Information and Communications Technology Competence Among Grade 9 Students in Abra de Ilog Cluster, Division of Occidental Mindoro

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Volume: 5
Pages: 524-537
Document ID: 2022PEMJ343
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-14-11
Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Information and Communications Technology Competence Among Grade 9 Students in

Abra De Ilog Cluster, Division of Occidental Mindoro
Aiza L. Leyco*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The use of Information and Communications Technology became important especially in the time of
pandemic. Through it, schools, teachers, and students relied on its applications to adapt and continue
the learning process. However, in order to make it effective students must gain proficiency on the use
of ICT. Therefore, this study focused on determining the student’s level of knowledge and degree of
competence on the use of Information and Communications Technology variables in Abra de Ilog
Cluster, Division of Occidental Mindoro. The study employed the descriptive-correlational research
design using the survey questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument. The researcher utilized
stratified random sampling in selecting the respondents which accumulated a total of 204
respondents. Questionnaire were given to them and was administered by the researcher. This study
utilized statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, ranking, weighted mean, and Pearson’s r to
analyze the data that was retrieved from the respondents. Results indicated that the student’s level of
knowledge in Information and Communications Technology were found to a slightly knowledgeable.
Moreover, results on the degree of competence on the use of Information and Communications
Technology showed moderate competence. The result further indicated that the level of knowledge in
ICT has significant negligible association with the degree of competence in using ICT. Furthermore,
it was revealed from the findings that students have moderate problem on all the indicators
concerning the challenges encountered by the students in utilizing ICT variables except for one
indicator which was the lack of interest to learn basic ICT concepts and skills that was interpreted as
minor problems.

Keywords: information and communications technology, learning process, grade 9 students

Introduction help them deal with the real-life situations.

Technological skill is one of these skills that the
Information and communications technology (ICT) students need to acquire to the world that is advancing
has bombarded many people with different rapidly with the technology. With the changing
applications and information that they can use either at environment plus the impact that the pandemic gave
work, school, in businesses and even in their everyday has brought, the technology has risen its purpose.
tasks at home. And its applications were highlighted
Teachers and students alike were exposed to its
even more when the pandemic irrupted all over the
different uses, specifically communication. ICT, long
world. People became dependent on ICT since the
before the pandemic occurred, was connected to
pandemic has begun and all the information or news,
education to serve the purpose of giving quality and
they’ve found on internet is what they believe is true
liberating education to the learners. Teaching them to
without even discerning its truthfulness. Proper use of
utilize technology positively will result to an effective
ICT is vital for everyone to know since not all the
learning process for they know how and when to use
information coming from the internet is true and
their acquired knowledge from internet, technological
applications, and devices.
Being able to manage the use of ICT also means
Last May 15, 2009, the Department of Education
safeguarding their security and personal information.
(DepEd) released Order No. 50 stating that “The
In education it is crucial that all the knowledge that the
Department is launching the DepEd Internet
educators’ inputs into their students is logical and
Connectivity Project (DICP) in line with the
correct, so if the students learn from the internet, they
Presidential Directives to provide the Public
need to guide them on how to manage that knowledge
Secondary Schools an internet access.” The
that they input into their minds to make sure that they
Department also released Order No.78 s. 2010, entitled
are on the right path of the learning process.
Guidelines of the Implementation of the DepEd
During the teaching and learning process, one of the Computerization Program (DCP) stating that the “DCP
goals of an educator is to teach the students the skills aims to provide public schools with appropriate
that they can use during the learning process. This is to technologies that would enhance the teaching learning
process and meet the challenges of the 21st century.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

