Fixed Point Theory On Fiberings

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BulL Korean Math. Soc.

VoL 13, No. 2, 1976.



Given a function f from a space X into itself, any question which inquires
into the existence, nature and number of fixed points is called fixed point
In this article, we will focus on results which require X to be a fairly rea-
sonable space such as a compact polyhedron or a compact connected metric
ANR and f a continuous function. We first discuss fixed point theory, and-
then results concerning fiber preserving mappings.

1. Fixed poiJlt theory.

A. L. E. J. Brouwer's Theorem.
One of the earliest theorems on fixed point theory is the following Brouwer's
THEoREM ([2]). For n~O any mapf from D'= {x E R"llIxll::;;;;l} into itself
has a fixed point.
If there is no fixed Point, then the boundary 'OD' (=S,.-l) is a retract of
D'that is impossible by an easy application of algebraic toPology.

B. The Lefschetz Theorem.

As a generalization of Brouwer's theorem, the Lefschetz fixed point theorem
is one of the most useful tools in fixed point theory.
THEOREM ([18], [13]). Let X be a compact ANR and f: X-x be a con
tinuous map such that L( f;F) =1=0 for a field F. Then every map homotopic
to f has a fixed Point. Here L(f :F) is defined as

(1) The essence of this survey article was delivered as an invited address at the Seoul
National University and the J eonbug National University in August 1976 while the author
was staying in Korea by an invitation of the Korean Mathematical Society and the Dep-
artment of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea.
138 Soon-Kyu Kim

2(-1)-" Trace ff, ff: 1P(X;F) ~ Hk(X;F).


We note that if f is the identity map, then LUd, F) is the Euler-Poincare-

characteristic number X(X), and that the converse statement of the theorem is.
false because if we choose a space X whose Euler-Poincare number is zero,
then L(id, X) =0 and every point is a fixed point. Thus if a space X is Q-
acyclic (Q=rational field) i. e., HP(X;Q) =0 for all p-=f:O and HP(X;Q) -;;:Q,
then any map on X has a fixed point. Furthermore, any map on a real proj- .
ective space RPJ-", a complex projective space CP'b', a quaternionic projective·
space HF2", and the Hilbert cube r has a fixed point.

C. Local index theory ([3J, [4J).

Another useful tool in fixed point theory is the local form of Lefschetz
Let f:X~X be a map from a compact ANR space X into itself. If U is,
open in X andf has nO fixed points in U=cl(U)-Int(U), then we say (X,
f, U) is admissible. For an acltnlllsible triple (X,f, U), assign a number i(X,
f, U}(Q with the following properties: (there exists a unique such index)
(l) (Localization). If (X,f, U) and (X, g, U) are admissible and f=g on
cl(U), then i(X,f, U} =i(X, g, U).
(2) (Homotopy). 1£ fO,f1 are homotopic by a homotopy It and (X,fe, U)
is admissible for each t, then i(X,fo. U} =i(X,fr. U)
(3) (Additive). If (X,f, U) is admissible and U1······U8 are mutually disjo- -
int open sets in U and I has no fixed points in U- (U J=J.Uj ), then i(X,f, U)."
=Ei(X, f, Uj). In particular, if f has no fixed points in U, i(X,f, U) =0.

(4) (Normalization). If (X,f, X) is admissible, then i(X,f, X) =L(f, F).

(Use a suitable cohomology theory for L(f, F). )
(5) (Commutativity). If f:X-'>¥ g: Y--X and (X,gof, U) is admissible,.
then i(X, gof; U) =i(Y,fog, g-l(U).
THEOREM ([3]). If i(X,f, U) *0, then f has a fixed point in U.

