Womanism and The Color Purple: Long Shi

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

Education, Language and Inter-cultural Communication (ELIC 2020)

Womanism and The Color Purple

Long Shi1,*
College of Foreign Languages, Pingdingshan University, Pingdingshan, Henan, China
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

This paper aims at studying Womanism and Womanism in The Color Purple. Alice Walker’s
Womanism is originated from feminism and it has new demands and different perspectives to feminism.
This paper elaborates Womanism in The Color Purple from the following three perspectives: the
dilemma of the black women in The Color Purple, the revival of the female consciousness, and the
subjectivity rebuilding of the black women. The novel gives a full expression of the ideological
connotation and vivid description of black women’s struggle for liberation and nationalities’ striving
for equality based on Womanism. This paper reveals Walker's intention to awaken the female self-
consciousness of being self-respected, self-supported and eventually self-liberated, as well as her dream
of building a harmonious society in which men and women, white and black live in harmony.

Keywords: The Color Purple, Womanism, female consciousness, the subjectivity rebuilding
with Nettie’s African adventure as complementary.
The mission of the African American literature is to
The racial problem always hold a central position in expound and mould the figure of the black again.
traditional African American literature. Though the Influenced by the background of the African American
slavery was abolished a century ago in America, even literature, the black women writer Alice Walker
today in 21st century, the black are still discriminated proposed a new concept — Womanism, which reveals
by the white. They have no equal rights and have an the dual oppression the black women are facing: racial
inferior figure in the heart of American. The miserable discrimination and sexual discrimination. Her work The
suffering when they were brought over by the white to Color Purple is the representative announcement of
live as slaves, the confusion of their social status after Womanism. Walker is the defender and speaker of the
the civil war, their movement to the cities where their black women. From the gradation of sexuality, The
life began to be polarized — all these events in history Color Purple reflects the social cultural concept of
made the African American literary tradition be Walker, especially the concept of harmonious coexist of
drastically different from the mainstream American Womanism. From the gradation of politics, The Color
literature. Purple is a novel reflects “American prosperities”.
For a long time, the images of the African American Womanism in The Color Purple has an active function
in the mainstream American literature had been to the development of the black racial consciousness
presented in a distorted manner. In a matter of fact, and national reconciliation.
under the situation, the black women are facing both
racial and sexual discrimination. The male writers II. WOMANISM
depict the racial discrimination they experienced and
the female writers depict the racial and sexual As Walker (1976:94) noted in the New York Times
discrimination they suffered, while Alice Walker brings Magazine in 1984: “I choose Womanism because it is
the two missions together. Her novel The Color Purple better than feminism, I choose it because I prefer the
has aroused great reverberation since its publication in sound, the feel, the fit of it; because I cherish the spirit
1982. The Color Purple is an epistolary novel. The of the women and because I share the old ethnic-
Color Purple won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction American habit of offering society a new word when
and the National Book Award for Fiction. It consists of the old word it is using fails to describe the behavior
90 letters, of which over two thirds (61 in number) Only a new word can help it more fully seen”. The term
Celie wrote to God, 14 to her sister Nettie, and 15 Womanist first appeared in Alice Walker's In Search of
Nettie wrote to Celie. The story centers on Celie’s life, Our Mother’s Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983).
Walker insists that the black feminist as womanist are
*Fund: This paper is sponsored by Fund of General Research originated from feminist and they have new demands
Project of Humanities and Social Sciences of Henan Provincial and different perspectives to feminism. What’s more,
Department of Education (Project No.: 2019-ZZJH-512). they are more perfect both in theory and practice. If