This program shall respond to the computer backlog of students, teachers, and school heads and eventually
public schools by providing them hardware and reduce the computer backlog in public schools. With
software, and training on simple trouble shooting.” these project and program, the possibility of a
These two guidelines are here to meet the needs of the successful implementation of ICT into the educative
changing environment and to acquire the 21st century process is at its peak.
skill that they want their students to gain through
technology. DepEd has been crafting and implementing these
programs that are responsive to producing quality
Moreover, these two guidelines are all aligned with the teachers and competent learners. However, with the
Republic Act No.10533 stating that “the state shall unprecedented effects caused by the Covid-19 virus
establish, maintain and support complete, adequate, outbreak, the system of education has also abruptly
and integrated system of education relevant to the changed. The mode of instruction and other school-
needs of the people, the country and society-at-large”. related works required to be technological in nature.
Accordingly, promoting ICT in K-12 education is As a result, the technological devices that the students
important to make tangible progress in the educational are using during the face-to-face classes were left
system (Tairab,, 2016). Integration of ICT will unused and dormant in the school’s computer
assist teachers to the global requirement to replace laboratory.
traditional teaching methods with a technology-based
teaching and learning tools and facilities. This is During these times on New Normal Education, the
because, using ICT tools and equipment will prepare subject ICT is still being offered as one of the
an active learning environment that is more interesting components of TLE subject in Abra de Ilog NHS. The
and effective for both teachers and students (Ghavifekr researcher, being the ICT teacher observed some new
& Rosdy, 2015). That is why with the legal mandates instances during the instruction in the New Normal.
released to make effective and liberating education for The students’ outputs are more traditional which used
the students DepEd has implemented a program called paper and pencil than technological from which they
the DCP along with the initial project called the DICP. could use different applications and resources online.
These instances suggested that the students may not
The two programs implemented by DepEd are the have their gadgets and resources that can be used
gateway to the successful dissemination and online, and/or that they may not have the knowledge
application of ICT to educating the students. The and skills in utilizing the applications and resources
DepEd internet connectivity project aims to provide available at hand.
schools an access to an internet connection which shall
complement the deployment of ICT equipment to In addition, according to the interview made by the
secondary schools. This project should be headed by a researcher particularly the SHS teachers, it was stated
team composed of the Division ICT Coordinator, that from 94 students of Cabacao SHS 60% of which
Division Accountant and the Technology and have very limited knowledge on the use of ICT skills
Livelihood Education (TLE) Supervisor and other and from 177 students in Abra de Ilog SHS has
representatives that will be needed by the team. Their incurred 44% of students having difficulty on the use
main role is to facilitate the process of internet of ICT skills as well. To further discuss, before the
connection of the school and assist them in conducting pandemic emerges, some of the students in SHS who
canvasses whether implementing units or non- came from the high schools in Abra de Ilog Cluster
implementing units. Apart from this, they also need to have no idea on how to turn on and turn off the
facilitate the payment of the internet subscription of desktop computer.
the non- implementing units and implementing units
and submit monthly or quarterly reports to the Central This was observed while they are on their laboratory
Office on the utilization of funds. activity during their subject in Media and Information
Technology. It was also observed that the students
Parallel to this project, DCP completes the mission and were having a hard time navigating thru the
vision of schools to make ICT more accessible to the computer’s applications and doing basic tasks like
students. The DCP aims to provide computer saving and printing a document. In addition to this,
laboratory packages to secondary schools and e- only Abra de Ilog NHS is offering an ICT
classroom to elementary schools. They also prioritize specialization among the Junior high school (JHS) of
giving of laptop units to mobile teachers so they can Abra de Ilog Cluster while the senior high school
integrate ICT in the school system that would pave the (SHS) have Media InformationTechnology which
way in raising the ICT literacy of learners, pupils, utilizes the appropriate technologies from the DCP

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

program. ICT Curriculum Standards for K-12 schools in the

Philippines. Information Communication Technology
With the identified effects and instances, the is a common term referring to the technologies used
researcher has further conducted an interview with the for collecting, storing, editing, and communicating
teachers at different junior high schools in Abra de information in various formats. ICT means the use of
Ilog Cluster about the DCP implementation. It turned computer-based technology and the Internet to make
out that the resources from the DCP were only utilized information and communication services available in a
as the need on the use of ICT arises. The researcher wide range of users. ICT is a hardware and software
also identified that the various schools are not offering that enable society to create, collect, consolidate and
ICT-related subjects. Aside from these, other factors communicate information in a multimedia format and
such as the need to improve students’ skills on the use for various purposes. ICT is playing a vital role in the
of ICT and the availability of expert teachers to teach current and future development of society and nation.
the said subject are the primary reasons of conducting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is
this study that aims in finding the competence on the a diverse set of technological tools and resources used
use of Information and Communications Technology to communicate and to create, disseminate, store, and
among grade 9 students. Along with this, it is but manage information (LISBDNetwork, 2014).
imperative for the researcher to take a careful
consideration on how to identify the strengths and Caluza et al., (2017) stated that ICTs can empower
w e a k n e s s e s of l e a r n er s c o n c e r n i n g the teachers and learners, promote change, and foster the
abovementioned field of specialization in order to development of the 21st century skills. ICT has the
provide the appropriate interventions. power to increase motivation and learner engagement
and helps to develop life-long learning skills. As a
The researcher intended to provide intervention powerful educational tool, ICT can facilitate the
activities. These activities will improve students’ transformation of school education. But to make this
knowledge and competence on the use of Information happen it is vital to bring about the changes to the
and Communications Technology. mind set and culture among teachers, administrators,
parents, and students.
Research Questions
In addition, ICT can help implement lifelong learning
The study aimed to assess and determine the by such activities as on-demand learning ‘and project-
Information and Communications Technology based learning. It can also facilitate it by making
competence among Grade 9 students in Abra de Ilog learning anytime and anywhere not just in classrooms,
Cluster, Division of Occidental Mindoro. more feasible. It is becoming increasingly important in
Relatively, the specific questions are enumerated to be our daily lives and in our educational system.
Moreover, ICTs have the capabilities to bring several
1. Is there a significant relationship between the benefits to teachers and students such as shared
level of knowledge in ICT and the degree of learning resources, shared learning spaces and
competence of students on the different ICT promotion of cooperative and collaborative learning
variables? they also provide a base for autonomous learning.
2. What are the challenges encountered by the ICTs have enabled us to communicate one to one, one
Grade 9 students in utilizing ICT variables? to many and many to many through communication
channels and networking. They provide a means to
Literature Review organize institutions differently and lead to new ways
of working together with virtualization (Panigrahi,
As basis for construction of the study, the concepts and
principles related were reviewed by the researcher ICT curriculum standards for K-12 schools in the
which contributed to coming up with enough, reliable, Philippines will serve as a framework for technology
and valid knowledge and information. These include integration in various academic content area
the ICT Curriculum Standards for K-12 schools in the instructions from kindergarten through grade 12,
Philippines, Students’ Knowledge and Competence on function as a guide for curriculum decisions by
the Use of ICT, Challenges encountered on using ICT providing student performance expectations in the
and Intervention Activities to enhance students’ areas of knowledge, skills and attitudes, and provide
competence on using ICT. examples of classroom activities and instructional

