Consumers - Attitude - Toward - Islamic - Insurance - Services in Nigeria

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Consumers’ Attitude toward Islamic Insurance Services (Takaful) Patronage in

Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

Article  in  International Journal of Marketing Studies · March 2015

DOI: 10.5539/ijms.v7n2p27


23 754

2 authors:

Ahmad Audu Maiyaki Habibu Ayuba

Bayero University, Kano NNDC-ICAN Study Centre Kano


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Non-Economic Factors Influencing the Islamic Insurance (Takaful) in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria View project

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International Journal of Marketing Studies; Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
ISSN 1918-719X E-ISSN 1918-7203
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Consumers’ Attitude toward Islamic Insurance Services (Takaful)

Patronage in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria
A. A. Maiyaki1& H. Ayuba2
Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Bayero University, Nigeria
NNDC-ICAN Study Centre, Murtala Mohammed Library Complex, Nigeria
Correspondence: H. Ayuba, NNDC-ICAN Study Centre, Murtala Mohammed Library Complex, Ahmadu Bello
Way, Nassarawa, Kano State, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Received: January 12, 2015 Accepted: February19, 2015 Online Published: March 28, 2015
doi:10.5539/ijms.v7n2p27 URL:

Islamic Insurance (Takaful) is the insurance practice that is established based on ethical faith to provide a risk
management product for consumers whose belief has discouraged them to patronize the conventional insurance
services.Takaful products are developed to be free from 3 in-built principles (interest, uncertainty and gambling
element) that have disqualified any financial transaction to be Sharia compliant. Thus, the paper is aimed at
examining the factors that influence the consumers’ attitude toward Takaful services patronage in Kano
Metropolis, Nigeria. To this end, the study examines the extent to which consumers’ awareness, perception of
Takaful services and the trust and confidence they reposed on Takaful Operators have significant relationship
with their attitude towards Takaful services patronage. A structured questionnaire was the only instrument used
in collecting the data. Although, the population of the study is indefinite, 384 subjects are administered with the
questionnaires using judgmental sampling technique and the employment status of the respondents was the basis
for the selection and inclusion of the respondents in the study. The data was analyzed using multiple- regression
with SSPS version 17. The paper found that awareness, perception, trust and confidence are significantly related
to the consumers’ attitude toward Takaful services patronage. It was, therefore, recommended that an attitudinal
change campaign is required and rigorous marketing campaign should be embarked upon to create awareness of
Takaful service and its Operators. Hence, trust and confidence of people should be won and built in favor of
Takaful services.
Keywords: Islamic insurance, Takaful, awareness, perception, trust, confidence, attitude
1. Introduction
Consumers’ patronage attitude is a psychological tendency that evaluates their related entity with some degree of
favor or disfavor. Thus the attitude predicts consumption behavior. It is also guided and governed by more
overarching value systems which encompass central dispositions applicable to a wide range of situations, context
and behavior. It is the consumers’ context specific dispositions that link personal value toward actual
consumption behavior (Wang, Dou, & Zhou, 2008). Consumer’s tradition and culture, of course, play significant
role in shaping their mindset (attitude) in anything materials (products/insurance) in this global world. Their
global view is largely dependent on their attitude which is a product of culture and tradition. Attitude toward
anything such as life style, education, risks and more importantly the consumption habit are made by consumers
to simply make their choices about what they interact with or consume like products or services. Consumers
consume many products and services for them to satisfy their pressing needs to survive and prosper privately or
in business. The perceived pressing needs of consumers in the contemporary world, as observed (by who?),
might not be far away from the need for security, security for life and properties. This calls for the flourishing of
many risk management products at the services of consumers that can allow them to transfer the risk attributable
to lack of security, to avoid it or to accept it. Among the available products that can enable the people, especially
business community to transfer and mitigate their risk which has become so pronounced is insurance services.
With its perfectly competitive market status, Nigerian Insurance Industry has provided choices for people whose
ethical and religious conscience permits them to consume only ethical products and services. The conventional
insurance services available in the Industry are found to be ill-suited to the culture, tradition, ethics and religion
of Muslim population who are very largely predominantly in the Northern part of the country, more particularly

