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Nsf-Ansi-Can 61-2020-20210602150943 (100-163)

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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N-1.5.5 Extraction water

The extraction water shall be prepared by combining:

— 25 mL of 0.4M sodium bicarbonate;

— chlorine stock solution per Section N-;

— reagent water meeting the requirements of Section N- (make up to 1 L), and adjust pH as
needed using 0.1M HCl; and

— This water shall have a pH of 8.0 ± 0.5, alkalinity of 500 ± 25 ppm, dissolved inorganic carbon of
122 ± 5 ppm, and 2 ± 0.5 ppm of free available chlorine.

All exposure water that is being used to determine conformance to this Standard shall be prepared fresh
daily and stored in a closed container.

N-1.5.6 Multiple time point protocol

When the normalized concentration of a contaminant exceeds, or is expected to exceed, its acceptable
level when evaluated as a single time point exposure, determination of the contaminant leaching rate using

a multiple time point exposure shall be considered. For the purpose of contaminant concentration
evaluation, Day 1 shall be defined as the time point at which extractant water is collected for analysis under
the single time point exposure protocol. Day 90 shall be defined as 90 d after this time point. When over
time data are used, the Day 1 concentration for the contaminant of concern shall meet the short term
exposure level and Day 90 concentration shall meet the TAC/SPAC respectively. When extrapolation is

used, the relationship between contaminant concentration and time shall be determined and plotted using
a minimum of five data points.

When a multiple time point protocol is employed in the evaluation of a contaminant, consideration shall be
given to the availability of appropriate toxicity data to define an acute exposure limit for the contaminant, as

required in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600, Section 3.3 (previously Annex A, Section A.5). Consideration shall also be
given to the leaching characteristics of the contaminant. Multiple time point analysis shall not be used for
lead or any other metal contaminant listed as a regulated contaminant by US EPA or Health Canada.

At the discretion of the manufacturer, direct measurement of a Day 90 extraction shall be permitted. The
products shall be exposed at 23 ± 2 °C with the except for instant hot water dispensers, in which case the
manufacturer’s specified thermostat setting shall be used. Extraction water shall be collected for analysis
at a minimum of two time points: after Day 1 and after the final exposure terminating on Day 90. The
exposure water shall be changed at least weekly during the interval between the initial and final exposure
and on at least 4 d during the final week of exposure.

N-1.6 Collection and preservation of extraction media after exposure

Immediately after the exposure period, the extraction media shall be poured into sample bottles previously
prepared as detailed in Table N-1.10 for storage until analysis. The procedures described in Table N-1.10
are based on collection methods included in Manual For The Certification of Laboratories Analyzing
Drinking Water (EPA-570/9-82-002) and Standard Methods For The Examination of Water and Wastewater
(most recent edition).

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N-1.7 Analysis methods

N-1.7.1 General

This Section is divided into five parts: metals, organics (other than RVCM and solvent), radionuclides,
RVCM, and solvents analyses. The specific analyses performed shall be formulation-dependent.

Each testing organization shall periodically review the analytical methods it uses to ensure that applicable
advances in analytical methodologies are instituted.

N-1.7.2 Definitions

N- identified compound with standard: A compound identification made based on the daily
analysis (initial or continuing calibration) of an authentic standard of an analyte. Retention time and mass
spectrum are used for qualitative determination of the analyte. A calibration curve is used for quantitative
determination of the analyte.

N- identified compound without standard: A compound identification based on mass spectral
matches between the analyte and mass spectral libraries (commercial or private), or on spectral
interpretation by a qualified chemist, or both. The quantitative determination is made through direct
correlation between the analyte response and the nearest internal standard response.


matrix spike: An aliquot of a sample matrix fortified with a known quantity of analyte.

N- method detection limit (MDL): As defined in 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B, the minimum
concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the substance

concentration is greater than zero. The MDL is determined from analysis of a minimum of seven aliquots
of standard (known quantity of analyte in reagent matrix) at concentrations that are in the range of the
estimated detection limit.

N- method validation: Verification of an analytical procedure performed by determining the

method detection limit (see Section N-

N- reporting limit (RL): The lowest concentration of analyte that can be reliably reported.

N- unknown: An analyte for which an identification cannot be determined. Information on

chemical class, functional group(s), and chemical structure may be determined by spectral interpretation.

N-1.7.3 Metals analysis

Analyses for metals shall be performed, except as otherwise provided for herein, in accordance with
currently accepted US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Methods (see 40 CFR Part 141 and
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA 600/4-79-020). When no EPA Method is
provided, analyses shall be performed in accordance with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater (most current edition). If neither of these two documents addresses the required
parameters and matrix, or if an alternate method is desired, method validation shall be completed prior to
the application of the method (see Section N-

N-1.7.4 Organics analysis

N- General requirements for analysis of organics

Analyses for organics shall be performed, except as otherwise provided for herein, in accordance with
currently accepted EPA Methods (see 40 CFR Part 141 and Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and
Wastes, EPA 600/4-79-020). When no EPA Method is provided, analyses shall be performed in accordance
with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (most current edition). If neither of

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

these two documents addresses the required parameters and matrix, or if an alternate method is desired,
method validation shall be completed prior to the application of the method (see Section N-

N- Gas chromatography / mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) analysis

N- General requirements for GC/MS analysis

The minimum instrument operation requirements for GC/MS analysis shall be in accordance with US EPA
Method 625 (US EPA-600/4-84-053. Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial
Wastewater, June 19849) with the following modifications:

— the average chromatographic peak area of each internal standard in the calibration curve shall be
determined. The chromatographic peak area of each internal standard in the continuing calibration shall
be greater than 50% and not more than 200% of that average;

— while a continuing calibration check (CCC) is performed, concentrations of 10% of the target
compounds for each analysis (e.g., base/neutral, base/neutral/acid, or acid) shall be allowed to fall
outside the range of 70% to 130% (outlier) of the true value. None of the concentrations shall be allowed
to fall below 50% or above 200% of the true value. If a positive sample analyte result is identified for
any outlier, a second CCC shall be performed. If the second CCC determines the sample analyte result
no longer to be an outlier, the sample shall be reanalyzed. However, if the second CCC also determines

the analyte to be an outlier, a new calibration curve shall be determined and the sample shall be

— if commercially available mass spectral libraries are utilized, a minimum size of 100,000
compounds shall be required; and

— the testing laboratory shall report the compounds detected during GC/MS analysis as one of the

— identified compound with standard (see Section N-;

— identified compound without standard (see Section N-; or
— unknown (see Section N-

N- Requirements for identified compounds with standards via GC/MS analysis

Contaminants that have been identified and quantified by comparison to authentic standards shall be
normalized in accordance with the requirements of this Standard (see Section N-1.8). The normalized
contaminant concentration shall be compared to the acceptable exposure concentration as determined in
accordance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 (previously Annex A).

N- Requirements for identified compounds without standards via GC/MS analysis

Contaminants that have been identified and quantified by comparison to a known mass spectrum, or by
spectral interpretation by a qualified chemist, or both, shall be normalized in accordance with the
requirements of this Standard (see Section N-1.8). The normalized contaminant concentration shall be
compared to the acceptable exposure concentration as determined in accordance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 600
(previously Annex A). In addition, the product manufacturer shall assist the testing laboratory in the
identification of an authentic standard for the compound and an appropriate analytical method, if applicable,
so that confirmatory identification and quantification can be performed.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- Requirements for unknowns via GC/MS analysis

Contaminants that are detected by GC/MS analysis, but are not identified and quantified against a known
mass spectrum or authentic standard, shall be evaluated as follows:

a) The product material formulation(s) shall be reviewed for potential identification of the unknown
contaminant(s) as an ingredient or byproduct.

b) The manufacturer shall be notified and requested to provide supporting information that enables
identification of the unknown contaminant(s).

c) Structure activity relationships (SAR) shall be utilized when sufficient structural identification of the
unknown contaminant(s) can be made.

d) Alternative methods of analysis that may identify the unknown contaminant(s) shall be considered.

Contaminants that can be identified after performing one or more of the above steps shall be normalized in
accordance with the requirements of this Standard (see Section N-1.8). The normalized contaminant
concentration shall be compared to the acceptable exposure concentration as determined in accordance
with NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 (previously Annex A). In addition, the product manufacturer shall assist the testing
laboratory in the identification of an authentic standard for the compound and an appropriate analytical

method, if applicable, so that confirmatory identification and quantification can be performed.

Contaminants detected by GC/MS analysis for which no identification can be made after performing the
above steps shall not be considered in the determination of product compliance to this Standard. When
unknown contaminants are detected in the extractant water, the testing laboratory shall report the analytical

results to the product manufacturer.

NOTE — The product manufacturer should assist the testing laboratory in a continuing effort to identify the
unknown contaminant(s) until specific identification is achieved.

N- Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PNA) analysis

Analysis for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) shall be in accordance with EPA Method 525.2
(US EPA-600/4-79-020, Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, March 1983).

N- Phenol and minimally substituted phenols

Analysis for phenol and minimally substituted phenols shall be in accordance with EPA Method 420.2
(US EPA-600/4-79-020, Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, March 1983). Analysis
for maximally substituted phenols shall be performed by GC/MS base/acid scan (see Section N-

N- Nitrosamine analysis

Analysis for N-nitrosodimethylamine, N-nitrosomethylethylamine, N-nitrosodiethylamine,

N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine, N-nitrosopyrrolidine, N-nitrosomorpholine, N-nitrosopiperidine, and
N-nitrosodi-n-butylamine shall be in accordance with US EPA Method 521 (US EPA-600/R-05/054) or an
alternate validated method with equivalent sensitivity.

Analysis for N-nitrosodiphenylamine shall be performed in accordance with US EPA Method 521
(US EPA-600/R-05/054) or in accordance with US EPA Method 625 (US EPA-600/4-84-053). Methods for
Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, June 198411 as described in
Section N-

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N-1.7.5 Radionuclides analysis

Analyses for radionuclides shall be performed in accordance with Prescribed Procedures for Measurement
of Radioactivity in Drinking Water, EPA-600/4-80-032. When no EPA Method is provided, analyses shall
be performed in accordance with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (most
current edition). If neither of these two documents addresses the required parameters and matrix, or if an
alternate method is desired, method validation shall be completed prior to the application of the method
(see Section N-

N- Potassium-40 correction for gross beta

If the normalized concentration for gross beta exceeds the health effects evaluation criteria, analysis shall
be completed for the naturally occurring potassium-40 beta particle activity from the same or equivalent
sample used for the gross beta particle activity. As indicated in the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR 40 § 141.26(b)(4)), 15 the potassium-40 beta particle activity (pCi/L) is calculated by multiplying
elemental potassium concentrations (in mg/L) by a factor of 0.82. The gross beta particle and photon activity
attributable to potassium-40 is then subtracted from the total gross beta particle activity value. The
potassium-40 corrected gross beta particle and photon activity shall be compared against the health effects
evaluation criteria.