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

strategies utilizing ICT that will guide teachers as they In support, the Philippine government highlights the
design instruction to help their students meet learning importance of the role of ICT in education through RA
expectations. No. 10844. This aims to recognize the vital role of
information and communication in nation- building as
In the Philippine setting, with the K-12 curriculum, the well as to ensure the provision of strategic, reliable,
21st century skills needed by a holistically developed cost- efficient, and citizen-centric information and
Filipino are the Information, Media, and Technology communications technology (ICT) infrastructure,
skills, thus, the use of ICT in teaching and learning systems, and resources as instruments of good
process plays a vital role in developing these lifelong governance and global competitiveness. Moreover, the
skills needed by the learners as they go out of the presence of reliable, accessible, and affordable
school and face the reality of workplace (Briones, technology is required for us to actively participate in
2017). the information economy (Crisolo,2018).

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in This was further emphasized by (Garcia, 2016) in her
education is the mode of education that use article, Education, and Internet for a Sustainable PH,
information and communications technology to stating that better ICT access means better education
support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of for all. Internet with a vast of resources in it can
information. Worldwide research has shown that ICT provide accessible and comprehensive education for
can lead to an improved student learning and better students. She mentioned that Department of Education
teaching methods. A report made by the National recognizes the role of ICT in improving the state of
Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan,proved that education. As a result, the DepEd is unceasingly
an increase in the use of ICT in education with providing programs to better cater quality education to
integrating technology to the curriculum has a the learners.
significant and positive impact on students’
achievements. (Alemu, 2015) mentioned that education is impossible
without the assistance of ICT in the classroom.
Because ICT is complex, having a well-defined set of Accordingly, ICT is a tool in enabling the teachers and
curriculum standards in the Philippines will guide students towards more productive, effective, and
educators in defining and meeting the technology efficient learning, for this reason using ICT in
knowledge and skills. Filipino students need in their education cannot be avoided. This means that
current academic, tertiary education and future work everybody must learn to use skills in ICT positively. In
requirements thus making them globally competitive. addition, “the use of ICT in education lends itself to
With the implementation of the K-12 curriculum, a more student-centered learning settings and often this
new DepEd mandate was released wherein students creates some tensions for some instructors and
will extend for two more years in secondary school, students”. The integration of ICT into teaching-
much more funding is needed, and much more learning is becoming more and more important in the
learning is expected (Bonifacio, 2013). 21st century because education is moving rapidly into
digital media and information. This is even true when
Perez (2016) said that the responses made by the the Philippines has shifted from face-to-face classes to
government for ICT implementation and integration in other learning modalities.
private and public schools spearheaded by the
Department of Education as the lead agency created Moreover, Jan (2018) stipulated that since they believe
the DepEd Computerization Program. This provides ICT provides many benefits to students and empowers
computers and peripherals to the recipient public high teachers and learners to boost learning and obtain 21st-
schools nationwide and monitoring of the online centuryskills, it is widely assumed that ICT also
classes and courses. ICT tools like LCD interactive provides students with a more collaborative and
projector, e-room, and the e-library. The said program engaging teaching and learning environment.
believed to improve the administrative function of the
government as well as the teaching and learning Students’ Knowledge and Competence on the Use
process. It also aimed to fulfill the Department’s vision of ICT. The age of information and communication
for ICT education in the country; 21st century technology (ICT) has begun that people without the
education for all Filipinos. To fully realize such vision, knowledge will be left behind (Hwa, 2015). ICT
ICT enabled the education systems needed in the knowledge is needed as a basis for implementing ICT-
implementation of the said program. based learning (Almareta & Paidi, 2021).

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Research Article

Today's market is mostly based on advanced skills needed in performing basic computer tasks (Bait,
informatization. So that the students themselves could 2017). Jayasundara Dr. (2014) said that it is important
be more competitive in the market of education ICT is to develop ICT skills of students because it is a critical
one of the main links in their development. Without academic component which leads to Higher Order
well implemented ICT knowledge, students lose the Thinking (HOT) that in turn becomes lifelong
battle with competitiveness in the future (Hrehová & learning, transferable across all educational disciplines
Teplická, 2020). and applies to all avenues of life.