27 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. This creates the needs for risk management service that can be accepted and
patronized by the people of Kano who are largely business people. Consumers’ patronage of a product and
service, according to MdRazak, Idris, Yusof, Ja’apar and Ali (2013), is a very complicated process involving
societal attitudes. This made the consumers’ attitude to be a significant factor in determining product/service
patronage particularly Islamic Insurance (Takaful) services consumption (Ayuba, 2014).
Takaful as reported by MdRazak et al. (2013), based on Bank Negara’s definition, isan insurance concept in
Shariahwhereby a group of participants mutually agree among themselves to guarantee each other against
defined loss or damage that may inflict upon any of them by contributing as Tabarru (donation) in the Takaful
fund. A provision is made by a group of persons where each personsingle-handedly, who is in danger of some
loss, the incidence of which cannot be foreseen, contribute funds. The scheme determines that should a loss
befall on any of the participants, the contributed fund would be distributed over the whole group. Takaful, in
general, is a system of Islamic insurance based on the principle of mutual cooperation (Ta’awun) and donation
(Tabarru), where the risk is shared collectively and voluntarily by the group of participants. It is derived from an
Arabic word meaning joint guaranteeguaranteeing each other or one another (MdRazak et al., 2013; Ayuba,
2014). It is an arrangement by a group of people with common intereststo guarantee and protect themselves from
certain defined misfortunes such as premature death, disability, ageing, sickness and propertydamages, fire and
so on (Ayuba, 2014).
Under the schemes, participants mutually agree to guarantee and to protect one another against a defined loss or
damage, by jointly providing financial assistance to any member sufferingfromaloss. Takaful literally means
shared responsibility, shared guarantee, collective assurance and mutual undertakings. Thus, Sharia compliant
insurance is based on shared responsibility, mutual co-operationandsolidarity. The Takaful business is designed
to protect the participants against a defined risk. It is a scheme that is free from elements of Gharar (uncertainty)
in respect of premium and coverage, Maisir (Gambling) and Riba (interest) which are the three (3) cardinal
principles of Islamic Finance (SECP, 2010; MdRazak et al., 2013; Ayuba, 2014).
Takaful business has come to Nigerian Insurance industry not much longer than a decade. Ayuba (2014) reported
that the concept of Takaful came to be known in Nigeria, somewhere around 2003, the time when African
Alliance Insurance Plc introduced its family Takaful products. Cornerstone insurance Plc,similarly, open its shop
in 2009 by setting up a division called Halal Nigeria Limited which offers general Takaful products into Nigerian
insurance market. Niger insurance Plc has later provided ranges of Sharia complied insurance products in
2008/2009. The presence of these insurance companies offering Takaful services in the Nigerian Insurance
Industry and Kano Market indicate, as observed, that they are at early stage of their life span. Consumers’
patronage of a product/service research, as reported by MdRazah et al. (2013), however, has provided important
insights in explaining the success or failure of new products or services. They, therefore, argued that, although,
various product-specific drivers have been proposed, mostly in connection with marketing mix variables and
product characteristics, yet, consumer’s acceptance orpatronage reflects of his experience in using a product.
This result to this study can enable understanding of consumers’ attitude upon the Takaful patronage in Kano
Metropolis, Nigeria.
2. Literature Review
Theoretically, the practice of Islamic insurance is built on the basis of contract of profit and loss sharing (Aqd al
– Mudharabah) and unilateral contract of donation (Aqd al Tabarru). Mudharabah theory states that the funds
will be contributed by two or more people for the purpose of investment at which the profit or loss will be shared
among the participants. But, the doctrine of Tabarru, however, is synonymous with that of Al-sadaqah (charity),
al-Hiba (gift) and Al-Khairat (donation); wherein anything once given away as donation in favor of something
or someone, the donated property cannot generally be retracted. The donor automatically loses title over the
donated property soon after it is made as al-Tabarru or Al-Sadaqah or al-Khairat or Al-Hiba. Takaful business is
divided into two categories: Family Takaful and General Takaful. Family Takaful plan is a Sharia compliant
counterpart of conventional life insurance. It consists of partly mutual funds for the risk precaution and the partly
part of saving funds for investment in a Sharia Halal business. The general Takaful plan, however, is solely
provided on a short term mutual indemnity basis and is usually one year, without the saving aspect. Should there
be a net surplus in the general Takaful fund, it shall be shared between the participants and the operator (Ayuba,
On the other hand, attitude of consumers, according to Kotler (2000), settles into a consistent pattern: to change
it, may require major adjustments in otherfactors and other attitudes. As a tool which puts people into a frame of
mind of liking or disliking an object, product or service; moving toward or away from it, understanding its

