Security System

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Security System

1. General

1.1 Keys to a Good Security System

 Selecting the right security devices;

 Integrating the devices appropriately to from a security system;
 Implementing adequate security controls; and
 Carrying out proper operating procedures.

A physical security system consists of five equally important interacting



“Deter” is to discourage (often psychologically) the intrusion, e.g. A label at

the front of the property which indicates “The property is protected by an
advanced electronic security system” or “CCTV cameras are installed for
security reasons”. A “paper” policeman is also a kind of deter means.


Delay is provided by the presence of physical barriers protecting the assets. e.g.
Safes, vaults, walls, ceilings, doors, locks, fences, etc.


Detect is accomplished by intrusion detection sensors that detect the presence

of an intruder. e.g. infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, optical sensors, contact
sensors, etc.


Alert is provided by an alarm transmission and monitoring system that

annunciates and identifies the specific alarm location, e.g. the activation of an
alarm bell, an automatic phone call to a nearby police station or security


Respond is executed by the response force that responds to the intrusion alarm.
For example, security guards or policemen come and have a check,
automatically lock all the possible exit of the property.

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1.2 Integration of Safety and Security System

Often Conflict

Safety in buildings<------------------->Security in building

e.g. ease of escape in case of fire <--------> the need to keep out intruders

May Conflict

Safety of one kind<-----------------------> Safety of another kind

e.g. high window openings can prevent children climbing up and falling out,
they may impede or even prevent escape in fire.

The system designer has to decide what is best in the circumstances but first
he must attempt to see the many aspects of safety and security as an integrated

1.3 Risk Management

Risk management is to assess the value of the object under protection and the
possibility of threat, then matching the security system with the risk
assessment. The law of diminishing returns applies to this work as to any
other. No one should use an advanced and expensive system to protect
something which is not that valuable and with low chance of threat.
Suggested solution for risk management is as shown on Figure 1.

Fig. 1 - Risk Management

1.4 Threat Analysis

Before a security system can be designed to protect any assets, the designer
should conduct a threat analysis to identify and determine the sophistication of
the threat. The threat can be either internal or external to the organization, or
both, and the skill level can be expected to range from unskilled to skilled, to
highly skilled. Knowing the threat is the primary prerequisite for designing an

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effective security system. Protection against an internal threat, especially a

skill insider is a task requiring very special insight and careful deliberation.

On the other extreme, protection against an external threat of unskilled level is

the easiest task. But remember, like all other sociological problems, the threat
and risk level are constantly changing and must be periodically reviewed.
Also, the levels of skill of the threat anticipated also relate with the value of
the asset under protection. Hence risk management and threat analysis are
closely related.

1.5 Design Co-ordination

The designer should continually coordinate his security system design and
maintenance concepts with those individuals who will be affected by
implementation. These are the individuals which must operate and maintain
the facility’s performance within any restrictions that might be imposed by the
security system. The designer should also concern about those individuals who
are responsible for safety of the employees and other occupants of the

These are the same individuals who are usually forgotten by the security
system designer until the system is already installed or in the process of being
installed. Then, much to the designer's dismay, the operation manager says, "
You can't install the device there because --." Or the safety officers say, "That
door can't be locked during the day because --." And then the designer's
problems really begin.

This type of problem can be eliminated if the security system design is

properly coordinated before the fact. Another benefit is that the individuals
who participate in the system design will have a personal interest in its
implementation and acceptance by both the employees and management.
Management support is needed for the security system to be successful.
Management must set an example by following the security procedures
themselves, as well as insisting that all security procedures be followed by and
that all systems be maintained in operation.

