Which Statement Is True About Chemical Reactions at Equilibrium?

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11 Chapter- 5

1. Answer the following question using the phase diagram below.

At which point can only the solid and liquid phases coexist?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. Which statement is true about chemical reactions at equilibrium?
A. The forward and back ward reactions proceed at equal rates
B. The forward and backward reactions have stopped
C. The concentrations of the reactants and products are equal
D. The forward reaction is exothermic
The answer is B. The reactions at equilibrium do not stop. The forward reaction continues. The
reverse reaction continues.

The equilibrium constant for an exothermic reaction (negative ∆H) decreases as the temperature
The equilibrium constant for an endothermic reaction (positive ∆H) increases as the temperature
increases. Note: temperature changes affect the equilibrium constant and rates of reactions.
Example: N2O4 (g) + 58 KJ ⇌ 2NO2 (g).Endothermic reaction Increase temperature: Favours forward
Example: Production of ammonia according to the reaction:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ; ∆H= – 92.38 kJ mol–1
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, raising the temperature shifts the equilibrium to left and decreases
the equilibrium concentration of ammonia. In other words, low temperature is favourable for high yield of

Exothermic, we can write it with heat as a product. H2 (g) + I2 (g) ⇌ 2HI(g) + heat Increasing the
temperature of the reaction increases the internal energy of the system. Thus, increasing the temperature
has the effect of increasing the amount of one of the products of this reaction. The reaction shifts to the
left to relieve the stress, and there is an increase in the concentration of H2 and I2 and a reduction in the
concentration of HI. Lowering the temperature of this system reduces the amount of energy present,
favors the production of heat, and favors the formation of hydrogen iodide.

When we change the temperature of a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium constant for the reaction
changes. Lowering the temperature in the HI system increases the equilibrium constant: At the new
equilibrium the concentration of HI has increased and the concentrations of H2 and I2 decreased. Raising
the temperature decreases the value of the equilibrium constant, from 67.5 at 357 °C to 50.0 at 400 °C

3. Which changes will increase the amount of SO3(g) at equilibrium?

2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇆ 2SO3(g) ∆ H0 = -197kJ
I. Increasing the temperature
II. Decreasing the volume
III. Adding a catalyst
A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. I,II and III
For the reaction, 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) + heat, at equilibrium, what will be the effect on the net
amount of SO3 present if the temperature of the container is increased?
A) The concentration of SO3 decreases.
B) The concentration of SO3 increases.
C) The concentration of SO3 remains the same.
D) This question cannot be answered without knowing the value of Keq.
Answer: Increasing T will make the reaction shift to the left; therefore, the amount of SO3 will decrease
4. What is the equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction?
2Hg(g) + O2(g) ⇆ 2HgO(s)
A. k = 1/( [Hg]2 [O2] ) C. k = [ HgO] 2 / ( [ Hg ]2 [ O2 ] )
B. k = [ Hg]2 [ O2] D. k = [ 2HgO] / ( [ 2Hg] [ O2]
5. Which of the following mathematical relationships between K, K 1 and K 2 correct?
CO2(g) + H2 (g) ⇆ CO (g) + H2O(g) K
Fe (s) + CO2 (g) ⇆ FeO (s) + CO (g) K1
Fe(s) + H2O(g) ⇆ FeO (s) + H2 (g) K2
A. K = K1 + K2 C. K = K1 /K2
B. K = K1 x K2 D. K = K2/K1
6. The value of Keq for the following equilibrium reaction is 4.0 at a temperature of 373K.
What mass of ethyl ester ( CH3 COOC2H5) would be present in the equilibrium mixture if 15g of
acetic acid and 11.5g of ethanol were mixed and equilibrium was established at this temperature?
A. 5.2 B. 10.1 C. 12.6 D. 14.1

Let’s first write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction:


The initial moles of acetic acid and ethanol are:

n(CH3COOH) = 15g / 60.05 g/mol = 0.2499 mol

n(C2H5OH) = 11.5g / 46.07 g/mol = 0.2499 mol

Let’s assume that x moles of ethyl acetate are formed at equilibrium. Then, the moles of
acetic acid and ethanol that react are (0.2499 - x) and (0.2499 - x), respectively.

