Current Leakage and Transients in Ferroelectric Ceramics Under High Humidity Conditions

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Sensors and Actuators A 158 (2010) 106–111

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Current leakage and transients in ferroelectric ceramics under high

humidity conditions
Deyi Zheng a,∗ , Jonathan Swingler a , Paul Weaver b
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, Teddington Middle TW11 0LW, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is widely used in electromechanical devices such as ultrasonic transduc-
Received 27 July 2009 ers, sensors, ultrasonic motors, actuators and resonators. In harsh operating environments such as high
Received in revised form 28 October 2009 humidity and high temperature the electrical resistance of the ceramic can decrease resulting in leak-
Accepted 29 October 2009
age currents. These can have a significant impact on device performance, particularly for low power
Available online 26 November 2009
applications. In this paper, the increase in leakage current is investigated and characterised under high
humidity conditions. It is observed that the leakage current does not evolve smoothly over time, but is
characterised by current transients. Detailed measurements of these current transients are reported, and
Lead zirconate titanate
Electrical degradation
their relationship to the conduction processes in the ceramic is investigated. A mechanism of conductive
Current transients channel formation is proposed to account for the leakage current increase and current transients.
Electrical breakdown © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction achieved by A-site vacancy substitution (e.g. La doping) which also

confers high electrical resistivity [4]. Data from Ref. [4] would indi-
Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics are widely used in the cate a volume resistivity of 109  cm at the temperature reported
manufacture of actuators in a range of devices including security here. For the sample size and field strength used in this study we
locks, valves for fluid control, and diesel injector valves. The devel- would expect a resistance of over 300 G which, and a leakage
opment of these applications in recent years has brought with it current of less than 1 nA. The effects studied here are in the ␮A to
increased demands on performance and reliability under high elec- mA range, so cannot be explained by these electronic conduction
trical fields and in humid environments. Recent work [1] has shown mechanisms.
that electromigration is the probable cause of leakage currents There is evidence that the conduction mechanism in humid
under d.c. bias in humid conditions, and a model mechanism based environments is ionic in character, including the observation of
on the evolution of conducting pathways was proposed. Other work anodic breakdown features and sensitivity of the leakage current
[2] has shown how the conduction mechanism may be related to to the relative humidity and electrode material [1]. Measurements
the micro-structure and porosity of the ceramic. performed by the authors indicate that there is no significant
Undoped PZT is known as a wide band gap semiconductor with (in this context <250 nA is considered insignificant) leakage cur-
a band gap of between 2.6 eV and 3.5 eV [3]. It also exhibits p- rent at the temperature of the measurements reported here (55 ◦ C
type conductivity due to the presence of low valence impurities dry atmosphere). In fact a reduction of leakage current is usually
substituting for higher valence Pb ions. This causes A-site (Pb ion) observed on heating to this temperature from room temperature
vacancies which act as electron acceptors leading to the produc- due to the expulsion of moisture.
tion of holes [4]. This means that a Schottky barrier can be formed Ionic silver migration from silver electrodes is commonly impli-
with the electrode material which can promote conduction in thin cated in humidity-related conduction in otherwise insulating
films [3,5]. Tunnelling can also be a mechanism for conduction in materials such as thick film insulators [6,7]. The proposed mech-
very thin films [5]. However, for films thicker than a few tens of anism involves ionization of water at the silver cathode followed
nm, conduction is determined by the bulk of the material through by release of silver ions which migrate under the applied electri-
Poole–Frenkel emission, where thermally excited electrons are cal field. A similar mechanism has also been proposed previously
assisted by the electric field into the conduction band [3]. The for electrical changes in PZT with Ni electrodes [1,2]. Although an
large piezoelectric coefficients in this class of “soft” PZT materials is electromigration model explained the observed leakage currents,
these studies did not present micro-structural details of the pro-
posed conducting channels. The reason for this is that the amount
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 023 8059 5479. of conducting material required to account for the observed con-
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (D. Zheng). ductivity is extremely small. The difficulty in detecting this means

0924-4247/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Zheng et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 158 (2010) 106–111 107

Fig. 3. Leakage current of PZT sample under 55 ◦ C, 90 RH 240 V d.c.

