Quiz Module1

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1. Who’s our first Guru?


2. Where do we learn our first lessons?

At home

3. How do we show our respect to Guru?

By offering Namaskaram or by bowing before Guru

4. What is the meaning for Asmad gurubho namaha ?

My namaskarms or gratitudes to my teacher

5. Who is a Rushi?

Sage who can foresee the things

6. Why do we pray?

Prayer removes ignorance

If ignorance is removed, my energy and knowledge will shine

7. What is Manthra?

Manthra is the key to improve our knowledge

8. What are the three manthra’s that give us joy and ability to keep others joyful?

Rama, Krushna, Hari

9. Name the three Gods that represents Guru?

Bhrahma, Vishnu , Maheswara

10. What are the slokams we pray when we wake up?

Namha parama rushibhyo, purnamidam, gurubhrahma, hare rama

11. What is the best time to wake up?

Before sunrise or purva sandhya

12. When you open your eyes what do you do?

Look at the palms and chant karagre vasathe lakshmi, imagining lakshmi, saraswathi
and govinda

13. Which goddess takes the form of Money?


14. Which goddess takes the form of Knowledge?


15. What does Govinda mean?

Ability to use good words

16. When you are stepping on the floor from bed what do you think and chant?

I ask mother earth to forgive for stepping on her and chant the sloka namasthe priya

17. What does Vasundhara mean?

Mother earth

18. When you take bath what do you ask with the chanting?

I invite all 7 sacred rivers to my shower to purify me with the sloka Gangecha

19. Name 7 sacred rivers?

Ganga, Yamuna, Go:da:vari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Ka:ve:ri

20. When you are getting ready what do you chant?

All 12 namas of om kesavaya namha - damodaraya namaha

21. What is a mobile temple of God?

Our body
22. When do you chant ehi surya sthothram?

After bath when I offer arghyam ( Water) to Sun god, while pouring the water to a

23. Why do you chant ehi surya sthothram?

To express our gratitude to Sun god

24. Which slokam do we chant to respect and worship all books?

Mangala:sa:sana Paraihi

25. What do we chant at traveling time?

Apadam apahartharam, and jale rakshathu

26. When you are studying what slokams we chant?

Jnananada mayam devam , disanthu me deva

27. Why do you chant Suklambaradharma and Yasyadvirada?

When I start any work, without any obstacles I can finish the work

28. Why do we have to start any work with Prayer?

To overcome all the obstacles

29. When and why chant akalamruthyu haranam?

When I take theetham, to purify my inner body and mind

30. Why do you need to chant yukthahara viharasya

I am learning to take food with moderation to keep the good health

31. Why do you need to chant aham vyswanaro slokams?

With this I am asking the Lord vysvanara to digest the food well and distribute well
into 4 parts of body like to muscles, blood, bones and energy

32. After giving arghyam to Surya God who do you pay your respects to?

Mother and father, touch their feet and take blessings

33. When you finish your work or duty or any other activity what do say?

kayena vacha manasendri yairva, slokam

and Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanamasthu

34. Which slokam will help us not getting bad dreams and have peaceful sleep when
chanted before going to bed?

Ra:maskandam Hanu:mantham

35. What do you do as a gratitude to your parents?

Every day I serve my mother and father whichever small way I can and listen to them

36. What is your duty as a gratitude to the mother earth?

I keep mother earth clean

37. Name 5 things that you keep mother earth healthy and clean?

Not waste the water,

Not use the disposable paper plastic plates, spoons etc,
Turn off the electricity when it is not used,
Grow the plants,
Discourage and avoid the foods that use chemicals

38. When you meet someone how do you greet?

Jai Srimannarayana!

39. Why do you say Jai Srimannaryana, when you are greeting someone?

Showing my gratitude to the Lord, who dwells or lives in all the people. this greeting
goes to all the beings and things in the universe, not just one person.( to say hello to
the person and all the beings as well)

40. What is Prajna?

Ability to translate good knowledge into action

41. Who started this Prajna classes that you are attending?

Sri Sri Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji

42. Who is Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji?

He is a Guru, A Yathi, and An Acharya

43. Why are you attending Prajna classes?

To learn about our vedic culture, our vedic scriptures and our ancestors Rushis

44. Name at least 3 disciplines you are learning from your Prajna school ?

Learn to attend the classes on time.

Giving the respects to parents, teachers and any adults,
Giving the voluntary services to my parents, my school and my country, or society.
(punctuality, respects to adults, giving the services)

45. What does prajna schools teach?

Teach the fundamentals of Sana:tana Dharma as taught by the Vedas

46. What is the best you like about your Prajna School?

Answer should be spontaneous by kids


47. Where was Krishna born?

Mathura - Jail

48. Who are Krishna’s parents?

Devaki, Vasudeva

49. When do we celebrate Krishnastami?

Eigth day (Ashtami) of the month Shravan on the Rohini nakshtram (star)

50. Who is the father of Kamsa?


51. Who was kamsa’s cousin?


52. What did vasudeva name the seventh child as?


53. Name the river that vasudeva had to cross while taking Krishna?


54. Which village did Vasudeva took Krishna to?


55. Whom did vasudeva bring back with him after leaving Krishna?

A baby girl

56. Name the four demons that Krishna killed in the story?

Pu:tana, Sakata:sura, Baka:sura, agha

57. How old was Krishna when Kamsa invited him?

12 years

58. Name the ceremony that takes place on the janmastami day?


59. Who killed kamsa?


60. What does Vijaya Dasami means?

“Vijaya” means “success”, “Da” means “that gives”, Sami is a name of a tree –
Festival of victory

