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This is an accepted version of an article by Murdiyarso, D., Purbopuspito, J., Kauffman, J.B., Warren,
M.W., Sasmito, S.D., Donato, D.C., Manuri, S., Krisnawati, H., Taberina, S., Kurnianto, S. 2015. The
potential of Indonesian mangrove forests for global climate change mitigation. Nature Climate
Change, 5: 1089-1092.
The potential of Indonesian mangrove forests for global climate change
Daniel Murdiyarso1,2*, Joko Purbopuspito1,3, J. Boone Kaufman4, Matthew W. Warren5, Sigit D. Sasmito , Daniel C.
Donato6, Solichin Manuri7, Haruni Krisnawati8, Sartji Taberima9 and Sofyan Kurnianto1,4
1Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Jl. CIFOR, Situgede, Bogor 16115, Indonesia. 2Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bogor Agricultural University,
Kampus Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia. 3Department of Soil Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Kampus Kleak—Bahu, Manado 95115, Indonesia. 4Oregon State University,
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Nash Hall Rm 104, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA. 5USDA Forest Service, 271 Mast Rd, Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA. 6School of
Environmental and Forest Science, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. 7Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra,
ACT 0200, Australia. 8Research and Development Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation, Forestry Research and Development Agency, Jl. Gunung Batu 5, Bogor 16610,
Indonesia. 9University of Papua, Manokwari 98314, Indonesia. *e-mail:
Mangroves provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including nutrient cycling, soil formation, wood
production, fish spawning grounds, ecotourism and carbon (C) storage1 . High rates of tree and plant
growth, coupled with anaerobic, water-logged soils that slow decomposition, result in large long-term C
storage. Given their global significance as large sinks of C, preventing mangrove loss would be an efective
climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy. It has been reported that C stocks in the Indo-Pacific
region contain on average 1,023 MgC ha−1 (ref. 2). Here, we estimate that In- donesian mangrove C stocks
are 1,083 ± 378 MgC ha−1 . Scaled up to the country-level mangrove extent of 2.9 Mha (ref. 3), Indonesia’s
mangroves contained on average 3.14 PgC. In three decades Indonesia has lost 40% of its mangroves4 , mainly
as a result of aquaculture development5 . This has resulted in annual emissions of 0.07–0.21 Pg CO2 e. Annual
mangrove deforesta- tion in Indonesia is only 6% of its total forest loss6 ; however, if this were halted, total
emissions would be reduced by an amount equal to 10–31% of estimated annual emissions from land-use
sectors at present. Conservation of carbon-rich man- groves in the Indonesian archipelago should be a high-
priority component of strategies to mitigate climate change.
Globally, deforestation and conversion of mangroves has been shown to contribute 0.08–0.48 Pg CO2 e yr−1 , or 10%
of the total global emissions from tropical deforestation, even though man- groves account for only about 0.7% of
the world’s tropical forest area2 . C losses from mangrove conversion can be high not only because of losses from
aboveground C pools but also belowground pools. Potential C losses from mangroves converted to shrimp ponds in the
Dominican Republic were 661–1,135 MgC ha−1 (ref. 7).
In 1980, there were 4.2 Mha of mangrove forests along Indonesia’s 95,000 km of coastline3 . Over just 20 years mangrove
forest cover had declined about 26%, to an estimated 3.1 Mha (ref. 8). In 2005, mangrove forest cover had further
decreased to 2.9 Mha (ref. 3). On the basis of FAO data, cumulatively Indonesia has lost 30% of its mangrove forests
between 1980 and 2005; this is equivalent to an annual deforestation rate of 1.24%. Recent estimates of Indonesia’s
mangrove cover suggest a total loss of 40% in the past three decades4 . Aquaculture development was the main cause5 , after
it expanded rapidly in 1997–2005 and resulted in an officially recorded activepond area of about 0.65 Mha (ref. 9). It
was also reported that the revenue from shrimp export approached US$ 1.5 billion in 2013; almost 40% of the total
revenues arising from the Indonesian fishery sector10 .