28 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

factors that can build or change an attitude of customers is the motive of every provider of services or product,
Takaful operators are inclusive. This might be the trigger that has motivated Yusuf, Gbodamosi and Hamidu
(2009) trying to establish the attitude of Nigerian toward insurance service. Their study confirmed that Nigerians
hold negative attitude toward insurance services. Because, they argue that consumers from different culture rely
on different factors during the process of relationship development especially with the service providers. These
cultural factors reliance are what have prompted Nigerians to exhibit different behavioral reaction to insurance
services. This study, therefore, examines public attitude upon the Islamic insurance services. Unlike Yusuf et al.
(2009) who studied conventional insurance and their respondents were drawn from Lagos, one of the Nigerian
biggest commercial city in the south where the predominant people are Non-Muslim, this research on the other
hand is on Islamic insurance and respondents are drawn from Kano, one of the biggest commercial city in the
northern Nigeria and majority of the populace are Muslims.
Ayuba (2014) discovered non-economic factors determining Takaful consumption in Kano Metropolis. This
study measures the effect of public awareness; public perception and public trust and confidence
reposedonTakaful Operators on public attitude toward Takaful patronage in Kano metropolis. Literatures such as
(Taylor, 2005; Rahman, 2009; & Ayuba, 2014) have reported that at both individual and corporate levels,
awareness of Takaful services among Muslim is essential; because, there are still some consumers in some
markets who are unable to distinguish Takaful from conventional insurance. The doubt, on the part of the
Muslim Ummah and even the Non-Muslims who want to patronize ethical products, about Takaful system has
been the reason for the slow growth of the Takaful business. Hence, awareness of consumers over a given
product or services, is presumed to play significant role in shaping their attitude to favor a service/product or
disfavor it.
Similarly, Bello and Ayuba (2014) have noted that consumers’ perception is the function and reflection of their
awareness of the offerings (Takaful) and the trust level built by the consumer on the services providers (Takaful
Operators). This explains the position that marketers hold with regard to consumers’ product/services decision
process. Marketers argue that perception enables consumer to select, organize and interpret the information
inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. What one perceives is subjective and can be substantially
different from objective reality. This is due to the people selective attention (selection of what one needs);
selective distortion (blockage of unnecessary stimuli) and selective retention (retention of needed stimuli). Thus,
different factors operate to shape people perception which can be from the perceiver (Attitude, motives, interest,
experience and expectation), the target object (Novelty, motion, sound, size, background, proximity and
similarity) and the situation (time, work setting, social setting etc.) (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2004; Kotler & Keller,
2005; Robbins & Judge, 2007; Akpa, 2008; Teas, 1993). If perception should influence consumers’ attitude, this
study tests an impact of perception of consumers on the attitude toward the Takaful services patronage.
Besides, uncertain nature of business environment in the developing countries has made the trust of the business
partner to be a consideration of paramount importance. This has made it mandatory as observed for the service
providers to build strong trust and confidence of the clients/customer for them to win and succeed. Bello and
Ayuba (2014) have already determined the average influence of the public trust and confidence repose on the
Takaful operators on income earners’ perception. This study, therefore, tests whether there is significant
influence between Public attitude and their trust on the service providers. It is in line with these assertions that
the study wants to answer the following research questions:
1) To what extent does the awareness of consumers’ has significant relationship with their attitude toward
Takaful services patronage?
2) To what extent does the consumers’ perception has significant relationship with their attitude toward Takaful
services patronage?
3) To what extent does the trust and confidence reposed on Takaful operators by consumers have significant
relationship with their attitude toward Takaful services patronage?
2.1 Research Hypotheses
As a statement of logical guess, hypothesis replaces the possibility in the occurrence of an event under
investigation. It offers solution to the research questions and tries to establish a relationship or difference
between the variables involve in the investigations (Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), 2010).
It is a tentative proposition suggested as a solution to a problem or as an explanation of some phenomenon (Bichi,
2004). Thefollowing hypotheses are hereby formulated for the study.
HO1 Consumers’ awareness of Takaful services is not significantly related to their attitude toward Takaful

