225.40 225.40
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 34.72
[email protected]% 1.74 1.91
plastic emulsion(@20sqm/lt as per
british paint ltd) Kg 0.80 273.92 219.14 219.14
Ist class painter day 0.21 580.00 121.80 121.80
2nd class painter day 0.49 460.00 225.40 225.40
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 1.50 420.00 630.00 630.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 97.72
Total cost for 10 sqm 1775.68 1908.29
Page 88 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Page 89 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Mason 1st class day 0.96 500.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00
Mason 2nd class day 2.24 460.00 1030.40 1030.40 1030.40 1030.40
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 3.30 420.00 1386.00 1386.00 1386.00 1386.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 289.64 0.00 289.64
Add water charges 1% 1.00%
Grand Total 7945.46 8235.10 7940.00 8229.64
Total cost for 1 sqm 794.55 823.51 794.00 822.96
BLD- 36 Providing dadooing to internal walls to 15 cm height/risers of steps
with 7.30 mm thick Ceramic tiles length equal to flooring stones, set
over base coat of CM (1:3) 12 mm thick with cement slurry of honey
like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm and jointed
with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to
full depth, including cost of all materials like Shahabad stone,
cement, sand and water etc., complete excluding seigniorage
charges, etc., complete for finished item of work Rs235.00
Unit = 10 sqm Cement cost Rs240.00 4.70
Ceramic tiles 7.30 mm thick sqm 10.00 634.84 6348.40 6348.40 6348.40 6348.40
Sand for base coat cum 0.12 2171.10 260.53 260.53 260.53 260.53
Cement for CM (1:3) for base coat kg. 57.60 4.80 276.48 276.48 270.72 270.72
Cement for slurry kg. 33.00 4.80 158.40 158.40 155.10 155.10
White Cement for Jointing & Pointing kg. 6.00 34.56 207.36 207.36 207.36 207.36
Page 90 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Mason 1st class day 0.77 500.00 385.00 385.00 385.00 385.00
Mazdoor (unskiled) day 0.80 420.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 336.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 72.10 0.00 72.10
Grand Total 7972.17 8044.27 7972.17 8044.27
Total cost for 1 sqm 797.22 804.43 797.22 804.43
BLD- Cost and supply of HYSD bars including cost and conveyance of
CSTN work spot and fabrication charges fo steel like cutting rods, tying
grills placing in position including cost of binding wire etc., complete.
(Amen a) Material GF FF
No.5 HYSD barrs including 5% for overlaps
in MT 1.05 43660.00 45843.00 45843.00
and wastage (8 to 40mm)
11-12) Binding wire Kg 6.00 64.90 389.40 389.40
b)Labour for cutting,bending,shifting to
site,tying and placing in position
Black smith/Barbender day 10.00 495.00 4950.00 4950.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 10.00 420.00 4200.00 4200.00
Add 10% Extra LC on Labour 915
Total 55382.40 56297.40
55.38 56.30
Cost and supply of MS Grills including cost and conveyance to
work spot and fabrication charges of steel like cutting rods, welding
grills placing in position etc., complete.
Cost of MS Grills Kg 1.00 50.74 50.74
Fabrication and Fixing of Grills
Kg 1.00 32.00
( 27.00+5.00 ) 32.00
Total 82.74
Best Teak wood wrought and put up
CSTN- to2 &2 to3 meters(schedule item no
13-1 38 286&287)
Unit=1 cum
Teak wood large scantlings cum 1.00
Labour:- 17.70
Carpenter 1st class day 5.310 580.00 3079.80
Carpenter 2nd class day 12.390 460.00 5699.40
Man mazdoor day 8.80 420.00 3696.00
Furniture - Iron - for External doors
(Schedule Item 292) Double Door
MS powder coated top tower bolts
BMT-G-17 250mm long Nos 2 160.48
MS powder coated bottom tower bolts 80.24
BMT-G-17 250mm long Nos 1 80.24
BMT-G-36 MS powder coated handles 150mm long Nos 2 106.20
BMT-G-45 MS powder coated aldrops 300mm long Nos 1 181.72
MS powder coated bult hings 125mm 36.58
BMT-G-29 long Nos 6 219.48
Wind Cleats Nos 2 17.70 35.40
BMS- 37.76
W 69 MS hold fasts 300mm long Nos 4 151.04
(Same for all doors) 934.56
Page 91 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Cabin hooks
Nos 3 17.70
MS powder coated top tower bolts 28.32
BMT-G-14 100mm long Nos 3 84.96
MS powder coated bottom tower bolts
BMT-G-14 100mm long Nos 3 84.96
BMS-W 69 MS hold fasts 300mm long Nos 4 37.76 151.04
75mm long MS powder coated butt
BMT-G-28 hinges Nos 9 116.82
Teak wood wrought and put up to2 &2
to3 meters(schedule item no 286&287)
BMM-V-25 for Doors 1570.00
Teak wood wrought and put up to2 &2
to3 meters(schedule item no 286&287)
BMM-V-31 for Windows 1515.00
Other than Teak wood wrought and put
up to2 &2 to3 meters(schedule) for
BMM-V-38 Doors 1452.00
Other than Teak wood wrought and put
up to2 &2 to3 meters(schedule) for
BMM-V-41 Windows 1401.00
39 Supply and fixing of Flush Door shutter of size 1.20 x 2.10mt with block board
type with commercial ply onboth faces30 mm thick with frame made of well
seasoned teak Wood scantlings of size 100 x 75mm including cost and
conveyance of all materials and labour charges as per specifications (APSS
NO.1001 & 1002)
Flush door shutters, solid bond wood Sqm 1.00 1453.76 1453.760
block board type with commercial ply on
both sides : 30 mmthick conforming to
IS:2202 ( BMT N 16)
labour charges for fixing flush door Sqm 1.00 383.00 383.000
shutters of any thickness to the existing
door frame including fixing all fixtuters to
the door SSR P.No69 BMM V23
labour charges for fixing flush door Sqm 1.000 383.000 383.000