As most countries do not have sufficient information to include mangroves in their national reporting to the United
Nations, it is important to generate country- or region-specific data on C stocks and emission factors from various
land-use activities in mangroves. In the latest National Communication11 to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Indonesia did not specifically include mangroves, because the IPCC
Guidelines for wetlands greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories became available only in 2013 (ref. 12). Indonesia’s
mangroves are subject to tremendous development pressures despite the fact that sustainable mangrove management
could contribute substantially to meeting the proposed national GHG emissions reduction target of 26–41% by
2020. If conservation actions were taken, emissions from mangrove conversion would be reduced13 . However, to be a
part of a land-based GHG emission reduction activity, information on C storage and its dynamics is necessary.
In general, soil BD at all sites (except Cilacap) significantly increased with depth (χ 2 (4) = 76.199, p = 0.001;
Supplementary Table 3). We found that soil BD across sites and depths ranged from 0.28 ± 0.04 g cm−3 at the 0–15
cm depth in Tanjung Puting to 0.76 ± 0.03 g cm−3 at the 100–200 cm depth in Bintuni. The mean soil BD was 0.56 ±
0.15 g cm−3 . Soil C concentration tended to decrease with depth, although in some sites (Sembilang, Cilacap, Bunaken
and Teminabuan) the differences were not significant. When data are pooled, the total mean C concentration of
the top 100 cm of soil was 10.45% and highly significantly different (χ 2 (4) =64.673, p = 0.001) than deeper soil
layers (100–300 cm) with a mean C concentration of 7.30%. It is clear that C-rich soil exists at depths of 3 m or
greater in these ecosystems. Soil C density did not differ significantly (χ 2 (4) = 5.011, p= 0.286), with depth within
any site. The mean C density of soil depths from all sites combined was remarkably similar, ranging from 43.65 ±
1.03 to 46.95 ± 1.08 mg C cm−3 (Fig. 1). We estimated that the mean soil C stocks were 849 ± 323 MgC ha−1 , with a range
from 572 ± 200 MgC ha−1 at the Cilacap site to 1,059 ± 189 MgC ha−1 at the Tanjung Puting site.
The mean mangrove ecosystem C stock, which represents the total quantity of C stored in all components,
was 1,083 ± 378 MgC ha−1 (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 2). Uncertainty propagation (95% confidence interval)
indicated that Indonesia’s mangrove C stocks ranged between 442 MgC ha−1 and 1,567 MgC ha−1 in the areas studied.
With an extent of 2.9 Mha in 2005, we estimated that Indonesian mangroves store as much as 3.14 ± 1.10 PgC, with a
range between 1.28 and 4.54 PgC.
The lowest ecosystem C stocks (593 ± 210 MgC ha−1 ) were found in Cilacap. The lower C stock at this site is probably a
reflection of exploitation for more than 70 years in this densely populated area17 . In contrast, the mangroves of the
sparsely populated Bintuni region had the highest mean C stocks of 1,397 ± 191 MgC ha−1 . Our estimate of Indonesian
mangrove C stocks are several times higher than those of tropical forests growing on mineral soil—for example, C stocks
of upland forests in Sumatra, Indonesia were estimated to be 254 MgC ha−1 (ref. 18). In one of few studies to directly
compare the C stocks of upland forests and mangroves, it was repoted that average C stocks of mangroves were 830–
1,218 MgC ha−1 (ref. 2), whereas the C stocks of non-mangrove neotropical forests were reported to range from 141
to 571 MgC ha−1 (ref. 19).
Although there was variation in how ecosystem C stocks were partitioned across sites, the majority (78%) of C was
stored in the soils. Smaller pools of C were stored in living trees and roots or biomass (20%), and in dead or downed
wood (2%). This finding is similar to many other mangrove ecosystems worldwide2,7,20,21 .
Climate change mitigation potential
The Indonesian mangrove deforestation rate from 1980 to 2005 was 52,000 ha yr−1 (ref. 3). Although covering less than
2% of the forest area22 , this was 6% of the 0.84 Mha yr−1 annual forest loss reported for Indonesia6 . With a total C
storage of 3.14 PgC, Indonesian mangroves have significant potential to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.