61. Which month do we celebrate Vijayadasami?

A:shwi:yuja (Ashwin)

62. How many days Dasara this celebrated?

Nine days (Navara:tri)

63. Why do students perform special worship to Goddess Saraswati on Vijaya Dasami?
To attain success in their studies throughout the year

64. What is Deepavali?

Festival of lights / Festival that dispels darkness

65. Which demon did Krishna kill in Deepavali story?


66. Which God/Goddess do we worship during Deepavali?


67. When was Sri Chinna Jeeyar swamiji born?

Deepavali (Nov 3 1956)

68. What does JEEYAR mean?

SriVaishnava Sanyasi

69. What is the name of the community service that our Jeeyar swamiji initiated?

Vikasa Tharangini

70. What is the saying Swamiji teaches as an example of Vedic living, in harmony with
the nature?

Serve all beings as service to God

71. What is the message Swamiji gave to eradicate religion-related fights?

Worship your own and respect all

72. Who’s the God of knowledge? What is his form?

Hayagri:va – Horse headed God

73. Who are the demons that stole the Vedas?

Madhu, Kaitabha

74. Name the four Vedas?

Rug, Yajus, Sama, Adharva

75. What’s the day that Hayagriva gave Vedic knowledge to Brahma?

Full moon day of Shravana month

76. Who are Sri Anjaneya’s parents?

Anjana, Vayu

77. Why did A:njaneya went to Sun?

Thought orange color rising sun as a fruit

78. How Anjaneya got the name ‘Hanuma’?

Vajra:yudha hit A:njane:ya on his jawbone Hanu

79. What’s the weapon of Indra?


80. Who was vanara king of kishkindha?


81. Where Hanuma located Sita Devi?

Ashoka garden in Lanka

82. Who did Ravana sent to capture Hanuma?


83. How did Hanuma save the life of Lakshmana?

Brought mount Sanjeeva which was in Himalaya that had Sanji:vani plat (medicine)

84. Who are the parents of Dhruva?

Sunithi, Utta:nap:ada

85. Who was the great grand father of Dhruva?


86. Name the mantra that Narada gave Dhruva?

Om Namo Bhagavate Va:sude:va:ya!

87. Who appeared in front of Dhruva?

Lord Na:ra:yana

88. What did Lord Na:ra:yana award Dhruva?

Glowing planet called Dhruva loka (the pole star)

89. What do we learn from Dhruva’s story?

Age, duration, and knowledge do not matter to please the Lord

90. Name the things that you need to be the winner in your life?

Never losing faith in what one believes,


91. How do you wish each other in PRAJNA class?

Jai Srimannarayana!

92. What are the girl students of the PRAJNA class called?


93. What are the boy students of the PRAJNA class called?


94. How do you best describe Hanuma:n?

Sri:rama’s beloved devotee

95. Who is the wife of Sri:rama?


96. Who is the husband of Rukmini de:vi?

Sri: Krushna

97. Who are the brothers of Sri:ra:ma?

Bharatha, Lakshmana and Sathrugna

98. Who are the mother & father of Sri:ra:ma?

Kousalya and Dasaratha

99. Who is the husband of Lakshmi?


100. What is the name of the God in Tirumala Tirupathi?

Lord Venkateshwara

101. What is the meaning of mangalam?

All glory

102. Who is his Prahla:da‘s a:cha:rya?


103. What did Na:rada teach Prahla:da and when?

Na:ra:da taught Na:ra:yana manthram and Na:ra:yana thathvam to Prahla:da when he

was in his mother’s womb.

104. What are the nine modes of worship described by Prahla:da?

Sravanam, Ki:rtanam, Vishno:h smaranam, Pa:da Se:vanam, Archanam, Vandanam,

Da:syam, Sakhyam, A:thma Nive:danam

105. Who is the father of Andal?

Vishnuchitta (or Peria alwar)

106. Who gave Tiruppavai to us?


107. Howmany pasurams (or poems) Tiruppavai has?

108. What did Prahla:da reply to Hiranyakasipu’s question about the essence of the
knowledge he learnt at the school?

Prahla:da humbly replied that “Hari Charana Sama:srayanam” (Surrendering to

the holy feet of Lord Hari) is the best thing in the world as it protects all the living
beings and does not allow them to fall in the trap of selfishness and ego.

109. Why do you thank the great saints and sages?

The slo:kas and stories we learn in PRAJNA class are part of Vedic tradition.
These slo:kas and stories teach us the virtues and values.

110. What are the 5 abodes of Lord Srimannarayana?

Para, Vyuha, Vibhava, Antharyami & Archa

111. What is the form that is easily accessible to us?

Arhca:mu:rthi form (Lord Vishnu’s idols or images at our home or temple)

112. List at least 3 morals that we learn from Andal’s life?

• Take others along with you for collective prayer/service so that others get
benefited too.
• Parents have a great impact on children. (Her father was a great devotee of Lord
• Always pray and wish for welfare of the Universe.

113. List at least three morals that we learn from Prahlada’s life

• The education at early age remains forever.

• God is everywhere. So, serve all beings as service to God.
• Lord Srimannarayana always takes care of his devotees.

114. In what month did Go:da do the vratam?


115. What happened at the end of tiruppavai vratam?

A:nda:l got married to Sri: Rangana:tha.

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