shutters of any thickness to the existing
door frame including fixing all fixtuters to
the door SSR P.No69 BMM V23
labour charges for fixing flush door SQM 1.00 383.00 383.000
shutters of any thickness to the existing
door frame including fixing all fixtuters to
the door SSR P.No69 BMM V23
Sal Wood
14 Fully Panelled doors - External or
Internal - Moulded panels (Schedule
Item NoShutter
Double 290)
1200 x 2100 mm
*Sal wood (Average of scantlings +
Planks ) cum 0.131 61895.13 8108.26 0.2898
Labour, wrought and putup in position
frame & shutters 2.21 1452.00 3201.66 2.205
Sundries inclusive of holdfasts and all
wind appliances (Vide relevant standard
specification) 1.000 934.56 934.56 0.13142857
Total for each door 12244.48
say 12244.00
Door Double Shutter
900 x 2100 mm
*Sal wood (Average of scantlings +
Planks ) cum 0.101 61895.13 6251.41
Labour, wrought and putup in position
frame & shutters 1.89 1452.00 2744.28
Sundries inclusive of holdfasts and all
wind appliances (Vide relevant standard
specification) 1.000 934.56 934.56
Total for each door 9930.25
say 9930.00
Door Single Shutter
750 x 2100 mm
*Sal wood (Average of scantlings +
Planks ) cum 0.082 61895.13 5075.40
Labour, wrought and putup in position
frame & shutters 1.58 1452.00 2286.90
Page 94 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
coat of 4mm thick in CM (1:4) with dubara sponge finishing including cost and conveyance
of all materials like cement, fine sand (screened), water, etc., to site, and all other taxes on all
materials, and operational, incidental charges and all labour charges for mixing mortar,
finishing, scaffolding, lift charges, curing, including cutting grooves etc.excluding VAT and
seigniorage charges and including overhead charges as directed by Engineer-in-charge,
complete for finished item of work (APSS No. 901 & 904) for EXTERNAL faces of walls
Mason 1st class day 0.63 500.00 315.00 315.00
Mason 2 class
day 1.47 460.00 676.20 676.20
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 3.90 400.00 1560.00 1560.00
0 0.00
3304.84 3299.09
Rs240.00 Rs235.00
Rate per 10.00 Sqm 3304.84 3304.84 3304.84 3299.09 3299.09 3299.09
Scaffolding charges
Hire charges 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30
Rate per 1.00 Sqm 339.46 368.41 371.84 338.89 367.83 371.26
44 (BLD- Flooring with 25mm thick polished Cuddapah/Shabad stone set over base coat of CM (1:8) over already laid
CC bed / RCC Roof Slab, including neat cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 kgs per sqm.
& Jointed with neat cement to full depth including cost of all materials like cement, sand, and water and
flooring stones etc., complete, including seigniorage charges, labour charges for dressing of flooring stones
etc., complete for finished item of work, but excluding the cost of conveyance of all materials.
Unit = 10 sqm. Cement cost Rs240.00 Rs235.00
Page 96 of 147
S. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Page 97 of 147
Construction of Grama Sachivalayam Building New ,RBK building , Wellness Center in Rudravaram
village of Rudravaram Mandal of Kurnool District.
2 Supply and Fixing of 25mm dia 1.8mm thick P.V.C. pipe (ISI
MARK) concealed in wall with all required accessories including
masonary work for light, fan and separate plug point with well
seasoned TW box including all labour charges etc., complete. Make
: Sudhakar/ Maco Plast / Modi
Page 98 of 147
8 Supply and fixing of 6A 3 pin wall plug socket with 6A switch control
on a common switch board with earth continuity including wire
leads, earth connections along with all labour charges etc.,
Makes : Anchor Penta cherry/ Gold Medal Olive /Million Zoom
9 Supply and Fixing of 20A 3pin and 6A 3pin plug socket with and
16A switch control duly recessed in wall with MS switch deep box of
6" x8" x2 1/2" size covered with hylam sheet including earth
connections and all labour charges etc., complete. Plug Socket.
11 Supply & Fixing of 1200mm (48") sweep 230V, A.C 50 Hz. ceiling
fan with 3 blades and double ball bearings with all standard
accessories including cost of all materials, all taxes, conveyance to
site and all labour charges for all operations etc., complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge
16 Fixing of 40W street light luminaire to the wall with 1.0 Mtr., 25mm
dia GI pipe bracket and anti tilting MS flat etc., including giving
connections and labour charges etc., complete.
Page 99 of 147
17 Supply and fixing of 3-Phase Meter Board with 18" x 30" size Peta
Board with 3 No. of 100A, 415 V Fuse Unit and 32A Standard make
including giving internal connections including cost of all materials,
all taxes, conveyance to site and all labour charges for all operations
etc., complete as directed by Engineer in Charge.
1 x 1 1.00 Nos.
1.00 Nos. 4259.00 1 No 4259.00
18 Providing independent earthling by excavating a trench to a depth of
2.1 M in all soils, as per size specified in the Data, using 40mm dia
'B' class GI pipe of 2.5 Mtrs length with necessary accessories with
hume pipe ring duly providing staggered holes including cost of all
materials, all taxes, conveyance to site and all labour charges for all
operations etc., complete as directed by Engineer in Charge.
1 x 1 1.00 Nos.
19 Supply and fixing TPN - Vertical type Distribution board with IP -43
Protection with 125A, 4 Pole 25 kA MCCB as incomer with 4Nos
63A TP MCBs and 9 Nos. 10 kA SPMCBs as outgoing including
internal connection and labour charges for flush mounting etc.
1 x 1 1.00 Nos.