2. Drawbacks of Current Security Alarm Systems

Security alarm systems are neither foolproof nor burglar-proof. They have the
following drawbacks:

 alarm signals are ignored by the general public

 numerous false alarms detract the effectiveness of the systems in alerting
neighbours and police -over 95% of alarm calls received by the police or control
centre of security companies are false
 annoyance of neighbours by false alarm signals introduces noise pollution and
may lead to prosecution

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 persons responsible for business or industrial premises may be got out of bed in
the middle of the night to turn off the triggered alarm. Householders may be
brought back from holiday for the same purpose
 with the growth in the use of alarm systems, and the display of fake alarm boxes
to give the impression that the building is protected, burglars are not so easily
frightened off as they used to be. If there is a system installed they may ignore
the alarm long enough to get away with valuable items or they may stop the
alarm sounding by attacking the control box
 the system may deliberately be rendered inoperative prior to entry of burglar.
This may be an ‘inside job’ by a dishonest or disgruntled employee, or it may be
carried out by a make-believe customer or a seemingly-casual visitor to the

3. Requirements on Security Alarm System

This list of shortcomings suggests some of the requirements of a good system: - the
alarm signal must demand attention

 high priority must be given to freedom from false alarms

 the system must be resistant to being tampered with prior to break-in - this is
more important in business and industrial premises than in domestic buildings
 the control box must be robust enough to withstand attack, or alternatively be
hidden from sight
 the rest of the system must also be resistant to deactivation after entry has been
 the system should detect intruders; that is should not be liable to breakdown, but
if it does it should be as far as possible 'fail safe'
 its initial cost and running costs should be commensurate with the degree of
protection deemed necessary

4. Systems for use within working hours

The concept of a security system in the mind of the general public is a system that is
used in lock-up and-leave premises - in other words, for use outside working hours.
However, it may be that the very success of security systems for the silent hours has
shifted attention by the villain, and consequently by security people, to working hours
activities and systems.

An obvious step is to keep the doors closed and locked. But working people have
legitimately to move to and for with relative ease in order to do the work they are
employed to do. Thus again, we have to discriminate between friend and foe,
preferably without having to send someone to the door each time to check, to accept
or reject, to open and close and lock the door for each personnel movement. Out of
this problem the concepts of door control, access control personnel identification and
surveillance have risen, these issues will not be discussed.

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5. Kinds of Protection

There are three principle kinds of place in a building to guard with a detection &
alarm system: points (or spot), space (specific area) and perimeter.

Points (or spot)

 typical of "points" are doors and windows in external walls, internal doors where
items of value are displayed or stored
 for "point" systems, a higher number of sensors will be required, mostly for
doors and windows

 sensors for these are cheap and reliable, with low current consumption; there are
type of sensors least likely to be triggered off accidentally when there is no one
on the premises to deal with the alarm

Space (specific area)

 to cover area of rooms, corridors and courtyards required fewer but more
elaborate sensors
 these are liable to be activated by birds, animals, paper blowing about, traffic
passing, direct or indirect sun light, air movement etc.
 when used outdoor they may be rendered inoperative by weather - precautions
against these factors increase the complexity of the devices
 they are needed however for use alone, where point sensors would be impractical,
and as back-up - burglars may keep away from entry points and break in through
the wall or roof


 achieved by fixing sensors to fences and walls to detect movement or vibration,

or by invisible fence of beams radiated from point to point designed so that the
alarm is actuated when the beam is broken

The extent and complexity of the system necessary for a particular building will
depend on the degree of protection required as well as the form of the building.

6. Intrusion Sensors and Space Sensors

Dependant on the usages and installation methods, intrusion detection devices of

different operating principles can be used. Basic types of intrusion detection devices
are listed as follows:

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Magnetic Contact (Figure 1)

It is used mostly for detection of door or window status. Magnetic protective

switches contain reed contacts which are held in closed position by a permanent
magnet fitted to the top of the door or window. Opening the door or window moves
the magnet, the reed contacts open and this creates an alarm condition. Magnetic
contacts take up different physical forms to suit different doors/windows requirement.

