TX Revolution Timeline

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Timeline of the Texas Revolution

By Christopher Minster, ThoughtCo.com on 09.27.19

Word Count 780
Level MAX

Image 1. The last known veterans of the Texas Revolution in 1906. Photo from: Wikipedia.

The first shots of the Texas Revolution were fired in Gonzales in 1835, and Texas was annexed to
the U.S. in 1845. This chronology covers all of the important dates in between.

October 2, 1835: The Battle Of Gonzales

Although tensions had been simmering between rebellious Texans and the Mexican authorities for
years, the first shots of the Texas Revolution were fired in the town of Gonzales on October 2,
1835. The Mexican army had orders to go to Gonzales and retrieve a cannon there. Instead, they
were met by Texan rebels and a tense stand-off ensued before a handful of Texans opened fire on
the Mexicans, who swiftly withdrew. It was mere skirmish and only one Mexican soldier was
killed, but it nevertheless marks the beginning of the War for Texas Independence.

October–December, 1835: The Siege Of San Antonio De Bexar

After the Battle of Gonzales, the rebellious Texans moved quickly to secure their gains before a
large Mexican army could arrive. Their prime objective was San Antonio, the largest town in the
territory. At the time, San Antonio was referred to as Bexar. The Texans, under the command of

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Stephen F. Austin, arrived at San Antonio in mid-
October and laid siege to the town. In early December,
they attacked, gaining control of the city on the 9th.
The Mexican general, Martin Perfecto de Cos,
surrendered and by December 12 all Mexican forces
had left the town.

October 28, 1835: The Battle Of Concepcion

27, 1835,
a division
led by
dug in on
of the

Concepcion mission outside of San Antonio, then under siege. The Mexicans, seeing this isolated
force, attacked them at dawn on the 28th. The Texans laid low, avoiding the Mexican cannon fire,
and returned fire with their deadly long rifles. The Mexicans were forced to retreat into San
Antonio, giving the rebels their first major victory.

March 2, 1836: The Texas Declaration Of Independence

On March 1, 1836, delegates from all over Texas met at Washington-on-the-Brazos for a Congress.
That night, a handful of them hastily wrote a Declaration of Independence, which was
unanimously approved the following day. Among the signatories were Sam Houston and Thomas
Rusk. In addition, three Tejano delegates signed the document. Tejanos are Texas-born Mexicans.

March 6, 1836: The Battle Of The Alamo

After successfully capturing San Antonio in December, rebel Texans fortified the Alamo, a
fortresslike old mission in the center of town. Ignoring orders from General Sam Houston, the
defenders remained in the Alamo as Mexican President and General Antonio Lopez de Santa
Anna's massive Mexican army approached and laid siege in February of 1836. On March 6, they
attacked. In less than two hours, the Alamo was overrun. All of the defenders were killed,
including Davy Crockett, William Travis and Jim Bowie. After the battle, "Remember the Alamo!"
became a rallying cry for the Texans.

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March 27, 1836: The Goliad Massacre

After the bloody Battle of the Alamo, Santa Anna's

army continued its relentless march across Texas. On
March 19, some 350 Texans under the command of
James Fannin were captured outside of Goliad. On
March 27, nearly all of the prisoners were taken out
and shot. Fannin was also executed, as were the
wounded who could not walk. The Goliad Massacre,
following so closely on the heels of the Battle of the
Alamo, seemed to turn the tide in favor of the

April 21, 1836: The Battle Of San Jacinto

In early April, Santa Anna made a fatal mistake: he

divided his army in three. He left one part to guard his
supply lines, sent another to try and catch the Texas
Congress and set off in the third to try and mop up the
last pockets of resistance, most notably Sam
Houston's army of some 900 men. Houston caught up
to Santa Anna at the San Jacinto River and for two
days the armies skirmished. Then, on the afternoon of
April 21, Houston attacked suddenly and ferociously.
The Mexicans were routed. Santa Anna was captured alive and signed several papers recognizing
Texas independence and ordering his generals out of the territory. Although Mexico would try to
re-take Texas in the future, San Jacinto essentially sealed Texas' independence.

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1 Read the following claim.

Rebel Texans took advantage of the Mexican army's flawed military strategy to win a key battle.

Which sentence from the article provides the BEST support for the above claim?

(A) It was mere skirmish and only one Mexican soldier was killed, but it nevertheless marks the beginning of
the War for Texas Independence.

(B) On October 27, 1835, a division of rebellious Texans, led by Jim Bowie and James Fannin, dug in on
the grounds of the Concepcion mission outside of San Antonio, then under siege.

(C) The Goliad Massacre, following so closely on the heels of the Battle of the Alamo, seemed to turn the
tide in favor of the Mexicans.