N- Requirements for gross beta speciation

When the potassium-40 corrected gross beta particle and photon activity exceeds a normalized
concentration of 15 pCi/L, the beta emitting radioisotopes shall be speciated. Speciation testing is required
for all radioisotopes at risk of exceeding the health effects evaluation criteria. Appendix I in US EPA
Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides (2002) details a list of radioisotopes and associated doses

(in pCi/L) to produce a 4 mrem/y dose. 16 The US EPA Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides (2002) 17
provides example calculations to determine the fractional contribution in mrem/yr dose for each speciated
radioisotope. The fractional contributions shall be summed for comparison to the health effects evaluation

N-1.7.6 RVCM analysis

N- General requirements for RVCM analysis

This method covers the analysis of RVCM in PVC and CPVC potable water products using gas
chromatography (GC). Method sensitivity is 0.5 ppm (mg/kg) when analyzing 0.5 g of plastic material, using
flame ionization detector (FID).

N- Extraction of samples for RVCM analysis

PVC and CPVC products shall be evaluated for RVCM in the product wall. The RVCM concentration shall
be determined in the wall, rather than in the extraction water, because very low levels of vinyl chloride
cannot be as reliably detected in the extraction water.

Code of Federal Regulations, Monitoring Frequency and Compliance Requirements for Radionuclides in Community
Water Systems, Title 40, Section 141.26.
16 US EPA Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides, Appendices A – J, Appendix I Comparison of Derived Values

of Beta and Photon Emitters

17 US EPA Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides, Section II-B.2 Violation/Compliance Determination of Gross

Beta and Photon Emitters

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- Sample preparation for RVCM analysis

PVC and CPVC samples shall be prepared as described in the following procedure. All samples shall be
prepared in duplicate.

a) Chop a section of PVC or CPVC product sample into coarse pieces.

b) Weigh 0.500 ± 0.005 g of chopped sample pieces into a 20 mL glass vial.

NOTE — The weights of the sample and the duplicate should not differ by more than 0.005 g.

c) Add 10 mL of N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC) (distilled in glass) to the sample bottle, seal and

d) Shake sample bottle at least 30 min on a reciprocating shaker.

N- Standards for RVCM analysis

Both a standard stock solution and a secondary dilution standard shall be prepared for the RVCM analysis,
using vinyl chloride gas (99.9%) and DMAC.

N- Standard stock solution for RVCM

The standard stock solution shall be prepared as follows:

a) Pipette approximately 9.8 mL of DMAC into a 10 mL volumetric flask.

b) Allow the flask to stand unstoppered until the wetted surface has dried.

c) Weigh the flask and stopper to the nearest 0.1 mg and record the weight.

d) Fill a 50 mL valved gas-tight syringe with vinyl chloride gas to the 50 mL mark.

e) Lower the needle to 5 mm above the meniscus of the DMAC and slowly introduce the standard
above the surface.

f) Immediately reweigh the flask and contents and record the weight.

g) Dilute to volume with DMAC, stopper, and mix.

h) Transfer the solution into a PTFE sealed screw-cap vial.

I) Store at -10 °C to -20 °C (14 °F to -4 °F).

j) Calculate stock standard solution with respect to a 0.500 g sample as follows:

(gram of vinyl chloride) (1 × 106 )

= ppm (mg/kg)(mg/d)
0.500 g

N- Secondary dilution standard for RVCM analysis

Using the stock standard solution, a secondary dilution in DMAC shall be prepared that is representative of
a concentration suitable for making calibration standards and spikes.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- Apparatus for RVCM analysis

The following apparatus shall be used for RVCM analysis:

— GC equipped with a mL headspace sampling system, 80 °C (176 °F) oil bath, FID, data recording
system, and autosampler;

— column: 6 ft × 2 mm ID glass column packed with 1% SP-1000 on Carbopack B 60/80 mesh.

Equivalent columns shall be permitted as long as the column provides maximum separation from
interferences and the ability to meet established accuracy and precision;

— GC conditions: The analysis shall be performed using an oven temperature program whereby the
initial temperature of approximately 70 °C (158 °F) is held for 5 min, increased at 70 °C/min (158 °F/min)
to approximately 220 °C (428 °F), and held until DMAC elutes (total run time about 16 min);

— the injector, detector, and sample loop temperature shall be held at approximately 200 °C, 275 °C,
and 80 °C, (392 °F, 527 °F, and 176 °F) respectively; and

— the helium carrier gas shall have a flow rate of 20 mL/min. The headspace shall have a flow rate of
5 mL/min. The hydrogen and air flows for the flame shall be approximately 30 and 400 mL/min,

NOTE — All of these flow rates will vary somewhat between GCs to optimize separation and response.
The above are given only as guidelines.

N- RVCM analysis

The sample and standards prepared in Sections N- and N- shall be loaded into an auto
sampler and equilibrated to 80 °C (176 °F) for 10 min prior to analysis.

N- Quality control (QC) for RVCM analysis

Duplicate analysis shall be performed on each sample. Duplicate spiked samples shall be run at the rate
of one set per ten samples. An instrument standard shall be run with every ten analyses (fifth sample), and
a reagent blank is required for each sample set. QC charts shall be developed and maintained and used
as a check on the analytical system.

N- Evaluation and pass/fail criteria for RVCM analysis

PVC and CPVC products with an RVCM concentration of ≤ 3.2 mg/kg shall be considered acceptable.
This acceptance criterion was determined using the equation described below:

MW = 4⁄r [D⁄π]0.5 �(t + t0 )0.5 - t 0.5 � MP


MW = RVCM diffused into water (mg/L)

MP = RVCM concentration in the PVC wall (mg/kg)

NOTE — A factor of 1.4 corrects for the ratio of density of water to PVC.

r = pipe radius (cm)

D = diffusivity constant

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020


D = D0 × e(-17,000/RT)
R = gas constant 1.987 °K-1
T = temperature (°K)
D0 = 3.7 cm2/s (319680 cm2/d)
t0 = diffusion time period (d)
t = product age at beginning of the diffusion time (d)
30 °C = 303 °K

The calculations shall be as follows:

MW = 4⁄r [D⁄π]0.5 �(t + t0 )0.5 - t 0.5 � (MP × 1.4 kg/L)

MP =

4 r [D ⁄ π ] 0.5 [(t + t0 )0.5 - t 0.5 ] (1.4 kg/L)

0.0002 mg/L
MP =
(3.15)(0.000235)(0.061)(1.4 kg/L)

MP = 3.2 mg/kg

NOTE — The following assumptions were used in the preceding calculations:

— 30 d old product is tested equivalent to 1 in inner pipe diameter;

— t0 = 16 h (0.67 d); and

— MW = 0.2 μg/L (0.0002 mg/L). 18

N-1.7.7 Solvent analysis

This Section outlines the general procedure for determining solvent levels in the extraction water. The

method described below is based on direct injection GC with FID. In some instances, an enhancement step
(e.g., purge and trap [cold or heated] or headspace analysis) shall be required to complete the analysis.
The choice of enhancement shall be dependent on the desired detection levels of the solvent of interest.
The method sensitivity for direct injection is approximately 100 μg/L [0.1 mg/L] for selected solvents15).

N- General requirements for solvent-containing materials

These products shall be evaluated to determine the solvent leaching rates over time, if applicable. The
relationship between contaminant concentration and time shall be determined by plotting a minimum of
five points. In many instances, direct injection shall be sufficient only for the early testing period. When
direct injection is no longer adequate for determining a concentration, a more sensitive method shall be
required (i.e., purge and trap).

N- Apparatus for solvent analysis

The recommended apparatus shall be a GC equipped with an FID, temperature programming, data
recording system, and an autosampler. A purge and trap (with and without heat) system and headspace
sampling system shall also be available.

NOTE — The analysis conditions may require adjustment relative to the specific solvent or solvent system
being evaluated.

18This concentration is based on the US EPA MCL for vinyl chloride (2 μg/L or 0.002 mg/L), and since the
SPAC = 1/10 MCL, the SPAC = 0.2 μg/L, or 0.0002 mg/L.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- QC for solvent analysis

Duplicate matrix spike samples shall be run at the rate of one set per ten samples or fewer. An instrument
standard shall be run with every ten samples, and a reagent blank shall be required for each daily analysis.
QC charts shall be developed, maintained, and used as a check on the analytical system.

N-1.8 Normalization
N-1.8.1 General

This Section provides the calculations used to determine the level of contaminants projected "at the tap"
based on the level of contaminants identified during laboratory analysis. The normalized contaminant
concentration shall be compared to the requirements established in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 (previously
Annex A).

N-1.8.2 Definitions

N- residential products: Products used in buildings.

N- service line products: Products used from the water main to building plumbing systems.

N- multiple user service line products: Products used between the water main and multiple
family residences or commercial buildings.

N- water main (distribution) products: Products used in locations other than buildings or service


N- multiple-installation products: Products present in the drinking water system at regularly
repeating intervals.

N-1.8.3 Normalization factor

To account for any differences in surface area-to-volume ratios between laboratory and actual field use
conditions, an adjustment or conversion using the equation below may be needed:

NF = N1 × N2

N1 = ×
SAL VF(static)

N2 =


SAF = surface area exposed in the field

SAL = surface area exposed in the laboratory

VL = volume of extraction water used in the laboratory

VF(static) = volume of water to which the product is exposed in the field for the static condition

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

VF(flowing) = volume of water to which the product is exposed in the field under flow conditions during
a period of time equivalent to the laboratory test

N- Static condition

The contaminant concentration shall be adjusted to reflect differences in surface area-to-volume

relationships between laboratory and field exposures under static conditions. This calculation shall use the
N1 term defined in Section N-1.8.3. The N2 term shall always equal one when calculating normalized static

For multiple-installation products (e.g., pipes, fittings, and joining and sealing products used with pipes and
fittings), the VF(static) component of the N1 term shall be the volume of water contained within the assumed
length of pipe corresponding to the segment of the system in which the product is used
(e.g., 100 ft of pipe in the service line or 280 ft of pipe in the residence).

For valves, water meters, service saddles, backflow preventers and other products not present in the
system at regularly repeating intervals, the VF(static) component of the N1 term shall be the volume of water
a product holds (on its own) when filled to capacity; VF(static) shall equal 1 L (0.26 gal) for all products that,
when filled to capacity, hold (on their own) less than 1 L (0.26 gal) of water.

NOTE 1 —Table N-1.11 details the assumptions and resulting N1 factors for typical product categories.

NOTE 2 — For internal threaded products, SAF shall be equal to the normally wetted surface area of the
product including 25% of the threaded area(s). The capacity of the product shall be equal to the volume of
water contacted by the wetted surface area of the product including the volume contained within 25% of the
threaded area(s). When the product capacity is less than 1 L (0.26 gal), VF(static) shall equal 1 L (0.26 gal).
When the product capacity is equal to or greater than 1 L (0.26 gal), VF(static) shall be equal to the capacity.


Flowing conditions

In addition to the static condition, the contaminant concentration shall also be adjusted to reflect differences
between laboratory and field exposures under flowing conditions. For this calculation, N2 will vary

depending on use. For those products not having specific flowing N2 factors outlined in Table N-1.11,
product literature or operational procedures shall be consulted.

NOTE —Table N-1.11 details the assumptions and resulting N2 values for typical product categories.

N-1.8.4 Normalization of service line and residential products

N- For all service line and residential products, with the exception of mechanical plumbing devices
covered under Section 9, a single normalized static concentration shall be determined for each

NOTE — For residential and service line products, the static condition is the most conservative normalization,
since the N2 values for these products are ≤ 0.1.