Continuous Wiring

The units are embedded in a wall, ceiling, floor or any surface to be protected. The
continuous wiring carries an electric current, when a wire is broken, or when two
wires of opposite polarity touch, the closed circuit is broken and an alarm condition is

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Knock-out Bar

Knock-out bars are installed 100 mm apart across doors and windows. When
in position each knock-out bar holds a micro switch in the closed position to
complete the circuit. Displacement of a bar creates an alarm condition. The
bars can be installed with micro switches at one end of the bar, or at both ends
for maximum security.

Vibration Detection (Figure 3)

They take up two forms, either electromechanical (inertia detector) or

electronic transducer (seismic detector).

A vibration detector is an early warning devices designed to create alarm

condition before penetration of the defences or as the attack commences.

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Breaking Glass Detector

This is a lead foil strip fixed to the glass surface and acts as part of a closed
circuit. When the supporting glass is broken, it will break and create an alarm

Ultrasonic Detector

There are two types of ultrasonic detectors, passive or active.

The passive type ultrasonic detector mainly uses for detecting glass breakage.
It only detects ultrasound generated by breaking glass.

The active ultrasonic detectors rely on the pressure of air to transmit sound
signal at a fixed frequency of between 25 to 35 kHz. They monitor the signal
reflected from the solid objects and compare the frequency of the transmitted
signal with that of its reflection. Stationary objects return the signal at the
frequency transmitted. Objects moving towards the transmitter return the
signal at a higher frequency, whereas objects moving away return it at a lower
frequency. It is this frequency change (known as the “Doppler effect”) that is
used to create an alarm condition.

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Infra-red Detectors

Infra-red detectors can be passive type or active type. For the active type
infra-red detector, it comprises a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter
sends a modulated infra-red light beam to the receiver, thus maintaining a
closed circuit. The unit creates an alarm when the light beam is interrupted.

For the passive infra-red detector, the unit measures infra-red radiation
received in set narrow beams. The level of radiation changes with temperature
and any unacceptable change activates the alarm.

Microwave Detectors

These detectors are similar in principle to infra-red detectors. The

electromagnetic energy is transmitted in a cylindrical beam. The detector
activates an alarm when the received signal is changed by a physical barrier
moving through the beam. With this arrangement, a transmitter and a receiver
are required.

In another application, microwave detectors can be used, making use of the

“Doppler Effect”.

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The advantage of microwave sensors over ultrasonic sensors is their total

insensitivity to air movement.

Acoustic Detectors

The unit activates an alarm when it detects sound.

Capacitive Detectors

Capacitive detectors can be volumetric or proximity type. Capacitance is an

electrical property of insulations. Air acts as an insulator and any change or
movement in an enclosed space will result in a change in the capacitance of
the air. Capacitive volumetric detectors sense this change and activate an

Pressure Mats

These are hidden under carpets in areas where an intruder is likely to tread.

Undergound Pressure Detectors

These consist of two hydraulic fluid tubes lying parallel just beneath the soil
surface, about one metre apart. The pressure is at equilibrium in the two tubes

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until weight is applied on the ground above. The change in pressure is

monitored to activate the alarm.

Fibre Optic Signalling (Figure 8)

Infra-red lights signals are passed through a continuous fibre optic cable. A
fibre optic cable is non-ferrous and small in diameter. If the cable is currved
or damaged, the control elements sense a change in the signal and activate the

7. Card/Reader Technologies

The control and movement of personnel is fundamental to a good security system.

Basically, people should only be allowed access to an area if there is a need for their
presence. The most basic arrangement uses “stand alone” mechanical keypads, where
the lock incorporates a numeric plate. To gain access to the protected area the correct
number must be entered in sequence. Normally the numeric keypad controls an
electrically operated release or strike.

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7.1 Card Access Control System

To further enhance the security measures individual encoded cards can be

employed which are fed into or through readers adjacent to strategic entries.
The decision making process in an access control reader includes:

a) that the card encoding and verifies current authorization;

b) that the card number is allowed to enter the access point;
c) that the time for entry is valid; and
d) that the day of the week is valid.