ple are calculated by measuring the voltage across RV and R1 . The

resistor values are: R1 = 10 M, RV = 20 k and RI = 20 k (to a 2%
Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement.
error value).
The system noise on the current measurement under ambi-
indirect methods need to be used to obtain information on the con- ent conditions has been evaluated by using test resistor samples
duction mechanism in PZT ceramics. Significant useful information instead of PZT samples. Three different test resistor samples of
can be obtained from the electrical characteristics of the leakage 0.5 M, 1 M and 2 M were used and the current behaviour mea-
current. Lipscomb et al. [1] analysed the general trends in the evo- sured with the 240 V d.c. applied. These current measurements
lution of the leakage current, but did not investigate the detailed were taken over a 10 s period with a sampling rate of 1 ms. Plots of
short timescale features. the probability density function of particular current values for the
This study presents detailed time-resolved measurements of the three test resistor samples are given in Fig. 2.
evolution of humidity-induced leakage current in nickel electroded It is found that the measurement resolution for the 0.5 M test
PZT devices. The measurements show significant fluctuations in the resistor is 4 ␮A, for the 1 M test resistor is 2 ␮A and for the 2 M
leakage current under a steady applied d.c. voltage. The detailed test resistor is 1 ␮A. It can be seen that, if the resistance of the
characteristics of the current transients are reported, and analysed samples is from 0.5 M to 2 M, the system noise is within ±2 ␮A.
statistically in time and frequency domains. It is shown that the cur- Fig. 1 also shows the PZT ceramic in the temperature/humidity
rent transients behave as a switched resistance-capacitance (RC) chamber. The PZT was stressed by subjecting it to a harsh envi-
network, and a simple network model provides good agreement ronment of 55 ◦ C, 90% relative humidity (RH) and a 240 V d.c. bias.
with experimental results. The evolution of the current transients Voltage and current measurements were made over a 68 h period.
with time and the switched RC characteristic support the proposal Measurements were taken every 1 ms for the long-term current
of an electromigration/breakdown mechanism for the leakage cur- leakage profile investigation and every 1 ␮s for detailed data inves-
rent in this type of device. tigation. Voltage recordings (not presented here) confirmed that
there were no significant fluctuations in the applied voltage.
2. Experimental arrangement

Commercially available PZT samples are investigated. The sam- 3. Results

ples are 2.5 cm × 0.5 cm × 0.015 cm and have nickel electrodes on
both sides of the larger surface area. The experimental arrangement A typical result of the leakage current is presented in Fig. 3,
is shown in Fig. 1, which illustrates how samples are connected in where measurements are taken every 1 ms for 68 h.
the electrical circuit. The leakage current is observed to increase from the noise level
A 240 V d.c. potential difference is supplied by the power sup- of 2 ␮A to approximately 700 ␮A. It can be seen in Fig. 3 that
ply. Working voltages up to a maximum of 2 kV/mm are typical there is an initial period of up to 3 h when the leakage current
for bulk and multilayer piezoelectric actuators in applications such remains at approximately the initial level. After this period the leak-
as valves and piezoelectric diesel injectors [7]. This is rather lower age current accelerated increases to ∼400 ␮A within the first 30 h.
than the field strengths that can be sustained in thin film devices Thereafter, the leakage current approaches towards the final value
due to the scaling up of breakdown field strength with decreasing of ∼700 ␮A. It can be seen that over the 68 h period the leakage
film thickness. A value of 250 V (1.7 kV mm−1 ) was chosen as a typi- current becomes highly variable with the appearance of the cur-
cal voltage for many applications. The effects of varying the applied rent fluctuations. These fluctuations are significantly larger than
field on leakage current and lifetime have been reported previously the noise level reported in Fig. 2 and are therefore attributed to
[1]. The current through the sample and the voltage across the sam- real current transients through the sample.

Fig. 2. System noise evaluations with: (a) 0.5 M resistor sample; (b) 1 M resistor sample; (c) 2 M resistor sample.
108 D. Zheng et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 158 (2010) 106–111

Fig. 5. Appearance time of the current transients.

Fig. 4. Detailed features of the current transients.