The equilibrium concentrations of all species can be expressed in terms of x:

[CH3COOH] = (0.2499 - x) / V

[C2H5OH] = (0.2499 - x) / V

[CH3COOC2H5] = x / V

[H2O] = x / V

where V is the total volume of the mixture.

The equilibrium constant expression is:

Keq = [CH3COOC2H5][H2O] / [CH3COOH][C2H5OH]

Substituting the expressions for the concentrations into this equation gives:

4.0 = (x/V)^2 / [(0.2499 - x)/V]^2

Solving for x gives:

x = 0.0996 mol

Therefore, the mass of ethyl ester present in the equilibrium mixture is:

m(CH3COOC2H5) = n(CH3COOC2H5) × M(CH3COOC2H5)

m(CH3COOC2H5) = 0.0996 mol × 88.11 g/mol

m(CH3COOC2H5) ≈ 8.77 g

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about equilibrium reaction?

A. No more reactants are transformed into products
B. There are equal amounts of reactants and products
C. The rate constant for forward reactions equals that of the reverse reaction
D. The rate for the forward reactions equals that of the reverse reactions
8. Three gases are in equilibrium in a closed chamber sealed with a piston. The following equilibrium is
established :
2NH3(g) ⇌ N2(g) + 3H2(g)
What will happen if the piston is pushed into the chamber?
A. The mole fraction of N2 increases C. The mole fraction of N 2 remains the same
B. The mole of N2 decreases D. The mole fraction of N 2 increases and then
9. Consider the following phase Diagram for CO2
What happens when in a CO2 sample initially at 1 atm and -700C the temperature increases from -
700C to -100C at a constant pressure of 60 atm?
A. CO2(g) CO2(s) C. CO2(g)  CO2(g)
B. CO2 (s)  CO2(1) D. CO2(g)  CO2(I)
10. What will happen if NaOCl is added to this reaction at equilibrium
HOCl + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + OCl ¯ ?
A. The concentrations of both HOCl and H3O would increase.

B. The concentrations of both HOCl and H3O+ would decrease.

C. The concentration of HOCl would increase and the concentration of H 3O+ would decrease.
D. The concentration of HOCl would decrease and the concentration H 3O+ would increase.
11. Consider the following equilibrium
CaCO3(S) ⇌ CaO(S) + CO2(g)
Which of the following mixtures, each placed in a closed container and allowed to stand is not
capable of reaching the equilibrium given above?
A. Pure CaCO3 C. Some CaO and a pressure of CO2 greater than the value of Kp
B. CaCO3 and CaO D. Some CaCO3 and a pressure of CO2 greater than the value of Kp
12. Which of the following statement correctly describes a chemical reaction at equilibrium?
A. The concentrations of the products and reactants are equal
B. The change in the concentrations of the products and reactants is constant
C. The rate of the forward reaction is less than the rate of the reverse reaction
D. The rate of the forward reaction is greater than the rate of the reverse reaction
13. If the following reaction is at equilibrium, which one of the following changes will shift the
equilibrium to the left?
N2 + 3H2 2NH3 + heat
A. Increasing pressure C. Adding more N 2 and H2
B. Decreasing temperature D. Increasing the volume of the reaction container.
14. Suppose reactions A B and B A are both elementary processes with rate constants of 8 x
102s-1 and 4 X 104s-1, respectively. What is the value of the equilibrium constant for the equilibrium?
A ⇌ B
A. 2 x 102 B. 0.5 x 102 C. 4 x 102 D. 4 x 102
15. Which one of the following will change the value of an equilibrium constant?
A. Changing the temperature.
B. Adding other substances that do not react with any of the species involved in the equilibrium.
C. Varying the initial concentration of reactants.
D. Varying the initial concentration of products
16. The conventional. equilibrium constant expression (Kc) for the system as described by the equation:
2ICI(s) ⇌ I(s)+Cl2(g) is:
A. [Cl] B. [Cl2]  [ICI]2 C.[l2][Cl2]  [ICl] D. [I2][Cl2]  [ICl]
17. The value of Keq for the following reaction is 0.5
SO2(g) + NO2(g) ⇆ SO3(g) + NO(g)
What is the value of Keq at the same temprature for the reaction below ?
2 SO2(g) + 2NO2(g) ⇆ 2 SO3(g) + 2NO(g)
A. O.25 B. 0.026 C. 0.50 D. 16