29 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

services patronage.
HO2 Consumers’ perception on Takaful services is not significantly related to their attitude toward Takaful service
HO3 Consumers’ trust and confidence reposed on Takaful operators is not significantly related to their attitude
toward Takaful services patronage.
3. Methodology of the Study
This research is purely quantitative research. It is designed for fact findings that describe the phenomena under
study. It employs explanatory survey design as an avenue to achieve the research objectives which are in line
with the research question raised. This enables ascertaining the veracity of the study’s hypotheses
formulated.Three independent explanatory variables (Consumers’ awareness, perceptionand trust and confidence
reposed on Takaful operators) are identified which are measured against the dependent variable: Consumers’
attitude on Takaful services patronage.Primary source of data was used and questionnaire served as the
instrument of data collection. The questionnaire is subjected to validity test before employed in to full
administration to the subjects.The data collected from the respondents are subjected to reliability test. Although,
the population of the respondents (Gainfully employed people) in Kano Metropolis is indefinite due to poor or
absence of statistical record, the people that are there in the 8 metropolitan local Government of Kano State,
according to the 2006 population census, are approximately 2,828,861, (FGN Gazette 2009). This is what has
informed the study to use 384 (Research Advisors, 2004 in Ayuba, 2014) subjects as a sample size. The research
employs judgmental sampling technique as the method of selecting 384 respondents (at 5% margin of error and
95% level of significant) from the population of the study under the criteria that only gainfully employed
consumers are included. Table 1 summarizes characteristics of the respondents.
Table 1. Sample structure
Demographic Variables Frequency Sample%
Male= 221 83.1%
Female= 45 16.9%
Age Group
18 – 25Years= 29 10.9%
26 – 35Years= 130 48.9%
36 – 45Years= 68 25.6%
46 – 55Years= 33 12.4%
56Years and above=5 0.4%
Marital status
Single= 72 27.1%
Married= 191 71.8%
Separate= 1 0.4%
Widowed= 1 0.4%
Divorced= 1 0.4%
WAEC/Equivalent= 20 75%
OND/NCE/Equivalent= 47 17.7%
HND/B.Sc/B.A/B.Ed= 139 52.3%
MBA/MBF/ACA or Equivalent= 36 13.5%
M.Sc. /Ph.D.= 19 7.1%
Others= 31.1%
Occupational Status
Business Man/Woman= 34 12.8%
Civil Servant = 176 66.2%
Private Organization Employee= 36 13.5%
Military/Paramilitary= 19 7.1%
Others= 3 1.1%
Income Level of the Respondents
Below N500,000 P/A= 62 23.3%
N500,001 – N1,000,000 P/A= 95 35.7%
N1, 000,001 – N5, 000,000 P/A= 81 30.5%
N5, 000,001 – 10,000,000 P/A= 7 2.6%
N10, 000,001 – And Above= 18 6.8%

30 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

3.1 Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

The validity of the questionnaire was tested by given it to the experienced academician and managers of Takaful
business to assess and determine the face and content validity of the instrument.The criteria employed in the test
were: readability of the questions, language level, and the adequacy of the question and the content coverage of
the subject matter. After restructuring and correction, the final copy of the questionnaire was produced for
administration. The questionnaire scale is 5 points Likert scale of strongly agreed (5) to strongly disagreed (1).
The reliability of the instrument was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient in SSPS 17. It was found to be
0.624 for the Awareness construct; 0.705 for the Perception construct; 0.726 for the Trust construct and 0.766 for
Attitude construct. This indicated that the instrument was reliable as itmet the minimum benchmark of 0.7.
3.2 Normality and Multi-colinearity Test of the Data Collected
It is essential to test the normality position of the data in order to satisfy the parametric assumption of multiple-
regression. The Skewness and Kurtosis measurement calculated in the Table 2 indicates that the data is
symmetric. The skewness values are less than ±1 of all the 4 constructs confirming the normality of the data. But,
awareness construct is having positive Kurtosis a little bit more than ±1 which suggests peak of the score.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics

N Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
AWARENESS 255 -.907 .153 1.175 .304
ATTITUDE 251 -.921 .154 .903 .306
PERCEPTION 256 -.706 .152 .729 .303
TRUST 255 -.749 .153 .661 .304
Valid N (listwise) 239

The Multi-colinearity position among the explanatory variables shows that all the 3 variables are within
acceptable level. Table 3 presents all the 3 variables as having less than 0.6 variable proportion which is accepted
level of colinearity. The result is stating that the requirement of regression test is herewith met.