D. The Nielsen number ([19]).

The Nielsen number for a map f: X-'>X of a compact ANR space is a_
Fixed point theory on fiberings 139

non·ne~ativeinteger NC/) that is a lower bound for the number of fixed points
of every map that is homotopic to f. Let 'P(j, X) = {x E Xlf(x) =x}. Then q,
is a compact space. We divide 'P by an equivalence relation given by XO"'Xh
Xo. Xl E 'P iff there is a path e: I--+X from Xo to Xl such that e is homotopic

(with ends fixed) to fee). Then the equivalence classes are a finite number
of disjoint sets F h F 2 , •••• F". If f is the identity map or the space is simply con·
nected. then there is only one class provided 'P*if>. We choose open set Uj
such that Ui:::>F j and cl(Uj ) n lP=F j for each j. Then the Nielsen number
is defined to be the number of Nielsen classes F j such that i(Fj)=i(X,j, V j )
*0 (see C).
THEOREMS ([3J, [4J, [15J. [19J. [22J).
Cl) Any map f: X--+X of a compact ANR space has at least N(f) jixetl
(2) If f and g are homotopic in X. then NU) =N(g).
(3) Since L(f) =i(X,j, X) = t. i(X,j, Vj),
Vj:JF j • N(f) =0 implies L(j}
Ho-<iJever. there are manifolds in all dimensions and maps on them such that
L(f)=O but N(f»):2 (by B. McCord).
(4) Suppose X is simply connected. If L(J) =0, then N(f) =0. and if L
(f) :/; O. then N (f) = 1 (because there is only one Nielsen class).
(5) In general. if L(J):/; O. then N(f»):1.
(6) N(f) ~the Reidemeister number of f. R(J). The Reidemeister number of
f is the number of equivalence clQ,$ses of the fundamental group 0 1(X) divi-
ded by a rea/ation given by a rv 13. (a. 13 EO1 (X» iff there is an element fE
Ol(X) such that. a=rf3f*(r- 1 ). If 01(X) is abelian. then R(f) is the
cardinality of coker(l-f*).

E. Jiang subgroups and Jiang spaces.

To obtain a sufficient condition for N( f) to be zero when L(f) =0. (see D
(3». and to establish bounds on N(f) when LU) *0, Jiang [19J and IGottlieb
[12J sutdied a subgroup of 01(X) that is called the Jiang subgroup T(f).
Let Xtl be a base point of a compact ANR space X. An. element a E Ol(X,f
(xo» is said to be in the Jiang subgroup T Cf. xo) if there is a map H: X X
140 Soon-Kyu Kim

[0, I]-+X such that H(x, 0) =f(x) =H(x, 1) and the loop H(xo, -) represe-
nts a.
THEoREMS ([12J, [19J).
(1) If X is a path connected space, then T(f,xo)=T(f,Xl), xo, Xl EX.
That is, the Jiang subgroup is independent, up to isomorphism, of the choice
of base point.
Let T(X) denote the Jiang -subgroup for the identity map id: X-+X. Then
we have
(2) T(X) =T(id) cT(f) cDl(X) for any map f: X-+x.
(3) If f and g are homotopic, then T(f)=T(g).
(4) T(X) r;;;P(X, xo) cZ(D1(X», (=the center of Dl(X», where P(X,
xo) is the set of elements that act trivially on all homotopy groups D,.(X).
Thus (a) if X is a simply connected polyhedron that is not the homotopy type
of SI, then T(X)=1 since Dl(X) has no center; (b) Since Dl (RP2a) does
not act trivially on Dz,.(RJ>2n), T(PR2a) =1 for all n>O; (c) If X is a
closed 2-manifold that is neither torus TZ nor Klein bottle KZ, then T(X) =1
because Dl(X) has trivial center if X is not one of RPz, TZ, and KZ.
(5) If X is a spherical space (e. g. Eilenberg-MacLane space), then T(X)
=Z(Dl(X». Thus T(K2)=Z(D l (K2».
(6) T(XxY)=T(x)E!1T(Y). However, the Jiangsubgroupsdo not behave
well with respect to a map f: X-+ Y, i. e., f * (T (X» may not be a subgroup
of T(Y)
A space X is called a Jiang space if T(X) =Dl (X). The fundamental
grouP of a Jiang space is necessarily abelian.
(7) All H-spaces, the quotient space of a topological grouP with respect to
a connected compact Lie subgroup, generalized lens spaces (see Section 2), and
odd dimensional real projective spaces RP2a+l are Jiang spaces.
(8) If a space is a Jiang space, then the following are true (true even if
TU, xo)=Dl(X, xo».
(a) All the Nielsen fixed point classes F h "', F,. of f: X-+X have the same
index, i.e., i(Fl)=···=i(F..)=k.
(b) Therefore we have L(f,Q)=El i(Fj)=kN(f).
(c) L(f)=O implies N(f)=o (see D(3) and D(4».
Fixed point theory on fiberings 141

Cd) IfL(J)* 0 and X is a Jiang space,then N(J)=R(J) (see D(6».