N- For in-line devices, with the exception of expansion tanks, pressure tanks, and POE
components, media, or systems, the static normalized contaminant concentration shall be multiplied by an
additional normalization factor, N3. The factor N3 = 1/DF, where DF is equal to the ratio of the contaminant
concentration in the device to the contaminant concentration at the tap. The value of N3 for in-line devices
shall be 0.33.

N- Dual chamber manifolds with two noncontiguous water chambers shall be individually
normalized for the hot and cold chambers when each chamber is seperately exposed.

N- For all in-line devices, normalized contaminant concentrations shall be adjusted to a 12h
exposure when the final exposure is other than 12 h in length.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

NOTE — For example, when the final exposure for an in-line device is 16 h, the normalized contaminant
concentrations shall be multiplied by a factor of 12/16.

N- For POE systems, VF(static) shall be equal to system void volume.

N- For POE components, VF(static) shall be equal to 1/3 the volume of the smallest tank for which the
component is being evaluated for use, plus the volume of the component.

NOTE — POE system tanks hold media displacing much of the tanks’ void volume. The 1/3 is to account for a
common design difference between a system’s “unit void volume” and “void volume” (volume with and without
media respectively) that provides “freeboard” or open space to allow the media to expand during the
regeneration cycles of media use.

N-1.8.5 Normalization for chemical feeders and generators

Chemical feeders and generators, feeder components, and the materials used therein present a special
case because the materials are in contact with a concentrated chemical, which is then diluted at the
prescribed feed rate, rather than in direct contact with water.

In addition to the equation in Section N-1.8.3, the following normalization factor shall be used to estimate
the normalized concentration of a contaminant in the finished drinking water:

NF = N1 × N2 × N4



VTC = volume of concentrated treatment chemical contacted or generated by the device during a
period of time equivalent to the laboratory test

VWT = volume of raw water treated with the concentrated chemical when dosed at the prescribed

feed rate during a period of time equivalent to the laboratory test

N- Normalization of Cu/Ag electrode contaminants

The following normalization equation shall be used to estimate the normalized concentration of a
contaminant in finished drinking water (mg/L) based on the concentration of the contaminant in the
electrode (mg/kg).

NOTE — This normalization uses a worst-case approach by assuming that all contaminants in the electrode
are released to the treated drinking water and remain in solution. It also assumes that the contaminant is
liberated from the electrode as the copper is being released and therefore proportionate to the electrodes
copper content and dosage rate to water.

normalized contaminant content of electrode

(mg/kg) copper maximum dose
concentration = ×
level of generator (mg/L)
(mg/L) copper content of electrode (mg/kg)

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— manufacturer’s recommended maximum dose level for copper = 0.80 mg/L

— analysis of 2 g coring = 1300 mg copper, 600 mg silver, 0.040 mg arsenic
— copper content = 1300 mg/0.00200 kg = 650000 mg/kg
— arsenic content = 0.040 mg/0.00200kg = 20 mg/kg
— arsenic contribution to water = 0.000020 mg/L

0.000020 = (20/650,000) × 0.80

N-1.8.6 Normalization for other products

The normalization factors described below shall be applied to products and materials not covered in
Sections N-1.8.4 and N-1.8.5. For these products, a single normalized concentration (either static condition
or flowing condition, whichever is most conservative) shall be determined for each contaminant.
For products that have a flowing N2 value ≤ 0.1, the static condition shall be the most conservative
condition. For products that have a flowing N2 value ˃ 0.1, the flowing condition shall be the most
conservative condition. Normalization factors that are not included in Table N-1.11 shall be determined on
a case-by-case basis using the equation in Section N-1.8.3. Where a product is available in various sizes,
the product with the highest surface area-to-volume ratio (typically the smallest diameter) shall be
evaluated. For products, components, or materials that may be used in any of the four end use categories

in Table N-1.11, qualifying by use of the largest normalization factor shall qualify other use categories.
Table N-1.11 in this Annex details the assumptions and resulting N1 and N2 values for various product

N- Water main valves and fire hydrants

Water main valves and fire hydrants connected to water main ≥ 4 in shall be normalized with the assumption
of twenty products per mile of pipe. An example normalization calculation is provided in Table N-1.11 for
water main valves.

N-1.8.7 Normalized concentration

The concentration of a contaminant in the finished drinking water shall be estimated using the following

normalized concentration = (laboratory concentration) × (normalization factor)

N- Static condition

The normalized contaminant concentration under static conditions shall be compared to the EPA MCL or
the calculated TAC (as specified in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 [previously Annex A]), and shall be less than or
equal to the MCL or TAC.

N- Flowing condition

The normalized contaminant concentration under flowing conditions shall be compared to the SPAC
(as specified in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 [previously Annex A]), and shall be less than or equal to the SPAC.

N- Barrier materials containing solvents

Products / materials containing solvents shall be exposed so that the solvent leaching rates over time are
determined. The relationship between normalized contaminant concentrations and time shall be determined
and plotted with a minimum of five points. The normalized contaminant concentrations shall be compared
to the STEL as specified in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600, Section 3.3 (previously Annex A, Section A.5).

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- Joining and sealing materials containing solvents

The manufacturer shall have the option of initiating additional exposure testing to determine contaminant
concentrations over time for solvent-containing materials. The relationship between contaminant
concentrations and time shall be determined, and plotted with a minimum of five points. The normalized
contaminant concentrations shall be calculated and then compared to the STEL as specified in
NSF/ANSI/CAN 600, Section 3.3 (previously Annex A, Section A.5).

N-1.8.8 Normalization for endpoint devices, components, and materials

N- Normalization for lead

For endpoint products other than commercial kitchen products, each laboratory concentration shall be
normalized using the equation in Section N-1.8.3 where: VF(static) = 1 L (0.26 gal) when the volume of the
device is less than 1 L (0.26 gal), and N2 = 1, and shall be multiplied by the cold mix volume adjustment
factor (see Section 9.2.1).

For commercial kitchen products, each laboratory concentration shall be normalized using the equation in
Section N-1.8.3 where VF(static) = 18.9 L (5 gal) and N2 = 1 and shall be multiplied by the CMV adjustment
factor (see Section 9.2.1).

A parametric data evaluation (Section N-1.8.9) shall be used to evaluate the test results for lead.

When a device or component has been tested for lead through separate exposure of two or more
components or materials, the values of the test statistic Q for each exposure shall be summed. The summed
test statistic Q shall be evaluated against the criteria in Section N-1.8.9.

N- Normalization for all analytes except lead

For endpoint products other than commercial kitchen products, the laboratory concentration shall be
normalized using the equation in Section N-1.8.3 where: VF(static) = 1 L (0.26 gal) when the volume of the

device is less than 1 L (0.26 gal), and N2 = 1, and shall be multiplied by the CMV adjustment factor
(see Section 9.2.1).

For commercial kitchen products, each laboratory concentration shall be normalized with the equation in
Section N-1.8.3 where: VF(static) = 18.9 L (5 gal) and N2 = 1, and shall be multiplied by the CMV adjustment
factor (see Section 9.2.1).

When one sample is tested, the normalized contaminant concentrations from exposure on Day 19 shall be
compared to their respective SPACs. If more than one sample is tested, the geometric mean of normalized
contaminant concentrations from exposure at Day 19 shall be compared to their respective SPACs.

N-1.8.9 Parametric data evaluation

The term "product" connotes "endpoint devices, components, and materials." The procedure for the
evaluation of lead leaching from these products is based on testing a sampling of products to determine
the lead leaching dosage of the product line. A derived test statistic determines whether the product line is
acceptable under this Standard. The calculations assume that the lead dosage leached from the product is
lognormally distributed.

The number of products to be tested shall be specified by the manufacturer, though a minimum of three is
required. It is recommended that product lines thought to be marginally acceptable (those that leach higher,
but acceptable, dosages of lead) be tested for more than the minimum number of products. For each of the
products tested, the "product dosage" Di is derived from the test data as detailed in Section N-
These dosages are used to calculate the test statistic Q, which determines whether the product line is
acceptable. Q is an exact 90% upper confidence bound on the 75th percentile product dosage.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

In the event of a product failure, there is provision for a single retest. Retest results shall be combined with
those from the initial test. The accumulated product dosages shall be used to calculate the retest statistic,
R, which determines whether the product line is acceptable. R is an exact 99% upper confidence bound on
the 75th percentile product dosage.

N- Test data

The analytical protocol described in Section N-1.5.4 generates nine measured lead dosages (on Days 3,
4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19) leached from each of the products sampled from a particular product line.
The number of products tested is defined as n. The test data are described as (9 × n) data values of xij
(ith product measured on the jth day) and are shown in Table N-1.12. These are used to calculate the product
dosage Di, for each of the tested products.

These data are used to calculate the statistics Q and R for the initial test and retest, respectively.

N- Calculations

The test statistic depends upon the log-dosage mean and standard deviation. These values are derived as
follows. Calculate the natural log-transformed value Yij = ln(Xij) of the original data values. For each of the
products tested, calculate the product dosage Di across the nine measured days, where:

Di = eYi


(Yi3 + Yi4 + Yi5 + Yi10 + Yi11 + Yi12 + Yi17 + Yi18 + Yi19 )

Yi =

Calculate the log-dosage mean of Yi and the log-dosage standard deviation of Yi for each product, where:

∑ni=1 Yi

log-dosage mean =


∑ni=1 (Yi −Ȳ)2

log-dosage standard deviation = �
(n -1)

N- Initial test statistic

The test statistic Q shall be determined as:

Q = eȲ ∙ ek1 ∙

where the log-dosage mean, Ȳ, and the log-dosage standard deviation, S, are determined using the
procedures described in Section N- The value of k1 depends upon the sample size.
Table N-1.13 in this Annex presents the value of k1 for a range of sample sizes. The acceptability of the
product line depends upon the value of the test statistic and product type.

For end-point devices other than supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous

— case I: If Q ≤ 5 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If Q > 5 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

For supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components:

— case I: If Q ≤ 3 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If Q > 3 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

When a device or component has been tested for lead through separate exposure of two or more
components or materials, the summed value of the test statistic Q shall be compared to the preceding

N- Retest statistic

The retest statistic R shall be determined as:

� S
R = e Y ∙ ek2∙

where the log-dosage mean, Ȳ, and the log-dosage standard deviation, S, are determined using the
procedures described in Section N- The value of k2 depends upon the sample size. Table N-1.14
presents the value of k2 for a range of sample sizes. The acceptability of the product line depends upon the
values of the retest statistic and product type.

— case I: If R ≤ 5 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If R > 5 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

For supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components:

— case I: If R ≤ 3 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If R > 3 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

N-1.9 Extraction water preparation

N-1.9.1 Chemical characteristics

Five extraction waters shall be available for exposure:

1) pH = 5 ± 0.3, with 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine and 100 mg/L hardness

2) pH = 6.5 ± 0.3, with 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine and 100 mg/L hardness

3) pH = 8 ± 0.3 (organic analysis), with no chlorine added and 100 mg/L hardness

4) pH = 10 ± 0.3, with 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine

5) pH = 8 ± 0.3, alkalinity of 500 ± 25 mg/L, dissolved inorganic carbon of 122 ± 5 mg/L, and
2 ± 0.5 mg/L of free chlorine.