1.00 Nos. 23052.00 1 No 23052.00
20 Supply and fixing 8 way SPN Distribution board with IP-43
protection (Metal Door) suitable for single phase ELCB / RCCB / DP
Isolator as incomer and 10kA SP MCBs as outing going including
internal connection and labour charges for flush mounting etc.,
complete. 40A Double Pole isolater 1 No 10KA 6-32 A range
SPMCBS 12 Nos for Outgoing.
Make: Miltec / Sputnik / Crystal / Bentec.
1 x 2 2.00 Nos.
Limited to Rs 2,47,000
1 2 3 4 5 6
1.4 P.V.C. Conduit (Concealed)
1.4.2 Supply and Fixing of 25mm dia1.80mm thick PVC pipe (ISI MARK) concealed in
(a) wall with all required accessories including masonary work and labour charges
etc., complete.
Taking Output = 100 M
a) Material
25mm outer dia heavy 2.20mm thick PVC pipe 100 M 1 29.50 2950.00
U' Links (8.1.5) 100 2 35.40 70.80
25mm dia 1,2,3 & 4 way deep Junction Box Nos
Each 12 29.50 354.00
25mm PVC bends Each 12 9.44 113.28
Cement kg 50 4.80 240.00
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 2 575.00 1150.00
Semi skilled Electrician day 2 471.00 942.00
Helpers day 2 460.00 920.00
Mason Ist class day 2 500.00 1000.00
C) Cost for 100 RM 7740.08
Rate per Metre = C/100 77.40
1.4.2 Supply and Fixing of 25mm dia 1.8mm thick PVC pipe (ISI MARK) concealed in
(c) Roof Slabs with all required accessories including masonary work and labour
charges etc., complete.
Taking Output = 100 M
a) Material
25mm dia 2mm thick PVC pipe 100 M 1 29.50 2950.00
25mm dia 1,2,3 & 4 way deep Junction Box Each 12 29.50 354.00
25mm PVC bends Each 12 9.44 113.28
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 2 575.00 1150.00
Semi skilled Electrician day 2 471.00 942.00
Helpers day 2 460.00 920.00
C) Cost for 100 RM 6429.28
Rate per Metre = C/100 64.29
Note : 1. If 25mm dia PVC / MS pipes are used for light / fan point, add
the cost of sheet metal / well seasoned wooden board / box.
2 Wiring
2.1 Copper Wiring
2.1.1 Wiring with 2 runs of 14/0.3mm (1.0 Sq.mm) Fire Retardant (FR) P.V.C. insulated
flexible copper cable (ISI MARK) in existing pipe with 6A switch, Ceiling rose and
3mm thick hylam sheet covering to switch control box including all labour charges
etc., complete for light, bell, fan and exhaust fan points in Non-Residential
icatio Quanti
Description Unit Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
n No. ty
1 2 3 4 5 6
2.1.1 Supply and run of 1 of 14 /0.3mm (1.0 Sq.mm) FR P.V.C.
insulated flexible copper cable in existing pipe for earth continuity
including all labour charges etc., complete.
Taking Output =100M
a) Material
14/0.3mm FR PVC copper wire 100 M 1 1239.00 1239.00
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.34 575.00 195.50
Semi skilled Electrician day 1 471.00 471.00
Helpers day 0.34 460.00 156.40
C) Cost for 100m 2061.90
Rate per1mt 20.62
2.1.4 Supply and fixing of 6A 3 pin wall plug socket with 6A switch
control on a common switch board with earth continuity including
wire leads, earth connections along with all labour charges etc.,
Taking Output = each
a) Material
6A 3 pin / 2 pin Socket (1.7.1)a each 1 28.32 28.32
6A switch (1.7.1)d each 1 17.70 17.70
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.067 575.00 38.53
Helpers day 0.067 460.00 30.82
Rate per each 69.35
Note : Labour Charges proposed for 1point considering 15 per day
2.1.5 Supply and fixing of 16A 3pin / 6A 3pin plug socket with indicator lamp and
16Amps fuse unit and 16 Amps switch control (5 in one) on modular cover frame
including earth connection and all labour charges etc., complete on wall.
Taking Output = each
a) Material
4 Moduler Cover frame (1.8.3)c each 1 94.40 94.40
16A 3 pin / 6A 3pin Plug socket with indicator lamp, each 1
fuse unit (5 in 1) (1.7.1)m 171.10 171.10
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.1 575.00 57.50
Helpers day 0.1 460.00 46.00
Rate per each 369.00
Note : Labour Charges proposed for 1point considering 10 per day
2.1.7 Supply and fixing of batten holder / slanting holder in lieu of ceiling
rose of light point complete with all connections and all labour
charges with 40W bulb (for new installation).
1 2 3 4 5 6
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.05 575.00 28.75
Helpers day 0.05 460.00 23.00
Rate per each 51.75
NOTE : Labour Charges proposed for 20 jobs per day
2.1.12 Supply and fixing of buzzer / Calling bell on 100 x 100 mm (4"x4") decolam block
including giving connections, cost of all accessories and labour charges etc.,
Taking Output = each
a) Material
Buzzer (1.7.1)U each 1 64.90 64.90
100 x 100 mm (4"x4") decolam block each 1
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.062 575.00 35.65
Helpers day 0.062 460.00 28.52
Rate per each 129.07
NOTE : Labour Charges proposed for 16 jobs per day
3.1.3 Supply and run of 2 of 22/0.3mm (1.5 Sq.mm) F.R P.V.C. insulated flexible copper
cable in existing pipe for mains inlcuding all labour charges etc., complete.
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.67 575.00 385.25
Semi Skilled Electrician day 2 471.00 942.00
Helpers day 0.67 460.00 308.20
C) Cost for 100 RM 7393.85
Rate per Metre = C/100 73.94
Note : Labour Charges considered for 150 M / day
3.1.5 Supply and run of 2 of 56/0.3mm (4 Sq.mm) FR P.V.C. insulated flexible copper cable in
existing pipe for mains inlcuding all labour charges etc., complete.