The reader only grants access if all conditions are met.

The security of an access control system can be increased by fitting a keypad

reader. In this case to gain entry an individual has to possess a valid card and
also has to know the personal identification number (PIN) which is unique for
each card.

The card access control market has developed along two main and
fundamentally different paths, these being Distributive Intelligent System and
Centrally Controlled System.

Distribution Intelligent Systems

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With these systems the individual reader decides whether to allow entry and is
effectively a “stand alone” system. Readers of this type, however, may be
connected together and to a central monitoring and control centre for
management purposes.

By connecting the readers to a control centre it is possible to “download” to

the individual card readers, changing their databases and either adding or
deleting individual cards held in memory. It enables card readers to
communicate with the centre, informing it of all movements through each door.
With this information the central management system can keep a historical
record of all movements and print reports as and when necessary.

Centrally Controlled Systems

These systems consist of unintelligent readers which are connected to a central

computer system. The readers simply read the card and send the information
to the central computer. The central computer makes the decision and
commands the reader to allow or deny access accordingly.

7.2 Access Cards

Access cards can be broadly divided into “Passive” type and “Active” type.

Passive Access Cards

A card uses a thin wire matrix sandwiched between two plastic outer surfaces.
It offers better security with less chance of card duplication than other types of
access cards. In addition, readers are not so susceptible to electromagnetic

In situations requiring a degree of economy, magnetic stripe cards are used.

“Watermark” magnetic tape can offer greater security as the tape stripe within
the card is permanently coded during manufacture with the purchasing
company’s identification.

All cards can incorporate the company logo, photograph of the holder and
personal identification.

8. Surveillance System

Surveillance system takes the form of Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV). A
basic system comprises a remote camera to observe and transmit, together with a
central monitor to receive and display. With multiple cameras a form of switch
selection will limit the number of monitors. Similarly, to move a camera, a form of
control can be added.

When considering CCTV systems, the following factors should be observed:

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 The level of lighting provided: daytime or night time, shaded, natural or artificial;
 The viewing field required: fixed or adjustable, close or distant, wide or narrow
 The picture quality required: high or low resolution;
 The environment in which the camera will be placed: clean or dirty, wet or dry,
subject to vibration;
 The type of control required: manual or automatic;
 The type of display required: constant, sequenced, movement activated, split
screen; and
 The type of recording equipment required: real time or time lapse, alarm

Various camera technologies are available which become more expensive with the
requirements for operating in lower light levels. Figure 11 shows the operational light
levels applicable to each type of camera.

9. Biometrics

Biometrics is a branch of science which deals with the measurement and analysis of
biological data. Biometric technology is used to analyze human characteristics which
include fingerprints, voice patterns, retinal and facing scanning and hand
measurements. A biometric device is used as part of a biometric system. It is a device
by which a machine can read people’s personal information to tell who they are.
They are often used in security situations such as the military and other secure
locations. Biometric devices are used to capture fingerprints, DNA, eyes, and voice
recognition. These devices are very important and make excellent security barriers
because they are very hard to forge. These devices have in-built sensors that capture
biometric data from the individual and process it by matching it to an internal
database. In the future it is likely that many passwords and security systems will use
biometric devices.

The technology used by these biometric devices is associated with the authentication
and identification of an individual. These devices are used in many different ways
ranging from security management or as a security system to control the entry and
exit of certain areas. In the past, they were associated with high end security facilities
but the reduced cost of production and economies of scale enable these devices extend
into the security industry.

A biometric device is basically a physical device which is attached to a

microcomputer. Common biometric hardware devices include fingerprint scanners,
voice analyzers, and retinal pattern analyzers. These devices interface with
centralized software processing systems.