3.1. Current transients

The current fluctuations on the leakage current profile in Fig. 3 Fig. 6. Leakage current per current transient event.
have been further analysed. Two typical fluctuations are found and
shown in Fig. 4 with a “shark fin” and “square” wave profile. These 3.2. Current amplitude, A, of transients
fluctuations are suggested to be the same type of transient but with
various time duration of the plateau. The current amplitude of the 4937 transients is investigated
The data were analysed by considering only current transients and the characteristics are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7a is a plot of the
with an amplitude higher than 30 ␮A. 4937 current transients are current amplitude of all transients in order of appearance. Fig. 7b
obtained and the appearance times are plotted in Fig. 5. is a probability density function of the current amplitude. Fig. 7c
Fig. 5 shows that the longer the PZT ceramic is stressed, the more is a plot of the average current amplitude of consecutive sets of
current transients appear, and these appear at an exponential rate. 100 data points against the number of that set. Fig. 7d is a plot
The leakage current per current transient event is plotted in Fig. 6. of the average current amplitude of consecutive sets of 100 data

Fig. 7. (a) Amplitude of the current transients; (b) probability distribution of the current amplitude; (c) average values of the current amplitude; (d) average values of the
current amplitude with time.
D. Zheng et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 158 (2010) 106–111 109

Fig. 8. (a) Time intervals of the current transients; (b) probability distribution of the time intervals; (c) average values of the time intervals; (d) average values of the time
intervals with time.

points against the average value of the appearance time for that ing to the three features in the current transient as illustrated in
set. Fig. 9.
Fig. 7a shows the amplitude of all current transients with ampli-
tude higher than 30 ␮A, so the area below 30 ␮A has no data points. Step 1: switch opening
The probability distribution of the current amplitude is analysed When the switch is open, the capacitor charges until it is fully
and plotted in Fig. 7b. It can be observed that most transients are charged leading to zero i3 current. In this case, the current i through
with lower current amplitude approximately 30–100 ␮A. Fig. 7c the whole circuit is:
and d shows that the average current amplitude converges to a
plateau ∼52 ␮A. This indicates that stressing the PZT samples for i = iL + i1 = iL + i2 + i3 = iL = = IL (1)
longer has no influence on the amplitude of the current transients RL
after an initial period. This initial period is ∼18 h as shown by the Step 2: switch closure
dotted vertical line in Fig. 7d.

3.3. Time interval, , of transients

The time interval  between two adjacent transients from the

4937 transients is investigated and is shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8a is a plot
of the time interval  of all transients in order of appearance. Fig. 8b
is a probability density function of the time interval . Fig. 8c is a
plot of the average time interval  of consecutive sets of 100 data
points against the number of that set. Fig. 8d is a plot of the average
time interval  of consecutive sets of 100 data points against the
average time of appears for that set.
Fig. 8b–d shows that the time intervals  between two adjacent
current transients becomes smaller with time.

4. Discussion

Building on from previous published work and the data pre-

sented in this paper, a more comprehensive model is proposed to
describe the current leakage phenomena in PZT samples. The data
is analysed with respect to a RC network model to describe the
current behaviour.

4.1. Transient RC behaviour model

The profile of these current transients behaviour can be

described in terms of an RC network. An equivalent circuit has
been developed to model this behaviour and is shown in Fig. 9.
There are three steps to the operation of this circuit correspond- Fig. 9. Current of i1 against time.
110 D. Zheng et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 158 (2010) 106–111