The use of ICT in classroom has been criticized as In the education aspect, ICT skills are also vital. In the
being too focused on transferring information as Philippines, the Department of Education vowed to
opposed to helping learners in constructing knowledge improve the information and communications
(Turgut, 2017). In addition, the use of ICT techniques technology (ICT) to enhance the knowledge, skills of
in learning/teaching has a very positive influence on a teachers and students (Philippine News Agency,
student’s learning capabilities as well. It is established 2017). According to Child Hope Philippines (2021),
that students reflect in a very positive manner towards the use of ICT shows a lot of benefits to both students
work and education when they are using computers to and teachers as it equips students for their future
complete tasks given to them, encouraging, and careers, helps personalize learning and teaching
motivating them to soak in the knowledge. Students approaches and to drive down cost in long run and
who used technology to learn in school have an bring more learning opportunities and boosts
increased self-esteem and self- confidence (Jain, teamwork and communication.
Supardi et al. (2021) mentioned that educators should
Students who are continuously exposed to technology improve the knowledge and skills in basic ICT such as
through education has better knowledge, presentation computer operations, software applications, internet
skills, innovative capabilities, and are ready to take skills and WWW skills of the students. In addition,
more efforts into learning as compared to their Santos (2021) said that it is a truth of today’s society
counterparts (ICT Enabled Education, 2017). These that hardly any job gets done without computers. To
proved that how ICT takes a great part in the learning better prepare high school students for upcoming jobs,
acquisition of students. Moreover, efforts to improve they must learn proper computer skills before entering
ICT access and to encourage peopleto utilize ICT more the workforce.
in their daily activities must focus on improving
awareness, knowledge, and skills for using ICT In line with the above mentioned, the National ICT
(Tabuga & Cabaero, 2021). Competency Standard (NICS) Basic provides the
performance indicators to evaluate the most basic set
According to Sargrad (2020) as mentioned in the of knowledge and competence of a students. It is
article from Alliance for Excellent Education 16.9 intended as a baseline measure for the ICT literacy of
million in the US students do not have home internet high school students, civil servants, and the vast
or a computer, these students were operating at lower workforce that benefit from the development of
levels of computer literacy than students who use information and communications technology in the
computers regularly. Based on EU commission skills Philippines. NICS Basic for students covers key areas
panorama, ICT skills involve confident and critical use of competency, referred to as Skill Set Divisions
of information society technology in the general namely: ICT Basics, Word Processing, Spreadsheets,
population and provide the necessary context (i.e., the Presentations, and Computer Ethics and Security.
knowledge, skills, and attitudes) essential for working, Through this standard, the data gathering, and other
living, and learning in the knowledge society. ICT processes ensure its validity.
skills are one of the seven transversal competences
which are integrated into all subjects. ICT skills are an Basic computer knowledge is about how computers
essential aspect of civic competencies and are seen work and how to use them. This may include typing,
both as a goal and a tool for learning (Kaarakainen et learning keyboard commands, powering a computer on
al., 2017). and off, knowing how to connect and disconnect the
Internet to a computer. It can help you understand
Aside from that, it is one way to lifelong learning, and different operating systems and application software.
it deals with the basic computer skills such as being Whether you are a student, salesperson, marketer,
able to do word-processing or go-online. Alongside copywriter, teacher or working professional, you need
with this, it is also the linking of the necessary ICT to know the computer basics. Having basic computer