F. Converse of Lefschetz fixed point theorom.

A compact metric ANR space X is called a Wecken space [22J if for any
map f: X-+X there exists a map g that is homotopic to the given map f and
g has precisely N(t) fixed points.
(1) Every finite polyhedron K with property that sta-a is connected for
every 0 or I-simplex a of K is a Wecken space [22J.
(2) Every connected finite polyhedron, which contains a 3-simplex and has
the property that ost(v) is connected for every vertex v, is a Wecken space
(3) Any topological manifold of dimension ~3 (with or witlwut boundary)
is a Wecken space [5J.
(4) (Converse of Lefschetz theorem). Let X be a Wecken space. If X is
also a Jiang space and L(J) =0, then f is homotopic to a map that has no
fixed points. Thus, if f is a map of a compact topological manifold M of
dimension ~3, then f is hotrwtopic to a map that has exactly NU) fixed
points, and if M is also a Jiang space and L(J) =0, then f is homotoPic to
a fixed point-free map (Fuller (1954) and Fadell(I965».
Now we can state the Lefschetz fixed point theorem for Weeken and ]iang
(5) (Lefschetz theorem). If a compact connected ANR space is a Wecken
and Jiang space. then L(f) *0 iff every map homotopic to f has a fixed
(6) If a space X is a Wecken space, then X admits a fixed point-free map
homotopic to the identity iff x(X) =0 since X(X) =L(idz ).
For example, n- dimensional torus T" is a Weeken and Jiang space and X
(T") =0. Therefore there is a map that is homotopic to the identity and has
no fixed points. (This is, of course, trivial.)

G. The fixed point property.

A space X has the fixed point property (f. p. p) if every map f: X-+X has
a fixed point. We have mentioned some such spaces in B.
142 Soon-Kyu Kim

(1) If X is a Wecken space, then X has a f.P·P· ijf N(f)+O for every'
map f:X...... X.
(2) If X is a Wecken-Jiang space, then X has a f· p. p. ijf L(f) *0 for·
every map f:X...... X.
(3) If X is a compact ANR space and Y is a Wecken space which has a
f.p.p., then the maPPing cylinder 1'4(1) for a map f:X-Y has a f.p.p·
(4) If X is a Wecken space which has a f. p. p., then Xx [0, 1J has a f. p.
p. since Xx [0, 1] = M(id).
(5) If A,B have a f.p.p., then the wedge product AVB has a f.p.p.
(6) We know that CP28 has a f. p. p. We can SMw that the suspension XCP21t
of Cp2" has a f. p. p.
However, there are examples tk4t show (4), (5) and (6) are not true in
general (see [5J, p. 148"'150).
(7) Bredlm El] considered a space x,.=$k ~ IJ4a, identified by a non-
triTJial element aE H2m-l(S'), X a has a homotopy invariant f.p.p. prooidea
that k is odd (l1I,d 2111-1--1<1--1. However, XaxX«, admits a fixed point
free map if tke order of a and the order of a' is relatively prime.
(8) Husseini [14J has constructed smooth manifolds M and M' that have a
f.P.P., but MXM' does not have a f.p.p. It is an open problem whether 01.'-
not the square Mx M of a manifold M which has a f. p. p. has a f. p. p.

