Audi Engine Management Systems

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Design and Function

Self-Study Program
Course Number 941003
Audi of America, Inc.
Service Training
Printed in U.S.A.
Printed 5/2000
Course Number 941003

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in this manual is based on the latest product
information available at the time of printing.
The right is reserved to make changes at any
time without notice. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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figures and tables.

Always check Technical Bulletins and the Audi

Worldwide Repair Information System for
information that may supersede any
information included in this booklet.
Table of Contents

Introduction ..............................................................................................1
Course goals ...............................................................................................2
Principles of engine operation ....................................................................3
Basic four-stroke principle .......................................................................... 3
Gasoline properties ....................................................................................6
Air/fuel mixture formation ...........................................................................8
Fuel system, overview .............................................................................10
Evolution of Engine Management Systems .............................................11
Ignition system, overview ........................................................................12
Emissions system, overview ....................................................................18
Three-way Catalytic Converter, overview .................................................20
On Board Diagnostics ..............................................................................22
Review ......................................................................................................25
Continuous Injection System ................................................................27
CIS ............................................................................................................28
K-Jetronic with Lambda control ................................................................30
CIS-E .........................................................................................................32
CIS-E III .....................................................................................................35
CIS Turbo ..................................................................................................38
CIS-E Motronic .........................................................................................39
Motronic M2.3.2 Overview ....................................................................43
System description ...................................................................................43
Inputs/Outputs - 20 Valve Turbo Motronic M2.3.2 ..................................47
Inputs/Outputs - 4.2 Liter V8 Motronic M2.3.2 .......................................51
On Board Diagnostics ...............................................................................54
Motronic M2.3.2 Component Summary ...............................................55
Input sensors ............................................................................................57
Actuators (outputs) ..................................................................................72
Review ......................................................................................................83
MPI - Multi Port Fuel Injection system .................................................85
System description ...................................................................................85
MMS 100/200 overview ...........................................................................86
On Board Diagnostic (OBD) ......................................................................86
MMS 100/200 System Components ........................................................87
MMS 300/311 overview, system description and comparison ..............104
OBD-II Overview ..................................................................................107
Background .............................................................................................107
OBD-II .....................................................................................................108
Diagnostic Trouble Codes ......................................................................110
Readiness Codes ....................................................................................111
Summary ................................................................................................112

Table of Contents


MMS 400/410/411 Overview ...............................................................113

Oxygen Sensor(s) (O2S) behind
Three Way Catalyst (TWC) G130/G131 .................................................. 114
Sensor for EVAP canister G172 ..............................................................115
Data Link Connector (DLC) .....................................................................115
Secondary Air Injection (AIR) ..................................................................116
Leak Detection Pump (LDP) V144 ..........................................................117
Motronic M5.4.2 Overview ..................................................................119
System Description ................................................................................119
Input/Outputs - Motronic M5.4.2 ..........................................................120
Additional Systems .................................................................................121
A8 Motronic M5.4.2 system overview ..................................................122
Motronic M5.4.2 Components ...............................................................125
Input Sensors .........................................................................................126
Actuators (outputs) .................................................................................131
Motronic M5.9.2 Overview .................................................................. 139
System Description ................................................................................139
Input/Outputs - Motronic M5.9.2 ..........................................................140
Additional Systems .................................................................................141
1.8 liter turbo, system overview ............................................................142
Motronic M5.9.2 Component Differences ..........................................143
Engine Control Module J220 ..................................................................143
Combined Sensors/Actuators .................................................................144
Input Sensors .........................................................................................147
Actuators (outputs) .................................................................................152
Review ...................................................................................................156
Motronic ME 7 ......................................................................................159
Pathways ................................................................................................159
Components of Motronic ME 7.............................................................. 159
Electronic throttle control .......................................................................164
Review ...................................................................................................169
Level one course preparation ..............................................................171
Critical Thinking Skills .............................................................................171
Audi Electronic Service Information Service (AESIS) navigation ............172
Audi HELP line/Tech-tip line ...................................................................172
Diagnostic and Special Tools ..................................................................173
Review questions ...................................................................................173
Suggested reading and reference .......................................................173
Glossary ................................................................................................175
Post-test ................................................................................................179


The origins of Audi engine development can Technology moved the four-stroke engine
be traced back to a 1913 4-cylinder liquid- from magnetos and carburetors to ignition
cooled engine designed by August Horch coils, points, distributors, mechanical fuel
(1868-1951) in Zwickau, Germany. This great- injection, hydraulic fuel injection, electronic
grandfather of the modern Audi engine ignition, electronic fuel injection, and finally to
shared the same operating principles as the the combined fuel and ignition control of mod-
most modern 5-valve per cylinder water- ern Motronic engine management systems.
cooled automotive engine.
Motronic engine management systems use
Both engines are four-stroke reciprocating electronics to precisely monitor and control
internal combustion engines, and although a every aspect of engine operation, thereby
direct comparison cannot be made, the basic improving efficiency, power, and driveability,
operating principles remain the same. while at the same time reducing fuel con-
sumption and tailpipe emissions.


Motronic engine management systems con- Course goals

trol engine operation so precisely that it is no • review principles of engine operation
longer possible to identify a separate emis- • explain the progression of engine
sions system. All functions previously identi- management systems used by Audi
fied as emissions system functions are now • provide an in-depth understanding of both
components of Motronic engine manage- previous engine management systems and
ment. the state-of-the-art engine management
systems in use today
The intent of this program is to provide infor-
mation that will yield a greater understanding
of engine management systems commonly in
use, and the progression leading to the new-
est Motronic ME 7 system.