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

knowledge makes it easier to complete everyday tasks addition to this, ATtech Edu (2020) that older
and increase workplace productivity (Indeed Editorial secondary students don’t know how to use
Team, 2021). spreadsheets, so embedding this understanding at the
primary school level is essential. In the end, Microsoft
Moreover, the knowledge of the basic parts of the Excel is really a very important application to teach, to
computer is essential in taking care of the device for include in classroom lectures and in the education
excellent functioning. This is a basic thing, but it is systems and process (Sharma, 2017).
really a must as the lack of knowledge of it may
decrease the computer life (Ghaz, 2020). According to (Akbar Iskandar et al, 2018) Multimedia
learning or Presentation is also known as learning
Next ICT skills is word processing that used to create media, which involves information technology in the
professional quality documents with various templates form of computer or Android, by bringing together
and formatting tools (Kataria, 2021). Sharma (2017) two or more elements consisting of voice, video, text
discussed in a blog, that Microsoft word is an and images incorporated in a multimedia software for
important education application. It is important to students interactively. In addition, multimedia
process raw facts into meaningful information. applications contribute to the generation of correct
Microsoft word can benefit teachers and students to mental models by students (Ercan, 2014).
create new innovative methods of learning and
teaching. In addition, Sharma (2017) also insisted that Asri (2016) states that the low usage of PowerPoint
if students learn these Microsoft word features in among teachers is attributed to their being less skillful
schools, she will be sure that they will be great in computer, having less understanding in the
professionals in the future especially in documenting functions of PowerPoint and PowerPoint-based
writing and editing related works. materials can help enhance learner understanding. In
addition to this, Hashim, Norshida, Saleh et. al (2016)
Spreadsheet or known as Microsoft Excel is an ICT
also supported the effectiveness of PowerPoint as a
skill and a program that allows you to easily perform
tool to improve learner’s understanding. Likewise,
calculations and recalculations of data by using
Damayanti (2015) stated that those functions are
numerous built-in functions and formulas (Held et, al.,
seldomly used because users are not aware of such
2019). One of the most appropriate ICTs for the
menu and animation features besides having less
manufacture of mathematical media because the
exposure to PowerPoint usage itself. Furthermore,
software is rich in mathematical functions (M Bernard,
Kwalker (2013) stated that students should learn, 2018). According to the blog by Sharma (2017),
Microsoft PowerPoint by the time they reach high
she stated that excel is very beneficial for students.
Students can learn by using excel how to convert raw
data into meaningful information and Microsoft Excel
Another ICT skills that students know is computer
formulas, formatting options, other data management
security and ethics. According to (Ejim, 2022)
and visualization tools can help students to perform
computer security and ethics are related in the sense
complex mathematical, logical, and financial
that the observation of established computer ethics will
calculations faster with accuracy.
lead to increased computer security. This refers to the
In addition, M Bernard,, (2019), where students security, or lack of security, of both personal and
feel confident about solving fractions. In the commercial computers. Ethics for computers is used to
contextual approach assisted by Visual Basic describe the philosophical principles of right and
Application for Microsoft Excel, the atmosphere of wrong in relation to the use of computers. Practicing
learning mathematics in fraction subject is more fun good computer ethics means that such unauthorized
and more interactive, this helped the learning and access would stop, protecting the personal information
teaching process in the classroom more effectively. of others.
However, Amiratul (2021) stated that the excel
spreadsheet is complicated because of certain Additionally, Abolarinwa et al., (2015) expressed that
circumstances such as input error, logic error and human today live in a borderless world where national
interface error, where it tends to lose the data included boundaries have been broken down as a result of the
and needs to re-type the same data again. computer revolution, which has facilitated the ease at
which illegal activities such as spamming, privacy,
According to Csernoch, M., & Abari, K. (2019) hacking, and attacking of computers through viruses
students completed secondary education without a are being perpetrated in cyberspace by computer
stable and reliable knowledge in spreadsheet. In criminals.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Furthermore, Molstead Library (2022), stated that inaccessible, as one of the common challenges in
students are responsible for making sure that when Asian countries.
using copyrighted material, it doesn’t violate the rights
of others. In addition, Arefeen, (2021), mentioned Aside from this, there is hardly any quality training
that items concerning computer ethics were rated at a imparted on a regular basis to teachers involved in ICT
medium level. The growing use of computer results in education. Shortage of equipment’s, lack of computers
rising opportunities for knowingly or unknowingly and computer-related resources such as printers,
involving in immoral or unlawful behavior. projectors, scanners, etc. in government schools in
rural areas, contribute to the full success of ICT usage.
According to Talib (2014) the students have awareness The ratio of computer per student is insufficient; there
and adequate recognition of computer ethics. In order is a mismatch between the complementing resources
to increase the use of computer software in all areas of and inappropriate combination of ICT resources result
life, the student should be fully knowledgeable about into reduced diffusion of technology as well as poor
computer ethics and social consequences. ICT understanding in these educational institutions
(digitalLearning Network, 2020).
Ahmad, (2016) stated that the mastery of ICT skills
has a direct correlation with the level of intelligence, Dotong et al., (2016) clearly illustrated some
cognitive development and higher order thinking skills limitations of ICT integration like shortage of ICT
that inspire creativity, innovation, and invention. facilities, poor maintenance of available or existing
Application of ICT skills by teachers did not happen ICT resources. In fact, there are still areas in the
and this will cause students not only master the Philippines, particularly in rural areas, where reliable
technical skills of ICT but ICT cognitive. supply of electricity and internet are miles away to
achieve. As a result, this deprives the chance of
In addition, Martinez-Daza et al., (2021) discussed that learners to effectively use ICT.
in the necessity of facing the knowledge and use of
ICTs, the analysis is now usually carried out jointly, According to (Lynch,2020) Australian teenagers are
since the greater the knowledge of a technological increasingly struggling to achieve the basic level
tool, the greater the probability of its use by the required in information and communications
student. As a result, high schools, universities, technology (ICT). In 2014, only around half (52%) of
government, and employers are expected to pay students in Year 10 achieved the minimum standard of
attention the knowledge and skills in ICT, because digital competence. There is a risk that a large
these are the people to restructure tomorrow. proportion of students may be left behind, at a time
when digital competence is becoming central to future
Many school-based ICT initiatives exist mainly to employment. One reason students that could be falling
impart knowledge and skills about computers. In terms down is actually has to do with teachers’ lack of
of educational transformation, some ICT in education competence in this area. Not only are school leavers
programs are driven by hopes that personalization of entering university with lower-than-desired digital
learning, embedded interactivity and multimedia competence, but if they graduate as teachers and still
delivery can improve the quality of education by lack the confidence to properly incorporate ICT into
learning with technology, not just about it (Osterwiel, their classes, the next generation is less likely to
et al., 2018). become digitally competent (McLeod, 2016). There is
a risk of fueling a downward spiral.
Challenges Encountered on using Information and
Moreover, ICT in education faces the same challenges
Communications Technology. Students face series of
like in the most developing countries where unstable
challenges in acquiring and utilizing ICT skills. Some
economy, poorly developed ICT infrastructure, high
of the challenges of acquiring ICT skills include lack
bandwidth costs, unreliable supply of electricity,
of funding, failure of the curriculum to include ICT,
general lack of resources, and improper use of ICT in
poor attitudes toward acquiring ICT skills,
the classroom teaching-learning (Dachia, 2020).
unavailability of training opportunities, poor ICT
facilities, high cost of ICT literacy training and lack of Despite careful planning and well-defined ambitions,
interest in digital information (Anyim, 2018). lack of access to ICT is recognized by the authorities
Application of ICT in Teaching and Learning process as a risk to effective implementation of learning
is insufficient (Puso & Ahmad, 2016). In addition, continuity. All three categories of respondents agreed
Panigrahi (2016), which includes issues of poor that the top three barriers to effective ICT use in
connectivity in rural and remote areas that are schools were: not enough computers and other ICT