Taking Output = 100 M
a) Material
56 /0.3mm (4 sqmm)FR PVC flexible copper wire. 100 M 2.00 4395.50 8791.00
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 1 575.00 575.00
Semi Skilled Electrician day 3 471.00 1413.00
Helpers day 1 460.00 460.00
C) Cost for 100 RM 11239.00
icatio Quanti
Description Unit Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
n No. ty
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rate per Metre = C/100 112.39
Note : Labour Charges considered for 100 M / day
3.1.4 Supply and run of 1 of 36/0.3mm (2.5 Sq.mm) F.R P.V.C. insulated flexible copper
(a) cable in existing pipe for earth continuity inlcuding all labour charges etc.,
Taking Output = 100 M
a) Material
36/0.3mm (2.5 sqmm) FR PVC copper wire
(Finolex) (1.5.1)c 100 M 1 2879.20 2879.20
b) Labour charges :
Skilled Electrician day 0.34 575.00 195.50
Semi Skilled Electrician day 1 471.00 471.00
Helpers day 0.34 460.00 156.40
C) Cost for 100 RM 3702.10
Rate per Metre = C/100 37.02
Note : Labour Charges considered for 150 M / day
4.1 Panel Mounting Cubical type SDF
4.1.1 Supply and erection of Panel mounting cubical type 30 / 32A TPN 415V, 50 Hz. switch
disconnector fuse unit complete with front drive mechanism with door inter lock, padlocking
arrangement etc., complete with fuse links on existing control panel.
icatio Quanti
Description Unit Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
n No. ty
1 2 3 4 5 6
5.1.1 Providing independent earthling by excavating a trench to a depth of 2.1 M in all soils, as
per size specified in the Data, using 40mm dia 'B' class GI pipe of 2.5 Mtrs length with
necessary accessories with hume pipe ring duly providing staggered holes including filling
with equal proportion of Salt and Charcoal in layers and all labour charges etc., complete
for small quarters.
a) Material
Earth Work Excavation of Hard gravel Soil with small
boulder for trench 1st step of size 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.9 m cum 0.85 250.00 212.50
of Hard disteggrated rocks and boulders for
trench 2nd Step of size 1.2 x 0.6 x 1.2 m (Civil SSR) cum 0.90 0.00 0.00
25% extra for narrow trench & pit and back filling with
Sand, Coke, Salt etc., and leveling 0.25 212.50 53.13
40mm dia 'B' Class G.I pipe (8.4.15) Mtr 2.50 413.00 1032.50
25 x 6 mm (1"X 1/4") G.I Flat duly drilled 12mm holes (4
Nos) of 200 mm (8") length (8.3.6) Each 2.54 82.60 209.80
No 8 G.I Wire 0.83 76.70 63.66
Drilling of 16 Nos through holes of 12mm dia to G.I pipe (8.4.18) Each 16.00 7.08 113.28
G.I Nuts, Bolts an Washers (8.4.19) Set 4.00 14.16 56.64
18" dia hume pipe ring (8.1.20) Each 1.00 295.00 295.00
Hard Coke (8.1.10) Kg 40.00 23.60 944.00
Salt (8.1.11) Kg 20.00 17.70 354.00
b) labour charges for fixing pipe ring and Each 0.00 0.00
Semi skilled Electrician Nos 0.50 471.00 235.50
Helpers Nos 0.50 460.00 230.00
Rate per each 3800.01
6.1 WPSC (Weather Prrof Single Core) (PVC Cleats)
6.1.1 Supply and Run of 2 of 2.5 Sq.mm WPSC (Whether Proof Single Core) Aluminium
cable along with No.10 SWG G.I bearer wire through PVC cleats with all
accessories including labour charges etc., complete for service mains.
a) Material
2.5 Sq.mm WPSC Aluminium cable (1.6.1) 100 M 2 814.20 1628.40
No.10 SWG G.I wire. (0.026 Kg / Mtr) Length 100 kg 6.7 76.70 513.89
Cleats (8.1.12) 100 1 383.50 383.50
b) labour charges Nos
Skilled Electrician day 1 575.00 575.00
Semi skilled day 1 471.00 471.00
Helper day 1 460.00 460.00
Sundries such as insulation tapes and rounding off
C) Cost for 100 M 4031.79
Rate per mtr c/100 40.32
7.1.1 Supply of 1x40W weatherproof flourescent streetlight fitting comprising canopy of
sheet Aluminium in stove enamel finish with copper / VPIT ballast, capacitor, tube
and starter etc., complete.
a) Material
Supply of 1x36/40W WP flourscent street light each
1 1357.00 1357.00
fitting. (3.1.1)
Lamp cost of 36/40W flourscent (3.7.3) each 1 47.20 47.20
icatio Quanti
Description Unit Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
n No. ty
1 2 3 4 5 6
Supply of 23/0060 twin core flat wire of makes
Finolex (1.5.6) 2 1121.00 22.42
25 mm G.I Pipe medium (8.4.15) Mtr 1 289.10 289.10
Pipe bending charges 20.00
M.S Flat and welding charges 20.00
Sundries and rounding off
b) labour charges
Skilled Electrician day 0.20 575.00 115.00
Semi skilled day 0.20 471.00 94.20
skilled Mason day 0.20 460.00 92.00
Rate per each 2056.92
8.2.2 Supply and Transportation of 1x36/40W box type tube light
luminaire with copper / Electronic balast etc., and 1No 36/40W
tube etc., complete.