and transients have also been observed by the authors on systems

with Ag electrodes, but these were only investigated in detail for Ni
electrodes. Porosity is also thought to be a significant factor in the
lifetime of these devices in harsh conditions [2], and experiments
(not reported here) show that reducing porosity improves lifetime,
but that similar breakdown characteristics are still observed. In all
these cases, the observations are supportive of a similar mecha-
nism to that proposed for Ag electrodes [8]. Metallic cations are
mobilised by the solution in adsorbed water, and migrate through
the ceramic to the cathode where they are reduced to metal. These
form anodic filaments which grow back towards the anode, and
eventually result in localised breakdown events and the current
transients which are the subject of this paper. Although metallic
Fig. 10. Schematic of breakdown process.
Ag has been directly observed in the ceramic between electrodes,
there is no direct evidence of the metallic of conductive species in
many cases. This could well be because Ag presents an extreme case
When the switch closes at time t0 , the voltage across the capac- of high ionic mobility, whereas the minimum amount of material
itor V1 decreases from V0 to V0 × R2 /(R1 + R2 ), so the capacitor required to produce the observed conductivity could be extremely
undergoes a discharging process, the current i3 increases from small, making it extremely difficult to find through material sec-
a negative value to zero, and the current through R2 decreases tions. In all these cases very similar phenomena were observed, so
from V0 /R2 to V0 /(R1 + R2 ). The i1 current is equal to the sum of we think this mechanism of ionic conduction and breakdown to
i2 and i3 , so this increases from zero to V0 /(R1 + R2 ), and the cur- be applicable to a wide range of conditions, although there may
rent through the whole circuit i logarithmically increases from IL be more than one possible root cause, or combination of causes.
to [IL + V0 /(R1 + R2 )]. The current transients studied here are a highly distinctive feature
Step 3: switch opening of this process. By studying their characteristics we are therefore
When the switch opens at t1 , the voltage across the capacitor V1 able to gain new information on the structure and properties of
increases back from V0 × R2 /(R1 + R2 ) to V0 . The capacitor under- the conductive pathways that cannot be easily obtained by other
goes a charging process; the current i3 decreases from positive to means.
zero. So the current i then exponentially decreases and converges Electrical breakdown occurs on a filament when it grows to a
on IL . length s between it and the anode resulting in an electrical field
The “square” wave current transient behaves in a similar fashion across the length s which is sufficient for the breakdown of that gap.
to the “shark fin” current transient except that step 2 is of longer During breakdown the current through the filament increases from
duration. The time duration of the square switching transient is zero as in the RC network model (this would go towards explaining
approximately 0.5 s, and the current amplitude is around 100 ␮A. the increase step of the current transients in Fig. 4). The leakage
RC network suggests that a transient can be caused by a break- current through the whole PZT will increase from an initial value
down process modelled by R2 and the switch. Additionally if step to the new leakage current.
3 does not occur in any one transient then there is a mechanism to However the electrical breakdown induced current increase
increase the general leakage current as in Fig. 3. With an increase in will collapse and leads to the current decrease back to the orig-
the number of such RC network in parallel with the switch closed, inal level. The electrical breakdown can be collapsed due to the
a general increase in the leakage current can be modelled. energy concentrates in a small breakdown area causing joule heat-
There is a decrease in the leakage current per transient (Fig. 6) ing (burn-out) [9].
showing that not all the transients induce the same level of this
general current increase. This indicates that the R1 and R2 values
increase over the duration of the operation. 5. Conclusions

4.2. Transient electrical breakdown model Detailed measurements of current transients in a PZT piezoelec-
tric material during exposure to humidity under d.c. bias conditions
4.2.1. Filament formation are reported for the first time. Analysis of these transients shows
It is proposed that metal filaments form by growing from the that the current amplitude remains constant during exposure. The
cathode towards the anode after the migration of metallic ions from increase in overall current is related to the increasing frequency
the anode to the cathode during the applied field [1]. The nickel of the transients. The transients show a form typical of a sudden
anode reacts with water vapour and loses electrons at the anode breakdown process followed by an RC discharge. Eventually the
producing these metallic ions. These metallic ions migrate to the current path becomes open circuit although the duration of the
cathode and build metal filaments from the cathode to the anode transient is highly variable. An RC network model is used to esti-
as illustrated in Fig. 10. mate the electrical characteristics of the conducting pathways. This
is used to estimate the physical dimension of the conducting path-
4.2.2. Electrical breakdown way.
Previous work [1] identified that an ionic mechanism was An electrical breakdown mechanism proposed involves the
responsible for the leakage current and that the electrode material nickel anode reacting with water vapour producing metallic ions
was a major factor. However, it was not conclusive over the role of which migrate to the cathode. Filaments of nickel grow from these
Ni in the breakdown process – indeed, similar effect was observed, ions back towards the anode. When a length s remains between
over a longer timescale, with Au electrodes. Ceramic porosity [2], metal filament and the anode, breakdown occurs. Then the break-
ionic contaminants, processing conditions or the generation of ions down ceases due to the joule heating (burn-out) in the breakdown
by electrochemical action on the ceramic all have a role to play. Sim- area.
ilar processes have been observed with Ag electrodes with evidence In summary, the breakdown is addressed and a detailed
of energetic anodic breakdown processes [8]. Current fluctuations mechanism is suggested in this paper. For future studies, more
D. Zheng et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 158 (2010) 106–111 111