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Research Article

equipment; not enough software and digital learning Methodology

resources that could be used for different subjects in
the curriculum; and no Internet access, or the Internet
connection was too slow and unreliable (Pouezevara et Research Design
al., 2020). Furthermore, (Saddiquah & Salim, 2017)
This study employed the descriptive-correlational
stated that slow speed of computers, signal problem in
research design using the survey questionnaire as the
Internet, virus threat, poor working condition of main instrument. It described the level of knowledge
computers, load shedding, and lack of access of of Grade 9 students in ICT relative to ICT basics, word
Internet are the problems faced by the majority of the processing, spreadsheets, presentations, information
students. and communication, computer ethics and security and
manifested their degree of competence in using the
Intervention Activities to Enhance Students’ following ICT variables based on the above-
Competence on the use of ICT. To address the issues mentioned.
and challenges, programs and intervention activities
were deployed. One of this is the Digital Rise Program Furthermore, this study investigated the relationship
of DepEd. It is an educational framework that anchors between the level of knowledge in ICT and the
to the infrastructure, software, and capacity building of student’s degree of competence of students in using
different ICT variables. Challenges encountered by the
learners and teachers in technology. According to the
Grade 9 students were determined and intervention
report the Digital Rise Program has three major
activities were proposed to enhance their level of
components. First of these components is the Digital competence on the use of ICT. Descriptive methods of
Literacy, where the K to 12 curriculum is updated to research aim at defining or giving a verbal portrayal or
include productivity tools like Word processing, picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation, etc.
spreadsheets, and presentations for Grade 4 to Grade 6. This is liable to repeated research because its topic
Grade 7 learners will have basic programming skills relates itself only to a certain period or limited number
subject while Grades 8 to 10 will have multimedia of years. Based on the results of descriptive studies
concepts as a subject focusing on video editing and about a subject, the inclination of conducting further
graphics design. Lastly, vocational skills like computer studies on such topic can be developed (Baraceros,
servicing, technical drafting, and broadband 2016). Correlational research was useful when the goal
installation are assigned to Senior High School was to examine the relationships between two or more
students. In addition, the Department partnered with random variables within the same population or
between the same variables in two different
Microsoft and Google to continuously provide
populations (Curtis, Comiskey, & Dempsey, 2016).
software to its stakeholders (DepEd, 2022). There are
many electronic textbooks, thematic videos on the Moreover, the following statistical tools were
Internet, and attend special computer courses. A employed in the computation and analysis of the
teacher will help gain all the skills which university gathered data: Frequency, Percentage, Ranking,
professors or employers may require (Beaman, 2021). Weighted Mean, and Pearson Product Moment
Correlation (Pearson r).
OpenGov Asia reported that a leadership school in
Bulacan, Philippines, advanced innovation in teaching Respondents of the Study
21st-century skills by redesigning its curriculum and
incorporating technology into core subjects. The The respondents were the Grade 9 students from 5
addition of the Computer Curricular Programme junior high schools of Abra de Ilog Cluster, Division
prepared students in the Philippines as early as a grade of Occidental Mindoro. A total of 701 population of
Grade 9 students were randomly selected, of which
school for digital literacy, ranging from basic coding
254 were the main subject of the study. The
to mobile app development. The programme
respondents were contacted by the adviser through
specializes in providing cutting-edge and
text, email, or chat. In the same manner, aside from the
comprehensive computer curriculum to teachers and chosen main respondents, 20 students were used in
students through detailed training (Hani, 2021). In testing reliability. To come up with the acceptable
addition, Ben Youssef et al., (2022) collaboration sample size of the study coming from different school
among learners and interactive learning, have a in Abra de Ilog Cluster, the Slovin’s Formula was used
positive influence on student success. at 5 % margin of error.

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Research Article

Data Gathering Instruments

Camurong National High School was 45 minutes
In this study, the researcher used several methods for hours boat ride, the availability of the respondents and
data gathering. The main data gathering tool utilized welfare of the research er were taken into
was the survey questionnaire based on the NICS. considerations because the data gathering consumed
much of the time.
Questionnaire. This is the main data gathering
instrument that was used in this study which is Also, researcher administered and distributed the
composed of three (3) parts namely: Part I is the level survey- questionnaire to each respondent. After
of knowledge of Grade 9 students in ICT relative to answering Part I in the questionnaire, the researcher
ICT basics, word processing, spreadsheets, interviewed the respondents so as to elicit responses
presentations, and computer ethics and security; Part II relative to their competence in ICT. The collected data
dealt the degree of competence along the above- were tallied, organized, and given appropriate
mentioned ICT variables and Part III covered the statistical treatment by the statistician.
challenges encountered by the Grade 9 students in
using ICT variables. The set of questionnaires was
distributed to all respondents. Results and Discussion

Unstructured Interview. The researcher employed

This section presents the results, analysis, and
unstructured interviews with the respondents to collect
interpretation of data gathered from the respondents
information that could bolster and support the
from 5 Junior High schools in Abra de Ilog Cluster,
conclusions and results of the data from the survey
Division of Occidental Mindoro. The data were
questionnaire. In light of this, the researcher created a
presented using tables and their corresponding
set of guide questions that examined the students’ level
of knowledge regarding ICT variables and the
challenges they encountered when using those Relationship between the level of knowledge and
the degree of competence in the use of different
Data Gathering Procedure Information and Communications Technology
In gathering the data needed in this study, survey
method was implemented to acquire the accurate and The tables below revealed the relationship between the
concrete responses of the respondents. After the level of knowledge and the degree of competence in
validation of the instrument, the researcher sent a letter the use of different ICT variables.
and secure a permit from the Office of the Schools
Table 1. Relationship between the respondents’ Level
Division of Superintendent, Division of Occidental
Mindoro, Office of Public Schools District of Knowledge relative to ICT Basics and the Degree
Superintendent, to the Municipal Inter-Agency Task of Competence in the use of different ICT variables