a) Material
1x40/36 box type T.L fitting (3.6.1) each 1 849.60 849.60
36/40 Tube flourscent lamp each 1 47.20 47.20
Supply of 23/0060 twin core flat wire of makes
Finolex (1.5.6) 1 11.21
Supply of No 8 screws of 35/38 mm (1.4.4)d 2 118.00 2.36
Rawal Plugs (8.1.2) 2 35.40 0.71
TW/PVC Round blocks (8.1.29) 2 9.44 18.88
Sundries and rounding off
b) labour charges
Skilled Electrician day 0.10 471.00 47.10
Semi skilled day 0.10 460.00 46.00
Rate per each 1023.06
9.7.2 Supply of 900 mm (36") / 1200 mm (48") / 1400 mm (56") sweep
230V, A.C 50 Hz.Ceiling fan with 3 Blades and double ball
bearings with all standard accessories.
a) Material
900 mm (36") / 1200 mm (48") / 1400 mm (56") each
Ceiling Fan (5.1.1) 1 3534.10 3534.10
Supply of 23/0060 twin core flat wire of makes
Finolex (1.5.6) 1 1121.00 11.21
Transportation Charges on Unit Cost 1% 35.34
b) labour charges
Skilled Electrician day 0.125 575.00 71.88
Helper day 0.125 460.00 57.50
Rate per Each 3710.03
Note : Labour is Considered for 10 jobs / day
9.7.26 Supply and erectingStepped type regulator for ceiling fans
900/1200/1400mm sweep complete erected on existing board.
a) Material
Stepped type Regulator (1.7.1)i M 1 212.40 212.40
b) Labour charges.
Semi skilled Electrician day 0.1 460.00 46.00
Rate per Each 258.40
Note : Labour is Considered for 10 jobs / day
1 Supply and errcting,ISI mark of 1 H.P 13 stages single phase ISI Submerseeeible motor
Pumpset suitable for 4" borewell Makes kriloskar/Crompton/CRI/L&T/Texma/Varsha with
high quality wear resistance and dynamically balanced bronze imperresKirloskar /
Crompton / Texmo / CRI / KSB/Lubi/ PSG/Aryen Varsha
1 2 3 4 5 6
Helper day 2.00 460.00 920.00
Plumber day 1.00 580.00 580.00
Rate per each 22150.12
Name of the Work: Providing Sanitation facilities to Grama Sachivalaym at Ibrahimpatnam
Estimate Cost in Rs.:- 1.40 Lakhs
Sl. Measurements Quantit
No Description of Work Nos Rate Amount
L B D y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
Providing Sanitatiaon
Drilling of 165mm dia borewell with power rig and clearing of all stratas remaining the
bore well and inserting 180mm dia PVC 6kg/Sq.cm as casing pipe upto hard strata as
recommended by the Geologist and flushing of borewell and cleaning of all starts
S&F of 12.7mm N.P bib tap indian make 300 g Each 223.00 1.000 223.00
labour charges only 0% 29.000 29.00
50 of
mm Nominal
Matrial GSTBore GI pipe Light Grade properties & 18% 223.000 40.14
weight as per IS 1239 ISI mark with GI fittings ncluding the cost 292.14
of pipe
Total & its
rate perfittings
each & labour charges etc., complete 1 292.14
Each 412.00 1.000 412.00
SlNo S& F 25 mm Nominal Bore Description
GI pipe Light Grade properties & Unit Rate Rs. Coefficient
weight as per IS 1239
Add cost of Matrial GST ISI mark with GI fittings ncluding the cost 18% 412.00 74.16
of pipe & its fittings & labour charges etc., complete
Each 241.00 1.000 241.00
S& F 20 mm Nominal Bore GI pipe Light Grade properties &
Add costasofper IS 1239
Matrial GSTISI mark with GI fittings ncluding the cost 18% 241.00 43.38
of pipe & its fittings & labour charges etc., complete
Each 185.00 1.000 185.00
S & F 12.7 mm brass stop cock Indian make heavy duty Each 200 1.000 200.00
Add cost of Matrial GST 18% 200.000 36.00
Total rate per each 1 236.00
19 Supply & fixing bib cock cum health faucet with 1 m long flexible tube and wall hook ofJaquar make queen
series with 7 years warranty Chrome plated
bib cock cum health faucet Each 3758 1.000 3758.00
Add cost of Matrial GST 18% 3758.000 676.44
Total rate per each 1 4434.44
20 Supplying & Fixing of CP Long body bib cock fancy type deluxe heavy duty 12.7 mm dia Indian make
Seiko/ Senior/ Nice or equivalent including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, all labour charges
complete for finished item of work for All Floors
21 S & F CP Long body bib cock fancy type deluxe heavy duty
12.7 mm dia Indian make Seiko/ Senior/ Nice or equivalent Each 547 1.000 547.00
22 Supplying & Fixing of CP Short body bib cock fancy type deluxeheavy duty 12.7 mm dia Indian make
Seiko/ Senior/ Nice or equivalent including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, all labour charges
complete for finished item of work for All Floors
30 Supply & fixing of 110 mm dia - Door Bend 87.5 Degree - UPVC/SWR Pipe fittings (Prince/Sudhakar/
Kisan/ Supreme or any ISI Brand) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, all labour charges
complete for finished item of work
110 mm dia - Door Bend 87.5 Degree - UPVC/SWR Pipe
fittings (Prince/Sudhakar/ Kisan/ Supreme or any ISI Brand) Each 91.00 1.000 91.00
37 Supply & fixing of 75 mm dia - 45 Degree Bend - UPVC/SWR Pipe fittings (Prince/ Sudhakar/Kisan/
Supreme or any ISI Brand) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, all labour charges
complete for finished item of work
Sl No Description of Item No.s Qty Unit Rate /Per Amount
2 Plain Cement Concrete (1:4:8) prop using 40mm size HBG (SS5) metal
including Cost and Conveyance of all materials and curing charges but
excluding unskilled wages etc., complete for finished item of work for
Foundations and Flooring Bed (APSS No. 402)(CSSR)
4 Brick Masonary for Basement with CM (1:6) proportion using 2nd class
traditional bricks of size 23X11X7 cms having minimum crushing
strength of 35kg/cm2 including cost and conveyance of all materials like
Cement, Sand, Bricks, water etc including seigniorage, sales and other
taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and labour
charges such as mixing cement mortar , Scaffolding charges, etc
complete for finished item of work (APSS No 501 & 504)
Sanitation and Water supply for Ground floor & First floor
S.N Measurements
Description of work Nos Quantity Rate Per
o L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Suppllying and fixing Prince/Sudhakar or equivalent ISI make
PVC SWR grade Pipes of type B class and specials like
bends, Tee, Y-junction with or without door, Vent cowl,
providing and fixing cleaning / rodding eye with endcap
wherever required, etc., cutting the pipes, laying or fixing to
perfect plumb, with slopes where required, making joints
using solvent cement solution or with ring seal couplers of
size available pipe of 110mm and 75mm dia., providing 110
dia PVC make up piece with inlet connections, providing and
fixing G.I. U clamps to the brackets, Providing and removing
necessary scaffolding where required, providing supports for
pipes laid in false ceiling using G.I.hangers fixed to R.C.C
slab including providing and fixing necessary anchor fastners
and clamps, conducting water test for leak proof joints and
the materials, etc., complete.