2. Fixed poiBt th.eory on iiherin,gs.

Let p: E-B be a Hurewicz fiber map; i e., the covering homotopy prop-
erty (CHP) holds for any space or equivalently it has the path lifting prop'·
erty (PLP). Let El be the space of all continuous mapping from I to E with
compact open topology, and o(E) = {(e,w) EEXBI!p(e) ==w{O)}. Defineq: El
-O(E) by q(w') = (w' (0), Pw'). A lifting function is a continuous map).:
O(E)-+EI such that q' A=id on Q(E). It is regular if it lifts a constant path
to a cOnstant path. For eXfu"Ilple, if B is a metric space, then any fibering
p: E-+B has a regular lifting function. If p: E-+B is a locally trivial fiber
space and if B is a paracompact and T rspace, then p has a lifting function.
A fibering p: E-+B is orientable if w E RI is any loop at bo E B, then W:p-l
(bO)_p-I(!Jo) given by w(e) =l(e, w) (1) for each e E p-l(bo) induces an
Fixed point theory on fiberings 143

isomorphism w*:H*(p-l(bo);Z) ........H*(p-l(bo);Z). Let f: E-+E be a fiber

preserving map; i. e., flp-l(b): p-l(b)-+p-l(b'), h' E B. If 0): [0, l]-+B IS a
path from h' to b, then we may define a map fb: p-l(b)-+p-l(b) by, for each
eEp-l(b), fo(e) =).(f(e), 0)) (1). A fiber preserving map f also defines a map
fB: B-+B such that p. f=fB . p. We note that fo: p-l (b)-+p-l (b) depe-
nds, in general, on the choice of path 0). But the Lefschetz number L (f b)
is independent of path 0) [6J.
THEOREM 2.1 ([16J). Let p: E-+B be an orientable Hurewicz fiber map-
ping from a compact metric n-manifold (n;;;;'3) onto a compact, connected
metric ANR Band f: E-+E be a fiber preserving map. Suppose there is a
connected ANR fiber F b and the total space E is a Jiang space (i. e., T(E) =
D1 (E) ). If either fo: F r--+ F b or f B: B-+B is homotopic to a fixed point-free
map, then f is homotopic to a fixed Point-free map.
Sketch of Proof. In the case when fB: B->B is homotopic to a fixed point-
free map, it may follow by the CHP. If gb is homotopic to fo and it has no
fixed points, then N(h) =N(gb) =0, hence L(fb) =0. Since L(J) =L(jB) .
L(fb) it follows that LU) =0. Since E is a ]iang space, LU) =0 implies
NU) =0. Therefore f is homotopic to a fixed pointfree map because E is a
Wecken space. The formula LU) =LUB) . L(fb) can be found in [7] for
a polyhedron and in [l6] for a compact ANR space.
Let S2n+1 = {z= (zo, zj, "', z.) E C·+l1 Iz I =I}. If a: 5 2.+1 -+S2.+I is a homeo-
morphism given by a(z)=(zoe2tc ;/P,zle2tc;Q,/P, ''',zne2tc;Qn/P), P?:2 odd, where
Q\>Q2,"',qn are integers such that (p,qj)=l, then a induces a free Zp-action
on 8 2.+ 1• The orbit space S2n+l/Zp is called a generalized lens space,
L 2n41 (P,Q\>"·,q.). Then we know D1 (L 2n+l(p,qI,·",qn»=Zp. Suppose
(Tk,1I1) is a free k-dimensional toral group action on a manifold such that the
orbit space M/Tk is L 2n+l (p, qh .", qn)' Such actions are classified by the
homotopy classes [L2n+1 (P), CP(oo)kJ=H2(~n+I(P)' Zk) = (Zp)k.
THEOREM 2.2 ([16J). If f: M~M is an equivariant map (or bundle map)
and if either fb:Tk (X)--+Tk (x) or flL2n+Jep) :~n+l(p)->L2n+l(P) is homotopic to
a fixed point-free map, then f is homotopic to a fixed point-free map. Where
pex) is the orbit through the point x. To prove this, we show that M is
homeomorphic to ~n+1(d) XTR for some d that divides p and use Theorem
2.1. InD(2) of Section 1, we said that if jt''''g: X->X of a compact ANR
144 Soon-Kyu Kim

space, then N(f) =N(g). Jiang [15] improved this theorem.

