Lesson Plan Rossy Reproductive System

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Subject : Science Class/Term : XI / I

Topic : Animals Reproductive System/Fetal growth and develeopment Time : 15 mins
Basic Competence 3.1 Menghubungkan sistem reproduksi pada manusia, kelainan dan penyakit pada sistem reproduksi
dan penerapan pola hidup yang menunjang kesehatan reproduksi
4.1 Menyajikan hasil penelusuran informasi dari berbagai sumber terkait kesehatan dan upaya
pencegahan gangguan pada organ reproduksi
Indicators 1. Understanding Q.S. Huud:6 and Al-Ahqaf:15
2. Elaborating the function of umbilical cord for fetal development

Language support 1. Umbilical Cord

2. Amniotic Fluid
3. Fetus

A. Learning Objectives
1. After discussion, students are able to understand Q.S. Huud:6 and Al-Ahqaf:15
2. After discussion students are able to elaborate the function of umbilical cord for fetal development

B. Strategy and Learning Activities Time

Approach: Learning steps and Learning Experiences:
Scientific A. Introduction
Method: 1. Teacher greets students
Research 2. Students and teacher pray before starting the activity 1 mins
reading, 3. Teacher collect data of students presence
discussion, B. Main Activity
explanatory Step 1 : Review previous materials
Media : 4. Students reviewing previous materials by answering questions posed by teacher
Presentation Step 2 : gaining students attention
slides and 5. Students looking at a picture abot fetus and answer triggering questions.
Websites Step 3 : Research reading
(science news 6. Students read to understand the function of umbilical cords
for students) Step 4 : Discussion
7. Students discuss the function of umbilical cord
Learning Step 5 : reinforcement
Resources : 8. Students listening to teacher explanation to confirm the discussion.
Students book
and articles 12 mins
related to
umbilical cord
Students need to
Students book, C. Closure
phone/tab/chro 8. Teacher shows materials (book or website) to enhance students understanding on
mebook, umbilical cord. 2 mins
notebook 9. Students conclude todays lesson
10. Students close the class by praying
C. Assessment
No Domain Method
1 Cognitive Written and Oral Rubric
2 Psycomotoric
3 Affective Observation Observation Sheet
Bandung, July 9th 20223


Rossy Andini H. P., S.Pd.


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