Use of English File: Unit 4: at The Restaurant

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Use of

English file

Unit 4: At the
Unit 4: At the restaurant

1. Nouns: singular and

2. There is / there are
3. Vocabulary: food
Rule #1
To change the singular form of the word
to its plural form, we
usually add – s to the end of the word.
(also when it ends in the vowel “o”)
studio studios
spoon spoons
map maps
chair chairs

Rule #2
Nouns ending in s, ss, x, sh, and ch form
the plural by adding -es.
dress dresses
brush brushes
fox foxes
Rule #3
Nouns ending in - y preceded by a
consonant is formed into a plural by
changing - y to - ies
city cities
Army armies
cherry cherries

Rule #4
Some nouns ending in f or fe are made
plural by changing f or fe to -ves.
wife wives
knife knives
life lives
**The following examples form their
plurals by adding - s.
chief chiefs
roof roofs
hoof hoofs
Rule #5
We make the plural form of some
nouns by changing the spelling. These
are called irregular nouns.

tooth teeth
goose geese
child children
ox oxen
person people
man men
woman women
We use there is and there are to say that something exits There is – there are
(or doesn’t exist).

Look at the different uses of the articles a/an and the.
Articles: a/an - the
Articles: a / an
The articles a and an are used
only for singular countable nouns.
For uncountable nouns, DO NOT use an article.

• Singular countable nouns

There is a red pepper in the fridge.
There isn’t an apple in the fridge.
• Uncountable nouns
There is milk in the refrigerator.

1 kiwifruits 6 bananas 11 cabbages 16 broccoli

2 oranges 7 lettuce 12 cheese 17 herbs Use a before a consonant sound
3 limes 8 milk 13 pumpkins 18 water and an before a vowel sound.
4 apples 9 tomatoes 14 peppers 19 juice
5 eggs 10 cucumbers 15 corn 20 yogurt
Notice the use of “a /an /
Are there any oranges in the fridge?

No. There’s an avocado and a lemon,

but there aren´t any oranges.
in the gaps using
Grammar. Thereis/is,There
There There are
are, Are there or Is

1. _____________ a big kitchen in my flat.

2. _____________ two bedrooms in my house.
3. _____________ a bookcase in your room?
4. _____________ a chair, a desk and a wardrobe by the window.
5. _____________ three bedrooms in your house?
6. _____________ a living room and a dining room in my flat.
7. _____________ five chairs at the table.
8. _____________ a bookshelf on the wall?
9. _____________ many boxes under the table?
10. _____________ a bed and a wardrobe between the chairs.
11. _____________ a new carpet on the floor?
12. _____________ a new carpet and an old carpet on the floor.
Check your answers.

1. There’s a big kitchen in my flat.

2. There are two bedrooms in my house.
3. Is there a bookcase in your room?
4. There is a chair, a desk and a wardrobe by the window.
5. Are there three bedrooms in your house?
6. There is a living room and a dining room in my flat.
7. There are five chairs at the table.
8. Is there a bookshelf on the wall?
9. Are there many boxes under the table?
10. There is a bed and a wardrobe between the chairs.
11. Is there a new carpet on the floor?
12. There is a new carpet and an old carpet on the floor.
1b. Grammar. There is/
Correct the mistakes There
in these are

1. There are milk in the bottle.

2. There are a new film on at the cinema.
3. There is no computers in the class.
4. There are water in the sea.
5. There is good pupils in our class.
6. Is there any sharpener on the table?
7. Where there is fruit?
8. Is there any pencils in your bag?
9. What are there in the water?
10. There is a bag on the desk?
Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

Check your answers.

1. There are is milk in the bottle.

2. There are is a new film on at the cinema.
3. There is are no computers in the class.
4. There are is water in the sea.
5. There is are good pupils in our class.
6. Is there any a sharpener on the table?
7. Where there is is there fruit?
8. Is Are there any pencils in your bag?
9. What are is there in the water?
10. There is Is there a bag on the desk?
Use articles A- AN -THE to complete the sentences.
Exercise 4

1. There’s ____ apple in ____ basket.

2. I need to buy ____ kilo of tomatoes. I’ll go to ____ supermarket.
3. Is there ____ bottle of milk in ____ fridge?
4. I need ____ red apples that are just next to those mangoes, please.
5. Can I have ____ piece of cake, please?
6. What’s ____ main dish today, Sir?
7. Can you bring me ____ extra napkin, please?
8. I want to order ____ meal, please.
9. La Bistecca is ____ buffet restaurant.
10. There is ____ great variety of appetizers there.
Check your answers: Exercise 4
1. There’s an apple in the basket.
2. I need to buy a kilo of tomatoes. I’ll go to the supermarket.
3. Is there a bottle of milk in a fridge?
4. I need a red apples that are just next to those mangoes, please.
5. Can I have a piece of cake, please?
6. What’s the main dish today, Sir?
7. Can you bring me an extra napkin, please?
8. I want to order a meal, please.
9. La Bistecca is a buffet restaurant.
10. There is a great variety of appetizers there.
1. beans
2. Italian Food
3. soup
4. dessert
5. French Fries
6. salad
7. a hamburger
8. cheese
9. beef / meat
10. make
11. have
12. sell
13. drinks
14. fruits
15. vegetables
16. menu
2a. Vocabulary: Words associated with the topic of restaurants and food.

Match the definitions with words from Unit 4.

1. We need this for Lomo Saltado: _________________ and __________________.
2. Can you bring me the ___________? I want to order, please. 1. beans
2. Italian Food
3. I love the Caesar ___________. Lettuce and anchovies are my favourite.
3. soup
4. In an _____________ _______________ you can find pasta.
4. dessert
5. Let’s ___________ lemon pye for _______________ after lunch. 5. French Fries
6. When you add parmesan ___________ to the spaghetti, it is fantastic! 6. salad
7. Do you __________ any oranges? I need 5, please. 7. a hamburger
8. When the quarantine is over, I am going to Bembos for ____________________. I miss it. 8. cheese
9. beef / meat
9. Food and _____________ are no accepted in a classroom.
10. make
10. Minestrone ___________ is my favourite. My mom cooks it very well.
11. have
11. In Peru, one traditional dish is “seco” and __________. It’s delicious. 12. sell
12. Eating _______________ and _______________ like, spinaches, tomatoes, bananas and oranges is 13. drinks
important for a good health. 14. fruits
13. I want to ________ my car to buy a new one. 15. vegetables
16. menu
2a. Vocabulary: Words associated with the topic of restaurants and food

Check your answers.

1. We need this for Lomo Saltado: beef and French fries.

2. Can you bring me the menu? I want to order, please.
3. I love the Caesar salad. Lettuce and anchovies are my favourite.
4. In an Italian restaurant you can find pasta.
5. Let’s make lemon pye for dessert after lunch.
6. When you add parmesan cheese to the spaghetti, it is fantastic!
7. Do you have any oranges? I need 5, please.
8. When the quarantine is over, I am going to Bembos for a hamburger. I miss it.
9. Food and drinks are no accepted in a classroom.
10. Minestrone soup is my favourite. My mom cooks it very well.
11. In Peru, one traditional dish is “seco” and beans. It’s delicious.
12. Eating vegetables and fruits like, spinaches, tomatoes, bananas and oranges is important for a good health.
13. I want to sell my car to buy a new one.
Sources & Credits

● English Discoveries Student platform


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