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 653
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

feminism were not able to fully account for the dual oppression, firstly they should seek self and status.
experiences of black women, it would be necessary, In The Color Purple, the several women figures are all
then, to find other terminologies that could carry the facing their own dilemma.
weight of those experiences. It is in this regard that
Alice Walker's Womanism intervenes to make an A. The dilemma of the black women in The Color
important contribution. Purple
Walker’s construction of Womanism and the Under the influence of feminism in the 1960s, many
different meanings is an attempt to situate the black protagonists depicted in The Color Purple reflect the
woman in history and culture, which made her far away living condition of the women. The first who cannot be
from the negative and inaccurate stereotypes in ignored is Celie’s mother. Her former husband was
American society. First, Walker describes the black killed by the white with a groundless reason, but she
woman as a thinking subject who is always in pursuit of has no power to revolt. She has no choice to marry the
knowledge, “wanting to know more and in greater second husband and becomes callous to his cruelty.
depth than is considered good for one”, thus, And Celie’s sister Nettie also couldn’t escape the
interrogating the epistemological exclusions she threatening of the unsafe elements on this society.
endures in intellectual life in general and feminist When Celie’s husband has an evil design for her, she
scholarship in particular. Second, she highlights the runs away and gets through many difficulties outside
black woman’s agency, strength, capability, and home. Another one is Shug, Mr._’s old lover.
independence. Being different from feminism which Compared with other women in this novel, she may be
centers on gender separatism, Womanism presents an the one who is outstanding and independent. For she is
alternative for black women. It frames the black loved by Mr._ and has a prominent character. But she is
women’s survival in the context of the survival of their still controlled by the society. She has no opportunity to
community where the fate of women and that of men marry Mr._ because of the prejudice of Mr._’s father, in
are linked together. In 1993, the word Womanism was other words, the prejudice of the society. The most
added to The American Heritage Dictionary, together preventative figure is the heroin Celie who live under
with the meaning Alice Walker bestowed on it. After kinds of violence and even couldn’t survive. Celie lived
that, the concept has made a great influence in the in violence for decades. When she was abused by her
formulation of theories and analytical frameworks in stepfather, she was told that except the God, she could
many studies. Such as gender studies, religious studies, not tell anything to other people, or it will kill her mom.
black studies and literary studies. Many African The bitterness of the life made her only has one way to
American female theologians have incorporated communicate with the God. Later she was sold to Mr._
womanist perspectives in their work as a result of the just like selling a beast, and Mr._ thought twice to
linking of black women and spirituality in Walker’s marry her only to find a mother for her kids, a woman
research. The impact of Womanism goes beyond the who could do the heavy housework for him and he
United States to Africa where many women scholars could gain a cow. When she stands outside the door
and literary critics have embraced it as an analytical towards the sunshine and was ordered to turn right or
tool. left to let him see clearly, the setting has no difference
with selling slaves. On this trade, Celie has no choice
Alice Walker’s Womanism has also generated and opportunity to rebel, and no right to speak. Since
debates and controversies. However, Walker’s then the violence continued to be a part of her life.
definition thus manages to invoke three important
contradictory philosophies that frame black social and
B. The revival of the female consciousness
political thought. First, she presents Black Nationalism
through her claims of black women’s moral and When Celie meets Shug Avery, Celie becomes
cognitional superiority. Second, she tells the plural increasingly fascinated by her because of her ability to
oppression the black women are facing. And third, she control the vicious power — Mr._. Celie discovers the
stresses women’s universal love. God in her heart. To get rid of the cruelty and
controlling of Mr._, Shug and Celie ran away from
Despite the debates and controversies of home and help her building her career and living an
Womanism, Womanism has developed a lot and is independent life. The independences on economy make
accepted by most of the people, for it seeks to give a her own herself and discover herself. She gets esteem,
voice, a standpoint to black women, as well as the unite care and love from Shug.
of the black.
It can be seen clearly from the novel that the female
consciousness of Celie has undergone three phases. The
III. WOMANISM IN THE COLOR PURPLE first phase is from the beginning to Celie’s touch with
The Color Purple presents the reality that the black Shug. In this phase, Celie’s female consciousness lies in
women are facing both the racial and sexual oppression a vague state. She is vague for her status and being
vividly. If the black women want to survive under the humiliated, nevertheless, she doesn’t know how to