Force, and from the Barangay Captain of each

barangay to conduct the study in the five Secondary
High Schools in Abra de Ilog Cluster. Upon the
approval of the said letter, another letter was sent to
the Office of the Principal of the five secondary high
school seeking permission to conduct the study and
administer the survey questionnaire. Then, the A pearson correlation in table 1 was performed to test
researcher also coordinated with the class advisers and if there is an association between the level of
ICT teachers to schedule the respondents house-to- knowledge relative to ICT Basics and degree of
house survey. competence in ICT relative to different ICT variables.
The result of the pearson correlation r = 0. 26, for the
The data gathering was conducted on June 2022. The association on ICT basics and degree of competence
researcher had a difficult time in doing the field study relative to ICT basics, r = 0. 04 for the association on
because the two secondary high schools in Abra de ICT basics and degree of competence relative to word
Ilog Cluster were located in a coastal area. Since Biga processing, spreadsheets and computer ethics and
National High School was 1-2 hours boat ride and security and r = 0.05 for the association on ICT basics

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Research Article

and degree of competence relative to presentations positive association and significant positive
indicated that there was a not sign ificant association in case of presentations. The result
negligible/very low positive association. A very low although the association is negligible and low implies
positive association indicates that knowledge on ICT that knowledge in word processing is important for a
basics cannot be a predictor of degree of competence student to have degree of competence in ICT. A
in any of the ICT variables, which means that a student student who are knowledgeable in word processing is
who are highly knowledgeable in ICT basics will not likely to be competent in any ICT variables stated.
surely be highly competent in performing such skills.
The result implies that knowledge in ICT basics is a To support this finding of the present study, a study
solely variable in the study and does not any effect on conducted by Rahman et. al, (2015) stated that there is
the other variable. also a significant relationship between knowledge
about MS Word and its uses in teaching & learning.
This find supports from the study conducted Tsoni et Respondents with higher knowledge on MS Word tend
al., (2014) found in their study that a small but to use it more frequently.
significant number of students lack basic ICT skills.
This demonstrates that there is a knowledge gap and Table 3. Relationship between the respondents’ Level
that ICT literacy has to be reinforced. In addition to of Knowledge relative to Spreadsheets and the Degree
support this finding of the present study, a study of of Competence on the use of different ICT variables
Infante-Moro et al., (2019) revealed that there is a
positive response in the acquisition of ICT skills for
students’ future professional performance. However,
even if the students have high average values in the
knowledge of ICT, there are some areas in ICT that
show the weak points of the students.

Table 2. Relationship between the respondents’ Level

of Knowledge relative to Word Processing and the As presented in table 3, a pearson correlation was
performed to test if there is an association between the
Degree of Competence on the use of different ICT
level of knowledge relative to spreadsheets and degree
of competence in ICT relative to different ICT
variables. The result of the pearson correlation r = 0.
24, for the association on spreadsheets and degree of
competence relative to ICT basics, r = 0. 16 for the
association on spreadsheets and degree of competence
relative to word processing, r = 0. 25 for the
association on spreadsheets and degree of competence
relative to spreadsheets, and r = 0. 34 for the
A pearson correlation in table 2 was performed to test association on spreadsheets and degree of competence
if there is an association between the level of relative to presentations and r = 0.16 for the
knowledge relative to word processing and degree of association on spreadsheets and degree of competence
competence in ICT relative to different ICT variables. relative to computer ethics and security indicated that
The result of the pearson correlation r = 0.26, for the there was a significant negligible and low positive
association on word processing and degree of association. Negligible and low association between
competence relative to ICT basics, r = 0.14 for the those ICT variables indicate that knowledge on
association on word processing and degree of spreadsheets is also vital for a student to have degree
competence relative to word processing, r = 0. 21 for of comp etence in ICT. A stud en t who are
the association on word processing and degree of knowledgeable on spreadsheets is likely to be
competence relative to spreadsheets, and r = 0. 31 for competent in any ICT variables stated and will surely
the association on word processing and degree of to use and manipulate information and communication
competence relative to presentations and r = 0.14 for technology.
the association on word processing and degree of
competence relative computer ethics and security The results of the present study were supported by the
indicated that there was a significant negligible study of Rahman, (2015), which says that
respondents having a higher functional knowledge on

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

MS Excel use it more regularly.

Table 4. Relationship between the respondents’ Level

of Knowledge relative to Presentations and the Degree
of Competence in the use of different ICT variables

Table 5 shows the association between the level of

knowledge relative to computer ethics and security and
degree of competence in ICT relative to different ICT
variables. The result of the pearson correlation r = 0.
27, for the association on computer ethics and security
and degree of competence relative to ICT basics, r = 0.
Table 4 showed a pearson correlation to test if there is 17 for the association on computer ethics and security
an association between the level of knowledge relative and degree of competence relative to word processing,
to presentations and degree of competence in ICT r = 0. 18 for the association on computer ethics and
relative to different ICT variables. The result of the security and degree of competence relative to
pearson correlation r = 0. 27, for the association on spreadsheets, and r = 0. 26 for the association on
presentations and degree of competence relative to computer ethics and security and degree of
ICT basics, r = 0. 16 for the association on competence relative to presentations and r = 0.17 for
presentations and degree of competence relative to the association on computer ethics and security and
word processing, r = 0. 25 for the association on degree of competence relative to computer ethics and
presentation and degree of competence relative to security indicated that there was a significant
spreadsheets, and r = 0.35 for the association on negligible and low positive association.
presentation and degree of competence relative to
The result negligible association between those ICT
presentations and r = 0.16 for the association on variables indicate that knowledge on computer ethics
presentation and degree of competence relative to and security is needed for a student to have degree of
computer ethics and security indicated that there was a competence in using ICT. A student who are
significant negligible and low positive association. knowledgeable on computer ethics and security is
expected to possess skills in using such information
The result negligible and low association between and communication technology. The result of the
those ICT variables indicate that knowledge on present study was supported by Rotas (2021) who
presentation is necessary for a student to have degree rev ealed that the stu den ts are som ewh at
of competence in using ICT. A student who are knowledgeable about the possible threats, and they
knowledgeable on presentation is expected to have sometimes practice protective behaviors in remote
skills in using such information and communication learning.
technology. With the guidance of the teacher a student
To sum up, knowledge in ICT variables has significant
will surely perform such assigned tasks in any
negligible association with the degree of competence
computer application.
in using ICT. The result indicates that basic concepts
on ICT should be known to students before they are
This finding of the present study was greatly supported brought in computer laboratory for them to have initial
by the study of Batez, (2021) that students learned the knowledge on how to use those ICT. A teacher must
use of ICT from their teacher, particularly skills see to it that those concepts are clear and well
related to creating and editing content such as tables, understand by students to ensure success whenever
files, and presentations. they are in the laboratory.