(D) Although Mexico would try to re-take Texas in the future, San Jacinto essentially sealed Texas'

2 Read the section "March 6, 1836: The Battle Of The Alamo."

After successfully capturing San Antonio in December, rebel Texans fortified the Alamo, a
fortresslike old mission in the center of town. Ignoring orders from General Sam Houston, the
defenders remained in the Alamo as Mexican President and General Antonio Lopez de Santa
Anna's massive Mexican army approached and laid siege in February of 1836. On March 6, they
attacked. In less than two hours, the Alamo was overrun. All of the defenders were killed,
including Davy Crockett, William Travis and Jim Bowie. After the battle, "Remember the Alamo!"
became a rallying cry for the Texans.

What conclusion is BEST supported by the selection above?

(A) The Texans who remained at the Alamo understood that they would die if they stayed.

(B) The Texans expected that Houston would send support even if they ignored orders.

(C) Houston did not think the Alamo was of primary importance in the war for independence.

(D) Houston understood that the Alamo could not be protected from the Mexican army.

3 Read the section "October–December, 1835: The Siege Of San Antonio De Bexar."

After the Battle of Gonzales, the rebellious Texans moved quickly to secure their gains before a
large Mexican army could arrive. Their prime objective was San Antonio, the largest town in the
territory. At the time, San Antonio was referred to as Bexar. The Texans, under the command of
Stephen F. Austin, arrived at San Antonio in mid-October and laid siege to the town. In early
December, they attacked, gaining control of the city on the 9th. The Mexican general, Martin
Perfecto de Cos, surrendered and by December 12 all Mexican forces had left the town.

Which phrase from the paragraph helps you understand that the Texans were surrounded during the Battle of Gonzales?

(A) secure their gains

(B) laid siege

(C) they attacked

(D) gaining control

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4 Read the selection from the section "April 21, 1836: The Battle Of San Jacinto."

Then, on the afternoon of April 21, Houston attacked suddenly and ferociously. The Mexicans
were routed.

Which option is the BEST definition of the word "routed" as used in the selection?

(A) frightened

(B) surprised

(C) overpowered

(D) diverted

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.

Answer Key

1 Read the following claim.

Rebel Texans took advantage of the Mexican army's flawed military strategy to win a key battle.

Which sentence from the article provides the BEST support for the above claim?

(A) It was mere skirmish and only one Mexican soldier was killed, but it nevertheless marks the beginning of
the War for Texas Independence.

(B) On October 27, 1835, a division of rebellious Texans, led by Jim Bowie and James Fannin, dug in on
the grounds of the Concepcion mission outside of San Antonio, then under siege.

(C) The Goliad Massacre, following so closely on the heels of the Battle of the Alamo, seemed to turn the
tide in favor of the Mexicans.

(D) Although Mexico would try to re-take Texas in the future, San Jacinto essentially sealed Texas'

2 Read the section "March 6, 1836: The Battle Of The Alamo."

After successfully capturing San Antonio in December, rebel Texans fortified the Alamo, a
fortresslike old mission in the center of town. Ignoring orders from General Sam Houston, the
defenders remained in the Alamo as Mexican President and General Antonio Lopez de Santa
Anna's massive Mexican army approached and laid siege in February of 1836. On March 6, they
attacked. In less than two hours, the Alamo was overrun. All of the defenders were killed,
including Davy Crockett, William Travis and Jim Bowie. After the battle, "Remember the Alamo!"
became a rallying cry for the Texans.

What conclusion is BEST supported by the selection above?

(A) The Texans who remained at the Alamo understood that they would die if they stayed.

(B) The Texans expected that Houston would send support even if they ignored orders.

(C) Houston did not think the Alamo was of primary importance in the war for independence.

(D) Houston understood that the Alamo could not be protected from the Mexican army.

3 Read the section "October–December, 1835: The Siege Of San Antonio De Bexar."

After the Battle of Gonzales, the rebellious Texans moved quickly to secure their gains before a
large Mexican army could arrive. Their prime objective was San Antonio, the largest town in the
territory. At the time, San Antonio was referred to as Bexar. The Texans, under the command of
Stephen F. Austin, arrived at San Antonio in mid-October and laid siege to the town. In early
December, they attacked, gaining control of the city on the 9th. The Mexican general, Martin
Perfecto de Cos, surrendered and by December 12 all Mexican forces had left the town.

Which phrase from the paragraph helps you understand that the Texans were surrounded during the Battle of Gonzales?

(A) secure their gains

(B) laid siege

(C) they attacked

(D) gaining control

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.

4 Read the selection from the section "April 21, 1836: The Battle Of San Jacinto."

Then, on the afternoon of April 21, Houston attacked suddenly and ferociously. The Mexicans
were routed.

Which option is the BEST definition of the word "routed" as used in the selection?

(A) frightened

(B) surprised

(C) overpowered

(D) diverted

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.

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