All exposure water that is used to determine compliance to this Standard shall be used within 24 hours of
preparation and stored in a closed container.

NOTE — The hardness values above are expected concentrations based on buffer additions and are not
intended to be a specification.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N-1.9.2 Reagents

N- Reagent water

Reagent water shall be produced through one or more of the following treatment processes: distillation,
reverse osmosis, ion exchange, or other equivalent treatment processes. The reagent water shall have the
following general water characteristics:

— electrical resistivity, minimum 18 MΩ-cm at 25 °C (77 °F); and

— total organic carbon (TOC) maximum 100 μg/L.

For each specific analyte of interest, the reagent water shall not contain the target analyte at a concentration
greater than half the designated analytical report limit of that analyte. If trace organic contaminants may be
present at levels greater than half the designated analytical report limit of that target analyte, it is permissible
to treat the reagent water with TOC destructive UV (185nm) to reduce those contaminants to acceptable
concentrations. This UV treatment often results in a decrease in electrical resistivity of the reagent water to
below 18 MΩ-cm, which is allowed in this circumstance.

N- Phosphate buffer stock solutions (0.1 M)

Phosphate buffer stock solutions shall be prepared as follows: Dissolve 13.89 g sodium dihydrogen

phosphate monohydrate in reagent water, dilute to 1.0 L (0.26 gal), and mix thoroughly. Prepare fresh
weekly. This buffer shall be used with only the magnesium hardness reagent.

N- Magnesium hardness stock solution (0.04 M)

Magnesium hardness stock solution shall be prepared by dissolving 8.13 g magnesium chloride
hexahydrate in reagent water, diluting to 1.0 L (0.26 gal), and mixing thoroughly. The solution shall be
prepared fresh weekly.

N- Chlorine stock solution (0.025 M)

Chlorine stock solution shall be prepared as follows: Dilute 7.3 mL reagent grade sodium hypochlorite
(5% NaClO) to 200 mL with reagent water. Store in tightly stoppered amber reagent bottle protected from
light and stored at 20 °C (68 °F). Prepare fresh weekly.

N- Determining chlorine stock solution strength

The strength of the chlorine stock solution shall be determined by diluting 1.0 mL to 1.0 L (0.26 gal) with
reagent water. The solution shall be analyzed immediately for free available chlorine. This determination
shall be referred to as A.

N- Determining amount of chlorine stock solution required to obtain 2 ppm residual

To determine the volume of the chlorine stock solution necessary to add to the extraction water to obtain
2.0 mg/L free available chlorine residual, the following formula shall be used:

2.0 × B
mL stock solution =


A = chlorine equivalent per mL of chlorine stock solution (determined above)

B = liters of extraction water

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- Calcium hardness stock solution (0.04 M)

Calcium hardness stock solution shall be prepared by dissolving 4.44 g anhydrous calcium chloride in
reagent water, diluting to 1.0 L (0.26 gal), and mixing thoroughly. The solution shall be prepared fresh

N- Sodium bicarbonate buffer (0.04 M)

Sodium bicarbonate buffer shall be prepared by dissolving 3.36 g sodium bicarbonate in reagent water and
diluting to 1.0 L (0.26 gal), mixing thoroughly. The solution shall be prepared fresh weekly.

N- Sodium hydroxide solution (0.1 M)

Sodium hydroxide solution shall be prepared by dissolving 4.0 g of sodium hydroxide in reagent water,
diluting to 1.0 L (0.26 gal), and mixing well.

N- Sodium borate solution (0.05 M)

Sodium borate solution shall be prepared by dissolving 19.07 g of sodium borate decahydrate
(Na2B4O7 ּ 10 H2O) in reagent water, diluting to 1.0 L (0.26 gal), and mixing well.

N-1.9.3 pH 5 water

pH 5 extraction water shall be prepared to contain 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine. Stock reagent
solutions in the amounts shown in Table N-1.15 shall be diluted to the desired water volume with reagent
water. The pH shall be adjusted to pH 5 ± 0.3 using 0.1M HCl or 0.1M NaOH as needed.

N-1.9.4 pH 6.5 water

pH 6.5 water shall be prepared to contain 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine. Stock reagent solutions in
the amounts shown in Table N-1.15 shall be diluted to the desired water volume with reagent water.

The pH shall be adjusted to pH 6.5 ± 0.3 using 0.1 M HCl.

NOTE — It is recommended that the pH 6.5 water be protected from exposure to air during its formulation and
use to minimize pH drift. Unused exposure water should be maintained under a nitrogen blanket, and product
samples should be plugged or tightly covered to minimize exposure to air.

N-1.9.5 pH 8 water (conditioning)

pH 8 conditioning water shall be prepared to contain 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine. Stock reagent
solutions in the amounts shown in Table N-1.15 shall be diluted to the desired water volume with reagent
water. The pH shall be adjusted to pH 8 ± 0.3 using 0.1M HCl or 0.1M NaOH as needed.

N-1.9.6 pH 8 water (organic analysis)

pH 8 organic extraction water shall be prepared to contain no chlorine added. Stock reagent solutions in
the amounts shown in Table N-1.15 shall be diluted to the desired water volume with reagent water.
The pH shall be adjusted to pH 8 ± 0.3 using 0.1M HCl or 0.1M NaOH as needed.

N-1.9.7 pH 10 water

pH 10 extraction water shall be prepared to contain 2 ± 0.5 mg/L free available chlorine. Stock reagent
solutions in the amounts shown in Table N-1.15 shall be diluted to the desired water volume with reagent
water. The pH shall be adjusted to pH 10 ± 0.3 using 0.1M HCl or 0.1M NaOH as needed.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N-1.9.8 pH 8 water (from Section 9)

The extraction water shall be prepared by combining:

— 25 mL of 0.4 M sodium bicarbonate;

— chlorine stock solution per Section N-; and

— reagent water meeting the requirements of Section N- (make up to 1 L), and adjust pH as
needed using 0.1 M HCl.


© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Chemical concentrations, form, and amounts of ingredients can be adjusted such that the final pH 8 test water meets the extraction water
characteristics as outlined in Section N-1.9.1, bullet 5.

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


W/C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

< 72 16 16 16 16 64 16 16 16 16 64 16 16 16 16

W/C = washing and conditioning
< 72 = dwell between conditioning and exposure sequence (maximum: 72 h)
2 = dump and fill 2 h intervals
16 = 16 h dwell (overnight)
16 = 16 h dwell for data
C = collect prior day’s 16 h dwell
64 = 64 h dwell (weekend)

Figure 1
Exposure sequence for mechanical plumbing device

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.1
NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 products

Joining and sealing materials Mechanical devices

adhesives chemical feeders
brazing materials dry feeders (e.g., pellet droppers)
fluxes pressure gas injection systems
solders pumps
caulks vacuum injection systems
gaskets disinfection / generators
lubricants chlorine dioxide
O-rings hypochlorite
packing ozone
primers ultraviolet
sealants electrical wire
— submersible well pumps

— pumps
— switches and sensors (e.g., water level, flow, pressure, temperature)
valves, related fittings, and fire hydrants (transmission / distribution

— water process treatment devices

— aeration equipment
— clarifiers
— electrodialysis

— microfiltration
— mixers
— reverse osmosis
— screens
— strainers
— ultrafiltration

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.2
Exposure summary

Type of
Annex N-1
Category reference Required preparation Product exposure
— some products applied to
an appropriate substrate
cold exposure = 24, 24, 24 h
joining and — some products cut to at 23 °C (73 °F)
sealing 3 15 cm2/L appropriate size
materials hot exposure = 1, 1, 1 h
— washed to remove debris at 82 °C (180 °F)
accumulated during shipping
and handling
entire device, conditioning period prior to
mechanical component, wash to remove debris exposure (2 wk maximum)
devices or material accumulated during shipping cold exposure = 24, 24, 24 h
specimen1 at 23 °C (73 °F)
1 A material specimen shall be exposed using a minimum surface area-to-volume ratio or 50 cm2/L.

NOT FOR Table N-1.3a

Extraction water selection

X = Required extraction water selection
Analytes of interest
pH 5 pH 8 pH 10
(see Section N-1.9.3) (see Section N-1.9.6) (see Section N-1.9.7)

metals X — X
organics — X —

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.3b
Alternate extraction water selection

X = Required extraction water selection

Analyte of pH 5 pH 10 pH 6.5 pH 8
Material type by Section water1
interest (see (see (see (see
Section Section Section Section
1.9.3) 1.9.7) 1.9.4) 1.9.8)
Sections 4, 5, 6, and 8
brass and bronze surfaces all analytes — — — X —
copper pipe other than
metals X2 — X2 X —
C12200 and copper alloy
fittings used exclusively to
organics — — — X —
join copper pipe
copper (C12200) pipe, metals X3 — — X —
tubing, and fittings organics — — — X —
cementitious and asphaltic metals X X — — —

materials organics — — — X —
metals X — — X —
all other wetted surfaces
organics — — — X —
1 Placeholder for eventual citing of test waters used for process media currently contained in Section 7.

2The pH 6.5 test water may be used in replacement of the pH 5 test water provided the requirements in
Section are also met.
3 Metals analysis with the pH 5 test water is not required provided the requirements in Section are also met.

Table N-1.4

Test samples joining and sealing materials

Material Typical form

adhesives and cements intended for joining pipe
applied to assembled pipe and fitting joints
and fittings
adhesives and cements not intended for joining pipe
applied to glass panels
and fittings
caulks, greases, lubricants, sealants applied to glass panels
flux applied to copper sheet and heated
gasket materials ASTM D3182 tensile sheets or finished product
solders and solder / flux combinations product heated in ceramic combustion boats

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.5
Exposure sequence for cold applications

Exposure Elapsed
Exposure temperature Comment
time time
extraction water is decanted and discarded; the
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± °F) 24 ± 1 h 1d exposure vessel or product is refilled with exposure
water and exposure is continued
extraction water is decanted and discarded; the
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 ± 1 h 2d exposure vessel or product is refilled with exposure
water and exposure is continued
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 ± 1 h 3d extraction water is collected for analysis

Table N-1.6
Exposure sequence for hot applications

Exposure Elapsed
Exposure temperature Comments
time time
extraction water is decanted and discarded; the
60 ± 2 °C (140 ± 4 °F) or
60 ± 5 min 1h exposure vessel or product is refilled with exposure
82 ± 2 °C (180 ± 4 °F)

water and exposure is continued
extraction water is decanted and discarded; the
60 ± 2 °C (140 ± 4 °F) or
60 ± 5 min 2h exposure vessel or product is refilled with exposure
82 ± 2 °C (180 ± 4 °F)
water and exposure is continued
60 ± 2 °C (140 ± 4 °F) or

60 ± 5 min 3h extraction water is collected for analysis
82 ± 2 °C (180 ± 4 °F)

Table N-1.7
Product exposure1

Product In the product In a vessel Other
aeration equipment X — material exposed in a vessel
chemical feeders X — material exposed in a vessel
clarifiers — — material exposed in a vessel
disinfection equipment — — material exposed in a vessel
electrical wire — X —
in-line devices X — —
membranes/cartridges X — —
mixers — — materials exposed in a vessel
pumps X — —
reverse osmosis — — —
screens — X —
strainers X — —
switches/sensors X — —
valves X — —
1 For the purposes of this table, product may represent either the entire device or a component. These are the typical
exposure conditions. However, products may be exposed in any fashion provided that the exposure is consistent with
requirements in Section N-1.2.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.8
In-line device exposure sequence

Temperature In-line device exposure time Elapsed time1 in-line devices

23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 h 24 h
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 h 48 h
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 12 to 16 h 60 to 64 h
1 Elapsed time does not include the initial 14 d conditioning period.