The most common biometric devices and methods that have been accepted in today’s
computer era are:

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Signature Dynamics

This device is popular because one’s signature cannot be forged. What counts here is
not what is recorded or signed but the manner in which it is signed - the speed of
writing and the pressure differences at numerous points of the signature.

Typing Patterns

This device is like the signature dynamics but pertains to the keyboard, as it is the
manner in which the password is typed, the space/intervals between the characters and
the pattern and speed which are considered and recognized.

Eye Scans

The retina (視網膜) and iris (虹膜)of the eye are generally scanned. The specialized
hardware is expensive and use of this device is generally considered inconvenient and

Fingerprint recognition

All fingerprints are different and unique. What makes this device so popular is the
fact that it is easy and convenient to use. Being easily accessible and needing little
space this device can be built-in.

Voice Recognition

The user is verified against a voice pattern that is stored.

Palm or Hand Geometry

The whole hand of the individual is the “identifier”. Devices are used to measure the
angles and length of the fingers.

Facial Recognition

Facial features like the cheekbones, eye sockets, and location of eyes, nose and mouth
are used.

10. Watchman Tour System

Office buildings normally utilize some types of manual watchman’s tour system so
that surveillance of occupied areas is conducted on regular basis.

The simplest type is non-electrical and comprises a number of small cabinets, each
containing a key, placed at intervals around the interior and exterior of the building.
The watchman uses these keys to operate a special lock that he carried about, thus
recording the exact time at which he “clocked in” at any specific location.
Alternatively, the clock is wall mounted and the guard carries only a key.

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Electrical systems are available that permit constant supervision and are particularly
effective where more than one person is on duty.

Such systems show on a panel the location and progress of the watchman, by means
of lights that glow when the device at each location is operated. Since part of the
effectiveness of these systems lies in the timing of the tour, a system can be arranged
to sound an alarm if a particular station is not operated within a specific time period.

11. Design Philosophy

The proper design procedures of a complete security system are as follows:-

 conduction of design requirement survey

 establishment of design criteria for intrusion detection system
 assemble of components of the security system
 selection of the intrusion detection sensors and alarm transmission and
monitoring equipment
 establishment of system maintenance concept

Design requirement survey

 evaluate all the features and circumstances affecting the threat

 discuss with the user the operation of the premises

Design criteria

 this should be derived from the survey

Assemble of components of the security system

 decide on what zone or zones of detection should be used

 intrusion detection sensors are designed to provide one or more of five zones of
 zones of detection will be discussed in the next section
 select the appropriate intrusion detection sensors
 decide how the status of the intrusion detection sensors will be monitored
 There are several possibilities:-
 employ the services of a central alarm station;
 use a proprietary alarm monitoring system;
 use a telephone dialer; or
 use only a local audible alarm to annunciate the alarms
 decide on the alarm response force
 it depends somewhat on the monitoring system, and especially on the allowable
alarm response time
 local law enforcement officers or security guards, either central station guards or
proprietary guards, are normally used to respond to intrusion alarms
 a central station guard is usually accompanied or joined by a local law
enforcement officer at the origin of the alarm

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 they must arrive at the alarm location before the intruder penetrates the physical
barriers; otherwise the response force will be totally ineffective
 the designer should evaluate the penetration resistance of the physical barriers
and the zones of detection selected for the intrusion detection sensors to
determine the maximum allowable response time
 the response force should arrive at the asset location within this time; or physical
barriers must be added to delay penetration or another zone of detection must be
added to provide earlier detection
 another possibility is for the response force to be relocated to improve their
response time

8. System maintenance concept

 the maintenance concept should be established during the system planning phase
 once the intrusion detection system is installed, it will then be properly
 maintained maintenance can be contracted to an equipment installing company,
or it can be performed by an in-house maintenance force
 if the intrusion detection system is leased, maintenance should be part of the
leasing agreement
 care should be taken to ensure that their maintenance obligation is compatible
with the user's operating schedule

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