Assuming that the fate of soil carbon following land-use change in Indonesia were to be similar to that measured in
abandoned shrimp ponds in the Dominican Republic7 , emissions from land use were estimated to be 0.07–0.21 Pg CO2 e
yr−1 , or an average estimate of 0.19 Pg CO2 e yr−1 . Total emissions from the Indonesian land-use sector were
estimated to be 0.7 Pg CO2 e yr−1 (ref. 11). This suggests that avoiding mangrove deforestation would reduce emissions
by an amount equal to 10–31% of estimated annual land-use emissions at present.
Having regional and global estimates of C stocks and emission factors helped the progress of managing coastal blue
carbon2,13,23 . However, generating country-specific estimates derived from the extensive measurements
demonstrated here is an improvement for the next important step for informed decisions on climate change
mitigation, restoration of degraded mangroves, and fishery practices.
To put this into the global perspective, on the basis of our estimates, Indonesian mangrove loss contributed 42% of the
global emissions from the destruction of coastal ecosystems, including marshes, mangroves and sea grasses, which have
been estimated to release 0.15–1.02 Pg CO2 e annually23 . It was also estimated that the global blue carbon emissions
were equivalent to 3–19% of all
GHG emissions from global deforestation, and resulted in economic damages of US$ 6–42 billion per year at a price of
US$ 41 per ton of CO2 (ref. 23). Following earlier study, the economically viable abatement cost was less than US$
10 per ton of CO2 (ref. 24), Indonesia could potentially gain substantial social benefits from avoiding mangrove
Provided that the cost structure, including that of project development costs, are well defined, the net benefits from
avoiding mangrove deforestation and conversion may be established. Nevertheless, climate change mitigation by
preventing the existing C from being released can be bundled with adaptation measures for coastal protection of rising sea
levels. Mitigation and adaptation strategies also promote the benefits of ecosystem services by improving community
nutrition and livelihoods from near-shore capture fisheries.Indonesia’s shrimp industries, which are mainly large scale,
generate revenue of US$ 1.5 billion annually9,10 . The increased production is associated with an expansion in 1997–
2005, which then levelled off at an average area of around 650,000 ha (Supplementary Table 5). To provide a global
context of mangrove C dynamics (ecosystem C stocks, deforestation rates and total C stocks) of this study and the major
driver of mangrove conversion, we compiled published data from nine other countries (Table 1). Along this line we
plotted the calculated total national mangrove C stocks, as shown in Fig. 3a, and compared the decreasing trends of
mangrove area (Fig. 3b) with shrimp production25 (Fig. 3c) and emissions of CO2 (Fig. 3d).
Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia are the top three countries for shrimp export. Indonesia has the largest total C stocks
(3.14 Pg) and the highest deforestation rate (52,000 ha yr−1 ) among these countries, which could be closely
associated with shrimp pond expansion and shrimp production trends over the past three decades. In contrast,
Thailand has a low deforestation rate yet had the highest shrimp production on Earth. This is because the Thai
shrimp industry relied on intensified high-input systems26 . In addition, one third of Thailand’s mangroves were
destroyed before 1980 (ref. 27). On the other hand, in Vietnam, although its mangrove area is relatively small, its high
deforestation rate of 1.67% (Table 1) led Vietnam to overtake Indonesia in shrimp production in 2002 (Fig. 3c)25 .
Countries such as Bangladesh and Malaysia may have protected their mangroves and did not pursue conversions, whereas
the Philippines and the Dominican Republic have lost over half of their mangrove cover from 1985 to 2005 (ref. 3) to be
able to support the shrimp industry or other land uses.
This work is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
D. Sheil provided useful comments on an earlier draft. We are also grateful to officials from Sembilang, Bunaken and
Tanjung Puting National Parks for their assistance, without which the field work could have not been performed. We
would also like to thank the many technicians, students and villagers who assisted in data collection in the field.
Author contributions
D.M. conceived and designed the study, collected field data, performed data analyses and led the writing of the paper. J.P.
collected field data, performed data analyses and contributed to writing. J.B.K. also conceived and designed the study,
collected field data and contributed to analysis and writing. M.W.W. collected field data and contributed to writing. S.D.S.
contributed to data collection, data analysis and writing. D.C.D. contributed to data collection and writing. S.M. collected
field data and contributed to writing. H.K. collected field data and contributed to writing. S.T. collected field data and
contributed to writing. S.K. contributed to data collection and writing.