Table N-1.9
Other mechanical device exposure sequence

Exposure time Elapsed time1

other mechanical devices other mechanical devices
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 h 24 h
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 h 48 h
23 ± 2 °C (73 ± 4 °F) 24 h 72 h

1 Elapsed time does not include the initial 14 d conditioning period.

Table N-1.10

Extractant water collection and preservation

Contaminant Preservative Container Storage

1 L (32 oz) amber glass ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),

herbicide none
bottles with PTFE lid but not frozen
metals, including Conc. HNO3 to pH 125 mL (4 oz) HDPE
room temp
mercury < 2 (1.25 mL) bottles with PTFE lid
miscellaneous 500 mL (16 oz) amber ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
organics bottle with PTFE lid but not frozen
500 mL (16 oz) amber ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
pesticides none
glass bottle with PTFE lid but not frozen
H2SO4 to pH 250 mL (8 oz) amber glass ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
< 2 (2.50 mL) bottle with PTFE lid but not frozen
1 L (32 oz) glass bottle with ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
phthalate none
PTFE lid (in duplicate) but not frozen
polyaromatic 1 L (32 oz) glass bottle ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
hydrocarbon (in duplicate) but not frozen
1 L (32 oz) polyethylene
radionuclides 10.0 mL HNO3 room temperature
bottle (in duplicate)
125 mL (4 oz) amber bottle ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
solvents none
with PTFE lid but not frozen
250 mL (8 oz) amber bottle ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
total kjeldahl nitrogen H2SO4 to pH < 2
with PTFE lid but not frozen
250 mL (8 oz) amber bottle ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
total organic carbon none
with PTFE lid but not frozen
non-Section 9 40 mL amber glass vial ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
exposure for volatile with PTFE lid but not frozen

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.10
Extractant water collection and preservation

Contaminant Preservative Container Storage

organic chemicals
Section 9 exposure sodium thiosulfate
40 mL amber glass vial ≤ 6 °C (43 °F),
for volatile organic (a few grains to neutralize
with PTFE lid but not frozen
chemicals (VOCs) the chlorine)


© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.11
Additional normalization factors, assumptions, and examples

N2 (flowing
Product nominal Exposure Probable
Assumptions N1 normalization
diameter (n.d.) type end use1
calculated in
— water is exposed to the same material from the
n.d. > 4 in in-the-vessel water main accordance with 1
treatment plant to the service line
Section N-1.8.3
Example: In-the-vessel water main joining and sealing material
— product is a joining and sealing material applied to a 6 in nominal diameter pipe and was exposed in a vessel;

— 0.5 in joining and sealing material width is exposed to water;
— 20 ft long pipe (used to derive VF(static) and SAF) and 1 joint per 20 ft length; and
— the ratio of SAL to VL was recorded and reported by the laboratory.
SAF = 60.77 cm2 (9.42 in2) SAL = 15 cm2 (2.3 in2)

VF(static) = 111 L (29.3 gal) VL = 1 L (0.26 gal)

SAF VL 9.42 0.26

N1 = × = × = 0.036
SAL VF(static) 2.33 29.4

N2 = 1
Concentrations reported by the laboratory would be multiplied by 0.036 to obtain a normalized static concentration. The resulting normalized static
concentration would be multiplied by 1 (N2 = 1) to obtain the normalized flowing concentration.
1 Probable end use and corresponding assumptions are related to the nominal diameter of the product.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.11
Additional normalization factors, assumptions, and examples

N2 (flowing
Product nominal Exposure Probable
Assumptions N1 normalization
diameter (n.d.) type end use1
— two user connections per service line and
180 gal/d/user
calculated in
multiple user — distance from water main to residential connections =
n.d. = 4 in in-the-vessel accordance with 0.13
service line 72 ft and therefore VF(static) = 47 gal; flow rate equals 360
Section N-1.8.3
gal/d and therefore VF(flow) = 360 gal
— five joints per multiple user service line

Example: in-the-vessel multiple user service line joining and sealing materials
— product is a joining and sealing material applied to a 4 in nominal diameter pipe and was exposed in a vessel;
— 0.5 in joining and sealing material width is exposed to water;

— five joints per multiple user service line;
— 72 ft of the pipe is present in the multiple user service line and therefore VF(static) = 47 gal (178 L); and
— the ratio of SAL to VL was recorded and reported by the laboratory.
SAF = 40.6 cm2 (6.3 in2) × 5 = 202.6 cm2 (31.4 in2) SAL = 15 cm2 (2.3 in2)

VF(static) = 178 L (47 gal) VL = 1 L (0.26 gal)

SAF VL 31.4 0.26

N1 = × = × = 0.076
SAL VF(static) 2.33 47

VF(static) 47
N2 = = = 0.13
VF(flow) 360
Concentrations reported by the laboratory would be multiplied by 0.076 to obtain a normalized static concentration. The resulting normalized static
concentration would be multiplied by 0.13 to obtain the normalized flowing concentration.
1 Probable end use and corresponding assumptions are related to the nominal diameter of the product.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.11
Additional normalization factors, assumptions, and examples

N2 (flowing
Product nominal Exposure Probable
Assumptions N1 normalization
diameter (n.d.) type end use1
— joining / sealing materials applied to 1 in nominal
diameter pipe
— 1 user connection per service line and 180 gal/d/user
calculated in
— distance from water main to residence = 100 ft and
4 in > n.d. > 1 in in-the-vessel service line accordance with 0.023
therefore Vf(static) = 4.08 gal
Section N-1.8.3

— flow rate equals 180 gal/d and therefore
VF(flow) =180 gal
— 10 joints are present on the service line
Example: in-the-vessel service line joining and sealing materials

— an in-the-vessel exposure was conducted;
— product is used to join 1 in nominal diameter pipe;
— 0.5 in width of the joining and sealing material comes in direct contact with water;
— 100 ft of the pipe is present in the service line and therefore VF(static) = 4.08 gal;

— 10 joints are present on the service line; and
— the ratio of SAL to VL was recorded and reported by the laboratory.
SAF = 10.1 cm2 (1.57 in2) × 10 = 101.3 cm2 (15.7 in2) SAL = 15 cm2 (2.3 in2)
VF(static) = 15.44 L (4.08 gal) VL = 1 L (0.26 gal)

SAF VL 15.7 0.26

N1 = × = × = 0.44
SAL VF(static) 2.3 4.08

VF(static) 4.08
N2 = = = 0.023
VF(flow) 180
Concentrations reported by the laboratory would be multiplied by 0.44 to obtain a normalized static concentration. The resulting normalized static
concentration would be multiplied by 0.023 to obtain the normalized flowing concentration.
1 Probable end use and corresponding assumptions are related to the nominal diameter of the product.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.11
Additional normalization factors, assumptions, and examples

N2 (flowing
Product nominal Exposure Probable
Assumptions N1 normalization
diameter (n.d.) type end use1
— joining / sealing materials applied to 0.5 in nominal diameter
— length of pipe in the residence = 280 ft (140 ft cold side and calculated in
1 in > n.d. ≥ 0.5 in in-the-vessel residential 140 ft hot side) and therefore VF(static) =2.86 gal (1.43 gal hot and 0.016
1.43 gal cold) with Section
— flow rate equals 180 gal/d and therefore VF(flow) = 180 gal

— 200 joints are present in the residential system
Example: in-the-vessel residential joining and sealing material
— an in-the-vessel exposure was conducted;

— product is a joining and sealing material used to join ½ in nominal diameter pipe;
— 0.25 in width of the joining and sealing material comes in direct contact with water;
— 280 ft of pipe is present in the residence (used to derive VF(static) and SAF);
— the ratio of SAL to VL was recorded and reported by the laboratory; and
— 200 joints are present in the residential system.

SAF = 2.54 cm2 (0.393 in2) × 200 = 507 cm2 (78.6 in2) SAL = 65 cm2 (10 in2)
VF(static) = 10.83 L (2.86 gal) VL = 1 L (0.26 gal)

SAF VL 78.6 0.26

N1 = × = × = 0.73
SAL VF(static) 10 2.86

VF(static) 2.86
N2 = = = 0.016
VF(flow) 180
Concentrations reported by the laboratory would be multiplied by 0.73 to obtain a normalized static concentration. The resulting normalized static
concentration would be multiplied by 0.016 to obtain the normalized flowing concentration.
1 Probable end use and corresponding assumptions are related to the nominal diameter of the product.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.11
Additional normalization factors, assumptions, and examples

N2 (flowing
Product nominal Exposure Probable
Assumptions N1 normalization
diameter (n.d.) type end use1
— twenty 4 in valves per mile (5,280 ft)
n.d. ≥ 4 in in-the-product water main 1 0.002
— a width of 6 in is exposed for each valve
Example: in-the-product water main valve
— product is a 4 in nominal diameter valve used on pipe with a nominal diameter of 4 in;

— an in-the-product exposure was conducted; and
— for each valve, a width of 6 in comes in direct contact with water.
SAF = 484 cm2 (75 in2) SAL = 484 cm2 (75 in2)
VF(static) = 1.24 L (0.327 gal) VL = 1.24 L (0.327 gal)

SAF VL 75 0.327
N1 = × = × =1
SAL VF(static) 75 0.327

N2 = volume of 20 valves = 6.52 = 0.002

volume of 1 mi of pipe = 3,447

Laboratory concentrations would be multiplied by 0.002 and compared to the SPAC.
1 Probable end use and corresponding assumptions are related to the nominal diameter of the product.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.11
Additional normalization factors, assumptions, and examples

N2 (flowing
Product nominal Exposure Probable
Assumptions N1 normalization N3
diameter (n.d.) type end use1
— when product holds less than 1 L
(0.26 gal) under static conditions,
VF(static) = 1 L = 0.26 gal
— when product holds less than 1 L calculated in
service line or
4 in > n.d. ≥ 0.5 in in-the-product (0.26 gal) under static conditions and accordance with 0.0015 0.33
contains metal components, extensions Section N-1.8.3

are added to bring the exposure volume to
1 L.
— VF(flow) = 180 gal
Example: in-the-product service line valve

— product is a 0.5 in nominal diameter valve with a length of 2 in;
— an in-the-product exposure was conducted;
— VF(static) = 1 L because the valve holds less than 1 L of water when filled to capacity under static conditions; and
— extensions are added to bring the exposure volume close to 1 L.