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

change and revolt, which can be seen from the first 20 rebuild her principle part of female and become a
letters to the God. She suffered the seducement of her woman who can support herself by her own labor, who
stepfather, the blame of her mother, the cruelty of Mr._, is full of confidence, who has self-esteem and who has
but only knows to pour out to the God. The second specific character. At the end of the novel, Celie writes
phase is from the 21st letter to the decision that Celie letters to everyone: “Dear God, dear the star, dear the
makes to leave home to make a living by her. By the trees, dear the people, dear all things in the world!
enlightening and influence of Shug, it can be seen (Walker, 1982: 393)”
Celie’s female consciousness becomes active. The
callous, loneliness was replaced by her feeling of revolt. At this time, she becomes the public voice. Though
She is envy of Mr._’s care and love to Shug, feels angry she says her own words, her self-consciousness and
with the unfair treatment and is eager to gain love and female’s subjectivity consciousness become more
help. The last 18 letters is the third phase of Celie’s clearly. Those mean that she convinced a new self-
female consciousness. On this phase, we can see Celie’s status and that she is no longer the woman who is stuck
female consciousness is just like a powerful soldier. in the oppression on the patriarchy society. The
She criticized the false of the God:” What God has done signature is the symbol of self-improvement, self-
for me? If he ever heard the crying of the black women, affirmation and rights. The new language experience
the world would change into another appearance!” At has a key effect of building the female’s subjectivity.
this moment, the consciousness of Celie has improved
to a higher level. She can speak with man at an equal IV. CONCLUSION
status. As Bracks L (2019). comments, each phase The novel gives a full expression of the ideological
“becomes a step of the journey that paves the way for connotation and vivid description of black women’s
the development of self and sexual awareness, the struggle for liberation and nationalities’ striving for
beginnings of religious transformation and the creation equality. It argues that love and salvation is the soul of
of nurturing places like home and community”. Walker’s Womanism and it finds profound expression
A fourteen years old girl only dares to tell her in her writings. In explaining how to develop the novel
bitterness in front of the God. Though she became concept — Womanism, Walke believes that the women
callous by the oppression, she didn’t hide her attitude in should put the key point of improving women’s
her letter. From writing letters to the God to writing condition into seeking oneself, emancipating one’s
letters to her sister, from pouring out her confusion and thinking, caring and supporting each other. Women’s
frightening to narrating her attitude to the people and self-respect and self-love could influence the men and
surroundings, all those reflected the process of her promote them to change their thought, and then show
growing up. Her voice became more aloud and respect to women. Relationships among women form a
confident. She proposed such questions: “the Gods refuge, providing reciprocal love in a world that once
belong to the white or black?” or “the God belongs to was filled with male violence. And this reveals the
the male or female?” Besides, at the beginning of the author’s intention to arouse women’s self-
letters, she only narrated the things that happened and consciousness and to call on them to be self-respected,
scarcely touch her inner sorrow. But when she knows self-supported and eventually be self-liberated. From
she has the right to fight for happiness in her letters, she the bisexual confliction to bisexual equality, Walker
gets the courage to pour out the bitter feelings. She tries to discuss the possibility of man’s growing and the
appreciates her friends, approves with their behavior, transformation of bisexual relationship. In fact, the
extols their care and help in the letter, which makes the bisexual unbalance, the bisexual confliction always
novel not only present a woman’s maturity, but also makes both sides suffered, which influence the progress
presents how a group of women improved their of human’s civilization. So The Color Purple is heavy
interpersonal relation, behavior and virtues. All those for the human being who is waiting for the real
have developed the relationship of women, harmony. Walker’s dream is to make a harmony society
strengthened their power. on which men and women, the white and black live in
harmony with each other.
C. The subjectivity rebuilding of the black women
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