1 x 2 2.00
2.00 Nos. 3927.84 1 No
3 Supplying and Fixing European Water Closet of 1st quality
conforming to IS:2556-Part-2-1973 of Hindustan / Neycer or
Parryware make white glazed with 'P' trap including 10 lit. low
level PVC flusihing system of parryware make confirming to
IS 7231 with all internal fittings, CI brackets, 32mm dia CP
flush pipe, 15mm dia 450mm long PVC connerctor, 15mm
dia Cp brass strop cock 300 grams of ISI make, cutting and
making good the walls and floors wherever required including
cost & conveyance of all material to work site, all labour
charges for all operations for fixing, all taxes etc., complete
for finished item of work.
1 x 4 4.00 Nos.
4.00 Nos 2423.40 1 No
1 x 4 4.00 Nos.
4.00 Nos 101.48 1 No
1 x 4 4.00 Nos.
4.00 Nos. 143.96 1 No
7 Supply & fixing of tested NP bib taps at all levels of 12.70mm
dia of Indian make 400g first quality including cost &
conveyance of all materials, labour charges for finished item
of work, and all taxes complete for all floors
1 x 8 8.00 Nos.
8.00 Nos. 263.14 1 No
8 Supply & fixing bib cock cum health faucet with 1 m long
flexible tube and wall hook of Jaquar make queen series with
7 years warranty Chrome plated
1 x 2 2.00 Nos.
18 Plastering with C.M(1:3) for Impervios coat 1Sqm 106.12 2.23 1069.69
28 Gravel 1Cum 22.35
Total 59.79 2.23 29.62 20148.60
45.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 403 bags
1005.75 5381.10 223.00 2962.40
seigniorage - 9572.00
Part B
seigniorage - 3703.00
Labour Rates
Mason 1stClass day 500.00 490.00
Mason 2ndClass day 460.00 440.00
Mazdoor day 420.00 400.00
Painter 1st class day 580.00 550.00
Painter 2nd class day 460.00 440.00
Blacksmith/Barbender day 495.00 475.00
Carpenter 1stClass day 580.00 550.00
Carpenter 2ndClass day 460.00 440.00
Skilled Electrician day 575.00
Semi Skilled Electrician day 471.00
1 2 3 4 4
Skilled fitter day 550.00
Plumber/Pipefitter day 580.00
Helper day 460.00
Mate day 471.00
Miller Operator day 510.00
RATES AS PER S.S.R 2019-20
Basic+GST Initial Cost GST
Sl.N 2019-20
GST % Total
SSR NO Name of the Material without GST Value
o 2019-20
Per Rate
1 2 3 4
1 R&B 94b Sand for Mortor for concrete Cum 535.50 510.00 5.00 25.50 535.50
2 R&B 9436.a Sand for Mortor for plastering Cum 619.50 590.00 5.00 29.50 619.50
3 R&B 94c Sand for Filling Cum 393.75 375.00 5.00 18.75 393.75
Gravel Cum 118.65 113.00 5.00 5.65 118.65
4 Water Kl 80.00 80.00 0.00 80.00
5 R&B 173 Binding wire Kg 64.90 55.00 18.00 9.90 64.90
6 BMT-F-28 Rabit wire mesh (Chicken mesh) 1Sqm 20.06 17.00 18.00 3.06 20.06
Coarse Aggregate IRC&SS5, HBG
7 (including Blasting & Crushing
a R&B33b 10mm Nominal size Cum 966.00 920.00 5.00 46.00 966.00
b R&B33c 12mm Nominal size Cum 1134.00 1080.00 5.00 54.00 1134.00
c R&B33d 20mm Nominal size Cum 1407.00 1340.00 5.00 67.00 1407.00
d R&B33e 25mm Nominal size Cum 1354.50 1290.00 5.00 64.50 1354.50
e R&B33f 40mm Nominal size Cum 871.50 830.00 5.00 41.50 871.50
f Irr M-045 20-10mm Aggregate size Cum 1241.10 1182.00 5.00 59.10 1241.10
g Irr M-052 13.20/12.50mm Nominal size Cum 1134.00 1080.00 5.00 54.00 1134.00
h Irr-7 10-4.75 mm Nominal size Cum 903.00 860.00 5.00 43.00 903.00
i Stone dust Cum 350.00 350.00 5.00 17.50 367.50
8 R&B SS-22a RR stone (for Masonry) Cum 180.02 171.45 5.00 8.57 180.02
9 R&B SS-b-28 Bond stone Cum 1983.33 99.17 2082.50
C.R.Stone Cum 197.15 5.00 9.86 207.01
Water Proofing compound (Acco- 18.76 85.76
10 BMT-H-119 Kg 85.76 67.00
proof) 28.00
Bricks 2nd Class traditional size 300.00 6300.00
11 BMT-A-01 1000 Nos 6300.00 6000.00
(23x11x7 cm) 5.00
Fly ash bricks of size 1200.00 25200.00
12 BMT-A-10 1000 Nos 25200.00 24000.00
290X225X140mm (50Kg) 5.00
Fly ash bricks of size 1000.00 21000.00
13 BMT-A-11 1000 Nos 21000.00 20000.00
290X200X140mm (50Kg) 5.00