SAF = 20.26 cm2 (3.14 in2) SAL = 20.26 cm2 (3.14 in2)
VF(static) = 1 L (0.26 gal) VL = 0.98 L (0.26 gal)

SAF VL 3.14 0.98

N1 = × × dispersion factor (N3) = × × 0.33 = 0.32
SAL VF(static) 3.14 1

VF(static) 0.26
N2 = = = 0.0015
VF(flow) 180
Laboratory concentrations would be multiplied by 0.32 to obtain the normalized static concentration. The resulting normalized static concentration
would be multiplied by 0.0015 to obtain the normalized flowing concentration.
1 Probable end use and corresponding assumptions are related to the nominal diameter of the product.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.12
Data available for determination of lead test statistic

Measured lead dosage on day

Product #
3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19
1 X1 3 X1 4 X1 5 X1 10 X1 11 X1 12 X1 17 X1 18 X1 19
2 X2 3 X2 4 X2 5 X2 10 X2 11 X2 12 X2 17 X2 18 X2 19
3 X3 3 X3 4 X3 5 X3 10 X3 11 X3 12 X3 17 X3 18 X3 19
n Xn 3 Xn 4 Xn 5 Xn 10 Xn 11 Xn 12 Xn 17 Xn 18 Xn 19

Table N-1.13
Values of k1 for determining test statistic Q

Sample size k1 Sample size k1 Sample size k1

3 2.60281 19 1.05769 35 0.94208
4 1.97224 20 1.04590 36 0.93783

5 1.69779 21 1.03510 37 0.93377
6 1.53987 22 1.02517 38 0.92990
7 1.43526 23 1.01598 39 0.92618
8 1.35984 24 1.00747 40 0.92262

9 1.30234 25 0.99954 41 0.91921
10 1.25672 26 0.99213 42 0.91592
11 1.21943 27 0.98520 43 0.91277

12 1.18824 28 0.97869 44 0.90973
13 1.16167 29 0.97256 45 0.90680
14 1.13870 30 0.96677 46 0.90397
15 1.11859 31 0.96130 47 0.90125
16 1.10080 32 0.95612 48 0.89861
17 1.08491 33 0.95120 49 0.89607
18 1.07063 34 0.94653 50 0.89361

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-1.14
Values of k2 for determining retest statistic R

Sample size k2 Sample size k2 Sample size k2

6 2.84809 21 1.39862 36 1.18574
7 2.49072 22 1.37611 37 1.17721
8 2.25337 23 1.35548 38 1.16907
9 2.08314 24 1.33647 39 1.16130
10 1.95433 25 1.31889 40 1.15387
11 1.85297 26 1.30257 41 1.14676
12 1.77079 27 1.28738 42 1.13994
13 1.70259 28 1.27319 43 1.13340
14 1.64491 29 1.25989 44 1.12711
15 1.59536 30 1.24740 45 1.12107
16 1.55224 31 1.23565 46 1.11526
17 1.51431 32 1.22455 47 1.10966

18 1.48063 33 1.21407 48 1.10425
19 1.45048 34 1.20413 49 1.09904
20 1.42329 35 1.19470 50 1.09401

Table N-1.151
1 L volume of extraction water

pH Solution #1 Solution #2 Chlorine stock solution

5 25 mL of 0.1 M NaH2PO4 25 mL of 0.04 M MgCl2 see Section N-
6.5 25 mL of 0.04 M NaHCO3 25 mL of 0.04 M CaCl2 see Section N-
8 (conditioning) 25 mL of 0.04 M NaHCO3 25 mL of 0.04 M CaCl2 see Section N-
8 (organic) 25 mL of 0.04 M NaHCO3 25 mL of 0.04 M CaCl2 —
10 50 mL of 0.1 M NaOH 50 mL of 0.05 M Na2B4O7 see Section N-
1 Volumes are per 1.0 L of extraction water produced.

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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Normative Annex 2
Acceptable materials

N-2.1 Purpose
This Annex defines the evaluation process for materials that have been submitted for qualification as
acceptable materials.

N-2.2 Evaluation of acceptable materials

A material shall be designated as an “acceptable material” in Table N-2.1 if it has a standard material
formulation or specification (e.g., ASTM); has undergone extraction testing that demonstrates that the
material does not contribute any contaminant in excess of its acceptable level as determined by this
Standard (see Section N-2.3); and is accompanied by adequate documentation (see Section 3.4).

N-2.3 Extraction testing

Thirty randomly selected samples from a variety of manufacturers of the material, in a specific form
(e.g., pipe or tube), shall undergo extraction testing. All the samples shall have been manufactured using
the same production process. Selection of analytical testing shall be performed in accordance with
Section 3.3. The samples shall be exposed at the maximum surface area-to-volume ratio for which

acceptance is being sought. Depending on the specific form of the material, the samples shall be evaluated
with the extraction protocol, normalization formulas and assumptions, and evaluation criteria contained in
the applicable sections of this Standard.

N-2.4 Documentation
The material’s evaluation shall be supported by the following documentation:

— the published material formulation or specification to which the material is fabricated;

— literature that comprehensively addresses the production process, raw material sources, and all
other factors that could potentially affect the composition and variability of the material; and

— information and data that summarize the results from the laboratory extraction of the thirty randomly
selected samples, including data from a detection limit study, quality control (QC) data run concurrently
with the samples, a description of the methods and instrumentation used, and a verification that the
laboratory in which the extraction testing was conducted is certified for drinking water analysis by the
regulatory agency having authority.

A final report that outlines the manner in which these requirements have been met shall be prepared.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-2.1
Acceptable materials

Standard Surface
Specific End use
Material (product) area-to- Composition
designation temperature
reference volume ratio
percent composition:
carbon (0.08 max.)
manganese (2.00 max.)
ASTM A312 phosphorus (0.05 max.)
UNS S30400 3,484 cm2/L 30 °C (86 °F)
ASTM A269 sulfur (0.030 max.)
(Type 304) (540 in2/L) 23 °C (73 °F)
ASTM A240 silicon (1.00 max.)
nickel (8.00 to 11.0)
chromium (18.0 to 20.0)
iron (balance)
percent composition:
carbon (0.035 max.)
manganese (2.00 max.)
ASTM A312 phosphorus (0.05 max.)
UNS S30403 3,484 cm2/L 30 °C (86 °F)
ASTM A269 sulfur (0.030 max.)
(Type 304L) (540 in2/L) 23 °C (73 °F)
ASTM A240 silicon (1.00 max.)

nickel (8.00 to 13.0)
chromium (18.0 to 20.0)
iron (balance)
percent composition:
carbon (0.08 max.)

manganese (2.00 max.)
phosphorus (0.05 max.)
UNS S31600 3,484 cm2/L 30 °C (86 °F) sulfur (0.030 max.)
stainless (Type 316) (540 in2/L) 23 °C (73 °F) silicon (1.00 max.)
steel nickel (10.00 to 14.0)

chromium (16.0 to 18.0)
molybdenum (2.0 to 3.0)
iron (balance)
percent composition:
carbon (0.035 max.)
manganese (2.00 max.)
phosphorus (0.05 max.)
UNS S31603 3,484 cm2/L 30 °C (86 °F) sulfur (0.030 max.)
(Type 316L) (540 in2/L) 23 °C (73 °F) silicon (1.00 max.)
nickel (10.0 to 15.0)
chromium (16.0 to 18.0)
molybdenum (2.0 to 3.0)
iron (balance)
percent composition:
carbon (0.030 max.)
manganese (2.00 max.)
ASTM A240 phosphorus (0.030 max.)
UNS S32205 ASTM A789 3,484 cm2/L sulfur (0.020 max.)
23 °C (73 °F)
(Type 2205) ASTM A790 (540 in2/L) silicon (1.0 max.)
ASTM A815 nickel (4.5 to 6.5)
chromium (22.0 to 23.0)
molybdenum (3.0 to 3.5)
nitrogen (0.14 to 0.20)

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table N-2.1
Acceptable materials

Standard Surface
Specific End use
Material (product) area-to- Composition
designation temperature
reference volume ratio
percent composition:
carbon (0.03 max.)
manganese (2.0 max.)
phosphorus (0.03 max.)
sulfur (0.02 max.)
UNS S32003 ASTM A789 3,484 cm2/L
23 °C (73 °F) silicon (1.00 max.)
(Type 2203) ASTM A790 (540 in2/L)
nickel (3.0 to 4.0)
chromium (19.5 to 22.5)
molybdenum (1.5 to 2.0)
nitrogen (0.14 to 0.20)
iron (balance)
percent composition:
carbon (0.040 max.)
manganese (4.0 to 6.0

ASTM A240 phosphorus (0.04 max.)
UNS S32101 ASTM A789 3,484 cm2/L sulfur (0.03 max.)
23 °C (73 °F)
(Type 2101) ASTM A790 (540 in2/L) silicon (1.0 max.)
ASTM A815 nickel (1.35 to 1.70)
chromium (21.0 to 22.0)

molybdenum (0.1 to 0.8)
nitrogen (0.2 to 0.25)
copper (0.10 to 0.80)
percent composition:
carbon (0.030 max.)

manganese (2.50 max.)
phosphorus (0.040 max.)
sulfur (0.030 max.)
UNS S32304 ASTM A789 3,484 cm2/L
23 °C (73 °F) silicon (1.00 max.)
(Type 2304) ASTM A790 (540 in2/L)
nickel (3.0 to 5.5)
chromium (21.5 to 24.5)
molybdenum (0.05 to 0.60)
nitrogen (0.05 to 0.20)
copper (0.05 to 0.60)
percent composition:
carbon (0.030 max.)
manganese (2.00 max.)
phosphorus (0.040 max.)
sulfur (0.010 max.)
UNS S32202 ASTM A789 3,484 cm2/L
23 °C (73 °F) silicon (1.00 max.)
(Type 2202) ASTM A790 (540 in2/L)
nickel (1.00 to 2.80)
chromium (21.5 to 24.0)
molybdenum (0.45 max.)
nitrogen (0.18 to 0.20)
iron (balance)

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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 1
Toxicology review and evaluation procedures

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS)
and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this
Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

The toxicological review and evaluation procedures for substances imparted to drinking water through
contact with drinking water system components were removed from NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Annex A and
reestablished in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600. Annex A was retired from NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 in December 2018.


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 2
Normative drinking water criteria

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS)
and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this
Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

The drinking water evaluation criteria for the determination of product compliance with the health effects
requirements were removed from NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Annex D and reestablished in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.
Annex D was retired from NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 in December 2018.


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 3
Informational drinking water criteria

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS)
and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this
Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

The revisions and tables containing the informational drinking water criteria previously listed under
Annex E are now listed under NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 4
Revisions to the evaluation of lead

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS)
and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this
Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

In 2006, the DWA Lead Task Group developed proposed changes designed to increase the public health
protection of the Standard relative to the evaluation of lead leaching. The requirements were approved by
the Drinking Water Additives Joint Committee for inclusion in the Standard as normative requirements
effective July 1, 2012. Details of the revisions were maintained in Annex F of the 2007a through 2011
versions of the standard and include:

— reduction of the TAC for lead from 15 µg/L to 5 µg/L;

— reduction of the SPAC for lead from 1.5 µg/l to 0.5 µg/L;

— reduction of Q (and R) Statistic criteria from 11 to 5 for all Section 9 devices other than supply

stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components; and

— reduction of Q (and R) Statistic criteria from 11 to 3 for than supply stops, flexible plumbing
connectors, and miscellaneous components.