Table 3. Collinearity diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions
Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) AWARENESS TRUST PERCEPTION
1 1 3.931 1.000 .00 .00 .00 .00
2 .032 11.066 .26 .18 .28 .16
3 .019 14.536 .47 .43 .32 .31
4 .018 14.815 .27 .39 .39 .53
a. Dependent Variable: ATTITUDE.

4. Results of the Findings

The summary output of the multiple-regression begins with the descriptive statistic which states that 239
respondents’ response is used in running the result. It involves four constructs in which one (Attitude) is
dependent variable and the other three are independent variables.
Table 4 reports summary of ANOVA which shows that the overall model is found to be statistically significant.
The calculated F- value=0.000 is less than the Tabulated 5%. This confirms that the 3 explanatory variables are
statistically capable of predicting the dependent variable.

31 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

Table 4. ANOVAb
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1460.802 3 486.934 79.791 .000a
Residual 1434.109 235 6.103
Total 2894.911 238
a. Predictors: (Constant), PERCEPTION, AWARENESS, TRUST.

b. Dependent Variable: ATTITUDE.

In the model summary (Table 5) the multiple regression result presented that the coefficient R=0.710 using all
the predictors; The R2=0.505 and adjusted R2=0.498 indicates that the level of explanation between Attitude and
Awareness, Perception and Trust is having average effect.

Table 5. Model summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics Durbin-Watson
Square the Estimate R Square F Change df1 df2 Sig. F
Change Change
1 .710a .505 .498 2.47034 .505 79.791 3 235 .000 1.863
a. Predictors: (Constant), PERCEPTION, AWARENESS, TRUST.

b. Dependent Variable: ATTITUDE.

This implies that increases in Awareness, favorable perception and trust result to commensurate increases in the
positive Public Attitude.
Besides; the standardized and un-standardized Beta (Table 6) shows the level of association of each independent
explanatory variable with the dependent variable. It presents identified regression equation which helps in
understanding the predictive power of each explanatory variable. For the predictor: Awareness; y= 2.084 +
0.283x; Perception; y= 2.084 +0.506x and Trust; y=2.084+ 0.525x. These equations can be used separably in
determining the predictor values of the respective explanatory variables.
Furthermore, the standardized beta in Table 6 acts as a correlation coefficient. It determines the extent of
correlation of independent variables with the dependent variable. The results show that Awareness is positively
correlated with the Public Attitude. It has 29.9% capability to cause favorable Public Attitude. It is small effect
but statistically significant. Perception is equally positively correlated with the Public Attitude. It has 27.8%
capability to cause the favorable Public Attitude. It is statistically significant with the small effect. In conclusion,
Trust is 29% positively correlated with the Public Attitude which is equally small effect but statistically

Table 6. Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. 95.0% Correlations Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Confidence Statistics
Interval for B
B Std. Error Beta Lower Upper Zero-o Partial Part Tolerance VIF
Bound Bound rder
1 (Constant) 2.084 .934 2.231 .027 .244 3.924
AWARENESS .283 .050 .299 5.668 .000 .185 .382 .551 .347 .260 .759 1.317
TRUST .525 .110 .290 4.757 .000 .307 .742 .597 .296 .218 .566 1.768
PERCEPTION .506 .113 .278 4.489 .000 .284 .728 .600 .281 .206 .550 1.817
a. Dependent Variable: ATTITUDE.