Principles of engine operation

Principles of engine operation Intake stroke (1)

Basic four-stroke principle The first phase of engine operation begins

with the intake valve opening and the piston
An internal combustion engine requires the moving down into the cylinder. This draws air
proper ratios of air and fuel, combined with a and atomized fuel into the cylinder.
properly timed spark for efficient combustion.
Compression stroke (2)
Operation of most automotive engines is
described in two upward and two downward Operation continues with the piston at the
movements of the piston, called strokes. bottom of its stroke, and the intake valve clos-
These four strokes occur during two revolu- ing. The piston moves up in the cylinder, com-
tions of the crankshaft and one revolution of pressing the air/fuel mixture. Near the end of
the camshaft. The complete process of cyclic the stroke the air/fuel mixture is ignited by the
external spark ignition resulting in internal ignition system.
combustion is called the “Otto cycle.”
Combustion (power) stroke (3)
All four-stroke engines operate in the same
manner, regardless of the number of cylin- As the air/fuel mixture burns it expands, creat-
ders, although an engine with multiple cylin- ing pressure within the cylinder, pushing the
ders has more firing pulses, resulting in a piston down. This provides the motion which
smoother running engine. turns the crankshaft.

Exhaust stroke (4)

The exhaust valve opens near the end of the

power stroke and the piston moves up. The
burned gases are pushed up and out the
exhaust port, and the cycle is repeated.

Principles of engine operation

Mechanical systems

Several support systems are required to The following diagnostic tests are used to
make the combustion process occur continu- check cylinder condition:
ously. The valvetrain operates the valves, the • Compression test:
lubrication system supplies the oil, the cool-
This test can be useful in evaluating con-
ing system removes heat, and the electrical
dition of the piston rings, head gasket
system supplies the voltage. The engine man-
and valve sealing ability when used in
agement system delivers fuel and spark to
conjunction with other diagnostic tests.
match the air demands of the engine.
A compression test requires the removal
Because of heat and drag, the thermal effi- of all the spark plugs. A pressure gauge
ciency of a typical gasoline engine is around is then threaded into the spark plug hole.
25% (approximately one fourth of the heat The engine is cranked for a specified
energy of the fuel is converted into usable number of pulses using the starter, while
engine power). applying Wide Open Throttle (WOT).
Pressure gauge readings are then com-
Mechanical Integrity pared to factory specifications.
To ensure the accuracy of the test, the
The mechanical condition of the cylinder
engine should be at normal operating
directly influences the combustion process.
Conditions within the combustion chamber
can also be influenced by other factors,
• Camshaft timing
• Oil pressure
• Restrictions in the intake or exhaust paths

Principles of engine operation

• Cylinder leakdown test Summary

A cylinder leakdown test is especially
For any combustion process to occur, proper
useful to identify sources of cylinder leak-
air/fuel mixture and a source of ignition are
age. As an example, a hissing sound
required. For an internal combustion engine
heard at the tailpipe while the test is
to operate, the air/fuel mixture must be com-
being performed indicates possible leak-
pressed, and the spark must occur at the
ing exhaust valves.
proper time to create the combustion that is
A cylinder leakdown test also requires the motive force used to drive the piston.
the removal of the spark plugs, but
necessitates that the crankshaft be The mechanical systems must all work
turned so that the piston is at the top of together to draw the combustible mixture
the compression stroke (Top Dead Cen- into the cylinder, to compress it, to extract
ter or TDC) with both valves closed. A maximum power from combustion and to
measured amount of compressed air is expel what remains after the combustion pro-
applied to the cylinder through the spark cess. These systems work together to pro-
plug hole using a leakdown tester. The vide the support necessary to keep the
pressure of the air in the cylinder is com- engine running.
pared to the pressure being applied. A
“percentage of leakage reading” is given
by the gauge. The reading is compared to
adjacent cylinders to determine cylinder
As in the compression test, the engine
should be at normal operating tempera-
ture to ensure the accuracy of the test.

Audi Engine Management Systems
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Principles of engine operation

Gasoline properties

For the engine management system to allow The CLC number is derived from both the
the engine to operate at peak efficiency and RON and the MON as follows:
power, the octane rating of the gasoline must
be within factory specifications as outlined in
the owners manual.

Octane is a relative measure showing the

gasoline’s ability to resist self-ignition due to
heat and pressure within the cylinder. Self The CLC number was later changed to the
ignition of the fuel is known as knocking (det- Anti-Knock Index (AKI) number. Gasolines
onation) or pinging (pre-ignition). identified as “regular” generally have an AKI
• Pinging: number of around 87, while gasolines identi-
When the air/fuel mixture ignites before fied as “premium” generally have an AKI
the spark occurs. number around 92.
• Knock: AKI numbers apply to gasoline that is freshly
When a pressure wave from spark ignit- pumped. Gasoline that is exposed to the air
ing the fuel creates a secondary combus- for extended periods of time undergoes a
tion, causing the two pressure waves to decrease in AKI number due to evaporation
collide. and oxidation.

Gasoline with higher octane numbers resist

temperature and pressure better, and there-
fore have less tendency to self-ignite.

Several methods of measuring octane are

used worldwide. These include the following:
• Research Octane Number (RON); tests
resistance to knock at lower engine
• Motor Octane Number (MON); tests
resistance to knock at higher engine

In an effort to simplify a confusing array of

octane numbers, the United States Govern-
ment enacted legislation requiring the posting
of a number on the dispensing pump reflect-
ing the minimum octane number as deter-
mined by the Cost of Living Council (CLC).

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