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 5
Weighted average lead content evaluation procedure to a 0.25% lead requirement

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS)
and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this
Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

The procedures for determining the lead content of drinking water system components were removed from
NSF/ANSI 61 Annex G and reestablished in NSF/ANSI 372. Annex G was retired from NSF/ANSI 61 in
October 2013 (i.e., three years after the initial adoption of NSF/ANSI 372, as outlined in Annex G).


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 6
Water quality criteria considerations for piping materials in contact with drinking water

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS)
and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this
Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

I-6.1 Background
While NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 is designed to provide standardized evaluation conditions for the assessment of
drinking water products, the test waters used in the standard cannot represent all chemistries of actual
drinking water that products may encounter during use. Metallic and nonmetallic materials in contact with
some drinking water qualities can have interactions with surfaces accelerating leaching or byproduct

This Annex is supplemental to local building and plumbing codes and is intended to provide information to
assist in identifying water chemistry conditions under which the various materials may experience leaching
or byproduct release of regulated contaminants at or above acceptable levels in drinking water. Due to the

numerous variables in water chemistry, premise plumbing design, and system interaction, waters having
these characteristics do not always cause excessive leaching or byproduct release; however, the risk in
these waters is elevated and the consumer / specifier should either:

— consult with local water provider / utility or public health authority to determine the local water quality

(parameters such as pH, alkalinity, PO4 dosage, etc.) that may impact materials in contact with drinking
water; or

— perform testing or analyses to verify that such materials do not pose a risk of exceeding drinking
water quality standards in the subject system; or

— put appropriate water chemistry modifications / treatment in place to remediate the water chemistry

The reader is advised to investigate suitable performance when products using these materials are being
considered for use in water chemistries as provided in the following sections.

The materials listed below are not the only materials that under variable drinking water parameters may
leach regulated contaminants in excess of regulatory guidelines. Criteria for additional materials may be
added to this Annex as they become available.

I-6.2 Criteria (by material type)

I-6.2.1 Copper (C12200)

Copper leaching or by-product release would not be suspect if the pH is greater than or equal to 7.0 and if
the water system is utilizing orthophosphate dosing for corrosion control with a PO4 residual greater than
3.3 mg PO4/L.

System operators, installers, and owners should install water treatment, adjust water quality, install
alternate materials, or verify that copper leaching or by-product release is not exceeding acceptable levels
when any of the following water quality conditions exist.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

If the water system is using no orthophosphate treatment for corrosion control, or is maintaining an
orthophosphate residual less than 3.3 mg PO4/L, and:

— pH less than 6.5 in all systems;

— pH between 6.5 and 7.0 in a system with disinfection / oxidative treatment;

— pH between 7.0 and 7.5 in a system with disinfection / oxidative treatment and alkalinity greater
than 200 mg CaCO3/L; and

— pH greater than 7.5 in a system with disinfection / oxidative treatment and alkalinity greater than
250 mg CaCO3/L.

For systems conveying waters that fall within these conditions, there is an increased risk of copper leaching
or by-product release into the drinking water in excess of US EPA health-based maximum contaminant
level goal (MCLG) of 1.3 mg/L (US EPA, 1991, 2015). These water chemistry conditions have been
correlated with the potential for elevated copper release, based on a broad consensus of international
research and observation (Schock and Lytle, 2011).

I-6.2.2 Galvanized steel

The following formula is provided as a means identifying water compositions where corrosion rates for
galvanized steel may be acceptable (reference: 4MS Common Approach):


— pH ≥ 7.5 or free CO2 ≤ 11 mg/L; and
— alkalinity ≥ 150 mg CaCO3/L; and
— S1 < 2; and
— calcium ≥ 20 mg/L; and
— conductivity ≤ 600 μS/cm at 25 °C; and

— S2 <1 or S2 > 3.


- - 2-
c[(Cl )/35] + c[(NO3 )/62] + 2 c��SO4 �/96�
S1 = -
c[(HCO3 )/61]

- 2-
c[(Cl )/35] + 2 c��SO4 �/96�
S2 = -
c[(NO3 )/62]


— concentrations (c) in mg/L; and

— guidance on HCO3- derivation from pH & alkalinity follows the examples below.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Table I-6.1
Examples of galvanized steel calculation

Example water #1 Example water #2

pH 7.54 Cl- 34 mg/L pH 7.6 Cl- 53 mg/L
192 mg 245 mg
alkalinity NO3- 9 mg/L alkalinity NO3- 1 mg/L
calcium 62 mg/L SO42- 56 mg/L calcium 92 mg/L SO42- 106 mg/L
250 µS/cm
conductivity HCO3- 84 mg/L conductivity µS/cm at HCO3- 78 mg/L
at 25 ˚C
25 ˚C
 pH ≥ 7.5 or free CO2 ≤ 11 mg/L  pH ≥ 7.5 or free CO2 ≤ 11 mg/L
 AND alkalinity ≥ 150 mg CaCO3/L  AND alkalinity ≥ 150 mg CaCO3/L
- - 2- - - 2-
� �+� � +2 � 4 � � �+� � +2 � 4 �
35 62 96 35 62 96
S1 = - AND S1 = -
AND � � S1 < 2 � �
61 61
S1 < 2 34 9 56 53 1 106
� � + � � +2 � � � � + � � +2 � �

35 62 96 35 62 96
S1 =
84  S1 = 2.92 mg/L S1 =
� � (S1 > 2) � �
61 61
 S1 = 1.66 mg/L (0.97)+(0.15)+(1.17) (1.51)+(0.016)+(2.21)
(S1 < 2) S1 = S1 =
(1.38) (1.28)
(Does not meet

2.29 3.74
S1 = criteria) S1 =
1.38 1.28
 AND calcium > 20 mg/L  AND calcium > 20 mg/L
 AND conductivity < 600 μS/cm at 25°C  AND conductivity < 600 μS/cm at 25 °C

- 2- - 2-
Cl SO4 Cl SO
� � +2 � � � � +2 � 4 �
35 96 35 96
S2 = - S2 = -
AND � � AND � �
62 62
S2 <1 or S2 > 3 34 56 S2 <1 or S2 > 3 53 106
� � +2 � � � � +2 � �
35 96 35 96
S2 = S2 =
9 1
� � � �
62 62
 S2 = 14.27 mg/L (0.97)+(1.17)  S2 = 232.5 mg/L (1.51)+(2.21)
(S2 > 3) S2 = (S2 > 3) S2 =
(0.15) (0.016)
2.14 3.72
S2 = S2 =
0.15 0.016
Water #1 has a composition where corrosion rates for Water #2 has a composition where corrosion rates for
galvanized steel may be acceptable. galvanized steel may NOT be acceptable.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

I-6.3 Determining HCO3- concentration from alkalinity using Standard Methods

4500-CO2 Carbon Dioxide (Editorial revisions, 2011)
Applicable for waters which:

— have a total alkalinity due almost entirely to hydroxides, carbonates, or bicarbonates;

— do not contain the salts of weak acids (other than carbonic acid) or those acids are present in
extremely small amounts; and

— do not exceed 500 mg/L of total dissolved solids.

Further some treatment processes such as superchlorination and coagulation can significantly affect pH
and total alkalinity values of a poorly buffered water of low alkalinity and low total dissolved mineral content.
This calculation is also limited for use at a single temperature of 25 ˚C. In such instances where the
previously mentioned guidelines are exceeded this calculation may not be applicable (from Standard
Methods 4500, Section D.2.a. bicarbonate alkalinity equation):

- CaCO3 T - 5.0 × 10(pH-10)

HCO3 as mg =
L 1 + 0.94 × 10(pH-10)


T = total alkalinity, mg CaCO3/L

Example water
total alkalinity (as CaCO3) 60 mg/L
pH 8.7

HCO3 as mg
T - 5.0 × 10(pH-10)
1 + 0.94 × 10(pH-10)

60 mg/L - 5.0 × 10(8.7-10)

HCO3 =
1 + 0.94 × 10(8.7-10)

- 60 mg/L - 0.25
HCO3 =
1 + 0.047

- 59.75 mg/L
HCO3 =
HCO3 = 57 mg/L

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020


4MS Common Approach: Acceptance of Metallic Materials used in Products in Contact With Drinking
Water, 6th Revision, May 27, 2016. <www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/374/dokumente/

Schock, M. and Lytle, D. (2011). Chapter 20: Internal corrosion and deposition control. In: J.K. Edzwald
(ed.), Water quality and treatment: a handbook on drinking water. 6th edition. McGraw Hill and American
Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado.

US EPA (1991) 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142, Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper; Final Rule. US Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, DC. 56 FR 26460, June 7, 1991.

US EPA. (2015). National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. US Environmental Protection Agency.
Accessed on September 10, 2015 at: <www.water.epa.gov/drink/contaminants/index.cfm#List>


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Informative Annex 7 19
Revisions to the evaluation of lead

The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) and has not
been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this Disclaimer may contain
material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. In addition, it does not contain
requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

I-7.1 Background
At the 2017 annual meeting of the Joint Committee on Drinking Water Additives – System Components, the issue
was raised that many states and cities are now conducting aggressive monitoring programs for lead in schools and
day care centers. The EPA and CDC have determined that no amount level of lead is acceptable. The American
Academy of Pediatrics has called for regulations limiting exposure of lead in drinking water for schools and day care
centers to no more than 1 part per billion. However, most school monitoring is done using the EPA 3Ts program
guidance, which uses 250 mL first draw samples, not 1 L as is used by the Lead and Copper rule. This has been
the basis for the Q value used for NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Section 9, after normalization to 1 L. A task group was formed
to investigate implementing a special higher-stringency certification level for products to be used in schools,
day care centers, and for consumers desiring the additional level of protection. The task group considered the

following approaches: a lower Q value, an additional requirement for the average lead release of test samples
Day 3, or both. In 2018, a second task group was formed to develop proposed criteria for the option they decided
to pursue.

After an initial ballot was proposed for the new, optional requirement, concerns were raised over actions that have

been initiated by the state of California and possibly others to mandate a lower Q value. At the 2019 Joint Committee
meeting, members concurred that the committee should take a proactive approach to make this optional
requirement mandatory after a transition period to allow manufacturers sufficient time to comply.

NOTE — Due to the significant impact of these changes, the Joint Committee on Drinking Water Additives – System

Components established an extended effective date for the current optional requirement to become mandatory.
The 01/01/2024 effective date was selected provide manufacturers a reasonable time to reengineer products to meet
the new requirements, to have them tested, and to make them available in the marketplace. Manufacturers and certifiers
are encouraged to actively pursue conformance to the new requirement prior to 01/01/2024.

I-7.2 Incorporation of revisions into Standard

The optional requirements for lower lead leaching shall be removed and the revisions in this Annex shall be
incorporated into the body of this Standard on January 1, 2024. This date is based on the date of product

I-7.3 Revisions
9.5.1 Evaluation of lead

For endpoint devices other than commercial kitchen devices, supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and
miscellaneous components, the lead test statistic Q shall not exceed 5 1 µg when normalized for the
1 L (0.26 gal) first draw sample. For commercial kitchen devices, the lead test statistic Q shall not exceed 5 1 µg
when normalized for the 18.9 L (5 gal) first draw sample. For supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors,

19The information contained in this Annex has been processed in accordance with ANSI and SCC requirements for public review
and consensus ballot. The requirements were approved by the Joint Committee on Drinking Water Additives – System
Components for inclusion in the Standard as normative requirements effective January 1, 2024.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

and miscellaneous components, the lead test statistic Q shall not exceed 3 0.5 µg when normalized for the 1 L
(0.26 gal) first draw sample.