32 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

4.1 Test of Hypothesis

Three hypotheses were formulated in the study. The Test presented in Table 6 was used in testing the hypotheses.
H01which states that “consumers’ awareness is not significantly related to the consumers’ attitude toward Takaful
services patronage in Kano Metropolis” was rejected. The calculated P-value=0.000 is less than or equal to 0.050.
H02 which state that consumers’ perceptions on Takaful services is not significantly related to the consumers’
attitude toward Takaful service patronage in Kano Metropolis is found to be rejected. The calculated
P-value=0.000 is less than or equal to 0.050. H03 which also state that consumers’ trust and confidence reposed
on Takaful operators is not significantly related to the consumers’ attitude toward Takaful services patronage in
Kano Metropolis was rejected. The calculated P-value=0.000 is less than or equal to 0.050. The overall result
shows that consumers’ awareness, perception. Trust and confidence reposed on Takaful operators significantly
influence their attitude toward Takaful patronage. Therefore, Awareness, Perception and Trust are factors that
determine consumers’ Attitude on Takaful services patronage.
5. Discussion of the Research Findings
From the analysis it is discovered that the consumers’ awareness of Takaful, perception on Takaful services and
the trust and confidence reposed on the Takaful Operators have significant effect in influencing the consumers’
attitude toward the Takaful patronage in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. The effect is found to be averagely related
the consumers’ attitude. This implies that an attempt to increase the consumers’ awareness of Takaful services
create favorable attitude. Creating favorable consumers’ perception toward the Takaful services has significant
effect on positive attitude of consumers. Establishing and building consumers’ trust of Takaful service
providersrestore consumers’ confidence of the Islamic insurance services as to be capable of meeting consumers’
need of risk management tool.
The research, however, establishes that all the existing Takaful Operators, are offering Takaful service as either
window operation or extension of conventional products. This is because, all the Operators in Kano Metropolis,
focus on conventional insurance as their primary business. Consequently, this would create identity crises for the
customers who are ill-informed about the Takaful services or who are ignorant of its existence. Similarly, this
dual status of the Takaful operators can make it difficult to dissociate themselves from the bad reputation, of
which the Nigerian conventional Insurance companies previously enjoyed. This calls for market strategic
campaign which can distinguish the Takaful from the conventional insurance.
Therefore? Furthermore?, attitude of people, as noted, is a disposition which puts them into a frame of mind of
liking or disliking an object, product or service; moving toward or away from it, understanding its factors that
can build or change an attitude of customers is the motive of every provider of services or product, such as
Takaful operators . These factors: Awareness, Perception and Trust are found to be so important to require the
attention of the Takaful Operators in Kano Metropolis in particular and Nigeria in general. This would attract
people toward Takaful services patronage.
5.1 Conclusion and Recommendations
The research discovers the factors that have significant influence on consumers’ attitude toward Takaful
patronage in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. The analysis of consumers’Awareness about the Takaful services and its
operators, the perception of consumers on Takaful services and its operators and their trust and confidence
reposed on Takaful operators plays significant role of varying degrees on the consumers’ attitude upon Takaful
services patronage in Kano metropolis, Nigeria.
It is concluded that Awareness of Takaful services is paramount in shaping consumers’ positive attitude on
Takaful services patronage and as such an attention of Takaful operators is needed in building consumers’
awareness to understand its benefits, operations, practice and its differences with the conventional insurance.
Similarly the perception of consumers’ on Takaful services and its operators is needed to be built to be favorable
as it plays a significant role in pushing consumers to move toward the services rather than away from it. In
addition the consumers’ trust and confidence is needed to be established or restored so as Takaful services and its
operators are seen as distinct from those investment companies whose services are perceived by consumers as
unethical. Their operations should be transparent free from bias as some consumers perceived conventional
insurance operation as a mere selfishness that always favor the company not the client in the event of payment
due loss incurred.
Finally, it is recommended that there is need for attitudinal campaign in favor of Takaful which can be achieved
through mass awareness campaign and advertisement employing all relevant marketing strategies. In a similarly
way, the Takaful operators should modify their operations which would make it to be seen and perceived as

33 International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015

transparent and professionals capable of meeting the needs of customers on risk management products. The
operators should also work hard in differentiating themselves from the conventional insurance services which
would build new reputation. Besides, they should win people trust and confidence.
5.2 Suggestion for Further Research
This study has discovered unique findings which portray public awareness of Takaful services, public favorable
perception of Takaful services and public trust and confidence reposed on the Takaful Operators as factors that
push people toward Takaful services patronage. There is need to replicate the study in other areas that shares
some similarities with Kano state so as to establish the generalization of the findings.
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