E CleftLip

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REFERENCE MANUAL V 34 / NO 6 12 / 13

Policy on Management of Patients with Cleft Lip/

Palate and Other Craniofacial Anomalies
Originating Committee
Clinical Affairs Committee

Review Council
Council on Clinical Affairs


2003, 2008, 2012


The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), in its included in the team to assist in coordinated care for
efforts to promote optimal health for children with cleft lip/ patients and their families/caregivers.2
palate and other craniofacial anomalies, endorses the current 2. Optimal care for patients with craniofacial anomalies
statements of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Associa- is provided by teams that see sufficient numbers of
tion (ACPA).1,2 these patients each year to maintain clinical expertise
A child born with cleft lip/palate or other craniofacial in diagnosis and treatment.
anomalies has multiple and complex problems, including early 3. The optimal time for the first evaluation is within the
feeding and nutritional concerns, middle ear disease, hearing first few weeks of life and, whenever possible, within
deficiencies, deviations in speech and resonance, dentofacial the first few days. However, referral for team evalua-
and orthodontic abnormalities, and psychosocial adjustment tion and management is appropriate for patients of
problems. any age.1
Reports by the US Surgeon General3,4 on children with 4. From the time of first contact with the child and
special needs issued in 1987 and 2005 stressed that the care of family, every effort must be made to assist the family
these children should be comprehensive, coordinated, cultur- in adjusting to the birth of a child with a craniofacial
ally sensitive, specific to the needs of the individual, and readily anomaly and the consequent demands and stress
accessible. Recognizing that children with clefts and other placed upon that family.1
craniofacial anomalies have special needs, the Maternal and 5. Parents/caregivers must be given information about
Child Health Bureau in 1991 provided funding to ACPA to recommended treatment procedures, options, risk fac-
develop parameters of care for these patients through a series tors, benefits, and costs to assist them in: (1) making
of consensus conferences among a multidisciplinary group of informed decisions on the child’s behalf; and (2) pre-
specialists.1 In addition, the ACPA joined with the Cleft Palate paring the child and themselves for all recommended
Foundation to create standards for approval of teams to ensure procedures. The team should actively solicit family par-
that care is provided in a coordinated and consistent manner, ticipation and collaboration in treatment planning.1,2
including an appropriate sequence of evaluations and treat-
When the child is mature enough to do so, he or she
ment for the patient’s overall developmental, medical, and should also participate in treatment decisions.1
psychological needs.2 6. Treatment plans should be developed and imple-
As part of the parameters1 and standards2, several funda- mented on the basis of team recommendations.1
mental principles were identified as critical to optimal cleft/ 7. Care should be coordinated by the team, but should
craniofacial care. These principles are: be provided at the local level whenever possible; how-
1. Management of patients with craniofacial anomalies ever, complex diagnostic or surgical procedures should
is best provided by an interdisciplinary team of spe- be restricted to major centers with appropriate treat-
cialists.1 These teams are composed of qualified health ment facilities and experienced care providers.
professionals from medical, surgical, dental, and allied 8. It is the responsibility of each team to be sensitive to
health fields working together in a coordinated sys- linguistic, cultural, ethnic, psychosocial, economic, and
tem. A designated patient care coordinator should be physical factors that affect the dynamic relationship
between the team, the patient, and his/her family.1


9. It is the responsibility of the team to monitor both clusion may be performed in the primary, mixed, or
short-term and long-term outcomes. Thus, longitudi- permanent dentition. In some cases, orthodontic
nal follow up of patients, including appropriate doc- treatment may be necessary in all 3 stages.
umentation and record-keeping, is essential.1 6. While continuous active orthodontic treatment from
10. Evaluation of treatment outcomes must take into ac- early mixed dentition to permanent dentition should
count the satisfaction and psychosocial well-being of be avoided, each stage of orthodontic therapy may
the patient, as well as effects on growth, function, and be followed by retention and regular observation. Or-
appearance.1 thodontic retention for the permanent dentition may
Patients with craniofacial anomalies require dental care extend into adulthood.
throughtout life as a direct result of their condition and as an 7. For some patients with craniofacial anomalies, func-
integral part of the treatment process. A dental home should be tional orthodontic appliances may be indicated.
established within 6 months of eruption of the first tooth and 8. For patients with craniofacial anomalies, orthodontic
no later than 12 months of age. It includes oral health exami- treatment may be needed in conjunction with surgical
nations, caries control, and preventive, restorative, and prosthetic correction (and/or distraction osteogenesis) of the fa-
dental treatment as needed. Patients should be closely moni- cial deformity.
tored for periodontal disease and anomalies in dentition and 9. Congenitally missing teeth may be replaced with a
eruption. Prosthetic appliances such as an obturator may help removable appliance, fixed restorative bridgework, or
to close a fistula or aid in speech. Orthodontic treatment is osseointegrated implants.
also an integral part of the habilitative process and often takes 10. Patients should be closely monitored for dental and
place in phases. The skeletal and dental components should be periodontal disease.
regularly evaluated. When indicated, orthodontic treatment pre- 11. Prosthetic obturation of palatal fistulae may be neces-
pares a child for alveolar bone grafting of the cleft maxilla, sary in some patients.
correcting malocclusions, and preparation for jaw surgery.1 As 12. A prosthetic speech device may be used to treat velo-
members of the interdisciplinary team of physicians, dentists, pharyngeal inadequacy in some patients.
speech-language pathologists, and other allied health profes-
sionals, pediatric dentists should provide dental services in References
close cooperation with their orthodontic, oral and maxillofacial 1. American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Parameters
surgery, and prosthodontic colleagues.1,2 All dental specialists for Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Cleft Lip/
should ensure that1: Palate or Other Craniofacial Anomalies. Chapel Hill, NC:
1. Dental radiographs, cephalometric radiographs, and The Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources
other imaging modalities as indicated should be util- and Services Administration, US Public Health Service,
ized to evaluate and monitor dental and facial growth DHHS; November 2009. Grant #MCJ-425074. Available
and development. at: “http://www.acpa-cpf.org/resources/acpa_publications/”.
2. Diagnostic records, including properly occluded dental Accessed June 26, 2012.
study models, should be collected at appropriate inter- 2. American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association Commis-
vals for patients at risk for developing malocclusion sion on Approval of Teams. Standards for Approval of
or maxillary-mandibular discrepancies. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Teams. American Cleft
3. As the primary dentition erupts, the team evaluation Palate-Craniofacial Association; 2010. Available at: “http://
should include a dental examination and, if such serv- www.acpa-cpf.org/uploads/site/Standards_2010.pdf ”.
ices are not already being provided, referral to appro- Accessed June 26, 2012.
priate providers for caries control, preventive measures, 3. US Dept of Health and Human Services. A Report of
restorative care, and space management. the Surgeon General: Children with Special Health Care
4. Before the primary dentition has completed eruption, Needs. Rockville, Md: Office of Maternal and Child
the skeletal and dental components should be evalu- Health, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 1987.
ated to determine if a malocclusion is present or 4. US Dept of Health and Human Services. The Surgeon
developing. General’s Call to Action to Improve the Health and Well-
5. Depending upon the specific goals to be accomplished ness of Persons with Disabilities. Rockville, MD. US Dept
and also upon the age at which the patient is initially of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon
evaluated, orthodontic management of the maloc- General; 2005.


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