For kitchen faucets that have been exposed simultaneously with the side spray component, the lead test statistic
Q value for the entire assembly shall not exceed 5 1 µg. When the kitchen faucet and the side spray component
have been exposed separately, the lead test statistic Q value for the faucet and side spray shall be added and shall
not exceed 5 1 µg. Optional lower lead requirements

The following are optional evaluation criteria available for endpoint devices to demonstrate compliance with a lower
lead leaching criteria. Products shall also comply with the full requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 in order to be
deemed compliant to this Section. Evaluation requirements

For endpoint devices other than supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components, the
test statistics Q or R calculated in accordance with N-1.8.9 shall not exceed 1 µg. For supply stops, flexible plumbing
connectors, and miscellaneous components, the lead test statistic Q shall not exceed 0.5 µg. Product labeling requirements

Attested compliance of product to the lower lead leaching criteria of this Section Standard shall be noted in the
certification listing. Consumer-facing product packaging or labeling shall also indicate this compliance by identifying
the standard and Q level attested according to Section (e.g., “NSF/ANSI/CAN 61: Q ≤ 1” or
“NSF/ANSI/CAN 61: Q ≤ 0.5”).

Rationale: As product can remain in the marketplace for extended periods of time, the marking
requirements in this section need to be maintained to enable differentiation between product meeting these
requirements versus those in an earlier version of the standard and a higher Q criterion. When the NSF 61

Joint Committee has determined that sufficient time has passed and this labeling requirement for the Q is
no longer warranted the ballot process can be followed to pursue its removal.

N- Initial test statistic

For end-point devices other than supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components:

— case I: If Q ≤ 5 1 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If Q > 5 1 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

For supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components:

— case I: If Q ≤ 3 0.5 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If Q > 3 0.5 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

N- Retest statistic

— case I: If R ≤ 5 1 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or
— case II: If R > 5 1 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.

For supply stops, flexible plumbing connectors, and miscellaneous components:

— case I: If R ≤ 3 0.5 μg, the product line has tested as acceptable; or

— case II: If R > 3 0.5 μg, the product line has tested as unacceptable.


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© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

Interpretation Annex
The information contained in this Annex is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) and
has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this Annex
may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process.
In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.

Normative Annex 2 (formerly Annex C) – Acceptable materials

Requestor’s interpretation of the Section:

CDA is interested in performing testing on a number of ‘lead-free’ brass rod alloys for potential inclusion
as ‘acceptable materials’ according to the requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, 2019,
Annex C for use as a material for Section 9 products. Prior to having the materials tested, there are a
couple of points we need clarified to assure that if we proceed with this extensive testing that our
approach would be acceptable. As such, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in providing an
interpretation and answering a few questions outlined below.

Annex C is fairly straightforward with many of the requirements, but there are a few points that we
would like to be confident that we understand:

1) Section C.3 states, “Thirty randomly selected samples from a variety of manufacturers of the
material…” We consider the following variables to be most significant in manufacturing finished
parts from lead-free brass rods: the manufacturer of the brass rods, the brass rod production lot,
and the machine shop that machines the brass rods into finished parts.

a) If we selected a combination of the above variables for each alloy to make our 30 samples
for testing, will it meet the requirement of “thirty randomly selected samples?”

b) Do we understand this requirement appropriately? For your benefit we would describe

the variables as follows:

 brass rod manufacturer: The company that converts raw materials (e.g., brass/copper
scrap, virgin elements) into brass rods

 production lot (per ASTM B249): Product of one cast bar from a single melt charge, or
one continuous casting run that has been continuously processed and subject to inspection
at one time

 machine shop: The company that takes brass rods and machines them (e.g., drilling,
lathing, milling) into finished parts

2) Section C.4 states in the second bulleted point, “literature that comprehensively addresses the
production process…”

a) If we replaced the term “addresses” with “describes” does the requirement have the same
meaning? If not, could you please clarify what is meant by “addresses?”

3) Our goal would be to have the materials tested and arrive at the greatest surface area to volume
ratio that the test results would allow. To do so we would like to use a test sample that is
6 inches long with an inside diameter of 0.327 inches. If the Q result was 0.1 we would anticipate
that we could list a surface area of 60 square inches/L for finished products and
30 square inches/L for components since the Q statistic calculated would be below the proposed
criteria of 1 ug and 0.5 ug respectively.

© 2020 NSF NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 – 2020

a) Can you please confirm this calculation is correct? The reason we chose 6 inches was for
practical aspects of handling the samples and for the efficient use of raw materials.

4) We are intending to test 6 inch rod segments that have had the centers drilled out with one end
machined with interior threads. The test samples would have a piece of plastic threaded with the
sample exposing 1/3 of the threads. Our reason for making the sample with an internal thread on
one end is to simulate the worst-case processed sample with the hope that these materials would
be exempt from testing if used within the approved surface area.

a) Do you think this is necessary and would it help our manufacturers?

Interpretation decision:

The assumptions made for approved stainless steel materials under Annex N-2 (formerly Annex C
noted above) cannot necessarily be applied to brass rod alloys due to differences in manufacturing.
Of note, stainless steel does not contain lead and as such may not be subject to the same variability
as brasses containing even small amounts of lead. The proposed testing method and sampling plan
should be submitted to the Joint Committee as a separate issue paper prior to undertaking any testing.

1. The requirement as described above has not been interpreted correctly. Section 3.4 of

NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 states that “Products manufactured... However, extraction testing for
contaminants contributed by processes specific to a production site shall be considered
formulation-dependent analytes.” The interpretation of this Section would indicate that qualification
testing for inclusion in Annex N-2 would include samples from manufacturers of brass rods but
exclude those from machine shops. Since machine shops include processes (machining, drilling,

etc.) that could contribute to increased leaching of contaminants (i.e., lead), from the finished parts.
Differences in machine shops would be covered under certification testing of the final machined

2. It is agreed that the term “describes” is consistent with meaning of “addresses” in the context

of the statement in section N-2.4 (formerly Section C.4 as described above).

3. Since NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 applies to the finished products and not raw materials, this calculation
would need to be addressed in the testing proposal and agreed upon by the Joint Committee.

4. This methodology should be submitted to the Joint Committee along with the proposal (and in
consideration of the response under #1) in an issue paper.

France Lemieux
Chair, Joint Committee on Drinking Water Additives – System Components

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Standards 20

The following Standards established and adopted by NSF as minimum voluntary consensus Standards are used internationally:

Std. # Standard title

2 Food Equipment
3 Commercial Warewashing Equipment
4 Commercial Cooking, Rethermalization, and Powered Hot Food Holding and Transport Equipment
5 Water Heaters, Hot Water Supply Boilers, and Heat Recovery Equipment
6 Dispensing Freezers
7 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
8 Commercial Powered Food Preparation Equipment
12 Automatic Ice Making Equipment
13 Refuse Processors and Processing Systems
14 Plastics Piping System Components and Related Materials
18 Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing Equipment
20 Commercial Bulk Milk Dispensing Equipment
21 Thermoplastic Refuse Containers

24 Plumbing System Components for Recreational Vehicles
25 Vending Machines for Food And Beverages
29 Detergent and Chemical Feeders for Commercial Spray-Type Dishwashing Machines
35 High Pressure Decorative Laminates for Surfacing Food Service Equipment

37 Air Curtains for Entranceways in Food and Food Service Establishments
40 Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems
41 Non-liquid Saturated Treatment Systems
42 Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects

44 Residential Cation Exchange Water Softeners
46 Evaluation of Components and Devices Used in Wastewater Treatment Systems
49 Biosafety Cabinetry – Design, Construction, Performance, and Field Certification
50 Equipment for Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Other Recreational Water Facilities
51 Food Equipment Materials
52 Supplemental Flooring
53 Drinking Water Treatment Units – Health Effects
55 Ultraviolet Microbiological Water Treatment Systems
58 Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems
59 Mobile Food Carts
60 Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects
61 Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects
62 Drinking Water Distillation Systems
140 Sustainable Carpet Assessment
169 Special Purpose Food Equipment and Devices
170 Glossary of Food Equipment Terminology
173 Dietary Supplements
177 Shower Filtration Systems – Aesthetic Effects

20The information contained in this list of Standards is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) / National Standard of
Canada (NSC) and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI’s / SCC’s requirements for an ANS/NSC. Therefore, this
Standards page may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. In addition, it does
not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard.
Std. # Standard title

184 Residential Dishwashers

Conformity Assessment Requirements for Certification Bodies that Certify Products Pursuant to
NSF/ANSI 60 Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects
Drainfield Trench Product Sizing for Gravity Dispersal Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal
244 Drinking Water Treatment Units Supplemental Microbiological Water Treatment Systems – Filtration
245 Wastewater Treatment Systems – Nitrogen Reduction
305 Personal Care Products Containing Organic Ingredients
321 Goldenseal Root (Hydrastis canadensis)
330 Glossary of Drinking Water Treatment Unit Terminology
332 Sustainability Assessment for Resilient Floor Coverings
336 Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric
342 Sustainability Assessment for Wallcovering Products
347 Sustainability Assessment for Single-Ply Roofing Membranes
350 Onsite Residential and Commercial Water Reuse Treatment Systems
350-1 Onsite Residential and Commercial Greywater Treatment Systems for Subsurface Discharge
358-1 Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings for Water-Based Ground-Source “Geothermal” Heat Pump Systems

358-2 Polypropylene Pipe and Fittings for Water-Based Ground-Source “Geothermal” Heat Pump Systems
Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Fittings for Water-based Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat
Pump Systems
Polyethylene of Raised Temperature (PE-RT) Tubing and Fittings for Water-based Ground-Source
(Geothermal) Heat Pump Systems

359 Valves for Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Water Distribution Tubing Systems
360 Wastewater Treatment Systems – Field Performance Verification
363 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Pharmaceutical Excipients
372 Drinking Water Treatment System Components – Lead Content

375 Sustainability Assessment for Water Contact Products
385 Disinfection Mechanics
401 Drinking Water Treatment Units – Emerging Compounds / Incidental Contaminants
416 Sustainability Assessment for Water Treatment Chemical Products
418 Effluent Filters – Field Longevity Testing
419 Public Drinking Water Equipment Performance – Filtration
426 Environmental Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility Assessment of Servers
455-1 Terminology for the NSF 455 Portfolio of Standards
455-2 Good Manufacturing Practices for Dietary Supplements
455-3 Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics
455-4 Good Manufacturing Practices for Over-the-Counter Drugs
457 Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules and Photovoltaic Inverters
600 Health Effects Evaluation and Criteria for Chemicals in Drinking Water
14159-1 Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Meat and Poultry Processing Equipment
Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Hand-held Tools Used in Meat and Poultry Processing
Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Mechanical Belt Conveyors Used in Meat and Poultry
Processing Equipment

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