THEOREM 2.3 ([15J). Suppose h: X---+Y (compact ANR space) is a homo-
topy equivalem;e and the diagram commutes homotoPically:


g Lk
11 D1 (X) is finite, then N(f)=N(g).
In 1976, Fadell improved this by using the mapping cone and a local index.
THEOREM 2.4 ([10J). Theorem 2.3 is true withcmt assuming the finiteness
of the fundamental grcmP D 1 (X).
We have noticed that L(f)=L(fB) . L(fb) for an orientable Hurewicz
fiber map p: E---+B and a fiber preserving map f: E---+E. We try to see whe-
ther or not a similar product formula holds for the Nielsen numbers; i. e. ,

This formula is not true in generel. An example can be formed in the Hopf
fibering S4S4S2 [8]. To this regard, Brown and FadelI were able to prove
the following theorem.
THEOREM 2.5 ([6], [8]). Let p: E---+B be a locally trivial fiberspace with
fiber F. Suppose E, B, F are connected finite polyhedra, f: E-+E a jiber'
preserving map. If (a) D1 (B)=D2 (B) =0 or
(b) D1(F) =0 or
(c) p:E-+B is trivial with D1(B) =0 or 1=/BX!h,
then N(f)=N(fB) . N(fb) for alllb, bEB.
Pak [20] formulated an obstruction to the product formula for the Nielsen
numbers. The obstruction number is defined algebraically and some calcu-
lations of numbers in various cases can be found in [17].
THEOREM 2.6 ([20J). Let p: E---+B be an orientable locally trivial jiber
map. Suppose E, B, p-l(b) are compact connected ANR Jiang spaces ana
a fiber preserving map I has non-zero Lefschetz number. Then there exists a
number P(f) such that N(f) ,P(f)=N(/B) ·N(!h).
EXAMPLE ([17J). Let Sl---+EtCP" be a circle bundle over a complex pro-
Fixed point theory on fiberings 14-5

jective space CP". Then E corresponds to some i EZ:;:.lP(CP";Z) =.[CP";CP

(00)]. The space E will be a Jiang space. Suppose f: E~E is a fiber
preserving map such that L(f) ,*0. H degree (f,) =d, i E Z, then

P(f)= ~~-k, ,~b, , k=deg(f)modlil. Therefore, the product formula

holds iff P(f)=l; i.e., Il-dl=(l-k, lil). This implies that the product
formula holds for SI-bundle over CP" iff ll-deg(!b)! divides lil.
A fibering p: E-+B is called injective if the inclusion i: p-I (b)-+E induces
a monomorphism i*: OI(p-I(b»-+D1 (E) for all bEB. We note that the
HopE fibering Sl-+S3-+S2 is not injective.
THEoREM 2.7 ([17J). Let p: E-+B be an orientablelocally trivial injective
fiber map. Suppose E, B, p-I(b) are Jiang spaces and their fundamental
groups are finitely generated abelian groups. If the exact sequence

(}-+D I(p-1(b» ~ D1(E) ~ D1(B) -+ 0 splits and D1(B) is finite and

L(f) '*0, then N(f) =N(fB) . N(fh).
COROLLARY 2. 8 ([17J). Let p: E-+B be an orientable locally trivial
injectfoejiher map. Suppose E, B, p-1(b) are Jiang spaces and their fundame-
ntal groups are finitely generated abelian groups. If DICB) is finite
and either there exists a cross section or p-l(b) is a retract of E, then N
(f)=N(fB)· NUh)'
EXAMPLES ([17]).
(a) Let Tk-'>E_T" be a principal TLbundle over T". For any fiber pre-
serving mapf: E-+E we have N(f)=N(fT") . N(fh).
(b) Let Sl-E-L.3(p, q) be a principal SLbundle over a 3-dimensional
lens space. Here E is determined by [fj] E [L.3(p,q), CP(oo)]:;:.fl2(L3 (p,
q) ;Z)=.Zp- Let f:E-+E be. a fiber preserving map such that h.W =C2, lB.
(lp) =(;t> where 1 generates 0 1 (SI):;:Z and lp generates 0 1(L.3(p, q» :;:Zp.
Then N(f)=N(h) . (l-ct>d), where d=(j,p). Therefore, NUh)' (1-
cI,d) P(f)=N(h) . N(fB), hence N(fB) = (l-ct> d) P(f). For example,
if P=15 and j=IO so that d=5 and l-cI=1-C2=3, then N(f)=3' (3,5)=
3 so that N(f),*N(fB) . NCh). However, in this case, P(f)=3 and3=N
Cl B) = (l-ct> d)P(f) = (3, 5) . 3.
Note that in proving the product theorem, we had to show the indepen-
146 Soon-Kyu Kim