18. The following equilibrium constants were determined at 300 0 C

2N2O(g) ⇆ 2N2(g) + O2(g) Kc = 4.0 x 1018
N2(g) + O2 (g) ⇆ 2NO(g) K c = 4.0 x 10-31
What will be the equilibrium constant at 3000 C for the gaseous reaction of
N2O(g) + O2 (g) ⇆ 4NO(g) ?
A. 3.2 x 10-12 B. 2 x 10-13 C. 5.O x 1050 D. 1.6 x 10-49
19. When 0.50 mol of N2O4 is placed in a 4.0 liter reaction vessel and heated to 400K, 80% of the N 2O4
decomposes to NO2 gas as follows:
N2O4 (g) ⇆ 2NO2 (g)
What will be the value of Kp , in units of pressure , at 400K for this reaction?
A. 2.62 B. 13.12 C. 50.48 D. 16.20
20. Consider the following graph ,which relates to the equilibrium system:
CH3COOH(aq) + H2O ⇆ CH3COO- (aq) + H3O+ (aq) ∆ H <0
21. Which of the following actions caused the change in the concentration of  H3O+ (aq) at time t ?
A. Addition of CH3COO- (aq) B. Addition of HCl
C. Decreasing of temperature D. Increasing the volume of the container
22. In which of the following systems will the position of equilibrium shift to the left upon an increase
in pressure, but to the right upon an increase in temperature ?
A. CO2 (g) + H2(g) ⇌ CO (g) + H2O(g) ∆ H >0
B. C2H4(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ C2H5OH(g) ∆ H <0
C. C2H6 ⇌ C2H4(g) + H2(g) ∆ H >0
D. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g) ∆ H <0
23. The hydrogen used in the Haber process is made by the following reaction:
CH4(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ CO(g) + 3H2(g) ∆H 0
= +206 kJ
Which of the following sets of conditions will favor the formation of H 2?
A. Low pressure and high temperature B. Low pressure and low temperature
C. High pressure and low temperature D. High pressure and high temperature
24. Why does the rate of the reaction increase when powdered calcium carbonate is used instead of
marble chips?
A. The powdered calcium carbonate acts as a catalyst
B. There is an increase of the concentration of the calcium carbonate
C. There is an increase of yhe particles size of the calcium carbonate
D. There is an increase of the suface area of the calcium carbonate
25. In the Haber process for the synthesis of ammonia, the expected reaction is
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g) + 92.4KJ mol-1
Which of the following is true about this process at equilibrium?
A. Concentration of reactant and product are equal
B. The forward and backward reaction rate are equal
C. The formation of ammonia is more dominant at equilibrium
D. Formation and dissociation of ammonia at equilibrium is static.
26. In the coal -gasification process, carbon monoxide is converted to carbon dioxide via the following
CO(g) + H2O (g) ⇆ CO2(g) + H2(g)
In an experiment , 0.35 mol of CO and 0.40 mol of H2O were placed in a 1.00-L reaction vessel. At
equilibrium , there were 0.19 mol of CO remaining . What is Keq at the temperature of the experiment?
A. 0.25 B. 0.36 C. 0.56 D. 0.78
27. A pure substance is heated as indicated in the diagram below . Which section of the graph indicates
the boiling point?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
28. The value of Keq for the equilibrium
H2 (g) + 1/2 I2(g) ⇆ 2HI(g)
is 794 at 25 0C . At this temperature. what is the value of Keq for the equilibrium below?
HI(g) ⇆ 1/2H2(g) + 1/2I2(g)
A. 0.0013 B. 0.035 C. 28 D. 397
29. Which one of the following will change the value of equilibrium constant?
A. Adding other substances that do net react with any of the specis involved in the equilibrium.
B. Varying the initial concentration of reactants
C. Varying the initial concentration of products
D. Changing temperature
30. Which of the following statements is true about equilibrium involving a chemical reaction?
A. The rate constants of the forward and reverse reactions are equal
B. The rate of the forward and reverse reactions are equal
C. The value of the equilibrium constant is 1
D. All chemical reactions have ceased
31. The rate equation for the decomposition of nitramide, H 2NNO2 N2O + H2O, is
Rate=k[H2NNO2][H+]-1 . Which of the following mechanisms is consistent with this rate equation?
A. H2NNO2 N2O + H2O slow
B. H2NNO2 + H+ H3NNO2+ fast equilibrium
H3NNO2+ N2O + H3O+ slow
H3O+ H+ H2O fast equilibrium
C. H2NNO2 OH- + NH4+ slow
NH4 +
NH3 + H +
fast equilibrium
H2O H + OH
+ -
fast equilibrium