Table 5. Relationship between the respondents’ Level This finding of the present study supported by Ahmad,
of Knowledge relative to Computer Ethics and (2016), wherein it stated that the mastery of ICT skills
has a direct correlation with the level of intelligence,
Security and the Degree of Competence on the use of
cognitive development and higher order thinking skills
different ICT variables that inspire creativity, innovation, and invention.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 524-537, Document ID: PEMJ345, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7317305, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Application of ICT skills by teachers did not happen that they are aware on who will be the owner and who
and this will cause students not only master the can edit a certain project that was made by a certain
technical skills of ICT but ICT cognitive. individual.

In addition to support this finding of the present study, Furthermore, slow/unstable, or totally no internet
a study of Martinez-Daza et al., (2021) discussed that connection with weighted mean of 3.11 was the
in the necessity of facing the knowledge and use of second to the highest challenge encountered by
ICTs, the analysis is now usually carried out jointly, students. This finding of the present study was attested
since the greater the knowledge of a technological by Pouezevara et al., (2020) who stated that the top
tool, the greater the probability of its use by the three barriers to effective ICT use in schools were: not
student. enough computers and other ICT equipment; not
enough software and digital learning resources that
Challenges encountered by the students in utilizing could be used for different subjects in the curriculum;
ICT variables and no Internet access, or the Internet connection was
too slow and unreliable. Additionally, the result of the
The table below presents the challenges encountered present study conformed by Panigrahi (2016), which
by the respondents in using ICT variables. includes issues of poor connectivity in rural and
remote areas that are inaccessible, as one of the
Table 6 reveals results regarding the degree of common challenges in Asian countries.
competence of the respondents on the use of ICT to
computer ethics and security. It was highlighted in the Moreover, the students also perceived those lack of
result that majority of the students were moderately ICT resources or other gadgets in learning like laptop,
competent in creating something on a computer and smartphone, and tablets as the second to the highest
recognizing that the created work is that person’s challenge with a weighted mean of 3.06 which was
property with a mean of 2.90 and that they can create a interpreted as moderate problem. According to the
strong password in different social media/email interview made by the researcher this finding was due
account with a weighted mean of 2.83 which was to the fact that even if the respondents have their
interpreted as moderately competent. cellphones at hand, they are still looking for an
opportunity to use laptops and desktops on their
Table 6. Challenges Encountered by the Students in learning. It is mainly because the applications software
Utilizing ICT Variables was incompatible with the smartphones that they are
using in the meantime. Also, some of the smartphones
that they are using in learning was owned by their
older siblings and only lets them borrow it for a short
span of time.

This finding of the present study was supported by the

article of digitalLearning Network (2020) which stated
that there is hardly any quality training imparted on a
regular basis to teachers involved in ICT education.
Shortage of equipment’s, lack of computers and
computer- related resources such as printers,
projectors, scanners, etc. in government schools in
rural areas, contribute to the full success of ICT usage.
The ratio of computer per student is insufficient; there
is a mismatch between the complementing resources
and inappropriate combination of ICT resources
resulted into reduced diffusion of technology as well
as poor ICT understanding in these educational
Moreover, when an individual creates something on a institutions.
computer, the student recognize that only person has
The respondents showed eagerness on learning more
the right to change it having a mean of 2.61 and
about the ICT tools and variables, thus garnered a
interpreted as moderately competent. This indicates
weighted mean of 2.45 which was interpreted as minor
problem on the indicator lack of interest to learn basic

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Research Article

ICT concepts and skills, which was considered as the of ICT. (2) An individual tutorial may be conducted by
least problem of the students. But the results of the the ICT teachers coordinated by the ICT coordinator
present study were contradicted by Anyim (2018), who on the use of different ICT tools and equipment
stated that one of the challenges in acquiring and through home visitation. (3) The proposed activities
utilizing ICT skills was poor attitudes toward may require checking and seeking of validation to the
acquiring ICT skills. persons expert on the field of study then it can be
implemented and applied by the school to enhance the
More so, the results from the table that the students basic knowledge and competence of students in terms
also show a moderate problem on lack of confidence of the use of ICT. (4) The school may include ICT as
in using ICT in the teaching and learning process, one of the subjects or may integrate it on the different
which was with a weighted mean of 2.85. This was subjects to strengthen the use of ICT.
because students were not able to hold and see what a
computer was due to the distance learning modality
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