-dency of N(j,,). Fadell and Brown [6], [8]· showed it for a locally trivial
iiOOr map and polyhedra. and Fadell [11] shows the following: If p:E-+B is
an orientable Hurewicz fiOOr map, then N(!b) is well de1ined; i. e., it is
independent of the choice of path I'll: [0, l]-B from b to b' and points b, h'
THEOREM 2.9 ([l1J). Let p:E-+B be an orientable Hurewicz.fiher map (all
spaces are compact metrU: ANR) ana f: E~E a fiher Presemng mal'. Then
there exists Il locally trivial fiber map p':E'-+B' and fibcr preserving map
f: E'-+E' with E', B', p'-I(b) finite polyhedra suck that N(f)=N(f'),
N(fB) =N(f 's), and N(f,,)=N(fi). Consequently, FaJelllists the product
THEOREM 2.10 ([11]). Let P:E-+B be an orientohle Hurewicz fiber map
with E and B ANR's (compact metric) and f:E-E be a jiber preserving
map. Then N(f)=NUB) . NU,,) in each of the folluwing cases:
(a) R 1 (B)=U 2 (B)=O ([6], [8]).
(b) U 1 (F)=O ([6], [8J).
(c) 1': E-+B is./iber homotopically trivial and 01(1J) =0 ([6J, [8]).
(d) There is a homotopy cMnniUtatitJe diagram

$Uch that ~Ip-l (b') is a homotiJpy equivalencef",. each b'E1J ([6], [8], [11]).
(e) D1 (B) =0 and p: E-+B is injeetif!e ([20]).
(n The sequence ~Dl(p-l(h))-+lll(1Z)-Jil(B)-o is $plit exact seq-
1I>ence with sPlitting map u, H=imo- is normal, Ii1(B) is all torsion and
D1(E) is torsion free ([17] for Jiang spaces).
(g) P:E-+B admits a section u: B-+E ~h that fir=q! and DI(E) is
4helian ([17]) ..
THEOREM 2.11 ([11]). Let p: E-+B be an orientahle Hurewic!J:. fiber map
with E, B, p-l(b) cqn.nected compact metrU: ANR and let f: E-+E be a}Wer
4 P*
preserving map. SuPPose tke sequence Q-+Ol(p-l(b))------)-1l1(E)------)-D1(B)-+O
Fixed point theory on fiberings 147

is exact and p* admits a right inverse (section) 0' such that tf H=invO',
then f*(H) cH, Then N(j)=N(jB) . N(fb)'
THEOREM 2.12 ([l1J, [17J). Let p: E---+B be an orientable injective Hure-
7.t'UZ fiber map with E and B connected compact metric ANR and let f: E---+
B be a jiber preserving map. If in.: 01(B)---+D1(B) fixes only the identity,
then NU) =N(fB) . N(!b).

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[ 6 J R. F. Brown, The Nielson numbers of a fiber map, Ann. of Math. 85
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[ 7 J R. F. Brown, Fixed points arod fiber maps, Pacific J. Math. 21 (1967), 465-
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[ 9 ] E. Fadell, Recent results in the fixed point theory of continuous maps, Bull. AMS
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[10J E. Fadell, Nielsen numiJers as a homotopy type invariant (to appear).
[l1J E. Fadell, Natural jiber splittings and Nielsen numiJers (to appear).
[12J D. H. Gottlieb, A certain subgroup of the fundamental group, Amer. J. Math.
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The University of Connecticut

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