Fly ash bricks of size 1050.00 22050.00
14 BMT-A-12 1000 Nos 22050.00 21000.00
290X150X140mm (50Kg) 5.00
Fly ash bricks of size 550.00 11550.00
15 BMT-A-13 1000 Nos 11550.00 11000.00
290X112/100X140mm (50Kg) 5.00
Fly ash bricks of size 300.00 6300.00
16 BMT-A-14 1000 Nos 6300.00 6000.00
225X100X60mm (50Kg) 5.00
Polished shabad stone 15-18 mm 289.80 1899.80
17 BMT-B-05 10 Sqm 1899.80 1610.00
thick (0.457 x .304)) 18.00
Polished Kadapa slabs min of 15 241.74 1584.74
18 BMT-B-06 10 Sqm 1584.74 1343.00
mm thick (0.457 x 457)) 18.00
Kadapa slab 40 mm thick (0.457 x 17.28 113.28
19 BMT-B-01 1 Sqm 113.28 96.00
0.457)) 18.00
Polished Bethmcherla (Marble type) 690.12 4524.12
20 BMT-B-07 white stone of min of25mm thick 10 Sqm 4524.12 3834.00
(0.254x0.254) 18.00
Polished Bethmcherla coloured 482.94 3165.94
21 BMT-B-08 10 Sqm 3165.94 2683.00
stone of 25mm thick 18.00
22 BMT-B-04 Shabad stone 40mm thick 10 Sqm 1453.76 1232.00 18.00 221.76 1453.76
23 BMT-B-03 Shabad stone 25mm thick 10 Sqm 1128.08 956.00 18.00 172.08 1128.08
Non Porcelain Ceramic Floortiles 67.32 441.32
24 BMT-C-55 Sqm 441.32 374.00
450x450 size (7- 8mm thick) 18.00
Ceramic walltiles 600x300 size (6-8 96.84 634.84
25 BMT-C-23 Sqm 634.84 538.00
mm thick) 18.00
Porcelain Vitrified floor tiles of size 75.78 496.78
26 BMT-C-07 Sqm 496.78 421.00
600X600 mm (8-10mm) 18.00
27 BMT-C-95 Coloured glazed tiles (5-7mm) Sqm 497.96 422.00 18.00 75.96 497.96
Best Teak wood scantling upto 22070.52 144684.52
28 BMT-E-05 Cum 144684.52 122614.00
2.00m 18.00
BestTeak wood scantling upto 2.00- 23494.50 154019.50
29 BMT-E-06 Cum 154019.50 130525.00
3.00m 18.00
Medium Teak wood scantling upto 12815.10 84010.10
30 BMT-E-01 Cum 84010.10 71195.00
2.00m 18.00
Medium Teak wood scantling upto 14239.08 93345.08
31 BMT-E-02 Cum 93345.08 79106.00
2.00-3.00m 18.00
32 BMT-E-08 Best Teak wood planks Cum 182023.26 154257.00 18.00 27766.26 182023.26
33 BMT-E-04 Medium Teak wood planks Cum 168021.38 142391.00 18.00 25630.38 168021.38
1 2 3 4
34 BMT-E-15 Sal wood scantlings any length Cum 54536.06 46217.00 18 8319.06 54536.06
35 BMT-E-16 Sal wood planks any thickness Cum 69254.20 58690.00 18 10564.20 69254.20
36 BMT-E-17 AC sheet corrugated 6mm thick Sqm 214.20 204.00 5.00 10.20 214.20
37 BMT-E-18 AC sheet plain 4mm thick Sqm 153.30 146.00 5.00 7.30 153.30
38 BMT-E-19 AC sheet plain 6mm thick Sqm 159.60 152.00 5.00 7.60 159.60
Plain or corrugated GI sheet (0.1mm 3.10 65.10
39 BMT-E-20 Kg 65.10 62.00
to 0.8mm thick) 5.00
40 BMS-W-15 Cement jolly 25mm thick Sqm 225.38 191.00 18.00 34.38 225.38
41 BMS-W-16 Cement jolly 40mm thick Sqm 292.64 248.00 18.00 44.64 292.64
42 BMT-U-02 Joint filler board 20 mm thick Sqm 867.30 735.00 18.00 132.30 867.30
43 BMS-W-20 Mastic pad 25.4mm thick Sqm 990.02 839.00 18.00 151.02 990.02
44 BMS-W-21 Mastic pad 12.7mm thick Sqm 567.58 481.00 18.00 86.58 567.58
45 BMT-J-08 White lead Kg 119.04 93.00 28.00 26.04 119.04
Polymer luxary Plastic emulsion 113.12 517.12
46 BMT-J-22 Lit 517.12 404.00
superior grade 28.00
47 BMT-J-35 Plastic emulsion exterior Lit 273.92 214.00 28.00 59.92 273.92
48 BMT-J-24 Plastic emulsion interior Lit 215.04 168.00 28.00 47.04 215.04
49 BMS-W-68 White cement Kg 34.56 27.00 28.00 7.56 34.56
50 BMT-J-01 Cement Primer Gr.I (Interior) Kg 180.48 141.00 28.00 39.48 180.48
51 BMT-J-02 Cement Primer Gr.I (exterior) Kg 230.40 180.00 28.00 50.40 230.40
52 BMT-J-03 Rex Oxide Gr.I Lit 154.88 121.00 28.00 33.88 154.88
53 BMT-J-05 Wood primer Lit 166.40 130.00 28.00 36.40 166.40
54 BMT-J-20 Dry power distember Kg 51.20 40.00 28.00 11.20 51.20
55 BMT-J-21 Oil bound washeable distemper Kg 103.68 81.00 28.00 22.68 103.68
Snowcem paint/Water proof cement 13.72 62.72
56 BMT-J-24 Kg 62.72 49.00
paint 28.00
57 BMT-J-29 Synthetic Enamel paint Gr.I Lit 317.44 248.00 28.00 69.44 317.44
