Script For Mock Meeting

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Script for Mock Meeting (Compiled)

Chairperson: Good morning, everyone, I am glad to welcome all board members to the meeting of
HOPE cooperation. Thank you, for being present in this meeting. Can we call this meeting to order?

All: yes

Chairperson: Are they any apologies for absence for today’s meeting?

Sectary: Yes, Ms Syahira, Bella, our operation manager is on medical leave being admitted to the
hospital since yesterday because of contraction.

Chairperson: Thank you, can we proceed to the next item, regarding of the minutes from the
previous meeting? Everybody has their own copy of the minutes of meeting, correct?

All: Yes

Chairperson: Are there any amendment?

Hr manager: There is mistake to item number 7. for item number 7, there’s a mistake for one of the
intern’s name list. it should be Mohd bin Zulkarnain, not Muhd

secretary: i will make necessary corrections.

chairperson: Are there any other amendments?

Hr manager: Yes, based on the previous meeting, on item 4.1, the date of the internships program is
actually on 29th October not 23rd October.

secretary: Okay, I will take note and change the date.

chairperson: Is there anybody else who want to add?

all: no

chairperson: Thank you, can someone propose the minutes be passed as a true record?

financial manager: I propose the minutes to be passed as a true record

marketing manager: I second the motion.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Let’s move on. Do we have any arising matters from the previous meeting
that we need to discuss?

PROJ.M/THIYA: In the last meeting, we had discussed regarding intern intakes, what’s the progress so

HR.M/LIYANA: The HR Department members all agreed with the proposed number of intakes which
is 2 interns for these following departments, HR Department, Marketing Department, and IT
Department. All of the interns will receive RM550 for their monthly allowance as discussed in the
meeting before this.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Okay, good. Anything else to add?

IT.M/RIS: Yes, miss, most of the applicants for the internship program are applying for the HR
Department, thus, we’re running low on applicants for the other two departments.
MARKETING.M/NAS: I think I can come up with new advertisements for the program so that it
reaches the right audiences.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: I think with our company’s current funds, we can use some of it to boost
our advertisement. Is that possible Ms. Shuhada?

FINANCE.M/SHU: It’s possible, miss.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Any other suggestion for this issue?

SECRETARY: I think we can still consider those applying for the HR Department for the other
departments. If they have proper experience in marketing or IT, then we could possibly have them
interning in those positions.

HR.M/LIYANA: I think there are one or two applicants that have a background in those two
department, I’ll ask the necessary questions during the interview later.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Alright, thank you Ms. Liyana. Is there anything else that we should discuss
before we move on to our next agenda?

PROJ.M/THIYA: I don’t think so Ms. Syahira.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Then, let’s proceed with the next agenda.

Chairperson: Thank you for your input. Moving on to our next agenda. Is there any issues that we
haven't catered to?

Thiya: Yes, ms chairman. In the upcoming month, we are planning to organize a walkathon that will
function as a fund raising programme that centers around single mothers who are having financial
obstacles. It will help mitigate their problem and can also raise the company's reputation among the
locals. We expect the charity to accumulate money around RM8000. It will be held at Hotel Sheraton
on 20 August 2023. In addition , i will also contact the hotel to book catering services and get in
touch with the local police to arrange road closures for the walkathon, ensuring the participants'
safety. Furthermore, I will complete the volunteer application form so that we can record the
information about the volunteers. That’s all for now about the issues.

Shu: We are also expecting our business partners to attend this event. Currently we are in the
process of creating invitation cards to be distributed among them after gaining approval from ms
chairman. We made a quick survey and managed to pique the interests of many companies as there
were little to none events being organized after the recent pandemic. Our expected expenses for this
event is around RM3000 for booking the hotel, foods, doorgifts, emergencies and whatnot.

Syahira: that's great, though I had to asked, how exactly are we going to advertise this event?

Ipah: May I? As ms Syu already said, we are currently creating invitation cards that will be given to
our business partners and shareholders. Using social media like twitter and facebook with their paid
promotion which cost around RM10 per post is also one of the way that has been suggested in my
department as lots of people use them as news source. We were considering promoting using
physical and digital newspaper for the older generation as most of them are still loyal to such
ris: in addition to that, before the event begins, we were thinking of helping these single moms by
selling their handmade items such as knitwear, cookies and whatnot. By doing this, it can indirectly
help serves as a marketing as we will sell and promote the events at the same time. Some other
options that have not yet been discussed are having a thrift sale where we can help sell their unused
clothes, silverware or anything similar.

Syahira: Shall we close this discussion for now and continue to any other business?

Liyana: Yes, ms. Syahira The HR department has been receiving numerous reports over the past few
days about the young security guard stalking our employees. According to reports, the security guard
always follows our female employees all the way to the parking lot, especially at night when people
tend to stay out late. However, no action can be taken because there is currently no proof and the
people who were being followed were not have the chance to record it as proof. The security guard's
only response when one of the male employees questions him is that he just wants to be friendly,
despite the fact that it is obvious that what he did only made the female employees feel

Eya: I’m sorry to interrupt, but I agree with it because I also have an experience with this issue. I have
also being followed by the guard when I wanted to go home. It is dangerous, especially at night as
the car park area is dark and quite far from the main road.

Naz: If that’s what it is then I suggest that we should install CCTVs at the parking lot to ensure our
employees’ safety.

Syahira: That’s a good idea, we should allocate some budget to install few CCTVs even in the blind
spot area.

Shu: Ms Syahira, can I volunteer to look into this matter. My team and I will survey a few brands of
high-quality CCTVs with reasonable price and will handle this matter as we had done this previously
for our new pantry area.

Syahira: Okay sure, thank you ms. Shuhada For now we just going to collect the proof and proceed to
do further investigation on that security guard. Mas, at the moment, could you please run a
background check with the security company about the security guard. If we have another
complaint, we can just ask for a new replacement security guard. Does anyone have something to

Naz: I do want to add that the marketing team file a complaint about the broken computers in their
department. They said that it has been one month and that it makes their job interrupted as certain
important files are in there, but they could not trace it. Moreover, some of the computers work really
slow and it makes their work got on hold and they are left behind the schedules regarding their work.

Syahira: What do you think about this matter ms. Arissa?

Riss: I think it is the time already that the marketing team should get an upgrade of the computers
there because they were too old and not updated to do professional work related to marketing stuff.

Shu: But, if we are going to upgrade the computers in the marketing team, it would definitely cost us
quite a fortune and I’m afraid we will run out of the allocated money for that.

Riss: Sorry to interrupt, but in my opinion, I think we can choose few computers that we need to buy
and the rest we just need to upgrade the software system to the latest one. That will save us a lot
Thiya: I’m in the same view as ms. Arissa too because we need to cut down some cost since we just
did a renovation for the new workspace in the company.

Syahira: Ms. Arissa can you and your team survey this matter and provide me with full report about
the broken computers by the end of this week?

Arissa: Yes sure ms. Syahira my team and I will work on that as soon as possible.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Thank You. Our next item on the agenda is date, time and venue for the
next meeting.

SECRETARY/EYA: Miss Chairwoman, for the next meeting will be on the 20th of July, Thursday,
2.00pm at the meeting room. I will send a notice if there are any changes.

All: Yes, sure.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Okay. Anything else? Any questions? Comment? No? Well then, thank you
for coming. Will someone propose the meeting to be adjourned?

FINANCIAL.M/SHU: Yes, I propose the meeting to be adjourned.


PROJ.M/THIYA: I second the motion.

CHAIRPERSON/SYAHIRA: Thank You. The meeting is adjourned. Have a nice day everyone!

All: Thank You!

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