piezoelectric materials and electrode materials are needed to be [8] J. Thongrueng, T. Tsuchiya, K. Nagata, Lifetime and degradation mechanism of
investigated to validate the proposed mechanism as a generic multilayer ceramic actuator, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 – Regular
Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 9B (1998) 5306–5310.
description of this type of breakdown. [9] A. Ootani, T. Hori, M. Endo, M. Furuse, I. Yamaguchi, K. Kaiho, S. Yanabu, Break-
down of YBCO thin films during current limiting and methods of improving
Acknowledgements current limiting performance, Electrical Engineering in Japan 166 (1) (2009)

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Tech-

nology Strategy Board and the UK National Measurement Office.
We would also like to acknowledge the support of APAHOE partners
Servocell Ltd., Diameter Ltd. Mr. Deyi Zheng Received the B.Sc. degree in material sciences and technology from
the Northeastern University, China, in 2003 and the M.Eng. degree in Materials with
Business from the Queen Mary College, University of London, UK, in 2003. Since
References then, he has been studying as a PhD student in the School of Engineering Sciences,
University of Southampton. Research interests include micro-mechanism and appli-
[1] I.P. Lipscomb, P.M. Weaver, J. Swingler, J.W. McBride, The effect of relative cation of function materials, electromechanical devices and micro-fluidic energy
humidity, temperature and electrical field on leakage currents in piezo-ceramic harvesting.
actuators under dc bias, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 151 (2009) 179–
186. Dr. Jonathan Swingler Received the B.Sc. degree in physics and chemistry from the
[2] I.P. Lipscomb, P.M. Weaver, J. Swingler, J.W. McBride, Micro-computer tomogra- University of Keele, U.K., in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree in the degradation of electri-
phy – an aid in the investigation of structural changes in lead zirconate titanate cal contacts under low frequency fretting conditions from Loughborough University,
ceramics after temperature-humidity bias testing, Journal of Electroceramics Loughborough, U.K., in 1994. Since then, he has been pursuing research in the area
(2008), August. of electrical conductance of materials at the University of Southampton, Southamp-
[3] B. Nagaraj, S. Aggarwal, T. Song, T. Sawhney, R. Ramesh, Leakage current mech- ton, U.K., and is currently an academic in the Electro-Mechanical Research Group. He
anisms in lead-based thin-film ferroelectric capacitors, Physical Review B, APS lectures undergraduate Electrical Systems, Electromechanical Machine, and Auto-
59 (1999) 16022–16027. motive Electronics. Dr. Swingler is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Physicist, and a
[4] B. Jaffe, W. Cook, H. Jaffe, Piezoelectric Ceramics, Academic Press, 1971. Member of the Institute of Physics.
[5] M. Dawber, K. Rabe, J. Scott, Physics of thin-film ferroelectric oxides, Reviews of Dr. Paul Weaver is principal research scientist with the UK’s National Physical
Modern Physics 77 (2005) 1083–1130. Laboratory’s multi-functional materials research group. Research interests include
[6] H.C. Ling, A.M. Jackson, Correlation of silver migration with the development of novel electromechanical devices and the application of piezo-
temperature–humidity-bias (THB) failures in multilayer ceramic capacitors, electrics and ferroelectrics for sensing and actuation. He is a visiting Reader at
IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology 12 Southampton University and holds an MA in Natural Science from Cambridge Uni-
(1) (1989) 130–137. versity, and a PhD (Aeronautics) from Southampton University. He is a chartered
[7] R. Mock, K. Lubitz, Piezoelectric Injection Systems Piezoelectricity, Springer engineer and member of the IET.
Series in Materials Science, vol. 114, Springer, 2008, pp. 299–310.

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