58 Mild steel MT 50740.00 43000.00 18.00 7740.00 50740.00
59 Cement Kg 4.80 3.75 28.00 1.05 4.80
60 HYSD Fe450 MT 43070.00 36500.00 18.00 6570.00 43070.00
61 BMT-F-04 Mild steel Tubes & Pipes in all dia Kg 70.80 60.00 18.00 10.80 70.80
Fabrication of iron girlls, doors & 27.00
62 BMM-V-14 1Kg 27.00 27.00
Fixing charges of iron grills, doors & 5.00
63 BMM-V-15 1Kg 5.00 5.00
Teak wood wrought and put up to2 1570.00
64 BMM-V-25 &2 to3 meters(schedule item no Sqm 1570.00 1570.00
286&287) for Doors
Teak wood wrought and put up to2 1515.00
65 BMM-V-31 &2 to3 meters(schedule item no Sqm 1515.00 1515.00
286&287) for Windows
Other than Teak wood wrought and 1452.00
66 BMM-V-38 put up to2 &2 to3 meters(schedule) Sqm 1452.00 1452.00
for Doors
Other than Teak wood wrought and 1401.00
67 BMM-V-44 put up to2 &2 to3 meters(schedule) Sqm 1401.00 1401.00
for Windows
68 BMT-P.79 UPVC Windows Sqm 7690.06 6517.00 18.00 1173.06 7690.06
Labour Rates
Mason 1stClass day 500.00
Mason 2ndClass day 460.00
Mazdoor day 420.00
Painter 1st class day 580.00
Painter 2nd class day 460.00
Blacksmith/Barbender day 495.00
Carpenter 1stClass day 580.00
Carpenter 2ndClass day 460.00
Skilled Electrician day 575.00
Semi Skilled Electrician day 471.00
Helper day 460.00
Mate day 471.00
Miller Operator day 510.00
Concrete mixer 10/7 cft ( 0.2 / 0.8 hr 524.70
cum) capacity
Vibrator hire charges hr 209.10
Metal Cum 75.00
Sand Cum 50.00
gravel Cum 30.00
Centring & Scaffolding Charges.
2018-19 2019-20
Unit of
Name of the
Sl.No measuremen Material hire Labour Centring Material hire Labour Centring
structural Member
t charges charges charges charges charges charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5
Hire charges for centring & scaffolding, Unsupported Height up to 3.66M steel scaffolding pipes, jack props, wallers, Foot
plates, brackets, steel centering plates etc.,
B Rs 64.00 Rs 325.00 Rs 389.00 Rs 64.00 Rs 341.00 Rs
Hire charges for centring & scaffolding, Unsupported Height up to 3.66M casurina Ballies, Bamboos, wooden Reapers,
Runners, Wood Posts, Wall Plates etc.,
E Per 1Sqm Rs 156.00 Rs 192.00 Rs 348.00 Rs 156.00 Rs 192.00 Rs
SLABS - Up to
H Per 1Sqm Rs 158.00 Rs 167.00 Rs 325.00 Rs 158.00 Rs 175.00 Rs
150mm thick
SlABS - above
I 150mm - upto Per 1Sqm Rs 163.00 Rs 172.00 Rs 335.00 Rs 163.00 Rs 181.00 Rs
300mm thick
J SLABS - Above 300 Per 1Sqm Rs 170.00 Rs 180.00 Rs 350.00 Rs 170.00 Rs 189.00 Rs
HIRE CHARGES FOR CENTERING & SCAFFOLDING - UNSUPPORTED hight upto 3.66M Steel scaffolding pipes, jack
props, wallers, foot plates, brackets, steet centering plastes, etc.,
E Per 1Sqm Rs 233.00 Rs 248.00 Rs 481.00 Rs 233.00 Rs 248.00 Rs
SLABS - Up to
H Per 1Sqm Rs 236.00 Rs 215.00 Rs 451.00 Rs 236.00 Rs 226.00 Rs
150mm thick
SlABS - above
I 150mm - upto Per 1Sqm Rs 243.00 Rs 222.00 Rs 465.00 Rs 243.00 Rs 233.00 Rs
300mm thick
J SLABS - Above 300 Per 1Sqm Rs 254.00 Rs 232.00 Rs 486.00 Rs 254.00 Rs 244.00 Rs
1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5
Hire charges for Access scaffolding, up to 3.66M casurina Ballies, Bamboos, wooden Reapers, Runners, Wood Posts, Wal
Plates etc., for brick masonary / stone masonary - 1 Sqm
Hire charges for Access scaffolding, up to 3.66M casurina Ballies, Bamboos, wooden Reapers, Runners, Wood Posts, Wal
Plates etc., for plastering to walls- 1 Sqm
Hire charges for Access scaffolding, up to 3.66M casurina Ballies, Bamboos, wooden Reapers, Runners, Wood Posts, Wal
Plates etc., for Celling plastering - 1 Sqm
Bricks 1000 Nos
Stones and Coarse Earth/sand/Gravel/ (Including Loading &
Distance in Km aggreagate per Cum Morrum/Surki per cum unloading of
Net Conveyance Net Conveyance
Net Conveyance Rs(54.80+54.80=109.
Total conveyance
Up to 30 Km Lead 11.30 11.30 18.30