D. H2NNO2 H+ + HNNO2- fast eqilibrum

HNNO2- N2O + OH- slow
H +
+ OH -
H 2O fast
31. Given the equilibrium constant values:
N2(g) + 1/2O2(g) N2O(g) Kc= 3.4 x10-18
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) Kc= 4.6 x10-3
1/2N2(g) + O2 NO2(g) Kc=4.1 x10-9
What is the value of Kc for the following reqaction?
2NO2 + 3O2(g) 2N2O4(g)
A. 2.4 x 10 -6
B. 1.2 x 106 C. 1,2 X10-6 D. 4.8 x 106
32. The equilibrium constant for the ionization of HCN is 4.9 x10-10
HCN H+ + CN- K=4.9 x10-10
Which of the following statements is true regarding this equilibrium?
I. The reaction is product favored III. Equilibrium lies far to the right
II. The reaction is reactant favored VI. Equilibrium lies far to the left
A. II and III B. I and III C. II and IV D. I and IV
33. For the certain gas phase reaction
2A(g) B(g) + C(g) H=+45KJ/mol, K=4.5x 10-2
Which of the following would be true if the temperature was increasesd from 25 oC to 200oC ?
I. The value of K would be smaller
II. The concentration of A (g) would be increased.
III. The concentration of B(g) would increase.
A. III B. II C. I D. I and III
34. For the reaction C6H14(g) C6H6(g) + 4H2(g) , P(H2)/t was found to be 2.5 x10-2 atm/s,
where  P(H2) is change in the pressure of hydrogen. Determine P(H2)/t(in units of atm/s) for this
reaction at the same time.
A. -6.2x10-3 B. 1.6x10-3 C. 2.5x10-2 D. 6.2x10-3
35. Consider the following equilibrium:
Cl2(g) + 2NO(g) 2NOCl(g) Keq=5.0
At equilibrium , [Cl2]=1.0M and [NO]=2.0M. What is the [NOCl] at equilibrium?
A. 4.5M B. 0.89M C. 0.80M D. 10M
36. Which of the following statement is NOT true in relation to the triple point on a single component
phase diagram?
A. The point at which the solid, liquid and gaseous phases for a substance coexist.
B. The system must be enclosed so that no vapour can escape.
C. The triple point exists for a substance occurs at a specific temperature and pressure.
D. The triple point exists at a single temperature and is independent of pressure.
37. In the figure shown below, what does O denote?

A. Melting point B. vaporization C. Boiling point D. Triple point

38. Which one of the following statements regarding a dynamic equilibrium is false?
A. At equilibrium, the forward and reverse reaction ceases to occur.
B. At equilibrium, there is no net change in the system
C. At equilibrium, the rate of the forwared and backwared reactons is identical.
D. At equilibrium, the concentration of reactants and products saty the same.
39. A sample of solid ammonium carbamate is heated in a closed container at 298K and allowed to
reach equilibrium. NH4CO2NH2(s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g)
If the total pressure of the system is 0.114atm, what is the value of equilibrium constant, KP?
A. 1.29X10-3 B. 3.80X10-4 C. 2.19X10-4 D. 7.60X10-3
40. Which one of the following reaction at equilibrium would be unaffected by an increase in pressure?
I. N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) II. 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g)
III. N2(g) +N2(g) 2NO(g) IV. 2CO(g) + O2(g) 2CO2(g)
41. A sealed isothermal container initially contained 2mole of CO gas and 3moles of H 2 gas. The
following reversible reaction occurred: CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH3OH(g) at equilibrium, there was
one mole of CH3OH in the container at equlibreium?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 4
2X(g) 3Y(g) + Z(g)H(forward rxn)>0
42. The molar equilibrium concentrations for the reaction mixture represented above at 298K are
[X]=4.0M,[Y]=5.0M, and [Z]=2.0M.What is the value of the equilibrium constant, Keq, for the
reaction at 298K?
A. 16.0 B. 2.50 C. 0.06 D. 62.5

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